
Friday 16 October 2015

Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Festive Friday is upon us once again, boy do these weeks fly round fast!
Two weeks today, some of you will have already started out on their journey, I will not doubt still be
awake from the night before wondering if I have remembered everything, a bit like holiday where you got to bed thinking Passports, tickets, money and for me also (medication)! Having said that I am so looking forward to meeting you all.!!
Now today's card covers different categories....its Festive and it has been made without a Die in sight, what a refreshing change.
Maureen I look forward to telling us who the stamps are by, the could be Jenny Maye's or Clarity or neither, I am just guessing, both of them do lovely scene stamps though, hurry in and put me right Maureen.
Now Maureen's colouring is just amazing as always, the different colours that you have used to create shadows and shaping in the snow banks is pure genius Maureen, the stormy sky really does look full of snow, that cottage in the distance looks like a nice warm haven. Next your eye is drawn to the cute little robin in the foreground, sitting on the bank of a chilly looking stream!
The whole image tells a story Maureen, you have captured it beautifully, I really do love this card Maureen, I think that there is more to look at with this style of card of die cut cards.
Thank you my lovely, sending you hugs, real ones in 2 weeks! xxx
Thank you for all of your support for my amazing husband yesterday, he really is my rock,
I think the whole week kind of caught up with me and I just couldn't bring myself to even look at the
lap top!
It helped that I was so enthusiastic to show your Maureen's masterpiece today, so I did sit and do it myself, I had to laugh at him though, the sheer determination that he wasn't about to stand by and see me not create a post for the first time in over a year, he is right I would have been kicking myself had I looked back and had a day missing!
I do want to thank both of my lovely Brenda's, littlelamb sent me the most delightful E card, the image was of a french cafe, with flowers on the table and everything, it really did make me smile and warm my heart xxxx
Brenda (Mumma) for just that reason, without me even saying anything, she 'knew' that I was under the weather and called me and we chatted for almost a couple of hours, the time flew by like it was ten minutes, I loved every second Brenda, I swear, it was so lovely to hear your voice, I got up from the bed and Paul said, ''well, whatever Brenda said it did the trick, you are smiling again''! So thank you from Paul too xxxx
I will try and call back in later,
Love and hugs to all,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning. Oh Sandra so glad that you are better and have posted this morning. Don't get me wrong Paul was a star yesterday for doing it, but it's nice to see the Boss herself in isn't it ladies???
    Well that frost they said we were getting, is here not much at the moment, but I feel as morning light breaks it will get frostier! Sat here pjs fleece, Margarets heat bag, slanket over my legs and the heating on. Just a tad chilly,! We live in an old cottage walls 18-20ins deep but not cozy at this time of year till the heating is on. I do think if we were younger we would move out for a few weeks get builders in to take down the plaster board and put new code installation up then reboard and plaster on the outside walls. We are part of a terrace but I think the extra installation would make I big difference.
    Maureen, your card is fantastic, It looks like you could feel the wood of those fence post when you were holding onto one dragging your foot out of the snow which again you can almost feel the cold from it. The owl too is so life like. You are an artist when it comes to stamping and colouring. Now remember lots of vitamin C, I hope Zoe is feeling brighter today.
    Thankfully I am back to normal and have got my first load of washing in the machine, why Is it you open the basket and there is not enough to do one colour of load to put on, then the next day you can make up 3 or 4? I have those to do plus go to Perth later on this aftenoon. I have taken my tea and toast, Margaret C your damson jam is yummy. I will sit near the radiator to keep cozy and see who pops in. Xxx

    1. Pleased you are feeling a lot better Hazel, but take it easy still xxx

    2. Good to hear you are feeling better Hazel but do take care of yourselves. Now what do you mean if you were younger! I think that should be whilst we are young we should get the insulating done! Think how much money you would save over the years and how much warmer you would be! Do think about it Hazel. Xxxx

    3. Oh , I feel so much better this morning - I was unwell - it's just knowing that Hazel is better and Sandra too!
      What a difference a day makes - twenty four little hours!
      Just hope Zoe is too! Xxx

    4. Hazel I am so glad to hear you are feeling better today, don't do too much though. Enjoy your trip to Perth, but not sure you should be driving so soon.
      Love and warm hugs Saba xxxx

    5. Diane, it's not the money as we have always since we own our first house ( Charlie was still serving in the army). Had a fund to cover big repairs! It's the up heaval. We might think about it when we go to Canada that would solve the " where do we live?" Our house is warm over the winter as we leave the heating on all day we have the radiators turn down a notch. It goes off between 9 pm - 6 am. We find it costs no more than putting it off and on all the time. Tammy and Derek have had thermal cladding put round their house and they feel the difference. X

    6. Hello Hazel, so pleased your feeling better today. Now don't get rushing about like superwoman take it easy young lady. Enjoy your trip to Perth. Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    7. Hello Hazel, so pleased to see you up and about, but take it easy. Just leave that Damson jam along - it's mine - all mine!!
      Thank you for your kind remarks about my card - shucks I just threw it together!!! ha ha xxxx

    8. So good to see you are moving around again without to much pain but like the others say , don't rush whatever you do. Hope you had a nice time in Perth .hugs xx

    9. Oh I wouldn't have gone to Perth, but one of Tammys cats was playing Tammys friend up who was cat sitting, first she thought they were hiding on Wednesday night to discover the young had got out wouldn't come in, was still out this morning, Kathleen upset as she felt she had let Tammy down, no the wee rogue of a cat was being a wee so and so. I went across as he knows we and thought he would come in NO. I did get him after I phoned Tammy and put my phone on loud speaker and had her call him? Did I feel daft or what yes - mega daft. It worked and I got hold of him and dumped him the house. I had seen to their tray and filled the food up, Kathleen will be in but later tonight. She won't let him. So it was 50 miles round trip to sort a cat out. She will make sure she books them in to the cattery in time the next time theyngo away. Granted this was a last minute thing.,,

    10. Glad you're better, it certainly sounds cold up with you, we only get frost very rarely.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-what a beautiful card. I can't wait to find out how you created it. The only way I could produce anything like it is to use a pre-coloured image!

