
Monday 16 November 2015

'Fin-tastic Fun for Monday

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Today's 'male' themed card is this hilarious creation from our Michele, I love the sentiment "Hope your day is fin-tastic", its sure to bring a smile to a huge range of ages!
Michele you have an amazing eye for combining different card stock patterns and colours, your cards are all really well balanced and so colourful.   Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic cards with all of us xxx

It's so heart warming to see the how the many countries and religions that have come together sharing the grief of those who have lost love ones, also showing this evil group that we will all stand together against them.  Although I have to say I don't much like the thought of being 'at war' ures with anyone.  It has been heartbreaking to see photographs of those that have lost their lives.

I hope that the weather eases for some of you, I did see some flurries of snow forecast for the higher ground in Scotland! It's the rain that everyone can do with out, I was really shocked to see
the pictures of the floods around Bradford I guess it shows how little rain we need these days before we suffer floods.
Well I hope you all have a good week, I will be back in later this morning.
Everything has been set up for you this morning, I thought you would be way to busy getting to the ferry Janet, you must have had to leave 'French Dobby' behind too, I am excited to see what 'West Riding Dobby' leaves for us for breakfast.
Today you have fresh Banana & Oat Muffins, Crumpets, Waffles and fresh bread for those that fancy something simple!  One of Margaret P's boiled fruit cakes in the cabinet, (the name does not do that cake justice) it is a moist and delicious fruit cake.
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Can't stop long as I seem to be running late this morning, my card was made from A CD-ROM - Ella's Design, can't remember which one but I'll pop back in later to see if there's any questions.

    Another very windy day with yet more rain forecast-wish the weather would change, I hate the wind.


    1. It is a lively card Michele and as Sandra said it's your clever choice of colour that makes it all pop

    2. Oh Karen I've got a vision in my head now of the card popping up through your fingers a bit like a wriggling fish does when you catch it! Watch out ladies it's a lively one!!! Sorry Karen couldn't resist! Xxxxx

    3. Brilliant card Michele, great background.
      I love how you have used all the papers, the "fish" is just magic, love it all. xxx

    4. Absolutely 'fintastic' Michele and I love the colours...very clever how you have used them! xxx

    5. Super card Michele I love how you have constructed it the colours are super too really clever, well done. xxx

    6. Great card Michele ! I do have a fondness for a card that gives you a smile, and this one certainly does that, I love the layout and the colours are gorgeous ! xo

    7. Lovely card great use of different papers

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Michele another wonderful card from you, great use of those different card stocks and s good sentiment as well.
    Well I have had a good nights sleep 9.15 - 6.30. I think it was just being able to switch off, you think you are sleeping soundly when you have children in the house, but no you are on alert. Where last night I did switch off. Plus it was my own bed. Tammy had messaged last night saying how much they appreciated all I had done, not just looking after the boys, but just all the other things too.
    Janet, I hope the ferry isn't delayed too much, but better safe than sorry. Safe journey home.
    Maria, have a lovely swim.
    Maureen, go easy with all that cutting of those Christmas bits.
    Lillian, I know how you felt just hearing your daughters voice, like Karen we knew they were safe but you just need to hear them. I just hope this makes families talk now.
    I am going to take my tea and toast and see who comes in.
    I have to just take things easy today, put it this way I have been told I will be doing nothing. I can play sorry craft but that's it. Xxx

    1. Hear hear Hazel or is it Here here! I agree we need to hear their voices and after Friday we need to talk/see our family and friends more often The number of times I say "hope to see you soon" to friends and before you know it another year has gone by

    2. Good to hear you are going to take things easy Hazel after your busy weekend but the lovely Thank You makes it all worth while I am

