
Sunday 15 November 2015

Sunday....Another of my beautiful birthday cards!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I take great pleasure in sharing with you today another of my beautiful birthday cards, I still can't believe how lucky I was in receiving so many, we have had one on show every Sunday for weeks!
This gorgeous card has been designed and created by Maria, the photograph does not do the card justice, it is so pretty and sparkly, I cannot believe how much work that has gone into creating this card Maria, cutting all of those pieces of paper and mounting them with perfect precision, each gap is exactly the same width and along each of those little edges is glitter, that sparkles everytime the light hits it, I also love the super cute image in the centre that Maria has mounted onto perfectly matching card, I absolutely love the card Maria, the background design is really inspired and I will be having a go at it myself along with Pat's idea on Thursday, it may encourage me to start using the mountain of patterned paper and card stock that I have hoarded!
Thank you so much Maria xxxxxx

I would like to wish Patricia a hugely successful Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser today, you have put an enormous amount of work into all of the things that you have prepared, I have no doubt that you will sell every last item! Good luck xxxx

Janet I would like to wish you a very safe journey home, make sure you have your Passport handy, I think you will be needing a lot more than usual, I am sure that you used to have to cross a Border Control point some time after leaving Calais, I remember they gave the children free little bottles of Orangina! I am not sure if they will have reinstated this border, I personally think that they should reinstate them all, for our safety if nothing else. Any way I am sure Yvette will carry you and your haul of craft goodies home safely, (i hope you have put flat shoes on her, she will struggle in stilettos)! I hope you can check in tonight at the hotel to let us know you are safe.
Love and Hugs xxxx

Sue, I hope that your Jumble sale was a huge success, I bet you were exhausted at the end of the afternoon, I hope you didn't have too much left over to dispose of!  I hope you have given a huge boost to your funds, xxxx

I am sat waiting for Paul to get in from his night shift, oh I bet he will be freezing when he gets into bed after cycling home! I hope he brings me a cup of tea and a crumpet!
Love and hugs


  1. MARIA - your card is just scrumptious. I love everything you have used. What a beautiful background format and that little Pixie is just tooooo cute for words. Thank you Sandra for starting my day off with a smile and thank you Maria for letting Sandra show this beautiful bday card.

    Breakfast in the Café this morning is the usual toast/jam/marmalade but there is also a very large pot of Porridge as it is so cold and there is snow on them there hills!!
    Lunch is the usual Sunday treat of a full roast dinner. Meat choices are Beef or Lamb with all the trimmings so I hope you all enjoy the menu for today.
    Everything else is set and ready to go.

    Just like us - we are nearly on our way. Jim is just topping up all the bird feeders while I'm here and then Yvette is packed and waiting for us.
    We should be in Calais around tea time (French time) and I'll have fingers crossed that I can get on their tinternet and pop in to see you all.

    PATRICIA - good luck for today - you have worked so hard and very long hours but I just know that all your goodies will go like lightening and so they should. I would love to see a pic of your stand before you start and one when you have finished PLEASE.

    To everyone I hope all who have been under the weather are a little better and that everyone has a good Sunday whatever you're planned to do.
    Hugs on their way. Have to go now Jim is just coming in see you all later.

    1. Safe journey Janet, will be thinking of you xxxxx

    2. Janet, you are likely on the road by now. I hope your trip to the ferry port wasn't to bad. Safe journey tomorrow. We will all keep our fingers crossed that the sea isn't to rough. xxx

