
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Diane......Paul did it!!!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
I sincerely hope that those of you suffering from the weekend are starting to return to some degree of normality today!
That includes you Janet, sitting for that amount of time and miles on a broomstick in the dark, looking after Pip the cat must have given you some discomfort, I hope that it was nothing a good rub down with some linament wouldn't have cured! The fact that you made that round trip to Marigny and back across the Channel on a busy Saturday night and still got up in time to open the cafe on Sunday morning was nothing short of miraculous!! You are amazing, thank you xx

Diane, Paul has done it!!!! he managed to fiddle about between Word and Picasa and back again (or something) and he we have your amazing card, the right way up on the blog, YAY!!!!! I couldn't be more pleased, I have been wanting to show these cards of yours for months
I love that you have made a matching card and envelope, the wall on the card looks so 3D with the shading that you have done, I love the butterflies too.  I look forward to you explaining to us how you made the card. Thank you so much for sharing your card with us today (at last), please send me some more of your amazing works of art xxxxx

Paul's first day went well, he has a lot of learning to do this week, but day one went well, I think he will enjoy it more when he feels part of the team and starts the shift pattern.
I have the hospital today at 2.45 ENT appointment, just to make sure that there was no lasting damage from the horrible sinus infection I had earlier this year.  I have my fingers crossed that the WRVS shop has some of their delicious Viennese Fingers left, they are my most favourite cake in the whole world and the only positive to come from a hospital visit!
That's all for now ladies, I will call in through the day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew ...... are you all well?? Those suffering I do hope it will be less today. Sending you all some (((((hugs)))))
    I went to bed early last night, only problem is I woke far too early this morning. In some ways I am glad in others I would have liked to stay cosy for longer. Ironing done, all my crafty things from the weekend put away, not that I had many to bring back.
    DIANE:- you lovely lady, I just LOVE your card. No!! I am not going to say it ... !! You know what I mean......!!
    Yes! I really do love it, the wall idea is brilliant. I have a stencil like that I must try doing similar.
    JANET: I also hope you have recovered after your Broomstick journey. Although I am sure it was far more comfortable than our Train journey, it was shocking. Will be quite a while before I travel by Train again.
    SANDRA:- hope it all goes well at the hospital today. I am sure they will still have some of those goodies for you. That would make the visit worth it.
    ME:- I have lost a day!! I went to be last night thinking it was Sunday. John said "sorry to inform you my dear, today was Monday" That means I have Monday housework to do today, Oh! bother!! I really need to get more things done for the School Fundraiser on the 18th. Thank goodness Hazel is going to make up a few of those little baskets she showed you all how to put together at the Retreat. I know it's the last thing on her mind just now though.
    Place looking good, nice and bright with the new "bunting" still there from the "party" the other night. Next thing it will be the Christmas Bunting to be hung.
    I have made some Tea & Toast, wonder if Anne is still sitting in the corner waiting to have a chat with me??
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual, please help yourself. I will try to keep up with you all during the day. xxx

    1. Meant to say to Hazel and Patricia, Well done with your charity funds ! I'm not surprised the ladies loved the pendants , I love mine ! xo

    2. Hello Patricia oh you did make me laugh - isn't it funny how the expression trips off our fingers and we really do mean it but now we stop and think! As you've missed Monday , I would just carry on making things for your craft stall, you will only make the floor messy again so why bother hoovering! The dust will still be there next week and I think you need a good rest. Have a lovely day. Xxxxx

    3. Hi Patricia- have a nice day crafting. Housework can wait Xxx

    4. Oh Patricia slow down not Christmas bunting before the 5th of November bunting surely we will be having a party! I have already got some Parkin made and it is going lovely and sticky, and I will be making some of my ginger biscuits too.
      Don't want to rub it in but I got my windows all cleaned yesterday it will probably be the one and only time I have won you! xxx

