
Wednesday 18 November 2015

 Good Morning Ladies,
Exciting day today, Sue and Pat are coming over to craft (well chat and craft)!  I think weather permitting, Paul may disappear to the Allotment!

I have another of my cards to show you today, this one has been made using Anna Marie Design card (both from set 3), I put the pretty card at the top and the 'Linen' look card at the bottom,  I divided the two with a pretty Crocheted Lace ribbon that I bought from The Works, I ran a matching colour narrow velvet ribbon through the centre of the ribbon to tie the colours of the card together.
I created the flowers using Cream Felt and Spiral Blossom 1 and 3 dies from Spellbinders, I didn't have a matching colour felt so I used some Mica Powders (Ranger Perfect Pearls Capuccino) to brush over the felt to change the colour so that it matches the colour tone of the card on two of them, the larger one I left cream, I then added a little brown pearl to the centre of each flower, I then cut a Cheery Lynn Flourish die, Spellbinders Foliage die and Poppy stamps Fern die to create some interest underneath the flowers.
I them cut a small frame from Creative Expressions Greek Islands 'Rhodes' Die and added then Brittania Dies 'Happy Birthday' sentiment to the centre of it and two brown pearls to finish the card off.
I hope you like it, its slightly more autumnal colours than yesterday.

Have you all seen Julia on the Hochanda show selling the Platinum machine? I would be interested in seeing it in action.
I must dash today as I have to make Minestrone Soup for our lunch today.
It was lovely to see Janice popping in yesterday, back from a busy season and a much deserved holiday.
I will stop by later to see what you have all been up to.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra,

    A truly beautiful card, love the muted colours.

    Thank you all for your love & support, I feel more like myself again. Now I have improved I will be making a complaint to Marston Breweries and explain the reason why I am so careful of not eating any egg products. I don't think many firms rate eggs as life threatening as nuts or shellfish, in my case egg can make me ill for hours on end.

    Didn't get as many family cards done as I thought I would yesterday so finishing them off today and still have to play catch up with what I have missed.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good for you Cheryl they don't deserve to get away with their negligence so pleased you are feeling better xxx

    2. Glad you feeling better, hugs in bunches xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      So glad you are better today. Sock it to them but if they offer you a free meal tell them where they can stick it!

    4. Oh Cheryl flower, how could they be so irresponseable, don't they understand just how serious these allergies are or is it a case of it doesn't effect them so it'll be fine for the "few" people that it might effect? When you have your strength back and i am just glad that it wasn't even more serious, but you sock it to them flower with no holds barred just like "BIG DADDY" did to "GIANT HAYSTACKS" ( my Nana Kikke was a wrestling fan and that was what was on every Saturday afternoon when we went to visit). I can't take celery for the reason that it makes my air ways constrict and i can't breathe so i understand just how difficult having something when we are out and about can be. I hope that you are feeling more like yourself soon flower. x

    5. Hello Cheryl,
      So pleased you feel a bit better . It is annoying to say the least that you wouldn't have been ill if it hadn't been for carelessness! Hope you get your cards done. What's blue sky?? Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in
    Cheryl I'm glad you are feeling better, I think you should bring this to the attention of the brewery, to some it could be life threatening, and this knowledge could save a life. Hope you can get your cards done today.
    Such a dark morning here today, but at least the wind has died down, I don't know who was dithering the most yesterday, letting the dogs out, they didn't know what to make of the wind.
    Made a boiled fruit cake yesterday, oh it's yummy, john has given it thumbs up, will take some round to my sons later.
    Was making birthday cards yesterday afternoon, but somehow my mojo is on holiday, just couldn't get going.....
    I hope everyone is well, will pop back later,
    Hugs in the basket as usual, please feel free to take as many as needed.
    Jean xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another beautiful card, love the colour combination on today's card.

    Cheryl- glad you're feeling a bit better.

    The wind seems to have dropped but now we have torrential rain! That's stopped me venturing up the garden to see if there was any damage, it will have to wait.