    3. Janet, I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip. xxxxx

    4. Janet hope you have a trouble free journey with the minimum of delays, xxx

    5. Hi Janet,
      Hope you have a safe & trouble free journey. Love Margaret xx

    6. Hello Janet, Safe Journey to you you, Jim and Yvette! Xxx

  2. Morning Sandra and all coming through the door today. Just make sure it doesn't fly back on you in this very strong winds we have today and all through the night.
    A cup of tea and a crumpet sound good, hope he bought some extra and I sit down and join you. Omg. to see this Sunburst card is a shamble after all the other stunning cards you received Sandra but glad you like it. Just wanted to do something different. Congratulations to your girls, you must be so proud and glad you had a nice evening. Good luck to anyone who have a Charity/ Fundraiser day today and hope you sell the lot ! Janet- safe journey back to the UK and hope Yvette is being nice and calm. Yes bring back all the Border Controls! I have read all your comments from yesterday and I would say the same. We can't just bring anyone in to the country, it has gone to far and they need to sort it out Now before it's to late. They probably already here so we can't feel safe anywhere but difficult to really understand what kind of person can do such a horrible thing. Thinking of the parents to these monsters. You gave birth to a beautiful little baby and then they grow up to do a thing like this, killing so many people and blowing themselves up. It's sad.......
    To a nicer note, Karen - your panels of different season's are a work of art ! Every time you looking at them you see something different. I love them ! so if you get a minute over my dear friend, I would love to have some hihi
    I saw Norah managed to pop in as well. It was ages since we had a chat. Understand you are busy but try to have 10 minutes for a sit down and come and see us. You do feel better after reading some of the comments from a certain parson, you pick tihi
    Please anyone going out on the roads today, take care. I guess in some part of the country it is even worse then here but not often you here the wind like this and the rain. Snow Patricia ? Shouldn't be surprised I guess we are in middle of November after all ( already) still waiting for the summer I am.
    I went to a workshop yesterday so when they are properly put together I will send you some pictures Sandra. As usual I was slow and didn't mange to make them finished but now got all the bits so will do them later. My No Buy more this year went put the window but it was only because I had some money burning in my purse after this 'Stamping Up' woman couldn't bother to turning up. Oh if she know what she missed, silly cow.
    Going into town later for some window shopping and a coffee but nothing as sweet as yours Jean, that place sound so nice. We used to have some tables and chairs in .....oh bugger you know the one I mean ? Not the Hotel the other one with very nice chocolate and ice cream..... It will come to me later, no one to ask here yet, they are all asleep. Nope it's gone for now, sorry aaargh.
    Saba- hope everything is going fine. Special hugs to you ,Val and the family x
    Sheila- hope to see you later x If anyone playing golf today, hope they get the balls going the right way. You know I could stay here all day but as we are virtual it doesn't work like that so will go and do some cards and tidy up in the kitchen, was to tired last night. Will try to pop in again later, keep safe! love and hugs to all, Maria XxXx

    1. Thorntons Maria? I take it the hotel one is a Hotel Chocolate - mmmmmm yummy, chocolate :) xxxxx

    2. Thank you Diane, that's the one hihi how stupid am I. Have a nice day xxx

    3. Maria, you are not stupid, far from it. Your card today is lovely, and the sunburst design is so pretty. I've done it with inks before but never papers, so that's another idea I am going to pinch - opps sorry - borrow!!! I also like Thorntons chocolate - well if truth be known, I like any chocolate!!!

    4. Hi Maria
      Your card is beautiful it must have taken you ages & you would have needed so much patience, a lot more than I have well done.
      Enjoy your window shopping love Margaret xx

    5. MARIA:- your card is STUNNING a little "work of art" I just LOVE the effect. You must have the patience of a "Saint"
      Hope your back is better and you have had a good day xxx

    6. Maria - be proud of that card! It's really lovely , unusual and must have taken ages to make. I may borrow that idea, if it's ok? Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and fellow crafting buddies,

    Woke up this morning to very gusty winds, my contorted willow looks like it is having a fair strop on! Although it is dry I think leaf gathering will have to wait. another day of craftiness is coming over me, perhaps I might get a push on and finish my special Christmas cards for family and close friends.
    I have finished the ones for scope and they now have a largish box filled to the brim with all occasions + Christmas ones. Doing this = my oddments box is empty and all the toppers that don't rock my boat are used up for someone else to love.
    Brown Owl was so pleased with all the crafting goodies I packaged up for them, her husband came to collect them and asked if I would like to go over on their craft evenings to give them some help, ideas and tips.
    Thank you Sandra for persuading me to take what was left in the LOTV box, they will come in handy for one of those nights.
    Right I am now suitably refreshed from my cuppa and hot buttered crumpets so I will away and get showered then back to crafting
    However you are spending your Sunday, be happy, healthy and safe.
    Janet, I wish you God speed & safe travels home.
    Gurt big squishy hugs to Saba, Val & Family.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Have a good day, Cheryl. Your bits and pieces will come in very useful, and I think it's great that Brown Owl wants you to give some ideas, and help. xxx

    2. Cheryl - you are a very kind, busy lady and I'm so glad your hard work has been appreciated. Have fun with the Brownies doing some

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Well it is bright and blustery here today, much better than the rain!
    Sandra , what a lucky lady you were receiving all these beautiful cards, and Maria, your card is Gorgeous! I love the Sunray paper piecing what patience you must have to do that also the little baby fairy is sooo cute with the touch of sparkles. xo
    Cheryl , that's a great idea on how to use up all the paper scraps etc. and one I should take note of !
    We had all the family up for a roast beef dinner and home made sticky toffee pudding ( l haven't made one for ages) and it all went down very well, so it's the left overs for us tonight ( nice and easy, more time to craft) .
    I think I have most of the special cards made I now need to make a big batch of quick and easy ones, it will still take me ages.
    Patricia and Hazel ,I hope your day whizzes past and you have a complete sellout, I'm sure everyone will love all your makes, hope you take photos to show us , Good Luck! xo
    Janet, have a safe journey home and hope Yvette behaves herself!
    The cafe seems very quiet this morning , so I'll just sit here with my tea and toast and see who pops in for a quick chat.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Yes Anne,
      And for the playschool and Nursery, I used my scraps to cut out shapes for them for their glueing days. They much prefer flowers flutterbyes etc. as some of them cannot use scissors yet. Even simple triangles, squares, circles etc. can become a 'picture' to the little ones. xxx

    2. Anne, next time the family come for dinner, can I be counted as family please? lol xxxx

    3. Anne I'm not greedy like Maureen the left overs will do me fine thank you! xxx

    4. Anne, I'd be happy to lick the spoon! Xxxx

    5. All Welcome! Pretty safe to say that when you live as far north as me lol! xoxo

  5. Morning Ladies

    Maria- I love the card you made for Sandra, it's gorgeous. I've seen this technique in magazines but never been brave enough to try it.

