
Thursday 8 October 2015

Scarlett's Card for her Mummy & Happy Birthday Sheila

Scarlett's Card for her Mummy's Birthday


Good Morning lovely friends,
First of all I just want to wish our very dear friend Sheila a very happy birthday, we are all here to
celebrate with you today my lovely, champagne and cake behind the counter, so just help yourself.
Don't forget to blow the candle out and make a wish! I would like to wish you a year of new
adventures, good health and happiness xxx

Now Ladies just look at the beautiful card the Scarlett emailed me to share with all of you, she has made this amazing card for her Mummy's birthday! 
How very clever you are Scarlett, your card design is just fabulous, your Mummy will be so happy when she sees that you have been clever enough to make such a beautiful card!
Scarlett has been using some of Nana's dies, the Creative Expressions Delicate Garden Frame and a 
lovely 'Happy Birthday' die too, it looks like the one I got from Joanna Sheen, it could be a Brittania die, Scarlett has used these dies and some really pretty card to make her card, just look at all of those pretty butterflies!
Thank you so much Scarlett for allowing me to share your card with all of the lovely friends here on the blog, we look forward to your next card xxxx
I am going to have a lazy day today,  I had an amazing day with my girls yesterday, although I felt terrible for Pat as once again, another Grand Calibur bit the dust, Pat was just running the snowflake background die through when there was an almighty crack/bang and then it started banging with every turn of the handle! So Pat has emailed Spellbinders to get it sorted, she will need. a replacement for her replacement, I am waiting for a replacement for my replacement for my replacement for my replacement ....bit of a pattern here!
Although I will stand up and say that Spellbinders Customer services have dealt with my problem very quicky !
Tha'ts all for now ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sheila have a wonderful day, and I hope you are feeling better.
    Morning Sandra and all who call in this wonderful crazy cafe. It's to dark out there is see what kind of day it is.
    Oh WOW. Scarlett what a beautiful card you have made for mummy, your design using those dies is gorgeous, well done.
    Everything set up ready for the day, now what subjects will be discussing today? Yesterday covered so many, I for one is looking forward to getting a copy of Margarets biscuit recipe. ( oh and didn't Nadia do well? Last night what I liked about her was she never once was full of herself the whole series, she didn't always know how things were done, but got on with it and hoped for the best, and she did her own things putting in things that she knew worked as she had used them before.)
    The other subject was driving? Now Myra I was surprised to read that you were put on that coarse I thought you were a well behaved driver? They go on about the young ones I think it's the over 60 that need looking at?
    Well to day I am meeting up with Patricia in the afternoon, we haven't seen one another since or holiday so it will be lovely to catch up face to face as one would say. So will have to try and remember all the bits and pieces I need to take with me. Off to get myself a cup of tea and some toast, xxx

    1. Hazel I was amazed who was on that Course!! They call it a Course but it's only a day! I met retired policemen on it!! Xxx

    2. Hazel and Myra guess what - I've been on that course too!!! Xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Sheila-hope you have a great day.

    Hopefully today won't be quite so busy at work & I'll be able to deal with the 210 emails sitting waiting for me!!

    Off to get ready for the day, will call in later.


    1. Hi Michele. Good luck with reading all of those emails! I hope you manage to make a dent in them. Take care x

    2. Oh Michele! That's a tall order! They won't be junk ones either! I like those - pressing delete all gives me great satisfaction!! Xx

    3. Oh my word 210 emails to read that is such a task....good luck with them all! xx

    4. Michele I think that's today sorted - no other work will be done , it will take you all day to go through those emails. Xxxx

    5. Thought I pop in to see how you are doing. Have you managed to read most of the e-mails ? It would take me day's to read so many. Used to read a book in a few day's now it takes a couple of weeks because I can't remember what I read xxx

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA, have a good day.
    Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. A very dark morning here, rain is off so that's a good thing.
    SCARLETT:- that is one stunningly beautiful which your mummy will love and treasure.
    I have been busy, fire cleaned out and re-set. Batheroom cleaned, mats whizzing round in the machine. Bundle ready for meeting up with Hazel. I have things from the holiday that were in my bag. A few Dies she wants to borrow, vouchers Gillian asked if I would collect for her. It will good to have a face to face chat, wonder how long we will be chatting for??
    MICHELE:- you will be "boggled eyed" by the time you read all those e-mails. Hope you have a good day at work.
    PAT:- that's not good about your GC home many of them have "bit the dust" Like you I found Spellbinders very good when I contacted them. The annoying thing is it's a good machine when it's working. Have to say the Teal GC is a much better machine, I love mine. I just wish there was a good electric one out there. I have E-bosser, it does not cut as well as my GC. I got and sent back the Cut -n - Boss it was a disaster.
    Right best get a move on.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual, see you all later xxx

    1. Sorry about the missed out words and that should be "how" not home!!
      Oh! dear I will say it's because it's early or the IPad. No! I really think it is just being careless xxx

    2. Patricia - I think it's just called rushing around trying to get things done! Don't be hard on yourself! Xxx

    3. Patricia have a lovely meet up with your dear sister and a good old fashioned face to face chin-wag. xxx

    4. Patricia, hope you enjoyed your day with Hazel, it's lovely to meet up, when I'm on the phone I always forget something just as I hang up, better face to face isn't it xxx

  4. Morning/Afternoon to all who call in today

    Scarlett your card is the most beautiful gift for your Mummy. I love all your colours and your butterflies are really something very special. Your Mummy will be so proud of you and treasure you card forever.

    Now I'm a little confused - yes I know that's my usual state but - on my list it says Sheila's birthday is tomorrow (the 9th) Have I missed a day somewhere.

    Anyway just in case HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA HAPPY BIRTHDAY - have a wonderful day today/tomorrow. I hope you're feeling a lot better so you can enjoy your day. Special Hugs for you today.

    We are at last dry after having rain, rain and more rain this week. I've fingers crossed as I have to go out this afternoon for my Flu Jab. I'll ask if my results from my bone scan have come through (though I'm not holding my breath) whilst I'm in the surgery.

    Yvette (car for those uninitiated) had her operation yesterday and had a new back axle fitted so it looks as though it's full steam ahead for Marigny next Wednesday. You can imagine how it's going to be now can't you - book the ferry, book the hotel, start getting my stuff together (crafting) and of course 'We don't have to take that much do we!!'. We have had a request from our builder over there for payment of half of his bill so it looks as though he has done the job of digging up the path from the back gate, round the house, across the patio onto the front drive and put in new grease filters to comply with new European Regs re waste grey water. I'm not looking forward to seeing what sort of mess we'll be arriving to. I'm just hoping we get some reasonable weather to put back whatever he has moved so he could do the job. Saba I just might be joining you my lovely Friend and burst into tears when we arrive. At least we do already have a septic tank so I dread to think what the bill would have been to have one of them put in as well. It's bad enough that it's cost nearly £8,000 to just have the filters done.

    Anyway I'm in sore need for an extra large cuppa this morning so I'll just find a seat in a corner for a while and then I'll have to go and start photoing my cutting dies. I managed to sort them out yesterday so now it's taking pics.
    Hugs are in their usual place hoping that they'll be used.
    I hope all who have been missing for a little while will feel well enough to pop in later.

    1. JANET:- your right, just went and had a look 9th October SHEILA'S birthday. Never mind she now knows we are all thinking about her. xxx

    2. Janet - you are having an expensive time! I'm glad Yvette didn't cause too much pain and that she is ready for off once again! Xxx

    3. Janet I was just thinking that's funny I thought Sheila's birthday was the 9th! It's only because I have two friends with birthdays today and that would have made a 3rd so would have reminded me! Xxx

  5. Good morning ladies,
    Can I say Scarlett you are a very clever girl, your card is gorgeous and I'm sure your mummy was over the moon with it.
    A very happy birthday Sheila, I too thought it was tomorrow but may be mistaken.
    It doesn't matter have a lovely day and hope you are spoilt as you deserve it.
    Need to get a move on this morning, dentist aargh . Then craft class so will be back later to see what everyone is up to. Be good xx
    Hugs in the basket just in case
    Jean xx

    1. Hope you get on ok at the dentist Jean, we should have been going this afternoon but had to rearrange the Appt. for October 20th. It doesn't seem six months since the last visit! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra, I didn't need anything at the dentist , but John had a root taken out, it's an ongoing problem for the last few months, all his face was swollen but he's rang from work and he's fine now. Hope you get on ok when you go.

  6. Morning,

    And a delightful card from Scarlett, you are so very clever and I'm sure your Mummy will be very surprized to receive such a wonderful gift from you. I love the little flutterbys.

    I too thought Sheila is tomorrow, so just in case,

    Happy Birthday Sheila, I wish for you to receive birthday gifts, of happiness, good health and peace.
    Have to take an alendronic acid tablet every week without eating or drinking for 30 mins. I also have to be upright. Now, nobody has ever told me the reason why so I think that is going to be my next big question. The half hour is almost up and you don't need to guess what I am gagging for. Yes, my first bucket of tea for the day so I will leave now to put the kettle on. Aaah that's better!
    Card making didn't quite go to plan yesterday, I found the cards and the dies to use, then realized I had an almost empty box and drawer so changed tack and decided to empty some small boxes of craft candy into them. Then got annoyed with a roll of ribbon that kept unravelling every time I touched it, so whole rack came down and I threaded some elastic cord through the hole and tied it up to make a kind of stop for the ribbon. Works fine and you can still pull what you need but the reel does not spin round emptying it all in a puddle. Another tip ladies to try if like me, you keep your ribbons on a pole.
    Now to start crafting.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. You may not have got any cards done but having a sort out is just as good. Thanks for the ribbon tip. When I finally get the small bedroom sorted I hope to store my ribbon on a pole so will remember that one. Take care x

    2. Cheryl, I have to take that as well, the staying upright thing is to do with the tablet going down and not getting stuck half way. I hate having to take it, but as they say it's like a cork in a bottle it keeps the calcium in. My problem is remember not to take my tablets first thing and take that tablet. Oh I can start one job and get distracted and off I go doing something different. I am going to try your tip as mine keep doing the same. Enjoy doing what ever you are doing. xxx

    3. Thanks for the ribbon tip Cheryl. Scarcely anything I do goes to plan - I'm very easily sidetracked! Xxx

    4. Hazel, put an alarm for it on your phone. That's what I do and then nothing else gets taken before my half hour is up. xx

    5. Cheryl, John takes a few tablets for heart probs, has an alarm on his phone for morning and night and still forgets his tabs, gets sidetracked - Men !

  7. hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Scarlett, what a beautiful card you have made for your Mummy. She will be delighted with it. You have chosen lovely colours and dies. Thank you for sharing it with us : )
    Sandra, I hope you can manage to relax today, giving that hip some rest my lovely.
    I did feel for Pat yesterday when her GC broke. There is certainly a major design fault with them as the same problems happen over and over again. If 3 ladies who craft together all have the same issues over and again, and we do not use too much force(chance would be a fine thing with my dodgy hands!),and we use the correct sandwich and Spellbinder or compatible dies then what is at fault? We all know that there is a big problem with this machine and it makes me so cross that they continue to sell it. If it were a house hold item it would have been taken off the market by now as Trading Standards would have looked into it. Has anyone ever thought to tell them? It might be worth letting them know so they can see the extent of the problem.
    Ok, I'm off the soapbox now.
    Sheila, as you are a special lady you are getting two birthdays this year by the sound of it : ) Enjoy both days, you deserve them : ) Sandra told us that you are not too bright at the moment, you know we are all here for you.
    I am off to get some cards started.I hope you all have a good day. Take care xx

  8. Morning Samdra and gang
    Just a quick visit at the moment, off to cover the craft shop today for my friend. The going to a funeral for one of our neighbours.
    Happy birthday Shiela hope you have a lovely day,
    Scarlet your card for your mum is gorgeous, well done you
    Will pop back later, meantime take care everyone. Xxx

  9. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Scarlett sweetheart being a mummy myself i would be over the moon if my daughter had made me a card such as yours,it is beautiful and with all the butterflies in it it is on trend as well. You have made beautiful use of your Nana's dies and picked one of my favourites that i don't have yet but am saving towards.
    Sheila flower, i hope that you have a fantastic birthday today and that you get treated like the princess that you are.
    Well thank goodness the wedding is over now, mum's house is finished and i can breathe again without someone shouting at me about all that is still to do. I am sitting down today to start a nice easy one for me, a shawl which i can do with my eyes shut thankfully as my brain went wandering and hasn't returned to concentrate on a new pattern. I have sent Sandra the only picture i have of the 3 of us at the wedding as i have a bashful son who doesn't like getting his picture taken so never got any more than the one. Oh he did look so handsome although we couldn't get the Argyle jacket and waistcoat like he would have liked but he did look a bobby dazzler in the Prince Charlie set as everyone that knew him told him so. I can say that i was fair proud to have such a handsome young man as my escort. The brides aunt walked past me the whole day until it suddenly dawned on her that it was me and she has known me for 32 years, so not long really LOL. My special neice looked so beautiful on her day as her dress was plain bar a diamante and pearl strip around her waist and across the bodice of her dress, even her new husband was crying when he caught sight of her which was lovely. I sat in the middle as i didn't really want to pick one side over the other. Harry just enticed and intrigued everyone who seen him in his old fashioned baby blue and white romper suit and wee bonnie baby shoes that a certain young prince had when he was a little bit younger. Isn't it amazing how mothers can say about something and they're being old fashioned but once any royalty or "star"s child has it on it's fashionable and so cute...dddooohhh, mammy's know nothing. The wee fella was dressed in all the kind of clothes that i liked on Rory but was told by a certain madam that i was being old fashioned and to get to grips with the times, amazing what a few years can do to someones ideas, but it's so nice that he is getting to be and look like the baby he is and not a cut down wee adult like most of them dress them like. She has always liked jeans on a baby which i detest with a passion as i think they are too rough on their delicate skin but she has never agreed until now when she thinks the same....result!!!! At long last i'm in fashion in her eyes in my ideas on children. I can see that maybe i'm not going to be in the minority camp after all.
    Well i think i will sit in the corner with my knitting and watch the people go bye today as it's a lovely day although a bit on the cool side at 3 degrees but hopefully it will warm up. I have brought my restless little huggles out and put them in the basket for you all but they are quite exciteable today as they haven't been out for a wee while. Have a good day everyone
    love and huggles
    Norah x
    PS i got a new GC Teal from C&C for £53 which i think was a bargain as it has went back up to £72(club price)

    1. Hello Norah,
      Great to see you! So pleased the wedding went well. The bride's dress sounds lovely to me. I'm sure Rory looked great too and I'm looking forward to seeing the photo. Glad too that Mum's house is finished. You have had a lot on your plate recently - I don't mean you've been overeating either!! Have a bit of rest now! Knitting the shawl would not be relaxing for me - I 'd have high blood pressure in no time flat! Xxx

    2. Hello Norah,
      So lovely to see you back posting again. I can't wait to see that wonderful picture of the three of you and especially Rory in all his finery. I'm so pleased your Mammy's house is finished now and hopefully you can have some well deserved ME time. Enjoy your knitting and have a lovely relaxing day.

      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Hello Norah - Oh it's so lovely to have you back here where you belong in the midst of us mad hatters.
      I'm waiting impatiently for that photo so I'm hoping it's going to be soon.
      You just make sure you now get some ME time now and some rest.
      Hugs to you and that lovely family of yours.

    4. Hello Norah,
      It's so lovely to have you back, you have really been missed, also those mischievous huggles, they put a smile on everyone's face when they come into the Cafe! Everyone has been waiting, with great anticipation to see a picture of Rory in his wedding regalia. You must've been the proudest mum there. The bride's dress sounds absolutely gorgeous. So pleased little Harry enchanted everyone, babies are allowed to do that.
      Pleased mum's house is finished as well, that will be a load off your shoulders and hopefully you will have some time for yourself at long last. xxx

    5. Hi Norah lovely to have you back. Glad the wedding went well, the dress sounds gorgeous and your handsome son sounds very dashing. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. How funny that old fashioned clothes are making a comeback for babies. We would probably call them traditional and practical! It's lovely isn't it. Now you just sit there with your cup of tea and your shawl. It's lovely to see you again xxxx

    6. Hi Norah, it's so nice to see you back . The wedding ,sound you had a good day and can't wait to see the photo. Glad also your mum's house is finished. Are you still going to sell it on or will you rent it out ?
      Take care ,Xxx

    7. Hello Norah, so lovely to see you back, looking forward to the wedding photos. xxx

    8. Hi Norah, lovely to see you back, always love reading your tales, the wedding sounds lovely, looking forward to seeing pics.
      I got the GC from C&C its a better machine my red one was leaking oil.

    9. Hi NORAH lovely to see you back so pleased the wedding went well
      Looking forward to seeing the wedding photo
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    A wonderful card for your mum Scarlett, so many pretty butterflies .She will love it ! just make sure Lynda not sees them or she will pinch some on her way through :-)
    Mrs B- what an outrage in postage, no wonder more and more people sadly enough using the computers to send E-cards etc.. Hope you dad is doing ok.
    Nice dry morning here so going for a walk in a minute to get some air and soften the old bones before starting to crank the handle on the GC again.
    Don't know how you did all the invitations and everything to Gillian's wedding Hazel but it makes me sore just thinking about it.
    Janet- hope it's not to bad when you get back to Marigny,fingers crossed. Your turnarounds seem to get quicker, feel like yesterday you were coming back from France. Do you ever stay for Christmas ?
    Better get a shift on ,OH it's impatient this morning and want his walkie's hihi
    Have a nice day whatever you are doing, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA yes I tried pinching those Butterflys but Scarlett has stuck them on with super glue HAHA!!!xxx

  11. Good Morning Sandra,
    Hello to all the ladies who pop in every day and a special hello to SCARLETT, our card designer for today.
    Thank you very much , Scarlett for sharing your lovely card with us. I like the colours you have chosen , your pretty backing paper and how you have arranged your butterflies. I'm sure Mummy will love your card and she will keep it in a special box or place as it will be treasured. I almost forgot I like your flowers too!
    I think it is Sheila's Birthday tomorrow but if anyone deserves a double celebration it is you Sheila! Birthday's can be tough too as they bring back lots of memories! Concentrate on the good ones and the happy times. Just have a giggle at having two birthdays!!!
    It's a lovely sunny morning here but the autumnal chill is definitely in the air! The leaves are turning lovely shades of gold and red . It's lovely looking out this morning. The red geraniums look lovely still and the roses are still blooming. There are however a lot of leaves down already! Let battle commence!
    Pat - sorry about your GC . I'm very happy with my teal one but I had the same problem as you as well as a handle coming adrift on the previous one! My friend has bought the new Platinum one and is coming to see me tomorrow so I'm looking forward to hearing what she thinks of it.
    I think Sheila bought one too. We'll look forward to hearing what you think too ,Sheila.
    Must go . Have a good day everyone.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Unfortunate with the way I was feeling over the last week I haven't tried my Platinum yet but as soon as I do I will let you know what I think. One little disappointment is you only get their junior plates with it and have to buy the A4 plates (I'm not sure if that was because it was such a good price with The Craft Channel or if they all come like that )....I was thinking of trying the GC A4 plates but in a different way....but will leave that till another day when I'm feeling as Patricia would say 'tickety-boo' xxx

    2. Oh interesting Sheila! Still it was a really good price and I don't think it will be that low again for a while! Sorry you haven't felt up to using it - but once you get started there will be no stopping you! Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew gang,
    I'm feeling alot better and brighter than I was and thank you so much for your emails and get well's so comforting to know you're all there for me.
    Yes it's my birthday tomorrow but I really don't mind having 2!! AT the moment I'm overwhelmed by the amount of cards coming through my letterbox and I promise I am waiting till tomorrow to open them.....I CAN'T WAIT!!! I know that each and every one of them will make my birthday as special as it can be without my darling Clive.
    Scarlet your card is absolutely stunning and I know your Mummy will love it and be so proud of it. I see you have used a favourite SW die of mine and my favourite creature the butterflies and I love the pretty colours you have used too. Well done Scarlet you are a very talented young card maker and I hope you will show us some more of your work.....hugs Sheila xxx
    It's a beautiful day here in North Wales...I don't know what the temperature is like though as I haven't stepped out yet.
    I must go and have a shower now so thank you all again for your wonderful and continued support, bless you all.
    Have put many extra hugs in the basket so please everyone take one from me just because you are all so speciall.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Ohh Sheila! Lovely to see you! Tomorrow could a birthday and a bit like Christmas as well !!! Enjoy looking at and reading your cards. Xxx

    2. Hello Sheila - it's lovely to see you even if it is only for a little while. I hope you enjoy both days and can do whatever you want. I've missed you but I understand that when you don't feel too good for whatever reason you just want a little bit of quiet time. I'll say Happy Birthday again tomorrow. Hugs for you xxxx

    3. SHEILA:- enjoy the two birthdays ... only "special" people get to have 2 birthdays!!
      Great to have you back in an joining us xxx

    4. Hi Sheila, lovely to see you back, hope you continue to feel a bit better each day
      Take it easy
      Jean xx

  13. Sheila, if the Queen can have 2 birthdays why can't you!!! Enjoy being special for 2 days. It's lovely to see you back in the cafe. Please take things easy, and just stay I and keep warm. xxx

    1. Hazel I was just going to say that! Sheila if it's ok with you, we will call you queen Sheila :) xxxx

    2. Hear,hear ! Lovely to see you in queen Sheila, wish you better and to get to have 2 birthday's, what a treat :-) Xxx

    3. That goes for me too queen Sheila haha xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Scarlett what a lovely card that you made for your Mummys Birthday, I love the colours and dies you have used, Butterflies always look beautiful on cards, I love to use them. This card is definitely one that would go into my special memory box, where it would be treasured for ever. ..... Wish mummy a very Happy Birthday from me. xx
    Sheila, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today tomorrow and the rest of this birthday year.
    A few years ago a Sister (Nun) I know was 90. We went to her party in Loughborough. She said she was going to have another party in Belfast. She had worked ther for many years. Then she was having another party in Co. Wexford with her family. She justified all these parties by saying well I'm going to be 90 for a whole year so I can have as many parties as I want, after that will start on my 91st ones!! SO dear lady party today, party tomorrow-and for the rest of the year. Sending you special love and hugs LOL xx
    Pat, not good news about your GC. I hope it can be fixed soon. xx
    I have not had a good morning. Had been working on my computer in Excel. Shut the computer down, because I had doctor's appointment, but before actually shutting it down there was a little box (very small) it had Microsoft written it, clicked on the X and went out for my appointment.......... Came back no Internet, no Microsoft programs. PANIC. I have only had this computer just over year. Bearing in mind I have accounts on there for my sister. And they have to be with the auditors next week. And all my word documents(my craft lists etc.) Had visions of spending the whole weekend doing all the accounts for the year again. PANIC would be an understatement. Calmed down, lots and lots of deep breaths, rang John Lewis. This computer was purchased, last year, spoke to a lovely guy called Chris Who was so calm it was unbelievable. In a very short space of time I had all my programs back, he was wonderful. Apparently I had stopped an upgrade, or something like that. I didn't care, got my computer back with all its programs...... BIG sigh of relief !!!

    Sandra how is your hip? Do you haven't said if you're going to go to see the doctor about it. I hope you're giving it some thought. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day sending love and hugs to everyone. Brenda XXX

    1. Oh Wow Brenda! I would have been panicking a bit too!! I'm so pleased you got it sorted out with the help of Chris from John Lewis! I have to say that every single person who has come into our home from John Lewis has been so nice! They did my kitchen last year so there were a fair few going in and out! Helpful , polite and extremely tidy! Glad all is now ok! Xxx

    2. Brenda what a relief! We had great service from John Lewis when we bought our TV - much better than currys xxx

    3. Oh my I would have been like a hare in spotlight of panic. Therefore I don't like banking etc. on the computer, what's wrong with a person
      So glad you got it all back again Xxx

  15. Glad you for everything sorted with the computer. Such so worry and yes you do panic. I am sure your blood pressure went up. Thank you for your kind comments about Scarlett's card. She will be thrilled. Will show her them when she is home from school and then she can comment and thank everyone.

  16. Oh Brenda that must have been so worrying for you and especially having all your sister's accounts on your PC too....I'm so pleased the nice man from John Lewis sorted it all out for you and such a relief too. Do you have an external drive (I think that's what they are called....not very techy minded myself! ) I know they can be picked up at quite a reasonable cost depending on how much storage you want and then they will be stored on there safely. I think you just plug the USB part into your PC and then transfer all your crafts, documents, photos etc. Hope this helps xxx

  17. Now I have a little story to tell you about my birthday date....are you sitting comfortably? I was actually born on October 10th but when my dear Dad went to register my birth he got mixed up with me and a football match he thought I was born on the 9th and the match was on the 10th so he duly registered my date of birth as October 9th!! I didn't find this out until I was nine when Mum and Dad told me the story, I asked 'well why didn't you change it?' He told me it was a while before they realised it and things like that weren't as easy to change in those days. As I grew older I just thought they were having me on but when lovely Mum passed away I found a very small black diary that she had kept starting before she was married to dad up to a couple of years later and it was in this diary that she had written 'Sheila born October 10th' and it was only then that I knew it was true. It was just so weird to read some quite private things....oh nothing smutty or anything like that!!! Love Sheila xxx

    1. Oh Sheila, What a lovely story! So you have always had two birthdays! Until this year - now you have three!!! I like the idea of your birth and the football match getting confused! How like a man !! It's amazing what we do find out when we grow up - either by reading or being told various bits of family history . Xxxx

    2. I like that story to Sheila. Yes Men, when John went to register or first daughters birth, we had chosen two first names for her. But on the way there thought, Brenda has three first names, so decided to add another name in the middle. It wasn't until he returned home he realised her initials spelt JAM. ...... Men ! xxx

    3. Sheila what a lovely story, oh that is quite funny though- typical man! How lovely to have the diary to read - I found out some lovely things about my parents when we cleared out their house after they died. I hadn't realised my dad was a romantic and kept the hotel recipt and napkin from their wedding and little pictures of us in hi wallet. Brenda it took my mum and dad ages to name my sister, they didn't want a name that could be shortened - they chose Louise. As soon as they told people her name they instantly picked up on the initials - law! Needless to say she's called Lou or loulou! Xxxx

    4. Sheila I love that story ... typical man thing!!
      So now you really are SPECIAL ... you have 3 birthdays!! xxx

    5. Sheila, that's a brilliant story, only a man could make that kind of miss take, now your claim to fame in 2015 was that you got a bonus of a third birthday. xxx

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Oh so lovely to see the sun even though we had a very cold morning first thing. Weekly shopping all done and put away and washing done and out drying in the sun.
    Scarlett what a beautiful card you have made for your Mummy she is so lucky, the colours are lovely and I love your butterflies too you really have used your Nana's dies to good effect well done little lady your mummy is sure to treasure this card.
    Just as well I looked back at yesterday's comments as I did not get in last night, otherwise I would never have known so many of you are requesting my Butter Biscuits recipe!


    8oz softened butter
    10oz self raising flour sifted
    4oz caster sugar also extra for dusting

    OVEN pre-heated to gas 4 350F 180C

    Line baking trays with greaseproof paper or parchment paper
    Place all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and with the beater set to slow mix until you have a softish dough. Take heaped teaspoons of the mix and roll in your hands into a ball, (if you wet your hands first this stops the mixture sticking to your hands) place on your prepared baking sheet leaving a space between each then dip a fork into cold water and with the back of the fork press them into a flattened shape.
    Bake for about 10 minutes they should just and no more be golden and not brown. Remove from the oven and dust with caster sugar leave in the baking trays for about 5 minutes then remove to a cooling tray. Store in airtight box or you can freeze them for up to a month.

    Hope you enjoy them.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret I'm going to try these. You have to use butter in biscuits don't you, they taste so much nicer. Such simple ingredients too, perfect. Xxxx

    2. omg I used to make these with my grandmother when I was little tihi
      I was always the one doing the fork print Xxx

    3. MARGARET:- thank you, I have all the ingredients. That will be Roberts job when he comes over the weekend. xxx

    4. Thank you so much Margaret, will definitely try these xxx

    5. Thank you Margaret, I will make them with Beth she will love doing them. xxx

  19. Oh Sheila that's a lovely story - so now I have to remember to say Happy Birthday for the next two days - This I will willingly do so no worries. You are now the only person I know that can celebrate your bday for THREE days - well done you!! xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely card Scarlett has done for her Mummy. What a lucky Mummy she is to receive such a wonderful card from her daughter.
    Sheila Happy Birthday. Had some cake but no champagne, as I'd rather have a glass of wine.
    No email from Spellbinders yet regarding my broken Grand Caliber. Dpsue and I took it apart, well mainly Sue but I did the bottom screws for her. Plastic cogs would you believe by the handle, it's these we think that parts of the cigs have broken off. Hope I get a reply soon. Will look in later as we're just off out.

    1. Sorry to see your GC is broken Pat, hope it can be fixed asap. All the machines seem to have some fault except for the Cuttlebug. It didn't always cut but don't think they ever had so many problems. Hugs to you and Pete Xxx

  21. What a nuisance for that to happen at this time of year. I know my first one broke just before Christmas when I had loads of dies to cut. Hope you hear from Spellbinders soon. Well when I said a nuisance for that yo happen at this time of year really I should have said it's a nuisance to happen at anytime especially as it's not the first time it's happened to you. Hope Pete is ok now.

  22. Good afternoon Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Sorry I'm late it's been a busy morning! Chiropractor, then vegetable shopping with a meander into the shoe shop followed but some unexpected deadheading in the garden! I went to put the bins away and one of my pants is still flowering beautifully so I thought I would dead head it to make it last longer! I then chatted to my neighbour for a bit and now I've just finished the ironing. It's sunny but chilly here too, much better than rain though.
    Scarlett what a gorgeous card for mummy, you have used such a pretty die and your butterflies are so pretty too. Thank you for sending it to Sandra so we could all see it. Xxxxx
    I've tried to leave comments on the way down today - internet much better now julian isn't downloading stuff! Just wait until tonight! Must go, I need a cup of tea and this pile of ironing won't put itself away!
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

    1. How on earth did you manage to get them to flower, Diane?
      Sorry couldn't help myself! Xxx

    2. and what is a meander ? Myra, do you think she need some help dead heading them at the retreat ? xx

    3. Oh no! I must read before I press publish!!!!!!! Haha ! Who doesn't have flowery pants Myra! That should of course read plants! Grrrrr. I only popped back to say Pam I'm sorry to hear about your GC - what a pain! I hope you get it sorted out quickly. Mine clunks and rattles but touch wood still going strong! Xxxx

    4. MARIA :- "meander" is just to wander xxx

    5. Thank you Patricia. Yes I just wandered into the shoe shop to look but not buy! Xxxx

  23. Nice walk in the sunshine with a cafe at the end, perfect.
    Back home did some tidying up and prepared more cards, birthday's ones and x-mas ones but that all I seem to be able too. It gives me an headache so have taken a break with a cup of tea to warm myself up a bit. No heating on, yet and this afternoon the sun has gone away and it's already getting darker.
    Loved your story Sheila so now you got more than one B-day after all .

  24. I am so confused Flowery pants and birthdays etc Happy Birthday SHEILA but I have it on my list as tomorrow so a double celebration! SCARLETT what a super young talent you are Your card is amazing Mummy will love it and will treasure it for years to come I expect
    CHERYL I've just sent you an email Thank you and bless you
    I have a question for you experts Do any of you use an embossing pen If so which brand? I don't stamp and thought if it'd work to draw over my Serif images and emboss that way

    1. Karen do you mean the VersaMarker pen, you have to sprinkle embossing powder on and then heat up with a heat gun? I have just tried it using cosmic shimmer powder and it worked. But this was only on copy paper. Be bold experiment LOL xx

    2. KAREN:- think Brenda has answered your question. I would use a Versamark Pen. I have one to draw in parts of stamps I have missed. Tried it and it works, think I might use that idea to write Happy Christmas then emboss it xxx

    3. Must give this a try - thanks for the ideas xx

  25. Scarlett would like to thank everyone for their kind comments about her birthday card. Good to see Sheila and Norah with us again. Enjoy celebrating you birthday Sheila on all three days. Norah, looking forward to seeing the photo. Back later.

    1. Scarlett, you are welcome, you made a beautiful card and you deserve the lovely comments. xxx

    2. Scarlett - you are so welcome! You made a lovely card and it was lovely to see it! Thank you. Xxx

    3. You are more than welcome Scarlett, you were so kind to let us all see it thank you sweetheart. xxx

  26. Evening Ladies

    Managed to clear a lot of my emails so feel better about that. Will finish clearing them on Monday as I have a "management day".
    Tomorrow will be busy enough with normal work for the 3 days and we still have to finish prepping for next week- 3 more new patients starting chemotherapy.

    Right, just need to finish my sister in laws birthday card, started it last night. Not too happy with it but as it needs to get to Glasgow by the 13th I don't really have time to start again!


  27. Hello Sandra and all, what a beautiful card Scarlett has made for her Mum I'm sure she will love it.
    Now as I'm a new commer to the cafe I'll wish Sheila a happy birthday ,hope they are lovely.
    Nora your family wedding sounds beautiful.
    Brenda glad your computer is ok, had a problem with my iPad and found John Lewis costumer service second to none
    Margaret, you're biscuit recipe sounds delicious, although I'm on a diet (Dr orders ) so will make some for Christmas.
    Cold with showers here today, soon time for heating on.
    Hope everyone has a good evening, I'm off to pack the dishes.
    Best Wishes Lilian

  28. Evening all ... Elaine not coming tonight. I am kind of glad in a way, I am tired.
    Was up early, did lots in the house. Went to Forfar to stock up on food, boys are flying home this evening. They land just after midnight then a 2 hour journey to get home to the house. I dropped off some supplies at their house on the way home. We have stocked up for here, the boys are having a Sleepover tomorrow evening, J&A are off to a wedding. Happy Hubby here, his boys are on their way home. The other reason he is happy, John Jnr is back and will fix his Railway for him. John has found the problem but can't reach it. He can not get down on his knees to crawl under, so a job for John Jnr. I did offer to crawl under and fix it .... how stupid could I be!! what woman could fix an electrical fault?? I know I could probably have done it, I do lots of the electical work in the house .... but OMG!!! it is his railway !!!
    Met up with Hazel this afternoon. Had a great chat, sorted out lots of things. Chatted excitedly about the Retreat, my goodness a short time ago we were saying its months away. Now we are saying Oh! My! Goodness! it's only a couple of weeks away!!!
    I am feeling rather tired, off to have a shower and put my PJs on. Do not know how long I will be able to stay awake ... this getting old is a right bummer!!! xxx

    1. Oh Patricia that was a very brave and dangerous thing to do, offering to fix John's railway! Just imagine the reaction if something else had happened to it, I keep strictly away from Derek's railway.
      Now is your tiredness due to old age I doubt it, or perhaps you are just doing too much, or is it getting time for your vitamin B12 injection? Come on chin up your boys are on their way home lets have a little smile please. xxx

  29. Good evening everyone
    Sorry I left rather abruptly this afternoon but had to do the school run and lost track of the time!
    Re the biscuit recipe, Diane is right, it really must be butter and softened too if you use the other stuff they taste simply dreadful. I use butter for all my baking and I find everything tastes so much better.
    Sheila I loved your birthday story, a similar thing happened to my grandmother except she was told her birthday was on the 21st and when she was 65 and got her birth certificate to apply for her pension discovered the date was 23rd! As she was at the latter end of the family there were 16 brothers and sisters it is not surprising I suppose. When she was born they had run out of names and didn't know what to call her, then a friend visited and took her mother a bunch of Lily of the Valley and that is how she became Lily.
    When ever you celebrate your birthday or how often the message is still the same HAPPY BIRTHDAY, even the Queen doesn't have three of them you are so lucky!
    Why do we keep hearing all these dreadful stories about GC's surely by now Spellbinders should have updated their machine specification to make it much more durable. Pat I do hope you get a reply really soon, if not send them one or more email every day until you do!
    Brenda how awful thinking you had lost vital information on your computer I know full well the panic you would have felt, a similar thing happened to me but my SIL was here at the time it happened and he sorted it all out. It is easy to some people when they know how, but not to me I get so flustered and feel the panic setting in. I now back things up on a pen drive, but I had to be shown exactly what to do!
    Sandra how is your hip have you given the GP surgery a phone call yet?
    Yes Hazel I too thought Nadiya did so very well and really deserved to win, they were all good but she just had that little extra! Not only did Mary Berry have tears in her eyes so did I. How she coped with wearing her headscarf all through too, I would have been at melting point! Yes I agree she just got on with everything and was not as you say Hazel full of herself, even this morning on the news she was just the same and so lovely with it.
    Now Myra what on earth have you been up to going on a course? Surely you have not been naughty!
    Where is Maureen/Muriel have I missed something did she say she would be missing today?
    Talking of missing Norah delighted to see you popped in today too, so pleased the wedding went well and I am so looking forward to seeing your photo. It must be such a relief to know you have got your mums house all complete, now you can sit back and enjoy your knitting and have some 'Norah time' so enjoy it.
    It is very quiet tonight in here am I missing something good on TV?
    The washing all got dried so I am off to get it all ironed I will try and pop in later enjoy your evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  30. Hello Ladies,
    I'm really sorry. I was out last night and tonight I have got a bad headache which I'm hoping doesn't become a migraine! So I've been taking the tablets and sleeping! I'm going to bed now but thought I ought to explain - wouldn't like you to think I'd got the hump!!!
    Night Night all,
    Sleep Well! God Bless! Xxxx

    1. Good night sweet dreams hope you feel much better tomorrow Myra.
      God Bless xxx

    2. So sorry Myra, hope you manage to,head it off before it turns into a migraine. Night and God bless xxxx

    3. Ah bless you Myra, hope you are feeling ok by tomorrow.
      Have a good night Xxx

    4. Oh Myra I do hope it doesn't turn into a migraine....hope you get a good night's sleep...night, night xxx

    5. Hi Myra hope you feel better tomorrow
      Good night & God bless have a good sleep
      Love Lynda xx

    6. Night night Myra , hope you feel better tomorrow xxxxx

  31. Good evening all
    Sorry I am late today.
    Scarlet your card is beautiful. You have used such lovely colours and your butterflies are so pretty, I love how you have used different colours and put some little gemstones on some of them. You are a very clever crafter, thank you for sending a picture to Sandra for us to see. Your mummy will be thrilled, I bet you can't wait to give it to her.
    Sheila I love your birthday story. I bet your mum was furious when she eventually found out. It's lovely to see you back here, we have all missed you but understand that you just needed some time for yourself to get well again and feel up to popping in.
    Norah it's lovely to see you back as well. The wedding sounded lovely, funny how Kirsten is starting to,appreciate your wise words now. I am so looking forward to seeing a picture of your handsome young man.
    Janet glad Yvette is over her garage operation, hope it wasn't too painful for your purse. I can't believe you are gadding off again! Do hope though that it won't be too much of a mess for you when you arrive there.
    Margaret thank you for your recipe, I will be having a go at these. I can't bake at all, totally rubbish at it but I think I might be able to manage these. I'll have to work out how much baking powder I need for 10 oz of flour. They only sell plain flour here. It was years before I found out you could add baking powder to plain flour to make self raising flour.
    Myra and Jean I am shocked! Having to go on a driving course for being naughty. Whatever next.
    Cheryl good tip with the ribbons, glad to hear you were having a "me" day. Hope you enjoyed it.
    Hazel and Patricia I hope you had a lovely time catching up together.
    Brenda, I can just imagine your shock. Thank goodness the nice John Lewis man could help you. I think Sheila advice about getting an external hard drive is a good idea, especially if you have all the accounts on there. We have one and back everything up onto it fairly regularly.
    Pat I bet you could have screamed when your GC broke. I hope they sort you out. I'm thinking of buying the Platinum but will,wait to hear what Sheila thinks to hers first. I'll be interested to see whether Christine Emberson brings hers to the demo. I'd like to see it in action before I buy.
    Diane, you meandered into a shoe shop, did you buy some, what colour, what style, flat ties or heels. Do tell.
    Lilian is packing the dishes a Cornish way of saying washing up.
    Well I have had a totally wasted day. I just don't know where it has gone. I have started a Christmas card! I'm like you Maria, not getting very far at all. Tomorrow is WIL finish it. Mind you my back has been a bit sore today so I couldn't sit for long at the craft table. I've taken a painkiller, Peter has given it a rub, I have my Margaret bag soothing it as we speak and I think the glass of wine will be just the finishing touch. I agree with you Patricia, this getting older is no joke.
    Oh must just tell you Oliver has been learning about Florence Nightingale at school, loves the idea she cleaned up blood - what do they tell them- and Joanne told him his Granny was a nurse. He was mega impressed, mainly I think that I could clean up blood. He probably thinks I know Florence personally.
    So I imagine we will be playing With his Doctor kit when I get there.
    Right it's taken so long to write this, hope you haven't all gone to bed.
    Love and Hugs
    Ps Sandra, have you made that appointment yet? Hope you enjoyed your lazy day. Xxxx

    1. Saba I knew you shouldn't have manhandled that mattress on your own yesterday! Hope your back settles down soon. I was just looking at shoes - honest! I've got high heel pairs and completely flat ones too but I'm looking for something with a little heel to wear with a skirt and still be able to walk (not wobble!). They had some pretty red ones and blue - they were wide fitting though. I might go back and try them on just to see what they are like. I seem to live in boots in the winter, I just fancy a change! Xxxx

  32. Goodnight my little Dromedary, have a good night's sleep and I hope the headache goes and doesn't turn into anything awful.
    Sorry I'm late in, it's just been a busy day. but I'd like you all to read Margaret's C post and pretend that I typed it!!
    Scarlett, your card is sooo pretty. Your mam must have been thrilled to bits with it. I would have been, and if she's anything like me, she will keep your cards forever. I still have my daughter's and she is 46!!!!
    Norah, it's lovely to see you, and I am looking forward to seeing your photo's. I'm so pleased that things are going better for you. Now that your mam's house is all sorted, that will be a big heartache over and will help you to go forward.
    Sheila, what can I say, THREE BIRTHDAYS, I really do think that's a bit excessive ha ha. So, just out of curiosity, when do you celebrate it, the 9th or the 10th, because I'll have to adjust my birthday list!!!!! It is lovely to see you on the blog today, and I'm glad you are picking up. I don't think you are going to the Retreat, that's such a shame. I'd have loved to meet you and we could all have a group hug.
    Patricia, John will be in good spirits with the boys and J and A coming home. I bet he drags John Jnr up to his Railway set up before he gets his coat off!!!
    Pat, good luck with Spellbinders. I have the teal and it seems to be much better than the old one, but like you, I had loads of problems with the old pink one. The handle, oil leaking, in fact the oil is on my carpet!!! It's not good, is it for such a big Company.
    The Butler has just brought me a nice Hot Chocolate, so I'm away to relax for 10 minutes.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen definitely the 9th I would get too confused to change it now...and that's easily done at the best of times!! xxx

  33. Saba your back is a bit sore! No wonder after all that moving the bed and all the cleaning I am not surprised, please take things easy.
    When my grandson learnt about Florence and the war I told him my Gt. Gt. grandfather was nursed by her, I found a picture of him in the family album he was so impressed with his sword. I copied the picture and also pictures of his trunk that was returned after he was killed, it is now in the Manchester Regiment museum as we donated it to them, the teacher was delighted.
    Can you get the Craft Channel over there, if so Christine has been on there using the new Platinum machine, I have emailed her about the A4 size plates as when you buy it there is only the small sized ones with it, which are no good for the very large dies or the A4 embossing folders, I will send you a copy of her reply. xxx

    1. Brilliant Margaret, thank you. I have saved my Birthday money to buy a new machine. my GC still works but I feel it's not cutting like it used to and if the Platinum does what is says then I think it might be time. Mind I have also seen the new Big Shot and tha looks good too. I do get both the craft channel and Hochanda, create and craft can be difficult as they now broadcast on a UK satellite beam so I only get that a couple of hours a day if the weather is good.
      Aren't Grandchildren a blessing. Oliver is fascinated by the fact my dad was a soldier, he has a photo of him in his uniform, no sword unfortunately! But he hero worships him despite never having met him. My dad would be thrilled.
      Saba, ps I'm mega impressed your Gt Gt Grandfather was nursed by Florence. Mega mega impressed.

    2. He was nursed by Florence but remember he died! Now if you had nursed him he may have pulled through. xxx

    3. Mmmmm, missed that bit! Oh well, I suppose she was a bit occupied with her lamp at the time.

    4. Margaret C, never mind Saba's Oliver being impressed, I'm greatly impressed. What a wonderful story to pass down. Saba, I see you posted while I was typing with my sore finger. I've managed to cut the flap of skin off, and am letting the air get to it, but I put on a plaster for bed in case I catch it on the bedclothes. Honestly, it's about 1/4" long and is more bother than it's worth!!! Other people have had limbs removed with less bother lol.
      Now what's all this about a hard drive? How do I do it? what do I do? Is it hard?
      Oh, I'm going to have to say goodnight, Georgee has wandered upstairs with my Margaret bags, and is going to bed - so
      Goodnight all, sweet dreams, God Bless and I'll see you all tomorrow. I hope you all feel well and top of the world. Me - I just hope I wake up!!!
      Love Muriel xxxxx

    5. Saba, I hope your back is a lot better tomorrow. xxxx

  34. Right Ladies I am shattered so am going to sigh off for the night, God bless you all
    Saba xxx
    Ps Lynda hope your back is easier today and I hope you fed Terry on time today too!!

    1. Hi SABA thank you back still painfull im putting MARGARETS bage on it even take one to bed feels better with the heat on it. I always get problem with my lower back the slightest wrong move & goes.i blame my children as they were big babies & only back Labour ( 9.11 & 10. 2 )
      Hope your back gets better soon you have my sympathy xxxxxx

    2. SABA regarding feeding Terry NO I'M on strike I'v put him on a diet HaHa xx

  35. Quick visit Just to say thanks re tips on embossing pen I think I will try the Versamark one rather than the Ranger Tim Holtz one I just thought I so like the effect of heat embossing and thought it'd be an idea to use tracing over Serif images I'll let you know how it goes

    1. Karen, the Versamark pen is brilliant. Lots of uses for it. xxxx

  36. Evening everyone,
    It's been lovely to have my first day back in the coffee, thank you for all the 'welcome back' wishes and the pre-birthday wishes too. I missed not calling in but at the time I just didn't seem to have the energy or anything else for that matter. Oh but I'm so glad I called in today and tomorrow I'm just going remember all the many happy birthdays I've spent with my darling Clive and then on Monday I will do the same and remember one of the happiest days of my life.....our wedding day.. I'll call it a day now as Margaret and George are coming to take me out for a birthday lunch, I was supposed to be going out with Carol my friend later on but I know we won't be back in time so I had to cancel and she understood...she is just like you lovely ladies so caring and very supportive. Anyway must say night, night and sweet dreams xxxxx

  37. My stepson is here so I just wanted to say good night to everyone and hope you all have a nice sleep. Aqua in the morning but will try to pop in during the day so until then be good , cuddle feast Xxx

  38. Enjoy yourself tomorrow Sheila. Hope you have a lovely day. Night everyone. I keep falling asleep so might as well go to bed. I've made a Christmas card today plus a birthday card and finished another one so think that's enough for one day.i bought a nice Christmas Stocking die from Thad Range yesterday. It's by Sweet Dixie. Very reasonable. £4.99. It's about 4.50" x 2.75". It fits nicely on a 5x5 card. I got 50 for £5from The Works last year. Half red and half green. 25 of each. Not sure if they have them this year. To be honest I haven't looked yet. Night night.

  39. Hello all I have just got internet back been off all day only just been on Sue's blog as well. We have had sun today so better than Rai.
    SCARLET your card is gorgeous I love it you have put my favourite Butterflys they are beautiful,I bet your mum loved it too.
    SHEILA HAPPY BIRTHDAY my lovely friend for tomorrow have a lovely day so pleased Margaret & George are coming to take you out. Hope Nikki was ok yesterday. Love Lynda xx
    Sandra glad you had a good day with Pat & Sue. Can't believe your GC is broken again Pat.hope spellbinders sort it quickly.xx Hows your hip SANDRA you still in a lot of pain HAVE YOU BOOKED APP AT DOCTOR
    Well OH has warmed my Margaret bag so off to bed.
    Good night God bless love Lynda xxx

  40. Thank you once again 😊. Love Scarlett
