
Wednesday 9 September 2015

Good Morning Ladies,
Its Wednesday already, I just can't believe its the middle of the week already, 9 more days and Hazel and Patricia will be home, haha !!!
Seriously ladies I hope you have had a wonderful nights sleep and are ready for a fabulous day in the sun (or shade Hazel)! after your tiring day yesterday.
Now onto this stunning card of Anne's, it's absolutely stunning, look at the detail in the decoupage,
even the rabbits ears have been decoupaged! Anne has used the largest of the California Collection Dies from Creative Expressions for the black frame that frames the image perfectly.
I think that Anne may have used a CD Rom for the image and backing paper, I am sure she will be
in to let us know later on this morning.
I would like to thank you Anne for allowing me to share your card with everyone xxxx

Today we have to take Lucy to the Eye Hospital to get her new Occlusive lens, they have had one made to try and match her eye colour as close as they can, so that it isn't obvious, which is important at their age I think, she took to putting in and taking it out really well, thankfully.
Cheryl sweetheart, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily, hugs to you xx
Janet I hope you are feeling brighter today my lovely xxx
I hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne we both love your card, when we opened up the cafe this morning and saw this masterpiece on display. All that detail is wonderful.
    Very warm here so after us getting everything set up and ready for you, some Turkish pastry delights I the cabinet by the way. We are off to have a shower, Patricia needs to get her head cleared after being ( pist) last night as I told you. We both slept like babies, now we will be lazy to day and do nothing. Sandra passport control is never more than about 15 mins. Security very high as their was trouble the day before. So we happen to land when two flights from Ukraine and Russia landed and they were the problem through the control. Jess you have to have a visa now cost £20 . Right off to get my shower,my head was ok. xxx

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      Oh those Pastries look and smell divine, thank you very much.
      I am so pleased you had a good night sleep, that was bad timing (on your pilot's behalf ) landing at the same time as those two flights, well I guess it's good to see that they are thorough and aren't letting anyone in.
      I hope you manage to get your sun bed in the shade, I can imagine you laying there being fanned by pool boy, sipping your cocktails! Haha
      Live and hugs

    2. Hazel have a great time, get a nice sunbed in the shade if you can.
      Thank you for the pastries. X

    3. Hello Hazel,
      Glad you are well rested, and thank you for the tasty treats. I'll have one now with a latte while I read the rest of the comments. My money is in the pot.
      Enjoy your lazy day with Patricia - I don't think the pair of you ever have a lazy day!!!
      Muriel xxxxx

    4. Helloooo! Relax and enjoy the sunshine. Alastair and George have gone to your house first - Charlie thought they could redecorate the sitting room! Charlie is choosing the colours and doing the prepping while they travel up!! Xxxx

    5. Hello Hazel, thank you so much for the lovely Turkish pastry delights, I had one with my cappuccino and it was absolutely delicious. Hope you both have a lovely restful day. Xxx

  2. Good morning everyone hope you are all fine today.
    ANNE:- fantastic card, love the image, I love shoes. Great design as well, love it all.
    Hazel seems to have everything under control. Hope you like the Parsties she has chosen.
    Had my shower and ready for the day ahead. Now can I just say, I was NOT "pist" last night. I went to sleep in a huff because I lost the "post" I had written. Just keeping you informed, oh! that sister of mine can tell some right porkies sometimes!!!
    Off to try and get a couple of sun beds in the shade it is so blooming hot and it's only 8.30am. Be good, see you all later.
    (((((sunshine HUGS)))))) in the basket by the door xxx

    1. Haha Patricia that's sisters for you! Have a wonderful day relaxing. I saw on the news last night there was trouble in Turkey so I hope you are well away from it all where you are. Relax and enjoy! Xxx

    2. Hi Patricia
      I'm glad your having a relaxing day today. We'll have to rename Hazel as she keeps telling porkies about you. Sounds like it's very very hot in Turkey. Hope your some way away from the trouble they're having. Have a great holiday.

