
Tuesday 20 October 2015

Triple Flip Tuesday!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am excited to share with you another card made with the Spellbinders Triple Flip Die,
I think it's great to see different cards made with the same die, its amazing how different it looks.
Today's fantastic Flip card has been created by Janet, I love the shades of lilac's that Janet has used
the tones all work so well together, the top layer central square has been decorated with the Creative Expressions Times Square, Center Die, and a tiny bunch of flowers, trimmed with a pretty lilac ribbon, the middle layer has a beautiful 'Happy Birthday' die cut inside a pretty square, Janet will have to let us know all about this middle layers dies!  The centre of the card has the centre die from Creative Expressions New York, 'Union Square' die, topped with a little butterfly.
The decorative papers on the edges of the die look almost like ribbon, it is so pretty and trimmed perfectly with those flat back pearls.
Thank you Janet for sharing your pretty Triple Flip card with us today xxxx
If any of you have made any cards with this die, send them in and I will see if I can make an 'album' of them to keep and refer to for inspiration.

I must apologise for not being able to pop back in yesterday, my poor body was just too tired to walk this morning, just after Paul's parents left, I went to get the bottle of bleach to soak my dish cloth in and somehow ended up face to face with the hall carpet! The worst bruise I have is on the palm of my hand, around the base of my thumb, its the colour of a stormy sky!  My knees are a bit blue too!
The funny part of the story is, I usually always carry my phone in my pocket for that very reason, so after attempting to get up and couldn't I tried to ring Paul, several times in fact, after some time I decided that I was going to have to manage this situation myself, I dragged myself to my craftroom and pulled myself up onto my chair! Sat for a few minutes, Paul came in about half an hour later, and could see straight away that something had happened, his phone was on his chest of drawers, so I had been calling the house all the time!!! Men and technology, or maybe its just mine that really doesn't like mobile phones!
A gentle day on the cards for me I think,
I hope you enjoy your day,
love and hugs,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, this flip card is wonderful in those pretty lilac shades and I love your choice of die cuts on each layer with that beautiful butterfly hidden in the middle. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    The more I see of this die the more I am tempted, but I do know that I would have to get Sandra to talk me through the cutting order the first time or you can be sure I would cut the papers in the wrong order (if you know what I mean).
    Sandra, I hope the rest of your body isn't as sore as your hands and knees today my lovely. It's typical that neither you or Paul had your phones on you just when they are needed, that's always the way isn't it! I bet Paul checks to make sure he has it tucked in his pocket before going out today. No matter what I am sending you a big huggle to soothe those bruises.
    I think your idea of building up albums of cards for inspiration is a great idea, it's always good to see them all in one place.
    After the usual daily jobs yesterday I picked Phoebe up and spent the rest of the day and evening at a Beaver event, the annual Torch Trail, at a big Scout camp site near to Oxford. We had to lay the trail before everyone else arrived and we had a really lovely time looking at the beautiful colours of all of the trees and watching the squirrels leaping around.The Beaver Leaders meeting after all of the children had gone home wasn't nearly as interesting though! It was a long day and the body is letting me know that I did too much walking yesterday so another quite one for me today.
    I am off to read yesterdays comments to see what you have all been up to.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Scary prospect if you're expecting me to set up the cafe-hope someone calls in soon!

    Janet- wow, your card is beautiful. You've made me want to try again with my triple flip dies, I only tried them once then put the away (like so many other dies)!!

    Sandra - thank goodness you are OK. Please take it easy today.

    Didn't manage to get back in my craft room last night as my Uncle phoned (my Mums brother) so we had a nice long chat then I sat reading. Tonight will be the desk assembly- I hope it's easy & not too heavy as I'll have to manoeuvre it up the stairs (which have 3 turns in them) and into hubby's office.

    Let's hope that's then end of my DIY skills being needed!!


    1. Take care Michele! We don't want any accidents! Hope it goes together easily. Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew.
    Oh! My! Goodness Sandra what a way to start your day. A house full of people all weekend and that happens when they leave. Take it easy we need TickeyBoo for next week.
    John takes his phone with him when he goes off on the bikes with the boys. If it rings he wonders where the "music" is coming from!!! As Thomas told him one day "Grandpa it is not music it is your phone ringing"
    JANET:- love, love, love, your stunning card. Great colours and that Die makes a fantastic card. Mine is still in its sealed packet. I really must have a go using it.
    Things all set up for the day, lots of goodies plus some of Margarets wonderful Rolls. She was making them yesterday, did you smell that wonderful smell when you passed the door???
    I will be busy today I have been asked to make 12 C Cards plus a box to put them in. It is for the old Lady in the village, she has not been too good these past few weeks. Her neighbour phoned me to ask if I could make the cards. The old lady will not manage out soon and is worrying about her C Cards. Will make the 12 and Box her neighbour asked for, plus I will do some for her from me as well.
    Have taken my Tea & Toast over to the corner table, will have that and do some people watching.
    Right I hear my washing machine doing its last spin. Will get the load of washing out, it's dry here so far. Still very dark but dry, at the moment so will take advantage of that.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual, please help yourself. See you all later, I hope!! Might be buried under card, paper, Die cuts and ribbon for a while. xxx

