
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Man Card Tuesday (for one week only)

 Good Morning Ladies,
We are having a Male themed day a little late this week, so its Man Card Tuesday!
Michele is the designer of these fantastic cards today, they were both made using CD roms, Michele certainly is the master of making these CD cards looking so fantastic, both of these cards would make perfect for teenage boys and for that matter some teenage girls too, my two are frequent users of both the PS3 controller and the mobile phone as are many teenagers these days!
Your cards are fantastic Michele, thank you so much for sharing xxxx

The girls just can't get their heads around the fact that the only phone we used if we were out was phone box, then all you had to remember was a 10p piece, well actually I remember phone box's took 2p's, but to be honest how often did we feel the need to ring someone, certainly not as often as we do now!
I remember when we first got our telephone at home, it didn't take my dad long to fit a lock and put a tin beside the phone for you to cover the cost of your call! haha
We are partly to blame I believe, I always make the girls call me to let me know they arrived safe or to let me know that all is well if they aren't coming home.
Years ago our parents weren't as worried as we get to day, we used to leave early morning, be out all day, getting back in time to wash your hands for dinner, no calls to check in, I used to walk 2 miles with friends on a Friday night to the next village for the Youth club disco, we walked through a cemetery and along a dark, unlit country lane. no calls to make sure we arrived safe and I will add that more often than not my parents would be in bed before I returned so they weren't worried about me getting home, but I can honestly say that I still can't sleep if Matt isn't in yet or Becca even though she stays at Josh's!! But maybe that's just my anxiety rearing its ugly head?!
By the way do phone box's still exist??

Saba, just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers xxx

Anyway, that's all for me today, Sue is coming over to play today, Pat has ANOTHER lunch date with friends, I tell you that lady really does make the most of retirement, her diary puts mine and Sue's to shame.
Have fun Pat, we will miss you xxxx

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Cew ..... 3 more sleeps!! Ooooo!! it is getting really exciting.
    MICHELE:- your cards are absolutely brilliant. I might just have to take inspiration from them for Roberts birthday card. His birthday is not till December I will keep it in mind though.
    Everything set up for the day, I have made some Tea & Toast. I am over at my usual table.
    I must rush, I have to get my things ready to do that Talk this morning at 10.30.
    Just finished ironing the last of yesterday's washing this morning, so all "go" here.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself. See you later xxx

    1. You'll be well into your talk by now Patricia, I have now doubt you will have them eating out of your hand - I just hope you've washed them!!!

    2. Hope it went well!!! It's the late Myra here! Xxx

  2. Good morning, oh what was that rushing passed me as I came in, I think it might have been my big sister. Now I know why the Hurricane was called Patricia!!!
    Two great cards from Michele, and yes I think they would be great from males but also some females that are never without there phones plus play X boxes etc. Michele how's that cough, have you gone to see about it???
    3 days oh it's coming so quick, and after reading that Maureen and Pat might be singing it does make you wonder what things are going to be like ??? Ok there is a big birthday party going on on the Saturday night we can say they are part of it! If anyone comes looking to see what going on. ( tin hat I think).
    Sandra and Sue have a good day playing oh sorry crafting!
    I have left ((((( hugs))))) in the basket and will sit now and have my cup of tea. Xxx

    1. Ha ha Hazel, don't worry I'll not be singing - well screeching would be a better description. The whole Hotel would empty in no time if I did!!
      Don't forget, take it easy today.

    2. Note to self! Pack the Duck tape!! Xxx ha ha !

  3. Good morning ladies, well it looks as if it may be a nice day again today. I only got the washing done yesterday, john suggested taking the dogs out so we went to Bakewell in Derbyshire, absolutely gorgeous and so busy. It was tea time when we got home.
    Another day out today, going to Liverpool shopping with D I L and grandsons girlfriend. We will park at the station and go by train.
    Saba - thinking of you all. Xx
    Patricia, hope your talk goes well, will you be able to sit still on the train on Friday, it's a long journey isn't it haha xx
    Hazel hope you are staying well just in case you are grounded, my word the excitement xx
    Michelle I love these cards, whenever I try to put different papers together they just don't seem to mix well. Have watched Mel Heaton doing it and I like it when she gets all different papers together but it doesn't work for me humph!
    Well done.
    I hope everyone is feeling well but have topped the basket up please help yourselves,
    Will be back later - will be out all day - love shopping xx

    1. Jean, I know exactly what you mean about papers. If I use papers, it looks as if the light was off when I chose them!!! Have a great day shopping xxx

    2. Me too Jean! Or that I'd chosen the papers after dark! Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    The cards were so easy to make & great for teenagers. I've been asked to make a Christmas PlayStation card but it has to have red on the background (football fan)! If I was any use on the computer I could change it in a graphics programme but as I don't understand what that is or how to do it, I'll be attempting to use some of my stash of paper pads.

