
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Anne's Beautiful basket card

Good Morning Ladies,
I am so excited to share this gorgeous, bright and cheerful card, designed by Anne, I just LOVE the colour you have chosen Anne.
Anne has used the Scored Lines Embossing Folder from Creative Expressions, for the background of the card, I love the gorgeous die that Anne has used for the corners of the blue card, it truly is stunning.
The white frame part of the card is the (CE) Tuscany die from their Italian Collection, the centre die is a
Marianne Craftables die, I believe it comes with a little rose and a leaf too.
The Ivy is (CE) Trailing Ivy die from their Finishing Touches range, although I have to say that Anne has added some amazing finishing touches of her own to these die cuts, as I have never seen the Ivy look so realistic! I can't wait to find out what Anne has done with it, the little flowers are so pretty and just the right colour too, a perfect card, thank you so much for sharing with us Anne xxx

Well Paul is away so we are having a girly day tomorrow, we started tonight by ordering Pizza in for a treat!
With Paul not being around I am limited to what I can do with the girls during this half term, I think Becca has the day off too today so we may get to go out somewhere!
I hope that you all have a lovely day too,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. Sandra have a great day with the girls. I am sure they will keep you well entertained during the day.
    It is still very dark here, have not a clue what the weather is like or will be like later in the day.
    ANNE:- your card is absolutely beautiful I just LOVE it. I have the Flower Basket Die .... somewhere!! "Why" do we keep buyin all those New Dies?? we should be rummaging amougst the Dies we already have!!! Note to self, get out all those Dies and USE them!! Because they have not been used in years, folk will think they are "NEW"
    Everything looking good in here, all ready for the day ahead. Have made some Tea & Toast, I am over in the corner people watching. Can't stay long, too much on the cards today, I really mean that !!
    Ooooo!! it is getting super exciting only 2 more sleeps. I have all the things for the Retreat in my big case except "clothes, shoes & undies" they will have to go into a separate biggish bag.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual. See you all later I hope!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Agree with you on the 'old dies, new dies' comment. I have so many beautiful SB ones that hardly get a look in since SW brought us her gorjuss dies, that in the New year, I shall be cutting out one at a time and bagging them so I can then see what beauty I have been missing and can use again. xx

    2. Patricia I wholeheartedly agree we should get the older dies out and use them more as they used to cost more when we first bought them too! xxx

    3. Totally agree! I found some I had forgotten all about when I was re-organising mine. Xxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, early start today, work delivery,which I hate doing as the road is very narrow, and they have a long drive with no room to turn around.( to be truthful I hate driving ).
    Then have to try and find some new shoes.

    Anne your card is delightful, love the colours, must have taken ages sticking all those tiny flowers.

    Going to have a craft day tomorrow with a couple of friends, so this afternoon will sort out some stamping and die cuts.

    Have a good day everyone. Will call in later for a coffee, no cake!!!!!!!
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Lillian, read your comment about getting shoes and that you like Ecco ones they do really nice flat ones that you could get away with for a posh outing. Look up their web site and have a look. I wear a lot of Ecco shoes as some are narrow enough for me and are so comfortable.. At least looking at what they have will save you time. Xxx

    2. Safe journey Lilian, I must admit when I've driven in Cornwall I often hold my breath! The roads are so narrow! We rented a cottage in Foey and drove through the village to unload and again to pack but that was the only times! Enjoy your crafty day tomorrow xxxxx