    1. Make sure you leave an air hole Patricia!! That's a lot of work! Xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra, and Friends, looks as though it's going to be the last fine days we've been having.
    Oh Sandra you poor thing, make sure to have a gentle day today and arnica is good for bruises.
    Janet love your card, I do not have this die but it looks really good, love all the pretty layers.
    Great idea about keeping similar cards together.
    I know I'm a technophobe, but how do I find Your email Sandra should I want to
    send a picture to you, sorry if this is a stupid question.
    Have a good day everyone. Lil

    1. Hi Lillian. It's not a stupid question at all. I'm like you, not knowing lots of things about computers etc. so I'm sorry that I can't help you but I know Sandra and the rest of us would be delighted to get any pictures from you so hopefully one of the other ladies will be able to help you. Take care x

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra I know it's Halloween when we are away next week but we aren't dressing up in costumes so no need for you trying to out do us on the make up side of things. With those bruises just being a lovely shade. So please take care. Diane has just got rid of her bruises. I hope you rubbed in the arnica and took the tablets!!! I think not only do you need to keep your phone in your pocket you need to keep the arnica in there too.
    Janet, your flip card is gorgeous, I love the colours and everything about it. Sue I am with you I would be lost trying to do one of these. I am ok working out most things, but I feel I will be getting instruction from Patricia over a cup of tea with this one.
    Now I am hoping that the sore throat I have woken up with this morning is due to me going through all my boxes of card and paper and it's the fibres from them that caused this, I can't be round when wallpaper is being stripped or plaster board is being cut. so its lots of drinks and paracetamol for me today. The task I am doing today does not involve paper or card so I will be ok. Just got to get the last of the storage drawers filled and out to the shed. Then I will get tidied up. Only thing about doing this again it reminds me when I see a pretty baby towel, blanket or even products I DO NOT NEED TO BUY!!! It's like when you know you have enough card but you see a pretty colour of it and end up buying it.
    Maureen and Cheryl I hope you are feeling a bit brighter today.
    Saba, am I right and your plumber is calling today? Well we will hope he turns up.
    Myra, I read back on last nights comments and see The little Madam is back to being a little daring again, which goes to show that the little scare of her and the others thinking you weren't coming back let's them see how much they get out of you doing these things with them? Ok you didn't plan it that way.
    I am off to have my tea and toast, think I might have to remind that sister of mine to watch her wrist while making those cards. xxx

    1. Don't you overdo it either , young lady!! Hope you see a clear path very soon!! Xxx

    2. 14 drawers sorted and out in the units in the shed. Now the task of cleaning up. I have to empty my ikea unit that has these deep cube boxes? I need to put the towels I use in the ladies baskets in so I need them at hand and not up stairs in the landing cupboard. So a little shift round required to do that. When I am going to get time to do other things??? I need a cup of tea and something sweet. Now have I said about Charlie buying 3 shelves and only to were getting used - well I think I might have to let him think that the shelve would be handy in the room??? You have to let them think they have thought about it, it gets done quicker. Just like Tammy telling Derek she would help by making up the drawers for Andwers new unit. In a flash they were made by Derek. He was starting to say things like " that's saturdays Job" oh men we know how they tick!!! Oh that tea and cake was lovely. Oh Charlie is on the phone again in battle with BT again. He has been on this problem for ages, even going to an outside body, but you have to keep going over things every time someone else comes on? Funny how the one you spoke to before is off or on holiday. We have the same with the town planners over the houses going to be built over the road. So I have been told the house phone is off limits just now. Oh such fun??? Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Sandra what a thing to happen, so glad you are ok though, please take it easy today, We had a phone call last night to say Nic had had a fall, has grazed her cheek and back of her hand, she is ok though, popped up to see her, she's not very steady when walking outside.
    Janet I love the colours you have chosen for your card, this die is smashing, looks harder than it is, has the wow factor, just love it.
    Well I'm going to do the garden today as the weather looks to change tomorrow, turning wet and windy it says.
    Hope everyone us feeling better today, will pop back later,
    Smells lovely in the cafe today,
    Hugs in the basket as usual

    1. Jean, poor Nic, she will have some lovely bruises too. Lots of cuddles I think, it's good you can get to her at times like this. xxx

    2. JEAN:- a few (((((hugs))))) for both of you.
      Poor Nic, at least you were able to go and make sure she was actually OK. xxx

    3. Hi Jean. I hope that Nic is not feeling too sore today. Seeing you will have helped soothe her no doubt. Take care x

  7. Hi Sandra
    My word you did have a traumatic day yesterday. You and the floor seem to be great friends as you keep wanting to lie down on it, and not in a good way.
    I do hope your feeling a bit brighter this morning even if you are a bit battered and bruised.
    Janet I just love the triple flip card you've made. The colours are my favourite though. have you cut it out in white and then covered it in paper I wonder.
    Well I'm off to school a bit later, to see if anyone has done any reading, well 4 year olds can't read but to see if they've done any sounding out with their parents. I wish parents grasped the fact that they need to help as well. Teachers can't do it all there selves. Will come back and look at all the comments later.

