
Thursday 10 September 2015

Wish you were here???

Wish you were here?


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
Wish you were here?....................
Can anyone recognise those beautifully pedicured toes?????..............
It is of course Hazel and Patricia's hotel pool, just look at that blue, cloudless sky!
I could quite easily lay beside that pool and relax for a few days, even more fun with our two
sisters, maybe next year our retreat should be in the sun?  I think we would be thrown out for
spoiling the relaxing atmosphere, Maureen & Myra would get us banned from the pool because of
their 'bombing' and splashing those people relaxing! 
Hazel sent me another photo too, but how she managed to photograph some of our café ladies without the noticing I don't know!
Please feel free to name yourselves or others that you recognise in the above photograph.
I must ask you though ladies to use a glass, Elf & Safety will go positively bonkers at you all
'swigging from the bottle'! Especially when you are eating that sandwich, ewww, imagine those
backwash crumbs in the bottle!
Maureen I am sure that one of them is you, you must beware though as I heard a rumour that if
the police spot you out in your nightie and slippers they may well pick you up, just in case you have lost your marbles.
Thank you so much Hazel for today's photos, its quite nice to have an actual photo so that we can imagine you laying there when we are thinking about you both.
Lucy's appointment went well, she has her new lens that fits properly, they gave her some 'fake tears' as her eyes can get dry when she wears her lens. It will be like going back to square one as far as putting them in and taking then out, but she took to it like a duck to water.
Well ladies I have been looking forward to this day all week, can you guess why??................
Yes that's right, Sue is coming over, we have a lot of catching up to do, so I am not sure how much actual crafting will get done, but I don't really mind, I am looking forward to a hug and a chat!
That's all from me for today ladies,
I will catch up with you all later,
Love and Huge hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Patricia & Hazel- the pool looks fabulous, so relaxing. Enjoy your week in the sun.

    The other photo- I'm the one on the far right , bottle already towards my mouth....!!!

    Let's see what didn't get done at work yesterday afternoon. I was informed by my boss (not the chocolate teapot-who text me last night to see how I was) that they don't get enough staff cover when I'm off! What she really means is the person covering me doesn't do as much, which in all fairness they're not going to as its not their full time job. Can't wait til I go away & maybe she'll realise just how much I do.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Hope you aren't too sore after yesterday, I agree they are in for a huge shock when you go away, but don't sit fretting on holiday about the mess the place will be in when you get back!
      Leave that damn place to muddle along, you aren't paid enough for the amount of pressure you are under!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your mouth isn't to sore after your visit to the dentist. As you don't seem to be appreciated at work, perhaps you shouldn't do quite so much as you do. Try and slow down a bit, and hopefully they'll appreciate you a bit more.

    3. Hello Michele,
      I know it's been used a few times over the last few days, but I've never heard the term "Chocolate Teapot" - we always say "Chocolate Fireguard". Wait until you're on holiday, then they'll learn how hard you work!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. I hadn't heard about being as much use as a chocolate teapot until I moved to Lancashire. It's a really good. So is the fire guard - not heard that one before. Xxx

  2. Morning Sandra and the lovely crew,
    Oh I'm so early this morning just felt wide awake when I woke as nature was calling.
    Oh my Hazel and Patricia that pool is lovely and so inviting....but I am not a bit envious.......OH YES I AM! Hope you are have a wonderfully relaxing time after your moving of the beds yesterday.
    I love the photo pf the 3 ladies I think I maybe the first one as she still has a full bottle and it's probably not her first!! Hahaha!
    Have left extra hugs in the pot and as usual the cafe looks delightful today. This is only a quick pop in will be back later.
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Morning Sheila,
      It's so annoying when your body wakes you too early for the loo and you can't get back to sleep that happens to me a lot, by the time I am up and back to bed I am in too much pain to get back to sleep so I just end fidgeting and getting frustrated, I hope you don't end up needing a siesta later!
      Look forward to seeing you later my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Hello Sheila,
      Lovely to see you. Trust you to nice the first one has a full bottle, you obviously know the drill. Drink up fast and get another one ha ha.

