
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Box of thanks!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I have one of my own cards to share with you, I actually sat playing in my craft room this afternoon and this is the result.
I wanted to make a card to say 'thank you' and I wanted it to include flowers as I haven't used flowers too much lately, my next thought was a colour theme, so I looked at what flowers I had
and then looked to see what card stock I had to match up with them, so I decided to go with soft pastel colours. (you see my flowers seemed to have disappeared while we were on holiday this year along with a lot of crocheted lace ribbon, I then discovered that my darling daughter, who has never made a 'handmade anything' in her life, decided that it would be nice to make a bunting banner for Josh's brothers engagement party, you can imagine how long it was, all trimmed nicely with lace and flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts)!!!
Anyway, back to the card, I had all the bits in front of me and started playing around, I thought about saying thank you and gifts of thanks and that's how this theme evolved.
I used Spellbinders squares to cut the box, I then cut a matching lid, I wrapped some satin white ribbon around them to look like a gift wrapped box. I created a white card base approx 7 1/4 X 7 1/4 inches and matted it with some of the soft aqua Anne Marie Designs card, then a matt of white card that had been embossed with Crafts-too Daisy Lattice embossing folder.
I added some foam tape on the back of the 'gift box' and adhered it to the card base, I then added foam tape to one side of the lid and some Cosmic shimmer Glue to the other, I placed the glued side onto the top corner of the gift box, the foam pad then kept the lid at the same height as the box, I positioned the lid so that it looked like the lid was lifting off and then arranged the variety of flowers to look like they are spilling out of the box. I then tied a bow with matching ribbon and made a little flower with a (CE) Peony die and popped a pearl in the centre to finish it off. I cut the 'Thank you' with a Cottage Cutz die.
I hope you like the card that I created.
How are you all liking Sue's new dies? I have my favourites, one of them being the ''Buckle Bars'',
I wasn't sure when I saw them just as a picture, then Sue used one of them on a card today and I was hooked, so a must have for me I think.  I would love to hear what your favourites are too.
After reading some of the comments yesterday I have popped a couple of photo's below, one of Myra's snowflakes (using lolly sticks no pegs) but you can get the idea, so sparkly in real life, they would make great Christmas Fridge Magnets or card holders when made with pegs.
Also there is a photo of the Hoods that Lilian hand makes, a white one though not blue!
I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs
Myra's Snowflakes (not peg ones though)
Lilian's Hoods (not blue though)


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have sorted the Cafe for the day, there is a big warming pot of porridge (unsalted, well just a small pinch of course, so that you can make your own choice of salt or sugar) It is chilly out today so wrap up warm ladies.
    I had a weird feeling on first seeing your gorgeous card today Sandra. The longer we know each other the more we think alike! Why?.....because I was looking for card ideas a couple of hours ago (yes, very little sleep again!) and I decided on a card made using this present and flowers idea! Your card has that beautiful "Sandra's Flowers" signature, I bet you arranged them so prettily in 2 minutes flat, mine will be more like 2 hours and still not happy, but if I do it at our meet tomorrow I can get you and Pat's helpful advice : ) Thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us my lovely.
    Janet, I am glad that you are home safe and sound : )
    Thank you for the comments about the amount we made at the weekend, and it's good to hear the final amount Patricia's village raised for the school.
    I must go now as we have a workman arriving at 8am (how early!!!!!) to do some carpentry in the house.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  2. Forgot to say that Myra's snowflake decorations that she brought to the retreat were so pretty, the children will love making and decorating the peg ones.
    Lillian's hood has such a lot of work in it, doesn't it? I wonder how long it takes you to make one Lillian?

    1. Maximum 23 minutes for the whole hood!!!!!!!

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it's so pretty. It looks like you have taken so much time arranging the flowers-if I did anything like this, mine would look a total mess.

    Myra-love the snowflakes.

    Lillian-nice to see the hoods you have mentioned.

    Hopefully today won't be crazy busy (who am I kidding). I have a few things to sort out this evening-I'll need to cancel my blood donor appointment due to the steroid injection. I need to look for another Xmas gift for my M in L-she's had half her present which was a crafters companion embossing board. I might just buy a job lot of chocolates when I meet Jean & Myra in Tarleton-can get my two bosses some at the same time.

    Right -best make my lunch & set off for work.

  4. Morning everyone
    Oh how nice it is to be back in the CAFE properly and not via cyber space.
    Thank you Sue for setting up this morning. I'm not sure what would be available for breakfast or even lunch if it had been up to me this morning.
    Although absolutely shattered I've not slept very well and so still in a daze - alright then- more than usual.

