
Friday 23 October 2015

Festive Shaker card Friday!

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Today's Card is a 'Shaker' Style card, I embossed some Periwinkle blue Foundation card and embossed it with the 'Frosty Swirls' embossing folder,both from Creative Expressions (CE), I matted this onto a piece of white card, both pieces die cut with (CE) Noble Pierce Rectangle Dies.
I then took a piece of white card and die cut the decorative die out of the Noble Ornate Decorative Die set by (CE) and then cut a matching periwinkle mat to go under it, I put some foam tape around the underside of this die cut and added a piece of Acetate, I then added some more foam tape and I placed a heap of Cosmic Shimmer 'Iced Snow' in the centre of the card and placed the acetate over the Iced snow, this forms the 'shaker' part of the card.  
I cut a piece of white card with the (CE) Merry Christmas Die and added a little Cosmic Shimmer glue to the back and stuck it on top of the acetate, adding a couple of blue pearls.
I cut some Spellbinders Poinsettia Die cuts from both Periwinkle and white card, added some glitter for sparkle and a pearl in the centre to finish, I added a white one to the top corner of the card and a blue one in the bottom corner, I then tied a triple bow using white satin ribbon and topped it with a small Poinsettia,
I added a few punched snowflakes for decoration and a few pearls too!
I hope you like it!!
 It sounds like our ladies had a lovely time at the Craft Show yesterday, they were chatting for the best part
of 2 1/2 hours!!! Numb bums all round I imagine, it makes me so happy that my blog has bought so many of you together! xx
Hazel, Anne & Patricia xxx
They look like they are having fun, don't they?!  was this before or after your shopping ladies??
So pleased to hear you had a good time.
I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA:- I saw this card was obviously one of yours when I opened up this morning. I LOVE everything about it, you have put it all together beautifully.
    LADIES:- Hazel, Anne & I had another "first meet up" yesterday. A great and successful meet up, we got on so well. It was like meeting up with a long standing friend. Anne was beautiful outside and also inside, it would have been wonderful if she had been able to join us next week. She is looking forward to joining us next time!!!
    Hazel and I enjoyed our day together, it was a long day but we had "fun". We did not buy much, more or less just what was on our lists. It was nice to see all the beautiful Christmas things. I fairly makes you think about the upcoming time of year.
    Right must get a move on, need to put my purchases away. Then a quick tidy through of the house .... Friday is "tidy through" day.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourselves. See you all later xxx

    1. Take it easy today Patricia after your trip out yesterday. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. xxx

    2. Patricia please slow down and don't forget to breathe! xxx

    3. Hello Patricia - Friday here is a busy day too and Lawn Care have arrived too! I feel as if I'm working in a coffee shop this morning! So glad you had a great day yesterday! Don't do too much today. Xx

    4. PS! I found what I was looking for!!! Xxx

    5. Glad you had a lovely time yesterday and great a photo. Thanks for sending it Hazel. You all look as if you are enjoying yourselves.

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. Sandra it's lovely to see another stunning card from yourself today, love the colours and your design.
    The photo was taken just before we said our good byes, had it been taken at the beginning we would be surround by other people, we had a job and a half getting those seats. Granted the group of ladies that were sat opposite us ended up chatting to us as well, Patricia and I had to take our necklaces off and let them have closer look at them. Patricia had a pendant on and I mine was a button one, they were passed up and down the table, also my lunch bag which is just a small Hassian one but had one of the flower dangle things that we made for these bags when we sold them. Typical crafters of course we always want to see how things are done. Luckily we didn't get numb bums as the seat were padded. No great time was had,just really not long enough. It won't be the last meet up that's for sure.
    Sorry I wasn't in long last night, I just needed to chill out, I am off out early to have my hair and nails done for us going away tomorrow, another early start like Patricia and I next week. We will have to leave here at 7.30. Getting up won't be a problem it's the travelling we will be about 9 hours yet the main train journey is less than 41/2 it's the bit from here to Edinburgh big road works at the bridge, we are taking the car to this side of it then the bus into the city, we need the car for getting home on Sunday, trains to ours don't work out good and a long wait in edinburgh other wise.
    I will go take my tea and sit and read what went on last night then pop back in. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      Lovely photo of the three of you. Who did you get to take it, was it the ladies you were talking to on the other table? Nails and hair done today - how lovely. Enjo tomorrow, but I don't envy you with the journey ahead xxxx

    2. Hazel delighted to know your day went so well at least you were able to get a seat sometimes at Harrogate there are none to be had the last time we were there my friend had to sit on the floor I was in my chair so lucky me for once. Enjoy your pamper today and have a wee rest to re-charge the batteries

    3. Went before I had finished! Have a great weekend too xxx

    4. Enjoy your pamper session and weekend away Hazel - I've just cut my own nails :( and must book a hair appointment ! Xxxx