    3. Good morning SHEILA sorry your still in pain hope you can have 40 winks later take care my lovely friend. Big Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad that Lucy's appointment went well, and that you have a lovely day today with Sue. I can't imagine that much crafting will be done either. No news from the hospital apparently. Petes appointment is supposed to be on Tuesday, his medication should be ordered then for delivery on Monday as that's the day it runs out. I told Pete not to start panicking as I can't do anything until then. No good ringing the consultants secretary I had already left messages before we went away with no reply. Perhaps we have a voicemail message left.
    Patricia and Hazel your pool looks lovely. Have a great holiday and a good rest.
    By the way the lady in the middle is me as she wearing glasses, not to sure about the sandwich though.

    1. Hello Pat,
      I hope everything gets sorted for you and Pete xxx

    2. Hi Pat hope you get Pete's medication sorted,ASAP.
      Try & enjoy your

    3. Pat you sound a bit stressed! No wonder. I do hope everything falls into place re: medication and appointments when you get home. Take care! Xxx

    4. Pat, I hope everything is alright when you get home, please try to put it to the back of your mind and enjoy your holiday.

  4. Good morning Ladies, another glorious morning here, when the sun shines like this there is no place I'd rather be, mind you when I look at Patricia and Hazel's photo of that lovely pool I could be tempted ( enjoy girls!) I did have a paddle along Red Point beach yesterday and it was wonderful.
    I think since Maureen is one of the 3 naughty ladies and Michele and Shiela have claimed the other two , I must be the one taking the photo while Myra and the others are stocking up the bar! Lol!
    Sandra so pleased for you and Lucy that it all went well yesterday and she is having no problems with the lens.
    Cheryl I totally agree with you about Sandra's blog and all the lovely ladies in it , and to hear how much it has helped you is wonderful xoxo
    Thank you again ladies for your lovely comments on my card , I am glad you liked it.xo
    I put some of those little solar coloured lights down the drive way ( it's on quite
    a hill , and the lights from the house don't hit the road when it's dark) yesterday, so went out last night to have a look at them and they really look pretty and also show the way quite well.
    Today I have to do some housework as tomorrow I have to do 3 haircuts ( used to be a hairdresser l-o-n-g time ago) but get roped in occasionally , when desperately needed!
    I enjoyed those Turkish pastries , wonder if there are some left or a new delivery for today , must go and check it out and have a cuppa while I'm there, enjoy your day folks, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. ANNE I loved your card it's brilliant.sorry was in yesterday xx

    2. Anne, those lights will be ideal with the darker nights coming in! They'll be handy for Muriel when she pops out to smoke her pipe! Xxx

    3. Anne I bet your little lights look lovely. I have them in my window boxes on the balcony and love the soft light they give.
      Have you thought about coming to the retreat with us, be fabulous to have our own hairdresser, I mean it would be fabulous to meet you, but our own hairdresser, well.

    4. I would love to come to a retreat but this time I will just be back from holiday, I am waiting down in Glasgow for a few extra days so I can go to the Hobbycraft show ( hope it's better than last time) and at least I'm going to be able to meet up with Patricia and Hazel and maybe even more of our lovely ladies? So I'll just need to wait for the next one , don't know if you'd really want me cutting your hair I might go a bit scissor happy and scalp you! with all that Baileys about!
      Saba , I really wish I'd got more of the little lights , I must keep my eyes open for the offer again .xoxo

    5. Maureen if you ever come to visit me I'll put the Flag Up! Xo

    6. No No! Anne, you put the flag out when Muriel has gone! Xxx

    7. Oh Myra ! you are sooo naughty! xo

    8. Naughty but Nice - wasn't that a cake advert! Xx

  5. Meant to say to Sandra , have a wonderful time with Sue today!

    1. Hello Anne,
      It's so kind of you to put out lights for me when I come for a haircut lol xxx

    2. You look better in the dark!!
      Hard Hat! Xxx
      Oh I see it not put the lights out! Ha ha . Still Hard Hat! Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, life has been manic since last week, except Monday when I slept most of the day away, first with camp then looking after Chris's brother and sister in law. We are all off to Devon for a few days later on to stay at another brother so hopefully I will get a bit of rest.
    Before we go I have a very important lady to see, no way was I going to cancel my visit to Sandras. I am so looking forward to seeing you too : ) I know time just flies by but it is so long since we met up. II wonder if I should bring extra tea bags as there is going to be rather a lot of chatting going on. Have that 1st cuppa ready at 11 my lovely : )) Glad to hear that Lucy's appointment went well, by the way.
    Wow, I do wish we could all be sat beside that pool under that glorious blue sky with Patricia and Hazel. I could just do with relaxing in the sun right now. I do hope you both have a wonderful time ladies : )
    As to the other picture Hazel sent, all I can say is " Cheers " and good for them : )
    I must go now as I have to finish washing and ironing and I have to pack my bag, before going to Sandra's. I feel like I am going to meet myself coming back at the moment! ( I wonder if you understand that odd English saying Maria? It just means that you are very busy) Sorry I haven't been able to catch up yet but hope to on the journey to Devon.
    Love to you all. Take care xx

