
Sunday 1 November 2015

Another of My Beautiful Birthday Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Today I am excited to share with you the beautiful Birthday Card I received from Myra, it was so beautifully packaged in Foiled Butterfly Tissue paper, a real gift, I was like my birthday all over again unwrapping this card.  I can see that Myra has used Creative Expressions Basket Weave Embossing folder, and their Itty Bitty Bow die, which she has decorated with a pretty pink flower.  I am unsure of the pretty die that Myra has used though, hopefully she will have the time to pop in today to let us know what the die is.
Thank you Myra for the most beautiful birthday card. xxxx

Well today we will all be saying our goodbyes, I for one will have a lump in my throat, I have been excited about this weekend ever since the idea came into my head many, many months ago!
I hope that everyone will have enjoyed this weekend as much as I have.  Thank you to all of you that made it so special.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew, hope you are all well.
    MYRA :- your card is brilliant, love the Die you have used as the focal element. Most unusal and very effective, need to know what that one is.
    Well folks it's a bit sad, the end of our wonderful weekend is almost here. Just breakfast then it will be the bit I am sure we are all dreading .... we will have to say our goodbyes. It's not just the goodbye it's the fact we will not see most of the friends we have made till next Retreat. Yes! we can chat on Sandra's wonderful Blog but it will not be the least we all have the Happy Memories to hold in our hearts.
    I am off pack my case for the long haul home. We have to be on our way approx 11.30am, train into Birmingham, then the long haul to Edinburgh. Jess and Hazel will not be home in their houses till after 10pm a bit later for me. I have another hour of driving when I pick up my car from Hazel's. All very worth it after a fantastic weekend.
    I know there was a party here last night, they seem to have left the place tidy. They might just have swept the mess out of the back door, I do nope not!!
    Will check back to see what they all got up to.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Till see you all again, be good!! xxx

    1. Thank you, my dear! I'm home and you've still a long way to go! Pleased you staying with Hazel overnight. Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well can I call you ladies? That's the ones who were left behind and didn't come to the retreat that is. My goodness you caused may hem with your broomsticks!!.,.
    Myra, your card is gorgeous.
    Well it's home time today,our great weekend is coming to an end. I for one have had a fantastic time. It's been so lovely chatting face to face with everyone. ( oh and yes everyone is as mad as the seem on the blog as in person) I know a few who would have been joining in the may hem on their broom sticks had they been at home!!!
    Oh I'd better make move and get my case packing finished, thankfully it's not going to be as heavy going home, it will just be me that will be heavy hearted saying good bye.
    I won't be back in today as I won't be home till late. See you tomorrow xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel! Hope your back and leg don't hurt too much ! Xxxx

  3. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today

    MYRA - Such a beautiful beautiful birthday gift you sent to Sandra.
    I have that background efolder and the HB die but am dying to know what die you have used for the main focus. It's absolutely gorgeous.

    Well thank you for leaving the café nice and tidy last night and no Patricia I have checked this morning well when I say ' I ' I mean my lovely little Dobbie has checked for me. I've also looked to make sure all the little familiars went home as well so everyone is safe to return later today.

    Dobbie has also done his morning round re breakfast too so Coffee/Tea and OJ is there along with croissants/pain au chocolate an pain au raisins/toast and cereals. We have left over Pumkin Soup with a nice rabbit stew as it is really cold this morning. For those who do not eat meat there is a nice three bean stew as well.

    To all my dear Friends who are journeying today please take care and travel safe. I hope you all have enough boxes of tissues as I just know you will need loads of them. Looking forward to having you all back home in the café and to hear all about your fab week-end.
    See you all later via cyberspace. Hugs have just arrived for all who need or just want. xxxx

  4. Well what can I say?! I have had the most amazing weekend, with the most amazing friends! There has been so much fun and laughter! It has been an absolute pleasure and I feel privileged to have met such wonderful people.
    I would like to say a special thank you to Hazel, after I told you all that It was a dream of mine to spend a weekend with all of the lovely ladies that have made my blog so special, her and Tammy came up with the hotel that we have been in this weekend, so a special thanks to you both, also to Patricia and Hazel for wrapping the HUGE amount of gifts that Norah had donated for our prize draw!
    Sue I would like to say a special thanks to you too, without your physical and emotional support I would have been lost!
    For those of you dear sweet friends that couldn't be with us this weekend thank you so much for keeping the cafe up and running in my absence! I hope that you are all able to join us next time!
    I am off to get ready to spend the last remaining hours with some lovely ladies!
    Thank you all for making my dream cone true! Xxxxx

