
Thursday 29 October 2015

Pretty Floral Card

Good Morning Ladies,
I am sorry that I have not been around too much over the past couple of days, I have got lots of bits and pieces to get organised for the weekend, both for those of us that are going and for the family too!
Sophie and Lucy are off to a Halloween Party on Saturday so they need organising too, luckily Paul is
fantastic and he can do all the meals etc, so no organisation needed there, thankfully.
I have started packing the boxes of bits and pieces to bring, I haven't even thought about clothes!

Today's beautiful card has been designed by Pat, before Pat discovered dies she made most of her cards
with stamps, this is one of them and it is fantastic, a breath of fresh air almost, It looks like Pat has stamped onto patterned paper and cut it out, (but I may be wrong)!
I can see that Pat has added some glitter to the centres of the flowers, giving that extra bit of sparkle.
The finishing touches that Pat has added really draw your eye into the focal element of the card, those dots and dashes around the edge of the card look fantastic too, no other decoration or embellishment is necessary.
I love this bright, cheerful card Pat, thank you so much for sharing it with us. xxxx

That's all from me for now, so much to do, so little time!
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and all popping in today.
    Pat- I really like this very pretty card and the paper used to make the hearts is so nice. Nice to see cards sometimes before the die period. Have so many items still so you will know where they coming with me to,not all of them just a few. Sorry Brenda you can't come this weekend but hope you can join us at the next one and the same for you others who can't come. We will miss you.
    I have been laying in bed awake for some hours listening to OH snoring but is drive you out in the end so here I am ready for the day. Have things to do, will be busy and it's raining outside so after my cuppa I will get things done early so I can have a lazy afternoon. I hope you all have a nice day especially KAREN ! Happy Birthday to you. . . . .
    Special hugs to Val and family, take care everyone. Warm hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. MARIA:- Oh! My! Word! i need to go have a lie down...LOL!! xxx

    2. Maria I have the same problem, O/H been away for a few days, so peaceful nights, home again now

    3. Good morning Maria, I had to go back and check the name! I thought Patricia had posted twice! I think you are taking your retreat organisation a bit too far my dear! :) have a good day xxxx

    4. Maria!!! You'll confuse everyone - they'll think it was me because it was so early! Ha ha! See you tomorrow!!! Xxx

    5. hihi I did surprise you all today didn't I xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Crew, hope you are all TicketyBoo! and looking forward to the day ahead.
    PAT:- I love your stunning card, it is so bright and cheery. Love the pretty colours and design.
    Everything set up for the day, lots and lots of goodies to keep us all going.
    I will be out most of the day, things to do, places to go, people to meet. To top it all off the The Gas Man is coming to service the Boiler. John will be here to cover the time I am out .... well he booked it. Silly man, no way would I have had him coming today of all days!!!
    In the evening I have to make the 50mile journey over to Hazels. We have an early start to catch the train for Edinburgh, to meet up with Jess. We will then board the train for the long journey down to Birmingham. We are meeting up with Maureen there, then we all travel on to Longbridge near to where the Hotel is.
    I use part of the Utility Room for some of my Crafty Stuff .... Right !! I have to go move that to let the man into the Boiler .... can't stop for a cuppa this morning.
    Be good, for the ones going to the Retreat ... see you tomorrow.
    NORAH:- if you look in today, Hazel & I have all your goodies wrapped and ready for the Raffle you wanted. Thank You very much for your kindness xxxx
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourselves xxx

    1. Hell ooo! I'm a bit earlier too! Getting in some practice- or something!
      Thanks Norah and thanks Patricia and Hazel!
      It won't be necessary to wake me with a pokey tool at the Retreat!
      Are you awake , Myra will be fine!! Xxx

  3. Ooooops!! Sorry Karen,
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday to you
    Have a great day whatever you do or have planned. Hugs xxx

    1. Oh Oh! I ve forgotten Karen's birthday!
      Oh dear! Happy Birthday Karen! Xxx

  4. Good morning to one and all
    Well I can see it's going to be one of those days where everyone is just going to meet themselves coming back. Please slow down my dear Friends or you'll not meet anyone tomorrow evening and then what will we do!!!! Don't worry I'm sure we that are guarding the café will be able to organise a rescue party ofPsome sorts. I'll look out the OS Maps to sort a route out and then get stop off points organised. lol.

    PAT - I love your card in every way. It comes into my less is more and your flower is just so perfect to add anything else would just be too much. We really did ought to go back to how we crafted without dies sometimes didn't we.

    It's still not quite light here and I can hear rain on the veranda roof. Everything in the garden is beginning to look very sad even tho the colours of the trees are magnificent.