    3. Hi Patricia,
      Enjoy some time relaxing in the sun, you so deserve it after your antics yesterday, blooming fire alarms, mind you it could be worse, we stayed in a hotel with all the children and we were kept awake most of the night by a 'Very Amorous' couple, my son wanted to know " who was asking the lady so many questions ", we were all tired and his question had us confused, so we asked him what he meant, (he was about 8/9 at the time) his reply "well she sounds very cross and she is is shouting YES,YES,YES" !
      Well Paul and I were laughing so much our bed was shaking, oh so innocent!
      But it's so frustrating when you have booked a hotel to improve your holiday by giving yourselves a more relaxed start and then you have a disturbed night, if that was he I would have been so awake by the time we had got outside that there was no way I would have got back to sleep!
      Just lay in the sun and sip your "mocktails' !
      Oh don't forget to pop over to Sue's blog as her die launch starts today! Good luck my lovelies!
      Love and hugs

    4. Good to know you are feeling in a better mood this morning Patricia your mood was quite understandable and after waiting all that time to get through at the airport too, I would have been in a huff too.
      Now I do hope you are up early ONLY to get sunbeds and not to do an inspection of the hotel and cleaning it!!!!! ha! ha!
      Have a wonderful day both of you and enjoy the warmth you lucky ladies. xxx

    5. Patricia, so glad to know you were not pist last night, of course we knew it was a typo, but had a wee laught about it anyway.
      Have a great day, will catch you later,. Xx

    6. Hi Patricia, I wondered if Hazel meant you were off piste last night, then I realized you were in Turkey - not Switzerland!!! Have a good day and take it easy. xxxx

    7. Helloooo! So pleased you re a happier bunny today!
      Yummy pastries! Thank you for thinking of us. We are thinking of you! Xxx

    8. Hi Patricia, we knew you would not 'piste' last night, but it did paint a funny picture in the minds eye. Our daughter and family had similar experience when arriving in Turkey for their family holiday.
      I'm sure they are being extra careful. Hopefully by being extra security conscious everyone will be safe. LOL XXX

    9. Hope you are both having a lovely time.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is gorgeous, full of detail which is really lovely.

    Well-I managed to come home with a crate of craft goodies last night. I got a sizxix boutique machine, at least 10 glitter girls boards & a bag of dies + embossing folders. That too over 2 & 1/2hours as I had to sort snd shift everything. I've warned my friend I'll be round again after my holiday to start on her huge collection of stamps and to sort out all the card and toppers she has everywhere.

    My arm is a lot better today which is s good job as I'm at the dentist for quite a lot of work this afternoon- 3 teeth need work on them. I've had to take half a days holiday just to go to the dentist. I'm hoping I feel up to some crafting afterwards as I've been asked to make a large card for a 5 year old in the theme of "Frozen " the film. I'll let you all know how I get on.


    1. Hi Michelle
      Good luck with the dentist. Good luck with the frozen themed card as well.

    2. Michele aren't you a lucky bunny! Craft wise that is, not dentist wise! Enjoy playing. I'm pleased to hear your arm is more comfortable, I hope the dentist goes well for you. What a cheek though having to take leave for the dentist! Have the rules changed or did you just decide to do it to stop comments? I always got appointments first or last thing so it was in my time, it always amazed me how often people walked out during the day - I know sometimes it can't be helped, you wouldn't fit your appointment in after work. Oh well I won't say have fun, but I hope it goes ok xxx

    3. Oh Michele, what dies did you get??
      Did she just buy a load of craft stuff then pack it all in??
      I am so thrilled for you!
      Sweetheart I would offer to come hold your hand at the dentist but you would be scraping me off the floor, Paul has to take our girls, I had to take Becca once while she was having orthodontist work done, they had yo remove a tooth to make room, well they couldn't get it out, I ended up sat in reception crying and shaking, while Becca walked out cool as a cucumber! I am so afraid of passing my phobias on to them!
      What a waste of an afternoons leave though, I hope you are job hunting?!

