
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Spellbinders Triple Flip Card

 Good Morning Ladies,
Today Sue and I are off to Pat's to craft, so I am
looking forward to that very much.
I am sharing with you today a card I made yesterday using the Spellbinders Triple Flip Die, I die cut some Navy Blue card with that, and I used the Creative Expressions Noble Pierced Square Dies to cut some mats for each layer of the triple flip card base, I used Papermania Parisienne Blue 12 x 12 paper card for these mats, I also used them for the layers beneath the flaps of the card.
I used Creative Expressions 'Expressions' range 'Ornate Oval Just for You' and 'Ornate Oval On Your Special Day ' Designed by Sue Wilson for the Sentiments between the layers of the card.
I used the CE Classic Bow and Itty Bitty Bow dies to create the Bow in the bottom corner of the card, the decorative centre panel of the card has been made using the centre piece of the  CE Heraldic Square Die, I love this die, (thank you Pat for lending it to me)!
The last die that I used was the CE Trailing Ivy die for the floral arrangement along with some blue and cream colour paper flowers.
A few flat backed pearls added the finishing touches.
I hope you like the card.
I have a special treat tomorrow, Scarlett has made beautiful card for her Mummy and she has sent me a photograph of it in an email, I will share it with you tomorrow.
I am also waiting to hear from Norah, she ('what's app'd) me a photograph of Rory dressed in his wedding Finery, my goodness he is a very handsome fella, he looked absolutely amazing in his Kilt, Norah you must have been bursting with pride the whole day! No wonder the girls have been pestering him, he must be having to fend them off!
Anyway my point was that I asked her to email me the photo so that I can share it with all of you too!
Well I best go and pack my bags ready for my craft trip to Witney!
Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card. You have used my favourite papers, (I have only used one of them so far, just love looking at them : ) ) I love the pop of colour the flowers bring. In fact I love it all. I am looking forward to spending the day with you and Pat, its just a shame that the time just flies by though.
    Pat, so glad to hear that Pete got good news yesterday. I have uncrossed my fingers : )
    It was great to see Jean back in the Cafe and to hear that Sheila is feeling better now. I have left comments on yesterday's post. I think I did manage to get to the end, in the end : )
    It will be good to see the card Scarlett has made for her Mummy tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. Hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking forward to the day ahead. I have not looked out yet, it is soooooo!! dark. We live in the last house in the village there are NO street lights.
    Wow! Wow! Wow! Sandra I just love your beautiful card. Thank you for the inspiration, I have those Flip Dies ... the packet is still "unopened". I really must look for them and get them used.
    Have a wonderful day together, hope Pete is well enough to "cope" with you all. I am sure you will cheer him up with all your chat and laughter.
    John and I are off to Perth this morning, we have a few things to tick off our list.
    Nothing else on the cards "no pun intended" that I can think of. I still have my Christmas Card boxes out, might just keep going with some more cards.
    Sheila:- hope you are feeling well enough to pop in today.
    Norah:- we need to see the "wedding photos"
    Everything set up for the day, the soup pot is on, Carrot & Lentil today. Hope that's ok it's a plain soup which I feel most folk like, with some of that wonderful homemade Bread ... Mmmmm!!!
    Right!! made my Toast got some Tea and over at the corner table.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. See you all later xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and Crew,
    Budge up Patricia and I'll sit by you and share your toast if you don't mind.
    Sandra love what you have done with the triple flip. And I like that you have used Sue's pierced squares for the borders. I didn't have them when I made my triple flip card, your way is much better. Like your flowers in the corner too, wish I'd seen this before I made mine!!!
    Have a lovely day with Sue and Pat, and I hope Pete continues to feel better.
    Well ladies, I am now sitting with a cup of coffee shut in the dining room. The window men arrived at just after 7. I was up at SIX, Peter and I then dismantled the bed so we could move it out of the way and I had just about finished covering everything up with plastic when the door bell went.
    They are busy drilling at the moment and it looks like it will be a messy job, I've spotted bags of plaster and one of those hand mixer things. I will so glad when they have gone.
    It's gone quiet so I am going to go spy on them!
    See you later

    1. SABA:- what a great thrill to have my morning cuppa with with you.
      You will need a lie down when the man goes or you will not get through the evening!!!

    2. Morning Saba
      Just you take care with those builders!!!! PLEASE stay away from the bags of plaster and that hand mixer I can just imagine the tricks you could do with all that messy stuff hehehe................
      Seriously though try and stay cool calm and collected!!
      Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Ooooo a bit of plaster through a stencil with some ink and a touch of glitter topped with a flower, beautiful! Your neighbours must love you, hoovering before 7 with drilling just after 7, they will be giving you dirty looks. I would say make sure you have a snooze when they have gone, hope your sofa is big enough as presumably your bed is a heap in the corner. Hope they don't make too much mess xxxxx

    4. Ohhh Noo! That all we need - Saba to get plastered!
      Stay well away! Hope they finish soo near than you think! Xxx

    5. Saba, don't go near that stuff??? It's not good for the skin drys it out to much. Just leave them to do it? So when are the painters in ? You just stay in the dinning room, drink coffee and craft, less stressful.

    6. Saba, watch what you are doing today, plastered is not good, Myra is right. X

    7. Hi Saba oh dear, plastered so early in the morning. Hope you didn't get a chill with the windows opened and they didn't made a too much mess. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-WOW! Your card is gorgeous, really lovely. It's prompted me to try again with my triple flip dies. I used them once & got in a muddle so put them away!

    A while ago I asked for ideas(help really)!as I'd been asked to make a pirate themed card & Maureen emailed me to say she had a pirate ship die and offered to send me some die cuts. She did and they're going to be very useful as I need to make two pirate cards now.

    It got me thinking and I know there's certain dies that I don't use much but had to buy for a certain card etc. I wondered if everyone would be interested in listing a "library " of dies so if anyone else needs a specific shape then if anyone has that die then they could send the person some die cuts eg cars in red or blue. I'll be happy to start the list of dies off -may take me a few days to catalogue them (actually may be a bit embarrassing as I have a lot of dies) but if it will help someone out like Maureen helped me then it will be worth it. Hope this all makes sense!


    1. MICHELE:- what a brilliant idea.
      The likes of the Flip Dies ... how many times will we actually use them once the initial "thrill" has worn off. Yes! some Dies we would use lots. If we were to get a few Die Cuts to see what we think we can then go ahead and buy them. I think it's a great idea.
      BUT:- I am ashamed to say I don't think I would never get through my Dies to list them.
      I am quite happy to do Dies Cuts for anyone. If they put a "shout out" on the Blog I will certainly do them if I have the Die. xxx

    2. Another example:-
      Maureen & Brenda LL sent me stamped images of the "sneakers"
      I am not a "colourist", I did find them easy to colour and were great to use, I just had to buy the Stamps. They have been well used. xxx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Michele - brilliant idea
      I'm more than willing - the only problem is that with my older dies (the ones I bought before becoming a member of this fantastic crew) I didn't write down their names but I'm more than willing to participate with both dies and stamps.
      Hugs xxxx
      I've just thought I could take pics of cut outs and mail them to Sandra where perhaps one day she could show them on here - is that a possibility?

