
Friday 20 November 2015

Maureen's Peace on Earth

Good Morning Ladies,

The weekend is almost upon us once again, this weeks feel like they are getting shorter, there must only be about five weeks until the 'big day' is upon us!
Our weekends plans have been turned on there head, Paul has been asked to change his shift pattern for the weekend, he now has to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, thankfully the girls football match has been cancelled, as it was an away game and Paul will be sleeping off his night shift, the hardest thing is keeping the house quiet enough for him to sleep, you would be surprised how noisy two 15 year olds can be, particularly when then are 'trying' to be quiet!

On to today's card, when you first look you think my what a pretty winter scene, a gorgeous Christmas card, but when you take time and look a little deeper, you can see the pure genius skill that has used to create the amazing effect of the light from the North Star illuminating the trees below!
It's Our Maureen that is has created this masterpiece!  I am only guessing that Maureen has used lighter colour paint or pens to create the effect of the light shining on the trees and snow, making them almost sparkle in the light of the star, Maureen I am in awe of your colouring skills!
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely card with all of us xxxx

Temperatures are set to drop so best get your thermal drawers out girls, time to layer up!
Funny, I never think of wearing thermal knickers myself but I insist on the girls wearing it for
football and a white thermal under their school blouse as they have to wait in the cold for a bus early in the morning, thankfully unlike some teenagers my girls do wear coats!
Do Damart still exist? I seem to remember joking about wearing their underwear years ago but after spending one too many winters sat in that wheelchair I think I may well be making a purchase, the trouble is when you are sat in there you aren't moving around to keep warm, I am sure they look very modern these days, but to be perfectly honest I don't really care, I need warmth, mind you I think Margaret's bags will be well used for that very thing this winter, a couple of minutes in the microwave for a couple of hours warmth! The girls have asked me to make the small one's up so that they can use them for Hand Warmers when they leave the house in the morning or a warm up after football at the weekends, so once again we all thank you Margaret xxxx
That's all from me for today,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-beautiful card, can't wait to hear how it was created.

    Another wet & windy day here with more gales forecast for tonight. I'm dreading seeing the garden tomorrow-haven't had chance to look as its too dark when I get home.

    Am meeting a friend at Dobbies tomorrow morning & am taking some of my Christmas cards in case she wants to buy any, she usually does.


  2. Morning Everyone
    MAUREEN your card is just a MASTERPIECE and a perfect example of colour skills. I definitely need a tutorial from you!!!
    I love love love everything about it.

    Now we are still being rained, blown and yesterday a little sleet upon so yest thermals are definitely the dress code from now on.
    Sandra Damart still exist but you can buy thermals from Primark these days and the cost is way way way down and so you can have many sets instead of just one! I buy Christina thermals as a stocking filler every year as she is outside so much with the animals and getting wet she needs many sets.

    BREAKFAST - today we have the usual cereals hot and cold and their side dishes.
    Poached Eggs on toast, along with Waffles - treacle or choc to go with them.
    LUNCH - well as it's Friday it has to be Fish and so it's Baked Cod, Parsley Mash and of course Parsley Sauce.
    Hope you enjoy.

    Thank you so much for your very kind comments yesterday. I have to thank Patricia for the idea of the bag and I just thought that the little cards inside would make a lovely gift.
    Today I'm inside and Christmas Carding again. I'm nearly at the end and I won't be sorry this year. I'm finding it difficult sitting with head down but he ho what the heck.
    I'll be in later to see everyone. Hugs are in their usual place

    1. Janet how funny you should say about Primark thermals, my sister phoned me yesterday and she had gone to her small M&S to buy another vest for Emma. The lady in there recommended Primark ones to her when they didn't have the size - I wouldn't have thought to look there! Xxxx

    2. Oh I wish we had a Primark close to us I had to pay through the nose on line at M and S for thermal leggings and a vest and I could do with more. xx

    3. Sheila, look out for lidl selling thermals. They are ok too. xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and all, still wet here, hope it clears up before we go out later,
    Maureen your card is beautiful, love that message, just what the world needs.
    Sandra you can get thermals , from M&S also, I find theirs are warmer than the one I get from Asda,I get the leggings as well as my legs get very cold sat at my machine all day, wear them under my jeans. How my Mum would laugh if she could see me now, I was always cold but would never wear a vest that she wanted me to wear, she used to say "vanity feels no cold".
    As its our G/A today I'd better get on,still in bed at the moment!!!!!!!
    Hope everyone has a good day and the weather is better where you are.
    Best Wishes Lilian

