
Wednesday 21 October 2015

Wednesday Blues

Good Morning My Lovelies,
I hope this morning finds you well and looking forward to the day as much as I am, as I get to spend the day with my two wonderful friends Pat and Sue x
I think the two of them sound like they are both going to be busy making cards! I wonder if that means we won't be doing much chatting???? I very much doubt it, we have a lot of catching up to do as Pat
was away last week!
Just think how much chatting there will be in 9 days time, that's right 9 days!!!!

Now onto today's card, I used Periwinkle Foundation card with some off white card to make today's card, I used Creative Expressions Noble Pierced Rectangle Dies to cut the Matt and Layers for this card.
I stamped a piece of the periwinkle card with the Justrite Garden Gate Background stamp, I used Perfect medium to and Cosmic Shimmer True White embossing powder, I then heat set it and mounted it onto the card.  I then die cut a piece of the periwinkle card with one of the inner dies from the Spellbinders Grand Floral Oval die set, I stamped the following sentiment, using a CE stamp
May the Wings
of the butterfly
Kiss the sun 
and find your 
shoulder to light on
To bring you luck
Happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow
and beyond.
On to a Spellbinder Oval Die, a placed it upon the blue die cut, I added some pearls around the oval.
I wove some narrow blue ribbon through some white lace and placed it upon the front of the card.
I cut some Splendid Swirls and Delicate Frond Die cuts from Periwinkle card and arranged them around the side of the focal element, I topped it with a triple bow tied with Creative Expressions Off white ribbon.  I added a flower made with Camellia Complete Petals Die by Creative Expressions.
I finished the card with a Butterfly using the CE Delicate Garden Frame die Set (butterfly element)
and a pearl swirl for the trail, a few pearls finish the corners!

So what do you think???
I hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you are doing!
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Another stunning card from yourself this morning Sandra! That's what we like to see, you displaying your own creations more often. I do hope you are not to sore after your fall. Keep taking the Arnica, it does help.
    Maureen, Cheryl and Diane I do hope you are all feeling brighter this morning, we need you bettter as Sandra has said its only 9 days!!!
    I have been told I have to take a day off today, so I am going over to Perth to see Tammy and the boys. I won't be going near Christopher's new house as they are stripping wallpaper,,so that's a no go area for me! I will have to wait till everything is clean up. You forget these things when you haven't had wallpaper that needs taking off. If handling card and paper while just moving it from one box to the other has given me a sore throat goodness knows what going into a house that all the downstairs and 1 bedroom upstairs are being stripped back.
    i think when I get back today I am going to have to sort out things for this weekend and next, we normally go to Birmingham at this time then I have a weekend at home then go back down to the NEC show. Two weekends away one after the other will be full on then nothing!!! For a few weeks. It's what to wear and what's the weather going to be like? We are on the train but it's the hanging around the stations that's the problem, they can be mighty cold, then again you don't want to be lumbered with big coats. Saba, I feel more for you too? As you are weight restricted!! I can see. Things going in and out of your case. I bet you are so excited about seeing your grandchildren???
    Right cafe set up, heating must be on timer as it was on when I got in? I am away to sit and have my tea and a toasted crumpet. (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for those who want or need them. Xxx

    1. Pleased you are having a rest today! You have a lot to do in the next 9-10 days! You don't want to start off tired! I know what you mean about stations - chilly places! We get so accustomed to throwing things in the car don't we! Xxx

    2. Hello Hazel my dear Friend
      It's so nice to read that you're having a day off so please make sure that it is just that because as you say the next two week-ends are going to be full on and you'll need all your energy. Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Hazel,
      Have a lovely day today, enjoy your day off and "We'll meet again" before you know it! I love being in train stations - a hangover from childhood. xxxx

    4. Hazel I do hope you are making the most of your rest day today, you really have earned it. I don't blame you keeping away from wallpaper stripping very wise. xxx

    5. Hazel, do have a rest today. It's tiring to be a pensioner Lol
      I wish you haven't got me started to clear my craft stuff, it's now everywhere and I warned OH he might have to sleep on his own tonight as my side of the bed is full of boxes and craft magazines, will see Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    A very wet morning here but you know what-I'm glad because the garden was bone dry & I'm off to work soon.

    Sandra-WOW, WOW, WOW! Stunning card-whoever receives this will be thrilled.

    Desk didn't arrive yesterday so I spent some time in the craft room. Started on 2 Christmas cards-yeah!!! I've been asked at work when I'm taking Christmas cards in so I thought I'd better get a move on. I've got so much stash that I could make cards for years without buying another item but I don't seem to have the time to make many cards-always the way I guess!

    Just finishing my cuppa then off to make my lunch.