    .- MICHELE - your man card yesterday was really lovely and I loved that cute fish and of course being a HADDOCK myself I really connected with it. All the colours so bright and cheerful and I think it would suit one or two littlies I know.

    SANDRA- I love love love your Gift Box Card - what a fantastic theme and your design is just a WOW. I have never thought of using a box idea so uf you don't mind I will borrow your design for a card I have to make for a Dec birthday.

    I love Myra's snowflake decorations they are simple but so effective and I know one little girl who would love to make some for their tree this year.
    Lillian now I know what you're on about re hoods. I must have been asleep when I read your post earlier and really should have know what they are. Sorry but but now I'm in the clear lol.

    Will pop in later when I've caught up with all the posts from yesterday. I tried numerous times to get into here whilst on the ferry yesterday but the net was so dizzy I just couldn't. It would let me get so far and then drop out. Frustrating wasn't the word. Perhaps the up and down of the ferry wasn't helping either lol.
    I've left hugs in the basket and replaced my mug on the shelf with money in the box.

    1. Glad you are home in our beloved county. Hope you can have a rest today. The Internet is always rubbish for me on the ferry, drives me mad.

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    Oh my, what a pretty little card Sandra. The overall design is gorgeous and just right for all our scrap box bits and bobs.

    Am trying to catch up with yesterday's comments, sorry didn't pop in yesterday I was extremely ill for hours.
    After a beautiful walk along another Maunsel Lock canal path, during which unfortunately one of our walk members slipped whilst going under a low bridge and fell into the freezing cold water. It gave us all a shock but none more so than him. He is ok now, just hope he doesn't catch a cold from his experience, Maureen, Rosie and I went for lunch at a new Marston pub.
    Their Steak and Pedigree Ale sounded quite delicious so I ordered that. When it was delivered I tucked into the first mouthful to chew on a large piece of gristle! The next mouthful was equally as disgusting so upon lifting the pie crust found out there was no more meat! One complaint and 20 mins later I finally had something to edible to eat.
    We then went shopping at the Range where I was overcome with a strange feeling of languor. I parked myself on a settee and told Maureen and Rosie to carry on shopping, I would catch up with them. Cannot fault the store staff, they did everything they could to ease my discomfort, from fetching a bottle of water to sitting with me, taking me to the ladies when I felt sick & calling out on the tannoy for Maureen and Rosie. Maureen had to drive home and we discussed why had I been taken so violently ill when I was ok previously? Came to the conclusion that there must have been an egg wash on the pastry top. Couldn't understand why the staff did not mention it when told of my egg allergy. Spent rest of the afternoon early evening on the settee until finally I could keep down some water and had early night.
    Feeling very drained after a fitful sleep, a quiet day I think is on order for today.

    Glad to see you have arrived back safely Janet, yo must be so relieved after your arduous travel home.

    Cuppa is calling me so I'll catchup with you qall later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hope you're feeling a lot better Cheryl, take care xxx

    2. What a shame you felt so poorly Cheryl, have a lazy day today to recover xxxx

    3. Sorry to hear you were so unwell yesterday. Hope you are feeling a lot better today. Have a restful day.xx

    4. I do hope you are feeling much better, my little grandson has an allergy, and they have to be so careful, as places to eat seem to think it's only a bit it won't matter.
      Rest up today.

    5. Dear Cheryl sorry to hear you has such a bad day (healthwise) and I hope as the day goes on today you will feel much better. People who work in the eatery business should be made more aware of what certain foods can cause to customers who have different allergies and should also be made aware of the fact that they can even be life threatening, Gentle hugs to you Cheryl. xxx

    6. Cheryl ,do take it easy today and hope you feeling a lot better today. Sending you gentle hugs xxx

    7. Hi Cheryl what a bad experience you've had. I'm sending Gentle hugs to you and I'm hoping you have a better day today.

    8. Cheryl that was dreadful for you yesterday so pleased you were so well looked after by the Range staff. I do hope you are soon feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed. When you are better do consider telephoning the pub and letting them know they deserve a good telling. xxx

    9. Hello Cheryl, what a day you had, hope you are starting to feel better by now. Xxxxx

    10. Hi Cheryl,
      So sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday hope you feel better as the day go on. Hugs on the way love Margaret xx

    11. Oh Cheryl what a day you had.
      I hope you're now feeling better my very dear Friend. Why don't people listen when you tell them about dietary needs! I sometimes think it just floats over their heads what you say.
      Have another visit to The Range later in the week.
      Hugs for your dear Friend xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in
    I love the pastel shades of this card Sandra, your flowers are gorgeous, can we see more of your work please, hope you are well.
    Janet I'm glad you are home safe and sound, you will most probably feel better when you get back into your routine

