
Monday 2 November 2015

Man card Monday & group retreat photo

 Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Wow what a weekend! So lovely, such a HUGE!!! deal for me, believe me, I loved every moment, I may have looked a little 'distant' at times but I had to keep pinching myself to make sure it was actually real, Something I have dreamed of for so long, actually taking place! I just kept looking around at everyone, watching them all interacting with one another and crafting together, passing on their knowledge.
We had lovely demonstrations by Hazel and Barbara, Hazel showed us her gift basket skills and Barbara
showed us how she made her Coffee Filter Flowers, genius, I can't wait to have a go! Sue has the Coffee filters all ready to go! Patricia also showed the ladies how to make impressive paper flowers and even provided a gift bag for everyone to make up to put the flowers on!
Thank you ladies for sharing your knowledge.
No Norah, I can't quite believe how many things you donated for the raffle, quite unbelievable, you are so very kind, the greatest gift however would have been to have you there with us xxx
My prize was a gorgeous Lidl card pack and some pearls, it has some lovely papers in that I am looking forward to using on my Christmas cards.  I was so delighted that Sue got the Score board and dvd, she doesn't have a score board so I know she will absolutely love using it!
Norah please thank Tammy for finding our hotel, the Seminar Room we had was perfect for crafting and we didn't even make that much mess! Thank you too to you and Patricia for wrapping the raffle prizes and carrying them in your luggage all the way from Scotland xx
Ladies all I can say about the wonderful ladies that I met this weekend is that they are every bit as lovely and funny as they are on the blog, such a fantastic bunch of ladies!
Christine if you look in we are holding our Notelet Holders on the above photo, this was our Friday night project, although those of us that we a little more tired finished ours on Saturday morning.  We missed you very much but it was lovely to have the kit to play with in your absence! \Thank you for your kindness xxx
Sadly our Stampin Up demonstrator failed to appear, no message, just no show!! The best part of it was that  the flowers that Barbara showed us how to make were made with a Stampin up punch and several of the ladies wanted to buy it, at £19.99 each thats a lot of lost sales!!
But we had so much going on that we didn't really miss the demo!
It really was a fun packed weekend, thank you all for making my dream turn into a reality! xxx
Now the photo above is of all of us on the Sunday morning! Back row from right to left......
Hazel, Pat, Myra, Maria,Patricia, Diane and Cheryl, Front row from right to left........
Maureen, Me, Barbara, Jess, Sue & Brenda !
Today's Man card has been designed and created by Anne, using a Lily of the Valley image and Creative Expressions Bevelled Striplet Die, designed by Sue Wilson. Anne has decoupaged the little lad and his paint splashes, making the card 3D and look fabulous.
Thank you so much for Sharing your fantastic man card with all of us xxx

I hope that all of you lovely ladies got home safely xxx

That is all from me for today, today will mostly be a 'bed' day, I am exhausted, but for once it was so worth it and I would do it again in a heart beat, (but not for a couple of weeks) hahaha
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning one and all,

    After a fantastic time at the retreat I have come home buzzing with ideas.
    My niece/goddaughter Suzie, Fiona and Joseph came to pick me up and take me back to Suzie's where I was surprised with a lovely early Christmas dinner! I haven't had Christmas dinner with Suzie since she was a child so this was very special for me. My sister and her fiancé turned up before we left so we left later than we had planned but what the heck.
    The drive home on the M42 went better than we expected although the sun was so bright and in my eyes a lot of the time. As we neared the junction for the merge onto the M5, the sun was a beautiful red as it was starting to set and just as we crossed the brow of the hill to join the M5, we immediately went into dense fog which stayed with us until we got to Bristol before it finally cleared. The fog was totally horrendous to drive in, we were down to quite slow in places and still the idjits were bombing down the third lane, how there was not an accident I will never know. They must have exceedingly good brakes. I was so glad to get home, had tea and an early night.

    Anne, your man card is gorgeous.
    I'm back to bed for a snooze now before setting off for my Monday walk. 'See' you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      So pleased you arrived home safely especially having to go through fog....there truly are some eedjits on the road these days. Take care and enjoy you walk xxx

  2. Good Morning, Sandra and ladies, still very dark here, but the fog has gone for the moment.
    So glad the weekend went well for you all, especially Sandra .
    Lovely to see the picture to be able to put names to faces.
    We had a lovely weekend in Bath, such a lovely City, very busy, beautiful weather, very posh hotel, wonderful food.
    Back home last night , terrible fog on the journey, still not too far from here.
    Up early as knees bad from all the walking and all the steps.

    Anne love your male card, love the die you have used.
    Cleaner day today so just a quick cuppa then have get the bags unpacked and put away, then the washing to do, hope the weather is dry.
    Have a good day ladies, I'll see you later. Lilian.

    1. Lilian I'm so pleased you had a lovely weekend in Bath, what a lovely treat for you both. We did say on the retreat it would be lovely to meet you as you feel part of the family even though you've only been commenting a little while. You have fitted right in with this mad bunch. I hope your ears weren't burning! Xxxx

    2. Lilian it was lovely of you to post from Bath as well ! Looked carefully to make sure I hadn't put (the bath)!!! So pleased you had a lovely time. Xxx