    3. Oh Lillian Cornwall sounds just like up here in the Lake District! Take care safe journeybxxx

    4. LILAIN:- sounds just like where we live. However would not move for all the "Tea in China" xxx

  3. Good morning. Sandra and ladies. Well like Patricia I haven't a clue what the weather has install for us today, but I do hope it's better than yesterday.
    Anne, I love your card, you have use those dies brilliantly. Your ivy looks so real too.
    I have a few things to do today, I just hope there is enough hours in the day? Babysitting in Perth tonight not for to long. It's the meeting for Calum going up to the high school next year so both Derek and Tammy need to be at it. So we will baby sit Andrew. First of all this morning I have to get the room ready for Patricia staying tomorrow night. Glad I decided to not change the bedding the other day as I put a bottle of glue down on it and yes it leaked. I have to pack my big bag with things that I don't have room in my case for, but apart from that I am a kind of ready. Off to sit and have my cup of tea, I hope every one is well and what every you have planned for today have a good one. (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket help yourself. Xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone visiting the cafe' today.
    I Love this card! the EF, the Dies and the Colours used are so perfect together and then the little Basket and the trailing Ivy, it's a very pretty card. I'd like too to know how you made the Ivy to look so realistic .
    Thanks Patricia for setting up for the day, see I am doing a practise round hihi
    not an easy one but crawled into bed before 10! and that seemed to have worked. Doubt it will continue.... Clothes I haven't packed any, know it was something I forgot. Have to shine up the tiara a bit too, haven't been used for a long time. Patricia, take some of your older Dies(if you find them) with you so can we have a play. Going for Aqua this morning and then some food shopping,again. Never seem to last long when you got a son living at home. Hope to make some cards, Thank you Pat.I got your message, will make my dad's card up on the weekend. Sandra, you have a nice day with the girls. It's raining here so happy to stay in , hope the weather is better on the weekend so maybe we can have a little walk at some time.
    To anyone feeling blue today I wish you all better and take care, my special hugs to Saba and family. hugs Maria Xxx

    1. MARIA:- sorry,sorry, sorry, I don't have room anywhere for Dies let alone a sheet of "tissue paper". I can hardly "lift" the big case ..... it's FULL to bursting with half of the Raffle Prizes (Hazel has the other half) made up with lots of goodies Norah donated plus some other donated things.
      I also have to "lug" another bag, I need a change of clothes and some clean undies. I will have a small selection of Craft Tools, a small flat box with a few Die Cut flowers and that's it for me!! xxx

    2. oh that alright, It was just a thought but understand. I just lucky OH is taking me there and back, if I gone by train I probably couldn't taken my GC or the box with "stuff". Have a good day cardmaking Xxx

    3. MARIA:- Thank You for understanding. I will be "chummying" up with you to see what you have in that box of "stuff" I just LOVE rummaging!! xxx

    4. Move over sis I want to have a look too. X

    5. Patricia do you need us to bring anything for you like the tissue paper? I'm back to plan A of a lift at the moment so just let us know if there is anything we can help with. Xxxxx

    6. DIANE:- you are so sweet. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I will be fine, I was making a comparison that my case is so full I would not "even get a sheet of Tissue Paper " in it.
      I have another light weight bag with a change of clothes and clean undies, that's me I can borrow "tools" if I don't have what is needed at any point. xxx

  5. Good morning/afternoon to all who call in today

    ANNE - what a GORGEOUS card you have allowed us to see. It is absolutely beautiful and the colours are right up my street. Just beautiful.
    As Patricia says why are we buying all the new dies when we have loads and loads of older ones. I have a basket die and it's so old I just cannot remember where I bought it from let alone what it's called. I think we ought to have a day when we only use the dies we first bought when we started crafting with dies.

    SANDRA - I know you will have a really good girly day. It will be lovely to just have your girls around you. I bet that doesn't happen very often does it.

    SABA - You're all in my thoughts my lovely Yorkshire lass.

    Well it's wet, foggy and horrible here this morning. It's a good thing we're not going out well that is I'm not. Jim will be of course doing his intrepid journeys to the wood shed to keep the burner going etc etc. I just have to put some inserts into my November birthday cards and then I might have a play with one or two ideas I have re small Christmas gifts for my K&N group or cut some more Christmas card out.
    Hugs are on their way that is if they can find their way through the fog and rain.
    See you all later. xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Anne, what a gorgeous card. It is so pretty. I love the delicate flowers and your colouring of the ivy making it look so real is the best I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
    Saba, you and your family are all in my thoughts. sending you love and hugs.
    Sandra and I had a busy day with lots of chat about meeting lots of you on Friday. ONLY 2 DAYS TO GO NOW : ))
    Thank you Sandra for the delicious leek and potato soup and that scrummy chocolate dessert. Ladies, Sandra is a seriously good cook and I had to chose between the chocolate offering or a gorgeous looking freshly made carrot cake. Chocolate wins for me 99% of the time, as it did yeserday but it was very hard to choose. It's probably good that we don't meet more often at her house or I would be even heavier than I am now!
    Another busy day for me, I have 14 invitations to make fora friends 90th birthday and also have a hospital appointment this afternoon so need to get up and on again today. Roll on the Retreat for a rest, ok my body might get a rest but I have a feeling that all of our jaws will be aching after all of the chatting that is going to be going on : )
    Wishing you all a good day. Take care xx

    1. Have a good day Sue and good luck for this afternoon. Chocolate,Carrot cake, Chocolate, Carrot cake , jeee must have been hard tihi Xxx

  7. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a gorgeous card, love that realistic ivy.

