
Friday 30 October 2015

Festive Friday & Belated Birthday wishes x

Anne's Version of Sue's inlaid (flowers) Snowflakes in this case!

Belated Birthday Wishes Karen (lotty)xxxxx

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Well the day is finally upon us, our Retreat starts today, I am so excited and a little nervous, but mostly 
excited to meet everyone.
I would like to apologise, I missed announcing Karen's Birthday yesterday, so I would like to wish you
a very happy belated birthday, I am so sorry for being late, this is the second time and today I discovered why today, I have copied all the birthdays down into my diary but into the 2016 calendar and not this years,
so I thought it was your birthday tomorrow! I have even told people that the retreat started on Friday 29th!
Once again, I hope you had a lovely day xxxxx

Now on to today's Festive Friday card, this week it is Anne's card that we are sharing, Anne has done a Christmas version of Sue's inlaid flowers card, now I haven't seen Sue's card, but I totally love your version Anne!
I can see that you have used Spellbinders Floral Oval die and Creative Expression Swirling Holly Embossing Folder, I will let Anne tell us what else she has used and how she created this gorgeous Christmas card,
Thank you so much for sharing Anne xxxx

Well I must get on, so much to do before we leave today, I have a huge pile ready to pack!
We will keep you all updated on our activities this weekend,
Lots of love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today, and what a special day it is too : ))
    Anne, this beautiful card of yours is simply gorgeous, I love everything on it and I will have to make sure I come back and see just how you did it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Well, todays the day Sandra. It seems like such a long time ago that you said about how good it would be to spend a lazy weekend with as many as possible tat follow your fantastic blog and now look what is happening. I have been snowed under with various jobs and appointments this week but haven't cared as I have had the Retreat to look forward to : ) Thank you Sandra doesn't sound a lot but it is heartfelt my lovely. I know you will have a wonderful weekend, and that goes for everyone else too, on the Retreat or not. Just make sure you leave a bit of room in the car for Pat and me please : )
    Wishing Karen a belated birthday. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday : )
    Right I' off to crank the body up into action so I can pack my clothes, the important things, (craft things of course) were packed last night so not much to do this morning before setting off on the first leg of my journey : ))
    I hope everyone is well, or as well as possible. Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Have a great weekend safe journey. xxx

    2. Thank you Sue, first of all , it is wonderful when a wish is fulfilled and I'm sure it will be way above expectations , have the most memorable time ever! Looking forward to all the details and photos later( the funnier the better) !
      My card as Sandra said is a version of Sue's, I die cut the snowflakes out of matt silver card and also out of white card, then embossed the silver and set in the white snowflakes backed with adhesive and then added iced snow , I stamped the Santa and reindeer onto white card and framed with oval die cut black card edged with silver gilding wax, I think that's all.xo

    3. Hi Sue, Have a great weekend. I will be with you all in spirit - and that's not the alcohol variety! xxx

    4. Hi Anne.
      I love your card the colours are lovely well done.xx

    5. Hello Sue have a lovely weekend & enjoy the experience xxxx

    6. ANNE your card is gorgeous lovely colours,love it all xxxx

    7. Have a wonderful weekend hope there was room left in the car for you to squeeze into...have fun xxxx

  2. Morning Sandra and all.
    Woke up with a humming noise in my head, maybe it is Maureen and Sue practising for the karaoke on Saturday night, not sure . Anyhow everyone going today , have a good journey ! It's raining so if you driving, take care and we see eachother Later !! :-)
    Anne - I Love your card. Unusual colour but it really works and I love the snowflakes. Wish I could make up these things, you are all so good.
    Brenda- will be thinking of John. Hope it goes well and I'm sending you both a big cyber hug.
    You lot who are staying at home this weekend, have fun with Halloween party's and Trick or Treater's ( personally hate it) Look after the Cafe', oh yes don't let the cow back and have someone seen the pussy lately . Be careful if venturing out in the Balloon, it's pretty windy so you might end up in Tim Bak Tu if not careful tihi See you soon and whatever you are up too, have a nice day. Lots of hugs Maria XxX (I hate having my photo taken :-o )