    1. Pat, this is where I think wee ones shouldnt start school till they are 6. Full time Nusery before that where they can expanded on things like sounds and talking about what a picture shows and they can tell what they think it's about. So when they start to read it kind of all comes together. Yes parents have to help too. Have fun. Xxx

    2. Now Pat don't you know- parents are there to spoil their little darlings and take them on holiday during term time - why should they do reading sounds spellings homework or times table with them! That's what teachers are paid for, after all yhey have so much holiday each year and only work until 3.30 after all!!!!!!! Grrrrr it makes my blood boil when parents say that! I had a mum who's son was very poorly but knew how to play the I'm tired game if there was something he didn't want to do - she used to tell us he was at school for fun and the social side not to learn! Try telling Ofsted that! Right soapbox back in the corner and lie down in a darkened room! Enjoy your reading and sound making xxxx

    3. Hi Pat. I agree with Hazel, under 6's shouldn't be in formal school. You only have to look at exam results at school leaving age in places like Sweden etc. to see that their way works so much better than ours. We try to teach far too much far too young so the basics are skipped over. You can't build a house without strong foundations and education is just the same. Ooops, I'm off the soap box now! Take care and see you later xx

  8. Good morning ladies,
    Janet, your card is beautiful. I still haven't taken mine out of the packaging. Why do we do this, buy things and then not use them?
    Sandra, that is not good. Take it easy today, and I hope the painkillers soon kick in. Well, maybe not kick!!!!
    Jean, I hope Nic recovers soon. It must be such a worry when you are not there all the time.
    Patricia, can I please put in an order for 60 cards please, there's no hurry. Tomorrow will do!!! You are very good to your neighbour. What's this about a sore wrist, don't strain it.
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling better today, take it easy.
    Mmmmmm what's that I can smell, is Margaret C baking or making jam again??
    Well, that's me for the moment. I may be in later, but not sure.
    Love to all
    Muriel xxx

    1. P.s Pat, I agree with you about parents not helping. xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- you sound a bit more like your cheeky self today .... that's more like you!!!
      I have a problem with that Mr Arthur Itis in my left wrist. I causes problems when I do lots of Die Cutting. I do have a "brace" for it which helps. I have been doing lots of Die cutting so of course it plays up. (It's old age as well) That's where a decent Electric Die Cutting Machine would be a bonus. No worries there are lots in the world who suffer badly, mine is absolutely nothing in comparison Bl...y sore at times but hey! Ho! the sun is shining, the sky is blue, I hope it is the same for you!!! Hope the sun is shining for you all today. I am off to be very busy!!! If I don't emerge from under the Card, Paper, Ribbon & Pearls .... Send for the Fire Briagade. Oh! no don't do that the report would get to John Jnr and he would NOT be a happy bunny!!! xxx

    3. Maureen, like Patricia says you sound more yourself today. Still take it easy. xxx

    4. Maureen you sound better today, that's good but don't go overdoing it. Xxxxx

    5. Hi Maureen. Please keep taking good care of yourself, glad to see you are getting better though . Take care x

  9. Good Morning all
    Janet your card is lovely, I am intrigued by the border on the sentiment layer. It looks like you may have stamped the background paper and used the noble square as a template. Do let us know. Love how you have added a pearl border.
    Hope you have now settled down to French life again.
    If anyone needs a tutorial on the triple flip have a look at:-
    Christina from flowersribbonsandpearls.blogspot on 26th May. She has done a brilliant tutorial and a video to go with it.
    Sandra, you really should take more water with it. I was a bit confused as to whether you fell yesterday or this morning, but either way hope you feel better soon. Wonder what colour your bruises will be next week when we meet up. Saffron yellow maybe!!
    Hazel you were right, Plummer coming today. I have phoned and checked this morning. Sorry to hear you are suffering this morning, I do hope you are not coming down with a cold. A sore throat is bad enough though. Look after yourself today.
    Cheryl and Maureen hope you are both feeling a bit better too today.
    Sue, sorry you are in pain after your Beavers evening, hope you can spend today quietly and rest.
    Right ladies must go, Heide is coming for lunch and of course I need to do some cleaning for the Plummer! Oh just remembered best turn the gas fire off so he doesn't burn his fingers.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba. You are not having much luck with tradesmen at the moment are you! I hope you had a nice time with Heide. Take care x

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet your card is stunning, I love how these dies work.
    Oh dear Sandra, what are we going to do with you. Hope your bruises are a lot better today,
    Sorry for the short comment just now, I am off to my friends craft shop to cover while she takes her class, will pop back when I get home and will read all the commemts then, take care meantime xxx

  11. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today
    SANDRA - what are you doing to yourself. Your floor really doesn't need such a close up inspection and if it did and I'm saying IT DOES NOT then get someone else to do it. SERIOUSLY THOUGH I hope you've not done any serious damage to yourself. We all do it though don't we OUR MOBILE PHONES ARE FOR EMERGENCIES and where are they when needed NOT WITH US OR IN SOME CASES TURNED OFF.

