
Saturday 24 October 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Ann'e Beautiful Advent Calender

 Hazels's Christmas Centrepiece 

 Janet's Angel Bauble

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Aren't these Saturdays rolling round too fast at the moment? Do you know that there are only 8 more Saturdays until Christmas (and 5 days)! Can you believe that?? Panic!!
But even more exciting news is that our retreat is only 6 DAYS AWAY !!
Sorry for those of you not able to make this one, but I am planning to organise another retreat for next year, can you all let me know what time of year would be best, I was thinking Spring time, but I am open to suggestions, I would especially love for those who couldn't make this one to come to the next one,  that is if this one is enjoyed by everyone.
Now onto today's crafts......

First up is Anne's absolutely stunning Advent Calendar that she made for her Grandchildren, it is such a work of art, I love the fabric that Anne has used, really pretty as well as being very festive, this is surely going to be one of those family Heirlooms that gets passed down for generations.
Thank you so much Anne for sharing your Advent Calendar, it really is amazing xxxxx

Next up we have Hazel's Christmas Centre Piece, it's such a clever way of displaying your napkins
etc on the table, Hazel I love that ribbon you have used, it is perfect for the centre piece, Along with that gorgeous Santa, this design would work equally as well as an actual Christmas cake.
Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas centre piece with us Hazel, I would love to share some of your Beer/Nappy cakes too! xxxx

Last but not least is Janet's cute little Angel Christmas Bauble, so pretty, I think that these would be perfect for putting little gifts in too, is the angel a little stamped image? I love how you have made it more festive buying adding the glitter for sparkle! The ribbon adds that pretty finishing touch,
thank you so much for sharing your beautiful bauble with us xxx

Well we have a more relaxed weekend, thankfully, no football, no plans, a perfect weekend, it never stays relaxed though! Paul has one more week in his current job and then he starts the new job on the Monday after the retreat, we then have to get used to his new shift pattern, although we don't know what it is yet. The bonus of doing normal office hours is that Paul had all the usual Bank holidays off, but now he will have to cover them, which isn't so great, but we will get used to it in time, we did before!
Well I think I am going to relax in my craft room for a couple of hours.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend,
love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a lovely advent calendar & nice it can be kept each year.

    Hazel-stunning gift.

    Janet-gorgeous bauble, can't wait to find out how you made it.

    I spent most of the early hours coughing so I ended up getting up very early & have been surfing the net! I'm meeting a friend for coffee at 10am so I might get some crafting done before I go out.


    1. MICHELE:- you need a few (((((hugs)))) and a visit to the Doctor maybe!!
      Enjoy your time with your friend xxx

    2. Michele, dose yourself up and enjoy your meet up with your friend. I hope you feel better soon. xxx

    3. Hope you not got a bug again, take care and have a nice day xxx

    4. Michelle, enjoy your meet up with your friend, but get something from the chemist for your cough, nothing worse than a disturbed night x

    5. Oh Michelle, please get something to help that cough! Have a nice time with your friend. Xx

    6. Hope the cough eases soon, enjoy your coffee with your friend

    7. Hi Michele
      Now you really should know better than to let your cough carry on. You just get to a pharmacy ( no pun intended ) and get some medicine for your cough.

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies,,a very quick pop in to grab a take away tea and coffee plus two of those shortbread biscuits. We are off very soon, just hope the bridge traffic isn't bad. Major road works!
    Anne, your advent calendar is gorgeous,,love the fabric, still love the sound of your wooden one you were telling us about in Saturday.
    Janet, your bauble is beautiful, and would look lovely hanging at a window.
    My centre piece ( sorry Sandra I never thought of the idea of using it for napkins but thank you I am so open to suggestion ). Each of the pots holds a small gift or treat ( change it each year) there is a box in the middle which can hold either sweets or mixed nuts . Santa is a tea light holder. When we did craft fairs I made and sold a good few of these, the trouble is sewing the felt round each pot is time consuming and as its hand sewn sore on the fingers. But realy easy to make. Can't see me being in as it will be all go once we get to the hotel.
    ((((( hugs)))))) to all who need or want. Xxx