    Last nights meal out was great-10 people actually turned up. Not the original 10 I booked for but who cares. Home by 9.15 so I could sit with hubby a while before going to bed.

    We have another crazy day with two emergency patients added to the chemotherapy list so I'm going to get in early.

    Hubby asked if I would drop him off & collect him from the golf club presentation evening tonight so will be crafting In between chauffeuring him.


    1. Michele, your cards are great. So clever of you to be able to use CD's, even that is beyond me!! Don't work too hard, but what would we do without people like you. You deserve a medal the size of a dustbin lid. It would be a bit awkward to wear, but you still deserve one!!!!

    2. Michelle - I love your cards! I've never used CD's I can't seem to get them in the iPad! ,!! Xxx

    3. Hi MICHELE both your cards are really great for teenage boy or girl.I have the my craft studio graphics program it's brilliant lets you change the colours resizes & much more. It was made especially for crafters so it's easy to use if I can anybody can. Hug's Xxxx

  5. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today
    SABA - Hope you and your family are managing my dear Friend. Special gentle hugs for you toay.

    MICHELE - I love your cards. They are fantastic and yes I can think of one or two I do cards for who would love these. So if you don't mind I'll store these away and keep them safe.

    SANDRA - have a good day crafting well playing well planning Oh whatever you do I know you'll both have a really good time. Just do not get over excited!!

    Telephones- yes boxes still do exist although it is difficult to find one sometimes. We never had a phone when I was at home but there again it was 'when God were a lad' and Mum and Dad didn't get one until health reasons and it was needed for when I was needed. I know the world is not the same or as safe but isn't it a shame that we cannot let our children/teenagers enjoy their younger years without having to be tagged by a phone.

    It looks as though we might have a good drying day today and I've fingers crossed as I did two loads of washing yesterday one of them being heavy towels so they need to be put outside. The smaller things can be put on my old fashioned wooden clothes horse. as I don't have a tumble dryer . Funny isn't it I cannot do without one in the UK but don't dream of one here. I really do go back in time here. So peaceful, relaxing and Tranquil!!!
    I'll look in later on hugs are on their way through cyber space. xxxx

    1. Janet, have a lovely time relaxing in your little piece of heaven xxx

    2. Sounds just lovely Janet! Enjoy your day! Xxx

    3. Hi JANET it sound so peaceful enjoy your lazy day in heaven.
      Hug's Xx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, pouring with rain here today.
    Michelle your cards are great, just right for teenagers, who seem to have their phones stuck to their ears.
    Patricia have a good day, hope the talk goes well, I'm still in bed while you are whizzing around, time to get my act together.
    Jean enjoy your day shopping,do miss my shopping trips with my sisters.( they are a lot older than me)
    See you later. Lil

  7. Yes the red phone boxes are still there we have one along the main road, don't kniw if it works still and one in the village where our daughter lives. I think it's just the box. Folk managed with just them, but children didn't use them unless they were given the task to make a call for the likes of a doctor. I travelled from here to the south of Germany without a phone or sat nav. Now I can't go to tesco without having my phone with me. I still don't tumble much I have a washer/dryer which is a pain but just don't like my clothes tumbled. I am glad Janet that you chill out in your little house. Xxx

    1. All this talk of telephone boxes reminds me of a daft joke of my Dad's. Long distance calls were called trunk calls. That's not the joke .
      "How do you stop an elephant stampede?
      Press Trunks and reverse the charge!"
      I told you it was daft! Xxx

    2. Hahaha Myra the old ones are the best! Xxxx

    3. That's exactly what he used to say Diane!! Xxx

  8. Morning one & all,

    Michele, your man cards are so vibrant with the colour palette used.

    Yes Sandra, telephones BOXES are still in use. We have one in our village just down the road from me and I can remember we used pennies before decimal p's. Nowadays most public phones are little more than a space bubble where everyone can hear what you say, just like mobiles actually.
    Whatever happened to having a PRIVATE conversation? I don't wish to hear who did what to whom, what you ate for tea, where you are now or going or when you last had sex. That was the latest conversation in full flood walking along the street. UGH! TMI.

