
Saturday 21 November 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Janet's 'Proggy' Owl
Brenda Littlelamb's Decorated Mirror

Hazel & Patricia's Wirework Pendants
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Welcome to yet another Mixed Craft Saturday and what an amazing range of crafts we have today!
First up today we have Janet's absolutely cute and cuddly 'Proggy' Owl, I watched a programme
about making these on Honchanda , I think the company is called 'Craft yourself silly', it was a lovely lady, so much fun to watch, talking you through making these darling animals and rugs, cushions etc,
they involve quite a bit of work from what I could make out, cutting the felt into strips and then pushing it through the 'canvas', I have to say I didn't realise they were so plump and gorgeous until seeing yours close up Janet, have you named him yet?
Thank you so much for sharing him with all of us, or is it a she?? xxx
Next up we have another of Brenda's amazing 'clay creations' this time she has created a beautiful mirror, which she has them embellished with butterflies and flowers, I can also see that Brenda has also put texture onto the surface of the clay too.  I love the sentiment that Brenda has used,
"Enjoy the little things in life for one day you will look back and realise that they were the big things"
I am sure it is a very true saying and a very apt phrase to put on a mirror. It looks like you have used Spellbinders 'Bitty Blossoms' to decorate your mirror Brenda, I love the purple you have picked to contrast the grey of the mirror.  Thank you so much for sharing yet another of your amazing craft creations with us Brenda xxx
Last but not least we have an assortment of Wirework pendants that have been cleverly created by Patricia and Hazel, each one of them is totally individual, and very colourful too, the ladies can create them in what ever colour you may require and amazingly they donate all of the money they make for selling these pendants to Charity, now I know how much work goes into making one of these and how much your fingers ache after a while, so hats off to you both, you are doing an amazingly generous thing, thank you so much for allowing me to share your Wonderful Wirework pendants xxx
I hope that you have enjoyed the wonderful range of crafts on offer today,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what a wild day today is & hubby has gone to play golf!

    Janet- I love your owl, he's so cute.

    Brenda- lovely piece of artwork , you're very talented.

    Patricia & Hazel - more beautiful jewellery. All you need is a famous crafter to start wearing them & you can go into production. They're really lovely.

    I have a few items to purchase in Southport before meeting my friend in Dobbies this morning. I had planned on getting the car washed & waxed but not sure it's worth it if the gale force winds stay! I really must go up to the greenhouse-last time we had gales something had smashed lots of panes of glass so I'm always worried when it's windy.

    Right-best get ready to brave the outdoors.


    1. Michele, Sue Wilson wears my tear drop pendants, through her we sold loads and raised a fantastic amount of money. She told the story on one of the shows of how I made the tear drops rather than shed them. So yes it did help, but on saying that we have sold so many through word of mouth as one would say. Thank you for your comment too,,these ones are by Patricia, we each have our own way of doing them. xxx

    2. I remember her doing that Hazel ! Xxx

    3. Oh! Man! I remember that day ... did not stop working for about a month. So many people wanted them, kept us so busy it was unbelievable.
      The Chemo Unit got a BIG cheque, I still have the wonderful "Thank You" letter we got. xxx

    4. Thank you Michele I enjoyed doing it.

  2. Good morning Sandra,

    The wind is blowing a fair gale down here in my little corner of Somerset.
    So glad my willow tree is so pliable, its branches are being whipped about like a piece of elastic.

    I love Saturday's plethora of crafts, each on e so gorgeous in its own right.
    Love your Proggy owl, Janet, he's so cute and plump.
    Yet another masterpiece from Brenda, such a pretty little mirror, must have given you extreme pleasure upon its completion. Adore the muted colours.
    Being the owner of one of Hazel and Patricia's beautiful and original pendants, I am in awe of your brilliance and such a worthy cause to be selling them for.
    My mobile phone which would not charge on Thursday had actually turned itself off for some reason. Don't you feel so incompetent when something as simple as that is explained to you? Hahahahaha

    Have the great pleasure of Tiegan and Joseph staying with me for the weekend ostensibly to help Joseph with this homework on the Stuart Dynasty. Looking forward to that, I did enjoy History at school. So we used Internet last night to get as much info as we could, went to print out the pages, 10 printed then message came up, out of black ink, which now necessitates a trip back into town to WH Smiths. My HP printer will not print anything unless I have plenty of black. bothersome thing.