    Didn't get much crafting done last night but I did get some fancy circles cut out for my M in L, will try to cut some more out before we visit them on Saturday. I'm going to record Julia Watts on Hochanda so I can watch the programmes tonight as hubby is away and I'm going to my GP's at 5pm for a steroid injection in my left thumb so I doubt I'll feel like crafting!

    A colleague is meant up be collecting the old desk & office chair tonight plus I ring my Dad on Wednesdays so I'll need to be super organised.

    Saba-thinking of you & sending my love to you + your family.

    Sandra-enjoy your girly day and the pizza.


  8. Oh! My! Word! I have just opened the blinds in the lounge and what do I see???...... the "winter SAND bin" has been delivered to our end of the village.
    The village is very flat, it is not really for the road it is for the Pavements which we have to sand ourselves!!! Now tell me this "do they know something we don't" ....... the bin does not usually arrive till MID November. Oh! well better safe than sorry I suppose. I feel my time for "hibernation" and the "UGG boots" drawing ever closer xxx

    1. Good morning Ladies, Thank you Sandra for showing my cards etc. It is lovely being able to share what you love to do, and for all the kind comments, the ivy I made by using one of Sue's tips, I just splodged two shades of green onto white card and then die cut them , then shaped them a little on the underside with a ball tool , the little flowers I used the SB hydrangea die which cuts out 20 tiny flowers at a time and the corner die is the Anya corner from Marianne dies ( must say it is a favourite of mine) .
      Have a great day with the girls and enjoy the pizza!
      Patricia , I haven't answered your email yet as I thought id wait until I got the addresses , then kill two birds with the one stone ( so to speak) how lazy is that! Hope your iPad stops playing up , I hate when that happens, you have been sooo busy you take my breath away ! I think you'll need to slow down or you'll fall asleep at the retreat! xo
      Well it's walking group day and the weather looks not bad so I'm looking forward to catching up with the girls, ha ha ! average age 70 ish!
      Have a lovely day , special hugs for Saba XO
      Love and hugs to all xoxo

    2. Patricia don't worry it will not be long until spring!

    3. MARIA - that's where the sandman has gone - he's delivering boxes/ bins of the stuff in Scotland!! He'll be here next! Xxx

  9. Well I have just done a Maureen and unpacked my case in the hope of finding a space that I could fit a couple of bits in and ahhhhhhhhh I can't get what I had back in so its all out again. Having a cup of tea before I start again. Oh, why oh why did I do something so stupid??? Don't answer I kniw what you will say!!! Xxx

    1. I'm not saying anything ,Lol Xxx

    2. Oh Hazel, I know how you feel ! Why is it we never learn? xo

    3. Hazel please please remember that you have to lift and carry your bag and case don't go doing yourself an injury xxx

    4. My lips never even moved!!!xxx

    5. Nor did mine. Hope you get it sorted. Out all day and not back til late so will be late in tonight. Just want to say ANNE I love your card.

    6. I hope you are getting a lift from the station now ladies and not walking! Xxxx

    7. Not a word have I spoken. I wouldn't dare xxxx

    8. Yes Charlie will drive us round, and Paul will kindly be at Longbridge to meet us. Xxx

    9. Hazel, is there anything in that case or bag that could be left at home and brought by me in a car! I would be happy to do that if I could . Please think about it! Xxx

    10. Thank you Myra, I think I am sorted, did panic as to where my soap bag was to go? Now wait for it I have a bag in the case with mini products and priducts to show how to make up the baskets! P,us I think the hotel will provide these things, so I will be fine for the shampoo shower gel things the other bits are in my bag.

    11. Oh I must say these scenes are getting quite funny now - cases and belongings everywhere - tiaras and pjs boots and all - good job its only Birmingham !!!!! xx

    12. JEAN:- that's is a long way for us!!! Remember we are away up north.
      We can fly to Turkey quicker than getting to Birmingham!!! xxx

  10. Morning ladies,

    A quick visit this morning, my car needs refuelling ready for Monday's walking tour and odds and sods needed for Jamie, he is staying here a while. On return, up in the loft for suitcase and ScanNCut box. Packing later on and then a relaxing evening trying out some of the Kanzashi flower tutorial I have on my Pinterest board. Elements for my cards to do at retreat are all pre-cut and stowed in my carry storage box. You are quite welcome to rummage in there too if you so wish, Patricia and Hazel.