  4. Morning everyone
    Now - the tea urn is switched on and the coffee is purring nicely and hot choc is standing by ready for anyone who would like a cup.
    Pikelets and best butter; brown/white fresh baked bread are already to go along with newly made Damson Jam.
    We have a lovely pot of porridge and on the side treacle/sugar or just jam.
    Other cereals are there as normal.
    NOW LUNCH - today we have homemade leek and pot and home grown veg soup along with fresh bread rolls and for pudding today upsidedown apple and spiced cake. Hot custard of course is the only accompaniment for this pud.

    We are just about normal (well you know what I mean) here all unpacking done etc and so today I'm going to try and get as many inserts into Christmas Cards I can.

    Will pop in later to see what's what.

    SANDRA - I love your card. Your colours are just beautiful just my taste.
    will talk to you in the cafe later.
    Hugs are in the basket or they should be

    1. Janet, that is being cruel teasing me with things that i can't get my chops into as it would definitely be a two courser for me today with your menu, but can i have thick runny custard, the kind that sort of jogs a bit coming out of the pan as the speedy Gonzales stuff just doesn't do it for me. I need to have the soup first though and it needs to be the kind that sticks to your ribs and keeps you looking well nourished. MMMMMmmmmmm. xx

    2. Hello. It's the mad hatter - sou'wester today and waders!! The waders are not on my head - Muriel!
      For someone who isn't really a " dessert person" today's sounds yummy and right up my street! Xxxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Early start here today, the boiler is being serviced and engineer should be here before 10am. Couldn't let him see me with a bag over my head !!!!!!

    Sndrea, I love todays card it is really gorgeous, love the colours you have used and the clever way you have made the flowers tone in. The lace adds a lovely finish to this beautiful card.

    Well I must get on be back later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS! Forgot to say hope you girls have a lovely day. The Soup sounds yummy. Xxx

  6. Good morning everyone
    Yes we still have plenty of rain if anyone would like some!
    Sandra you card is delightful lovely colours too.
    My new laptop is still not working correctly at least I don't think it is so may have to go back with it, why is nothing simple?
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Margaret xxx

  7. Back again,

    Opened the curtains to check if any damage (none to report thank goodness) and just caught the lovely sight of a silver/white plane bathed in sunlight coming in to land at Bristol airport.
    I do hope those of you up North of me do not have any serious problems.
    Clouds are scudding across the skies leaving in their wake bright blue. The yellow leaves on my Willow tree have turned to a brilliant gold as have the oak leaves. Good to be alive.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card this morning Sandra. I was drinking my tea when the picture popped up and thought I recognised felt flowers - I must have a go, bought the felt a couple of years ago, still in the packet! Did you buy the lace as a replacement for the stuff Becca used? It's very pretty. Xxxx
    Well it wasn't too windy here in the end last night and the sun is shining today so I might hang the washing out. I finished a couple of cards yesterday ( only photographed one Sandra sorry, I needed Julian's opinion on something so it got written and stuck in the envelope before I remembered!). I then did some Christmas stamps ready to colour and a bit of Groovi before I kicked myself up the derrière and inserted the sleeves in my jumper. I'm a bit worried the sleeves don't come to the markers I put in so I hope the jumper fits when it's finished! I hate sewing up jumpers, it's the boring bit isn't it but my brain doesn't think if I hurry up and do it I can wear it! It doesn't help the wool is too fat to go through my needle and it's not a wool you can split! Ho hum - stop complaining girl and just get on with it! Haha
    Ladies the wiggle is back - mr Sainsburys is calling me today so I must get a move on. I will see you all latter xxxxx

    1. Diane, this might be a very daft idea but if your wool is too thick, have you thought of using an Awl. I have one which I use for repairing the sails and if your stitches don't need to be too neat, they are brilliant.

