
Sunday 18 October 2015

Time for another beautiful birthday card!

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all having a lovely weekend!
Today I would like to share with you the absolutely gorgeous birthday cord I received from Jean.
I have no idea what dies Jean has used, but they are all gorgeous, so intricate and delicate,
the papers Jean has used are all so delicate and pretty too, how professional does that insert look
The composition of the card is what makes it I think, the card is beautiful Jean and I absolutely loved
it, thank you so very much for taking the time to make and send it to me xxxxx

It is just a quick post from me today as I am extremely exhausted today, whistling for the birds like Snow White just didn't work, apart from the pooping on the windows! won't try that again! haha
Hopefully have five minutes lie on the bed to catch up with you later,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café crew, hope you are all well and ready for the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- don't you just LOVE those blooming birds?? You get things all done and they have to "add" their tuppenceworth on your windows!!
    As long as your guests are fed and happy they will not even notice the "pooped" Windows.
    JEAN:- your card is absolutely stunning, a total work of "art" I love the delicate colours, amazing Die Cut work and fantastic design.
    Everything ready for the day, I hope there is enough goodies to keep you all going.
    Thomas here from about 9.30, he will be dropped off while John Jnr takes Robert to his football. Once they have been home, washed and brushed up we are going out for lunch then the rest of the day off Big Train Hunting. No Steam trains today it will all be Diesel engines. Don't know much about it but it's ones to be seen for some reason. I said I would not bother going but I got the "oh! Granny you have to come" so looks like I will have to go. I think it is because I always bring a "bag of snacks" !!!
    Right best go and get things done before Thomas arrives and breakfast will have to be started. Thomas will eat something at home but likes his Bacon Rolls here with his Grandpa.
    If I don't get back in till late in the evening, be good and hope you all have a good day.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourself. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Have a great day I used to love train spotting when I was a kid we always had a great spot on a hill where we used to live and looked over the main line from North Wales to Chester....of course they were all steam trains in those days I loved to hear their whistle as they passed by puffing their smoke. Clive and I went on a 5 day break up to Whitby a couple of years back and the big excitement of the break was a trip on a steam train evoked so many memories as a child and especially as dad had been a train driver many moons ago. Enjoy xxx

    2. Hi Patricia, have a nice day looking at trains and have fun with the boys. Once went to a train museum in York ,it was good. xxx

    3. A bit like you today, Patricia, in that I'm whizzing in and out! Shopping arrived in good time and nearly all away! Stopped for a quick coffee before preparing lunch! Will try to get back later! Enjoy your day with the boys Patricia! Xxx

    4. Patricia have a lovely day, the weather looks like it will be ok for a day out,. Xx

    5. Patricia I hope you have enjoyed your day train spotting - steam trains every time for me too! Xxxxx

    6. I hope you had a great day too

  2. Morning Ladies

    Jean- your card is fantastic , just beautiful. Can't wait to hear how you made it.

    Decided to get up early as I was tossing & turning. I have lots to do today-mainly housework but if I get that all done then I can carry on card making.

    Confession time- I didn't get to the demo yesterday. I nipped to the village & by the time I got back and made us both a coffee, the delivery guys were here. Hubby had only ordered a new office chair but boy, did that take some effort. It's so heavy that I was struggling to hold it-good job I'm not a light weight....ha ha! I spent the rest of the day in the craft room and made 6 cards. 4 from the recent cd I bought and 2 using dies I hadn't got round to using! Got a few more ideas floating round my head so it would be nice to be able to have a play.

    Perhaps I should start hoovering-that should get hubby out of bed!!!


    1. Hi Michele. My goodness you did get on well yesterday didn't you making 6 cards. I wonder what will win today, housework or crafting? What about doing some of each? Whatever you do have a good day x

    2. Hi Michele, wowser that must have been a monster of a office chair. The one OH has got is not that heavy just very awkward with big bottompart where the wheels are. You did a fab. job doh to get so many cards done. Did the hoover wake him or did the crafting win ? xxx