  3. Good Morning Sandra, and Friends, at the moment it's dry, but more rain forecast.
    In for early breakfast this morning as yes you've guessed it's cleaner day.
    So have to put things away before she comes.
    Had good day yesterday, was working on sky blue hoods which makes a nice change,back to white today.
    My little grandson wants to be a fossil hunter when he grows up !!!! so after searching for ages managed to find picture of skeleton dinosaur for his 5 birthday card, all coloured just have to make the card.
    I'd love the recipe for the fruit cake sounds delicious, and hopefully not to difficult to make.
    Saw the flooding on tv last night, hope everyone is ok, luckily we live on a hill (
    ( which is not difficult in Cornwall ),
    Well just a quick bite then I'm away, can I have my tea to go !
    Have a good day everyone.Lilian

    1. Oooh Lilian, sky blue hoods, they are unusual - who uses them? I don't know why but I always assumed bee keeping hoods were white for a reason. Mind you, I thought the about cricket whites, but now they look as though they are playing in their pjs! Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Michele, your card is wonderful, and the fun sentiment would make anyone smile : ) you really have a talent for putting together different colours and patterns, I really struggle with doing that which is a shame as I have lots of lovely patterned papers!
    Maria, sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday but I must say how gorgeous your card is. The work and skill you have put into it is fantastic. You are a very talented lady, no more thinking you are no good please. We will keep on telling you until you believe us. I hope your back is feeling better by the way.
    I had a very lazy day yesterday, did manage to sit with Gem and finalise what we are using for decs on the tables at her 21st birthday party on Saturday.
    Thank you for the kind words of support about the Scout Group Jumble Sale. We made just over £350, and once we have taken to Cash for Clothes, or what ever the name is, the clothes and Bric a Brac we will have another £60-70, plus more still to come from some items that we will sell through ebay etc. so all in all a very good amount this time. The left over books go to the local fire station for their annual Book Sale too so nothing is wasted : )
    Hazel, as you can see we already cash them in, along with Bric a Brac too now, thanks for thinking of us anyway, a lot of people are unaware of these places : ) )
    I hope the awful weather hasn't caused any problems, thank goodness we are very lucky around here. Bradford isn't so lucky is it, poor people.
    Janet, I hope you and Jim get home without too many delays and that the crossing isn't too rough!
    Patricia, that is a brilliant amount. It is good to hear of such local support. I hope you aren't suffering too much today for your efforts yesterday though.
    Sandra, that fruit cake is delicious isn't it. Nothing like some dry, heavy ones. Maybe we need to rename it : ) Mum only makes this one now for every occasion including Christmas, and takes orders from several of her friends too as it is so good.
    It is lovely to hear from Sheila and Norah. Glad that you are both ok and feeling up to commenting.
    I'm afraid I didn't take notes again so will simply wish you all a good day. Take care xx

    1. Fantastic amount raised well done great ideas from Hazel I didn't know about these Another point is that BHF take in everything including clothes with holes in They get cash for rags And even worn out/odd shoes They get cash for those too

    2. Sue what a great amount, especially as the weather was so bad - well done. Xxxxx

    3. Well done Sue, other great job for the Fundraising. xxx

    4. Well done Sue, such a great amount for the fundraising. xxx

    5. Great News Sue so pleased the sale went well xxx

    6. HinSue
      A great sum to have raised. You really seem to do well at your jumble sales. Well done all the fundraisers.

    7. Hi Sue,
      Great amount more than usual isn't it? Hope you are getting sorted for Sat.
      Love Mum xx

  5. Sue, well done, that's a great amount and as you say from all the other bits it will be topped up. Yes cash for clothes maybe only pays 50p a kilo but it's better in you fund than in the clothing bank, I am all for helping charities, but when like your group running on very low funds you have to think about yourselves. I was shocked when I saw the Red Cross going into our local one with all these black sacks one day, they only hold the clothes on the rails for a few weeks then it goes. I did think it could have been packed off to help in other countries, but no they would rather have the money? Does make you wonder!!! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Sorry I was absent yesterday, just one thing after another and didn't get chance to settle on the pc.
    Maria, your card for yesterday was brilliant, such a clever design, don't think I could be so precise.
    Michele I love the colour combination of your card, I do like fun cards especially for children or male cards, well done .
    The news is awful at the moment, our thoughts are with everyone
    Janet hope your journey is straightforward.
    Looks like you had a good day Patricia, but will have to go back over yesterday's comments and catch up.
    Hoping the rain stays off today, it's dry at the moment,
    Will pop back later but have left hugs in the basket as usual,
    Hazel, take it nice and easy , a nice bit of crafting is on the timetable x
    Jean xxx

