
Tuesday 6 October 2015

Myra's Getting all technical!!!!

Myra's getting all 'technical' with this card!
Good Morning Friends,
Now today's card is one of our Myra's, with this card she is showing us her 'technical' skills, we have a very clever lady amongst us here!
I love the background of the card, using a frame to finish off the embossed card is just genius Myra, I will definitely will be using that idea. I see you have achieved the double piercing by using two of Creative Expressions Noble Pierced Rectangles & Square dies, designed by Sue Wilson, the embossing folder is from Creative Expressions too its called Bed of Roses, It looks like Myra may have used the
'letterpress' technique as I can see hints of blue in the background of the roses, this is done by applying ink to one side of the embossing folder before running it through your die cutting machine with your usual embossing sandwich.
Myra has then made a smaller frame and placed a piece of acetate under the frame, she then 2 of the 'Thinking of you' die from the 'Expressions' Range of dies by Creative Expressions, laying one just ever so slightly offset from the other, giving a tiny shadow, then placing the sentiment on top of the acetate, giving the effect of the sentiment 'floating' !
 ( i think that is how Myra achieved the look, it may just be the shadow from under the acetate)!
Myra has then embellished the card with a flower made using the Camellia Die (also from CE) with a little Tulle and ribbon.
I love everything about this card Myra, its both pretty and clean and simple, if that's even possible.
Thank you very much for sharing your skills and knowledge with us my lovely. xxxx

I think I am going to have to be brave and go to see GP to ask to have my 'good' hip x-rayed, the pain level is becoming unbearable while taking my Morphine, during the night when I try to move the pain is what I would describe as severe! I just don't trust them to not mess it up and that hip is the one that does all the work as the other one has 'gone', I just don't want to be more dependant on anyone, I want to cling on for dear life to the little bit of mobility I have left!!
I think that this cold wet weather isn't helping either, boy did we have some rain yesterday, the first significant rain I have seen since we got back from holiday, guess who left washing on the line over night, oh he wasn't best pleased when he came in, dripping from head to foot at lunch time!
Winter is definitely around the corner, well it must be I saw Mince Pies and chocolate Santa's in Aldi tonight! I think its about 81 days or something to Christmas.
Well that's all for now,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. I do hope the weather today will be better than it was yesterday. Fire was on, that's all cleaned out and re-set for the next time.
    MYRA:- Wow! oh! Wow! your card is amazing, love, love, love, it. I am telling you (sorry) I am going to use your idea, it's brilliant.
    Oh! Sandra I hope you manage to get the pain in your hip sorted our. Seems like your good hip has been taking all the strain. I know with John when his knees are bad it then knocks his back out .... there is always something.
    Right everything done for the day, tables looking good. Lots of nice goodies in the fridge and cabinet for today. Think we need the soup pot on again. How about some Homemade Bread .. Mmmmm!!
    Got my Tea & Toast and am over in the corner.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual. See you all later. xxx

    1. Oh Thank you! You are very kind! I did enjoy trying out the floating sentiment. I just love the Pierced Square dies. Please feel free to copy anything you like. Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Myra- that is one stunningly beautiful card. I love everything about it-it's perfect!

    This is a shock to my system bring up so early when it's chilly! Can't say I'm looking forward to going into work but as we didn't win the lottery I guess there's no choice.

    Will pop back in this evening to catch up on the gossip, Sandra- I think you definitely need to chat to your GP about your hip. No-one should be in so much pain.


    1. Michele I really need to say have a good day at work, but in my heart of hearts I know you would much rather be in the warm sunshine in Florida ! I hope your day is full of laughter - is that better? Xxxxx

    2. Michele, Hope today goes well. First day back after a holiday or any absence is always horrible. LOL xxx

    3. Michele - thanks so much! How nice everyone is on this Blog! Hope work is better than you think! Xxx

    4. Michele I do hope all goes well and quietly too for you at work. xxx

    5. Oh MICHELE I hope work goes well for you today & all is in order since you have been on holiday & you haven't got lots to sort out.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Myra, your card is gorgeous. I love the effect of using a frame for the sentiment, and the way it floats. I agree with Sandra that you are a very talented lady, thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us.
    Sandra, it is so easy to understand your fear at having anything done to your "good" hip, even though it is causing you so much pain now. You really are in between a rock and a hard place aren't you! But imight it be worth a visit to the doctors to see if there is anything new on the horizan that could help you? The rain/damp doesn't help either does it!
    Pops op went well, he did have a very long wait in recovery waiting for a bed to become free on the ward though. At least it is over and done with now. I hope you slept well Mum xx
    I'm off to see what you were all up to yesterday now.
    I hope you all have a good day. Take care.

    1. Hi a Sue that's good news. Sending you and your mum a big hug today, just in case she doesn't manage to get in. Xxxx

    2. Wonderful news Sue, now he's on his way to full recovery. (((HUGS))) to Mum and Pop. and to you too my little flower. xxx

    3. Sue, I am so glad that Pops is ok, your mum will be relieved it's all over. xxx

    4. Sue, glad to hear all went went. Hugs on the way. Xxxx

    5. Thank you very much Sue. You are very kind. So glad all went well for your Dad! Xxx

    6. Hi Sue delighted to hear your good news hope the recovery is quick too. That was dreadful having to wait for a bed after the op. xxx

    7. Hi Sue. Pleased to hear the good news. Love to your mum.

    8. Good morning Sue pleased to hear your Dads opperation went well
      Hug's for you Mum& Dad xxx

    9. So pleased that all went to plan for Pops, I bet mum can't wait to get him home!
      Give him our love,
      See you tomorrow , all being well,
      Sandra xx

    10. MARGARET & SUE glad Alan's operation went well and he will be heading home soon. xxx

  4. Morning/Afternoon to all who pop in today.

    MYRA - what a WOW WOW of a card you have given us permission to see.
    I love everything you have done and if you don't mind I'll be having a go at this idea for a Christmas Card. You are one talented lady.

    SANDRA - yes a visit is called for. I understand your anxiety but needs must as they say and it is a long time since you had your other hip done. Things have moved on since then so please be brave.

