
Saturday 10 October 2015

Michele's Christmas Crafts

Michele's Hanging Scene Card 

 Matching Box for above

 Michele Round Hanging, Multi level Card

Fully open view of above
Michele's Hidden Panel Card  

Secret Panel revealed !

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Today's Mixed Crafts have all been designed and created by our very own Michele!
The First multi level hanging card is just so clever, it looks like you would stamp a Christmas
scene and then cut it equally into sections and mount onto card with ribbon through the centre,
Michele has made an amazing matching box to present it in too.
What a totally unique idea Michele thank you xxxx

Next up we have the hanging scalloped circle card, it looks like this one is created by cutiing out
different sizes of scalloped circles in pretty papers, mount them onto card, that has been die cut in the same shape and size as the papers then joined together with ribbon or similar through the centres of the circles so that the card dangles when help up (or hung), Michele has decorated these circles and added a little sparkle and a 'Christmas Greetings sentiment
Fantastic design once again Michele! xx

Last but not least is Michele's hidden Panel card, I will have to ask Michele to talk you all through this one, as I have no idea!
Thank you so very much for allowing me to share your fantastic creations xxx

As an extra treat, we have a photo of Michele and her husband with the 'American Coffey' children at Michele's Brother in Law's home.  I am guessing this was before you became unwell Michele as you look gorgeous in this photo, what a fine bunch of children you have around you!
Thank you so much for sharing your photo with all of us, its good to see who we are talking too! xx

I know this is a little different to our normal mixed craft day but I had all but run out of our usual
crafts, so I decided that it would be a great opportunity to show some of Michele's cards that she has been sending in to me for a while. 
I look forward to hearing all about your weekend, we did have a football match, but thankfully it has been postponed as we were down to 8 girls for an 11 a side Cup Match! The girls are mighty relieved, they are having a relaxed weekend, at last!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. Hope you are all happy and looking forward to the weekend. Don't know what the weather is outside here at the moment it is very dark. I know it's not raining. I popped on the back outside light with shines on the steps, they are dry.
    MICHELE:- I just LOVE all your fantastic creations. Both the hanging projects are fantastic. The hidden Panel Card is very interesting, like that idea. These are the kind of things I like to do. Such a pity you are not coming to the Retreat we could all learn about these, and get to know you. What a brilliant photograph, a happy group of beautiful children and happy adults. Great to put a face to the name.
    All very quiet in this house. Robert was in bed and asleep by 8pm last night. He said granny I need to get to bed my eye can't stay open. Thomas watched football on the telly with Grandpa then asked if he went to bed could he watch NCIS on the telly in the bedroom. I know he did not see much of that!!! Don't know how long they will sleep, I will just leave them till they waken. No football for Robert today. It was one of the "Team Officials" that was married yesterday. Football will be last thing on his mind and all the other officials this morning!!! Team Coach included ... John!! Audrey is working, she will be on her way to work as I type this.
    Right!! I have a few things to do. Things set up for the day, goodies stocked up, in the fridge and cooler cabinet. Did not bother making soup, we have had that a few days during the week.
    I am off over to the corner table to have my Tea & Toast the I will be off and busy.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual. See you all later. xxx

  2. Ooopps!! almost forgot .... Happy Birthday SHEILA:- this "really is" your birthday.
    Have a good day xxx

    1. Thank you Patricia...anyone outside of the cafe much think we're all a tad crazy and thinking how can anyone person apart from the Queen have so many birthdays!! Haha! But we are a very special group aren't we? xxx

    2. I think the word unique could be added too!!! Xxx

    3. Hello Patricia, thanks for setting the Cafe up. Everything looks lovely and I'm enjoying a coffee and a piece of shortbread. Money's in the pot. Is John a happy bunny yet, or has Jj yet to weave his magic on the Railway? xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-looks like I've taken over today! The first creation is simply a piece of card stamped with images to make a scene then cut into panels. If I made another one I'd not leave as big a space between each panel so you can easily see the whole picture. A long length of ribbon was fastened to the back of each panel with the loop at the top. The box is one that's just made clear from folding paper-no glue.

    The triple hanging ornament is easy- it's nice done with squares & fastened from the corners using brads. It's nice as it folds up into a small envelope for posting.

    The hidden panel card was made using a BCE template-I seem to remember using a lot of them a few years ago. I'll look for it & see if I can make a template from it. If I can, I'll send it to someone going on the retreat so you can have a play.

    The group photo was taken the first weekend we got there which is why I look "normal "- ha ha!! Sitting next to me is Max who will be 3 in November (pirate themed birthday card), next to Phil is Evan who will be 12 on the 23rd of this month. Fiona (14in February) is holding baby Liam - who I made the mini album for a while ago.

    I think that's all from me so I'm off to get ready to pop to the shops then on to my hairdressers appointment.


    1. Wowser Michele Your projects are beautiful and so is your family

    2. First of all Michelle, What a lovely photograph. You all look so happy and lovely. It's so nice to know what you look like! Your projects are really interesting too. I've seen a similar thing to the first one but done with lolly sticks! The other two are lovely as well and just a bit different. These would definitely be kept. Thank you for sharing

    3. Michele, thank you very much for the parcel of goodies, I am sure the ladies will have fun playing with them at the retreat!
      You are so thoughtful xxxx

    4. Hi Michele.
      Love your crafting ! You are also one of these ladies who can make anything out of nothing I think. Love to try your first one ,one day. The second one looks good but trickier and the last one ,Fab. but to technical . Lovely family photo and so nice to put your face to your name. Thank you for sharing your craft with us Xxx

    5. Hello Michele, Your cards and photo today are wonderful. I did post below but hadn't read any of the comments then. What I cannot understand is, if the middle card is made with squares, how come they look round on my laptop? The photo is great as well, but you are much too young. Makes me feel older by the minute!! xx