    5. A quick note I have a digit kit of all things pirate, if anyone wants a sheet print outs just shout.

    6. I think it would be a huge it's of dies from me too and as for stamps, well I did have a plan to go through mine this year but haven't got very far! I'm happy to cutout if people need - my unusual ones are a turtle, fish and seahorse spellbinder one and a nemo cuttlebug die! Xxx

    7. Fantastic idea Michele,
      Now you must have read I have been cataloguing my SW dies (had already done my SB dies when I started collecting them) and I will certainly send you a copy. Will be in this morning's post as have to go PO to stamp and check some larger envelopes. Hugs xxx

    8. Michelle, I think you're right it is brilliant. I do keep a list of all the dies I purchase and have them under headings, ie Sue Wilson, Spellbinders etc. I also list my EF, Distress Inks. ProMarkers and now am into Copic pens. When I go to craft shows I have my lists with me for a reference. In fact Sandra's Paul laughingly said, that not a list, it looks more like a catalogue! xxx

    9. Brenda - I think Paul may be right! Xxx

    10. Nice idea Michele, I haven't got that many and the reason is I might not use the die much but sometimes you do want something different so if we could help eachother that way and shout when we looking for something it would be a great help . Brenda, it was a Big book hihi xxx

    11. Hi Michelle. I think that is a great idea. Like Maria I don't have many dies but will make a list of the ones that I do have, it won't be for a while though as I must get several birthday and anniversary cards done and then make a start on the Christmas cards first! Take care x

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra your card is stunning, you have used the papers that Gillian had for her wedding invites, her were in the purples. I love your design and those flowers just give that pop of colour.
    So glad that Norah, is ok? Yes I have seen a photo of her Rory ( not the wedding one) but one when he was a bit younger and he does look good in a kilt
    Right I am going to do a bit of repeating of what I said last night late on. This is for the ones who won't have seen it. It's ref the payment for the craft room at the retreat, It works out that we each will pay £13.50 so could you all that's coming have that in cash, as its gone under my name and I will be collecting the cash from each of you so that I can pay the hotel in cash. When you pay me I will give you raffle tickets for some crafting goodies, it will be a bit of fun but at least you have a chance of winning something back for your money. We will have the soul use of this room the whole week end and we can even use it on the Sunday morning to say good bye after we have booked out of our rooms, we also won't be disturbing other guest with our chatting and laughter. Thank you. Sorry to be repeating myself on this subject.
    I tell you what these dark mornings are terrible. Made worse because I don't need to get up and get going. Thankfully Harris is trying his best to keep me in line by needing out. Yes he was very good and let me sleep till 6.45, but I think I will have to tell him 6.30 might be a better time. I like to get the first load of washing in by then.
    Was having a play with designs for the C cards to go off to Canada ( Charlie decided he would like us to send cards this year instead of E ones) I told him fine but remember the cost, anyway showed him what I had I mind, he liked the very plain one with "Peace on Earth" in silver, then asked what other dies were there with nice wording etc. got Sue's dies up showed him, and on the way hopefully today will be " Silent Night" & " Seasons greetings" I am borrowing Patricia's striplet and " Jot to the world". I will have to keep this in mind and show him Sue's next new dies he might like me to have some more to make we birthdays cards for his family. He is very good if I ask if a card looks ok or not.
    We decided as they have to be flat, I would make them very plain using dark background card with the dies cut out in silver, I am happy, I have got him on the job of printing out the inserts, when I am ready for them. ( it will keep him busy )
    Now I will have to work on him for a new top for us going to his reunion dinner, I can buy it myself, but if he is feeling generous I am not letting it go!!! No he is very good. I think he knows I am missing that bit of independence.
    Now I have put ((((( hugs)))))) in the basket, for those who need a few ( I know Sheila and Jean are a bit under the weather) but I know we don't always say just how bad we are feeling so they are there for you too. Oh to live close enough for us all to be able to pop round and give these ( hugs) is person. Sandra, Pst and Sue have a great day crafting. I think you need to keep the noise level down a wee bit for Petes sake, he might still be a bit fragile. After his weekend.
    Off to take my tea and crumpets and sit and see who comes in. Oh that soup sounds good. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, I did the same thing last year for my abroad cards.
      I used the small scalloped cards and cut out the Peace sentiment in red, stuck it in the middle and had rave reviews on how effective and pretty they were. 'Peace' summed up Christmas in one word.. xxx

    2. Hello Hazel,
      Totally agree about the Dies with the Christmas sentiments. Sooo very useful and make quick effective cards which can be quite flat if necessary. I'm doing the same as you , particularly for cards which have to be posted!
      Retreat - money ready to go!! Xxxx

    3. Cheryl, thank you that's given me another idea. Using the scalloped edge cards would say me even more time. xxx

    4. Hazel I bought the scalloped edge cards 5 x 7 and I thing I will use them, get my Christmas sentiment dies out too. Ideas now - thanks x

  6. Sorry you will all be asleep again I didn't realise how much I had written. x

    1. Hazel isn't he a sweetie and so helpful doing your inserts too. You never know he might join you in a crafting session. I have to say Julian can be a shocker and is worse than me at craft shows. He looks at dies and says 'I like that one' and if he's feeling generous he buys it for me! He likes to craft too but it's more sewing or paper modelling although he bought the Groovi stuff from Clarity and has enjoyed playing with that. Hope you find a lovely new top xxxx

    2. Diane, he wouldn't go any where near a craft place. He doesn't like crowds either. He happiest when he out walking the dog or if we go for a walk. Charlie use to love building model tall ships, but as he has got older his fingers cant cope with the little bits and pieces. xxx

    3. John would happily help me with inserts but I would have my computer completely changed when he had finished - Ill leave him to his ha

  7. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today.
    SANDRA - what a STUNNER!!!!! I love all you have done especially using Sue's double pierced for mats - I haven't thought of that but will the next time I use my flip die. I have to confess that at the moment it's the die I'm using the most. (note to self - must send you a pic of my latest). I love your colours and those background papers are just

    It was fantastic talking to you yesterday. Jim could not believe that the parcel had arrived. Nor could he believe that we were on the phone for nearly or was it over an hours - time just flew by - Yes we must make it a regular call.
    I'm getting more and more envious of all of you meeting at the Retreat. It would be fantastic if you decide to have another next year but in the spring and I would definitely be the first on the list. I hope I'm not sounding pushy well I am Yorkshire you know but any time in May would be fantastic!!