    Lillian now I've seen the hoods I now know what they are, had a vision of you making lots of hoodies haha
    I'm going to make a boiled fruit cake thus afternoon, john says he's looking forward to it too.
    Michele, we went to the chocolate rooms on Saturday for a ride with Nic because it was such a wet day, it's a lovely little shop, I'm sure you will find just what you are looking for, looking forward to our meet up.
    Myra, these snowflakes are beautiful, no end to the talent of our ladies, if it wasn't for a blog, no one would know how clever people are because there would be no one to see their work.
    Hope you had a good sleep again Hazel, and Patricia have you caught up with yourself now.
    Sheila, hope you're feeling more like your self again, take care xx
    Will pop in later, its forecast very heavy rain and high winds so not a day to be out and about.
    Hugs in the basket as usual, please help yourselves.

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    How lovely to see one of your cards today Sandra, what a pretty box of flowers, looks like a posh delivery from M&S! I did have a chuckle at your craft stash being raided whilst you were away - did she use all the things you were saving to look at and stroke? Oh well you will have an excuse to buy more now! Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Myra having seen these in real life they are a great idea, one was it you that bought the wooden pegs yesterday, it was quite late when I caught up with comments last night and I had a good chuckle at the washing comment. Xxxx
    Lilian oh my goodness there's such a lot of work in the hoods isn't there but you rattle through them. It's lovely to see what you make so thank you for sharing. I'm still wondering what the blue hoods are for though :) xxxxxx
    Maureen I noticed your comment last night - Emma's fine thank you, just a tad cold, she might even be doing her coat up !( pictures from fire work night, hat, gloves, scarf all in place, coat open and thin shirt on show underneath over a t shirt! That's my girl. Her exams start next week and finish on the 10th December so lots of revision going on. She could come back after the 10th but she's already booked on a megabus on the 18th so will have a few days exploring the area around Aberdeen and then a big meal is being cooked for both flats to celebrate Christmas before most of them go home. My sister sent her a thermal vest last week because when she spoke to her she was really cold - what she didn't tell my sister was they had just got in from remembrance parade and had been standing for over an hour in a bitter wind! Still she may find the vest useful!. Hope you and the lovely George are ok - he's been quite well behaved lately ! Xxxxx
    Saba did you have a good spending spree yesterday? Xxxx
    Right I must get on - I don't need to wiggle today, I've got jobs to do rather than places to be!
    See you all later xxxxxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra & Friends, very very wet here last night , drains in the road overflowing, because of all the leaves down, still raining now but not so heavy, worse to come later.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the idea of all the flowers tumbling out of the box.
    Myra love the snow flakes, going to take some to make with my Grandson when I see them in two weeks.
    We make our bee hoods in many different colours mostly white and khaki, but also in pink mauve turquoise maize lime mocha lime orange and day glow orange to name a few, ladies love the coloured ones.
    Well must go and start work.
    Have a good day, and take care in this awful weather. Lilian

  9. Morning Sandra and the rest of you lovelies,
    It's very calm here in North Wales at the moment but after reading our local weather forecast it's going to get very scary later in the afternoon! EEk! They have warned that our county and the two adjoining counties are going to get 80 mph winds and to be aware! So if the said weather reaches any our cafe crew and your out and about do take care.
    Sandra your card is absolutely gorgeous....I love it and the idea of a a gift box with all the pretty flowers tumbling out is so idea I would love to pinch/borrow if I may.
    Myra your snowflakes are lovely and you've given me an idea that Nikki and I could do on Saturday when she comes.
    Lillian I wouldn't even know where to start making those hoods what a clever lady you are.
    I must get a move on as I want to finish Nikki's birthday card for next week so I can give her all her birthday gifts on Saturday as unfortunately I'll be away this year for her birthday but will be able to ring her as usual and I know they always make a big thing of birthdays etc at the house.
    Hugs to all those who need them and gentle ones to those who are feeling poorly. Special hugs to Saba and Val and hope Val is enjoying her little break.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello Sheila, had a peek at your Pinterest yesterday, you have made some beautiful things. I just hope Val hasn't had such awful weather but suspect she will have done. They are back tonight.