    1. Good morning Ladies,
      Stunning sunrise here this morning.
      Well , I was so sorry to miss the retreat but I don't envy you having to say goodbye to each other this morning, but you will have loads of fantastic memories to take away with you and mull over and laugh about in the months to come , hopefully then arrange another retreat , so it's not too bad!
      Myra your card for Sandra is gorgeous and the wrapping sounded special!
      I think I fell asleep mid party, I woke up covered in sparkles so that was a good sign! I hope all thos beautifully decorated broomsticks are stashed away tidy for next year and we can have a competition for the best decorated, I think Shiela's was the best last night followed closely by Janet's !
      Happy to report the Cafe is back to normal ( thanks to someone? ).
      Safe journey home girls, we look forward to all the stories and photos.
      Sandra , so happy for you that your wish came true ! xo
      Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    2. Hi Sandra,
      I really am very pleased your dream came true & it all worked well now you can plan another, alright perhaps you can have time to get your breath back. Safe journey home hope you are not too tired Margaret xx

  5. I just had to do this because Uve never been so early on the big before!
    What a lovely , lovely time we have had! I know I have made some " friends for life" here this weekend!
    A Big Thank You to all who contributed.
    A special thanks to Sandra who brought us all together! I've had real coffee and food this weekend!
    Thanks to Hazel, Patricia and Barbara who prepared demonstrations . They were all very good indeed and we have made some lovely things!
    Thanks to Norah for her kindness in sending such lovely craft goodies!
    I hope I haven't left anyone out! Remember it's early for me - if I have!
    I hope you all got home safely last night! Especially Janet - hope you didn't have any incidents with cross Channel Ferries!!
    Lots of love everyone!
    I don't want to be last for breakfast. - AGAIN !!!
    Sorry I've forgotten the name of the die but it is a spellbinders one. I thought it would be useful for cards to be posted as it does a lot of the work for you.
    Will check when I get home.
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. Should be. - I've. And Blog - now you know why I don't comment early! Xxx

    2. Oh Dear - PPS - thanks to Maureen - my personal wake up Caller! Xxx

    3. Myra your card is beautiful I love that die..I want it.....I need it....and yes it is Spellbinders. Have a safe journey home it must be a sad moment when you all say your goodbyes but all worth it after such a wonderful week end. Take care. xxx

    4. Your card is beautiful Don't she'd too many tears as you say goodbye

    5. Hi Myra,
      Your card is lovely looks a less is better design, I know what I mean, well done xx
      So pleased you have had a lovely weekend hope you have a safe & trouble free journey home xx

    6. Thank you! I arrived home just before 2 pm! We had a good journey and Barbara was handed over to her daughter in one piece!!! Xxx

    7. Have arrived home and unpacked. Also dropped Diane off at the station. Was a lovely weekend and it was good to meet everyone.

    8. Brenda my lovely lady thank you so much for that lift to the station, I only had a little wile to wait for my train and managed to get a seat and space for my bags. Julian was on the platform to meet me and. Arty my bags over the bridge. Thank you once again my sweetheart for the lift and it was so lovely to chat on the journey home about familiar places we know. Hope the car passes it's mot tomorrow. Love Diane xxx.

  6. Morning Ladies

    Myra- stunning card & it looks just perfect for anyone that's need a card posted to them.

    Glad we cleared up here after the party- you have all called in quite early!

    We went to my in laws last night for dinner -had a lovely meal and got rid of two huge bags of craft stuff that had been cluttering up my craft room floor. One bag was the donated stash & the other was from me-a few items I bought in Florida.
    Housework on the books today then we were hoping to walk down to the beach but it's very misty here at the minute. Hubby will be watching the Grand Prix tonight so I should get some more crafting done.