    3. Lilian I'm so pleased you had such a wonderful time in Bath and have some happy memories of your Anniversary. xxx

    4. So pleased for you Lilian, Bath is not far from me and a truly beautiful city. x

    5. Hi Lilian, glad you had a nice weekend in Bath and now have some wonderful memories. Xxx

    6. Lillian, glad you enjoyed your weekend too, Bath is beautiful. Lived not far from there some years ago. xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well I say good but I don't think Patricia will be heading home for a few hours as you can't see 2 feet in front of you. The fog is so thick. So we will just sit and chat.
    Anne, love your man card, I love LOTV images and teamed up with the striplet makes a perect card.
    Sandra, your right we had a fantastic weekend, yes we were disappointed Christine couldn't come, but we all understood and her mum's health had to come first. As for the Stamping Up lady yes she dipped out big style, and was so rude not to have let us know she couldn't make it, but it was her loss, we managed nicely without her.
    Norah, Patricia and I did what you asked and the ladies as Sandra has said enjoyed the fun of opening up their wrapped mystery raffle prizes.
    For those of you who couldn't come we did miss you. Again we can't always go to everything, but ladies start saving as Sandra is planning another one. Forget the craft mags - put the money in a "Junt Pot". That pad of paper you want but don't need add that money to your "pot". You will be amazed how much you save,
    Ladies - PATRICIA AND I WOULD LIKE TO SAY ON BEHAVE OF THE "CHEMO UNIT". a big THANK YOU. You were so kind to buy our pendants, some of you had asked us to bring some we never imagined we would sell £188 worth, and have a few orders. This has gone in to the fund that we use to buy biscuits, tea, coffee etc which goes on the tea trolley that goes round twice in the day for patients and visitors of them. We decided last night that " Christmas has come early". As we will be able to keep the trolley well stocked for a good while. So THANK. YOU again.
    Jess and Maureen I hope you are not in to much pain? Maureen's back played her up over the weekend and that train journey will not have helped. Poor Jess could hardly walked across Waverley station last night to catch her other train. Her hip was so painful. Patricia is still asleep, that shows how tired she was. Me well my lovely golden boy Harris decided that seeing how I had disturbed him a good few times in the night to disturb me at just gone 6. Yes I to am suffering, it wasn't to bad till I stepped down off the bus, just say I won't be doing much today. I think I will also sleep a lot to Sandra. Oh cares it was well worth it, I wouldn't have missed it for the world ladies, and all theses (((((( hugs))))) will keep us going.
    Sandra, is Paul able to move after lugging the craft room that you brought with you back home.??? Poor Paul not only had he unloaded their car he came to Longbridge station to meet Maureen, Jess Patricia and I with our cases and took us to the hotel. "When. Patricia and I were getting off at Waverley on Friday morning a lovely young gentleman asked if he could help he lifted my case and said " gosh this is very heavy " my reply was oh that because my husbands body s in there !!! Well his face was a picture!
    Right enough of my waffle have a good day. I think I will take my tea and toast ( which is crunchy Sandra). And just go people watch. Xxx

    1. Hazel you must both be so exhausted, no wonder Patricia is still asleep. Oh I can just see that poor mans face! I do hope there were no missing people in the area this weekend - you will be on the police wanted list!!!! It was a real pleasure to buy your beautiful pendants and help towards a worthwhile cause - as you said the tea and coffee is used by everyone and the money isn't swallowed up in the Nhs budget. Take care my lovely lady and have a quiet day. Xxxxxx

    2. Hazel! I'm a bit later today too! I didn't have Maureen to wake me up! Alastair wanted peace and quiet after the ear bashing I gave him about the Retreat yesterday! You must be sooooo tired! Have an easy few days - If that's possible! I'm thrilled we helped a tiny bit to raise that sum of money! Xxxx

    3. Hi Hazel,
      So pleased you arrived home safely you must be feeling really exhausted today so try and have a restful day. As I said in my main post if you have any pendants left I would love to buy one as it's a wonderful idea to help with the cost of the tea trolley for the Chemo Unit. Take care xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today,
    Oh Sandra I'm so pleased the weekend went well for you, the photo says it all doesn't it, lovely to put faces to names. Must get to the next one.
    Hazel I'm thrilled to see how much you have raised, bet you did a double count. Is there any way to buy to help further?
    Anne your card is brilliant, love the character and the strip let sets it off
    It's been quite foggy here yesterday and it came down again last night, nasty isn't it.
    We are going to see the house for Nic today with the OT to see about the stairs so will know if we get the green light - fingers crossed.
    I will be back later to see what everyone is chatting about, it will seem different to chat and be able to visualise the person now, oh I'm jealous now haha.
    I've left hugs in the basket by the door, sounds like a lot of people may need gentle squishy ones for a day or two,
    See you later,
    Jean xxxx

    1. Jean fingers crossed the house us ok and gets the green light. Oh yes if would be lovely to meet you too. Xxxx

    2. Jean, hope all goes well with the house and the stairs are ok! Michelle, you and me should arrange to meet up! Xxx

    3. Fingers crossed Jean that they can sort something out with the stairs at Nic's house and I do hope it's the green light. Hugs xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Anne-brilliant card.

    Sounds like agood time was had by everyone over the weekend & Amos glad to hear Sandra is planning another retreat.

    Thick fog here again today, will set off for work early so I can drive slowly.


    1. Hope the fog has cleared now Michele it has here! Xx

  6. Good morning Ladies, overcast but otherwise clear here this morning.
    Great to know you all got home ( or almost in Patricia's case) safely.
    The photo is great ( helps us to put faces to names we now know so well ) I hope there are more to come, it looks and sounds like you all had a wonderful time and lots of memories made.i hope to manage to the next one.
    The card is a very simple one as you can see, I love LOTV images they are so cute and so useful for a quick card.
    Well it's Pilates day , I'm a bit tired as I cleaned out my walk in wardrobe yesterday ( my side mostly) and I have 6 black bin bags full to take to the Blythwood charity van ( it comes on the first Monday of the month ) so it made me do it so I can get rid of it! So now I can actually see what I have and can move the hangers easily!
    Time for a cup of tea and some toast , cafe looks neat and tidy , I wonder if anyone is about , Patricia's chair is empty , she must still be sleeping, I'll pop back later when you have all had a rest.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne your card is lovely and doesn't that striplet look great alongside the image, I wouldn't have thought of that idea so thank you for sharing. It would be really lovely to meet you too. Xxxxx

    2. Hello Anne, I really love those images and as you know it was you who introduced me to them! However the timing of this one made me laugh! When I sent Alastair a text to say I'd arrived safely at the Retreat my reply was - " good , I'm painting the en suite! When the cat's away ha ha ! " it looks ok but. Was a bit worried!!

