
Friday 11 September 2015

Janet's 'One Die' Christmas challenge Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
The weekend is almost upon us, 7 weeks today we will all be leaving for, of arriving at our retreat hotel, (not that I am looking forward to it or anything)!
Also only a week to go until Ally Pally, I hope that there are lots of you coming along, I know Lynda will be there, Myself, Pat, Sue and Margaret P, I am hoping that Brenda L and Brenda (potter) will be going too and Maria of course, please let me know if you are going and we can arrange meet up and a chat, we had a good giggle last time.
Now how gorgeous is Janet's Christmas card, she has used one die for the sentiment, the rest of the card is made up of stunning little 'traditional' Christmas scene toppers, I love the old fashion snowman scene and Santa, those postcards are just perfect.
How many Christmas cards have you got finished Janet? I have up till now done NONE!!!
I was very late getting started last year too!
Thank you so much Janet for going to the trouble of both designing and sharing your design  xxxx
I am off for a cup of tea, not much organised this weekend, football match for the girls in the morning, its a home game though thankfully.
Paul is going away on Sunday for a course, so ridiculous and unnecessary, its not too far away, but he will be away all week, apart from Monday night, he said that he would come back for the evening on Monday for our anniversary, which I was really please about, he really is amazing!
I hope that you have a good weekend too, whatever you are up to,
love and hugs


  1. 7 weeks - that will fly by! Hoping you got my email, been having 't-internet' problems all week. Enjoy your weekend xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies, well you lot are going to get us thrown out of here? Why??? The two of us were laughing so much this morning at all your antic last night!!, well not so much antic but you just bannering between yourselves. Tears rolling down our faces, tons of tissues getting use. By the way Patricia did open up the cafe but her post wouldn't publish, so YES she is in the shower in a HUFF!!!
    Janet love your card, goes to show you don't need loads of fancy dies to make a beautiful card.
    Oh that's her out of the shower, hope she is out of her Huff as her iPad will be getting thrown in the bin, it's not liking being on holiday! It's played up every day. Right we have put some nice treats in the cabinet, we are off to have our breakfast and sit and people watch. From the two of us xxxx

    1. Hi Hazel and Patricia. I have just been reading last night's comments, talk about making me laugh, I had to find more tissues to wipe my eyes : )
      Please pass on my sympathy to Patricia about her iPad playing up.
      Have a lovely time people watching, that is one of me and Mums favourite pastimes. Take care x

    2. Hazel and Patricia, enjoy yourselves, and tell the iPad thingy to take a running jump. Hope you don't see any naked bodies whilst people watching, it fair puts me off my dinner!! xxxx

    3. Keep on enjoying yourselves ladies and especially the lovely warm weather. Love Sheila xx

  3. 7 weeks - that will fly by! Hoping you got my email, been having 't-internet' problems all week. Enjoy your weekend xx

    1. Hi Christine. It is so annoying when you can't get online etc. isn't it! I could get some comments published on one blog but none in here last night.......I wasn't frustrated......much!
      Sandra and me were talking about the retreat only yesterday, you are right, the time will soon fly by. I hope you aren't too busy. Take care x

    2. Hello Christine , I'm looking forward to meeting you! I had internet problems yesterday afternoon. Apparently there was a BT outage! Whatever that is! Love Myra xx

    3. Hello Christine, I hope you survive our Retreat. You might want to beat one when you see us!!! xxxx

    4. Hi Christine, so looking forward to meeting you, don't let Maureen scare you off, some of us are quite sane.

    5. Afternoon Christine, really looking forward to meeting you at the

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a lovely, traditional Christmas card. You must be very organised if you've started making your Christmas card already-I've only thought about it. Maybe after my holiday I'll start them.

    I'm quite envious of you going to Ally Pally-I'd love to go one year. Then you have the retreat-you lucky lot!!!!!

    I'm calling at my friends (crazy lady/cluttered house one) as a friend from her stitch group has donated yet another crate of card making stash for me & my M in L! It's perfect timing as I'm going to Chorley tomorrow after my hair appointment to see my in laws. Hubby was meant to be away at Goodwood all weekend but he's managed to organise an earlier flight-7am tomorrow morning! Informed him I was still going to see his Dad + wife as they were making my lunch. I've lost count of the time I've rearranged my plans only to have to change them again due to his job. Can't wait to see what's in the donated stash -will let you all know.

    Well-thank goodness it's Friday. Am hoping it's not going to be too busy at work so i can catch up.


