
Monday 26 October 2015

Guest Designer Sophie (GCSE ARTWORK)

`Good Morning Ladies,
Today I am excited to share with you some of Sophie's GCSE artwork, the first picture is a half Zentangled Tiger, the amount of detail that has gone into highlighting the Tiger's features with the 'Tangles' is amazing,
I can't tell you how very proud it makes me to be able to share such amazing art with you, the tiger was drawn completely in fine tip artist pen, the smaller Tiger and the Monkey have both been drawn simply ball point pen.
The Monkey was 'just' a doodle that Sophie did during an English lesson! I don't think she realises how amazing she really is!
Sadly she has said that she doesn't want to continue into 'A' Level art, but it has to be her choice.
Well we have had a totally laid back and relaxed weekend, which has been lovely, the girls now have the week off, but it sounds as though they have a ton of homework to do, which will keep them busy, Matt is working away all week, it would have been nice for Paul to have been off, he is on Friday of course to take me to Birmingham, yes its now 4 Days!!!
I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend too!
I will check in with you all later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew.
    Oh! My! Giddy Aunt!! Sophie's art work is beyond BRILLIANT. Absolutely mind blowing, I love it. Well done Sophie.
    Sorry I have been missing a fair bit, things here are in crazy mode. I have not been so busy with "crafts" for ages. Kinda like buses you wait ages for one and half a dozen come at once. I am getting there, I still have lots to do today.
    I am also very worried about Hazel, however I know she will take things easy over the next few days. Just have to keep my fingers crossed, I can still meet up and travel down with Jess but would NOT manage all those "Raffle Prizes" we have packed and ready to transport.
    Everything set up and looking good for the day ahead. Made some Tea & Toast which I will take over to the corner table.
    When I am finished I must get a start on my Housework. Once that's done I just HAVE to finish a few of the Craft projects. I also have to see what I have to "buy, bake & make" for John. He manages fine on his own as long as there is plenty choices in the fridge & Freezers.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket, remember they are there to help yourself too. I know a lots are needed just now, the basket is topped up when necessary. Be good, I will try to get back at some point. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia , I'm praying so hard that Hazel will be well enough to come. It wouldn't be the same without Hazel. She found the place and my Booking Reference in even in her name! I put that badly it's obviously got my own name there too but I'm booked under Hazel's name. I don't mind about the prizes we'll manage just fine without them - it's Hzel we need! Xxxx

    2. Patricia the most important thing is for Hazel and you to be fit to meet up with all the lovelies from the cafe so please don't wear yourself out by rushing round trying to get craft projects finished I'm 100% sure the lovelies would prefer yours and Hazels company more than any craft prize. By the way you and Hazel would be the first to tell us that so do take some of your own advice. I know it's easy to say but even though I'm not going had I lived closer I would be round there to give you a hand.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sophie- WOW!!!! I have ever seen such stunning artwork. You are a very talented person & I hope you do well in your GCSE's.

    Sunny but breezy day here, not that it matters to me as I'll be heading in to work soon.
    I'm looking forward to my meal out tonight, the thoughts of that should get me through the day!


    1. Sunny and breezy here too Michele - the leaves are having great fun!! Xxx

    2. Same here too but the cloud is creeping in! xxx

  3. Good morning ladies,
    OMG Sandra these pieces of art are out of this world, totally stunning, Sophie you are a very talented young lady.
    Seems everyone is busy at the moment, we were shopping all day yesterday, traffic was horrendous, then we went to Johns daughters to see grandchildren, then out for an Indian with my son and co. I could have slept on a washing line last night.
    Things to catch up on indoors today - washing/ironing etc.
    Ooooohh the retreat is coming so much closer now - Hazel I hope your leg is starting to improve, you really must rest - the mind is willing but the flesh is weak - springs to mind, we all think we can keep on as we used to do, me included, but things happen to make us slow down a bit. - take it easy for the next few days.
    I've topped the basket up - my word Patricia, you put a lot in there, - there should be plenty for anyone who needs a gentle hug xxx
    Will call in later

    1. Hello Jean! We never run out of things to do indoors! I've noticed that! I'll be doing the same as you - most us will I guess! A woman's work is never done!! Xxx

  4. Morning to one and all who pop in today

    SOPHIE - WHAT A TALENT!!!!!! YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST TALENTED YOUNG ARTISTS I HAVE SEEN FOR A LONG TIME and I do not say that easily. I have shown Jim your artwork and he just cannot believe you are only 14/15. What a shame you do not want to carry onto 'A' level. Please do not stop your art. I/we would love to see more of your fantastic artwork.

