
Saturday 31 October 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

One of Hazel's Gift Baskets

Patricia's Labels One Bag

A selection of Brenda's Pottery

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome once again to Mixed Craft Saturday, we have another amazing range of Handmade Crafts,
made by our very talented Cafe members.

First up we have one of Hazel's fabulous Gift baskets, they look amazing, giving that extra special touch to your gifts, jazzing up what could be quite ordinary toiletries.
We are hoping to learn how to put one of these together this weekend, Hazel is going to demonstrate how she has created this gorgeous basket.
Thank you Hazel, for sharing your gift ideas with us xxxx

Next up we have Patricia's amazing Spellbinders Grand Labels One die Handbag, so simple yet so effective,
it also looks like there isn't too much measuring and cutting involved, so perfect for quick and easy cards, that's the fabulous thing with these features on the blog, often it's just the idea you need, that's exactly what this is, an fantastic idea, Patricia has decorated the bag with her signature flowers and Spellbinders Foliage die.  Thank you for sharing your gorgeous bag with us Patricia xxxx

Last but not least we have a selection of Brenda's Pottery, (well it wouldn't be Mixed Craft Saturday without it) !  We Have a fantastic selection here, a gorgeous pink glazed plate, a Purple Heart Plaque, an absolutely amazing glazed blue plate and what looks like a Tankard, also blue with a gold colour edge and decoration.
Brenda I look forward to hearing how you created this amazing range of crafts, they are just brilliant, thank you so very much for sharing xxxx

Well ladies, we are on day 2 of our retreat, we have a Stampin Up Demo later on today, I wish that all of you lived near enough to drop in for the day, you would be more that welcome!
We will all pop in during the day, thank you for keeping the cafe going while I am away!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Snadra and the Cafe Crew, hope you are all well.
    Great show of crafts on show once agian.
    HAZEL:- one of Hazels great transformations! Hazel in an absolute "wizz" at taking of few products and turning them into a special "gift"
    ME:- bag made using SB Grand Labels One Die. Not much measuring, cut out the bag then use strips of the waste to form a "box base". Add decoration to finish.
    BRENDA:- yes! would NOT be a Saturday without some of Brenda's goodies and these are brilliant, love them all.
    WELL FOLKS:- what a fantastic day we had yesterday. L O N G!! 7hour journey for Hazel, Jess and I, it was all so worth it. Met up with everyone lots of HUGS!! we all sat had the obligatory Cupppa ...... got to know "who's who" . We then popped to the craft room which was beautifully set out, a bag of goodies for everyone from Sandra, Pat & Sue ... thank you ladies.
    We had a beautiful meal, food good. Lots of chat and bucketsfull of laughter all evening.
    Ladies enjoy the day ahead have fun. I am sure some of the others will pop in to tell you what's going on here during the day.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourselves.
    Please be very careful on those Broomsticks and in that Balloon, whatever you do have FUN!! xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia
      Oh goodness me what a journey you could have gone to the USA in that time! Delighted to know you are all having a fabulous time, today will go so quickly so please enjoy every minute of it.
      We are all going to be 1 stone heavier after today, you should see all the French goodies that Janet has brought in and that is just for breakfast to go with the bacon and homemade rolls I have brought in.
      then we get to lunch oh that soup smells good too!
      We may have a test flight on the broomsticks this afternoon, health and safety you know!
      Thanks for the update have a great time.
      Margaret xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Wow that was a long journey for the three of you but so glad you arrived safely....I bet the journey was soon forgotten once you met everyone else and made it so worth it. Your handbag is so pretty and lovely to see this morning.
      Have another great day at the Retreat...lots of chat and laughter and a touch of craft. Hugs Sheila xxxx

  2. Hi Patricia, wow, such a journey, didn't take that long to get to Turkey did it.
    Glad everything is going well, we all knew it would didn't we. Will pop back later to see if there's any gossip.
    All the articles shown today are brilliant, well done to you all,
    Nic is home today, hope it stays dry,
    Till later,
    Hugs in the basket as usual,

