
Sunday 25 October 2015

Another of my Gorgeous Birthday Cards

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope you have all enjoyed your extra hour in bed this morning! Sadly Milo didn't recognise the extra hour,
he still came in at around 5am!
Another one of my gorgeous birthday cards to share with you today, this fabulous creation has been designed by our Lynda.
Lynda has used a combination of Sue's dies, Californian Collection, Noble Rectangle, Weaving Dies, Cornflower Dies, Classic Bow Die, all by Creative Expressions.
The background was embossed with the Rambling Blossom A4 embossing Folder, its gorgeous and I think this one will go on my 'must buy' list!
The addition of the White Tulle behind the flowers and the gorgeous hat pins create a stunning card.
The inside was just as beautiful, thank you so much Lynda, I loved it xxxx

I hope that Hazel and Charlie had a lovely evening in Dudley, the journey must have been exhausting, poor Hazel gets to do it all again in 5 DAYS time!
I do hope those amongst us feeling under the weather are feeling brighter today, Michele I hope your cough hasn't got any worse, you don't want another dose of what you had on holiday, sending hugs, by the way thank you so much for my parcel, I have had great fun with it xx
Pat, don't spend too much at Emerald Crafts today, have fun though, I am excited to see what you come home with!
I hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday,
Love and hugs
Sandra xx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, I hope you all have a great day. Well I was up bright and breezy one hour too early!!! However have not wasted the time I have organised all the bits for a few cards that I will make later.
    LYNDA:- your card is brilliant love the combination of all the fantastic Dies.
    Sorry I did not manage in much yesterday it's amazing how life can run away with all your time. Will be the same again today ... lots on the "cards"!!!
    I made up my mind yesterday not to touch my iPad during the day and get on with making things for the Table at the boys School Fundraiser. I know I have 3 weeks yet but I have so many things on between now and the actual day.
    Today I intend making some Pendants, a few ladies that know I have taken a table have asked me to do some for them to purchase. The money raised from selling any Pendants goes to a good cause ... The Chemo Unit, Ninewells Hospital where Hazel had all her treatments.
    Place all set up for the day, and looking good. Will take my Tea & Toast over to my usual table.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. I know there are some who will need lots of them today and days ahead. Go ahead help yourself, there are plenty more where they came from. Hopefully I might manage in later if not be GOOD!!!

    1. Good morning to all who pop in today
      Well I don't know what happened yesterday but I left my comments,
      did my Pastry report etc etc and I looked in just before I closed down to go to bed only to find there was nothing from me. I did everything asked even admitting that I'm not a ROBOT even though at times I think I am.

      Fortunately I took a picture of the pastries so I'll just say that we had one Almond Tart but nothing like ours according to Jim it was 'scrummy' and one Caramel Delight and yes that too was just as 'scummier; if there is such a word. I'll send the pic to Sandra and she might put it on one day.
      ANNE your Advent Calendar was just beautiful and I too bought some of Pin Flair fabric with the Christmas themed. The quality of theirs is always good.
      HAZEL - I loved your centrepiece and have stored your idea for future use. Hope you don't mind.

      My little Angle decoration is made from two plastic dome used for shaker cards; The Angel is a Kanban piece from their Christmas decoupage a couple of years ago so Cheryl you are right. The sequins are from Poundland and the ribbon is from my ribbon box. They are so easy to make double up the Angel so you see her properly from both sides - put a piece of the hanging ribbon inbetween the two Angels - add the sparkles and then glue the two domes together.
      I have used Santa, teddies etc etc and for many occasions not just for Christmas. The little ones love them because they are sparkley and look like snow domes. Thank you for your kind words.

      LYNDA - your card for Sandra is just beautiful. I love the way you have used your colours and the use of your dies.