    1. Michele, I was thinking of you with that desk yesterday! Never mind you had a productive day. I need to do the same today so after commenting it's upstairs for me! Rainy here too but as you say the garden badly needed it. I don't think we've had rain this month yet! Xxx

    2. Hello my dear Friend - it doesn't matter when the desk arrives I'm sure you will find plenty to do until it does and as you say there's never enough time to do things you want. hugs for you xxxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Hmm sorting out desk placement or crafting - hard choice ha ha. Whatever you do today, enjoy it. xxx

    4. Hi Michele, hope you enjoying making some cards today and your mojo is around. Have fun Xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Only 9 days to go : ) Well it seems that I may be first in again today which makes a change as usually some one else comments while I am typing mine, it didnt happen yesterday bet it will today though. Only 9 days to go : )
    Sandra your card turned out just as gorgeous as it sounded when you described what you were planning me last week. I love it all especially the embossing and what a beautiful sentiment. Only 9 days to go : )
    Maureen I hope you are feeling better today, please keep resting and taking great care of yourself. Only 9 days to go : )
    Hazel, has a nights sleep put paid to that sore throat? I do hope so but if not keep taking the pills and hot drinks. Take it easy today. Only 9 days to go : )
    Brenda littlelamb, sorry to hear about your friends husband, and on her birthday too. I hope he is allowed home soon. Make sure you look after yourself too please. Only 9 days to go : )
    I going back to leave comments on yesterday as I didn't take notes this morning! Only 9 days to go : )
    I wonder if I will manage to get my friends card made today when Sandra and Pat come over? Anyone would think Sandra, Pat and I talk a lot. I say we are just getting in practice for the Retreat which you can all tell I haven't been thinking about at all, must go and work out how many days it is until it happens..........oh yes, it's ONLY 9 DAYS now : ))
    Please take care and big hugs to you all.
    Love and hugs
    Sue xx

    1. Have a good day with Sandra! That will be 8 days tomorrow then!!! Xxx

    2. Sue, are you excited or what, how many days to go????!!,

    3. Sue don't get too excited will you, you will burst! Xxx

    4. You'll be having a good day when I write this and so you'll not see it until you get back home. Hope you get your card made.
      Now lets see how many days is it!!!!!!!
      hugs for you xxxx

    5. Sue, I feel so much better today, thank you. How many days did you say ha ha.

    6. hmmmm how many day's ! Lol Have a great day with Sandra and Pat
      ps.good gums on Chris's aunt .

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- WOW! Oh! WOW! what a stunningly beautiful card. It is woubderful, everything about it is amazing. Love, love, love, it.
    Have a great time with Pat and Sue, I know I will probably be able to hear the chat and laughter all the way up here.
    Can you imagine the volume of Chat and Laughter there will be in 9 days time???
    I am a bit later today, did yesterday's ironing. I was making cards yesterday, the ironing took a back seat. However that's it done and another load of washing in the machine. Where does it all come from, two of us and we manage to create so much washing.
    Anyway place looking good, lots of goodies in the fridge and cabinet. I do hope there is enough ... Margaret did not do any baking yesterday!!!! Oh! dear no fresh rolls, no smell of fresh baked bread as you pass the door!!
    Maureen I hope you are feeling better today and manage to get out of bed for a little while. (((((hugs)))) just for you.
    I have made my Tea and Toast, over at that corner table to do some people watching.
    John and I hope to pop up to Perth (Scotland) this morning. John needs his hair cut, me! I need to get a pair of boots heeled, see about my phone which I never really use. I do need when I am out and about on my own. I charge it up and within a few hours there is no power left in it. That's no use, winter is upon us and my phone is nessary when out in my car.
    Right must go .... (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. This is just a thought Patricia - maybe you have a new phone! Talking about getting boots heeled! Alastair had a pair of black leather shoes shoes in to be soled and heeled in leather last week! Get ready - it cost £51 99. Expensive business! Xxx

    2. Hello Patricia my dear Friend
      Hope you're having a good day in Perth and that you get your boots repaired. As Myra says it's an expensive job these days isn't it but when it's a good pair and you still love them it's better than having to knead a new pair to your feet. If you know what I mean.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Hello Patricia, I feel so much better today. In fact - wait for it - I'm going to the shops (food). I'm still not eating much though - isn't it wonderful, I may have lost a few ounces!!! My clothes felt just the same when I put them on - what a disappointment. Have a lovely day today, get an estimate for the boots repair. Myra, did you take out a second mortgate? xx

    4. That is funny John having a haircut today so is Derek he is going this afternoon! As Myra says get an estimate I did last time and decided to get some new shoes instead it was cheaper! Have a lovely day shopping. xxx

    5. Alastair had one yesterday!! Xxx - haircut that is!

    6. At first I thought you meant get an estimate for the haircut! Ha ha !! Xxx

    7. so did Rick yesterday, nearly bald. My phone was losing it charge too so we bought a new battery, it's now been on for 5 days and still good. Have a nice time in Perth ! Xxx

    8. Must be the time of year for our Hubby's to have their hair cut.
      Was home before I remembered I was supposed to go see about my phone. Got my glasses done, will do the phone next week. xxx

    9. I've just been thinking! Oh No - there's many a slip between cup and lip! Xxx

    10. Hi Patricia. We were told by someone who works for Samsung that to get the best out of mobile phone batteries you should et down as much as possible before recharging them rather than topping them up. They do have a life though and like Maria I got a new battery for my old phone and it was good for a few more years. Hope that all.makes sense.