    1. Jean have a super day with Nic, hope the weather stays fine for you. See you for the party tonight! xxx

    2. Hello Jean, enjoy your day with Nic, hope there are some SEVERNS tonight for her.
      Hugs Saba xxxx

    3. Have a lovely time with Nik! I'm up - just - thanks to Maureen who gently knocked on my door!! Was very tired last night and slept well! Everyone is lovely. Xxx

    4. Hello Jean,
      Have a lovely day with Nic, it has stopped raining here so fingers crossed it will be dry there too. Hugs to you both xxxx

  3. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today

    Oh I'm so pleased everything is set as I'd asked for - I've ordered in Croissants Pain au Chocolate and Pain au Raisin along with jam and butter for all for breakfast. For lunchtime there is Pumpkin soup with fresh bread etc and then for tonight we have everything connected with All Hallows Eve.

    The little French Dobbies have done a really good job putting all the pumpkins around the café all ready to be lit this evening. I have ordered my Broomstick for 20.00hrs my time so I should be at the café around 20.00hrs your time along with Pip my little black cat I have to admit that she is only mine for tonight as she really belongs to Christina. So I'll see you all later.

    Now for todays bag of goodies -
    HAZEL your gift bags are always just beautiful and today's is no exception. I cannot see how anyone wouldn't be over the moon to receive one of these or anything you make.
    PATRICIA - your bag is just gorgeous and of course your signature flowers well I cannot think of any words good enough to describe all of them I have seen. You are two very talented Sisters.
    BRENDA - It definitely wouldn't be a Saturday without your Pots and today's selection are fantastic. I just wish I were nearer to you and I would be buying on a very regular basis.
    Thank you all for your wonderful selections.

    So pleased you all had a good afternoon/evening and I know that today will go far too quickly as all good things usually do. Have a really good day/evening and a safe journey home tomorrow for all of you.
    Hugs for all xxxx

    1. Thank you for the breakfast goodies Janet and the soup smells divine. Do take care on your broomstick this evening see you about 8 pm tonight. xxx

    2. Hello my fellow Yorkshire lass,
      Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, loved it, you should have seen us all checking out how you had made it, typical crafters!!
      Breakfast sounds yummy, lunch scrummy wonder what you are having for dinner? Spider pie?, Bat roast? Enjoy it!
      Love Saba xxxx

    3. Thank you Janet - how very thoughtful you are! We knew that before mind you! Thanks so much! Xxx

    4. Oooh I love pumpkin soup Janet athough I don't like it in it's whole state.....odd I know but that's me!!
      I will watch out for your broomstick and hitch a ride if I find the aier balloon a tad bumpy ride xxxx

  4. Good morning my lovelies,
    Well it's very strange not waking up in my own bed this morning, but waking up with Sue was a pleasure we were giggling within minutes!
    Oh my how lovely it has been to meet up with so many of our lovely blog friends, everyone just as hilarious as they are on the blog, there was so much laughter last night, we have a group of older people havin a much more serious 'conference' in the room next to ours, I was expecting them to come join our room for the laughter alone!!
    We have a full day of crafting and laughing ahead which I an very much looking forward to!
    I so wish you were all here, maybe next time!
    This time next week it will be you Lynda, away at the NEC with your friend!
    There were lots of photos taken so I will get them on the blog once I get home.
    Well that's all for now, I will try and get in later to update you all.
    Have a lovely day ladies, enjoy you Halloween party tonight, I have put a selection of pumpkin based cakes, soups etc in the chiller for later, we will look out for the broomsticks and balloons circling overhead tonight, there are some amazing grounds for you to land in, we will mark out a landing area with Maureen's bloomers!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxxx

    1. Wonderful to know all is going well, it is amazing how dreams come true Sandra, enjoy every minute of the weekend. xxx

    2. Hi Sandra, see dreams do come true and I'm so pleased and happy all is going just as you dreamed it would. Have a fun day with all the lovelies. Love Sheila xxxx

    3. Hello Sandra, so pleased all your dreams are coming true, you must be so pleased to see everyone getting along with each other.
      Don't forget to tell us all about it when you all get back
      Hugs Jean xxx