    We too had rain rain rain all day yesterday and we still have it this morning. At least I don't have to go out in it today so heating is on and I have one or two things to finish off in my crafting corner. I'm staying in here for a while though this morning to have my starter for the day.

    I'm missing one or two faces who haven't been in for a while so fingers crossed they may pop in today. Hugs are in their usual place.

    1. Thank you Janet! I can't believe what I'm reading today really as I think we are all so critical of our own cards and tend to just see the mistakes!!
      Please feel free to copy anything you like. Xxx

    2. Oh Janet, it was sooooo lovely to have a chat with you, it made my day, Paul wanted to know why I had such a huge grin on my face!
      Let's make it a regular thing, please!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. !Sandra - it was wonderful talking to you too. Afterwards I thought 'Oh no!!! I hope I didn't talk too much (my lot always say I do) and then kept you on when Paul came home for lunch. Next time please let me know when Paul arrives home as I know your time with him is so precious. You have made my day - really you have. Huge hugs xxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh wow Myra your card is stunning, love your design infact I love it all.
    Oh Sandra, that's not good ref your good hip, please go and see what they can do, you are young and you need to get it sorted. I know you live in fear of what might happen after the last time, but you can't live with that amount of pain. You need to get something done.
    Last night I realised, that Jean hasn't been in, I hope she is ok, did she say anything about being away or that? Sheila, I hope is feeling a bit brighter. You do worry, I know she has said she hasn't been to well, we will keep our fingers crossed.
    Michele, good luck with work today - big smile and maybe you will have to bite your tongue a few times. But don't let them get you down.
    Me I am off to do some ironing - oh the fun of it. I will pop back in later for a cup of tea. xxx

    1. Hazel I had an email from Sheila yesterday she is feeling better I am pleased to say and will be back before too

    2. Thanks so much Hazel! I got quite a surprise this morning! Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Myra what a gorgeous card! I love the frames you have used, they really finish it off don't they. I must try letter pressing and the shadow technique they are so effective. I usually get in a muddle with my embossing folders as to which way is up! CE ones don't have any writing on the 'front' and I find it easy to emboss the wrong side ( bet your bottom dollar it's the time I'm using one sided card too!). I've noticed the demo people on TV have writing on theirs so they know which is which but I also think it helps the work out front and back! Blob of nail varnish here I come! Thank you for sharing a real beauty with us Myra xxx
    Sandra I agree you should go and get your hip sorted, it's definately pain from overcompensation. I know you worry about it but medicine has moved on so much and you would have a big flag above you so extra care is taken I'm sure. Wouldn't it be lovely to be without one bit of pain? Be brave and talk to the doctor xxxx
    Well it's wet and miserable here again today although the forecast is sporadic showers! I don't believe them. I had to chuckle yesterday, Emma text us in the evening to ask what our weather was like - she didn't take her coat with her yesterday and had taken the trusty pacamac out of her rucksack at the weekend so by the time she left her lecture at 6 it was bucketing down and she got wet going home - ' it was so wet mum I nearly put my lab coat on as an extra layer!' I had to laugh - she loves her lab coat! Needless to say I've told her to check the weather and assume wet! Oh well I must get going - the plan is to make tomato chutney today so I may pop in for a cuppa as it simmers away. See you all later xxxx

    1. Hi Diane, I used to have same problem with not knowing which way was up until I realised, the top side is slightly bigger than the bottom. The exact same effect as to cards having a small lip to open them. Once you have found that, mark the front with an indelible pen! No problems then xxx

    2. Hi Diane, I always write the name of my EF on the front, as Cheryl has said. Problem sorted !!! LOL xxx

    3. Hello Diane! Thank you for your kind words about my card! I always mark the embossing folders otherwise I get in a tangle. I was less pleased with this letterpressing as it was a Tim Holtz ink pad and I think they are more tricky. However that's probably just me! Xxx

    4. I also write the sandwich I used on the front with Promarker. Some do vary.

    5. Wow thank you for that! Oh I feel a bit foolish now- I should have looked a bit closer! Haha what am I like. Xxxx

  7. Morning Samdra and ladies,
    Myra your card is stunning, what a talented lady you are.
    I am going to be like Patricia and say I am going to use your design for Christmas cards!, how much commission do you take lol !!!
    Sandra please go to the doctor, I went back a few weeks ago as my hip was really painful was sent for X-ray and he has referred me to the Orthopeadic
    Surgeon for an assessment, this is to replace a replacement I had done 16 years ago, things have certainly moved on since then, just bite the bullet and go, there is nothing worse than a nagging pain.
    Off to cover my friends craft shop today, she has a card classes this week, will pop back later, take care xxx

    1. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your next op Jess, as you say there is nothing worse than being in constant pain. XXX

    2. I do hope things move along quickly for you Jess before the pain get too bad and interferes too much with daily life. xxx

    3. Hi Jess! Thank you so much! Commission - I'll give you good rates!! Ha ha! The ideas are really Sue Wilson's aren't they! Xxx

    4. Hi Jess, thanks for your kind words, I have had the right hip replaced 3 times, so I know what's in store, but they messed up so badly the last time and the the aftercare was shocking, although my left hip is very painful and I can feel how badly it has deteriorated, I depend on it and therefore am terrified they will mess it up and leave me even more disabled than I am now!
      I hope your op comes around super fast and you are back and running in no time !
      I look forward to seeing your 'floating sentiment ' cards!
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Sandra you really must go and see the Dr. I am sure they can do something to help you and no doubt it will be a different hospital this time won't it? Did you have any luck with the Big Shot Plus? I am still thinking about it as it sounds as if it is quite heavy and takes up a lot of room when using it. Must go. School run calling and I think it has stopped raining at the moment.