    3. Anne I love the LOTV images....this is ideal for your Man card and the striplet die is a great finishing touch....I love it!! xxx

  7. hi Sandra
    Sorry Myra. I somehow missed your card yesterday. This card looked fabulous in the flesh so to speak. A gorgeous card today Anne and I have the stamp and I actually bought it to the retreat. I also have the die so if you don't mind I'll give this one a go.
    Well what can I say about the retreat. Such a fabulous weekend with a fantastic group of ladies. We all had a whale of a time. Fabulous demos by Hazel, Patricia and barbera. Thank you all ladies for making the retreat a fabulous success. Plenty of laughter, at one point we were all crying with laughter. Lots if ideas were exchanged. Especially Hazel with her baskets, which she bought for us to make one, Patricia bought us flowers to make as well. They were well loaded down when they arrived, but were probably thankful they didn't have to carry them back. I hope that Jess and Maureen will be feeling a bit better today. Myra bought lots of things that she'd made. I've loads of ideas from her to show them at school for them to make. Thank you Myra for the inspiration. Will try and pop in later.

    1. Hello Pat! It's taken me three goes to leave this!! I could almost hear you giggle as each time I tried it wouldn't let me! It was lovely to meet you at the weekend and I do hope Pete was alright on his own.
      The things we're all very simple but we need that for children and then they can decorate them according to their ability! Xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew, hope you are all well. The ones that were on the will need a lot of little rests today.
    ANNE:- love, love, love, your card. I think LOTV stamps and images are brilliant, they are great to have at hand.
    Well folks we certainly had the most amazing weekend, talk about "fun & laughter" !!!! We had it in "Truckloads" Oh! what fun we had. Met with such wonderful people, we knew they were "wonderful" from the Blog. Meeting them all was amazing they are more than "wonderful" lots and lots of Happy Memories.
    I am NOT HOME YET ..... slept at Hazels I was too tired to travel the 50 miles in the dark. Guess what we have such thick fog we can't see a hand in front of you. I will wait a little longer then get back to be to my "darling" I am sure he has missed me.......!!!!!
    Off to share another cup of tea and more chat with Hazel. xxx

    1. Safe journey Patricia when you do get going. Oh I'm sure you have been missed. Xxxxx

    2. You will have been missed! I was told the house was so quiet without me and I think he has overdone it painting and trimming shrubs!
      We did have fun! Sometimes we didn't even have to speak - we just looked at one another! Brilliant! Safe journey home! Xxx

    3. Have a safe journey home Patricia when the fog clears. So pleased every thing went perfectly for the weekend. xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all at the café,

    Looks like you had a fabulous weekend and its lovely to put faces to names, sorry I could not be there.
    Fabulous Man card too.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hello Jacquie, it's good to see you. How are you? Xxx

  10. Morning everyone
    Sorry I'm late today - we had to pop out and top up the fridge and veggies etc. It was so foggy here first thing too but now it is the most beautiful Autumn Day. I've managed to get the laundry out which I washed yesterday in hope that it could go out today. Even if it doesn't dry fully at least it will be full of wonderful clean air.

    ANNE - your man card is just wonderful - what a wonderful idea to use that striplet die alongside your lovely little one cleaning windows.

    Thank you so much for the photograph of you all. As everyone says it is really good to be able to put faces to names and you look as well as sound that your Retreat was to die for and made with many many memories.
    I've fingers/toes and everything else that will cross that I can make it to the next one. I dearly want to meet you all.
    Hope you're all not too tired or in pain after that full on week-end but as Sandra says it really doesn't matter because you all know the reason for it and it was more than worth while.

    Off now to drink my cuppa and then a little finishing off of a couple of cards which need posting. Hugs should arrive soon. I'll look in later. xxxx

    1. Janet thank you so much for your beautiful card, what a lovely treat for us all. It us so lovely, I don't want to use the tea bags and spoil it! Hope you gave a good day. Xxxxxx

    2. Hello Janet, I know I mentioned it before but it was really kind of you to make such a lovely gift! My husband was really impressed with that idea. I've been thinking how I may adapt the idea to make with the children! Thanks so much! Looking forward to meeting you. Xxx

    3. Janet, thank you for gift, what a great idea. Hazel xxx

    4. Thank you for your beautiful gift Janet, being a teapot I shall enjoy every cuppa thinking

  11. Hellooooooooooooooooo,
    Anne, what a great man card. All these ideas are so useful.
    I didn't wake up until 8.30 this morning. Lay a couple of minutes and then switched on the TV. Eyes not adjusted properly so took a minute or two to realise that the little clock on the news screen said NINE THIRTY. Ye Gods, jumped out of bed and quick shower. No Myra, I didn't put a bag over my head!!, breakfast and then on the blog.
    George casually mentioned that we have a leak on the heating system somewhere. It can't be upstairs as a ceiling would be wet, so must be downstairs and he'll have to take up floorboards, room by room until he finds it. What he'll do then, I have no idea and neither does he. He is acting on instructions from Peter - who is at his brother's house helping him!!! He didn't tell me last night as he knew I'd lie awake and worry.
    We have had Homeserve Insurance for more years than I can remember, and this year with the costs rising evermore, we decided that as we had never needed it, we wouldn't renew - it's called "coming back and biting you in the bum"!!
    Sandra - you are obviously hung over from all the wine you didn't drink. The photograph arrangements are from left to right - not right to left!! Honestly, Sue had to put her to bed every night after Sandra had cart wheeled down the corridor ha ha.
    Hazel, I forgot to say that your tens machine strapped to your right boob is very fetching!!!! Patricia, I hope the fog soon clears and that you can wend your weary way back to John - he must be missing you so much. lol
    Right, I'm away to read the gas and electric metres, then going to help George lift carpets, etc. We are starting in the Utility, so that's moving the washing machine, freezer, fridge, lifting lino, then hardboard, then floorboards. Give me strength. I won't help with the heavy lifting, so I hope he can manage it.
    Oh, I forgot to tell you that George came to meet me at the Station last night and saw Hazel, Patricia and Jess. Ladies, he thought you looked like nice "normal" people, not the "mad women" that he thought ha ha. Little does he know.
    I'm saving already.
    Got to go, I can hear my name being called.
    love Maureen xxxxx