    To catch up with all my news the last few days would take quite a while so I'll break it down as follows....
    Friday...out with Jamie, we got Pete's tree for £39.99 using my garden vouchers.
    Saturday... crafting and house work
    Sunday..... more crafting
    Monday.... pleasant morning walking along Strawberry Line 3 at Winscombe,
    betwixt Weston SM and Cheddar.
    Today.... finishing packing case and boxes for retreat.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl,
      I'm so pleased that you managed to get the tree for Pete. It was still quite costly but I know means so much to you, so it's worth it.
      My trolley filling will re-commence today, but I'm getting there slowly!!
      Have a good day

    2. Glad you got the tree Cheryl! I hope it grows beautifully . Xx

    3. Cheryl I'm glad you got your tree - what a bargain compared to the other one! Xxxx

  9. Saba my dear heart,

    Thinking of you all at this most difficult time. I wish I could give you one of your squishy hugs right now. xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Barbara, I am so sorry to hear about Val. My thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time. Sending you my live and hugs.
    Michele yourcards are both great, livevthe little details you have added, and either could be for the girls too.
    I made an X Box card for Tim a few years ago which was actually quite easy as I just copied an image that I found online. I will see if I can find a picture of it.
    I haven't read all of the comments from the last few days but Sandra will tell me what you all have been up to. I hope you all have a good day, I bet some of you will be busy packing for something that is happening at the weekend, what is it again? Oh yes, THE RETREAT WHICH IS ONLY 3 DAYS AWAY NOW.
    After a very hectic few days I am looking forward to being able to sit and relax with you all : ))
    Have a good day everyone. Pat, enjoy yourself, you really are "a lady who lunches" at the moment arent you, you lucky thing : ) See you about 11 Sandra. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Have a great meet up today, and I'll see you in 3 days!!! We'll need to take plenty of throat lozenges with us ha ha!!!

    2. Enjoy your day ladies! Please don't feel you need to practice any singing! Xxx

  11. Good morning Ladies, bright sunny and windy today, so fine for the golf.
    Michele , I love your cards , they are perfect for today's teenagers, I can never think what to do for them so thanks for the ideas. xo
    Sandra , I remember the red phone boxes very well as I did half our courting on them and when I was fifteen and my mum was giving birth ( at home) to my brother I had to run down the hill to phone the doctor ( 4 big old pennies needed then) I was so excited I didnt press the A or B button , and the doctor ( who was sitting at his home with hat and coat on , as he knew the birth was imminent ) had to tell me to press the button , changed days !
    Have a lovely day crafting with Sue I'm sure the chat will all be about the retreat as I can feel the excitement from here! xo
    Saba, sending special hugs for you and Val XO
    Will hear how your talk went later Patricia and good to hear Hazel is on the mend xo
    Will pop into the cafe for some tea and brown toast, wonder if all the excitement has dulled the appetites , that's the only time I don't feel like eating.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, unfortunately, I don't often that I feel like not eating. Show me food and I'm your girl lol. Have a great day today.

    2. Anne, I'm going to look for the DVD you mentioned last night - we have friends in leafy Surrey who are also Scots and he would love it! Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your cards are brilliant, just right for the kids today.
    Sandra have a lovely day with Sue, hope you get a lot of crafting done.
    Most of the red telephone boxes have gone now, you were able to buy them and I have seen one or two in people's gardens as features. The newer ones are not so cosy and you can hear what people are discussing, the same goes for mobile phones, a girl,got n the bus one day I was coming home from work, she was on her phone, paid the driver with great difficulty with one hand, sat down a few seats away, the whole bus heard her conversation about her friend who was pregnant and the guy didn't know, he was an ass.... anyway and she was better off without him etc,,etc, etc. She was saying their names and personal stuff about them, I really wanted to say something to her, but felt I would have probably got a mouthful of abuse, you should have heard the language she
    was using, anyone on the bus could have known who she was talking about
    She got off the bus before my stop, still on the phone!!
    Anyway hope you all have a brilliant day, 3 sleeps to go!!!
    Take care, Jess xxx

    1. Oh Jess, I don't know how many times I've experienced someone getting on the bus, hearing the whole conversation, and then they get off the bus having never drawn breath, still using the phone. Worse still is when young parents get on with a baby in a buggy. They never look at, or talk to the baby or each other. Just sit head down, tapping away on their i-phones.
      Anyone else for the soapbox ha ha

    2. No it's ok! Jess and Maureen, you have just about covered it! - not the soapbox! Xxx

    3. Totally agree ladies,we live next to a main road, the conversations we here at 3am on a Saturday night would turn your hair blue, why do they talk so loud. I dislike mobiles, mine cost £5 in Asda.!!!!!!!!