    Sandra you must be so so so proud of your young lady. She has an immense talent. Does she know where/what she wants to do as a career?

    We had a very lazy day yesterday well afternoon after going out in the morning but I have things to do today and have to try and get Jim to do something to take his mind off this horrible cold/cough he has. It's lingering far too long. So wish me luck.

    I have sent off my hugs for all who needs them so please help yourselves when they arrive. Has anyone heard from our Norah lately. She has been missing for quite a while and I'm hoping she is OK and just busy.

    I hope you're all tickety boo as Patricia says and are nearly ready for your weekend. Hazel please take it easy for the next couple of days. You are needed for the weekend ahead.
    I'll take a look in later on to see what everyone is doing.

    1. Janet I was thinking about Norah too. I know she is very busy sometimes but we do worry about her and miss her when she isn't here. As you say I do hope she isn't ill. Hope Jim feels better very soon. A cough can be very trying as it often disturbs sleep at night. Xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies, WOW! Sandra what a fantastic talent Sophie has, her art work is mind blowing ! As you say it's her choice whether to take art or not but its always going to be a big part of her life by the looks of things, just wonderful!
    Patricia , gosh you have been soo busy you put me to shame, I got all my stash put away with just a little play, had our grandchildren up and then the family came for dinner and that was the day gone, time seems to just disappear !
    Hope Hazels leg is on the mend, sometimes massaging with Lavender oil can help ease the pain a little and calm it down.xo
    Well it's Pilates this morning , so I feel that's me back into my normal routine.
    Myra , sorry I didn't get back to reply yesterday, since I'm ladies captain this year I was on the presenting side , thank goodness that's the last occasion that I need to bother about ,I felt obliged to take my turn but glad it's over now.xo
    Sheila, sounds like you had a fun time with Nikki , I bet she really enjoyed it!
    Loving all the pumpkin decorations in the cafe, I wonder who was responsible , I know it wasn't Patricia ( she doesn't like orange ha ha ! ) I think I can smell lots of lovely spicy goodies about, ginger biscuits in the oven , will be ready soon!
    Meanwhile I'll have some tea and toast and savour the aromas.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. You will have had a busy year! My neighbour was Ladies Captain last year and I know it involved a lot of work going to other Clubs as well. You can relax a bit now , hopefully. Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Firstly Sophie you are so gifted, your art work is out if this world, but you are so like my daughter Gillian she is a great artist but didn't want to do it as a career, purely for the pleasure of doing it. She did do her higher on it as she said it was " a higher" and to get into what she wanted to do the more the better. So please think long and hard before you say NO!!! But you have to do what you want in the end.
    Well ladies I am not long up, I did think I had been really lazy when I looked at the clock. shock horror it when I read 8.22. I had gone to bed at 10 I thought got up at 3 back to sleep Yes the clocks hadn't been changed? But I still had a great sleep. I am sure it margarets heat bags,I had my trusty hot water bottle with me but not the same. Last night heat bags were placed and I was asleep. Will take it easy, but I. Will keep walking about etc as feel that's the best way. I have washing to do first of all, as what I wore on Saturday night I think might be what I bring for this Saturday I can't believe I will only have 4 days in which to do everything as we are up so early Friday, that Thursday will be running around head less. I have today to order more tens machine pads and hope they come by Thursday. Plus buy batteries. I know that I will use a few likely this week.
    Will sit later and try and catch up on things that have been going on,
    Janet I hope Jim gets over his cold, it's goung round and a lot of folk have it.
    Jean, you have it in one my mind thinks it can do things but the body say different.
    I am going away to see if I can find some of that " get up and go stuff". Or do I go have another cup of tea?
    Will call in later xxx