    2. I was going to suggest a Staple Gun , Diane! However you wouldn't be able to wear the jumper at Airports!! Xxx

    3. I have a BIG carpet needle it has a fair sized "eye" Not as big as the one Saba is offering though. Now Myra if any of those staples open they would be real jaggie!! Diane is such a gentle should we don't want her with sore bits! Do we?? Just shout if you want the needle sent.
      Happy putting together whatever method you use. It will be fine as long as you "wiggle" while working!!! xxx

    4. It's a new song! I think it could catch on! " Wiggle while you work" xxx
      I can't whistle anyway! Xxx

    5. Diane - I'm with you - sewing up is always and has always been the thing I hate. Might I put my suggestion in re a needle try a tapestry large size one.
      Hugs for you xxxx

  9. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra I LOVE your card it is so classy and beautifully made , the colour tones and flowers are gorgeous !
    Wet and a bit too windy to go walking today so I'll go and get some C cards done.
    Janet , you are really making my mouth water with all those delicious goodies, I'll pop in at lunchtime for some of your leek and potato soup , sounds so good!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well I'm still having to sign in to Facebook every time and every where to comment. Frustrating or what.
    Love the card you've made today. The different designs look great together don't they.
    Well I'm going to have a lovely sappy today as I meeting up with Sandra and Sue. My word our lunch sounds like heaven. I've made and eaten Broccili soup as it needed using up out of the garden. Carrot soup to come as we've loads of them. Lovely to see you wiggle back Diane, did it come from Icon. Ha ha. But I did allude to that in a previous post. You are clever being able to kick yourself.

    1. Pat I always have to sign in before I publish a comment for the first time each day, then I seem to be signed in for a while? Occasionally if I forget and click publish before I have signed in then my comment is still there but other times it has disappeared.
      Have a lovely sappy whatever that is.

    2. Pat I don't do Facebook all I do is sign into Google before I type my comment then no problem just as I said in my email, have you tried going into google first missing out Facebook? xxx

    3. Pat, I have had that happen a lot in the last week or so. Patricia has to sign in almost all the time. xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and everyone today.
    I love your card Sandra, papers are so pretty and the flowers are beautifully made.
    Before putting the mica powder on to the felt, did you mixed it with anything first ?
    Love how you used the lace to hide the split of the papers.
    Have to leave the yummy lunch on offer today Janet, we are going out soon and wan't be back until late so I wish you all a nice day, The three graces have a happy crafting day. Must get a wiggle on hihi Love and warm hugs to you all XxX

    1. Maria I just brushed it onto the felt flowers. I did it at first as an experiment to see if the felt took the colour, it did, although it was several layers, but I prefer that as you can keep it as subtle as you like,
      It doesn't seem to brush off either, I am so pleased it works as it's quite hard to buy decent felt since creative expressions stooped supplying it, I used to buy mine from Sam Poole. I am going in search of some online today so will let you know if I find any.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  12. Good Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    Sandra I absolutely love today's card, those Anna Marie papers are gorgeous and you have coordinated the soft brown colours beautifully. Your felt flowers are gorgeous. Enjoy your day with Pat and Sue.
    I am home alone again today, I have been watching Julia on Hochanda and think I will go for the Platinum machine. I'll have to look into whether I can get it in Germany or wait until I am back for Christmas and buy it then. I think I can manage to get my remaining Christmas cards done with my leaky Calibur if needs must, just have to be extra careful. School run was a bit blustery, it blew us there. Hope the rain holds off for when I go pick him up.
    Going to strip off now and clean the shower, then a bit of tidying and vacuuming and then relax for the rest of the day.
    Janet I will be back for some of your delicious soup later.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxxx

    1. You go for it Barbara, did you see that Julia was saying to use your Grand Calibur plates with it?? What a genius idea as those Perspex ones do tend to warp easily but the solid GC ones don't bend at all!
      I was so pleased that she stuck her neck out and suggested that as I am sure Spellbinders were hoping you would buy their custom made platinum plates!
      Can't wait to hear how you get along with it!
      Have fun in the shower!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Barbara, I'm glad I decided against driving to see you today . We have torrential rain and it is still quite windy although not as bad as yesterday!
      Sorry to miss out on a coffee / lunch with you. Maybe next time! Xxx

    3. I saw Julia last night Sandra and Barbara, really enjoyed watching her and was pleased to see you can use the GC plates too. Ive not long got the teal GC so will perservere its not a bad machine but was really purring over the platinum. Sorry Sandra forgot to comment on your card this morning - don't think I was awake properly - your card is gorgeous and I love Anna Marie card and papers - did you see her on C&C the other week - brilliant xx