  7. I'm sorry I didn't get in yesterday we went shopping for a suitcase for our hols We were hoping to borrow daughters but that's still in transit from Sharm We went dancing in the afternoon, another opportunity to see daughter and her fiancé So MARIA your card is lovely you are far too critical of yourself! Did you go to JW's workshop MICHELE your card is great too Your choice of colours and layout makes it all pop I am so bad at putting patterns together that I chicken out

  8. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Michele what a fabulous card such a cute cheeky fish too. Love the colours you have used, very bright and cheerful. Thank you for sharing. Xxxxxx
    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday, after getting Julian motivated we cleared some rubbish from the garage, moved garden furniture around and put some in the garage and had a trip to the dump. We did try to go for a quick blowy walk but we were both dressed for garage clearing and had phones and keys but no money on us. The only parking near the sea front we could find was in the country park at £1.50 for an hour! We sat and watched the waves crashing and the spots of rain falling and decided to go home! By the time I'd got dinner sorted, found my large pins for jumper sewing up and watched I'm a celebrity it was time for bed!
    Safe journey home today Janet, I'm thinking of you. Xxxxxx
    Stay safe and warm everyone. I must read yesterday's comments to find out how Patricia got on. See you all later xxxxx

  9. Good morning everyone, I hope you have not developed "webbed feet" ... what a weekend of horrendous weather.
    That's my house kind of back to normal and my routine back on track ... I think!!
    Audrey's final figure was £740 almost enough for their share of the Hire of the bus for a week. The bus makes daily trips to and from the Ski Slopes and cost rather a lot. It is split between two Rural Schools under the one Headmistress. I don't know what the other School is doing/done to raise their share.
    Right! off to have my shower and clean the Shower Room in the process. Will try to get back later, busy with my orders in the afternoon. xxx

    1. That really is a fantastic days work to raise all that money and in such dreadful weather too Audrey must be delighted. xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Well done a marvellous amount worth all your effort.xx

    3. Fantastic amount, well done! X

    4. That's a fantastic amount, well done you, and well done to Audrey too. It's good to know the money will be used well by the school xxxx

  10. Wow Patricia another great amount and going to another good cause. Well done! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      What a great sum to have raised for another good cause. Is there no end to your talents.

  11. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Michele, I love your bright cheerful card, Sandra is right, you really have an eye for coordinating your patterned papers. Love how you have created your layout, its so balanced.
    Patricia and Sue well done on the amounts you have raised.
    Janet, hope your journey home goes smoothly without too much delay at the border.
    Sheila, it was lovely to "see" you yesterday, it's still very early days for you, take your time, we are all here for you. Gentle hugs.
    Hazel hope you can rest and recover today.
    We have beautiful sunshine here at the moment. The walk to school was lovely. We seem to have missed the torrential rain but Stainforth where our cottage is has been terrible, no flooding in the village but surrounding roads have been closed. I am having a quiet day, Joanne is working, might get her crafting things out later and have a play. I don't have to pick Oliver up until 4.15, he is at a cookery club after school so might have to eat dirty finger biscuits when we are home!
    Off to have a look at Sue's blog now, loved yesterday's striplets especially the linked circle one, I definitely NEED that one.
    See you all later, love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Mmmm!! Mmmmm!! Dirty finger biscuits are good for you!!!
      Sending you, Val and all the family (((((hugs))))) xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and everyone
    It's a lot calmer here this morning and the sun has managed to get through.....not sure how long it will last though, more rain forecast hear for tomorrow though.
    I have put comments on the way down. Congratulations to our fundraisers you both done so well.
    I've put a couple of photos of those love shoe, dress,handbag and glasses ornaments on my pinterest on the 'Christmas decorations' board....they are just so cute and an ideal size for exploding boxes so I bought 2 of each as they are for boxes for,my Australian twin cousins who will be 50 in February.My pinterest name is Sheila E Turner for those who don't know. The tree ornaments varied in price from £1.39 to £1.99...they had some wonderful things at the Range in their Christmas department.
    Thoughts and prayers are still with Saba and Val sending you both gentle hugs. Janet safe journey on you final part back home.
    Hugs to all those who need them will try and pop back later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Thank you Sheila, Val is away for a few days in their caravan, I just hope the weather hasn't caused them any problems. I'm going to have a look at your Pinterest, dangerous though, I can loose myself for hours on there!