    1. Hi Michele. Oh, you lucky thing, another box of craft goodies, its like Christmas has come early for you : ) It is a shame you can't get to the retreat or Ally Pally this time but hopefully next year. Have a lovely meal tomorrow. Take care x

    2. Hi Michele,
      Have a lovely day in sunny Chorley! It must be sunny there because it is here! More goodies? I don't know! Xxx

    3. Oh Michele, it would have been good to meet Captain Coffey at the Retreat. Never mind, we are bound to have another one next year, in fact I'm saving already - even though I may be banned !!!! xxx

    4. Michele do you think Miss Messy would like another friend, she does give away A lot of crafty goodies.

    5. Oooh enjoy your crafty goodies Michele xxx

    6. Christmas has certainly come early in your house Michele, enjoy every bit of your craft goodies. I expect it's a bit like winning Sue's Blog Candy bundle. I loved everything in mine and am still finding out how to do certain things with mica paints etc. Taking some of it to the retreat so we can all have a go.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies from a once again wet part of Spain.
    I'm glad your having a quiet weekend Sandra to help you get over the travelling back from France. Looking forward to seeing you and Sue next week. Is it football already, and I hope the girls win.
    Janet I love your display if Christmas Cards. They all look gorgeous. You are good to get a head start. Hope P & H are having a lovely time in Turkey. Looking forward to Ally Pally this year and I hope that we have a great meet up like we did last year.

    1. Hi Pat. Sorry to hear it is still raining, it is a bit overcast here in Torquay at the moment but no rain forecast. I hope you can still get out and about. Love and hugs xx

    2. Oh Pat, what a shame about the weather, I hope it's not spoiling your holiday xxx

    3. Oh Pat, you've had rotten weather, such a shame, hope it's not spoiling your holiday though.

    4. Aaaaw Pat I do hope the awful rain hasn't spoiled your holiday and you can enjoy everything else about it. Love Sheila xxx

  6. Good morning Ladies , it's another beautiful morning , I think I was in the same mood as Alastair yesterday Myra as I was chopping down shrubs with gusto! it was so good to get some work done in the garden as it had gone quite mad with all the rain we had been having, puts me in the mood for the hair cuts this morning ha ha !
    Janet , what a great card you've made ! lots of interesting pictures and I love the sparkly ribbon, I have only made one Christmas card and that was because I wanted to try out one of Sue's techniques , so well done you for getting a head start!
    Good to hear P & H are enjoying themselves , sorry Pat you seem to be getting quite a lot of rain, surely that's unusual at this time of year for there? anyway I hope the sun shines for you soon xo.
    I'll just have some tea and toast before I have to start , maybe manage to call back later for something sweet , money in the pot, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. I'm glad a live a wee bit away from you Anne! I don't have a lot of hair to start with!! Please tell me you will use scissors? Xxx

    2. Anne, I'm going to strim around the back lawn (bit of grass really) and will give you a quick short, back and sides if you would like. I noticed Myra made some cutting remarks about putting the lights and flags out when I visit, so I'm ignoring her today lol xxxx

    3. Oooooh are you two having a barny. Can I sit in the middle and stir things up?

    4. Maureen and Myra , Flags are out , Lights are on, Scissors sharpened ! what time are you arriving? Ha Ha !

  7. Morning. Lovely card Janet. Thanks for showing us Sandra. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Hope the girls win their match. Yes I am going to Ally Pally on Saturday so hope to see as many of you that can make it then. Meeting a friend in town this morning so had better get a move on. Will see if The Works have anything interesting and might walk to a Hobbycraft after I've seen my friend but it is out of town so will see how I feel. Hope everyone is feeling ok. Good to see Hazel this morning. Shame Patricia is having problems. Pat hope the rain goes away soon but not in my direction please. Must go. Hugs in the basket by the door.

    1. Hello Brenda LL, have a great day at AP meeting up with the sisters. I'll have to try to make it next year, but it means travelling by train, and a hotel in London for the visit, so it makes it very expensive. Don't spend too much money today when you are out and about with your friend. xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, Janet your card is lovely, I have some of these little postcards but didn't know how I was going to use them, thanks for your inspiration.
    Off to our wee craft shop today, so will catch up later, take care everyone. Xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Janet your card is lovely, what a great way of using those gorgeous Christmas images.
    I was so annoyed last night on the journey to Devon I had hoped I would be able to catch up and comment in here but no such luck, I did finally manage to get one published, ( it was the car being refuelled not us by the way Myra )
    Sandra, I need to sort something out about the retreat, not that I am counting down the days or anything : ), I know that you have in mind a simple weekend of relaxing and chatting with a bit of crafting, and as we are staying at what I call a conference hotel I assume that we don't have to be getting all dressed up, just a change of top for the evening meal on the Saturday ( I would probably have to change mine anyway as I will have spilt something down it by then mucky pup that I am ) I cant belueve that I keep forgetting to ask you every time we meet! I love your idea, a weekend of sheer pleasure and relaxation with dear friends. I don't want to get it wrong so please Teacher ( Pat and I call Sandra that as we are always asking her to teach us things ) tell me what you have in mind for your dream weekend. We will all do whatever you want, it will be fantastic whatever you decide. Can any I do anything to help, I know you have sorted A demo from Christine ( it will be lovely to see her again) Hazel found the hotel and I know someone ,was it Patricia? has sorted a demo for Sat. I don't want to interfere as I know you "have a dream" but please say if I can help. How we spend so much time chatting and still not manage to discuss the details of this I don't know!
    I'm not surprised they had problems getting a lens to fit Lucy as both she and Sophie have got the most beautiful big eyes. I hope the football goes well for them, have a relaxing weekend my lovely xx
    I must get up now, we are having a late breakfast. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Sue, I spilt coffee over my top on the train, on my way to meet Hazel and Patricia in Edinburgh!! Fancy meeting someone for the first time looking like a bag lady - that was me!!!! xxx