    However you are planning to spend your weekend, stay safe in this unpleasant weather.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl that did make me laugh! It can so often be something quite simple. I'm so glad you are able to use your phone again. I rely on mine when out and about for emergencies and would be lost without it.
      Have a lovely weekend with Tiegan and Joseph! Printers - argh! Xxxx

    2. Thank you Cheryl. Yes I did enjoy decorating the mirror. Enjoy your weekend with Teigan and Joseph. Hope you have got the printer sorted.

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very very wet, windy and slightly white Sheffield. Yes we have our first sprinkling of snow!

    Everything is set for the day with all the usual breakfast goodies but I thought just for a change we would have afternoon cream teas instead of lunch today. I know it's cold but who can resist fresh baked scones (plain, cherry and fruit) fresh fruit jam and of course thick pure white cream which always reminds me of snow. I've also put a couple of extra heaters in the cafe this morning to warm those toes and fingers. Afterall we must keep our hands/fingers warm for crafting don't we.

    Thank you Sandra for showing WOL - it's a male of course as he is so chubby. You make them as slim or as cuddly as you like by how close you put the strips of fleece. They do take a little time in making but once you get into the swing and onto the single layer of the hessian it's easier for your fingers. The good thing about these little animals is that once you have bought the kit you have the templates for ever. My next project of this sort is a Cupcake Tea Cosy and I have bought some more hessian and a large pack of fleece and so intend making a cushion after that. I find this so relaxing.

    Right have to go and face the outdoors this morning to do some shopping. The only good think I can say is that it's Meadowhell and so indoors. I expect it will be all decked out with Christmas trimmings.

    See you all later. Hugs are in their usual place.

    1. See you later for a cream tea ,my friend! What a lovely idea! Your owl is gorgeous! I too watched a programme about those and the lady was really nice. I love his face - he is looking at me as if to say - mind what you say about me !! He does give a hoot ! Xxx

    2. JANET:- I love visiting Meadowhall especially at Christmas they always have it decorated so beautifully. xxx

    3. Love your owl Janet. I love owls.

  4. Good morning Ladies, we have a real Christmas card view this morning, a white dusting all around,it looks very cold but pretty , the grandchildren will be out trying to sledge down our hill any minute , they have been desperate for it to snow, I think this morning golf will be cancelled ( I'll be quite happy , I don't like when it's too cold ) .id need a red ball lol!
    Janet ,I love your cheeky proggy owl, he looks as though he's in charge , like a headmaster or a boss? so cute!
    Brenda your mirror is lovely and beautifully decorated, I made one similar shape as this and put mosaic on it but it's been lying in the cupboard for almost a year ,I keep forgetting to buy a mirror tile for it , also you have used such a perfect sentiment .
    Patricia and Hazel , a gorgeous display of your beautiful pendants ( I still get compliments on the one you so kindly gave me) I'm sure your hands must ache when doing all that wire twisting , but just think of all the pleasure people get from wearing them!
    Just seen our son Stewart chasing two rogue sheep out of our garden , they are a nuisance , as they drop their poo everywhere! Yuk.
    Sandra, I hope Paul gets a good sleep and you enjoy a nice quiet weekend.
    Saba ,safe journey home , albeit a lonely one without your " new best friend" !
    Sheila wish Nikki Happy Birthday from me and I hope she has a wonderful day and you both enjoy her cake xo
    Maureen ,thanks for the details of your card , I try to do that sort of background but never seem to get it just right ( I need a lesson) hint hint !
    Wishing you all a pleasant weekend whatever you choose to do, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, I like the red ball idea! We have a bright sunny morning here but it's very cold! No sheep here in the garden - just Alastair - going around picking up sticks and branches which have come down in the gales!! Xxx