    Bit late today-had a lie in then my phone needed charging so left it while I had breakfast then realised I hadn't popped in.

    The weather here is truly awful, winds are worse than Friday/Saturday but no rain at the minute. I need to go up to the greenhouse but I don't think I'll bother until it calm down. It's not far away (200 feet & up a hill) but I don't want to risk opening the greenhouse door in this weather. Think I'll do the housework quickly today then retreat to my craft room- I got bored of making Christmas cards (only made about 5) so started on gift tags- I get bored very easily & my projects need to be quick to finish. I guess it's because I have so little spare time.


    1. Michele, sounds as though you'll need deep sea diver boots to keep you down when you get to the greenhouse. Your wise not to go at the minute, a greenhouse without a door is not a good idea!! xxx

    2. Michele - I've got such a picture now of you in diving boots!! Will you be wearing those when we meet up? Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maria your card is gorgeous, I used this idea for a scrapbook page and know how difficult it is to place all the bits together. I love the little fairy in the middle!.
    Janet safe journey home, I hope there are no hold ups for you.
    Patricia hope you have a good day and have a sell out!!,
    I must get some of my stuff wrapped up today for the craft fair to I will be running at the last minute as usual.
    Tea and toast finished so off I go, take care everyone, xxxx

    1. Steady on Jess! No running - think of your hip! Hope you get everything ready on time. Xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card Maria, it must have taken you ages to cut all those pieces of paper. You have a lot of patience so can cope with things like this - I would cut them wrong and get cross! Wouldn't life be boring if we all made cards the same too, I like it that everyone has different styles and a lot of the time if we do use a Sue die we make something different with it. As well as going for the social aspect, going to the Stampin up sessions is interesting because they are not really me cards but I enjoy doing them and I have learnt quite a lot ( and kept quiet about a lot too!!!) . Thank you for sharing this gorgeous card with us Sandra.
    Well the weather report here is it's dry and quiet at the moment but rather grey. I'm hoping to take the opportunity to get washing done but I'm not sure what's on the cards. Julian did talk about going to Southampton to get Christmas ideas but as he's still asleep and F1 is on later I'm not sure that's going to happen. We need to do some sorting in the garage to get the garden furniture tucked away for winter really so I'm hoping on a trip to the dump instead! ( not for me though!). Patricia I hope all goes well for your sale today and have a sell out. Take care on the roads too xxxxx we had an excited text from Emma yesterday that it was snowing in Edinburgh , her friends parents had rung to say she may get stuck if she goes home next weekend. I quite thought they would all be on the train to see, she's desperate for proper snow, we don't get much down South ( I want to say thank goodness here, it's pretty but I fell and broke my elbow one year so it's not my favourite if I have to go out!) . I know Aberdeen doesn't get much snow though but knowing Emma she will find it.
    Right I had better get on. Have a lovely day everyone, see you later xxxxx

    1. Dainty, it's windy, grey but very warm here. Are you wearing your bikini, I know you said you wouldn't, but I think you'll look charming!!!! I, however, would look like the back and front of a bus ha ha. Good luck with the garden furniture. Our's hasn't even been out of the garden shed this year!!! xxxx

    2. Diane - I'm glad you kept quiet about a lot too! I try but don't always succeed! I think it's called discretion! My first winter in Aberdeen I got loads of snow! Xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all who call in. I am not saying good as it's a from that here, it's rained all night and flooding on the roads back and front if Tammys house.
    Maria, your card is gorgeous. Will you stop saying you aren't good at making cards! Your are and you have created something with a difference which I love. We can all copy the likes of Sue Wilson with all her dies, but you have taken time to do something of your own. I wouldn't have the patients to do this.
    Well today the boys are having a jammy day. They have made a start on their rooms now the washing basket is full, Andrew put 4 hoodies in I asked him were they came from? Answer - well granny one was in my bed, one was under my bed another was on the floor! So I asked where was the fourth - in my cupboard, so why does it need to be washed answer it was on the floor of my cupboard so I put it the wash? Well that one is back on its hanger in his cupboard. The others I think really didn't need washed but I can't be sure. Thank goodness Tammy has a dryer. I will be going home for a rest, I can't see much being done by me tomorrow. The boys have been great I just can't leave things for Tammy to do. I will get her to help me deep clean our bedroom in the next week or so in exchange.
    Saba, I hope you have been enjoying playing with Oliver? At least we know you won't have been on the trampoline! I think you leant your lesson. No indoor fun only in this weather.
    Well done Cheryl for using up those bits.
    Sheila, are you ok.
    We haven't heard anything from Janice for a long time. I wonder if she was so exhusted after being so busy.
    Sue. Did you make lots of money? You can take left over clothes to " cash for clothes" that's where the charity shops put a lot of theirs.
    I am off now to change the bed so it's all done, I can't Hoover up stairs as I just can't carry the Dyson up there and Calum I feel might struggle. So we will just close our eyes to the bits on the carpets up there.
    Will call in for a cup of tea later. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      I love the hoodie story. I used to put Rachel's clean clothes on the ottoman at the top of the stairs. The would appear in the washing basket within a day or two and when I asked why she would say "well, I tried them on but decided not to wear them". Needless to say that since she got married, she doesn't do that!!!
      Have a good rest this evening and tomorrow. You'll make yourself ill otherwise. xxxx