    5. So pleased you all enjoyed your day together I love the picture of the three of you happy faces. Hazel enjoy your pamper session relax & enjoy your weekend away Xxx

    6. Hazel, have a lovely weekend - between the two of us we'll visit the Midlands three weekends in a row! Our journey is nothing like yours though! It was lovely to meet up with Anne and nice to chat to other crafters too! Safe travel! Xxxx

    7. Myra, it's a good thing that we don't mind travelling isn't it???
      Hair and nails done, nails will last but I will be doing my hair tomorrow again. Ironing done, case half packed and it's the one we use when we are flying, next week is the big holiday one. I can see where we can store our case next week. Which will be good. I must now go see about making a couple of cards. Xxx

    8. Have a goid weekend Hazel and have a good weekend.

    9. It certainly is Hazel, but I'm not travelling quite so far as you! I'm glad Saba came by plane - at least I know she won't bring a trunk!!!
      Oops made me think of Nellie and her packing there!
      Tin Hat - hope she's left the Bazooka at home! Xxx

  3. Morning/afternoon to all who may pop in today
    SANDRA - you are certainly firing on all crafting stars today. Your Festive Card is just one beautiful piece of art. I had not thought of doing a Shaker Card for Christmas but I think there just might be one or two among my cards this year.
    Thank you for the inspiration. Looking forward to seeing some more next week.

    Well ladies Hazel, Anne and Patricia you all look absolutely fab u lous my lovely Friends. I have seen your photo enlarged 375% an so I can definitely say I have seen you all 'close up and personal' hehehe.
    This new laptop is so sensitive to the touch that sometimes you will have whatever your typing either be reduced to 10% or 400%. It's so annoying but nothing I can do about it so I can assure all my dearly loved Friends here that you all scrub up very very well. lol. It is also so nice to put another face to a name so thank you all for the picture.

    I cannot believe we have already been here a week and as we're only here until the 16th November if this horrible thing called time carries on we'll be back before we know it. So as it's Friday and it's dry this morning we're off to Corbigny to the market and our usual Friday jaunt. Cakes this week will be from our normal cake shop (that is if they're open and not on holiday.
    Hugs have been despatched so should arrive shortly. I'll be looking in later to see what's happening. xxxx

    1. Fingers crossed the cake shop is open Janet, I look forward to your cake report each week. If you find out where time is going please do let us all know xxx

    2. Janet, I'm looking forward to seeing which pastry I'm having today!! xxx

    3. JANET enjoy your market trip,I hope the cake shop is open for your lovely pastry treat. I thought it was only me who lost time, the days defently seem shorter these days. Enjoy your day. XXX

    4. Hi Janet
      Hope you have a lovely trip to the market, and that you cake shop is open. I'd also like to find out where time goes to during the day.

    5. Janet,
      Can't wait for you to tell us about your lovely pastries. Have a great day. xxx

    6. Hope you enjoyed the market and look forward to hearing about the pastries.

    7. Janet - I tried to leave a message earlier and it wouldn't let me! Why does that happen sometimes? I hope your pastry shop was open and that you have chosen something really yummy! Xxx

    8. Ooooo!! I do hope the cake shop is open, I really look forward to hearing all about your purchases. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another stunning card! Love the colours you have used.

    Great to see the photo of Hazel, Patricia & Anne who look like they were have fun.

    I'm hoping that some of you will still call in the cafe whilst on the retreat....please?! I'm quite envious of you now-ah well, maybe next time.

    Thank goodness it's Friday. I'm hoping work won't be too busy which will allow me to catch up.


    1. Michele, I hope you have an easy day at work xxx

    2. Don't wprry Michele I'll be looking in next weekend, hope you have an easy day today xxx

    3. MICHELE hope your day goes without being too busy take it easy. Try & have a good day. Xx

    4. Michelle - I'll pop in , I promise! Xxx

    5. Bet you wish you hadn't asked now!! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and gang.
    Sandra what a lovely card and in such a beautiful shade of blue. Love the idea of a shaker card, you can't beat a bit of twinkle at Christmas.
    Patricia, Hazel and Anne, it's just brilliant to see you all together having a lovely time. Another photo for the Cafe, I think we should get them all framed and put up on the walls. So glad to hear you had a good time.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, I was shattered and by the time I managed to get Oliver to sleep and had dinner it was already getting late. Thank you for your thoughts. My first flight was delayed which meant I had to run across the airport at Amsterdam ( a huge concourse) to catch my onward journey and I made it by the skin of my teeth. Unfortunately my luggage didn't make it, so,after watching the carousel at Manchester I finally gave up hope and went to lost luggage and filled in the form. It finally arrived at Joanne's house just before 11pm.
    Not a huge problem, just annoying and of course hugely disappointing for a certain little one who wanted desperately to see what surprise I had for him.
    He was in with me at 6am " Granny, Granny, has it arrived???"
    So an early start to the day for me.
    Love and hugs, be back later
    Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. Such a blooming hassle regards the luggage, so disappointing for the children. They will be looking forward to what Granny might have brought them.
      Hope the luggage turns up soon. Have a great time, enjoy all the Cuddles. xxx