    2. Sue I am in a tizzy. I HAD sorted out what to wear but that was before everyone started slagging off the trousers I was thinking of. You know, the ones they are all saying look like pyjamas!!

    3. I'm sorry I won't manage to this retreat but years ago I was at one and it was great fun, after dinner we all changed into " fun pyjamas " and continued crafting until the small hours ( in some cases) we had games and raffles etc. ( with craft prizes supplied by companies, don't think they would do that nowadays? ) but I'll always remember it! xo

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Latte please as I have been out early this morning, our grandson has to be in school early on Fridays for choir practice and I missed my second cup of coffee at breakfast.
    I see Sue Wilson is on the new craft channel tomorrow and Sunday it will be interesting to see just how much actual crafting she is able to do. Every time I switch over all they are doing is talking, talking and more talking and still with the echo, that is when they are not running those snippets of what lots of crafters do in their own field.
    Ok moan over especially on such a lovely sunny morning, now Sandra I know you don't like Paul going away so how lovely that he is coming back to spend some time with you on your anniversary but for the rest of the week please don't fret just remember we are all here for you.
    Janet what a delightful card I do so love those traditional pictures, you can almost smell the mince pies cooking too! Talking of pies I will have to get my ingredients in to make my mincemeat, time is getting on, then it will be the Christmas cakes and puddings, then I hope to squeeze some cards in too! Well that is the plan I wonder if it will work out that way?
    How many cards have I got made, same number as Sandra, a big O so far but I live in hope!
    My coffee was so lovely just hit the spot thank you, my money is in the pot and cup washed.
    Keep up the good work of enjoying your holiday Patricia and Hazel.
    Have a lovely day everyone, here's hoping all our aches and pains will be kind to us today and ease a little.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret C, Hochanda is on at the moment because I cannot be be bothered to get the remote to change channels. It's the inevitable repeat, that's all they seem to be doing for most of the time. I'm getting really bored with it, but will watch Sue tomorrow.

    2. Margaret stop it! You're making me panic now with all that talk of Christmas cakes. I always make 3. One for us, one for the MIL and one for Peters brother. It's taken years but they have finally accepted they need to eat it with cheese!!

    3. Saba, and one for me please, with Wensleydale, yum yum xxxx

    4. Helloo Margaret,
      I understand what you mean about Hochanda, it's still very amateurish, you'd have thought by now that they would have all the problems sorted, but even I struggle to hear what is being said at times. I had my sound on number 70 then realized the problem was with the guy talking, his microphone was obviously not on!!!!
      Today I tried to watch Kleshna with her jewellery making and the camera was not even on her hands all the time so a lot of what she was doing was out of shot. Don't think I'm even going to bother with watching any more. I will record Sue's progs though cos at least then I can watch with no sound and FWd through all the yappy bits. xxx

  11. Hello Sandra!
    I've got to go out sorry! Will see you all later!
    You have been warned! Xxx

    1. Well, I'm ignoring you today, so there!!! xxxx

    2. Told you Muriel, she's gadding again.

  12. Hello folks,
    I am hoping this will publish ...... I am not really in the "huff" all those times!!!
    I really could throw this iPad off the balcony a times.
    We have come to the room for a cuppa and to cool down its 38c here at this point in time.
    My skin is leaking .... I am off to have a cool shower first. Probably need one again after the cup of Tea.
    We were going to travel to a place i know we can get Crafty Stuff, we have had to pass on that so far.
    Oh! there's the tea ready and I have not had my shower. Better drink it or Hazel might go in the "huff" it was her turn to make it.
    I really enjoyed reading last nights shenanigans this morning, what a laugh we had. Just hope we did not disturb the neighbours with all the laughing. We might get thrown out!!
    Be good till we get back in xxx

    1. Ooh Patricia, I hope you and Hazel get some lovely goodies. The temperature in Newcastle is a sweltering 15c!!! xxx

    2. Hello Patricia, leaking is not good, did you bring your tennas?
      A craft shop in Turkey? It'll be all tassels and belly button studs.