    6. Hi Michelle, you are a very clever lady, these items are so diverse and all are gorgeous, love your photo too. It's nice to put a face to a name xxxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a fabulous collection of cards Michele. I love them all. I think any of them would make a lovely change from the usual type of cards. Thank you for sharing them. It is great to put a face to a name. What a lovely picture of you and some of the family : )
    Sheila, I hope you had a great time yesterday. Of course you will have been missing your Clive but he would be so proud and happy to see you enjoying yourself.
    Sandra, you certainly can't complain at the service you have received from Spellbinders. Enjoy oil free plates! And enjoy a football free weekend, hope you all get to relax together : )
    Well, I didn't go to Mum and Pops in the end. I had woken up with the sniffles and was hot and cold but thought it would go off. It didn't, just got worse so I stayed at home, partly as I didnt want to pass on any infection to either Mum or Pop and partly as I really don't feel well enough. I ended up sleeping for most of the day and evening away. Woke up about midnight feeling so much better then slept again until 5.30am and now I feel much better, just have a little touch of the sniffles! That's a good job as Chris is taking the girls fishing for a couple of hours and wants me to go as it is much more relaxing when there are two of us to watch them even though they are both very sensible and careful near the water. Thank goodness it is not raining, in fact it looks like being quite a nice day weather wise.
    I hope you all have a good day, doing whatever you have planned. Take care xx

    1. Sorry you weren't so well yesterday Sue . Pleased you are feeling better today! Xxx

    2. Hi Sue, sorry the hot toddy didn't work, but sleep is the best thing when you don't feel well. Have a nice quiet day, and relax.

    3. Thank you both for the lovely comments. I am fine now x

  5. Good Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, firstly sorry did not get back in yesterday, my freind asked for help with her cross word last night, and after that phone call,it was bed time.
    It's very dark here this morning,looks like rain, although forecast said dry, so no gardening for me today. I HATE dark days.
    Michele your cards are fabulous,really different,lovely keepsake.
    Well as I won't be gardening ,after doing the ironing I will try some crafting,
    Bought the scanncut when last on C&C, but haven't used it yet, hope it lives up to expectations, although after reading a few comments I'm not sure.
    At the moment have no ideas, might use my new just right stamps, and get the
    S/C to cut them out.
    Well I'm off to try making my porridge in the microwave as suggested here!!!
    Hope every body has a good day
    Best Wishes Lilian

    1. Hope the porridge was good! Xxx

    2. Good luck with the Scan and Cut Lilian, I could just fancy some porridge, is there any left? xx

  6. Sorry forgot to love the family picture Michele.

  7. Good Morning/Afternoon to all who may pop in today

    MICHELE - what a fantastic range of different cards/gifts. I love them all from the single hanging oblongs to the wonderful hidden card. Wouldn't it be a good idea to put some money in that one and use it as a money folder.
    Your Family picture is lovely and yes it most certainly is wonderful to put a face to a name. Thank you for inviting us into your world Michele.

    Sandra - I hope you're going to make good use of your 'free' day to start the week-end. Whatever you do have a good time with the family around you.

    now SHEILA calling SHEILA!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. This is your third curtain call and the last until next year. Have a good day whatever you do and enjoy the week-end.

    Shopping morning and then I have to try and book the overnight stop for next Wednesday. Got the ferry sorted last evening but the hotel site was playing up so that's a must for this afternoon. I may just have a small glass of red this evening and continue watching 'Game of Thrones'. We are watching the first three series on CD as we cannot get the programme when it's aired on the TV.

    We try and make Saturday evening a sort of film night by watching whatever boxed set we have.

    Have a good day everyone and see you all later. Hugs are in the basket or they were when I first came in. Where they are now is anyone's guess.

    1. Thank you Janet for my 3rd birthday greeting of the year!! Haha! You've all made all three of them so special xx

    2. Hello Janet, enjoy your Game of Thrones, I haven't seen any of them, is it good? Oops, a hug just jumped on my knee, nice and cuddly it is too, thank you!!! xxx

    3. Hello Maureen - As I've told Saba this afternoon I read all the books well before the TV series came out.
      I have to say that the books are much better - well for me anyway - as the TV have changed one or two things like they do.
      The books are more than worth reading.
      Hugs xxxx

    4. Janet, I am like that with where you read the books love them, then they make a film or that and change things. So I don't now watch them. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all who call in.
    Michele, your cards are all so different and I love them. Also lovely to put faces to names too, what beautiful niece and nephews, all very happy looking children.
    Now firstly I want to say to Norah, You need to get that OH of yours to spec savers!!! He actually must be nearly blind if he can't see the gorgeous, beautiful wife he has? One that dresses with great taste and puts her clothes, jewellery and everything together so she looks stunning. Oh I was so angry when I read back on last nights comments and saw your comment. Norah take no notice of the dour lump he needs a kick up the backside !!, what everyone said on here was correct? You do not look 49, I remember after we met up the last time and I took the photos I showed our Tammy and she thought you were ages with our Gillian 43. Now our younger sister is ages with you and I can honestly say she looks her 49 years and no way would I put you looking near her. So take no notice of him. Oh soap box back in the corner!!., good job I had my blood pressure tablets before I read that!!! ........
    Everything looking lovely in here? Can I smell some rolls baking? Do you think Margaret has been busy early this morning? Oh to be able to pop into hers for lunch on a Friday and have fresh baked bread and rolls oh yummy?
    Today I hope I will get started cutting out for those c cards. It's Canada day on Monday so e-cards will be sent for that, to think three years ago we were there for this. By anyway Charlie will,deal with those.
    Sheila, I do hope you are still in good spirits from your day out yesterday? Is Nikki on a visit today? If so enjoy your time with her, and celebrating your official birthday.
    There was so much going on in here yesterday it would take me all day so I hope everyone is well today and ((((( hugs))))) for those who need. I am taking my tea and toast over to window table so I can see who is coming in. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel yes Nikki is coming today and I can't wait to see I must get a move on and I'll pop back later. xxx

    2. Now Hazel, calm down. Let me rant and rave for you. Norah, I went back to read last night's comment, and I'm sorry but you are married to an inconsiderate, bullying, wimp of a - now I'm stuck there, for he is no man that's for sure!!!! I know he was your choice, but he has no regard for your feelings. Ignore him, the three of you looked absolutely gorgeous on that photograph, and you certainly do not look your age. Anyone else want the soapbox??? xxxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Oh my word Michele such a wonderful array of different type of cards you have made and I love how you have made the boxes for them too...such a lovely gift.
    A lovely family photo too and how happy you look with your lovely family.
    Margaret and George made my day very special yesterday...they arrived with a lovely bouquet of flowers and a beautiful pair of earrings and were so shocked at the stunning array of cards that were spread around my sitting room. We then went out for lunch and then did a bit of shopping. We talked about the fun times we had with Clive...we always had fun and laughter when we were together going on our I'm hoping he was by my side and laughing with us. I also had lots of messages on Facebook (not a big fan, I just pop in now and again) from family and old friends from the JS forum which was lovely as I hadn't been on the forum since I lost Clive.
    And so today it's time for my favourite girl to visit and as always look forward to seeing my lovely Nikki.
    Have a lovely day everyone and for those who don't feel too good I have left some hugs in the basket so please help yourself. See you later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    PS Norah your photo yesterday was beautiful, Rory truly looked handsome and looked so proud and I loved the pretty colours you and Kirsten were wearing you both look beautiful. xx