  5. Good Morning Sandra, and Friends, very dark here today so can't see what the weather is like, forecast is for rain.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the colour and your stamping is beautiful as is all of the embellishments.
    The day has not started well managed to upset a whole cup of tea down the side of the bed!!!!!!!
    Going for flu jab today, hope it doesn't give me a sore like last year.
    Sandra Pat and Sue have a good craft day.
    Working today, well at least until flu jab.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Oh Lilian, it's awful when you get off on the wrong foot in the morning! You lost your cup of tea too! Hope the day improves. I'm sure it will. Xxx

    2. Oh Lilian my dear Friend - hope your carpet is OK and that it doesn't show too much. Did the tea have sugar in it? If so it's harder to clean isn't it. Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Oh Lilian, join my club. I love anyone who can spill something and make a mess, as I don't feel alone then.
      Hope the rest of the day goes better, enjoy your flue jab!!!!xxx

    4. Lilian I do hope your day improves, fancy throwing your early morning cup of tea away! xxx

    5. oops, not a good start Lilian. Hope your day gone better Xxx

  6. Sandra, meant to ask hows the new machine? Are you enjoying using it? Or is it back to the G.C. .?? You will have to let us know, was it Sheila that said she was a bit disappointed.
    Lillian, hope your flu jab goes ok. Oh can you just keep the rain down with you please? I am enjoying the nice weather we have had these past few days. Thank you xxx

  7. Opened the curtains on the back Patio Doors and it looks like someone has laid a carpet in Autumn colours all over our back garden. We are surrounded by trees, it was windy last night ... the leaves have covered our garden. Beautiful to look out at but all that clearing for John to do !!! I don't do gardening unless to pick flowers xxx

    1. Snap - re the carpet of leaves only ours are soaking wet!! Xxx

    2. No Snap here, we have missed the wind so far no doubt it will come, I just bet it will be here for school time! xxx

    3. Hang on to your hat Margaret!! Xxx

    4. Why does it always seem to start to rain just as the children come out of school and stop once you all get home? I hope you stayed dry Margaret.

  8. Good morning ladies, Sandra I love your card it is an absolute classic! From the stamped background, beautiful sentiment ,perfect triple flat bow with flower trim and the lovely little butterfly with pearls anyone would be chuffed to bits to receive this! Thanks for sharing xo
    Maureen I didn't realise you were still unwell and in bed , hope you are feeling better and up and about soon.xo
    Well I'm taking our grandchildren to school this morning so better go and get myself dressed, will try and call back to the cafe later before we leave Edinburgh to go to Larkhall .
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  9. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Oh my, what a beautiful card today Sandra, I have all these dies so might just pinch a few elements for my Sister in Law's birthday card.
    And Janet's triple flip yesterday was so pretty, loved all the colours.

    Didn't make Monday's walk, could not move for aches and pains in my head. Still dosing up on Vicks Sinex spray as it helps enormously throughout the day and I was determined not to miss another REA trip yesterday.
    Freda and I went to the beautiful city of Oxford, straight journey there, no comfort breaks so we were all diving off the coach in search of loos.
    We had a snack and drink in Debenhams. I had the most divine toasted fruity slices, which I though would be egg free as normally my fruit loaf is made with yeast not eggs. Not so this one, and another trip to the ladies was called for as about an hour after eating it, it went elsewhere.
    I felt rather delicate then for the rest of the day. However not to spoil it, I just had poached salmon for lunch which was superb at the Beefeaters pub Myrtle I think it was called. Shopping afterwards down the main shopping street, we were amazed at all the wonderful shopping centres that led elsewhere. We found a little shop called Blott that sold the most wonderful stationary items for kids, half hour later we both left with boxes full of the most delightful animal and food product erasers. Just right for stocking fillers. And then I found not one but two Swarovski shops. First one was mainly jewellery but I did buy a gorgeous little star Christmas ornament and in the second one I found and bought a stand for the ornaments. They are going to look so pretty in my Swarovski cabinet. Pete joined the club just after we got married so he could buy the trilogies for our wedding anniversaries. I now have one set for each of my children and grandchildren.
    We were so tired when we caught the coach home that we slept on and off all the way. I couldn't have stayed up for the life of me, so after a quick cuppa and my tablets, I was safely ensconced in my lovely warm bed and was quickly asleep.
    It's a very dull, cloud crying day today, just going to spend it quietly sith paperwork and maybe a spot of crafting.

    However you are spending your day, take care if you are out and about.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, glad your lovely day wasn't ruined by that fruity slice, but not good all the same. You bought some lovely things by the sounds of things. You just take things easy today remember ( Sue's not counting) it's only 9 days!!! Is any one else allergic to things we need to know about? ie peanuts or that ? Xxx

    2. Sorry to hear about your fruit cake slice, your purchases sound lovely. Take it easy today xx

    3. Hazel - I'm allergic to very early mornings - but you knew that already! Ha ha!! Xxx

    4. Cheryl, I'm so sorry about your nasty cold and tummy upset! I am glad you had a lovely day out. I love Oxford and we lived there for a few months before moving to a village outside. We only had one car then and I have 'fond' memories of struggling on a bus with a heavy Silver Cross pushchair! Those were the days! Xxx

    5. Oh Cheryl my dear Friend - what a mixture of a day you had yesterday. At least you have a little something for your cabinet and memories. Hope you're feeling a lot better today.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    6. Cheryl so pleased you are feeling better and had a lovely day out yesterday keep up the good work regarding your recovery. xxx

    7. Cheryl, nice to hear you managed to go to Oxford, lovely town but sorry the fruit bread upset your . Love swarovski little animals. Hope you have a rest today and recover soon Xxx

    8. CHERYL:- hope you are feeing better when you read this.
      Have you informed the Hotel of your Dietry needs. We don't want you going hungry over the weekend. Bread and jam gets a bit boring after a while!! xxx

    9. Didn't think of that Patricia as I always ask if I suspect food may contain egg. Most hotels offer a breakfast bar to help yourself, but it would be wise for me to check before I go. Thank you x

    10. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely time in Oxford. Just 10 miles from us. Mind you it seems further away with all the road improvements there doing by the station and at Wolvercote and Banbury road roundabouts. It's murder when we have to go to the hospital for Pete. Hope the slice didn't upset your day to much. I'll remember not to have that with my Latte. My friend who has dietary problems usually fiends something to eat though. Eating late always makes me ill though as I have digestive problems.