    I think my New Years resolution will have gone "practice stamping & colouring "! Or use some more of my stash, or stop buying more stash-nah that's boring!

    My bag of donated craft stash was mostly background card & paper and lots of Hunkydory toppers. There was a whole box of pearlised card/envelopes which all had some embossing on-some had flowers + some had greetings on them. I've kept a few of the card blanks & I found some sheets of "numbers" which are huge. Red, blue & white do I thought they might be useful. The lady is now thinking of selling the rest of her sisters stash on EBay-I hopes she has some success.

    Right-off to make my lunch then set off for work.


    1. Thank you Michele, it''s really quite easy. xxx

    2. It must be like christmas every time she gives you a bag of goodies :-)
      Take care ,hugs xx

  3. Maureen, have e-mailed you but just incase you haven't looked at yours. We don't need to book the trains run every 10 mins to Longbridge Only pennies but I bet we can use rail cards. That way if our trains are running late we don't panic.
    Jess. We are taking the train from mine as FRIDAY mornings and the bridge traffic, we don't want to miss the train, I local train takes over an hour to get to Edinburgh we don't get in till just before 9 but we are into the station get ourselves a cup of tea we will be fine, plus road works on Sunday at the bridge so much easier this way.
    Margaret we will walk it would take more time to put cases in the car drive the bit get them out than us to walk. Cases have wheels thank goodness glad there is no weight limit. Oh boy I hate to think of the nightmare of flying -pokey tools -no, Glue-no, Scissors- no. Let alone weight???

  4. Good morning ladies,
    Sandra it's lovely to see you back in charge, Paul held everything together yesterday, Just shows he knows how much the cafe means to you and all who pop in. He's a star. Must admit I get stressed when holidays draw closer so can understand how things can escalate
    .Maureen your card is gorgeous, love the way you have coloured it, so understated, just enough colour, and it does feel cold. I have some similar stamps from stamps away, not quite as big .
    It's quite dull here this morning, haven't seen the forecast but think I might have a catch up day, as Nic is home tomorrow and we have to go for a ride.
    I was decorating my book last night and was getting really engrossed in it. I'm definitely making another, have really enjoyed myself, will photo it when finished.
    I'm going to read last nights chatter, am enjoying reading about all the travel plans, ooooohh it's exciting.
    Hugs in the basket for anyone who needs them,
    Be back later

    1. Thank you Jean, I'm away to put the heating on!!! xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and the gang. Great to see you in this morning Sandra but credit to Paul for saving the day yesterday.
    MAUREEN:- your card is brilliant you are an "artist" when is comes to stamping and colouring. Bet your a great "artist" anyway.
    Guess what:- I slept in this morning, Elaine was here last night and left very late.
    Have done yesterday's ironing ... last night SABA:- made the excuse she was too far away and could not manage to do it for me .... who is she kidding? She does NOT do ironing!!!
    Done a few bits & pieces in the house. I knew if I came in here I would stay longer than I should and there were things to do here. I am going out later to meet a friend. I am off now to "scoot" round, get as much done as possible before I go out that door.
    (((((hugs))))) in the baskets as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. Thank you Patricia, have a good scoot, and an even better meet up with your friend xxxx

    2. Hope you had a good 'scoot' this morning hihi and a nice time with your friend ,hugs xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well the sun is shining two fold today, yes we have lovely sunshine here once again but Sandra is back too yippee! So lovely to see you, not that it wasn't lovely to have a wonderful kind sir look after us yesterday, take things easy just remember where you are going before too long, as if you would forget lol.
    Maureen your card is quite simply wonderful, I love owls especially, and the picuture is further enhanced by your superior colouring, if only I could colour even half as good as you I would be happy.
    The washer has just stopped as we walked in after dropping our grandson early for choir at school so must go and give a hand to get it all sorted. I will pop back later to see what our queen of the day Maureen has to say about her card.
    Have a lovely day all
    Margaret xxx

  7. Lovely to see you in your Cafe today Sandra, I'm glad you are feeling much better.
    Got to go, Zoe back to school and so am I. In year 2 so we'll see what delights await. I haven't had time to read the comments, but I got a shock to see my card and will fill you all in later!!!!!
    Hazel, I hope you are feeling much better today.
    Love to all, Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen, You slipped in there - while I was leaving my comment, you cheeky little thing! Pleased Zoe is well enough to go back to school. Enjoy your day in school, which ever year group you are with. I'm sure the children will be delighted to see you. LOL

    2. So pleased Zoe is well enough to go back to school! Don't you do too much today , young lady!! Your card is an absolute treat. I love it .
      You are quite an artist! It's hard enough getting colours right but snow is a whole new ball game!! I love the sky - it's great and the fence and that rather wistful owl ! Please don't do too much today - I know I said it at the beginning!!! Xxxx

    3. So pleased you have worked your magic and got Zoe better have fun at school. xxx

    4. Hello Maureen, so pleased Zoe is better & back at school.
      You enjoy your day at school too. I bet the little darlings are shaking in their boots when they see you HAHA Tin Hat kneaded. XXX

    5. SORRY Maureen your card is wonderful your so good at colouring & how you have done the snow it's amazing love it.XXX

    6. You are all so kind, some of you are cheeky but kind!! xxxx

    7. Zoe better and back to school and you too,perfect! Hope the little rascals behaved them self. hugs xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra so pleased to have talked to you on the telephone, I know we've chatted at Ally Pally but it to chat with you one-to-one it was lovely. LOL
    John is up and about today, in fact I gave in trying to make him rest yesterday, by lunchtime he said he was feeling better, so he was up and out in the garden back to rewireing his shed.(man cave) He thought the fresh air will do him good and it seemed to have helped.
    Hazel, you also sound brighter today, don't go over doing things, better you take it easy and feel the benefit. Just be careful, it sounds as if you've planned a very busy day, just don't push yourself too hard. XX
    Maureen, your card is lovely, and the colouring is amazing I am so in awe of people who just seem to have the knack of getting the colouring just right.
    I hope Zoe is feeling better, is she still off school? It's great for us as grandparents to be able to step in when our grandchildren are unwell and take the pressure off mum and dad, Who often feel guilty enough for being working parents. But the bonus is for us, those extra cuddles. xxx

    Well I'm going to take a cup of tea and sit gazing out of the window for a while.

