
Thursday 22 October 2015

Pretty Pink Floral card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card is absolutely stunning, I think that the signature flowers indicate who the creator of this
work of art really is....................
It is of course Patricia that has designed and created this gorgeous card, those flower look so realistic,
with the wrinkled edges, making it look as though the petals have just unfurled from the bud!
Patricia has used the Creative Expressions 'Tapestry' A4 embossing folder for the background of the card,
apart from the Spellbinders Foliage die I am not sure of the names of any of the other dies that have been used, so we will just have to wait for Patricia to pop in and let us know what she used and how she made it, the flowers are absolutely gorgeous as always Patricia, thank you for sharing xxx

Pat, Sue and I did get a fair amount of die cutting/ crafting done, we also got lots of chatting in too and planning for next weekend.!!!
We were like teenagers planning our first trip away, hahaha, its going to be so much fun, I fear that we will all be hoarse before the weekend is over, our husbands and families will think that it is heaven when we return and are so quiet!!!
A quiet day for me today,  too much activity yesterday, Paul is having his leaving lunch with his colleagues today too, so it really will be quiet, I will be getting busy in my craft room I think! x
I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning ladies

    Patricia-goodness, what a stunning card. It's so gorgeous & would be one to keep if I received such a lovely card.

    Desk was assembled last night-lets just say I'm glad there's nothing else that needs assembling! Nearly 2 hours to sort the desk out and move everything in hubby office. Quick meal then it was time to ring my Dad who did nothing but moan so I cut the phone call short, I was just too tired to listen to him.

    I couldn't believe it when the alarm clock woke me this morning-felt like I'd just got into bed. Tesco shopping tonight so no time for crafting, maybe tomorrow evening or the weekend.


    1. Yay Michele, desk done and dusted so that's one more thing ticked off the list!!! Try not to work too hard today, and take a deep breath when you go Tesco shopping.

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in.
    Well I only looked at this card, saw the flowers and knew whose card it was, they are a signature now, absolutely beautiful Patricia, are you going to show everyone how to do them at the retreat, lucky peeps.
    Sandra enjoy your peace and quiet, need your voice for next week.
    No craft class today, we are all out for a meal, three of our ladies turn 70 this next few weeks, it's another ladies birthday today and the lady who runs the class has a birthday on Saturday, looking forward to our usual chatter.
    Has anyone else had fireworks set off yet, john took the dogs out Tuesday morning and one exploded above them, frightened Ruby he had to carry her home, last night watching TV another two sounded, she flew onto my knee and was shaking, didn't settle all night , still weeks to go. My next door neighbour knocked to see if their dog was in our garden, she had left the door ajar for toilet reasons and he was gone, found him in the back garden, it's a high fence he gad jumped too. It's going to be hard over the next weeks.
    I hope most people are getting over the colds and bad throats, this time next week you won't be able to contain yourselves Hazel I hope you rested yesterday.
    I'll pop back later too see what's going on,
    Hugs in the basket as usual, please help yourselves,

    1. Hello Jean,
      Have a great day today, enjoy your meal with your Craft group friends.
      We have fireworks all year round. Not every night, I hasten to add, but people regularly set them off for birthdays etc. It drives me mad!!

    2. I do so hate fireworks it is bad enough on one night of the year just as it used to be for animals, but I do think the whole thing has got out of hand. Our corgi Tomas does not like them at all but Amy does not bat an eyelid, but as the time draws near we close the blinds and curtains early and keep them in the lounge with the TV turned up a little, the trouble is you never know when some of the idiots are going to let them off. xxx

    3. I agree with you MARGARET with fireworks my poor Annie hates them but like Amy Bambi doesn't take any notice. I think they should just have one organised fireworks shows & not sell the in shops any more.They are also a wast of money. Soap box back in corner. Xx

    4. Totally agree on the fireworks front! Our Labrador used to lie under my chair and shake! Yes, Jean we have had some already and it quite late at night too. It's so quiet here you hear them from miles away! Yes , Lynda they do cost a fortune - better just organised displays then people can prepare . Xxx