    1. I had a chuckle at that Lilian, my mum was a great one for a vest and as a 'modern ' teenager they were the Bain of my life! My gran thought I should be wearing a liberty bodice as I had asthma but my mum said no - thank goodness. I dread to think what that would have been like! If I tell my sister I've got a cole she says in her best mum voice ' I bet you weren't wearing your vest were you!' It's good to laugh isn't it xxxx

    2. Hi Lillian,
      A very happy Golden Wedding Anniversary to you both hope you have a lovely day. Xx

    3. Oh Lillian I didn't realise GA stood for Golden Anniverary so here's wishing you and hubby the happiest days of all....many congratulations to you both. Love Sheila xxxx

    4. Happy Anniversary Lilian - to you and your husband! Have a lovely day together. Xxx

    5. BIG Congratulations to both of you on your Golden Wedding Anniversary.
      Have a great weekend xxx

    6. Happy anniversary Lillian and your husband, hope you get out and the weather doesn't put a damper on your day. xxx

    7. Happy Golden wedding Anniversary Lilian, have a wonderful day and weekend xxx

    8. Happy golden wedding anniversary Lilian enjoy your day xxxxx

    9. Many congratulations to you both Lilian a wonderful achievement I hope you enjoy every minute of your special day. xxx

    10. Many Congratulations Lillian to you both on your Golden Wedding Anniversary

      Hope you have had a lovely day

    11. Lilian and husband, I hope you have both had a wonderful day today. I wonder if you relived that fateful day 50years ago when you were so happy and in love and still that happy today but in a more calming way. Sending love to you both on such a magnificent monumental day,
      Love, Norah xx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Sorry I haven't commented much lately, as I said to Sheila yesterday, Tuesdays are not good days for me and neither is the 19th of any month. I did manage to rouse myself to go out to buy some flowers for Pete's floral tribute. Rain & longer than usual visitor stopped me from laying them yesterday so will do that today.
    Still catching up on comments and posts of all your wonderful creations. Janet's yesterday was amazing, a lovely array of cards, such insopiration to us all.
    Maureen's beautiful snow scene today just captures the essence of Peace. I felt so relaxed whilst examining all its gorgeous aspects.

    Off to do battle with Warehouse phones today. My charger has stopped working so cannot recharge my mobile, which is a blessed nuisance as it is my emergency phone and kept with me at all times.

    Did have a response from Marston's Breweries who have 'examined' all points I raised. In short they said my illness was nothing to do with them and they were sorry I had been ill. Claimed they are aware of egg allergies and their warnings on their menus do include egg products. NOWHERE did I or my friends see a particular notice about eggs, just the normal stock warning please let a member of staff know IF you have any dietary/allergy requirements. I told them it was highly suspicious that I was taken so ill less than an hour after eating in their establishment, so still watch this space.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl hope you get some satisfaction from the phone company about your charger.
      I think Marstons need to look at their menus again and train there staff before they make statements like that...these companies think there are dealing with idiots at times.....for goodness sake no-one with an allergy would eat something that would make them really sick if they knew it contained that particular substance.
      I do hope you are feeling a bit bet today Cheryl and thank you for yesterday
      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, lovely to see you in the Cafe. Loved the message you left for Shelia yesterday, I felt it came right from the heart - with
      Hope you get your phone charger sorted out. LOL xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Where did yesterday go? Gosh the time is whizzing by at the moment and not a lot is being done. I'm spending more time dithering with my Christmas cards than actually making them!
    Maureen your card today is gorgeous, have you created one of your spritz backgrounds or is it a brushed one? I think I recognise clarity stamps. You really are so clever. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us. Xxxxx
    It's very dark and gloomy this morning and raining again - oh the joy of it. I went to use a poinsettia stamp yesterday and couldn't find it anywhere. I spent more time looking for it than making cards. I'm going to have one more look today then give up and just cut them! I've got lots of bits cut and stamped but need some good light to colour ( it's getting dark by the time I think of getting the colours out and who knows what they look like! ) I must stop faffing and get on with it!
    Sandra I remember Damart - there used to be a big shop on the corner of a road in boscombe we used to stop there and buy things for my aunt who lived in Poole on the way to see her. She used to cut adverts out of magazines for mum and say could you get this when your passing! In the end we got it down to a fine art, mum used to hop out the car, dad used to loiter outside with us giggling at the old lady shop in the back! We both used to chorus no! In a loud voice if mum asked us if we wanted vests to keep us warm in the winter! Dad used to wear long Johns in the winter when he travelled on the train as it got really cold hanging around at the stations , he commuted to London on a daily basis. He used to tell us spring had arrived when it was time to stop wearing them. Oh what lovely memories. I know what you mean about teenagers making more noise when they are trying to be quiet, mind you Julian usually sleeps through most things!
    Well I must get a wiggle on again and look for this stamp- one final look and then if I can't find it I will suggest a trip to the veggie shop on the way out tomorrow ( it's my craft shop - sells lots of craft stuff as well as veg! ).
    See you all later. Xxxxxxxxx