    Take care my lovely coffee shop friends, what ever you're doing today hope you will enjoy it.
    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda I'm so pleased John is up and about today and feeling better and so pleased the fresh air helped him. Tell him not to rush into things though. Take care and make sure you are looking after yourself too. xxx

    2. Brenda delighted to know John is much more bright eyed and bushy tailed! The fresh air and a little potter in his shed will do him the world of good. xxx

    3. Brenda I'm so pleased John is a lot better today. Tell him not to rush around & take it easy both of you. XXX

    4. Brenda OB, thank you for your kind comments. I'm glad that John is feeling better, I must get a man shed for George. Well he has one but it's full of gardening stuff and table and chairs, and sun loungers, and tiles, and . . . . . and . . . . (get the picture) ha ha. xxxx

    5. So good to hear your John is a bit better and managed to go down to his 'man cave' ,hugs to you both xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    How lovely to see you back Sandra, I did wonder if the last week had taken it's toll but I'm glad you've bounced back. Mind you, I think I'm going to be scared of Brenda - is she a secret Sargent major? Will she be shouting 'get up you 'orrible lot' at us on a regular basis and make us do press ups and star jumps? !!!!! Good to see you back anyway Sandra xxxx
    Maureen your card is so beautiful, you really are so good at colouring and stamping. I think they are Clarity stamps but I know you will put us right later when you come home from school ( please don't put me on the cloud miss:) ). Glad to hear Zoe is feeling better too. Xxxxxx
    I must up and away girls, I've got to visit Mr Sainsburies and possibly messers marks and Spencer's for a couple of treats to send to Emma. Her friend flies up for a visit tomorrow so will take the boots she has requested but I will send her birthday present and possibly find some warm socks she left behind. She sent a photo Wednesday she went shopping with one of the girls and they bought minion onesies to keep them snug in the flat - we did laugh. She's posted some lovely group photos too, as my cousin said last night 'she's wearing a dress!' Unheard of! Right I must go, hope everyone is ok. See you all later xxxxx

    1. Hello Dainty, Thank you very much for your kind comments. You must be missing Emma so much, but I think she would look great in your Minion Onsie. I love that film, it's one of the regular ones that Zoe brings when she has a sleep over. I haven't seen the latest though.

    2. Press-ups and Star jumps, are you mad ? oh don't answer, I know hihi Sending Emma a warm hug, oh alright you can have one too xx

    3. If you're a Minion fan, the village of minions is a few miles away from us,they are very proud of the connection!!!!!!!!!

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Sandra it's so lovely to have you back where you belong and I'm so pleased you are feeling up to taking the helm ( I think that's the right word hopefully Saba will put me right on that!) again ....but I think Paul is after your job! Haha! You have a special one there lovely just take it slowly please so that you will be fit and up and running to meet all the lovelies at the Retreat.
    Maureen I'm so envious of your stamping and colouring....your card today is a delight to look at and I love the scene.
    This is a quick post as I need to get a bit of shopping in especially some JELLY!!
    See you all later and enjoy your day whatever you are up to. Have left extra hugs especially for those of us who are missing on their usual spot in the cafe....Cheryl and Norah spring to mind, I do hope you are just busy and not poorly.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello lovely Sheila, Thank you for your light bulb moment yesterday.
      OH only drinks that D E coffee not me I don't do coffee. Anyway he finished a jar yesterday I normally through them away but it was the jar with the flowers on so washed it out. Wow you are so clever the lid is perfect for those smaller stamps. Thank you my friend XXX

    2. Hi Sheila, thank you for your kind remarks. I made a Strawberry jelly last night and going to have it after tea with tinned pears and ice cream. Oh my, I'm regressing back to my childhood!!! Enjoy yours.

    3. Sheila I've just bought a sparkly jelly with glitter in Sainsburys - I'm sending the packet to Emma with her birthday presents! You have to have jelly on your birthday don't you! Xxxx

    4. Sheila, enjoy your jelly. What flavour did you get ? hug xx

    5. Great idea! That's what Mum's are for!! Xxx

    6. Since my enforced diet, my o/h, makes me sugar free jelly with fruit ,we have it with plain yogurt.

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the gang,
    Glad you are feeling better today Sandra, Paul was a star yesterday.
    Hazel glad your pain has eased today. Be good and don't do too much.
    Muriel, love your card. The whole scene really evokes that feeling of being being warm and cosy in that little cottage and the peace and quiet which a fresh fall of snow brings. Your colouring has such depth, the owl and the robin are lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Well I am about to go into the city. I think I'll take the tube today, it's still miserable here and I don't want to go in on my bicycle, nothing worse than drizzle in your face when you are out in the traffic. I need a few craft essentials so will have a browse around the craft shop and then the toy shop to find a few small things to bring home for the little ones.
    Sheila, I had a light bulb moment this morning. I was sitting in bed drinking my coffee and it just clicked. Dowe Egberts (? Spelling) coffee jar lids, they are the acrylic push on ones!!! I shall definitely be buying some when I get home. They don't tend to use instant coffee here so I doubt I could find it here.
    Right must go, see you all later,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Happy shopping! Hope you manage to say dry! Xxx

    2. OOOO Saba how lovely craft shopping have a good day XXX

    3. Saba, don't buy any - unless you want the coffee - I can bring you half a dozen lids to the retreat. Thank you for your kind remarks about my card. Don't spend too much money at the shops.