    4. Hope all goes well at the dentist but what a treat getting all that crafting stuff and more to come oh lucky you! xxx

    5. Michele , I hope your dentist visit goes well, three teeth to get treatment on sounds like a lot at the one time to have done, you'll probably have a frozen mouth afterwards, ( never mind making a Frozen card! ) I didn't get back to my dentist yesterday so maybe pop in today.
      Sounds like you got loads of stash, well done you ! I hope your arm is getting better xo

    6. Hi Michele, what a great haul you got. Well worth you going but I hope your friend helped you to get the stuff out. Good luck at the dentist, and I hope you manage to get your Frozen card made. Although you should probably take it easy after having work done on 3 teeth!!! xxx

    7. Well, Michele - you've given me the shivers today! Dentist and Frozen! All the best. Xxx

    8. Hi Michelle, well what a haul you got from your friend. Has it made any difference to the state of her home?
      Please your arm is feeling better, but do take it easy. Good luck with the dentist later. Thinking of you XXX

    9. Hi MICHELE. You did get a lot if crafting goodies yesterday. I bought a pad of Frozen paper from the Range And did several Triple Flip cards for Granddaughters and GtGranddaughters. The papers worked very well. Think I got 8x8. Hope the dentist goes ok. Sounds like non of us like the dentist.

    10. MICHELE:- sounds like a good haul, have fun with the goodies.
      Hope all went well at the Dreaded Dentist. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Lovely pastries from Hazel today.
    Ann I love your card. It looks to me that the topper is one of The House of Zandras. She does lovely stamps and toppers on this theme, as well as shoes and cakes. Hope that Lucy's appointment goes ok today Sandra. It's goid that she's able to cope with putting the lens in her eye. It always took me ages to put 1 contact lens in never mind 2.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Hope the sun is shining today, did you make it to Cap Salou yesterday?
      How come I haven't seen any photos of you?
      Sending love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Pat, I hope you and Pete are well, and he's managing to get up a bit earlier these mornings xxxx

    3. Hi Pat,
      Hope you are both enjoying some rest and sunshine! Xxx

    4. Hello Pat,
      Hope you are enjoying your holiday and Pete is keeping well. Is he managing to get up in time to take you to breakfast ? LOL xxx

    5. Good to hear from you Pat. Hope you are enjoying the holiday.

    6. Hullo ladies.
      Yes, I'm still enjoying my holidays thank you very much. I know it's awful to say but I'd enjoy it better if I'd left Pete at home. He's been a real misery these last few days. I know it's his medication but my word he is grumpy. Sandra can vouch for what he's like at the moment. He's behaving like a 2 yr old in a strop. Pete's pictures won't load onto Facebook Sandra for some reason but are going straight onto his timeline. So you'll see pictures of me on there.

    7. PAT:- sounds like you should have waited and come away with Hazel & I xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Pat my love I think we are following one another - hope you are having a lovely holiday xxx
    Anne your card is beautiful, what a lovely decoupage image, can't wait to find out what it is. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    I'm sorry I haven't read back on the comments yesterday so I hope everyone is ok, so much for relaxing! Were walking miles! So I'm nodding off quite early at night. We visited the Papertiere shop in Aberdeen yesterday, what a great shop for craft stuff - a lot of Sues dies and wonderful paper. I filled one box to bring it home, we think we've got enough luggage allowance on our cases now Emma's stuff is out! Julian ripped his jeans yesterday, yes we've got one pair each due to restricted weight, so off he went out in shorts. Not too bad where we are staying but by the time we got to the castle we were visiting 60 miles away it was misty and drizzly! I was in fleece and coat thinking gloves and he was in shorts and t shirt! Mind you he doesn't feel the cold like me. I need to do some sewing in a mo so he can go out to buy some new jeans! What a hoot!
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love and hugs xxxxx