    1. SORRY SIS:- I did not think you would have time to pop in.
      Really hope you don't mind me "trying" to explain the concept of your Table Centre. Have good trip and enjoy your evening xxx

    2. No you know me I don't take offence. Thank you for thinking to do that? Xxx

    3. Hazel, have a lovely time, and safe journey. What a great idea for a Christmas Table Centre Piece. I may just have to "borrow" that idea!!! xxxx

    4. Have a safe journey and have a nice weekend. First thought it was a cake so well done, your centre piece is fab. and I love the Santa xxx

    5. Hazel have a lovely weekend. I thought it was a cake at first with napkins around it!!, It's a lovely centrepiece. X

    6. Hazel, I get it now - A few weeks ago you were talking about making a 'Beer Cake'. I was wondering which recipe you used. ................... Just leave me alone, promise I will not be any trouble !!!!!!
      Have a safe journey and a great weekend xxx

    7. Brenda! That did make me smile - I had a picture in my head of folk getting a bit tiddly on Hazel's cake! I cannot imagine you ever being any trouble!! Xxx

    8. Hazel safe journey and enjoy your weekend. I thought it was a nappy cake for a Christmas baby but I like the sound of what it actually is far better! Xxxx

    9. What a lovely idea, I too thought it was a cake at first glance.

    10. Hazel have a safe journey and a great evening I love your idea for a table centre xxx

    11. Hi Hazel,
      I love your centre piece what a brilliant idea, enjoy your weekend.xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, hope you are all TicktyBoo and looking forward to the weekend.
    ANNE :- love, love , love, your beautiful Advent Calender. We were chatting on Saturday about Christams things in our homes. Anne was telling us all about this. I am sure when she pops in she will tell about the special things she does with it.
    HAZEL:- is on her way to Birmingham. I will tell you this is Hazel's Table Centrepiece and her way of everyone getting their "Christmas Cracker" without the bangs that frighten the dog.....same at J&As. The little white "pots" are made of Kitchen Roll inners cut to size wrapped with white Felt that gets tucked in the tops. Hazel might have found better "pots" now but it all started out with the Kitchen Roll in inners. Inside each "pot" is a "posh" Cracker gifts, so that none of the fun of Crackers missed except for the Bangs!!!
    JANET:- you always come up Trumps with your "decorations" that is absolutely stunning, love it.
    Only 6 more sleeps till we all meet up. Ooooo!! it is all so exciting. Sandra your very brave setting about organising yet another one so soon. I am sure you will be getting all the names sent in, quick smart. Especially from the ones not manageing to go next week. I know a couple who will be signing up, they have mentioned it already on the Blog. Unfortunately Hazel and I won't manage Springtime. We have lots of Family things on during 2016. Big birthdays, Special Anniversary's, Special Holidays .... !!! Hazel and I are already in the process of organising a BIG Family event in the Spring.
    I have made my usual Tea & Toast and am over at the corner table to do some People Watching. I do we all have a nice quite weekend. Well mine will be busy but in a good way, I will be creating. I might not manage in much today, I really must get things made for the Boys School Fundraiser next month.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual. Hopefully see you all later if not have a good day. xxx

    1. Have a good day Patricia, thanks for the detailed explanation of Hazel's Centrepiece. xxx

    2. Have a good day Patricia. did you see my crazy idea for the
      foundraising yesterday,have a look xxx

    3. Hello Patricia, don't work too hard! Thanks for the explanation and it was very clear . It's a great idea! I saw Maria's idea and it's a very good one as well as very thoughtful! Xxx