    2. Great to see you in Sheila,
      Off to have a look at your Pintrest. Just hope I can remember all the things Myra told me!! xxx

    3. Did you remember? Patricia! There was a lot going on at the time! Xxx

  13. Good morning everyone
    We have weathered the storms and the sun has tried to come out so that is a great improvement but those miserable weather people are saying we are in for more of the wet stuff!
    Our fund raisers have every right to be proud of themselves and now Patricia has more orders too just goes to prove how wonderful everything was.
    Janet I hope you have a good and safe journey home with as few delays as possible.
    Enjoy your quiet day Saba, just don't think about mucky fingers eat Oliver's baking and enjoy, sending you and Val my thoughts and hugs.
    Sheila take things easy you are doing well just take it one day at a time will have a look at your Pinterest board thank you.
    I had a busy day yesterday got 28 Christmas cards made so quite pleased with that so I am off to do some more.
    Enjoy your day everyone and take care the wind is still strong up here.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Wow Margaret, that's a lot of cards, I can't really crack on with mine until I get home next week. I think I will buy some here to send to some people on my list, the ones who won't care whether they receive a hand made one or not. Hope your bad weather doesn't materialise, you've had a rough few days up there. Xxx

    2. MARGARET:- you have been busy as well young lady.
      Glad you are safe from the water and flooding. We have sunshine at the moment and it looks wonderful but oh! man! it's cold and very windy.
      Fife burning away keeping us nice and cosy. Off to turn that GC handle. xxx

    3. Oh dear we better pack the car and move if Fife is burning, it must be the bit near to Dundee as I can't feel the heat from it yet. Better go get the valuables together. You could have given me a better warning big sis. Ha,ha, xxx

    4. Ooopps!!! Sis stay where you are it's the "fire" not Fife that's burning nicely.
      Sorry for the panic xxx

    5. My goodness! I was panicking - Fife burning!
      A whole new song - Fife is burning, Fife is burning,!! Xxxx

    6. You were panicking, I got a bit put out that big sis was enjoying the heat and being cozy at the same time? It goes to show how things can get out of hand by just a little slip like that. xxx

  14. Hi everyone, just a quick visit this morning, Ive sooooo much to do today, just wanted to say Michele your card is gorgeous, love the fish.
    Will pop back later and read all the comments, meantime, take care xxx

