
Sunday 22 November 2015

Another Beautiful Birthday Card & ADCD Description!

My Wonderful Birthday Card from Michele xx

A disorder that we all suffer from at times!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Oooh it has got sooooo Chilly!!!! 
I was so cold in that big old bed all on my own, and Milo just would not settle, I think it was a combination of the howling wind and Paul not being in bed, Milo usually snuggles up on the bed next to Paul, which to me is so hilarious because Paul was the 'least keen' to have a cat when it was discussed, but he spends so much time playing with them and Milo is like Paul's 'shadow'!  So I don't think I got 1 hour of complete sleep!

Now onto today's card, This fabulous card, designed by our Michele was very apt as we had just arrived home from holiday when I got to open my cards and the piles of ironing were a very prominent feature in our house, so this card did bring a smile to my face, I could just about squeeze the door shut and forget about the laundry for the day, so thank you Michele for such a fun card, it really bought a smile to my face xxxx

Michele also sent me this hilarious and very true poster, I know that I can spend a whole day in my craft room doing many different things yet have no 'card' to show for it at the end of the day, but I do have a basket full of PHD's (projects half done)! These are the days that we learn new things have a dabble into something new, getting your hands dirty!  I think that there are a few of you ladies amongst us that turn their hands to many new things, we only have to look back at the Mixed craft days to see that!  
Thanks for sending this in Michele xxxx

Our home has been smelling delicious this last week, what with Margaret P's Boiled fruit cake last weekend, which didn't last very long, I think I use that recipe for our Christmas cake, putting glazed fruit and nuts on top 'Genoa' cake style, which is generally preferred to the iced and marzipaned traditional cake in our house!
Friday night I made Margaret's P's Lemon & Coconut Drizzle cake (well in fact I made two) as the one that Margaret made me for my birthday didn't last long enough.  
Tonight the smell of the bananas getting a little too ripe in the fruit bowl had me searching for Banana cake recipes, I found one on Pinterest for Crumble Topped Banana Muffins, you make the muffin mix and then make a cinnamon flavoured crumble topping to sprinkle on before baking, oh they smell yummy, a good way to used up the bananas too as I am not keen on them once they get past being 'green tinged', I don't like them when they start to get brown spots! 
Do any of you have a tried and tested recipe for Viennese Fingers/Melting Moments please????  I haven't been able to find one for months and I am suffering withdrawals. x

Saba, I am hoping that you had a trouble free journey home, I am sure that Peter was so very pleased to have you back beside him, thank you so very much for making the retreat part of your scheduled visit home,
you have no idea how much in meant to me that you found the time to come, It was such an absolute pleasure to meet such a kind hearted, caring and totally hilarious lady xxxx 

Thank you all for your continued support, I hope that you are all still enjoying your visits???

Love and Hugs to all,
ps.. Good luck to all of you in Sue's Launch drawer today! xxx


  1. Good morning. Sandra and all who call in today. Well it was snowing last night, but none is lying here as far as I can see. That's not to say that a couple of feet higher up its not.
    Michele, a great fun card, my ironing pile need attention today. I must tackle it before I go on to do other things.
    Sheila, hope Nikki enjoyed her pre birthday treats and that you both had a lovely day together. You will now be getting yourself ready to go and have an enjoyable break with George and Margaret we will hope and pray the weather stays good for you.
    Jean, did you go somewhere nice with your Nic ? It's difficult when the weather isn't nice and bright to go out and drive around even Iiving in a beautiful area, you tend to end up visiting a lovely coffee shop and sitting?
    Maureen, now have been able to sit still for 5 minutes? You will need a rest this week after all that you did last week.
    Diane, did Emma get out to play? Oh half an hour out in the snow will have been the best medicine to go get her head round studying!
    Saba, I do hope your journey was hassle free and that Peter was waiting for you.
    Myra, are you going to have a relaxing day? I hope so.
    Now everyone else please enjoy your day what ever you are doing, which I hope will be some sort of crafting.
    I have set up for the day, seeing how the boss was baking we will be ok for nice goodies today. Me I am going to tackle the ironing first then I am going to get on with more gift bags and these pillow boxes. So I will be busy, once if have these done I can get on to making up gift baskets.
    I have taken my tea and toast and I am sitting at the back where it's cozy. Xxx

    1. Morning Hazel,
      Thanks for calling in a setting up this morning, sounds like you ave a busy day a head when is hour craft/gift fair? I am sure your gift baskets will go down a treat, especially those little ones like we made, they would make perfect teacher presents and also fantastic got stand by gifts for that occasion when some turns up with an unexpected gift! I think I am going to get hold of a good few of those baskets and put some bits of make up and cleansing bits and pieces for Sophie and Lucy's friends gifts, otherwise we end up giving a voucher and that gets expensive! So thank you for the tutorial, I think I will be using the idea for many years to come. I am going yo look on ebay to source some baskets and cellophane.
      Enjoy your crafting,
      Love and hugs,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra, you are so right, make up bits in the basket will go down well and it's a place to keep them too. I have done ones with nail polish remover, one of those big nail files a buffer and a tube of nail and hand cream. If you look on my blog you will see I found " nail art dotting tools" now I put them on to show that the are the same as craft tools that we use, but at 99p for the set they make good extra craft tools but a set in a basket with the other bits would work for young ladies. I am making up a few baskets also gift bags that can be used for teachers gifts.
      Vouchers work out expensive, asda also have a THESemme' hair set three things £7 or 2 for £8 and simple product gift sets at a reasonable price, a good stocking filler or again in a little basket! Guess who will be buying them to put in the baskets as I can sell them at a reasonable and affordable price? Asda do good sets that you can transform. xxx