    I have to go now as I can hear the car coming up the back lane so that means breakfast has arrived. I'll look in later to see what's what.
    Hugs are on their cyber way.

    1. Janet I wish you were coming, you would get us all organised and sorted! Enjoy your breakfast - I'm imagining fresh warm croissants for now ands rusty read for lunch or pain au raisin or chocolate croissant ( can you tell it's diet day?!) xxxxx

    2. Looks like your eating your words today Janet!! Diane got up too early! Xx
      Tin Hat! Xx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a really pretty card. I love the hearts made into a flower.

    It's a miserable day here-very wet & windy. I did watch my 3 programmes I'd recorded but to be honest- I got quite bored. I usually fast forward through the "waffle" and just watch the demo's but even those didn't interest me that much.

    The office furniture was finally collected, spoke to hubby then my Dad. Tonight is Tesco shopping night so we have a quick & easy meal. I'd like to get back in my craft room tonight or tomorrow to cut more shapes out for M in L ready for Saturday.

    Karen- hope you have a really lovely birthday today.


  6. Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Karen have a lovely day.
    Maria, I to need a lie down, it's only 7.04 and you are up.. Is this you getting in practice for the weekend.,...
    I have a busy day I have to get last minute things done in here, then Tammy is popping in at lunch time, and I think Gillian and Andrew might also as they are back off holiday. Then I am picking up Beth and her friend from school, there is a party at the school tonight so I am at the house to cover for Vicky who is taking Anna to piano, Beth and Gena will be seeing to getting themselves organised, there will be lots of giggles etc knowing those two! So I might not be in much today, I have as you know Patricia coming over this evening and we will be in bed early. So incase I don't have time I have put lots ((((( hugs))))) in the basket and those are coming to the retreat I will see you tomorrow. Those who are t have fun in the cafe together. Xxx

    1. So much rushing about Hazel! Safe journey as you travel about xxx

    2. Hazel take care today you seem to be dashing around an awful lot please no last minute injuries, have a lovely time with Beth no doubt you will be having a little catch up with her. Have a safe journey tomorrow take care with all that luggage too, have a wonderful weekend. xxx

    3. Hazel! Take care and don't overdo things, please! See you tomorrow all being well! Xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, now try to sit down and have a breather when you can or you will be so tired tomorrow so we have to talk to you a sleep and that's no good. Have a good and safe journey tomorrow, take care

  7. Good Morning Sandra and all who drop in, dull and wet here, but not so cold.
    Pat loved your card, fab bright colours and the pen work around the edge," must not forget our edges".
    Karen Many Happy Returns Of the Day, hope it's a good one.
    Yesterday was a complete waste of a day, road works everywhere, it's a 20 mile journey which normally is not to bad, but took ages to get to work, so thought I'd go home a different way, guess what? that way was full of road works too.
    Still managed to prepare some cards to take with me, for our craft day at my friends house ( we alternate each time ) .
    I can tellhow excited you all are , your weekend is almost here, it sounds as though you are hoping to craft as well, we shall be away for the weekend for our golden wedding weekend in Bath, present from our lovely daughter.
    Well I'd better get going have to sort out some lunch to leave for OH.
    Will try and pop in later, Lilian

    1. Lillian have a wonderful weekend and enjoy every minute of it on your Golden Wedding Anniversary, xxx

    2. Lilian what a nightmare journey! Why do they decide to put roadworks on all routes to one place! I think women should be in charge of roadworks they would think far more sensibly about how to do things and the men would be at work all the time not just 6 of them standing looking in a hole! I hope you have a lovely weekend in Bath, what a lovely treat xxxxx

    3. Morning Lilian,

      Happy Golden Wedding anniversary.
      Bath is a beautiful city and yo are sure to enjoy your time there.
      Love & hugs xxx

    4. Hi Lilian,
      Congratulations to you and hubby on you Golden Wedding Anniversary. Have a wonderful time in of my favourite cities.It's a beautiful city. love and hugs Sheila xx

    5. Have a lovely weekend in Bath Lilian! Happy Anniversary to you both. I'm sure you wonder where those 50 years have gone! Xxx

    6. Congratulations Lillian on your Golden Wedding, ours is next year, where have all the years gone? Have a lovely time in Bath.

    7. Happy Golden Anniversary Lilian and OH! Have a fantastic weekend in Bath (don't forget to go to the pump house) take care Xxx

    8. Hello Lilian - have a wonderful Golden Wedding in Bath. it's one city I've not been to but have been told it is beautiful.
      Congratulations to both of you.

    9. Many congratulations Lillian. We too have road works whichever way you turn, long tailbacks too .xxx

    10. Lillian. Have a wonderful weekend. Bath is a lovely City.

    11. I think" Rusty Nails " would be appropriate since it's Halloween ! BUT they are STRONG ! Goodness knows what would happen if we had one of those- equal measures of Drambui and whisky over ice! ! !