    1. Hello Diane, are you going to try potato stamping again? Personally I would overcook in thermals! Maybe if I was a golfer or in a walking group. Xxx

    2. Found it Myra so I don't need potato stamps this time- it was in a really logical place too! Xxxx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Calm but looks cold here today, I hope the weather is a bit kinder to you all today , we have certainly had enough rain.
    Maureen , your card has " a little bit of magic" about it , it is so peaceful to look at and the sentiment is perfect, I love the light in the sky and the touch of sparkle in the trees, you are clever!
    Well I got my new glasses yesterday and I am very pleased with them , it's great to have a pair of varifocals again.
    M&S were absolutely buzzing yesterday and it was so hot in there I couldn't wait to get back outside, that's the thing about the colder weather ,you wrap up but when you go shopping it's suffocating.
    Good to know about Primark stocking thermals , I use them for golfing and walking on the really cold days.
    Stay warm folks, love and hugs to all xo

    1. I must have read your mind Anne!! Pleased you are happy with the new specs! You will be able to sing - " I can see clearly now" xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Well, I just love your card Maureen, I just wish we could transport your message around the world and they'd take notice. Look forward to seeing how the background was done. We never did get round to a masterclass at the retreat did we. We really don't need this awful people in our world. No discipline in the world nowadays. I wish we still had a Primark still. Ours was such down as they're re developing the shopping centre in Oxford where it was. Cheryl I hope you have a better day today, and you win your cattle with the phone warehouse. Diane I hope you have a good wiggle in your veggie shop. We have no Craft shops here now. The lady who owned the shop in Wantage closed down.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Good luck keeping the girls quiet so Paul can sleep sorry your weekend has been messed up but good excuse to be quiet in your craft room.xx
    Maureen your card is beautiful how I wish you could give me some lessons your colouring is superb love it xx
    Busy day today so will send hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and our lovelies,
    Janet I'll have one of your waffles please, just the thing for a sugar rush to get the grey matter going.
    Maureen I love your card, the subtle change in colours, your glittered trees and your sentiment says what we all wish for. Hope you can have a bit of a calmer day today.
    Diane I'm a ditherer too. I spend more time looking at what I am making than cracking on.
    Damart thermal vests remind me of my dad. He always wore them. I remember they were really expensive and my mum once washed them on a hot wash and accidentally shrunk them to fit my doll. Dad wasn't best pleased.
    Sandra sorry Paul is having to change his shifts and you all have to try and keep quiet all weekend,
    Well I love my Big Shot Plus. I've been using 220 gram and apart from one really intricate die which I had to put through twice it has cut like a dream. I have run everything through the middle just to put it through its paces. What I like is the platform, it means you can place your dies on it and then add the cutting mat on top and everything stays where it should, unlike the Calibur where you have to make your sandwich off the machine and then feed it through. I find my dies often moved a bit but that doesn't happen with the BSP. I also like the clear plates, you can see whether a die has cut without having to take the sandwich out to check. And the handle is really easy to turn and because the plates are longer than A4 it's much easier and faster to run the plates through and then back without them popping out of the machine and having to be fed back in. Disadvantages, it's big and I had to buy an extra plate for embossing dies and as it is only A5 size will have to find a solution for embossing larger dies.
    Hope that helps anyone who is considering a new machine.
    Oh and I won't be able to take it back with me - unless I leave all my clothes behind- so it will stay here until we are back at Christmas with the car. It's always hard leaving my girls and grandchildren but leaving the BSG is going to be traumatic!!
    Right I'm off to do some crafting, see you later
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Oh Saba, You made me laugh out loud, when you said about leaving your BSG behind. What a true crafter you are! Leaving our children and grandchildren it's always hard, but take us away from our crafting stuff that is really traumatic ! LPL xx

