
Saturday 17 October 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Norah's Gorgeous Knitted Jacket and Bobble hat!

Brenda's Brown Glazed Bowl

Myra' Beautiful Bauble

Myra's Blue and white Bauble

Myra's 'Pinflair' style Bauble

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
We have a fantastic range of crafts on show today, please keep the pictures coming!

First up today is gorgeous little Harry modelling Norah's Knitted Jacket and absolutely adorable
bobble hat.
I have to say I do love seeing babies dressed properly in home knitted jumpers, you have to admit
when you look at that photo you just want to pick him up and snuggle him, Norah your knitted is so neat and precise and I love the colour, it suits the wee lad a treat! Thank you so much xxxxx

Next up, as I always say there is no Mixed Craft Saturday without pottery from Brenda, this one
looks really traditional, it looks like the sort of bowl you would make cakes in and it ends up being
past down through the family, I love it Brenda, proper country farmhouse I think.
Thank you so much Brenda for sharing your pottery with us xxxx

The Next three photos are of Christmas baubles that Myra has designed and created, they are just
so pretty, I love the blue and white ones with the pretty ribbon on the best.
The last one looks like the Pinflair christmas decorations from the old days, I admire your patience
Myra, you have to pick up each sequin individually and pin it into the polystyrene baubles.
The overall effect is very opulent, they really sparkle with the tree lights too.
Thank you Myra, i look forward to hearing how you created these amazing baubles xxxx

Well that's all for today ladies, I have to go and get ready for my visitors, so much to do and so little time!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning to all who may pop in today
    What a joy it is to open this inviting door and step into the most wonderful Café!!
    Todays gifts are just stunning and I do not use that word easily.
    NORAH - Harry just looks so snuggly and warm in your exquisite jacket an hat. That will keep him warm and toasty and yes just as Sandra says I want to pick him up and cuddle.
    BRENDA - your bowl this week reminds me of my Nan/Mum and now my mixing bowl - we called them Pansion - spelling will not be correct I'm sure but there was always one on the hearth with bread rising in it and a tea towel cover and I know make Christmas cakes in it. Every home should have a Brenda Bowl in it.
    MYRA - your decorations are to die for - I could not choose a favourite I would need all of them. I too have done the Pinflair ones and yes they are time consuming but oh so worth doing.

    Well it is still dark here and still very cold - we are down at 5degrees as the moment but the log burner is on along with the coffee pot and I'm just waiting for Jim to return with breakfast. Then it's all hands on deck for changing the wardrobes around. Definitely in need of all our Winter woollies and thick trousers. You never know I might get to some crafting by Monday!!

    We had a visit from Jerome the builder yesterday afternoon to explain what's what with the new filter system. The drive looks a little odd with a small pod coming out of the ground (I'm told it's an air filter) but we can make it look nice next spring. He has been a good lad and where he has had to dig doesn't look too bad just needs tidying. We might leave some of it until next Spring which will give the grass which has had to be disturb time to settle and grow again.
    Off now to have breakfast and I'll look in later today.
    Hugs are on their way and should arrive soon unless of course they take a diversion lol. xxxx

    1. Janet I think leave until spring is a good option especially if it's getting cold! I can't believe when you were there last you were so hot you didn't know what to do with yourself! What a lovely world we live in! Xxxxx

    2. Janet, I am pleased that your workmen left the drive in a reasonably good state of order, yes leaving it till spring I think is best. As Diane has said " to think you were that not only a few weeks ago while there that you couldn't move " now you have to have the log burner on. Enjoy your day. X

    3. Hi Janet. I'm glad that you are all settled in now after that awful journey and also that the garden isn't too messy. Enjoy snuggling up by the log burner after sorting the wardrobes x

    4. Janet I'm so pleased you sound more settled after what turned out to be such an awful journey with all those delays. I think when the spring comes the grass will have grown and you will be able to do more and have it how you want it. Enjoy your brekkies xxx

    5. Janet just snuggle up and have your breakfast, the garden can wait till spring, it is unbelievable how much the weather can change in a few short weeks. Have a lovely time xxx

    6. Janet after that horrendous journey I think you should just relax today sitting in front of your log burning stove. Glad your drive was tidier than you thought it might be. Hope you can turn the "pod" into a garden feature!!

    7. Afternoon Janet, I am way behind today.
      Glad everything was better than you expected. Please take it easy and enjoy being in you little corner of Paradise. xxx

    8. Hello Janet, I'm so pleased the workmen didn't leave too much of a mess! Thank you for being so kind about my baubles! Xxx

    9. Hello Janet,
      The pod will still be there in spring, so will the drive. Relax and don't stress yourself, have a glass of wine!!!! xxxx

    10. Hi Janet,
      Pleased you have recovered from your nightmare journey once you have sorted your wardrobes just relax in front of your log burner, how lovely!xx

  2. Good Morning everyone,

    There are not enough words in my dictionary to describe all the wonderful crafts on display today, but I will try.

    Norah and Harry's handsome bobble hat and jacket go together so well. Like Sandra, I just want to snuggle with up him and have a huggle.

    Brenda's bowl would not look out of place on my warm oak kitchen units. You really do amaze me with your wonderful talent as a potter.

    Myra's Christmas baubles are so pretty and would grace anyone's tree with their sparkle and glitter.

    I had a lovely surprise yesterday, Milly-May and her playdate Bruce came to visit me. I can't believe how long Milly-May is now, she certainly takes after her Dad in that respect. He positively towers above me now! She is still quite a serious baby although I did coax a few smiles from her eventually and her playmate Bruce, oh my he is like Harry, a bonny baby. You wouldn't have thought only a weeks difference in ages between Milly-May and Bruce would be such a big difference in sizes. He is so chubby and smiles all the time.

    After packing and unpacking my box as I have changed my mind about a couple of items, it all went back in. Like the saying goes, 'You can never enough shoes' mine is 'I can never have enough craft' I think there is enough there for me to keep busy at our retreat with enough to share too.