    1. Rest assured Maria we will have some fun! Have a safe journey and a wonderful time xxx

    2. Thank you Maria, if I'm honest I just wanted to see how it looked in the silver and white but my preference would be traditional Christmas colours , red , green, white and I like the pale blue frosty look too, so I might try it again in other colours although I have to say it is a bit time consuming to make many of them. xo

    3. oh Anne on my screen it looks like a kind of Nougat colour, therefore me saying the unusual colour. It still a lovely card ! I have made ten the same and if honest ,I got a bit bored but my brain don't work for much or it's working overtime and get all muddled. Have fun over the weekend Margaret and you ,be good-ish XxX

    4. Hi Maria, I know you will have a lovely weekend, will be thinking of you. LOL xx

    5. Hi Maria,
      Pleased to hear you made some cards yesterday now go & enjoy the weekend which I am sure you will, safe journey love & hugs on way xx

    6. Hello MARIA 10 cards made that's very good bet they are lovely.
      Have a brilliant time meeting everyone safe journey HUG'S xxx

    7. Hi Maria,
      Ten cards oh my goodness me Maria I haven't even started mine yet...just can't get into the Christmas card spirit this year but I know I will have to start soon. Have a wonderful time with all the lovelies Maria, I would love to be a fly on the wall!! Haha! Hugs xxx

  3. Good morning/afternoon to all who may pop in today

    ANNE - I love your Christmas Card. It has a very Victorian feel to it for me and I do admit that that era and Christmas always go well together. Thank you for a beautiful start to my day.

    It is very foggy here at the moment and of course as it's Friday it's market day so I have fingers crossed that it may have cleared before we set off for Corbigny. It will be our usual FM jaunt and of course stopping of for our usual Pastries.

    I'll be looking in later via cyberpace but I wish I could be in the café with all it's guardians for the next couple of days. I'm sure all will be looked after and you never know perhaps I might just be able to pop in on my broomstick tomorrow night to join all nonretreaters (oh is that a new word for my Dictshotary?).

    Off now to get dressed and put my thermals on. xxxx

    1. Janet there are winds forecast this weekend so if you are on your broomstick do take care but it would be lovely to see you in the café.
      Enjoy your shopping at the market. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Anne-I love your card & can't wait to hear exactly how you made it.

    Well-most of the retreat ladies will be up & about, if not already on their way. I hope you all have a truly wonderful time together & that's it's so good that Sandra organises another one so more of us an join you.

    Hopefully today won't be too busy as I need to spend some time clearing my work emails.


    1. Hope all goes well at work Michele don't work too hard. xxx

    2. Thanks Michele, I have put details above, I bet our ladies are all coiffed ( is that a word? ) and shining and looking grand in all their finery ( won't last long once they get going lol! ) hope they have safe journeys and laughs galore! xo

  5. Well Sandra and all who pop in today,
    Sandra your dream is about to come true, you will see face to face a lot of people you only know by voice or word, well done you, you have brought so many people together, I hope you all have a fantastic time although there are one or two who I won't name who will have to be kept a beady eye on haha.
    I hope there's another to,!
    Anne I love your card, love the feel of it, maybe it's because it's my favourite scene.
    I'll pop back later, popping into town, it's raining so won't be long, finished folding another book last night so want to decorate it,
    Hugs are in the basket for anyone who needs them,

    1. Jean if it is any consolation it is raining here too, the corgis have just gone out for their walk and have their coats on! Take care. xxx

    2. Hope it has stopped raining Jean and the sun has come out just like it has here. Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Sheila and Margaret, the sun is shining and has been since late morning - I didn't take a brolly with me so I think someone was watching me. I keep trying to imagine everyone at the hotel - I bet they are all chatting ten to the dozen now haha
      be back later xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your card is stunning.
    Just a quick note this morning, leaving in 15 mins to get the train to Edinburgh where I will meet up with Patricia and Hazel, then onward to the retreat! take
    care everyone. Xxx