    Saba, my darling, if you have chance to 'pop in', I whispered a prayer or two for you, Val & family today, you have crossed my mind so many times I asked the angels to be near you to give you comfort, love & protection.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    So sorry for my absence but my laptop gave up the ghost and I have had to buy a new one, so I am slowly, very slowly finding my way around Windows 10 and I have to admit to not being the brightest button when it comes to computers! No comments please!
    Saba it was with much sadness that I received your news from Patricia and then when I found the coffee shop blog read Myra's post. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, one good thing you are over here with your family and not hundreds of miles away. I wholeheartedly agree with Myra, when one of us is hurting, we all feel the pain.
    Your artwork Sophie was astounding and you will always keep that wonderful talent you have little lady, my husbands cousin was very talented and put it to one side for various reasons having a family then breeding race horses and then when she was 68! Yes 68 she was asked to join an art class at the end of the first lesson the teacher took her to one side and told her she had a wonderful and very special talent and she must progress with it, she has attended the classes each week since. She has really loved getting back into art again and her work is wonderful. So you will never loose your talent it will always be with you.
    The men's cards were wonderful and so very inspirational.
    Anne your card today is so beautiful the colours are perfect so too the die cuts love it, thank you for showing us all your work.
    Please ladies when you are packing do remember you have to carry those cases no injuries please.
    Well I have got the cleaning done for this morning bathroom, kitchen and utility room, I usually do them on a Tuesday but ran out of time yesterday as we had to collect my laptop and do some shopping that left Derek with weak knees' we have ordered new carpets and a three piece suite and just for good measure a coffee table too! He felt so weak he had to sit down in the shop! No stamina these men.
    Well my coffee was lovely really hit the spot, my hugs are over in the corner please help yourselves and have a good day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret ! I've been in stitches! Poor Derek - no wonder his poor knees were a problem! He was probably thinking what else ? He will love it when he sees it all in place! They always do!
      Glad you are back with us! I was waddling a lonely path without you! Xxx

    2. MARGARET :- I was in the corner laughing with Myra. That was so funny, I could just see poor Derek needing to have that seat. Just like John .... of course it was for his knees, NOT because he was worried about what was coming next!!!
      Can't answer your e-mail I am still having problems. I am thinking about you just the same. xxx

    3. Derek said it was a bad day yesterday, he thought I was never going to stop, all he could see were £ signs going faster and faster!
      I could not leave my waddling pal all alone for too long Myra xxx
      Don't worry Patricia I know only too well what it's like to have problems in the IT dept. xxx

    4. I think Derek needs a lie down in a darkened room - oooh there's a thought Margaret, new bed, new bedding, new curtains! Lol xxxx

    5. Oh no Diane we did that last year, if I was to say we needed another new bed he would have heart failure xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your card is stunning, love everything about it.
    Sandra hope you have a lovely girly day and relax before our hectic weekend!!
    Ladies, packed already and repacked, I haven't even started yet! Everything is in my head that I am taking, just need to transfer them to my case!!!
    Saba if you pop in just know we are all thinking of you and Val.
    It is a horrible morning here just right for crafting.
    Will catch up later, take care, Jess

    1. Jess that's a relief I haven't packed yet either! Xxxx

    2. I am not packed for "me" yet either ..... I have managed to find time to put "polish" on my boots for travelling. Thank goodness we have a spare bed I keep putting things to wear on it. I look, then put them away again. I have left my PJs and undies. That will be about it for me I think. xxx

    3. I'm getting this picture of you sitting down to dinner in
      PJ's boots and maybe a pendant! We need a photo for the big! Xxx

    4. MYRA:- went to bank, got the Diamonds out of the vault. Would hate to be underdressed for Dinner. Never know who you might end up sitting next too!!! xxx

    5. How big are your diamonds! We may need some to make Saba decent!

    6. I was going to say "sorry no Diamonds big enough for that" then I thought SABA:- might take it the wrong way!!! xxx

  13. Good morning ladies,
    I am sorry I haven't been in the last few days. I feel guilty and hope I haven't put a damper on all the excitement. Thank you so very very much for all the love and concern you have shown me on here, for your prayers, and for thinking of Val and her family. And thank you for your emails, it has meant a great deal and has truly helped. Thank you Myra for letting everyone know why I was missing.
    I can't put into words just how I feel at the moment and initially I had thought I wouldn't be able to join you for the weekend but now I feel I want to. Not only that but Val has told me she intends to make the most of what time is left, she is determined to carry on as normal and has told me I must do the same.
    Today I have Oliver all day whilst mum and dad are working. I haven't even been in the shower yet! Too busy flying airplanes. Margaret, we made your biscuits yesterday, he really enjoyed rolling the dough into balls, just wish I had washed his hands first,
    Anne your card is so pretty, love your little basket of flowers, I must have a look at all my old dies too.
    I am nowhere ready for the retreat, no idea what I am wearing or bringing, might have to revert to plan -A, the one where I was only bringing knickers and a tiara.
    Much love and thanks to you all once again,
    Barbara xxx