    1. Sheila flower, i hope that today on your actual birth date you have a lovely day with Nikki. I am so glad that your lovely Auntie and Uncle made your day special for you and that you could laugh again. As long as you keep Clive alive in your heart and mind he will never ever be truly gone and it's how i cope with the days. My children were brought up knowing all about Jim my brother to the point that they can't be sure themselves that they never met him. I showed my boy's picture of him in the diningroom before we went to my friend last night and even she had to admit that he now looks so much like him which i am glad about even if i could have killed my brother at times myself as he was a proper pain in the posterier at times or in other words.... a typical boy. Have a lovely day flower and keep your chin up as he is not that far away from your side

    2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sheila, oh my, do you ever get the feeling that you've said something before ha ha!!! Have a lovely day with Nikki and I hope it's special in every way. xxxx

    3. Hi Sheila, hope you've enjoyed your day with Nikki, I've got my Nic sat at the side of me too, glad you had a great birthday

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Michele what a wonderful array of your work and so inspiring for us all too. Such a lovely family picture of a happy family and beautiful children, lovely to see thank you for sharing everything with us.
    Sheila delighted to know that you had such a lovely day with George and Margaret how kind of them. You will be busy getting ready today for another wonderful day getting ready for your darling Nikki's visit, have a wonderful day both of you.
    Well I am off to our daughter's to help with I hope, the last of the unpacking, the problem is she has no time in the evenings during the week as she has all her school work to do and marking, quite often she is working until after 11pm at night, I don't know how she does it. Quite often she can be up during the night with our grandson who has problems with his tummy.
    Saba hope you got my email if not please let me know.
    Whatever you are all doing have a lovely day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret thank you so much. I didn't check my mails last evening. What fabulous recipes. I have just looked at them all and I want to start baking. Think I might start with the tray ones and try and progress to the more "complicated " ones. I can see my dieting going right out of the window.
      Massive hugs Saba xxxxx

    2. Told you SABA. Tray bakes are great and oh boy they can be really moorish!!!

    3. Margaret C, have a lovely day, but don't do too much. Saba, if you eat all the tray bakes, you'll have no bother keeping the yacht on an even keel!!!! xxxx

  11. Have a lovely day SHEILA So what if you have three birthdays, at least you won't have aged three years.
    I commented earlier MICHELE the cards are truly beautiful and you deserve to have the limelight all to yourself
    In case you didn't see my comment last night NORAH You are beautiful inside and out.
    Cold improving. Off to clear a space in my craft room (at last I can call it that and not my son's bedroom!) for friend's visit. She has already bought some dies to play with and has GC on her Christmas list. Strictly tonight Yay! R&R tomorrow

    1. Enjoy Karen, hope the sniffles finally stop xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra and crew,
    Sandra how lovely, you can all enjoy a lazy family day. Enjoy it. I'll try and send you something for mixed craft later today.
    Michele, I was fascinated looking at your array of crafts today. Love them all and think the hanging scalloped card is such a good idea. I'm going to copy that one if you don't mind to make a Christmas version for my MIL. She doesn't really have anywhere to display her cards and a hanging one would be perfect. She has a Curly Hazelnut branch in the kitchen from which she hangs seasonal decorations. It's fairly typical here to decorate for every season and a lot of homes have these branches fastened to a wall in a corner of a room.
    What a lovely photograph, you all look so relaxed and happy, thank you for letting us see it.
    Sheila very many happy returns on your BIRTH DAY. It was lovely to hear you enjoyed yesterday one. Have a lovely day with Nicky.
    Now I need that soapbox.
    Norah, it broke my heart reading your comment last evening. How dare anyone be so cruel. I'm not an advocate of divorce but in your case you need a better model!! And there are plenty of men out there who would be blown away by your beauty and sweetness. You looked gorgeous and stylish in your wedding outfit and it sounds to me as if a certain person just wanted to hurt you. I am so cross writing this.
    Janet can I ask you about the Game of Thrones? I have picked up one of the books a couple of times and then put it back down. Should I buy it? We don't have a DVD player, we watch very little TV but I love reading.
    Patricia I feel so sorry for Audrey having to work today, she will be shattered.
    Sue, I am sure the fresh air will do you good but wrap up warm. Not sure about fishing though!
    Lilian I'm with you, I hate dark days. Do let us know how you get on with the scan and cut.
    Hazel good luck with the C cards. That's what I will be doing as well. Oh and I've got an exciting phone call to make too. Myra dear don't forget to put your hearing aid in will you!!! Hard hat on ready.
    Muriel, how that half finger?
    Love and hugs for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. I've put both of them in!!! Pardon? Xxx

    2. Oh SABA, you and I thought the same over how cruel Norah's OH was. And yes I agree there is a man out there that would give her a home, (Norah order more goods and have them delivered ) she knows what I mean??? I tell you what I wish one of Charlies sister had turned up at Gillians wedding dressed as beautifully as Norah - yes again Norah you know whom I mean??? You were horrified at what she was wearing. She looked as if she was doing her house work not at a wedding where you were dressed for the part in your gorgeous out fit. Soap box away. xxx

    3. Hello my Dear Friend Saba - YES buy the books - I read all of them first -that is when they were first published in paperback - and then last year we decided to buy the series as it comes out.
      Now I'm quite disappointed in the TV series compared to the books. It's as they usually do - change some things for the TV to sell the CDs/DVDs.
      So Do Buy The Books. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
      Hugs for you hope you've managed to get rid of the dust from everywhere. xxxx