    12. Ohhh! Noo! Not in the balloon! There will be an international incident!
      They just won't believe that Maureen's red bloomers are the same as the Red Arrows!! Xxx

  8. Oh I am so sorry Pat I forgot to mention that I love your card, as you know I like cards that don't always have fancy die cuts on them? It good to use other things to create a beautiful card. Again sorry. Xxx

  9. LILIAN:- have a absolutely, wonderful weekend, making lots of happy memories. xxx

  10. Good morning Ladies, dull and windy here.
    Happy Birthday Karen, hope you have a wonderful day and get thoroughly spoiled! xo
    Pat , what a lovely cheery card! I love it, I do like dies but stamping is my first love and stamping the little hearts to make the flower is a gorgeous idea.
    Lilian , I hope you and your husband have a Fabulous weekend in Bath celebrating your Golden Wedding ( we had ours last year) what a generous present from your daughter and Bath is so interesting.
    Well , looks like the cafe will be quite quiet today ( with all the preps going on for those going away) so I think it will be a good idea to decorate the cafe for a Halloween party for those of us who can't manage to go ( treacle scones, dookin for apples , loads of nuts etc.) anymore ideas?
    Enjoy your day folks whatever you are up to.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. What a great idea Anne for those not going to the retreat, we always have gingerbread and treacle toffee so I will make some and pop them into the café. xxx

    2. Oooooo treacle scones, that's a new one on me. Treacle toffee yum yum. Cinder toffee is lovely too and when I helped at brownies many moons ago we used to make squash up, put red food colouring in it and add jelly babies! They would drink gallons of the stuff! Xxxx

    3. Ooooo!! maybe I should just stay home .... sounds as though there be fantastic fun here as well.
      Mmmmm!!! decisions, decisions, Margaret your great at organising this kind of thing. Having met Anne you have a great pal there as well she's good at that sort of thing as well. I really wish you had not mentioned this Halloween Party. xxx

    4. Anne - a word of warning! If Margaret suggests going off in a hot air balloon think very carefully before you agree! However, I can highly recommend my ducky friend! Treacle scones - oh haven't had those for years. Don't get them in England I don't think! I've never seen them anyhow! Xxx

    5. Have a good jolly Halloween Party when the Boss is away, we not so far away that we can't keep an eye on you others tihi Xxx

    6. Maybe we could have the party in Margaret's hot air balloon , all the while chewing treacle toffees ! sounds good to me, we could call and visit you all, really am getting carried away here-- better stop lol!

    7. You've been part of this blog for too long!!! It's catching being a bit nutty! Last time the hot air balloon was out we had to pick Saba up from the airport! We had problems with air traffic control. We were on our way to Hazel's daughter's wedding! Who says we have no imagination!! Xxx

    8. Treacle toffee; bonfire toffee and cannot be without toffee apples. How about some nice warming liquid to keep us all going. Afterall we cannot let the side down now can we!!! All suggestions welcome I have a couple of bottles of Sloe Gin if anyone would like a tipple.

    9. Sloe gin for fast women!! Xxx

    10. Now Anne we can go in the balloon but I'm none too sure about taking Janet's sloe gin with us as strong windsare forecast for the weekend and we don't want to spill the gin now do we?
      Myra of course you can get treacle scones in England, I make them! So if Anne is not making any I will for the weekend as well as the gingerbread and treacle toffee and if I have time I shall make some ginger biscuits to dip in the sloe gin, oh yummy! I have got my feathers preened already but cannot decide which hat to wear! xxx

    11. Ahh! Sorry my ducky friend! I don't make them as my husband doesn't like them but I love them! I would buy one if I saw it but never have done! All my family made them! Soar scones, cheese scones , potato scones - which in Scotland are triangular usually. I should have known you would make them. Xxx

    12. Soar -???? Should be Soda! Xx

  11. Good morning ladies,

    Beautiful card Pat, so bright and cheerful, just the tonic for today's cloud crying day.
    Happy birthday Karen, I wish for yo to have birthday wishes of love, laughter and happiness.
    Repacked yet again, have lost my tried trusty pokey tool, cannot find it anywhere. Last seen and used for the ribbon flower I tried to make. Just wondering if it fell into my waste paper basket but not there. Boo hoo!