  15. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Michele how i wish that i could combine colours like you can as your male card is absolutely stunning in all areas bar none. I love how you have coloured in your little fishy amongst his reeds and stones as he needs the reeds to put much needed oxygen into his water and since he is happily blowing bubbles he is obviously getting his requirements met. I wish the goldfish that i ever had(won at the shows you realise) looked that content and happy but all mine did was float to the surfice shortly after coming to their new home to be looked after. Me personally i think they commited suicide on me at seeing what they had come back to, namely a mad dog that made everyone think it was dad looking out the window at them(both had the same colour of tousled hair), a noisy Jim who had BlackSabbath, Meat Loaf, Deep Purple etc blaring out of his tranny and out of the bedroom window, mum who was for ever telling Jim to turn that B****Y racket down before she came up those stairs and turned it off completely. Yes fun and games at the Suttie household so it was no wonder that the gold fish took the easy option out on us. Me i was normally sat behind the couch with the back against the wall colouring in or drawing in my own wee world.
    Today is my friends mum's 70th birthday so i found out last night so i am making her a special card to take to her as over the numerous years that i have known her mum she has been nothing but kind to me. She is in need of a second liver transplant (Total teetotaler) as her first transplant is now giving up on her. Everything was organised for a lovely party and meal but it has all had to be cancelled because she isn't so well, so i hope that my little contribution will cheer her up even just a wee bit. I'm going to make an Izzy handbag(she loves her handbags) and make a shaped card to go inside it.
    Hazel isnn't it funny how when you have a child of any age in the house your ears go into supersonic mode that you could hear a pin drop they become so acute and sensitive to listening out for any changes in them. Kirsten couldn't understand how i got on when she was born without the need of a baby monitor, but since having the wee fella she knows just how i managed as she can hear even the slight difference in breathing and he is in his own room. Ryan of course can't tell the difference in Harry's breathing pattern but thats because he's only a man and not a mother. Glad Tammy let you know how grateful she was for all that you do for her as you don't mind them as you don't feel like you're getting taken advantage of, it's when they don't say that simple wee word that makes you think oh well, may be the next time they'll notice. It could take me on to another story but i will refrain from wittering on.
    Oh Patricia what a fantastic sum you all raised but how expensive is that bus to run? Gee whiz the things that need to be done to give our children a rounded education. I hope that the other school matches what you have raised as it would be a much needed boost and ease on the school budget.
    And you too Sue, your Scouts will be so pleased with their fund raising and all the work that you put in to it as well. When Kirsten was wee i was a parent helper at the Rainbows (i was Olivia) and i know that they found an awful lot more ways of raising funds from rubbish when i was there. It was great fun but of course i wasn't needed when she went up to the Brownies. I always found it strange how people want their children into all the different organisations but when they need help to run the clubs they are well behind the door at the volunteering bit. Don't think i could do it now as i couldn't shut up so would be breaking the law in trying to wrestle money out of everyone that went past. Hey i would do anything to raise cash for things that i believe in but that was a long time ago when i had two good legs and back that didn't complain.

    1. Hello Norah,
      Great to see you back to your "chirpy" self .... that's the way we like you.
      I am taking a little "time out" this afternoon. I have to get to the Post Office" to send off some orders and get in a few supplies. There is only a little Co-op but they do have a few things.
      I had to have a wee laugh at you and your "goldfish" ..... it really is the way you tell them!! (((((hugs))))) xxx

    2. Norah! Alastair had a goldfish too when he was young! He was once, you see! The goldfish jumped out of its bowl and was found dead on the carpet! Any theories? Mind you Aberdeen pre - central heating wasn't the warmest place to live in a bowl of cold water!! Xxx

    3. Hi Norah,
      Its so lovely to see you back & I love your stories, as the others say you must write them down, Alan's Dad had some lovely stories about his childhood & we always said he should write a book but he never did they are lost for ever now, so write it!! Love & hugs to you Margaret xx

  16. Well i think that i will have one of those banana and oat muffins with a large latte today as i am feeling peckish. I have put all my little huggles in their basket but for how long they will behave and stay there is a different matter. Janet & Jim, safe journey across the channel and onwards home.
    Norah x

    1. Norah, when are you starting your book of stories? You need to write them down, if not for us to buy and enjoy but for Harry to read and treasure when he has children. Come on my lovely get those words down on paper or on to a hard drive! It's so lovely to see you in the cafe. xxx

    2. Hi Norah
      Lovely to see you back in the cafe. As Patricia said back to your chirpy self and to get your stories down on paper. Not to sure about the cherubs though. Mind you we are all Angels aren't we ladies. Butter wouldn't melt in our mouths.