    3. Hazel we had a couple of face time sessions yesterday showing us the snow out of the window and then one about 110 clock when they had gone out for a nighttime snowball fight! They were all a bit giddy as they gad been revising all day and needed to let of steam! I was just settling down to sleep about 1am when we had a final text - it's snowing really hard so we've been out again yo gave another snowball fight - it just had to be done. They are still little children at heart! Xxxx

    4. It's all good fun Diane! The best bit is - you don't have to deal with the wet clothes and boots! Xxx

    5. Haha so true Myra. She was putting things to dry as we spoke last night - I have taught her well! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Glad you liked your card Sandra. Considering there's only 2 of us here, we seem to create a lot of ironing! It's one of my Sunday chores. We really must get out & clear the leaves up as tomorrow is the last garden waste collection until March!

    I was suffering from ADCD yesterday, went into my craft room quite early as my friend sent a message to say she wasn't well so our monthly meet up was cancelled. I managed to make 2 cards but I do have more ideas so I might get more made today.

    I think hedgehog might have hibernated, last night was the first night his food hadn't been eaten. Mind you, it's suddenly got cold so I don't blame him. I must move the glazed pots into the greenhouse which requires the wheelbarrow and a lot of effort on my part to wheel them 200feet up a hill to the far end of the garden.


    1. Well you can imagine how much ironing that 6 of us make, some more than others I will say, it's not unusual to find perfectly clean still folded things in the laundry basket, generally when the girls have had to 'tidy' their rooms !
      So your card really did make me smile. X
      Do you have plenty of places for the hedgehog to hibernate in your garden? It sounds a good size, it's nice to think of them being all snuggled up for winter, isn't it?! Xxx
      Go careful with that gardening xxxx

  3. Morning everyone
    MICHELE - what a wonderful card you sent to Sandra - it really made me smile when I came into the Cafe this morning.

    HAZEL - thank you for setting up today - I'm later than usual. We had a very busy day yesterday and last evening we had a TV night and caught up on one or two things we'd recorded while we were in Marigny so it turned out to be a late night in bed too.

    It's absolutely freezing here and we still have one or two tiny bits of the white stuff but only little bits. We're on the top of a hill and so get all the really good weather haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
    We're off to visit Christina today out in Derbyshire so will see how the building work is going so it will be a very well wrapped up day probably looking more like a walking mountain to keep out the cold. Hand warmers will be in my gloves to try and keep my fingers going (I can always hope).

    Hugs are in their basket and I'm just off to join Hazel with my Hot Choc.
    xxxx If anyone's going out please take care we do not want to hear of any falls etc.

    1. Glad you had a lovely lie in this morning, that's what Sundays are for!
      Milo gave me a lie in this morning too, he didn't come in until 5.15 !!
      But my goodness it was chilly getting up at that time, I even considered putting my fleecy jamas on!
      Have a lovely visit with Christina, it will be to see the progress, do kero warm though, your fingers are very precious and I know how Becca suffers when it gets this chilly, so do take care!
      Maybe someone should invent gloves that have battery powered heating element in them, they make tiny batteries these days so it must be doable !
      Look forward to hearing all about your visit,
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and the Coffee shop crew, at the it's dry here, but so cold, didn't get much sleep either last pain in my knees was driving me crackers, more voltarole.
    Michele love the card, the sentiment is just me, also love the craft moto.
    Going to change the bedding today as they say it's going to be dry.
    Hazel glad you have no snow, I hate the stuff.
    Sandra your cakes smell delicious, would love some of the recipes.
    Have a good day all, and wrap up well if going out.
    Best Wishes Lilian

    1. Hello Lilian,
      Hope your knees don't cause you too much pain today.
      Please can you let Sandra have your birthdate, e mail and address so that she can pass it on. That is if you are happy for us to have it.

    2. Hi Lilian, sorry to hear that you are struggling with your knees, you need some 'Margaret Heat Bags' they are perfect for aching painful joints, you fill them with cheap rice and pop in microwave for a couple of minutes and they give so much relief !
      You take care today, so you have a better night tonight, sending you hugs xxxx

    3. Saba, have emailed Sandra my details.

      Sandra I'm just the opposite, I need cold compress to ease my knees, left knee has been replaced,but has been much painful ever since.

  5. Morning it's me again.
    I have just read yesterday's comments and I cannot believe how rude I was.
    I'm mortified that I didn't comment on
    Brenda's mirror and Patricia and Hazel's jewelry.
    I'm so sorry.
    BRENDA - Your mirror is just gorgeous and will stand proud on any wall.
    Your sentiment of 'Enjoy the little things in life' is so so true. I would love it on one of my walls.
    PATRICIA/HAZEL your pendants are sooooo beautiful and will grace any neck they surround. The colours are amazing and the proceeds made going to charity is just wonderful. Could these be made into brooches?

    Again I'm so sorry for not commenting.