    5. Glad I'm not the only one who dislikes the fireworks. Xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies, I also had a good idea who had created this beautiful card , truly gorgeous, I Love the flowers ! you really do manage to make them so real looking Patricia, see you later xo
    Jean I hope you and all the Birthday girls have a delicious lunch and lots of laughs!
    I hear someone in the cafe making the tea and toast so I'm off to have some!
    Have a great day, and love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, have a lovely day today, xxxx

    2. Have a super day today especially at your meet up lucky you! xxx

    3. Hi ANNE have a lovely day meeting up with PATRICIA & HAZEL
      Enjoy xxx

    4. Have a lovely time today Anne! Don't all talk at once!! Hope you manage to buy some goodies as well. Xxx safe travel! Xx

    5. Anne, hope you've had a lovely day and enjoyed meeting with Patricia and Hazel xx

  4. Hello Sandra,
    I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday with Pat and Sue, and you got some card preparation done!!!! Do you realise it's only 8 days to go.
    Patricia, your card is so beautiful. Beautiful colours, papers and flowers. It really is so gorgeous, but then your cards are always scrumptious!!!

    1. Oops, I pressed publish by mistake!!!
      Hazel, Patricia and Anne, have the most lovely day - I am not jealous at all MUCH!!!
      Barbara. have a safe journey home and see you next week!!!
      Myra, whatever you are doing today, enjoy it.
      I'm doing absolutely nothing today, it's very, very windy here and doesn't look too warm. Hey ho, beautiful one day, rubbish the next, what's different there?
      I'm away to read the newspaper.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Good girl! Enjoy your paper! If you are like me you will tut tut a fair bit!
      I will try to enjoy clearing up my die cutting mess - just for you! One week tomorrow we'll be on our way , all being well. Ooh!! Xxxx

    3. MAUREEN enjoy reading your papers hope it's not all doom & gloom. MYRA you enjoy all that tideing up your die cutting mess. I never make a mess nose is growing HaHa. Have a lovely day both of you XXXX

    4. Lynda - it's not nice to laugh at other people's misfortunes you know! I'm so glad your nose grew!! Ha ha! Have a good day! Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and anyone coming through the door today.
    I know,I know it's our Patricia who have made this Wonderful card ! I love everything ,from the perfect layering and the paper used and then these fabulous flowers ! oh I will never be able to get mine to look like them in a million years.
    Jean - your poor Ruby and any dog who are frighten of these fireworks. They have started way to early but I'm sure next weekend will go off with bangs here too. Have a nice lunch with your friends.
    Anne- have a lovely day with the sisters ! we want to hear all about it !
    Michele- have a good day at work. good you managed to assemble the desk,2 hours, ouch!
    Got to move my big bum and sort out the mess I made in the kitchen yesterday. OH out most of the day and son working so that helps, no one under my feet. I hope you all getting better from colds and falls, please take it easy. See you later, love and many hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Hello supple Maria,
      Don't work too hard today. xxxxx

    2. Good morning MARIA I hope your still very supple so you can wiz through your tideing but don't work too hard Hug's xxxx

    3. Maria , join the club! I made a huge mess last night too! I will think of you when I am clearing up! Xxx

  6. Good Morning Ladies, wow what a lovely card, those flowers are truly life like, also love the patterned paper used, shall have to practice flowers .
    John has flower making on Hochana to day so hoping to catch some of the shows.
    Hope the craft show is good and that you have a great day.
    Very tired this morning, wearing a red tennis ball on my arm this morning,
    Kept waking in the night as it's on the side I lie on.
    Well better get moving , time to go for my morning walk to get the paper, try to go every day, when knees allow.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Oh Lilian,
      Is that the reaction to the flu jab? That happened to me one year and when the nurse saw it during an unrelated visit, she measured it from side to side and top to bottom. I had to go back a few days later to be measured again. The results were put on my records as she said it was important to have it recorded. Maybe you should go to your surgery? You had a reaction last year, did they note it then?