  10. Beautiful card Sandra. Thanks for showing. I bought that sentiment last year from Sue's stand at Ally Pally or it might be one of the ones they give you when you buy something. Whatever I use it a lot. Lots to do today but will call in later. Maureen and Cheryl hope you will both be feeling a lot better today. Will just have some tea and toast and people watch for a few minutes.

    1. Have a good day Brenda! Xxx

    2. Brenda, I forgot to say that I read your post last night. I'm so sorry about your friend's husband having such a nasty fall! I do hope he will be alright. Xxx

    3. Hi Brenda, so sorry to hear about your friends husband. What a nasty fall, bless him. Hope he getting home asap so he can celebrate his wife's birthday. You take care Xxx

    4. BRENDA:- hope you are well.
      Oh! how awful for your friends hubby. I hope he is home by now and his wife is looking after "him" xxx

  11. Good morning everyone,
    Sandra this card today is stunning, you are a clever lady, I love the colours sentiment and the triple bow caught my eye straight away - gorgeous.
    Sue you're not counting the days by any chance are you.
    Hazel I'm glad to hear you are having a day off today, you've done enough recently. Take it easy need to be tip top for next weekend.
    Maureen I too didn't realise you were still in bed, hope each day is one day nearer you getting well. Hugs on their way to you.
    Patricia, I only use my phone for emergencies - in car mostly, it's usually in my bag and if it rings I have to go hunting. Have a good day in Perth.
    So glad I did the garden yesterday, hope it's the last cut now, must admit I love gardening, lose myself when I'm out there but Arthur Itis doesn't let me do the digging I used to do, although I will give it a go and if I'm beaten then I call on John, that's all the gardening he does, not keen but likes it to look good to sit in.
    It's been pouring down since about 10.30 last night, so heavy so don't know what the day holds yet.
    Hugs to anyone feeling less than 100%, hope you feel better
    Will call in later,
    More hugs in basket as usual,
    Have a great day Sandra crafting haha.

    1. Hello Jean, that rain reached you first ! It started here just before 11 pm.

    2. Now that is funny we got the rain at 10pm!

    3. Hi Jean, yes were we not lucky doing some gardening yesterday. The rain hasn't stop since last night. Don't know the time, I draw the curtains Xxx

  12. Good morning one and all,
    Sandra, your card is truly gorgeous. I absolutely love everything about it. I really wish you would enter for a design team, this little beauty would wow them.
    Hope the three Graces have a lovely day together.
    I have just got back from the doctors, not poorly it was just to discuss my recent blood tests. He wants me to have some more investigations but I asked him if we could wait until after Christmas, and he laughed and said that would be fine.
    I just don't have the time to be faffed about with at the moment.
    Bed linen is in the washer, beef stew is in the slow cooker so just a few bits left to iron ( that's twice this week I have done some ironing!) and then my case to pack. I loathe packing. I am just going to phone Val for a chat first.
    Love and warm hugs to our poorly ladies, hope you are over the worst of it now.
    See you later
    Saba xxxx

    1. I read that last night about bunnies! That silly song was going round my head " run rabbit , run rabbit , run, run, run!"
      Ironing twice - you - sit down and have a wee rest dear! Xxx

    2. Hello Saba my dear Friend
      I'm now tired out after reading your report for today. You'll meet yourself coming back/forward if not careful.
      Enjoy the packing even though I know you don't like it.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Now we here in to UK know who to blame for our wet weather Saba has ironed TWICE in one week!

    4. Hi Saba, you are nearly back. How many days did Sue say ?
      Hope Val is doing alright. Have fun packing, you must be good at it by now Xxx

    5. Hi Saba
      Ironing twice in one week whatever next. No wonder we have rain here, our weather is complaining. Hope your not packing to much stuff. Hope your Peter isn't like mine. Saying have you pack this or that when we're half way to our destination. Mind you when your up in the air it's much to late then. Take care I'm not to sure how long it is till we meet. Can't remember if anyone's mentioned how long it is now. He he.

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Sandra what a beautiful card today, I like the sentiment. The colour is gorgeous too. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your day withPat and Sue. Xxxx
    It's Emma's birthday today, seems very strange without her home with us but we've sent a parcel of goodies which have arrived, her friend picked up a cake for her yesterday and we will face time her later. She's only got one lecture so will be home again soon so I might get a text when she discoverers her treats. I'm going to make a birthday cake for us to eat - why should we miss out! I'm making coffee cake so there will be some in the cafe later. It's pouring with rain here so cooking and craft I think today.
    Hope everyone is ok today or looking after themselves if they are poorly. See you all later xxxxxx
    Ps Sue did you say 9 days, I couldn't quite hear you!!! Xxx

    1. Happy Birthday Emma!! I hope you have a lovely birthday!
      It will seem strange for you Diane but isn't FaceTime wonderful! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane, wish Emma a good Birthday and I'm sure she will love her presents. I love coffee cake Lol Xxx

    3. Hi Diane
      Wish Emma happy birthday from me. I'll have a piece of coffee cake if there's any left. Thanks very much.