    6. Jess I hope you get your operation sorted out soon, so much has changed with replacement parts, it's quite amazing. Emma did a lot of research into 3d printing of body parts, this is an area that interests her. I hope you have had a good day at the shop xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all who pop by,
    Sandra, do it. Please pick up that phone and make an appointment. That's the first step. You will feel some of the pressure lifting from your mind as soon as you do.
    Beautiful, beautiful beautiful Myra. And your cards pretty too! Seriously it is gorgeous and I think I am now the third who may just have to use this idea on those dreaded Christmas cards. I love the framed embossed square. Very clever and the floating sentiment looks amazing. It's a WOW from me!
    Margaret, hope your trip to pick up Alan goes smoothly and all is well with him.
    Sheila, thinking about with with love, cyber cuddles on the way to you.
    I am still on with the clearing up post sailing. Can you believe there were 7 lots of washing. The last two are on the line. This afternoon it should all be put away and I am going to have a play with my new dies which I bought just before we went away. I also have a card to make for Max who will be 8 when we are at the retreat. He was born in All Saints Day, a huge relief, I really didn't want him to arrive on Halloween but there was a Goth couple on the ward and she was trying her best to get herself a Halloween baby! Anyway, I need some inspiration for his card. It was minecraft last year, I just need to know what he is "in to" at the moment.
    Right, I'll just have a quick latte if I may and then I'll crack on.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hello Saba,
      You are most kind but steady on - these ladies will be expecting Claudia Schiffer at the Retreat and will get a bit of a shock when Jo Brand turns up!! Seriously , you are welcome to copy whatever you like and I'm really chuffed you like it! Xxx

    2. Saba there is a cartoon series on Disney XD channel called Phineas and Ferb that is a big hit with my grandson who is 8 and all the boys in his class, if Max likes it too your problem will be solved! xxx

    3. Hi Saba,
      Minions are huge at the moment, Anne Crawford has made some amazing cards with them, have a look on pinterest ! I tried to upload then to the blog but it wouldn't work,
      I did email you back the other night, but don't think you have seen it please go back and have a look!
      Remember to photograph your creation for the blog!
      Sandra xxxx

  9. Morning everyone,

    Well this storm that hit the US earlier, has now finally reached us and that is where our wet & windy weather is coming from. Lashings of rain earlier but looks as though it is brightening up now.

    Myra, you continue to amaze me with your fantastic card creations. I believe that is what SW used to say is "thinking outside the box". Utterly gorjuss composition dear heart.
    A craft is in on the cards (forgive the pun) for me today. With all housework done before the weekend and a quiet week, I can play as much as I like and have some quality 'me time'. I'm liking this arrangement, don't know why I didn't think of it before.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      This blog is certainly good for my morale but I think we help each other so much and we all maybe take a bit of Sue Wilson's ideas and use them in our own way. She certainly makes me look at dies in different ways ! Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      I think we were about half hour delay behind you weather wise today, boy did it rain, it was horizontal at one point!
      You sound very organised and so you have earned your crafting time, so you enjoy it, remember to photograph your makes for the blog.
      Stay warm and dry my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in café,
    Sorry you are in pain Sandra but as they all say things have moved on you can ask to see a different surgeon you know might be worth a thought.
    Myra your card is beautiful you are clever.
    Please can I say from the bottom of my heart a huge THANK YOU for all yours thoughts & best wishes Alan & I really appreciate it, you are all amazing. I am waiting to hear waiting to hear when I can pick him up he rang earlier & sounded fine, guess what it is raining again!
    Must get wet gear & walk Star she doesn't care what the weather is.
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, So pleased Alan will be allowed to come home today. Sorry we are not able to change the weather for you, just take it steady and you will be fine. LOL xxx

    2. Margaret delighted to know Alan is being discharged there is no place like home for a good recovery, pity about the weather just take things easy you will be on full nursing duty when your patient gets home! xxx

    3. Thank you very much Margaret! I'm so pleased Alan is coming home today and everything has gone well. Safe travel! Xxx

    4. Hello Margaret
      So pleased Alan can come home - just take care driving during rain etc. Hugs for both of you

    5. Hi MARGARET so pleased Alan is allowed home today. Take care driving in the rain Hug's for you both xxx

    6. So wonderful he is coming home. I have always said "you don't begin to recuperate fully until you are in your own home" Big ((((hugs)))) & kisses xxxx

    7. Hi Margaret,
      I was so pleased when Sue messaged me yesterday to say that the op had gone to plan, I get you can't wait to go bring him home, I hope he is a good patient!!!
      Sending hugs to both of you,
      Sandra xxxx

    8. So pleased that Alan is coming home today. Safe journey.

    9. Safe journey Margaret. I hope by now Alan is home safe and sound ans is feeling comfortable. Whatever you do - don't give him a bell!
      I hope you are both ok. Love and hugs to you both xxxx

    10. So glad everything went well and I hope he now have a good evening back at home. Hugs to you both xxx

    11. I just want to say thank you too for all of the lovely comments. The patient won't need a bell, he will just send Star, their black lab, to get Mum. She is very clever at telling you what she wants (I mean Star not Mum, by the way : )) x


  11. In for a quick cup if tea, ironing done just have to put it away, I hate that bit. Next it's the Hoover up the stairs and get up there done. I knew if I started up the stairs the irining would be left.
    Jess, here's hoping you don't get your appointment through for the friday we are going to the retreat. But on the other hand I hope you don't have to wait to long.
    Right I am taking my tea and a piece of that chocolate cake and sit over at the window table and see who passes, it's miserable so it might be quiet. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I know they are not cheap, think about a cordless Dyson. We have a turn in our stairs (think that's known as dogleg staircase) and with my big Dyson is a nightmare, cable, tube and attachments , it takes ages to vacuum - you get the picture! Well with the cordless baby it's a doddle, love cleaning the stairs now. LOL xxx

    2. Hazel, I couldn't believe my ears on Sunday! Annabelle said to me that I would be proud of her as she was keeping her room really tidy and hoovering! It's the new Dyson though Grandma - it's just great - I love hoovering now! Well anything that makes a 16 yr old love hoovering can't be bad!! Xxx