    1. I'm sure the biscuits were great! Flying aeroplanes sounds a lot safer than being on a trampoline ! Stay indoors!!
      It's lovely to see you here. Be in touch about times for Friday. Xxx

    2. SABA:- have to agree with Myra, making biscuits and flying aeroplanes is far more important.
      Can I ask for you to maybe put a few more clothes on .... don't think you will be warm enough with what you have suggested!!!
      You are all still in our thoughts & prayers. See you Friday (((((hugs))))) xxx

    3. I don't want any incidents on the M6 either! Xxx

    4. Hi dear Saba,

      It's lovely to hear from you. I'm so glad Val has persuaded you not to cancel but I do think you will need more than knickers for the retreat, the other hotel guests might think they have walked into a nudist colony! xxx

    5. Hi Saba
      Lovely to hear from you, and we're all glad you decided to come on the retreat. Don't worry about clothes to bring, we don't mind knickers and Tiara you know. Seriously though you've more important things to think about at the moment. We're not dressing up as such so just go with what's comfortable. Love to all the family.

    6. IHi Saba,
      It is so good to hear you are still going on the retreat I think it will do you the world of good & I admire Val greatly for her attitude, my thoughts & prayers are with you both. I do think you will be abit cold in knickers & tiara though maybe a scarf would help! xx

    7. So lovely to see you here today Saba, delighted to know Oliver enjoyed himself making the biscuits, now listen fussy granny I'm quite sure his hands cannot have been all that dirty, they would taste better too! Flying planes is just great fun too, you enjoy every minute with your little treasure.
      Tiara and knickers are fine but please don't forget the bra too!
      You have one very brave and considerate sister who is in my prayers and her family too. Val has a wonderful attitude and that will help everyone around her. Have a lovely time meeting everyone this weekend I will be thinking of you and although my knees are painful I will be on them for you so should you hear a creak it will be my prayers reaching you. May God Bless you and help you, my comforting hugs are winging their way over to you, and there is always more should you need them.
      Margaret xxx

    8. Saba - its so good to see you in here, been thinking of you and your family, Val sounds so positive - the retreat will do you the world of good- take care (hugs in abundance winging their way to you ) xxxxxx

  14. Saba, if you hadn't told us Oliver hadnt washed his hand and we had been given a biscuit would we have known ?? No we would have enjoyed them I no doubt. Enjoy your day with him. Also a big well done to Val for embracing this time with her great attitude To her illness. ((((((( hugs)))))) xxx ps see you Friday.

    1. Saba how lovely to hear from you, I didn't email as I wasn't sure if you would have time to look but you have been in my thoughts. Val has the right idea, it will probably give you strength to come on the trip and just take your mind off the situation for a little while - after all, we understand and you've no need to explain anything. You are both lovely strong women and have such a lovely attitude to life. Sending you both a big hug xxxxx
      Do you know I'm feeling rather full so I don't think I want a biscuit thank you :) xxxxx

    2. Saba I always think that those biscuits always taste so much better don't you? You need this weekend my lovely so just let the girls keep you on track or should that be the other way round! Anyway you know what I mean. Gentle hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Saba,
      So lovely to hear from you and I'm so pleased you are still going to the will help to be amongst friends who understand how you feel and I know they will cheer you up for a while and take your mind off things for the time you are with them. I'm quite hopeless with words at times like these but just want you to know although I won't be there I am sending you a big gentle hug across cyber space. Thinking of you lovely lady. Hugs Sheila xxxx

    4. so pleased to see you have been in the cafe today Barbara and pleased you are going to the a Retreat. You are still all in my thoughts and prayers. Take carexx