    My triple flip offering is made with the dies Sandra has explained and the middle section die is a Tattered Lace sentiment and one of the very few of theirs I have. The papers used are from Creative Expressions, Phil Martin's Decadent Damask Sentimentally Yours 8x8 pad.
    I have covered all the outer edges with vellum and the pearls are from my stash. I always like to use pearls as a finishing touch somewhere on my cards and so am never without them.

    We have sunshine again today but still cold. I also have one poorly Jim sat by the logburner. He has really caught a strong cold and has been up more than half the night coughing etc. So we are indoors for the day. At least I have managed to finish my Granddaughter's birthday cards along with her partner's whose birthday is 3 days before hers so I feel a well one pat on the back is called for at some time today when J can reach my back. hehehe
    Hugs are on their way and I'll look in later to see what's happening.
    xxxx Sandra I love the idea of filing certain styles of cards for inspiration. If anyone wants any triple flip bases I'm more than willing to cut and send just let me know of any colours preferred.

    1. Hi Janet. Sending you a pat on the back on getting those cards done and also a get better soon wish to Jim. Take care x

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh Sandra I hope you are ok, it really shakes you up when you have a fall doesn't it besides the bumps and bruises. Now honestly I'm not playing a game of pass the bruise - we shall have to have a colour chart of bruises at this rate - I'm just off to look up stormy skies! Take card today and rest as much as you can xxxx
    Janet your card is beautiful, I now understand the card so it makes sense to me! Love the colours you have used and such pretty flowers. I hope your lovely husband feels better soon, it's man flu of course not a cold! Xxxxx
    I must get a wriggle on I'm being so lazy today. I need some eggs so I've decided to walk to the village and get some from the green grocer rather than getting in the car and whizzing to Sainsburys - very righteous. If I'm not careful I will leave the house at the same time as a lady walks her dog, lovely lady but she talks for England and I will gave the same conversation as yesterday while her poor dog whines as he wants to have his walk! I will see you all later xxxxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Hello everyone who calls in today!
    I started off leaving comments and then got a visitor so I had to stop and have a coffee!
    Sandra - goodness gracious me - it's a wonder you didn't injure your wrist falling like that , particularly when you have a bruised hand! What are we going to do with you? Hope you aren't too sore! Have you had any further news about Paul going away or not . I thought that was to be in October. However I'm always getting things wrong.
    Janet - what a lovely card! I'm afraid I have this die but have only actually made one card with it! I need to make some more! I like the papers you have used and all your dies work so well together. I like pearls too. Thank you for sharing your lovely card.
    Well it's the dentist this afternoon - just the six monthly check up! Still don't like going but it has to be done!
    Take care everyone,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Good luck at the dentist Myra my you are going to great lengths to look your best next weekend! xxx

    2. Just hope she doesn't take all my teeth out, Margaret! Ha ha!
      Now that would be a pretty sight! Xxx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Oh we have some lovely sunshine today so the washing is out getting that lovely fresh air smell that you never get with the tumbler dryer. I have just got in from the hairdressers so will have to get a move on as someone is asking for his lunch!
    Janet your card so very lovely indeed I love the colour you have chosen I have this die but only tried it once so I must give myself a shake and use it to it's full potential.
    Sandra do take care and use the arnica, I thought I was the expert in falls, the main thing is you did not break anything!
    Hazel please do keep taking the pills and take things easy you have an important date coming up and need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed remember.
    Maureen you do sound more like your self thank goodness today.
    Cheryl hope you are feeling better today.
    Myra so pleased miss bossy boots is towing the line and seen the error of her ways!
    Well the corgis have had their walk and their walker is now getting desperate for lunch so must go and feed him.
    Take care everyone have a good day I have five pairs of school trousers to alter so have a busy day ahead, regret to say Maureen no baking today!
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET:- No Baking that must be a first. Think you have enough to do with all those trousers though. Hope you have had a good day even if it was busy. Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and everyone in here today.
    Careful Sandra! glad you didn't break anything. Typical they all gone out when you had your fall too and Paul left his mobile behind. I like the 'stormy sky' but I guess you might be 'mustard' when we see eachother next week. Gentle hugs!
    Janet- oh your card is gorgeous and so pretty colour paper. You who have this die do come up with some lovely cards. Sending well wishes to Jim and hope he feeling better soon.
    Michele- take care lifting that desk up so you not have a fall too. A bit tricky when the staircases are turning and the steps are smaller on one side. So many times I have skidded down them in a hurry but touch wood, no breakish ,yet.
    Hope all went well at the Dentist Myra, when are they ready to be picked up ?
    Hazel- sore throat, not funny. I have had mine now in 7 weeks ! Doctor this morning told me to take the 'Omeprazole' again and see if that help my throat and stay off the fags and whiskey !
    Maureen- good to see you up and about just take it easy and don't overdo things, look who's talking....
    Saba- have a nice day with Heide and enjoy some girlie time.
    Had a look at yesterday's cards and oh wow , I Love them Anne. The images are sooo funny and great for the men. Thanks for sharing them all with us.
    I had my SIL here yesterday and they came pretty early. A cup of tea first and then we went up to Bletchley Park, the enigma machine and a few huts to go through where recordings told you about the history of the 'wrens' etc. during the war. We and SIL O/H was alright but my SIL didn't really enjoy the day, not even the scone and coffee. Had dinner at Belle Italia so that went down better, we like our food so she was happier in the evening. They left at about 8pm and by then I was ready for bed. It's a lot of effort to keep everything so and so and that can make you feel exhausted so I hope you take it easy and rest up after your visitors Sandra and Sue after your day with the Beavers. This morning I had the doctors, see above tihi, and then I popped in to 'the Range' but not much there so will have to go on-line to get a few things I'm running short of. Dunel'm for a lookie and then shopping. The sun is showing it's present so going out in the garden for some D-vitamins and prep the borders for winter, just a little bit. Wait for son off work one day, then he can do some digging, fingers crossed. Hope to see you again tonight,
    Love and hugs to all Maria xxx