    1. Hope you decided on another cup of tea Hazel, just be careful not to overdo things as the weekend is so important to you all...have left a comment under Patricia's post so I won't repeat myself again. Take it easy....PLEASE! Love and hugs xxxx

    2. Hazel my dear! Please take care. I said up higher that you must not carry heavy things and hurt your back! I just hope you will be well enough to come! It won't be the same without you . Glad you had a good night's rest. Margaret's bags should be patented I think!! Xxx
      I don't mean black patent, Muriel! Xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    WOW Sophie what stunning art work, you are one talented young lady,
    Sandra you must be so proud of her.
    Just been for flu jab, now housework beckons, finished coffee, thanks
    for the hugs, Hazel we need you well for Friday!!! Take care till later, xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you managed to have a lazy weekend.
    Sophie your Artwork is beyond brilliant. Not to sure why you don't want to do it for your A levels. You could be an illustrator or something along those lines.
    4 sleeps now to Sandra's retreat. I'm looking forward to a nice relaxed weekend. I've just got to sort out the crafting stuff I'm taking and throw a few clothes into a case, and I'm done. Must look at Sandra's list for the basics just to make sure I don't miss anything. Which I usually do. I don't think I'll have my Grand Caliber as it still hasn't been picked up for mending yet. So no way is it going to be back by Thursday. Good job Sandra has a spare one for me to borrow.

  9. Dear Sandra and all Friends,
    Saba has been unable to drop in over the last couple of days. She received the very sad news that her lovely sister Val, who has been fighting cancer is very poorly. Barbara needs time to try to come to terms with this sad news. I know she, Val and the rest of the family will be very much in our thoughts and prayers . When a friend is suffering we all hurt a bit too.
    God Bless. Love Myra xxxx

    1. Myra thank you for letting us know, oh Saba our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank goodness you are here with Val and are able to be with her and the family. Sending you lots of love and hugs xxxxxx

    2. Diane - thank you for letting us know about Val. It is the worst sort of news anyone can get. My thoughts, prayers and heartfelt feelings are with you and all your family Saba. Special hugs for you my dear Friend.xxxx

    3. Myra, thank you for letting us know about Val, please pass on our thoughts and prayers to Barbara, xx

    4. So sorry to read this news, thank you Myra, thoughts are with Barbara, Val and all the family, xxxxxx

    5. Oh my dearest Saba, I am so sorry to read the news of Val. Healing thoughts and prayers are sent to you and family. xxx

  10. Oh Myra that's so sad for Saba if you get chance to chat to her again please tell her I'm thinking of her, Val and all the family are in my thoughts and prayers. It must be such a worrying time for Saba and I hope she knows that allthough we're not with her in body we're definitely there by her side in spirit. Thank you Myra for letting us know.
    Love and ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) Sheila xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    WOW! I'm blown away with Sophie's art's truly amazing!!! Oh you must be so proud of your girls and Matt too.
    The Retreat is coming at full speed now and those of you who are going must be feeling so excited I can feel it in your posts...I hope you will take plenty of photos so we can all see what you get up to!!!!
    I'm late putting my washing on so must get along and do it....have put money in the pot for my cuppa and toast and extra hugs in the basket so please help yourself if you need one.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, thank you for your lovely comments on Sophie's artwork, she has been reading the comments and it has boosted her confidence hugely!
      I am so pleased you had a lovely day with Nikki on Saturday, she will be so pleased to see her own decorations hanging on the tree bless her, I think that the more mess the more enjoyment to be honest and I know you well enough to know that if it makes Nikki smile you won't card about how messy it is, I am the same, the messier the better!
      Mind you having said that I Lucy made homemade waffles this morning, she bought me one in bed with whipped cream and raspberries, delicious and lovely treat, but I still have to go and look at the state of my kitchen!
      I so wish you were able to join us this coming weekend, I think it would do you the world of good!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Good morning Sheila, thank you for your offer of help. If you had lived nearer I would have been knocking on your door.
      Housework done ... tick. Washing (2 loads) blowing nicely in the breeze ... tick. Lunch over, kitchen tidy again ... tick. Having a well earned rest for 1/2 an hour ... tick. I will busy after my rest, still have a few things to finish.
      SHEILA:- I can imagine the fun you had with Nicky it's great to make a MESS .... I love when Robert and I do messy crafting. It's the look on their face when they leave clutching their creations. xxx