      I'm hoping that we are going to Tamnay en Bazois this morning for their Chrysanthemum Fayre which is held every year just before the 1st November - All Souls. These beautiful potted flowers are bought and then taken to the cemetery for loved ones. They make the most beautiful splash of colour. We usually go and buy one and then call in the village cemetery to place it on Mme Leroux's grave. She was our next door neighbour when we bought here. A true out and out head of the family as she lost her husband quite a few years before we came. Next door was their family home passed on down the generations but even though she lived most of the year in Paris her heart was always here in Marigny.

      Have a good Sunday everyone whatever you do. Will look in later and fingers crossed my comments just may stay where I put them today. Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    2. Thank you for your kind words on my card JANET & PATRICIA.
      SANDRA has described it & dies perfectly

    3. Thank you Janet for your lovely comment on my centre piece. X

    4. Hello Patricia!
      I have to be strict with the iPad too! It's too tempting and much as I love to chat - hey you know that! - there are things to be done! Hope you get everything done that you want to. Xxx terrible sentence! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Been watching the sun rise, yes changed clock but body one was wide awake at 5.15,
    Beautiful card Lynda, love your use of all those dies.
    Well this will be the last time we come to Dudley as sadly due to the decline in numbers it's become not viable for the reunion to be held. There is another one that's held but it's to regimental much to formal to be enjoyable in our eyes. Me I am glad, but feel Charlie just misses out of meeting up with old friends. Sadly they are getting fewer due to age
    As for the journey, well I am not looking forward to it. Getting out if the taxi here at the hotel I did something to a muscle at the top of my right leg ( not good normally anyway) so I have spent the night with the hot water bottle on it. Just kept refilling it and taking painkillers every 4 hrs. Dreading the trip back. Plus I am hoping it's better for Friday or that's going to be fun. Well I think I'd better waken Charlie and get organised we have to be gone from here at 9.45. Now I hope google will let me publish.
    Oh by the way thank you for all your lovely kind comments on my centre piece, you need the inside card board tube from fabric to make the pots it's strong enough to withstand the elastic band and ribbon you need to hold it all together, the ribbon was a roll I bought one year after Christmas and I wish I had bought more as I have never seen it again, it is lovely. Xxx

    1. Hazel that doesn't sound good. Take care and safe journey home xxxx

    2. Thank you Hazel for your lovely comment on my card xx

    3. Take care of that leg, you need it ok for Friday. Xx

    4. That's us on. The Edinburgh train they are apologising now as the train is going to be crowded as there are 2 less coaches on each seats. 74 passengers so what are they doing taking coaches off ? We booked seats paying a lot for the fares I tell you a big complaint going in to cross country trains. Leg holding up thank you but I hope folk don't think the wires from my tens machine isn't a bomb as that will be fun. Oh wait for it if you haven't got cash for a coffee and sandwich you have dip now the card machine isn't working this is going to be a fun journey thank fully we picked up bits at the stations we have cash but feel for those who don't x

    5. Oooh Hazel! The Oooh is for both messages. Why do rail companies think it is fair to charge so much and provide such a shocking service!
      Hope your back is alright! Safe journey. Xxx

    6. Hazel I hope you were able to get your booked seats and sit down. Last time I came back from Birmingham the train was so full they suspended seat reservations! I stood for 2 hours! Safe journey xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Only 5 days to go until the Retreat now, not that I'm counting! : )
    Lynda. your card is beautiful, I love it, especially the woven background which you have done so neatly.
    Sandra your Christmas card on Friday was a beauty too and yesterdays Christmas offerings from Janet, Hazel and Anne are 3 more gorgeous items that anyone would love to have on show year after year, which is one of the things I love most about Christmas.
    We have unexpected visitors (one of Chris's brothers and his wife) staying until tomorrow so the busy weekend has got even busier!
    I hear movement so will have to go now and get the kettle on. I hope you are all well, have a good Sunday ( Michele, is the cough any better today? I do hope so) Take care xx
    By the way, just in case anyone is unsure, it is only 5 DAYS TO GO NOW : ) x