    4. Hi Diane. Sending Emma a blated birthday wish. I hope she had a good day, albeit a bit different with you not all being together.

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Sandra your card is stunning, nice to see your fabulous creations. Have a brilliant day with Pat and Sue.
    Hazel I think you should have a duvet day, keep your strength up for next weekend, as Sues said its only 9 days to go!!,!
    Maureen you should do the same, have a duvet day, we need you to be well for next week.
    Patricia enjoy your day in Perth.
    Had the cats to the vet this morning for their yearly check and injections, now the bank balance is £91.60 lighter, (a lot of craft stuff could be bought for that!).
    Today I'm hoping to get some cup candles done for this craft fair at the end of November, so better get a move on, washing just finished, it's tumble dry today, not so nice outside. Will catch up later. Take care xxx

    1. Oh Jess that is a lot - a bit like us at the Dentist yesterday. Alastair had an X-ray so that added to the cost. £185. Still I'm glad I've got my teeth! I keep having to mention it because there are one or two cheeky folk on this blog! All the best with the candles - the house will smell lovely .xxx

    2. Jess yes that is a lot of money but rest assured it would have been more had you been taking dogs! Just think of all the pleasure you get from your cats them it will be money well spent that is how I look at it.

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I've made it to the bottom - some strive to get to the top in life - I'm aiming to get to the bottom of this page!!
    Your card today is really beautiful and I love everything about it . I'm a big blue fan !! Lovely bow and flower too. It's all lovely!
    Did you notice that Pat is counting the days! I hope you all have a lovely time today and I hope Pat doesn't end every sentence with " only 9 more days!!!" Ha ha!
    Well, I've covered most things on the way down. I need to dry bedding today - that will have to be the tumble drier! In my infinite wisdom I washed two white towelling bathrobes as well!
    Alastair has gone to the tip! He is taking stuff to help a lady with no car! Same lady who came with her son a while back! She rang up and asked him. I get a little cross as I'm sure she knows younger people more suited to this task! Unfortunately I didn't answer the telephone!
    Well I'm off to change washing round from washer to drier and then it's upstairs to craft!
    Maureen I hope you are feeling better today! Suck a Zube! Get that throat better!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hello Myra my dear Friend
      Like you I'm at last at the bottom - we go so well together don't we lol.
      Enjoy your dance around the washer and dryer. Hugs for you xxxx

  16. Afternoon to all who pop in today - well it's afternoon here in Marigny.
    SANDRA - WOW and what a WOW - I love your card, colours, format in fact everything you have done and you have chosen one of my favourite sentiments. I use this one a lot on the inside of my cards.

    Now for all that read from top to bottom and I know we all do you will notice that I have called everyone I've commented on My Dear Friend today - that's because someone -not mentioning any name- has kept reminding my that it's only '9 days' !!! To what I ask myself. Oh yes that Retreat thingy is happening isn't it!! and of course I'm NOT ONE BIT ENVIOUS YOU KNOW. YOU ALL KNOW DON'T YOU hebhehehehehehehe
    I shall be popping in via cyberspace to see what's happening so be on your toes at all times. hehehehehehehe

    Isn't it a good job we all know what we're like. I wonder what anyone who pops in for the first time thinks of us. Isn't it lovely to be on the daft side.

    So I've sent my usual supply of hugs. Please make use of them. xxxx

    1. It's much more fun Janet! You will be miss my dear Friend!
      I, for one, will be on my best behaviour! Xxxxx

    2. Janet my friend, you will be dearly missed but hope we will do it again some time next year so maybe don't go booking Marigny until you know when as it would be lovely to meet you too. Have a nice day Xxx

  17. Hellloooooooooooooooo
    IT'S AMAZING, I honestly thought last night that I was going to have to call a Doctor out, but today I have woken up and feel as right as rain. All pain, sweats (too much information), shivering, sickness has gone. I feel great - I look awful, but then I always do!!! I don't know what this bug was, but it's gone as quickly as it came. Thank you all for asking after me.
    Now the computer has let me leave comments so far on the way down, then it has stopped, but Cheryl, I am sorry that you are still not right, but that you managed to get out a bit yesterday and buy some lovely things.
    Myra, I can't believe that Alastair has gone to the tip and left you behind, is he planning another trip? (tin hat)
    Janet, we will miss you a little bit, we will be enjoying ourselves too much to miss you a lot (tin hat still on) Don't forget, the next one is in
    Dainty - don't miss Emma too much today, Have a hug () and a Baileys from me.
    Jess, your cat needs to earn its own living!!
    Finally, Sandra, what can I say.l Thank you so much for your lovely telephone call. It was much appreciated, and a big surprise.
    Your card today is a masterpiece, I love everything about it, stunning. Have a great day with the other 2 Graces and remember . . . .. . .
    9 DAYS TO GO - Yippee
    Muriel xxxxxx

    1. I know I've missed some people, but I'll get you second time around, George is shouting for me. xxxx (or is he shouting at me ha ha)