  2. Morning Ladies, looks like a beautiful sunrise this morning, usually at its best about 7:10 .
    Yes Patricia , I'm just popping in for my tea and toast although I'll have some porridge before going to the golf, good to hear you're getting back into your routine , hate that feeling of losing a day though especially when it's one requiring work to be done!
    That was good news Maureen about the leak being outside , just a pity you hadn't noticed it before all the work and upheaval you had.
    Diane your card is lovely ! I too have stencil similar to yours, so maybe now you have given me an idea I might get round to using it, funny how we buy some things and then forget about them, that's also where the blog is good , it jogs your memory!
    Sandra ,I hope your hospital visit goes well and the shop still has some Viennese fingers left by way of compensation, I used to make these donkeys years ago, and they are delicious .
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Thank you Anne for your lovely comment on my card - I will explain how I did it a little further down ( if I can remember! ) enjoy your golf - hope it's not foggy today so you can see the ball! Xxxx

    2. Hi Anne- have a lovely day at the golf course Xxx

  3. Good Moerning Sandra and All, who pop in today.
    Diane your card is beautiful, I have that butterfly stamp and die, but haven't used it much, will use your ideas if I may.
    Sandra glad Paul's day went well,always a challenge starting with new people.
    I remember when Roger(o/h) got his promotion many years ago, and we all had to move to Oxford, quite a shock, as back then had only been as far as Devon on day trips.
    Had a bad night again last night knees still playing up after the weekend. I have one replacement knee, which is more painful than before it ws done, and the other one is worn out!!!!!!!! so I sympathise with all you ladies that are suffering after the weekend.
    Dry here at the moment, but rain comming in later.
    Think I'll have hot chocolate this morning as feel I need a treat, I'll skip the toast though to balance the calories.
    Hope you all have a lovely day .Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian for your lovely comments on my card - the stamp and die are lovely aren't they. The damp weather can't be helping with your knees, I hope you get some relief from the pain soon - it's not good when you can't sleep. Xxxxx

    2. Hi Lilian- take it easy, hope your pain gets better over the day Xxx

    3. Hi Lilian, I hope the pain eases soon. Hope it hasn't put a damper on your celebrations. xxx

  4. Morning/afternoon to all who may pop in today.

    DIANE - I love your card. What a fab background wall. Can you please tell us how you achieved it. It is definitely a NEEDED background. Your butterflies are beautiful and how nice it is to see a matching envelope. Thank you for sharing. I'd love to see more of your creations. xxxx

    SANDRA - good luck with the hospital today. I've got my fingers crossed for you on both counts - good news everything is clear and OK and that your favourite cakes are in stock.
    Well we might have had a wonderful Autumn day yesterday and I managed to get all laundry dry and sorted but this morning is horrible (yes even here we have those days). It is bucketing down and everything is soggy and floppy.
    At least it doesn't bother the birds they are still feeding their little faces that is when Mr Crow and Mr Magpie aren't chasing them off the tables.

    I think I'll get Jim to go to the post office this morning and I'll stay and have some play time crafting wise.
    Will look in later to see what's happening with you all. I hope all your memories are masking the aches and pains you still have.
    Hugs are on their way first class. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for your kind comments, I will explain all in a minute when I get to the comment box! I hope the sun comes out for you again soon - it's very gloomy here today but at least the fog has gone! Xxxx

  5. Hello it's me again.
    SANDRA - it was more than a pleasure to open up for you this last week-end.
    I hope the standard was suitable and that Patricia approved. I didn't want to let you all down and not provide a first class service. hehehe

    1. JANET:- you had me thinking (that's hard any day) now I get it ...... slow that's me!!
      It's the Cafe "standard" you were talking about. Oh! dear i think I have to go back to bed for a while.
      Hope you have a good day playing with your Crafty Goodies. xxx

    2. Hello Patricia - no it's not you it's me. I know exactly what I want to say in my head but these days when it appears on paper etc it doesn't gel somehow and sometimes it must seem that I'm completely off my head well that's not difficult too. OK I'll stop rambling now or I'll get myself in a twist again. xxxx

    3. Did you think it was the Royal Standard? Patricia xxx
      Tin hat! Xx

    4. I think the cafe should have a standard all of it's own - hand crafted of course. Crossed tena pads decorated with flowers springs to mind!!!!!!!