    1. Have a great time with Sandra, I bet you don't get much crafting done. Enjoy your trip to Devon to see your brother. xxx

    2. Hi Sue gosh I'm worn out reading your post all that rushing about & packing, glad your seeing SANDRA today at least you will will have a rest with all the tea drinking. ( you might need extra
      tenna Ladies lol) Have a good time in Deven with your

    3. Hello Sue, hope you had a lovely day with Sandra. Enjoy your trip to Devon to see your brother. Try and get some rest!

  7. Morning Sandra a ladies,,quick visit again today, another day covering my friends craft shop, two days every two weeks, it's brilliant, she got a delivery on Tuesday and I can't wait to see what it was, possibly Sues new dies!!
    Well I wish I was at the poolside with Patricia and Hazel, it looks amazing, enjoy it ladies, cant say much about the other three ladies (using the term loosely)
    they certainly look as if they are enjoying themselves, roll on the retreat.
    Take care till later, xx

    1. Jess, I agree with you about the three "ladies", loose doesn't even cover it!!!! xxx

    2. I don't think these three ladies have seen the new PJ's yet! Xxx

    3. Ooooh Jess, was it Sue's dies. Bet you spent a fortune if it was.

  8. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    I still think i could have slipped into the luggage without being noticed girls.I hope that you are both having your usual standard of meeting up, the one that descends into downright fits of frolics and laughter. That pool looks so inviting but i don't think it would look the same with a 49year old in with arm bands. Hee hee hee.
    Hey i can stock the bar up but maybe nobody would want a drink i made as being a none drinker i don't know the proper sizes of drinks shall we say and you might get a little bit tipsy on the first one or might just get knocked out with the smell of it. I think i'll clean the pool as it is near enough a bath and i'm quite good at that and cleaning showers.
    Sandra i hope that you have a wonderful day with Sue today and yes have a right giggling and laughing session as it does the world of good, i'm still warm from my happy meeting with the other 3 Marys. Until you meet people like that you don't realise just how much you miss it in everyday life. My lovely OH wants to know why i am grining and laughing to myself like an idiot for which does bring you back down to earth with a bump again but it was fun and not even his miserable face can take away that pleasure from me. So glad that Lucy might now be able to see properly again out of that lovely wee face of hers and that she is not having any difficulty with the insertion of the lens but i suppose it will just be like a contact lens. Have Sophie and Lucy come down off cloud 9 yet with their exam results? What a fantastic display of commitment from both girls.
    Well we have that rare thing called "sun" today up here at my hills and it is a beautiful day, although not warm it is a gorgeous day. The first load is in and the dishwasher is just finished so i am on top of things today, so i think i will have a latte in the corner for a wee while and just watch the world go by for a bit before the hoovering and dusting. I have brough along some huggles to bring some happiness or comfort to who ever needs or just wants one(but some are being naughty and jumping at the unexpected)
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello Norah,
      lovely to see you. I'm obviously following you because I've just put in my second load of washing and when I've finished on the blog, am going to the post office. Oops a hug has just bumped into me and wrapped itself round my middle (not an easy thing to do, ha ha.) I think laughter is the best form of medicine, especially if it's with like-minded people.
      Love Maureen xxx

    2. Norah , I get funny looks especially when I laugh aloud at some goings on! However we spend a lot of time here at home laughing at ourselves ! As you say a sense of fun is really important. Hope you will come to the next Retreat! Love Myra xxx

    3. Norah if that's how you make the drinks you can make me one anytime.

  9. Hello Sandra!
    Well I must get this typed! I'm early! I know it's not early for early birds but it's early for me!! Brenda (Littlelamb) will be proud of me!
    Well the pool looks lovely and Hazel sent me that photo yesterday too and I was in stitches laughing. I sent an email back and said I wasn't going to suggest names!! I'll wait until after the Retreat!! Be in a better position to judge! It's a great photo!
    Everything I normally do on Friday is being done today as we are going out tomorrow . I'll be so confused about the days - shopping comes on Friday normally but is coming today . House gets cleaned on Friday - today instead! Let's hope I manage to stay ahead of myself !
    How are you all liking the new Dies? Anyone else succumbed?
    Sandra and Sue - have a lovely time! Margaret and I won't be flying down as Margaret's wings are not strong enough for a Long Haul Flight! Maybe next time! Xxx
    Going to read now!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh my word Myra, you are up and at it today girl!!! xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Myra you know at your age it doesn't do to get confused, AND you are always gadding off somewhere.