  3. Good morning ladies,
    Sandra I hope you are enjoying your visitors, the windows will be cleaned of bird poop, but the conversations stay in our memories, sit back and relax, you deserve to.
    Thank you for the comments on my card, I saw the shape on another blog a long while ago and have used it a few times, it can be done widthways in one piece and the top flap separate but it's easier to add a lol sides to a square base if you want to die cut the edges, mainly SB but used a SW die too. Glad you liked it Sandra.
    Don't know what's on the agenda today, John is still in bed but I would like a new chair for my craft room, just the original typist chair, the one I have has arms on and is a bit big, not enough space for me to maenouvor.
    Patricia, hope you enjoy the trains, the excitement of everyone will get to you wont it..
    Michelle hope you can carry on with your card making, CDs certainly make it easier for us don't they,
    Take care everyone, will be back later on,
    Hugs in the basket please help yourself,

    1. Hi Jean,
      Oh your card is stunning and such a wonderful design, I love this shape I did one as a wedding card for a dear cyber friend but had never seen one with the top on before. The lacey borders are such a pretty touch too. You make such beautiful cards as I know because of the most beautiful card I received from you on my birthday. Have a lovely day and I hope you get the chair you're looking for. Love Sheila xxx

    2. PS Oh I nearly forgot....yes it was Abakhan that Carol and I went to's only a 15 mins drive from us. xxx

    3. Hi Jean, The card for our Sandra is absolutely a work of art ! Beautiful papers and the diecut works so well like lace framing a window and you opening up the awning to have a look inside.
      Have a good day chair hunting xxx

    4. Hi Jean,
      I love your card the colours are beautiful & everything about it well done. xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies, another grey day here.
    Sandra hope you manage to get some down time today.
    Patricia have a lovely day with your family, wish my Grand children lived nearer.

    Yesterday managed to finish another 5 cards for my friends birthday, that's 21 now done, will have to post Monday.
    Not much on today, will have a quick tidy, and then some ironing to do.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Hi Lillian. You had a good day too, making 5 cards. I am pleased if I manage 1 : ) Have a good day x

    2. Wow Lillian 5 cards, I am so impressed, I barely get 1 made in a day and I know Sue is the same (mrs b), we spend more hours deciding what to use and decide what composition to use.
      I am not sure which part of Cornwall you live in Lilian, my sister has rented a cottage on Looe for a few days, she was very excited on Friday, it's her birthday treat, I am quite envious, I quite fancy the idea of bring shut away in a cottage with no neighbours with Paul !!
      I would forget the ironing and go play in your craft room, you will be so much more productive!!
      Whatever you do have a good one,
      Love and hugs

    3. Hi Lillian, wow you did well making 5 cards yesterday. Do wish I could do that well.
      Have a good day.xx

    4. omg I can now see us sitting just looking at eachother trying to make 1 card between us ! What a hoot tihi Well done Lilian for making so many, your friend will love her present. have a good day xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    Jean, your card is absolutely fabulous! The papers and die cuts are divine, I so love the flaps and the overall design makes me think of the old fashioned sweet shops that had the awning over the doorways so you were enticed inside to drool over all those jars of every conceivable kind of sweet ever.
    Please send me the instructions, I'd love to make one of these for a chocoholic friend of mine.
    Off out for lunch today with Jamie and a spot of shopping at the garden centre. Pete & I were given some National Garden vouchers a while ago now and I have just found them again so plans are to buy an Amelanchier tree to plant in the garden for him. It is a smallish tree with the most amazing smell when it flowers.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. Have a lovely time with Jamie. The tree sounds wonderful, you will take pleasure every time you look at it won't you. Enjoy choosing it x

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      Have a lovely lunch with Jamie and I hope you find the tree you want especially as it was one you and Pete both does sounds beautiful. xxx

    3. Morning Cheryl,
      I hope that you have a lovely lunch out with Jamie, he really does sound such a kind, thoughtful young man, a rare quality these days!
      I would love to see a photo of this tree, it sounds delighful!
      Well I must go, I have guests to entertain!!!!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, have a lovely day out with Jamie and hope you find the tree you looking for. xxx

    5. Cheryl - the description of the tree sound beautiful, would love to see a photo of it xxx

    6. Cheryl hope you have had a lovely day with Jamie, the tree sounds lovely xxxx

  6. First I must apologise to everyone for not getting in yesterday to thank everyone for their kind comments about my pottery. So pleased to all liked it. Was supposed to look rustic and sounds as if you all thought the same. Thank you. Norah. Harry looks gorgeous and love the cardigan and hat you have made for him. Myra. Love the baubles. They are very pretty. I made a lot of the Pinflair ones many years ago but they still look as good as new. The MDF ones are lovely. We are going to decorate MDF baubles with our craft ladies but it would take, at least 15 of them too long to do it in an evening because first of all we would have to buy too many pots of paste and they would get into so much mess because basically they don't listen to how to do it and do it there own way. Never mind they seem to enjoy the sessions.
    SANDRA. hope you will be able to enjoy today. Let everyone help. If they don't offer then ask. Not easy I know. Well another busy morning. It's been that sort of week. Rushing here there and everywhere. Will try and get back later.