    4. Hope you got LOTS of nice Crafty Goodies. Remember you have to "spill the beans" I know, we are a right nosey lot. Well I am anyway!! xxx

    5. Hope you bought lots and lots of goodies Saba, both for yourself and the kiddies in England. I hope you 'spill the beans' as Patricia saying
      hugs xx

    6. Did your shopping go well? Did the essentials grow into other supplies?

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, good to have you back Sandra, so happy you are feeling better. It was so lovely of Paul to step in yesterday, he really is a marvel!
    Maureen your card is stunning, I envy your talent for colouring, maybe a wee tutorial at the retreat is called for.
    Hazel, nice to see you up and about, don't tire yourself out today, take it easy.
    About the train times, it only takes about 40 mins for the train to Edinburgh from our local station, but I will check at the station next week, there is going to be piling work starting an the line from 24 Oct - 20Nov, might just go on line
    to find out.
    Not much on the cards (excuse the pun)today for me, I'm not covering our craft
    shop today so will get some crafting done.
    Julia is on Hochanda today at 10, 1, and 5.
    Will pop back later, meantime take care, xxx

    1. Thank you Jess. Yes, get yourself sorted before the big day. I am having nightmares!!!! But I think that could be the thought of meeting you and Myra (hard hat) xxxx

    2. Jess and I are bit, calm, serene , lovely ladies!
      Calm down dear!! Ha ha . Xxxx

    3. Looking forward to meeting you Jess, I'm the quiet one. oh yes I am, honest. hugs xx

    4. Mmmm! I'm reserving judgement on that one! Maria. Xxxx. Ha ha! X

  13. In for a quick cup of tea, and a sit down ok body not up to running around as much as I thought. Big boys painkillers away back on the top sleeve, the co-codamal will do the job along with my tens machine. As I said last night that craft room will rattle with all the pills we all have to take, I have put packets out of my new lot in their holder and are on the pile of things to go, hot water bottle is there too. Granted the pile is covering our 2 trips. I usually make up raffle prizes for next weekend to cover ladies, last year because we had to cancel going at the last minute due to Charlie being ill, so they ran out and got vouchers, I had said to do that years ago but oh no!!! Anyway they have decided that this year it's all money prizes across the board. It's very well run, but as we have been saying we are all getting older and we can't all come now by car, so money takes up no room at all. 3 guys come from aboard so it the best way, me I am so pleased as it is less work for me. I might get a move on and make the cards I have to do. Right must go and get the next load in the machine. Charlie off doing the shopping after he has been to see to Gillians chickens. I hope he remembers the eggs. X

    1. Hazel, just take it easy, and keep an egg for me!!! xxxx

  14. Been sitting fert up watching day time TV it's to do with folk stealing case off trains? Oh great just what I need!!! Well was telling Charlie and he is walking away laughing why ??? He said " well they would get a shock when they open yours or Patricia's ,!!! They might weigh as if we have lots of lovely things in them not s load of crafty goodies. It's true but I would still be gutted. Ok one silly women had her jewellery box in hers, sorry never have or will do that. I wonder if you can fit alarms on cases??? Where has the days gone you could put your things in the luggage things and know they will still be there! Or even put them in the guards van, don't know if you can still do that - do they have them still??? Going off to have a cup of tea and a chat with Anna's piano teacher. Then on to Perth. Had a bowl of lovely soup and some French stick, money in the pot. Xxx

    1. Hazel, you could tie yours and Patricia's cases together with a bicycle security thing that you could unlock when you get to Birmingham. Put it through the handles and fasten - just a thought. Do you know the thing I mean, I can't think of the proper name. Saba will know, she rides a bike. xxxxx

    2. Think we might have a Bike Lock out in the garage.
      Might be a bit big, I must go have a look.
      Thanks for the idea. xxx

    3. Had a look, yes there is a spare Blike Lock BUT it is locked and we can't find the blooming Key!! xxx

    4. Not to worry we will buy one, it's a great idea Maureen. If they try to take them both they will get a shock!!! Xxx

    5. Myra, you are the font of all knowledge, I would never had guessed that the thing was a Bicycle Lock!!!! Oh memory, please come back!!!! xxxxx

    6. Remember Maureen - I haven't been in school today , haven't been doing housework! I 've been gadding again! Xxxx

    7. Me thinks someone is going to get muscles with all the weight in the cases hahaxx

  15. I've just been watching a bit of Hochanda TV has anyone noticed that the P&P has gone up to £3.95? They were selling a Couture Creations small basket die fo
    £4.99 then 3.95 p&p! It's like almost paying twice for the die....surely no-one is that stupid to pay that much. I certainly wouldn't even if I desperately wanted it. What do you think? xxx

    1. Sheila that is ridiculous as you say. Do they think we came over on the banana boat I will stick with Icon. XXX

    2. Sheila, I haven't seen the TV today. I'll have to have a look. They are silly if they think people won't notice.

    3. SHEILA:- have not watched the telly for a couple of days. Must have a look, surely they just can't put the price of the P&P up just like that and not mention it. xxx

    4. SHEILA:- your right, they have increased the postage charges. That is absolutely ridiculous, I think I might phone and challenge them tomorrow. Well mind you, would it do any good. I have never ordered anything, they would probably completely dismiss my comments. xxx

    5. oooh that's very naughty of them. They are not that good on their prices and to join their club I find expensive xx

    6. Seems par for the course, these companies think we are so desperate for craft things that we won't notice the price.

  16. Bon Jour to all

    This is France calling..... I hope you all can hear me OK

    Well what happened
    yesterday? I'm away for a couple of days and everyone falls ill - was it something I did or said?