    3. Pat - you are absolutely right! Goodness personified! That's us! Xxx

  17. Good afternoon Ladies, I'm a bit later today as it was Pilates this morning with the usual blether afterwards, just wanted to say to Sue and Patricia , congratulations on your fundraising , you both raised lots of money , lots of hard work but so worthwhile.xo
    Hazel I hope you are enjoying a well earned rest today. xo
    Well ,I delivered two card orders this morning and came home to find another two ordered , so the quick C cards will have to wait until I get these done!
    Sandra , I would love a copy of MARGARET P's boiled fruit cake recipe, it sounds delicious !
    I must go and visit the cafe to see what tempts me for lunch, it all sounds so good!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  18. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry I'm having a quick drop in! I go to school this afternoon and I've been die cutting loads of Christmas shapes to make ornaments for a Christmas Tree! A lot of handle turning! Snowflakes and baubles! Could be a messy kind of day!
    Michele - what a brilliant card! I love the layout and the combination of papers and colours and that fish is just fishtastic! I love the sentiment too!
    Will pop back later.
    Safe crossing and onward journey - to Jim and Janet!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra, I hope all the little darlings don't make to much mess. Then again I think you don't mind mess. Enjoy your afternoon. Xxx

    2. Well Hazel, it could have been worse! One of the other ladies said that I liked to start Christmas off with a Glitterfest! Called at Tesco on way home and lady at check out mentioned that I had glitter on my face! Xxx

  19. Hellooooooooooooo all,
    Sorry, I'm late again. I haven't ready any of the blog yet, will have to do it later but Michele, I LOVE your card. It's f a b u l o u s and I give it a TEN.
    Myra, enjoy? is that the right word ha ha, your afternoon with all the little darlings.
    Got to go, busy, busy, busy.
    See you all later, when I'll read and comment.
    love and hugs
    Maureen xxx

  20. Hello Sandra and all my friends in here today.
    Michele - love your fishy card, he is so happy and so he makes me happy. The card is lovely, colourful and all the papers co-ordinates brilliantly together.
    Hazel - are you resting today ? hope you have a nice calm day.
    Sue - thank you for liking my card yesterday. A big party is getting prepared in your house for the weekend I see. Think to be 21 again.......think I remember what I did back then.....yep.. Great you got so much together for the scout group,well done and Patricia- your tally is still going up, well done too. Hope the other school have made the same. Jean - thanks, hope you have had a nice day. Oh Diane - going for a windy walk. we did the same, good to blow the cobwebs away,yes . Sheila - I remember the gorgeous exploding box you made , will have a look in to your pinterest later. Love to see what you make with your new mini items you bought. Karen - getting closer to your holiday, you must so looking forward to it. Funny how it is when you booked a holiday ages ago and suddenly it's here. Yes I went to Yardely Gobion for the work shop and it was good fun. as usual I didn't finish the projects (me slowcoach) so had to do them at home, near accurate tihi. Margaret CO- thought I read the amount wrong first, that is a whole pile of cards and you got more to make, wow !
    Oh Norah, the poor goldfishes Lol. Yes, you must write these memories of yours down in a book of some kind. You see when you get older these memories fade or will be gone so you must do it when you remember. I love hearing about your childhood with your mum, Jim and all the others. It's the way you tell them, it makes me smile.Love to see you Izzy bag and card for your friends mum so don't forget to take a photo and maybe a new one of your baby grandson. Glad you back and lots of rascal hugs back to you. Lynda- so nice to have lots and lots of cuddles of Harry, oh he must have been sooo cute showing his moves hihi Are they after Terry's ?
    Myra- are you still with us ? do tell how it was in school today. Sure they loved having you and Saba - do enjoy the mucky fingers cookies by your grandson, they are Special ! Wonder if Brenda's washing got dry ? It has rained all day again here so all mine had to be hanged indoors. The house smells like a launderette . Littlelamb - hope you are alright, have I gone passed you somewhere ? Maureen- busy bee . Time to start dinner, love and hugs Xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    I love your fishy card Michelle. I like how the papers all coordinate together. He's such a happy fish isn't he. I'm afraid I haven't had time today to read the comments what with school, and taking Petes cousin to the hospital. She urgently needs two hips replaced. These will have to be done at the Nuffield. Will need to go into a convalescent home afterwards, which means her husband of 86 will have to go into a care home for the duration. The surgeon is hoping he can get her in before Christmas. Plus, Petes brother in Bournemouth slipped walking the dogs and needs a major operation on his ankle and the surrounding bones. It was plastered, but now needs to be transferred to Poole. He was given something to eat after the plastering, so will now need to wait until tomorrow. The Dr nor Dave was very happy.
    Take care everyone with the bad weather especially. Hugs to all who need one.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Sorry to hear about Pete's relatives never rains but it pours does it. Love Margaret xx