    2. Lilian you poor thing, I know if they inject into the muscle rather than the vein this can happen, it really is sore isn't it. Take care today my lovely xxx

    3. Ooo ouch Lillian hope it gets better soon you should go back & have it checked out. I have my flu jab next months Have a good day xxx

    4. Ouch Lilian! That sounds painful. I'm so sorry about that. Xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Like Jean and Maria, I looked at this card and thought - it's Patricia's work (signature) isn't it funny how we can recognise someone's work. Patricia it was your lovely roses that gave it away. Love the pink paper, in fact I love all of it, it's an real showstopper of a card. Thank you for sharing. xxx

    Diane, hope Emma had a lovely birthday. And you and Julian enjoyed your birthday cake. xxx

    Cheryl, hope you are feeling better today, LOL xxx

    Jean, have a lovely meal with you friends. xxx

    Sandra, so pleased you had a lovely day with the 'girls' yesterday. Take it easy today xx
    ???? Paul having his leaving lunch, has any decision been made ????

    Well we are going into Croydon this morning, we may have lunch out. But I will be back later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thank you Emma had a lovely birthday and we were very naughty and had two slices of cake! Her friends plane home was at 6am this morning so I don't think too much celebrating went on too late! Xxx

    2. Enjoy your lunch and have a good time Brenda xxx

    3. Enjoy your trip out Brenda and I hope you have a nice lunch. Xxx

    4. Hi BRENDA have a lovely day & enjoy your lunch xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Only 8 days now, I don't know why some of you thought I am looking forward to the Retreat that is only 8 days away now : )
    Patricia, what a beautiful card. Your flowers are gorgeous, they certainly are your "trade mark" aren' they. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I have been reading yesterday's comments since before 7am and keep nodding back off, I can see I will need a nap before the Beavers Halloween party tonight! (it's early because of the way half term and Bonfire night fall this year)
    I'm sure Anne, Patricia and Hazel will have a great day at the show. Let us know if you find any bargains ladies.
    It's so good to see Maureen and Cheryl are feeling much better, still be gentle with yourselves though ladies.
    I must get on, lots to do. Have a good at everyone. Take care xx

    1. Sue, thanks for the update! Have fun at the Halloween Party! Xxx

    2. Hi Sue glad you enjoyed your crafty day with SANDRA & PAT
      Enjoy the Halloween party later. How long is the retreat now.? Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit today because I've got a friend coming and I need to wizz round with the Hoover quickly and do a quick tidy. Patricia beautiful card today, really love your flowers and can't wait to find out how you make them so realistic. Thank you for sharing. Xxx
    Ladies enjoy your trip to the craft show - don't spend too much!!! Haha yes like that's going to be true! Xxxx
    Sandra I assume this is for Paul's move rather than actual leaving - hope he has a lovely lunch- make sure you behave yourself and no falling over! Xxxx
    See you later xxxx

    1. Hello Diane, have a nice day with your friend! Hope Emma had a lovely birthday yesterday! Xxx

    2. DIANE have a lovely time with your friend whatever you have planned. Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a quick visit this morning, off to cover my friends shop today.
    I guessed that today's card from Patricia, her flowers are a real giveaway.
    Hope all who are going to the craft show in Glasgow today have a wonderful time, just don't spend too much ladies lol.
    Will catch up later on all today's comments, meantime take care xx