    1. Good morning Diane,
      Sue did a live demo from that shop a couple of years ago, you could buy the DVD for charity I believe, it sounds a lovely little craft haven!
      Now what was Julian doing to rip his jeans, or should I not ask?!
      Listen, you can pay a fortune for jeans that are pre-torn, so Julian is now a very trendy young man! I guess, however that it all depends where the rip is! Just get him to buy some really jazzy boxer shorts, then he really would be 'on trend' (hate that term, I think it's because it was so over used by Dawn Bibby on C&C )!
      Now while we are on the subject of boxer shorts, can anyone else understand the trend for teenage boys who were boxer shorts, usually designer, underneath their swimming shorts, I cannot think of anything more uncomfortable, swimming shorts are designed with a little mesh liner (that reminds me of the little bags of nuts at Christmas ), anyway the mesh liner is designed to dry quickly and to let the air circulate, so what is the point of putting on a pair of thick cotton boxer shorts under neath, they must stay clingy and wet for hours!!
      We saw it all on our beach you know, from the naked couple on the last day, who arrived in shorts and bikini, stripped off before taking three very long attempts to lay and straighten his towel on the sand, bending right over from he hips, making sure we could all get a view of everything, my poor girls were traumatised, the other extreme however was a Muslim family, husband and his friend in speedo's, the lady bless her, head to toe in black including the hijab, she must have been melting, they had no umbrella to shelter under either !
      I hope the sun is shining today Diane and Julian doesn't suffer from draughts!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Dainty,
      Reminds me of the time we travelled to Lourdes by car, stopping and camping on the way down. George wore jeans to travel, and the closer to Lourdes we got, the shorter his jeans got, as he was cutting them shorter and shorter. Now George was always so slim that he NEVER wore shorts, so he must have been hot. But at least his was a deliberate shortening, not an accidental split ha ha xxxx

    3. Diane - we once had a trouser situation in Edinburgh! We had only gone for a long weekend. We stopped in Corstorphine at a cash point on the way into rather City! As he got out of the car Alastair split his trousers at the seam! I had to go to a fabric shop nearby and buy needle and cotton. We then drove up to Arthur's Seat - trousers were removed and Dad sat underneath a tartan rug while Mum here sewed the trousers! He had only brought one other pair and they were to wear in the evening for dinner! Men! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well at the moment it is dull but hopefully the sun will not be far away, I hope so as the washer is on.
    Anne thank you for such a lovely card you are sharing with us today and what a lot of detail too it is wonderful.
    My latte was so lovely thank you my cup is washed and money in the pot I am off to clean the windows with my helpful Mr K and get the housework done then I have a floral arrangement to do to take to the crem tomorrow as it will be my Mum's anniversary, I love arranging flowers this time it is white/cream roses and pink carnations as they were some of her favourite flowers. Then I have three golden wedding cards to make all different as they are for the same couple, so a busy day, but I shall try and call in later.
    Have a lovely day everyone and if you are feeling under par I do hope things begin to improve for you.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Good morning Margaret,
      You do have a busy day, but they are all quite nice jobs, flower arranging and card making, if you have time please take a photo for us all to see.
      The window cleaning is so much of a nice job but Mr K will make it easier for you !
      Please take it easy though, you are still recovering mind!
      I hope the sun breaks through but not before you have finished the windows, it's an impossible job with the sun blazing onto the windows!
      I am hoping for the sun to make an appearance to dry the last bits of the holiday washing.
      Sending you warm hugs

    2. Hello Margaret C, you seem to be full of energy today, so must be feeling a lot better, which is great. I'm going to get my Mr K out this afternoon to do the upstairs windows, which will only take a fraction of the normal time.