    1. Oh my lovely Maureen, I'm sure George missed you more than he would ever say - perhaps we could have a man retreat running in the next room to ours so they could all moan about us and how much money we spend on craft stuff! You take care lifting and moving things today my dear otherwise you will be flat on your back. Don't go putting George under the floorboards either ( or perhaps that's his plan for you!!!!!!). Make sure you get some rest and I'm sure Peter will come and fix the problem for you at a fraction of the cost of the insurance once George tracks it down. Xxxxxx

    2. Oh No! What a pain - isn't that just typical - you stop having Homeserve and that happens. I hope you find the leak very soon! Glad you had a good sleep! Didn't need a bag this morning - hair washed in shower as normal. Missed my morning call!! Why didn't you sleep until that time when you were waking me up! Xxx

    3. Oh Maureen lifting floorboards and leaks is the last thing you need today and it was so lovely of George not to mention it till this morning so as not to spoil a well needed good night's sleep . Hope he is able to find it quickly and get it fixed so you can get back to normality. Also hope your aches soon ease, take care lovely lady. Hugs xxx

  12. Good morning everybody, finally managed to get out of bed about an hour ago, every joint in my body feels like I have been used as a punch bag. I think it was sitting for so long on the train from Birmingham to Edinburgh that did it.
    I had such a laugh to myself on the train from Edinburgh to Polmont, when I got on a man who was dressed in full pipe band regalia, was stripping off (I thought he was the stripper for entertaining us on the journey) he kept his kilt on thank goodness!!!
    Well we had a BRILLIANT time at the retreat, so much laughter, great demos, all I can say is roll on the next one, meantime off to take a coule of painkillers and try and get all my stuff put away. Thank you ladies for all your hard work in making this a great success. Take care xxxx

    1. What a treat to end a perfect weekend Jess!!! Rest easy and hope the joints feel better soon. I can see Margaret's heat bags getting alot of use today. Have a restful day xxx

    2. Oh Jess! I'm so sorry you are suffering a bit today! Well you suffered a bit all weekend really. Not sure about the In-Train entertainment! Don't know about you but I'm glad to be back to a normal door key! Xxx

    3. Oh Myra yes those keys were such a pain, especially when they mysteriously vanished and turned up in my pocket! Xxx

  13. Sorry Anne your card is lovely great man card x

    1. Ooooh Jess what a treat for you :) I hope you are not in too much pain and can have an easy day. It was so lovely to meet you at last, I'm looking forward to seeing you next time. My train journey was pretty boring, just people moaning about the lack of seats and number of big bags! Xxxxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So pleased to know you have all arrived home safely with the exception of Patricia, but you definitely did the safest thing staying with Hazel. Enjoy your extra chat and cuppas girls, far better to be late home than early in the next! Take care Patricia when you finally do set off home.
    Wow Hazel that is a great amount of money you have raised for the charity so close to your heart I am so pleased, and by the sound of it more to come too which is even better, very well done.
    As I have said previously I am so pleased all went well and I do hope
    those of you suffering will soon feel much better really soon.
    Anne your card is so delightful I too love LOTV images I take the easy option and buy the printed ones I don't do colouring, in fact I don't do difficult! The striplet really show the picture off so well, and makes a great man's card that we all dread doing, at least I do.
    Yes we have thick fog here and it is decidedly chilly this morning too I do hope Janet shares the sun with us all soon.
    Have a lovely restful day those who need it and take care everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh boy am I so tired today ! I was asleep as my head hit the pillow last night and my eyes really didn't want to open thus morning. I'm being so lazy but I must unpack my bags and sort myself out. Oh yes, Julian couldn't undo the padlock he put on my bag either! I feel much better for that as if gave felt very silly if he'd undone it at first attempt. Thank goodness it was just for show and I could still get my things out. He managed to find the tin of lemon drizzle cake though and was delighted you had left him some. The fog is still thick this morning - as I got ready to get off the train last night there was a family with several big suitcases who were flying back to guernsey ready for the children to go back to school today. I hope they took off last night as the fog was not as thick as it is today and all flights were grounded this morning. Anne I gave already commented on your card but again it is a great mans card. Xxxx
    Right I must go and get my bags sorted and pop to get some food - quick trip I think - I need to cook a meal tonight that involves vegetables, doesn't involve a phone call ans has no association with a foil container or cardboard box! See you all later if I'm still awake! Xxxxxxx

  16. Morning (just!) Sandra and all our lovelies,
    I've so enjoyed reading that it was ONE FABULOUS WEEKEND you all had and I'm not jealous just so Green with envy!!!! I do hope I can pluck up the courage to come to the next's just a confidence thing with me I'm afraid.
    I'm so pleased you all had a safe journey home...Patricia you did the right thing to stay at Hazel's especially after the tiring journey you already had done, Now wait till the fog clears and have a safe journey onwards back home to your lovely hubby. By the way I'd gladly buy one of the pendants to help with the trolley funds at the Chemo Unit.
    Now I think you should all have a couple of rest days especially those of you who have suffered with aches and pains....gentle hugs to you all.

    Anne what a fabulous Man card I too love LOTV and the striplet die just finishes it off...thank you for sharing it with us.
    Must get on now as I need to finish some birthday cards, I still can't seem to manage the Christmas cards yet.
    Lots of love and hugs to you all....I must find some space for the dratted broomstick and who was it that decided to park the air balloon in my garden!!!!