    2. SABA, oh could picture you running from one end of the airport to the other, used that one loads and it's like heathrow miles and miles to travel. At least your luggage got to you late but not lost, lost. Oliver will have enjoyed chatting to you this morning and he will go to school so happy, are you taking him?? X

    3. Saba, it's good to see you are here safe and sound, and that your luggage caught up with you. Oliver will have been so pleased that it arrived and he could get his present.
      Rest up (if you get the chance) and have a good day after your Airport Dash yesterday, Do you think it could catch on as a new TV game? xxxx

    4. Good morning Saba delighted to know you have arrived safe and sound rather you than me running at the airport! So pleased you have finally got your luggage. Your presents will be all that much more special today, I can just imagine Oliver's delight this morning, have an easy day after your walk to school. xxx

    5. Saba glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound all be it with a sprint in the middle. What a pain about your luggage though, but at least it arrived eventually. You must have been panicking - I know I would be! At least you can relax today - or at least until home time!!! Xxx
      Sandra your card today is lovely, I haven't made a shaker card for ages, I need to get some more foam tape first though! Thank you for sharing xxx
      Hazel Patricia and Anne what a great photo and yes it's good to put names to faces. How lovely to sit with other ladies who admired your necklaces too and have a good natter. Hope you are having a relaxing day today xxx
      Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday, I had a lovely time out with my friend and we had a good look around the garden centre and hobbycraft. She was picking my brains about making a rag rug with the children at school. We didn't think little fingers would work with the hessian so she went away with thoughts of fishing net and garden net or vegetable sacks from the farm shop! Her daughter is a year younger than Emma so she's just applying to universities so we know what she's going through. In the evening I picked my knitting up again and got so carried away with counting the pattern rows and the decreasing rows it was midnight by the time I realised it! Well I must say Cheerio for now - it's off to Sainsburys again today - hopefully without interruptions this week! Julian left early this morning so he's hoping to be back at a reasonable time this afternoon so we might have a little trip out somewhere.
      See you all later xx xx

    6. Morning Saba, so lovely to hear you are back safe and sound. And I bet Oliver is mightily relieved your luggage finally connected with you. xxx

    7. Hello - it's always good to know " the Eagle has landed!" . Sorry about the sprint - we've had to do that at Heathrow a few times too!
      Glad the luggage arrived last night! Be good! Xxx

    8. Hello Saba,
      What's the relief you must have felt when you luggage arrived. And Oliver must have been over the moon to see what his granny had bought for him. Enjoy your time with your special little man - and the rest of the family XX

    9. Diane to you nearly live in sainsburys???. Or do I not go food shopping much!yes knitting does do that doesn't it you think " oh I will stop at the end of the next set of rows, then it's the next and before you know it it's late. X

      Sorry to hear about your lost luggage but I bet you're glad to be back in 'God's Own Country'. I'm sure you will make it up to Oliver. Please give my love to all those beautiful Yorkshire Hills. Hugs to you xxxx

    11. Pleased to hear you had a safe journey and have been reunited with your luggage. Have a lovely time with your grandchildren.

    12. Hazel our Sainsburys is about 10-15 minutes away so it's far too easy to pop there if you forget something! I try and stick to once a week but I've got to go back for petrol tomorrow ( queue was far too long today!) so no doubt Julian will decide he needs beer or something! Xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, sorry did not get back yesterday,very late up.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the shaker element,you are a wonderful card maker.
    Well ladies glad you had a good time at the craft show and also enjoyed meeting up.
    Work today, but hoping to craft tomorrow.
    Watched The flower making shows yesterday on tv, they weren't a patch on Patricia's flowers, but some interesting ones using S/W daisy die.
    Hopefully to pop back later, will now catch up on yesterday's comments.
    Keep warm everyone it's dark and chilly here.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. LILIAN:- thank you very much, I really appreciate that comment.
      Don't work too hard but enjoy your day whatever you have to out up with. xxx

    2. Lilian, don't work too hard at work today xxx

    3. Lillian I quite agree about the flowers on TV the were rubbish compared to our own expert Patricia. Don't work too hard try and have a little break xxx

    4. I watched one Show - some good tips but as has already been said - Patricia could do better! I do think though that John is more relaxed now and I do like how Hochanda gives the Guest time! Xxx

    5. Yes agree. John did some good shows but Patricia's flowers are better. Yes yesterday they were doing Masterclasses on Hochanda and no interruptions that was very good. Nothing exciting on there today so haven't switched the TV on yet.