    1. Hi Brenda. You are very busy at the moment aren't you. I hope you get to relax at some time today. Take care x

    2. Thank you Brenda! I wasn't in much myself and am just skimming through quickly today! I've made smaller baubles and snowflakes with the children but they either used deco patch papers or coloured with Promarkers and a bit of glitter etc! I know what you mean about time and particularly mess!! Take care! Xxx

    3. Yes that is shat we will be doing Myra. We just charge basically for materials so try to keep the price down and to be several stencils and pots of paste otherwise they would be sitting twiddling their thumbs waiting. So something easy is best.

  7. Sorry Jean. I meant to mention your card today. It is beautiful. Have not seen a card like this one before. Very clever idea and love the colours and also the insert.

  8. Good morning Ladies, and it does look as though it's going to be a lovely day, we have friends coming to join us for a couple of days in Edinburgh and then we will go through to their house in Larkhall for another couple of days , so lots of fun in store!
    Jean , I LOVE your card it is exquisite ! The design is so different, I would love to try something like this, also the insert is so professional.
    I'll just have a quick cup of tea in the cafe as I'd better get a move on , just had a message friends arriving at 10am!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne have a lovely time with your friends and then enjoy the visit to their house.after that....have fun, xxx

    2. Anne, it sounds as if you are having a lovely week all being well. Topped off with a visit to the Craft Fair and meeting up with Patricia, Hazel and maybe Norah! Have a lovely time! Xxx

  9. Good morning ladies
    Jean what a pretty card, I am a big fan of pink so it's definitely one for me. Love the idea of of the top flap and then the big reveal. It's gorgeous.
    Sandra don't do it all yourself, you have only to ask and I am sure everyone will muck in.
    Patricia enjoy your day with your family, there is something about steam trains but not sure about diesels, still if they are "to be seen" then you have to do it!
    Myra enjoy your family day as well.
    Lilian, I know just how you feel, I wish my grandchildren were closer too.
    Cheryl how lovely to plant a tree for Pete, hope someone will help with the digging though.
    Michele you give yourself a craft day, the housework can wait.
    Well I think that's s everyone who has been in so far, I think Sue is hovering and will be coming in soon, not psychic ability, just seen a couple of comments!
    We are going out for lunch so I need to get on. Hope to call in later this evening.
    Maureen dear heart, hope you are not too unwell with your bad cold, thinking of you, stay warm and look after yourself.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. So pleased you got around the oily spots problem! I think. I know what you have been making!!! I'm not psychic either! Just going now! Enjoy lunch. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Jean, your card is beautiful, I love the design and the lovely shades of pink you used, and the insert is wonderful. I will be looking back to see how you made it.
    It's good to see that Pat and Myra are safely home after their travels.
    Pat, glad you enjoyed visiting London. There is always something to see. The saying which I can never recall properly but goes something like " If you are tired of London you are tired of life" is so true. Bet you are going to put your feet up today though to give them a rest.
    Maureen, I do hope you have woken up feeling better than you did last night. Fingers crossed Zoe hasn't shared her cold with you.
    Saba, sorry to hear you did end up with red spots. I have the same reaction sometimes to cheap jewellery. I find painting the back of your watch with a few coats of clear nail varnish can help.
    Sandra, I hope you are able to grab a little rest in between making meals etc. my lovely.
    I hope to be able to do a bit of crafting today after resting yesterday as the joints are not so bad.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care x