    4. Hello SANDRA im so pleased it's going so well for you. You have waited so long for this so enjoy every single moment of it my lovely X
      Sorry I'm late have been over Darren's,They dressed Harry up in a Halloween costume he looked so sweet I will have to email picture.
      Say hi too everyone love Lynda xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra ( yes I know I have already said good morning as we are sharing a bedroom) and all in the Cafe today.
    It is so odd, but lovely to be commenting on Samdras blog when she is sat in the next bed!
    Well, what can I say? Having a lovely time. Wish you were ALL here. Yes, I do. It was wonderful to finally meet up with some more of you ladies last night and to be able to sit and chat face to face was brilliant. Today is going to be great fun if last night was anything to go by. Taking a drink is dodgy as you don't know if you are going to be able to swallownot or splurt it all out because of a comment that someone has just said! : )
    Those in the Cafe, have a great day. It sounds like you are set to have a fabulous time tonight. : )
    Take care xx

    1. Good to know you are all enjoying your very special weekend, don't worry we know how to party in the café !!!!!! Enjoy every minute of your time together. xxx

    2. Hi SUE so pleased your having great time glad your sharing with SANDRA I was wondering how she was going to manage xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what a lovely selection of crafts.
    Hazel-you certainly know how to gift wrap! A really lovely offering today,

    Patricia- a gift bag with your trade mark flowers on it. Beautiful!

    Brenda- more stunning pottery. I now imagine you have half a house filled with your lovely crafted items.

    Very wet overnight here but it looks like it might be a nice day now. I've got a few bits to purchase in Southport first thing then I'm off to a craft demonstration at the garden centre- Indigo Blu. Not my favourite but I need a couple of craft items do what better reason to go?!

    Hoping you retreat ladies have a fantastic day today. Don't worry about the cafe-we'll clear up any mess we make....!! He he.


    1. Michele, enjoy your craft demo, their stamps are gorgeous, I've put a mop a and bucket in the corner for the clearing up! Don't get it mixed up with the broomsticks will you!
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Have a good time at the garden centre Michele see you at the party tonight, have you got your hat made yet? xxx

    3. Enjoy the demo Michele but enjoy the craft buying even more! See you tonight. xxxx

    4. Hi MICHELE hope you enjoyed your craft demo,did you get any goodies. Xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies, So happy to hear you are having a hilarious time! I think most of you would recognise each other just through getting to know one another on the blog , are your jaws aching yet?
    Hazel your gift boxes look a treat , a great idea, just need to learn how to wrap one, with your help. xo
    Patricia , another beautiful gift bag , love the shape but it's really the gorgeous flowers that make it so special. xo
    Brenda , more of your wonderful pottery , you are very clever, it always makes me wonder where you keep it all.xo
    Well it is wild , wet and stormy here at the moment , if it continues like this we will need Dr Who' s tardis ! It will be too wild for the balloon , but I'm thinking after we eat all these delicious chocolate croissants Janet is bringing and Margarets rolls in bacon with spider iced cake , Sandra's pumpkin cake , Lilian's pastries and all the other goodies washed down with some wonderful grape juice , the balloon won't manage to get off the ground !, alternative transport might be required!
    Well ,the cafe has taken my breath away this morning , it is STUNNING ! all pretty pumpkins lit up , with glorious autumn leaves decorating all spare surfaces it looks like a wonderland, not to mention all the spicy aromas, just magic! I'll just have to test some of the rolls and croissants with my cuppa this morning and see who pops by.
    Girls , I hope you all enjoy a big retreat breakfast being made for you this morning as you will need lots of energy to see you through the day, have fun and don't be missing our party too much , we can always have a welcome home one for you !
    Have a great day , with love and hugs to you all xoxo
    Meant to say Norah it was lovely to see you had popped in yesterday I hope you feel a bit better today XO

    1. Hello Anne,
      I'm late for breakfast! Typical, they are all probably down there spluttering out their tea. Except for Myra, she is probably still asleep!
      Enjoy the party this evening, the cafe sounds fantastic today.
      Love Saba xxxx

    2. Anne the weather here is fine but dull and thankfully not too much wind so we just may be ok for the balloon tonight we will see! I agree the café looks stunning today which will help get us all in the party mood.
      Enjoy your bacon roll and have a lovely day see you tonight. xxx

    3. Hi Anne, The rain has stopped here and not a breath of wind at all so I think we may be quite safe with the balloon tonight. xxx