    5. Excellent idea - just make sure it's a nice colour!! Xxx

    6. Oh Diane - how do you think of things like that haha xx

    7. Diane your idea of a 'Cafe Standard' did make me smile - like it !! xx

    8. Diane love the idea of the 'crossed tena pads' but can they be the 'Plus Grand' please as they will look most elegant with flowers as decoration!! xxxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Diane-what a fabulous card, I love the background effect-it's so realistic.

    Goodness knows where yesterday evening went, we watched Strictly from Saturday night then I read my book and before I knew it, it was time for bed! I'm hoping to watch a couple of craft programmes tonight that I recorded last week, will just have to remind hubby that he needs to vacate the lounge- ha ha!

    Weigh in night which is a bit silly as I've eaten all sorts of yummy things this week, I had pre-paid for 10 weeks and I still have 2-3 weeks left. Not sure I'll go back after this until the New Year.

    Best get a wriggle on as we have a crazy busy day (yesterday was nice + normal) so at least the day will pass quickly.


    1. Thank you Michele I will explain a bit further down. Hope your day is busy enough to pass quickly but not so busy you are exhausted. Xxxxx

    2. Michele do keep going to you slimming class then you will be slimmer before Christmas and you just may get some slimming tips to help you cope at Christmas too xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Why, oh why do the longest comments vanish? I managed to keep my eyes open long enough yesterday morning to comment but on looking back today it is not there!!!!! I want all at the retreat to know what a fantastic weekend I had. It was wonderful to be able to chat face to face, and to be able to give proper hugs. Yesterday's comments had separate thanks to each lady as I had made a list so that I wouldn't forget anyone, can't do that again at the moment as the list is downstairs and I can't get down there just yet so I will just say a huge group thank you at the moment.
    Yesterday's painter card was wonderful, I love the use of the striplet on the side, that's an idea I will remember to use.
    Diane, I am so pleased we don't have to stand on our heads to look at this beautiful card : )The butterflies are gorgeous and I love the way you have made the bricks look so real. I am looking forward to seeing more of your cards now the Australian problemhas been solved : )
    Mum/Margaret P, wishing you and Pop a very Happy Anniversary today ( not yesterday as I had thought, I was a day ahead of myself! )
    Well, today is going to be another lazy day for me I think. I hope you get on well at the hospital Sandra and you get a Viennese Finger or two : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank you for your lovely comment - oh yes Australian day would have been very funny, but I don't think everyone is up to standing on their heads yet! Hope you are taking it easy this week to recover from all your hard work this weekend xxxx

    2. MARGARET P & OH,
      Happy Anniversary, hope you are enjoying your day LOL xx

    3. Margaret - Sue's Mum, Happy Aniversary to you and your husband!
      I got the day wrong too! Ask Sue about that one!! Xxx

  8. Morning All,

    Good luck with your hospital visit Sandra, I hope all will be Ok.

    Diane that is such a pretty card, not too fussy and beautiful shading, so subtle.

    I was upset the Stamps Away lady didn't come (along with everyone else) as I need help with inking. I either have a splodge or blurred lines no matter what I do.
    Just getting round to emptying all my boxes and bags, how come I have ended up with more than I took? Can't fathom that out, still,I have some wonderful things from Maria for the grandchildren and plenty left over for our new Brownie group. We haven't had ne in our village for a number of years as no-one wanted to take over from Brown Owl when she retired.
    Can't understand why all these up and coming mums refuse to help look after their little darlings but want them to join every group going so they can have their 'time out'. I think they should have compulsory parenting lessons. We always did our share to help out.
    I hope everyone has recovered from their travels home ready for saving for the next one. I believe Pete would have been so proud that I came along and conquered my fear of the unknown, there is no way I would have done anything like this a few months ago. Thank you ladies for making me feel welcome.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl thank you for your lovely comments about my card - the stamping out lady really did dip out of quite a good order didn't she. I'm sure craft stuff breeds when we are not looking - I took a box out of my bag that I didn't take out at the retreat and I thought I had only put two ink pads in it and there were 4 when I took it out! I'm sure they winked at me!!!!! ( it's ok after about half an hour I realised I'd put a couple more in when I took a pile of dies out!). Xxxx