    4. SABA:- I was "spitting feathers" this morning when I read Norah's last nights comment. Jess, Hazel & I have met and spent time with Norah and she is beautiful inside and outside.. Dresses beautifully and knows how to dress!!
      I just wish she had the courage to do what needs to be done.
      Happy Baking!! xxx

    5. Hazel, Patricia and Saba, I agree wholeheartedly with you about Norah's OH. I have commented above but he's no man. He's just a mean spirited bully,. Oh I could explode. I'd give him his marching orders double quick, and I'd have done it long ago. Then again, that's easy for me to say. xxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and crafty crew,
    Michele your hanging cards are stunning, what a brilliant idea, might just have to copy that one. Your family in Canada look gorgeous, thank you for letting us see them, and you and your OH, nice to put a face to a name.
    Lilian I hope your porridge turned out OK , no messy pot to clean!
    Shiela what can be said, happy birthday, this time we got it right, have a lovely day with Nikki.
    Sandra have a nice day with the girls as they are not playing football, do something special.
    Well a bit of shopping today, looking for a stair carpet, then a visit to Tesco for cat food. You won't believe what one of our cats did this morning, I have a vase of flowers on the dining table, carnations, he had his whole face in the vase, then started to pull the flowers out with his mouth and decided to have a play with them, vase nearly got knocked over, maybe something to do with the smell set him off, but this is the first time he has done anything like this.
    Pets who would have them!!!
    Anyway take care everyone, will pop back later, xx

  14. Just a thought to cheer you up.......there are only 12 Friday's till Christmas!!,!,

    1. Thanks for that Jess, I am going into meltdown as we speak!!
      We had a beautiful rag doll cat who was a kleptomaniac. She went into our neighbours bathroom via the window and brough me home their bar of soap. Funny thing was, we didn't find out for ages where she had stolen it from and they had had a row about who had lost it.

    2. Thanks for that Jess! Maybe your cat is going to take up floral art!! Xx

    3. Jess, Tammys two cats are the same, she can't find anywhere safe to put flowers, her two behead them all. xxx

    4. Jess, I was going to write a nice comment, then I got to the line about 12 Fridays until Christmas, so I'm not going to bother, I'm going to lie down in a darkened room and switch on the Baileys intravenous line ha ha xxxxx

  15. OMG!!!! ladies, Santa has just made an early stop off .......he left me a parcel........quite a heavy parcel too!
    My wonderful husband has bought me the new Sizzix a Big a Shot A4 Plus, I am so over the moon !!!!
    Anyone want to buy a Brand News Teal Grand Calibur??!! Lol
    I am off to my craft room, I may be some time!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Wow, you lucky lucky lady. Can't wait to hear how it performs. Xxxxx

    2. Ooh! That's exciting! Will be interested to see how you get on with it! Xxxx

    3. So you went for it after all Sandra. So did I 😀. Wasn't sure when it would be delivered and didn't want to be out so just had email from Hobbycraft to say it is ready for collection. Know what we will both be doing this weekend. Will compare notes.😀

    4. Will be very interested to hear how you both get on with the new machines! How exciting! Xxx

    5. Now who is one very lucky lady - having said that you more than deserve spoiling. Enjoy playing.

    6. oh you lucky girl. Have a good day playing Sandra. Do tell how it works Xxx

    7. Wow Sandra, who's a lucky girl then. Do please tell us all about it when you've had a "play" xxxx

    8. Sandra, I hope you have had fun trying out your machine, now after Christmas I don't want to hear that you did t get much under the tree? X

    9. Sandra, what a lovely man you have got, but then I don't need to tell you that do I. ..... Enjoy your new toy LOL xx

  16. Oh boy your loved!!! How lovely is he? Then again I think you know that? Keep hold of your GC. As you might find yourself drifting back to it. Have fun. I have just stood ( back letting me know it was to long) and die cut loads of things out, so sitting feet up Margarets heat bag at my back and two painkillers taken. Own fault I know better than to do that, but hey ho I will live. Once the pain killers kick in I will get back to doing some more, but won't stand as long. Just enjoying a nice cup of tea made by Charlie. Ok got told off for being stupid too. xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well! It's taken me ages to get here and I've had a few interruptions but I'm here now! I've commented on the way down too.
    Today's crafts are really lovely and the photograph is gorgeous. Lovely to see a photo in which everyone is smiling and happy!
    Norah - I was so angry when I read what you had posted last night! That was very mean of your husband and it certainly couldn't be further from the truth if it tried!! You had chosen everything with care to the very last detail! I had shrug envy !!! I don't understand why someone would be so nasty but please believe me he was so wrong. You looked lovely. I'd better stop!
    Sheila - have a lovely time with Nikki!
    I must rush off and put my make up on and do my hair as I'm expecting a phone call!! Ha ha!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, I hope you managed to make yourself respectable in time for the phone call. I agree so much with you about Norah. xxxx

  18. Hi Sandra, Michelle and all at the cafe

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful creations from Michelle Sandra, they are gorgeous makes, unusual and very pretty. Great photo Michelle, what a lovely family.
    I hope you and your family are all well Sandra, I shall catch up soon I hope lol! We have had so much more work put on us this year that once I get home I am too tired to do anything let alone craft and at the moment I am still obligated to some cards for Sheena's fabulous design stamps so I am trying to get these done, thankfully we have a week off soon so I am hoping to catch up with some Christmas cards lol!

    I do hope both Patricia and Hazel are okay as i have not heard from them in a while and I seem to have lost their blogs off my list for some reason?