    1. OOPS!!!! Forgot to say what a brilliant photo you all look so happy. It's great to see a photo as some of you were just names before. Love the aprons too. xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, you will find your confidence again, it took me ages but I have found mine almost. Just don't push too hard and gradually it will come back and then you will have a pleasant surprise in taking the plunge and booking yourself into the next retreat. I'm so glad I did so, even when times were still so raw. Now I've done it the once there will no stopping me now. xxxx

  17. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I was trying to read and comment all the way down but I'm scared I run out of time! I need to get some lunch sorted out and then get ready for school! I could do without that today!
    Anne your card is lovely. I do like the LOTV images but I love how you've used the Striplet with it . It's a lovely card. Thank you!
    Sandra - thanks for that Dream - it was a Dream come true and definitely not a nightmare! We all had a great time and each person there contributed to the weekend! I think too, Sandra, that your family must have been so happy for you that you were able to do this and Sue is a really good friend to you as is Pat.
    On the first morning - I was asleep when Muriel knocked lightly on my door! I jumped out of bed - must have been such a picture! Went to have a shower and decided I didn't want my hair to get wet - it would then need drying and tongs used on it! Takes too much time. Realised I hadn't brought a shower cap, so being a crafter and being used to adapt things I put a carrier bag on my head and tied it with the handles in a most fetching knot!! It worked! When I told Patricia and Maureen this they informed me there was a shower cap in the bathroom! Oh well!
    I would also like to say that if I hadn't posted on the blog before breakfast each morning I wouldn't have been last! Brenda only just beat me and confessed she was relieved not to be last! That's friends for you! Brenda too has a great sense of humour!

    1. Oh Myra I enjoyed your story it made me laugh, glad you all had such a great time xo

    2. Oh Myra I missed that juicy bit of news- I would have decorated one with lovely flowers just for you if I'd known! Xxx

    3. Diane - sorry about that! It would have looked better decorated - well it couldn't have looked worse if you see what I mean! Xxxx

  18. Oops! I pressed send too soon! Not soon enough I hear Muriel say!
    I will go back and comment later under the posts I have missed.
    Safe travel to my good friend, fellow traveller and navigator Saba today! You know my thoughts and prayers are with you! See you very soon! Xx
    I never call her Saba when talking to her, always Barbara! I did call Maureen , Muriel once!! Shudder to think what she was calling me mind you! Ha ha!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Helloeeeeeeeeee Myra
      Oh what a picture you have painted - you in a posh shower in a posh hotel with a carrier bag so beautifully tied to save your wonderful hair do specially done and arranged for your fab week-end. I can just see it now. Perhaps a picture might be arranged for Sandra's Highlights on her Retreat Blog - by invitation only of course. Don't want just anybody logging on and stealing your ideas. Have you patented it yet? I would if I were you; just think you could make enough money for the next Retreat via that patent.
      Hugs for you my dear Mad Hatter. xxxx

    2. Oh Janet - you made me laugh out loud! What a picture - what a photograph! To think we spend our lives telling children not to put bags on their head! It was quite a sight - particularly after the water had hit it and flattened it! Hugs returned from the Mad Hatter! Xxx

  19. I can't keep up! You all sound like you ha a fab time! I hope I can make the next one I'm on my iPod as usual so not easy to post replies and comments
    HAZEL and PATRICIA Well done raising all that money
    SANDRA WOWSER! Don't need to say more
    ANNE Your card is terrific I am determined to make an LOTV cross stitch for my first grandchild
    MYRA I need ideas for children If it's ok with you I will email u later and explain
    Must finish lunch and face the long walk home from work

    1. Certainly - I will help you all I can! Xxx

  20. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh girls i am so pleased that you had such a fantastic time and just sorry that i couldn't get because of the wedding which the least said soonest mended although it was lovely to see my little cousins( even if they are all bigger than me by a mile ((oor Stuart stands 6' 7.5" in his stocking soles)) and Ian's no that much wee'er). I had forgotten how long it was since i had last seen them, so didn't realise what effect the sight of 2 sticks would be on them, poor bairns (Ian 48, Stuart 46 and Mel the bride 39). Even though there was no dancing after the meal, i was so tired with all the walking through what seemed to be an endless maze of corridors and of course the wedding was in entirely opposite direction from the meal and then back to the start where the wedding was held. Because it was wee tiny pooffee's i had to stand for about an hour and a half, the back thought it was a goner again. Next wedding in June which is step daughters one which her mothers family like to drink shall we say and have a positively bad attitude to everyone when they have had a few so it is just long enough for the meal and coming away again.
    Thank you Hazel and Patricia for all your hard work that you did on my behalf as it was really kind of you. Girls i hope that you all got something that you could use and that you liked i just wish that i could have been there to meet you all but i will be the next time.
    Sorry i haven't been around much this past wee while just a bad couple of months which im still trying to get back up from again, but i will pull myself together again and be back soon.
    Anne flower your card is lovely and i love how you have coloured the wee guy, it so reminds me of my brother Jim and him painting mum's shed for her......bright yellow. She had got it to lighten and brighten up the indoor coal house which she had made into her place for her tumble dryer. Surffice to say that Patricia and Hazel would have heard the shriek that came out of her as she turned the corner and seen it upon coming in from work. ;D. All Jim could say "well you said you were wanting the hut painted mum" in the innocent way he could look when he knew fine what he had done but was trying to get out of it. The hut lit up like a belcher beacon at night it was that bright a yellow, confusing so many poor wee birdies as to what time of day it was.
    Sending huggles to all my special Angels
    Norah x

    1. Good to hear from you again Norah , I always love to read your stories , you should be writing books! I can't believe you had to stand for that length of time , you would think somebody could have got you a chair, I hope you recover from that experience soon.xo

    2. Norah, it's so lovely to see you! You have been so kind to all of us! I'll email later . We had a lovely time and a lot of fun but you would know that having met the Scottish Trio before!! Poor you having to stand for all that time! Take care xxxx

    3. Oh Norah, how awful of them not getting you a chair, and having meet you I know you are to independent to ask for one, you are a trooper as they say and won't show folk how sore you are. Your raffle went down so well, I just wish some one had taken pictures. Why do you always think of it after the event??? (((((( hugs))))) xxx