    4. So good to hear the weather is better down south, possibly quieter up here by 20:00 so better get the bloomers out for landing girls! xo

  8. Sorry, forgot to mention the mixed crafts. Hazel, what a lovely gift box.
    Patricia, your gift box is so pretty and yet so easy to make.
    Brenda, I look forward each week to seeing your wonderful pottery. Sandra and I were just saying how beautiful the different glazes etc. that you use are. Today's offerings are as wonderful.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies - how funny, I will. E saying that in a moment - wonder if Maria is awake yet! Haha
    Beautiful collection today, Hazel your gift basket is gorgeous I'm looking forward to seeing these for real today. Xxxxx
    Patricia's what a fabulous gift bag and what a clever idea, you are very talented. Xxxx
    Brenda gorgeous pottery as usual love the pink one but then again they are all so lovely. Xxxxx
    Thank you for sharing ladies. Enjoy your party in the cafe tonight, I've left my coal scuttle caldron all decorated with sweets in for any trick or treats that may call.
    Right off to breakfast, I wonder where we are eating - think I will just follow the noise of the laughter and the trail of coffee left by Maureen - oh we have laughed so much.
    Oh yes Janet thank you for the little gift, so pretty and so lovely. Xxxx
    See you later xxxx

    1. Enjoy your breakfast at the hotel here at the café it is French style today and so yummy too, have a great day Diane enjoy every minute of

    2. Hi DIANE so glad all going well & your enjoying yourself have a great evening.Xxx

  10. Lovely to see that all of you at the Retreat are having fun but then I knew that you would because this cafe is the bestest friendliest place. The cafe looks a REal TREAT - see what I did there? Although we''d rather be with you, we'll have fun here too. The crafting today is wonderful HAZEL your gift box is such a brilliant idea, where do you get your baskets from?
    PATRICIA Another beuatiful bag with your famous flowers and BRENDA your pottery is just gorgeous, so unique I'm interested in what'll you'll think of this new tv series "The Potter" or something similar.
    The broomstick has had it's annual service and is also sparkly black this year as per Tonic Nuvo glitter. I am really off to a Halloween party tonight - Salsa, of course and must tweak my costume. Depending on how well my sewing machine behaves as to whether I'll have time to pop in later. Have fun ladies

    1. Have a super time at your party Karen hope you get your costume sewn in time. xxx

    2. Hi KAREN hope you enjoyed your Halloween party. Did you get your costume sewn xxx

  11. Hello Party Girls!
    Now first of all, we don't want you drunk in charge of a broomstick! So take some water with it!!
    I must go and get my hair done in a minute! Just wanted to say good morning!
    We were welcomed to the craft room yesterday with some lovely goodie bags and the craft room is spacious without being too big! Some were more industrious that others last night! Patricia and I are in the naughty corner this morning as we did nothing last night!! Too tired - but not too tired to talk or laugh!!
    Everyone is so nice! It's a lovely atmoshere which is great!
    See you later! Will try to craft today! I knew I brought that Duck Tape for a reason!
    I'm going to sign off Myra and Maureen as her laptop was a step too far in the carrying department!
    I will type a post from Maureen later!

    1. Oops! I got up too early - forgot about the crafts oh display today!!!
      Looking forward to learning from Hazel how to giftwrap some goodies! She is very clever.
      Another beautiful bag from Patricia.
      Brenda - our Resident Potter and extremely nice lady too - is very talented indeed!
      PS! Hazel and Patricia are very nice ladies too!! Xxxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      It all sounds wonderful at the retreat and I'm so pleased it's worked out so well....I didn't expect any different with a bunch of lovelies like you. Have another funfilled day hugs Sheila xxxx

    3. Hi Myra
      So pleased you got there safely and did not meet any 'boys in blue' on your way down! Delighted to know you are having a wonderful time with plenty of laughter too.
      Now don't you worry about anyone getting drunk, there is plenty of soda here, after all we are ladies with class as you know!!! Ha ha I hear you saying.
      Have a great day and enjoy every minute of it. xxx

    4. Hi MYRA my you was up early hope you enjoyed your day & have a wonderful evening say hi to your partner in crime MAUREEN Xxx