  7. Good morning ladies,
    Sandra your card is gorgeous I just love this shade, haven't made a shaker card for a while, seeing the different styles o here gives the old memory a jog, must make one.
    Well I hope there is another retreat next year, it's lovely to see people and put faces to names, looks like you have known each other for a while Patricia Hazel and Anne. That will be the same this time next week, so looking forward to seeing some pics and hearing all about it.
    Catch up day here today, Nic home tomorrow, where are these weeks going.
    Hope all the cold germs are flying away by now and everyone is getting into tip top shape.
    Hugs in the basket as usual
    See you later

    1. JEAN:- we really need another. It is so good to meet new people. Makes a day so interesting.
      Have a good day xxx

    2. Hello Jean,
      Don't do too much today, I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing Nic tomorrow. I've taken a hug, thank you. xxxx

    3. Hello Jean! You need to come to the next one!
      I see Muriel has taken a hug! She usually " takes the biscuit" . Xxx
      Tin hat!

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow! Sandra that is a definite cracker of a Christmas card, I love every detail of it , it's so lovely and frosty yet delicate!
    Thanks for putting the photo on Hazel of our first meeting ( looking forward to many more , it was so lovely to meet you both ) my necklet was much admired last night and the funny thing is the necklaces you and Patricia were wearing caught my eye right away but we got so into talking I forgot to mention them!
    You will need to put them on a Saturday makes day for others to admire. Xo
    Brenda good to hear your news about no call back.
    Hazel I meant to say I was sorry to hear you suffered last night so hope the pain has gone today.
    Thank you to all the ladies for kind words and interest on our day yesterday and our photo, I can't wait to see and hear all that happens in 7 DAYS time! !
    Well I can smell the toast on ( who can resist that aroma? ) so as we pack up and head back home to Gairloch I wish you all a wonderful day with love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Safe journey home Anne, enjoy your toast!!
      Really enjoyed our time together, looking forward to another meet up in the future. xxx

    2. Hello Anne,
      I've got the lamps ready to give Hazel and Patricia the 3d grilling next week, to see if you are really as nice as they say you are ha ha. Have a safe journey back to Gairloch. xxxx

    3. Safe journey home, Anne! I just knowed you were lovely! Ha ha ! So pleased you had a lovely time. Xxx

    4. Pleasant and safe travelling Anne, loved the photo of you with Patricia and Hazel. xxx

    5. ANNE so pleased you had a good time with the sisters safe journey home. Xx

    6. Anne, I was so pleased you managed to meet up with Hazel and Patricia. It is so lovely when we can meet up with our virtual friends, but doesn't the time pass quickly.
      Take care and have a safe journey home. xxx

    7. Glad you enjoyed yesterday. Lovely photo of you all. Have a safe journey home.

    8. Thanks girls, we got home just after 6pm , all the family were in at our backs to help us unpack the cases and loads of shopping ha ha ! They did try but you have to really do it yourself but they were good company while I was doing it ,so they didn't leave until an hour ago so we've just had something to eat and now I'm in my pjs, it was quite a slow journey today from Larkhall as the motorway was so busy.
      Presentation day at the golf club tomorrow , I'll be happy when it's over!
      Well I'm off to bed , nite nite folks xoxo

  9. Helloooo! Just wanted to say that I have loved all of the creations you have been showing recently Your crafting puts mine to shame
    Just seen a trailer for a show about potters (a bit like Bake Off) is Brenda going to be on it - she should be with her skills
    Loved the photo of Hazel Anne and Patricia it's great putting faces to names

    1. Hello Karen,
      Have a good day, do you intend doing nothing, like me ? xxxx

    2. Karen I'm so pleased this morning as I can now see the carpet on my Craft Room floor! There is a little twinkle in a corner - a bit of rogue glitter! Xxx

    3. Ummm Has my craft room got a floor? Coz I haven't seen it in weeks! Just finished work and enjoying a bacon sarnie before I walk home I was hoping to leave work early and have lunch at home but daren't risk the walk this late without carbs Hopw to be in later

    4. Hope you are ok Karen. Shane you couldn't have lunch at home. No I am not entering the Potters sort of Bake of Thing but I look forward to watching it.