    2. Hello Sheila
      So nice to see you where you belong here in the CAFE.
      Hope you have a good time when away.
      Hugs for you dear Friend

  10. Good morning all
    Just a quickie, haven't read the comments, will do that when I get back. Did the school run and now Joanne and I are going to pop up to the craft shop. I can't wait any longer, I need the linked circle striplet from yesterday.
    Sandra your card today is gorgeous, I adore how you have arranged your cornucopia of flowers. You have such talent, I really wish you would go for a design team.
    Myra your snowflakes are brilliant , I bet the children love making them.
    Lilian, I am in awe at your talent, it looks so complicated, especially with the piping.
    Right see you all when we get back.
    Love for now
    SABA xxxx

    1. Hello my Dear Yorkshire Lass
      Hope you've had a good shop at the Craft Shop and bought a large basket full of goodies.
      Wrap up warm and keep the cold out.
      Hugs xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all today, wow Sandra you are so good making up these cards with flowers on. It's stunning ! Not normally a pastel person but this is changing my mind, a little bit.
    Snowflakes are lovely, did have a chuckle reading what the till woman might have thought of you answer Myra hihi
    Hoodies look great, Lilian. No little holes anywhere for the bees to get in!
    Michele- hope you injection goes well. sorry I'm nosy but what happened to your poor thumb. You might have said but memory is dreadful and getting worse.
    Hope it feels good to be back home Janet. Not a ferry crossing I would have liked (not since going to Jersey many years ago, it was horrible journey I never forget) You be home for Christmas now ? Diane,- we will miss your wiggle today, oh come on just a little one just for us tihi. have a good day. Must get one done myself, have lots to do so I see you hopefully later. Wish you all a good day whatever you are doing. Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello Maria my dear Friend
      Yes we're home now for Christmas and then hopefully back in Marigny for the new year.
      Fortunately we don't suffer with sea sickness and have had some real rough crossings.
      Hugs for you xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra nd everyone,
    This is a very quick post this morning, I am just out to lunch with friends and then have a physio appointment at the hospital so hope I can get back in later and read what everybody's been up to.
    Sandra your card is beautiful I just love the flowers cascading out of the gift box, what a lovely idea.
    Myra the peg are a brilliant idea. I'm sure the children will enjoy making them.
    Lillian love the hoods I'm sure they will keep everyone warm and dry.
    Sending Love and hugs to everyone, Brendan XXX

    1. Hope you enjoyed your lunch Brenda. Xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Brenda
      Hope you had a really good lunch out.
      Hugs for you dear Friend

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Good morning everyone! I have had a quick read but haven't left comments as it takes me too long!!! I will try to do so later.
    Sandra - your card is beautiful. The flowers cascading out of a box look lovely! Sorry about your stash! Oops!
    I think the phot of the snowflakes must have been taken on the Retreat as I just took a few bits and pieces for ideas for children. All very simple. These ones are made with lolly sticks. I took one with me made with clothes pegs but I hadn't painted it or anything it was just constructed with deconstructed pegs!
    Saba - it's a good job I'm not a betting woman! Just one die you say? Hmmm!
    Enjoy your trip out with Joanne. X
    Lilian - I can't believe you can make these hoods so quickly! Amazing selection of colours too!
    Michele and Jean - looking forward to meeting up and some shopping as well! Can't be bad!
    Cheryl - so sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday! I hope you feel a lot better as the day progresses.
    Sheila - I hate strong winds! We have quite a few tress and I'm always glad when the Conservatory is still standing in the morning after a stormy night! Batten down the hatches! Your purchases for your boxes are gorgeous!

    1. I pressed Publish ahead of time - however you are all probably thinking not before time!!
      Will go now .
      So glad you are safely home Janet!
      Lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    2. You would have lost all your money!!
      Fancy a coffee tomorrow? Xxxx

    3. I knew I would! I've met you before! Xxx
      Where do have in mind? Xxx

    4. It would have to be here I'm afraid. Joanne is at work so I have no transport, but we could go out for lunch.

    5. Hello my Mad Hatter Friend
      How could anyone say such a thing about you.....................
      Of course Saba can't just buy 1 Die she's a proper crafter you know!
      Hugs for you xxxx

    6. Thanks Janet! It's not good weather for hats just at the moment! I'd need elastic under my chin! Xxx

  14. Oh. Am late this morning, just had a lot to do. I am on pick up today, so wanting everything done, as I have to go to the bank and do shopping before I pick up Beth.