    Off to see niece/goddaughter for a natter before she goes to work, she has the 3-9pm slot today, bless her.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Check the chairs before sitting down! Xxx

    2. Mind the little tootsies xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well it is wet and windy here today it just would be today the rain came, as my daughter, grandson and I are going for a day out with a little shopping too, so looking forward to it even though it's raining but hey ho lets hope it fairs up.
    Karen HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy every minute of it.
    Pat what a lovely fresh looking card you have to show us all today so lovely the colours are delightful, thank you Sandra for showing this delightful card to us all.
    Well I must go and get ready for our trip out but take care everyone as you are out and about today. To all going to the retreat take care lifting those heavy cases and bags, have a safe journey and have a fantastic weekend everyone looking forward to all your retreat reports!.
    Love and special hugs to Saba and Val and her family.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret, have a lovely day with the family and be reasonably good tonight! Xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Pat what a beautiful card today, really fresh and bright. I'm trying to work out whether it's a flowery heart you've cut out or flowers stamped and then hearts cut out ( I know you think I've lost the plot but I know what I mean:)!) anyway it's really pretty, thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Happy birthday Karen I hope you have a lovely day xxxxx
    On the forecast last night they were putting lots of rain but it doesn't seem to have arrived yet, it's just a bit gloomy. I need to deliver a friends birthday card today and do a couple of things in the village so it would be nice to have a walk to do that. Julian is home again today, it's been very odd being completely alone but then again it's been a lovely crafty time too - you should see the mess! I must get organised today and pack my crafty bag at least! I had a phone all from my sister last night just as I was finishing so I didn't tidy up properly - at least I put the lid back on the ink pad! I think she's picked up a computer virus, she had a strange message and she wanted to as Julian about it, I told her not to touch it and just leave it alone ! Hopefully he will ring her when he gets home to sort it out , he was still working when she phoned so couldn't speak to her and it was about 11 by the time he got back to his hotel - not good when he started at 5 am! . I shall say Cheerio for now, cup of tea is almost finished so must get myself sorted. See you later xxxx

    1. I know what you mean Diane! It's amazing what you can make with heart shapes! I make a tiger! Xxx

  14. Good morning you lovely, lovely ladies.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Karen, hope you have a lovely day.
    Pat, I love your card, it looks like a stamp to me which you have beautifully coloured in. It would be a lovely card for lots of occasions.
    I was overwhelmed by all your comments yesterday, I read them last night just before I went to sleep and it gave me such a warm feeling. You are an amazing bunch and I feel blessed to be part of this " blog family"
    I also had a few laugh out loud moments, you lot are such a tonic, you should be available on the NHS.
    Yesterday Oliver and I went on a bus to the neighbouring town where they have a lovely park. When we arrived I was going to take a photo of Oliver standing by the bus, a rare treat to go on a bus for him, and the bus driver got out of his cab and told Oliver to get in, sit behind the wheel and have his photo taken from there. Aren't people kind. It made Oliver's day - he now wants to be a bus driver when he grows up instead of a pilot!!
    In the evening Joanne and I sat in the dining room together and I made Max's birthday card. It had been worrying me as this was the last chance I had to make it, I shall be travelling up to Harrogate to see him on the Monday after we return from the retreat and as his birthday is on the Sunday we get back, I needed to have it with me. It's done now, not the best one I have ever made but I think he will like it.
    Today we are going to an ice cream farm??? I'd actually like to stay in and pack my case. Oh and I need to buy a sewing kit, can you believe Joanne does not have a reel of cotton or a needle in her house.
    Well best get cracking, I cannot wait until tomorrow to meet all of you who are coming.
    And when we meet I think there will be a few hugs to collect but they are going to be a happy hugs and not ones tinged with sadness.
    Love for now
    Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- I can just picture and feel the excitement of Oliver and his trip yesterday. I remember taking Robert on a bus for the first time. He was not so lucky to get behind the wheel.
      Have a great day today, do not eat too much Ice Cream don't want you to have Gippy Tummy!!
      So excited about meeting you tomorrow and passing on "lots & lots" of (((((hugs))))) I have been sent ...... just for prepared!!! Thinking about you and all the family xxx

    2. How exciting for Oliver. It's the small things that make all the difference. Take care hun, we're all here for you

    3. What a lovely bus driver! He made a little boy's day!
      Have a lovely time at the Ice Cream Farm! Sounds great fun!
      Look forward to hearing about it. Xxx

    4. Oh it's lovely to think there are still good hearted folk around. Oliver will remember that driver and sitting in the driving seat for a very long time a scrap book page me thinks??? Oh an ice cream farm another great day out. Xxx

    5. Oliver must have been so chuffed to be sitting at the steering wheel of a big bus, hope the photo came out nice. Enjoy some ice-cream.Take care and we sees Tomorrow ! hugs Xxx