    1. Thank you very much Sue SANDRA has got all the ingreadiance correct
      Enjoy your day with your visitors but don't over do it. Lynda xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra, and all the cafe ladies,
    Don't know where the time went yesterday but was really tired when Nic went home, didn't look on iPad at all, watched a film with John, so rare, I don't watch a lot of TV because I just fall asleep.
    Can I say Anne, Hazel and Janet your crafts shown yesterday were absolutely beautiful, you really are very clever ladies.
    Lynda I love your card shown today, just goes to show how many cards Sandra received,
    We are going shopping today, oh everywhere was very busy yesterday, and the roads were too.
    I'll pop back to see what everybody's doing later, good to see Sheila back and that she enjoyed her couple of days away,
    Hazel I hope your leg doesn't trouble you too much on your journey home - take care xxxx
    I've left hugs in the basket as usual, please help yourselves

    1. Thank you Jean for your kind words xx

    2. Jean, thank you for your lovely comment on my centre piece. My leg seems to be holding we are heading for Newcastle now so just got a couple more hours on the train . Tens machine battery I think might just last. X

  5. Morning Ladies

    Lynda- what a beautiful card. Love all the details on it.

    It's looking like it's going to be a lovely day here- have forbidden hubby to do any gardening as I don't want him to damage his back again. We're off to Tesco for an extra shopping session as its a staff special so we're going to stock up on wine, washing powder, dishwasher stuff etc. I've got some ironing to doubt it much. I really need to move the tubs with the summer plants in -usually put them in the greenhouse. Might get that done this afternoon then I can carry on crafting. I got 8 cards finished yesterday afternoon, I took my latest ones into work & sold 5 with an order for 2 more then sold another one to my friend yesterday. I keep getting asked "when are you bringing in your Christmas card"-.... Errr, when I've made some.
    Hubby is out on Tuesday evening at a golf club presentation & away on Wednesday evening so I can get crafting then.

    Off to strip the bed & put the washing machine on.


    1. The comment about ironing should read- but not much!!!!!


    2. Michelle! If you'd like more ironing I'm not far away you know! Xxxx

    3. Thank you MICHELE gosh you sold lots of your cards when do you get your personal ones made if you keep selling them,but wow 8made in one day your a crafty wiz kid.HaHa. Xxx

  6. Good morning Ladies, sorry I didn't manage in again yesterday but apart from trying to get some loads in the washing machine I had to be at the golf club at 11am and didn't get home till nearly 8 pm as it was the closing match and presentation , so I was completely bushed and fell asleep watching Strickly ( which is a favourite) so hopefully I'll get my trolley unpacked of all the goodies I bought at the Glasgow craft show and tidied away ( that's if I don't get sidetracked and start to play with them) .
    Lynda , your card is beautiful , I love the colour combination!
    Thank you ladies for all the lovely comments on the advent calendar , I think you are all very kind! xo
    Well it's wild wet and windy here today , definitely an indoor day.
    Hazel I hope you don't suffer too much travelling home today, it sounds like you had an awful night xo
    Patricia , sounds like you have been extremely industrious, wish it would rub off on me , I have some stamping done and coloured in for Christmas cards but none assembled yet.
    I've just enjoyed some tea and toast , so better move myself.
    Michele , please take care of that cough , seems to be lasting too long. xo
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne - were you making the presentations or on the receiving end? Nosey ? Me? Never!!!
      Enjoy your new goodies! Xxx