    1. Congratulations Michele on winning a comment prize on Sue's blog! xo

    2. Congratulations from me too Michele, it's great to see one of our lovelies names picked out on Sue's blog. xxx

    3. Michelle, it was so lovely to see your name on Sue blog as one of the comment winners congratulations LOL xx

    4. Hello Michele - many congratulations on winning Sue's comment prize. I know you will make the most of it. Hope you get your walk down to the sea this afternoon. xxxx

    5. Thanks Michelle and congratulations on winning on Sue's blog! Xxx

    6. Whoo hoo well done Michele xxxx

  7. Good morning SANDRA & lovely ladies
    MYRA your card is Gorgeous love it all. Especially the focal die it's very pretty x
    SANDRA im so pleased your dream retreat was all you expected it to be. It seemed to go so fast.
    Everyone have safe journey's home.
    Congratulations MICHELE on winning Sue' comment game prize enjoy it .
    JANET I hope you got home on your broomstick ok last night you looked so cosy in the corner of the caf'e but the snoring & singing in your sleep was a bit loud. Your poor cat was stuck on your broomstick poor thing HaHa
    MARGARET was a bit late with the food I think she was hanging on her broomstick by her bloomers but she made it in the end. We could see SHEILA flying in front lighting up the way with her very bright sparkley broomstick x
    Well not much on the cards today usual homework changed the bedding all washed & on the line sun shinning. walk the dogs a bit later. Then hopefully gets some more C cards done & two more Birthday ones for this month & one for next month.Oh drat & blast it's just stated raining have to run & get bedding in .
    Love Lynda xxxx

    1. Thanks so much Lynda! I've only used it once so far but I do like the die. Need to find its name, rank and number! Too tired at the moment! My ears are tired from all the listening! Xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    I am so pleased that this weekend has been such a success, so much thought and preparation went into the planning, it just had to be perfect didn't it - and reading the messages above it was just that. Now you will all be getting to leave the hotel, I'm getting choked up just thinking about it!! Make sure you have plenty of tissues I'm sure they will be needed.
    I had a lovely day yesterday, went to Portsmouth with both daughters and Ciara, it was just lovely to have them both together and be able to chat, usually when we all meet up there are six children and OH's and it's difficult to complete conversation at times. So I had a treat our two girls to myself. Ciara also enjoyed the trip she is a real shopaholic. At one point I said I would like to go into a cooking utensil shop, she wanted to come with me. How many other nine-year-old get excited by cooking utensils. Mind you I have nicknamed her Mary Berry! She is one big 'Bake Off'' fan. During half term we had to make Chocolate Eclairs. YES she had seen Mary Berry making them!

    Myra, I love the card you made for Sandra's birthday, it's beautiful.

    I hope everyone has a good journey home and not too many delays, I'm sure the roads will be busy as it's the end of half term. Those of you who are driving take care. Thinking of you all. LOL

    Everyone else enjoy your day what ever you are doing, and I'm sure we are all looking forward to hearing the stories from the retreat.

    Sending love and hugs to all,

    1. Thanks Brenda ! Safely home after a lovely weekend. All the ladies are lovely! We have photos, things we have made and lovely aprons to commemorate our Retreat! Pat took a lovely photo of all of us at the end. She used a timer on her iPad ! I'm very impressed as I didn't even know you could do that!
      Thank you PAT! Xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well Sandra this weekend had proved one thing that is for sure, DREAMS DO COME TRUE! I cannot tell you how pleased I am that you have all had such a fabulous time, the weekend may be ending girls but you will have memories to keep for ever, so remember this when you say your farewells until the next time.Take care lifting those cases and bags and have a safe journey home.
    I am so looking forward to your weekend reports and photographs. As you will find when you call in everything is tidy and NO Patricia I did not sweep things under the carpet! I have even cleaned the windows this morning for you so that when you are here tomorrow first thing doing your people watching while you have your first cuppa of the day you will be able to see out, and as you say everything is tickety boo!
    Last night after a dreadful journey down I brought my little corgi Amy with me to make sure that dreadful cow did not get in. I also brought some of our famous Cumberland Sausage with me, so if anyone would like some sausage for breakfast there is still some in the fridge.
    Janet has really been spoiling us with all the French pastries you really don't know what you have been missing!
    Myra your card is absolutely stunning so very beautiful indeed with more than a touch of elegance with it, the colours are perfect.
    Must go as some visitors are just arriving, have a lovely day everyone and a safe journey home to all our Retreat ladies, my hugs are over in the corner please just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  10. Oops nearly forgot Congratulations Michele winning a prize on Sue Wilson's blog! Good for you xxx

  11. Me again- just seen my name on Sue's blog....yippee!!!

    Yesterday's trip to the craft shop demonstration was a waste of time as Indigo Blu had cancelled a few weeks ago. I bought 3 items for £4.97, had a quick chat with the staff then left. It did mean I got started on my cards earlier than I'd planned.