    How ever you are planning your weekend, enjoy it and keep safe.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl what a lovely surprise you had yesterday when the adorable Milly-May popped in ...hope you had loads of cuddles. Have a lovely weekend. xxx

    2. Cheryl, what a wonderful surprise, it will have made your day. Now do you really think lots of crafting is going to get done??? Remember Maureen at Saba managed to chat for 31/2 hours the other day and that was by phone!!! What it's going to be like face to face? X

    3. What a lovely surprise Cheryl two lots of cuddles xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl. What a lovely day you had with your surprise visitors. Milly-May sounds like Christopher, he is very long too. Have a good day x

    5. How lovely with such a nice surprise and double cuddles too. Take care xxl

    6. Hello Cheryl, how lovely for you, two babies at one go. I haven't even thought about my packing yet!!

    7. CHERYL:- that was super surprise. Lots of hugs & cuddles as a bonus xxx

    8. Hello Cheryl,
      That would be a lovely boost for you. I've been packed, dressed and had my make up on since we first booked in March ha ha!!!! xxxxx

    9. Hi Cheryl, How lovely for you to have 2 babies to cuddle yesterday enjoy Nic's visit today.xx

    10. Hi Cheryl ignore the bit about Nic got confused sorry senior moment.xx

  3. Good morning ladies,
    Sandra I hope you enjoy your time with your visitors, it does make a nice change sometimes.
    Norah your knitting which little Harry is modelling is beautiful and I agree I love to see babies dressed like babies and not miniature adults, they get there soon enough. He looks toasty and warm in his outfit.
    Janet I love to see your pottery, and reading your post I can smell the coffe and feel the cosines from the wood burner.
    Myra you are clever making these baubles, they are gorgeous must take ages to do but they can be kept for many years.
    Hope everyone is free from aches and pains and little red spots haha.
    I made a good start on Christmas cards yesterday afternoon, but popped my head in last night and had a really good giggle, don't know what the conversation is going to be like in two weeks.
    Well picking Nic up this morning, so my day is planned out, but will pop back later if I get the chance,
    I've left hugs in the basket as usual, help yourselves if you need them,
    Sandra has started to leave the heating on low so it was lovely and cosy walking through the door,
    See you all later,

    1. Have a lovely day with Nic Jean. Oh yes let's hope there are lots of 'severns' tonight for our lovely girls xxxxx

    2. Hi Jean have a lovely day with Nic today....I see my Nik next week so I'm off out with my friend later on. Enjoy.

      Love Sheila xx

    3. Jean, enjoy your time with Nic. Sheila, have a lovely time out with your friend. X

    4. Hi Jean. You did well with the Christmas cards yesterday didn't you. Have a lovely day with Nic x

    5. Hi Jean, Have a nice day with Nic xx

    6. Hello Jean, enjoy your day with Nic, I'll be hoping for some 7s too.

    7. JEAN:- I hope you have had a great time with Nic. I am late so most of your day will be over by the you read this xxx

    8. Hello Jean, I hope you've had a lovely day with Nic. I'm in even later than Patricia - I like to make an entrance lol xxxxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Norah-what wonderful knitting & such a cute baby to model it.

    Brenda-more stunning pottery, you really are a clever lady.

    Myra-I just love those decorations, can't wait to hear how you made them all.

    Actually slept last night & hardly coughed-hurrah!! Am planning on going to the demo this morning so I'm off to wash/dry/straighten my hair then I might look presentable.

    Will pop back in later to see everyone's comments especially Myra's.


    1. Michele enjoy your trip to the demo, I hope hubby's back is more comfortable soon - will do him good to rest while you have a treat! Xxx

    2. Glad you managed to get some sleep without the coughing Michele and enjoy your demo. Hope hubby's back soon improves. xxx

    3. Michele, I am so glad you are going to the demo, that is good that you were able to sleep. X

    4. Hi Michele. I hope your hubby back is a little better today. Glad to hear you had a good sleep last night. Enjoy yourself today x

    5. Hi Michele, enjoy the day and some time at the demo. Hope OH back is ok xx

    6. Hi Michele, so glad you decided to go to the demo, you deserve some me time.

    7. I hope you have had a great time at the Demo. Hope your hubby is feeling a bit better today. xxx

    8. Hello Michele, glad the cough has almost gone, and hope you enjoyed the Demo - you deserved some "me" time xxxx

  5. Good morning, Sandra and all who call in today.
    Norah, Harry is so you and Kristen in looks? He is such a cute. I just love your cardigan and hat. This is what babies should still be wearing. They would be lovely and warm, I think years ago babies and children didn't get so many colds etc. as they were dressed properly? Oh I could like the others snuggle him up in my arms.
    Brenda, another wonderful piece. I still have my mixing bowl like this, apart from having a White inside. Dont use it these dsys as I can't lift it? It so heavy.
    Myra, I would love to see your Christmas tree if these are a few of your decorations, they are beauitful.
    Well Its a thick frost on the roofs and the windscreens of the cars, I hope it will warm up soon? Charlie and big Andrew are constructing the new shed later this morning. Now I did put in a complaint about this new shed, as that's what it is a shed. I thought when things got cleared and moved it was a home office type one, yes I was hoping it could be my store room. So I am gutted. Why do men need two or three shed, there are only so many tools etc they can use?
    SABA, any little red bites about you this morning??? Is it off out to get nit lotion?
    I think I better go do something or Andrew will be here and it will be seeing to getting the bacon rolls done.
    Sandra, remember share out the jobs they need doing, they are only Paul's parents not royalty. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel. How sad that you aren't getting the shed. Is there any room for you to have one or have Charlies taken it all? Have a good day x

    2. Oh, he's got the space now near the house, but I think I will put a few words in about getting some room in it. Things like tHe plastic baby bowls, cups spoons that I have in stock to make up the basket for when they start to go on solid food can go out there. Even if I have bubble wrap round the plastic storage drawers to give more protection. I have so much of these things I need to do something. Granted I have an order to do one, as we aren't doing fayres etc I don't do as many as folk don't think that a gift of these things is a great help to parents. They want to give clothes etc, X

    3. Hello Hazel, funnily enough I have a few red spots on my wrist and woke up scratching this morning, but don't panic, it was because I wore a cheap watch yesterday and the metal has irritated it.
      I would love a shed, one of those with a little veranda on and windows either side of the door. It would have electricity so I could have a little lamp on, and a squishy sofa. And I would paint the inside a soft blush colour and and and..........