    2. Hi ANNE thank you so much for your kind words on my card Xxx

  7. Meant to say Janet those cakes really sounded delicious ( my favourite would be the almond one ) ! xo

  8. Morning Sandra and the rest of you lovelies,
    Sandra I do hope you're having a lovely restful weekend, because next weekend it will be all systems go with fun and quickly that has come around and you must all be getting so excited and looking forward to a wonderful weekend.
    Lynda your card is gorgeous, I love the colours you have used along with how you have used the dies.
    Well I forgot to put the clocks back but as my mobile does it automatically I did have the right time on there so it was only 7 am when I woke up....I do wish we could turn a switch in our brains and put it on daylight saving and then we would wake up more prepared with the hour on or off....anyway all clocks are on the right time now.
    Had a lovely time with my darling Nikki after lunch I got some Christmas tree die cuts out glitter and glue.....not a good combination with Nikki (or me for that matter!!) and started to make a tree decoration for her to take home....unfortunately we ran out of time as the various glued pieces didn't quite dry in time so rather than it move or get squashed we saved it to finish it off next time she comes.....oh but I'm itching to finish it off!!
    I haven't made one Christmas card I just can't seem to get in the mood for them so if you lovelies get one from me I'm so sorry but it will probably turn out to be quite basic (which I loathe to do).
    The cafe looks and smells beautiful this morning so I shall sit with my latte in the window and watch the world go by for a little while.
    Hope those who are feeling under the weather are feeling much better today. Money in the pot and hugs in the basket see you later and enjoy your day everyone.
    Oh nearly forgot....Hazel I do hope your leg is less painful this morning and you have a good trip home.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Shiela don't worry about Cristmas cards, it's the thought that counts not the content,
      Glad you're had a good day with Nikki, take care xxx

    2. Sheila. I agree with Jess forget about Christmas cards you spend your time doing things that you are enjoying doing . X

    3. Sheila, I agree too! Don't put yourself under stress making Christmas cards it isn't worth it. How do you think we'd feel if you were ill because of us!! No no no ! Just chill as my granddaughter says! Ha ha . Sorry tree not finished but you know Rome wasn't built in a day! Xxx

    4. Hi SHEILA thank you for your for your kind words on my card. So pleased your time with Nikki was good shame the glue didn't dry in time for her to take it home. No one expects Christmas cards so don't stress Sheila love Lynda xxx

    5. Hi Sheila, do not fret about Christmas cards ,I have been told too but now I know some will give out at the weekend coming so I'm fretting like mad here. You finish the tree with Nikki next time, glad you had fun xxx

    6. Sheila my lovely lady, I'm still making mine, the only ones I've done so far, so don't worry yourself about them. Sounds like you had a sparkly day with your lovely Nikki xxxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a lovely lie in this morning, although all the clocks are telling me different times! Lynda your card is lovely, what a treat for Sandra to open, thank you for sharing. Not much on the cards today, the sun is shining so I must get some washing on and I have the plants I bought yesterday to put in but other than that it will be Grand Prix and rugby led day no doubt! The Grand Prix has been effected by hurricane Patricia so timings are all over the place - just what we need! I will pop in later for a catch up. Have a good day everyone. Xxxx

    1. Patricia - not again! What have you been up to now! Xxx
      Hard hat! Xx

    2. Thank you DIANE for your kind words on my card hope all your plants are in now Xxx

    3. Oh Lynda, no! Emma face timed us just as I was about to do it and by the time we finished it was dark! I will have to find time this week ! Xxxx

  10. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    Wow SANDRA thank you for showing my card today. I did start & Thank ingdevigally but we are meeting my daughter this morning & think we will be late if oh doesn't hurry up
    We you all later & thanks to all your kind words on my card xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I love your card lovely colour well done.xx

    2. Enjoy your day with your daughter Lynda xxxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lynda your card is lovely, just right for that special day.
    Well not much on the cards to day, I go and see my sister, who has special needs for a wee while on a Sunday, then I really NEED to get a move on and get things done for the craft fair in November, Patricia I want some of your 'get up
    and go' potion..
    Tea and toast finished, Hope everyone is ok today, will try and pop back later, take care, Jess xxx

    1. Jess, my get up and go has got up and gone! Xxx

    2. Thank you JESS hope your sister was well & had a nice time. Has your get up & go come back yet wish mine would. Xxx

    3. Wish mine would as well. My problem is 'nothing but the best will do'. Although a has been so takes a long time to get things done. Hope you had a nice time with your sister Jess.

  12. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Thank you Sandra for shareing your birthday cards with us. Today's card from Lynda is lovely. Lynda you have put so much into making this lovely card. ALSO you have reminded me, I haven't used my weaving dies for ages, must get them out when we get home!