  12. Hello hello hello,
    It looks fantastic in the cafe this morning.
    We had a brilliant evening filled with laughter. Everyone is so lovely, it really is amazing to think we met for the first time and it was instant friendship all round.
    Must dash before they have eaten all the breakfast up.
    Fabulous selection of goodies on show today, looking forward to seeing how Hazel and Patricia have made them. Brenda your pottery never fails to impress.
    I see Margaret is on her way down, thank you so very much for your big hug, there were nearly tears!
    I think this evening if you get a long piece of rope you could attach it the broomsticks to the balloon and all come down in formation. That would be best if it's a bit windy.
    Love for now
    Barbara xxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      Have another fabulous day today.....great idea having a tow rope on the air balloon to our broomsticks!! After all the food we've eaten we might be a tad overweight and need to unload a couple of us Haha!.
      Enjoy your day and a big but gentle hug from me xxxx

    2. Hi Saba what a great idea with the broomsticks. So pleased you are having such a wonderful time, I do hope you got some breakfast! xxx

    3. Hello SABA glad your having a super time have a wonderful evening. Xxxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Delighted to know all is going well and there is lots of laughter and giggles we are all having a good time here it is French breakfast see what you are missing!!
    Todays crafts are wonderful Hazel the way you work your magic is amazing just like your big sister Patricia whose bag is so beautiful. Brenda I am blown away with your collection truly lovely.
    Enjoy every minute of your stay ladies have a wonderful time just as we all are here.
    Margaret xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovelies,
    I'm so pleased all of you arrived safely at the retreat and I'm sure all the journeys, long or short, were soon forgotten when you all finally met up. There must have been so much excitement when you arrived and Sandra's dream was finally a reality. Have a wonderful day today.
    The cafe looks and smells delightful thank you to all who have added the three-penneth. I've glossed, embossed and glittered my broomstick in preparation for tonight although there is no wind here yet (until I get on the balloon!) so I might do as Saba suggested and tow my broomstick in case it gets a bit bumpy on there, See you all tonight.
    Oooops nearly forgot about the lovely show of crafts today, they are all so beautiful and clever well done ladies.
    Hazel your gift basket is super and I love the idea of it.
    Patricia such a beautiful hand bag and I love the colours
    Brenda what can I say your pottery is amazing and you always come up with something so different ....I just know I would be dressed in the clay if I attempted it!!
    Thank you ladies for sharing your gifts with us.
    I'm off out to meet my crafty buddy for tea and cake later on so will pop in when I get back. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Oh Sheila you really have gone all out with your decorations but I hope your broomstick is waterproof as it is raining up here in Cumbria!
      I do hope you had a good day with your friend see you later xxx

  15. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful selection you have for us today Sandra.

    Hazel, your basket looks gorgeous, it's no wonder they are so popular.

    Patricia, what a clever use of this die, I would never have thought of using it this way.

    Brenda, what can I say that hasn't already been said, your pottery is always so beautiful. Thank you for sharing

    Well I'm meeting up with both daughters later this morning, we are going shopping down in Portsmouth. It will be lovely because we haven't been shopping together for such a long time. Will I must dash, will check up with everyone later.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda it must be the day for going out with daughter's I have been out with one of my daughters this morning too, hope you have a very enjoyable time, don't spend too much! xxx

    2. Hello ooo again!
      This is Maureen calling. We are Avignon a fab time ad Mfyra is being fairly good. I hope your are all famissing us ad we will face tell young about it when we get back.
      Maureen xxx
      This is Myra! We are having a good time and I'm being fairly good. We hope you are all missing us! Xxx

    3. So lovely to hear from you both I am sure you are being good or at least trying to be good!!! Delighted you are both having a lovely time can't wait for your reports when you return home. xxx

    4. Great to hear you are having fun! Only be as good as you have to be, xo

  16. evening all
    Well everything looks good - pumpkins all lit and sorted - food all ready just waiting for those gingerbread men (mind you they are always lazy and last to arrive) and toffee apples (please be careful with these do not want any emergency visits to the dentist we/ve had enough of those visits this week from some of my Dear Friends.