    3. Hello Margaret,
      So pleased you are back to being you again!! Enjoy arranging your flowers I love to do that too. Three Golden Wedding cards for the same couple is more tricky - you'll do it! Xxx

    4. Hi Margaret,
      Where have you found all that energy from? Please can you send some to me, I could do with a boost.
      It really is lovely to see you back on form. LOL XXX

  7. Good morning Ladies, HURRAH! Summer has arrived in the West of Scotland ! it might only last a few days , but boy , did we enjoy having a beautiful warm sunny day yesterday and it looks like we are in for another one today, sorry I didn't get back to comment last night but we were sitting outside making the most of it till the sun went down ( which included a few wines as hot weather makes you thirsty! )
    Thank you for all the lovely compliments on my card, Yes Pat you are correct ! It is a House of Zandra decoupage sheet ( bit fiddly cutting out but I love their images and the colours they use ) .
    Good to hear Patricia and Hazel that you had a good nights sleep after a long day , enjoy your sun beds and remember to drink lots ( water) as all that blathering will make you thirsty! xo
    Sandra, I hope Lucy's appointment goes smoothly, it's good they take time to make a perfect match as it matters sooo much to how they feel at her age xo
    Well it's walking group day so I'd better go and make up my picnic lunch, if it stays hot I reckon it will be a beach walk ( maybe have a wee paddle? )
    Just thought maybe I could take a Turkish pastry with me , mmmm and make all the others jealous ha ha !
    Hear you later.
    Love and hugs to you all xo

    1. Good morning Anne,
      I am so pleased to hear you are getting a summer at last, fingers crossed it will last through to the weekend!
      I thought I recognised the look of the shoe, well done Pat for guessing! Pat loves the House of Zandra collections, that reminds me I have a Cd rom of theirs, I must dig it out. I am terrible for collecting these CDroms and not using them, I set myself a goal, to make one Cd card a week, well we'll see about that!
      Enjoy your walk today my lovely, hopefully along the beach, you are right about your picnic, they will all be drooling!
      Sending love and hugs

    2. Hello Anne, what a stunning card today, it's fabulous. Enjoy your walking day and I'm glad you've got the sunshine. It's another dull day here in Newcastle, but we are supposed to get some sun tomorrow - fingers crossed! Look out for sharks while you're paddling!!! xxxx

    3. Have a lovely sunny walk Anne. Hope you don't end up in Jaws Scotland!! Xxx

    4. Lovely card today Anne. I like the colours. Hope you have enjoyed your day. Took the sun till early afternoon to come out but has been nice since.

  8. Good morning one & all,

    I have been loving all the cards in the café over the last few minutes. I haven't read all the comments though so I will have to play catch up to find out who has been doing what and to whom.

    I have been informed of step Grandson Joe's funeral next week in the same way I discovered his death.
    A Facebook posting (although to be fair to his brother he did tell me via a PM but not my children, they all read a post and then contacted me to ask if it was true)!!! Joe's family all have our phone numbers which I think a phone call would have been so much kinder.
    This latest post was despite my Fiona and I going to see the family last week and his Mum saying she would ring us to inform of funeral details before the post went up. That's one of the reasons I have been so upset the last week. I don't know if this is the new trend for bad news by the youngsters, post it on FB for all to see but it is not the nicest of ways to find out.
    The funeral is set for 9am at Weston Super Mare, I have never heard of a crematorium service at that time before, right amongst the school run, so I wonder how many of us are going to be on time. I think we will be leaving our homes around 7.30-45 to give us extra time and hope also that the commuter traffic will not be too bad.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl,
      I personally can't think of anything more upsetting than discovering sad news like that via social media, it would have been so much kinder for Joe's family to have called all family members personally before posting on fb or anywhere else, purely to avoid any distress that maybe caused.
      I think that people publish way too much personal information on such sites, now Joe's funeral details are out there for anyone to see, I thought that you were personally invited to a funeral, so that only people that the family want to share this very personal service with would be invited to attend. The method used in this case means that anyone could turn up!
      I can understand totally that you would be upset after you took the time to visit Joe's family personally last week and were promised a call to inform you of arrangements, but instead you had to find out through fb.
      Does that mean that had you not had fb you would have no idea of arrangements?
      It is a very early service, I thought that they usually avoided 'rush hour' traffic times.
      Sending you love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Oh Cheryl, people can be so insensitive, and the old ways of a newspaper announcement regarding a funeral, and ringing around the family to give the arrangements, seem to be on the way out with some people. They live their lives through their phone and facebook, it's so sad. I can understand why you've been so upset and I'm thinking of you.
      Maureen xxx