    2. Hazel, I think if there is any justice you should sleep well tonight. Hope Tammy gets home safely! You too! Xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra, still wet here, but wind has dropped.
    Maria your card is fantastic, I've seen this technique, but I would be hopeless at as I can't cut straight even with my new Friskars cutter.
    Patricia hope everything flies off your table, I'm sure everyone will love it all.
    Janet have a safe journey home, and not too many holdups.
    After listening to the news late last night , they were saying the same thing could happen here, so I woke up in the early hours worrying about my children who both work in the centre of London, could not get it out of my mind, I am normally a positive person, but not last night.
    Well I am going to do some work to clear my mind.
    Have a good day everyone, I'll take some of those hugs if that's OK.

    1. Hello Lillian,
      I'm thinking of you and the hoods. I hope you heard from your children in London, I can understand your worry.

    2. Lilian - I can quite understand how this awful tragedy in Paris has unsettled you. We have a lot more CCTV cameras in this country and these are monitored. I'm sure they are a deterrent . I know it's easy for me to say but try not to worry too much. Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Maria you are always putting yourself down when it comes to card making,
    I now know you've been telling us porkies, your card is beautifully different and very clever, I don't think I could've ever worked this one out, we can all cut out dies, but this is a lot of careful measuring and no room for error. I Love it. xx

    Janet, I hope you day is uneventful, also that Yvette behaves herself. Thinking of you. LOL

    Patricia, Good luck - I'm sure you don't need it, your work will sell itself. I hope everyone raises lots of money, I know we put to good use. xx

    I hope Paul wasn't too cold after cycling home from work, and you got your tea and crumpets in bed this morning Sandra. Have you any plans for the day?
    John is out in the garden at the moment deadheading, he's asked if I could go and do an inspection to see if anything else needs doing.
    Will be back in later to see what everyone is up to, hope Janet, Jim and Yvette will have arrived in Calais safely by then.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda, I hope John's work passed muster!!! xxx

    2. Now Brenda the big question is will you find something John has missed??? xxx

    3. Yes ladies his work passed muster. A brilliant job all round. He always asks me, when he's working in the garden, will I come and inspect. Many moons ago when he couldn't tell a plant from a weed, he left all the weeds in the flower bed and pulled out my beautiful Scabious plants that I had been nurturing . I don't think he has ever got over my reaction - Bless Him xxx

    4. He is a good man Brenda! I'm glad he wasn't in any trouble . Ha ha!! Xxx

  11. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Maria flower, your sunburst card is so lovely and with the baby cherub rummaging around in the flower in the center as if the sun has burst into bloom, beautiful. Although i do wish they would stop pulling the stamens out of that flower but hey ho that's just like a bairn, isn't it. I like how all the rays have spelt out Sandra's name so she can be sure that it was definitely made for her alone in mind. Thank you Maria for giving us such a stunning ray of opportunity and idea to try out ourselves (sorry couldn't help the wee bit pun there cos i'm cheeky as you all know).
    Janet and Jim, please take it easy coming home with Yvette and yes i think you will be needing those passports even more now. Now i know that i may not be as old as some off my lovely friends here but i do hold with the thought that this freedom in europe has just asked for these nutters to get through and inflitrate our happy lands. The quicker they set up stronger border controls the better and be very sure just who we are letting into our once happy land. They never seem satisfied with the fact that things in the world are good, but there is always some little naff that wants to destroy that happiness and let us live in fear and terror. It really makes you think just what must be going through their minds to kill innocent people doing nothing more than enjoying themselves, doing no harm to anyone but celebrating life and all the goodness that it has. We have just had remembrance day where we remember all the atrocites that took so many innocent lives in the name of freedom, yet this lot seem to want to start a 3rd world war but with the whole world against them instead of allies being against each other. Oh i'm going to get off my soap box, sorry girls but i do think there is a lot to be said for the reintroduction of solid borders.
    Patricia, i hope you have a fantastic day flower and i know that there will be not a crumb left behind at your stall so i hope it is an early finish for you. Tonight might need that wee glass of something just to get over the amount of time work and energy put into today's event.
    Hazel, i thought that you would know by now that children seem to think that their clothes hang up on the floor, i know my two did and it didn't or doesn't seem to matter how many times i tell Rory now to clean his room and tidy away his clothes, i normally find them either on the floor or screwed up and dumped in the wardrobe of drawers and i think i have dish towels with less creases in them than his clothes, but i give up and surrender as it's fighting a losing battle trying to deal with it. Madam now keeps her house spotless which makes me want to go around and haul everything out onto the floor, chairs, settee just like she does at my house.
    Sandra, no wonder you are chuffed to bits about the girls acheivements as they deserve the praise with the hard work that they have put in to it. I showed Rory the wee lasses tiger picture and he just said "WOW, thats fantastic mum". Then i told him about her not wanting to do higher art and he can't understand why she isn't as she would sail through it with an "A". Rory loves art and seeing what people have drew but he is right into the animals at the moment so the tiger really captured his imagination, so thank you wee lass for your absolutely stunning piece of art work and i'm in Rory's camp where i can't for the life of me understand why you are not taking your talent further, but hey i'm a mum and we mums are proud of our children's acheivements.
    It is a right dreich day up here at the moment in Central Scotland with my beloved hills struggling to come through the fog and mist and the dampness, but we can hope for a better day tomorrow. Sending my huggles to all today, those of us that are in our own wee but and ben's and to those trying to get back to their but and ben,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah,
      It's lovely to see you again today. I'm glad you are back and putting the world to rights!! I have to say that I agree with all you've said.