    2. That made me laugh too Saba!! So pleased you like the BSP, after watching Julia with the Platinum the other night I've been thinking (oooh that's very traumatic for me!! Lol!) maybe try some of the other embossing plates such as the raspberry or white GC ones as I think that's how Julia said she found out by just playing with the other to see which would work. xx

    3. Oh Saba, how are you going to cope? Leaving your machine behind is going to be so painful. At least it's only weeks till you are back. Hope you can spend a few days with Val before you go home. Peter will be pleased it's not long now. xxx

    4. I thought the machine would have to wait until Christmas! Never mind you will have lots to do! Have you die cut lots of bits and pieces to take back with you? Speak soon! Xxx

    5. Why not leave your clothes Saba and just take the machine and a smile :) we all know what you are like for dancing around starkers! Xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Maureen what a clever lady you are I so wish that I was a colourist your card is absolutely beautiful and as the sentiment says it truly depicts Peace on Earth.
    I love it and it's beauty.
    Yesterday went by in a blur.....all my grey bits have gone (on my hair I mean!!)
    After having my hair done I nipped to M and S to see if they had a nice birthday cake for Nikki as I won't be with her on the actual day...I picked one up that was about 4 or 5 inches in diameter (iced and made with fruit) £ it said for 6 people......fine if you were one of the 7 dwarfs!!!...but if you're like me and love fruit cake it would only get enough for 3 out of it! Anyway at this point I had no option so put it in my basket but as I was walking past the Christmas cake and there was one on offer for £8....made with fruit and plain white peeked royal icing and a gorgeous burgundy ribbon around it and big enough for about 8 people so I will ad some candles and Happy Birthday and Nikki and I will have a slice and then she can take the rest home to the other ladies....a bargain!!! Then I went upstairs to buy some Christmas wrapping paper and ribbon which was on the usual offer of 3 for 2 and when I got to the till because I had one of those Sparks cards I got a further 20% off!! Apparently if you have a Sparks card you get 20% off but only in store till Monday....I didn't realise this at the time.....but i was pleased with my bargains anyway. Then at 5.30 pm my friend Carol picked me up and we went to a workshop where we decorated an MDF Christmas heart with decopatch papers. I did enjoy it but realised crafting with complete strangers was very odd as I like to go at my own pace and not be told where to put the bows on.......the lady doing the workshop spotted me doing this and said in front of the others 'Sheila you supposed to tie it around the hanging ribbon'...well I went to pot then and could I tie a bow something I've done hundreds of times at that knocked me a bit but I still did it my way as I wanted to hide a knot! Don't get me wrong she was a very nice lady but I thought the idea of a workshop was to learn how to do something but if you wanted to to put your own take on it.....mine looked exactly the same as the others but I did the odd thing differently which was how and where to put a bow on.
    Anyway I've ramble on a bit too much so I'll say 'tata' for now and thank yo for all your support yesterday after my down time I'm feeling a bit brighter today even though last night it was the first time I had been out at night and came back to an empty house but I had left lights on and the TV on and the heating was on so it was warm and more welcoming when I arrived home.
    Take care everyone it's bitterly cold out there so wrap up well if you are going out.
    Saba and Val you're still in my thoughts and prayers and I hope Val enjoyed her break gentle hugs to you both, xx
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxxx

    PS. Sandra Damart is still going strong in fact in Ostend (where I'll be next Friday) they have a shop... a bit on the expensive side. Wish we had a Primark close by I think the nearest one is in Chester which is a 40 mins train ride. xx

    1. Sheila - Primark has a website! I've granddaughters who use it!! You could have a look online maybe!
      I'm with you on the crafting front! We made a nice card to contain notelets at the Retreat but Patricia and I put our on spin on it! For all I know others may have done the same but I was sitting next to Patricia! She is a bad influence and made me giggle! Xxxx tin hat!! Xxx