    4. I do not gad! Gab - yes! Xxx

  10. Sccrreeeaaaaam
    I've just lost a great long post. Cannot face doing it again.
    Hazel and Patricia - you can go off people, posting photo's like that to show us what we are missing. The second photo makes me laugh everytime I look at it. Reminds me of the two of you in Edinburgh!!!! xx
    Got to go, going to the post office.
    See you later.
    Love to all, Muriel xxxxx

    1. Hope you didn't frighten George with your screaming.

  11. Good morning, well that big sister of mine is in a huff again and has gone for a sleep, reason her iPad won't connect to the Internet today. Plus we were - now sit down please!!! We were awake at 5 am we had 8hours sleep, slept like babies. But that was us wide awake club. So we will try and stay up later tonight. It's just so warm it's tiring, when we were coming up the road it was still 30c. Glad you love the photos of the lovely ladies ( oh I am not naming names) now when we say we wish you were here, but honestly its to hot and I don't think the balloon would make it this far. The peace and quite here is wonderful, we are not at the pool but sat under trees it's very pleasant. Oh that Patricia on the move - sunbed was where the sun would get on her face soon.
    We had breakfast early then went into town for wonder, got some fruit and came back upto the hotel. Just chilling this after noon.
    Sandra and Sue have a fun day. Can't see any crafting being done.
    Will pop back in later. Xxx

    1. Hazel that pool looks just lovely! It's not at all crowded either and the gardens look lovely too. Speaking of which - Alastair is attacking various climbing plants with secateurs or a strimmer! I'm staying inside! Xxx

  12. Morning one and all
    Patricia and Hazel - it's looking as though you're well on your way to a wonderful week of R&R along with company to keep you amused!! That pool looks so inviting.

    Sandra -I'm so pleased that Lucy's lens is OK and that she didn't have a problem with it.
    Michele - it seems to me that your employers need a wake up check. I hope that you don't let your body go on holiday and your brain stays in the labs. Let them sort things out for once.
    Sue - I know you'll be having a fantastic time with Sandra today but please try and get a little crafting in between the giggles and cups of tea.
    Norah - it's lovely to see you again. I've really missed you.
    Myra - do you need a 'day check' tomorrow?
    Jess - I do envy you being able to spend days in a Craft Shop -What heaven!

    OK have to go now as it's my hairdressing day and my lovely hairdresser will lbe opening my door any time now. I cannot wait to have a cut as it's 3 months since it was cut because I refuse to go to another hairdresser when I'm away.
    Have a good afternoon everyone. Hugs are in the basket that's if Norah's hugs will let them in. hehe

    1. Janet! Yes Please! I can be a bit of a creature of habit so tomorrow will seem like Saturday and I could go to church a day early!!
      Are you feeling any stronger? Xxx

    2. Myra I once went to the pub an hour earlier, it was when they put the clocks back and I hadn't realised. Couldn't understand why I was the only one in there!

    3. I can just imagine that! We had a family of five who tripped into Church on a Sunday morning after the clocks changed - we were having the benediction - they thought they were early! The kids were chuffed to bits!! Xxx

    4. I did that once Myra but I didn't go in. I parked my car and thought I was early. Then I heard them singing and thought that's funny it's not time for the service to start yet then realised my mistake. Went in afterwards and went for coffee. Done think anyone noticed apart from some people who always speak to me and of corse I hadn't been sitting with them so had to confess. :)