    2. If we had sheep in the garden Anne they would be very lost! Although sometimes there are some in the field round the corner. Stay warm xxxxx

    3. We always have sheep in the field over the back garden fence. They come to the fence to get fed and patted by the boys. They have eaten away some of the Chicken Wire we put up to stop them eating the shrubs.
      Bet the views you are seening out of those windows are amazing
      You do get "Orange"" golf balls !! Mind you if the snow was "deep" they would still get lost xxx

    4. Well I didn't go to golf ( no red balls Myra! ) I stayed in and have had a morning cooking , minestrone soup and a pasta concoction and I made a couple of sticky toffee loaves with fudge icing ( tasty) yesterday so we've got enough to keep us going for a couple of days.
      We used to have a cattle grid but when they put in another road to a new house it opened the garden up , so it all has to be refenced and the cattle grid moved .
      Still a little snow lying and very cold.
      Have a great meet up girls, wish I could be there.
      Anne xoxo

    5. Thank you Anne. I did enjoy decorating it and have also got tiles to do another one just need the time. Anyone got any to spare?

    6. Brenda - No ! I'd love to help but can't in this instance! Xxx

  5. Good morning, oh boy it's a cold one? You will need your thermals on this morning to go out. Awake early as I went to bed and slept all night.
    Janet love your owl, how cute is he, and he will be so cuddily?
    Brenda, it wouldn't be Saturday with out one of your fantastic pieces, your mirror is gorgeous.
    Was a surprise to see some of Patricia 's pendant makes, yes everyone is different, not so much in style but the beads and colours. Yes your hands get sore but oh boy it's therapeutic doing them.
    Got some more c cards put together yesterday and also made 3 cut down X cut gift bags. Will get some more done today. Must go and he Hoover out as the boys are off on their daily walk. Don't know exactly what is on the cards for today, all depends on what's going on.
    Managed last night to arrange a much over due meet up with Norah, so that all on the cards weather depending for a week Monday, can't wait to see her and Jess again.
    I will try and pop in for a cup of tea later. Have a good day what ever you have planned. xxx

    1. Hazel I remember Sue telling that story , I didn't realise that was you !
      She always wears some lovely jewellery , I will be watching even more closely now xo.

    2. Hello Hazel,
      I'm having a quiet weekend! Hope that isn't tempting providence! I'd really like to have a full afternoon of card making and maybe the odd snowflake thrown in! Enjoy your day and keep warm. Xxx

    3. PS! Wish I could be at the meeting with Jess , Norah, Patricia and you! You'll have another great time! Hope one of you can think of something to say!! Ha ha ! Tin hat!! Xxx

    4. MYRA:- we would just LOVE it if you were there xxx

    5. Myra, you would be more than welcome. xxx

    6. Hazel and Patricia I love your pendants. The one I have has been remarked on several times. What treats are the chemo patients having for Christmas? Very cold here and yes I have my thermals on. I don't do cold.

    7. Wish I could join you too, would love to meet Norah as well as see you all again xxxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a treat we get on Saturday mornings, today's is no exception.
    Janet I love your owl, he is so cuddly looking, Brenda your mirror is lovely, a lot of work but so rewarding, and Patrica and Hazel your pendants are gorgeous, when I wear mine I get so many compliments, people saying love your pendant,
    where did you get it!
    Not much doing today, a bit so shopping, tidy up and then back to the craft room to try and finish off some things for next Saturday.
    Looking forward to meeting up with Norah, Hazel and Patricia next week, hope the weather holds up.
    Take care whatever you do today xxxx

    1. Hello Jess,
      I been so late these last few days and left hardly any comments at all. Will try harder! Just said under Hazels post that I wish I could meet up with the Gang of Four!! I hope you get everything finished for your Fair next Saturday. Keep warm! Xxx