  12. Morning I have overslept and has sent diabetes out of kilter Must get cracking Everyone sounds like they had a brill time whether at home or the Retreat Hope to be in later if only to read everyone's stuff

  13. Hello again everyone
    Sandra - it's absolutely fantastic to hear how smoothly everything went and hearing how much everyone has more than enjoyed your special week-end - although with all the arrangements made checked and rechecked it was a sure fired cert that all would enjoy every minute. I know that you all will take away with you so many happy memories and truly made life long Friends.

    I just want to say that I managed to get back to Marigny just around 01.00 this morning after delivering Pip back to her home. Christina had left a light on so she could find her way when I left her.
    Traffic wasn't too bad and the channel was quite calm - don't know why as it had had more traffic using it than in the summer. Anyway broomstick now back in the woodshed having a good sleep.
    There is just one small thing and that is I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY MYRA THINKS THAT I'M MAD!!!!! What on earth gave her that impression. lol.

    Take care on all your journeys today. See most of you later. xxxx

    1. Sorry Janet - I have no idea! It was a sort of lightbulb moment!! I thought Janet is mad - just like me!! Xxxx

    2. MYRA
      you would only have to talk to my family to REALIZE JUST HOW MAD I AM AND CAN BE. SO ONCE AGAIN NO APOLOGIES.
      I cannot wait to meet you all but there again that's me you might just want to run in the opposite direction when that time comes hehehe.

      Just had tea and now going to have an hour or two with my book. We do not have TV here you know and it's wonderful.

    3. Janet. Thank you so much for the lovely cards you sent to the Cotswold Crafters Retreat. Myself I will enjoy the tea bags. Thank you and what a clever idea.

  14. Good afternoon Sandra and anyone who can pop in today - I know a lot of you are on your prospective journeys homeward. Hope you have safe and uneventful journeys.
    My day has been one of catchup - one thing after another - we went to my sons last night for a Halloween party - Nic really enjoyed herself but it was after 10 when we got back from taking her home - I had a cuppa and fell asleep promptly. Couldn't get motivated earlier on today but am now getting sorted - It lovely that the retreat has been such a success - Im sure Sandra - you are over the moon to have met so many people who have been virtual strangers until this weekend.

    Will pop back if only to see everyone has arrived home safely and then we can hear all about the weekend - hope there are photos of everyone so we know who we are talking to.

    Hugs in the basket just in case they are needed.
    Jean xxx

    1. sorry I forgot to mention Myra your card shown today is beautiful and love that embossing folder - Congratulations to Michelle on your win - see you all tomorrow - Jean xxxx

  15. Thanks Sheila! We were saying last night - among other things - that we are not without imagination on this blog! Xxx

  16. Myra and Brenda LL, So pleased you are both home safe and sound. Maybe tomorrow we will hear some of the memorable stories from the weekend. LOL xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Home safe and sound, fish and chips consumed and house is still in a reasonable state. Julian has gad a lovely weekend watching 7 films and all the rugby matches football matches and formula 1 he can manage! .
    Myra I don't know if I said to you today your card is beautiful, lovely the dies you have used and the wrapping sounds gorgeous. Pleased to hear you have arrived home safe and sound, I hope Alistair has had a good weekend too with not too many interruptions.. Have your ears recovered from the journey with Saba?!!!!! :) it was so lovely to meet you this weekend .xxxxxx
    Well I have to say a huge thank you to Sandra for a lovely weekend, a huge thank you to Hazel and Patricia for all their organising and hard work, thank you to Norah for our lovely raffle prizes and a humongous thank you to everyone for all the laughter treats and gifts oh and did I mention tears of laughter and countless giggles this weekend has provided. Safe journey home everyone - Jess I hope your key works when you get to your door! Now where's that wine - Proust!!!!!
    See you tomorrow, I'm rather tired, can't think why! Throat a bit dry, now why is that, oh yes Maureen - that's nice! Couldn't resist! :)
    Lots of love to you all xxxxxxx