    2. Sheila, good on you finding the bigger fruit cake cheaper. Yes I do think you have to look at things differently, once candles and a happy birthday is in place no will know. Enjoy your time with Nikki. Pity about the craft class, I am with you that if you want to put your own mark on something do it. xxx

    3. Hi, when I'm at a workshop I'm sure they like me to put the pieces together like all the others but I try to make my own take. She can be annoyed if she wants but it's me who make it after all. Julia is very good and lets us choose our colours etc. and where we want the flower to go. Hope Nikki will have a wonderful Birthday xxx

    4. Sheila the Sparkle card is good isn't it, I read my email this morning about the 20% off so I might pop in over the weekend - hadn't realised it was the wrapping paper too! What a lot of fuss and bother at the workshop, you do as you like. It sounds like you were treated like children! Have you thought of leaving the radio on instead of the TV? - my cousin used to do that for her dog!!! Xxxx

    5. Hi Sheila, hope Nikki has a lovely day with you and enjoys her piece of cake with you, Will she sing happy birthday - Nic has no speech but when we sing to her she puts her arms in the air and shouts Hurray!!
      Don't bother about the craft class, its a way to learn how to do something then you can do it as many times as you like - in your way and your colours - You should see the confusion at our craft class - each saying Oh I don't like it there !!!
      Take care of yourself - think of you even when you don't pop in
      Hugs Jean xx

  11. Good morning Sandra and anyone who feels like coming out in this awful weather. We have sleet and rain here.
    Maureen, you know I am in awe of your colouring skills. You have given your card a very calming feel to it, it's stunning. Please take it a bit easier today. Your are running around like there is no tomorrow. So sending you extra special (((((( hugs)))))) my friend.
    Well another late start for me. I fell asleep early last night, but woke up just after midnight and that was me till gone 3. So I slept in till late. I also like when Charlie goes out with Harris to get the hoovering and dusting done. I had to finish the wedding card off, putting the insert in and getting the wrapping organise for Gillian to put it together when she has written the card out. I enjoyed doing this one as I have known Alison since Gillian was at school.
    Today I must get on and finish the c cards for Canada they have to be off by the 5th December. I also want to get a few things put together for a table I have taken at Beths school. So I think I will be a bit busy. I won't be going anywhere today, it's silly going out in this. The damp would just get to my bones. Stay warm and busy. xxx

    1. Hazel I do the same, get everywhere hovered while John takes the dogs out for a walk, feel better than trying to move round Himself and the dogs haha xx

  12. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    And how are we all this fine duck weather day, I have snow on my thar hills and just wondering how long it will stay up there for. Because of their shape it always reminds me of Christmas pudding for some reason and the snow is the icing running down the sides. At the moment it is a light sprinkling which suits me down to the ground and as long as it stays on the hills it can look as pretty as it wants although today is one of those raining non stop days.
    Maureen your card is so beautiful, you have the lighting just perfect on hitting the right bit. Have you used those smoothies and the blendy things that Sue and John keep going on about? You have it fading out just so perfectly as if you were looking at a photograph and the light falling across the trees from the star just catches at all the right places. Thank you Maureen for such a gorgeous card, it really is stunning.
    Ok i can see we're coming down to the brass tacks today in the thermal vest line. Sandra, Damart still exists selling thermals although they have pretty lace on them nowadays and pretty patterns. See trying to get mum a set that would actually fit her and not act as if they were palazzo trousers was fun and games. I use to end up with age 10 -11 for her as they fitted perfectly in length and hit were they could. Have you ever seen someone wear a pair of leggings and they look like trousers on them? Well that was mum, she was just that thin. Primark has in these thick leggings that and from that Heat Holders lot and they would have been perfect for her but with her hit and back having the sores on them she couldn't stand anything touching it, but they might be an idea for you Sandra as they are rare and warm and so cosy in the inside, much better than tights and you could put them on under your trousers. Up until last year Rory was his thermal t shirt vest all the time under his tops and jumpers(but we're a big boy now so don't). I got them in Primark as they were a lovely brushed in the inside of them and kept him rare and warm and the price was right.
    Well im away to wash and pin out my shawl that i was making and will post it monday (so that it can't get lost in the weekend post) and i just hope that the lady that it is for likes it ok. I'm now starting on the christmas jumpers and hats for all the babies as that is what they are getting for Christmas as i seem to have had a deluge of tiny wrigglers born this last 6 months and i don't know what a 6month and under baby is going to understand about the season any way so making them something useful will leave all the parents to get what ever toys they see fit. I am leaving this basketful of rascals in the corner but be warned of incoming huggles flying in your direction, oops duck one already up and going and that's before i turn my back on them, sorry. ;D
    Norah x