    4. SABA. That's what I would love too. But that's gone for a ball of chalk as they say. I wouldn't care we have an outside socket so power would be easy to connect up. Men don't listen, yes I wouldn't want to go out there to craft all day, but now and again would be fine. No dry storage is what I want. Are you sure it's the watch that's the problem? X

    5. SABA:- I have one of those and did have a dream similar to yours. The only thing is it is so booming cold here in the winter. It would need insulated & central heating installed. So!! the boys have take it over for Bikes and other big toys. They love it in the summer it is their Den!!! xxx

    6. You know, I don't believe that Saba has a cheap watch! I think it's the little black jumping beasties. Sit next to Myra at the Retreat please!!!! She will know exactly what to do - she'll come and sit beside me ha ha. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well what a treat this morning. Norah what a cutie Harry is, he's going to be a heart throb when he's older and doesn't he look grand in his gorgeous hat and jumper. They are lovely, so well knitted. Can I have a hug with him too please! Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Brenda I love your pottery and this one is fab, would love this one in my kitchen. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Myra you have been busy - your decorations are gorgeous, I can't pick a favourite I love your colour scheme though. The pinflair one is worth the effort it is really sparkly. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Well I'm sorry I left you all in suspense ladies! My first thought was a mouse - we had one get into the cupboard under the sink a couple of years ago - he ate everything green he could find which was quite entertaining at the time! This bag was red so I thought he might have had coloured areas but no Julian came to the conclusion it was a biodegradable bag that had shredded itself! I was still finding shreds as I went to bed last night! I managed to tidy Hoover and clean bathroom in record time whilst Julian checked the flight which he said landed at 6.10 instead of 6.30 so off we set down the motorway. It was only as we came off at the airport junction that ii clicked he'd looked at the Aberdeen flight time not the Edinburgh one so we had time to kill! We parked up nearby at some free parking whilst we checked and discovered their plane had landed early anyway so carried on to the airport and arrived just as they came into the car park to ring us. A take away and game of mahjong finished the evening with me winning with a mega score!!!!! That never happens! I had over 4,000 points! Everyone was in shock!
    It's dark here this morning but I must get going, need to wrap and post Emma's present and Julian needs new tires for his car so need to get that sorted too other than that I suspect it will be rugby!
    See you all later - hope everyone is ok and. It to itchy this morning . Oh it made me really chuckle about the nits as pets and the rabbit. Children are so wonderful aren't they! I remember Emma went to Mexico with guides and helped in the local community with Habitat for humanity, entertaining children at the orphanage and building houses. After being home a week she kept saying she must have got sunburn on her scalp because it itched, which was strange because her sun hat hadn't left her head! Well I looked and blow me she had head lice - they were huge! I said to my friend they were so big they were wearing sombreros - her teenage daughter had picked them up at scout camp - hers had woggles! Oh they don't tell you the half of it at baby clinic do they! Hope I haven't left you all itching! See you later xxxxx

    1. Oh yes I forgot Sandra - I hope Paul is still alive! Have a lovely time with Paul's parents, I'm sure they will understand and have a laugh when they find out he didn't tell you xxxx

    2. Diane, oh you have started the day off lovely, I have laughed, I do hope Julian is right about the bag? Seeing how he got the flight times wrong? Emma just wanted something to take home that she didn't have to declare! X

    3. Hi Diane. Those carrier bags make such a mess, I know it is good for the environment though, we had some things in about 6 of Sainburys ones in the loft and when I picked one up, or tried too it just fluttered apart! I got Chris to put the hoover up in the loft before I attempted to empty the other 5 bags so that I could just suck up all of the mess.
      I know Scouting and Guiding is meant to help our children to think about, to help and to share with others but sharing nits is going too far : ) . Have fun packing up Emma's bits and Bobs x

    4. Hi Diane, glad it wasn't anything sinister in the bags like a spider or squirrel or.... Gee ,after all this talk about nits I have washed my hair with itchy scalp shampoo this morning. Hope Julian is ok xx

    5. Ooooh Diane, Mexican lice, how exotic is that!

    6. DIANE:- I had a bag that did exactly that, the bits became like floating dust. You just could not contain the bits once they got out, most peculiar. At least there were no Creepy Crawlies involved. Hope Julian is fine xxx

    7. Hello Dainty, I'm glad you put me out of my suspense. I was awake all night wondering what had caused the shredded mess. Since I started reading this blog today, I have been scratching and rubbing. When we wash our hair, we always spray our heads with "stay in" conditioner (as they don't like it up em!!!!) We have done that since once "catching" a surprise from the girls. I also use small tooth comb every day. George says he does, but I doubt it - it's not manly enough!!! xxx

    8. Maureen we used a tee tree conditioner for years and tee tree oil in the final rinse to keep them at bay. Bring back the nit nurse I say! Xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    Oh my what a wonderfully, talented crafters we have in the coffee always blow me away with the various creations you come up with.
    Norah how cute is baby Harry! Your knitted little cardigan and hat are beautiful and he suits them down to a T.
    Brenda I love your pottery and would look lovely in any kitchen and anyone would be proud to own it.
    Myra oh your baubles are so beautiful what a clever lady you are..the 'pinflair' style one is stunning.
    My friend Carol is picking me up later and we're going to a craft, fabric and all the haberdashery you can think of to make home furnishing type of place and although I'm not a sewist I just love looking at the stunning fabrics ...oh and all the stunning ribbons (I need some for my Christmas decs I have made).....and not forgetting the Craft part of it. They also have a lovely cafe too......but not nearly as lovely as Sandra's.
    Sandra I know you have visitors today but please don't over do it. I'm sure they will understand if they know you have had a few bad days....take care lovely.
    Will pop back later to see what shenanigans Muriel, Myra and Saba are getting up to.
    I've left hugs in the basket so please take one.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila. Have a lovely day, enjoy feeling all of the lovely fabrics and choosing which ribbons you want, if you are like me you would buy them all : ) Have you made a jelly yet? X

    2. Sheila have a lovely day with Carol. The fabric dept. will be wonderful, they will have all their Christmas fabric in. I keep meaning to make Christmas stockings for our grandchildren but at the rate I am going they will be grown up before I get around to it.