    Sandra, lovely to see one of your beautiful designed cards today. Love your idea behind this card. We need to see more.
    Myra, I loved your little peg makes when we were at the retreat.
    Lillian, you only take 23 mins that would be hours for me. A lot of work.
    I had a engagement card and a positive thoughts card to make yesterday and they need to get off to the post office.
    Off to get these things all done. Will be in later. xxx

  15. Hello everyone, just managed to get my bottom on a chair since I got up this morning. Well apart from my car seat anyway.
    That's me just in, had to pop up to Tesco after my early morning phone call ... Mum!!! ... I just know the tone. Would you or Dad manage to pick the boys up this afternoon. That certainly is not a problem BUT .... needed supplies. House all done then to Tesco, all stocked up again.
    SANDRA: your card is beautiful, love the brilliant design and all those stunning flowers.
    SABA:- you have NO patience do you?? Hope you managed to get your Die, Happy Crafting. Still keeping you all in our thoughts & prayers.
    JANET:- glad your back home, safe from the stormy waters.
    SHEILA:- great to see you are still here, I am sure Niki will really enjoy making the stars .... there is plenty Glitter as MYRA can tell you!!
    LILIAN:- your hoods are amazing, I must admit I would have to have a coloured one.
    DIANE:- Emma might be wearing 2 thermal vests ... one on top of the other by the time winter is finished. When we lived in Aberdeen, Hazel walked to Collage I walked to work and I can tell you the "wind chill factor" in Union Street is beyond belief. Actually in any street it's freezing!! even on some summer days.
    I know I have missed a few of you ... SORRY, I am thinking of you. I have forgotten who said/did what. I must do what Maureen does and write it down as I read it.
    Must get one of Diane's wiggles on ... and go feed my hubby.
    Will try to get back later. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia
      Hope you've recovered from your very busy but very fruitful week-end.
      Yep we're back but the weather seems to have followed us. We've had an awful day loads of rain and now high winds to go with it. Still we don't have any snow yet.
      Hugs for you my dear Friend xxxx

    2. I know that tone Patricia ! M u u m! Ha ha! Xxx

    3. Oh my goodness - 2 thermal vests!!!! I know it does get cold - union street does seem a cold street when I've walked down it, but mainly when I dawdle to look in the shop windows! Perhaps I will get her some for Christmas whilst they are still in M&S! Xxxx

    4. Diane, M&S long sleeved thermal t-shirts they are thin but warm come in lovely colours and are called layering tops, they are great they are usually up in the underwear section. Even a pair of their thermal leggings will be useful, my both girls wear them in the winter, Tammy wears her tops under a long cotton t-shirt. It just gives that extra warmth. Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Love today's card and the colours you've used. Well Petes brother is supposed to have a plate inserted into his ankle sometime today. A nurse arrived at 7.30 and put his breakfast in front of him. He pointed to the Nil By Mouth sign. Good job he said he didn't have dementia or other memory problems as that would have been another day without an op.
    Myra were gearing up to do Snowflakes at school. Collecting lolly sticks which apparently the teachers in Foundation do anyway just in case. I'm off to buy pegs as well this week.
    Diane visions of you wiggling around the house doing your housework. I'll order mine off Icon. I'm glad your home safely Janet.

    1. Didn't know you could get wiggles on line. Quite fancy ordering some!

    2. Hello Pat, you may well know this very well but there is a Company called Baker Ross who sell loads of stuff for crafting with children. They have 200 hundred lolly sticks for £2.99 . They have plain wooden ones and also coloured ones . They are good value . Just thought it might be useful to know!
      Good job Pete's brother was awake and alert! More than I'd have been at that time in the morning! Xxx
      Hope the op goes well.

    3. Hi Sava
      Just re read what I'd written. Surely you knew that wiggles are sold by Icon. No I didn't eithe Saba. I'll go and have a look at the website Myra, save me buying a job lot at the shops, and the teachers hoping they all don't want to make lolly stick decorations.

    4. Haha Pat now I know where to get wiggles if I run out! I hope Petes brothers op went well and he's home again soon xxxx

  17. Good afternoon everyone
    Well it looks as though Storm Barney is arriving at least the rain is coming down merrily. Did anyone see BBC breakfast this morning? While they were showing the weather pictures Cockermouth with our river in flood was shown and one lonely park bench in the middle of the flooded area!
    Sandra such a beautiful card I too like WOC for some flowers especially the smaller ones their colours are wonderful.
    Myra what a fantastic idea to use for lolly sticks they look super.
    Lillian all I can say is WOW that is wonderful and to make them so very quick too!
    Saba please stay calm first it was handbags now just cannot wait to get your hands on new dies, as my grandson would say 'Take a chill pill!'
    Well I am off to get dinner organised as I have been out to the hairdressers this morning am behind with the essentials for today then I just may have a little time left to get a card at least started before the school run.
    Enjoy your day everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Ooooh Margaret, I hope Barney gets lost and can't find Cumbria. Don't you go sitting on that bench.