  13. Lovely card Janet It's true you don't need lots of fancy dies to make lovely cards and you sure are proof
    Hope PATRICIA has calmed down
    MICHELE enjoy Corley and your stash
    I am going to AP but on the Sunday I was hoping to persuade friend (that drives) to change mind but the 3rd friend has had breast c and doesn't like the idea of being in crowds where she could get bumped into Leave some goodies for me please Sometimes we get some good bargains as stall holders don't want to take stock home
    Tonight daughter takes part in "Tesco Does Strictly" should be a good night
    Best wishes to all I haven't mentioned personally

    1. Hi Karen, Enjoy AP on Sunday, and good luck to your daughter for tonight. xxxx

    2. Karen how lovely, wish her well from me.

  14. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Janet flower your card is simply lovely and i so wish i could do that but my brain just wont work like all of you. I love the images that you have used as i think that must have been when Christmas was most magical. I bet the children depicted in the toppers were nice and cosy with their hats and muffs and long coats. I think it has lost a lot of its warmth throughout the years and well children just expect nowadays and don't want to wait until important times of the year like birthdays and Christmases, unless your my Rory. Boy does that boy make it ever so hard for a mum. Last year he had 2 games picked out, not brand new ones - no, second hand ones that came to £3.00 as the new ones were a rip off according to the wisdom of Rory. Now his sister is an entirely different kettle of fish and doesn't care what time of the year it is she wants something or the list as long as your arm for what she wants for Christmas. How did i manage to get such two entirely different children and by the way, i'm not saying anything that my sweet daughter hasn't already admitted to herself.
    Hazel and Patricia, you are on holiday to relax and get away from everything and it's too short Patricia for you to go in the huff with your ipad, it'll work when you come back as they are not too kean i don't think on the heat so maybe it has heat stroke.
    Michele, what a lovely friend you have in her donation department and great that you have something in common with your MIL. I so know what you mean about rearranging your plans to suit OH and then they go and change it again and expect you just to drop everything to fall in with their new plans. You go and have a nice time at your FIL & MIL and let him stew as it's his own fault for rearranging with out consultation first.
    Well half pint and Harry has arrived so i will go the now and see you later
    with love and huggles to all my lovely angels,
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah, lovely to see you, have lots of lovely cuddles and kisses fromm Harrry xxxx

    2. Norah, Patricia isn't really in a huff, we have been laughing that much about her writing a long post comment and then she can't publish it. We just think it's funny. Xxx

  15. Afternoon one and all.

    Sandra - hope you had a lovely day yesterday and that you're managing to sort everything out for next week when Paul is away. You certainly have a Diamond in that lovely man of yours!!
    Patricia and Hazel - so pleased your having a good time and I really do sympathize with you re the heat. It's OK for a couple of days but when it continues Oh Boy is it a pain!!!!!
    Michele - cannot wait to see what you latest pick up includes. It's like Christmas isn't it not knowing until you actually get the lot in your hands.
    Norah - I can just see you this afternoon sat cuddling that little one of yours and so I know that you're well and content.
    I see that AP is very near and that a number of you will meet so please have a really good time and say hello to Sue for me if you that that opportunity. It's just too far for me but it's on my wish list.

    My card today is just made from my Christmas stash. The toppers are from a 12x12 Speciality pad for Christmas made by 'Cart-Us'. I've had it for some years and just cannot remember where I bought it. The Die of course is from SW latest Christmas launch.
    I start my Ccards during the summer I'm away at Marigny. It's always odd making Christmas Cards in the middle of a heat wave but if I don't then I just don't have the time to make all the number I need. I always make cards for a friend and of course I make some for the local Hospice we have in Sheffield to sell through their shops. So I suppose all in all I make anything like up to 100 each year. All the ones for the Hospice can be made as 'batch' cards so aren't so time consuming to do.

    It's just been like Christmas here this morning. The postie brought my new die from Sue - her multy rectange set - it's enormous!!! and a carrier has brought my first order from Hocanda! I don't know if anyone saw the other day a young lady from a company called 'Proggy'. She was making animals etc doing the very old fashioned way of pegging rugs that my Nan and Mum used to do when I was little. The only difference is is that she uses fleece material instead of old clothes. I loved the Owl and Hedgehog which was available at a cost of £9.99 each. Everything needed is in the kit. I ordered it on the 9th and it's been delivered as I say this morning. Fantastic service I think. Will let you know how I get on with them.

    Lunchtime now so off I go. Have a good afternoon everyone. Hugs are in the basket and if Norah's still there perhaps she can keep them in order!!!!!
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Janet, i remember my dad cutting up old coats and mam and I making a proggy rug. They were the good old days!!! Enjoy playing, that was good service, C&C usually take about 10-12 days to send anything to me. xxx

    2. Hi Janet, how very, very rude of me not to say how much I like your C Card. The images certainly evoke the old style Christmas.
      Muriel xxx

    3. Janet, love your card with all those nostalgic images. I used to make about 100 christmas cards for everyone on my list but now only make them for family and friends who I know will appreciate them.
      I saw the programme you mentioned, would love to see them when you have made them.