  13. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Sandra, I remember the days trying to keep children quiet when John was sleeping after the nightshift, you are aware of every sound, telephone, doorbell everything seems to make a noise. Often he would get up and say I never heard a thing, also he would say stop worrying we can't be turning everyone's life upside down because I have to work nights.
    We have Ciara here today she was sick in the night so daddy dropped her off on his way into London. She is all tucked up on the sofa in the lounge with a lovely snuggly blanket around her. I asked could get anything for her, she looked at me with a sad paleface and replied "no thank you " my reply of " what about the remote for the TV" was greeted with a big smile........ She'll live !! Wicked Grandma.
    Maureen, your card is beautiful, you are a brilliant colourist I love the effect you have used to creat the winter sky, it's brilliant. This card really delivers the seasons message. Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.
    I will go and check on my patient and get a Diane Wiggle on, ( sorry Diane Teletubbies it just slipped into my mind again ) !!!!!'
    Will pop back in later, love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  14. Hello Sandra and ladies!
    I'm sorry I'm late again . I started commenting from the bottom up ages ago , then my shopping came and I'm going out in two hours so I'd better get a wriggle/ wiggle on!
    Maureen - you have a real talent for stamping and painting a scene! It is just the most tranquil scene and the light and shade are perfect! If only we could have Peace on Earth and goodwill to all - not very like it just now! Thank you for sharing such a lovely card with that special Star!
    You are having a really busy time so please just try to have a rest when you can!
    Speak soon! It's a threat! Ha ha ! Xx
    Jean and Michele - I googled the chocolate shop and I remember when that was the downstairs room of Apples and Pears! It was a gorgeous Gift/ Antique shop. They moved to Mawdesley and eventually closed! It looks really lovely. Looking forward to going and meeting up.
    It's still a bit wet, wild and breezy here as well as a being a bit colder.
    Hope tomorrow I will have more time.
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  15. Afternoon Sandra and all in today,
    Love your card Maureen. The whole thing is so peaceful and the light, is make you want to stop and have a thought before moving on, just beautiful !
    Did all go well at school Sandra ? Want be easy to be tiptoeing around the house all weekend for the girls but hope Paul get some beauty sleep before his next shift. I used to by on-line from Damart and one year I bought some long Johns and long sleeved vest ,warm and cosy they were meant to be but , never been so cold a winter with them on Lol. good luck in your hunt.
    After gym. this morning we went to Ikea for a smallish breakfast, it was nice but missed out on the waffles in here. I love waffles! Then it was to Tesco for milk and bread. We have freezer full so like to empty it for C.mas food that need to be bought in .Step-son from Bournemouth coming up for a few days before and He can eat.... Haven't made any cards or anything today after coming home. Not sure but getting little tired of making but must finish the ones for sending soon so they are done at least. Have ordered pizza for tonight's dinner so no cooking or washing up. Going to take some painkillers and a cup of tea for now,
    love and warm hugs Xxxx

  16. Hello Sandra and ladies, really late again, been at our wee craft shop today had a good few people in, it makes the day pass quicker when you are busy
    Maureen your card is lovely, so calm and peaceful, love it.
    Talking about vests, I was at the chemist when I got home to pick up a prescription, when I came out there was a woman walking past with just a strappy teeshirt on, and a pair of trousers, it was really cold, don't know how she could walk about like that!
    Congratulations Lillian to you and your husband on you Golden Wedding.
    Saba I feel for you having to leave your new machine behind, just make sure you have cut enough bits to keep you going until you come back in a few weeks.
    Off to get more stuff ready for next Saturday's craft fair.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  17. Hello
    Flying visit, gosh it's chilly today and that's down south. Emma has been texting to say how cold it is - she put at shirt under her jumper instead of the vest but I think that might change soon! They have had sleet as far as she can see - she's been in labs so no windows. Hot pot and rice pudding in the oven for dinner, just right for a cold day. I found the stamp, I'd been looking at it all the time! I've made 3 cards for friends I will see next week. Just going to cut out some baubles - thinking of you Maureen !
    See you later xxxxx