    2. My friend, Margaret wouldn't be on the bench she'd be bobbing along on the water, tail in the air! Xxxx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. We were talking about Cockermouth this morning, had a lovely day there a few years ago, OH had a meeting up that way so I spent the day there, bought a lovely coat in one of the lovely shops so when I wear it , I remember the lovely day. Hope the flooding is not too bad

    5. Saba and Myra
      I can assure you there will be no bobbing about the river is flowing really fast I would be out to sea which is 8 miles away) before I had time to ruffle my feathers! xxx
      Lilian if your OH comes again do let me know xxx

    6. Oh no! Hadn't thought of that, dear! Don't want you quacking with an Irish accent!! Xxxx

  18. Well disappointment with a capital D. None of Sue's latest releases in the craft shop and guess when they are being delivered - the day I fly home and to add insult to injury the one I really, desperately need and want they haven't even ordered it! Oh well, bought some dazzlers, a set of christmas stamps and a build a dinosaur model for Oliver. Boo hoo sob sob sob.......

    1. SABA:- order from Icon to deliver to Joanne it should be with you in a couple of days. xxx

    2. Saba, The Art of Craft is a good site, they just got all Sue's dies in. Maybe they can get it for you xxx

    3. Joanna Sheen has them now too! Oh dear! Never mind , dry your eyes, there's a good girl! You will get it - if they don't sell out!!! Sorry couldn't help that! Xxxx

    4. Oh Saba - I'm with you boohoooo
      As Patricia says ICON to Joanne and then onwards.
      Joanna Sheen will still do free postage but the problem is out of stock.
      You need a big Yorkshire HUG and lots of sticky toffee

    5. Saba Icon is in Barnsley Yorkshire! Are you anywhere near there? If so why not pop over and get all you are needing, however I don't think they sell handbags! xxx

    6. Margaret! You are naughty! Funny but naughty! Xxx

    7. Yes Saba Icon, they come really quickly from there. Xxxx

    8. Thank you ladies, I have dried my tears now and will have a look tomorrow, Margaret, you've given me an idea, might just buy a handbag instead!!

  19. Hi Sandra & all in Café,
    Sandra your box is beautiful you have so much talent xx
    Myra love your stars xx
    Lillian tank you for showing your hoods never realised you did them in so many colours xx
    Pouring with rain here we got rained of at boule this morning.
    Hugs on way to all who need them have I missed Brenda Little lamb don't remember seeing her in lately hope you are well xx
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Brenda left a comment for Cheryl today but not a proper comment - I wonder if it went into cyber space. I only noticed because she posted just as I was commenting and I was waiting for more to appear. Brenda if you are looking in, I hope you are ok xxxxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Just to say take care outside everyone Barneys kicking up a storm.

  21. Saba
    Icon are cheaper and should deliver in a couple of days. Although Joanna Sheen is dearer they usually deliver with no postage if you spend over £9.00. Icon is Jo postage but you need to spend £15.00 to get 1st class delivery.

  22. Hi Girls, Thought I better pop in and let you know I am still alive.
    We made a quick escape when the last guest of the season left and departed ourselves for America. I really did feel in need of a break. A few days in the Florida sunshine helped, then we drove north, via Virginia to Maryland and Philadelphia, visiting friends en route. Great to catch up with them all.
    Back now to dark days, long nights and stinking wet weather again. Might actually get a little crafting done, although I still have a lot of admin work to get on top of.
    Sorry, but although I have had a quick look at some blog pictures, I have missed out on what you are all up to, although I did look at the reports of the get-away retreat. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
    Can't promise a regular input, but...I'm back.
    Cheers all

    1. Welcome Home Janice, you have been missed xxx

    2. Nice to see you back in Janice. Xxx

    3. Hellooooo Janice,
      Welcome home! Glad you had a lovely holiday - you deserved it! Xxx

    4. Hello Janice welcome home, we were only wondering the other day if you had gone away once the season was over. Sounds like you had a lovely time, warm sunshine and good company - shame the weather isn't good to come home to though. See you again soon xxxx

  23. Hi everyone, really late today, got up a bit later today and didn't have time to log in before going to Carolines to cover while she took her class.
    Sandra you card is gorgeous, love the cascade of flowers.
    Lilian your hoods are amazing, I can't believe you can make them so quickly.
    Myra loved your snowflakes when I saw them at the retreat, and all your other creations.
    Can't get a proper heat into myself tonight, it has been such a miserable day and cold.
    Need to think about dinner, will try and pop back later.
    Take care, Jess xxx

    So good to see you my lovely, sounds like you have had a super busy season and a wonderful holiday , I am sure you will soon catch up!
    Sending huge hugs!