    4. Janet my dear, have not seen Tiggy yet to show her your message in the café, hopefully this weekend she will pop over with Dad.

      Your card today is very evocative of Christmases past. I love the old images, they really did portray Christmas as a special event in our calendar, not like now as it seems to me that it has become the "I WANT" season of greed and gluttony for some.
      For too many Christ has been taken out of Christmas and has been replacedwith Xmas. Yet these people want their gurt big weddings and equally gurt big baby/children Christenings yet do not bother to teach their children about Christ or to take them to church.
      I shall finish there before I get lynched. xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and everybody,
    it's taken forever to get here, and I've posted on the way down, as I'd never remember all that I was going to say. I've got to go now and get on with some work, but I will call in later.
    I hope you all have a lovely day, and Sue has a good time in Devon.
    Muriel xxxx

  17. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Janet, your card is just lovely, it really delivers the Christmas message. I love it. You really have a gift when designing your cards.
    Well shopping done, All packed away. Have sat very quietly enjoying my coffee - recharging my batteries!!!!
    Yes Sandra I am going to Ally Pally. My plan is to go on Saturday. BUT We met up with younger daughter when we went shopping, it's her birthday on Monday and she suggested we (the whole family) went to her house next Saturday - I very quickly said Sunday would suit me better! It now depends what other daughter and family are doing. Fingers Crossed. I love my family but would be so disappointed if I didn't get to meet up with you and other friends at AP.
    Must get on, see you all later, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda I hope it all works out for you and you get to AP on the Saturday.

    2. A dilemma Brenda, could you not pop in on the way back home if she insists on Saturday? It would be such a shame as you have already arranged to go. xxx

    3. Hi Brenda. I do hope you manage to come on Saturday. It will be a shame if you can't.

    4. Oh Brenda you have to come, PLEASE !!!!!
      meeting up with you is a huge part of day and I would hate to miss you as that would mean me waiting until march/April to see you next!
      I do apologise, i know family is important and I am being a little bit selfish, but i would miss you xxxxx

  18. Hello Sandra and all
    I've done the same as Muriel and commented on the way down.
    Sandra we are all here for you when Paul is away. Lovely that he will come back for your anniversary. Good luck to the girls for tomorrow's game.
    I won't be around this evening, or at least not until late. I was supposed to be going to the dreaded schnapps evening but there is a huge antiques fair in the city this evening and Heide has asked me to go to that with her. It will mean Peter has to come home by bicycle (about 10 miles) but he doesn't mind at all. Just hope he doesn't fall in the canal along the way or even worse get stopped by the police because he is bound to be a bit tiddly to say the least.
    The antiques fair is only twice a year and we always go together and then later go for dinner.
    Right must crack on
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, I just read Sue's comment and then saw yours underneath, well shock horror, I bought some of those trousers (if there the ones i think you all mean) soft jersey material, mine have a pretty blue pattern on, I wore to travel on holiday in with a simple white blouse/top and a long navy cardigan and I thought I looked ok, we are going for a relaxing weekend so you bring your comfy trousers, I was stressing where i was going to put my fascinator anyway! That word still gives me images of something very wrong!!!!
      I am so looking forward to meeting you I don't care what you wear my lovely, comfort is the key!
      Sue has the same problem as me, her boobs act as a bib and also kind of get in the way of your arm getting the food to your mouth, so i inevitably end up with something dripped on my top!
      Gosh you are all going to rush to sit next to me aren't you.....NOT!!!!
      have fun tonight and don't spend all of your jaunt jug money!
      Love and hugs

    2. Sandra, my dear, I'll sit next to you and Sue, you may both make me look half respectable ha ha xxxxx

    3. Saba enjoy your evening with Heidi at the Antique Fair and I hope Peter manages to stay upright and doesn't fall in the's amazing what a drop of the 'falling down water' can do to you! Love Sheila xxx

    4. Sandra, we won't mind you tucking your linen napkin in to the top of your top/ blouse. Honest, as I will be the same. Patricia is older she ties her round her neck . Now wearing your napkin is one thing but please no false teeth in the water glasses. Xxx

  19. Well, talk about Sod's Law. Got to the bottom again, and George has shouted up that my potatoes are cooked. Will have to go for tea. (Potatoes and water!!!) Believe that, you'll believe anything.
    See you later xxxxxx

  20. Oh my, I was going to make a long and interesting comment but it has disappeared along the wayside. Time for my tea now, I'll try to pop back later. xxx

  21. Looks as if everyone has gone for their tea. Oh well I think I will have mine in the cafe. Didn't buy much in town today. Looked at M&S as have a voucher but thought their clothes were hideous. Still have the voucher.

  22. Hello Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Janet I love your Christmas card and the way you have added the Victorian postcards as toppers.