    Seriously everyone I really hope you are all recovering from all the bugs etc that laid you all low yesterday. PAUL you are a STAR saving the day for Sandra. There's no wonder she keeps a tight hold on you lol. My thanks to be added and I think an extra pressie from Santa this year is called for.

    We had a good journey down to Dover and across to Dunkirk but then everything change and oh boy did it change!!
    Lorries were stacked from the port at Dunkirk right back onto the motorway towards Calais. and then well before Calais they were stacked again for the Tunnel and we had to travel a further two exits than normal to get to the hotel.
    We thought everything was OK yesterday morning until we hit the first set of road works going towards Paris. Sandra you will be able to understand the next bit - we got through the toll before Paris - all the booths were in operation and there must be more than 12 and so all the traffic including all HGVs had to merge into 3 lanes but everything was stood solid - we could only move a car length at a time until we were all in the proper lanes and then we hit road works again. Again we were stood well before Charles de Gaulle Airport and again it was move a length then stop until we could past the airport and onto the N104 to go round Paris and guess what we had road works once more until the A77.

    I can say without any words WE DO NOT WANT A JOURNEY AGAIN LIKE THAT!!!!

    We have been to the supermarket and stocked up this morning and so now the log burner is on (it's very cold but dry) and I'm just about ready to put my feet up!!!!

    Maureen your card is stunningly beautiful - Owls are one of our top most favourite birds. I'm also in awe of your colouring skills. I do wish I could colour just a little like you and I would be satisfied.

    I can feel your excitement all the way over here and I just know it will get stronger as the days fly by. I'm not envious of you all meeting and having proper hugs all together. I'm not REALLY I'M NOT...............................
    I shall definitely be with you in spirit so please leave a glass for me!!!!

    OK I'm now off to rest. I've sent hugs via Cyber Space so I hope they arrive in one piece. Pease take all of them as many as you need.
    Until tomorrow.......

    1. Janet, how lovely to see you. That must have been a nightmare, when we were on the ring road around Paris many moons ago it was bad then, so I wouldn't have liked to be in your shoes.
      Rest up, have a pastry mmmmmmmm, and enjoy yourselves.
      Thank you for your kind remarks about my card.

    2. Oh Janet, what a journey! You must have been so tired!
      I find it quite scary driving round Paris - we always seem to hit a busy time! Have the workmen left your garden tidy?
      I hope you have a relaxing weekend to recover. Xxx

    3. JANET:- I got scared just reading about your journey. I have not looked on the map to see where your "corner of Paradise" actually is.
      There must be a better route for you to get there ... surely!!
      I hope the workman left your place nice and tidy.
      Have great weeken pd whatever you manage to get up to. xxx

    4. Hi Janet what a journey! Was the journey so bad the garden looked good in comparison or did they leave it tidy? Feet up and a cuppa I think! Xxx x

    5. Janet what a nightmare glad you are all settled. Xxx

    6. Oh Janet what a journey, it's bad enough in this country without ou it happening in France. Get a nice cup of tea and put your feet up an relax. Xx

    7. Oh Janet so pleased to know you have reached your little bit of French heaven safe and sound, you poor things what a dreadful journey, not for the faint hearted! You are there now and all stocked up and I can almost smell those logs burning ..... oh .... lovely.
      Now get your feet up and relax with a lovely cuppa and of course enjoy your cake, hope it is good! xxx

    8. Hello Janet, oh you poor things. I just hope that at least the garden was tidy. So glad you are finally there though, enjoy your log fire.

    9. What a nightmare journey Janet. Hope you now will have a nice time in Marigny and get some rest with your feet up ,hugs xx

    10. Janet pleased to see you have arrived safely but the journey sounds like the worst nightmare ever - take care xxxx

  17. Well, I thought I'd never get here. I have added comments on the way down, so much easier than trying to remember things.
    I have said how pleased I am that you are back with us Sandra, although Paul did a sterling job. And also that you feel well enough to join us today Hazel.
    Now todays card is very, very easy. So easy, I am almost ashamed to tell you how I did it. Are you sitting comfortably.
    Take a piece of white card and spritz it lightly with water. On a blending mat dab spun sugar, broken china and dusty concorde distress inks, taking care not to contaminate your ink pads. Spritz the inks on the blending mat and place the white card onto the "mess" and twist it slightly. Take the card, dab excess wetness with paper towel and dry using a heat tool.
    Decide which part of the coloured card you want as the sky, and make a moon by using a wet paintbrush and creating a moon. Dab off water with kitchen towel.
    Stamp the cottage onto the card,in the middle(ish) of the card, slightly to the right. Add the trees.
    Stamp the fence about a third of the way up, , make a mask with a post it and stamp the tree stump. Stamps the robins wherever you like.
    Using the water and paintbrush technique to remove the background paint, remove the colour from the roof of the cottage, the trees and the "snow" on the tree stump and fence posts..
    Then colour the images as you wish, using colours from the distress ink pads which you put on a craft sheet.
    I stamped the owl separately, coloured him and cut him out to 3d him on the tree stump.
    I coloured the trees dark green, and added stickles to them, part of the cottage roof, and just dotted little bits on the snow which is on top of the fence and tree stump.
    Oh, and the stamps are by Lyndsay Mason. They are a mixture of two sets.
    It sounds complicated, but is really very easy.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Hello, I have read your explanation and gone back and looked at the card! I completely understand your description, but have doubts about me being able to do it! It's very effective. Xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- I understood everything you have told us. Why then whenever I try anything like that mine looks such a b....y mess!!! See you need to be an "artist" to do that xxx

    3. Myra and Patricia, you're just saying that to please me. Whatever has come over the two of you!!!! ha ha xxxx

    4. I don't pretend to speak for Patricia , as she is quite capable of speaking for herself - however I would like to suggest that painting scenes which look like scenes may not be quite our thing! It is yours! Xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- that's the kind of thing I prefer to leave to the experts. An expert is what you are in Stamping & Colouring xxx