  25. Hellooooooo to everyone, I'm back home now had a lovely lunch with seven friends all ex work colleagues, it was a lovely chatty lunch with lovely friends it was brilliant . After that I had physio at the hospital that wasn't too bad, now I'm back home again and thinking about dinner, is just all ready, just waiting for John to return from his radiotherapy. I think, after today his appointments are early, so we may get a bit more structure into our daily plans. Now there's a thought!
    Sandra, I did comment on your card this morning, what I didn't say is I love the shade of green you have used for the box. It is a really soft green. Definitely one of my favourite colours.
    Hope everyone has a good evening, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  26. Well ladies, I have to say I have a few 'needs' from Sue's new launch!
    Just to let you know Julia is demonstrating the Spellbinders Platinum Machine tonight on Hochanda and through the day tomorrow, be good to see it in action!
    Hurricane Barney us in full swing here, good heavens my curtains are flapping!!
    These houses were built in 1947 for temporary housing after the war for service members, they are made of Concrete slabs bolted together, boy can you tell when the wind picks up!
    I can peg my smalls across the lounge and they will blow dry in no time! Haha a
    Off to sort the dinner,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. In full swing here too Sandra! Security lights had to be switched off or they would be on all the time! No - I don't live in a prison! Will go and watch the Platinum demo! Xxxx

  27. Home alone and 'Barney' is doing it's best to give me a fright, well I'm not frighten of you but leave my plants alone. Please be careful if going out or you might be a Mary Poppin :-)
    Welcome Home Janice ! I / we have missed you. Forgot you were going away so pleased to see you were not ill or something. You have to tell us what you been up to during your time in America, curious me :-)
    Any luck Saba to get hold of the striplet die ?
    Thinking of mash and Haggis for dinner tonight, what do you think girls ? Nice and warming with some Amaretto for after. Got to tidy kitchen, it's a mess again after doing nothing much tihi xxxx

    1. MARIA:- hope you will be OK on your own ... turn up the Telly.
      Now to be traditional you need some mashed "neeps" (turnip/swede) with your Mash and Haggis ... enjoy xxx

    2. Patricia- I am a Swede. does that count ? xxx

    3. Oh Maria you don't want to mashed up, your to lovely to do that to you. Xxx

    4. Oh! NO MARIA :- we love you just the way you are!! xxx

    5. Oh no! That would be a turn up for the books! Sorry! Xxxx

  28. Hi Ladies,
    Sandra ,your card is beautiful ! I love the flowers it would make a wonderful get well card as it is so uplifting! Great design !
    Myra I love your sparkly snowflakes they are really cute! our granchildren would enjoy making them.
    Lilian ,your hoods are a great idea, can't imagine how you can make them so quickly .
    Played golf this morning , had lunch at the clubhouse and caught up with a friend newly returned from a long holiday so I was pretty tired by the time I got home, but it was a happy tired!
    Love and hugs and good luck in Sue's draw ! Xoxo

  29. Hi ladies
    Jousting trying something that Brenda Lello told me might work.

  30. Sandra your card is lovely today. Sorry I haven't been in but very busy. Two craft classes to do tomorrow and trying to get things done for a craft fair at the end of the month. Will be here before we know it. Hope everyone is ok. Good to see Norah and Sheila back.

    1. Brenda, my Dear! You will burn yourself out if you aren't careful! Take care. Hope you are up to date with all you need to do. Xxx

    2. There you are Brenda, I saw you pop up earlier but then you vanished again! Take care my lovely lady, don't go overdoing it xxxxxx

  31. Oh boy it's some horrible weather out there? Roads badly flooded and if not flooded surface water terrible. Girls happy I was on duty, but unhappy they have to wait till next Thursday to see me, might have to just do something about that? Anna was so pleased again that I had brought her a sandwich. She asked if I could tell Vicky to do,the same? I don't pick her up till 5 and they get lunch at 12.45 but on Tuesday's Anna does Orchestra so really doesn't have time for lunch so after playing hockey too she is starving, so a little sandwich just keeps her going we don't get home till gone 6 after dropping Beth at vaulting. Just having a quick cup of tea, then I have ironing to do!
    Oh by the way you know I was not impressed by Andrew having to make a pop,up card for homework, well he phoned to say he got 6 gold merits for his card. Teacher wrote in his book it was just WoW!!! I am glad she thought so, I wonder how many gold merits Sheila's pop up box would get as they are WOW oh WOW. Bless Andrew was so made up! Saba, I love that little striplet too. Sorry you were disappointed. Xxx

  32. Evening Ladies

    Well-Storm Barney has certainly arrived in Southport, the weather is horrendous. The winds really scare me-more than anything else. Have retreated to my craft room to "faff about " with Christmas stuff. Bought another storage box in Home Bargains to put my stash of buttons in so will sort them out first then make another cuppa.