    3. That should of course be "afternoon" xxx

  12. Hello everybody,
    Just a quickie as it's all stations go here with the girls.
    First of all I am so sorry about Saba's sister Val. My love and prayers go to the whole family.
    Patricia, I hope Hazel soon gets relief from the pain and that she is resting. It would be awful if she didn't make it to the Retreat after all the hard work. I would miss her cheery self.
    Sandra, Sophie's work is amazing. I am taking my laptop downstairs to show Eleanor as she loves art, and I know she will be blown away by Sophie's talent. Please tell Sophie that I am in awe of it.
    Janet, I hope manages to shift the nasty cough. They can linger for months.
    Sheila, take care, I've put extra pegs in your skirt so that you don't get blown away altogether!!!!!
    I am required to find a cup suitable for a Tiny Tears doll. The things we have to do, I'd better go.
    Sandra, don't forget to tell Sophie that her work is fantastic.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Maureen, I wish I had know about the cup the other week I had a dolls cup and I gave it with other things to the out of school club as it caters for Nusery age children too so knew they could use it. Or are you going to do a candle cup in it ??? Still got the tiny tears doll didn't / couldn't give it away. X

    2. Oh Lightbulb moment - I have a tiny cup and saucer. Off to get it! It's in a cupboard and my girls are too big for it now! Well done Hazel! Xxx will take it on Friday. Xx

  13. I am so sorry to hear of Saba's very sad news, Barbara sweetheart you are in my thoughts and prayers xxxxx

  14. Morning Sandra and everyone visiting the cafe' today.
    I got goose bumps seeing Sophie's art work, It's fabulous ! so much details has gone in to make the Tiger and the others, oh wow she is a very talented young woman. The eye's on the Monkey, they are amazing.
    House work done, tummy a bit shifty this morning. Maybe it was the biscuit last night, it was no sponge that for sure Lol no idea what went wrong ,bless him. Will make another soon. . . .
    Off out so see you later, take it easy Hazel. It's you we will see
    Love and hugs for now , Maria Xxx

    1. Maria did he forget and use plain flour by any chance, or if he used self raising he maybe forgot baking powder? Never mind he tried, that's the main thing. Watch it could be as I have said the fat contain that upsetting your tummy. You take care we need you well for the weekend, no fats plain food for you I think, to make sure!!! X

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh wow Sophie this artwork is stunning, my daughter does zentangle so I know how much time you have spent on this. I am sure you will get fantastic results. I can understand why you have decided not to take art a level, Emma took it for a year, she was able to drop a subject after a year and just get an as level. She didn't enjoy art a level as much as GCSE, it was a different format and they went over so much she had done before. She didn't do any art for ages after this but is getting back into it now, she's even picked an art module at uni alongside her degree. Enjoy your half term girls but I know you will have tons of work to do. Xxxx
    Hazel I do hope you will feel better soon, we do need you at the weekend. Xxxx
    Not much planned for today, washing has just finished then I must get on with cards, I've a friends birthday card to make too. Those plants are calling so I must get them in - so much to do so little time. See you all later xxxx