    6. Hope you had a wonderful day at the Icecream farm. Sounds interesting. I am sure Oliver enjoyed it.

    7. Saba what a fantastic treat for Oliver sitting in the drivers seat, he will remember that for such a long time. I know my grandson still remembers going in the drivers cab of a train where he sounded the horn and made everyone jump on the station! Special treats that cost nothing and mean so much are wonderful for the little ones.
      How was that ice cream, I will just bet you both enjoyed it?
      Have a good sleep tonight, and have a fantastic weekend enjoy every minute of it. Thinking of you, Patricia has my hugs just for you, so stand by tomorrow. xxx

  15. Morning Sandra and the rest of you lovelies,
    Oh it's going to be a very quiet weekend in the cafe, will miss all you lovelies I know you have a happy busy weekend but if you have the time please pop in and let us know how things are going.
    Happy Birthday Karen have a great day I have an apology to sorry my card will arrive a day late as I forgot to post it...I am such a numpty at times....I need to be much more organised.
    Pat your card is soooooo pretty and fresh and I love the colours and not a die in sight....that's so refreshing.....although it's been a long time since I made a card without a die I wouldn't know where to start.
    Well I must get a move on as I'm going to get my 'mop' cut and blown. See you all later.
    Saba sending more hugs to you and Val and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hope it stays dry for your visit to the Hairdresser's , Sheila. Please don't be misbehaving when we are away! Ha ha ! Xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    I've had to stop commenting on the way down or I'll get nothing done! I need to contact Barbara about tomorrow too.
    It's all very exciting and I've got lists about Lists! Alastair is taken care of - re food!
    Pat - today's card is lovely , it's such a bright , cheery card and one to bring a smile to one's face. Thank you!
    Sue - one more day!!
    Happy Birthday Karen - I hope you have a lovely day!
    Hope the weather clears up a bit for travelling tomorrow.
    A Halloween Party sounds fun to me! Are you all dressing up?
    Have a good day.
    I will try to pop back later and comment under the ones I've missed. Sorry!
    Love Myra xxx

  17. Hello Ladies,
    Just a quick, quickie from me this morning. I haven't read any of the comments so I'll just say that I love your card Pat. Bright, cheery and gorgeous stamping and colouring - just my style.
    I'll see you all later today, when I'll read and comment.
    Karen, Happy Birthday, have a lovely day, whatever you have planned.
    Muriel xxxxx

  18. Thank you ladies for your birthday wishes. I took the day off work, so it's been lovely to be at home and not in work. We'll be going out later, I want to go to lay a birthday card and flowers on my sister's grave as it will be her birthday tomorrow and then I don't know what's planned. OH has given me a fantastic gift of a two night stay at Champneys!. Daughter, bless her, she hates buying me crafting stuff because she thinks I have far too much, bought me SW's Canadian background, Shaded Poinsettia stamp, some shoes and two tops. I'm a very lucky lady.
    PAT your card is lovely, it's so effective.
    CHERYL I tried to send you an email but it bounced back. I've tried again
    LILIAN I was in Bath last week end It is beautiful. If you get a chance try and visit Sally Lunn's Tea Room - near the Abbey. It's lovely and very quaint
    LADIES Enjoy the Retreat. I hope to make the next one
    Forgive me if I have left anyone out that needs a special mention. Time is running away and I'm still in my pj's but it is my birthday hee hee!

    1. Hi Karen,
      Happy birthday to you I hope you have a lovely day.xx

    2. Some lovely present Karen ,you lucky girl. Enjoy your day off Xxxx

    3. Hope you have had a brilliant day Karen xxx

    4. Happy Birthday Karen. Hope you have enjoyed your day.

    5. Some lovely presents Karen!
      Champneys! Lovely!
      Lovely Dies, too and tops and shoes! Oooh!
      Enjoy the rest of your birthday! Xxx

  19. Morning everyone, gosh it takes ages to reach the end today.
    First of all Pat your card is lovely, we should think about what we did before dies came along.
    Karen, happy birthday to you, have a lovely day.
    Just a bit of shopping for us today, then get packing finished for tomorrow.
    I'm a bit sorry to miss the Hallowe'en party, so have a great time. Just watch out for a hot air balloon passing over!!
    Take care everyone, xxx

  20. Good morning everyone - Sandra I hope the girls enjoy their Halloween party - My daughter in law is having one for the children so I will take Nic round for a while till she gets picked up - I bet you are so excited.
    Happy Birthday Karen - I hope you have a lovely day - enjoy.
    Pat I love the simplicity of this card - so effective .
    Saba hope you have a lovely chat with everyone over the weekend, still sending you hugs xx
    Craft class for me today, and its still raining so Im pleased - forecast to brighten up though.
    I will be back later but please ladies - Have a safe trip and enjoy yourselves