    More than looking forward to tomorrow's card and I cannot wait to see Rory in full dress!!
    Have to make the last October bday card today and I think it may be a triple flip one.
    I'm just having 5mins with my first cuppa here and then off to start cutting.
    See you all later. Hugs are in the basket and I'll wash up after myself.

  8. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, well this my third attempt at leaving a note!!!!
    This iPad is driving me nuts, it doesn't take nearly there already.
    Sandra your card is fabulous,love those large square dies, might have to get those with my Birthday money, it's surprising how far you can make it go ordering on line!!!!!!!
    Hope you're hip is a bit better this morning and that you have a lovely day crafting.
    Well it's dry here at the moment and the wind has has gone down, I'll be in later with a craft question I need help with ( re guilding wax).
    Speak later, have a good day.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Oh Lilian - that elastic birthday money made me laugh!!! Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian,
      If your question is how do I get it soft again?, use your heat gun to melt the top layer BUT don't dip your finger in it until it has cooled a bit!!! xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl. Is that the voice, or finger, of experience speaking? It sounds like it. Take care x

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Sandra what a gorgeous card, heat fabulous paper too, very sophisticated. I had to look back a couple of times because my brain didn't register the sentiment had changed until I read it. Oh I must of been on a different planet when triple flip dies came out - I don't understand how they work:( could someone bring one to the retreat with them so I can work it out please. Thank you. It's not raining here at the moment but it's still quite gloomy. I must get some cleaning done today and put some washing on. I've promised Julian carrot muffins too so must make them this morning. If I get a move on I can have a bit of craft time later. Sandra I hope you and sue have fun at Pats today, Pat I hope you've got something fun to occupy Pete and keep him smiling. Xxxxx
    Right I must get on - see you all later xxxxxx
    Oh yes Norah, I'm looking forward to seeing this photo of your handsome young man xxxx

    1. Will try to remember to bring triple flip card to Retreat! Xxx

  10. Morning,
    A beautiful card Sandra, loving the papers used.
    Lynda very kindly sent me quite a few flip card blanks and I have already used one for Jamie's birthday last Sunday. Very Impressed with them, you could use so many odd bits of the nice paper that you hoard just in case a special birthday/ occasion comes up.
    Off to the PO, have a lot of mail to send, some too big to go in the wall post box next door. Then I shall carry on crafting for the rest of the week. Had already started C cards in June, now it's time to finish off the list.
    I think will be like Patricia and bring some to the retreat.
    Will pop in later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Wow love that Triple Flip card Sandra. Love the colours. Haven't tried the Pierced Squares with it yet. Probably because I haven't made a triple flip card since I got the square dies. Will up have to remedy that. Have a good day with Pat and Sue. Scarlett will be so excited about her card being shown tomorrow. Thank you Sandra. She loves doing crafty things. I was telling her about that awful girl in your after school club Myra. She said she would love to come to your club. They haven't got an after school club doing crafty things but she is doing embroidery one lunchtime. Well meeting a friend for lunch and before that I need to get that I need to get the proto type of the Christmas plaque finished to take with my but guess what. I cannot find my Joanna Sheen 'Hapoy Christmas' die that I need to use. I cut one out to try on the plaque and now it has just disappeared. I have looked through my dies at lease three times and was up very late last night just trying to find it, at this rate I will have to buy another one. Then I will find the lost one you wait and see. Well best get in. Will just have a cup of tea and toast and people watch before I make a start. Have a good day everyone. Good to see Jean back now we just need Norah and Sheila.

    1. Brenda have you checked your paper bin? I sometimes find missing small dies appear to jump into mine! Enjoy your lunch, looking forward to seeing tomorrows card! xxx

    2. Brenda, looking forward to seeing her beauitful card. I lost a die, to find it had gone into the back of the packet. xxx

    3. Oh Brenda I hope you find your die! It's so annoying when things like that happen! I lost one of those little stars on the Angel die a few weeks ago. It turned up when Imwasnt even looking for it - it has stuck to another die and I didn't see it!! Being so small the magnetic sheet underneath the other die held it too!! Wish Scarlett could come ! Xxx

    4. I lost a flower did ages ago - new and unused still in the packet just waiting for me to play with it . I turned a bag out yesterday and blow me there it was! I've been to the bottom of that bag so many times before! Isn't that always the way!. Xxxx

    5. Hi Brenda - I hope you have found your die now, only a crafter knows what it means to mislay something like that. Looking forward to seeing Scarletts card tomorrow

    6. Hi Brenda, hope you had a luck by now and found your die.
      I was looking for my smallest Christmas tree die yesterday ,it was in front of me the whole time. xxx

    7. Wish this find was right under my nose at the moment but no luck yet. My own fault should always put the die away when I have finished with it. Will keep looking but not for too long as I need to use it. It is not all that small either so should be able to see it. I have been putting my dies on magnetic sheets and suddenly thought it would be with all the other words but no. Scarlett would love to come to your After School Club. Went to the Range today but they still haven't put any of the Craft Creations products out yet.

    8. Hi Brenda I hope you have found your die, it is so frustrating isn't it, and as you already know as soon as you get a new one the original one will turn up!
      Take care x

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well up here in the Lakes it is dark, very dull and wet, so it will be a day finishing some birthday cards first, then I'm going to clear the decks and think about Christmas cards, please note I said think! However on the cooking front all the Christmas cakes and 7 Christmas puddings are all made, and the mincemeat for the pies too, no we don't eat them all, some are for presents.
    Sandra your card is so elegant and truly beautiful . I love the papers you have used they are so lovely and your flowers are the perfect finishing touch, well done.
    Hope the three graces have a lovely day together do spare a thought for Pete!
    Hope everyone else has a good day whatever you are all doing, take care.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret - your Christmas Cakes for gifts reminds me when I used to Work on checkout at Sainburys - One of my customers used to make quite a few as presents and brought me one for a good few years, Im not a big cake fan but the fruit cake was beautiful, my brother used to eat most of it -

  13. Well I think talking about the craft room payment has made me get my finger out and I have cut out the cellophane for showing you how to wrap a liittle basket and a large one. Looked out the bits got them put to one side. Now I just have the ribbon and gift tags to do. Boots have the No 7 voucher again. I have collected a few bits of make up bits to make a make up gift for Anna. She is in to using some so No 7 eye shadows etc for her. You get £3 off each product so it will make my money go further. xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Ohhh Sandra , what a gorgeous card! I haven't really used my triple flip card to anything like its potential but you have well and truly spurred me on today!
    I will certainly use it with the pierced square dies! It is lovely! I love the colours, your papers , flowers and all the dies used! Thank you! Haven't combined the two bows either!! The things we learn on this blog!
    Have a lovely time with Pat and Sue!
    Thanks for letting us know about Norah too. I have missed her and I haven't been the only one but I suspect she has been overdoing things a bit just lately .
    Thanks, Hazel, I think it was, for the good news about Sheila too.
    Janice - miss you too! Hope you are just busy!
    A list of dies!
    Oh oh! I don't think I could do that but I could make a list of more unusual ones - eg! Owl . I have a nice Xcut owl which is a good size . Sometimes it's nice just to see something cut before you buy it. It may prevent expensive mistakes!
    I need to get some work done in this house today! Too much gadding this week so far. !! Ha ha .
    I hadn't thought about asking him to print out inserts for cards but Alastair does does all the address labels for Christmas cards and prints them off . That saves loads of time!
    Have a good day everyone!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