  11. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Have left comments on the way down so you'll know I love Jeans card,
    Sandra do take it easy today sorry about the birds not turning up to help you but decided to make matters worse by pooping all over you windows. Just relax and look forward to the exciting time coming up at the Retreat.
    I had a lovely afternoon with Carol yesterday, Abakhan was very busy...there were a couple of ladies doing demos in the Craft shed one was doing different things with a glue gun!.....making dazzlers etc, and the other thing she did (which I haven't seen before) she let some glue for the gun drip onto a heat sheet and then stamped on to it straight away (no ink required) left the stamp on it and waited for it to cool....removed the stamp ( it was a pretty little flower) and hey presto she had the impression of her flower which she then trimmed off and proceeded to rub foil on to it and added a touch of light gold mica was gorgeous. It was relatively quick to explaination as always is a bit long winded.
    Then we had the most gorgeous strawberry tart with a blob of fresh cream and a few chocolate shavings on it...would have loved two but didn't want to appear greedy!!
    Maureen oh I do hope you soon get over your cold and are fighting fit ready for the Retreat. Keep warm and take it easy...maybe a lovely hot toddy or two.
    Must get on I have the dreaded ironing to do (not much though) as I am going to Margaret and George's tomorrow till Friday so it will be nice to be with them and many laughs to look forward to.
    Have left hugs in the basket so please take one whenever you like.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila , I understood your description perfectly! Sounds like something to try. I hope you have a lovely time next week with Margaret and George. It's so nice to have a little break now and again! Xxx

    2. Yes this does look nice when done Sheila. We did this one week at Craft Group but with embossing powders I think it was. Think the stamps have to be rubber not the clear ones.

    3. Sheila - my friend did the sparklers with the hot glue gun and they were brilliant x not tried stamping in the glue though

    4. Brenda it's fine to use the see through stamps as that's what the lady was using......I must admit I was a bit gobsmacked at the time as I thought those stamps would melt....but 'no' all was fine and I was pleased as the majority of stamps are the clear ones these days so I hope this helps if you decide to do it with the glue gun another time. xxx

    5. Sheila have a wonderful week away. Now where did I put my glue gun, that sounds fun! Xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra,

    What a stunning Birthday card, love the design and like you said it does look so professional. Well done Jean.

    Hope you feel better soon Sandra

    Love & hUgs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hello Jacquie, always nice to see you! Xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    I have comment on the way down but will say it again that your card Jean is Gorgeous! Is it a die to make the folds or do you have to measure it up
    yourself ? I hope you have a good day Sandra with the in-laws around and don't stress to much, let them all help out. Maureen- hope you haven't got Zoe's cold but feeling ok this morning. So many here that can put a few cards together in a day. I got one that I played around with the last week and still not done ! I'm a hopeless case but I will now take my tea and go back to have a look at it. Perfect crafting weather, rain and cold. I wish you all a good Sunday with family and friends ,love and hugs Maria xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Jean your card is stunning, so pretty and feminine love it!!
    Sandra hope you will try and take things easy today, just get everyone to help.
    Michele I thought I did well yesterday doing four baby cards, but you managed six cards, I think we all need to have a look at our older dies and use them again.
    Cheryl, have a lovely time at the garden centre, the tree sounds amazing, I think I need to get one of them for a little spot in the garden that needs a small tree.
    Shiela have a lovely time next week with your friends.
    You know some people are a bit dumb, our next door neighbour (in thier 30s) built a summerhouse in their garden yesterday for his wife's birthday, where did he put the most shaded bit of the garden that doesn't get the sun. I said would it not be better facing south, he said that where he put it was where his wife wanted it!!! Nowt as queer as
    Off to do not much today, need to get more cards made for the shop, I know I keep saying I will pop back later but never seem to make it, it's Downton Abby tonight so that takes me up to 10 and by the time suppers made I feel like I need to get to bed, anyway I always look in sometime in the afternoon, so have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, take care xxxx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I'm having a quick pop in today! Lots happening here shortly.
    My shopping came in good time. It almost always does. Only a problem on the M6 delayed them once.
    What a lovely card we have today from Jean! It is really different and so very pretty both in colours used , layout and dies. The Insert is gorgeous! I need to use a computer more , I can see that! Thank you for inspiring me Jean!
    Maureen - I do hope you are not feeling any worse today! If you are stay in bed! George will look after you, I know that.
    Sandra - don't do too much - sorry about the birds - my husband has several bird feeders and then wonders why the birds leave little messages on the cars and windows!!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx
    PS - Hazel I hope you are feeling a lot better. My miniatures are in the box!! No no, Muriel , not brandy/ whisky - shower gels, body lotion etc!! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Dont worry about Paul's Mum and Dad they won't notice the birds present they left. Have a rest before they come and let the girls and them help. They really are old enough to help you a bit in the kitchen and clear up behind them.
    Jean you card is gorgeous. I'm not to sure which dies and papers you used but they looked lovely on Sandra's card.