    Happy crafting

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie, I know what you mean, blogs that I've had for ages just seem to be disappearing, and I don't know why. I can't always remember which ones I used to go on either!!! xxx

    2. Jacquie, we are about just hAvent posted as I haven't been making anything, my mojo stay in Turkey enjoying the heat. I am trying to get my head round doing Christmas cards for Canada, so once I get them done I will likely post then. Retirement is hard to get use to, miss going in to drop the girls off to school and picking them up. Xxx

  19. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Michele flower i just love your little 4 panel santa scene across the lands, it really is a gorgeous piece of work and would look lovely going down the side of the fireplace or between two patio doors in a livingroom or in an alcove that someone has a chair next to, yip i can think of lots of places that could have a home in. Now just thinking because i am either a miserable Scot or just one that has to make use of everything that i can the best way and waste nothing, when i bought the hunkydory Night Before Christmas books to make up for the babies i kept all the chipboard that came out of the panels to use for other things. Now i have quite a lot of varying shapes and sizes and had planned to do something long the same lines with them(i know mean miser but they were too good to throw out). Now your round ornament dangle that you made i wonder if it would fit in a dairylea cheese box that you could decorate up to match and that would protect this bonnie treasure. See as i say waste not want not(hee hee hee). And as for the secret card, well i can see all sorts of magical things springing from this and making a childs day as they would never get fed up with its secret or a daddy/grandaddy making it magical for their little girl or boy as that is what they're suppose to be good at making magical things happen with a child in awe about how did you do that. I keep telling myself that i need to grow up but somehow always fail and remain daft. I am glad that at least you had one bit of your fantastic holiday where you were well flower as it really brings you down and ruins what should be a fantastic adventure for you, OH manages to do that for me without the sweetner of the magical holiday. It is the one thing that i am going to save for and thats a holiday even if it is on my own as at least me being a cripple(OH's words) wont ruin my break and he can twiddle his thumbs in the house. Thank you Michele for such a lovely Saturday of wonderment, i hope that you got some of your much needed break well before coming back home.
    Oh Sandra, your Paul is a gem, what a lovely surprise to get in and i wish you lots of great fun creating your masterpieces dear friend with your new machine. Now you and the girls could have a crafty weekend together with you having the 2 machines at the moment. what ever you ar e doing have a lovely weekend and PLEASE try to take it a bit easier as we want you fit and well for the retreat. You have a lot of people who just can't wait to see you and i know you are the same about them so please try.
    Girls, i don't expect anything else of him now so it has got to the stage that it doesn't matter any more but yes it does make me terrified going out as to what people are going to think when i turn up, but hey ho there is a lot worse in the world than what i have but thank you for your kindness although i still think Specsavers is calling, lol. Have a great day girls with my thoughts and prayers going out to our friends that could do with some good news for a change,
    Love and huggles
    Norah x

    1. Morning my lovely Friend Norah -
      You cannot ever grow up - we here that is Jim and me will never do that silly thing. He is still 29 and so many months and has been for oh I don't know how many years and will continue to be that age and as for me well I don't know what growing up is like hehehe. There is nothing wrong in seeing the world as you want and being daft more than helps. Besides what are the alternatives? Don't even want to go there!!
      Now you looked AMAZING in every way and definitely not those two numbers that make up a year. I know I haven't met you face to face my friend but I cannot believe that you would ever step outside your door looking nothing but your best. I would dearly love to send you one of those old hand carpet beaters for you to put to good use and not necessarily on your carpets. You just carry on saving for that holiday my lovely and make sure that you're at the next Retreat.
      My hugs for you xxxx

      Oh and by the way you're not mean etc by wanting to use things around you or for keeping off cuts etc. I certainly do that and look for objects outside of the craft isles etc when I want to make something. Again you just continue as you are being you.

    2. Norah, well if you are a mean SCOT here's s another to join you! I keep all the off cuts as you can do so much with these bits. As for the cheese boxes, Patricia has made some beautuful boxes out of these. It's up cycling didn't you know!!! Haha. Oh I think you should borrow that carpet beater, you might find we will all call in a give you a hand!!! xxx

    3. NORAH:- we will meet up soon and I will bring my "carpet beater" with me. You an borrow that for as long as you like. Your OH needs a blooming good beating!!!
      You start saving, I am sure Hazel will agree you could come with us next year. We will look after you and you will have a great time, think about it.
      I just wish you were coming with us to the Retreat xxx

    4. How lovely is that! Xxxx

    5. Myra,
      these particular two ladies are exceptionally lovely and along with my coffee shop cherubs just don't know what i did to deserve such lovely friends. Oh and bye the way Hazel, yes a certain person has already mentioned that they would have no trouble in taking me away and whole heartedly agrees with the general census of opinion on OH and i am saying no more. xxx :D

    6. Oh Norah, I keep commenting on the way down, but I'll bring a large lead mallet (not the rubber one I keep for George), it's a darzer and may take three of us to lift it, but one swing of that and he'd see stars and admit that you look beautiful.
      Start saving!!! xxx

    7. Norah, I am thinking you won't be liking me any more for starting everyone agreeing to help beat him up and get a divorce organiesd for you. But my lovely sweet friend, my heart goes out to you as you don't need him putting you down, we have told you that already, God for bid he ever has accident or we/me especial will be the prime suspect. No let you know who sweep you off your feet and treat you how you should be treated. Thank goodness Rory tells you often how lovely you are. Get your feet up and sit and knit if you can, it's better than nothing. Tell Campbell hospital food isn't good and to watch his back!!! We have that ballon at the ready? How many will it take to help him over the side from high above the forth??? sorry xxx

    8. Not many !! A large poke in the posterior with three pokey tools should do the trick!! Xxx

    9. Myra, are you sure 3 will be enough. Oh I'd better get the tin hat on quick as Noarh is going to start throwing things at me for being nasty, but in all fairness I am trying to make her laugh. She has the most beautiful smiles and I am hoping she is smiling at least. xxx

    10. Anyone ever told you lot that you are totally and utterly nuts but i am so very very lucky to have you all. You brighten even the lowest day for me and part of me feels sorry for OH if you lot ever got your hands on him. I will say that the fact that he is built like a whippet and doesn't weight very much at all it wouldn't take much to chase him over the edge or cowp him out the balloon, but we would need to do it where there are no witnesses (LOL)or like the Murder on the Orient Express where none of them did it but they all did. hee hee hee, see you have got me as bad as yourselves in these plans. But being serious, it might be mental but it's not physical although sometimes i don't know what would be worse. But then i come in here and see all of you and it takes me to an entire different universe which i am most grateful to you all for. I don't know what i ever did to deserve you lot as the lovely caring friends you are but you will never know how much it means to me. xx

    11. Oh Norah, I am glad we have lifted your spirits, I personally thought you needed to have a laugh. Yes we are slightly nutty, but come on its better than being DOUR!!! (((((( hugs))))))

    12. NORAH:- as long as it made you smile and not made you angry that's the main thing. We can't do anything (Legal) to help the OH situation but we are here to help you when you feel a bit down. If we make you laugh, smile, giggle we are happy, please remember that. xxx