    2. That's great news!! I'm thrilled to bits you are better!
      I don't need to feel any guilt about being cheeky now! Xxxx

    3. Maureen you certainly sound better - more like your old self xx
      keep taking it easy though xxxxx

    4. Fabulous news that you are more yourself today but take it easy,
      baby steps Xxx

    5. Hi Maureen. It's so good to hear that you are feeling much better : )

  18. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    I have finally made it to the bottom, phew! Such a beautiful card Sandra love the colour especially.
    Well I have got my baking done for today I looked in my cake boxes and realised they were getting low so just in case Maureen pops over from the North East thought I had better get baking!
    So pleased you are feeling better Maureen but please do take care.
    Hope the three graces have a lovely time today, do call in later girls and let us know how many cards you got made!
    Now are you all sitting down I have something to tell you, yes, all sitting comfortable, ..................... I have got ONE Christmas card made! How about that good or what? Does anyone need the smelling salts?
    Oh someone is asking for lunch so I had better get a move on, my hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret - everyone has to start somewhere! We don't want you to peak too early! Xxxx

    2. Cheering and applause from me, well done you. Xxx

    3. MARGARET:- Myra has already said it ... we all have to start somewhere. Bet most of us have not baked a "fraction" of what you have done over the past week. Horses for courses as they say!!!
      Hope Maureen did not visit and eat everything. xxx

    4. I didn't hem five pairs of trousers either!! Xxx

  19. Hi everyone, what a busy day everyone is having , I finished off 8 yes 8 Christmas cards earlier, (just put everything together), three cup candles half poured. Now I'm off out to meet my friends for our Wednesday catch up at the local garden centre. Might have a look at some of thier Christmas stuff. Take care whatever you are doing. Xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all in today. I LOVE the CARD ! That colour is lovely and you are a master to put a card together. You should defiantly join a team somewhere because your cards are wonderful ! Hope you have an good time with Pat and Sue, oh how many days ?Lol I have started to put some things together but feel a bit lost. Thought I might take my "bits " and do something with them and then hopefully I can start from scratch and make/ keep it tidy. I am a dreamer and a wishful thinker.
    It has been raining here since last night so glad I did a little tidy up in the garden yesterday. None of felt like gym this morning so instead we popped over to Ikea for breakfast. Bought a roller blind for his office and I got two boxes for my things. I'm sure it's growing. Washing machine have been on all day and the last one is curtains from the bedrooms. Such a shame I can't hang it outside, it gets a bit musty in the house when it hanging in the bathroom or over the doors and ballaster. Read in the papers we will have a long and very cold winter so the tin cupboard will soon be stocked up ,just incase. Better get a move on, after Hazel doing her tiding up I started too this afternoon and bed, kitchen and in the lounge looks like a bomb gone off. Hope you all have a good day and glad the once with colds and shiver are feeling better.
    Love and cuddles Maria Xxx

  21. Good afternoon everyone, I NEED a cuppa.
    We have had a great day out. John got his hair cut, what a difference. He wears his hair very short so when it grows a "little" it just looks a mess.
    I got my glasses fixed ... the left lense fell out last night. That's the third time that has happened in the past couple of months. When you think what we pay for glasses and that's what you get. I told them I was not impressed, you know something, they were really not that interested.
    It is a wonderful day here, we took a scenic route home. All the routes round here are scenic but we took a different way home and the views were absolutely stunning. The colours are amazing, so beautiful it was lovely. Makes me realises how lucky I am to be surrounded by such beauty.
    Right cuppa finished, off to bring in the washing. Will see what it is like for ironing and get that done if I can.
    I will try to get round to going back up to see what you have all been up to. xxx

  22. Oops! Mixed Pat and Sue up once again! So sorry! Xxx

    1. MYRA:- your forgiven .... hope thats not old age creeping in!! xxx

    2. It's something anyway! Xxx

  23. Afternoon/evening ladies,

    Well my quiet day didn't go as planned, my surgery had left a message yesterday afternoon to let me know my flu jab is available and that they had changed my time from 10.40-11.20. Friend Judy called to say she was popping up for a cuppa so she came with me. I did tell the nurse about my tummy upset and that I thought I had sinusitis which she agreed with and said that didn't matter as the jab was going into my system not my nose or tum. They have to order especially for me, until last week I was the only patient who needed the egg-free jab now there is a new patient. And this year the NHS is doing single jabs for us not batches. It was costing them too much in wasted vaccinations to have to throw the whole vial out if only one or two were needed. No wonder there is not much money left if they waste like that!

    We then did a spot of Christmas shopping, had lunch out and went back to the car passing the Works. Ladies, there are 12x12 pads of the most loveliest 250gsm cardstock, wonderful for boxes, bags or card blanks @ £4 per pad. . Also smaller 6x6 paper pads, I think they were £1 or so. Then we drove home for a cuppa, by which time I was struggling to keep my eyes open so spent the afternoon on the settee dozing between playing TV catch-up.