  17. Afternoon to all

    JEAN - your card for Sandra is just one big WOW WOW WOW (well 3 really).
    I love everything from your colour palette to your insert. You are one very talented lady. I can just imagine Sandra's face when she opened it. Big Smiles all round.

    Sandra - I hope you are recovering from your visitors yesterday and are well on with your prep for Birmingham.

    I'm sorry I'm a little late with my Friday Cake report but time is passing me by at the speed of light here. Anyway here goes. You have to remember they were from Carrefour Supermarket so nothing like our little bakery in Corbigny. That will be this coming Friday.

    We both had the same cakes -that is one each of the same not one to share-.
    They were baked the theme of the SPECALOOS biscuits (these can be bought in the UK but I don't know their name.
    The base was a layer of vanilla sponge with a good layer of chocolate mousse on top. On top of that was another layer of vanilla sponge and then finished off with a layer of thick cream flavoured with the same taste the biscuits have. On top as a finishing touch was a small Specaloo biscuit on one and a swirl of chocolate on the othe
    Not a patch on our Corbigny cakes but we do have them to look forward to.

    I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday afternoon and doing exactly what they want to do. Hugs should be arriving round about now - fingers crossed.
    I'll see you all tomorrow.

  18. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Hope everyone is enjoying Sunday afternoon - I am sitting comfortably on my new chair - red - pleased now.
    I am overwhelmed reading comments about the card I made for Sandras birthday. Its called a Flap Card and I saw it on Ednas blog (Another day Another card) a good while ago - I have made several.
    On the two side flaps I used Tonic head fold die - Sue Wilson Gemini Pyxis for the top flap - SB Medallion Four for the flower bases and CC Sentiment die - I love these sentiment dies - they are so useful. I started with a square then measured a top flap and two sides all with a hinge of about half an inch then when they are die cut and in place a second square was placed on the back to hide the workings. I hope this makes sense - Im not an instructions person - need to see things then I can work them out -
    Am going to settle to some more Christmas cards - will pop back later

    1. Jean your card is stunning, I think I know what you mean with the instructions, I always have good intentions to make different cards but never seem to have the time! When I went to my local craft shop the other day they had a whole stand of the sentiment dies and I had a quick look but it was how reasonably priced they were that I liked too! I must pop in and see if they've got an anniversary one ( although I must check I haven't bought one yet because I know I've been wanting one for ages! ). Thank you for sharing such a beautiful card xxxxx

    2. thanks for your lovely comments Diane xxx

    3. Jean so pleased you found the right comfy makes all the difference if you find the right

  19. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra please try & delegate some of the jobs the girls are old enough to help take care xx
    Maureen hope you are not suffering too much keep warm xx
    Hazel my cousin lives in Kitchener about an hour from Toronto I love it there beautiful country & people.
    I am having a relaxing afternoon hope to do some cross stitch it's been such a busy week.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  20. Hi everyone well instead of doing my bit of ironing I decided I didn't have much in (foodwise) for when I get back home on Friday and Nik will be here on the Saturday so went to town to do a bit of shopping and a few things to take to Margaret and George's......oh why can't I stick to my little list when I take it out with me!!!! I ended up filling my shopping trolley and also filling a 10p and a 5p bag! That will teach me not to go out shopping when I'm hungry!! I did pop into Poundland though as well! I'm shattered now so it's a cup of tea and some prawns with sweet chilli dip which will last me till tea time.
    Saba so pleased you fixed your oil leaks I might try that myself.
    Off to feed myself now will pop in again later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila I do that, pop in for milk and several bags and pounds later I come out with things I didn't know I needed. Your prawns sound yummy. I didn't have lunch today, just cereal and a Danish about 10.30 and Julian had a cooked breakfast so I'm getting peckish now! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I've just left a comment for Jean on her lovely card. Isn't she clever. Sorry I'm late, we decided to tackle the study today and find the desk again ie de Emma it! We've made a good dent in it but it's now Julian's sewing stuff and lots of paperwork that needs sorting. We've been taking about replacing the desk with more storage but I won't hold my breath! I've re found a couple of projects I bought too so have put them to the front. I need to be ruthless and get rid of some stuff I haven't touched for years but that will be another day. I've got lamb shanks in the oven, a Jamie Oliver recipe I've not tried before but hopefully they should be yummy in a couple of hours time. We've stopped to watch the rugby, another close match but it's now pouring with rain in London so no doubt that's our weather later.
    Sandra I hope you are having a lovely time with your visitors and you've all mucked in to help. Xxxxx
    Maureen you've been quiet today, I hope you aren't feeling too poorly and have just decided to have a lazy day to get on top of it xxxx
    It's getting a bit dark here so I need to move and pull curtains put on light etc and start putting stuff away again. See you all later xxxx