    13. Norah, I'm sending you trillions of hugs and agree with all the things about a certain person today. You are Beautiful inside and out and we love you ! Xxx

  20. Hello Ladies,
    This is just a quickie to let you know that I am still in the land of the Laptop, at least for the time being.
    MICHELE, Your cards today are fantastic. I love the idea of the hanging ones as they are something completely different. I'll pinch your ideas for next year. AND what a fabulous photo. You all look so happy and joyous.
    I've got a lot to do, but will come back to read all the comments and post some more later.
    Muriel xxxxx

  21. MYRA Stop faffing with your hair and answer your phone!! Oh I hope I have dialled the right number. Xxxx

  22. Phone hasn't rung - I'm sitting here waiting! Alastair says he would have heard it if I'm deaf!! Xxx

  23. Have sent text with number on it! Xxx

  24. Eeeek. Who am I phoning then! She has got a Scottish Accent and I've left her a message!!!
    Please can you send me a mail with your land line number.

    1. SABA, I think Myras winding you up!!! She has your number in the file so when you are phoning she knows it's you and pretending you have the wrong number. Only joking, oh where is the tin hat???

    2. Well ladies I think the two of them have connected now, I bet we won't hear from them for a couple of hours? The phone line will be red hot. xxx

    3. We finally made it!! You aren't going to believe this but it was my phone Saba rang! It was my voice on the answering machine!! My phone in the Conservatory didn't ring! I'd knocked the sound button off when cleaning it! Alastair was in hysterics - I had my mobile in one hand, house phone in the other and IPad on my lap! All that technology says he and you still can't make contact!
      We've chatted for nearly 2 hours!! It was lovely! Xxxx

    4. MYRA:- you are really lovely to chat too. I was telling Hazel that other day, and you still have your lovey Scottish

    5. It's so lovely Patricia . You and I didn't chat like people who had never met! We were just saying we can't wait to get to the Retreat and meet everyone! How many are actually going? Xxxx

    6. Myra, sadly only 12 of us are going maybe more for the next one. Xxx

    7. Oh Lord, if they cannot arrange a telephone call, can you imagine the mayhem when they are driving to the Retreat. I think I'll notify the Traffic Police on the M4 or whatever road they are going on. Can you just see it, Myra driving at a sedate 100 mph with a convey behind her like in America!!! xxxx

    8. Maureen, they will have sat nav not that it is any help at times, big 18 wheeler getting stuck on narrow farm track comes to mind, the guy had to reverse on to the very busy A92 not a good road for doing that on with no one helping him stop the traffic? As long as Myra holds her cool and drives like the lady she is they will be fine. xxx

    9. Now Now! Muriel!
      It will be the M6 and the M42. We've decided not to talk in the car at all!
      If you believe that you'll believe anything!! Xxx

    10. Oh that will be fun for you both, I hope the duck tape does t hurt when we take it off at the hotel. xxx

    11. You mean you'd actually want to remove it! Xxx

    12. Oh yes, we can't have you two walking around with duck tape on, it will make them think we are all mad!!., tin hat again. Xxx

    13. I don't think even duck tape could shut us up! Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra
    Lucky you playing with your new GC. I assume the football match will be arranged Sandra?. I'm not so lucky with my GC Littlelamb. They want a copy of my warranty ( which I don't have ), a copy of my bill to show when it was bought ( which I no longer have ). They've asked me to get a copy from Craftworld where I bought the original from. I did ask them for it but they don't want to talk to me for some reason. So I'll be emailing Spellbinders again on Monday.
    Michelle I love your cards. I see you've put instructions on the blog so I'll look later. I've done something similar to the last card myself but mine used a A4 piece of double sided card to make a sleeve. If that makes sense.
    Sorry you weren't feeling well enough to go to your Mum and Pops yesterday Sue, hope your feeling a bit better today.

    1. Sorry to hear that Pat. That doesn't seem fair does it. I cannot remember where I bought the teal one but think it was Craftworld but don't remember having a warranty. No idea where the receipt is but I suppose it would be an invoice ad I bought it in line. Hope you do get it sorted soon.

    2. Oh Pat, they asked me for all that when I complained, but in all honesty I forgot all about it and ignored the request. I still got the replacement. xxx

  26. Hello it's me again!!!!
    I just have to tell you all that my latest edition of 'Daphne's Diary' has just been delivered. This time the free gifts are a small note pad just right for shopping lists etc and a wonderful selection of Jam Pot Covers (not as though I'm going to use them as they're too nice!) silly isn't it but I just cannot cut up this magazine.

    1. Oh thanks Janet. Must go and look in my local newsagents. There is only one shop that sells it and they are a miserable couple. It's slways hidden behind lots if other magazines and you really have to search for it. I should get it delivered the I wouldn't have all the bother. I also cannot cut it up the pages are so nice. Perhaps we could scan them then keep the originals.

    2. Oh good! I'll look forward to mine arriving Janet - I can't cut it up either! Xxx

    3. I can't bear to cut up mine. What a good idea to photocopy the pages, but I suppose that would get us into trouble. xxx

  27. Pat, I had loads of problems with getting my old GC just fixed! I bought if from Hobbycraft, and they wouldn't replace it and it was only months old and I had the receipt etc. I think it's just a case who deals with it. It took spellbinders 10 weeks to return mine and they only fixed it and to be honest it wasn't that much better. My new teal one is like night and day compared with the pink one. xxx

  28. Hello folks, that's our boys away, John's Railway fixed and working again.
    John is now ensconced in his "attic playroom" sorting thing out ... peace reigns!!!
    We have had great fun and lots of laughs with the boys. We have had tales of what they did and what others did on holiday.
    John Jnr came to pick up the boys and fix the Railway. Said they had a great time at the wedding, food excellent, Band/Disco brilliant and everybody dancing the night away. Poor Audrey had to get up to go to work this morning for a 12 hour shift. She is off tomorrow, we did offer to take the boys to let her get some time to do things. However they have no cover for Tuesday, we will have the boys then.
    SANDRA:- hope you are having fun with your machines. Like others I find my Teal GC much better than the Pink one. xxx

    1. Patricia, I'm so pleased that peace has come to your haven. You'll be able to please yourself without John "mooching" about. It will be quiet there without the boys xxxx