    1. Janet, yes they can be made into brooches in fact there is one in the box it's a heart one, we made them and small ones that could be used as key rings, we found that the pendants sold more off so we concentrated on them. Thank you for your lovely comment. oh please wrap up really warm, yes your hands more so. xxx

  6. Good morning folks, think I will go over join my sister. I have not seen her for couple of weeks.
    MICHELE:- great card, you obviously knew what Sandra would be getting up,to when she got back from her holiday.
    I actually have some ironing to do today. Did not get it done with Robert being here yesterday. He loves baking but typical man .... not the washing up. He loves crafting but does not like the tidying up part.
    Hope you all manage to keep cosy, it was snowing here last night but not much lying this morning, thank goodness. I wear my long sleeved Thermal Tops from M&S (must check out Primark & Matalan) and I always wear, Lambswool Cardigans, the longer the better and of course my UGGS. I wear the very short ones as slippers, slightly longer ones if I pop out and I have long ones for when it is snowing or really cold.
    I have Pendant orders to catch up on today. I would like to get them all made and ready for posting tomorrow. I am waiting for wire and bead supplies coming, hopefully I have enough for today. We used to be able to buy beads at a reasonable price recently they have soared in price. Oh! well you just have to put up with these things and get on with it. No point grumbling, no one listens anyway.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. Have a good day xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia!
      I'm just about to go out to church - was having a quick read and a coffee! Put the price of the pendants up a little bit . I know I'd be happy to pay more than your asking price! It's only fair! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- you are so sweet to think of us in this way. Hazel and I have been told this quite a few times especially by Sue Wilson herself to put our prices up.
      As you know each one is individual, no two are the same either in size or colours. When we have have tried to increase prices to take this into consideration the sales take a bit of a dip. We have struck on the £15 irrespective and they sell very well at that. Even when we tell people where the money is going £15 each seems to be the sealing price.
      We don't take anything from the money other than to replace our "wire & bead stock". I will have to do that, I have sent for Wire & Beads this morning. We hate doing it but "needs must" we can't keep using our own money all the time.
      Thank You for thinking of us in this way, God Bless. xxx

    3. Your pendants are unique that is what makes them so charming, apart from the fact that they are bring made for such a good cause.
      I understand totally the problem you have, jewellery making supplies across the board have soared, I use mainly precious ans semi precious stones in my jewellery and the cost of this easy home through the roof, pearls gave doubled in price in some cases!
      But as you well know Patricia it just isn't worth trying to source cheaper products from abroad as when you get them the quality is shocking, Wire is a tricky one too, it's a case of find a decent supplier and stick with them, as you can buy what appears to be perfectly good wire only to find it tarnishes after a few months! So I don't think that folk would mind paying a few extra pounds for such a unique, statement piece that us raising money for such a fantastic cause!
      I was thrilled to see Sue wearing a necklace that I made her last year on a recent tutorial, it's small and delicate made with Sapphire and tiny freshwater pearls, it gives you quite a buzz!!!
      The ironing can wait, don't let your fingers get too sore though xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies, it's a lovely clear sunny morning here but I'm sure it's really cold ( haven't been out yet ) .
    Michele , your card is great! I can see why Sandra enjoyed it so much , I do love a card that makes you smile , look forward to hearing how you made it.
    CardStash have the BSP on at £99.99 with 2 A4 embossing folders included and free postage, I don't know how good a deal that is as I don't know the normal price , but the deals they have are usually good.
    Must get some crafting done today as I haven't been in the craft room for two days.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, that is a good price, I got mine when Hobbycraft had it on offer at £90, on it's own, no extra folders!
      I have looked at their site a few times as I am on their mailing list, they have some good offers but I find their website a little uninspiring.
      Enjoy your crafting xxxx

  8. Meant to ask has anyone tried the Altenew layered stamps? I saw the program on C&C and they looked really good.

    1. Oh. That sounds intriguing, I will go have a look, I have tried the Justrite layered stamps they are fabulous!
      Patricia is the layered stamp expert Anne, she done some gorgeous scene cards recently and has used both stampin up and justrite layered stamps!
      I hope C&C have it on their watch back thingy!

    2. Hi Anne ,I bought 3sets as I missed the big deal, which sold out really quick, I used my £10 credit.
      I have had a quick try but found them very disappointing, as the ink beads on the stamp, so I get a splotchy mess. Tried stamping up ink and distress ink.
      Maybe I need to practice more., thought I'd email the company.

  9. Hi Michelle
    I looked at the length and thought my word she's made a mistake no ones garden can be 2000 feet long. Then read as I was typing and saw it said 200, thought my that's long then remembered ours was just over 150ft. My brain certainly us not working this week.

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone. oh do wrap up nicely if going out, it is freezing here and I have got permission from grumpy to have the heating on low if needed and I would say yes, not easy to make cards with your gloves on.
    Love your card from Michele, Sandra. it's fun and so much going on in the picture. I don't do ironing and just remembered the 2 shirts hanging on the board since August. Maybe I should do them later to warm my hands up a bit. I suffering from ADCD all the time, glad to have a name for it and know I'm not alone with this symptom. I have decided I have made enough C,cards for this year so not stress myself any further and that's feel good. My tummy have behaved itself for a while now ,Myra but do feel it from time to time. More the sore throat that's annoying from apparently acid reflux but might have to see an ENT specialist one day just to make sure it's nothing else going on.
    Sandra , hearing all the baking you made is making me hungry so better get a move on and then I'm going to make some cutting out's ,lost a piece yesterday so have to make a new bit. A bag with four bottles of beer also missing but that 's another saga hihi Love and hugs to you all ,Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I would go and send your GP about your throat as it's not good to leave it, I suffered horrendously with heartburn and acid reflux for years, I had my Gall Bladder removed and hoped it would all go away but it didn't, I was so disappointed, I used to take Ranitidine prescribed by my GP but it did nothing for my symptoms, after a year or so I asked if they could please review the situation, so they changed my tablets to Omeprazole it was like magic, they worked straight away, I still suffer from time to time, I think mine is down to the effect of the morphine I take every day, as it slows down my 'digestive transit' !
      What did you lose a bit of Maria???
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your tummy gas settled down. It's awful when it starts playing up. As Sandra says Omeprasole works wonders for me as well. I take 2+ 20 grams. 1 in the morning at 1 before dinner in the evening.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Now my reply above was supposed to be under Michelkes pist. Not to sure why it wasn't.
    Michelke love your card you sent Sandra. I'll have to look at these again as I'm sure I haven't see this one either. I'm looking forward to seeing how it was made and who makes this stamp.
    Sorry sorry ladies, I really thought I'd commented yesterday. It's obviously blogger as I keep having to sign in every time.
    Janet I love your owl, these are my favourites. They are so cute.
    Brenda as usual yoyr creations are gorgeous, and you should gave seen the plaque she made for Saba at the retreat.
    And as usual Patricia's and Hazels pendants are out of this world. I'm the proud owner of four of these, all individual and something that no one else will have.
    Sandra I hope we get to meet up this week as we missed last week. Wel'll have to co ordinate for when Paul is on nights.