    4. SABA & MYRA:- good decision not to be travelling today.
      Saba, I need to know if that machine cuts in the "middle" Will need a running report once you get it into action.
      You, Val and the family still in our thoughts and prayers. xxx

    5. I've just watched Julia's show on Hochanda while " tidying" craft stuff! Only on my iPad but better than nothing! She was very very good and most informative. Great that the GC plates can be used on the new machine! I learned a lot and she was really enthusiastic about the machine saying that Sue loves hers too and John.
      Good to know! Go for it Barbara! Xxx

    6. Saba if you look on Hope and Chances web site they have the platinum machine for £124.95 and it is post free worth a look at least, but thanks to Julia I now know you can use A4 embossing folders and use the GC cutting plates which is good.
      You Val and family in my thoughts xxx

    7. Hello Saba my Yorkshire Lass
      Now I'm a little worried about you today - you said you were going to 'strip off' and clean the bathroom - PLEASE REMEMBER how the good old Yorkshire climate gets everywhere so PLEASE remember to put on your LIBERTY BODICE on at least.
      Hugs for you my Dear Friend xxxx

  13. Now Janet, you have done an amazing job here in the cafe this morning, today's menu sounds delicious!
    Can I ask you Yorkshire ladies a question that has puzzled me for a Pikelet the same as a crumpet? If so, why Pikelet?
    My mind is now trying to think of different things that we use different words for,
    Bread Roll, that's another one, there are many different words for those from Baps to buns, bread cakes to Barm Cakes! Is a 'stottie' a roll??
    Any others??

    1. Here in Cumbria bread rolls or Barm cakes are called teacakes. When I was little there used to be what was called funeral teacakes they had extra lard and fruit in and were served at the funeral teas. With the extra lard I think they were trying to cause extra funerals!! xxx

    2. They were always called splits here in Cornwall, but they were smaller and rounded, not big baps that we have these days.

    3. I'll leave Maureen to answer that one! Stottie that is! Xxx

    4. Hello my Dear Friend Sandra
      Piklets are our Yorkshire name for Crumpets.
      Teacakes here have fruit in them
      Breadcakes are plain
      Hope that helps a little
      Hugs for you xxxx

  14. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Sandra, i do like your cards that you have made over the past couple of days as they are right up my street. Your box of flowers yesterday was just so pretty and what a perfect mothers day present/ card as you have a stunning card and the bouquet of flowers as well. I had to laugh at your lovely daughter Becca comdeering your WOC flowers and your ribbons and lace for Josh's brothers engagement party, i just hope that she brought the bunting back for recycling on to another project of mothers this time. Kirsten will sometimes go and raid my stash of goodies without saying because she just thinks "oh mum will have that" because mum runs the local crafts and wool shop i think. I think that would be the only thing i will dread when we eventually move house to a bunglelow and that is the amount of craft stuff i have as i could set up a local workshop from my diningroom table i have that much. Campbell would definitely freak out if he actually saw everything that i have in one place, i think that he would have kittens and remove me from my debit card. But come on girls when you see a bargain that is too good to miss would you turn it down? I work out how much of it i will really use and if it is still more than what i paid for it, i will get it and pass on the extras to others that just might be able to use them as well. The school got an awful lot from my stash and mum's when i was sorting out alll her craft stuff as she was a prolific crafter like myself in all sorts of mediums from making wrought iron fence and gates that went all the way around the front garden to arbors and pagoda's for her plants to grow up. Anyway back to your cards flower, todays card is just as beautiful as yesterdays but in a quieter, gentlier way in such soothing colours but that could be because i'm getting old and old ladies seemingly like beige colours, LOL. Anna Marie designs is brilliant for their card and papers but see the bargains that she runs is fantastic. It never fails that each time i place an order i get a gift with it because they feel guilty at having to charge the postage, well sometimes we need to live in the real world and realise that these things don't just get off the table and walk here by themselves and it costs money to deliver them. I did get the special offer that they had on last week for her on C&C and got it yesterday. WOWOWOWOW i really think that i got a good deal and i see it's still on offer but it is a couple of pounds dearer than what i paid last week but definitely worth the money. The gold vellum is a beautiful weight and will make gorgeous things both as layers or flowers which is what i am going to use it for poinsettias mainly.
    Well boy wonder is a way to college and i have a day all on my own so might just get out the card making things again now that i have cleared my table so that i can get room to have everything scattered to the four winds again. OH will moan as i have just cleared it and that's me got it like a pigs sty once more but it's the only place i have to craft so he can go away and run up my ribs for all i care, but i will try to keep some sort of resemblance of order if nothing else to make it easier on me clearing. Having seen what's on todays lunch menu it makes me drool and wish that sometimes there was some reality in our cafe as Janet has just made me so hungry even thinking about it and hey i'm a custard girl, hot and thick and runny please.
    Right i have settled the monster huggles into their wee basket and warned them to behave and no sudden jumping on unsuspecting people but you know what they are like once my back is turned, they love nothing more than attacking everyone with a big hug,
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah
      I just love reading your tales - they have me enthralled and I have these pictures in my mind of you telling huggles what to do and then them jumping out and frightening people haha
      Just keep on telling us those tales - I for one love it!!!
      Jean xx