    1. Hi Jean, have a nice time at craft class today and have fun with the Halloween party over the weekend Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra please take care today don't tire yourself out I hope you have a safe journey tomorrow & a lovely weekend I would love to be a fly on the wall!xx
    Pat your card is lovely you are really tempting me to have a go! xx
    It is wet & windy here as well I have embroidery this afternoon so a lot of chatting will be done & maybe some sewing.
    For all of you going to the retreat I hope you all have safe & trouble free journeys & have a lovely weekend.xx
    Hugs to all who need them especially Saba & Val & family love Margaret xx

  22. In for a quick cup of tea. Been away? Wait for it Christmas shopping!!! Well I didn't buy much I was out with bargain Betty Tammy she got vouchers through for money off so as we call her bargain Betty she was going for the best deal. They were for matalan they have one in Perth but our one here is better. She had seen things that she wanted on line but if course out of stock had checked Glenrothes and they had so it was " mum can you come with me". Well over all seeing how things were 3 for 2 and her vouchers she pretty well got everything she wanted and saved £43. Tammy loves Christmas and to her wrapping etc has to be just so. No idea where she gets it from at all. I bought tartan tissue paper and gift tags, I know buying tags but at £2 a packet 3 for 2 and I worked out it wasn't worth the hassle. Off to remake the spare bed up, bedding washed dried and
    ironed, so it can just go back on, no point of getting another set out. Just had a conversation with Vicky ( nanny) I am going to help out on Thursdays over the winter. Yes, yes.yes I hear you all, but I pick up Beth usually once a week and this way I get paid so pennies in my pocket. It's only for 3 hours but over the month it's a good little earner. Not hard work. I knew that once the horses came in it would be to much for her. The girls have to bring the horses in that night and change their rugs over and feed them. Me I will just be there no work for me to do. Vicky will have the afternoon off. I think it's what I need I do miss the routine and most of all the girls, so this will be my time with them. Beth is over the moon about it all. She had suggested to mum and Vicky that I could do mornings that way she would have me making her lunch. Oh that must have made Vicky feel so wanted - NOT. Rght off I go again. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel that sounds just wonderful for you and not too much work for you, perfect arrangement and as an added bonus you see the girls which I have realised from little things you have said you have missed spending time with them, so pleased for you. xxx

  23. Hi Sandra
    What a shock I got today seeing my card on show. As Sandra said its stamped. Stating the obvious I know. But the design inside the flowers are on the stamp and I've just coloured them in. Dots and dashes around the edge just set it off. I seem to be taking nothing compared to Sandra. I'm bringing stamps and a few dies and my marker pens. My Groovi plates and pencils to colour them in. That's if I get time. See you all tomorrow if your off to the Retreat. Hugs to Saba and Val. Thinking if you all.

  24. PAT:- I love your card, it nice bright an cheerie.
    Think your right not taking too much to the Retreat.
    I think we will be "meeting, greeting, eating, drinking, chatting & laughing" to do much Crafting!! Think the next Retreat will be the one for all the projects to be done. xxx

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi everyone,
    I feel a bit more human again now my hair has been all done I thought I would pop in and wish the lovely Sandra and all the other lovelies who are going to the Retreat a wonderful, wonderful weekend and many happy hours of chat and laughter. HAVE FUN ALL YOU LOVELIES!!!!
    Don't forget the pinflair to keep you tiaras in place....oh and not forgetting the Tenas which you'll need with all the laughter.!! Big hugs to you all in case I fall asleep and don't manage to call in before you set off on your happy travels. Tata for now, love and hugs Sheila xxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Sheila! I promise to pop in over the weekend and say hello! Xxx


    PLEASE TAKE CARE WHICHEVER FORM OF TRANSPORT YOU ARE TAKING. (we are all charging our broomsticks back in the café ready for out Saturday evening out so don't worry as all our familiars will take care of us lol)

    Hugs will be sent as usual xxxx

    1. Thanks so much Janet! Be sure to wear your hi viz jacket and a light on top of your pointy hat! Xxx

    2. Can I just echo all that Janet has wished for you all !
      Remember and take plenty of lubrication for all the dry throats after all the chatting. ( black currant and honey ) Ha Ha !
      We will be thinking of you all and missing you XO

    3. I have it on good authority that Muriel is bringing Tea Biscuits - just perfect for a dry throat! Xxxx
      Tin Hat! Xxx
      PS - hope she leaves the rubber mallet at home! Xx

  28. To all the ladies who are not able to come this time - I'm sorry - you will be missed! Maybe next time! Have fun but don't do anything we wouldn't do! Xxx

    1. We will miss you all too Myra, have a safe journey, xxxxx

    2. Thank you Myra we will all try and be good and waddle along without you, I will miss you but I will be brave but please do take care and have a safe journey and a fantastic time. xxx