    1. Pat - she isn't is she?? Well I never!
      How are you coping Pat with all that's going on? How is Pete?
      I know I'm a bit cheeky - but you know me now - hopefully well enough to know it's just fun ! It's predictive text to blame! I love my pendants too! Xxx

    2. Now Pat, I do think it's a little bit early in the day for Michele to be "pist" maybe she needed it after all that gardening!
      Paul's lady night is tonight Pat so that won't change our crafting days this week, even if all three of us can't do same day we can do two different days!
      Hugs xxxx

    3. I'm sorry I just can't contain myself! What does Paul get up to on his lady night ?? Xxxx

    4. Heehee I thought that too - oh the visions in my head! Xxxx

    5. Hi Sandra, Myra and Diane
      Not only is Myea pist so early in the morning. Paul is also having a lady day. Good job you don't wear heels Sandra. I'd ask to come and watch him tottering around in them on his lady night. Does he use any of your clothes, or does he buy his own. He he.

  12. Good morning Ladies,
    Thank you for your kind wishes, I landed at 10pm and Peter was waiting for me. It was snowing quite heavily and very chilly. Settled down to a nice glass of wine and caught up with the news.
    Today will be all about unpacking and a bit of cleaning. The flat was tidy and vacuumed but I think Peter must have misplaced the duster!
    Yesterday's offerings were beautiful.
    Janet I love your Owl, he has such a cheeky look about him.
    Brenda your mirror is fabulous, you are so talented.
    Patricia your pendants are a work of art, each one a beauty, I love the ones I have, your heart and Hazels tear drop one. Bless both of you for all you do for your charities.
    Michele today's card made me smile, I might just close the door on my washing as a result, and as for ADCD well I definitely suffer from that.
    Hope you all enjoy your Sunday whatever you are doing.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

    1. So pleased you arrived home safely, I was imagining them probing you with all sorts before they allowed you to fly!
      It's frustrating but I am mighty glad that they go to the lengths they do to keep us safe. It surprised me to discover that security is just as tight if not tighter at the airport on camp, I had visions of them just loading all their gear on and off but it still goes through all the scanning and checking that civilian airlines do and coming back the other way is even worse and the consequences are a lot more serious too!
      Anyway I can just imagine the "arrrrr" sound you made as you climbed into your own bed! Although I am sure you missed your early morning caller coming in yo wake you!
      Keep warm and cosy and don't look at the dust!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Hi everyone, quite cold today, no snow here so far!
    Michele love your card, the sentiment is so true especially to crafters.
    Saba glad you got home ok, won't be long till you are back though,
    Sandra what a busy lady you are with all your baking, OH is not a cake hand, so if I bake I end up eating it myself, not a good idea!
    Went out last night for a Chnese meal, it was lovely, quite a change for Saturday nights, not much done craft wise, must get on today after visiting my sister for an hour or so. Take care everyone, especially if you have had bad weather. Xxx

  14. Hi everyone, quite cold today, no snow here so far!
    Michele love your card, the sentiment is so true especially to crafters.
    Saba glad you got home ok, won't be long till you are back though,
    Sandra what a busy lady you are with all your baking, OH is not a cake hand, so if I bake I end up eating it myself, not a good idea!
    Went out last night for a Chnese meal, it was lovely, quite a change for Saturday nights, not much done craft wise, must get on today after visiting my sister for an hour or so. Take care everyone, especially if you have had bad weather. Xxx

    1. Jess, I think you have an 'echo' today, haha!
      How frustrating, I don't think I would bother baking if nobody else wanted to eat it, it kind of seems pointless, mind you having tasted your amazing shortbread, I wouldn't want to share that, I loved it! I am happy to share yours if you fancy a baking session, I went and hid in my craft room to eat the piece you gave me so that nobody would ask for a bite!
      Have a lovely time with your sister,
      Hugs xxxx