    2. Hello Norah delighted you are back with us and I totally agree with what you have said, xxx

    3. Hi Norah,
      Lovely to see you in again & I agree with everything you so eloquently put.Love Margaret xx

    4. Norah! Lovely to have you back - we do mis you. I was smiling when I read about how tidy Kirsten's house is - you taught her well - she didn't learn that anywhere else! As for boys and clothes. Well!! My grandson came in yesterday took off his shoes and anorak and left them on the floor in the middle of the hall. It was his Dad who made him retrieve them. Very funny in some ways! Xxx

    5. NORAH:- great to see you, love your stories.
      When Robert hangs his things up it is always on the "floor" No matter how often he is told that where they go. He never "put" then there ......!!! they just landed. xxx

  12. Well, it's taken me until now to get down here. I've answered people on the way down, but someone is bound to have come in when I'm not looking.
    Not much on the cards today. I'm going to do a bit housework - not a lot!!! and will have a simple lunch as we were up very late this morning, courtesy of George's feet and legs playing up all night. I think I'd better do my December Birthday cards (only 3), then see how many C Cards I have to do, and get cracking with them.
    Sue, I hope the jumble sale was a big success.
    Sandra, I hope Paul wasn't too late in coming in, and that you got your cuppa and crumpet.
    Patricia, I hope your sale is going well. I bet everything goes.
    Brenda LL, I hope you are well.
    Sheila, love and hugs.
    Saba, love, hugs and prayers.
    Love to all,
    Maureen xxx

    1. Arrggghhh, I've forgotten Myra and others. How could I do that?
      Myra, have a lovely day, I hope the weather isn't too bad.
      Margaret C, hope you haven't been blown away, or flooded out.
      Margaret P, hope you are well.
      Pat, hope everything o.k. in your house.
      That's it, I admit defeat, the minute I press the publish button, I'll remember someone else - arrgghhh

    2. Thank you Maureen, it is still blowing a gale and raining but we live up on the edge of town so there is no risk of us flooding thank goodness. xxx

    3. Hi Maureen,
      Thank you I am fine just sat down for a few minutes been busy this morning making a boiled fruit cake an order for a friend for her daughters birthday once I have read all comments will go & play with my stamps.Love Margaret xx

    4. Forgettable - that's what I am . Ha ha!
      I'll forgive you Muriel! I haven't called you that for ages! Xxx

  13. Oh can I have a nice cup of tea and something sweet! Any carrot cake left? Been busy, saw at the end of Tammys notes the last one was can you sew the badges on Andrews beavers jumper? So that's done, a load of ironing also done, Tammy has a big wide ironing board so sitting at it doing the ironing is easy,,I think I will buy one. Bed stripped and just waiting for the bedding finishing, so hopefully by 2 o'clock that will be me. Ok I have two boys that will be asking for food soon.
    Norah. You are right the floor seems to be the hanging place? Tammy can put all the ironing away, my excuse is I don't where it all goes??? And I am sticking to it.
    Off to sit and people watch, while I have my tea. Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning creation Maria you've done for us today. I don't think I saw this card if Sandra's as I would have commented that I have these papers. Please don't say you can't make lovely cards as this one is stunning. I know how much effort goes into making these type of cards, ie cutting out the papers. So stunning.
    Hazel hope you goodies sold well. Sue, I also hope you made a lot of money on the jumble sale yesterday.
    Hope Yvette gets you home safely Janet. As Sandra said hope the flatties don't go flat on you. With new feet on you should be ok.
    Saba I hope you have a lovely day today. Hugs to you, and Val when you see her.