    4. Thanks for the details of the cake, whatever you make I'm sure it will be great.

    5. Thank you for a great explanation of Hazel's cake what a super idea, I know just what you mean about the bangs in crackers, good luck with your creating. xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies, isn't it great how we love to go away but nothing beats the wonderful feeling of getting back into your own bed, pure bliss!
    Hazel your Christmas cracker cake is amazing ( now I understand your cakes, before I thought you actually baked cakes lol! ) until you explained the beer cake, it's such a great concept and could be adapted for lots of special occasions, you have set my mind in motion! Have a great weekend xo.
    Janet , I love your Christmas bauble, it's quite unique, looking forward to hearing how you made it xo.
    My advent calendar is made from a preprinted fabric I bought from Pinflair, which you cut out the squares and stitch onto the printed background fabric, you then put on some wadding and back with any co- ordinating fabric and attach loops over the top to put a piece of dowelling through to hang up, the squares can be decorated wth fabric glitter paints etc. you can then either fill the pockets with small chocolate bars or ( and this is what I was telling P& H about) I put little labels with a ribbon pull top in each pocket with a treat or game or something we can do together eg. Christmas baking, singing carols, going for a walk etc.( means our grandchildren spend fun times with us) lol!
    I got all the unpacking done last night but now I have Huge piles of washing, and it's raining so will do the beach towels etc first that I don't mind putting in the drier and hope the rain as forecast clears away for later.
    Patricia , thanks for the email address, I'll just come and join you for some tea and toast and have a natter xo
    Have a lovely weekend and love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, love your Advent Calendar. I sewed one for Eleanor when she was a baby (12 in November) and it still comes out every year. I have to fit 2 things in each pocket now though, because Zoe looks for something too!!!
      Have a good day. xxxxx

    2. P.s. meant to say that I hope it clears up later for your washing,. xx

    3. Hi Anne, Love the Advent calendar. Beautiful keepsake and I can see this being brought out every first of December for many years to come. Have a nice day (washing) xxx

    4. Hello Anne,
      I left a comment below but I forgot to say I hope Presentation Day goes well! You are having a busy day with washing as well. You're in back to work mode very quickly! Love your Advent Calendar. I do think Pinflair have some really nice products. Haven't had a look this year yet! Xxx

    5. Anne your advent Calendar Is beautiful and I love your ticket idea too. Julian's mum made one for Emma when she was little which we still use every year ( this will be the first time not used but I have a plan!). As she got older the little bits got bigger so I made a treasure hunt clue to ho in so she could find her gift. Enjoy your weekend - I know what you mean about getting home to your own bed. Xxxx

    6. I love your advent calendar, must have been a lot of work, would love to make one but don't do much sewing as am sewing all day for work

    7. Anne your advent claender is so lovely I have made several of these and they come out each year, you have done very well getting your little pockets all lined up straight well done. xxx

    8. Hi Anne,
      Your advent calendar is lovely & such a beautiful keepsake well done.xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovelies that follow in after me,
    Anne your advent calendar is lovely and something that can be used year after year.
    Hazel I always love your cakes and this is without exception.
    Janet oh what a pretty are all such a talented bunch of ladies.
    Sorry I forgot to mention the lovely photo of Hazel, Patricia and Anne so pleased you all had a great meet up and a nice long chat.
    Well it's Nikki's day today so I must get a move's pouring down here so I will entertain her at home.
    I really don't like the way the fence looks even though the front has a 3ft wall and is quite open I feel as if taking that bit of the fence has taken some of my privacy and security away....even though it doesn't really....hope you get my meaning.
    Well ladies not many more sleeps till your Retreat comes around you must be getting so excited now.....I can't wait to see what shenanigans you get up to.
    Will love you and leave you now and pop back after Nik has left.....have put extra hugs in the basket with being away the last few days so please take one if you need a bit of comfort.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello Sheila,
      Have a great day with Nikki, hopefully it will fair up and you will be able to get out with her. I know she likes to go out. xxxx

    2. Have a nice day with Nikki. Hope the weather clearing a bit so maybe you get a walk in. Does she like doing things sitting still for a longer time or do she want to do something all the time ? Give her a hug from me xxx