  15. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    It's bright but very chilly here and we had a lot of rain last night.
    Michele what a fabulous card and as Sandra said very apt as she was returning home from the family holidays I love the verse on the front too, That poster is so very true too... how many of us do that....I am so very guilty of doing it!
    The day was lovely yesterday with Nikki she was allowed to open a little present from me (she took the main one home to be opened on Wednesday) and then a one from a very special friend (whim I have never met on in cyber space) and a beautiful card to go with it....I actually got very choked up at this point....Nikki has not speech just sounds and as I set it up on the table she just went 'aaaaaaaaaaaw'. After lunch I walked in with the cake lit with candles and me singing 'Happy Birthday' (not the prettiest of sounds believe me! Lol!) and she had the biggest of smiles and was clapping her hands and then asked (in her way) could she take it home? I told her of course she could as long as we have a slice together.Which we did. She was amazing and all this as her daddy wasn't here with us to celebrate and she (as I didn't) forget him ...she asked was the present of Daddy too and I had managed to put a little mention of him in the verse of the card which you can see on My Pinterest.
    All this and she had a poorly eye too....on Friday she had poked herself in the eye, then rub it and so they took her along to the doctors and he said she had an infection and gave her some eye-drops.....boy did I want to keep her home with me and just cuddle her! But I knew that could be a big mistake with Nikki as it could undo all the good work they had done with her.....but I was so tempted and hopefully her eye will get better very soon.
    Saba hope toy have had a safe and uneventful journey home finished off with a lovely relaxing glass of something nice.
    Looking forward now to my trip to Ostend, the coach company had included an excursion to Brussels but I have a feeling they might just cancel that as they have the 'Highest Alert' on there and I don't think it's somewhere I'd fancy going at the moment even though I love it. There is plenty to do in Ostend anyway.
    Well I must get a shufty on as I have things to do. Take care ladies hugs to those who need them and will try and pop back later to do a catch up.Enjoy the rest of Sunday.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello Sheila,
      Sounds as if you had a lovely and a rather moving day too with Nikki! So sorry about her sore eye and I do hope it gets better very soon. I hope you really enjoy your trip away. It's lovely to have a change at this time of year when it's dark so early - it makes for long evenings! Safe travel my dear! Xxx

    2. Oh Sheila, your post had me proper choked up today, I was just imagining Nikki's excitement at her gifts and cake but still she managed to show you her appreciation. And the fact that she was still thinking about and missing her darling daddy, bless her, was the cake yummy?. You can't go wrong with M&S can you?
      Now as tempting as it was for you (and any mum) you are right in that as comforting as it might seem at the time, the long term effects of keeping Nikki home to care for her yourself would have a huge long term effect on her progress and for you too, I am sure that saying goodbye to her after a week or two would be a whole lot harder on you too. I just can't imagine how hard that must be, you are such an inspiring lady Sheila, I can't wait until the say I get to meet you!
      I am sure you are getting excited for your trip to Ostend , so frustrating that these pathetic individuals are be allowed to cause such disruption, I hope that they will have lifted the travel restrictions so that you can go into Brussels after all, it would be just annoying yo be in Ostend and not make the short excursion into Brussels! I am sure you will all find plenty to do if not! I doesn't seem that long since your last trip.
      Enjoy the rest of your day my lovely xxx

    3. SHEILA:- so glad you and Niki had a good day. I hope they keep a good check on that eye for her and it heals soon.
      Have a wonderful time away, a great boost at this time of year. xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Quick visit as I'm supposed to be making my Christmas cake but know I've got to get some more eggs, thought I has enough but oh no we've now thought about a bread and butter pudding for dinner tonight so I will pop to the shop quickly in a minute before I start.
    Michele your card is great and what a fantastic verse. I've got a pile of ironing to do too but will probably do it tomorrow afternoon whilst watching the lovely Gibbs! Xxxxx
    Sandra I've got a recipe for Viennese whirls in one of my books, I will hunt it out and email it to you. I use it on top of my mince pies, I get a lot of requests for them !
    Hope everyone is ok and keep well wrapped up. Saba it's good to hear you are home safe and sound, what's a bit of dust! I wondered if you would have snow, they seemed to be spreading it far and wide on the world weather the other night. Keep warm xxxxx
    See you all later xxxxxx

    1. Oooh Diane Viennese topped mince pies, just pure genius, and heavenly too!,
      See how many hidden talents you all have, you are all just incredible, Diane can I come for tea?..
      That reminds me of something my mum used to make, I think it was to use up the stale bread etc it was called Bread Pudding, it had mixed fruit in and mixed spice and used to be quite firm, cut up into squares, it was one of my dad's favourites, it was crunchy on the top with Demerara sugar !
      Do you enjoy baking Diane?
      Who is Gibbs???
      Shut the door on the ironing and get in that kitchen!, haha
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, it is bread pudding. Tammys God mum use to make it,,I image she still does, but we had this thing that I would save my stale bread and give it to her with a bag of dried fruit every other time she made it, like you it was cut into squares oh it was yummy. As for Gibbs you mustn't watch NCIS!!!

    3. I have become quite famous for my mince pies and my cakes amongst my friends and yes I do enjoy baking ( shame about the waste line!). Bread and butter pudding has fresh buttered bread layered with sultanas and sugar and you pour over an egg custard mix so it goes soggy and sets when you cook it - it's quite light and scrummy. Bread pudding is as Hazel says stale bread soaked in water until it goes mushy, mixed with suet spices and dried fruit and eggs then cooked, it's a solid slab and again is yummy - haven't had one for ages, my Grans was the best! These days people probably throw stale bread out! Oh yes Gibbs is NCIS - he makes the ironing go down a treat! Xxxx

    4. Hullo all
      I'd better not let Pete see these posts regarding Bread and Bread and Butter puddings, or he's going to start asking when am I going to make one. Also Diane yoyr lemon drizzle cake. I think I need a few lessons. Apart from a rubbed fruit cake. Mine always go wrong somewhere along the line.