    3. Hi Sheila, have a wonderful day with fat quarters and ribbons gallore

    4. SHEILA :- hope you have had a wonderful day ... Ooooo!!! ribbon, lace, material ..... heaven and an empty purse for me if I had been there xxx

    5. Hello Sheila, have an utterly fabulous day among the soft furnishings. It's heaven on a roll when I go into these shops!! xxx

    6. Ooooh Sheila I love ribbon - I'm banned from buying it until I've used some up! Julian's looked at the ribbon on the table today and I was wrapping Emma's presents and asked if I'd bought it at ally pally - no I said fluttering my eyelids! Haha he knew I had, his mum encouraged me! What he doesn't know about is the other pieces still in my shopping bag!!! :) xxxx

    7. Hi Sheila, hope you had a lovely day, is it Aberkaan where you've been, if so we've been there numerous times, I love it xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Yesterday's comment obviously went off to cyber space so I must mention that gorgeous snowy scene card Maureen.
    Norah, what a beautiful wooly, so snoggly and warm for that gorgeous little Harry x
    Brenda, I love the bowl, do you use it? Lime Sandra said it looks similar to the traditional brown/cream ones that so many of us have x
    Myra, what wonderful baubles. They are all so pretty, I know how long the last one must have taken you as Gem has made several over the years x
    Oh dear Sandra. I bet you weren't quite so keen on Paul when he gave you the news about your visitors! I hope you aren't too tired today after the last minute panic, bless you and you are able to relax now and enjoy the weekend xx
    We had a lovely day yesterday with family that are touring around England. It was a bit like being in here, there was an awful lot of taliking about just about every subject you could think of and lots and lots of laughs. It is always so sad to have to say goodbye to them though. My joints are not too good today so a lazy one is on the cards I think.
    I do have a question. Please can you share with me whatever it is that gives you more time each day than I seem to have? Each day just seems to flash by and before I know it it is morning again!
    Stay warm and snug and I hope you all have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Sue have a relaxing day today and rest those joints, and if anyone does share their secret please can you tell me.

    2. Hi Sue, have a relaxing day and take care. ........nope can't help you. Was up at 7am and now it's gone 10.20 how did that happen ? xx

    3. Hello Sue, rest up and recover today. I'm glad you had such an enjoyable day yesterday, you can do it all again 2 weeks today!!! The secret to having more hours in the day is to spread your day over 48 hours lol. Look at the time, and I'm just in the Cafe now, and all the nicest cakes have gone!!!

    4. I hope you are feeling better and have rested, xxx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    Hello everyone,
    Oh help I looked in for a quick perp and there were my Christmas baubles!!!
    Firstly Norah - what a gorgeous little boy Harry is and Please me I have some cuddles - I bet he laughs and smiles all the time. I love his little hat and jacket! I love the colour, pattern and the lovely Pom Pom! Beautiful !
    Brenda - your pottery covers everything and by that I mean from useful to decorative to both! It's a lovely bowl. Thank you for showing to us.
    As for my decorations - they are easy to make really! The MDF baubles came from Indigo Blu. I painted them with gesso and then a pale blue paint also from Indigo Blu , called Grandma's China , I think! I then used parts of a mask with Cosmic Shimmer Sparkle Texture paste! I left that to dry then decorated with gems bows etc!! I did both sides I did a nice soft grey one which I can't find but it will turn up a Christmas!! I usually put the year on them somewhere in paint . Some poor souls have even received them in gifts! The other one is pinflair and very easy - just time consuming!
    Hope that's clear enough! I'm still at my son's so must go but will try to pop in later and read all about today's nits etc!!
    Please try to be good! I always try,
    Love Myra xxx

  10. Replies
    1. I love those Baubles, I am sure all who have received them absolutely love and treasure them. xxx

    2. Myra, your baubles are lovely, I'd like a pair of earrings like that lol. I'm glad you perped in. It's wonderful the new words we learn on this blog. Hope you are still enjoying yourselves, but more importantly - behaving yourselves. xxxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all,
    Oh Norah, Harry look so cuddly in his hat and jacket, they are gorgeous.
    Brenda love your bowl very arts and crafts design.
    Myra your baubles are gorgeous, must have taken you ages to do the last one.
    Didn't get back in last night, decided to get some cards finished, then had a quick look in but didn't comment as it was about 11.30 and my eyes were wanting to close.
    Just some shopping to do today, then some crafting, don't know what yet, could be cards, or bags, or candles. I have taken a stall at an indoor market at the end of November, so need lots of stuff, better get the finger out and get a move on.
    Sandra enjoy your visitors and just relax, there are they to see you and family not the state of your house.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hello Jess, I even forgot to say goodnight to everyone last night. I went upstairs to craft and didn't come back down until this morning!! xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    Well what a lovely mixed craft day we have today.
    Norah, he is gorgeous, I'm in the queue for a cuddle too please. I laughed at his expression in the second photo, looks like he has managed to get his hands together but can't work out how to get them apart again. His hat and cardigan are beautifully made, he has a clever granny.
    Brenda, what a fabulous bowl, it looks like you have decorated it by forming flowers around the outside and how you achieved the shades of glaze on the inside is amazing. Love it.
    Myra, are these for your tree?, if so it must look stunning. I love your pinflair one, it is so opulent looking, must have taken you ages to complete. Hope you are having a lovely time, maybe more shopping with Victoria today?
    Sandra, enjoy your visitors, I'm sure Paul's parents won't be looking for dust, they just want to see you all.
    It's another day of die cutting for me. We had a phone call early this morning asking us to go out to lunch tomorrow and as I thought I had the whole weekend free I will have to speed things up today.
    It will be nice to see them again though. It's Peter's former boss and his wife, a lovely couple, but what is interesting is the formal and informal form of address here. I use the informal to them, ie call them by their Christian names and use "du" for "you" whereas Peter calls them Herr and Frau and uses "Sie" for "you".
    In Germany they are very strict about it and you have to be invited to use the informal address when speaking to someone. Peter's mother has a friend and despite knowing each other for donkey years, still use the formal address to each other.
    Right off to die cut,
    See you later, love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. SABA, oh don't I know that! my friends mother lived with her, she was very German yet Barbara was more English than german -" mixing to much with us Brits " as her mother woud says, anyway her mother hated that we didn't address her correctly when she first moved in, after a few years she gave up and just got on with it. It was a loosing battle. X

    2. So SABA, what should we call you ?? ha ha I've got a few names in mind already !!! xxxxx

    3. Hi Patricia and Hazel, I will be staying with friends in Larkhall and get the train in from there, so nice and easy!
      I'll ask Sandra tomorrow about forwarding on the mobile number as she'll be busy with her visitors today. xo

    4. Ok Anne, that's it she is busy with in laws. Xx

  13. Helooooo!! I am not lost or fallen down a hole in the ground.
    I was up at 3am bright as a button. I did lots of little Crafty Jobs, got lots finished off, done and dusted. Around 5.30am I felt a bit cold, I snuck back into bed and slept till just after 8am.
    Now I am way behind with everything. Off to hang out the washing ... that should have been out a couple of hours ago.
    Will be back soon to see what you have all been up to. Lots of you up and in the Café today. See you in a little while xxx

    1. Helloooo back. Wondered where you were. Can't believe you felt bright as a button at 3am! So glad you haven't been swallowed up by a big hole though.