    5. I'm sure you are Brenda! We'll be sitting saying - Brenda could do lots better than that! Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra,
    What a lovely card. It looks so frosty and crispy. It has a real Wintery feel and it's gorgeous, I love it.
    Well, I've answered everyone on the way down, but have to say that the photograph of the 3 Musketeers is stunning. It's so nice to put a face to Anne. Well, Anne always did have a face, you know what I mean!!!
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling much better today.
    Brenda LL, I hope there is still no news today.
    Everyone else, have a good day, don't do too much and remember only SEVEN DAYS to go!!!!!
    Love and hugs,
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Yes Muriel I know what you are talking about, well I think I do, hope you are taking things easy. Whatever is happening in SEVEN DAYS time??? xxx

    2. I thought it was 8 until Halloween Maureen :) xxxx

    3. I hope you are feeling lots better today too! Only 7 days!
      Note to self - clean GC and its plates!!! Xxx

    4. Hi Maureen. Thanks for the good wishes. No no post from the hospital today. That was a relief.

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Phew I have made it to the bottom,, please note I'm in early too.
    Sandra another beautiful creation from you, love all the sparkle! I'm just waiting to see what you will make with all those dies that you have ordered!
    What a happy and glamorous photo of Hazel, Patricia and Anne, thank you girls for sharing it with us all, so pleased you all had a fabulous time meeting up as well as craft shopping too, you lucky people! I hope after a good nights sleep you are all feeling revived.
    We are awaiting the plumber today to service the central heating (hope he didn't go to the same school as Saba's plumber for time keeping!)so must get the coffee and cake ready for him, I find they work so much better if they have a little snack first. When I was at work it really worked a treat the industrials would always come quickly and do what ever I asked, no problems saying 'oh we don't do that.'
    I will try and look in later have a good day everyone, my hugs are over in the corner please help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hope the plumber comes on time!
      I'm waiting for my shopping - should be here in the next half hour!
      I know you don't need to know this - but following my tidy up session yesterday I discovered I have three stacked pots of googly eyes!!! I knew about two of them. That's a lot of eyes! Xxxx

    2. Definitely a lot of eyes Myra. Couldn't you use some at After School Club?

    3. Yes I will Brenda - that's mainly why I have them but I didn't realise just how many I had! The Ayes definitely have it here!!! Xxx

    4. Margaret I had an email today about a Plumbing Course. Would you like it? Hope the plumber has been by now.

    5. Oh Brenda that made me laugh! I got one of those too! I think it would be great if we all enrolled! - or tried! Grey plunger power! Xxx

    6. Why haven't I got that one? I keep getting Gala Bingo 888 slots and funeral plans! Xxx

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra love your card today, the colours look so frosty.
    What a trio the ladies make, you all look as if you had a wonderful day.
    Just a quick comment today, off to man our wee craft shop, will pop back later xx

  13. I got carried away and put my post with my comment to Saba! Sorry about that!
    Hope everyone is ok xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card you've posted today. Love how you've made it into a shaker card. Lovely picture of Hazel, Ann and Patricia. They look like they're having a great time. We know what num bum syndrome is like don't we after our first meeting. Those chairs were uncomfortable weren't they. Hope they bought their goodies beforehand. Hope the plumber turns up when he's supposed to Margaret. I wonder what's going on in seven days as well.

  15. Good morning one & all,

    What a beautiful card today Sandra, so pretty and very sparkly. Love the composition.

    Trees all finished and in a cello bag, just got a few more deer to do for the nursery then onto snowflakes. It's a good way to use up all those scraps that we keep thinking we will use in another project. When next I am making a card, I think I will carry on cutting out until I have used the whole sheet of paper, even if I will have hundreds of flowers/ flourishes/leaves etc. as they will always come in handy for a 'quickie' card make when you remember you need to have one.
    Hope everybody is fine, good news Brenda so pleased for you.

    Off for another cuppa, see you later.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I do hope you are feeling much better today. " Carry on Cutting" xxx

    2. Yes Cheryl Carrying on Cutting. Good idea. Thanks for thinking off me. Always a worrying time but no post again today so that's good news.

  16. Good morning everybody CHERYL hope your feeling better today,my that's a lot of die cutting you have done. SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the colour & how clever puting the ice snow inside to make a shaker card your a clever lady. Love it all. Just waiting for OH to get ready just going to pop into Ramsgate the markets on today not a patch on Janet's French market.
    Not much else happening so will try & get some Christmas cards done & try & finish sorting out & I have put all my embossing folders in a ring binder I found some good wallets that have holes down side that fit in the ring binder & I can fit two EB folders into one of them. So was thinking of doing the same with my stamps not sure if it will work,but give it a go. I need another die storage folder so look for that at NEC I think the Tonic ones are better.
    Any way must crack on pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, you should be coming to the retreat and not the NEC. That's what Patricia have done this year? You have been to Ally Pally twice, surely you would be better with us?? ( you can't buy the fun and laughter we are going to have )! Xxx

    2. Awww!! Lynda I am really upset.
      You gave us a chance to be with us the Retreat and you go the NEC!!! You would spent less being with us as well.
      Hazel and I gave up our chance of going to the NEC to meet up with all our lovely Blog Friends.
      Never mind maybe next time. xxx