    1. Have a safe journey and a wonderful time Jess. xxx

    2. Hi Jess,
      Just to wish you a safe journey & lovely weekend xx

    3. JESS Enjoy & have a wonderful time safe journey xxx

    4. Jess hope you managed the meet up with Patricia and Hazel and are almost at the retreat...have a wonderful time xxx

    5. You are most probably there now - enjoy yourselves xxxxx

  7. Good morning everyone
    Oh what a treat I can help with setting up for today redone the flowers too, I have brought some scones and Cumberland Rum Butter to go with them so enjoy all you ladies who pop in today.
    Well Sandra this retreat just goes to prove that wishes do come true! Have a safe journey everyone and I hope each and everyone of you have a fantastic time and enjoy every single minute of it.
    Now I must get my hat sorted for the party we are having at the café it would be lovely if our dear Norah comes to join in too.
    Janet take care and wrap up warmly in the foggy weather as you go to market. I am so looking forward as usual to your pastry report, oops I'm dribbling already!
    Sending love and hugs to Saba and Val
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, I must get on with the baking for the party, I will check in later to see if my 'partner in crime' Anne has any more ideas to make the party go with a swing!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Good morning ( partner in crime) MARGARET, I've never tried Cumberland rum butter before , can't wait to try it, my mouth is watering already!
      I thought since we are arriving to the party on our broomsticks we could have a quick game of quiditch ( Harry Potter game) that would get us all going before we set off in the balloon !
      Are we all having a sleepover at the party? seems to be the in thing.
      Hear you later xo

    2. Hi Margaret you have done a lovely job around the cafe and the Cumberland rum butter sounds yummy...the air is quite still here so an airballoon party would be possible....but just in case it changes I'm off to polish my broomstick now see you later.
      Oooh quiditch Anne I loved watching that in Harry Potter......not sure about the ups and downs on the broomstick made me feel a bit sea-sick!!!! xxxx

  8. Oops Anne can you forgive me I almost forgot to say your card is so beautiful so to the colours I love everything about it thank you for sharing with us all. xxx

  9. Hello Everyone,
    Just a quick pop in!!
    Anne your card is beautiful. - love that technique andI like it with snowflakes!!
    All packed up. I'm hoping to leave at 10 15 am. Meeting Saba at Knutsford at 11am. We aim to get down to the Midlands as early as we can to avoid Friday queues on M6'and M42. We'll stop nearer the venue .
    That's the plan anyhow!
    Have a good day everyone and if travelling do have a safe journey!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Thanks Myra, have a Blast! Can't wait to hear what high jinks and shenanigans you all get up to!
      Safe journey xo

    2. Drive carefully Myra, you have precious cargo onboard ! See you pm

    3. Hi Myra, by now you and Saba should be well on your way.
      I hope ..... In fact I know you will have a fantastic time.
      Will be thinking of you all. xx

    4. Hi Myra,
      You will be well on your way now but wish you a safe & trouble free journey, not the best of weather for motorway driving, hope Saba keeps you in order, have a lovely weekend xx

    5. Hi MYRA I expect you are well on your way by now hope the traffic was kind with out any hold ups. Have a fabulous time both you & Saba Hug's for you both & Hug for Val. Xxx

    6. Hi Myra hope you managed the meet up with Saba in Knutsford. Have a safe journey onwards to the retreat and hope you didn't get in too many traffic cues. Have a fabulous time.Hugs xxxx

    7. Hello Myra - hope you miss all the traffic further down the motorway, hope you have a brilliant time xxxxx

    8. Sorry - could you give Saba my regards and am still thinking of her and val - Thanks Myra xxx

  10. Good Morning all, well where my earlier post has gone heavens knows!!!!!!!
    To all you lucky ladies who of to the retreat, have a safe journey and a wonderful time, want to hear all about it next week. What marvellous idea Sandra for a retreat, hope it lives up to your expectations and that you enjoy it so much that maybe you may have another one next year so we can join in too. ( I'd have to gather some courage from somewhere but would love to meet you all )

    Sounds as though we might be having quite a party while you are away, won't offer to cook anything, only good at pasty making. Could run up a cloak and hats maybe.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sorry Anne, you're card is fabulous, you are all so clever.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Thanks Lilian, pastry cheese straws would be delicious and I'm sure more hats and capes would be handy ( for those who don't have them to hand) xo

    2. Thank you so much Lilian so kind of you hats and capes would be wonderful, and I am sure we would all enjoy any pastry delights you could make. xxx