  16. hi everyone, gosh it takes awhile to reach the end of the comments. I had a busy day at my friends craft shop as she took her class, I must take some photos of the cards we make to let you see her brilliant ideas.
    Everyone has had a really busy day here today, so have a nice relaxing evening.
    Will pop back later, take care, xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what can I say, I do hope you are feeling easier & have had a quiet day. I always carry my phone with me have done since having my hips done when I went to fetch Alan from hospital when I got there I found that I did not have it I dread to think what I would have done if I had needed it on motorway luckily he had his for the return journey, hugs on way to you.
    Janet your card is lovely I keep saying this but you are all so talented.
    Sorry you are sore today Sue I bet Phoebe enjoyed it.
    I hope all suffering from colds etc feel better soon hugs on way love Margaret xx

  18. Just thought I'd pop in quickly just to reassure you all that I still have my teeth!! I know you will all have been worrying! See you later! Xxx

  19. Good evening. Oh I am in a way sorry I started my spare room/ craft room sort out I am nearly there but I have to say it's not easy work. I have been very good and have got rid of loads, but why don't I check stock before I buy more. I have found enough things that I bought last year to use for Christmas gifts that can be used this year. I know it's early but I am away to have shower and get my pjs on. Thankfully I think I was right my sore throat is because of the card/paper dust, as I feel ok otherwise, just tired, had to get as much done that would need rubbish in the bin as it goes out tomorrow. Myra glad the dentist left your teeth in. Yes Jess I for one would love to see them. Right off to get my shower. Xxx

  20. Good evening my little sweethearts !
    I have a HUGE thank you to say to Patricia, thank you my lovely for taking over blog administration for me for the past couple of days, I was totally wiped out by
    My unexpected visitors and my fall!
    Thankfully I could just update the lovely Patricia on what I wanted mentioned and she did the rest!
    Thank you to all of you too for your get well messages, you really do know how to lift a girls spirits, I am so thankful everyday that I am surrounded by such wonderful friends!
    Just think this time next week we will be 3 days away from meeting up and spending the weekend laughing and having fun, I really can't wait!
    Must remember to put Tena's on the shoping list this week, poor paul, the things that man has to buy, would make some men fun for the hills, he even had to get the girls foundation for them last week! Hahah!
    Anyway, I had just finished my dinner, so I thought that while I was still awake I would pop on and let you all know how much I love and appreciate you all!
    Love and great big huggles
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. SANDRA :- your more than welcome, we need you fit and well for next week.
      MAUREEN :- we also need you fit a well so be good and keep taking the Pills!!!
      MYRA: Glad you still have all your teeth we need BIG smiles next week.
      Got my 12 cards put together, need to put the inserts in, finish off bits and pieces also make a Box. Might do that later ... might not, we will see.
      If I go do my cards I might not manage back, but I will still be looking in!!