    3. Lynda - it seems I'm missing you at Birmingham NEC and the Retreat! I'm very sorry. It would have been lovely to meet up! Xxx

    4. Hazel & Patricia the thing is the NEC isn't costing me anything my friend is paying for hotel & giving me spending money,as when she asked me if I would go with her I said I couldn't afford to go. Her brother died last Christmas & left her all his money & she has just sold his static home so that's when she said she would pay for everything for me as she didn't want to go on her own & told me not to be embarrassed. It would have been nice to meet you all too.XXX
      MYRA yes would have been lovely to meet you too. XXXX

    5. I hope you have a lovely time Lynda. I'm sure you will and it will be a lovely break too! Xxx

    6. What a lovely treat from your friend Linda , you will have great fun there xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Have left a few comments on the way down. Will have to check later if I have missed anything. We are off soon to Essex to house sit and look after two grandsons! You can't call it babysitting when they are 13 and 16 yrs old. Think they may need us for cooking and chauffeuring duty!!!!
    SANDRA your shaker card is lovely. Love everything you used to create this GORGEOUS card.
    Take care everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Have a good time Brenda. Enjoy!

    2. Enjoy yourself Brenda - they probably think they are looking after you! Xxx

  18. BRENDA:- have a great time with your Grandsons. I am sure they could have fed themselves but they definitely need you for the Chauffeuring duties.
    Hope the "hat" is a nice one!! xxx

  19. Ooh I'm Late!
    Hello Sandra and all friends who pop in to see us!
    Well Sandra - what a lovely Christmas card! Really frosty and very cool!! I knew it was yours by the bow! Thank you for sharing it!
    I'm trying to not only clean the house but get ready for the family coming for lunch tomorrow! Still next weekend I'll be relaxing - after we arrive that is!! Don't want to alarm my passenger!
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Lots of love Myra xxx

  20. Lovely card Sandra and a clever idea. Love the colours. Thanks to all for your good wishes. No post again today so that's good. Had some post from JS though. Off to do some cutting.

  21. Hello again ladies,
    I walked Oliver to school this morning which was lovely. Topic of learning on the way up was about different forms of beliefs and as we passed a telegraph pole I thought about totem poles. So I told him how the native Indians used them to worship their spirit gods and compared it to us in church worshiping Jesus. He now wants to worship spirits as well, and now thinks every telegraph pole is a totem pole just waiting to be painted.
    Joanne and I are having a lovely day crafting. She is doing a zentangle patten within the outline of an elephant and I am assembling my Christmas cards. All going well apart from the top flying of my cosmic shimmer glue and ending up with half the bottle on the cutting mat. Fortunately no cards were damaged.
    Going to read the comments now, hope you are all having a good day too.

    1. SABA: sounds like your morning started well, with one Happy little boy.
      Now about that "glue" that happened to me some time ago. Unfortunately mine went all over the project I was working on. I complained to CE, they replaced my Glue plus added another couple of bottles. Happy Crafting. xxx

    2. Oh No! A new graffiti artist is created by his living Granny! Xxx

    3. Ugh oh! Loving Granny - that you are alive goes without saying! Xxx

    4. He's going to be a 'postie' rather than a Banksy! Xxx

  22. Right folks, I have done a really silly thing .... I let my enthusiasm run away with me, yet again.
    Audrey phoned to ask if I would like to take a table at the boys school Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser.
    I have said I would take a table but it "has to be" just a small one.
    Hazel and I have not done Craft type fairs for a couple of years ... they are hard work. We have sold off most of the things we had. I will make some Boxes, Lanterns, T-Light Holders plus a few other bits and pieces.
    I am off to get started, I do have a fair bit of time. It is not till 21st November, however my clock seems to "wizz" through the hours these days.
    If I am not back, I will be buried under a pile of "bits & pieces" blow hard and you just might see me emerge!!! xxx

    1. Oh Oh! Patricia! Why can't we say "no " sometimes! I'm just the same! My craft room is all tidied up but I still need to make some cards , so off we go again! Xxx

    2. It can hard to say no sometimes x

    3. Oh i know what I forgot to say. Maybe if we make some bits up at the retreat you could take them for your craft table if that would help. I know I'm no good at making cards but maybe if I got a kick in the backside I might get together one or two, oooh that sound a lot xxx

  23. Patricia, why do you say "yes" to these things. I know, I'm the same, don't like to let people down. I'm blowing like mad but there's no sign of you!!! (I'm full of hot air as you know ha ha). Do you not have enough on your plate as it is?
    I've laughed at most of Myra's offerings today, but true to form I can't remember what she was going on about, except I'm wondering what it is she's found - it can't be her sanity, as that has long gone (oops, run for the hills).
    Saba, I bet you are having a ball with the family, and getting plenty of hugs and kisses.
    Hazel, you'll be looking very elegant with your hair and nails done (my nails have all snapped, just in time for next weekend - wouldn't you know it?) If I don't see you before you go tomorrow, have a lovely weekend with Charlie.
    Brenda LL, no news is good news so it's great that you haven't heard.
    Brenda OB, have a good time child minding, well it's not really that either at their ages. It's hard to find the right expression isn't it? Anyway enjoy yourself, and get them to make you a cup of tea!!!
    Got to go for Zoe who will be coming in shortly.
    See you all later.