    2. JESS:- so looking forward to seeing you again.
      Brilliant that Norah is coming as well she is such a treat to be with. She has all her mobility problems but is such a breath of fresh air and so funny with her stories. xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all in today.
    Love our Saturday mornings mixed craft on display. Love the Owl Janet, he is so cute and cuddly. Must have taken a few day's to make Littlelamb's mirror is Gorgeous, love the colours and the different mediums. Patricia's pendants are fabulous,they are beautiful made and so many colours to choose from .
    Woke to a sunny morning but only +5 and feels like +2 with the northern wind so we not going far today. Still the to finish but also a Birthday card to think about, SIL is on the 1st of January. Might do her a sue card......
    Have a nice day whatever you are up to today, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello Maria, How is your tummy? Is it any better? I'm trying to catch up as I've had a crazy week! When we were coming home from friends last night it was +1 . The temperature has dropped so suddenly. Keep nice and warm and I hope you get your cards done. I've still a lot to make. Xxxx

    2. Thank you to Jess and Maria for your comments. I enjoyed doing the mirror.

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Janet I do love your AWOL, isn't he gorgeous. I've seen these kits in hobbycraft and might have a go one day. Xxxxx
    Brenda what a wonderful frame, from the well known sweedish shop? Love the decoration and the sentiment, you are clever xxxxxx
    Patricia your necklaces are gorgeous, my sister found a chain for my Hazel one and she said how gorgeous it is. I've had one or toe compliments from friends, I think it's because it's so unusual. Xxxx
    It's very windy and cold here but I've had a few excited texts and we've just had a FaceTime with Emma as they have woken up to snow! One of the girls in the flat has never seen it before - mad isn't it. shes got exams next week so is having to find her grown up side and revise rather than go out and play but I think they will be playing later if it's still laying. I must get a wriggle on, we should be going Christmas shopping - Julian has just got up! See you later, stay safe and warm everyone xxxxx

    1. Diane , I've had quite a giggle! Janet's owl turned into AWOL !!! As for toe compliments - well! I now have toe envy !! Tin hat again!! Xxxx

    2. Diane. Thank you for your comments. Yes you guessed correctly. I is a mirror from a certain Swedish shop. They are getting on with our one so once it is finished I shall be having a good look round to see what else I can find. Scarlett has also done a very pretty mirror.

    3. Myra I forgot to read before I posted again! Haha. Toe envy, nor there's a thought :) you did miss sweedish though! Tee hee xxxxx

    4. Rats! I'm getting slow! Tee Hee! Xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and Everyone,
    Sorry I've been so busy but today is a quieter day! Thank goodness for that!
    I love Saturday's craft and today we have another lovely, varied selection. Janet's owl is just super and as I said above he has that look on his face that says - " just be careful what you say about me - I'm watching you!"
    Brenda seems to have no end to her talent!
    Brenda - your mirror is lovely. I love all the detail on it. You do think of lovely things to make! I know you, too, are very busy just now but don't overdo things! How's the new car going?
    Patricia - as you know I love your pendants and I love the fact that while we get pleasure from wearing them others have benefitted hugely from their sale! I wore my pink one last night! It really " lifted" a black top and gave me some colour! My friend asked where I'd bought it!
    Thank you all ladies and thanks too Sandra for showing them!
    I'm going to try to make a few more cards for posting today and then make some snowflakes with wire and beads. I may have no hair by teatime!!!
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Saba - safe journey home this afternoon! I'm sure that bottle of white wine will already be in the fridge at home! At least you will soon be back again so hopefully it makes it a bit easier! Hope heightened Security doesn't delay you too much. Speak soon. Xxx

    1. PS! Forgot to wish Nikki a very Happy Birthday! Xxx

    2. Thank you Myra for your comments. Yes am still very busy and living the new car. Hope you are ok. My friends husband came home from hospital on Thursday.