    1. Have a good day in the shop, Jess. Hope you get lots of customers. Xxx

    2. Hi JESS have a good day in the craft shop hope your not too busy xxxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Wow oh Wow what a fantastic and really beautiful card today one look tells me who has made this very elegant card the colours are perfect and the die cutting immaculate. Who else can make cards as beautiful as this but Patricia! You really are such a wonderful inspiration to us all, thank you so much.
    Hazel, Patricia and Anne I do hope you have the most fantastic time at the show and find some bargains do enjoy your meet up ladies that is two treats in one, oh you lucky girls! No I'm not envious, well if you believe that you will believe anything! Have a great day all of you.
    The weather here is cold, wet windy and decidedly miserable today so I will be keeping myself warm and busy.
    Maureen so pleased you are feeling much better keep up the good work, and you too Cheryl.
    Do have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, I'm off to make some soup.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret, it's dry, sunny and windy here so hope that makes its way up to you! I'm going to make soup today too Margaret. I will freeze some for Alastair next weekend! Also going to make a large and small cottage pie for the same reason! Don't want him eating rubbish! Don't want him frying bacon either - he makes such a mess!! Ha ha! Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I've gone straight to the end today and then I'll read the other comments!
    As soon as I saw the card today I knew who the designer was! It's those lovely flowers! It jus had to be Patricia. A beautiful card , Patricia, I love everything about it and the colours are lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    So pleased you ladies had a good day yesterday Sandra!
    I managed to complete another two cards yesterday but die cut white a lot more!
    What a mess I made ! Going to tidy later!
    Well , we have the sunshine back today but with a fairly stiff breeze! At least it will dry the leaves and blow them into corners which helps a bit.
    Patricia, Hazel and Anne - hope you meet up and have a lovely time. Safe journey home.
    Safe journey, Barbara - Oliver will be just as excited as you,- well nearly!!!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Myra xxx

  13. Wow I'm at the end I have commented on way down.
    Hello SANDRA & gang. PATRICIA your card is absurlutly gorgeous the colours so pretty & your flowers WOW WOW stunning I love love it. Hope you & Hazel have a good day at craft fair & meeting up with ANNE.Pictures please.
    Not much happening today just stopped raining,got Tesco & craft room Christmas card making hopefully.
    SANDRA hope you have a good day & Paul enjoys his leaving lunch. So dose this mean he will be going away now.
    Now young lady please don't kiss the carpet today.
    SABA have a safe journey home I bet Oliver is getting very excited seeing you. Xx.
    Well must get tooTesco now so see you later. Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    As you said a quite day fir you today. I assume that if Paul us having his leaving lunch today, he starts his new one on Monday. Hope his shifts aren't to bad. Forgot all about it yesterday. I left my coat at the scout hut so I'm waiting in for Chris to gring it back. We had to sort Doreen out today as she was due a blood test and wasn't able to move again. The blood nurse told Pete shed get a wheelchair so he could take her home. Pete was not happy. So Wendy ( his nurse ) came in and said she needs to see a Dr urgentl, and gave her a pain killing injection.. The upshot was she definitely needs a new hip and Dr Watson has asked for an urgent referral to the Nuffield. Why the hospital didn't see that and sort it straight out straight God only knows. Heaven only knows what will happen with Ellis if she has a new hip. It took me at least six weeks before I could see to myself of a sorts. As she's 84 that could be a lot longer.
    Lovely card today Patricia, love the flowers and I'm looking forward to making some at the retreat.

  15. Good afternoon ladies,
    Well it's a case of "while the cats away, the mice will play" here today!
    I have just ordered a set of Spellbinders dies from Create and Craft, mainly because I got such a good deal....
    It started off with price being £119.99
    Birthday offer - 20%
    Birthday Bonus - 20%
    Discount Voucher -£10.00
    Members birthday voucher. -£10.00
    On three flexi pays too!!!!
    I priced them up online and they are £14.95 per set (cheapest I could find),
    Which would have been about £74 odd, so for once I am pleased that Create and Craft took my membership renewal before I had time to cancel, I would have been kicking myself if I had cancelled this year as I would have missed out on 6 years of bonus, they are giving each member £10 a month for each year you have been a member, so I had been a member for 6 years so I received £10 a month for the next 6 months!!
    Not very often that it works out in our favour is it?!
    Just can't wait till they arrive now !!
    Off to my craft room,

    1. Enjoy Sandra, I've got six years too so £10 per month for six months goody xxx

    2. Sounds like a great bargain Sandra! Enjoy! Xxx

  16. Good afternoon ladies, it's really quiet in here today, is this because of the craft show, it's a good enough reason for you to treat yourself Sandra.
    We had a lovely meal today with all our crafting friends 14 in all. Really good relaxed company and lovely food. May do some crafting later, catching up on Serif show I missed this morning,
    Will pop back later,