    2. Quiet it's like a "graveyard" in here!!
      So quiet I nodded off for 1/2 an hour ... wide awake again now IPad running out of power xxx

    3. Hi Patricia, ah must be nice having the boy's back home and John have got the train set up and running again. Hope you have had a nice day Xxx

  29. Hello, we had a lovely chat, and as Myra said, nearly two hours! But if flew by and you are right Patricia, Myra is lovely to chat to and has the most gentle Scottish accent. Quite lovely. It has made my day.
    Is t it odd that everyone has had different responses with regard to faulty GCs. I must say I have had really good service from spellbinders. Once they replace a die for me which I thought was faulty and the second time when my handle snapped off. Both times I contacted Karen Haas and she was brilliant.
    I've just had a quick tidy up and I am about to get cracking with my c cards.
    Be back later.
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Saba, I have an urge to sing Whip Crack a Way xxxx

    2. Please feel free!
      Are you likely to get these urges to burst into song at the Retreat? Xxx

  30. Hi again, Michele I'm so sorry I said your Canadaian family were lovely, it should have been American, it's Hazel who has family in Canada.
    Managed to get a carpet for the stairs, a light rust colour, so warm looking, just need to phone the carpet fitter, to see when he can fit it.
    Found out this morning that I have another great-nephew, Aaron weighed in at
    9lbs 6ozs, his big brother is called Brodie, their dad is my sisters son, so our
    little family is growing bigger.
    Hubby is watching the qualifying for the Formula 1 race tomorrow, he loves it.
    All for now xxx

    1. Jess, you aren't joking when you say he's a great nephew. At 9lbs 6ozs he's certainly great!!! Congratulations to you and all the family. New babies are lovely. xxxx

    2. Oh Jess, that made my eyes water! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Aaron! Xxx

    3. Congratulations Jess .... Wow! that is a "great" nephew.
      Best wishes to all xxx

    4. Congratulations Jess, how lovely to have a little one again in the family Xxx

    5. Oh Jess, congratulations flower on your bonnie new great nephew, what a lucky wee boy as he is going to have a GREAT Auntie in more waysthan one. What lovely names the boys have and quite traditional instead of the modern way of giving the pure bairn the most out landish monicker that they can think off. How cares a jot where they did or didn't but why do we need to know the reason for them being called it. Just leave it as "Awh we both liked that name" and end it there, as sometimes there are details put out in the public domain that is of no concern or interest to the rest of society. I am sure we all know of at least one well known family that feels the need to tell us every scrap of what should be kept private or in other words "YEUCK, Get a room" or maybe that was the problem, they did. eek. Anyway Jess enjoy your new wee patter of tiny feet that will be making their way round to your house xx

    6. Norah, it's like the fashion thing, if a star has it for their child it's a must have! So if the star call the poor wee thing a stupid name then they all call their wee ones it. I not sure if the wee guy will have tiny feet?

    7. Boys told me today that they made friends with a boy called "River" when they were on holiday. I said that's a really silly name ..... They said "he told us he was famous" His mum called called him after a "film star" !!! xxx

  31. I am supposed to be putting things away upstairs, and I've been on here for ages. I have commented all the way down, as I find it much easier than trying to remember, or make notes. The one thing that sticks in my mind is Norah's treatment by her husband. I am so angry, but it really has nothing to do with me. Oh yes it has, she's a friend and it is totally untrue and uncalled for saying those things. I'd like to - well you can imagine what I'd like to!
    One of my lovely neighbours is coming in to make sure that the things on my laptop are saved before Windows 10 takes over. I don't know what I'd do without him - he's a computer programmer and knows everything about computers - so he's coming after tea tonight. He asked what time I went to bed - well I was rather taken aback - but it turned out that he's taking his son to tennis practice in Sunderland and won't be back until about 7, then they'll have tea, so it could be 8.30 pm before he comes. I don't know how old he thinks George and I are, but I said that we'd still be up then ha ha.
    Got to go, I can hear George on the prowl, must look busy lol.
    Muriel xxxx

  32. Jess, how lovely. He's a good size reminds me of our Tammy being born. They told me she would be smaller than Chris was at 5lbs 6ozs, when they held her up I thought well she is nearly double of his size -yes she weighed in at 9 lbs 41/2ozs, and guess who knitted and made everything for a 5 lb baby ??? 3 month size straight away.

  33. Afternoon Ladies

    Sandra-you're more than welcome to the goodies.

    Norah-yes the circle hanging card should go in s cheese spread box. Would look great all decorated in similar colours.

    I only mentioned a square version in case anyone wanted to do something different.

    Been having a play in the craft room this afternoon , finished 3 cards. Only 2 more birthday cards to make then can start thinking about Christmas cards.


    1. Sorry Michele flower, i wasn't trying to tell you how to care for your ornament but the cheesebox is one of my favourite up cycling product. It sounds like i was trying to sell sand to the Arabs but honest i wasn't flower, i just thought if it fitted it would keep it good. xx

    2. Please don't apologise-it's a great idea & not one I'd thought of. I love finding alternative uses for everyday objects.

      Perhaps we could have a competition to see who finds the most/best use for a cheese spread box?!


  34. Hello Sandra and everybody,
    Have just checked the blog, I left a message this morning but it's not there! Not those pesky gremlins again !!!!
    Well it's been a busy day here, I have been batch making soup, we had a lot of tomatoes to use (again) and the broccoli looked very nice when we were shopping yesterday, I also picked up some stilton cheese. So we have broccoli and stilton soup and cream of tomato that should keep is going for a while. Have had to answer some emails as well so One way and another it's been a busy day?
    Michelle, I love your cards, where do you get your ideas from? They are all very very special, what a very talented young lady you are in.
    The picture is lovely with the American nieces and nephews. Is that little one - the one who gave you that Dreadful cold?
    Well dear friends I am about to go out but will pop in again later. That's if I don't fall asleep when I sit down.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda

      Not sure which of my lovely relatives gave me the dreaded lurgy so I'll let you choose the one responsible! We were hoping to FaceTime them next weekend but just realised we're going to Phils dads on Saturday so it would need to be Sunday-best email them to ask if that suits them.