    2. Can I be cheeky and ask you to be my personal alarm clock or I will never be up so early as early morning is normally my time to bed. wonder what's in the hole xxx

    3. Good morning Ladies, just had a wonderful sleep last night in a lovely cosy bed, isn't it strange how we love to go away and then love to get back again, I didn't say home as we are staying at our daughters house in Edinburgh and don't go home until Friday .
      Anyway what a gorgeous baby Harry is, you really do just want to pick him up and cuddle him, and he looks so cute and cosy in his jacket and hat set, Norah you are such a beautiful knitter, I so agree babies should look like babies for as long as they can , they grow up so fast, have to say I love his wee chubby cheeks , just sooo cute!
      Brenda , I love your pottery bowl it looks so useful .
      Myra , thank you for your welcome back, your decorations do you proud, they are glorious, I love the sparkles and the ribbons they'll look wonderful on your Christmas tree!
      Maria, we were in Calahonda ( Costa del Sol) so not too long a flight for Iain , it was just one year ago he had his quadruple heart bypass we just enjoyed walking about , eating out and lazing around the pool.
      Thanks also to Patricia, Hazel and Saba , it's nice to have been missed xoxo
      I'm sorry Jess won't be at the show I hope Norah can make it, it would be good if I could give you my mobile number just in case we can't find one another, do you think Sandra would mind if i sent it to her and
      asked her to pass it on to you?
      Also I had an Email from Craft Stash this morning with great bargains, plus another 20% off for 1st time orders and free postage, I got a SW Square Noble die set for £15:99 less the discount , and of course a few other bits jumped into my basket! so worth a look.
      I haven't managed to catch up on the past weeks but hope to manage it soon.
      Definitely need the calorie free cakes from the cafe now!
      Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    4. Anne, i think Sandra won't mind, but ask and I can send mine to you

    5. ANNE :- really looking forward to meeting up with you on Thursday.
      I see you will be in Edinburgh, I did wonder about the traveling you would have to do to get to Glasgow. xxx

    6. Hello Anne, lovely to have you back and I'm pleased that Iain was well enough to travel for his holiday. xxx

    7. Sorry , hope you see my reply above!

    8. Hi Anne, that sound very nice just relaxing in the sunshine. Glad Iain was well enough to travel. Oh I love a bargain must have a look. Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Oh dear Sandra, I do hope Paull is not in your bad books for not telling you earlier about his parents coming, maybe he forgot - accidentally on purpose! Knowing you haven't felt well and everything else that's going on, if that was the reason, he didn't tell you because he was thinking of you. Anyway everything will fall into place, just enjoy their company. Relax, Life is much too short, SO no stressing !!!!!! (Now you know what hat I'm wearing- don't you) LOL xx

    NORAH, PLEASE can I pick Harry up and have a cuddle, he is gorgeous. XX
    He is very proudly modelling the gorgeous jacket and bobble hat knitted by his beautiful granny., he looks so snug and warm. Norah You clearly are a very talented knitter xx

    BRENDA, Another lovely bowl. This one reminded me of rustic French pottery. I love it. xx

    MYRA, WOW! What beautiful baubles, you really are a very talented lady. xx

    I'm going to sit and enjoy a lovely cappuccino now, maybe I'll have one or two of Margaret yummy butter biscuits.

    Hope everyone has a good day, sending crafty love and hugs to everyone,
    Love Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda OB, lovely to see you bright and breezy xxxx

  15. Morning Sandra and all in this chilly day. Glad the heating is on a bit and a hot chocolate will sit right in place.
    Oh Norah- Harry is a beautiful wee baby, sooo cute and he looks gorgeous in his bobble hat and cardigan you so wonderfully made him. Lot of cuddles!
    Brenda LL- your pottery is always a treat to see and today's bowl is lovely. My grandma used to have something like that in the kitchen, always with a stripy hand towel over it with the fresh smell of yeast for bread making,memories.
    Myra- your baubles for the tree are fab ! Love the colours and the last one looks a bit fiddly to do but uj what pretty, well done all of you and thank you for letting Sandra showing your lovely craft.
    Sandra- I hope you take it easy today and not overdo things because Paul's parents is over. look who's talking, SIL up here on Monday,just for the day but cleaning top to bottom need must and no-one goes on the down stairs loo except her and her OH.
    Home alone and thinking of doing some cards but everyone going to Birmingham seem to be packing already and I don't know where to start. I got the tools together and that's it. How many blocks of paper and cards do I need for two days and will I be on the ball enough to be making so much or just sit listening to everyone talking and 'perp' in when I get a chance tihi
    I wish you all a nice Saturday whatever is on the cards and see you later,
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. No problem Maria, I will waken you in the mornings and I promise not to be to early .... !!! xxx

    2. Maria, my little flower, don't forget the three small travelling toiletries to go in the basket for our lesson in wrapping, or should that be rapping? lol xxxxx

    3. Thank you Patricia, now I can relax tihi
      Maureen, I get something at next shopping. Have knotted my tail so I remember. Can't do rapping so hope it is wrapping Lol xxx

  16. Oh I will try again Google locking me out well it's maybe not them they were asking to much info for my liking never had it before. X

  17. Right it's ok again so why want me to answer all these question glad I didn't answer them?
    Maria, do you think much crafting will get done? We have Christine's demo FRIDAY night, there is the " Stamping Up " one Saturday afternoon, some want to learn things like Patricias flowers ( I think she has been doing a marathon cut out) to bring. Some want to know how to stamp well etc. so think of what you would like to do bring tools, glue etc and things to do with what you would like to do/ find out about. Plus remember what meet up with Karen is like - chat, chat and more chat??? Enjoy your me time. X

    1. Thank you Hazel , you are right I don't think we will do much more than the things we like to learn. Will get a smaller bag from the garage tomorrow. The weekend will be fabulous ! Xxx

    2. MARIA:- the weekend will be "fantastic" I know it will.
      I will waken you so you don't miss Breakfast. Will not waken you too early though, I know you like to sleep in the morning. xxx