    3. Hello Sheila, enjoy you day with Nikki. I'm sure she will enjoy her day even if you have to stay indoors. She will be with you and that will make it special. xx

    4. Hello Sheila, enjoy your day with Nikki - it's really wet here too! Xxx

    5. Have a lovely day with Nikki xxxx

    6. Enjoy your day with Nikki, know what you mean about missing your privacy.

    7. Sheila I hope you have a lovely day with Nikki and that she is well. Please don't worry too much about the fence it is only a small section as you said and hopefully it will shut the drated council up! xxx

  6. Good morning ladies,

    My oh my, a gorgeous fest of festive gifts to make and give away from 3 special ladies who always come up with something 'outside the box'!
    Puts my Christmas decks to shame. I use a lot of ivy, holly, cones and candles to decorate my house. I am not one who likes the gaudiness of some tinsel decorations.

    So firstly, Anne's quilted Pinflair calendar. This is just so up my street Anne, I love all things natural and what delightful 'gifts' inside. Time spent with grandparents is so precious for our grandchildren who lead such busy lives with their iPhones, iPads and Tablets these days.

    Secondly, Hazel's amazing centrepiece. And a very good description for Patricia in how to make one. Very stunning! At first I thought it was a 'nappy' cake for a newborn Christmas babe so it was fun to read the instructions.

    Thirdly, Janet's bauble. Am I right in thinking the centrepiece angel is one of Kanban's from a couple of years ago? I seem to remember buying this pack for the grandchildren. There were quite a few sheets of angels, Santas, baubles, reindeer and trees to colour in as well as pre-coloured ones. In fact, I think there are still a few odd sheets in my Christmas stash box.
    You have used a very clever way to make use of them.

    Jamie & I will be continuing our hunt for Pete's Amelanchier tree today, probably this afternoon when traffic quietens down a bit.
    We have Wessex water doing repairs along our main road again. Every year they dig up the same spot 2-3 times and the traffic lights are always outside one of our houses. I do wish they would close the road, we have had a bypass for years now so they could direct traffic along that, dig up the whole road and replace the old piping altogether! Problem might be solved then and quietness regained.

    I need to finish cutting out some snowflakes for the nursery, so see you later.
    Enjoy your weekend, whatever you have planned.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Have a nice day at the garden centre and hopefully you will find the tree today. Hate roadworks, there are always some around. Our neighbour (2 doors) is digging up their front garden this morning so I understand the noise can drive you stupid. take care xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl fingers crossed you find your beautiful tree today. Love Sheila xxx

    3. Cheryl enjoy your time with Jamie, Hope you manage to find your special tree. LOL xx

    4. Hope you find that special tree today! Take care. Xxx

    5. Hope you find your tree, don't know this one will look it up in my book.

    6. Cherl I do so hope you ar able to find your tree and at a much more reasonable price this time good luck xxx

  7. Hello Sandra,
    Thank you for showing us these lovely crafts today.
    Anne, your advent calendar is beautiful and is a real keepsake, to be brought out year after year.
    Hazel, I'm sorry but I'm going to pinch your idea and will make a Tablecentre like this for this Christmas.
    Janet, your bauble is so pretty with the Angel and golden sequins, I love it.
    Well, I am up at Rachel and Peter's house child minding the girls and a friend of Zoe's who had a sleep over. Rachel and Peter are doing a spot of cleaning at the bungalow after the plasterers kindly left deposits from front door to back door and all points in between!!!!!
    Got to go, I'm needed.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Have a lovely day with the girls. Hope Peter and Rachel wont be to long cleaning so they have a rest too. Also hope you feeling better xxx