    3. So Sorry Cheryl getting bad news is hard enough but getting it via Social Media is so wrong , in my book anyway! The personal touch seems to be going out of everything. I do hope it makes a comeback! Thinking of you. Xxx

    4. Oh Cheryl,
      Getting bad news it any time is not very pleasant, but for family to get it via social media Iin my mind is bad manners, ( I apologise if I'm speaking out of turn ) gosh what an hour and a list of what you all have, it's going to be a very long day. Be strong dear lady, my love and prayers go out to you xxx

    5. Sorry Cheryl, that should read what an early hour and a long day you all have. LOL

    6. Hello Cheryl - So so sorry you had to find such awful news via social media. I cannot understand how people can do such things. It doesn't take much to pick up a phone and talk to you.
      Please take care dear Friend you will be having a very long day.
      I have Teigan's card up on display on top of my piano so that I see it every time I go through the dining room to the kitchen. I love it.
      Hugs xxxx

    7. Cheryl dear dear lady, friend, i am so sorry to hear off your grandsons passing even as a step grandson it will have hit very hard. Campbells great neice put it up on FB about my mother in law before they had even told the eldest son and that is how his sons and daughter found out, not nice at all. I think fb is a wonderful way to find old friends and acquaintances but this needing to minute every slight sneeze just gets me and i just don't think it is the place for announcing things such as that. I know i didn't want mum's friends finding out via that medium and hard as it was i wanted to tell them personally. Some i called their son or daughter if they were elder as i didn't want anyone collapsing on me at the phone call and that way i knew that they were getting it in the gentlest way possible. So i'm sorry my poor friend that you have had to find out what should have been a call or visit if near enough to tell you in person. I am sending you loving huggles dear Cheryl to try and keep you up and help you through this awful tragdy. YOu are in my thoughts and prayers dear friend as you will be with an awful lot of us.
      Norah x

  9. Good morning Sandra and gang
    I think it will have to be an espresso this morning to go with those delicious Turkish pastries. Thank you Hazel and Patricia for sending them over, enjoy the heat, rest and relaxation today.
    Sandra, good luck this afternoon at the hospital, haven't things come on, it used to be one of those awful eyepatches. Mind you I suppose for younger children it still will be.
    Anne your card is lovely. How clever cutting away around Alice's feet, really gives dimension to your focal image. Love the black matting too, really makes it all pop. Enjoy your walk on the beach, I love paddling just not keen on the dry sand between my toes afterwards.
    Cheryl there is no excuse for such insensitive behaviour. Do people not think what a shock it can be to find out such news on social media. So door you have been upset in this way.
    Right off to get my washing out, it's a lovely sunny albeit chilly day today. Not doing much else so if I get dinner organised I might have a crafting afternoon.
    Love to you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba, I just thought I'd let you know that I am watching the Queen arriving at Waverley Station, Edinburgh. Ha, ha, everyone is so respectful, and smartly dressed, and someone like Mr. Blobby in a fluorescent fat suit has walked along the platform. Oops, he's realised his mistake and gone out of sight!!!
      Her Majesty will be so disappointed that Hazel and Patricia are not there lol xxxxx

    2. Hello Maureen, Which channel are you watching? I looked to see whether there were any special programmes on but couldn't see any.

    3. Wow Maureen! Where you go Her Majesty follows!
      Seriously - what an achievement by a a quite unique, amazing lady!
      I don't remember Queen Elizabeth's father - it's strange to think she has been Queen for nearly my entire life and I'm a grandmother. Xxx

    4. Thank you my dear, I've put it on now and waiting for the re run.
      Myra, I don't remember Her father either but then he was long gone when I was born!!