    4. Hi Norah, you are amazing giving so many wonderful things away and I looking forward to meet you one day so I can give you a big hug as a thank you. Will play with the boxmaker I got tomorrow as today has been a day of rest Xxx

    5. Hi Norah, Oh thank you! thank you! thank you! You are such a generous lady and yes I shall use everything that I received in my parcel. xxx

  21. Hello Sandra and gang,
    Anne, your card is lovely, beautifully coloured and I like how the splash of paint extends over the mat. The striplet is perfect, mine are all too feminine for a man card.
    Well at the risk of repeating my post yesterday, we had a fabulous time and I am only sorry it is now over. Will have to start saving up for the next one!
    I unpacked my case and all my goodies last evening only to have to repack it this morning. I am sitting on the train now on my way to Harrogate. It's about a 3 hour journey, Joanne drove me to Manchester Airport and then It's just over two hours on the train ( I have to change at Leeds). Must admit I would have preferred a days rest but it will be lovely to see Max and Abi. They are so excited, I think it's the presents more than me which they are excited about. Although we spoke on face time yesterday and they never mentioned presents apart from the ones Max recieved for his 8th Birthday.
    It was really foggy on the way to the airport but the sun is trying to come out now and it looks like it could be a beautiful day. Hope it's clearing for you Patricia so that you can get home.
    The train is really busy and I am sick of listening to the girl across on her phone, the man opposite who is chewing chewing gum and who ever is sniffing behind me!
    Jean fingers crossed for Nic's new home.
    To all who are suffering today after our lovely weekend sending you gentle hugs.
    Hope to get back in this evening once Max and Abi are in bed.
    Love Saba
    Ps, I won't be on the train when I post this, no internet, so it will have to go once I arrive at Rachel's, by which time lots of you will have posted and I won't have commented on your posts.
    Sorry such a load of drivel but I know what I mean!

    1. Thank you all so much for your kind words about my card , but I have to own up ,the images are already coloured I only added some Glossy Accents to the paintbrush etc.
      So glad you are all home and having a well deserved rest after all that travelling, hope the aches and pains ease up soon xoxo

    2. Saba, I hope things went ok for you today, what a journey for you.

    3. Oh Saba, didn't realised you were travelling again so soon. Take care and have fun with Abi and Max Xxx

    4. Hope you have arrived safe and sound Saba and have been greeted with enthusiasm by Max and Abi. What a lovely journey you had - you could have done with Jess's stripping piper couldn't you! Have fun xxx.

    5. Hi Saba,
      It was so lovely to have your squishy hug on Friday, I had been waiting for it for a long time. Safe travels lovely lady, enjoy your time with Abi & Max, I'm sure there were squeals of delight when they received their gifts and to see you of course. xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all.
    Nice to be back and to see the cafe' still standing. You did have some good party girls but you have kept it nice and tidy for us to come back too.
    I got home yesterday afternoon after a fabulous weekend away, A huge thank you Sandra for getting us together and for many more . I Love my Apron and the Tena came in good use as you are all so much fun and we were chatting and laughing from the go. Also thank you Norah for all the things donated for the Raffle and for Hazel and Patricia for bringing it all down. Thank you also to Janet for the card and teabags. Thank you Margaret P for the moorish fruit cake and Diane ,I loved you Lemon Drizzle (had a few) :-) You are all great and It felt like we know'n eachother for donkey years. It's very quiet here and I miss all the hugs. Can't keep my eye's open do even after a good night , a Indian and movie and my body feeling all the lumps and bumps but I do it again in a jiffy when next opportunity comes.
    Saturday mixed craft is lovely as usual and so glad to see some of Brenda LL's pottery, love the blue glazed plate !
    Like your gift basket Hazel, and thank you for showing us how.
    Patricia, your little bag is sooo sweet. Next time maybe you could show me how to make an Izzy bag.
    The little decorator is so cute and it works well with the striplet die, Anne -it's a lovely man card. Hope Christine pops in and see how good we were to make the notelet books and not a bad photo, thanks to Pat putting it up so we got one together. I'm going for a little lay down but see you all later for a coffee and something sweet and I will read today's comments then, they are looking a bit blurry right now. Hope you all have a nice day and not in to much pain,
    love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  23. HOME AT LAST:-
    Good afternoon folks, WOW! what a weekend, in more ways than one!!!
    The fog eventually lifted a little for me to set for home. I eventually got home just after 12.30pm.
    My weekend started, leaving here 6,30pm Thursday evening to stay with Hazel. Arriving back here 12.30pm Monday ..... how about that for a "weekend"!!
    Bag and case emptied, most things put away. Washing machine humming away in the background ..... gosh that means "ironing"
    JANET:- thank you for your lovely little Tea Bag gift the presentation was ingenious, loved it.
    SABA:- thinking about you .... your the one that had to find out I am a big "soppy lump" sorry!! Have a great day with the children, they will love their gifts.
    JESS:- I hope your legs are a bit better today, I know you and Hazel were suffering terrible last night when you got off that train. I am hoping Hazel is doing as she said she would and taking it easy, are doing the same??? You really should you know.
    I think I might have 40 winks, John has gone to his "playroom" he's had enough!!! Poor soul, he made lunch then HAD to listen to me as well.
    MAUREEN:- thank you for letting us see your handsome hubby. I would rather have been on the other side of that window!! Ladies:- our Maureen is a real lucky lady.
    Yes! I am definitely going to have 40 winks I feel the eyes closing xxx

  24. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra no wonder you feel tired today after all that laughter & non stop talking take it quiet for a couple of days.xx
    Anne your card is great xx
    Well ladies it sounds as if you all had a fantastic time with a lot of memories love the photo.xx
    Maureen hope you find the leak soon be careful don't overdo it.xx
    orah lovely to see you with us again please take care lots of hugs on way to you.xx
    Hugs on way to all achy bodies love Margaret xx
    ps: Glad you enjoyed the cake thank you for comments.xx

  25. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I've just come into the coffee shop and there are ladies sitting with their heads on the tables, I'll be quiet - I think they're asleep, bet it's all those who went to the retreat! It sounds as though everyone had a great time and thank goodness arrived home safely.