    1. Two DVD's but don't tell anyone! Xxxx

    2. Sanity Sanity - what is Sanity - sorry Mr Shakespeare!!! Xxx

  24. What a stunning sparkly shaker card design.

    Hugs Diane

  25. What a stunning sparkly shaker card design.

    Hugs Diane

  26. Helloooooooooo Sandra and all my lovelies,
    I'm home and have had a lovely few days with Margaret and George...totally worn out so I swill sleep like a log.....they have been so good to me since my dearest Clive passed away. Before I left I had had another letter from the council about the darned fence and also my shower broke and so today George cut the first two panels of the fence to the required height that the council (and if that doesn't please them I will promice to shove the fence where the sun don't shine as it's spoiled the look of it already!)...he then repaired my shower and replaced some bulbs for me as he didn't want me up any ladders. He's a joiner by trade and such a perfectionist so instead of just cutting the top off the fence he took the panels down and cut the bottom off. Margaret and George have been more like a brother and sister to me rather than Uncle and Aunt. He is my father's younger brother (he's 70 years young ) and so much
    like him in looks and his personality.
    Sandra your card is absolutely stunning and so sparkly and such a pretty colour.....I love it.
    Will catch up with you all tomorrow going for some tea now and then an early night. God bless.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello Sheila, welcome home! I'm so glad you have had a lovely time! You deserve it. You made me laugh about the fence - it would not have looked quite so nice with its top cut off! Sleep well , my dear! Night Night! Xxxx

    2. Lovely to have you home Sheila and glad to hear you've had a good week. I hope you can fit the fence in sideways if you gave to send it to the council! Xxx

    3. Hello Sheila, lovely to see you and I'm so pleased that you've enjoyed yourself with Margaret and George. I'm with Dainty, if the council still aren't happy, put the fence sideways where the sun don't shine!!! xxx

  27. Hi Sheila, so glad to hear you has an enjoyable your visit to George and Margaret's.
    Councils can be very pedantic and jobs worthy over trifling things.
    I'm still having an ongoing tussle with them over the fencing Barrett's erected around the back of my boundary walls. They, Barrett's, said they were erected to protect the privacy of their clients not me. The panels are now in a very bad state of repair and Council claims it is my property not theirs, even though all the common ground was handed over to our Council after the estate was finished, so they are not going to replace them. My response was to tell them "well in that case they can damn well fall down then, I will not replace something that is not mine". Battle still on.
    hugs xxx

    1. You know what they say Cheryl, you can't fight City Hall - but you can have a damn good try!! xxx

  28. Good for you Cheryl DON'T LET THE BULLY YOU. Sheila so pleased you had a lovely time with Margaret & George. Glad he has sorted your fence for you B....y councils. Have a good rest tonight & sleep well. Is it your Saturday for seeing Nicki tomorrow. Love LyndaXXX

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hi everyone, finally reached the end of the comments.
    We had a good day at our wee craft shop today, people are beginning to buy for Christmas.
    Patricia I have just seen that there is a hurricane off the coast of Florida that is called Patricia, it is a really wild one!!!
    Hazel thanks for checking where our cases will be next week, I was a bit apprehensive about leaving them far from our seats as I know two or three people who have had thier cases stolen.
    Janet hope your day at the market was good, can't wait till we hear about the pastries.
    Saba you were lucky that your luggage was delivered as quick as that, my son didn't get theirs for a couple of days when theirs went missing, and the clothes were soaking wet when it eventually arrived at thier home.
    Anne hope you had a safe journey home, we will meet sometime.
    Guess it's time for the plates to be washed, then Corrie time, will pop back later if I don't nod off, take care, xxx

    1. Jess! Thanks for the information on the wild hurricane! Patricia - an ideal name!
      Hard hat! And under the bed! Atishoooo!,, xxx

    2. Hope the family don't go looking under the bed tomorrow then Myra ! Xxxx

    3. We don't have enough gas masks , Diane!!! Xxx

    4. Maria, you are so funny. Myra, we have a goes under the bed. Mind you it's hard to reach because the base of the bed is only an inch off the floor!!! xxx