  17. Hello Sandra,
    I'm having a bit of a disjointed day! Hey ho, I posted some comments before church but the service wasn't that long!! Just about to go and make some gravy!
    I always think of George and Muriel at this point!
    Your card from Michele is really lovely and made me smile. I need to get some things like that so that all my cards aren't boring !! Anne has some lovely bird ones on Pinterest. They really made me smile Anne!
    I will come back after lunch. I have a confession to make! Oooh!!
    It's ok Alastair is still alive!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. Ooh you snuck in under the radar whilst I was posting. A short service, lucky you!!!
      I can't wait to hear your confession - You'll probably get 3 Hail Marys and an Our Father - oh no, is that Blasphemy?
      Muriel xxx

    2. MYRA:- glad you told us Alistair was OK! was my first thought!! xxx

    3. I knew you'd think murder most foul had been committed!!! Xxxx

    4. Now you have us all intrigued Myra??
      What have you been up to?
      Looking forward to finding out xxx

    5. I know Muriel, I'm like one of those drones we hear about!
      No - not the droning on sort! The flying ones! Xxx

  18. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Michele, your card today is such good fun!! It's great, and you can always count me in for ADCD - it's my normal state!!!
    Saba, I'm glad you are safely home, and that Peter looked after things whilst you were away. His duster is obviously with George's - under an invisibility cloak!!!!
    Patricia, you moan as much as you like, it's true we will all ignore it, but don't let that stop you moaning. As they used to say in Allo Allo, good moaning!! ha ha. Your pendants are worth every penny, and did I tell you that all the girls in LUSH were oohing and aahing over the pink one when I was in there last week. If you have to increase the price, do it, they will still sell.
    Maria, I am glad to read that your stomach is a bit better just now, but that you are suffering a sore throat due to reflux. I do hope you can soon get more relief, I live on Rennies!!!, I never go out without them, I even sometimes have to take them during the night when I wake up.
    Dainty, Emma is having such a wonderful time, oh to be so full of enthusiasm again. It really is lovely. Enjoy your session with Gibbs, it's also one of my highlights of the week.
    Sheila, I am so pleased that Nikki had such a lovely time at home. Don't worry, they will look after her eye and make sure it heals.
    Janet, what a good idea to turn the pendants into brooches, why didn't I think of that? I have an ideal Rennie MacIntosh type pin which will do the job beautifully,
    Hazel, I think I have finally decided to give up volunteering at school. We have so much going on at the moment and three times a week in school is just too much. I am going to ring the office tomorrow to tell them - I'm not looking forward to it. Mind, you can talk, you and Patricia never stop, you are both always on the go doing this and that, going here and there - even popping to Australia now and again lol.
    Myra, I hope the sermon at church was better than ours!!! However, I am sure my suffering will be taken into account on Judgement Day ha ha.
    Sorry I am going to lunch now, the Butler is asking me to set the table!!!
    See you later,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen, yes the trips to Australia were exhausting..I think it's ridiculous having to go all that way to puppy sit? No I have been good today I have been sat making up,the pillow boxes. The die cuts so easy it only takes minutes to cut 6or 12 of them, the gift bags take a big longer, when I am cutting them down as well. Once I get these done I will get started on the baskets. Glad you are phoning the school. You have done your share and you have to much on at the moment, I am sure their are some who have never helped and sit at home doing nothing. We are all the same deep down and don't like letting folk down, a bit like me taking this table all because others have let the school down this year by going to the Palace one instead. xxx

    2. Good Girl! I'm proud of you - three times a week is too much . It dawns on us at a busy time of year sometimes that we need to cut back a little bit! I've decided my days of doing lunch for 13 on Boxing Day are now over. Instead it will just be our own immediate family which makes 9. The other four were my brother, SIL and their two grown up daughters. They came from Newcastle for years each Boxing Day for the entire day . Originally I would have had my Mum and Dad too! Well I've decided it's too much and I've offered a visit another time. It's too much after Christmas Day! I can't enjoy it for planning and setting up for Boxing Day! I don't like giving things up but needs must sometimes! Well that was quite a spiel !! Sorry. Xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- take a bow!! I am so glad to read what you intend doing.
      You have so much going on at home and with family without dealing with the school as well.
      Hazel and I are always busy but it is usually within our own 4 walls or with the boys. We are busy but you are "stressful busy" that's probably why your tummy bothers you. That's something that needs attention. Taking Rennies all the time is NOT good. xxx

    4. Maureen it may seem a daunting task to actually go in and tell them, I am sure they will be very sad to lose you, but at the same time just look back at the amount of hours of joy you have given to all of those little angels! I used to do 3 days at school when it was just Matt and Becca, I stayed until I was about bursting with the twins, I felt so guilty leaving and not going back, but still went back for special times like helping with Christmas and Easter and going in and found crafts for Mother's Day, it ended up being more of a pleasure as the time seemed more special!
      Will be thinking if you, now I can't help but think of the danger you are putting yourself in, that's three extra mornings/afternoons a week you will be at the mercy of George! Oh the danger, you were much safer in the company of the children!
      You may want to revise your life insurance !
      Enjoy your lunch, I am just waking for his lordship to arise before I start clattering the oven tins about ax our bedroom is very close to the kitchen !
      Hugs xxx

    5. Maureen I'm sure they will understand and be very grateful that they've had you for so long for so many days. I'm sure they will be delighted if you pop in occasionally when you are less busy. I know they would snap my hand off if I offered to help with reading again at school but it's a fine line to being sucked into it all again. Xxx

    6. Well done Maureen you really need more 'ME' time as you always seem so busy. I am so pleased you have made this decision and hopefully as Patricia has said without this extra stress your tummy may just settle down. Love Sheila and hugs xxxxx