  10. Wow! I have managed to get here today. Where in heavens name did yesterday go??
    Busy, busy, here once again. You wonderful ladies on the Blog are keeping me busy. Thank you so much for your wonderful support, it means so much to us.
    Coming up to Christmas there will be lots of nice goodies going to the Unit and little gifts for Patients who will be in over Christmas.
    I have Robert here we have been busy baking so that's a bit of a change. The wonderful smell of Margaret Cs Butter Biscuits and Margaet Ps Lemon Drizzel cake fill the kitchen at the moment.
    Right best scoot soothing needs to come out of the oven .... Robert has told me xxx

  11. Hello, it's me .... back again,
    Robert shouted before I got time to comment on todays goodies.
    JANET:- I really like that Owl he is so darned "cute"
    BRENDA:- love, love, love, your pretty mirror. Would fit in any room beautifully.
    Good job Robert did ask me to come look at the biscuits .... they are just a "tad" on the brown side. Taste good all the same we have just eaten 2 each. That was after Robert demolished 2 Bacon Rolls!! Early for me having lunch but he managed fine. He was up early for his football which was cancelled due to the pitch being "frozen" decided Granny's was the next best option. Thomas is away to a War Gaming thing with his Grandpa. They go twice a year and love it. Then they go somewhere for their lunch. It will be Roberts turn for a day with Grandpa when Robert manages to get another free day.
    SABA:- safe journey home, Peter will be over the moon to see you coming through those doors at the Airport.
    It's a nice day here .... to look out at ... it's blooming freezing!!
    Off back up to see what you have all been doing xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It's one of those days started to comment about 9.45 my message was quite long, After several interruptions I returned to the iPad, yippee message was still there, then John called me, he needed help, returned again message had vanished. I am determined that will not happen this time.

    What are you lovely selection you have for us today Sandra.
    Janet, love you Owl, he is so huggable.
    Brenda, as always - love it! What a lovely gift this would make. When do you find the time to make all of your beautiful pottery? You are always so busy.
    Patricia, you should be very proud your pendants they are so individua,l And the profits go to a very worthy cause.
    Hazel, SW loves her pendants - well done to our lovely Scotish sisters.

    Hope whatever you are doing your day is going well.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. I usually do my pottery when I go to stay with my friend. Her daughter owns the pottery and I usually spend a week there making and glazing. Don't turn things around as quickly as they do on the pottery challenge but also don't have so many breakages. I usually glaze the first half of the week then make the second half then leave them to dry and have their first firing and glaze on my next visit.

    2. Thank you for your kind comments Norah. So goid to see you back at the cafe. Have missed you.

    3. Hi Brenda
      thank you ,got the dates. Already in the new diary, see you there xxx

  13. Good afternoon my lovely coffee shop cherubs,
    Janet, i love my bran owl and his feathers are just the right colour and texture, oh how cuddly does he look. This lassie had these on C&C and thought she had invented a new way of using up her scraps, but i hate to tell her mum had me doing it when i was still in single figures making rugs as well as toys. It's amazing how "old hat" comes back around into play again. Our "proggy tool" was a big knitting needle that was wood until it snapped so then it was a metal dowel pinched from dad's garage. Thank you Janet for bringing back my childhood endeavours with your lovely Mr Owl.
    Brenda, how i would love to be able to allow myself to do as you have done and made the mirror full of different textures and designs giving the mottled look but how it all combines into a beautiful piece of art that is just right some how. My brain has to have everything in it's place and balanced and pristine above anything else. I can't seem to bring myself to try and see just what happens when i go with the flow as it's just not me. It's like i have to be matching inside and out and couldn't even think of going out any other way, what if i got knocked down and taken to the hospital and they seen i wasn't matching, oh i would die of embarrassment. Thank you flower for showing us your beautiful work of art and oh how jealous am i that you can make something this beautiful and just right.
    And then we get to my two extremely caring friends who make the most stunning jewellery but donate the money to the cancer unit. These ladies are two of the kindest, funniest, daftest people i have had the very good fortune to meet. Girls your pendents are stunning and so very different from anything else that is out there. Your kindest brings alot of people a warmness of friendship and knowledge that they are not traveling through that awful journey themselve and that there are people out there just trying to make even the smallest difference in their struggle and battle. Here's hoping that one day it is a battle that everyone can come through the other side.