    3. We are looking into buying one, Tammy has offered us her old Dyson ( she bought a new top of the range one). Her old one is still very good and could be kept in the top landing cupboard, so do we go with that or pay out for the baby one? Our stairs are straight and steep but I can do them with the Hoover base not having to be moved from the bottom of the stairs.
      Oh I have just made a big discovery ! I was in the top landing cupboard putting the fold up bed back in, and wonder what was in the big storage box? Well it was full of the brand new bath and hand towels I thought I had but couldn't fine and got it in my mind that I had used them all up in baskets. What did I buy the other day - yes towels, now I will have to take those I bought back ahhhhh. Ok I also found flannels that I need for my little baskets great. I did think I had more, but sometimes you don't realise how many things you have made up. I won't be buying for a while. This is the problem when you can't keep things all in one place.
      I have my appointment at the bank this afternoon to change my account, well that's the plan, I can't see why I need the type I have any more and just want a basic one., if that is possible if not I will be closing it once I get my direct debits moved to our joint account. So we will see.
      Margaret, thank you for letting us know Sheila is feeling better.
      Now we just need to hear from Jean.
      Norah, I think is likely busy catching up on things that got left while she was getting all her knitting done. And running around looking for that klit jacket.
      off to get some lunch made. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Dear, Dear Sandra Please don't put off going to the doctor, you need that good hip for mobility, don't put off seeking help, you know it makes sense. xxx

    Myra, BIG WOWS coming from S London. Your card is absolutely gorgeous. As others have said I'm going to borrow ....... NO Steal this design. You are one very talented lady. Thank you for the inspiration LOL

    Have left comments on the way down. I can always bet by the time I press publish some else has slipped in. Hope Sheila and Norah stop by today,HAY GIRLS WE MISS YOU BOTH xx
    Will take my coffee and do some people watching, if your passing by why not drop in, everyone is welcome in this Cafe.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda! I've been really touched this morning reading what people have said! Xxx

  13. Haven't had time to read all the messages as I have to go to the surgery for my iron blood test but just wanted to say MYRA that I love your card. After you said I did try making frames with the square dies and it is very successful isn't it. I will study your card in more depth later. Have to go and get the booster cushion as have been asked to pick up Scarlett from school as it is raining here.

    1. Thanks Brenda, you are very kind. I thought it was maybe too much one colour but it's good to get feedback from other cardmakers . Hope the blood test goes well and safe travel in the rain . Xxx

    2. No Myra the colours are fine. Love them. Raining here again.

    3. It was a lovely day when I left this afternoon but I came home in pouring rain! Not pleasant to drive in at all. Xxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Just like most of you we have had rain but now it is fine but no sign of the sun I'm afraid. Sandra PLEASE go to the doctors and at least discuss things with them if they suggest going to see a consultant then do some home work on who will be your best option and discuss this with your GP too. I know you are nervous but waiting too long could only make things worse, so PLEASE be a good girl and go as we say up here in the North 'it cost nowt to ask' It will be your decision in the end if anything is suggested.
    Myra I was speechless at first WOW oh WOW what a beautiful and very elegant card and such a fantastic design do you mind if I pinch your design please?
    Well as we were out yesterday I have caught up with the cleaning this morning all that remains to be done is to give the corgis their groom, and boy do they need one they are casting again! I am sure it is the drops we put on to stop them getting ticks and the like, as it always happens for a week after the drops go on.
    My latte was lovely thank you, money in the pot and hugs over in the corner, I will wash my cup and be off to get lunch ready and them get the grooming table out.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you very much, Margaret! Please copy anything you like- I'm always pinching your Pins as you know!! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Wow! I can't believe how lovely you all are! I got a surprise when I saw the card this morning and as I said somewhere up above I tend to highlight the mistakes !! The sentiment does have a black shadow underneath!
    Sandra - you got everything spot on! You are very good at this !!
    I do find the letterpressing with Tim Holtz inks a bit trickier but they tend to be paler and take longer to dry! Too much ink with them and it causes smudges!
    I just love that Sentiment as its so very useful and the Pierced Frames were one of my best buys! You can make a frame just about any size you like and that goes for depth of frame as well.
    I got the Poinsettia EF the other day and it's gorgeous! I don't have many Christmas ones but I think this one could be used with other flowers all year round.
    Well it's the Old Folk's Home today. I bought an adult colouring book. I've cut the pages out and then bits out of the pages- hope that makes sense! I've glued those to A5 cards. They can then colour in the flowers, large butterflies, birds , garden sheds and tools etc etc!! Not all the above are on each card!! The images are fairly simple and not too detailed so I'm hoping they will enjoy colouring. I'm going to take Promarkers and Colour Pencils. Hope it goes ok!
    It's a lovely day again here with lovely sunshine.
    Love and thanks to you all,
    Myra xxx

    1. I am sure it will be fine Myra not like yesterday. Your card today is gorgeous. Love it. Don't think I could make one like it. The pierced square dies are very useful arnt they and as you say make lovely frames. I was making one last night. Been getting things ready for Scarlett as she wants to make a birthday card for her mum and also a friend. I said I would go Thursday bug her mums birthday is Friday and she thought it might not get finished in time and would not be fair on her mum if it was late. She thought perhaps I could do a video of how to do it and then she would be able to do it on her own. She must think I am Sue Wilson. Oh no it's started raining again and as I am going round her house I have to do the school run. She has after school club tonight so puck up is 4.30. One of the reasons I suggested Thursday as she doesn't have after school club that night. Never mind I expect we will get it finished. She wants to do the garden frame one. Better go then.

    2. I'm sure Scarlett will do a good job! She always does . Hope the weather not too bad for driving!
      Today went well and everyone seemed to enjoy it . We all sat around the table colouring and chatting. They were all asleep when I arrived!!
      I'm sure they spend a lot of time asleep but only because there is nothing else to do. At least they don't have a TV blaring all the time. Xxx

  16. Myra, at least you won't have to put up,with the rudeness you got yesterday. If you did it would likely from someone who maybe didn't really know they were being rude. They have old age on their side. And illness. not that you should have to put up with it still. I hope they enjoy their colouring. xxx

  17. HinSandra
    I'm just in awe of Myras techniques. Especially how she's made the frame and the use of acetate is lovely. I'm never to sure about using acetate. Hope your ladies and gentlemen enjoy there colouring. I know I enjoy mine. Although due to Sandra's influence I seem to be using dies even more now.
    Sandra please talk to the Dr, hopefully you'll be able to choose your consultant. As you know Mr Taylor at the Manor made a fabulous job of my hip. I'll come back later as Pete has the hospital later. Two weeks earlier that his original appointment.