    5. There is only room for dust under our bed! Xxxx

  31. Hello I'm back - now as far as I know I didn't call in at 3pm so there must be another Diane looking in - how funny. I thought I would pop in tonight before I start knitting again. It's growing quite quickly which makes it exciting to knit - mind you chunky wool and 15 mm needles I'm not surprised! I hope everyone has had a good day, I will see you all tomorrow. Night night sleep tight xxxx

    1. According to the blog " you" gave us a double whammy!! Xxx

    2. Happy knitting Diane, hope are you making me that gorgeous scarf, love the colour xx

    3. Hi #Dainty, when you've finished Maria's scarf, will you do me a swimming costume, mine's stretched a bit!!! ha ha xxxx

    4. Jeeees ,have you ever seen a knitted costume coming out of the sea. I just tell you it was not a pretty sight! xxx

  32. Hi Sandra and all ! Fantastic card, love it Sandra ! I have only made
    1 shaker card in my life and that was a long time ago and that didn't
    work out so good tihi
    Lovely to see Anne, so nice to have a face to your name. A lovely photo and so glad you all had a good day.
    Hope you have had a rest today Hazel so your travelling be ok.
    Oh Saba, you were lucky there to catch the flight. Good your luggage turned up too even if a bit late. Hope you have had a nice day and enjoy you time in the UK to the fullest.
    Cheryl- you have been very busy cutting out. do the same thing and finish the card and then keep leftovers in different pots. Huge problem is do that I don't remember them afterwards
    Brenda- hope you had a lovely day teen sitting hihi
    Brenda LL- I love your pottery ! so the once on the program will not be anything in your league but I might watch it anyway just to see what they make. Margaret- did the plumber turn up in time ? It can be so annoying when they give you a time (8am to 12 or 12 to 6pm) and you sitting there waiting and they don't turn up or even have the decently to call and say,puff.
    Lynda- you have a very good friend there who take you to the NEC. Is she the same one who gave you all the dies ? Had liked to go myself but it is a bit much on at the moment so will have to be. You go and have a fabulous time.
    Jean- have a lovely day with Nic tomorrow!
    Sheila- good you had a nice time away for a few days but these counsel people do aren't very nice. Hope this will be it now you cut it down a bit.
    Myra- what are you up to today, lost the plot on the way sown so not sure. Any idea Maureen what she is talking about ? Hug to Zoe.What film will it be today ? We are watching Skyfall her, James Bond. Think the new one is coming out Monday. My day, woke up late, had a slow morning, cleared more craft things in the kitchen, sat down for lunch and fell a sleep until OH came down asking if it would be any dinner tonight,6.15pm ooops must have needed that extra sleep but now feel groggy and lethargic, bummer me!
    Going to get a coffee and a cookie and see if that's help. Wish you all a good night and sweet dreams, until tomorrow. hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Maria, I'm watching Skyfall as well. The girls aren't sleeping tomorrow as I'm still just a little bit under the weather, and want to make sure that I am fighting fit for next weekend. xxxx

    2. You look after yourself. why have they put 45 min. news in the film ?!
      my eye's are closing xxx

  33. Hi All, very excited, did any body see gardeners world on tv tonight? Monty Don was wearing one of our bee suits, I will have made the hood part of the suit. Fame at last!!!!!!!! I know sad me.
    Another lovely thing happened today, our lovely daughter is treating us to a weekend in a 'posh' hotel in Bath next weekend to celebrate our golden wedding.( actuall date not until November)
    You are all sounding very exciting about your meeting next weekend, can't wait to hear all about it, I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time.
    Maybe if you have one next year I can come? Although I am quite nervous travelling on my own, I keep telling myself it's silly.
    Well have a good night everyone, Lil

    1. Oh Lilian, How exciting. I didn't see Monty Don tonight, but I like him very much.
      Now then your Golden Wedding, is it next year or this November, I can be incredibly thick. I need your full name, address, date of your wedding and will you please send them to Sandra, and ask Sandra to let us know.
      It's not that I'm nosy, I just like to know everything ha ha.
      I'm tired, and I'm sitting in bed watching Skyfall. Mind you, I've just come to bed, I've been in my craft room finishing PhD's and have actually made one card and am half way through another.
      Hazel, safe journey tomorrow and have a lovely time.
      Sweet dreams all, God Bless, and see you tomorrow.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Hellooooo! This may not be the best time to admit I fell asleep in the chair !!! I'm a bit cross as I had things I wanted to do tonight! " The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak! " , springs to mind . Maureen my dear , I'm glad you are taking it a little easier! We need you fit and well! I'm going to sign off and go upstairs - sleep well, everyone.
      Safe travel Hazel and Charlie!
      Lots of love, Myra xxxx
      God Bless.

    3. Oh Lilian How exciting! How lovely of your daughter to treat you to a lovely weekend in Bath. I hope you have a great time. Xxxx