    2. Cheryl delighted to know you had such a good time at the weekend but I agree it was dreadful the Stampin Up lady never showed up. Have you watched any of their little videos on You Tube they are quite good, perhaps they may help you a little.
      You really have made wonderful progress and I am sure Pete will be so proud of you and watching over you with pride. xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies. I am so glad I don't have to go out as again the fog is so thick I can't see across the road.
    Diane, I love your card, I don't have a stencil but I have brick paper that I have used some of when doing my " beer" cakes so I think if I scanned it and put it on thicker paper 180gms it would work.
    Sandra, I hope your appointment goes ok and they give you the all clear. The biscuits might not be so easy as I bet they sell out of them quickly!
    Sue, I take it that like the rest of us, you are suffering too? I wish that there was a pill that would work to take the aches and pains away for good.
    Margaret P and Pops a happy anniversary to you both, have a lovely day.
    Oh and Margaret your cake was delicious.
    Right brain can't think right ( well nothing new there) so I am going to go have some breakfast. Xxx

    1. Hazel thank you for your lovely comment on my card - I will reveal all in a minute! ( been saying that for about half an hour but I'm nearly at the bottom now :) !) just be gentle with yourself this week my lovely lady and make sure you recover before you start again otherwise you will be back to square one and we don't want that do we. I hope your fog clears soon, it's horrible when it's so gloomy and you can't see anything isn't it xxxxx

    2. Now Hazel that seems a good thing, you posted at 8.11am and you had not had any breakfast, to me that says you are taking things easy, good for you and as a bonus you are not going out either hope you are feeling just a wee bit better, please take things easy and have a good rest. If it is of any consolation we have fog too, but not too thick just cold, at least I got Derek to go out to the furniture shop this morning. Take care sending you some comfort hugs xxx

  10. Morning everyone, another late start for me today, sorry.
    Diane your card is lovely, I have a similar stencil and use it quite a bit.
    Just a short visit just now, off to Carolines shop to cover while she takes her class will pop back later to comment on everyone day. Take,care xxx

    1. Hi Jess thank you for your lovely comment. I hope you are less sore today and have a chance to sit down whilst you look after the shop rather than leaping about to get things for people. Take care xxxxx

    2. Jess! Alastair had your shortbread as a reward for painting without making a mess! He said it was delicious! Xxx

    3. Thanks Myra, it was my friend who made it, I can't take the credit, I only wrapped it and made the box!

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone !
    Well, Diane, I'm going to start with you as you have made a really lovely card. The shading on the wall is just right and I love the butterflies. Thanks Diane, look forward to seeing more.
    Brenda LL - thinking of you today and hope you get an A 1 Report!
    Maureen - have a rest today please!
    Hazel - hope you feel at least a wee bit better today!
    Jess - enjoy your day in the shop and I hope you aren't in too much pain!
    Sandra - hope hospital visit goes well and that there is a Viennese finger with your name on it!
    Sue - so sorry you lost your posts yesterday! It's very annoying when that happens!
    Cheryl - I'm so glad you enjoyed the Retreat and it was lovely of your family to give the support they did.
    Patricia - it's Tuesday - - all day today! Don't know why I'm laughing - I go away again on Thursday morning!
    Saba - sending hugs!
    Janet - it's a bit of a grey day here today ! No rain so far so kindly send yours south rather than north!
    Anne - enjoy the golf! Hope it stays dry!
    Maria - hope you are not suffering so much today!
    I'm going to do a bit of clearing up, cleaning and then ironing! Which reminds me of a Retreat story!
    We each apart from Sandra and Sue had a single room. These rooms were not big but had everything we needed. Cheryl asked for an ironing board and iron - then Maureen got it! I was scared she would get up in the night and fall over it! There was no room in there for an ironing board! So far as I know it was there until we left! Now being a rebel I'd have put it in the corridor!
    Be good today! I'll try too!
    Lots of love Myra xxx