    2. Mauren so pleased you ae not doing the cleaning, have a lovely day with your girls xxx

  8. Hello Sandra,
    Hello Everyone who pops in on this rather dreary wet Saturday!
    It was so dark this morning and that's before the clocks are changed!
    I love today's projects - all with a Christmas theme and all different.
    Anne - your Advent Calendar is lovely. It's so colourful and will be an heirloom one day! I decorated a wooden one many many years ago which is still used each year . Thank you for sharing it with us. It's a lovely piece of work.
    Hazel - what a great idea! I love the tea light Santa too! Your ribbon is lovely. I don't buy crackers either as they are often disappointing. I too but individual gifts for the table but they are just put in little bags or boxes! This centrepiece is lovely. A great idea! Thank you.
    Janet - your Angel bauble is very pretty. I can see it hanging in a window or on the tree. It will be even more beautiful when the light or lights shine on it. Thank you Janet for sharing it.
    Well family is coming for lunch today instead of tomorrow so I'm cooking a leg of lamb today! They may be a little left for tomorrow - on the other hand - there may not!!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hazel , hope you are not too tired or sore after the journey and early start!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. oh, a leg of lamb. what time do you want us over ? hihi have a nice day with your family xxx

    2. Oh Lamb - my favourite meat, As Maria said, what time do you want us? ............. We will pick you up on the way Maria.
      Have a lovely day, don't go overdoing it, you will need a reserve of energy for next weekend. xxx

    3. Thank you - it smells good!! Xxx

    4. Lamb how lovely, as we are only two now we never have leg of lamb,
      Enjoy your day with family

    5. Have a lovely family tie Myra and hope the lamb roasts perfectly, so pleased you are not having roast DUCK !!! Don't work too hard xxx

    6. Oops sorry that shoud be have a lovely family day xxx

  9. Morning ladies, what a lovely array of goodies for us today,
    Anne your advent Calendar is lovely, a family heirloom, and Hazel I love your centrepiece, as I said I thought it was a cake! Janet love your Christmas bauble another family heirloom.
    Not much on today so might get a bit of crafting done, need lots of stuff for this craft fair at the end of November.
    Take care everyone whatever you are up to, xxx

    1. Enjoy having a crafting day and get some relaxing time in too when you can,take care xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and anyone popping in to the best cafe' in the world today.
    Lovely things on show today. Love the Calendar, love the Cake and not least,
    Janet- I love your bauble ! so sweet with it's little angel inside and the sparkly bits. I hope you are alright Sandra after your last fall and having a nice family time . If in any discomfort or sniffly I wish you better.
    Off out at noon and want to be able to come back today I think, going to see a ice-hockey match tonight and then go for dinner so will be late home. I wish everyone a nice day, keep warm, love and hugs Maria Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Oy 6 days to go now : )))
    Just a quick hi to you all. So much to do and so little time, and I woke up late again! I will be back soon to have a good catch up. Hope you are all well. Take care xx

  12. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    It's like Christmas here today, yippie....
    What a fantastic show you have given us.......
    Anne, your advent calendar is gorgeous, a real family keepsake to treasure for many years to come.
    Hazel, love your table centrepiece. And thank you you have given me an idea. Usually I make crackers or buy ones, that you put our own content in, I collect small suitable items all through the year, so come Christmas I'm organised. When my Dad was alive he always had a miniature Whisky in his. He would say your crackers are the best he had ever had. Bless him he didn't realise I had made them.
    Janet, Oh lady of many talents, I Love your bauble. It really is a Christmas treasure, one that you woul be proud to display every year.
    Thank you all for shareing.
    Will pop back later, hope everyone is having a lovely day, Love Brenda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What an array of Christmas loveliness today. Anne I've left you a comment but jus to say I really love your advent calendar, it really is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Hazel I've left you a comment too, what a fabulous idea, thank you for sharing xxxx
    Janet what a beautiful bauble, I'd love to know how you made it because it looks really effective. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Not much on the cards today, weather isn't great but hopefully we will have a trip out for some fresh air and a walk later. I got so much knitting done last night, I'm on the arm holes already! Don't hold your breath that I will be wearing it next weekend though! Right I must get on - see you later xxxxx