  18. Hello SANDRA & lovely ladies
    Sandra so sorry your in so much pain with your hip,as the others have said please phone the Doctor.
    MYRA your card is brilliant defently got the Wow factor. I did see this card on your pinserest. I might also pinch your idear thank you for sharing. Hope all the ladies in the OAP home enjoy the colouring you give them,have a good day.
    House work all done & just finished the ironing & put away.we have another wet & cold day. Think craft room is calling again. Not sure if I pulled my lower back yesterday, when I got up this morning it was so painful.especially when bending.
    Going for a cupper & some lunch.
    Have a good day Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Lynda just take things easy and stay warm to help your back, your craft room sounds like a very good idea. xxx

    2. Thank you Lynda! Everyone has been so kind . The colouring. Went well and we had a bit of fun too. A much more relaxing afternoon! Xxx

    3. Lynda do take card of your back, it's so easy to twist awkwardly when you are cleaning. I hope it feels more comfortable tonight xxxx

    4. Lynda, hope your back is easing by now. Take it steady girl.xxxx

    5. Hi Lynda. I hope you haven't got the pain in your back that you had yesterday. Please be careful and don't worry about the housework. It will still be there tomorrow, unless Terry takes pity and does it for you : ) Take care x

  19. Good afternoon everyone - hope you are all well,
    I have been lurking in the background so to speak - Nic wasn't well at the weekend - full of a cold - but she doesn't really know what to do when she gets a tickle that makes us cough so we have to keep telling her what to do - shes a lot better today - been to the doctors and he has given her a nasal spray - Now I have the cold but not as bad as Nic so I will shake it off easier.
    I have looked in when I had a bit of time but there were so many comments I thought I would never catch up - So I waited until I had some free time.
    Man is coming to measure up the stairs and landing this afternoon - hopefully it wont be long to be fitted - sometime early next week I think.
    All your cards over the last few days have been brilliant, such talent here in the café I must say.
    Sandra I hope you can get to see someone about your good hip as that it taking all the pressure from the other one - Im sure someone has said this but its understandable to be cautious. When you said how long it is until the retreat you could feel the excitement coming from the computer - I cant wait for all the gossip - if theres another one will definitely have to look into it.
    I hope Ive not missed anything, If I have its not intentional, I do apologise - will have a read back over the comments while waiting for the man to come,
    Take care everyone
    Hugs in the basket as usual

  20. Oh Jean you must be psychic, I had I pad in hand just about to email you to check that you are ok!
    Sorry to hear that Nic has been poorly and now you too, you must be exhausted, bless you!
    The excitement is very much building for the retreat, for me it's getting the chance to meet up with all of these wonderful ladies!
    I would very much like that to include you too, you will be missed this time, but I am hoping that the ladies will enjoy it enough to want to organise another one!
    Maybe organise one for sometime in the Spring next year?!
    Wishing you a very speedy recovery my lovely,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra - so kind of you thinking about everyone as you do.
      Yes I can feel the excitement building, but it wouldn't have come about only for yourself, so lots of friendships have been formed.
      Im sure everyone will enjoy themselves immensly so hopefully another will be arranged.
      Take care Sandra and thank you agaiHugs Jean xxn

    2. Hello Jean, so sorry Nic has been unwell and now you too have a cold. Hope it gets better very soon! Xxx

    3. Good to see you Jean. Sorry Nic was ill and you now got a chill but hope you be better soon. Take care xxx

    4. Jean my lovely lady, sorry to hear you and Nic are poorly, it must be so hard for you when Nic is poorly especially if she finds the feelings difficult to understand. We all just take a cold for granted and dose ourselves up. Keep warm and look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you feel up to dropping in. I think you should sneak down in the Scottish gangs suitcases to join us too! :) take care xxxx

    5. Hi Jean. Sorry to hear first Nic and then you have been I'll. I hope you feel better soon. Take care x

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Jean, I am glad you are ok! Yes you have the cold not good, but was a bit worried it was something bigger ie you had maybe been tripped up by the dogs and broken something. As that happen to the girl who looks after Harris when we go away, one of the dogs ran into her leg and broke it. She was lucky her mum was with her when it happened, easily done. Poor Nic as you say she doesn't handle like we do. xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel. I have nearly tripped a few times as the dogs are only small but I try to get into the habit of looking for them before coming downstairs etc. I can understand the girl breaking her leg after a dog ran into her - my son has Newfoundlands and they are very big dogs although they are good natured they are heavy -
      You take care of yourself too Hazel
      Hugs Jean xx

    2. JEAN:- great to see you back with us. Hope you and Nic feel much better soon. xxx

    3. Jean, earlier - before dinner- I typed a message for you. It said that I was sorry Nic hadn't been well and that you now had a cold. I also said I hoped you'd get over it very soon!
      Where did it go!!! Xxxx

    4. Oooopppps ! Just found it above - at least you know I wasn't making it up!! Xxx

  22. Hi all, just had a delivery from Iconuk. I got the circle nesting dies and am really impressed with them. I ordered Sue Wilsons pierced squares and though I would get these to go with them. They are really good value,
    So pleased,
    Off to play now
    Hugs Jean xx

  23. Can't stop, busy, busy again. SANDRA You need to go to GP I'd be as scared as hell like you too. But as others have said things have moved on greatly since your last op.
    MYRA! what a card! it is stunning! I love it. I'd sort of dismissed the pierced squares - pennies only go so far don't they BUT seeing this I'm changing my mind.
    JEAN I'd like some circle dies too. I have an EK Success circle cutter thingy and can only cope with thin card or paper. So I'm going to look at icon in a mo
    Got to go and eat now - off Salsa dancing later

    1. Thanks Karen! The pierced squares are lovely! They are really versatile and they are much bigger than you think they are going to be! Enjoy your dancing later! Xxx

    2. Karen have a look at the Presscut circle dies. Joanna Sheen has them for 19.99 and there are 24 dies. I bought the squares are they are brilliant. Not as sturdy as Sue's dies, but they do the job.

    3. Don't forget to breath Karen - oh no, missed her - there she goes in a flurry of sequins! Take care xxxx

  24. Evening Ladies

    Well- I survived today! It was crazy busy so no time to stop and think about much. Did a bit of shopping on way home then got weighed-put on 2 & 1/2lb in total so not too bad considering I ate exactly what I wanted, plus had lots of chilled wine-to help soothe my throat you understand....he he!