    I feel so warn out at the moment in a happy sort of way....yesterday my dear friend rang me quite early to see if I was up, fortunately (and unusually for me) I was as I wrote yesterday a call of nature woke me very early....anyway she said can you be ready pretty soon as she had the day of work and thought we could go to Event City Manchester to a craft show. Well as you know being crafters mention the word 'craft' and the adrenalin starts flowing and as quick as I could swallowing a couple of painkillers I was ready in half an hour...and off we went. Had a great day and got a few of Sue Wilson's new dies amongst other things. Only thing that spoiled it was we had a good run through till we arrived onto the Welsh A55 Express Way where unfortunately there had been an accident and the traffic stood still so what should have been a 30 minutes journey from that point to home it took us 1 and a half hours and it was so hot but we got home safe and that part of the journey was soon forgotten. Today I woke up a bit achy and thought oooooh a nice quite day but come lunchtime I realised I needed some shopping especially as Nikki is coming tomorrow so off I went and did that. Now I shall have a bit of tea put my PJ's on and just relax.
    Sandra tell the girls good luck for their match tomorrow and I'm so pleased Paul will be home for your anniversary.
    If I don't see you later I will have probably have nodded off.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

  23. Glad to hear you are feeling much better Sheila, have a good rest and then you can have a lovely day with Nikki tomorrow. Xo

    1. Hello Sheila, that was a nice surprise for you, and you got some dies - ooh, why does the mention of dies make my pulse race, rather like the thought of seeing Paul Newman did years ago ha ha!!!
      Have a good rest tonight, and have a lovely day with Nikki tomorrow.

    2. My favourite Paul Newman film? Cool Hand Luke!
      Oh, his smiles in that film melted my heart just as much as Tom Selleck when as Magnum, he raised his eyebrows up and down and smiled. Instant orgasms! xxx

  24. Good evening ladies, well that was a waste of our time tonight, we went and got measured for or evening dresses for the retreat!!! And you lot are wearing your pjs, talk about us going out in the street in ours and your going to have fine dining in yours??? I choose purple silk and Patricia has picked blue, the girl in the dress makers was telling Patricia that the blue matched her eyes? Now we will have to go back in the morning and cancel I hope she hasn't started, she did say they would be ready by tomorrow evening!!! Looked in at the jewellers to see if he had a tiara, but he was out of them. Right It looks like a trip to the market in the morning for some cheap pj trousers. Patricia is unable to comment as her bed is over in the corner and the free wifi doesn't reach over there, but she is quite so I will just leave her there. I know I am horrible she can't read what I have written as she can't get connected. Oh it's hot here 9.44 and it's 30c. Can't see us get much sleep as there is a Turkish party going on across the road we might just go join them. I wonder if they will think our nighties are dresses. They got fancy dresses on my nightie has a bit lace it should ok I will put my flip flops on. Better go brush my hair if I am going. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, yes, but did you get any craft stuff?? I'm not wearing PJ's, so common -- I'll be wearing a silk negligee with matching feather boa!!! xxx

  25. Hi folks,
    Did you hear that "thud" that was me shoving Hazel off her bed.
    Cheeky thing has been hogging all the Wifi ... can't believe it!! Telling me there was something wrong with mine, what a load of blethers.
    Oh! it's! Hot!!! we walked into town to have our dinner and getting measured for those blooming dresses. Got a taxi back up to the hotel it was too hot for walking. Sitting in the room with the Air Con on trying to cool down.
    Hazel's all for joining that party. There singing in Turkish, we will just clap and move our lips we'll be fine. The dancing is a right different story, they are all jigging about joined together with what looks like "hankies" just hope they are clean if we are asked to join in.
    Be back later if I can get on Hazels bed again xxx

    1. Now I am disappointed to read that I won't get to see these gorgeous dresses!
      I will add that I really don't think you would want me turning up to dinner in my pj's!!!!
      I have a nice new blouse and 'trousers' for the occasion, the girls have advised me to use a bib though!
      Maybe next time we could all go for a naturist break, that way we can pack more craft goodies !!!
      I have started emailing companies tonight for donations, we can only ask, I have quite a list to get through!
      I think you two should swap beds, that way you both get a fair share of the internet, I am used to this sibling mediation thing!
      Enjoy your hankie flinging!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxc

    2. Ha ha, but still no news on the craft front Patricia. Enjoy the party, you might end up with a Turkish Delight!!!!! xxxx