    6. Love what you have done - but it would look like dirty dishwater if I did it xxx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    I called in earlier and made a few comments but then had to go out! I've had a lovely day's shopping!
    It's lovely to see you back with us Sandra and I'm so glad you feel lots better.
    Well done again to Paul for keeping calm and carrying on!!!
    Pleased too that Hazel is a little better. Just take things slowly!
    Well, I've bought some Christmas presents today and encouraged my daughter in law to spend money too. My poor husband just shakes his head as we get excited over a Christmas bauble!!! Victoria bought a lovely scarf and gloves for our elder granddaughter for Christmas. The scarf has a lovely felt brooch pinned on the end and the gloves have furry cuffs. They match and look gorgeous! We had a light lunch in House of Fraser whose restaurant has had a major facelift. It looks lovely and it was a lovely place to sit as well as eat!
    Now home and having a coffee or tea and a slice of lemon cake! This is the life!
    I need to go now and read about what happened to Janet!
    Be good!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. Christmas shopping how exciting. I have a few things bought, I am going to Perth during the week and intend having a look when I am there.
      John just raises his eyebrows and walks away when Audrey and I start on the Christmas thing. Mind you he does that whenever Audrey get excited about anything. Audrey is even more excitable than I am especially when we are planning "holidays"
      Your Lemon Cake sounded so good I have had to have a cuppa and a piece of Lemon Drizzle Cake from our box. xxx

    2. I don't usually eat cake between meals but I walked a lot this morning and Victoria made it - how could I refuse! I made - well encourages Victoria to buy some lovely copper lights!they almost look like casbah lights . She is having a change of theme this year for the main tree and is having copper/ cream colour scheme. The lights aren't for the tree they will go in a bowl and should look lovely! I'm a very bad influence! Xxxx

    3. MYRA:- could you not have told us about that BEFORE we booked our rooms for the Rereat. Bad influence, what will be like on the way home??? xxx

    4. Oooooppps! of to hide under the bed!! xxx

    5. Myra, loaded with money, or loaded with "goodies"? I'm beginning to have serious doubts about this. Oooh but I LOVE Christmas shopping. However, if I walked in with another bauble, George would strangle me. That's why I run in ha ha xxxxx

    6. It's ok I I promise not to take anyone shopping! Xxx

    7. Myra you can take me shopping anytime. I love the sound of Victoria's bowl of lights.

    8. Oh I'll go shopping anytime with anyone - I love it - proper shopaholic haha xx

  19. Oh my giddy aunt what a day! I've almost decided to go back to bed and start the day again! I got up late this morning, Julian working from home so no need to rush about! When I'd finally got up and sorted and had my breakfast I decided to sort out some carrier bags. The local food bank have asked for bags as due to the charges kicking in they don't get them any more. I tipped out a pike of bags to sort onto the table and blow me there was shreds of red plastic everywhere! I quite thought a mouse had got into the bag so wondered what I would find! On went the rubber gloves, out came the bin bag and the dustpan and brush! You can imagine the mess! I had nearly finished when the doorbell went and it was a friend who I hadn't seen for ages who was dropping a card in for Emma - she was upset about family things so stopped for a chat and cup of tea - 2 hours later she left - hopefully a bit happier! I had to run up the road to Tesco to but something for lunch then as it was too late to go out! I finally got to Sainsburys this afternoon and blow me I met a mum from school I hadn't see for over a year so another hour later, constantly moving to get out of people's way I managed to get away. I had to go back to the start of the shop because with all the moving I'd missed several things. I've not been home long and I've realised there are 10 things, not important ones I've missed! Must have a quick cuppa before I tidy the lounge, go to the airport to collect Jean and Colin and organise dinner! Must go, may not be in later as they will stay and chat I think after their meal! No rest for the wicked!!!!!!! :) xxxxxx

    1. Dainty, talk about a cliff hanger!!! So what DID cause all the mess???
      Da Da Daaaaaaaaaaa. I'm exhausted after your day. I hope your visitors behave themselves. xxxx

    2. Diane, what was in the bag???? Was it that blinking spider again??
      I'm with Muriel, I'm shattered after reading about your day!!

    3. Was it just a bag that had "bio-degraded?? I had one like that in my "big of bags" or was it something "sinister" ??? xxx

    4. We had one of those in the shed and it was a mouse that had made a nest out of shredded carrier bags, about £10's worth at today's rate of 5p a bag!!

    5. Sandra, that was one expensive mouse!! xxx

    6. Had the same problem with a mouse in the shed, all bags finely shredded surprising what a little thing can do.

    7. The mouse we had ruined a lovely lounger in the garage rafters! We christened it Edmund Hillary! The lounger was swathed in polythene too! Xxx

    8. They are good at eat through plaster board walls and storage boxes as our Gillian found out, she has 3 cats and the mice had a field day in her big pantry cupboard, they came through the wall from the outside shed. X

    9. Good you had a quiet and peaceful day, hihi but what was in the
      bag ? xx

    10. Diane maybe you will tell us tomorrow xxx

  20. Special message for SHEILA. All this talk of porridge. I've had a big bowl, it was delish. Then I had my - wait for it - JELLY, tinned pears and ice cream. Talk about a funny tea, but it's just what I fancied. George has had steak, sausage, chips, 2 eggs, beans, grilled tomatoes and half a loaf of bread. So, in a way, we've both had breakfast for dinner!!!!
    See you later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Ooooh I love Jelly. Particularly raw. I'm not allowed to eat it now though, it makes me go all funny. XXXX

    2. All weak and wobbly maybe!! xxx

    3. Patricia, I'm weak and wobbly at the best of times. Well wobbly anyway!! xxx

    4. No, all trembly and faint. It causes my blood sugar to plummet. Saw a consultant years ago and he said he didn't know why but suggested either possible pituitary tumour, pancreatic tumour or no known reason. I told him we would settle for the third suggestion thank you very much and I have stopped eating raw jelly.!!!!