    1. Oh comfort food just right for to combat this awful weather can I come to dinner please? I hope you put some freshly grated nutmeg on the rice pudding befre cooking I love it that way. xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Just a flying visit. Maureen your card is gorgeous, I live how you have got the light from that wonderful star shining on the trees etc. it really is fantastic.
    I haven't read yesterday's or any of today's comments so I hope you are all well, and stay snug and warm over the next few days ! Oh, roll on Spring and warmth and sunshine.
    Take care xx

  19. Right ladies, lidl are doing thermals tops and leggings as from this next week I think it is, it depends on your area. The top are £4.99 I think the leggings are about the same. I have had them and they are good. I just find you have to watch the size you get sometimes they can be small. But do try them. xxx

    1. Oh thanks Hazel I will give them a try and many thanks for the tip about sizing. xxx

  20. Lilian, am I thick or what - Myra do not answer that!
    Happy golden wedding anniversary, I have only just clicked what G/A meant.
    Hope you have had a lovely day.
    I got drenched on the school pickup, hail stones no less.
    Spent the early evening colouring in, story at bedtime and now peace reigns.
    Not looking forward to tomorrow, hate leaving him at the airport.
    Fish and chips for tea, such a treat.
    Maureen dear one, thinking of you, hope you are finding some you time.
    Patricia, sending you an extra hug too just because I can.
    Bye for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Have a safe journey and just remember it will only be a short while until you are back again at the most wonderful time of the year for little ones!
      Special hugs and thoughts for you Val and family. xxx

  21. Good evening everyone
    Where has today gone if anyone finds my share of it could they please return it.
    Maureen what a beautiful card, in fact it is a wonderful masterpiece of your fantastic colouring skills it really does show such a peaceful setting and shows the true meaning of the season, I love it.
    Sheila delighted to know you had a wonderful day yesterday after I have been to my hairdresser I always feel so much better, and what a great shopping trip, have a lovely time with your darling Nikki. You really did perfectly right at the craft class after all you are not a child what on earth is wrong with doing your own take on what you have been shown, it show initiative on your part, don't feel bad about it you did perfectly right even if you felt a little wobbly, don't you worry.
    Cheryl what a cheek thinking you could be fobbed off, they obviously don't know who they are dealing with! Have you had a look on their corporate page on the web site, that is where they usually have their mission statement you may be able to quote it back to them if they have failed to carry it out and if that is so these companies don't like that so go rattle their cage my girl!
    Hazel you really are one busy bunny please don't over do things and take care in this awful weather I just hope the snow doesn't come that the weather folk are promising us.
    Well must get the ironing done before I can get anymore cards complete. have a lovely evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  22. Hellooooooooooooooooooooo.
    Well, I've finally made it!!
    Happy Anniversary Lilian, you didn't let us have your address, otherwise I would have sent a card. I hope you've had a great day and that you'll have a lovely weekend.
    Thank you all for your very kind comments on my Christmas Card. This is my very favourite stamp as it says exactly what I wish everyone - and how apt it is in the light of the events of today in Mali and Paris during the week.
    Distress inks, Tumbled Glass, Faded Jeans and Dusty Concord for sky applied with cut and dry. Pine Needles and Tumbled Glass for the ground applied with cut and dry. Gently apply them and leave a space in the middle of the card where you wish to place your stamp. With a wet paint brush remove about 1/4" of the distress ink along the bottom of the card to replicate snow.
    Stamp some trees along the ground. Remove the moon with water and spritz the sky lightly with water. Preferably with a proper water spritzer and not with the spray used when clothes are too dry to iron!!!! Go on - ask me how I know which is the best to use!!!!
    When card is dry, gently go around the edge of the card with Walnut Stain Distress ink, then either stamp a star or etch one with a white pen and apply glue and glitter to trees and ground. Then layer and put onto base card.
    Easy, peasy. It really is easy, please have a go. The cards I have done this year have slightly darker skies as I wanted to give more of a night time effect.
    As I've said before, I think the secret is that I use Samuel Taylor ultra smooth card, and it takes the ink beautifully. It also stamps, cuts and does everything beautifully - and no, I don't get commission from them!!!!
    Saba, just go home naked and take your BSP with you (when I read that in your post, why did I immediately think of the Big Friendly Giant?!) You know you'll have withdrawal symptoms otherwise!!!
    Cheryl, I hope you get satisfaction from the Pub Chain. They'll try to fob you off, but don't let them.
    Janet, I'm going to borrow your card ideas from yesterday to make a couple of presents. I'll do Patricia's bag. I don't mind who I pinch ideas from!!!!
    Sheila, how rude, the idea of a workshop is to get ideas how to do things, but you can put your own spin on it. You should have told her where to put her bow, or preferably placed it for her!!! lol She only showed herself up there by trying to play the big person.
    Have a lovely birthday party with Nikki, she'll be excited as she'll be having another one later in the week. You can tell her that she's like the Queen, two birthdays!!!!
    I didn't realise that there was a benefit in having a Sparrks card, I still haven't had time to do anything with my invitation.
    Dainty, This weather will be a shock to Emma's system, there's nothing quite like the North East wind, it seems to get where other winds never reach!!! I'm glad that you found your stamp. I've lost a Clarity Mermaid and can't find it anywhere. I've had it for years, and needed it last month but had to have a rethink. I might have another look this weekend, as my craft room looks like a bomb has hit it with all the Bauble off cuts!! I could have cut some for you whilst I was busy, you should have let me know - and I would have ignored you ha ha. NO, I wouldn't, I'd have cut them and posted them to you.
    Hazel, I hope you've had a good crafting day. You are a right one to talk, telling me to slow down, there are times when you are like a Whirling Dervish!!
    Norah, you have been busy as well. Your shawls are so beautiful. I laughed that Rory doesn't wear thermals now he is a big boy, wait until he's an old man - he'll be glad of them then!!!!
    Brenda OB, I hope Ciara is feeling a lot better. I bet a day at Grandma's has done the trick!!
    Sue, I hope you are o.k.
    Pat I hope all is well in your household.