    I have had a special request from grandsons for sticky toffee pudding, Just need to check if daughter has all the ingredients before I start.

    Hope everyone has a good day sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda! Hope you managed to fulfil that special request! Xxx

    2. Thank you BRENDA your very kind,I haven used the weaving die foe a while either. Xxx

    3. Brenda - yes please sticky toffee pudding for me too please :) xxxx

  13. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra, thank you for showing is this beautiful card.
    Lynda, it's gorgeous, I love everything about it, the dies used, the colours of card and the scrumptious stick pins.
    As usual, I am doing about 5 jobs at once, and the washing machine sounds as though it's finished, so I'll hang the next load of washing out.
    I'm afraid I haven't had time to read everyone's comments, but will do so later and spend more time with you.
    Until then, be good!!!
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. I'll just call you Octopussy - at least that way you have three fee hands!! Xxx

    2. Uh oh! Free not Fee!! Xx

    3. Thank you so much MAUREEN for your kind words on my card. I have here'd of multitasking but 5 things at once your superwoman.

    4. Lovely card Lynda. I also haven't used the weaving dies as much as I should. Must remedy that.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    I did pop in last night but no-one was here so I locked up soon and went to bed too. The ice-hockey was great and our home teem did a fab.job by beating the other teem by 11-0 ! I felt a bit sorry for them.
    Thank you for showing us one more of your Beautiful cards made by our very own Lynda. Love how you used so many different dies, shows how versatile they all are together. Lovely colour too.
    Hazel- hope your leg is feeling better soon, Michele- hope your cough is not getting worse and Maureen- you not meant to do 5 jobs at the same time ,you meant to take it easy ! If you have family around for the day, have a lovely day together. If you are crafting, hope the production band and mojo is working for you all. Mine has left the building but will have a go this afternoon.
    I can smell baking in the house. In 25 years my hubby have not make any effort what so ever to cook a meal or do any kind of baking and then this morning he suddenly declared HE was going to make a sponge cake ! Had to go shopping for the ingredients and the sandwish tins and the last 30 min. I have left him to it in the kitchen tihi Looking forward to it with a cup of tea later. Going with the smell I'm sure it will be good. Have a nice Sunday whatever you do, try to take it easy (some of you) love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello MARIA your very kind thank you. Maria dose your OH clear up after he has finished in the kitchen,well when mine makes a cuppa it looks like a bomb has dropped on the work top so god knows if he made a cake ( & he is a Virgo they are supposed to be tidy )HiHi Xxx

    2. It was spotless after him ! he even let me lick the spoon tihi xxx

    3. Enjoy your cake Maria, what a treat xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you are relaxing ready for next weekend did I read somewhere 5 days now?xx
    Hazel hope your leg feels better soon & your journey not too tiring.xx
    Sue don't work too hard enjoy your visitors.xx
    Feel tired today not a good night was awake alot so sitting watching TV for a change.
    Hugs in basket for all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Hello Sandra and all the ladies!
    I'm sorry I'm so late! As you know we had the family yesterday. That was really good fun, if somewhat tiring! Annabelle , who is in 6th Form, has got herself a Saturday job in M&S . I am rather proud of her as they wanted someone who could do more hours but as she came across well in the interview they contacted her three days later with the offer of the job with the hours she wanted. She begins next Saturday! She is going to save up for driving lessons! I so approve of this attitude .
    We aware at Church this morning and had a lazy lunch !
    We are having some friends for supper so I need to prepare for that too.
    Lynda - your card is lovely. Lovely colours and stick pins!!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely birthday cards , Sandra!
    I haven't read any comments yet and will try to do that now.
    I'm scared to say it - this time next week we'll be either home or almost home. That is except for our intrepid Scottish Trio!!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi MYRA thank you your very kind. Well done too Annabelle hope she enjoys working in M&S good for her.enjoy your evening.Xx

    2. That's good for Annabelke. I am sure she will enjoy working there.

    3. Good for Annabell, driving lessons cost a fortune ! Oh yes, family discount too :) xxxx

  17. Hello one and all I'm quickly writing this at a Service station on the M4 whilst OH has a quick snooze We're on our way home from a Salsa Party in Bristol last night
    Yesterday's makes are gorgeous I'm lucky enough to live near Pinflair in Hertford - guess what I'll be looking for for next year nudge nudge!
    The centre piece and bauble equally as pretty
    Today's card is lovely too Lynda I keep looking at that cornflower die...