    5. It's good for the soul, Brenda!
      We were sitting with friends in our sitting room about two months after the clock changed and suddenly David laughed and said " are you trying to get rid of us early" - the clock was an hour ahead. It's a small carriage clock and it had been totally overlooked when we changed the clocks etc. Unless you were facing it you didn't notice - however I had been dusting it for months and not noticed !! Funny how we always remember it now! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and coffee shop friends,
    I agree with Cheryl and everyone Sandra's blog is a wonderful place to visit, what ever your mood, there is always someone out there for you. I've been reading down today's comments as well as trying to catch up on last night's. as Norah said, you could be reading away and giggle or smile there's always something happening. And as I'm doing this post Sandra and Sue how many cups of tea have you had? I wish I could be joining you. LOL
    Hazel, it was lovely to open up the blog and see the picture of your pool, it looks very inviting. Although I'm not a swimmer, I could sit on the edge and dangle my feet in and would be very happy. Now as for the picture of the three ladies, well they have already identified themselves. I think I could be at the bar getting them to top up. Wonder if they would like the tanker to stop buy!!!
    Sandra, it's lovely Lucy was fine with her new lens. I think it's great that they have matched it to her eyes. She is at an age where appearances are so important, her friends who think she is very cool. Unlike in days gone by when you had the big eyepatch, drawing unwanted attention to yourself.
    Well I think I'll get on, John has gone off to have his pelvic x-ray, he insisted I stayed at home, he has to have a die injection and then wait for three hours before they actually do the x-ray. I reluctantly agreed to stay home and will have no problem useing the time alone. Washing done, dusted, had a wiz around with cordless Dyson. Will have lunch and go to my craft room, No problem !!!
    Before I do anything though I will go to SW blog And put her 12 o'clock post.
    See you later, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Breda ,I don't swim!!,that pool is deep, and the step down is to much for me, my leg just would complain to much. No we are have just sitting or lying on the sunbeds in the shade. Now you should have been taking the chance to do some crafting while John was away. Off to look at Sue's blog. Xxx

    2. Brenda hope all went well for John, he was right to insist you stayed at home. Hope you enjoyed your afternoon.

  14. Ladies we are really relaxing to the point that big sis is still sleeping, you can't help but chill out here at this piece of paradise, the gardens are beautiful we are on sun beds in the shade of tree where the breeze is just perfect. There are a few folk here but there is three pools and all in different areas. One pool is adults only and you have to be quite. No noisy crowds as here in Dalyan there isn't any waterparks or high rise hotels so those who want a wild time just don't come. Oh I will have to move sun will be on me if I don't. Xxx

  15. Good morning SANDRA & Ladies
    Feeling better today migraine gone now,but was a bad one this time & felt lifeless & felt sick as well.
    Anyway I wish I was by that pool with Hazel & Patricia have a good time girls.
    Love the pictures I think I might be the middle lady with her legs apart she looks like she is holding her Tenna lady in place with the bottle HAHA.
    Got some catching upto with houswork & ironing today after not doing any while unwell. We have lovely sunshine so washing should get dry.
    Tesco shopping usualy today but might leave till tomorrow.
    Love Sue's new die's she is showcasing this week.Think Ally Pally i might have a few purchases coming on.not long now.
    Sandra have a good day with Sue, & I'm pleased Lucy has her new lens & I'm pleased she is cool with putting it in hope it helps her.Oh & pleased your new wheelchair is so much better for you.Sandra. Well ironing is calling so see you later love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, Lovely to see you back again, I remember having migraine and feeling sick it was horrible. Anyway it sounds as if your are in full flight washing, ironing, cleaning and Tesco's - take it easy, you'll be knocking yourself out again. Seriously, don't go over doing things. LOL

    2. Lynda, what are you, like legs apart indeed.
      Glad you are feeling a bit better, migraines must be just awful. Take it easy for a while.

    3. Lynda, It's lovely to see you back! Migraines are really horrid. Take care and don't do too much! Xxx

    4. Hello thank all very much BRENDA,SABA & MYRA for your kind words xxx

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    Well we have glorious sunshine and not a cloud in the sky but as we have no swimming pool I too wish I was over with Hazel and Patricia, oh to have a swim in that pool would be sheer heaven and no mistake, look what we are missing Myra just think of paddling around that pool a ducky delight and no mistake!
    Enjoy your meet up Sandra and Sue like Hazel I somehow don't think there will be much crafting done! Have a good catch up girls.
    Well took mum's flowers to the crem and did a little shop at Sainsbury's then straight home for coffee I was whacked so rested until lunch it is so frustrating not being able to just get on with things, but hey ho! I'm still breathing, time to worry is when I stop!
    Michele hope you are ok after your visit to the dentist, please do remember that the willing horse always gets the heaviest load, perhaps while you're on holiday they will realise just what you do, but I do think it is time for you to look for pastures new where you will be appreciated.
    Almost time for the school run then reading homework after our snack so must get ready.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone, do take things easy Lynda there is always another day not broken into.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret what a brilliant saying, I've never heard that one before and it is so true. Enjoy the homework, Oliver now has serious homework, his first spelling test tomorrow! He's only 5 and three weeks old.