  15. Oops - he only prints them once - he does!! Xxx

  16. It's was Margaret C that said about Sheila. xxx

    Oh while I am in I will have a cup of tea and do I see some of Sandras millionaire shortbread? . xxx

    1. I had a funny feeling I got that wrong, Hazel.
      Meant to say last night - I think asking Charlie to buy a nice new top for you for the Retreat is an inspired idea! Xxx

  17. Hello Ladies,
    Sandra, this card is lovely. The flowers and the bow at the front just add that touch of luxury to it. Sooooooo pretty.
    I'm sorry, I haven't time to read all the comments. I'm going to town to meet my sister in law Joan, HE has just got up!!!, I've done all my downstairs housework and dashed up here to get done. The bathroom will have to wait until I come back from town. It's well saying that he isn't helping Peter today. Mind you he was up 4 times during the night!
    I'll read what you've been up to later today. I hope everyone has a good day and Hazel, keep a bit of that millionaire's shortbread for me!!!
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. I hope George is alright Maureen and hasn't been overdoing it at the house. Enjoy your lunch - the bathroom will still be there tomorrow you know :) xxxx

    2. Maureen, hope you had a lovely time with Joan and a nice lunch.
      Take care xxx

    3. Hi Maureen. I hope you had a lovely time with your SIL yesterday and that George isn't doing too much. Take care x

  18. I am in for a bowl of soup and some crusty bread, I will just help myself.
    Did not bother going to Perth, the rain came on!!! I don't do going out in the rain.
    What did I do instead ... absolutely nothing. Well I did read the local rag just too pass the time. I really do it know why John bothers picking it up. He says it lets him know what going on locally ... that's not a lot at the moment.
    Will have my soup, go back and read what been going on in here. xxx

    1. Patricia! You made me laugh! That brought back memories - Alastair's Dad used to buy the Press and Journal - you'll know it! After he had spent ages looking at it he'd turn to Alastair and say " there's nothing in that paper but rubbish you know! " it used to work my husband up no end! Xxx

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Well by now the three graces should be enjoying each other's company, thinking of you girls LOL Hope Pete is okay and you haven't put him on kitchen duty Pat! Sending him a gentle hug. XX
    Sandra, what can I say that hasn't been said already, your card is just Gorgeous love the papers you have used and the floral spray with that little hint of green really sets the whole design off.
    I think it was Diane who said she had missed out on them. Diane you're not on your own. I totally missed the launch of these dies and like you still don't get it. I really must look into them. BUT Could you not achieve the same results with SW pierced square dies? OR am I just being thick? ...... DONT answer that !!!
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Haha Brenda, your not thick my sweetheart. I expect there is some magic mechanism that makes it flip. I'm in the middle of hoovering but decided I needed a little rest, when I've finished and had lunch I'm going to investigate I think. Xxxx

    2. Brenda! You are not thick! I missed it too and it was Sba who made me buy it!!! The triple dies are sort of hinged so only cut on three sides. You are then left with a plain card which flips up to show two levels under the top one. The top of the card is the smallest flap and they get bigger as you go down. Hope this helps and doesn't make things worse!! Xxx

    3. Myra, you don't need any help buying new dies. Poor Saba gets blamed an awful lot, good job she doesn't live over here, I think you'd more than a tin hat!! xxx

    4. Cheryl, please don't be too sorry for Saba - she blames me for loads of things! We are travelling to the Retreat together that's if she doesn't kill me! She could just dump me in the boot and drive my car - I suppose! Lol! Xxx

    5. MYRA and DIANE, Thank you for explaining this die to me, I should have realised it has a sort of hinge thingy.
      Now Myra you shouldn't let Saba force you to spend your precious pennies, although I didn't hear you protesting !!!
      Diane have you made Julian his carrot muffin ? We could test them for you if you have! xxx

    6. Brenda I know you not thick, that triple thingy is a totally mystery to me too so if someone who are coming to the retreat ,I would love to borrow the die and have a go. Carrot muffin mmmmm xxx

    7. Oh oh, can I hear road rage could be on it's way? xxx

    8. Carrot muffins all made and topped with lemon icing! Very naughty. I've looked up the triple flip card and I understand it now! Xxx

    9. Not only you Myra. Saba influenced me into buying the Triple Flip Die at the same time.

    10. Maria
      Sandra gas the triple flip card so she'd probably bring hers for you to have a go. I also could get the hang of it either.

  20. Oh can I have a bowl of that soup please, it's miserable here, dark and wet. Just wrapped up an expensive bottle of port and one of red wine, birthday gifts. I was asked to do up. Careful handling when transporting I think. Right off to get bits done. Charlie watching the news, what a load of rubbish no news as such. xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and everyone, am I late today or what, first of all the I pad needing charging, I could have used OHs but decided to catch up on a bit of ironing, then it was lunch time, where has the morning gone!!,
    Sandra love your triple die cut card today, The papers are gorgeous and the double bow just finishes everything off. I don't have these dies because I
    thought I wouldn't use them a lot.
    My feet are feeling a lot better today, I will just have to wear my new shoes around the house for a few days instead of when I am out.
    Hubby is finishing off painting the stairs, carpet fitter coming this afternoon to measure up, we wearnt tgoing to bother with a new carpet but when we looked closely at it, it is needed replaced.
    Off out later to meet up with friends for our usual Wednesday gossip.
    Sandra have a great time with Pat and Sue.
    Will catch up later. Take care everyone x

  22. Good afternoon ladies,
    Well its dry here now - has put some rain down - our local school is closed because of flood - but its so cold the wind has gotten up and it certainly feels like winter is around the corner - hope the forecast is right about it being decent at the weekend.
    I am feeling so much better today - almost back to normal (smile) and Nic is almost fully recovered . We have taken her back this morning to get back into her routine and she will return to her Daycare routine tomorrow. She loves to come home but after a few days she starts to get agitated and she wants to go back to see everyone she sees every day. Need to be thick skinned.
    I need to go back to see all the comments then catch up with a pile of ironing.
    Hope Sheila is feeling better and that no one else is feeling under the weather.
    I might even start on my *C* cards later - watched Julia last night on Hochanda and she made a lovely background with texture paste and embossing folder. I wish we could get the two new channels on Virgin, I watch C&C downstairs - Hochanda in bedroom on Freeview and Craft channel online but not keen on the craft channel at the moment.
    Will go and see what everyones been up to then tackle the ironing,
    be back later
    Hugs in the basket for anyone who is in need
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean , so good to hear both you and Nic are feeling better. It's great she is happy at her daycare and settled in. hugs xxx