  16. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    WOW WOW WOW! What an amazing talent Sophie has! Well done Sophie! These wonderful drawings look like something I'd expect to see for sale in a private Gallery. I'm not sure what you want to do career wise but you will always have your art with you whatever you do. Thank you for allowing us to see it.
    I 've left comments on the way down. I did get stopped en route by a request for coffee!! Leaves have to be gathered while they are dry - we have two garden wheelie bins and both are full! Alastair now filling sacks which the gardener will take away on Friday. He is so helpful with things like that!
    Well we are on the countdown to Friday now. Just hope all our lovely friends who hope to go will manage to do so!
    Life can be very hard sometimes. I haven't even mentioned Friday to Saba - plenty of time for that. I'm just so very glad that she is here in England and with her daughter and family.
    Sending love to everyone but particularly Saba and Val and all the family.
    Love, Myra xxx

  17. Myra, a big thank you for putting that up about SABA's sad news. She and Val will be in all our prayers and thoughts. Yes this is where things like this puts life into prospective and that as a group we can support her st this time. X

  18. Myra , also a big thank you from me for passing on Saba's sad news , please tell her I am thinking of her and send her and the family big gentle hugs xoxo

    1. Barbara, Val and the whole family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  19. RETREAT LADIES :- a few ladies going to the retreat have asked me to show them how to do flowers. Pat said it is to be a relaxed weekend and I don't want to spend all mine doing flowers. I will spend time Sauturday morning, say between 10.30 and 11.30 showing the ladies who asked. I have flowers cut and ready.
    COULD YOU PLEASE BRING :- if you have these:- a "piercing mat" like the one Sue Wilson uses when she shows how to do her Pierced Borders. Plus a "large head Ball Tool". I do have a few I will bring, we can share these if necessary. I am not bringing Craft Stuff, I dont have room. I will bring my Tool Bag plus a few bits and pieces. I really don't think there will much time for crafting. Too much time will be spent "chatting, laughing, eating, getting to know one another and just having fun"
    Off to get these PHDs finished. Once tidy I am doing NO MORE crafting till we get back. I have so many other things to do and places to go!!! xxx

    1. Piercing mat and ball tool already laid out! Will look forward to that!

  20. Hello Sandra and Ladies, wow what a talented daughter you have, such natural talent is rare.
    Hazel hope the leg is feeling better.
    Saba sorry to hear your news, please know our thoughts are with , remember the power of positive prays.
    Well o/h gone to London for a few days, the cleaner has been this morning,
    Lots of work to finish before delivery on Wednesday.
    Will pop in later, very cold and wet here.

  21. Well ladies case is packed, there is not a corner or a space in my dress shoes that's not filled! Take less weight and things on holiday. My soap bag and little bits will go in my big hand bag. Oh forgot my top and my pjs oh dear might have to repack the case, oh my pills must go put them to one side ready to go in hand bag. Thank goodness there is no secuirty at train stations they would wonder what going on. Now I will sit and relax, with a nice cup of tea. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, how organised are you! I am still thinking about what to pack, I sure I will forget something. X

  22. Hello All,
    I've done a "trial" packing this afternoon (Grandad took the girls to town for a visit to the shops, and lunch at Fenwicks). I've packed my weekend trolley thing twice so far, trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot, but it will not defeat me!!! ha ha.
    We watched Grease last night, singing along to the songs, so we all enjoyed , that but the Pistachio nuts on my side of the bed were a bit sharp during the night !!! lol. (Why do I do these things?)
    Margaret C, you would be proud of me. I've been a proper mammy this afternoon as well as trying to pack my things, while the girls were out with George. I've boiled a ham and made some Lentil soup. I also made some cheese scones as I find these go very nicely with it. I'll have some tonight for tea, but I prefer it the day after. I've made a huge pan full, so some will go into the freezer, otherwise I'll be having Lentil soup every meal for a week!!!!
    I'm just going to try the third packing of my trolley, in fact I'll be off my trolley shortly at this rate ha ha.
    Hazel it's lovely to know that you are definitely going to the Retreat.
    Janet, I meant that I hope Jim's cough improves, but his name wasn't in my post - sorry.
    Lilian, I'll always think of you when I see Bee Keeper's suit!!!
    Anne - Ladies Captain - bejabbers!!! I should curtsey when I talk to you!!!!
    Well, I'm off for another rejig and repack of the trolley! Does this mean that I'm a Trolley Dolly lol.
    See you later xxxx