    2. As you say Margaret, a ducky delight! So pleased you are back to your " old self" . You know what I mean!
      My Dad used to say " if you want something done - ask a busy person! " xxx

    3. Thank you MARGARET I didn't manage the ironing as you say another day tomorrow. But may even leave it till Saturday as we are going for Harry cuddles tomorrow,much more important don't you think. Xxxx

  17. Well I am home again after looking after my granddaughter. Lovely sunny day. Well Myra I was surprised to see you were here so early (for us). Actually I was awake about 6.30 as my granddaughter was up and her parents need to leave quite early. She can get to school from 7.50am. I think I might have dosed off for a little while but then needed the loo so had to get up. Took things slowly after they had all gone then did some food shopping on the way home. New dies arrived after I got home. Off to have a play now and with the bits I bought yesterday. Perhaps I shouldn't buy anything at AP but that would be difficult. Glad Patricia and Hazel are having such good weather. I would also be sitting in the shade. Cannot swim and cannot sit in the sun but like the warmth.

    1. Brenda, is it the new launch which have arrived? If it is they were quick. I can't wait for mine but expect it will be days yet.

    2. Hi Brenda and Saba et al!
      The new dies have arrived and the largest of the squares is 8ins , I think! They look really and in a great range of sizes. Will play later, if I can. It is easy to see why they cost so much. Xxx

    3. Et tu Brute! Well Myra not Brute but didn't sound as good.
      I have got days to wait. Much as I love JS her delivery does take ages. Are you surprised at the size of them? Ask Sue to put the measurements in inches on the packaging next time, might be easier for you.
      Tin hat on

    4. I'm not upset about the size! They are bigger than I thought but I will be very happy to use them. The biggest one is about the size of my biggest cards. Thankfully I read Shakespeare and have not taken offence! Xxx

    5. Glad your dies have arrived Myra. Yes they are the new ones SABA. The largest will be good for an 8x8 card. Goes right down to 2inches square. I am pleased with them and as Myra says can see why they were so expensive but they will certainly get a lot of use. Hope you don't wait too long. It's probably not JS fault they take a long time as she is usually quick at sending them it's probably Royal Mail. The launch date was yesterday and they must have been delivered on time as I had an email from Icon yesterday to say they had been despatched and arrived lunchtime today.

    6. Thanks Brenda , they are lovely! I agree they will get lots of use, maybe I should start now? Xx

  18. Sorry Lynda. Should have said that am pleased you are feeling better. Don't overdo things though. The ironing can wait.

    1. Thank you BRENDA didn't do the ironing after all will do it Saturday.

  19. Am I jealous? Of course not! but then I would be fibbing. Will be back later to read all of your comments. Got in late from work and need to get myself organised for our craft night tonight and I must eat or I won't be able to take part because of low blood sugar

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and the lovely ladies,
    Sandra, I hope you have had a lovely day with Sue, so glad you are able to get together today.
    Well what can I say. Firstly Hazel and Patricia I am green with envy. I cannot remember the last time I had a holiday in a hotel with a beautiful pool, - actually I think it was in Turkey - it's years ago. Now all our holidays are either on the boat or at our cottage, not that I am complaining but to sit in the sun by a pool with a glass of something cool ( Ooooh that nearly poetry) is my idea of bliss.
    Now the three ladies, what can I say. It had me giggling last evening and it did the same today. If you look closely the lady on the left is having a cigarette! Don't you just love them to bits.
    I haven't read through all the comments properly yet, so that is what I shall do now.
    Be back later
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra pleased Lucy's hospital visit went well and I know you & Sue will not have stopped talking.
    Hazel & Patricia what a lovely pool perfect for relaxing by but would not like the temps as for the 3 in the photo what can I say!
    Lovely to see Norah in and that Lynda feels better migraines are horrid ask Sue about them unfortunately that is something her Dad passed on to her.
    Had a busy day so must get dinner now sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  22. Email down since lunch time today! Apparently it's a Yahoo/ Bt Problem . If anyone has emailed me - haven't received it - not just being rude! Xxx

  23. Hi everyone. What a day, my friends shop was quite busy, then we had lunch didnt get home till after 3.30, then OH wanted to go and look for another car, been in the showroom for ages, decided on a Mazda this time, we had one a few years ago and really liked it, there goes our rainy day money!!
    Caroline didn't get Sues dies on Tuesday, it was Memory Box ones, and some stamps had a good look but didn't buy any, how good am I? Waiting on
    Sues ones.
    Off to check the last post on Sues blog, for her giveaway.
    Take care, Xxxx

  24. Diane, do you think Rebecca from Colorado might buy me a die? How exciting.!!!
    Ps I quite like whisky too, Glen Morangie every time.