    2. Kersplatt - Mwaw Mwa !! I've just been huggled by two of your hugs!
      Miss these hugs when you aren't here!
      Enjoy your crafting today Norah! I agree about Anna Marie - bit poetic that! I got some great Anna Marie designs bargains at the NEC. Her quality is lovely and as you say she always sends a little gift as well. Are your lovely Ochils completely hidden today? Xxxx

    3. Hi Norah,
      I have never seen the bunting to this day, little madam, or I would have 'recycled' some of the flowers etc, but knowing Becca and Josh's family it would have gone in the bin at the end of the night! Never mind, I was just frustrated as Wild Orchid Crafts flowers aren't cheap!
      Now as far as you having loads of craft stash, stop worrying Norah, you don't smoke or drink and from what I know of you you aren't out buying new clothes every week so stop feeling like you have to justify your craft habit! It is a shock when you come to move and see all your craft materials in one place or "two rooms" as it was in my case when we moved here, wool tends to take up loads of room anyway, but look at the gorgeous things you create with wool! So you need to have plenty in stock! Like me you can't just 'pop to the shop' when you need something so having a good stock waiting is a must have, aside from the fact that you can guarantee that most of the things that you have 'collected' would have been on some kind of special offer or deal when you purchased it, making it a bargain not to be missed!
      Enjoy your day of crafting, if I were you I would make sure that all of the little bits of card that drop out when you die cut fall into Campbell's slippers! Haha!
      I am enjoying one of your wayward cuddles as we speak,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hello My Dear Friend Norah
      Now about CRAFT STASH - we all have this wonderful mountain of crafty things and anyway how can you be a proper CRAFTER in anyone's mind without a STASH.
      So don't you worry my little Scottish Lass you need all the things you have and just point Campbell in my direction for a little Yorkshire Talk if necessary.
      Hugs just for you xxxx

  15. Hello Samdra and ladies.
    Sandra your card is lovely, these papers are beautiful, and the lace border just finishes it off.
    Very wet and wild here today, I really need to get some cards made for our wee shop as I have only got a few left, so finger out and get moving.
    Lunch sounds good Janet, so will pop back later for so,e soup and a catch up.
    Take care everyone
    , Jess xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    I started leaving a post and was interrupted as Alastair put CNN on and there is yet more trouble in Paris. It would appear Police have abetted a further attack! It's just awful!
    Your card today is lovely and the way you coloured the flowers , a brilliant idea!
    I still have some CE felt and can't understand why they stopped selling it - I hadn't realised that was the case. Don't worry about beige and getting old - I think that may be purple according to the poem!
    It's a horrid wet day here and I'm going to craft after I've finished tidying up the craft room! I was supposed to do that yesterday but seemed to be on Ready Steady Cook instead! However don't need to cook today!
    Pat - I don't pretend to understand the workings of a computer/ iPad! However I'm not on Facebook and I'm signed into Google . I rarely have any trouble at all. Have you tried signing in without going through Facebook?
    Wow oh Wow , the rain just got ten times heavier and it is so dark!
    What a day!
    Stay safe and dry everyone - you may have to stay indoors for that!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh no Myra, I haven't seen the news, there were so many 'rumours' on the news channel last night, I had trouble keeping up with what was true, at one point I read that they had discovered an ambulance packed with explosives outside the German football stadium that a big match was to be played at last night, Angel Merkel was to be there too, but they calked it off an hour or so before kick off, but when I checked back there was no further mention of it, so I gave up! I will go and gave a wee look now though!
      Stay dry and warm in doors my lovely xxx