    3. Thanks so much, my friend!! Will give you a report when I get home!! Xxx

  29. Hello there!!!
    Well, I've got ten minutes so I've looked at all your comments, I've forgotten half of them, so sorry.
    Maria, you were in so early this morning, it makes me feel inadequate!!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!!
    Lilian, congratulations on your Golden Wedding, you didn't give me the date or your address, so I'm sorry I didn't get a card to you.
    Margaret C, the Hot Air Balloon has been serviced, I've had the red silk bloomers cleaned and pressed for you ha ha. Hope you had a good day out with your daughter and grandson.
    Jess, I hope you enjoyed your craft class. You can tell me all about it TOMORROW!!!!
    Saba, Oiver would have been soooo excited. I bet he's still talking about being a bus driver. SEE YOU TOMORROW.
    Sheila, I don't have any pinflair glue, so I'm taking a stapler, they don't call me wooden top for nothing ha ha.
    Sandra, I'm looking forward to meeting all the lovely ladies who are able to go to this Retreat, I hope the Hotel has been warned about the noise level!!!
    Now then, I wonder if I have time to unpack and repack again - JUST KIDDING!!!
    Hazel, Patricia and Jess, I'll meet you at Birmingham New Street Station tomorrow, I think it was jolly decent of them to do it up at a cost of £60m just because I am visiting lol.
    Myra,I hope you and Barbara have a safe journey down, stick to 100 mph and you should be ok!!!!
    Everyone who is going, have a safe journey, however you are travelling.
    I can't take my laptop, so unless I get someone to post a comment for me, I'll be missing in action until Sunday evening at the soonest, as I don't have an i-pad or i-phone.
    I may not be back in tonight, as I'm going to bed now. The sooner I go to sleep the sooner tomorrow will come! Oh all, right, I'll stay up a bit longer!!!
    See you late.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I'm almost afraid to suggest this but we could maybe do a joint post at the weekend Maureen! That way it will be two for the price of one!
      Safe journey to you too and don't sign too many autographs at New Street or you'll miss your connection!
      We're eating earlier tonight as Alastair is going out!
      I'm hoping to achieve lots then! Xxx

    2. I promise I want be so early tomorrow morning. Good of you to clean the Bloomers and serviced the Balloon for the others, they seem to have their broomsticks at the ready and a party arranged so they will be fine. Hmmm don't you get the run of treacle ?? xxx

    3. Only when they used to mix it with sulphur ( so I'm told , it used to be given in the spring to clean you out) sounds horrific! xo

    4. Muriel! I have the hot glue gun if all else fails! Aaahhhh xxxx

    5. Muriel you really are too kind thank you so much for going to all that trouble! We had a lovely day out thank you, so did Derek he said he had peace and quiet all day!
      Have a safe journey and a wonderful weekend take care.

  30. Just a quick check in to say
    KEEP SAFE TRAVELLING, sending you all hugs to last over the weekend
    Take care my friends,
    See you on Monday xxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Jean!
      We will let everyone know on the blog when we have all arrived, all being well. Xxx

  31. What a lovely card Pat. Like it very much. Another busy day and not much spare time. Will try and be back later.

  32. Hi everyone, case is finally packed, oh dear decisions, decisions, what to wear, what to leave, forgot to get the diamonds out the bank, just have to take the cheap stuff!!, he he. Hope to have a better sleep tonight, don't want to nod off on the train tomorrow, see most of you then, take care meantime. xxxx

  33. Just in quick to say everyone have a save journey tomorrow, and we will see you all that are going at the hotel. Those of you who aren't coming with us don't get into any trouble be careful in that balloon. I had a nice time with the girls, this afternoon. Yes I was a happy bunny. Lots of hugs from both girls. Both are happy it's going to be me picking up each Thursday. Xxx

    1. Hazel the new arrangements sound perfect for you, bet you are so happy now. Xo
      Have a fantastic weekend!

    2. Hazel! I for one won't shout at you! Just half a day will keep you in touch with the girls who clearly adore you and whom you love so much! It's a bit like my After School Club only you choose who comes!! See you tomorrow all being well!