    Off to make a cuppa then wait to watch Julia Watts on Hochanda later.


    1. MICHELE:- glad the day went well and no big dramas while you were away. 21/2lbs is not bad considering that the USA is not the best place to find good food unless you stick to salad. Who wants to do that when there are so many things that you "must try" !!! xxx

    2. Good evening everyone
      Well Michele I have heard all about the food and drink and portion sizes in Florida from my daughter so I think you have done wonderfully well to keep control of your weight, so pleased all went well at work and no real dramas for you.
      Maureen I have just heard the weather forecast for our area tomorrow, better get those wellies out!
      It is quiet tonight in here hope everyone had a good day and are enjoying their evening or are you all racing to get those Christmas cards made?
      Sandra I do hope you have made that appointment to talk to your GP have you?
      Margaret xxx
      Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Michelle. I think you did really well at only putting on that amount while in the USA! And of course we believe that all that wine was purely medicinal : )) Glad your day sped by and you didn't have to face any nightmares x

  25. Well folks I have been ensconced in my kitchen all afternoon ... NO!! not cooking or baking ... making cards. I don't have a Craft Room ... everyone say Aaawwww!! I do actually prefer the kitchen I work on the long worktop. I have some Craft Stuff in wall and floor cupboards there.
    I made quite a few cards, yes they are all very similar but not exactly the same.
    Now although I am an Aberdonian (Aberdonians are said to be mean. No, they are just careful) I am not mean, yes I am being careful. I have decided to bring Christmas Cards with me for the people who will be at the Retreat, to save on that Postage. I all adds up to so much, I know it will be early but there you go!!
    I see Jean is back, great to see her. I heard from Sheila she feels a bit better and will be back soon. Now all we need is to hear from Norah!!
    What a shocking day it has been here. The back roads are all flooded. We have a big flat drive and we now have what looks like a little lake. All we need now are the ducks!!! It's a good bit away from the house so no worries about flooding or anything like that.
    Off to see if there is anything on the Telly tonight. Oh! just remembered Julia's on, might watch that although I am not too keen on her. xxx

    1. Myra I think this is Patricia's way of inviting us to fly up to her place for a few days! xxx

    2. Margaret , I think I'll duck out of that one!! Xxx

    3. Me too the weather tomorrow is going to be dreadful even for ducks! xxx

    4. I am all for saving in postage whenever you can, I just wish I was as organised as you! We will hopefully meet up next week with Don and Gail, some of our relatives that live in Canada, they are on a tour in the UK and Mum suggested that I could give them our cards and gifts to save the postage. Well, there is more chance of me flying to the moon than having them all done in the next few days. My excuse is that they won't have room in their luggage. Yes, I know it is not a good excuse as a few cards and Christmas tree decs don't weigh much but I'm sticking to it : )

  26. Helllllooooooooooooo
    Sandra, being in more pain is not good. You suffer enough as it is so I really think a visit to the Doctor is needed. I know, it's the last thing you want to do, but if you leave it too long, it may make things worse.
    It's taken so long to get down here, and I've made loads of notes, but people have answered the questions I was going to ask!! I may ask them anyway.
    Michele, I hope work went all right.
    Sue, glad dad's op went well and that he is coming home.
    Hazel glad you got your ironing done.
    Dainty, I also mark the front of the embossing folders.
    Jess, I hope you and Nic soon get well soon.
    Saba, only 7 loads of washing, you mustn't have taken many clothes ha ha.
    Margaret C, my granddaughters also like Phineas and Ferb.
    Cheryl, I hope you enjoyed your crafty day.
    Myra - I have left the best until last. This card is a stunning beauty, it really is fabulous. I love it, you clever lady. You say that you have been touched. I was surprised to see that you added the words "by our comments"!!!!
    I also have to say that I was surprised to see you in the Cafe later, after the visit to the Old People's Home. I was sure Alastair would have arranged a permanent room for you there!!!! (hard hat, trench and camouflage)
    I've had a very busy day today. Been out of the house more than in, so I'll see you later.
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen you shocker, you are awful but I like you . Oh goodness me who was it that said that! Oh yes Dick Emery! There's a blast from the past. I'm watching the last New Tricks. I love this series but it's the last one ever. Such a shame, no violence or bad language.dont go rushing about too much Maureen xxxxx

  27. Oh! My! Goodness!! just looked back through the comments ..... where is our Maureen's??? xxx
    Also Maria!! xxx

    1. Patricia, look above you, and then look below!!!! xxx

    2. Thank you Muriel , my dear! You are very kind! I knew you would pick up on the " touched" . You are sooooooo predictable!!
      You can take the hard hat off! However I would pack it for the Retreat you may need it!! Xxx

  28. Patricia, you read my mind. I'm busy making the Christmas cards to hand out at the retreat, and to make things easier I'm making the same one for everyone. I hope you all won't be disappointed, but I have so many to make that it would be impossible for me to make different ones.
    I apologise now, and ask your forgiveness. xxxx

    1. You are forgiven because .. I am doing the very same.
      Two Great Minds .... !!! xxx

    2. I am getting more depressed by the minute. I am going to have to kill myself. OR I could just buy a box of M&S cards and give you all one of those!!!,,,
      Nah, best kill myself.

    3. Which Christmas ?? Can I share your box Saba ? I haven't made one yet, still cutting bits out and not happy , what are you doing to us. Usually only give cards to the closets family these days SCREEEAM !! xxx

    4. Course you can Maria. I'll get those which look handmade and then just stamp handmade with love on the back. They'll never know!!!