  15. Hello Sandra and gang
    Maria, what an amazing card, I love the way you have made the paper piercing look like a ray of sunshine behind the focal element. Must have taken ages to piece it all together. Hope you have enjoyed your window shopping today.
    Patricia hope you enjoy your fundraising event and make lots of lovely dosh, you have worked so hard for it.
    Janet, thinking of you, hope there are no hold ups and you have a calm crossing tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday whatever the weather.
    I must dash, we are going to pop into Northwich for a bit of retail therapy.
    Be back later xxx
    Love SABA

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    Would anyone like some rain or wind we have plenty to spare?
    Well our flood warnings are all still in place and the flood defences that were installed after our huge flood a few years ago are in operation, but the river is raging and no mistake. The main A66 that takes us to the motorway is closed for a long stretch from Keswick to Penrith (for those of you that know the Lakes) as a culvert has flooded and blocked the road with gravel as well as flood water. My daughter and I went into town to Sainsbury's and had to waddle over their sand bags to get in. A man said to me, Oh ducky you did that with style! I told him I had lots of practice! I wonder who Myra has been talking to?
    Hope all is going well at your sale Patricia and you have a record sell out!
    Hazel hope you have a rest tomorrow after your busy weekend.
    All the shopping is away so I am off to get some cards finished that were started last night. Enjoy your Sunday everyone what ever you are doing take care.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret he was such a nice man! We just exchanged a few pleasantries and I must confess I may have mentioned your name in passing! We are quackers ! Xxxx

  17. Oops Maria so sorry I almost forgot I love your card so pretty the colours are delightful. xxx

  18. Oh I think I might just have over done being a good mum? I am cream crackered as one would say. I think standing chopping the Swede, carrots etc didn't help. Then again remaking a king sized duvet didn't help either, I have for the last 31/2 years we have had two single ones on our super king bed? So I am now doing nothing feet up, heat bag in place and tablets taken. Xxx

    1. Hazel you have just reminded me of something Ciara said to her Mum after we had stayed to look after the children at half term. "Mum when Grandma comes to look after us she never sits down, I think she was born standing up"

    2. Out of the mouths of babes! Brenda! Xxx

    3. Brenda, I won't be doing much standing, I am sat with my feet up and I think bed will be calling, as I have just topped up the pain killers. I woukdnt care I sat doing the ironing. Just doing the veg and seeing to the dinner did it. I should have known better. xxx

  19. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope Paul wasn't too cold when he crept in, nothing worse when you are snuggled up in the warm. Hope you have a lazy day today xx
    Sue hope you don't feel too tired after yesterday xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  20. Hi everyone, got some cup candles wrapped and some decorated ones. Need to finish a birthday card order, and then start grandchildrens birthday cards, the three of them have birthdays in December,,bad planning on their parents part!!!
    Lovely to see you Norah, take care.
    I think Janice goes to the Canaries for a couple of months after she closes . I kind of remember she did this last year, I could be wrong.
    Will catch up later, OH watching Formula 1, off to do these cards.

    1. Well done Jess! Have a small glass to celebrate! Xx

  21. Helloooo!! everyone, I need a nice hot cup of Tea and a BIG slice of cake ... anything I don't mind.
    That's me back after a VERY successful day. Sold lots, orders taken for a few things.
    Audrey was worried that with the weather being so bad no one would come out.
    Well!! they had to set out extra tables and use the small committee room. They got a group of cyclists which they served in the room.
    Their community worked so hard to build their beautiful hall. I think the fact they did have to work so hard makes them appreciate what they have. They really do support everything that is held in the hall.
    Audrey had counted what money she had, she still had some more to come when we left. As we were leaving she told me she had £600, it will be more once everything is in. Bearing in mind there are only 14 pupils in the school the support they get is amazing.
    I am off now to sort things out, count the money, and think about the orders.
    I will get the orders started tomorrow .
    Oh! have to tell you this:- I was setting up when this really pretty little girl came up and started chatting. Robert came and introduced us, " this is Crystal she is new at school and she is in my year". Crystal then said quite proudly "did you know I am playing Thomas's WIFE in the school play" "I really like him and I am so pleased to be doing this". Oh! My! Word! we really have to go see this play. We do go to all their things, really looking forward to this one!!!
    Typical though it's their Christmas Play and it's a "take" on a Nativity Play ..... why oh! why??? Would it not be more appropriate to just have the "real thing"
    This "political correctness" is rediulous in our Christian Country!!
    Soap Box back in the corner xxx

    1. Hello Patricia - sounds as if you had a great day and Audrey must be thrilled ! That's a lot of money full stop - never mind from a very small school! Well done to both of you!
      People are funny with Nativity - I've even been told " well it's the same every year" . Yes it is - they tell the same fairy tales over and over again without a worry but a Nativity once a year is a problem. Never mind it might be good! I don't mind so much if they get the message across but I think children are just great in a Nativity play. Xxx

    2. Well Done you! Isn't it wonderful when people appreciate their local hall and really support all the functions taking place there, sounds like you enjoyed your very successful day, mind you how you can be looking forward to doing more orders so soon beats me, which of your makes sold out first?
      Anyway , enjoy your well earned rest and a nice big slice of cake! xo

    3. Patricia well done, glad you had a good day and raised a fantastic amount.
      I feel the same as you about the Nativity why change it to please the minority!!