  15. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Anne I love your card it reminds me of a lovely Spring day with the pretty basket of flowers and the gorgeous colours you have used....beautiful!!
    Well my lovelies your Retreat is getting so very close now you all must be getting super-excited and the adrenalin must be really flowing but the day before you set off try and have a day of rest .....okay Patricia and Hazel I can hear you both shouting 'Rest!! what's that?'.....but you are going to enjoy yourselves too and you don't want to be frazzled by the time you stop throwing things at me for saying that! Ouch! Seriously ladies just recharge your batteries in preparation for your wonderful weekend.
    Well I must make a move as I need to pop out and must put my phone alarm(while I have it on my mind) on to remind me to ring Nikki tonight in case I have nodded off at that goes off 5 mins before with a little very handy for me.
    Have left hugs in the basket so please take one if you need it.
    Saba you, Val and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers. We are all standing beside you in spirit with our arms around you in a comforting hug.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Good afternoon Sheila ..... REST:- I had to go look that word up!!!
      Found the meaning ... we will do that on the journey down. Not much else to do one train is there??
      If you nodded off I hope you enjoyed your little "nap" it can be so refreshing.
      Hope Nikki is well and you have a good old chat. xxx

  16. Sandra, I hope your weather is better than ours, again we have the misty rain. You and the girls hopefully have a wonderful,girly day. Get them baking or helping you do things but fun at the same time.
    Our school children had good weather when they were off, which is always a bonus. Xxx

  17. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Anne your card is beautiful and must have taken ages with all those little flowers. It really is full of spring. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Sandra enjoy your girly day, I miss them! Still it's about 7 weeks now and Emma is home again. Xxxx
    Right flying visit, I need to pop out to the shops and then try and get myself organised - need to find the email with my booking confirmation and look up the address for the hotel so I look organised when Julian gets home! Haha that will be the day!
    See you all later - I will try to come in before I start knitting tonight! Xxxxx

    1. There is an App for the Hotel which you can download to your phone or iPad if compatible! It works too!! I was so chuffed when I discovered that. Hope it helps! Xxx

    2. Thanks Myra - I like an Ap! Xxxx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    What a lovely card we have today from way up North! If you have never been to the area where Anne lives - you need to go - it's so beautiful! Don't all go at once though - that could be alarming for Iain! I love your colours Anne and the basket is beautiful. I do like those corners too. It is so good to be reminded to use older dies . After all we spend lots of money on them!
    Thank you for sharing your card and thanks to Sandra for showing it to us.
    Sandra - I hope you have a lovely day with the girls. It's not necessary to go out to have fun! Have a good day!
    Well, I've got a dinner guest tonight, a former colleague of Alastairs so I hope he doesn't stay too late as I've got a fair bit to do! Just need to think about bags and boxes. Alastair has suggested we go out to eat on Sunday after I get home as I'll be too tired to cook! I thought that was a lovely idea. We will just go to a fairly local Italian. His meals apart from lunches are taken care of while I'm away! It's just easier that way!
    Must go and get things done!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. that's a lovely thought Myra - we like Italian too - be a lot to catch up on after the weekend wont there xx

    2. We thought pub carvery would be a good idea:) xxx

  19. Hi Ladies,

    Imagine my surprize when opening the back door to go get the petrol etc., I found a big black bag which inside held a large rose covered gift bag full of crafting tools, card, stickers, toppers and sundry items from a friend of my old neighbour, hoping I would enjoy playing with them. What a beautiful person to think of me and my love of crafting. My, it warmed the cockles of my heart, I don't get that many surprizes, my flabber is well and truly gasted!

    1. Hi Cheryl what a lovely surprise for you from your neighbours friend.
      Enjoy rummaging through the bag. I love a good crafty rummage haha.

    2. CHERYL:- that was so sweet, you lucky lady.
      Enjoy rummaging in the bag, I love a good rummage. xxx

    3. Cheryl - enjoy your surprise - hope you find some nice things in there xxx

    4. Cheryl, sounds as if Christmas came early! Have fun! Xxx

    5. What a lovely treat Cheryl xxxx

    6. Cheryl what a lovely treat to enjoy when you have the time. xxx

  20. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra hope you have lovely day with your girls, I love spending time with my "girl"!xx
    You all sound as if you are going for more than 2 nights with all your packing we always take too much don't we I am sure you will all have a super time keep us informed please.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. Hi Anne,
    I forgot to say how much I like your card it's lovely well done. xx

  22. Help!! I came from from our Ladies Group to find my dinner guest already parked in the drive!! Alastair was out - this chap was asked to come any time after 4 30pm!!! It was 3 30pm when I arrived home! I hope this means he will leave early. He is very nice but thankfully I'd done everything necessary before I left today. His reason for being so early - didn't want to get caught in rush hour traffic! He lives in Cheshire. He needs to be on his way home before two Manchester football matches finish tonight! Both City and United are playing at home . That should be fun!
    Have left them chatting ! Alastair's face was a picture when he arrived home!