    5. I believe you. - thousands wouldn't!!
      Tin Hat! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely start for today with Anne's card, it is gorgeous love it.
    Michele, hope the dental visit goes ok, we did get time off work for dentist, Drs
    and hospital appointments it is rotten you have to use up holiday time. Well done on getting such a lot of your friends craft stash, is she giving it up or just has too much?
    Diane well done on finding the craft shop in Aberdeen, as Sandra said, Sie did a demo there a couple of years ago and a DVDs was released for their charity, I got that but to be honest, the quality of the photography wasn't very good as it was a static video camera and you couldn't really see what Sue was doing, shame, but she always showed the card to the camera. Hazel and Patrcia were at that demo.
    Good luck with the jeans, lots of shops in Aberdeen!
    Cheryl what a shame you had to find out via FB about your grandsons funeral, I think the youngsters nowadays live by FB and put everything on it, too much sometimes. When my mum died her funeral was at 9am at the crematorium, I think that is when they have the first one of the day. Thinking of you at this sad time, take care xx
    Oops it's coffee time already, busy morning lots done, now time to craft!
    Take care everyone.xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and the lovely crew,
    I will have one of the lovely Turkish pastries that Hazel and Patricia have left us with a latte this morning....then I must shake a leg (well not to hard though! ) and have a shower and nip to town.
    Anne your card is so lovely and it's a wonderful image with the big shoe and Alice in Wonderland characters and the decoupage is great.
    Cheryl it's lovely to see you back we have missed you so much ......but I was so saddened to here that you had to find out about the funeral arrangements on me it's all a bit disrespectful, and such an odd time to have the funeral when everyone is on their way to work. Take care my lovely and my thoughts are with you.
    Hazel and Patricia have a wonderfully relaxing day today and stay out of that lucky ladies!
    Will pop in later to see what you have all been up to. Have put hugs in the basket.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx
    PS Lynda, Margaret and Janet hope you are all feeling better today. xx

    1. Enjoy your " nip into town" - please do not carry or pull heavy shopping! Pretty Please! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      Have decided against my 'nip into town' as I am not really desperate for anything so no carrying for me today but I will have a gentle walk to the local PO instead. By the way many thank you so much for your lovely comments on Pinterest I kept pressing the 'Enter' key so my reply to you came in three brain just wasn't in tandem with my fingers...although I don't think it's in tandem with much else these days!! xxx

    3. Got them! Please don't apologise - no need! Glad no heavy lifting or pulling today!mxxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    Good luck with Lucy's visit to get her lens fitted. She's a star.
    I have passed comments on the way down, and am going into town now to do some shopping and pay a visit to the bank - to pay bills unfortunately.
    I'll be back later
    Muriel xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    I have finally reached the end - well of this blog so far !
    Our Ladies Group begins today for the Autumn Session so I'm off out there after 2pm.
    Anne your card is really lovely! My Mum was called Alice - so it reminded me of her . The images are really lovely and the card beautifully constructed. Lots of patience! Thank you!
    Sandra - hope all goes well with Lucy. It is pretty amazing what they can do nowadays.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Myra xxx

  14. Sandra, I hope Lucy's appointment went ok. It's amazing what they can do these days.
    Well we have been rearranging the hotel room they had one of the beds next to the wall, sore if you turn in the night and bash yourself so that sorted. To hot to do anything - sorry to mention " the heat" folk baking themselves , silly or what?
    Cheryl sorry you received your sad news and arrangments by FB. But that's the Young for you?
    Sheila. Do take it easy.
    Right off back to do nothing. xx

    1. Hazel and Patricia you're supposed to be resting not moving furniture around, surely someone from the hotel could have done it for you as it was for safety reasons. Enjoy doing nothing you both deserve it and sounds as if a nice glass of the 'falling down water' is in order after the furniture moving . xxx

  15. Hello again Sandra,
    I forgot to say 'good luck' with Lucy's appointment hope all goes well and hope she gets the perfect match. Sometimes it blows my mind what they can do for our youngsters these days.
    Love Sheila xxxx

  16. Hochanda's website is now up and running ladies!

    1. was!!!!! just gone back to it not being there!
      its not all working properly though!