  22. Hello from Calais. We are in the hotel safe and sound. There are loads and loads of police in the hotel far more than normal. Only to be expected really. We have only seen police at the main toll booths so we will see what tomorrow brings. Talk to you in the morning. Hoped you had a good day Patricia and had sell outs on everything.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. JANET:- glad you safe, happy journey home.
      Not quite a "sell out" but nearly, thank you xxx

    2. Janet, Thank you for letting us know you have arrived in Calais, I think we have all been a little worried about you both and of course Yvette.
      Have a good rest tonight and a safe journey home tomorrow. LOL xx

    3. Glad to hear you are at your hotel safe and sound , sleep well, and have a smooth crossing tomorrow .xo

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Janet thank you for letting us know you have reached Calais, have a good night and a safe journey home xxx

    6. Lovely to hear you are safely at the hotel. xxx

  23. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I was late starting off today but as I commented on the way down it is now dark!!
    Janet has now arrived safely in Calais! So pleased about that and the heightened security. Safe crossing tomorrow!
    Maria made a beautiful birthday card and I left a comment above but I think it's a lovely idea.
    Hope Sue's sale went well yesterday!
    Patricia has had a great day and met some interesting people too! Crystal sounds quite a little character. Her name brought back memories - some teenage girlfriends of outer sons, many years ago, used to call me Crystal as a sort of nickname ! I couldn't understand it . Turns out it was because of Alastair - do you remember the old TV programme - Crystal Tips and Alastair! Trouble was Alastair was a dog!!
    I've had a lazy day today I'm afraid as we have had a pretty busy week last week.
    School again tomorrow so we will make a start on some Christmas things!
    Hope you are well and behaving as well as can be expected!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Outer sons?? Our sons!!!xxx

    2. Like it, that is funny.
      I remember Crystal Tips & Alistair ... Crystal had a funny hairstyle did she not!!
      If it's the same one no MYRA, you are NOTHING like her!! xxx

    3. Yes that's it!! - weren't they cartoon characters? Xxx

    4. Aw! Patricia I wish you hadn't told us that , I had a great mental picture of Myra with that pointy hairstyle and a wee giggle to myself, I'll be getting a bashing from her if I don't watch out! Ha ha !

    5. When I come up to lick that spoon Anne, I'll be armed with Maureen's rubber mallet!! Ha ha ! Xxx

  24. Hello everyone, I feel really chuffed now after so many lovely comment on the card. I nearly told Sandra at one time not to show and tell as I felt it was no good enough but glad now I didn't so a Huge THANK YOU !
    I have this problem that it doesn't matter what I do or make is good enough, silly maybe but I promise Brenda, no more porkies. By the way did you get
    my E-mail ?
    Well done Patricia ! How fabulous to get so much together for such a little school,well done. Bet you tired now and need a holiday and not have orders right away. I know you want listening, you have more energy then any of us :-)
    Hazel too is one who can't sit still for long, just be careful with your back too. Mine just starting to get better but still have a few twinches. So nice to see you in Norah, good you managed to see through the fog (see I did one too hihi) hope it cleared and you had a nice day. Love reading your comments and miss you when you not around. I remember Janice saying she was going abroad, hope she is alright. Glad to hear you now at the hotel Janet, have a nice sea crossing tomorrow. Saba - retail therapy ? hope you had a nice time. Come on now tell us the truth, how many pair of shoes and bags did you buy today. Promise not to tell Peter x
    oh dear ,the Chinese have arrived so better go and eat while it's hot. I will be back Xxxx

    1. Oh Maria - I thought for a moment you were having international visitors! Enjoy !! Xxx

    2. Maria, I hope there isn't a touch of cannibalism in your house!!! xx

    3. Oh no not at all, only chewing on my fingers sometimes and I might have had a man or two in my youth Lol xxx

  25. Ladies that's me home, lots of surface water and flooding, took my time and of course you got the idiots who just speed and overtake. Lots of bad head lights done only having one working. xxx