    4. Sorry that should be hear, I hate predicted text.

    5. Ooooo the mums with babies in prams with no conversation is my pet hate too - I can feel my blood boiling! Xxxx

    6. Don't like mobiles full stop but I guess they are good for

  13. Morning Sandra and all today,
    Fun cards from Michele for the youngsters of today. Like the papers you have put together.Sue and Sandra, have fun meeting up later. aaah Pat out for another luncheon, have a nice one. Patricia, have a good talk and Hazel, you do as you are told. Jean, have fun shopping. Cheryl, nice you got hold of the tree. Anne, enjoy your golf .Janet, take care in your little heaven in Marigny. Lilian ,have a good day. Jess, have a nice day. Lynda, you were busy yesterday. Loved to know what you did with the clingfilm and salt ?
    Maureen and Myra, hope you are ok this morning (3 more sleeps)
    Sending special hugs to Saba and Family x
    Take care Maria xXx

    1. Just think Maria, in 3 days we'll be able to talk face to face. Although you may run for the hills when you see me!!!

    2. I'm just fine thanks Maria and I'm so looking forward to meeting you! You won't run for the hills - Maureen is lovely!
      By now she has probably fainted as I have paid her a compliment! Xxx

  14. Cor, I was just a young sprog when I started reading the blog this morning!!!
    There's nothing much on the cards. I'm about to hang out a load of washing and will FINALLY pack my trolley with the craft items, lay the clothes I am wearing and taking on one of the spare beds, make sure my tickets are on top, and then BREATHE.
    Have a good day ladies, and enjoy yourselves whatever you have in mind.
    See you later.

    1. MAUREEN:- where the "heck" are you off too?????? xxx

    2. Patricia - less planning and packing went into Hillary's assault on Everest! Xxx
      No , Muriel - not double glazing!! Xxxx
      Hard hat! X

  15. Hello Sandra ,
    Wow it's taken me ages to get here!!
    I was very brave last night and rang my friend Maureeen! Oh it was so lovely to talk! Just over two hours it was and it flew past! Shhhh , don't tell her, but she is lovely! It's official though - George and Alastair think we're all mad!!
    It's another lovely sunny autumnal day today! Washing done and ironing later. Don't want to turn up a crumpled mess!
    I hope you have a good day whatever you are doing!
    Saba - take care my dear - speak very soon! Lots of love xxx
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  16. That's me back Phew!! I need a rest!!
    Did my talk on "Papercrafting" ..... I took all the T-Light Holders and Boxes I made for my table at the school fundraiser. Guess what .... they are ALL sold.
    I am off to have lunch, go out "Food Shopping" then I will be in hiding make more "stuff" for my table. See you all Friday ...!!!

    1. Oh Patricia!
      I'm so glad it went well and that you had a sell- out but now you need to start again! Oh Golly! Xxx

  17. Hi again Sandra & ladies,

    Surprise! Surprise! I've got back to the café!

    I've been very busy emptying all the scrap papers out of my bit box and cut them all up in 14/15cms x 3cms strips for the nursery to make old fashioned paper chains for their Christmas decorations. They have a huge bagful and I have an almost empty box ready to start my new year's crafting. Whew that was a very satisfying job.
    I might even have time when I get back from the retreat to cut all the card scraps into baubles & trees for the Playschool.
    My lunch is in microwave defrosting and I need another cuppa, see you soon.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

  18. Hello everyone are you still Breathing Maureen now don't be unpacking said trolly again & repacking it again!!! HaHa.
    SABA sendig you Val & your family big gental Hug's. Your in my thoughts & prayer's.
    SANDRA & Sue have a lovely day crafting together,Pat enjoy your lunch.
    MARIA I sprite a piece of black card so quite wet then painted the card with cosmic shimmer mica water paints In different colour stripes once all coloured you get a piece of cling film lay it over the wet painted card & sort of scrunch all over with your fingers then once you have done that take cling film off let it dry makes a lovely effect background.The rock salt one is done the same but instead useing the cling film. You sprinkle the salt over the wet painting card you need quiet a lot of salt then just leave till dry & brush all the salt off. I hope that makes sense MARIA .
    Just put washing on line as sun out at the moment so hoping it dry's. I'm just going in my craft room going to make some cards useing the background cards I made yesterday. So off I go & see you later xxxx