    1. Hi Norah , with regard to our friends Hazel and Patricia!
      Kindest - tick, funniest - tick, daftest - tick tick!!
      Not sure what that says about us, my dear! Xxxx
      Don't think I need the tin hat - I'm daft too! Xxx

    2. Thanks folks ... I think!!
      I was aliitle worried ... I thought Myra wrote Kindest - "THICK" but I see when I look again it is "tick"
      There are quite a few that come in here can be added to the list ... and definitely are Daft!! they are also Kind, Funny and great to be with. xxx

    3. It would be easier to think of the ones who aren't daft! Eh ? Oh? Let me see? I'm thinking! Xxxx tin hat! Xxx

  14. Maureen flower as per yesterdays post that you did and couldn't or didn't know how to cut and shorten your message here's what i do when it does it to me. I open up another mesage page where you will see that you have the same thing typed in the box. Right click your mouse on the box at a suitable new paragraph or sentence sort of half way through your message and press CUT and take away all that is below it. Right click again and COPY the top half (just in case it does come through when you have signed in so that you can just right click on the empty box and press PASTE). When you have signed in you will be able to put up your first part of your message, then go to the other page that you have open and click from where you cut down to the end and COPY it, go to page and message box and click PASTE once more and enter. You will now have your message in two parts on the blog, does this make any sense? i hope so flower as this is what i do so no more losing all that i had typed or having to start again.
    My giant christmas pudding that i have for hills have got more like icing on them today rather than the icing sugar look of yesterday but it's a tad nippy as we are down at 0 degrees this afternoon but the rain has stayed off today which is great. I have been making my Brother in law a wedding card as he is getting remarried once more next week in the bahama's. They are only going for a week(which it wouldn't be me going all that distance for a miserable week, crikey you would just be getting over the jet lag when you would need to come back) so i thought it would be nice to get their card made the now so that OH can take it with him when he see's his brother again as they normally meet up at his dad's on a Sunday to give his sisters a couple of hours break. Ok im going to leave you all in peace and quiet now just to say Happy Birthday Nicki, i hope that you have a lovely day flower and enjoy your birthday cake.
    Left the huggles in their basket so that they can give everyone a hug
    Norah x

    1. Norah, you talking about your hills was like me looking at the Lomonds by us. You have describled them perfectly. I totally agree with you over the travel for a week, I would rather stay here and just chill out and have a quiet wedding, but oh no some have to have everything that others have, even if they can only afford a week.
      I was laughing at you and your matching and being embarrassed if you weren't and had an accident - what are you like. xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and all, we've had rain hail and wind to day, very cold.
    The Saturday crafts are lovely.
    Janet , love your cuddly owl, also brought back memories of rag rugs when I was a girl.
    Brenda your mirror is fabulous, love altered art projects.
    Patricia, I remember Sue telling us about the pendants, but did not realise they were yours, they beautiful. Such a great thing to do bringing pleasure all round.
    Well after hours of going through boxes in the loft,found the material I bought to make my cushions.
    I have made six new covers, so now I have matching silk cushions.
    No time for much crafting today.
    Have a good evening all.
    The cream teas sound great, but it would have to be Cornish clotted cream and jam first please. Lilian

  16. Well I have been to our sons new house, it's a guddle at the moment, joiners letting them down, then painters cannt get started, plumber can't get radiators put back and the people fitting the blinds can't get them fitted either. They say no work, but this joiner isn't even busy he is lazy! Only likes to work so many hours a day, he has about an hour and a half left to do in the kitchen/dinning family space. It's holding everything up. Then again son and DIL could get on and empty boxes, I moved so many times when Charlie was in the army and I always got the boxes unpacked and things put away asp. Their wardrobes are empty so get them filled, DIL answer - no rush. Ahhhhhh I know they work, I offered to help but that was a no,no. It will be Christmas and they will still be like it. I could see where to clear spaces and to make things work with little effort and I would have been happy to have stood and ironed things ready to hang up, somethings have been packed up,for nearly a year, I do think if they haven't needed them in that year they could have a little sort out! I am sure the girls toys could even be sorted. They are hoarders. Lovely big house with so many big cupboards, when they built houses in the 60's kitchen were tiny but cupboards were a great size. What went wrong?
    I also have been playing with a new die - X cut pillow box, it will make a great table gift present holder not big? 31/2 ins by 3ins, I will make up a load to sell at th school,fair. Would have liked to have been able to fit the pendants in them. Off to cut more of my bags out. xxx