    2. Same here weather wise Myra, black is not the word and absolutely sheeting it down, hope your feathers are waterproofed! xxx

    3. Weather here shocking as well, although it has suddenly got brighter.
      Looking out there are BLACK clouds all round xxx

    4. Margaret - I thought I'd duck inside today!! Xxx

  17. Good afternoon, I am not lost just over at Perth puppy sitting, well he not a puppy, puppy 17 months old Tammy and Derek have rescued him, but oh boy he got himself in a complete state when left in the cage. Just say the cage is a bit worse for the wear too. He is great in everything else but very anxious at being left. His owner had to give him and his brother up due to ill health, so in the last two weeks he's lost his owner and his brother, he was rehomed too. So granny is puppy sitying while Tammy did what she needs to do. It will just take a day or to for him to get use to the comings and goings, he's fine with the cats couldn't care less about them.
    Sandra, love your card, yes Anna Marie card is beautiful, your design is as always lovely.
    Miserable day here, but I will get my coat on and take one wee man out for a walk. Needs must. Will call later. xxx

    1. Hazel our two corgis sleep in cages but have done so since they were puppies and travel in them too, as they were taken to shows by their previous owners. When we got them we just carried on but at first I did not like the idea of putting them in a cage. We did try once taking them to the vets without their cages oh boy what a racket never again. Unless we are taking them in the car we never lock them in their cages, has Tammy tried leaving the door of the cage open? Our two are brother and sister and once we had seen them together there was no way we would have split them but they wee although we were given the option but they were almost 7 when we got them, they are always together, xxx

    2. Margaret, Charlie his brother had already been adopted. I think they might have consider the two. Jak is a little collie/ lab. He is so good, doesnt bark when the door goes, runners, cyclists don't put him upon or down, other dogs he couldn't careless about, he's great with the boys and more so the cats. We will just hope he gets over this in the next week. Xxx

    3. Hazel he sounds a little love, he's had a lot to contend with in a short time, he should settle shortly xx

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone.
    SANDRA:- love your beautiful card, it is stunning. Anna Marie card is brilliant to look at and use.
    I am late I was working on a "challenge" thrown at me by John. He wanted to know what I could do with a large Pringle Tub. Mentioned it last night, got up this morning and worked on with it. I have one "FULL" tub in the cupboard which I am NOT opening .... I would eat them. Hopefully J&A or my friend Isobel might have some empty tubs I can work on soon.
    With the shocking weather settled in, hibernation time is looming for me. It happens every year, I just don't go out unless it's absolutely necessary. I do go to meet Hazel and Shopping "once a month" but that's about it. John gets anything else I need such as fresh milk and bread. Freezers are well stocked and large amounts of supplies in in stock.
    UGG boots/slippers out and ready for the "COLD" weather sweeping down this weekend.
    MARIA:- I am so glad you are still in one piece and NOT mashed!! xxx

    1. Hello Patricia my Dear Friend
      I do not blame you for staying in particularly in this horrible weather and of course you'll get more of the white stuff than we do here
      Stay wrapped from top to toe and CRAFT CRAFT and CRAFT.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    2. Patricia- have you searched on Pinterest for ideas using a Pringles tub, I'm certain there's lots of ideas.