    2. Hi Sandra. It so good to have you back and feeling better. We should wrap you up in cotton wool so that you are 100% for your 1st Retreat. Thank you for giving us all so much pleasure every day my lovely, you are a very special lady : )
      A few weeks ago while in Superdrug Gem and I were approached by a lovely gentleman who asked if we would help him. He explained that his wife is often unable to get out to the shops so she gives him her (detailed) list and after a few weeks of not being able to find certain items on it now he simply asks a friendly looking lady shopper to help him find "all of those strange lady things that us men don't know about". The "strange lady things" that we had to find were face wipes, cotton wool pads and emery boards, bless him : ) Take care xx

  21. Good evening ladies, sorry I'm so late but I did put a comment in after our friends left, before lunchtime , and it wouldn't publish, then our daughter had organised lunch and a walk and we are just back in.
    Sandra I had asked you to take care of yourself for next weekend but I see you are now feeling better, so that's good!
    Janet, your card is delightful and sooo interesting, I have seen this die used on the blog before but have never actually understood how it works? Anyway the colour and papers used are really lovely and I love the little butterfly, thanks for sharing xo.
    Myra ,I'm so happy to hear you still have your teeth, can you imagine being a gummy? Lol! xo.
    Hope this publishes this time.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. I'm so pleased you are all pleased about my teeth! I just knew you would be! May I just say you're not half so thrilled as I am! I'm forever losing my specs! Teeth would be a nightmare!!
      Thanks for the gummy picture Anne! That would have been no more lamb chops! ( only said that to wind Patricia up! Ha ha! )
      I'll be like the Cheshire Cat next week only from Lancashire! Xxx

    2. Anne, glad you had a nice day today,just don't expect the same when you meet Hazel and Patricia (quick run for the hills Maureen) xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- if you were not ill, I would be "dealing" with you!!

    4. Let's wait until next weekend, Patricia! Xxxx

    5. That's just because you know I have a bad memory and will have forgotten!! Going to write it in my Diary, hope I remember to bring it with me!!! xxx

    6. Thanks for the info Hazel, green is my favourite colour and I'll likely be wearing a dark green blouse and cream patterned trousers , unless it's really wet or cold and that might change, lol!
      I think I'll recognise Patricia as she said she is quite tall and I have seen her photo of you both xo
      By jings, Maureen is back on form tonight, Myra will be made up to have her partner in crime back in action , and so am I , I love reading their patter.xo

    7. I have several partners in crime methinks! Still it's all good fun! Xxx

  22. Anne, glad you enjoyed your lunch and walk. It's been a lovely day here so I hope edinburgh was the same. We will see you Thursday according to Patricia she will be wearing a mossy/lime green cardigan so you might along with her photo that's on here you will recognise her. Xxx

  23. Well I for one did not fancy chewing Myra's food for her before she ate it, (the Eskimos used to do that - or Inuit if you want to be pedantic!!!) for the old people (tin hat please).
    Good on you Patricia, you've worked hard today.
    Hazel, just think how much easier it will be for you with your craft room all sorted.
    Margaret C, I'm disappointed today, I was expecting a food parcel ha ha.
    Ooh Jess, I'd love to see photos of the cards.
    Oh Maria, I just wish I had posted that comment about Myra, why didn't I think of that!!! ha ha ha. We loved Bletchley Park when we visited a few years ago, it was fascinating, so much so that we spend a whole day there.
    Look after yourself and make sure you are well. Sandra has your name down for the first cabaret slot at the Retreat!!!!
    Michele, take it easy with furniture removal, we want no accidents, although I would imagine you'd know what to do.
    Margaret P, I have the cheapest most basic phone ever, but I wouldn't leave the house without it, in case of emergency.
    Dainty, did you walk for your eggs, or chicken out!! ha ha - and go to the Super in the car.
    Right, I'm away to brush up my act for the Retreat. I think I'll play the spoons.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Ooh! Who do we have here!
      Nice to see you - to see you Nice!!
      Make it wooden spoons they won't be quite so noisy!
      I'm going to see what Maria has written - watch it Maria!! Xxx

    2. Hey!! nobody told me we had to do a "turn" at the Retreat. I will not be able to sleep for a week ... I can't sing, dance, tell tales, recite poetry, oh! my! word! Wonder if Hazel and I could do a Double Act.
      Off to ask her!!! xxx

    3. MARIA - they are all mine , just like my wrinkles!
      Jess - I would like to see the cards too! Xxx
      Muriel - it won't be necessary to chew my food! Thank you so much - you are soooo kind! Xxx

    4. Patricia - what about gurning!! Hard hat!! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- I could do that no problem ... all I need is to see and smell Butter!!! Make any kind of face then, I hate the stuff!! xxx

    6. I knew you didn't like it but didn't realise you hated it that much! Xxx

    7. Oh she can smell and taste if someone has used the knife they had spread butter on something then used it to cut her bread. It's that bad. She can't have scrambled eggs if butter has been added!!!