  18. Hellooooo!! I have emerged!!! From under the card and the beads.
    I have been really, really busy. Have not stopped all day.
    Made lots and am quite happy with what I have done. Still have a few things to finish off then I will start on my Candle Cups. Well was the intention but I will have to leave that till the week and after the Retreat. I have too many other things to get through this week.
    I have been so worried about Hazel, I just hope she is able to travel next Friday.
    They are not expected home till later this evening. I doubt if she will even think about chatting, we will need to leave that till tomorrow.
    MYRA:- I am so delighted with Annabelle getting her job. Good for her no wonder you are proud of her. It is so good for them to have "life skills" and where better than in a job even if it is just a Saturday one ..... M&S a great place to to start. Annabelle will learn so much and I can see every penny being a prisoner till she has passed that test. Then it will be the car!!!
    MARIA:- good for your Hubby ... Mmmm!! I can smell that sponge cake here. Do you think he is getting in the swing for you leaving him at the weekend!!
    MAUREEN:- hope your down to just one or none jobs!!!
    Sorry that's someone one the phone for me. See you later xx

    1. Good to see you have emerged Patricia. I am just about emerging. Haven't started the cup candles yet. Like you it might have to be next week. Can't do everything at once.

  19. Hi everyone, hasn't it got dark early tonight!
    Hubby watching the F1 qualifying, so just a quick visit then need to wash up after dinner. Managed a few things today, did some cup candles, some cards, went to Hobbycraft for some cello wrap, visited my sister, busy day so far. Tonight it is the results from Stricly then Downton Abbey, might do a bit of ironing while watching them, I got some get up and go potion when I was out!!! lol.
    Take care, don't know if I will be back later. xxx

  20. Hi Everyone we had a lovely day with my daughter & grandson Joseph he gets taller every time I see him he is 10 so I think he will be well over 6ft well Lisa is 6ft not like his dad he's only 5ft 6ish. We went too a wildlife zoo not far from us only about 45 minutes away. The sun was out so an enjoyable day.
    SANDRA I hope you have had a restful weekend thank you for showing my card today I'm pleased you liked it. Well I better get dinner dished up before Terry fades away HaHa. Hazel hope your not too tired & your leg is feeling better take it easy tomorrow. Have a good evening ladies love Lynda xx

  21. Evening Ladies

    Quick visit before tackling the dreaded Christmas cards, well that's the plan! Early meal so hubby could watch the Grand Prix. I want to watch Law & Order SVU at 10pm so will have my bath early then can get straight into bed after that.

    Sold a few things on eBay earlier so I've been packaging the up ready to take to the post office straight from work tomorrow . A group of us are out for a curry tomorrow evening-early bird special so we need to be there around 6.30pm so it will be a mad dash but worth it (I hope)!

    Right-best start looking at my Christmas stash.


  22. Hello all,
    Washing tick, ironing - tick, post collected for sister in law - tick, visit to see David and Trudy - tick, dusting - tick, E & Z sleepover WHAT, that was not on the cards. Had a visit this afternoon in the middle of ironing - Zoe "I'm so sad Grandma", Me "Oh why sweetheart". Z "I know you would like us to sleep over tonight, but daddy says no". Well, I ask you - what could I say? They are now ensconced in their bedroom, putting it how they like it and I have the choice of two films - Grease or The Adams Family. Decisions, decisions, but I think Sandy and Danny might win!!!!
    Hazel, I hope your leg recovers and that the wires from your Tens Machine were not mistaken for a bomb!!!
    Myra, I see you are having friends for supper, I hope they are tasty. (remind me never to accept an invitation from you!!!)
    Patricia, glad your fund raising efforts are proving fruitful. I wish I could help.
    Sheila and Maria, do not worry about Christmas cards, they are not worth getting yourselves in a tizz and worrying.
    Maria, that cake smells very nice, mmm I could just eat a piece!
    Karen, safe home from the Salsa.
    Brenda OB, save some Sticky Toffee Pudding for me please!!
    Oops, there's an emergency, Zoe can't find the dummy for her doll. I'd better go and see if I can find it.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oh Maureen they know exactly how to get round their grandma don't they! Enjoy Danny and Sandy - do you need to have a coughing fit when it gets to the naughty bits? Xxxx