    3. Michele,
      I did that this afternoon after a heads up from Myra.
      Thank you, have been back in again and there are lots & lots of great ideas. xxx

    4. I can 'feel' the determination you had rising to John's challenge, I imagine there are any things you could us them for, I bet your fantastic imagination went into overdrive! I look forward to the big reveal!
      The only trouble with pinterest is that you can lose hours while browsing!
      My uggs are already out, their slippers were my greatest ever purchase, so, so warm!
      Glad you made it in, miss your early morning visits xxx

    5. You have a great idea on your blog Patricia! Xxxx

  19. Hellooooo

    Made my complain to Marston's breweries and surprize, surprize, I have already had an apology for having to return a meal and they are raising my concerns re the egg wash/glaze on the pastry with the Catering manager. They will be back to me with their response as soon as.
    Did not expect that, as their web page states they would respond in & days.
    Watch this space. x

  20. Good for you Cheryl! We will watch this space.
    Got a couple of cards made, just had a quick lunch, back to getting the brain in gear, we have called off our weekly meet up at the Garden Centre, weather is shocking, it doesn't take much to put us off.
    Catch up later, Jess x

  21. Well, I hate to sound like I am rubbing salt into your wounds but although it is breezy+++ here, we have scudding White clouds and glorious sunshine. Don't worry though it'll probably pour it down when I have to set off for the 20 min. walk to school.
    Joanne's bathroom is now sparkling, her shower door was a nightmare though, might have to get her a kärcher.

    1. It is dry here at the moment but very windy . Rain clouds all around but we did have a few minutes of sunshine at lunch time! Hope it stays dry for the school run and the dog walkers! Xxx

    2. Oh rub it in, we had about an hour of it being dry, then it poured down again. We have lakes instead of fields. back home and feet up. Miserable night that's for sure. xxx

    3. I agree Hazel it rained so heavy at lunchtime we could hardly see! Saba what a kind mummy you are, yes a Karcher would be a great help when you are not there. xxx

  22. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    My 3rd attempt to comment keep losing it.
    Sandra love your card the colours make a nice change, enjoy your day with Sue & Pat xx
    Cheryl pleased you feel better today good luck with pub/brewery xx
    Hope all suffering with the weather keep safe & dry xx.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  23. A real quick visit for me - sorry ladies Just to say I will have very limited Internet access over the next two weeks But I will try and pop in SANDRA mentioned the shows with the Platinum on show What is intriguing me is thaw fact we'll be able to buy someting to turn it into an electronic die cutter... and appears to not have sweet spots and is lighter than the CutNboss... We'll see

  24. Evening All, well I started this post at lunch time, but got so fed up with everything disappearing,( hate computers).
    It's been wet and very windy here, not as bad as last night, nearly got blown off my feet walking to get the paper this morning.
    Sandra your card is lovely,love that patterned paper.
    Been watching Julia on tv, the platinum machine looks really good, if I hadn't bought the cross over, would have bought this one.
    Bought some new stamps from C&C with my £10 credit, it's amazing how far it goes,hehe !!! they are layering flowers, but will have to practice as at the moment all the ink bubbles on the stamp.

    Has anyone bought one of the tool-in-one from spellbinders? I have only had mine a while but all of the bristles have come out, wondered if I was too rough.
    Love Sue's new finishing toutches dies, but with Christmas comming up I'd better not buy anything more.
    I'll wish you all a good evening. Lilian

    1. Lillian, mine fell apart after just after a short time. I bought one of these hair brushes that have an open work mental middle and bristles it cost pennies compared with the all in one tool, it works too. xxx

    2. Mine is fine I got one when they first came out, for once I must have been lucky xxx

    3. I have had mine since they came out but it fell apart today.
      I was cleaning out the Three Wise Men Die. A bristle caught and the whole thing fell to bits.x

    4. Hi Lilian, I have had mine for a good while and it still works well, Sue W did mention that the bristles can pull out when cleaning an intricate die. Just to say both Sue and Pat have a nail brush, just a pound shop one and they work fine. I did see that sizzix have one that comes with a little foam mat, i watched in awe as time and time again the lady put the die onto the mat, brushed the brush across it a couple of times and lifted the die up and every tiny piece of paper was on the mat in the perfect shape of the die, then you just pick up the mat and shake it in your bin, no mess everywhere like i get with my tool n one!