    Ladies I love the picture, definitely one for the Memory Book.LOVE your aprons! Hope there are more pictures to follow.

    Anne your card is brilliant, a really great man card. This Striplet is one of my favourites, thank you for sharing this gorgeous card with us. LOL

    I've sat very quietly and had a cup of tea, I will wash my cup and saucer, then quietly close the door as I leave. those poor ladies look absolutely exhausted!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and hugs for all, Brenda XXX

  26. Good afternoon girls,
    Well I woke at a little after six am. Paul bought me a cup of tea, we sat and had a chat about how he felt about starting his new job today, he went of thinking positive thoughts, popped home for lunch to find I was still in my bedroom , just laying upon the bed I might add, but my body is in total control today and wants to stay horizontal ! This weekend has forced me to make a GP appointment to get my other hip fixed!! It was interesting seeing how many of us suffer physically in our different ways!
    Thankfully the girls had an inset day today, which has been nice, Sophie bought me a lovely cup of tea in mid morning and It was nice to sit ans wStch a movie with them this afternoon, with preparations for the weekend their week off seemed to fly by last week, so today was a bonus, they were quite soppy when I got in yesterday, they haven't spent a night without me in a good few years, so two nights was a shock to their system, Paul had kept things running nicely here though, they had all been fed and chauffeured to their various destinations, he returned from doing that on Saturday to then be Matt's assistant chef, to prepare spiced lamb kebabs for the party he was going too. When I got home yesterday there was a roast dinner all prepared, thankfully, as once my backside hit that sofa it did not want to move until I had a shower and got into my bed!
    The overall quiet is taking some getting used too after sitting in a room constantly buzzing with chatter and laughter all weekend! My ears are still ringing!
    Maureen I hope you have found your leak, Jess I hope that you are feeling a little less sore, you too Hazel and of course Sue, who looked truly exhausted as we parted yesterday, maybe it was sharing a room with me that pushed her over the edge, although we did have some giggles!
    Well I must go, I have put some of my crafty bits and pieces away, but still have done to do, then find something for dinner tonight! Back to reality!
    Love and huffs
    Sandra xxxxxxx

    1. Sandra, I have just read your comment, sounds as though everything was under control at your house over the weekend. But that's what I would have expected with Paul in charge. Nice to know your girls missed you, and that you have had some quality time with them today.

      PROUD OF YOU for making an appointment to see the doctor, if you can get some pain relief it will be worth it.

      Now as for 'Love and Huffs' who's upset you? OR is the predictive text monster at it again?

      Love and Hugs,, Brenda xxx

  27. Good afternoon ladies, just an update, went to meet the OT at the house to see if stairs would be ok for her, they are the same as here at home, but we are looking long term for her. OT Chattered to us all about Nics mobility, then she and Social Worker we're going over to Warrington where Nic lives now, to assess her. Will know more possibly Wednesday as Social worker is out of the office tomorrow .
    Glad you are home at last Patricia, hope everyone's aches and pains are slowly easing, but it was worth it
    Myra we must try to meet up with Michelle mustn't we xx
    See you later,
    Jean xxx

    1. Yes!!! Xxx please look under Michele's post below! Xxx

  28. Good evening ladies, I am awake at last! I went to bed ( got into the soare bed couldn't even think about getting up the stairs) once Patricia left with Charlie to go down to Gillians to collect Rosie ( her car) I most have fallen asleep straight away as I never heard a thing till 2.10, next it was over 2 hours later. I do feel I have been hit by a bus. I also have picked up a lovely cough and cold. Saying that the aches and pains etc were worth it. We had a fabulous time, great memories were made this weekend that's for sure. Will call in later if I am awake. Xxx

  29. Evening Ladies

    So lovely to read all the comments today about the retreat. My day at work was so dull in comparison....!!!

    Myra & Jean- it would be lovely to meet up, I'm often heading to Chorley to see my in laws do not too far from either of you. My only problem is work- I usually only get the weekends off but if I have enough notice I can book a day off midweek.


    1. That's great Michele! We need to choose a place we all know or can get to easily! A Garden Centre, or maybe a Craft shop near a Coffee shop!!!
      Is Tarleton a possibility ? Lovely craft shop and coffee shop nearby. However , it's not about what I think! You may have far better ideas! Xxx

    2. The Chocolate Shop in Tarleton, next to Stampers Gallery would be a fantastic place to meet up. I'll email you both about it.


    3. Sounds smashing look forward to meeting up xxx Jean

    4. A chocolate shop ooooo how yummy, can I come too please :) xxxxx

    5. Yes!! You are very welcome, lovely lady! Xxx

  30. Delighted you liked the kits, so sorry I couldn't be there. (You probably know I took my mummy to the hospital - pleased to say we got some great advice and an appointment for a new procedure has now been booked, so it was definitely worth the visit). Ladies please count me in at your next retreat, it looks like you had so much fun and I'd hate to miss out again! xx

    1. Hi Christine thank you so much for the little kit you provided, it was easy to follow and looked so lovely when finished. Really good for gifts for teachers etc. I'm pleased to hear you had a successful visit to the hospital with your mum, it was well worth it. We will be delighted to see you at the next retreat. Love Diane xxx

  31. Evening all,
    Have not much to report as the day have gone me by. Haven't even touched the bags yet. Hope all the aches and pains have eased for you all suffering over the day. Just started a program about "hooked on painkillers" could be interesting. Thank you again Sandra for a fabulous weekend !!! have already checked up Farnborough and OH is happy to take me down. Don't feel like cooking so some cereals will do tonight. Back to reality tomorrow. Maureen- Hope the leak was found and not to bad.
    Warm hugs to you all Xxxx