  22. What a rugby match well done Scotland you played well, such a shame about the penalty that clinched the match for Australia.
    Did a few more baby cards this afternoon, just had dinner, soon be time for the results show from Stricly, wonder who will get sent off this week?
    Hope to get back later, xxx

  23. Hi everybody, just noticed that my comment that I left earlier has not published, sorry Jean your card for Sandra is fabulous, love the fap at the top, my cards are mainly stamped and coloured flowers, yesterday used s/w garden frame cut in half and then put flowers in the middle.( scanncut to cut them out )
    Sandra Looe is a few miles up the coast from us , we are about 3miles from Mevagissy, so when sea gulls decorate your windows it's a lot of good luck!!!!!!!
    Pasties baked and devoured, so not much clearing to do.
    O/H going to London tomorrow catching the train at 6-30 am, so early night I feel.Staying with our Daughter so 2 days to myself.
    Turned out nice and sunny so did some gardening this afternoon, really quite warm.
    All for now Lilian

  24. Evening lovelies,
    Ironing done so just have to a pack a few (few being the operative word) things...I always seem to have to take the 'kitchen sink' no matter how long I go away for. My just has the right size nozzle for straighteners....I use then just to put a bit of a bend on my hair not to straighten it! Margaret always says 'But Sheila I have all these things at home'
    Just a quirky thing with me I suppose, I'm just used to the way my own things work....and not forgetting my polyfilla!!
    Anyway I'll say 'ta ta for now'. I will try and use my mobile to add a comment but the only thing is it puts the same comment on 3 times and I only press Publish once!! But will be keeping my eye on you all!! Hahaha!!
    Maureen I do hope that the cold hasn't got a big grip on you and you are feeling better very soon. Hope anyone else who is feeling poorly gets better soon.
    Take care lovely ladies see you soon Lots of love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, have a lovely time with Margaret and George. hugs xxx

  25. I hope I'm not too late to say that Ai love your card JEAN It's all amazing especially the insert How/what did you do/use I'm very intrigued
    Was it you CHERYL talking about a beautiful tree What a lovely idea I hope your visit was successful
    To the rest of you I love reading what you write even I don't get around to commenting on everything

  26. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry I am so late, but I wanted to say to Jean what a lovely card you made for Sandra, I love it, you have put in so much detail. It really is gorgeous. Thank you Sandra for sharing with us.

    Sandra, I hope you had a lovely weekend with Paul's parents, and they have returned home safe and sound.

    Today has been very busy. I had said I would help our younger daughter and grandson at a car boot fair. So was up at silly o'clock to drive out to Caterham. Most items were grandsons who wants to buy an !!!!!!! but is going to wait until Black Friday to buy - whatever it is. Anyway back home this afternoon and fell asleep (what a suprise) I am about to go to bed but wanted to say Hello and Goodnight xxx
    Sleep well dear friends, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh you have been busy Brenda,no wonder you fell asleep .take care, good night my friend xxx

  27. Hello SANDRA & everyone Sandra I hope your not worn out after entertaining Paul's parents,hope you gots some help from your girls.
    Like BRENDA sorry I'm late again.
    JEAN your card for Sandra is beautiful I love the design & all the die's you have used. I have been busy today actually got washing dried as we had some sun first for two weeks so nice to put it out on line. Took 12 paws for a long walk which was lovely. Then in craft room after lunch I made one Christmas card I was quit pleased how it came out & cut lots of Christmas die's out so just got to make them into cards now.
    Well looks like everyone has gone to bed so I'm doing the same now
    Goodnight & God bless lovely ladies. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Good night everyone, hihi probebly speaking to myself ,again!
      Hope you took it easy Sandra and Hazel careful with your back. Sheila ,have a nice mini holiday. Maureen , feeling ok,no cold ?
      Sue, good to see you had a better day. Brenda LL, take it easy.
      Saba, hope your toe is healing and not to sore. Best go SIL here in the morning but will try to pop in before they arrive. If not, have a good day all and I hope to see you before bed but hopefully not this late.
      love and hugs xxx