  18. Hello again folks,
    Back on track again, washing out, soup made and loads of Flowers cut out. Left wrist back in its brace, really wish I could get an Electric Die Cutting Machine that actually works. It would make life so much easier.
    NORAH:- Harry is just wonderful, looks like you and his mum. Love, love, love, his beautiful outfit, it is so wonderfully knitted.
    BRENDA:- another stunning pot, the design on the outside is wonderful. Love the colour and design.
    MYRA:- your Baubles are brilliant. (Well the ones Sandra has shown us!!!!!!) Love the Blue ones are they for your tree??
    The Pinflair one is beautiful as well, love it.
    SANDRA:- hope all is well and you were ready and waiting for your visitors. Remember they are there to see you and the family not what the house is like.
    Right best go blend the soup ... not till after Imtake my portion out Imlike Chunkey Soup, John likes his blended.
    Will be back later to see what you have all been up to. Sorry I have not had time to go back just now. That will teach me NOT to go back to bed, just keep going. See you later. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia, George likes his soup blended and watery, I like mine chunky and thick. I don't know how we have ever stayed together!!! xxx

  19. Just wanted to say Hello Glad you feel better SANDRA The projects over yesterday and today are just beautiful Can't stop need to catch up on a bit if sleep Whyvis it I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat during the day and can't seem to at night - no tele noise to distract me I suppose!

    1. Hello Karen, If I could put the TV on low during the night, I'd be asleep, but the light would affect George so I don't do it. By the way, thanks to Saba, I'm still scratching EVERYWHERE!!!! xxxx

    2. Hi Karen, take care and get some much needed rest. Think is time for a meet-up soon, what do you say ? Xxx

  20. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry my model is slightly small to fit the aran cardi and hat but he will grow into it and it will definitely keep him warm. I did say to Kirsten that i would take the hat down a bit as it is a bit big on him but it'll be fine she says.his other granny is a keep fit fanatic and has money to throw at everything he might want, this granny is a skint granny and makes do and mends into all sorts of wonderful things. I can see i am going to be the granny that does fun things like getting mucky and making things with where as other granny is going to make him into a keep fit fan......i wonder what's more fun,mmh? Thank you girls for enjoying my little bundle of mischief, he just loves cuddles and is a more than willing participant in them. He is starting with the telling stories and giggling stage which i always love. He puts on that smile and starts to giggle and it's so funny the faces that he comes up with. The first picture is as if he is saying "hey granny do you not think it could have been a bit looser here at the cuff for me". The second is a bit of " i look like a stuff chicken in this lot because it's too big on me mummy, you need to wait until i grow a bit more". It reminds of the photos of the ladies enjoying their glass or was that bottle of wine each, hee hee hee.
    Brenda, oh how i love the design that your beautiful bowl has around it and the colours that have come through the glazing is so pretty. I an see some beautiful home made bread rolls in here or for me it would be my fruit bowl on my dining room table where it could be seen everytime i'm there or by anyone that comes in as it's normally my diningroom that i go into and spend most of the day. Thank you flower for such a beautiful piece of pottery to "glaze" upon, sorry couldn't help the pun.
    Myra your baubles are so pretty and agree if you have the year on them your can look back with memories over the years and the various ones that you make. I love the colour that you have chosen to go with the white as it reminds me of the blue and white china mum used to have and that my friend Lynn has all over her home. The blue is such a lovely shade and because of how you have done it it looks like you have varying shades on it. Seeing the pinflair bauble has reminded me that i have a few there to be done as they will be better on the christmas tree with having the wee one, he can't get hurt the same if they fall off. Thank you Myra for the trip down memory lane and your wonderful works of art.
    Well half pint is a way out with his carer, OH is pluttering around outside and i have a washing to hang out, another to put on and i will get some crafting done this afternoon while all is quiet (well for a wee while it is any way). Have a good day my lovely cherubs and so glad that my little bundle of mischief has brought a smile to the cafe. Huggles are in the basket but they are as bad as Harry today so be warned.
    Norah x

    1. NORAH:- you will be the Granny Harry wil have the best fun with. Don't care what folk say Kids just LOVE to get dirty and play with messy Crafty Stuff both boys and girls. Harry is a little darling and absolutely beautiful like his Granny and mummy.
      Are you going to SECC on Thursday??? Please let Hazel or myself know so we can meet for lunch and a chat.,xxx

    2. Hello Norah, GET DOWN, oh that huggle just kept jumping up at me, sorry!!!! Wow, Harry is the most gorgeous little bundle and his outfit is beautiful. You cannot beat home knitted things for babies and children, and it will soon be growing with him!! An Aran cardigan I knitted for Rachel when she was about 5, still fitted her when she was 9. Every time I washed it, it "grew" a little!!!! xxxx

  21. Wow!! just got down to the bottom. I now need a cuppa and I will also have a big slice of something sweet and sticky. xxx

  22. Hi Everyone, read all the comments, the crafts today are fabulous.
    Norah, your little Harry is scrumptious and your knitting is fabulous.
    Brenda your bowl is lovely, my gran used to use one like this to make her butter in.
    Myra your baubles are exquisite, I made some pinflair ones, a long time ago as presents.
    Washing on the hopefully dry by now, although it's very dull and cold here.
    Been to Asda done the shopping, phoned both my sisters, and it seems as though most of the day has gone.
    Am going to finish a box of cards today for my friends birthday.
    Will pop back later if I can stay awake.
    Have a good rest of the day.Lil

    1. Hi Lilian, good luck with your cards, I still haven't done my birthday card!!! xxx

  23. Hi Sandra
    I hoped you have a lovely day with Paul's parents. Hopefully you haven't worn yourself out rushing around.
    Norah I love your knitted Jacket and Hat. Harry looks so happy doesn't he, but just like all children I expect he has his off days.
    Brenda's bowl as usual is gorgeous as well.
    Myra how clever are you to make these pendants.
    We had a great time in London did quite a few of the sights but will need to go back to finish the rest off. Saw some of the Springkok Rugby Team on the London Eye yesterday.

    1. Hi Pat, are you back home now, or are you still in London. It sounds like you are living the high life!!! xxx

    2. Hi Pat. hope you have a nice time. I was also in London yesterday and we walked for miles just looking around. The weather stayed dry and it was a good day. I could never live there but it's great to go in from time to time Xxx

  24. Aaaaaaaagggghhhhh.
    My GC has started leaking oil!!! HELP.
    SANDRA who was the lady you contacted. I know she is called Karen, but can't remember her surname.
    Oh sugar sugar sugar, pooh pooh pooh.
    It started making a kind of shushing noise at one side first, now I have little spots of oil on my plates.
    I still have loads to cut out.