    1. Myra you are going away on Thursday AGAIN! Tell me is there something wrong with your home, you never seem to be there?
      Hope your after school class went well yesterday. So pleased you had a great weekend. xxx

    2. Yes Margaret gadding again! Going to our son and daughter in law for a few days. Victoria and I going to NEC on Friday! I'll be tired again! However I won't need to put a bag on my head in the morning! Xxx

    3. Myra thank you for your lovely comment on my card. I could see you posting as I left my comments but even though I refreshed you didn't appear! Enjoy your trip away and your visit to the NEC - we usually go but as we did Ally Pally and I was away last week we won't this year. We like it because it has the huge art section - Emma enjoyed that , and the gift part was good too. One day I'm going to do the cake show too! Oh the ironing board, I'd forgotten about that! That was so funny but I hope my tip about using the ironing board to get away with watching TV helps! :) xxxx

    4. Oh Definitely, Diane! I also need the encouragement to iron!
      I wasn't hiding - honestly!
      I think Victoria who isn't a crafter may enjoy the gift section too! Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well what a surprise to see my card, especially as Sandra and I had been laughing about Australia Day as it insisted on being upside down! I must admit thus one is rather a favourite and had the stamping up lady turned up she would have had a sale! I made this when I went to my stamp it up card club a couple of months ago. We started off with a white card which we stamped the ferns on in different shades of green ( they have funny names for their ink pads and I can't remember that far back - sorry!). We then put a dark brown ink onto a brick wall embossing folder and ran it through a big shot to give us the grouting on the wall and the raised bricks. It's a lovely embossing folder and we've used it a few times lately so I think I need to buy it now. We then took a grey colour and one of their daubers and inked around each brick to give it shading. The butterflies are a triple stamp which was stamped in three colours and then cut out with a sizzex die that matches the stamp set. The sentiment was then stamped in the same colour as the brickwork. All envelopes have to be decorated so I used the butterfly stamp again. I think that explains it - blooming autocorrect wouldn't let me change it to Sizzix !
    The washing machine has just finished but there's no point putting it outside today, it would just hang there! I've got a letter to post so I need to decide whether to put it in the post box by me which is only collected at 7 in the morning or go into the village ( past 3 other boxes all collected early morning only) and go to the post office where it is collected 3 times a day! I could do with a walk but don't know if I can be bothered! Isn't that terrible! I've got to make some cake lace butterflies too to go on some cakes for Friday but other than that it's housework - perhaps I will have a walk :) . See you all later xxxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and anyone coming through the door today.
    Lovely card Diane, great brick background for the pretty butterflies. Not sure about a headstand, could do them as a younger ,lighter me but many moons ago now. Thank you Paul for helping out and good luck with your new job.
    Have rubbed ointment all over and taken my pills so shall take a trip out to the garden centre. Brenda LL ,glad you managed to get home but sorry the car is not road worthy. Sue, have a rest today too and hope your mum and dad have a lovely day. Sandra, hope all goes well at the hospital and you get a Viennese finger as a treat. Cheryl ,glad you took the things home and they coming to good use. got to go but be back later, Big hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thank you for your lovely comments about my card - don't think I've ever been able to stand on my head! Enjoy your trip to the garden centre xxxxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    I do hope all the aches and pains are starting to easy for everyone after your super weekend. Good luck at the hospital Sandra if the biscuits have all sold out just let me know and I will bring some of mine into the café for you, mine are dipped in chocolate at one end too.
    Diane really love your card especially your background very clever.
    Well yesterday the carpet and furniture shop rang to say the carpet we had chosen was discontinued so could we go in and choose another one. When I told Derek I swear the colour drained from his face! Well we have been this morning and found another but I also spotted a lovely corner TV unit that would be perfect in the lounge, yes, he had to sit down again as I told them to order one for us. So on the way home we stopped at a little cake shop he likes and I bought him a cake, just the one don't want to go overboard, to go with his coffee when we got home. He told me the cake was lovely but darned expensive in the long run! Men there is no pleasing them sometimes.
    He is off out with the corgis for a walk so I had better get his lunch ready for when he arrives back, that should get me back in the good books I think.
    Have a lovely day everyone, my hugs are in the corner along with some special hugs for Saba
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret that's just great! Hope you don't need a new TV to finish it all off!! Alastair has had a rather less expensive morning! He went out and bought a pair of shoelaces !! That shouldn't knock us into the red! Xxx