    8. When we are away I have John or Hazel as my taster for the Scrambled Eggs xxx

    9. I can tell if Alastair stirs my tea with a spoon that's been in his tea with milk! Ugh! I hate tea with milk in it! Mind you I have it very weak as well! Xxx

    10. Snap Myra, I am the same I have to pour it away can't drink it. Like you the weaker the better. X

    11. We won't need many teabags then Hazel! Xxx

    12. One between the three of us comes to mind! Xxx

    13. Good job I'm not comming then with my builders tea,up our cafe' in the park she gives me two tea bags so there. Haha xxx

    14. Oh Maureen that made me laugh - I like a good pun. I was good and walked to the village, didn't have a coat on either it was that warm! I had to chuckle, young chap in the green grocers asked me if I'd bought top shelf eggs! He meant ones from the top shelf so free range - I laughed and said it sounded as though I'd bought naughty eggs! He laughed and said oh no they're the very large ones!!!! Well I wouldn't have hot that banter in Sainsburys would I! - by the way I do know the couple who own the shop quite well :) . Xxx

  24. Where is Barbara, is she cleaning for Heidi, and lunching with the plumber? xx

    1. I hope neither Heide or the plumber made a mess! She's only got tomorrow left to clear it up! Xxx

    2. Leave Barbara alone, she's looking out all her things for getting her flight over to the UK. She will be choosing which "evening dress" to bring.
      Actually she could be lying down .... she might have counted up how much all this is costing her. We think we are bad with the cost of Train Fares on to top of everything else.
      It will all be worth just to meet up with everyone. xxx

    3. It's getting really close now! I need to get my Tiara out of the Vault! Xxx

    4. No worries for me, I keep mine at home it's "plastic" xxx

    5. Don't tell anybody Patricia but I'm making it all up!! Shhhh! Xxx

    6. Ah! I saw that, mine has red and green "glass" rather that Rubies and Emeralds I bet you really jealous !! xxx

    7. That's not fair ! Mine's an Alice band - white plastic with felt flowers! I could put some stick pins in it! They're real glass!! Xxx

    8. But remember .... your Posh, we know yours will be the "best" Xxx

    9. Oh no! I thought I'd got rid of that title! You are in for a big shock! I might turn up with my hair in rollers! Xxx

    10. As long as they are "posh" rollers that's will be absolutely fine!! xxx

    11. I am just jealous ... I don't have enough hair to put a roller in!!! xxx

    12. Oh they will be colour coordinated like the pegs!!! Xxx

    13. Oh! Does Myra do colour co-ordinated Pegs as well?? I did not know that ..... see every day's a school day!! xxx

    14. I don't know just know you do? X

    15. I'm afraid my pegs have to match! I have lots of wooden ones which helps , however I couldn't possibly have a wooden one with a plastic coloured one! Xxx

    16. Myra that is just so weird. I've told you before, get a peg bag, put in your hand and pull out a peg. Attach said peg to washing. It will dry irrespective of what colour the peg is!!!

    17. I totally agree with you, the washing still stays in the line and that's all that matters. X

    18. I know that , silly! It doesn't look nice though when I look out at the washing! My washing has to be neat! Shirts all together. Socks all together and pairs side by side etc etc. Can't cope if it's all haphazard. Just call me daft! Xxx

    19. I knew you'd say that!
      You never disappoint me! Xxx

    20. I aim to please.
      I am sitting looking at my washing, it's airing off. I have various odd socks joined together by odd pegs. Jumpers next to shirts and knickers haphazardly intermingled between them. It will all be dry in the morning.

  25. My my You ladies do make me laugh with all of your antics. I'm having such a busy week and work is a pain too. Spent most of the afternoon at the dentists - long story that I won't bore you with.
    JANET I love your card. I especially like the sentiment and I am so intrigued by this triple flip die
    SANDRA I hope that you are not too sore Husbands! What are they like! Reminded me of when son was in hospital and OH dropped me at hairdressers for a quick trim - we didn't like being away from hosp for too long. OH was going home to pick up bits for son and as I got out of the car I asked him to make sure his mobile was switched on and he asked "why" "in case the hospital rings one of us" I shouted He soon made sure his phone was always on then - perhaps not now so much be he is an FB addict so it's usually on. But like you say we wouldn't be without them. Must go and finish a couple of cards now needed for tomorrow
    Hope to pop in tomorrow

    1. Karen - bore them with the dentist story! I did! Hope you are not in pain! Xxx

  26. Good Evening Ladies,as I have only been with you all for a short time, I have no idea what the previous comment is all about? As for me I think this is the loveist group of ladies I have known, really caring.
    Hope you all have a good evening.

    1. Lilian, it is just us getting our "finery" ready for next week!!! xxx

  27. Your organised I haven't even got things ready for this weekend? I need to think what to wear. At least we didn't you last year so I should be save with what I choose, as I can never remember what I wore the year before. Had to buy Charlie a new shirt, He has that many dress shirts, but he has put that bit of weight on and they don't fit. Thank goodness his suit ok. It's round his neck that's the problem. He couldn't do up the top button on his shirts.