    1. Thank you Lillian. Yes I like Altered Art Projects. Wish I had time to do more.

  17. Well I think I have thanked everyone for their comments on my mirror project. As Diane says it is a mirror from a certain Swedish shop. It started off as wood. Had a coat of Gesso then a lilac colour. Think this is the order I did if then white and crackle paint. It then shows the darker colour in the cracks. The stamps are on tissue paper and coloured with Promarkers and then stuck to the mirror. Other stamps are on the actual frame. Lilac paint dabbed on here and there. Butterflies added and SB Bitty Blossoms flower which then had lacquer on. The stamps are Chocolate Baroque. Think that's it. Busy busy busy here. Craft fair next week. Thank you again.

  18. Oh yes. Love the sentiment. Very true.

  19. Ladies thank you for all your lovely comments on our pendants, yes these are Patricia's makes, mine are teardrops and Gillian makes hearts. From all your support and we have had more orders from other ladies, we are thinking fof buying the Kidney Patients something for their caravans that they let patients use for a short break holiday. If not they like their tea trolley to get biscuits too.
    So thank you once again. Xxx

  20. Hello everyone flying visit, just back from shopping and fish and chips waiting and a lovely glass of something cold. We've been out Christmas shopping - hoards of people about and masses of traffic but we came back with a couple of things and lots of ideas. Hope everyone is ok and Saba safe journey home my love. I'm sure there will be a huge hug waiting for you and something cold ( hope it's not snow!). Lots of love and hugs xxxxx

  21. Well, I have just let Harris out and it's snowing, so it will be interesting as to what we waken up to tomorrow.. Fun,fun,fun........ xxx

  22. Hellloooooooooooooooo.
    Sorry, I am so late again.
    Janet, your little owl is adorable. Lovely to cuddle!!!!
    Brenda LL, your mirror is fantastic. I love altered art, and this is beautiful.
    Hazel & Patricia, you know I love your pendants, and the fact that the money goes to such a worthwhile cause is wonderful. I wore my pink pendant with the liquorice allsort bead and the young girl in LUSH,said that it was gorgeous. In fact she called the other girls over and they all were saying "ooh" and "aah". I told them that a friend had made it and they all agreed you were very talented,
    Sheila, Happy Birthday to Nikki for Wednesday.
    Saba - I hope you are safe and sound at hope, with your feet up and a glass of something nice in your hand.
    Norah, thank you so much for your explanation on how to split a message. I've written it all down, just hope I can manage to do it the next time it happens. Take care and enjoy yourself with the Jess and the lovely sisters when you meet them. Wish I could be there with you all.
    I hope everyone is well and keeping warm, the snow and ice still haven't melted in our garden, although my washing has dried today.
    Dainty, how exciting for Emma to wake up to snow. I think it would have excited me at one time, but I can't remember - it's so long ago ha ha. And face timing her, how up to date are you!!!!
    Brenda OB, there's nothing worse than losing a long message before you publish it. Well, of course there is, but I can't think what it is at the moment!!
    Myra - you thick - who said that? Very discerning of them (ooh, run quick, tin hat)
    Cheryl, have a great weekend with the family.
    Lilian, cushion covers makes a nice change from hoods.
    Sandra, while I think on, can you let us have Lilians name and address please?
    Anne, red golf balls. Why don't you patent it, you could make a fortune.
    Right, that's me, I will try to come in sooner tomorrow.
    love Muriel xxx

    1. You can write! Now steady - you don't want to be trying too many new things at your age!!
      Pass the tin hat please,
      Lots of love, your friend Myra xxx

    2. Thank you Maureen. Hope you are well.