  35. Oh I have just been reading the updates and had quite a few chuckles. The thought of Myra and me with duck tape on! It's duct tape you nellies. And then a mental picture of us up in that blasted balloon all poking a certain person with our pokey tools and him in a kilt as well. It's a lovely picture. I'm chuckling again.
    Now as to big babies, Rachel was 9 1\2 lbs, I was 10lb 1oz and my great nephew was - deep breath ladies - 10lb 10oz. Makes your eyes water a bit.

    1. Sorry SABA my fault was laughing while typing thinking about you two sitting there driving down the motorway with duct tape across your mouths, can you see the looks passing drivers would give you??? xxx

    2. SABA! My dear friend! Yes the tape is duct tape - BUT - the Brand Name is Duck! It tends to be called Duck tape because of that ! If you want a really strong one there is an orange one called Gorilla Tape! Trust me I couldn't make that lot up! Xxxx

    3. Myra, I saw that on the TV the other day. Yes your right it is duck tape, We have green frog stuff in the cupboard to, it's more paper like. xxx

    4. That's right I couldn't remember the Frog one - it's more a masking tape! Xxxx

  36. Hello everyone, have just made a few comments , I have Nic home for the weekend so we are now going to watch Strictly shortly, hope Len gives plenty of SEVERN as she loves that bit,
    Hugs in case anyone needs them, hope not but they're there if needed
    Love Jean xxx

    1. Hi Jean
      I hope you enjoyed Strictly. I've recorded it and I hope you gave a lovely weekend with Nic.

  37. Enjoy watching your strictly. xxx

  38. Margarets biscuits made cooling at the moment, looking good and yummy, will test later. Really easy and took no time at all. xxx

    1. SNAP:- Robert and I made them this morning. Only 4 left in my box .... OK!! Robert took half of them home for his mum. They were very Ymmmmyyyy!!! xxx

    2. I can't wait to go to baby sit the boys tomorrow so I can take them to their house and they can eat them up, they are to yummy to stay here as I will end up eating them. xxx

  39. Hi Sandra and everyone in today,
    I have been busy today with step-son around and can you believe it ,it is the first time for me this year ! We sometimes talking how much food the youngsters can put in. Last night I made burgers and mash potato, served up two big once each to the boys with a big port. of mash, brown sauce and lingon berries and thought that would be enough. They both wolfed it down and soon after asked for more! Lol and then my step-son had a third plate !!
    6ft 3" and son 6ft 5" and slim .Tonight is take out so no cooking, hurrah.
    Michele, once again your craft is Fabulous and a lovely photo !
    Oh I can now see Myra and Saba going down the M6 with ducktape over their mouth hihi you are so funny girls, never stop
    Back in a mo......... dinners here Xxxx.

  40. Well my dear husband just had me about beat him with that carpet beater, I cut out lots of the little stars that come with the silent night die, had them all on a sheet of card so that I could see and find them! And he came over to my lap tray pick up the piece of card and began to ask me if I had found the little star die he had put on the corner of my tray that he had found - yes stars every where. Ahhhhhh. Xxx

    1. Ooooopppss!! MEN:- don't you just LOVE them???

    2. Sometimes Patricia, only sometimes xxxx

  41. Evening Ladies, I have been crafting all day, made 5cards, I'm very slow.
    Got my brother scanncut out to try it out, after one or two false starts tried it cutting out a stamped image, it did this really well so I thought I'd have a go at
    some decoupage, House of Zandra, scanned to cut, which it did really well, whole page of images in about one minute, cut very neat, still not worked out to cut the landlocked bits,but much quicker than I can cut these days.
    On the quite pleased although the spares are very expensive.

    On the porridge front, think it's better done saucepan, maybe I didn't cook it long enough.

    Hope you all have a pleasant evening.
    Might call in later if anyone is up, I'm rather a late crow.
    Hugs for now Lil

  42. Ladies, I am going to say goodnight to you all now, as my computer has to update ready for the big whatsit to Windows 10. Will I regret this, I think I probably will!!!
    Cheryl, I got your list today, good heavens woman, that was quick!!!! Thank you. xxx
    Oh Myra, George bought some Gorilla tape a couple of weeks ago. He said that it was a great name - don't think he's used any yet, would you like some? xxx
    Hopefully, I will see you all tomorrow. I honestly don't know what this machine will be doing.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Goodnight Maureen, I do hope that computer of yours updates ok. What in heavens name will we do if your not in tomorrow. Might have to jump on a train and come visit. Bet you pray tonight that it does!!!! xxx

    2. Maureen, our autistics grandson said to me a few weeks ago. Grandma have you updated to windows 10 .... No !!!! He said let me show you. Well within 15 mins I was there !!!!!! All the things that had been annoying me had gone !!!!

  43. Night, night Maureen hope it all goes well. As Patricia says if not we will have get on the train and visit. xxx

  44. Well folks, very quiet in here tonight, think I will get ready for bed.
    Goodnight God Bless, see you all in the morning xxx

  45. Just popped in to say goodnight, going to have an early night.
    Sleep well dear friends, see you in the morning.

  46. Dinner was lovely and then we got a movie for after so it got a bit late.
    Wish you all a good night and pleasant dreams (Sandra) Anyone who have been feeling poorly today, I hope we all feel better tomorrow.
    bye,bye for now Xxx

  47. Sorry I haven't been in today. Have been busy but have caught up with all the comments. Michele your cards are lovely. Like them all and also like the photo of you and the American family. Now we know what you look like.
    Hope Sheila enjoyed her 3rd birthday this week and time with Nikki and a Jean is enjoying her time with Nic. Agree with all you say about Norah. Still trying to find the lost die. No point in searching the bins because they had already been emptied before I realised it was missing. Goodnight to all who are going to bed.

  48. Hi again
    I tried to get back earlier but with no luck no internet. Just tried again & yaay it's on. we had a lovely walk up the park, we also have another dog with us as we are looking after her for my son as they go away on holiday in a few days but it was easier to bring her home yesterday with us. She ( Brandy) is so loving she is only a Hines 57 ( mongrel).but very sweet. When we set off the sun was out & quite warm so just a cardigan on no coat OH just a shirt by the time we reached the café the sun went in & got really cold so had a hot cupper
    & came home. I made a birthday card this afternoon well I have just finished it.
    Now OH has just made me a cup of builders tea so I better go & drink it. I see you all in the morning.
    Good night God Bless love Lynda xxxx