    1. What a question! I would say a bit of a Dolly mixture!
      A great big lovely moon is just peeping over my garden wall! It's beautiful!
      Well, Hello Dolly this is Myra Dolly! Xxxx

    2. Maureen, I am hoping I will be at it, I have been told if I am not going if I don't do as I am told I wont, also if I can't get off the chair easier he will stop me. No I had to pack to see if I could get it all in? It's in but I am thinking of things that I could put in. Nearly forgot the cellophane for the wrapping. X

    3. Definitely an off the trolley dolly! We love you really Maureen :) I love lentil soup, I know what you mean though, when I make soup I end up having it for lunch most days! Xxxx

  23. Myra it sounds like you and Maureen have pats in "The Steamie " note I did not say steaming!
    I take it with you having Scottish blood you know what I'm referring to? Lol! xo

    1. Sorry Anne! I had to google it! You see I left Scotland in 1972 and this was a later production! 1988 - says Google ! We are just a bit daft! Well Maureen is! Xxx

    2. I saw "The Steamie" at the Dundee Rep years ago and it was brilliant.
      We had a "steamie" not far from us when Hazel and I lived in Dundee as children. xxx

    3. Anne, they say that production was brilliant, we use to live near a " Steamie". When we were little and I loved going there it was full of women doing their washing and the smell of boiled washing filled the air. Our mum always had a washing machine but friends mums didn't so they used it. They had big clothes dryers that worked really quick I think as the women managed to take their washing home dry. Granted I think they stayed there all day. Oh we have it so easy. X

    4. Used to work in a laundry factory for the hospital and military many moons ago, that was very "Steamie" , not the same but xx

    5. Well, you can buy the video it's brilliant Glasgow humour at its best!
      ( especially good around New Year as that's what the story is based on) I've watched it quite a number of times and seen the stage play 3 times and still love watching it!

    6. Steamie talk just love it, "it's no the mince, it's the tatties", Mrs Gillfeathers was brilliant, seen it loads of times, love it!!

    7. I will look out for that! I think I would really enjoy it . Thanks! Xxx

  24. Have just been watching the news about the whale watching boat off the coast of Vancouver Island to think we were watching the whales just off there in June and had lunch in that very small town.
    Sandra, I say it again!!! us all being at the retreat is all that counts, we can still have a great time. I hope Christine's mum will be ok. She needs to be with her mum more than us. So no getting down. Oh now on our news is about bees I wonder if the suites the beekeepers are wearing have been some thst Lillian has made. Xxx

    1. I was thinking the same Hazel. I do hope Christine's Mum will be alright and family comes first!
      Hazel - my son and daughter in law went whale watching from that little town last year! It's very sad . Accidents at sea do happen . It's very powerful. Xxx

  25. I have done it yet again!!
    Just had a phone call from a friend asking if I could do a Crafty Talk/Demo at a local Ladies Club ...... wait for it!! Tomorrow morning .... when will learn to use that little word NO!! The person who was to come is ill and won't manage.
    Will probably not be back in to night I am off to see what I can rustle up. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia! I was going to tell you off but I'd have done the same! That's why they rang you - they knew you wouldn't say no! Hope it goes well! Xxx

  26. Good evening Ladies,

    Well Sophie, I am absolutely blown away by your fantastic drawings. Your eye for detail and the flair with which you have drawn the subjects is nothing less than perfection. The tiger's roar and the monkey's grimace are so lifelike, you have captured their very essence and power.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  27. PATRICIA, Hazel needs to have a talk with you. It's no good me talking to you because I'd have said "yes" as well!!!!
    Anne, I wish I knew what you were talking about - but then again, I bet you wish you knew what I was waffling on about!!!!
    Hazel, do what Charlie says, for goodness sake. I thought about you and him when the news of the whale viewing boat came on the news, and wondered if that was where you had been.
    Dainty, watch it. I will be there in person on Friday looking for you!!! ha ha.
    Going now for a 4th packing. lol