    2. Oh Margaret your poor husband - then you sent him out in the rain! I think you should let him have a new TV too - he could choose that himself and have an all singing all dancing one! Thank you for your lovely comments about my card xxxxx

  15. Lynda - are you travelling up to the NEC tomorrow? I know you are going there on Thursday. Safe travel and have a lovely time! Leave some goodies for us please! Ha ha !! Xxx

  16. Good afternoon ladies ,
    Sandra I really hope you get the all clear from the hospital and they had your viennesse biscuits in.
    Diane just love this card I have the brick E F so will have to give this a try.
    Patricia have you caught up with your days now,
    Margaret and Pops Happy Anniversary and many more to come.
    Myra enjoy yourself at the Nec,
    Hazel nice to see you are taking it easy today.
    Hope I haven't forgotten anyone sorry if I have - not on purpose.
    Have actually caught up with myself today, only got ironing to put away so Im having a day crafting (what's left of it) Johns just gone to work and the dogs will settle down for a nap - they're just like babies,
    Will pop back later to see what everyone's up to
    have left hugs in the usual place and a special one for Saba xx
    See you later
    jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean thank you for your kind comments about my card , the embossing folder is lovely isn't it, I've decided to order it when I go to card club in a couple of weeks time. Enjoy your afternoon card making xxxx

  17. Hello me again - sorry Sandra I forgot to say I hope all goes well at the hospital today and they have a Viennese finger left - oh I love them too, could eat one just now ( diet day again!). It started to pour with rain here so I chickened out and took the car to the post office - good thing I did, my card cost more than I thought to send! We are off to the cinema tonight but I will try to pop in again later. Oh Brenda did your car fail it's mot! What a pain for you. I hope you get it sorted soon xxxxxx

    1. Yes it did Diane but they have a new machine that gives hot chocolate now but still no biscuits. Not like your garage.😀

    2. Sorry forgot go say Diane that I do like your card. Good idea to get the embossing folder. It's goid you get a chance to try it like that before you decide to buy.

    3. Brenda - a hot chocolate machine at last! That will make your garage visits more bearable! Xxxx

  18. Oh B.. Just answered the telephone returned to pick up iPad and my long post disappeared before my eyes!!!!

    Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Diane, Love your card, and your explanation of how you created the brick and mortar effect. Thank you I am looking forward to experimenting. Haven't got the same mask but will try with the one I have. Ciara had a lovely card last week using my Brick mask which she turned into a Christmas card. I have taken a photograph and will attempt to send it to Sandra.

    Sandra, hope the ENT appointment goes well. John has an ENT appointment at 3:50 so we will be dashing off in a few minutes. Shame it's not the same hospital we could've had a coffee and chat.

    I will pop back later to see how you all doing, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda thank you for your kind comment about my card - would love to see your card too xxx

  19. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope all goes well at hospital today & you get some Viennese fingers xx
    Diane I love your card simple design but very effective well done xx
    Thank you all for your best wishes for our anniversary 53 years where does the time go, when I was younger used to think that if you were married for 50 years you were very old! don't think that any more though.
    Sorry to hear about your car Brenda sending special hugs xx
    Hazel & Patricia well done on the money you made at the weekend xx
    Cheryl well done for going to the retreat Pete was watching over you I am sure,xx
    Hugs on way to all to all who have aches & pains the weather is not helping I am sure.xx
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Happy Anniversary Margaret and OH ..... I agree with you, where does the time go? xx

    2. Margaret happy anniversary wow over 50 years, that's quite something! Hope you gave had a lovely day. Thank you for your kind comments on my card xxxx