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Wow Sandra you have done well today how lovely.
    Patricia your card is lovely & the roses are just like some I have indoors at the moment the last for this year same colour as well you certainly have talent. Hope the three of you have enjoyed the show & meeting up with Anne & you still have some money left.
    Saba hope you have had a safe & trouble free journey.
    Nice afternoon here played boules for a couple of hours very pleasant lost 3 games though but company was good.
    hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. Hi everyone, just read all the comments from earlier today, and didn't write anything down that I was going to reply to, anyway my friends shop was a wee bit quite today, I think most of the customers were at the SECC craft show will hear how it was later from Patricia, Hazel and Anne, I bet they had a brilliant
    day. I will pop back later for a nosey to see how it all went. See you later xxx

  19. Hi Sandra & ladies,

    I just don't know where today has gone! It's almost bedtime!

    OMW! Patricia, what a splendid card today, only you can get it perfect in every way. I'm really looking forward to your demo/tutorial on flowers.

    Got up with the best of intentions to do housework today leaving me with a weekend free for crafting and repacking my bags for the retreat. Then I took a funny turn after only doing the hall, dining room kitchen and 1 bedroom. I've been alternating between extremely hot, then cold then dizzy, so most of the day had been spent sat down, I haven't even had the energy to vacuum or to do anything more than cut out Christmas trees for the nursery. Good thing, my oddments box is very depleted so at least I've done 1 excellent job today.
    I'm off now to recover from using my brain to type this message.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl my dear take care house work can wait you just take it easy for a couple of days your more important than a little dust.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  20. Evening one and all
    Sorry I'm so so late but we have had internet problems all day - why oh why are we so needy of technology. Anyway all has been resolved and all on its own so here goes before something else happens.

    PATRICIA - Like everyone I didn't need to see whose beautiful creation was up for us today. Your exquisite flowers just shout your name and I'll never loose the awe I have of your talent for them. I love fresh flowers in any shape or form but your offerings always make me smile and we can keep them much much longer than the others. Thank you.
    SANDRA So pleased you had a good day yesterday and that you all managed to get some creating in between the gossip/chatting. I hope Paul had a good lunch and that he came home sober lol.

    I hope everyone is feeling a little better today and that preparations are well underway for next weekend.

    Off now to put my pjs on and sit with my book. We had rain this morning for the first time since we arrived and it has turned colder this evening. Hot water bottle may be called for tonight.
    Hugs for all an I'll see you all tomorrow - fingers crossed. xxxx

    1. Have a relaxing evening Janet! My iPad has just done one of these update things - hope it doesn't cause my problems! Xxx

  21. Hi ladies , just to let you know I had a GREAT day and thorouly enjoyed meeting Patricia and Hazel! We chatted non stop for 21/2 hours ! They are LOVELY!
    I so wish I was going to the retreat to meet everyone else so I asked them to make sure it was a success so Sandra will have another one next year and I can go.
    I am just putting on the beautiful tear drop necklet ( Hazel made) a present from both of them , as the friends we are staying with have other friends calling in tonight so I thought I'd look smart! Thanks again girls for your kindness , it really made my day xoxo

    1. Oh that's lovely Anne! I'm so glad you had a lovely time. So far I've only spoken to Patricia on the phone and had emails from Hazel too. So looking forward to meeting them and everyone else next weekend! I can't believe you talked for that long!! Three real chatterboxes, not like me at all!! Xxx