  32. Helloooooooooooooooo again,
    Sandra, I am so sorry, I forgot to thank you for sending the Handsome Paul to pick us up at the station. He was so nice and cheerful, although he probably thought "oh not more old bags and cases!!!" ha ha.
    Jess, how rude of me not to say thank you for your delicious, beautifully presented shortbread.
    Who else and what else have I forgotten, sorry ladies, I think it may take a few days for the brain to work again.
    Ooh Brenda LL, thank you for the template.
    See what I mean, this will be going on for days!!!!
    I wish I could be there when Myra, Michele and Jess meet up at The Chocolate Shop. How far is it from Newcastle?
    Well, after checking the Utility Room, lifting carpets and floorboards in the passage and sitting room. Emptying the sideboard in the dining room, so George could move it, he lifted the carpets and floorboards in there as well, but no leak was found. Which left the kitchen. I told him that it would have to wait another day as I was well and truly done in.
    I'd gone into the garden to bring in the first load of washing and hang out the next lot, when I noticed that the wall was wet under the boiler outlet!!!
    I told George, he rang Peter. Peter said that was where the leak was so as it was not in the house causing damage, he would come at the weekend to sort it out. I cannot tell you how I felt after all that work, and poor George must have been exhausted as he is, like me, not getting any younger. But Peter said that it should be easy for him to do, so that's good.
    Saba, I hope that you enjoy yourself with your grandchildren, and that all goes well. I'm thinking of you.
    Maria, I hope you are feeling well today, you are such a sweetie.
    Sandra, I'm glad you've decided to go to see the doctor.
    Norah, it's so lovely to see you today. I got some lovely things in my raffle and I wanted to thank you so much for your kindness. Take care sweetheart and look after yourself.
    Ladies, I had one of the best weekends ever, thank you all for your amazing kindness and love.
    Maureen xxx

    1. I am so pleased you found the source of the leak, Muriel! Stick a Tena on it! Should save the stone / brickwork!!
      School was very good today! Lucy and her friend Kiera met me with a hug and asked me if I'd had a nice weekend! They didn't know anything about the Retreat - they were just being polite! This is new and must be encouraged. We made poppy things today as I won't be there next Monday. We talked about 11 and its significance . Lucy said - " we have to be quiet for eleven hours! " After some laughter I pointed out that the silence was just for a minute!! Rome was not built on a day!!! Isn't life interesting! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra what a hoot, put a tena on it!!! Oh think what we could solve with that! What a little darling asking you if you had a good weekend, I should try and encourage the silence for 11 hours ! Xxxx

    3. Steady Diane! Little darling is going a bit far at this stage although I really appreciate that she is trying hard. Xxx

  33. Hello again,

    We had a lovely walk this morning around the village a few miles from us, one of our nearest walks. I felt like a zombie though as didn't sleep too good, my muscles were so tense having to drive through that horrible fog so after dinner, pj's back on, TV on for catch up programmes and slept through them all.

    I would like to say a very big 'thank you' to all you lovely ladies, it was such a pleasure to finally meet someone from the blog and see you in 3D. I enjoyed the weekend immensely and am looking forward to the next one. Can we have a longer time please? I didn't get to chat as long as I would have liked to due to my meds being on a strict timetable (although I did take them later than I would normally have done).

    Maria, I am so glad you persuaded me to take most of your preloved goodies home. Joseph was over the moon with the bag of delightful teddies, elephants and dogs that you had decoupaged up and the folder of letters etc. He says 'thank you very much' and has already arranged a messy day to make some cards.
    Sandra, now you've gone way out of your comfort zone too, I do hope your problems will lessen as mine have. It does take a leap of faith and it can be done, I have proved that to myself. Now it's your turn, it can be scary but oh so pleasurable.

    Good night everyone,
    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  34. It seems as though you are all trying to make the ones left behind jealous, and your probably succeeding!!!!!!!!!
    So glad you all had such a good time, and if I can pluck up courage would love to be with you next time.
    Good night ladies, sweet dreams, see you in the morning. Lilian

  35. I'm so tired tonight so I've left a few comments but I'm just off to bed so night night everyone, see you tomorrow. Maureen I'm so pleased your leak has been found and won't cause too many problems. Make sure you both have a quiet day tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone xxxxxxx

    1. Night Night Diane - sleep well - you are so nice! Julian is a lucky man. Xxx

  36. Well I have eventually got here. Anne your card is lovely. I have that Striplet. Well I had a lovely weekend and so glad if was this weekend and not next as the car went in for it's MOT this morning and failed although it has another week to run. If the retreat had been next weekend I wouldn't have trusted the car to go all that way. Al, the ladies were lovely especially to an oldie like me. Sandra thank you for making your dream come true and Hazel thank you for arranging the hotel. Thank you also to Patricia, Hazel and Barbara for your demonstrations. They were wonderful. I have yet go try Barbara's coffee bag flowers but I will. Spent best part of the day at the garage and just got yo school in time to pick up Scarlett and take her home and give her her dinner. She was delighted with the things I brought her back and just kept saying Thank You. I have already emailed Norah but would like to thank her again for all the wonderful things she sent for us. She was very generous and thank you tonPatricia and Hazel for all the wrapping they did. Lillian I am glad you had a lovely weekend. I should be celebrating my Golden Wedding Anniversary next year. Maureen glad you found the leak. It is slways in the last place you look. On tad way back yesterday Diane and I decided to christen my Sat Nav Muriel in honour of the lovely Maureen. Myra. Glad you were able to sleep in this morning. I did also as didn't have to get to the garage until 10.30. Will have to be out earlier tomorrow as it's my MOT at the cancer clinic. Hope I don't fail that one. Not two disasters in one week. Well I expect you are all in bed and I have missed you all. Just remember Jess your shortbread was delicious. I had it after my meal last night. Also enjoyed Diane's lemon Drizzke cake and Margaret's fruit cake and Patricia's Tablet was to die for. Well must go as I won't be up fir the hospital in the morning. Luckily Scarlett's dad is taking me there. As I don't know how long I will be I will get the bus home. Don't mind that it's the getting there in case the bus doesn't turn up. Parking at the hospital is awful so don't even try. Night everyone.