  19. Good afternoon my little cherubs,
    Michele, i think i need my eyes tested before trying to read any of this again as i seen Homework instead of housework and wondered why there was a washing machine, ironing board and iron and a basketload of washing and what had it to do with homework and why was Sandra needing to do homework anyway. Then i read ACDC and thought that Sandra was a secret heavy metal fan like my Jim was, i could just here it rattling through the house and Sandra going around head banging as she crafted. As i say i think i must get these eyes checked or stop mixing up my letters and words. Yes Sandra now that i have read it again and it has actually penetrated the soft woolly stuff that surrounds what is my brain i think that Michele's card is very apt for you considering where you had been and what you had come back home with, lol. Your card is beautiful flower and the fact that you made it so appropriate for Sandra is fantastic. Is it a print out/ stamped that you have coloured and decoupaged or is it something that was precoloured and you have decoupaged it up? Either way i want one of those washing machines that can take big loads as that one has a fanastic sized drum in it. Thank you Michele for brightening up the day with your beautiful card and very apt poem.
    Well, Teeny is allowing me to make the wee fella HD Twas the Night Before Christmas book which pre Harry she had told me not to bother making that rubbish for her as she wouldn't be using it, but it is amazing what little hands and feet do to someone, they change them totally and mostly for the better i might add. I love this wee book for the wee ones as it gives them just the right kind of start to that magical day and what better way than to listen to what Santa's routine is, i wish that i'd had a book like that when i was little to read. Well OH is away to see his father and i asked him to take the crosses up to Jim and Dad's grave for me as he is not that far from the cemetery. Crikey you would have thought that i was asking him to go to Glasgow instead of 2 mile from his dad's. I told him not to bother and i would do it tomorrow but he has grudgingly taken them. The weather has been so horrendous up here this past week that i couldn't get up as the cemetery is even worse, it is on high ground and blows a gale on the calmest of days never mind the hail, rain and sleet ones. I am going away to sit by the fire and get my knitting out i think as i have 4 wee jumpers and hats to do for Christmas presents so i will go the now and try and see you all later.
    Huggles being sent
    Norah x

  20. Well as someone once said to my husband - " don't keep me in suspenders any longer than necessary" - so suspense over - confession time !
    I bought the new Spellbinders Machine! It was a bargain - free P& P and my GC is moaning something terrible. I'm not kidding - moaning is the best way to describe the noise it is making. Including a £20 credit I had it cost me £114.
    It was the free P&P that swung it though. I can't wait for it to arrive and give it a test drive. My friend loves hers. The Big Shot Plus takes up more space and I don't have a lot of desk space. I hope I've done the right thing but I guess only time will tell!
    Confession over! Last night until 8pm I had no intention whatsoever of buying that! Xxxx

    1. MYRA:- you are as bad as Saba:- a couple of little "tinkers"
      Looking forward to your opinion .... what I need to know is ... does it cut right down the middle!!! Have great fun playing. xxx

    2. Saba is a very bad influence !! Xxx

    3. Oh! Myra! I know that so well. xxx

    4. Myra, what are you like? Just because you got it at a good price is no excuse! Oh you will be watching that drive in the next few days. xxx

    5. It would have been rude of you not to get it at that price Myra :) xxxx

    6. Exactly Diane! Mind you I haven't confessed my sin here at home yet!
      I'll be like Saba and call it a late birthday present!! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I have a Mary Berry melting moments recipe will look it out for you & email it xx
    Sorry I was missing yesterday had a busy day then out to Gem's 21st party had a lovely evening, Sue & Chris worked hard in the kitchen & served up a lovely chilli & rice etc no wonder Sue is missing today hope she is taking it easy, doesn't seem possible Gem is 21 I was there when she was born Sue had her at home & it is a moment I will never forget & the look on Sue & Chris's face that she was a girl after 2 boys was priceless.
    Janet your hedgehog is lovely I also remember the rugs my Mum & Dad made xx
    Brenda love your mirror is teir no en to your talents?xx
    Patricia & Hazel well done on the pendants & your fund raising xx
    Michele your card today is great & love ACDC so true. xx
    Sheila pleased you had a lovely day with Nikki even though a sad day good for you making it special for her. Hope you enjoy your trip xx
    I am know going to have another play with my cards think I am getting the hang of it.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  22. Congratulations Saba! You have won a die on Sue's Blog Draw!
    Well done you! Couldn't happen to a nicer lady! Xxx

    1. like you I checked Sues web site and Saba has won a die,, well done my lovely. xx

  23. That's brilliant, the one person who deserves a boost just now.
    Congratulations. xxx

  24. Afternoon Ladies

    Goodness-I'm shattered (not "pist" yet)! Gardening then we decided to walk down to the beach as it was such a lovely afternoon.

    I've been sorting out paperwork since we got back-it just seems to multiply overnight.

    I'm hoping hubby will sort out dinner as I still have a few things to sort out the need to ring Dad after we've eaten. Might be more bearable after atlas (or two) of wine-ha ha!!

    Just seen the list of winners on Sue's blog-well done Saba!!!!!


  25. Myra it had to be you didn't it!!!
    I guess we are all suffering with the predictive text thingy to day!!
    It was on the I pad though, does anyone else's change 'have' to 'gave' that really frustrates me!!
    Paul doesn't usually have a 'lady' night, (not that he tells me about anyway) actually maybe that's where he is and not at work????!!!
    It's his 'last' night tonight thank goodness, then back to normal for a week!

    1. Sorry Sandra! It's good fun though!! Xxx

  26. Thank you ladies,
    To say I am giddy is an understatement. The only thing I have ever won in my life before ( not that I have been reincarnated) was an orange. It was in a raffle at a church led pantomime and very tasty it was too. Oh and at the retreat, forgotten about that, so actually I have won lots of times!!
    The die I won, the Brighter Days Ornate Frame was one of my absolute favourites from the launch and I am having a G&T to celebrate.
    Lots of love from one very happy tiddly bunny.
    Just wish more of us had won.