  34. Hi All , thanks to everyone who wished congratulations for our golden wedding, the actual date is not until Nov 20th, but this was the only weekend we were all free.
    All of those going on the retreat have a really lovely time, I'm sure it will be a fun time, hope the travelling goes well.
    Looking forward to hearing all the juicy bits when you get back to cafe.
    Hugs and best wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  35. Well that's all done. Yearly bath finished, Dynorod cleaning the drains!!! Toe nails polished, First coat on my nails, what's not there is not worth taking!
    Myra, how kind of you to offer to do a joint post. I take it that you mean we post together, not that we roll a joint!! ha ha
    Anne, remind me never to have any syrup with you!!!
    Hazel, your arrangement sounds perfect. Just enough to keep you in touch with the girls, and not so much as to tire you.
    Lilian, you need to send your address to Sandra, so that she can forward it to us, please.
    I'm away to put the second coat of varnish on my finger nails, I'll have to keep them on top of the bed all night so that I don't get the sheet imprint on them. What we do for vanity. You'd think at my age, I'd be over that, but as a famous shop says, "every ittle helps" lol.
    See you at the Retreat tomorrow -- and to those who aren't going, enjoy yourselves, keep the Cafe nice for Sandra, and make sure that pesky cow doesn't sneak back in!!!!
    Night, night, sweet dreams.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Roll a joint? - knee, elbow, ankle ?? Xxx

  36. Well that's me for today, it's been a long day but I did get things done and did two cards as well so very happy, Maybe I get quicker at things Lol .
    I hope everyone have a good night and sleep well and dream of happy, nice things.If you out early for your travel, have a good trip and I see some of you for REAL in the afternoon ! eeeeek's hihi See you in the morning.
    God natt alla, Xxxx

  37. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    SANDRA hope you haven't tired yourself out today & your all ready for tomorrow safe journey & ENJOY YOUR SELF.
    PAT your card is lovely,& your stamping & colouring is so pretty love it.
    KAREN hope you have had a lovely birthday xx
    LILIAN hope you have had a lovely day happy golden wedding anniversary too you both. Xx
    MARIA wow you were a early bird today Have a safe journey tomorrow .
    Busy morning with mundane things washing ironing houswork.later this afternoon eye test at specsavers prescription has changed so new glasses needed, that cost a arm & a leg. Even though it was buy one get on free still cost £253.00 frames £85 then when all lenses extras distance & reading,reaction ext.add up.but Ha Ho got to have them.
    Well that me once again every one enjoy your weekend.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda when I went to Spec Savers the offer of buy one get one free was on and I said to them I only wear one pair at a time and really did not want or need two pairs so they gave me a reduction for only have the one pair. Have a lovely weekend with your friend at the show xxx

  38. Well tomorrow is the day all of those going to the retreat have been waiting for so to all going have a safe journey and a fantastic time, such a pity you will all miss the Halloween Party at the café that Anne and I are planning! There will be lots of party food , treacle scones, gingerbread, spiders web cake, ginger biscuits, dookin for apples and best of all.........Janet's SLOE GIN! See what you will all be missing? ha ha Maureen has very kindly got the balloon ready so if the weather is ok we just may have a little ride out so you never know perhaps we may pop in to see you all in Birmingham. A word of warning we will be dressed in our party best including hats too!
    Take care everyone and don't forget to set your alarm clocks when you all go to bed tonight, you must not miss your trains or lifts ladies.
    Good night and God Bless, special hugs for Saba and Val.
    Margaret xxx.

    1. Night Night Margaret!
      I will listen for the giggles overhead on Saturday Night!
      Please remember Birmingham International Airport Flight Path!
      I'm sure your Satnav will help!
      I've been having lessons this evening! - not sure they've worked!
      I'm relying on my friend Saba - she won't let me down! Xxxx

  39. Helloooooo,
    I haven't packed yet, aaaaagggghhhhh.
    Craft stuff is packed, but not clothes! It's too late now so I will do it in the morning.
    We never got to the ice cream farm, weather was not really suitable so we went to a play barn instead. This evening just disappeared in a puff of smoke and by the time we had dinner it was too late to do much. Just enjoying a glass of wine, Joanne is drinking tea- is she really my daughter?
    To all the ladies who are not coming, hope the Halloween party goes well. Do be careful if you go up in that balloon again, there could be the odd firework going off. And to all who are coming, safe journey, see you tomorrow!!!
    Love and excited hugs
    Saba xxxx

  40. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Pat, love your card It is so bright and fresh looking.thank you for sharing it with us. LOL xx

    Well we are back home, once more. SIL not going to work until after lunch and Daughter will be working from home tomorrow, so they cam cope without us. Anyway John starts his radiotherapy tomorrow. For some reason the appointment times have been changed its now an afternoon appointment. Well at least we get to lay in in the morning!!!!
    I wonder how many of the retreat ladies will sleep well tonight? You are all getting so excited. I hope everyone has a safe journey, I will be thinking of you all, enjoy the very special mini break. LOL
    Well John has gone up to bed, I better follow him.

    Sandra, enjoy this very special weekend, it's all about you and your wonderful blog. xxx .............. I can't promise we will all behave in you absence........ There is no telling where that Hot Air Balloon could land !!!
    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx
