
Friday 9 October 2015

Festive Friday, Handsome Rory & Happy birthday sheila take 2

Janet's Christmas Card
Kirsten, Rory & Our Norah!

Happy Birthday Sheila xx

Good Morning my lovelies,

First up an apology, Sheila I definitely had you on my Birthday list as 8 October, I am sorry for the 
mix up I would like to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today and many, many happy returns!! I hope you have a lovely day with your friends, I am so happy that you are able to celebrate with them today, huge birthday hugs on their way to Prestatyn!!! xxx

Today's Festive Friday treat has been designed by Janet, I love that 'Peace' Die used inside the Noble die, both by Creative Expressions, they work really well together, its good to see a different way of using that die from last years Christmas launch. 
Janet has taken an 8x8 scalloped card and matted some gold and red card, then die cut the Creative Expressions Noble die 'Ornate Pierced Rectangle', placed it on the card and placed the (CE) Peace die
cut in the centre.
The decorative element of the card has been beautifully created by Janet using (CE) Holly Spray die cut in green and the Filigree Poinsettia in gold, finished in the centre with a flat back pearl.
The overall effect is stunning, this is a proper, traditional looking Christmas card, thank you so
much Janet for sharing your Christmas card with all of us xxxx

Now how handsome does Norah's 'Wee boy' look in that wonderful family photo?? Isn't he a strapping young man, Norah, you should be so proud of your children they are both gorgeous,
Kirsten in just like her Mummy, I am not surprised people were asking if you were sisters,
Norah, I think that you are the same age as me, but you look so much younger and you are so beautiful! I just love your outfit and wow that fascinator is just amazing.
Thank you so very much for sharing your family photo with all of us, it is so lovely to get to see a photo of the both of them, we have heard so much about them, its lovely to see them too.
No wonder you are such a proud Mummy!  (I still can't get over the size of Rory and he really suits that Kilt)! x
Well, so much excitement for a Friday morning, just 3 weeks today and we will be even more excited!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. Saba I hope the back is a bit better today. Myra I hope your headache did not progress into a Migraine.
    JANET:- love, love, love, your stunning card. The colours and design are brilliant. The little flourish in the corner just sets it off.
    NORAH:- Wow! Oh! Wow! what a stunning photo. You all look wonderful, what a handsome son and beautiful daughter. Of course they have a beautiful mum, YES! you are beautiful, remember I have met you. Love all the outfits.
    SHEILA:- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, have a fantastic day with your friends. Make arrangements with your other friend for a meet up A.S.A.P.
    Sheila's birthday is the 9th on the list I sent out. Sandra I checked, you had me panicking for a minute. I know there were a few mistakes but I do have the 9th for Sheila.
    Well folks, everything is ready for the day, looks good from where I am standing. Popped out and looked in the window to see what passers by see and it looks great. Made some Tea & Toast and am over at the corner table doing some People Watching.
    I might not manage in much today. The boys are home and coming along later. They are having a sleepover tonight, mum and dad are going to a wedding later.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, have emailed you but just in case in doesn't get to you, I am cutting some of the peace sentiment out today for my batch cards, I am can send yo some if you like? Offer extends to anyone else who'd like some. xxx

  2. Good morning everyone,
    Sheila, happy happy birthday, I hope you enjoy celebrating your day with your friends, will you see Nikki this weekend, hope you get spoilt, sending a big birthday hug xxx
    Janet this card is stunning, must look at this die, it's so effective, clever you.
    Norah, what is there to say, your family are beautiful. Rory is so handsome in his kilt, and Kirsten and yourself are so glamorous Your outfits are gorgeous.
    At class yesterday we made a card then sat and marked all the pages for next week to start book folding a Christmas design, looking forward to seeing it finished.
    Patricia I bet you are looking forward to seeing your family today, especially the boys, enjoy.
    Need to get organised today as Nic is home again tomorrow, been a funny week with her being unwell, but she's fine now, that's the important thing.
    I hope everyone is well and anyone with aches and pains, a gentle hug for you.
    Filled the basket with some more
    See you all later
    Jean xxx

    1. I did laugh this morning when I read you'd been on that Course too!! You can only do that if you have just been a little bit naughty though! Ha ha! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Janet- fabulous Christmas card. Perfect for a special friend.

    Norah- lovely photo. You & your daughter look beautiful and your son looks very handsome.

    Thank goodness it's Friday is all I can say! I finished my S in L's card and popped a cheque inside it so that's ready for the post this morning. Will finish my brothers this weekend then need to to make both pirate themed cards.
    The forecast is looking good for the weekend so we're hoping to get some weeding done, probably on Sunday.


  4. Good morning Sandra and all who calls or. Looks in to day.
    Janet, love your Christmas card, it's stunning.
    Norah, a beautiful photograph of the three of you, your out fit is stunning, so is Kristens and Rory is looking handsome too.
    Not sure what's on the cards here today, I think it will be one of those days were it will be just see what happens or needs doing kind of one. Sorry I wasn't in much last night? I had been out all afternoon chatting with Patricia,came home and Charlie said " let's go out for tea" we did we went down to the fish resturant, when we got back home, it was shower and pjs on, got my self comfy to sit and watch " who do you think you are" next it was gone midnight - yes I had fallen asleep. It must have been all that chatting in the afternoon, well we did sit there for 3 hours. The good thing about going to the Hilton is the chairs are very comfortable arm chairs. Oh just remember Patricia gave me her craft room money so I must go put that with mine into the envelope, well that two payments in there now. It's bringing the retreat all the nearer. Right I have been good and remembered to take my tablet this morning so it's now time to take the daily ones,so off to do that now, I will pop back in later. xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all, looks like a lovely morning here.
    Janet your card is lovely proper C/card.
    Norah, you and your family look beautiful, I bet you had a tear in your eye, when you saw them in their finery, I know I would have.
    Happy Birthday Sheila, hope you have a fab day
    See you later, Lilian

  6. Morning/Afternoon to all who may pop in today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA - Day 2 - have a super wonderful day - you deserve one. Do whatever you want but most of all enjoy everything. Hugs for you xxxx

    NORAH - what a beautiful family you make. Your Rory is just one very proud young man and you have every right to be so proud of him. He really does suit the full Highland Dress and Kirsten looks so like you. I love your wedding outfit. This is one photo for the memory box to treasure.

    SABA - I hope you're managing to get rid of some of that builders dust. We're off to visit Christina on Sunday and they are having an extension built on the back of the house so she is suffering humungus dust, dirt, sludge when it rains and all the inconvenience of to walk through the building site to get inside as they only have one outside door and that's in the middle of the building works.

    My Christmas card. As Sandra has described all the dies are Sue Wilson ones. The Peace one is from last year Christmas set and I just love the Noble Dies. When I made the card I only had the filigree Poinsettia die but I splashed out and have now the full die to go with it. As you know I am a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas but I have tried stepping out of my box for one or two of my Seasonal Cards this year.

    Didn't get all done what I intended yesterday as I was thrown off my route when my hairdresser walked in at 10.00. Yes she was booked for that time but as I always have a 12.00 appointment I had totally forgotten she couldn't make that time yesterday. Have now got my hair apptments sorted right up to Christmas (scary that makes it so close). I already have the washer going and of course I've been requested to have all packing etc ready for Monday so I suppose I should start on that. It's wonderful to have someone so organised (sometimes) but oh I do wish Jim wasn't as organised as he is. It drives me crazy. So I'll just take a seat and have a quiet five minutes before I have to go and make a start.
    A large helping of hugs are in the basket.

  7. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies in the coffee shop,
    This is just a quickie as Margaret and George will be arriving soon and I'm still in my PJ's. I woke this morning with a terrible ache in my heart for my dear Clive as I missed my birthday kiss.....but when I opened all your beautiful cards it was healed a tad and a chink of happiness came through. I'm just so overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of such a lovely bunch of special friends. You have made the sun shine on a very sad time for me and I am determined to enjoy my day because I know that is what Clive would have wanted. I thank you special ladies from the bottom of my heart for making my day so special. I'll never want to put these special cards away. I really can't put into words how I feel about receiving these cards.......thank you so very much.
    Love and extra hugs Sheila xxxxxxxxxxx
    PS Will pop in later to mention the handsome Rory. xxx

    1. Oh Sheila, that's so lovely! I'm so pleased it helped fill a bit of that gap in your life! Xxx

    2. Sheila, if it helped make your day easier we are all pleased to be here for you. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    After another fitful sleep last night with joints aching even though my bed is warm and toasty. Opened the blinds and another very foggy day outside. No wonder I am aching all over. I have turned my CH on for a couple of hours to warm up. One perk of being a recycled teenager is I am getting the Winter Fuel allowance this year so I will not worry too much about having the CH on a tad earlier in the month than normal. It usually doesn't come on til end October and goes off end of March.
    I won't be going out today, I have some windfall apples I collected on my way home from the PO and I must apologise to Michele, somehow I left her letter behind so will be posting it today.

    Loving your card today Janet, with the rich red and gold.
    That is the sentiment I used for my batch cards last year. I was really taken by this one as it is stunning just on its own. This year I have splashed out a bit for my birthday and have gotten some more of Sue's sentiments.
    I also bought some of the Santoro stamps, this coming from someone who doesn't do cute or stamping much. My excuse? I have fallen in love these little belles so I will be bringing them to the retreat for some stamping tips. If anyone would like some stamped out please let me know.

    What a beautiful family you have Norah, and doesn't Rory look grand in his kilt?
    Kirsten is so much like you, she could be your twin. Your outfits are perfection to a T.

    Yesterday afternoon was full of crafting and I managed to get about 20ish batch Christmas cards done plus a few odd occasion cards. These will be going to Scope and my other Mum's Christmas Church Fete. I usually make her about 50 and every one is sold. That's a big compliment especially when her fellow villagers asked " when is the next lot coming?" Funny that, cos I sell very few here in Cannington unless they have been commissioned.
    Teapot is calling and as much as I'd like to stay and natter, I have 30 postal cards to fly all over the world so must get cracking.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Hello everyone.
    Janet, your card is gorgeous, I love the design and colours.
    Cheryl, would you please cut some of the Peace sentiment for me, and I'll get them from you at the Retreat There is no immediate hurry.
    Norah, wow, you all look stunning and Rory is such a tall, handsome chap. Kirsten is like her mam, very pretty. I bet you were one very proud mam.
    Saba, I hope your back is feeling a lot better today, and that the house is back to normal.
    Myra, I hope your headache stayed just a headache, and hasn't gone on to migraine.
    Well, I must go, I'm off to school today.
    FINALLY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sheiia, I knew it was today on the list because it's the day after my Anniversary, Patricia.
    See you all later.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. No probs Maureen, only too happy to do them Today is mainly cutting out day then next week will be construction.
      Red, gold, and white? xxx

    I be back later xxx

  11. Sheila, have a lovely day, get a couple of Norah's Huggles out of the basket, they will help with all the (((((( hugs)))))) I know we all are sending. xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Happy Birthday Sheila. Sending you big hugs, have a wonderful day with your friends.
    Janet, your card is beautiful, I love the colours you have used. The Filigree Poinsettia and the Holly Spray are gorgeous aren't they. Good luck with the packing, I still can't believe that you are off again, it only seems like yesterday that you were coming home. I was so glad that Yvette is back in full health ready to take you to France again : )
    Norah, what a lovely picture. Rory looks so handsome, Kirsten looks so pretty and you look beautiful. What a gorgeous outfit you have. I must be honest and say that you do not look like you are old enough to be the Mum of these two, you really do look like their sister. Please can I have some of what ever keeps you looking so young : )
    Sandra, I hope you managed to rest yesterday my lovely. This time in 3 weeks we won't be sat here relaxing will we : ))
    Right I must get on now. Off to Mum and Pop's as usual. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  13. Happy Birthday Sheila, many, many ((((hugs)))) are flying from my comfort blanket basket ready to jump into your arms. xxxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet your card is stunning, love,the colours so rich.
    Happy birthday Shiela have a super day.
    Norah, you and your family look amazing, hope you all had a fabulous day.
    A short visit this morning, off to do our wee craft shop, my usual Friday. I feel as if I've had a full time job this this week, I've been out every day. Will pop back
    later, take care, xxx

    1. If I do that Jess I am accused of gadding about! I don't think you'll be wearing your new shoes today! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit as I've got a friend coming in about half an hour and I need to tidy - Julian has decided to work from home - need I say anymore?!
    Janet what a gorgeous card, very effective with the simplicity and the poinsettia finish. Thank you for sharing. Good luck with the packing! Xxxxx
    Norah never mind the children, don't you look gorgeous! I've not seen a photo of you before so it's lovely to put a name to a face. Of course Kirsten and Rory are gorgeous too and yes what a handsome chap Rory is in his kilt. Xxxxx
    Sheila sending you a big birthday hug my lovely lady, enjoy your day out as much as you can. It's ok to miss your gorgeous Clive but he would be so proud of you. Xxxxxx
    Right I must fly - see you later .
    Oh yes Myra hope your head is ok and Saba rest that back. Maureen, take care of that digit! Xxxxx

    1. Thank you, Diane it is! I haven't achieved a lot today but who cares! I feel so much better. Xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and all our lovelies,
    Sheila Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day with Margaret and George. I hope the ache in your heart will be eased a little when you think of all the love being sent to you today. Sorry my card wasn't there today, I'm rubbish, I only posted it yesterday! Chin up love, Clive would want you to enjoy your special day. Xxxx
    Janet, love your card, why don't my poinsettias look like yours? Don't complain about having an organised Jim, Peter is the most disorganised person in the world so I'll swop with you anytime. Poor Christina, I really feel for her.
    Norah, what a beautiful family photograph. Rory looks so handsome and Kirsten is the image of you, you really do look like beautiful sisters. Love your outfit, you look stunning. Thank you so much for sharing this special picture with us.
    Jean I am glad Nic is feeling better now, enjoy your day with her tomorrow. Please let us see the book folding project when it is finished. I made a Christmas tree last year but it was a very simple one to do, no page marking needed and I loved the finished result.
    Patricia I bet you are so excited to be seeing your lovely boys today, not sure about sending a child under the table to sort out the electrics though! Isn't there a law about child labour?
    Michele good luck with the pirate cards, I am still not getting anywhere with a design for Max, might just do a cricket themed one this year.
    Hazel, if Janet won't swop her Jim for my Peter would you consider stopping Charlie for him, I never get taken out for tea!
    Cheryl, what can I say. You put me to shame, 20 cards done yesterday and I bet they are all stunning.
    Muriel Happy anniversary to you and George for yesterday. Hope he spoilt you.
    Sue, enjoy your day with mum and pops. Hope he is continuing to do well after his operation.
    I am going to get into gear and make some cards today, I doubt I shall manage as many a Cheryl. I made a poinsettia yesterday evening using the snow paper. It's not a patch on Janet's and I don't know if any of you have used this paper but it is really resistant to sticking, I have used cosmic shimmer but it's fallen apart again.
    Myra I doo hope your headache hasn't developed into a migraine. Take it easy today although if I remember rightly you have a friend coming today and bringing her Platinum, do let us know what you think of it If you are able.
    Diane, can't believe you went shoe shopping and didn't buy. You do realise it's a crime to come out of a shoe shop without shoes! I'm resting my back thank you, it's still a little bit sore but not bad at all.
    Jess I am so jealous, I would love to have a friend with a craft shop.
    Love to you all for now,
    Saba xxxx

    1. SABA:- it is John Jnr who is going to do the repair ...... he's well grown up!!! xxx

    2. SABA:- you need to use your Hot Glue Gun on that paper.

    3. Maureen did I miss your anniversary? Sorry - happy anniversary to you and the lovely George. Does George realise he's married to you and Muriel? Can he cope with you both?!!!!! Xxxx

      Saba yes I know it's the law but the shoes do need to fit! I have size 8 feet not tiny dots and these ones didn't fit. Mind you that's two shops I've been in recently and I've not come out with shoes! I'm not being fussy honest - just want some not flat but not sky high shoes to go with a skirt! Xxxx

    4. Please don't anyone tell George he is a bigamist - it's enough to push the poor man over the edge! Xxx

  17. Oh yes John Jr. is 6 ft odds and will be having a big birthday next year, I think it's safe for him to fix the fault, on saying that I no doubt Thomas would manage with instruction. ( but health and safety comes to mind). Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    I didn't manage to get in yesterday but Scarlett your card is beautiful you are very talented.
    Sheila Happy Birthday hope you enjoy being with friends.
    Norah the photo is lovely Rory is soo handsome and you and Kirsten look beautiful as the others have said you look like sisters you must have been soo proud thankyou.
    Janet your card is lovely I love the colours.
    Must get on Star waiting for her walk, usually Alan's job pleased to say he is feeling better each day
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. HinMargaret
      I'm glad that Alen is feeling more like himself.

    2. Hello Margaret,
      Good to hear Alan is making good progress! Xxx

    3. Thank you for your kind comments. Mummy loved the card. Love Scarlettx

    4. Ooh! I just knew she would Scarlett! I'm so pleased. Xxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for sharing Janet's card today. Such a lovely card and red and white are my favourite colours.
    Norah what a lovely picture of you all. Rory looks grand in his kilt and as everyone has said I also would have thought you and Kirsten were sisters. It's lovely to put a face to the names.
    Sheila Happy Birthday for today. I'll have a piece of cake before I go.

  20. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA have a lovely time with Margaret and George, I know today will be tinged with the sadness of missing Clive, but I am sure he will be looking down and be so proud of how you are coping, remember the good times and have a lovely day.
    Janet WOW OH WOW what a fabulous card I do so love these traditional colours and you really have made a beautiful card to inspire us all, thank you for sharing. Good luck with the packing!
    Norah oh what a fabulous family, such a handsome young man, you and Kirsten really do look more like sisters than mother and daughter and both of you look stunning in your wedding finery, I love your whole outfit, and you have a family to be so proud of.
    Patricia enjoy your reunion with your precious boys today, have fun!
    Saba I do hope your back is less troublesome today.
    Myra I hope that headache has gone and you have a lovely day with your friend I will be so interested to know what you think of her new machine if you are able to.
    Well the corgis are having a pamper morning at the new place we have found it was so good last time, as there is no way we are allowing them to go back to the vets grooming parlour after the way they were neglected. My bread dough is rising so I will be shaping it into loaves and rolls soon. Then some cake and biscuit making is on for today.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  21. Oops nearly forgot, Maureen a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and the wonderful George xxx

  22. Good morning SANDRA & lovely ladies
    Well my back is still playing up couldn't get comfortable in bed so I got up at 2ish & sat in my recliner with a Margarets heat bag & I did fall asleep woke up at 10am had shower. Can you believe OH & 8paws are still in bed.!!! Oh I wish I could sleep like him.
    JANET you C/card is gorgeous love the colours & the Pease die is beautiful in side the Noble die stunning xx
    NORAH wow RORY is so handsome & so smart in in his kilt. You look gorgeous I love your outfit & Kirsten is so much like you she is very pretty. You must be so proud of them. Thank you for sharing your picture.xx
    SABA I did thank you last night for your kind wishes,hope your back is better today.Take it easy my friend.xx
    MYRA hope your headache has left you & didn't turn into migraine you take care too my friend. Xx
    PAT hope your GC gets sorted ASP can't beleave how many times it's has broken. Are they just going to repair it. They should send you a new one.
    SANDRA hope your not it so much pain with your hip today my lovely.xx
    SHEILA HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVELY FRIEND have a lovely day with MARGARET & GEORGE & I'm sure your dear Clive will be with you too. Enjoy all your lovely cards we are all here for you. Are you seeing Nikki tomorrow. Xx
    Well must finish housework. Then we are taking 8 paws for a walk then I have got to finish my daughters Birthday card.& hopefully start some C cards.
    Hope you all have a good day
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda , I'm a lot better. Xxx

  23. MAUREEN & GEORGE happy belated Anniversary fo yesterday hope you got spoiled. Love Lynda xx

  24. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies !!
    You are all so kind and thoughtful! Feeling a bit better today but not quite up to par ! My friend called but didn't bring the machine as its too heavy! She is very pleased with it but will buy the large plates. She brought various things she had cut out and she deliberately put them through the centre of the machine. She used a very ornate Spellbinders die , octagonal in shape but with lots of tiny holes. It has cut beautifully - she cut denim , felt , mirri card, cereal packet!! and lots of other card. They are all lovely and we were both impressed by how well the felt cut and didn't rip as it was a detailed die. She said she carried it upstairs to her craft room but it won't be coming down again! Toooo heavy! So far she is a very happy bunny. She intends to get the full size plates very soon but as she said - she likes the small plates for speed! She also thought about trying the GC plates in it , but there is no way they will work! That's a direct quote!
    Overall, heavier , cuts more easily, smoother and feels like a lovely strong machine! Hope this helps! I'm still thinking! I'm a bit slow today too.
    I haven't read any comments yet but I will later.
    JANET - your card is really lovely! I love the traditional Christmas colours and the Peace die really is a lovely focal point. Thank you.
    Norah- What a delightful photograph! You are a lovely family. Kirsty and you look more like sisters than Mum and daughter. I love your outfits too! As for Rory - well he looks really grown up and so handsome in his kilt! What a lovely photo to keep and cherish! Thank you for sharing it.
    SHEILA - Happy Birthday - I hope you have a lovely one! So pleased to hear last night that you were going out today. Have a lovely time and I hope your cards brought you a little joy . Birthdays can be so hard . Clive would be happy for you today I'm sure!
    I must go and think about lunch - still not hungry but need to eat as only had toast yesterday and today so far !
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Will call back later!
    Myra xxx

  25. PS. CRAFTSUPERSTORE has the Sizzix Big Shot Plus for £99 95 !! Quite a bargain. That's the lowest price I've ever seen it! Xxx

    1. Oh heck. Decisions decisions decisions.
      By the way, don't want to encourage you but the layered squares from Presscut work brilliantly with Sue's pierced squares. Gives you a thinner Matt and layer for each of her dies. jS has them.

    2. I'm being a good girl! There's a first time for everything you know!
      I've had a Warburtons toasted brown Thin with scrambled egg inside! Enjoyed it. No coffee or tea yet! Just Adam's ale!
      I need to check if my Xcut squares would work! You made me think! Xxx

    3. Haven't got the Xcut square dies only the Spellbinders and of course Sues but SABA and Myra I am NOT being tempted to buy them. Think usually the best price is Icon but don't know if the ship abroad Saba. The Big Shot Plus is £100 at Hobbycraft for another week. Don't know if the ship abroad but perhaps if there is one near your daughter she could click and collect from store for you but would you have to wait until Christmas to take it home. All the reviews have been good. You can only buy it on line at that price.

  26. Yipeeee I have finally finished ONE Christmas card. Ashamed to say it's one of Julia's which I have copied but added a little bit of difference to it, but basically it's her design. You would not believe the mess which is literally surrounding me. I have been experimenting with various ideas, have given up on the poinsettias, the texture paste and Sue's faux mother of pearl background. I am going to have a massive clear up now and put away everything except for the things I will need to make more of my final choice. If time allows I will try and make some different, more elaborate ones another day but for now I am happy.
    Myra thank you for the update on the Platinum, I'm definitely leaning towards it, my GC is definitely getting tired. Please don't do too much today, drink plenty and relax until you are fully fit again.
    Lynda so sorry your back is not getting much better, I did see your comment yesterday. I always go back first thing and look for anyone who came in after I left.
    Right going to crack on and tackle this mess.
    See you all later.

    1. Well done! Gold Star on its way!! Xxx
      Look after your back , please! Xxx

    2. Saba, I have taken Cheryls tip and just using a single die cut on my cards, so it's a case of doing all the cutting then just making them up. xxx

  27. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sheila sweetheart, i am sending you the biggest huggle that i can flower for today as yes you will have mixed feelings about celebrating when you don't feel like there is anything to celebrate but i'm glad that your auntie and uncle are coming to take you out and about today, have as good a day as you possibly can flower and remember we are all here for what ever you need from us whether it be a bit of laughter to brighten your spirits or just a hug to get you through we have good ears on us and they have very long life batteries in them to listen, that's what friends do and thats what makes this daft lot the best on the planet even if there are a few more needing specsavers. lol.
    Girls, i think they do reductions on block buying at Specsavers as me and young or beautiful just does not go in the same sentences. Yes i am very proud of my wee boy but he's got his serious face on when dressed as he is doing his cadet training of standing to attention. Sandra, i'm 50 next birthday so come on young is definitely a lost cause on me a long time ago. Kirsten gets quite defensive when people save about looking like me and hates it but she could look worse and look like her father as i keep telling her. She is a bit self concious about still having her mummy tummy but she will get there and since it was a caesarian section it will be harder for her to firm up muscles that was cut through but she has a lovely baby boy for her mum tum so she has earned it i say. She has finished her pram blanket for Harry's pram and knitted a second for her friends baby girl so is coming for my to teach her how to crochet now(this will be a laugh as i am left handed and she is right) so that she can put a border around it to finish it off and she hasn't made one mistake in this one so i am fair chuffed that she has finally mastered how to knit to start with.
    Janet, i love your card flower and i see that you have used Sue's dies from last year to make it. The noble die looks just so right framing the Peace die cut and with the filigree poinsettia's as well it looks beautiful. I am going to make up some Christmas cards for my friend to take to his church and perhaps raise a wee bit money for it for them and this has just given me a few ideas to get started, so thank you Janet for the inspiration you have given today.
    Well alls quiet here but it is a bit of a let down in the weather so im glad i didn't do my washing as it would have just turned the house damp. I think i will sit down in the corner with my usual latte and a piece of cake. It was OH birthday on 7th, his great niece on the 8th and his other daughter is on the 10th so a busy month and i have my special wee niece's(the one that didn't get married but stands at 6' tall) baby girls birthday on the 15th but i have that all sorted so i can knit away in peace and quiet. Have a great day everyone and i will try and get in later, but thank you for all your kind comments about my lovely boy because he is just that, lovely. His parting shot this morning was "Mum you look lovely and smell lovely today" when i let him out of the car for the college. Oh i hope that he never loses that piece of his charm but he has all the patter for the girls and knows just the right things to say to win them over. LOL
    huggles in the basket
    Norah xx

    1. Now Norah, what have we told you??? NO RUNNING YOURSELF DOWN,!! You are a beautiful looking woman and YOU DONT look your 49 years old. As for Kirsten she should be proud to take after you. She will learn. Rory is lovely to leave your car with those lovely words. xxx

    2. Norah! I'm not going to Specsavers and that's that! So there! Xxxx

  28. MYRA :- I am liking the sound of that new machine. Think it will be a No! No! for me though. I need to bring my GC out every time every time I have to Die Cut. I use my CuttleBug if I am cutting out small pieces ... It's the best machine EVER!! I just love it.
    If I had a Craft Room I would certainly be looking into the possibility of the Platinum machine. I do hope Christine has one with her at the Retreat so we can at least see it in action.

    Well my boys are here, playing with Grandpa. They are scouring maps of Turkey for places they went. Thomas is a very clever lad, however he has not quite learnt the art of "tact & diplomacy" He was telling us his teacher was not happy with him in class before they came off on their holiday. They were doing Capital Cities, Thomas is Red Hot on this, it is a thing we have done with them since they were very young. Teacher was telling the class that Istanbul was the capital of Turkey. Of course Thomas had to correct her. "Excuse me! that's wrong the Capital is Ankara" you wrong Thomas. No, I am right miss, just go Google it" Istanbul has not been the capital for a long time. John and Audrey got a note home telling them he had been very cheeky in class. John Jnr was at the school quick smart ... that's all I will say!!!

    Had some lunch, not a lot for them, we have had a good laugh at their stories. Robert has a right "hearty" laugh which is very infectious, we were laughing at him laughing.
    Granny is needed to join in whatever it is they are doing, better go.
    See you all later. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia - these Ottomans have a lot to answer for! There used to be arguments about Istanbul/ Constantinople too! Well done Thomas, though! Children get really affronted if they know they are right about something! Bet the teacher won't forget the capital of Turkey again! I bet if that was a question on Pointless a lot of people would get it wrong!
      I'm not buying a machine - ( I typed that and predictive text changed machine to marine!!!) well I'm not buying one of those either!
      I would like to see it in action although I was impressed with Shirley's die cuts. I can't really justify buying another one yet although the thought of cutting more than one layer does appeal!
      Enjoy you time with the boys and the laughs! When will the railway be repaired? Xxx

    2. MYRA:- the railway will hopefully be repaired sometime later tomorrow. J&A are off to a wedding. Though I say it myself the pair of them looked fantastic. John always wears his Kilt outfit, Audrey had on stunning dress, it was so beautiful.
      As long as the boys are here the Railway is forgotten about. xxx

    3. Oh that's ok then! I hope they enjoy the wedding and their time together as that is good too. Xxx

    4. Good for Thomas standing up for the correct answer, pleased to hear that John Jnr backed him up and went into school. I was telling my daughter and she said, Makes you wonder what else she gets wrong, that was a very bad mistake on her part they need to speak to the head too. Worse still just think if Ofsted had been in oh boy, knowing them they would have had her for breakfast! xxx

    5. Patricia, please thank Thomas for me. I am so thick, bit like that teacher really, I thought it was Istanbul/Constantinople. Geography and Capital cities are not my strong point!!

  29. Hello everyone
    Well what a funny morning, dashed around to make the house tidy, my friend turned up and we went to M&S for coffee and a natter. I thought we were having lunch but she said her husband was working from home so they were going to her mums in the afternoon which made me assume things had changed! She often does this so I leave the arrangements loose and make sure I've got something to eat in reserve. It was lovely to catch up with her - we've been friends since school so we have a lot to talk about. I would say winter is definately on the way, thick jumpers and warm coats in M&S today. I'm feeling lazy now but must do something otherwise I will nod off and have a snooze :) right see you later xxxxx

  30. Afternoon,
    Another ten cards and inserts put to rest, beef hash ready for the oven later on, and all before lunch Steamed apple slices cooling down for the freezer, time for a little break so though I'd pop back.
    Talking about doubling up in machines, I mistakenly ran two C6 pieces of printable vellum paper though one of my C6 sized EF's, they both came out perfectly! So the next batch is going to finished in half the time. Another top tip my flowers.
    Would you believe it, I've been on my feet for the last 1 1/2 hours and as soon as I sit down, the doorbell goes!
    Bye for now.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. That's just typical, Cheryl! As soon as we sit down to have lunch the phone rings or someone comes to the door! Xxx

    2. I know that feeling well Cheryl! xxx

  31. Hello Sandra and all today,
    Sorry I was running a bit late this morning so here I am now to say How wonderful the photo of our Norah, Rory and Kirsten. Oh, he is a very handsome boy and so proud looking in his kilt. Like the others have said ,you and Kirsten do look alike. Beautiful dresses as well and did you make the hairpiece yourself ? Stunning !
    Janet- love your Christmas card and your poinsettias are lovely ,funny it's a colour I stuck with too this year and it looks so nice and fresh. I still got problems cutting out the filigree poinsettias as I had with the cuttlebug but maybe one day it will be a machine doing it in one, well one can always dream.
    Hope Sheila is having a nice day with Margaret & George and enjoying her Birthday nr:2 :-)
    Jean- hope you are ok and have a nice day with Nic tomorrow.
    Cheryl- I have made 1 Christmas card ! and that is what I call the prototype tihi
    you have made a fantastic job getting so many together for some good courses.
    Saba and Lynda I hope your backs getting better after some rest, not nice with backaches .
    Myra- hope your head is ok and Maureen - how is that tip of yours? not to painfully hopefully.
    Hope the corgis are looking very nice after their pampering.
    Sue - hope you had a nice day with your mum and dad ,hugs to them both.
    Happy belated Anniversary Maureen, hope you had a lovely evening !
    I hope everyone having a good day as possible. Sandra how is your hip
    doing ? Take it easy.
    Going to prep the dinner for later, might see you before bed. hugs Xxx

  32. Good afternoon ladies,
    Maureen and George, I hope you had a lovely day together yesterday, celebrating your anniversary, many more to come too!
    Sheila I hope that you have a wonderful day out with Margaret & George xx
    Now praise where praise is due... I emailed Spellbinders last friday to tell them that the replacement Grand Calibur they sent me last September was already leaking oil, my email was passed through to Karen Haas, (customer services)
    later that day, well I was most surprised to receive a parcel this morning containing a new Teal Grand Calibur, a replacement in 6 days, that was fast service! Well done Spellbinders!!
    Now can I ask who has that Converse Shoe Stamp?
    if it is someone that is coming along to the retreat will you please bring it with you, as I would love to have a go with it, before i decide whether to buy it or not!

    1. Oh have fun with it Sandra , I like my teal one way better than the pink one. Now Pat just has to get hers. xxx

    2. That was good service Sandra I only hope Pat's comes just as quickly. xxx

    3. Well that was good service Sandra - I prefer the teal one to the pink one too - I have an ebosser but never use it - had a big shot and gave it away but wish I hadn't - could've used it for small dies - received the junior plates last week and they make life easy

  33. Thank you all for your nice and kind comments

    Love from Scarlett

  34. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Later than ever today John had an MRI and planning appointment this morning at the Marsden. We left home just after 8:30 traffic was good, we got there on time. On the way home passed Asda so did some shopping there, everything now put away and we have just enjoyed a lovely cup of tea, I have to admit I am a wee bit tired now.

    Sandra, what a result from Spellbinders. I bet you are thrilled. I know you were thinking about the Big Shot, Well you could get it as a reserve!

    SHEILA, hope you are enjoying your Birthday with Margaret and George. You do realise you have become a FIRST on the blog to have a birthday cake two days on the trot. NOW will you be getting one tomorrow on your official birthday? LOL xxx

    MARGARET CGO Thank you for the Butter Biscuit recipe, will definitely be making these with grandchildren. xx

    NORAH, I looked at your gorgeous picture, and thought is that Norah? she looks to young to be their mother (Honestly). Your wee Rory is a real handsome young man, and Kirstan is the image of her mum. It's funny you said she is doing things as you would have done. Take it as a compliment, she may not even realise what she is doing. But it's proof Mum knows best!!! xxx
    Just had older daughter on the phone, (checking up on her Dad), she was driving home from work - guess what, almost an hour later she is home! And I haven't started our dinner yet!!!

    Saba and Lynda hope you are taking things easy. xx

    Will look back in later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Janet SORRY I didn't comment on your gorgeous card, I love it and have this Peace die, you have given me the inspiration to use this die for some of my Christmas cards. Thank you. LOL xxx

    2. Brenda pleased for once the traffic was kind to you this morning hope all went well at the hospital.
      You are more than welcome to the recipe.

  35. SANDRA I forgot to say I have BOTH Converse shoe stamps ( single and double shoes) also the background stamp, Oh and the Graffiti stamps. I Have been playing with them all this week. I would be happy to post them to you - But would like them back when you have finished with them LOL xxx

  36. Hello everyone, finally managed to get back to the coffee shop, I am so tired this week as I said I feel as if I have had a full time job this week.
    No time to take it easy, at our we craft shop today I took stamps and embossing powder to do some Christmas stamping, I actually managed to do 12 toppers, a start at last!!
    I didn't have my new shoes on today, I'm just going to wear them about the house for a few hours a day to get them 'broken in'.
    Saba my friends craft shop is great, she stocks a fantastic amount of dies, Sue Wilsons, Britiania, Poppy and Memory Box, plus embossing folders, stamps and everything else you need. She has a web site, if you Google Klassy Kards in Grangemouth, and have a look.
    Sandra I also have the converse stamp and the graffiti one which go well
    Off to get a wee cuppa and see what else I can get up to.
    Take care everyone, xxxx

    1. Oh Jess, I do envy you having all those goodies around you

    2. JESS don't rub it in! I was jealous before, now I positively green with envy. I can't decided who's friend I want. Yours with a craft shop or Lynda's who has a million and one dies and is very generous. Although my Heide just found out she has had a little windfall and is taking me out for lunch. I wouldn't swop her for the world.

    3. Jess I once worked in a book shop come artists material shop and I never took a full weeks wages home! Although for Christmas I was told to choose what I would like up to the value of one weeks wages, talk about a kid in a candy store it was great! xxx

  37. Hello everyone,
    Well, it's been all go in here today. Thanks for your Anniversary wishes, George was very good to me - he kept out of my way!!!!
    Saba, the digit is getting better, but as I say - someone with a limb amputated wouldn't have moaned as much as me ha ha. Take care of your back and take it easy, we want you fit and healthy at the retreat.
    Myra, I'm pleased the migraine didn't materialise, and that you are taking things easy. The Platinum machine sounds great, but can I justify buying ANOTHER machine? The answer is no!!! By the way, I must catch up with these modern times. I still call it Byzantium ha ha. And as for George, I've pushed him to the edge many times, but I've never managed to push him over!
    Margaret C, do you ever stop cooking or baking?
    Patricia, oh John will be in 7th heaven. The boys there, and he'll be getting his railway sorted out tomorrow. I can hear the shouts of delight from here! I agree with you about the Cuttlebug, I often go back to it and it always cuts beautifully. And, it cuts the deep dies.
    Norah, my dear, you are just a young girl, and beautiful inside and out, so do not pull yourself down.
    Jess, I'm away to look at the website when I've finished on here.
    Sandra, I have the Stampendous Converse Stamp, but I don't have the graffiti. Let me know if you want me to bring it to the Retreat. Great news that you've got the replacement GC already.
    Cheryl, my dear, I will be happy with whatever you cut for me. Don't post them though. I'll get them at the Retreat because I'll not be using them until after then.
    Lynda, look after that back of yours. I hope you feel A1 tomorrow.
    Margaret P, glad that Alan's feeling better.
    I'm away to my room. Must do my November birthday cards. It will be upon me before I know it.
    See you later.
    Muriel xxx

  38. Good evening everyone
    The weather forecast said today was going to be as good as yesterday chilly but sunny, how wrong they were! Cold and damp followed by rain!
    My bread and bread rolls are all made and cakes for another week but as it was chilly the bread dough took longer to rise, just came out of the oven before it was rime for the school run! We got back home and I was told, oh good Nanna you have been baking, can I try some and take some home too, it is swimming lesson tonight and I'm always hungry after that!
    I don't see Maureen in tonight I wonder if she is out watching the New Zealand rugby All Blacks they are playing at Newcastle tonight.
    Myra pleased you are feeling a little more bright eyed and bushy tailed than last night. Many thanks for the interesting up date on your friends new machine, the A4 cutting plates are available but the A4 embossing plate and mat are still in production, I think someone at Spellbinders slipped up there, surely they should have all been available at the launch!
    Lynda please take things easy with your back sending you some gentle hugs.
    Well I must get into my craft room and get some tidying done, it seems very quiet in here tonight, is everyone busy making Christmas cards?
    Margaret xxx

  39. Evening everybody,
    Football is on - needless to say im going to craft
    Maureen - Happy Anniversary to you and George for yesterday - hope you had a good day,
    Saba, If I make a good job of the book folding and it looks as it should I will send Sandra a pic, I will be really pleased with myself,
    I bought the Presscut Circles from Icon as they were the cheapest but am not being persuaded to buy the squares, have bought enough recently and need to get a move on with Christmas presents.
    Hope everyone is ok tonight and Sheila I hope you have had a good birthday
    Love Jean

    1. Go on Jean, you know you want them. They are good. Xxxx

    2. Saba! Stop it! You Temptress you ! Xxx

    3. Saba, Me again, I know, I know! We need to have chats about meeting up and travel etc! We do not want to be late on the M6 on a Friday afternoon! We could have lunch en route!! You have a little think! Xxxx

    4. SABA, you don't want Myra breaking the speed limit again??? xxx

    5. HAZEL!!! You are so naughty! I drive really , really slowly now! See you on Sunday before you leave the Retreat! Ha ha !! Xxx

    6. Not to slow I hope, or you will not get to the retreat before dinner. xxx

  40. Yes Margaret. I have now made TWO!! And they are both different. And by my reckoning I have now made 2.5% of my cards. Work that out clever ones.

    1. Not many more to go then!
      I have made 0% as yet xxx

    2. Steady on! You don't want to peak too early!! Xxx

    3. Ha Ha chance would be a fine thing!!! xxx

  41. Muriel where were you hiding posting just before me! I will not be baking tomorrow going to my daughters to help with I hope the final lot of unpacking now the study has all be fitted out the joiner has been today she has just rang me she is delighted with it especially her desk, and the special cupboards for SIL's cd collection, so he has been told to get them all sorted and put away quick! I wonder if he will?
    Enjoy your card making. xxx

    1. Margaret, I feel so sorry for my grandchildren. They deserve a granny like you, not the one they have got, namely me, who just cannot for the life of me bake anything. Although in my defence, I did make some muffins once with Oliver and he helped me open the packet mix!!! Xxxx

    2. Stop it!! Oliver adores you! Xxxx

    3. SABA, Oliver won't have minded it coming out of a packet, he will just enjoy you doing them with him. I am sure you could make tray bakes no problem. Google the likes of Maltesser cake, it's so easy and I make broken biscuit cake again it's so easy. You don't have to use the oven either. I am not a granny that is always doing things every minute mine with ours. xxx

    4. Now come on, who is the clever sailing Granny that hangs on for grim death getting her hair and goodness knows what else wet when there are huge waves about?
      Do you want some no cook recipes that are very easy? xxx

    5. Yes Please! Although, I don't worry too much about not baking with them. Max would rather play cricket, Oliver would rather do science experiments ( we had great fun with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda) and Abi, well, she is just in La La Land most of the time.

    6. You are sooo funny! Xxx

  42. Oh where has today gone? I have been up since before 7 and I havent really done much, just normal every day things. Did have to hang about in Cupar this morning as the doctors had made a big mistake with my prescription order, I now have enough steriods for weeks, as the pharmacist told me that once the order was made up for me they couldn't use it for someone else, so rather than them bin them for me to take them and just use them up, while I am getting told to reduce my dose,and to tell the doctor I have enough tablets. I wouldn't mind but I hadnt even opened the sealed bag. I had gone in to collect my blood pressure tablets. No wonder we haven't got enough money for things if they can't take back something that hadnt left the shop. Then I just had to go round to the craft shop, would have been rude not to call in? So had to have a cup of tea, again would have been rude to refuse. Bought some card, and bits. Tesco was next, oh how I hate shopping. Then this afternoon it was to just outside Perth to meet Tammy and exchange things. Before I knew it it was back here and making tea. Going to work was so much easier. Was hoping to start to cut out things for the Canada cards, but that looks like tomorrow for that.
    Babysitting now on Sunday evening for Tammy and Derek so I can always take things with me and sit and put them together while I am there. Boys will be happy to let me get on with them. They are very good saying " remember granny we aren't babies any more and don't need you doing things for us or with us these days" Which is true. Tammy doesn't play with them every 5 minutes they have to entertain themselves while she gets on. So that's what I will do. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel! Please forgive me , but I read your post and now going round my head is that song! " There was a wee cooper who lived in Fife , nickety , nackety , Noo Noo Noo! Etc! Xxx

    2. All is forgiven my friend. xxx

    3. Nickety Nackety Noo Noo Noo? What on earth is that all about? Myra what kind of tablets have you been taking?

    4. Just googled it. It gets worse.
      Risselty-rosselty, hey, pomposity
      Nickety nackety noo, noo, noo,

    5. You see - you thought I was nuts! Now you know I'm quite sane!!
      Don't argue l pretty please! Xxxx

    6. Did you meet John Dougal? Xxxx

  43. Evening everyone. I'm full of cold so I won't stay long. JANET Your card is adorable and very traditional. NORAH What a proud mum you must be They don't 'arf scrub up well (and so do you for that matter!
    CHERYL That's a very kind offer to cut the dies I hate to say it but I don't use the word PEACE on my cards but there's a hellava lot of people I'd like to say it too!
    Thank you for the advice re the Versamark pen. I do love the effect of heat embossing and useless at stamping so it was a bit of a light bulb moment wondering if I could trace over images from Serif to get the effect and of course as PATRICIA has suggested write sentiments with it. I'll let you know how it goes.
    I think a hot toddy is the order of the day and bed Night All

  44. Oh my word. Something is amiss. My screen keeps scrolling up and down all by itself! I'm going to close it and reopen it again and see if it will behave. Xxx

  45. Here at last. JANET, I love your card. It's makes a lovely Christmas card. Thanks for sending it to Sandra and thank you Sandra for showing it to us.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA. Sorry I am a bit late. Hope you have enjoyed the day.
    MAUREEN. Happy Anniversary for yesterday.
    PATRICIA. Hope you have enjoyed having the boys back and Well Done to Thomas.
    MYRA, pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better. Early night?
    SUE. hope you had a goid day with your Mum and Dad. Pleased to her he is ok.
    SABA. Hope your back is soon better and also yours LYNDA.
    MARGARET, glad to hear that Alan is getting on ok.
    NORAH. what a lovely photo of you and your family. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    SANDRA. So pleased to hear you have a new GC. You are not going for the Big Shot then? They have extended the deal for another week. Hope the service Pat gets is just as good.
    Well it has been another busy day. Sent to a meeting of the Reading Branch of the National Trust. Not belonging to the National Trust but a lot of places around the country have these groups. You have to be a member of the National trust and the group organise outings, not always to National Trust places, a friend and I have booked three trips, one in November to Guildford Cathedral and Christmas Market, one to Canterbury Cathedral etc and one to Salisbury. They also organise three holidays a year including one foreign one and have talks every month. Sounds very interesting. Oh and they also do Theatre trips. This afternoon was craft club. Only two of us turned up. Think some are on holiday. We did a bird house card. Very nice it is too. After that I went round to my sons to deliver my DIL birthday card. She did say thank you for it! Then Scarlett wanted me to stay and show her all the messages you all left for her yesterday. Went shopping in Lidl so by the time I got home I couldn't be bothered cooking dinner so had scrambled egg on toast. Foggy to start with here this morning and when that cleared we had lovely sunshine but when that went I. It got very cold. Suppose we have to expect that now. Well I hope you all sleep well. Expect some of you are off to bed or already there. Night.

    1. Brenda LL, lovely to see you. Your NT group thing sounds great.
      Good night xxxx

    2. Brenda, I'm so pleased Scarlett not onl enjoyed making her card but her Mummy was pleased to receive it. My DIL is a Volunteer for the National Trust - she has many a tale to tell! She is a fully qualified History Teacher and just adores old things. If anyone can inspire children about history she can. Where would we be in this country without Volunteers? Xxx

    3. Myra no wonder Victoria adores you then. Now where did I put that tin hat?

    4. Where did I put that hammer!!! Xxx

  46. Before I forget. My machine keeps telling me that Windows 10 is scheduled to update on my machine in a couple of days, so if I disappear, I'll be gone until I can get someone to do some magic.
    Now Myra, Saba and Hazel, what's all this about nickety nackety noo. Wasn't there a Noo Noo in the "Night Garden" or is that something completely different. I think you've all been on the Nickety juice!!!!
    Saba, I think Abi and I would get on extremely well, as I'm in La La Land a lot of the time ha ha.
    Hazel, isn't it wonderful how when you worked you got all sorts done, and now you are retired, there aren't enough hours in the day!!
    Oh, my machine is jumping in and out of this and the saver screen, goodness knows what will happen when they "update" it. Saba, was it something you said that has made our screens go haywire?
    SHEILA, I hope you have had a lovely day today, and just think, you can do it all again tomorrow!!!!
    I am so looking forward to seeing everyone at the Retreat. I can't believe that three week's today we'll have all met and broken bread together. Just be thankful that George isn't coming, or the plates and cups would be broken as well!!!! ha ha
    Sandra, you'll have to start doing a count down for us, you know build up the excitement. But if I get any more excited, the top of my head will be erupting like a volcano!!!
    Karen, have a couple of hot toddies, they may not do much for you - but you'll be too blotto to care lol.
    Margaaret C, take it easy at your daughter's tomorrow.
    Right George has arrived for bed, so I'll say goodnight. But remember, if I'm not on the blog tomorrow, the deadly update has gone ahead.
    Night, night all, sweet dreams, God Bless and prayers.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel - you are a treasure! I, for one can't wait to meet you! I know what you look like and you even know what I look like! Thank you for not having me banned from the Retreat! Night Night , my Dear! Please be kind to George! Xxxx

    2. Muriel, firstly it was the Ponty Poo in the night garden. Secondly if you want to get on with Abi you have to be able to sing all the songs from the sound of music and be able to hold a conversation between two fairies.
      Thirdly, actually there isn't one, so I'll just wish you a good nights sleep. Hoping your finger is growing back nicely.

    3. Oh no, just remembered, it was the Nicky noo, the ponty pines were the other little people who looked so similar to the ministers of Justice here in Germany. Xxx .

    4. Oh heck. It was the Ninky noo not the Nicky noo. I give up.

    5. MYRA how comes Muriel knows what you look like & I don't is that favouritism lol. Xxx

    6. Bist du betrunken ? Xxx

    7. Ein bisschen. Google German constitutional court and click on images. They are just like the Ponty Pines. Makes me giggle every time I see them. Xxx

    8. Only ein bisschen? I will? Can't think of the Deutsch - so , et moi aussi ! Xxx

    9. That's it!! Xxx
      We need to talk Retreat! Xxx

    10. Shall I phone you tomorrow?

    11. That would be lovely!! Xxx

    12. Ok will do, about 1 o clock will that be alright. How exciting.

    13. Can't wait! Won't be able to sleep now! Xxcc

    14. Me neither, aren't we daft. Xxx

    15. Yep! But we've met before and I've missed you! Xxx

    16. Me too. Looking forward so much to speaking to you.
      I'm heading off to bed now. Been a bit quiet in here tonight.
      Night God bless you all
      Saba xxx

    17. Night Night Everyone! At least anyone who is still awake! I've slept so much in the last 24 hours . However I'm going to be good and try to sleep now too! Xxx God bless xxx

  47. Myra, you are very quiet. Are you all right. Is your head still poorly? xxxx

    1. I'm above you! - it's a new take on - he's behind you!!! Xxxx

  48. MAUREEN good luck with windows 10 I pulled my hair out in handfuls it did my head in,haha I wish I never updated.Still your much cleverrrrraaaaa than me with technical things.good night God bless
    Lynda xx

    1. Now Lynda - are we going to have a picture of you in a slightly hairless state in future? Xxx

    2. MYRA NO not a pretty sight then I wasn't a pretty sight before so no change really haha xxxx

    3. Oh Lynda, it's a good job we are friends and have a sense of humour! Don't let the technology defeat you! Xxxx

    4. Lynda, I am still trying to pluck up courage to go for the latest Apple update. Xxx

    5. I've done it - no problems and you know how hopeless I am! Xxx

  49. Thank you my angels as you don't have brighten someone's spirits. A person from home who will remain nameless turned around and said to me on Saturday "whits that on top of yer heid " to start with and then turned around when I came down the stairs all ready "you're no going oot like that ur yi, ye look a b****y mess". Talk about giving you a boost, mines wouldn't know how to say something nice never mind give me a boost of confidence so thank you my lovely friends. Have good night and see you tomorrow
    Norah xx