    1. It's here too Michele! Hope our trees stay standing! Xxx

  33. I have just left a long post pressed publish, told your comment is publishing and nothing has appeared, now that has never happened before!
    Well surprise, surprise, it is raining and blowing a gale again! So pleased my feathers are waterproof.
    I am off to finish a few cards that need completing while the football is on I am not a fan of football but it was lovely to see all the players mixing and standing together for the minutes silence. I do hope all will be peaceful.
    Hazel you really know how to please those two young ladies, a little thought and something as simple as a sandwich goes a long way.
    Cheryl I hope you are feeling better and Maria don't listen to the gales blowing you will be fine.
    Sorry to say there is nothing in the new launch of dies from Sue Wilson that excites me, no doubt they will grow on me but at the moment I will not be dashing to buy.
    Stay safe in this storm everyone, batten down the hatches.
    Margaret xxx

  34. Well I've had a crazy cooking afternoon!
    I got minced beef out of the freezer for tomorrow. However to get it out I had to move some chicken pieces - I left them out on the side in the Utility room! I chopped up veg to make soup and then found the chicken! So we now have one large pan of vegetable soup, one chicken casserole and one ( my take) on Lancashire Hot Pot!! We are sorted until Friday and we are going out on Friday evening to some friends! Busy afternoon but worth it in the end. Will freeze some of the soup and the chicken casserole ! Xxxx

    1. MYRA:- done that same thing so many times, will we ever learn???
      At least you know what you are eating for the next few days. Think of the energy you will save!! xxx

    2. Thanks Patricia! I needed a positive spin on today! as for learning - no probably not - it isn't the first time I've done that either! People who have ready meals don't have this stress!! Ha ha. Xxx

    3. Oh Myra I know that feeling too! The worse one I had was a bag of black currants that fell out of the drawer when it slipped out the freezer. I didn't see it fall under the kitchen table and didn't fin fit until the next day when I found it snuggled up against a pair of canvass shoes that were now a funny shade of purple! It took ages to get the colour out of the floor too - what a mess. Enjoy your casserole xxxx

    4. Oh Diane! That's worse than mine . At least I didn't have a mess! Xxx

  35. Hello Everyone,
    Sorry I'm late. Sandra I really love your card, it's beautiful.
    That's all, haven't ready any posts, will try to do so tomorrow,
    Muriel xxx

  36. I've just popped in to say night night. I'm watching the news, what emotional scenes at the football tonight, lovely to see such support for the people of France. I'm at the sewing up of my jumper stage - I hate that bit, so I keep putting it off! Our weather is quiet at the moment but oh boy did it blow this morning ( there's just been a strong gust as I typed that so the wind is picking up again!). I'm off to bed in a minute so I will say night night sleep tight, see you tomorrow xxxxx

  37. Well comments box really is playing up. Comment as says google account, never did that before. I'm going to get really cross if I have to keep signing in on every blog. Plus every time I want yo comment. I've done that as well Myra. Fished one thing out to cook and Kraft two more others out. I'm worn out rushing around sorting everyone out. We start again with Pete in two weeks time, plus then Doreen will be back up the hospital. Plus trying to sort out social services. I know they don't have antsy money, but how the hell do they expect an 84 year old with very bad hips to look after an 86 year old with mobility problems and dementia. It beggars belief.
    Soap box back in the corner. I feel much better for getting that off my chest. i hope everyone stays safe tonight. Our bin has Bois over, but that probably because we hardly ever gave any rubbish in it. I'm having a Baileys Saba hope you can join me if your not in bed.

  38. Now how did predictive text make bois out of fallen. The mind boggles. Earlier Saba pointed that I'd written Icon sell wiggles.

    1. Oh Pat! You are stressed! You are having a hard time trying to keep too many balls in the air! I'm sending hugs to you and hope you sleep well my dear! Xxx

  39. Had a lovely dinner and can tell I'm still in one piece ,way to much to mash up me too You seem to have done a lot of cooking and baking today, the smell everywhere must be so nice.. Bed is calling so will be off, talk to you tomorrow.
    Good night everyone, xxxx