    1. Hi Saba,
      Can I be of any assistance? what is it you are cutting out? If I have the dies, I could do it for you and bring it to the retreat. hugs xxx

    2. Cheryl thank you so much. I have managed to get it off the plates. I have found Karen's last name and have sent her an e mail.
      I am going to carry on using it, but putting a sheet of grease proof paper on the plates to see if I can contain it and stop it getting on my card stuff. I really need to get these last ones cut out today otherwise I will be stressed. If the end of the world comes then I shall just take my dies with me to Joanne's house and finish cutting them there.
      But thank you for your very kind offer lovely lady.

    3. SABA, it always happens at the wrong time doesn't it? I hope the grease proof paper worked? Xxx

  25. Hello Ladies,
    I hope you'll forgive me today if I don't leave comments all the way down. We are still in Warwick but travel home about 8pm. We have just come in as have been out for lunch which was lovely! This will be our main meal today . We went to a lovely country pub type restaurant called The Orange Tree. It is lovely and looks great in summer too as it has lovely gardens. We went to see our son and DIL's new home. It is not at all " new" but very nice indeed. They won't need to do much at all. A really big garden though! I thought ours was bad but this will take a lot of work!
    Thank you all so much for being so kind about my baubles! I love doing things like that and some are hung on the tree and some get pinned to lampshades at Christmas time. I love Christmas and dressing the house! B
    Saba - it's just above this - so I see you are having oily problems! I contacted CE about my GC on Sue's advice. However I only required a new handle. They sent it to me in a matter of days and I only paid postage - nothing for the handle.
    If I can help with cutting let me know ! Just tell me what you need and if I can help I will.
    Sandra - hope all goes well with you visitors.
    Norah - you will be the best Grandma because you will do things and make things with Harry! Money isn't everything! Time is much more important.
    Hope I'm not missing anything important. I'll check when I get home tonight. We have other son and family coming for lunch tomorrow . My shopping is being delivered between 9am and 10am!!
    Happy days!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. Hello Myra, you are just trying to make me jealous with your visit to a lovely restaurant. George has just asked what I would like for dinner, but I'm really not hungry. Enjoy the rest of your time, we used to go to Warwick a lot as I liked to see my Ancestral Home lol. Have a good time tomorrow, enjoy your company. xxxx

    2. MYRA:- sounds like a wonderful day and place for lunch.
      Safe journey home xxx

    3. Myra, glad you have had a good day, lunch sounds lovely. You are going to be busy like I am tomorrow, nothing happens, all week then we don't stop all weekend? Isn't life fun??? X

    4. Hello Myra, you had a few nice days with your family and some lovely luncheons but now back to reality girl tihi oh could you not got the delivery at a later time , you will have to take it in in your pj's. Hope you journey home was good Xxx

  26. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra hope you get to enjoy seeing your in-laws & are not too tired.
    Sorry I have been missing just had a very busy week, as Sue said we did have a lovely visit to Oxford to meet up with my cousin from Canada we just sat & chatted for 5 hours or more now I am hopefully looking forward to visiting them in May with my lovely grand-daughter Gem I am soo lucky how many 21 year olds would want to holiday with their 73year old Gran!!
    The card yesterday sorry was it Maureen? was so lovely so delicate looking.
    Norah Harry looks so warm & cuddly in his jacket & hat I love it well done.
    Brenda love your bowl I do not use anything else for cooking I have several different sizes, you are so clever.
    Myra your decorations are beautiful, you ladies are really making me think that there might be so many more crafty things I could perhaps try oh dear more pennies needed.
    I tried to comment on way down but they disappeared will just wish you all who feel under the weather hope you soon pick up hugs in basket for your love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P, lovely to see you and glad you have had such a lovely time. Thank you for your kind remarks about yesterday's card. xxx

    2. Margaret, where in Canada do you go? We are away over there again in May too. Glad you had a good meet up, sound like when we ladies meet up. Yes 5 hours is about right, xxx

  27. Sandra, take it easy today, I hope you haven't got yourself stressed over Paul's parents' visit. Relax and enjoy the company (says she who does a total spring clean when anyone is coming).
    It has taken so long to get down to here, I've almost lost the will to live!!!! I have posted under peoples comments but will say here that BRENDA LL, your pottery is beautiful today, and I have some wooden fruit that would fill it beautifully.
    Norah, as I said before, Harry looks so snug, cuddly and warm. His outfit is really gorgeous.
    Myra, your baubles are "swinging" and I'd wear them as earrings. How large are they. Actually, I bet that's the sort of thing that the Pantomime Dame wears - and I'm no Dame!!! They are lovely, would look good on a white painted twig tree, now that's your next project.
    I forgot to say goodnight last night. I struggled to make this blasted birthday card for November, and did everything but. Then went straight to bed.
    I've been to a craft fair this morning, got some bargains, but mainly card, scalpel blades, and stuff like that. Got a large Cosmic Shimmer glue for £6.99, and some spritzer bottles. I have loads but since I tidied my room, I can't find them!! It's the first time that I've never bought any dies. They were mostly all Christmas dies, and I thought that I'd never use all the ones I've bought over the years, so I resisted. Now I am wondering if I did the right thing!!!
    Right, off for a cup off coffee an away to my room. I don't know if we'll be going to mass tonight as my voice and throat have suddenly "gone". George is hanging out the bunting as I type!!! I have a sneaky feeling that Zoe has given me the present of her illness, the little tinker!!!
    See you later, maybe!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Oh nooooo, take two paracetamol immediately, and that is not a suggestion.
      I think you should give Mass a miss too, don't want you passing it on to Father Wotsisname, after all, the time you spend in that confession box he would be bound to get it. Mind you on the other hand he wouldn't recognise your squeaky voice and you you could confess to all sorts of things!!!

    2. MAUREEN: - Scalpel Blades are you looking for trouble???
      Please give Mass a miss this evening. Stay warm, take those Paracetamol and a hot drink. (((((Hugs))) xxx

    3. Keep warm tonight Maureen, we don't want you poorly. I'm sure you've been an angel this week :) xxx

    4. Maureen, you get into bed Margarets bags there too, hot drink and those paracetamol taken. We need you well. Xxx

    5. Hope you feel better after a good nights sleep Maureen xxxx

    6. Oh oh Maureen, no time getting poorly now. Hope a good night will make you feel better Xxx

  28. I am not having a good day. Just nipped to the local shop for a few bits and bobs and on the way back thought Ooooh, there is something in my shoe. Anyway was so near home I just hobbled the last bit, climbed the stairs and took off the offending shoe to find blood all over my toes, well exaggerating a bit there for effect, but there is blood on two of my toes. It's my toe nail. It's been cutting into it's neighbour. Note to self, trim toe nails more often.
    They say things always come in threes so I wonder what will come next. First oil, then blood, then????