    I'm off now for some honeyed toast for tea.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, if that card stock,is like the last lot it's fab, and is great to work with I know where I will be going FRIDAY . Thanks for that. You just take it easy, your right the NHS wastes so much, look when they made up two lots of my prescription they told me if I didnt take both lots one would be binned, a months worth of steriods that if you think I take at the moment 15mgs a day. That's a lot of tablets, it's sinfull to be so wasteful if we were paying like you do at the vets I hate to think of the costs?? Needless to say I took them home. Hope you sleep ok. Xxx

  24. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I must be getting better I knew it was a card of yours today I recognise your style now it is beautiful you have such talent lovely xx
    Hope you have had good day with Pat & Sue I wonder what you mean by only 9 days Sue I cannot guess!
    Pleased to hear Maureen & Cheryl are feeling better. Diane hope Emma enjoys her birthday.
    Maria hope you can get into bed tonight.
    Brenda sorry to hear about friends husband hope he is recovering.
    Miserable day here as well done some cooking now time for tea so will send hugs tto all who need them love Margaret xx

  25. I'm gadding again! You may have two hours peace!! Xxx

  26. Hi Sandra
    Such a stunning card today. Mind you it's looks even better in the flesh so to speak.
    Myra I get called lots of names but never Sue. It's better than something's I get called, usually Womble because according to Pete I look like one. That in my book means I'm fat, I waddle and pick up rubbish.
    Brenda I'm so sorry to hear your friends Hubby had a fall.hope he feels better soon.
    Saba did two lots of ironing, whatever next. I usually do my ironing in stages as well. Usually because I have so much to do.
    I'm not to sure how many days we have to go to the retreat, someone mentioned 9 days. My doesn't time fly.
    Had a lovely day with Sandra and Sue today got lots of cards made, no not really but did a lot of talking.
    Hugs to all in need of one today. Keep wrapped up all the who aren't feeling well.

    1. Sorry Pat !! I don't know why I do that! It's old age I think! Xxx

  27. Well folks I have to say goodnight. I know it's early, I am off to be busy.
    I have to finish off the cards for the Old Lady in the village. John will hand them in when goes for the paper in the morning.
    I will be going to bed early, I am up early tomorrow. Meeting Hazel in Perth, we are off to Glasgow to the Hobbycraft Show. We are hoping to have a "first time" meet up with Anne (Crawford) at lunch time and have a chat.
    I will try to get in tomorrow morning before I go. If not I might just have enough energy to pop in when I get in the evening.
    Be good and NO nonsense while we are away. xxx

    1. Oh I wish I was going. Give my love to Anne. xxxx
      Night, night.

    2. Give my love to Anne too! Have a lovely time! Safe travel. Xxx

  28. Lord, I'm going to have to stop reading all the comments, War and Peace wouldn't take so long!!!!
    I'm still feeling canny, and decided to go into school this afternoon. George was not happy as I'd been in bed since Saturday tea time, but I hate letting them down and all I did was sort and file papers. The children were in the Forest School making Clay figurines. I was asked if I would like to join them but I've been ill - not delirious - as they were going to dig the clay from the "swamp" and four or five of them have a tendency to be free with their hands, and wipe them on any unsuspecting person, I declined ha ha.
    I've got to admit that I was glad to get home. We break up for Blackberry Week on Friday. Of course, nowadays it's labelled half term. That means, hopefully, I'll have a few days to decide what I'm taking to the Retreat. Well to decide what I can manage. Of course, somewhere in that week, I will be going out with my girls. The three of them, Rachel, Eleanor and Zoe. Peter and George will be too busy to go gallivanting!
    Jess, I hope you and your friends enjoyed yourselves at the Garden Centre and didn't buy too many Christmas things.
    Myra, I've make a note "Have a Memory Test", but I'm blowed if I can remember why I wrote it ha ha. Oh yes, calling Pat - Sue!!! Mind you, that's better than George calling me Mam, Pat, Terry before Maureen.
    Saba, It must be so difficult to know what to pack to home over here. Just pack warm things, although I hate to tell everyone that it's been a lovely, warm day here today. When I went out after lunch to school, the warmth hit me and I had to change my coat.
    Where's Myra gone now. Ooh maybe Alastair told her he was taking her out, and has gone to the tip. ha ha.
    Maria, I very rarely wash my curtains. We'll have to have a little talk about this at the Retreat. I'll try to remember!!!!
    Margaret C - Baking and a Christmas Card, what a multi-talented woman you are!!!!!
    Cheryl, thanks for the tip about the Works. I may not get there until Saturday, but I'll certainly have a look.
    I'm away to make a couple of cards --- correction, I'm away to try to make a couple of cards.
    See you later - I mean in a couple of hours - not 9 days!!!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I am not in the Tip! Hope you aren't too disappointed! Xxx
      Whatever were you doing going into school? You are incorrigible!!
      I made one Christmas card this afternoon and painted clothes pegs! Xxx

  29. Good evening ladies,
    Packing is now finished, just a couple of things to put in tomorrow just before I leave. I don't think I will have time to come in in the morning but I will try, all depends on how quickly I can get myself ready. I don't fly until 10 but will need to leave home at about 8.
    I see Myra is out gadding again, she is never at home.
    Muriel so glad you felt up to going into school today, have fun with your girls next week.
    Patricia, Hazel and Anne have a fabulous meet up, can't wait to hear all about it.
    Brenda, hope your friends husband is on the mend.
    Cheryl thanks for the tip about the works, I will try and get into the one near Joanne.
    Maria what on earth are you washing your curtains at this time of year, it's not spring you know!
    Jess hope you had fun at the garden centre, it's lovely to see how they decorate their trees for Christmas.
    Margaret, very well done, the first one is always the hardest.
    Janet my dearest dear friend, I have packed my ballet shoes to make sure I stay up on my toes just in case you cyberspace into the retreat.
    Did somebody mention how long it is now? Oh yes it was Sue, or was it Pat, must ask Myra, she'll know!!
    Right I am going to warm up my Margaret bag, get comfy and try to remember what I might have forgotten to pack.