    2. Hi Jean. It's good to hear that both you and Nic are feeling better now. Much as you have to be thick skinned at least you have the comfort of knowing Nic is happy when she is away from you. Take care x

  23. Been back to see what's going on:-
    This place is MAD and I love being part of it.
    SUE & PAT are having fun with SANDRA wish we could be "flies on the wall"
    SABA is Plastered, glittered & Stenciled
    MICHELE is in a muddle with her Flip Die ... opened mine, SNAP!!
    JANET is off to photo her Die Cuts that's a good Idea. All my old one are Nameless and I should really do the same.
    CHERYL & BRENDA are so, so, organised even down to their Pens? I need them here!!
    HAZEL is after our CASH:- I know she is my sister but she's a great organiser.
    She has got us a Craft Room for the whole weekend of the Retreat for £13.50 each. That way we can make as much noise we like without disturbing any other guests. Got my CASH, looking forward to the fun packed raffle.
    LILIAN is NUTS because of her IPad ... know the feeling well.
    BREND LL has lost a Die. I hope you have found it or find it soon. It's so frustrating.
    MADGARET: - are you taking orders?? I need a cake, a pudding plus some Sortbread ... are making that as well???
    MYRA is busy in the house. She has Alister on printing the inserts and envelope labels for her cards. Where do you guys buy these Husbands?? Must have got mine cheap in a "fire sale"
    MAUREEN:- is out galavanting because SABA can't
    BRENDA Lello has the same feeling as me .... she thinks she's thick when she looks at the Flip Die.
    Oh! I think I forgot Diane, I know SHELIA is a bit down this week and Norah I'd fending off all those girls that were swooning when they saw Rory all togged out for the wedding last weekend.
    That's what's going on in the Mad House.
    If I have missed anyone out it is because I am MAD xxx

    1. Ooooppss!! missed JEAN:- she is back with her big smile to greet us all.
      Great to see you Jean xxx

    2. Patricia, its a hoot reading this but sums everyone up xxx

    3. Yes Patricia no problem how many do you need? I start making my shortbread the week before Christmas, I make mine in an 8 inch sandwich tin so you get good sized pieces when cut. I do have a recipe for butter biscuits that taste very similar, really easy to make, children love making them as well as eating them. If we have visitors staying I take them an early morning cuppa and some of these biscuits, but always an odd number then listen to them arguing who has the last one!

    4. Everyone's in top form today!
      Margaret if I took my visitors tea in bed - they'd probably just expire on the spot - so I never risk it! Ha ha ! Xxx

    5. MARGARET:- may I have your recipe for those biscuits Robert loves baking. He was talking about making biscuits before they went on Holiday. xxx

    6. JEAN:- just a bit of fun to pass the time while the rain pours down and I am being lazy. Does not make me feel so guilty!!

    7. If your shortbread does not include eggs Margaret, I would love some too please. xxx

    8. Margaret, I would love a copy of your biscuit recipe, grandchildren love baking biscuits and with half term coming up it would be great. At the end of summer holidays I had Callum baking bread, started him off with a ready mix. Now he is baking from scratch. It's great to see the satisfaction on his face. xxx

    9. Oh Margaret could I be added to the list for your biscuits please xxx

    10. Margaret, yes please a good biscuit recipe, Andrew won't want to make them as that means messy hands but Beth would enjoy making them.. Took maltesser cake for them today, discovered Vicky loves things that, so Beth has decided that we ( note the we bit) will make things like that for her birthday gift instead of buying one. Shouldnt discourage these things, so will have to get everything organised for the week they are back off holiday. Oh and a birthday card to be made as well. xxx

    11. Margaret yes please to the biscuit recipe- oh you are naughty giving odd numbers of biscuits, what a hoot. Julian brought an odd number of muffins in after our healthy chicken, there's one left but we have been good and left it - there are another dozen in the kitchen though !!!! Xxxx

    12. Hi Margaret, you are a tease, giving your guests an odd number of biscuits, how funny : ) You have been busy haven't you. Take care x

  24. Me again
    I love this triple flip card Sandra - I have lent it to my friend and I said im in no hurry for it back but I hope she remembers it tomorrow. It would make a lovely Christmas card and the Pierced Sqaure SW are perfect for it. Cant wait to play again. Its the inspiration we need Thanks for sharing - you are a clever lady xx
    Jean xx

    1. Told you I was MAD spelt MARGARET wrong ...sorry my friend xxx

    2. Missed JESS as well that's because she is out Galavaning as well xxx

    3. Just so long as you weren't suggesting sh was mad and should be put in the garret! Ha ha!
      Loved the summary! Xxx

    4. Off to hide MYRA will be absolutely shocked with the English in that last comment!! xxx

    5. Come out Patricia! Predictive text and spelling with an often American slant causes lots of problems but gives us many a laugh too!! Xxx

  25. Big sis what was In your soup at lunch time? Oh blame the iPad, xxx

    1. Ha ha ha ! That reminds me Cheryl , I have a large alphabet soup stamp somewhere!! Xxx

  26. This cafe is a godsend. I have just sat down for a five minute break and you have cheered me up no end.
    The window men finished at lunchtime a off they went. I went into the bedroom and promptly burst I to tears. I am not a bursting into tears kind of person but you would not believe the mess which greeted me. Despite the plastic sheeting which I had covered everything up with the dust had got everywhere and I mean everywhere. The worst part was the bookshelves. They are floor to ceiling, very deep and go all along the wall at one side with a double wardrobe built in to them in the middle. I just didn't know where to start. So I decided to start with the carpet and then bed. Washed the frame down and reassembled it, dragged the mattress, swore at it, dragged it a bit further and eventually got it back on the bed and put on all fresh linen. I won't bore you all with every detail, bookshelves now sparkly, wardrobe washed down and I am going to tackle the rest now.
    I am also a tad annoyed, around the window frame has to be plastered and the plasterer is not coming until next Monday! I gave the poor window men what for when I realised this, I made one of them phone the company and complain but apparently the plasterer can't possibly come today. And you wouldn't believe what they suggested - leave it all until after the plasterer has been before cleaning up!!!
    Right feel better for my moan. Back to being a "scrubber"
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oh! SABA:- this is where I wish we were nearer. I would have come over to help, no problem. I am sure the rest of the gang would have been happy to help as well. We could have had it all done double quick then had a party to celebrate. I do hope you get things sorted out quicker than they are suggesting. Imagine living with all that dust till they got back to finish. What kind of homes do they live in?.