    1. Hope it's not the "flood" xxx

    2. SABA:- sorry about your Toes, that's a right sore thing.
      Keep the nails short and you will be fine. xxx

    3. Saba that's really sore when that happens isn't it. I should put your feet up - you can't possibly cook dinner! Just take care with the wine tonight - they say things come in 3s! Xxxxx

    4. SABA, it's ok nits, fleas now your toe, that's your three!!! Oh I am sitting here with my feet up had them all done by Gillian.
      Oh it's been all go here today, Andrew came to help with the shed ( it's up)! So bacon rolls first. Then Gillian came more food made and more cup of tea and coffee, Just going to have 5 minutes when visitors turned up, haven't seen for over a year, they were up seeing their son, so decided to surprise us! Thank goodness I do have this thing of they come to see us not the house, as Gillians bag, stool etc were still sat there, I had craft stuff out you get the picture, but I wasn't bothered, I didn't know they were coming? So my roast dinner for 4 turned out to have to feed 6. Lots of fresh veg and extra roast potatoes and yorkie puds ( yes aunt Bessie) thank goodness for them that's all I can say. All feed and watered and now on their ways. Me I am in my pjs Margaret bag at my back, yes back is a bit sore. Tomorrow I have a full on day from early morning till late in the evening. So I might not be in. Xxx

    5. Saba, it's no joke when you have sore feet, it makes everything feel like hard work, put your feet up and relax xx

      Hazel, I'm tired just reading all you have done today, and another busy day tomorrow, take care of your back. Everybody needs to get well for the retreat xxxxx

    6. I see Hazel has been more positive than me. Nits, Fleas and toes, certainly better than my "flood" xxx

    7. Oh she doesn't need to worry about flooding, she has a plumbing problem in the kitchen and her shower, now you will have her checking these every five minutes.?? X

  29. Evening ladies - Severn!!!!! Sorry couldn't resist! I'm finally watching Strictly, although rugby will be on again soon! The match this afternoon was good but sadly wales lost ( sorry spoiler allert!). I started my knitting whilst watching, 12 mm needles and 60 stitches so should grow quickly. I've already found a mistake in the pattern so I hope the rest is ok - hate it when that happens. We caught the post by the skin of our teeth this morning and I've just realised I forgot to photograph Emma's card grrrrrr. Her friend arrived safe and sound so no doubt they are out painting the town red! I'm off to cook dinner noël I may be back later - depends how exciting the rugby is!!!! Hope everyone is ok xxxxxx

  30. Hello ladies,
    We have had a lovely relaxed day, Nic has been in a really smiley mood today, we went out this afternoon and then just after tea, her brother Dave and D I L Carol came round, Dave needed some bits from the garage and then went back, he was changing a radiator, but Carol stayed for about an hour, Nic loves Carol to bits, so was really pleased to see them. Nic has gone home now and John will be in from work just after eight so I'll say goodnight now, anyone under the weather I hope a good nights sleep is all you need.
    See you tomorrow

  31. Hello again,
    I managed to cut out about 30 snowflakes without too much trouble. I put a piece of thin card over the top plate and that seems to do the trick, it has kept the oil from the plates. There isn't much now, just the odd tiny spot on the card.
    Hazel I never actually had the nits or fleas so I think the third one is still waiting to get me. As for a flood Patricia, can you imagine, we live on the fourth floor!! The neighbours underneath us wouldn't be happy.
    Had a lovely fish dinner, grilled trout and some salmon steaks all washed down with a glass of local white. I love fish and still can't get my head around the fact I am not supposed to eat it at the moment, oh well, live dangerously that's my motto!
    Jean I am going to watch Strictly now and hoping Len doesn't disappoint.
    See you lovely ladies later.

  32. SABA:- why are you not supposed to eat fish ???

    1. Patricia, it's all to do with the iodine in the fish. Hashimotos is an Auto immune disease and With Hashimotos the anti bodies attack the thyroid. Iodine stimulates the thyroid and causes the anti bodies to attack it even more. It's a blasted nuisance especially as iodine is present in so many things, especially some kinds of salt.
      Hope that helps. Xxxx

  33. Hi all, Had a nice quiet morning catching up with some programs I recorded and then did some cutting outs but when they not cut first or second time I nearly gave up. Sorry you got oil from your machine Saba, hope it will fix itself.Look after your tootsies ,ouch it must have been sore. Had to get back up many times to look at baby Harry, he is adorable ! You will be a wonderful granny to him Norah and you can tell him so many stories and making things together. He only need to be a few months older. :-) Sandra hope you have a nice week-end and take care not to do too much, let everyone pitch in.
    It's been a good day but now tired so will actually be going to bed in a little while so saying night,night, sweet dreams and don't let the bugs bite hihi Xxx
    warm hugs Maria xxx

    1. Goodnight Maria, I am heading the same way. My bed is calling as well.
      Goodnight God Bless see you all in the morning. xxx

    2. Good night to you both, God bless or in your case Maria God natt, må Gud välsigna.

  34. I am home! Phew! I drove all the way as well!
    We had a lovely few days now it's time to unpack and get ready for tomorrow! I've never had my shopping delivered on a Sunday before but needs must! I can't feed seven of us for lunch tomorrow without shopping! If he comes at 9am I may well still be in my pjs . Don't care!
    I haven't read anything yet! Will do but my just make comments tomorrow!
    Lots of love Myra xxx

    1. Hello lovely, I was just signing out when I saw yours. Glad you are safely home. See you tomorrow, night God bless, sweet dreams, well done for doing all the driving home.
      Love and hugs xxxxx

  35. Well Strictly was fabulous as always. I won't give anything away for those of you who haven't yet watched it. Hope Nicky and Nic both enjoyed the odd 7 from Len.
    Myra I hope you are now safely home and Maureen hope you are not coming down with Zoe's cold although I strongly suspect you are, keep warm dear lady, hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.
    I am going to have an "early" night. So good night and God bless you all.
    Saba xxx

  36. OMG it's been one of them days time went nowhere
    So I will say good night God Bless & read comments tomorrow. Just want to say NORAH Harry is gorgeous & your hat & jacket is lovely.
    BRENDA as usual your pottery
    MYRA I love your baubles they are stunning must have taken you ages.
    Love Lynda xxx