  20. Hi everyone, had a good day at the craft shop, it was really busy, now I am ready for forty winks!
    Margaret P, hope you had a lovely anniversary, time flies doesn't it, I bet it feels like it was only a few years ago that you had your wedding day.
    Hope all went well at the hospital Sandra, I got my appointment yesterday to see the Orthopeadic surgeon about a replacement for my hip replacement which was done 16 years ago, the appointment is for the end of November, so will wait and see how that goes.
    It is still really foggy here, you can hardly see across the road, so it will be a cosy night in maybe a few cards will be made after dinner.
    Hope to pop by later, meantime take care everyone xxxx

  21. Evening Ladies

    Today didn't turn out as busy as i'd thought , thank goodness.

    I'm still waiting for an appointment to have my steroid injection in my left thumb. GP couldn't do it as there's too much inflammation so it needs to be done guided by Ultrasound. GP faxed the letter on Wednesday & suggested I pop over on Friday, which I did and again yesterday and today! No appointment yet & no idea when but they're talking about the end of November!! It's at the other hospital & I shouldn't drive so will need to arrange a lift! I even asked about the chance of a cancellation appointment but didn't get anywhere!!!

    Rant over....! Am finally watching John Lockwoods craft programmes-hurrah!


  22. Hellloooooooooooooo
    Sorry I'm so late.
    Sandra, I hope everything went well at the hospital, and that there is no residual problem.
    Dainty - I love your card, it's a really nice colour!!!!!! ha ha. Such a good idea, I have the EF and never used it, but that will change because I'm going to pinch your idea.
    Margaret P & OH, Happy Anniversary.
    Sue, I see you got the day wrong ha ha.
    Jess, will they give you another replacement hip? Really, some people are never satisfied with just one of anything!
    Myra, you are forever gadding about, but I hope you have a fabulous time. Will you be popping in to the Cafe while you are away?
    Maria, I'm sorry that you are not so well, I'm sending hugs and best wishes.
    Cheryl, it was lovely of your family to collect you at the Retreat.
    Brenda OB, I'd love to see the card Ciara made. Hope you are well.
    Patricia, oh my, your Monday cleaning done on a Tuesday, whatever next!!! ha ha
    Hazel, I hope you are taking it easier. Well, you have no other option really.
    Brenda LL, I'm sorry to read that your little car didn't pass it's MOT. I hope it's nothing too expensive to fix.
    Margaret C, oh you make me laugh. Poor Derek, he's a bit like George, just doesn't know what's hit him at times!!
    Janet, hope it's lovely in your little corner of Heaven.
    Norah, if you look in, I hope you are feeling better.
    Saba, sending love, hugs and prayers.
    Right, I think it's time for a coffee, unfortunately there are no nice cakes here, so I'll just have to make do with a couple of Rich Teas, I'm sorry ladies but I may "dunk" them!!!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Hello Michele,
      You sneaked in under the wire while I was typing my post. Sorry to read about your problem with your thumb. You'd think that you would get seen to quickly, being in the medical profession. I hope you get a cancellation. xxxx
      Pat, where are you???

    2. That's a point! What happened to those Rich Teas at the Retreat!
      Ladies - Maureen took some Tunnocks Wafers! I had a quarter of one!
      Generous to a fault - that's our Muriel! As a matter of interest the other 3 pieces went to Hazel, Diane and Cheryl! Some others whom I'm much too polite to mention had a whole biscuit!!! Xxxx
      Tin hat! Xxx

    3. I confessed to Maureen in a text - from Solihull ( lunch break) that I'd forgotten the Kit Kats! A text came back immediately - go back for them! Xxx

    4. Maureen my lovely lady, I knew you would love the colour :) thank you for your kind comments, you borrow away my dear. Those biscuits were yummy weren't they, just what we needed with our cup of tea, or coloured water. I hope your back is feeling better today and George put the floorboards down again without putting you under them! Xxxxxx

    5. I disnt see any biscuits either. Don't know where I was when the biscuits were passed around. I didn't leave the room.