    1. Hello Diane, so pleased you are safely home too! I'm sure it was lovely for Brenda to have your company too! I can't possibly imagine why you would be tired!
      Never mind Jess's key - did you remember to rake yours out of your trouser pocket!! ???? Xxx

    2. Not rake - take!! I give up! Xxx

    3. Oh Myra NEVER GIVE UP!!!! What would we do without you. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Perhaps a little later than usual as you/ve had such a busy week-end. Hugs just for you from one Mad Hatter to another xxxx

    4. Myra I'd forgotten I'd done that! Oh what a laugh! You should have seen me clutching my train ticket, I moved it from pocket to bag and back again and the ticket inspector checked it just as I got to my station! Night night sleep tight xxxx

  18. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Before I comment, I just want to say that I've read all yesterday's comments, and I am seriously worried about the mental health of the lot of you! I have not read today's comments as I am so tired, the words are blending into one, so I'll leave that pleasure for tomorrow.
    Ladies, your craft offerings yesterday are, as usual, gorgeous. And Myra, your card today is a lovely colour!!!!
    Now do you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth???
    Everyone was quite strait laced and boring. We had the rare laugh now and again, went to bed at 9 p.m. every night, Myra is a very early riser and Sandra did somersaults along the corridor to her bedroom! If anyone tells you any different, don't believe them.
    Oh all right, it was great. Everyone was just as nice as they appear on the blog. We all recognised everyone else straight away, except for Saba. We all thought she had short hair and this long haired goddess appeared. Well not so much Goddess as a raving lunatic, waving her arms about and jumping up and down!!! We just looked at her and wondered if a bee had stung her or she had taken some mind altering substance!!!! When we finally realised who it was, we realised that she is lovely, if a bit crazy!!! I couldn't possibly tell you some of her stories, suffice to say that I am so pleased that she has never, ever nursed me, and if she offers to do something for you, run for the hills.
    Sandra and the other two Graces had made us welcome bags, with a super personalised Cotswold Cafe apron, and the very handy addition of an alternative to the Tena pad. I would personally like to say thank you for that, it came in very handy ha ha. Actually, next time, could I have a few???
    Janet, I would like to thank you for your gorgeous card/gift, which you sent. You are so very kind, but I really thought you might have included a bottle of wine for everyone!!! (only kidding, honest).
    Dainty is really lovely, kind, caring and makes delicious lemon drizzle cake, how do I know - well Hazel kindly gave me a piece on the train coming home, did you know about that Dainty - oops.
    Margaret P, your fruit tray bake was very much appreciated, thank you so much.
    Norah, our raffle prizes were gorgeous. Thank you.
    Brenda LL, is quiet. Well she couldn't get a word in really, and is so very nice, she's a Great Grandma you know!!!!
    Pat is really good to talk to, she listens ha ha. No, No, she was lovely.
    Cheryl, well what can I say. She is kind, and brought loads of stuff with her for people. Thank you for my cut outs, and letting me use some of your dies.
    Maria, ah the lovely Maria. She is scrumptious and so very, very nice.
    Hazel, had us doing a "basket- a-long" with her. And it will be so useful for making something really reasonable look quite expensive. Thank you Hazel
    for the basket, flannel and tissue to start us off, as well as the lovely spotty cellophane. Thank you also for finding the Hotel, which was everything we could have wished. The facilities were spot on.
    Patricia, thank you for bringing some flowers cut out for us and showing us how to make your fabulous flowers. I think I may need a few more years' practice.
    Hazel and Patricia, thank you for doing the raffle. I got some lovely goodies,
    also for my packet with various handy items inside.
    Jess, has a good sense of humour, well she put up with me, and is also very nice!!!
    Myra, is also lovely, has a wicked sense of humour, and her one-liner come-backs are great. She also like to have a knocker upper in the mornings to make sure she gets some breakfast.
    Sue is quiet, lovely and quietly helped Sandra immeasurably.
    Sandra, well your dream came true, and you got quite emotional at the end, but it was brilliant.
    We all got on so well, like meeting old friends, and I consider them all my