    2. Oh Saba - now I'm sorry I was cheeky higher up!! There is nothing worse than builder's dust! When the kitchen was done last year the horrid stuff went through the whole house - despite my best efforts! I would have helped you too - we could have made it fun!! I think? Xxx

    3. Saba, so awful to leave you in such a mess, especially as you have taken all precautions to keep the mess to a minimum. Wish we lived nearer we could all come and give you a helping hand, and cheery jokes as well

    4. I remember years ago when we were knocking down a wall to enlarge a kitchen. John Jnr was very young, was having custard for pudding. Mum, why are there "crunchy bits" in this custard.
      I think you know the answer to that one.!!! xxx

    5. Oh Saba so sorry they left you in such a state, poor you. We would all have rallied round to help if we could in any way xxx

    6. Saba, don't forget to knock off your cleaning wages from the final bill. xxx

    7. Hello Saba my lovely Yorkshire Rose
      It looks as though builders/etc are all the same - I cannot see their wives been told to live in it until the plasterer can come.
      Can you imagine their reaction!!
      As above I just wish I was nearer but as I'm not then please put your arms around yourself as far as you can and give yourself a big big hug from me.
      have a glass or two this evening. Hugs just for you.

    8. Saba I do feel for you my love. How awful to leave all that mess and that's before the plasterer comes! You should have left the mattress, I hope you haven't hurt yourself manhandling it. I think you deserve a large glass of wine and a new handbag for that xxxxx

    9. Hi Saba. Sorry to hear of the state that faced you in the bedroom after having the windows fitted. What a cheek to tell you to leave the mess! I hope you took notice of Dianes prescription. I think it will have helped you a great deal : ) Take care x

  27. MARGARET:- looks like we need your "biscuit " recipe. xxx

  28. HiSandra & all In café,

    Sandra I love your card sounds so complicated to me but no doubt you do them in no time clever you.xx
    Hope you have a good day with Sue & Pat.
    Saba sounds as if your builders left a right mess for you how awful.xx
    All these people making their I must get on with mine I say every year I will make some then seem to run out of time. Alan is home a doing well catching up on sleep today and getting back to eating the right things for his type 2, his sugar levels went up a lot while he was in there but eating the right meals it has come down just proved to me that the right diet does make a difference.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. MARGARET P:- great to hear Alan is doing well. Diet is the best way forward and your Nursing will get him back in tiptop condition very quickly xxx

    2. Margaret, yes eating the right foods helps, and of coarse he was in hospital full of folk that diets needing to be seen to properly but no, that goes out the window in these places. Yes it's a pain at times but a happy healthy person is more important, so glad Alan is getting there. xxx

    3. Glad to hear that Alan is getting on ok.

  29. Hello everyone and Sandra what a gorgeous card you have made. The papers are fabulous and the card made with the triple thingy all look great but as I said earlier if someone brought one to the retreat I would love to have a go. The flowers on the card are beautiful and so wish now I bought the die in the middle. It is so nice.
    Dark, cold and wet. Had liked to stay in bed but booked space at Aqua so had to go to gym this morning and then more shopping. After put it all away I had some ironing, 3 shirts and watched some Hochanda. Picture still gritty and text to small. Wonder if I need new glasses.
    Glad we all start feeling a bit better. You three graces are gentle with Pete today and not making to much of a mess. Must be so nice to have the chance to meet once a week for some crafting together.
    Sue ,hope you dad is alright. hugs to him and Margaret and lots of warm hugs to you all from a frozen little hippo. xxx

    1. Thank you Maria. I hope you are feeling warmer today. Well done for making yourself get up and go to the gym. Take care x

  30. Hazel,
    I have come across some of the docraft Christmas cards, 5x7, in my stash. Got them last year from the Range. They are a thinner card but have a sort of beaten metal look to them, they look wonderful with plain white Christmas greetings on them, so these are going to be my gofer for my sent cards xxx

  31. Forgot to add they are in berry red and dark green. xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl, we have a Range in Dundee will go and get some, anything to save time and work is right up my street. xxx

  32. Afternoon Ladies

    Just I from work & read everyone's comments. I'll email a part list of my more unusual dies to everyone on the list then if anyone asks, hopefully someone will remember who has which die!!!!!

    I had a backhanded compliment off my boss (not the chocolate teapot) who said "everything runs so much better when you're here"!!! Guess that means she missed me?!

    Right-tea is going to be some soup as I'm too tired todo anything else now.


  33. Finished!! Bedroom is spotless again. Peter has just run round with the dyson ( you would not credit what predictive text wanted to put for dyson - dysentery!!, he wouldn't be running round with that) and I am just waiting for the kitchen floor to dry so I can get dinner on. They had walked the yellow powdery dust through the kitchen onto the balcony, my fault, I told them they could go out there for a cigarette rather than having to go down 80 steps.
    Thankyou for all your,offers of help, when we have the front windows done I'll invite you all over. No seriously thank you for caring.
    Oh on another note, Hazel I will make sure I have cash with me, I usually do as here people still use cash and when I am home tend to do the same. And I have a couple of things I would like to put into the raffle if that's alright. One is a die from Sue's last launch which now I have got it home is really not me, and the other is a CD and project book which I received free from JS with my last order and whilst it looks to have some beautiful images I doubt I would use it and it would just end up on a shelf.
    Must go get something on for dinner.
    See you later

  34. Helloooooooooooo,
    Can I just say "read Patricia's comment at 13.43" and her comments will save me typing with my sore finger (say Ahhh).
    Myra, I laughed out loud at the thought of you giving early morning coffee to any visitors.
    Saba, I'm so sorry that the glaziers left such a mess. I'd have come over, sat and had a cup of coffee and talked to you while you were working!!!! That's what friends are for ha ha.
    Joan is doing very well, although she's lost a lot of weight.
    Margaret P, I'm glad Alan is doing well.
    Pat, I hope Pete is feeling much better.
    Michele, what an inspired idea to list dies and stamps. the only trouble is that I have 24 drawers full of stamps, with 5 boxes retired to the loft, and I'm not sure how to describe them. I have four drawers of Christmas stamps. Some of the drawers have 3 layers of stamps in them. Although the thin drawers only have one layer.
    In the case of stamps, someone could ask if anyone has - say - a First Communion stamp - and I could say YES, a bit like the man from Del Monte!!!
    I did have a list of Spellbinder Dies, but of course since the early days - like everyone - different types of dies have been added to the mix. I'll set to and list them after I've finished my Christmas Cards and November Birthday cards.
    I hope the Three Graces had a great day today, and that your pains have eased Sandra. If they haven't, have you been in touch with the Doctor?
    By the way Saba, if Peter had Dysentery instead of Dyson, would that have made him run?
    I'm away to the craft room. See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen what have you done to your finger? Poor you, sit down and have a carrot muffin. Is Joan coping alright on her own? I expect she's not eating properly so easy not to when your on your own, just having a sandwich instead of a cooked meal. It's early days still isn't it - I'm sure you will keep an eye on her xxxxx

  35. Good evening ladies, well I have had a lovely couple of hours with the girls, Beth or Anna didn't knows I was going to be picking them up, so big smiles all round.
    I think Vicky is not looking forward to the winter months when the horses are in over night and it means she will be seeing to getting the girls to school and seeing to 5 horses first thing. Anna decided tonight that me being retired isn't good for me and I need to get back to looking after them, she said " I have cleaned my room so you can now come back". But as I told her the room won't stay tidy for long. They are off on holiday for the next 2 weeks as from Friday, they will go to their cottage the second week, so I dontnthink I will see much of them till the end of October. So it was nice to have that bit of time with them.