    2. Hello Pat, Sorry to read about Petes brother and cousin. As if you didn't have enough on your plate. TAKE CARE (((((hugs))))) xx

    3. Hi Pat, ouch ! sorry to read about Pete's cousin and his brother. What a day you must have had. Take care xxx

  22. Evening everyone
    Have just got back. Quite a rough crossing but we don't suffer but some poor souls were this afternoon.
    Booth very tired especially Jim having driven all the way and of course most of it this side in the dark and he doesn't much like night time driving these days.
    Thank you all for your concerns. I'll talk to you all tomorrow when I've had a good sleep. Night Night everyone

    1. Thank you Janet for letting us know, you are home safe. Go get a good sleep. xxx

    2. Night Night Janet - so good to know you are safely home. Sleep well,
      God Bless. Xxxx

    3. Night, night Janet, sweet dreams. Glad you are home safe and sound. xxx

    4. hi Janet,
      So glad you are home safe & sound have a good nights sleep.xx

    5. Night God Bless Janet, so pleased you are safely home. Well done Jim, it's not an easy drive up to Yorkshire, I know it well.

    6. Sweet dreams Janet, I'm so pleased you are both home safe and sound. Didn't Yvette do well. xxx

    7. Have a good night Janet, Jim and little Yvette. Sweet dreams xxx

    8. Glad to hear you are home safe and sound

    9. Janet, glad you are home safe and well, enjoy your own bed tonight

    10. Such good news to know that you are home safe and sound...have a good night's sleep xxx

    11. Night night Janet sweet dreams, glad to hear you are safe and sound again xxxxxx

  23. Pat, your family aren't having it to good at the moment, you take care we don't want you doing anything that requires you to get plastered up. xxx

  24. Hello again,
    I have read all the comments, got a pad to make notes, and then was so absorbed in what I was reading that I forgot to make notes!!!!
    A few quickies that I can remember.
    Hazel, I hope you did what you were told, and rested.
    Lilian, blue hoods - whatever next!!
    Norah, love your stories. It used to cost us about £50 every year to "win" a goldfish at the Hoppings for Rachel. At the finish George used to pay the man for one, at about ten times the going price in a pet shop!!!!
    Sue, great amount raised.
    Patricia, well done, no surprise at you selling so much and making so much.
    Pat, not good about Pete's brother. You'd think the hospital would know not to give food until they find out what's to be done next.
    Sheila, lovely to see you., glad you have joined us.
    Maria - glad you enjoyed yourself at Yardely Gobion??? what a funny name!!
    Myra - are you lying down in a darkened room after the craft session???
    Dainty - how is Emma doing?
    Margaret C, we've had great drying weather here today. Clothes washed, ironed, aired and most are put away - great!!!!
    Saba, why didn't I think of that. I was looking at my list of Christmas cards and there are loads who wouldn't know a hand crafted card from a bucket of coal. I have C cards which I bought years ago, so these will come out and be used for those people, which will save me a lot of time. I have sent hand crafted cards for at least 15 years, so you see - you never know when things will come in useful ha ha.
    Right, only got another 220 Baubles to cut, so I'm away to start cutting as Rachel brought some more card.
    See you later
    Maureen xxx

    1. Muriel, it was the Robin which did it. One year I received several cheap cards with a Robin on and thought why do I bother stressing myself half to death sending cards made with love to people who send me a blasted Robin. Not that I have anything against Robins but you get the idea.