    3. I can see you two coming home on a magic carpet! Xxx

  26. Helloooo! I'm home!
    Wow it's taken ages to get down here! I'll never remember everything that's been said! Mind you, some is best ignored or forgotten! I'm being ignored anyway!
    Janet your card is lovely and it reminds of Christmas cards years ago . As Norah said the children were all wrapped up and looked so cosy and warm! The design is lovely. Thank you for sharing it. It has been interesting to see cards with just one die!
    Hazel and Patricia - you are having lovely hot weather! Steady on girls - we don't want you coming home with a Turk in your case! Steer clear of that party!
    Saba - I hope Heide and you have a lovely time at the Antiques Fair and dinner. Peter - steady as you go!
    Maureen - you may be ignoring me but I am showing the better part and saying I trust you are well today!
    Cheryl - I agree!
    Norah - have lots of hugs and cuddles - some of yours knocked my sideways as I came in! They giggle too!
    Sheila - I'm so pleased you had a lovely day yesterday and I hope you managed to get your shopping done ready for Nikki tomorrow!
    Brenda ( Littlelamb) my other dies came today and I'm very pleased with them . Hope you've had a nice day.
    Brenda L - I hope you manage to get Ally Pally sorted out to suit everyone. I thought you were coming to the Retreat!
    Pat - sorry it's raining!
    Sandra - it was great to chat yesterday! We also had a good laugh!
    Anne - Maureen and I will arrange to meet up when she starts speaking to me again! It won't be long - she can't stay quiet for long!
    Well I've had a lovely day out and the sun has shone all day . We had coffee at our friends house and then went out for lunch to an Italian Restaurant. We then went back to our friends house. We all went to the Restaurant in a taxi!
    I was completely thrown this morning as the painter ( real one) turned up to paint the outside paintwork! He was just washed down bits so far as we were going out so couldn't open windows and doors! He'll be back in the morning to make a start. The gardener and his son were here too so was rushing about making coffees before I left.
    Is there anybody here?
    Love to all , Myra xxx

  27. I'm here Myra. You have had a busy day. Didn't all your dies come together or did you order at different times. Been a lovely day here today. Not too hot just right. Did get windy later though.

    1. They were ordered on two different days! I wasn't as good as I had planned to be. Was breezy earlier here but quite still now. Xx

    2. Myra, I'm here, and because I'm a nice God fearing girl (GIRL lol) I will talk to you and say that I hope you had a lovely day. I've made another birthday card, Lord, it's taking forever, I don't know what's the matter with me. I think it's the ideas, they just won't come.
      I've been using my Window Vac today, now there's a nice little toy for idle hands. I've still got to check out the cordless Dyson that ?????? said was very good. (Was it Brenda OB?)
      George is off next week, Peter says that because the Plasterer is going in to do all the walls and ceilings, George can have the week off - you'd think he was getting paid!!! Then he said that if we wanted (WANTED) we could go to sort out the gardens and get rid of the 5,000 gnomes that are in the front garden. Of course, I said "yes, no problem!" so that's our job next week.
      I'm pushing off for 5 minutes to get the old nightie on, and will be back to see who's in and who's out, who's up and who's down. Now what is that from, I've been singing it all night, it's driving me mad.
      Muriel xxxx

    3. Hello my Friend! I knew you wouldn't desert me! Well I was hoping!
      That's an awful lot of gnomes!
      I've thought of a song - it's not brilliant but I've been out all day - "Gnome Gnome on the range" - sorry that is bad!
      Maybe we could take some to Anne when we visit! She could arrange little groups round the lights.
      I've thought of another - sorry I've been good all day!
      "Gnomin in the gloamin by the Bonnies banks of Clyde" xxx

    4. How about "You'll never Gnome how much I love You"? xx

    5. The Grand Old Duke of York was up and down Maureen and might it be Pink who is up and down? x

    6. Or she might even be in and out. x

    7. I don't know Cheryl, I think I may have hallucinated it!!!! xxx
      It's nice to see you xx

  28. Hi everyone, I am really late in getting back. After our day at our wee craft shop, which was really busy, we went to Tescos, met one of my cousins in there and stood and talked for about an hour, then had to do our food shop,,went home,shopping put away, made dinner, watched the soaps, caught up with all the comments, now it is nearly time for supper!! Where has the day gone?
    Looking forward to Sue on TV tomorrow, wonder what demo she will be doing.
    Hope everyone is ok, see you all tomorrow xx

    1. Night Night Jess, sleep well! Xxx

    2. Sweet dreams Jess, don't dream of dies!!! xxx
      Myra, I've commented above!! xx

    3. I know - I'm quite overcome! Xxx

  29. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Is there anybody there?
    Saba, I've been watching a programme showing the Queen's Coronation, it was really good. I've seen bits of it before, but it was still good. xxx

    1. I'm here! I went off to Sue's blog to comment as I've been out all day!
      Sorry I missed that programme will maybe get it on catchup! What channel was it on? Xx

    2. Muriel - what are you going to do with all these gnomes?

    3. Saba is gadding about again!! Xxx

  30. Myra, we'll take them to the Municipal Depot to dump them. Half of them look as though they are home made, and the others have bits and pieces missing!!! Would you like them? lol
    I don't know which channel showed the programme, hang on I'll see if I can find out - Yesterday freeview 19, Sky 537, Virgin 245, 8 p.m. The things I do for you!!!