    2. Glad you had a good day hazel. Relax now before you have a busy weekend.

    3. Good evening ALL:-
      Hazel & I have had the most fantastic day WOW! Anne is a WONDERFUL person you would all love her. As Anne has told you we chatted for 21/2 hours, we could have gone on for another 21/2 no bother at all. Anne does need her Pendant to make her look smart she's a really smart "lady" anyway.
      The show was much better than the March one, maybe because it there was lots of beautiful things for Christmas.
      I did not buy much, I did not really NEED anything. Bought card, 2 quickie Glue Pens, Cosmic Shimmer Glue, a big bottle and one of the new fine line bottles. Oh! yes, and SW Happy Birthday Die.
      SANDRA:- thank you for showing my card. It is approx 8x8 layers of white card. You will notice that although the card is white it is different shades to give the layered effect. The open Die Work is a Die Cut that did not cut out well, I used the best bit. The flowers as SB Blossom Five, leaves are SB Foliage Die. The pink card is scraps of Tilda Card left over from a project. You can make cards with just a few scraps sometimes.
      Right folks it has been L O N G day. I left the house at 7.50am to get to Perth to meet Hazel. I left early, I was worried there would be broken branches over the roads after the storm last night. Nope!! not a one, hardly any tractors and every traffic light in Perth was at GREEN!!! got to our meet up place far too early.
      I am off back up to see what you have all been up to. xxx

    4. Big sis I think you mean Anne didn't need her pendant to look good? xxx

  22. Myra, Myra your nose is growing, you quiet! and not a chatter box??? Yes we had a fantastic meet up, and it was like old friends meeting, infact just like when we have met with Maureen, Jess and Norah. I am tired, and a bit sore, tens machine on just now and It will be a Margarets heat bag for going to bed, I think it will be an early night for me. Will see. Xxxx

    1. Hee Hee! Me talk? Never!
      I'm so glad you had a lovely time but sorry you are sore now. Please take care - you go off again on your travels - tomorrow?
      I'm a wee bit excited Hazel!! My daughter in law has told me she has got tickets for the Hobbycraft Craft Fair at the NEC Birmingham for 7th November. We are going down that weekend and I wondered why it had been arranged so soon . Victoria and I will go and Alastair will relax at home in their house. I've never been to a big Craft Fair so am looking forward to that. The Retreat is first though. Xxx

    2. I am sure you will have a wonderful time Myra. It's a few years since I have been but when I did I enjoyed it. GLad Hazel you had a goid day. Sorry you are now aching. Definitely a Margaret bag is needed.

    3. MYRA:- you will have a great time. Not as great as as when you are with US in a weeks time!!!
      Hazel and I usually fly down for the NEC. Because we are down for the Retreat we felt we were pushing our luck leaving our "darlings" AGAIN!! It's only 5 weeks since we were away for a week. xxx

    4. Oh Myra, you will love it, well if it's as good as we found it to be, wear comfy flat shoes as you will do some walking, remember to take a strong big bag so you can carry all your goodies. Xxx

    5. Surely she will need at least two bags Hazel or better still a ruck sack knowing Myra! xxx

    6. I think it would need to be 3 at least. Myra will not have restricted luggage for flying like we always had. xxx

    7. I'm so excited! Silly really!
      Now Margaret they don't make rucksacks to match my shoes! Ha ha !! Xxx

    8. I have just unpacked my bag from the show, Anne gave us a lovely bar of chocolate from a very good chocolate shop in Edinburgh. So I have put it away in the cupboard, I will enjoy having a few squares at a time. ,mine is peppermint which I love. Xxx

    9. MYRA:- it's not silly it's exciting.
      Such a pity they don't make a rucksack to match your shoes.
      Take a bag with STRONG handles, one of mine snapped as I was putting the bag full of card!!! in my car. Maureen's fault she told me to buy card from Samuel Taylor ...... I think it was heavier than all the other card I had already bought. xxx

    10. Oh! yes! my lovely chocolate I got form Anne. I'm I put it away as soon as I emptied my bag ..... did not want John to spot it ... he is a Chocoholic!!!
      I am going to be naughty and eat it all myself. It's "special, luxury" chocolate I am sure John will not like it, too Posh for him. Well he will not be tempted to eat it if he does not see it will he?? xxx

    11. You are so funny! If I get dark chocolate Alastair doesn't like that . I don't really like milk chocolate that much so we're usually ok - a bit like Jack Spratt and his missus! Xxx