  14. Hello everyone, hope the weekend going well. The weather here is horrible, wet windy and cold.
    Done big Asda shop today, normally have a tesco delivery, but once a month have a big shop at Asda, not too busy today.
    Did anyone see Gardeners World last night ? Monty Don was wearing one of our Bee suits, I made the hood , my claim to fame at last, trouble is no one was watching!!!!!
    Well had a butterfly delivery from stamping up this morning so might have a go with the stamps and dies to match.
    I would to come on a retreat if you have one next year, I have been looking for Sandra's email but can't see it anywhere.
    Well better go and get something to eat.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Sorry forgot to say Janet I think you're bauble is lovely, love the little angel.

    2. Oooh Lilian Monty Don- what a claim to fame! I will have a look on I player . Hope Asda wasn't too busy xxxxx

  15. Hello everyone. Lovely show of things today. Thank you for showing Sandra. Anne I love your Advent Calender. Good idea. Lady year I made Megan some felt hearts and sewed the numbers on and hung them on a white tree I made her. I must fid them and fill them again for her. The rest of the year she has all sorts of other things hanging on the tree. Hazel. Love your Christmas cake. Another very good idea. I expect it is a family tradition now each year. Janet I love your bauble. Waiting to see how you did it. Hope everyone is having a good day. It's wet here. I am busy putting Gesso on MDF plaques ready for the crafting ladies. It took me a long time to find the Gesso as couldn't remember where I had put it. Sounds as if several of us are getting ready for craft fairs still the end of November. I have also got one so trying to get all the craft stuff ready first and out of the way so I can concentrate on the Craft Fair. Michele I hope you soon get rid of your cough. Be back later.

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    This is my third attempt to leave a comment here I had no problem further up!
    Hazel and Anne I love what you have made my comments are further up.
    Janet I hope you are well I love your beautiful bauble what a great idea. Was your little bakery open yesterday, I do hope so.
    Thank you Sandra for showing us all some lovely Christmas ideas.
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend everyone my hugs are over in the corner plese just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    Il glad your having a quiet weekend. Well quieter than usual anyhow.
    Love Anne's Advent calendar what a nice gift for your Grandchildren. Love your centre piece as well Hazel. I though it was a cake at first. Janet your bauble is lovely, what clever ladies you all are.

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café today,
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend with lots of crafting.xx
    Janet what a pretty bauble well done.xx
    Sheila hope you have a lovely time with Nic.xx
    Cheryl hope you have more success with the tree this time.xx
    Michelle please look after yourself & get that cough sorted.xx
    Myra enjoy your family meal sounds lovely but I will not join you as I cannot eat lamb xx.
    Maria enjoy the ice-hockey xx.
    Sue don't tire yourself out playing with your new toy!! Lovely day yesterday thank you love xx.
    Hugson way to all who need them love xx

  19. Evening everyone, hope everyone has had a good day. We had a trip out to a garden centre that has a butchers department, we are trying to find a new Christmas turkey supplier as our local butcher retired this year. Believe it or not thus one isn't taking orders for Christmas yet! Our old butcher started advertising in June, and by the time we got round to ordering he was on his 5th order book! We do miss him. We had a look at the Christmas things but it's still to early to get excited. I've got some winter pansies to put in tomorrow so hopefully the weather will be nice again. Well I will say goodnight and see you tomorrow. Xxxxx

  20. Good night Dainty, winter pansies are so lovely. I wish I was as hardy as them!!
    Don't forget ladies, put the CLOCKS BACK and hour tonight.
    See you in the morning, sweet dreams all and God Bless.
    Maureen xxx

    1. 11-0, yes you read it right 11-0 ! Mk Lightning slashed poor Hull Pirates this evening .Haven't been for years so to see this tonight was something different. Will now go to bed, feeling a bit chilly. See you tomorrow my friends, good night all, sleep well Xxx