    1. I didn't realise that Saba gadded. I just thought she gabbed!!! xxx

    2. Thanks for that! The programme details that is.
      As for the gnomes - gnome thanks!!
      I'm sorry but they do absolutely nothing for me! Xxx

    3. You know with regard to Saba - I think we are both right! Xxx t
      Tin Hats may be needed! Xx

    4. And yet, they speak very highly of you! xx

    5. You talk to gnomes! I didn't know you were bilingual! Xxx

  31. That's great Girls ! I'll start clearing some spaces for them tomorrow and set out the toadstools along with the fairy lights , Roamin in the Gnomin ! xo

    1. Thanks! Anne we aren't really mad - are we? Xxx
      Gnomin sounds like someone who can't say Norman! Xx

    2. Anne, when are you expecting Myra and myself to call. Will we be staying with you, or have we to get a hotel? I hope some low flying aircraft do not mistake your lights for the landing strip, and the bunting as wind socks!!
      I always talk to gnomes, you get a lot more sense out of them then people think, well some people anyway!!! xxxx

    3. Where IS Saba, oh, oh, look what I've typed, but I've only typed it once, not twice ha ha xxx

    4. I've just remembered she was going out with Heidi and Peter is going knocking, rapping and Prosting on his own!!! xxx

    5. Oh Muriel not again! Saba said she was having dinner out with Heide after their visit to an Antiques Fair!
      Oh oh! Maybe someone bought her! Xxxx
      Definite Hard hat - I'm under the bed! Xxx

    6. Ooh, I'm glad you said that, not me. You can run faster ha ha xxx

    7. Saba may not see it! Cor! I'm getting cramp under this bed! Xx

    8. C'mon out then, I'll look after you. Saba wouldn't do anything to you anyway, she likes you. Which just goes to show that she's got a heart of gold xxx

    9. I'm not quite sure how to take that!
      Remind me to hoover under that bed before Christmas!! Ha ha xx

    10. Hoover under the bed? You'll be telling me that you don't sweep the crumbs under the carpet next!! xx

    11. I recently bought myself a new toy. It's a heat seeking missile launcher. It's programmed to look under beds. I am going out on my balcony to play with it now.

    12. Oh no! Everything's open and above board here! Xx

    13. Hello Dear! How was your evening? Xx

    14. Muriel - I think she read it!! Xxx

    15. Don't think you can fool me with your hello dear. I've read all the comments!!!
      It was a lovely evening, didn't spend a cent, well obviously I paid for my meal but there were no antiques I fancied, well not anything I could afford anyway. Peter is still not home. Wonder how deep a canal is?

    16. Myra, surely not, she'll be too blotto anyway to be able to load the heat thingy whatsit!!! Prost Saba, Run Myra ha ha xxx

    17. Oh no, George has just wandered back upstairs after going for a walk around the house to settle his dodgy legs and feet. Other people take their dogs for a walk, George takes his feet and legs. Although, aren't dogs slang for feet, or am I dreaming again.
      I always have to go just as things get interesting, but I'll wish you all a goodnight, sweet dreams, and play nicely now!
      Love Muriel xxxx

    18. I hope Peter is ok! Maybe he is coming home at a slow wobble!
      Muriel and I were just getting rid of some high spirits! Xxx would you like to give a Gnome a Home!! Xxx

    19. Muriel, it's plates of meet dear. And I'll have you know I am as sober as a judge. Went into town on my bicycle so couldn't get squiffy.
      Night God bless.see you tomorrow.
      Love Saba xxxx

    20. Night Night Muriel - typed it before my passing!! Xxx

  32. It's voice activated. You just say go get Muriel, go get Myra and off it goes. Now the faster you run the warmer you get and it is a heat seeking missile.
    It seeks you here it seeks you there, la la la la ......

    1. Aaaaaaargh! Da da dada da dada dada dada! - ( funeral march). Xxx

    2. It's ok, I've switched it off.
      Actually I quite fancy a garden Gnome. I wonder if there is one with a solar panel on.

    3. You could sit him beside the clock! You mean you want him to light up at night ? Xxx

    4. Yes and he could have a little fishing rod which goes up and down too.

    5. Stroll on! Would you like one for Joanne too? Xxx

    6. Mmmm. Not sure she would like one, although it would make her giggle and Oliver would love it. So yes I'll have one for her too please.

    7. Why am I arranging this? They are Muriel's gnomes - well she has to remove them - they'll be gnomadic then!
      I'm having a shocking night! Xxx

    8. Right my dear I must go to bed. The wanderer has not yet returned and with any luck I'll be fast asleep before he gets in, his snoring is something else.
      See you tomorrow, night God bless

    9. Night Night ! I think I definitely need some sleep too!
      God Bless. Xxxx