    SABA, I bet you wish you had seen that mess when you kindly let them smoke on your balcony? You would have made them go down those 80 stairs!!! Like Cheryl, has said tell them you are deducting the cleaning charge I think that's a good idea. I have to say I wouldn't have been able to have helped as those 80 stairs would have done it for me. That's my big problem is stairs, legs muscles just don't stretch enough. xxx

  36. QUESTION ladies .... who do you think is the winner in the Bake off??

  37. Hello, this the third time I have tried to write this, wish I done the updates, at the moment am standing in front of the router, so hopefully it will work.
    Have manage to catch up today, 43 hood finished now.
    It's been a nice sunny afternoon and the Sky ws bright orange so hope that bodes well for tomorrow.
    Am going to sort my dies out soon, as my lovely son gave me two tonic folders for my birthday, after that I might be able to list them, at the moment they are in 3 drawers!!
    Trying out dies and stamps of a pansy from Sheena, first one turned out really well.
    Saba you have my sympathy with all that mess, you definitely should charge them, I don't do cleaning as have trouble bending( have a cleaner )so would not be much help.
    Roger (o/h) also prints labels for our cards, and if I ask nicely will write all but the special ones.
    Gust had my big bowl of my homemade veg soup so am warm at last, no heating on yet.
    Remember bake off finale, recording as my friend from Oxford will be phoning for help with her cross word, she is amazing at 90 but gets me to help via Google with the obscure questions.
    Going to see if this will publish, if not I'm going to give up.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Lilian, don't give up, what with predictive text, comments going into cyberspace and I pad updates we all have to battle on sometimes. Me I'm a coward and haven't downloaded the newest update yet. I remember all to well the last one and my iPad went barmy.

    2. SABA, I am the same as you ref iPad up dates, I won't do it as you are right it just gives us more headache than they do at the moment. It took me about a week to be able to find things as they had been moved or changed. X

    3. Lilian, Saba and Hazel, my laptop keeps telling me that it has reserved Windows 10 for me, just click here. No thanks, I have enough trouble as it is !! xxx

    4. I haven't updated my iPad yet - did my phone the other day, I've now got lots of new emoji ! Xxxx

    5. I updated my IPad now I am inundated with stupid e-mails. Big mistake xxx

  38. Yipee, Nadia is brilliant. Was quite emotional at the end.

    1. Yep! she was my choice xxx

    2. Saba I'm glad to hear you were emotional too - I thought it was me having a funny 5 minutes! Yes she was good wasn't she although she looked like a scared rabbit most of the time! So pleased she has done something for herself though. Xxxxx

    3. SABA you are so right that was so emotional an ending to the Bake Off. She deserved to win. Her cake was amazing. X

    4. It was her husband saying he was so proud of her that finished me off. Even Mary was filling up. But Diane, I can weep at anything and watching Lassie as a child has left me with huge emotional scars.

    5. Oh I was the same, her husband was so proud of her. Yes you could see Mary was filling up. I think the fact Nadia was so shy and unconfident of herself to the end, yet she excelled herself over the weeks. X

  39. Guess who us just watching it now ??? But I thought she would win and to me she has worked her way up and never been full of herself. I have liked her from day one. X

  40. I've just been back up and read all today's comments.
    MARGARET slow down, christmas cakes done, mincemeat done, SEVEN Christmas puddings AND butter biscuits for visitors in bed!!! You need to get your entry in for the next great British bake off.
    Myra, do not blame me for for your extravagant spending. You not need any encouragement. Can I really drive your car to the retreat? I once got pulled over for doing 100+. Trouble was I thought we were having a fun race. Didn't realise it was a police car. Well it was dark.

    1. SABA:- did not take you for a "speed freak" join the club!!
      I need to send my licence away to get my speeding conviction removed!! xxx

    2. Patricia, I was a bit mad in my former life. Had an MG and loved to put her to the test. Plus I had to travel 25 miles each day to the hospital and not being a morning person it was a struggle to get to work on time. I used to run onto the ward, pinning my hair up at the same time. My makeup I did in the car on the way in whilst smoking a cigarette at the same time!!! Those were the days.

    3. Oooo!! I had a sports car as well .. those were the "good days". xxx

  41. You not need? How did that happen. Xxx

    1. I really don't know how I haven't been pulled over by now for speeding. I remember giving a lift to one of David's neighbour's and he said that I drove like a man. I didn't know if he was being nice or insulting ha ha.
      But Patricia, I am surprised at you. You looked so sedate and law abiding when I saw you in Edinburgh, Hazel looked like the little tearaway!!!!! (ooh, hard hat and camouflage clothes).
      Saba, I've laughed at your comment about having a fun race, with a Police Car!! You were lucky to only get a speeding ticket. Have you recovered from all your cleaning? Did you make them a coffee? I bet if you had, you wished you hadn't. My window cleaner always knocks on the door and asks for two coffees, each with milk and two sugars. Then charges me £10 for the privilege, and I'm such an idiot that if he doesn't knock I go out and ask him what he wants!!!!
      Who was it who has lost a die today. Well, I've just made four C Cards and can only find three, so I think they've hitched up together and made a run for it.
      Jess, I forgot to say that I'm pleased your feet are feeling a bit better.
      Hazel, what a lovely surprise for Beth and Anna, and how nice for you. I have to admit that I am amazed that you've stuck to your guns and stayed retired.
      I've got to say that I've never watched any series of Bake Off, but then I'm peculiar.
      I think he'll be on his way up shortly, so I'll say goodnight, but might get a chance to pop back in if he's watching something downstairs.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Muriel, I actually made them two pots of freshly ground coffee and let them smoke on the balcony. I even managed to find an ashtray from the days when I used to smoke. Very kind of me I thought. Had I known, they wouldn't have had the time of day from me.