  11. Helllooooooooooooooo,
    Can't stop, got a very important date - YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE
    Anne, your card is fab, haven't read any of the comments, got to go in less than 1 minute, Rachel is picking me up - not literally ha ha. Collecting me!!!!
    See you after the festivities, midnight feasts, apple pie beds, and a few other things!!!
    Enjoy yourselves while I'm away.
    Maureen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Maureen, I hope by now you have slowed down, all that dashing about is not good for your BP. Have a lovely time, will be thinking of you all. xx

    2. Hi Super Excited Maureen,
      Have a wonderful time and calm down dear! I can feel your excitement here in North Wales.Enjoy, Enjoy,Enjoy! xxxx

    3. Hi Maureen,
      Hope you have a good journey & a lovely weekend don't get up to too much mischief with Myra.xx

    4. Hi MAUREEN you sound excited HaHa have a brilliant time enjoy the weekend Hug's xxx

    5. You're not excited by any chance Maureen - haha enjoy xxx

    6. Don't you worry Maureen we will enjoy ourselves and please you do the same xxxxxx

  12. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    sorry this is just a quick note to say to all my dear cherubs meeting up later to have a wonderful time this weekend and how i so wish that i could have been going but probably for the best as not that good the now so wouldn't be all that good company.
    Karen flower i hope that you had a birthday to enjoy yesterday and that you were treated like a princess as you should have been.
    Your card is lovely Anne and i think that i have some of it as well..... the embossing folder that is :)
    I will be back girls just a wee bit rough time the now but take care my Angels
    love and huggles to you all
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah,
      Sorry you are having a rough time we have missed you lots of special hugs on wayvto you xx

    2. Hi Norah, you look after yourself and do pop in when you can.We are good listeners and you got our e-mails if you'd like to talk privetly. I'm sure if this retreat goes well and we are not banned from the Hotel at the end ,or before :-) It will be another in the spring sometime. Many hugs XxX

    3. Hello Norah, lovely to see you in the cafe, I hope whatever the problem is, that life will improve for you soon.
      Everyone is here for you, I hope you realise that. xx

    4. Hello my dear Friend Norah - you have had me worried about your absence and so it is nice to see you even though you're not having a good time at the moment. Just remember we are all here at any time and even if you cannot make it into the café we're here for you just the same. Gentle but humungus hugs are on their way just for you. Please take care of yourself. xxxx

    5. Hello Norah I'm so pleased you popped into the cafe it's lovely to see you. I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time but know that we're right beside you in spirit lovely lady. Take care and hope things get better very soon and you'll be back here where you belong. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    6. Hello NORAH it's lovely to see today missed you.
      Sorry your having a bad time latly take good care sweet lady. Love & Hug's Xxx

    7. Hello Norah, hope things get better soon, friends all here to listen

    8. Hello Norah - so lovely to see you pop in, didn't realise you had decided not to go to the retreat - I so hope you feel better soon - we are here for you any time you need us - ((((Hugs)))) Jean xxx

    9. Oh Norah delighted to see you have been able to call in even if just for a wee while. Please do remember dear friend we are always here for you no matter what, do take good care of yourself and give my love to your handsome Rory too. Take care xxx

  13. Good morning Ladies, dry but overcast here at the moment.
    Sandra , hope everything runs smoothly and everyone is on top form, it must be wonderfully satisfying to see your wish come true, enjoy it all xo
    I've commented all the way down, as best I could , so I'm off to check out the cafe and see who if anyone is in , I'll have a treat with my tea as way of compensating for not being on the retreat ha ha !
    Thinking of you all and sending lots of love and hugs XOXO

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Just a flying visit as last things being squeezed in. Had to repack my craft bag last night as I'm catching the train home now so had to reduce the weight of my bag somewhat! 3 train changes and lots of steps! Not a good combo.
    Anne your card is really lovely, looks just like one of Sues but I like your twist on it. Right must dash.
    See you soon xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane, 0MG did you say steps? Please be careful - Ha Ha you know I'm only teasing. Have a fantastic weekend, my thoughts will be with you. LOL xx

    2. Hi Diane,
      Please take care with the steps going home we don't want to have a repetition of AP do we, seriously enjoy the weekend xx