    5. Now look here - listen to Auntie Myra - please don't anyone feel pressurised into making cards! Christmas is a busy time - it's not good to put even more pressure on yourself! We are talking about a lot of extra cards! Either make a really simple one or don't bother at all! I won't be upset at all! We are friends - you could even make a simple gift tag! Just a thought! Please don't get stressed! Xxxx

    6. MYRA:- well said Aunty Myra xxx

    7. Thank you Patricia! I worry about people worrying!!! Xxx

    8. Worrying ... what's that??? xxx

    9. I agree with you Myra, it's not worth the worry. SABA don't kill yourself, we want you at the retreat!!! Your presents is better than any card. Xxx

    10. Myra, I am so worried about you worrying about people worrying.
      It's very worrying.

    11. Oh Lord, I didn't realise I had to bring presents!! Where is that blasted shotgun!

    12. Super Saba, we are sorted. My worries have lifted.
      Now what to wear ?? xxx

    13. Think Hazel meant presence .... well I hope she did. I don't have money for Presents and don't have time to make any xxx

    14. Jees ! that's a relief. Got worried again there for a minute xx

    15. Saba, presents are not required your presence meaning you being there!!! The iPad is at fault. Gosh I have enough to do with out anything else. xxx

    16. Oh my goodness what are you lot like! Haha right, crafting in our pjs, we will all be present or present (bother I pad changed it!) and the gift is our company! I think I've got it sorted! Xxxx

  29. Evening Sandra and everyone, my what a lot of posts today.
    Sorry to be so late, I seem to have been in "dolly day dream "today keep making mistakes with work, and typing so I this will be ok.
    Sandra so sorry you're hip giving you such pain, I'll second what everyone else says about going to see Doc.
    All these people doing C cards is making me think maybe I should start, I don't usually start until last week in November!!!!!!!!
    Myra Your card is STUNNING, makes mine look like a two year old have done them.
    Watching Julia on the tv, although I find the picture quality is not great, maybe it's our tv.
    Ordered some new stamps from sunrise crafts today, they had Just Rite stamps in the sale so just had to have a few.
    Hope all who are not too good feel better soon.
    Well my stock for soup tomorrow is smelling ready so I'd better and strain it.
    Cheers for now Lilian

    1. Thank you very much Lilian - everyone is so kind on this blog! I'm sure your cards are lovely - we are our own worst critics! Xxx

    2. One of those day's Lilian......
      I'm not happy with the picture watching Hochanda either and is not the
      tv because all other channels are fine so it must be in their end.
      Hope you feeling ok xxx

    3. Tomorrow is another day Lilian, mmmmm soup - what flavour is on the menu tomorrow? Xxxx

    4. I freeze all my chicken carcasses during the summer, make stock and add just lots of different veg

  30. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra , you go and have a talk with the dear doctor and see what he/ she is saying. It's horrid to be in pain all the time and I agree this weather we got now do not help.
    Wowser Myra that is a stunning card. I love it! The way you have framed it and got the letters to 'float' is great. I looked at the dies but as I'm normally making smaller cards I was not sure if I would get much use of them so have left it for now but they are lovely as all of Sue W dies etc are, well done girl !
    Glad you had a nice day with the OAP's
    Michele- glad you back to work was ok, bet you are tired tonight, take care.
    Sue- good your dad's op went well. Hope he is alright and get a good night in his own bed.
    Oh boy Saba- you got some washing to do after your sailing trip. Put your feet up tonight and have a glass of red !
    Cheryl- hope you had a nice day crafting.
    Jess- hope you had a nice day in the shop.
    Nice to hear Sheila is feeling better, thanks for telling us.
    Had a friend phone early this morning and wanted to meet up so my day got a bit of up-side -down ,when it be like that I normally panic a bit but we had a fab. time and the time just flow. It's gone past 4 before I was back and then had some house work to do and some more cuttings out to do and the evening is here before you know it, not enough hour today that's for sure.
    Hope Norah and Janice just busy and will be in soon, miss you.
    hugs Maria xxx

    1. Thank You, Maria! You are a very nice lady! Glad you had a nice time with your friend. Not long now until we meet up! Xxx

    2. MARIA:- missed you during the day. Great to hear you were off enjoying yourself xxx

  31. Myra, I'm not stressed. I've taken a Valium, a Prozac, a camomile tea ( don't know any others!) drunk a bottle of Gin, and am now feeling ever so calm.
    Except, tomorrow morning I have a Window man coming! Here we go again.
    I really do. He is coming to fit a new window frame in the bedroom. It's a huge window with an arch at the top. That's totally irrelevant though. He is arriving somewhere between 7 and 7.30!!!!! How ridiculous is that. I now have plastic sheets all,over the bedroom to try and protect things, we need to move the bed before he comes and goodness knows how much dust will be under there!
    So I am not stressed at all.

    1. SABA:- your NOT stressed your way beyond that.
      Window man between 7 and 7.30AM!!!! Will it be delight??? xxx

    2. Patricia, it will not be delight at all. And I am not a morning person so it won't be delight for him either. I have been prepared though and have set up my crafting things in the dining room so I can craft while he does his thing. He needn't expect a cup of coffee either. I shall just pretend he isn't there and try to make all my blasted christmas cards! Joke. It takes me all day just to make one!!!

    3. Ooopps!! bl...y predictive text. Will it be day light??

    4. Oh Saba! Why do people need to come so early in the morning! He doesn't deserve a coffee until decent people are awake!!! Xxx

    5. He's german! He will stop at 10 for his break that could be a beer? I remember having workmen in the Lodge and they turned up at that time, stopped at 10 and they had brought a create of beers with them, and sat drinking one each. Lunch they had another and then again mid afternoon. xxx

    6. Whatever you do Saba - don't say Prost!! Xxx

  32. SABA, you will likely be more stressed moving the bed, hoovering and covering everything than thinking about these C cards? Oh early morning for you then, as you will have to get showered and dressed before you start the other things incase he comes earlier!!, xxx

    1. He'd better not! And as for being showered and dressed. I shall be in my dressing gown, hair in rollers and a cigarette hanging from my lips.
      Only trouble is, I don't smoke!!

  33. Now folks we have to get this "Presents .... Presence" thing sorted out!!!
    It's people's "Presence" we want NOT .... Presents!!
    I am NOT going if we have to bring Presents!!
    I have made Christmas Cards to hand out to save money on Postage. That's a s much as I am doing xxx

    1. Oh sausages, I've just been on Amazon and order 12 cashmere shawls.

    2. Oh! trust me!! I love Cashmere anything!! xxx

    3. I thought you didn't like sausages!! Xxx

    4. It's a bit better than the other word she could have used !!!

    5. True , oh wise one! Xxx

  34. I am about to go awol.
    It's blood and gore evening ( holby) and I can either be on here or watch the i player and I am sorry to say the I player wins. I will return.
    Oh I wish I lived in the UK and could do both at the same time.
    See you later.