    3. MAUREEN:- ME!!! look sedate ..... you definitely need to go to SpecSavers xxx

    4. Maureen, I don't want to push my luck, but I have had my driving license for 34 years and I haven't had any fines or points on it. Have lost count of the thousand of miles I have driven. On my way back to the ferry port going down the A1 it was dark and I thought I had a right a__hole on my tail, I am driving along thinking who does he think he is I am doing over 80. To then see the blue lights, pulled over and
      thought " that's it". But no he just went past. No there been a couple of times with speed vans, and one time when I got pulled over got told to be careful as I was doing I think 33 in a 30 but that's been it. My sister doesn't drive many miles and gets done. ( can't help being good) no I have just touched wood, so I will have to drive perfect just incase now. Xxx

    5. Hazel that sounds very similar to me brush with the law. I overtook a few cars on a fast road and one of them pulled out behind me and I thought "Ha, I'll show you how it's done " and put my foot down hard. We sped along quite happily, or so I thought until he put his blue light on and I just though oh Poo. I knew I was doing over 100 but we negotiated and I got off with 80 thank goodness.

    6. OMG!! Sis I have just worked out how many years I have been driving far too many to mention. 2 speeding fines in those years is not too bad considering I 'was" a fast driver. Maureen says I am sedate that's why I have slowed down. Stop it .... it is NOT old age .... I can hear youooooooo!!!!! xxx

  42. I'm going to say good night ladies, my iPad is driving me mad - I've just discovered Julian is downloading something which explains everything ( peculiar font is a bit odd though!) but it's taking me ages to read or reply. See you all tomorrow. Night night sleep tight xxxxx

    1. Night, night Dainty, sweet dreams and God Bless. I tried to remove the top of my finger with a scalpel, but I should have gone to Medical School to learn how to do it properly!! xxxx

  43. Well I will stick to making my nappy cakes, less Hassle, no baking and I can pull them apart and put them back together again a few times till it's right. I have the same stand as Tamal used but don't need to go to all that trouble to decorate, it's for displaying the nappy cakes on. X

    1. HAZEL:- I thought of you when I saw that stand. How many Craft Fairs have we used that at to show off your cakes.
      I have never watch any of the Bake Offs before but I just had to watch that Final. Don't know why just another MAD thing for me to

    2. Patricia, I have no idea why I love that programme. I can't bake for toffee. I even manage to burn my Christmas cakes and they are the only things I ever bake, and I only make those because you can't buy them here.

    3. I used to bake lots but really don't bother much now. I have been baking Margaret Ps Lemon Drizzel Cake. The only problem is I am "eating" some of it.
      You could take a Christmas Cake home with you when you here for the Retreat. Are you allowed to take that in?? xxx

    4. Not sure, but I like smuggling. During the foot and mouth outbreak we took a butchered lamb from the Dales back to Germany!!! I was a nervous wreck at Rotterdam ferry port. Totally irresponsible of us but we knew the farmer and that his lambs were not affected.

    5. Think your a bit of a Devil like myself. Nothing better than a bit of excitement to brighten a day!!! xxx

    6. Oh I was like tha coming home from Germany everytime, seeing how many bottles of wine I could bring through with out being checked? Then on the way back home it was things like black pudding and haggis that sort of things ( can't stand them) but took them back for others. xxx

    7. Saba, M&S do a lovely cake you can ice yourself, then just tell folks you made it. Have done that before now. Anna and Beth granny use to make us a Christmas every year, then she decided it was to expensive so stopped and only made the one for their house, Charlie was gutted. xxx

  44. Hi everyone, yes! Nadia is the winner well done,I have liked her from the start, quite emotional at the end, her cake was gorgeous.
    Patricia, loved your detailed description of us, very funny.
    Saba. Sorry you had to do the cleaning up, hope you get a good rest tomorrow.
    Off to bed now, will catch up tomorrow, take care everyone, xxx

  45. Well folks, George has just arrived so I'll say Goodnight, sweet dreams and God Bless to all. See you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Good night God bless Muriel. I think I will head off too, it's been a long tiring day. Don't know where Myra has been tonight, hope I haven't frightened her off with my talk of driving her car.
      See you all tomorrow, sweet dreams

  46. Goodnight God Bless, see you all in the morning xxx

  47. Bake off finished and I'm glad Nadia won but didn't they all do well. I must say that as I can't bake so have really enjoyed the carrot muffins today to my cup of tea.
    Haven't heard how your hip is today Sandra, did you make a doctors appointment ? hope the pain eases some with your painkillers.
    Had my flu jab in Tesco's today , are you all having it done before winter ?
    sleepy tonight so I will say good night everyone and I see you tomorrow for a coffee. hugs all around xxx

  48. Maria, I got the letter to go get mine, but never do. To many folk I know have been so Ill after having, I would rather take my chance, our Gillian was so ill years ago that they told her she wasn't to have another one. xxx

  49. Had mind last Saturday. Margaret C suggested having two paracetamol's before going, which I did, and haven't had any ill effects. As everybody seems to be going to bed I will say Goodnight as well.

  50. Helloooo! It's only me - better late than never !
    We had to pop out tonight!
    I then watched Bake Off as I knew if I checked here first someone would let me know the winner! I'm glad Nadia won - I was emotional too!
    Had an emotional day really as I've cried about the death of that policeman on Merseyside and the sad loss to his family. They are such a lovely family and living in the North West we get more about it on the Local News!
    I have never had a flu jab and our GP doesn't even contact me about it any more! We are really awful! My husband doesn't have one either!
    I don't want to worry you Saba but I've been on a speed Awareness Course!!
    It cost me more than paying the Fine but I didn't get points on my Licence!
    Sleep well, everyone, God Bless!

  51. Helooooo sorry so late I was out most of the day round my friends. She has got the NEC tickets they came today. Didn't get home till 6.30 Terry said he was waisting away haha.I have done lots of cutting out with her dies so I have lots cut out's now so just put them together just trying to do flat Christmas cards this year for the posting ones the post cost is getting ridiculous now. Posted a birthday card today for my cousin & put flowers on it & stick pins cost me second class £3 50.
    Sandra your card is amazing I love how you have decorated it & also useing the pierced squares the flowers & clever are you. Hope you had a good day with Sue & Pat .
    I have read the comments you lot are mental, do you all walk around with your i pads & laptops under your arms haha I don't have enough hours in the day must be slowing down in my old age.
    Well I'm away to my bed nodding off zzzzz told you.
    Hug's Lynda xxxx
    CHERYL you are more than welcome.x

    1. Sweet dreams Lynda, hope your back is ok. Sent my mum her B.card and it was flat but the envelope was slightly to big so had to be a large letter (8x8) £2.60 thank you very much. Won't send many cards this year if that's the going rate. see you xxx

    2. Don't get me started on postage. I paid £6 for a card the other day for next day delivery, it wasn't unusually big or heavy and I nearly passed out when the girl told me how much! I bet if I had used our local Post Office they would have found a cheaper way of doing it but didn't have the time. x