    3. Ooooo STEPS DIANE please take care & A great weekend Hug's xxxx

    4. Now Dianne I hope you took great care will all those steps, I have awful trouble with steps these days...even worse with a case! But just think of the wonderful time at the end of those steps. Have fun xxxx

  15. Wishing you all a fantastic time and hope to join you at the next one :) Christine xx

  16. Helloooooo,
    Anne your card is lovely, love the colours you have used, and the bling you have used in the snowflakes.
    So excited, leaving in 5 minutes, behave yourselves whilst we are away, I've ordered a few broomsticks for those of you who don't want to go up in the balloon.
    Checked and double checked the case, bound to have forgotten something!
    See you soon, unless Myra gets us totally lost that is!!
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Have a good journey Saba.....oh do we have to behave?....that would be so boring!! Haha! Have a wonderful time. xxx

    2. Oh Saba you spoilsport ........ why do we have to behave when everyone else is away having fun?
      Seriously - have a great weekend I'm sure you will have lots and lots of laughs, and the weekend will be a tonic for everyone ( just don't drowned the gin!! ) xx

    3. Hi Saba,
      Just to wish you a lovely weekend with lots of laughs, I hope Myra behaves herself whilst driving. xx

    4. Now then Saba are you suggesting just because I broke my foot in summer I am no good piloting our balloon! Delighted to know you and my ducky friend Myra have arrived safe and well have a fantastic time and enjoy every minute of it, xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    I hope everyone has a good journey, if you are driving take care, there are a lot of wet roads out there. I don't think I need to say - hope you all enjoy the retreat- I KNOW YOU ALL WILL.

    Anne you card is lovely and a clever take on the card that inspired
    you. xxx

    Well I hope to be back in later, sorry I can't stay and help set up for the party Anne and Magaret you have made a fantastic start. I will be able to arrive on my broomstick - but feasting my eyes on this fantastic array of goodies, I doubt I'll be able to take off at the end of the celebration.

    I hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you are doing.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I hope John's treatment goes well thinking of you both hugs on way xx
      Take care on your broomstick they always said that I left skid marks on garage roof with mine, Gem did ask me once "Can you really fly Gran?" as her dad always refers to me as the witch, he does mean it in a nice way really! xx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      I will leave some really soft cushions out for a safe soft landing and no skid marks!!
      Hope John's treatment goes really well. Hugs xxxxx

  18. This is a RANT! GRRRR IM SO MAD, I've spent almost an hour trying to place an order using the promo code for £10 off but it just won't take it , I tried to phone but didn't have the patience to wait while they waffled on , so then thought I'd send an email into customer services, so after spending time doing that and sending it, back it comes saying it's not a valid email address !
    Oh , they make me so angry, have to go and have a coffee to cool down.
    Just wondered if anybody else has had a bother with this?

  19. Sorry I should have said to Create and Craft , but you probably guessed that !

    1. Hi Anne,
      This happened to me, so I tried it later and realised when I had put my discount code in the promotional box I hadn't clicked on the 'Apply' box. That's because I'm a numpty!!! It worked fine after that. xxx

    2. I had the same trouble trying to email them as when I used my discount code they took it off the club free gift, so I only got just over £7 off. Not going to bother to phone as costs more than the saving.
      You have my sympathies

    3. Sheila I did try to apply the code but just wonder if the product is already reduced maybe you can't get further discount ?
      I did read their terms but it only said you had to spend at least £10 .
      I agree their phone costs are ridiculous .

  20. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra no doubt you are at he hotel by now please just relax & enjoy every minute of it just remember without you there would be no retreat or blog xx
    Hope al of you have a fantastic time we will try & behave in your absence, fat chance with Margaret & Anne organising the party.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. I have to go out now but pop in later xxxx

  22. Phew it's taken me ages to comment all the way down.
    Well I know I have said this before but I want to wish all you lovelies arriving at the retreat a really wonderful time, enjoy and have much merriment.
    Anne what a beautiful, beautiful card...I love the design and the colours too.
    The sun is shining now much better than the horrible rainy morning I woke up's ideal for airballons and broomsticks. I've got some birthday kards to make so must get on. Have put hugs in the basket and will catch up later on.
    Love Sheila xxxxx