    1. Maria, I played rubbish golf today but I still enjoyed it it was a lovely bright and breezy morning, I suppose I'd better tackle some of the ironing , wish I had a magic wand!
      Myra I think your friends would enjoy the DVD! xo

  19. Oh ladies will you please send some of your nice weather up here, it's that misty wet rain here and is horrible. Have made my two baskets up ( there are on my blog) and Tammy just phoned giving me an order for two other gift baskets. They aren't for a couple of weeks but will get them started when we get back. Still can't get into the mood of card making. ,
    Cheryl, well done for using your scrap / bit box up. I gave a reuse able shopping bag full of stuff to the boys out of school club, got a lovely thank you back from them. They were taken aback by all what I had given and said it will be all used. Which I like to here. I still have a bit box full, most make little cards from them.
    When I get in the mood. Right off to tidy the kitchen xx be in later.

  20. Hi Sandra & all in café
    Sandra hope you & Sue have a lovely day.xx
    Michelle you cards are brilliant for teenagers xx
    Saba thinking of you & sending special hugs.xx
    When I was a teenager, can just about remember! we lived on a farm my Dad didn't have a car & the only way we could get about was on our bikes it was nothing to cycle miles in the dark you never thought about it, it's certainly a different world we live in today!
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. Maureen,
    Have sent you an email. xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    I hope you had a lovely day with Sue today. Sorry I missed it but hopefully I'll see you tomorrow.
    Michelle I love your men's cards, must really get down to making some more soon. Went to Wychwood Golf Club for dinner. We were looking over the golf club green so watched them playing golf. We also saw about 8 children with Adults trotting off with their golf clubs. I assume they were off to have a practice game.
    Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday.

  23. Hello, I haven't been anywhere, just here, catching up on things, like you do.
    I've replied to your e=mail Cheryl, you are very kind, but I already knew that.
    Myra, are you feeling poorly today dear? ha ha
    Patricia, that's fantastic. I bet you were chuffed to bits. It's when you make loads and bring lots back that it's so soul destroying. Mega sales person, I'll have to make you a medal too.
    Cheryl, what a great idea for using scrap paper and card. I'll have to cut some for streamers for school reception.
    Hazel, I'm away to look at your blog and your basket. I've got my little travel things for the basket we are doing at the retreat. I hope you are still resting your leg.
    Anne, my brother Raymond often had a rubbish day at Golf, but he still went back for more, again, and again, and again ..........!!!!!!
    I'm away for some tea, but will pop in later.

    1. Nope ! As Patricia would say , I'm Tickety Boo!! Xxx

    2. Myra, I thought you must be feeling poorly, you were nice to me!! xxx

    3. Don't worry !! It won't last !! Ha ha ! Xxx

    4. Glad someone is TickeyBoo!! xxx

    5. Maria - what do you mean - good it won't last!!! Xxx

  24. Hello all, well that's my work finished, 97 hoods finished, shall have to deliver myself as O/H still away.
    Hoping to do some shopping after delivery, need new shoes, I have such a job finding shoes, as I have a problem with my ankle. Usually buy Echo, but as we are having dinner in the posh hotel on Sat need something a bit dressy.
    Hazel had a look at your baskets on your blog, they are delightful.
    Managed to transplant 58 lupins to go in the garden next spring, got a bit wet, but glad to get out for a while.
    Going to have a look on the C&C web site to spend my free £10 voucher.
    Have a good evening everyone, might do a bit of die cutting later, have some of Sheena's Christmas dies which are still in the packet.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. hello Lilian,
      Oh snap, I'm having dinner at a posh hotel on Saturday ha ha. I saw that filmwith Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby, "Robin and the 7 Hoods". Oops, I see you said 97 hoods,
      Have a good time on Saturday, we certainly intend to paint the hotel red!!!!