    1. Saba, I'm sure we've got a bottle of Glen Morangie in the cupboard, but it must be at least 20 years old, so probably "off" now!!! xxx

  25. Dainty,
    I hadn't realised that you were still in Scotlland, I think you must be having a great time up there. Distillery?? next thing is you'll be wanting me to lay on a Whisky Tanker!!!! When does Emma start Uni?
    I'm having a bit of "me" time. I seem to have been busy all day, with not much to see for it, and I'm going to wander into my craft room (front small bedroom) to make some cards . I'm a bit behind (well actually, I'm a big behind lol) as I like to be about two or three months ahead with my cards, so the big push is on to get them done. Then I MUST do some C Cards. I was going to do a few each month but, of course, that only lasted for January ha ha.
    Myra, have you been with the little darlings in school crafting?
    I'm away with the fairies, NO NO I'm away to do some cards !!!
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel my Dear! No I have not been with the little Darlings as you call them. Monday is enough!
      I've been turning Thursday into Friday - you see I'm going out for lunch tomorrow . Saba called it gadding about!
      I've finished September 's cards but October isn't far away! As for Christmas cards - I've made 16 - actually 19 but three have already gone! You know the slogan - Post Early For Christmas! I didn't post though they were taken to Romania in a suitcase! Xxx

  26. Muriel, Myra can call it what she likes, she is gadding about.
    Now what's all this about putting the flag up when Anne visits, are you so desperate for a hair cut? Reminds me of when Val used to visit some German friends here. The couple they visited used to put a union flag out and when they saw them coming used to put land of hope and glory on the loud speakers and play it at full blast.

    1. I'll give you gadding about!!
      We once got chatting to a German couple at Lake Garda of all places. It was mostly in English as my German is not that good and Alastairs is non existent! He's your Latin man!! They asked me if I knew any German songs - I said only Oh Tannenbaum and of course Stille Nacht. So there we were by the lakeside in mid summer singing Oh Tannenbaum , Oh Tannenbaum wie treu sind deine blatter - can't find the umlaut . Sorry! We were stone cold sober and other people joined in! We were waiting for a ferry! You brought back memories with your Union flag!! Xxx

    2. Brilliant, love it.
      By the way I discovered something on the I pad the other day. If you hold your finger and press on a vowel on the keypad all the umlauts etc come up. Try it.

    3. Oh you are so clever, going to try it!! That was one of these things I'll never forget. People were singing in harmony and everything! It was amazing! Xxx

    4. It works but can't get it to type? All the little icons re there! Xx

    5. Myra when we got married we chose "Now thank we all our God" as one of our hymns. But Peter, the Vicar and I sang the German version " nun Danket Alle Gott " it was not terribly harmonious!!!

    6. Well it's always better if everyone's singing from the same hymn sheet! In the same language! Lovely hymn! Xxx

    7. I don't know any of the songs you two are mumbling about. I quite like Silent Night and O Christmas Tree as carols, but of course I do know Now Thank we All our God. For the life of me, I cannot remember any of the hymns when we got married. In fact I'd like to forget the whole thing ha ha. xxxx

    8. Smarty pants! You too! Xxx

  27. Diane - I am thrilled Scotland has brought out its best weather for you! There is nowhere more lovely when shown off in sunshine . I'm not at all biased you know! Give my love to Emma! Xxx

  28. Diane, so glad you are having a good time here, it is a pity you are so far away for us to meet up, Scotland is beautiful except for the weather!! Hope the midges are not biting. I can't stand the taste of whisky, bad for a native eh!
    Had a lazy night can't be bothered to do any craft stuff I will suffer for it when I need cards for our wee shop.
    Take care will catch up tomorrow xxx