    5. Oh I use to love eating it too, but it's not the same these days. X

    6. I like jelly to but never had it raw. OH just told me he likes it raw hmmm xx

  21. Afternoon/Evening Ladies

    What a ghastly day turned out to be- much busier that I'd thought & my boss was off so that didn't help!

    Well so much for my plans Togo to the Crafters Companion demonstration tomorrow- hubby has managed to put (?) his back into spasm. The gardening in Sunday didn't help the he leaned over to put something into the boot of his car and he felt his back "go". He's been shuffling round the house & is in lot of pain . He got an emergency appointment with the physiotherapist on Thursday (having had to drive to Welwyn Garden City & back Tues/Wednesday) so that helped -physic not the driving! He's ordered a new office chair & requires my assistance assembling it tomorrow! Maybe I will start making my cards then while I wait in for the delivery....!!!

    Have started ona lovely bottle of wine so will sign off now.


    1. Oh! MICHELE:- it was a bad day for both of you.
      Bad backs seem to the "in" thing this week. Nothing worse than a sore back it drags you down so much.
      Sorry you will miss your demo (might not have been that good anyway) but you are needed!! xxx

    2. Michele enjoy your wine, might I have a small glass too. Go to your demo, the chair can wait one more day. Xxx

    3. Michele, once a bad back, always a bad back. Sorry you've had such a lousy day. I'm with Saba, go to the demo. xxxxx

    4. I agree with SABA and Maureen. Go and enjoy yourself, you work hard all week. The chair will go together much easier as you will have relaxed. X

    5. Your poor OH ,hope the physio helped You go and have some ME time tomorrow, it's only for a short while and the chair will still be there xx

    6. I agree Michelle - have some ME time and your hubby can relax while waiting for the chair to be delivered xxx

  22. Evening Sandra and Ladies, sorry to be late dropping in, just don't know where the day has gone.
    Sandra so glad you're feeling better today.
    Maureen your card is lovely, the colouring is so clever,shall have see if I can get my snow to look like yours.
    I haven't been back up to read the comments yet, so I'll pop back later.

  23. So..........
    Paul has just announced that his parents are arriving tomorrow morning and staying until Monday !! No warning, he forgot !!! HELP!!! Mop, bucket, polish, duster, vacuum cleaner, I wish I could just whistle to the birds like Snow White!!!!
    Then all the woodland creatures would come and do it all for me!!!

    1. Sandra, I hope someone helps you to do everything. xxx

    2. Sandra someone told me years ago the art of good management is delegation, so, whistle Sopie mop and bucket. Lucy polish and duster.
      Paul Vaccum cleaner. There you go, all done.

    3. Sandra, if you manage to whistle those birds up send them here next please. Remember they are coming to visit you not inspect you home!!! I could send Hannah my niece round, she had the house sparking yesterday, I might even offer her to come on a Saturday and do mine, be worth the money I think. X

    4. Sounds a good idea to me! Just the shopping and cooking left - hope that's done! The shopping anyway! Xxx

  24. Hello everyone,
    Well my shopping trip was rubbish. Started off in a department store, clothes section. Tried on a pair of Peter Kaiser shoes, they were gorgeous but too big. I did consider wearing thick socks with them but decided against it. Trousers were all made for extremely tall ladies and the only jumper I really liked was a silly price. Next toy shop. Bought a few small things for Abi and Oliver but haven't yet decided what to buy for Max. It will be his birthday whilst we are at the retreat so I want to buy him something a bit more special. Might wait until I am home to do that. Then to the most boring craft shop in the world ever. I needed some very dark blue card. They didn't have exactly what I was looking for but it will have to do. Bought some sticks for stick pins and some silver beads. Full stop. End of shopping. Sorry to disappoint you, my bean spilling was not very thrilling was it.
    I can't wait to get home and go to a proper craft shop.
    Only exiting bit was coming home on the tube where I inadvertently sat next to a bag lady, it was the smell I noticed first, then her scratching her head. If she has given me nits I shall not be happy!!

  25. Noooooooooooo,
    I've just lost my reply to Saba. Why or why. Can't repeat it all, so I'll cut to the chase.
    Saba, I have a nit comb and I'll bring it to the Retreat. Please do not sit beside me. Hazel likes small creatures!!!!!

    1. Maureen, I don't do nits!!! Girls only had them once and thankfully I didn't get them. Lots of conditioner on they don't like it. Xxx

  26. I'm away to try to do a birthday card, that I have been trying to do for about 3 weeks. Inspiration will not come. I wish something would hit me ---- do NOT all rush at once !!!¬! ha ha

    1. Give George a go with that rubber mallet!! Xxx

    2. Muriel, how about starting with " happy Birthday" and then just stick things around it!! There you see, it's easy when you know how.
      Now about my nits, how long before they hatch out?
      They had nits in Oliver's school last week and he was desperate to catch them. He would love another pet, he is getting bored with his goldfish. Xxx

  27. SABA, wash your hair and put loads of conditioner on, leave for a good few minutes then rinse it might help, or tea tree oil is good to rub in then wash out. Oh aren't kids funny. Bless. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I don't have any Tea tree oil. Will Olive oil do?
      Did I ever mention what he said about getting a rabbit?

    2. No Saba you did not tell us that ... we need to know!!. xxx

    3. You are just being kind but here goes.
      Mummy can I have a new pet?
      Mmmm, note sure Oliver what would you like?
      A rabbitt.
      Sorry sweetheart, mummy is allergic to rabbits,
      What would happen mummy?
      Well I might get sick and die.
      Mummy, if you die, can daddy and me have a rabbit.