  23. Hello to you all. It looks nice, strawberry jam in the middle and a light dusting of that white stuff on top( forgotten what's it called hihi) The work area was spotless afterwards and all tools and bowl washed up by hand. Is he trying to tell me something ? only one 'little'problem, it didn't rise much and he stuck to the recipe to the letter (I got the same problem so have given up)still talking about a cake ,Myra :-) will have a taste in a minute just seeing the F1 start and then it's movie night with my two boy's. Have asked for a comedy,feeling in need for a real belly laugh without any shooting or fighting in for once.
    Glad you found some up and go Jess, Patricia really have. I hope Hazel have a good journey the rest of the way, not good with the train. Nice you in Margaret P, hope you ok. Perhaps you just need a good sleep tonight. Karen- hope you home by now and not still at the patrol station. Glad you had a good weekend.
    Better go ,tea has been served and the "cake" has arrived. It's not a sponge it's a ?? Xxx

    1. Victoria sandwich ? Sounds lovely, is he raking over the cooking now? Enjoy your evening xxxxx

  24. Just quickly in to say that's us home. Leg held out and I am hoping it gets easier each day.. Off to have a cup of tea. Xxx

  25. Glad you are home safe Hazel and do hope the leg improves. You must rest this week and take care.

  26. As I have said above Lynda. Your card today is lovely. Thank you Sandra. Been busy all day. Scarlett did FaceTime me to ask me if I was ok. Thought that was nice of her as they are away for the weekend. I would think they would be back by now but haven't heard from them. When a friend phoned earlier I could hardly talk. Don't know what all that's about. Well must go back to work or I won't have much for the Craft Fair. Might be back later.

    1. Brenda I hope you are ok, take it easy won't you xxxxx

  27. Hello everyone
    Hope everyone is ok. We've had a sporty day today, rugby and formular one - quite exciting really. Emma face timed too and we had a lovely catch up. The plants didn't get planted in the end so that's another job for this week! It's been a lovely day, I hope we font get any of the hurricane Patricia coming our way anytime soon - it doesn't seem to have caused too much damage though which is good. Right I must go and make a cup of tea - see you all tomorrow. Night night sleep tight xxxx

  28. Hi Sandra
    Loved Lynda's card when I saw it in the flesh. Didn't buy to much at Emerald Crafts today although I did spend £40.00 odd. No masks I'm afraid nor no dies. Sue did buy a couple of Dreamweaver dies though. Everything I'd asked for they'd run out off. If the Wavy mask comes in stock Sue will pick it up for us and pop it in the post.

  29. Hello Everyone?
    I'm it sure that you haven't all gone to bed! Our visitors have just left and no - I didn't eat any of them!! Thanks Muriel!
    I see you have the girls! That did make me laugh - we can't have Zoe being sad!
    Our very own hurricane Patricia has had a good day! Phew!
    Hazel so glad you are home safely and I do hope you don't suffer too much from your travels! You rest tomorrow, please!
    Maria - I hope the cake was delicious - I'm very impressed with the clean, tidy kitchen! I hope mine is like that when I get home next weekend!!
    I haven't seen the Strictly Results - recorded it so will look quickly doing a fair bit of fast forwarding!!
    See you all in the morning , all being well.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  30. Hi All , very quick post, sorry to be late been a hectic day.
    Lynda your card for Sandra is lovely.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Have good night Lilian