  23. Hi Sandra
    Tell Maureen better late than never. I thought I'd posted but obviously I hadn't. If my grain ever engaged with my mouth or anything else I'd be either dangerous or like superwoman. Can't make up my mind which. Answers please on a postcard. Then again perhaps not, I might not like the answers. Go for a new hip Jess if I were you. Is it the same hip or the other one. I didn't see any Biscuits either. I hope that everyone has recovered, and I see Myra is gallivanting off again. By the way Myra, school loved your ideas for Christmas. Duly noted and will be copied if you don't mind. I'll be off over the next few weeks looking for blingy bits.
    Diane love your card. Your butterflies actually look like they're sitting on a wall. I certainly didn't have any Tunnock wafers. I assume they are the make of them and not the type.
    I hope your thumb gets sorted soon Michelke.
    Margaret P, hope you had a lovely Anniversary.

    1. Hello Pat! Good to see you! I'm glad the things were a bit of a help! How did Pete manage on his own over the weekend? Hope he was alright!
      Good job I checked that - alright became airtight!!!
      You are just fine! You have a lot on your mind just now.

    2. Hi Pat, hope all is well with Pete and he was ok while you were away.
      My hip replacement will be a replacement for one I got done 16 years ago, it is getting to be a bit sore, I also had my other hip replaced a year later, fingers crossed that is ok just now. xx

    3. Pat thank you for your kind comment, I've got grain for a brain too !!!!!! Xxxx

  24. Oops Myra, I took the Rich Tea to the Retreat, and took them home again!!!
    Hazel, Patricia, Jess and I had a tunnock's wafer on the way home. I've still got one, I'll pop it in the post to you!!!!

    1. I forgive you! Thousands wouldn't! Ha ha!! Xxx

    2. All this talk of biscuits and it's diet day! It's midnight soon, does that count as another day so I can have a biscuit? Julian says no I'm being naughty! Xxx

  25. Hi everyone,
    Hope you all had a good day. Any news Sandra ? Everything alright for John Brenda ? Ah bless him Derek, he is a good soul. Myra- have a great day at the Nec, I love the Christmas hall but usually so many folk so you can hardly move. Lynda- have a good time too. Sending special hugs to Saba and family.
    Maureen- hope you back is ok and Jess- that your hip replacement will happen soon. Not nice to be in so much pain. I had a nice day at the garden centre, good lunch and walked around all the Christmas decorations. Felt better after so back home I sorted out my bags and crafting stuff. So many items I didn't use but better to have to much than to little or . . . . . off to look for the triple flower die, think it was called and have a peek at some other e-mails etc before bed so I wish you all a good night and dreams of the next retreat, warm hugs XxxXx

  26. Hi everyone, just having a cup of tea then I'm off to bed,,didn't sleep to well last night, sometimes if you are too tired you can't get to sleep., but I think it should be ok tonight.
    Goodnight all xxx

  27. You may have all gone to bed but just wanted to say Ai love your card Diane and hope you got on Ok at hospital Sandra I wish I had more time to comment

  28. Good evening everyone just looked at yesterday's post & can't believe it mine is missing Anne your card yesterday was brilliant. SANDRA the photo of you all was lovely im so pleased you all had a good time.
    MYRA yes we are traveling down tomorrow for NEC we are leaving at about 2ish. I will try & leave you a few goodies haha have a lovely day on Friday xx
    MARIA thank you I will. Sorry you have been in pain again take it easy & rest glad you enjoyed the retreat.
    I have been resting most of the day as my back has been aching the last few days,I also went to the foot clinic my doctor referred me last time I saw her about the pain & terrible tingling I get in feet & legs,was a waist of time as usual.
    He said it could be a trapped sciatica nerve or my Arthritis in my spine so I have to go back & see doctor again as he doesn't deal with that.
    Oh well I'm still breathing suppose that's somthing HaHa.
    SABA sending Hug's for Val & all your family.
    Well I'm off to my bed so will say good night & God bless.
    Love Lynda xxx

  29. Night night everyone, sleep tight - film was good - Bond, James Bond. Xxxx