    2. So many more baubles to cut out, hope you got more then one die so it goes a little bit quicker. Oh yes there are some funny names around. only found out though that I called it wrong for years (yardley gibion)ha
      Make sure you have some me time too and put your feet up xxx

  25. Evening Ladies

    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my card, it's all credit to the CD-ROM I used.

    I finally managed to get an appointment for my steroid injection-11am on the 30th November (hubby's birthday) so I'm getting a lift to the hospital & back. I'll warn work that I'll be off for a day or two afterwards to recover.


    1. Hi Michele, I did say ages ago this morning that I loved your card. Can you not think of a better way to celebrate Husband's birthday other than having a Steroid Injection!!!! xxx

    2. Hi Michele,
      Your card is lovely would be brilliant for Sue's Chris.
      Good luck with your injection I have had 3 in the base of my thumb they do help.
      Margaret xx

  26. Hi Sandra & all in Café,
    Sandra I am glad you like the cake it is good isn't it & is easy to make into the bargain. Take care xx
    Pleased to see Sheila back take it easy.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  27. Well it wasn't dirty finger biscuits which Oliver brought home from cookery club, it was wrap filled with soft cheese, cucumber and ham. He had it for his tea and it looked Scrummy. He proceeded to tell me cookery club has rules - we mustn't scratch our heads, pull wax out of our ears or push our fingers up our nose. So glad to hear that!

    1. Don't you just love how children explain things! That's hilarious - excellent though! Xxx

    2. Aren't they great when telling you things they been up too hihi
      Wish all people working with food heard him,hugs xxx

  28. Saba, at least they have got rules? Someone must know children well???
    Glad he made something that he could have for his tea, he will have been proud of that. xxx

  29. I was in Tesco this evening and bought three packets of clothes pegs( wooden) each containing 24 pegs! The lady at the checkout who also mentioned the glitter on my face - asked if I was expecting a lot of dry weather ! Oh no says I , they aren't for washing they are for making snowflakes! Her face was a picture!
    Next week we are making the snowflakes. I will make them for the younger ones and they will then decorate with various things but the older ones are going to make their own! Should be interesting! Xxxx

  30. Ha ha ha, Saba, you're going to have to pull your socks up and follow the Cookery Club rules!!!! Funniest thing I've read for ages.
    When I come to think of it, I'll have to do the same!!!!
    I've had those cheap, paper thin robin cards as well. The same people must dislike both of us lol!!
    I've managed to cut another 120 baubles. I'll do the other 100 tomorrow evening and that's that. (I hope).
    I'm at the Opticians in the morning, meeting my friend Ann at lunch time, back for girls from school and before you know it, it's bed time again!!! How did I ever have time to go to work?
    Where's Myra. I hope you don't have a migraine my friend. Take care and see you tomorrow.
    Good night everyone, sweet dreams, God Bless and prayers.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I'm above you sweetheart !! The migraine was yesterday but it wasn't bad and I'm fine today! Xxxx

    2. Ah, Myra, we obviously cross messaged, makes a change from cross dressing!!! ha ha. xxxx

  31. Well good evening everyone - My word the café has been busy today, and its lovely to see a few faces in who haven't been in for a bit - Norah I could read your tales forever - Hazel has a point - you could write a short story book.
    Sheila Ive checked out your pinterest page - its gorgeous - good to see you back with us. Hope Nikki is doing ok.
    Patricia - WOW - what a substantial amount of money to raise - well done and to Sue too.
    We have been out shopping - just browsing - today but the forecast is for bad weather again tomorrow so I might just stay in, I hope Janet is safe from any storms.
    Hope you are keeping those feet up Hazel, only run when Fife burns haha - loved it.
    Off to bed now my friends, my eyes are tired -
    See you in the morning
    Goodnight sleep tight