  23. It's me again! Saba and I arrived around 2 45pm! Busy busy roads today! End of Half Term as well as Friday.
    Have mer Maria, Pat , Sue , Sandra and Paul. Everyone is very nice indeed.
    Paul has gone to pick up Hazel, Patricia, Maureen and Jess from the local station. They may well be here by now! Xxx

    1. Hi Myra
      Pleased to hear you have arrived safely have a lovely weekend.xx

    2. Goodness you were early did you drive or fly down ducky?
      So pleased to know you have both arrived safe and sound, now enjoy every minute of your weekend both of you. xxx

    3. Hi Myra glad you & SABA arrived safe & sound enjoy your weekend.both of

  24. Hi Brenda,
    Pleased to hear you are there as well have a lovely time.xx

  25. Pleased to hear you have arrived safely xx now time to enjoy each other's company xxxxx

  26. Just a quickie I need to go and eat No need to apologise SANDRA you've had a lot to sort out what with the Retreat, the girls etc ANNE your card is lovely I've only ever done paper piecing on a couple of occasions but I love doing it I find it quite therapeutic
    Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday belated or otherwise I appreciate it very much I have tried to email all if you that sent cards but some bounced back So thank you again
    ENJOY THE RETREAT LADIES Don't forget your Tena's and the Baileys We'll all raise one later so CHEERS!
    I think the next one will have to be at a holiday camp as they're big enough to accommodate all if us that want to go next time I don't think any hotel will be big enough lol!

  27. Glad you're all there safely, have a lovely time.

  28. Evening All - so pleased you've all arrived safe and sound and I suppose that by now you'll all be as though you've known each other for ever and the hotel doesn't know what's hit it!!!!!
    Have a really good evening or am I too late to say that as perhaps you have already opened a few bottles and are having a ball getting prepared for tomorrow's day of crafting - what am I saying! CRAFTING well hopefully some part of the day.

    Hugs and love to everyone there. Don't worry about the café it's quite safe and I don't think the cow will make a re-appearance but perhaps a couple of black cats may be left over from tomorrow night.
    Night Night everyone. xxxx

  29. Hello Everyone,
    So pleased you have all arrived safely. I can hear all the chatter and laughter in S London. Sandra I hope this weekend is the special weekend you dreamed of I'm sure all the ladies will try and make it very special for you, as those of us who are able to be with you wil be with you in our minds and heart. LOL

    RIGHT ladies - broomsticks at thr ready - Longbridge here we come.

    Take care of everyone, love Brenda xxx

  30. Hello Glad everyone arrived safe & sound.Brenda I think they must be getting louder as I can here all this laughing & loud chatting all at once in KENT. Think the hotel staff have all got ear plugs in.HAHA. Ladies by now you would have met everyone so I'm wishing you all a great weekend Hug's Lynda xx

  31. Good evening ladies
    I have made some fresh bread rolls tonight so anyone wanting bacon rolls in the morning? I have also done some baking ready for tomorrow night, the spiders web cake is made just needs icing so will do that tomorrow, the biscuits are made ready too.
    I can hear lots of laughter up here in the Lake District you don't suppose it is coming from you know where? Goodness me they are a rowdy lot and no mistake!
    I am just waiting for some bread to come out of the oven so I will wish you all good night and sweet dreams until tomorrow, party day!
    Margaret xxx

  32. Just a quick update for our ladies at home.
    It's been a brilliant afternoon and evening. Myra and I arrived mid afternoon to find Sandra, Sue and Pat and Cheryl already here, everyone else arrived not long after and there were hugs and hugs and hugs all round. It was amazing meeting everyone for the first time and really quite lovely. No awkwardness or hesitation. We have done a little crafting but mainly it's been non stop chatter and laughter, lots of laughter.
    Tomorrow we have a stamping up demonstrator coming, Patricia is going to show us how she makes her amazing flowers, Hazel is going to teach us her wrapping techniques, I'm going to attempt to do some coffee filter flowers and I think Maureen is going to show us how to use pro markers.
    I hope you have a lovely Halloween party, try not to scare the cat and if you do manage to get those broomsticks to fly make sure you have your thermals on.
    Love and hugs, wish you were all here,
    Saba xxxx