  28. Helloooo lovely mad people,
    Well what can I say. The plumbers ( note the plural) turned up one hour late and asked which gas appliances were to be serviced. I pointed out their lateness and said it was only the one gas appliance and two leaky taps. Gas fire serviced, all good. Shower is now leaking worse than before they came and kitchen tap is now dripping annoyingly. The one Plummer seemed to think a bit of nut tightening would solve the problem. Well I'd like to tighten a few nuts I can tell you!! Apparently now we need new fittings for both and they can't do it for at least two weeks. I told them we would be in touch!!
    Heide and I had a lovely lunch though.
    Been a bit hectic, but the flat is now sparkling, wash basket emptied, washed and shock horror ironed!!! Can't have Peter going into work with crinkly shirts, my only concession where ironing is concerned. Tomorrow doctors appointment to discuss my latest blood results, not brilliant, I'm still attacking myself! And then the packing. I can't wait to come home.
    Myra, I've been led to believe people with no teeth can still eat apples! How clever is that.

    1. SABA:- I was on my way out of the Blog, I must get these cards finished. However I just had to read ..... you are definitely NOT having any luck with these workmen are you. Just said "everyday is a school day" learnt something else. People without teeth can eat apples well I never knew that. I have a full set and still can't bite into an apple. The full set actually being my own it might add. xxx

      Well for my age they are! I suppose toothless folk have their apples puréed !! Xxx

    3. Patricia , I've seen it. No teeth, gums as hard as nails and biting into an apple. Amazing, anyway I don't like apples very much, they have hidden worms in them. At least ours from the farm do!

    4. I think you need a different plumber Saba! Is there a female one around? She wouldn't need her nuts tightening! Xxx

    5. One of Chris's Aunties only put her teeth in for special occasions, ie. weddings and she could eat anything. Pork crackling was a favourite of hers! x

  29. Well I'll get the Butler and Maid to sort my stuff out and pack for me. Did I tell you I'm taking them to the Retreat? xxx

  30. Sorry Hazel, I've replied to your comment but it's way further back I never seem to get it in the proper reply box, doh!

    1. Just read it Anne, yes the cafe has been quiet without them, granted I haven't been in a lot for a few nights just seem to be really busy then tired. Sitting with feet up with Margarets heat bag at my back. Just making sure it's good for Thursday after doing all I did today. X

  31. Hello Sandra and everyone, I'm really very late today, had doctor's appointment early this morning, mainly for BP check, everything fine I'm pleased to say. Then I met up with five friends we went out and had lunch, I was giving three of the friends a lift, dropping off the first friend back home, she said come in for a cup of tea, well we chatted and chatted, it was lovely, so home quite late. I am now starting our evening meal - but thought I would ............................... Chat to you all.
    Sorry about the hick up there! Daughter phoned while driving home,(a journey of approx one hour) so dinner put on hold...... Now meal cooked and eaten, I wil try and finish post.
    SANDRA I hope the bruises are just that, and you haven't damaged yourself more seriously, sending gentle hugs. xxx

    JANET your card is stunning, a double WOW. Love the colour you have used. (Sandra has tried to match her bruises to your card!!!!!) seriously your card is gorgeous. Love it.

    Sorry ladies I'm am very tired, it has been a very full day. Sleep Well, see you all tomorrow.
    Good night God Bless, love Brenda xxx

    1. Night Night Brenda and everyone! This bunny is signing off for the day as I need to put things away before bedtime.
      It's been fun! Sleep well and be good! Xxxx

    2. Goodnight all, see you in the morning.
      It has been good here tonight with the "rebles" back.
      Gosh what will it be like when Maureen is back to full health!!!
      Only 10 more sleeps, sweet dreams. xxx

    3. Hi Brenda. I hope you had a good nights sleep after your busy day. I hope your throat isn't sore after all of the chatting : ) Take care x

  32. Well looks like you are all going to the land of nod.
    Myra, be very very careful you know what Alastair thinks of bunnies.
    I am going to disappear in a puff of smoke too, might just watch blood and gore Holby before I turn in. Oh just remembered, Joanne sent me an email today to tell me the blo...dy BBC are trying to cut off people who watch them via a VPN, THATS ME,!! I will seriously think of sticking my head in the gas oven if they do, except ours is electric. Anyone got a gas oven I can borrow.
    Night God bless all
    Saba xxx

  33. Night night everyone, I'm getting distracted by Dave Gorman so I will see you tomorrow. Sleep tight xxx

  34. Well last again. Janet I love your card and the colour is perfect. I am so glad I bought the a triple Flip die after Saba mentioned it. Been a busy day again. Everyone seems to be falling. Was trying yo get hold of a friend yesterday as it was her birthday and couldn't understand why no one was answering the phone. A friend of ours in Australia was also trying quite early I. The morning when she wouldn't possibly be out. It turns out her husband was coming up the stairs with a cup of tea and a plant for her birthday plus carrying biscuits and a newspaper when he lost his balance and fell down the stairs and hit his head which he cut so there was blood and tea wll over the place. This was at 7.40 in the morning. He had concussion and was taken to hospital by ambulance. Luckily nothing broken but he is very confused. This will be his second night in hospital. That will be one birthday she won't forget. Hope you are better soon Sandra and no one else manages to fall over. Glad a Maureen is a lot better. Will try to get here earlier tomorrow.