    1. Saba, I am so pleased for you. Enjoy the moment and the G&T. xxx

    2. Saba I had a really big grin on my face when I saw your name, well done you! I'm glad it's one of your favourites too - bet you wish you gad your new machine now to cut it - have you confessed about it yet? Enjoy your G &T - that sounds like a good idea :) xxxxxx

    3. Well done you, lovely to see one of the cafe crew a winner.

    4. Oh well done Saba and to get the die you liked so much too. I am so pleased for you and I hope you enjoyed your G & T and followed it with another one. Love Sheila xxxx

  27. Evening everyone -
    Congratulations to Saba winning on Sues Blog - not that Ive been on any blog yet just seen the last few comments to know.
    All the items shown yesterday were absolutely brilliant - well done to one and all
    Michele I think we can all relate to the ADCD think your card is great - so apt to many of us most days.
    Had a busy day yesterday - took Nic clothes shopping and she really enjoyed looking at everything I showed her, one of the items was a lovely WHITE fake fur gilet - don't know how long it will stay white but heyho, we both liked it.
    Have been out shopping and visiting today then came home and clipped the dogs then showered them, its their treatment time tonight so I like them all fresh before hand.
    Need to put the tea on now, we only ate late so theres no rush really, will sit down later and have a look through the comments from yesterday and today, just haven't had time.
    Sheila I hope Nikki enjoyed her slice of cake with you, enjoy your trip too.
    We are going into Liverpool as a family treat on Tuesday afternoon. We will do some shopping, then have something nice to eat and then we are going to watch Mrs Browns Boys. These tickets were bought last Christmas by my son and daughter in law for the whole family so we will now enjoy our time together.
    May pop back if I can but if not take care everyone and I hope there are no aches and pains around - if there are please take it easy.
    Sandra I used to do a lot of baking years ago but now everyone is on a diet of some sort so Id be left to eat it haahaa xx
    Hugs Jean xx

  28. Hi Saba
    I'm so pleased you won on Sue's giveaway. You deserve it so enjoy it and your G & T.

  29. All this talk about cake and bread pudding isn't good it makes me just want to go and bake? But I have been busy and it's now time to sit and do nothing. I have been using up the bigger bits in my bit box making pillow boxes, decided it was a good way of using these up, then I cut aster flowers from smaller bits, so basically they are costing me nothing to make. Have made 6's of one colour too just incase some one wants matching for their table. It's a good feeling using those bits up.
    Diane, Emma sounds like she is one of the few in Aberdeen who will be enjoying the snow. It's really cold here again, I am so glad I don't have to go out to work in the morning. Xxx

  30. Evening all, we'll talk about best laid plans, was getting really well this morning, changed bed, washed duvet cover and two pillow cases, put the next load on two king size sheets and two pillow cases, went to have a good tidy of my work room, after a while went to get the washing and found there was an error code, looked at the book, said to check the filter and drain hose., this would be ok but the machine was full of water as the pump wasn't working, should had get the washing out and empty the water out as you can imagine there was water everywhere. Cleaned everything but still not working, so will have to call repair man in the morning.
    Hope its not too expensive s just paid £400 on the car, and have dentist next week.
    Have a good evening everyone, Lilian.

    1. Lillian, have you tried holding the start button for a few seconds, like to reset the machine, or it could be like ours switch it to off then restart. It's worth a try, do you hapoen to have a Hoover 7kg machine there was one at work and it often did that, I have a neff that it's nearly 15 years old so it's allowed to play up. Good luck. xxx

    2. Lilian , this happened to me and there was something stuck in the outlet hose! I have a little square trap at the front on the machine just above floor level . When I open that there is a screw I turn , just by hand, no need for a screwdriver ,. Once undone water will rush out into a flat tray and I can usually find something stuck in there. Once it's cleared the machine is fine again. I've found a sock in it, a colour catcher thing, and collar stiffeners from a shirt! I check it regularly now to stop the problem happening. Hope you get it fixed without paying too much! Xxxx

    3. Mine is an indisette , and I've cleared the bottom drain, nothing in there, we have very soft water so no problem with lime scale. Have tried everything I can think of, so it will have to be the repair man. It's only 4.5 Yrs. old so not very happy.

  31. WELL Myra, you little tinker. Is 3 Hail Mary's and an Our Father appropriate for a Platinum machine? I'll have to give this some thought!!!!! Let us know how you get on, well - not get on the machine, get on with it ha ha.
    SABA, I am so pleased for you, but you left your new machine behind, oh what a shame (tin hat),
    Lilian, have you checked your filter? I have never found the amount of stuff that Myra has but I have found some money!!!! Have a great time in Liverpool and be very, very good!!!!
    Going now to watch the news, see you all tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

  32. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    sorry haven't been in this week I have been very busy. Making Christmas cards I'm so behind with them & when I make a card why I don't finish the whole card re verse address envelope stick it down done no I just do all the cards first I never learn. Have also been trying to get Christmas presents sorted OH is a nightmare with present buying everything I like or suggest he doesn't like ,GRRRR so got to do it all again this week think I will make him stay in the car.
    I have a diabetic blood test in the morning at 8.30am so that will be a slap on the wrist as I have been eating all the wrong things oh well what will be will be.
    I have just blogged another card tonight a birthday one.
    Michael your card is brilliant love the words so very true.
    all the cards & mixed craft have been gorgeous well done everyone.
    congratulation Saba on winning a Sue die enjoy, shame nobody else won anything. I Will have to wait now & see if father Christmas buy's me any':0))
    Good night God bless love Lynda xx