    12. Oh MYRA what a shame 😥 I'm going to the NEC on the 5th November we could have met up never mind hope you have a good time. Mind you you might be glad not meeting me haha Xx

    13. PATRICIA HAZEL& ANNE pleased you all had a good time gosh 2 1/2 hours chatting sorry your sore hazel take it easy hope you feel better tomorrow xx

  23. First of all Patricia can I say what a beautiful card and as everyone has said it is obvious it is one of yours. Thank you for letting us see it. Hope you had a good day with Hazel and Anne. Did you buy anything. Cheryl hope you soon feel better. Perhaps you should still be resting not rushing around with the Hoover. Just take it easy. Well I haven't heard from the hospital about the a Mammogram so fingers cross everything is ok. Said I would hear in a week if anything was wrong if not will get the result when I go to the Cancer Clinic in November. Had lunch with a friend then went to see Scarlett. She did her school reading then we watched a couple of programmes on Hochanda. Better go and make some cards. Hope to be back later to see what Patricia, Hazel and Anne have been up to today.

    1. Brenda that is really good news that you have not been recalled, I will keep everything crossed for you when you visit the clinic in November xxx

    2. Thank you Margaret. I have been dreading the postman coming since I had it done but it is over a week now so just hope it is ok.

    3. Oh Brenda that is such good news! Xxx

    4. Thank you Myra. Sorry didn't comment earlier. Was talking to my friend whose husband had the fall. He is still in hospital and confused. Must be the concussion because he was very alert before and certainly never confused. Don't know how long he will be there. He phoned her last night and said he wanted to come home and didn't know why he was there but he knew her phone number.

    5. Oh Dear Brenda! What a shame. I don't pretend to know anything but maybe it's just a temporary thing with the shock of falling as well as the fall itself. I do hope so! Xxx

    6. BRENDA that's good news like Margaret I have everything crossed for good news next month. That's a shame about your friend's husband hope he is ok Xxx

  24. Good evening everyone
    Delighted to hear that Hazel, Patricia and Anne all had a wonderful time together meeting up. Oh Hazel I do hope your pain eases soon for you, but the main thing is you had a good day. I think an early night for you Patricia getting up so early, but lucky you sailing through all those lights in Perth, any time we have been there they have all been on red!
    Myra who is a lucky girl you have every right to feel excited, but oh poor Alastair, leaving him for another weekend!
    Is there any news of Saba I do hope she has arrived safe and sound after a good flight, I bet she is reading Oliver a bedtime story.

    1. Margaret - I'm not leaving him for the weekend. We are going down on Thursday 6th to Warwick and Victoria and I will go on the Friday. Alastair can relax in their house. We'll be back for dinner! We are going to stay with them until Monday 9th. Xxx

    2. Ahh!! I know why your there that weekend!!! xxx

    3. Margaret, I was sore but an hour of my tens machine has eased it off it was standing at the bus station waiting for our bus after walking around for a good few hours. Old age isn't good. But after watching DIYSOS last night where that lad lost 3 limbs, and was so cheerful I have nothing to moan or complain about that's for sure.

    4. Yes so do I Patricia. Wonder why it should be the same weekend.😀

    5. We'll just call you Miss Marple or Rosemary and Thyme!!! Xxx

    6. Hazel I watched the same programme DIYSOS last night with tears running down my face they were so very brave. So sad to think there are people like that all over the

  25. Brenda, I am glad you haven't been called back, we will keep our fingers crossed for when you go to the clinic too. Glad you had time with Scarlett. Xxx

    1. BRENDA:- great news, no recall, that's wonderful xxx

    2. Thank you Hazel and Patricia. Glad you had a goid day. Early night I would think for both of you. Hear all about it tomorrow.