    2. Wow! Lilian - that's an awful lot of hoods! Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm so late it's been one of those days! Michelle your cards are fab and perfect for any teenager, yep another one in our house who uses play station and phone ( Julian is just as bad!!!). Many years ago when Julian first worked for his company he was the one and only engineer on call 24/7. After a very busy week we had to go out Christmas shopping but still he was getting phone calls. He hadn't shaved for days and looked dreadful and kept going into doorways to shelter and speak to people - I was convinced people were going to think he was a tramp and give him money! Oh the red phone boxes, such memories - only way to tell mum the train had come in, can you pick us up! Dad used to give 3 rings so he didn't have to pay! Those were the days! The hours my poor mum used to sit in the dark at railway stations waiting for one of us!
    I've been dashing around ironing today. I then cracked on with Christmas cards and got rather sticky! How to people on TV use spray adhesive without getting sticky? I've had an A3 box to spray into ( Julian ordered a phone cover - it arrived in an A3 box! ). My crafters companion glue had run out so I used a hobby craft one - I don't recommend it! I wonder what Sue uses?.
    Right I must get on and sort out dinner - diet day so it won't be exciting! Must sort the soggy washing out too - just put out two loads of towels and it started to pour with rain! Don't you love that when it happens!
    Right see you later xxxxx

    Saba sending you a huge hug my sweetheart and one for Val and family too xxxxx

    1. Hello Dainty,
      Slow down, we want you fit for the weekend. One of our neighbours was very posh and had a telephone. If our ball went into their garden, the husband used to stab it with a knife and throw it back to us!!! Another one had a car. (he was a rep for a yeast company. This was in the days when women baked their own bread, and of course it was needed for the Brewery.

  26. Good evening folks, I am not a Happy Bunny this evening!! Sick of "myself" to be honest. I changed my AOL password on the main computer and i seem to have messed up my iPad. It will NOT accept the change. I can do everything except answer e-mails. If you have sent me an e-mail and I have not replied that's the reason. Margaret Corgie sent me one with some information and I can't thank her. Margaret if you look in I will get back to you ASAP. Margaret has a new Laptop and is struggling as well. On top of all that ... this afternoon my kitchen (where I craft) was like someone had thrown a Hand Granade in ... a neighbour came to door needing cards made, Ahhhhh!!! I could have screamed. First time ever I refused to do the one she wanted for Thursday. No way!! it was for her Grandsons 21st she's known about that for a while has she not !!! I did say I would do the one she needs for next Tuesday. Will do that tomorrow, John can hand it in on Friday. I feel a bit guilty but I had just had enough when she came.
    3 boxes made to replace ones I sold this morning. Might manage a few more tomorrow, the Food Shopping will HAVE to be done. Did not do it today, it was raining ... I don't do rain and shopping!!!
    Will pop back up to have a look at what you have all been up to. Then I will go to sit in a corner and "sulk" till bedtime. xxx

    1. Patricia! I responded to an email you had sent and thought it was most unlike you not to answer! The answer to your question was yes I have and it's going to be fine! Xxx

    2. Oh Patricia you not the only one who have had a grenade gone off in the kitchen omg it's such a mess but I just can't do any more today ,completely pooped after a day of crafting, packing x 3, washing, cooking and some other bits and pieces done for the weekend. Sorry to see you and Margaret have problem with the computers. I don't understand them at all but have a son how lives computers and on it 24/7 if he didn't have to go to work in between. please don't "sulk" we see you Friday !! xxx

    3. MARIA:- I am so glad you have had the same kind of day. Your my kind of girl. I only "sulk" in my own company. No one else would ever guess!! Really looking forward to meeting up with you. xxx

  27. Big sister, you know don't do huffy, sulky people so snap out of it by Thursday night please. Xxx

    1. Oh! I might be "huffy" "sulky" not a "happy bunny" but I can tell you NO ONE I would meet would ever know. You should know that xxx

  28. I know you don't sis, but I can just picture you with your I pad. I would be the same, again I would just be pulling up my big girl kickers and a smile on my face. As I always say if I could put up with a lodge full of" huffy" "grumpy " young soldiers I can put up with anything. Xxx

  29. I'm just popping in to say goodnight. I'm sorry you have the hump with your technical things Patricia. I'm exactly the same. This has a life of it's own and half the time I don't know what I am doing. I hope you manage to get it sorted.
    Night, night everyone, sweet dreams, see you in 3 days - THREE DAYS, can you believe it!!!!

  30. Hello Sandra and everyone, have just completed quite a long message was about to publish when I scrolled up, I realised I was leaving a message on yesterday's post,. My excuse is I very busy day sorting out the shelves and cupboards in the playroom and have not quite finished yet .
    Michele your man cards are lovely. You really have a gift for thinking outside of the box.
    Sorry dear friends I'm very tired - my bed is calling. Sweet dreams Brenda xxx