    1. Jess! Confession is good for the soul - can't stand whisky either - even hate the smell! Xxx

    2. Myra, I quite like the smell, but cannot stand the taste, unless it's neat and in a pint glass!!! xxx

  29. Hi Diane,
    Nice to have you stopping by, enjoy your dinner or supper or whatever you call it!
    Lucy's lens was a fairly good match, the girls have mainly greeny/blue eyes with spots of brown, so really hard to match, also she has larger than average retina making their whole stock of lens useless, that's why we have waited 3 months!
    Sandra xx

  30. Quick hi to you all while we refuel as individual comments will not publish on here! Love to you all xx

    1. Love you right back. Happy re- fuelling

    2. Sue, Enjoy you meal ! Xxx

    3. Oops! I thought the refuelling meant eating - not the literal petrol/ diesel bit! That's what happens when I get ahead of myself! Total embarrassment !! Sorry Sue ! Xxx

    4. Myra, I'm with you, I thought they were eating en-route. Of course, it must be the car that's drinking xxx

    5. We'll stick together! We make more sense that way! We don't need Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue either! Xxx

  31. Myra, when you get the keyboard up and hold down a vowel, slide you then finger up to the symbol you want and it will appear with the umlauts or whatever in tour text box.
    Xxx éüôâ like that!!!

  32. Slide you then finger up! Whatever was I thinking. I meant slide your finger up.

    1. Saba, goodness knows that you were thinking. Nobody could fathom the inner secrets of your mind!!! xxx (tin hat) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I've held my finger on a vowel, and that's what I got!!! xxx

    2. Maureen! I can't cope with this anymore! I'm in hysterics! Xxx

  33. Wie treu Sind define blätter!!! Yeh!! Danke schön !! Xxx

    1. Predictive text arrrrgh!! Xxx

    2. It's good isn't it. I however have a German keyboard installed so don't have to bother with the slidey finger thing.
      Schöne grüß

    3. Oh, it's on the iPad. I don't own one, I use the old fashioned laptop!! xxx

    4. Oh Muriel, I just laughed out loud at your slidey finger attempt. oooooooooo.
      Forgot you don't have an I pad.

    5. Muriel! Just be happy for me! I'm learning new things at my advanced age! Ha ha ! Xxx

  34. Hi all, Fabulous pool view and very nice tootsies. Love the card with the elderly ladies (no names) tihi
    Chasing your own tail ,Sue .I think you mean. Hope you and Sandra had a wonderful catch up.
    Glad you all who have been ill are feeling better !
    Has been a busy day and some emotionally seeing the 9/11 memorial today and some museums . Would loved to have a pool to cool down in as it's still +28 and humidity near 80 !, it is too much when being in a big town
    and walking miles every day but love every minute of it. Sadly have not seen one craft shop for cardmaking or scrapbooking so will have to wait to AP.
    Take care everyone and I see you again when back in the UK.
    love and hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Lovely to catch up with you Maria. Comfortable shoes and plenty to drink are the answers. love Muriel xxx

    2. Maria, I cried my eyes out after visiting the 9/11 memorial and the lovely little church where everyone was cared for. It was not long after it happened and I had been in the Twin Towers on a previous visit. They were huge not just in height but width. I stood in awe of it all. I could then picture the carnage - man's inhumanity to man!
      Have a lovely holiday - that's just one experience of a terrific city which is so friendly and welcoming! Enjoy! Xxx

  35. Well everyone seems to have deserted me, and George is lying next to me trying to get to sleep, so I'll say goodnight to everyone, sweet dreams and see you all in the morning.
    Love, hugs Muriel xxxx

  36. You've go me all soppy now thinking about our wedding.
    We married in England but our service was half in German. I did all the order of service, german on one side and English on the other, it was a nightmare to do.
    One of the texts was " the Cloths of Heaven by Yeats" . Still gives me goosebumps. Mind you translating it nearly finished me off.

    1. Saba, when did you get married, you big schoolgirl's blouse !! xxx

    2. Oh I was so affected by all this and then read Muriel's offering of big girl's blouse! The tears are running down my face! It's ok it's laughter! Xxx

    3. Well think I'm going to my bed my eyes keep shutting so I bid you all good night & God bless.Love Lynda xx

    4. Well think I'm going to my bed my eyes keep shutting so I bid you all good night & God bless.Love Lynda xx

  37. Muriel ''twas on a wonderful day in October. the 30th to be precise. However Peter always thinks it wad the 31st Haloween!! Silly bugger. Do I look like a witch?