    1. Part 2.
      friends, and look forward to seeing them again.
      Well, I am going to have an early night. I switched the bedroom light off and 2 a.m. this morning, and was up at 6.30 a.m. to repack my trolley. And to think that when Rachel took me to the train I said to her "At least I won't have all this luggage coming back because I'll be leaving half of it there". What a laugh, I came back with TWICE as much!! I had to pack and repack my Trolley!!! In fact I am being entered for the new Olympic game "Pack your Trolley". They reckon I'll be a winner ha ha.
      Love to all, from a tired but happy Crafter.
      Maureen xxx

    2. Part 3
      You can tell that I haven't had anyone to talk to this weekend can't you, I feel the need to unburden myself ha ha.
      Sandra, I'm sorry, my full message wouldn't post as there were too many characters, so I had to do part 2, but as I don't know how to save half of the message, I had to delete it and then retype. Well, I missed the bit where I thanked you for your dream, and how amazing it is when you think that less than 10 months ago I hadn't been in touch with anyone on your blog. Who would have thought it would be such a wonderful experience. Thank you.

    3. Maureen my lovely lovely lady, yes I knew about the cake so it's ok. I've just been telling Julian about the coffee incident at the station - well he laughed and laughed. You would like Julian, he's very quiet and listens ( sometimes!), now you've met me ( Jo Brand Saba, really!) you'll understand why! Night night sweetheart, hope your backs not too sore xxxx

    4. Diane, afternoon tea was delicious your dizzle cake washed down with water/Coke was wonderful. Xxx

  19. Good evening ladies.
    We have had a wonderful weekend. Thank you so much Sandra for bringing us all together and thank you Hazel and Patricia for helping to make this weekend so special. What was amazing was the feeling we had been "real friends" for years. There was chatting and laughter, sharing and caring and such generosity with a lucky dip and a wonderful raffle, thank you Nora for all the lovely gifts you donated for the raffle, it was incredibly kind of you lovely lady, we just wished you had been with us to share the excitement.
    Leaving was quite emotional, it was all over too soon.
    I arrived home to a very excited Oliver and we shared your shortbread Jess, delicious. Diane I have hidden your chocolates to eat after dinner - mean Granny!
    Myra, thank you for making it possible to get to the retreat, that M6 is not easy, glad you were driving, I would have been a nervous wreck.
    I hope our Scottish ladies are not too exhausted after their long journey, hope it all went well.
    Love and hugs for each and every one of our ladies, next time I hope everyone can be there to join in the fun.
    Bye for now Saba xxxxxx

    1. Michele, so sorry I forgot, congratulations on your win, enjoy your prize.
      And Sue, I forgot to say thank you for your fruit cake, it was scrummy!
      Shame we couldn't find a knife to cut it with but Muriel's, bone folder did the job nicely. Xxxx

    2. Oh naughty granny, have you got the wine open yet? Night night sleep tight my lovely lady xxxxx

  20. Ladies, just quickly in to say that's us home to my house, Patricia staying here tonight, she is no way driving 50 miles at this time of night! Kettle on Margarets bags in the micro. Thank you everyone one for the wonderful weekend. Will read all the comments tomorrow. Xxx

    1. Hazel, Patricia, so glad you are finally home, you will be shattered, please rest tomorrow.
      Hope Jess is safely home too.
      Love and hugs hugs.

    2. Hazel oh thank you for letting us know you are home safe and sound. It's good to hear Patricia is staying with you tonight. It was so lovely sitting next to you and chatting, I've had such a wonderful weekend and I must say you and Patricia are such lovely ladies with a wonderful sense of humour. Night night sleep tight to you both and I hope your aches and pains soon settle down again xxxxxxxx

    3. Hazel and Patricia, so pleased you are safely home. Try to take it easy over the next few days. LOL

      Diane, Saba and Maureen thank you for your report giving us some insight into the weekends events. LOL

      I hope this week will not feel to flat or dull for you all. xxx

    4. We can all settle down now that we know almost everyone got home safely. Sandra , Pat and Sue would be in the care of Paul so I'm sure they are all home safely. Poor Paul - what a load of bags he had to load and unload! Thanks for doing all that Paul. You have lots of patience!
      Night Night everyone, this bunny is going to bed! Xxxx

    5. Maria - hope you home safely and Cheryl too!
      Night Night! Xxx