    I'm just about ready to set off - broomstick and Pip all decorated and sorted. The weather forecast doesn't look too bad but I just hope the channel crossing is gentle as I do not want to land in the middle of it lol. See you all in a while.

    1. Take care Janet on the Channel crossing both of you, hope it goes smoothly, see you soon. xxx

    2. Safe crossing Janet ! Sheila I can't wait to see your broomstick it sounds fabulous, I'm just about ready to set off , cat is tied on tight and pumpkin lights are flashing well , hope my compass is working and I spot those bloomers in plenty of time , don't want a crash landing, mind you I have eaten my weight in marshmallows so would probably be ok!
      See you soon girls , dookin for apples here I come! xo

  17. Hello ladies, well sounds as though the fun is really underway at the retreat.
    We are here at this Very posh hotel in bath( the Royal Crescent), we had a river boat trip this afternoon, and then a look around the Abbey, there was a cheese festival in the cathedral, which seemed a bit odd, beautiful place.
    Dinner in the hotel tonight, which I'm glad of as no more walking.
    Well looks as though the cafe is going to be fab tonight, very fine and clear sky's here, so should be fine for broomsticks!!!!
    Hope the evening goes well.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Bath

    1. Lilian so pleased you are having a wonderful time do enjoy your dinner tonight and enjoy your stay thank you for letting us all know xxx

    2. Hi Lilian so pleased your having a good time in Bath sounds lovely have another good day tomorrow xxx

  18. Hi Sandra & all at retreat & In café.
    Sandra I am so pleased that your dream has come true just enjoy every minute, hope Sue does not snore too much!!xx
    Hazel your basket is so pretty xx
    Patricia I love your bag & your flowers xx
    Brenda your pottery as always is gorgeous xx
    Lovely to hear you are all having a lovely time how many tena's have you got through with all the laughing?
    Will try & make the party tonight haven't unearthed the broomstick yet if I don't I know you will al have a super time.
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hope you find your broomstick Margaret and it's in working order.! Do hope you are able to make the party later xxx

  19. Hellooooooooooooooo I'm here at last
    What a journey I've had - I have never seen as many broomstick flying around for years and years. The channel was chocker with them in so many colours and designs there must have been a competition on somewhere either that or some sort of Crafting Retreat has gone narnars and decided to take their Kari Oki (spelling) night outside or OH I do hope they haven't been thrown out of the hotel - well we'll find out later.
    I also had to do a three point turn to fetch my hat back which had decided to go the opposite way to me (Why I do not know as it usually behaves itself - no comments please) and I just had to have it back as it's my bestest pointy hat I've every had. What do you mean it's on back to front it can't be I asked Pip if it was OK and she nodded. Ah well I suppose when it's not your own sweet little cat anything can be said can't it.
    I then had to do a detour somewhere around the Midlands - I think it was that Crafting Lot again trying to get back into their hotel as someone needed to part-take of a drink or two (not naming anyone - no not tonight I'm on best behaviour as I have to get back over the Channel in one piece ).
    Do you all like my decorations on my beautiful broomstick? I have used all my CE dries clear glue along with all my Crystal Glitters and then I just thought that a little ribbon and bells were needed. I think bells sound so much proper than horns don't you.
    Pip also has had to have her new diamond Sprinkles colour fastened down for H&S as I cannot take the risk of her flying along at the end of the stick by her nice new collar.

    OK I now think it's time for me to go and sit in the corner with a very large orange juice or shall I be naughty just for one night and make it a very large G&T. I'm sure the Broomstick Police Force will be snoozing by the time I have to leave. Help yourselves to anything on the table but please leave the tables and chairs etc as Sandra will need them tomorrow oh and please do not let the cow back into the backyard as I promised she would not be returning.
    Off to have a drink or two or three hehehe.................................xxxx

    1. You are quite mad! Glad you didn't land in the Channel! Maureen told us she went to the Isle of Wight once by accident!!
      We are just all sitting chatting now. Have made quite a lot of lovely things. Had a really fun raffle.
      Some are having a glass of wine - not me - . Anne ! I expected more of you ! Your hair is all wet! Xxxx