  35. Right ladies, no spending money on shawls etc. remember the craft room has to be paid for at the retreat!!! I will be collecting it? It works out we have each to pay £13.50 saying that when you pay me I will give you some raffle tickets for a chance for you to win some crafty goodies, a bit fun but a kind of getting something for the money. I have the cost been put on my bill, so if you could have the cash with you I can then pay the hotel in cash for it. We have the room all to ourselves and it means we aren't bothered with other guests. We can even go in there on the Sunday and say good bye after we have booked out of our rooms. Thank you

    1. Will do Hazel! Thanks so much for organising it all! You deserve a cashmere shawl!!! Xxxx

    2. I have mine ready, I have saved quite a lot of money from not buying Craft Magazines. xxx

    3. Thank you Hazel, so good of you to organise this.

    4. Hazel that's such a good idea, you are a star my lovely lady - I must remember to get cash - I'm a bit like the queen, don't often have money in my purse! Xxx

    5. This is why I have mentioned it now, I am a bit like that with cash too. Xxx

    6. A friend who isn't a crafter came with me today to help at the Home as taking tops on and off pens can be tricky for some and an extra pair of hands as well as moral support is good! We always stop for coffee at a Garden Centre on the way home! I remembered it was my turn to get the coffees! Alastair had to give me cash!! I had none! I don't like using a switch card for two cups of coffee!! Xxx

  36. Hi everyone, what a day we have had here, the rain was horrendous, I was glad I was in the shop it didn't keep people away, in fact we were really busy, people are starting to think Christmas cards seriously.
    My feet are killing me, stupidly I put on a new pair of shoes (to try and break them in, so to speak) I am suffering now!!
    I'm glad about the presents, but the Christmas cards are a good idea, I was thinking about that myself.
    Anyway off to make supper, and I think my feet could do with a nice soak, then off to bed.
    Take care till tomorrow xxx

    1. Oh! JESS:- new shoes and working ... not a good combination.
      It's been shocking here today as well.
      We now have a lake in our drive .... just waiting for the ducks to arrive!! xxx

    2. Jess, that was a silly thing to do? New shoes on round the house for a few days. Your poor feet!! I think a nice soak will do them good. xxx

  37. Right that's my Bed Time folks.
    Goodnight God Bless see you all in the morning xxx

  38. Hasn't been much better here Jean. Very heavy rain at times. It started again just as I went out to pick Scarlett up from school. Luckily we didn't get too wet. She made her card for her mum and she has sent it to Sandra (hope you don't mind Sandra). Being there supervising was easier for my to do than do a tutorial for her or as she suggested a video. Went for my blood test. Will get the result when I see the nurse for blood pressure next week unless the Dr wants to see me about the results. Just hope the iron level is still slowly going up. MICHELE glad the first day back wasn't too bad. Jess I hope you and Nic soon feel better. Sheila I hope you will soon come back and join us in the cafe and Nirah. We have missed you. Lynda hope your back is better soon. Hope I haven't missed anyone. Already left a comment for Sandra. Wonder if she has taken any notice of our comments today. Well must go and get some craft stuff done. Might be back later although it is getting late now.

  39. Hello, I have tried to comment after other people's posts, but it won't let me.
    Night, night Patricia, sweet dreams and God Bless.
    I have decided to cancel my booking!"!!! Money????? I forgot that I had to pay for our weekend ha ha.
    All right, all right, only kidding. I'm looking forward to it too much. I'm doing flat cards, no die cuts, no ribbons or gems, but I'm happy (ish) with them. It's only because I enjoy colouring and stamping. If I could make a stunning card like Myra's using an embossing folder and die cuts, well I would.
    Saba, don't you fret about cards. I will be thrilled to meet you and all the ladies who are going, and you can just give me a tenner instead ha ha.
    Jess, give your feet a soak and wear comfy shoes tomorrow!!
    Myra, I'll pack the hard hat with the bazooka deflector!! Don't you worry about anything my dear, worrying only ages you - and I should know!!!
    Maria my little flower so pleased you had a good day with your friend.
    Saba, be gentle with the glazier when he arrives tomorrow. Watch for spiders when you move the bed ha ha.
    George is trying to get to sleep, so it's time to say Goodnight to everyone, sweet dreams, God Bless and see you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Hazel, my little Scottish flower, I forgot to say thank you for all your hard work. I'll put my money with some of the things that I'm bringing to the Retreat so that I don't forget it. I never carry a lot of money around with me as I tend to use my cards.
      xxxxxx ooooooo xxxxxx

  40. Natti natt all my friends in the best coffee shop in the cyber place.
    oh Saba enjoy your visitor, I can see you standing there in the doorway watching him with the ciggy in your lips hihi. Aunty Myra, I want stress to much, just staying up all night to make and .......
    Jess, look after your tootsies. New shoes ouch !
    Hazel I've winked to OH and told him I need some cash, he said he will think about it. Margaret, hope you and Alan will get a good night and Sandra hope you can bear the pain for tonight and get on to the doctors in the morning.
    Love and hugs to all xxx

  41. Gosh it's taken me ages to get here, I have been delayed on the way down though and I was watching TV too! I've made 3 pots of chutney today and the house doesn't smell too bad thank good ness. I found the recipe on line - it's a good food one and had good reviews but when Julian saw it tonight he said it sounded like a bake off challenge. It was basic, the instructions were simmer foe an hour stirring then boil until it looks like jam! It's a short keeper though so we tried a bit tonight with our fish cakes. It's got a bit of a kick to it - perhaps I should have taken the seeds out of the chilli when I chopped it. Julian likes food with a kick so I know it will get eaten - I think it will be good with some Brie for lunch tomorrow too. It's been really horrible here today too, I went to the post box in between showers and by the time I got back it was pouring again. I m off to bed in a minute too so I will say night night - see you all tomorrow sweet dreams xxxxx

    1. Night Night all who have gone to bed already or who are about to go! I'm a bit tired too! Tomorrow I need to do things in this house! God Bless. Xxx