    1. It's not nice to mock the elderly you know! You'll be old yourself one day! Safe travel tomorrow, my dear! Let me know you've landed safely if you have a minute! See you very soon! Xxx

  30. Hiya. good night Patricia .Wishing you have a fantastic day together with Anne and Hazel tomorrow and have fun at the craft fair.
    Now I want to go to the Works and get some of their papers. They are lovely and nice colours and patterns usually. My friend with a car have moved away so it will be OH to take me so I better be good for a few days hihi. I have been sorting out my craft stuff all afternoon and put some things together I don't want anymore, I hope it is alright if I take them with me ? Managed to get it all off the bed onto the floor, a bit like a assault course to get into bed, Luckily I am so supple.....
    Sound like everyone have had a good day. I am going to watch some Holby and Casualty I have recorded so I am saying 'God natt, sov gott' to you all and see you tomorrow, huge hug Xxx

    1. Night Night Maria! Glad you managed to clear your bed! Don't want you sleeping in the bath! God Bless xxx

  31. Saba, safe journey home. See you in 9 days!!!!!
    Good night lovely supple Maria. You'll be doing the splits next!!!!
    Goodnight everyone, I'm tired and don't intend to do anything tomorrow.
    Sweet dreams and God Bless

  32. Replies
    1. Night Night Happy One! I'm happy too. I'm happy because you are feeling better and it's 9 days , you know !! Can't remember who said it? Xxxx

  33. Hello everyone, just popped in to say I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow Patricia, Hazel and Anne at the craft show, I'm at my friends craft shop again tomorrow, hence the reason I couldn't go as well, anyway I can get most of the things I need there at good prices.
    Time for supper, so will see you all tomorrow (then it will be 8 days!!!) xxx

  34. Hiya where has my day gone,it's been a busy day although it's been raining heavy all day after a sunny day yesterday. Housework,ironing this morning the friend turned up for lunch.After she went hope I went in my craft room I had a tidy up first then I made two cards & one partly made all Chistmas one's.
    SANDRA I love your card the colours are gorgeous WOW. Glad you had a good day with Pat & Sue. SANDRA how you getting on with your new machine are you pleased with it. Oh yes how are you my lovely after falling how is your hand & knees hope the bruises are clearing up.
    PATRICIA & Hazel enjoy the craft fair & then your meet up with ANNE tomorrow please take some pictures.
    MAUREEN pleased your better
    .CHERYL glad you & Judy had a nice day Christmas shopping after your flu jab I have got mine next month. Thank you for telling us about the works the papers sound lovely must go & have a look if they have them in my works.
    How long now have you got untill your retreat is it 9 weeks or there abouts haha.
    Sounds like your all packing & unpacking & packing again how many of you will will forget something haha. MARIA did you enjoy watching Holby & Casualty good night Supple lady
    Good night everyone God Bless xxxx

  35. Sorry that should be 9 days not weeks xx

    1. It's ok Lynda ! I think Sue mentioned it earlier!
      Missed you - where have you been hiding! Xxx

  36. Just up to bed and thought I'd have a quick pop in, thank you girls, Maria, Myra, Jess, Maureen and all the others, I'm so looking forward to meeting Patricia and Hazel tomorrow, should be fun , nite nite xoxo

  37. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another busy day - daughter phoned and asked to borrow a Pashmina, she started by saying what colours have you got mum? As we are going to house sit (boys are to old for babysitting!!!!!) at the weekend, I said I will bring what I have got. Because she hasn't decided yet what to ware.Well I couldn't find one of them, the next few hours were spent sorting two sets of drawers. I now had a great pile of jeans and trousers to go to the charity shop (they are all to big -honest) and six drawers almost empty. Oh Yes I found the pashmina it was in the drawer it was supposed to be in!!!!!! That took up the whole morning. After lunch we were off to daughters (the other one) to look after children. Two senior schools had meetings at almost the same time. But opposite ends of the borough (about half an hours drive - on a good day) So daughter went to grandsons school and SIL went to granddaughters.........We are home now, not sure where the day has gone !!!!!

    SANDRA, Your card is absolutely stunning, AND you have used my favourite blue card. I love the White embossing you have used to create the background, I really think you would be a brilliant addition to any design team.

    Well lovely friends I will say goodnight God bless.
    Love Brenda xxx

  38. Another busy day and went go the Flower Club tonight. Lovely evening. Time for bed now. Already in Pj's. Just need my Hot Chocolate. Night all.

  39. Well looks as though I'm the last one in tonight, had flu jab, arm a bit sore,alright otherwise.
    Very busy working today, hoods with 90cm zips which I dislike doing.
    Glad to hear those ladies that were unwell are now on the mend.
    You all sound so excited about 9days, hope you manage to sleep.
    Of to bed now, hope the tea on the bed base has dried.
    Good night my friends.Lil

    1. Just had to pop in for a hot chocolate before going to bed ,trying to sleep. Mr Sandman seem to have missed me, again . See you later xxx