    4. SABA you never know it might work, Google nits see what they suggest? X

    5. Oh! My! Word! Out of the mouths of babes.
      That is so funny but just child like they have totally different logic!! xxx

  28. SABA brilliant, I see he really wants one!!, x

  29. Good evening ladies, well we had a lovely holiday with great weather , only one rainy day , but it's nice to get back too, and wonderful to have my iPad to play with! I am sorry to hear you haven't been well Sandra and Hazel I hope you are back to normal soon xoxo
    This is just a quick visit I will try to catch up with all the cafe chat and cards etc .tomorrow , but I have to say I Love Maureen's card it is a masterpiece ! I know she said it was easy but it doesn't sound that simple to me, I do have a fondness for stamped cards, I think they are so personal somehow.
    Anyway I missed you all and can only imagine how excited all those meeting up at the retreat must be, it's not long now!
    I'm looking forward to meeting up with Patricia, Hazel , Jess and maybe Norah on Thursday next week.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Lovely to hear from you Anne! I wondered if the weather stayed good for you! I did put in a special request. We missed you too! It's good to have you back! Xxx

    2. Anne, lovely to have you back. We have missed you. Glad you had good weather on your holiday. Xxxx

    3. Snap again, looking forward to meeting up with you Anne.
      Don't think Jess is going. She said she can get all the things she wants from her friends Craft Shop.
      Now I have not heard from Norah I must e-mail her to see if she is going or not. xxx

    4. Anne thank goodness it wasn't this week we were meeting up? X

    5. Nice to see you back Anne and good you had a lovely holiday, where did you stay ? xx

  30. Just a thought, what if she didn't only have nits, what if she had fleas!!!!

    1. Thank goodness it two weeks till we meet you!! xxx

    2. Ah but tomorrow I am making your Christmas card and who knows where fleas and nits might hide!!!!

    3. Saba! You are in a naughty mood tonight! What do I mean tonight?

    4. MYRA:- you snuck in, in front of me there xxx

  31. Oh you will have to get flea spray and do the whole flat they breed Terribly quick,please don't bring them with you. Look out for tiny red bits x

    1. I have visions of Saba crawling around the flat like Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass looking for tiny red bits! Xxx

    2. Maybe she would just get out the vacuum cleaner, suck them all up then throw them over the Balcony. xxx

  32. Tint red bits of what? I thought that was the glitter I had been using?

  33. Now, I am itching all over. Panic not, I'm sure it's all in my mind. AND nothing can be worse than the time I caught scabies from an old tramp. That was not funny. He was admitted every year to the ward, and all the students and staff nurses were cringing so silly begger me took control. Admitted him, bathed him, got him fed and comfy and caught his scabies! Had to cover myself head to toe in the most stinky cream and leave it on for 24 hours. They avoided me like the plague at work.

    1. SABA:- my neighbour is a nurse and they have a male "traveller" that comes to them every year. She said they smell him before they see him even in the ward. When I asked why in the ward. She said he refuses to be "washed" I was shocked at that. She said they can't force him to have a bath or shower it is against his "human rights" what about the nurses, doctors and other patients "human rights" Xxx

    2. SABA it could only happen to you!! Yes your mind is making you itch, well we hope. Xxx

    3. Patricia, ours was a sweetie pie. We christened him the pobble, he was missing the odd toe trough frostbite! He came every winter for a bit of a warm up and a rest. He enjoyed a hot bath and a shave. We used to find him some clean clothes from the lost property cupboard and before he left we used to club together and slip him some cash in his pockets and pack him some sandwiches up. Mind you he didn't have to leave us his scabies as a parting gift!!

    4. SABA:- that is so sweet. Yes! He should have kept his Scabies to himself!! xxx

    5. Saba that's a lovely tale, wonder what happened to him xx

    6. Jean it was many years ago and I expect he is now enjoying his everlasting rest, God bless him.

  34. No I meant tiny red bites on your ankles especially they go there first. Sorry fleas are tiny black things that jump. X

    1. Oh lord, now my ankles are itching! I'm off in the shower!!!

  35. I have had it with smells, Scabies, and bites. I am off to haven shower then bed.
    Goodnight God Bless see you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night God bless Patricia, think I'll join you, budge up.
      No don't worry, I'll sleep here.
      See you all tomorrow
      XXXX Saba

  36. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Good to see you today Sandra and that you feeling ok.Good to have Paul on stand-by ,he did a great job. He could have given you a earlier warning though that his parents coming. Take a few deep breath and let them all help you and go shopping with them all tomorrow and have some meals out, take care.
    Maureen,Maureen, I love your stamped card !. Your background is superb. the stamping is divine and your colouring in /out is perfect. Love owls, little birds and beautiful white snow.
    I popped in earlier and started to comment but then the phone went (2 hours) and then the doorbell so now I'm back and I guess a lot of you are off to bed so I wish you a good night! Oh Saba I really hope you don't got either the fleas or nits or Myra might not take you in her car tihi Lovely story about the rabbit, sound like he really want one. Shame about your shopping trip, is it only England who have proper craft shops ?
    We had a great day in London. The embassy was a quick affair so we spent the day walking around to window shop and people watching. Had a very nice Brunch and tonight we had a Chinese take out with a Toffee Pecan Roulade for after (son 24 today eeks, how did that happen) he's now out at the pub with some friends but can't be too late, he's working tomorrow at 8am and OH is in to London for football watching so another day on my own ,yay.
    This is me signing out from the cafe' for today and wish you all a natti,natt and sweet dreams... Love and hugs Maria Xxx

  37. Well have finally scrolled back over all the chatter of today, have had a giggle in places (nits etc) will say good night now and see you all tomorrow xxxx

  38. No Sue, Brenda LL,Karen, Cheryl, Norah, Lynda or Janice I believe. sorry if I missed someone out. Anyway hope to see you pop in and hope you are ok ,hugs and good night Xxx

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