  20. Ooops! Slipped off the chair into the apple bath, must have been that G&T Janet poured me ! now my hair is all soaking wet , I look worse than the cat , at least it's all nice and sparkly , wonder if that would help me? Sheila did you bring some sparkly wigs ? Maybe I could borrow one? Will just console myself with some toffee apples then I'll be ready for the sing along! Xo

  21. Well I eventually found it have just arrived but where are you all Oh there is Janet fast asleep in the corner empty glasses on table, & there is somebody I don't recognise sat with her looks as if she has a sparkly wig on do you know I think it is Anne! Where is Margaret with the bread rolls I just fancy one after that flight. Will sit a while & wait for the music to start.xx

  22. Good evening everyone Margret P I've just arrived too. Gosh JANET how many G&Ts have you had your snoring in the corner with a little French song every now & then.I see she didn't let the glue dry on her broomstick as the cats stuck to it. SHEILA your broomstick stick is amazing all sparkly MARGARET C where are you we need more bread rolls & cake hope you haven't fallen off your broomstick & hanging on by your bloomers HaHa
    Sorry I'm late been over my son's they dressed Harry up for Halloween he looked so sweet bless him.
    Will pop back in a moment & see if M C is ok love Lynda xxxx

  23. Sorry Hazel Patricia & Brenda all your carts today were amazing loved the all xxx

  24. Gooooooooooooooood evening everyoooooooooooone,
    I really am sorry to be so late I have had such trouble with my broomstick and it is raining in Cumbria drat it. There was fog on the mountains and some silly beggar had not switched the becons on can you believe it, and there was terrible congestion in Lancashire broomsticks everywhere it is well seen Myra is not at home to organise things there, I could have done with calling in to see her. Now the cow will not get in as I have brought one of my corgis with me, my little Amy and she knows how to control cows believe me. Sorry about the state of my hair but the wind blowing from Yorkshire was dreadful I nearly went off course! I have brought some more rolls I just made them this afternoon and some Cumberland sausage to go inside. I thought if anyone was feeling under the influence it would bring them round! I will pop the sausage in the oven it will be ready in no time ladies. Right where is the G & T I could really do with a large one before we get the balloon out, does anyone fancy a ride down to Birmingham or shall we just stay here and enjoy ourselves?
    Oh Sheila thank you that G & T just hit the spot, I must say your hat is very fetching dear lady, do you think we should waken Janet, perhaps if we cover her with a quilt to keep her warm she may be better waiting until the congestion goes over the channel before she sets off back to France bless her she looks so comfortable in the corner.
    Where is Anne our mistress of ceremonies is she having trouble getting down from Scotland? I do hope she has not been blown off course, because even Maureen is not at home and there is no one left I don't think in Yorkshire.
    Shall we have another drink while we wait for her and the sausage to cook? Then we can all tuck into a tasty bite, has anyone seen Brenda Lello I know she was going out shopping but surely the shops will be closed by now!
    I wonder how today has gone or more to the point I wonder what time they will all be going to bed after all that chattering crafting and giggling surely they will be tired out!
    Will you excuse me my dear friends I think I should take Amy for a little walk to do her duty we don't want any puddles on the floor, I will be back before you can miss me. xxx

  25. Hi Sandra and all the ladies on the blog.
    Hazel your
    Basket is gorgeous. Patricia love your bag and Brenda as usual your pottery is out of this world. Well yesterday and today we had a fabulous time. I met 12 lovely ladies and it was as if we'd know each other for ever. Hazel kindly showed us how to make her baskets, and brought baskets and products for us to use as well. What a wonderful gesture. She also showed us how to make a larger basket. Patricia bought some flower cut outs and showed us how to make her gorgeous flowers. Barbara (Saba ) also showed how she made her coffee filter flowers. I didn't get time to try these. Plenty of laughter. Norah donated lots of goodies for a raffle as well.
    Norah thank you for my wonderful ribbons and crochet ribbons and the pins. I've always wanted some pins, plus my other goodies as well. Such a wonderful kind thoughtful person. I've asked Patricia Hazel and Jess to give you a big hug from me when they see you. It's a shame this wonderful weekend has to end tomorrow. I've met such wonderful people. Sandra thank you and a Sue for all your hard work on the aprons and baskets. Such a wonderful idea my two lovely friends.