  23. What a lovely surprise for you Cheryl, and all the more so as it wasn't expected!
    Enjoy all your treats ! xo

    1. MYRA:- I thought you LOVED surprises!!! xxx

    2. I do! I draw the line however at elderly men!!! Xxx ha ha!

    3. MYRA:- is he really THAT old??? xxx

    4. No not really but he's older than me and a doesn't have much of a sense of humour! Xxx

    5. Well that's no use is it ??? xxx

    6. No ! I really prefer folk with a sense of humour! You'll be just fine!!
      He's gone! Yippee! Xxx

    7. Haha I thought you were hiding in the kitchen making coffee! Xxx

  24. Hi everybody, been out with friends for our usual Wednesday catch up, garden centre was really quiet, not a nice day weather wise it must have kept people away. Card class tonight, then tomorrow MUST get packed for Birmingham.
    Sandra hope you have had a good day with the girls, looking forward to seeing you on Friday.
    Saba, lovely to see you, it will be lovely to see you on Friday, Val seems to be a very positive person with a great attitude towards life, good for her!!,
    Take care everyone, off to make a quick dinner, going out at 6. xxx

  25. Good afternoo SANDRA & lovely ladies. Hope you have had a lovely day with your girls & had fun x you all sound excited & lots of packing & unpacking going on & packing again are you sure your not going for a week HaHa.
    Haven't been up to much today. Took dogs out for a walk up the park turned out quite warm after a wet start. Came home had lunch then I made some more cards. Took two cards with me for the two ladies in the cafe'up the park as they shut up for the winter. ANNE your card is gorgeous I love the colour & die's you've used the basket die is very pretty.
    SABA lovely to see you today I'm pleased you going on the retreat it will do you good.Good for Val she has a great positive attitude. Sending her & her family Hug's & as always your are all in my thoughts & Prayers xxx
    I hate these dark nights it's so black out now. I think I had better get dinner started. Take care & have a lovely evening everyone. Xxx

  26. Good evening Sandra and all the ladies,
    Im really late today - catching up on everything I should have been doing over the last few days - Glad to see Saba has popped in.
    We went to Liverpool shopping yesterday and we were foot weary when we got back about 7 o clock last night, really enjoyed it. I cant believe that I was born in Liverpool and lived there till I was 18 when we moved away, The accent seems to have grown stronger and I was fascinated listening to it as though I was a complete stranger.
    I have commented on the way down, have loved reading all the antics with cases etc, can only imagine what tomorrow night will be like.
    Anne I love the card you have made and is on display today, I too love these corners but haven't used them for a while - inspiration in abundance is what this blog is about must get them out and use them.
    Sandra I hope you have had a lovely day with your girls - theres nothing like it at this time of year - all cosy inside when its nasty outside, its been raining on and off all day today .
    Well the dogs are telling me its tea time for them so will try to pop back later if I don't fall asleep.
    Take care everyone - have popped hugs in the basket in case its running low by this time of day

  27. Hi Ladies

    GP wouldn't do injection as my wrist is too inflamed. He's faxed a referral to X-ray for it be done guided by ultrasound! Am a bit annoyed as I explained what I needed doing when I booked the appointment-never mind, can't do much about it now.

    Just waiting for colleagues hubby to collect the office furniture then I can start my tea= pizza! Just want to settle down & watch Julia Watts 3 programmes from earlier. Hubby will ring at some point then I'll need to ring my Dad-such an exciting life I lead.

    Saba-so glad you are going on the retreat, it will be a lovely distraction for you.


  28. SABA I am so sorry to hear your news and am thinking of you Val is soooo right Try and enjoy the Retreat PATRICIA is right you might need to wear a bit more than a pair of knickers and a tiara
    Hope you enjoyed your girlie day SANDRA and I had to do a double take when you showcased SOPHIE's art - astounding and outstanding I wish my son (a zookeeper) was still alive to have been able to see her work
    ANNE your card is beautiful A beautiful delicate card that anyone would treasure
    MICHELE I loved your cards yesterday I must look back and see the name if the cd you used I think someone mentioned MCS for changing colours You can do that in Serif too