    1. P.s. Myra, I wish I could sing like Barbra Streisand xx

    2. Singing isn't everything! Your much more grounded than she'll ever be! Xxx

    3. Oooooooo I'm scared :) xxxx

      Now Patricia repeat after me , no, n- o no no no no no no ...... Ok then yes! Lol I would be the same so I'm no help! Xxxxxx

    4. You are right to be scared - Muriel is scary when her dander is up! Xxx

  28. Ladies, would she listen to ME!!! NO! Then again I have been told off by her for doing the same? Xxx

    1. Oh dear! It's pot and kettle methinks! I'm staying in the strictly neutral camp!! Just call me a wimp! Xxx

  29. Hi Sandra & all in the café,
    Sophie your artwork is fantastic what talent you have well done. Sandra you have every right to be proud pleased to hear you had a quiet weekend xx
    Saba my thoughts & prayers are with you & Val & all your familyxx
    Hazel please rest as much as you can,xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  30. First I must say that Barbara, Val and family are all in my prayers.
    Sophie your art work is wonderful. Love it all. You are very clever.
    Well it's been a busy day. Had a birthday card to make and then Christmas cards. Must get back to it.

  31. Hi all,
    My thoughts are with Saba and her sister Val tonight, very sad of the news and have found it hard today.
    Had a outing with OH this morning and kept myself busy all afternoon, still tidying my craft stuff and some have gone in the bin. I want to start from scratch and get colours together like you can and then and then, who am I kidding but you can't help to buy new things ,can you ?
    packing, what packing, where are you all going ? and Muriel singing ?
    4 sleeps to go ? oh it's getting exciting alright. Seem such a long time ago we booked and now it's here around the corner. Are you all cooking for the OH to have over the weekend so they not starve ? our freezer is full and doing a stock up on Wednesday so they should be ok or they can have take-outs.
    Going to bed, not sure I can sleep but must do something to change my sleep pattern as they are no good, especially if Patricia coming to knock on my door first thing at daybreak :-) Zzzzzz
    so god natt my friends and see you tomorrow .Warm hugs Xxxx

  32. Hello Sandra,
    Another exhausting day, got home last night from Essex about 11pm. Last night. We unpacked and repacked our bags and up this morning at 5:30 we are now at other daughters until Thursday. As its half term again. Today the children and I have made bread and biscuits, also some did some die cutting and colouring. Between feeding etc!!!!
    I had to stop by and comment on Sophie's art work. It's brilliant, I'm sure she is heading for ' A star' if these examples are anything to go by. I was showing her work to our daughter, (she has an art degree) and she was really impressed.

    SABA, you and Val are in my thoughts and prayers, I wish I could offer more LOL xxx

    Sorry I am off to bed, good night God bless, Love Brenda xxx

  33. Hi all, you are all so busy with your packing and crafting, hope you manage to get some sleep, I know when I've been super busy I have trouble sleeping.
    Well bee suits seem to getting a lot of tv time, first gardens world,and yesterday on country file, hope it doesn't mean more work for me!!!!
    Think it's getting time to retire, more of a struggle to get it all done.
    Well I'll say good night have a good night everyone.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  34. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    First im so sorry to read about Val SABA you all your family are all in my thoughts & prayers God bless xxxxx
    SANDRA Sophie's drawings are Amazing she has a great talent no wonder your proud of her. She will defently get top GCSE marks for them.
    Sorry so late been very busy two wash loads & hung out it was a nice day with some sun so dried.I was mainly in craft room I have done a lot of texture past backgrounds & cling film & rock salt ones too. Lots of cutting out so hopefully tomorrow I can make some cards up now preps done.
    We did go for a walk after lunch for a hour then back in craft room,also I did some tidying up in there too.
    I'm now off to bed eye's keep shutting.Good night God bless lovelys.
    Love Lynda xxxx

  35. Great images - well done! My daughter's name is Hazel - so an immediate connection!