    1. Second part:-

      Sandra, I hope that all goes well with Paul's night shift, and that you are well.
      Jess that lassie would do well in Newcastle because they go around half naked even in deep snow.
      Maria you take care and I hope the painkillers work soon/
      Myra, I see you are gadding again and hope you have a great time whatever you do. You'll be safe, I'll not be taking the bloomer Balloon out in this wind!!
      Got to go, sister in law on phone. My original post wouldn't post as there were too many words, and I haven't found out how to separate and save the second bit. So i had to delete, and then try to remember what I've deleted, so if this second part is a lot of do do, then you know why.
      love Muriel.xxxxx

  23. Margaret C, you must have posted while I was typing War and Peace, and my sister in law came on the telephone, and chuntered on about nothing for half an hour!!!
    Enjoy your ironing!!! I was going to craft, but have run out of time - as usual!!

  24. Hi everyone - very late tonight but have commented on the way down
    I hope everyone is well and keeping warm - my the temperature has surely dropped today - went into town - John dropped me off and I got the bus back - the rain was so heavy while on the bus but had stopped when I got off - just walked into the house and down it came again - was I lucky today.
    Nic is home tomorrow but its forecast a dry day - hopefully - we will go out for a ride - but when its raining there isn't many places to go to keep dry.
    Ive been finishing off my birthday cards - then have to do inserts for C/cards.
    Saba was interested to see your comments about the BSP. think it would be divorce for me if I got another machine haha.
    Have a safe journey - wont be long before you are back again.
    Will say goodnight to all - Sandra a nice quiet weekend in the craft room may be the answer - would the girls enjoy that .
    Till tomorrow - sleep tight xxxxx

  25. Evening All, thank you for all your good wishes for our anniversary, we went to Padstow for a walk around ,it's years since we've been, in the Summer it's absolutely packed. It was cold and wet, so we had a quick look around and then lunch. Was glad to get home it was so cold.
    Maureen have sent my details to Sandra, hope she had the eMail my iPad seems not to tell me if my emails are sent.
    Hoping to make some new cushions tomorrow if I can find the fabric I bought last year, if not I'll have to start my C cards.
    Well time for bed, have a good night everyone and keep warm.Lil