    3. BRENDA:- we had great time. There are some comments above. xxx

  26. THANK YOU:- ladies for all your lovely comments on my card, I really appreciate them.
    I am tired after a long but very Happy day. I think Hazel has sent Sandra a photo of the "three Muskateers" at SECC today.
    I am going to say Goodnight, God Bless see you all in the morning xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia - sleep well! You have had a good day! So pleased you all enjoyed it!
      God Bless xxxx

    2. Good night Patrica Gog bless sleep well.Xxx

  27. Helllooooooooooo,
    Well the 3 Caballeros had a good day in Glasgow, just as we knew they would. I am so pleased that Anne had a good time, even though I wasn't there ha ha. Aren't they lovely?
    Brenda OB, I hope you had a spiffing time during your day out in Croyden.
    Jess, I suppose everyone was at the Glasgow whatsit, that's why you were quiet.
    Sandra, it sounds like a great bargain on C&C, that doesn't happen often!!
    Cheryl, you take care, plenty of hot drinks and rest, that's exactly how my bug hit me.
    Janet, pastry day tomorrow. Ooh what am I going to get ha ha.
    Brenda LL, no recall - what brilliant news.
    Myra, how fabulous of your daughter in law. If she fancies treating anyone else, give her my address. I've only been once, quite a few years ago, and it was like walking into Craft Heaven!!! Take plenty of money, or a really healthy, strong credit card ha ha. Mine nearly went on fire, it was that hot, when I went!!!
    Oops, I see Patricia called themselves the 3 Musketeers, glad I wasn't behind them while they were waving their swords around.
    Dainty, I hope Emma had a good birthday.
    Margaret C, what a good idea. I'll make some Lentil soup tomorrow.
    Did anyone see "Who Do You Think You Are" tonight? Delaval Hall, the last Hall shown on the programme is not far from us. I've been to many a Mediaeval Night there, and Frances de la Tour was sitting on a bench at Seaton Sluice which is down the road from the Hall. Not the prettiest of places up here.
    I'll say night, night, sweet dreams and God Bless, see you tomorrow when it will be 7 days!!!!!
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Sorry Saba, I meant to say that I hope you are safely home, wrapped up well, and nice and cosy. Enjoy yourself with your family.
      love xxxxx

  28. Hello the three musketeers
    Glad you all had a lovely day, looking forward to seeing the photo.
    Brenda happy that you had good news, no recall, it is a scary time waiting for results.
    Here hoping Saba arrived safely.
    Off to bed now, catch up tomorrow. xxx


  29. Hi all,oh I'm late so many of you have probably gone for the night so I wish you a good night and hope you sleep well.
    No news are good news, is it how you say it. Brenda ,keeping my fingers crossed . Cheryl- I hope you are alright, take it easy. Just keep thinking if we come down with something it's better this weekend then next ! Know it will be me. Hazel, have a rest tomorrow and let your back recover from all that walking around on hard flooring.
    So glad you found eachother today and you had a great time, looking forward to see the photos. Wonder if you got so good bargain as Sandra on her Spellbinders, that's a very good buy and flexi-pay too.
    Myra -I was thinking of NEC, usually go every year. Love the x-mas hall, but as I'm going to retreat, Julia's workshop in Nov. and a minibreak in Dec.
    I will have to leave it I think hmmmmm. How did you tiding up go ? I have done a lot but have to continue tomorrow after gym /aqua. also did some cards but have not finished them yet, keep changing my mind all the time and it's drives me to dispear hihi Bed is calling so I will sign out for today.See you tomorrow my friends Xxxx
    Thought about Saba today, hope she got home ok and having lots and lots of cuddles from the grand children, see you soon hihi

    1. Maria - I've done quite well but could have done a lot better! I've been sidetracked with things I've found along the way! Still haven't found what I was looking for though! Typical!
      Night Night, dear, sleep well!
      God bless xxxx

    2. MYRA I commented up a bit about NEC xx

  30. As I said before I do hope Saba has arrived safe and sound and is having a wonderful time.
    My eyes keep closing so time for bed so good night God Bless everyone

  31. Good evening all hope SABA is home & snuggled up in bed .
    Well I think I might go too.
    I bid you all good night & God bless love Lynda xx