    1. I second what Maureen has just said! We're in agreement again! Xxx

  26. Hello Sandra and all you lovelies,
    So sorry I've only popped in once for a few minutes in the last 2 weeks or so...I've been so up and down that I don't know whether I was coming or going. I just wish the weather was better so I could get out more as I always feel good then. Margaret and George came down on Tuesday and we had a lovely day but it went flat the next day....I also went to the NEC with my lovely friend Carol and I think I was standing a couple of feet away from Lynda and just didn't have the confidence to ask if it was her and since emailing her I am now almost sure it was her and could kick myself for being so stupid and it has bothered and annoyed me ever since...I was never like this before I lost Clive.
    Carol came round today and she took me to the Range the wind was so strong we could feel the car moving and not in the direction we were going it was a little better when we came out after having lunch in there as well. It's my lovely twin cousins 50th birthday in February and so we went into the Christmas department....remember I bough some glitter shoe tree decorations and made an exploding box with them?...well this time I came out with cute handbags, dresses, martini glasses, and wine goblets all made out of acrylic and glitter...they're gorgeous. I will try and put a picture on my pinterest page later on.
    Saba my thoughts and prayers are still with you and Val and I'm so pleased you spent some time with her and hope the chemo goes and hugs to you both.
    Janet so pleased you are safely in a hotel and hope Yvette behaves herself on the next lap of your journey home.
    Jean I'm so sorry the house didn't work out for Nic hopefully something is just round the corner.
    Off to get a bite to eat now will pop in tomorrow hopefully, love and hugs to you all.
    Sheila xxxxx
    PS Maria your card is so very pretty and I love the way you have fanned the paper in the background xxx
    Patricia I'm so pleased the day was such a great success after all the hard work you put it. xxx

    1. Hello Sheila all your goodies sound GorgeousI I must pop into our range & see what treasures I can find. Please don't beat yourself up my lovely we will meet one day I'm sure. Have a good week.Big (((Hug's)))xx

  27. Hello everybody,
    Lovely to see you here Sheila, we are here to support you and to help in any way we can. Don't be annoyed with yourself, your confidence is sure to have been affected since Clive passed.
    Patricia, it's great that you've had a good sale day, but there was never any doubt with your lovely things. And you've all made so much money, that's brilliant!!!!
    Margaret C, so you waddle like Myra. Mind you I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw her!!! (tin hat)
    Myra, have you got the Union Card to use a Rubber Mallet? Only a fully paid up Union Member is permitted to touch it, no dilutees allowed!!!!
    I'm soooo tired today. I think I'll do a couple more cards, then have a shower and go to bed. Is there anything good on TV? hmmm might read a book instead!!

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Although you make me laugh so many times you always seem to know what to say when things are serious too (re your emails)...bless you lovely lady xxx

    2. Sheila, Maureen is a lovely lady! I waddle - she rocks!! Xxx

  28. Hi All , gosh everyone seems to be very busy, it's a bit dryer here now but still chilly.
    Patricia glad the sale went well, fantastic amount of money raised.
    Sandra would love the cake recipe if it's not too difficult, I'm no baker.
    Just had roast pork dinner with baked plum and apples with custard, so feeling rather full.
    Got over my sleepless night, feeling ok again now had nice long chat with my daughter this afternoon.
    Going to pack the dish washer, after that am going to make my Grandsons birthday card, he loves dinosaurs so will have to do something on those lines.
    Hope everyone has a good evening, see you in the morning.
    Best Wishes Lilian

  29. Hi Lillian,
    Pleased you feel better for talking to your daughter. The cake is easy to make as you will see when Sandra sends it to you.
    Love Margaret xx

  30. Sorry took longer than I thought (he was a tough one) hihi
    Oh Sheila, it's so good to see you in. We are here for you and eachother any time, miss you when you not coming in. Lynda would have loved to met you. She's not scary, alright maybe just a little bit . How's hogging the tin hat ?? hihi How far have you to Birmingham ?
    Loved hearing about the kids and hoodies and other cloth items on the floor, have had all that here too. I think it's first when they get their own place they start looking after clothes and other things proper. Let my son get his own place soooon hihi. Puddles Margaret, please take it slowly walking through, don't want you to have a fall Mrs. The wind has calmed down here but sure the rain is not finished just yet. Margaret P's Boiled fruit cake sound interesting , might have a go myself if not to hard Sandra, one for the recipe booklet perhaps.......
    Flowers vs weeds, yap have been there too, can'r let OH in the garden for digging over and so on then I would't have any plants left out side Lol.
    That's me for today, I hope you all had a good Sunday and tomorrow will be good too. Going for a swim in the morning and then to the bank so hope to see you ladies in the afternoon,until then Have a Good Night and nice dreams all around

  31. Good evening SANDRA & all the ladies
    Phew busy day we had Darren & family down they came at 10am had lunch. The at 3pm we had a lovely roast lamb dinner.mmmm yummy It was too.YAAY & Harry cuddles he is a cheeky little boy we put some music on & he was dancing had a big grin on his face. Youngest Grandaughter & her friend also came. After they let at 9.30 me & OH cleared up its lovely seeing the all Samantha said she loved her converse shoe card I made her for her birthday.
    MARIA your card is gorgeous you have put a lot of work gone into making it love it. Glad you enjoyed your workshop. I haven't had a chance to read all the comments yet but well done Patrica with your fund raising.
    CHERYL well done foe compleating all those cards for your scope box.& giving Brown owl all your bits & bobs hope you enjoy going to the craft evenig giving them some of your crafty expertise & tips well done my dear. SABA special Hug's for you & Val xx JANET glad your at your hotel safe journey tomorrow. Hope Yvette is behaving.
    Will have to read the rest of comments tomorrow I'm tired my eyes keep shutting so will go to bed & see you all tomorrow Good night & God bless. Hug's Lynda xx