    5. You can buy a mat for the tool in one Sandra - I bought them both at the same time ages go. The mat makes all the difference as the die cuts come out in the pattern of the die. I got mine from Joanna Sheen ages ago. Xxx

    6. My friend Shirley contacted Spellbinders about her Tool in One as it fell apart. They sent her a new one , pretty good! Xxx

    7. I bought a mat for mine the same time , might email spellbinders to see if they will send me a new one

  25. Helloooooooooooooooooo
    Well I've read all the comments, and immediately forgotten them!!! Sorry, I'm just so tired, but I can say :-
    Cheryl, I'm sorry to read that you were poorly due to an egg product. I'm glad you had a reply to your complaint, now you want compensation!!
    Sandra, a Stottie is a flat bread cake about 1 1/2" thick and can be anything from 6" diameter to about a foot. We use them for sandwiches (gorgeous) but I like them cut in half and toasted, and spread with butter and jam. Obviously I don't eat a whole Stottie at a time. They are also delicious for bacon sarnies mmm, I'm making myself hungry.
    Hazel, I hope the puppy was o.k. today and soon settles in. Robert and Marilyn bought a rescue puppy a few years ago, and he still pines if they go out of sight, although he is fine with us as he's used to us.
    Lilian, I got the Spellbinder tool in one when they came out. The point snapped off the pokey tool, the bristles dropped out gradually, and I was not rough with it. I wouldn't get another.
    Saba, I see you've been stripping off again. Woman, do you ever keep your clothes on?
    Norah, don't worry about your stash. It is so kind of all your lovely friends to give you all this - surely Campbell must realise that you would never buy all those things!!!!! I have a very kind friend who regularly gives me things, or whom I order for so that I can have them delivered here whilst she is at work!!
    The weather here has been bad all day, but it's atrocious now. Sounds as though the roof is going to be blown off.
    I must go, got 70 more Baubles to cut and punch hole in, and then I'm finished.
    love to all, including Myra!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Aarrrrggghhhhh, I forgot to comment on Sandra's oh so pretty card. I'll be barred from the blog. Sandra, I love it, it's gorgeous,

    2. Muriel that is so clever, now all I need to do is invent an imaginary friend and Peter will be fooled into thinking my parcels are for her.
      By the way, have you been to confession lately?

    3. She's been there all day! Has to return again tomorrow! Xxxx

  26. Hi all. Good on you Cheryl contacting the eatery, hope you get some kind of compensations and not just a free meal at some time.
    Have you survived the puppy duty Hazel ? He must be so cute. If my sister have any of the dogs in the house during the night , they all sleep in a cage. She never had any problems with them doing that. hopefully he will get used to it after a while. I can see sister Patricia has gone into Hibernation, hope you can pop in though every day or I will miss you. Norah, you make me smile with all your doings. Remember when you tidied up the wool cupboard ones before but guess it's always like that with a true crafter that it is never enough with some kind of stash and if you cardmaking, knitting,sewing and painting etc. then you would have a lot of stuff. Just enjoy your hobbies, your crafting is lovely !
    Saba in the buff again, only right way to clean a shower isn't Lol.
    Are you all trying to confuse me again what things are called ? for me a crumpet is a crumpet, bap is for your bacon sandwish, roll is for a bowl of soup or hot dog , bun is a chelsey or marboro something or for your burger and so on so please don't make it any harder then it is will you hihi.
    Sandra, amazing how the powder just stay's on. Must give it a go sometime. There were some white felt we used at Julia's workshop and she also had some for sale so she must be selling them if not Joanna doing it. Made a flower of it, hihi will send you a picture of my makes asap. Sorry but we had quite nice weather here today, still windy but warm and some sun. Hope it was dry for all who picked the little ones from school this afternoon. It's late so I will wish you all a good night and I see you in the morning Xxxx