  29. Hellooooooooooooooooo
    I'm sorry I'm so late but I've had such a busy day, packing and unpacking!!!!
    NO, just kidding, I've been in and out of the house all day and have just got around to reading the blog.
    I'm afraid that I've forgotten all the things I was going to say after I'd read Saba's post. I am so happy to see you and pleased as Punch that you are going to the Retreat. You know I have been thinking and praying for you all for a long time. Don't worry about clothes, you can always wear some of mine, you might just have to take them in a foot or so!!!
    Anne, your card is really beautiful. I love that die.
    Margaret C, lovely to see you.
    Sandra, enjoy your girlie day tomorrow. I like Italian too, there's a very handsome one works in our local Supermarket!!!!
    Hazel, behave yourself and rest that hip/leg
    Patricia, ooh err Diamond Tarrarra, how posh!!!
    Myra, behave yourself with the old, no sense of humour, gentleman. I bet he's a laugh a month really!!!
    Cheryl, it just shows how much people think of you to leave you lovely gifts like that. I just get presents from the birds, usually just after the windows have been cleaned ha ha.
    Michele, sorry to read about your wrist, I hope you get your appointment very soon.
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- shhhh!! don't breathe a word ..... no Diamonds it's all "plastic" someone told me that was better .... more like Platimum!! xxx

    2. He probably only laughs once a month! He drives extremely slowly too! It's ok I haven't been in the car with him - but it took him 1hour 20 minutes at a quiet time for a journey of less than an hour! I'm being mean, sorry! Xxx

  30. My dear Anne,
    I am so sorry I didn't leave a comment on your beautiful card this morning. My apologies my dear, it's a very delightful basket and I love the rich blue yo have used.. Just like my Nan Campkin used to crochet. She made me a most marvellous linen and crocheted table cloth for my 'bottom drawer' too many years ago and I still use it now. xxx

  31. Hello phew made it back in before I started the knitting tonight. It's quite chilly here tonight, mind you I'm watching the apprentice and sometimes their stupidness makes my blood boil!!! No common sense this lot. I like the bit where they get fired, I think there might be two going tonight at this rate! I bumped into a friend in M&S today so we had a lovely catch up, it's getting quite Christmassy in there now, I might get organised one day! Right, I will say night night, see you tomorrow. Knitting is calling! Sleep tight xxxx

    1. Night Night Diane! Will you be packing the knitting? Sleep well! Xxxx

  32. Evening all,
    Packing and unpacking is done here too, I still trying to make some cards and realised I already packed what I needed so out it had to come again. A glue bottle had stuck today so after a real hard squeeze it suddenly shot out and it went all over the kitchen work top, it was a sticky business . Also broke the finger guard on my little guillotine, glue and stickytape have fixed it for now. Might have to take the big one with me. Cheryl, how wonderful to get some crafting items, hope you enjoyed going through it all. You can rummage in mine if I can rummage in yours . Hi Saba,it so lovely to see you in today and I'm very glad you will still join us at the weekend. Love to Val and give her our wishes and hugs to her and the family. Margaret C O , good to see you in too, Computers, laptops and iPad etc are good to have but uj they are a bother when not working properly,you take care. Psss Myra, how is the guest. Has he left you by now, do tell us how it went. Sheila, hope you had a nice chat with Nikki earlier and she is well. Michele ,your wrist don't sound to good, you take care and hope it will get help soon. Jess, hope you had a nice evening. Diane, have a good face time with Emma . Do you suffering of the empty nest syndrome ? I did for a while but it got better. Sugar, can't get the tiara with me, tried to clean it up but must have used the wrong stuff as it melted ! so no tiara for me. mr Sandman must have sprinkled some sand from Scotland, my eyes getting heavy and a yawn or two have been seen so I wish you all a good night! Hope Derek not having kittens and Sandra will not have any nightmares.
    warm hugs around to you all Xxxx

  33. Hello and goodnight to you all. I've had such a busy day, but the more I get done before Friday, the better..
    I'm starting my beauty regime at 9 a.m. in the morning and it will last all day. Need to look my best for when I meet you all. George reckons I should have started today!!!!
    Sweet dreams everyone, see you tomorrow.

  34. Good night God Bless Maureen and take no notice of George!
    I am going to follow Maureen's lead and have an early night too, so I will say good night and God Bless everyone
    Margaret xxx

  35. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another busy day here looking after grandchildren. The playroom cupboards/shelves are all sorted and organised. I am waiting for OH to say when are you going to start on your craft room?
    Anne your card is really lovely, I just know the recipient would have been delighted with it. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Sandra I'm sure you are getting very excited as your very first craft retreat is almost here. I so wish I could be with you and all the other ladies. I can truly say my heart will be with you. But as you know I need to be with my lovely OH - my heart tells me he will be fine. But I need to be with him. SORRY hope that makes sense.
    Love Brenda xxx