    2. Thank you for that Sandra. xxx

    3. They had a lot of teething troubles when they first started up. Hopefully they will sort it out soon.
      I'm surprised how many 'names' have gone over to them. Everyone must have been fed up with C&C or they are offering a much better deal. xx

  17. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Let's hope it's third time lucky. I keep losing my post ( as well as my rag ) I will try to be calm, I will not accidentally touch signout or do you spell check or any other reason for losing my comment. Deep breath. Hello everyone.......

    Sandra, I hope Lucy gets on well having a new lens fitted at the eye hospital. Sending her a big hug xxx

    Anne, your card is gorgeous. The decoupage really brings everything to life, it really is so much more effective in 3-D. I love it.

    I have been leaving comments on the way down, Will go back and see if I have missed any. Sending everyone love and hugs. Hope you're having a good day. Brenda XXX

  18. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Hope all goes well for Lucy this afternoon.
    Anne your card is lovely.
    Cheryl I really feel for you how callous some people are lots of hugs on way to you.
    Michelle hope dentist goes alright for you.
    Hazel and Patricia thank you for pastries just managed to grab one before they all went lovely enjoy the sun.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  19. Afternoon everyone
    I've just had to wake myself up as I just remembered that I hadn't see any of you today. Dozing off is definitely not on my agenda but at the moment I seem to be doing quite a lot of it.
    Sandra - I hope Lucy's apptment goes well for all of you.

    Anne your card is wonderful - Shoes used to be my passion and I still love them. When I had to get rid of all my 3" heels I kept a couple of pairs and I still take them out of the box and look at them at times. These days it's flats all the way.
    Patricia/Hazel - hope you're having a good day relaxing by a pool and being waited on.
    Michele - hope the dentist trip isn't too bad. What a wonderful haul you managed to get. Make sure you return for a second time of hunting.
    Sheila - I hope your feeling better and that leg of yours is behaving.
    Myra - you had me worried there for a minute when you said you'd reached the end! lol. Have a good afternoon. Autumn - it really feels like that here today. Heating is on.
    Saba - hope the washing is dry and you're having a crafty afternoon.

    I've tried to comment from memory (heaven only knows why) so I hope I haven't got everything mixed up and to all I've forgotten please forgive me I'll try and be better tomorrow.
    Off now to try and see Hochanda web site. Wish me luck.
    Hugs are in the basket. Latte was lovely and mug is washed and back in place.

    1. I worried myself Janet! Just try to take things easy for a day or two. You weren't just unwell - you travelled a long way . Journeys are tiring when you are fit and well. You take care! Xxx

  20. Hi everyone, been out with friends this afternoon, we always meet up on a Wednesday afternoon, and have a good catch up, moan etc., we have known each other for over 40 years.
    Not much happening otherwise, OH making dinner, I have a couple of cards to finish, so will pop back later.
    No more furniture moving Hazel, you are supposed to be on holiday!
    Take care, xxx

  21. Hi everyone. I hope Lucy's eye appointment went ok today Sandra. Amazing what they can do these days. Have left messages on the way down.
    Have had a goid day. Went to A Maze of Memories today. Am at my son's today to look after my Granddaughter after school so as I had the day to myself decided to go. Didn't take too long. I know that Sandra, Pat and Sue went there to see Christine Emmberson. Very nice people there and I was offered a cup of tea/coffee and biscuit as soon as I got there and then another kind before I left. If I get the chance I will make another trip sometime. Sun came out this afternoon and it was warm. Chilly this morning.

    1. Hi Brenda
      Let us know if your visiting again, and I'll try to meet up. I assume that you'll be going to Ally Pally this year so will see you there.

  22. Afternoon Ladies

    Torture over at the dentist-it was truly ghastly and I've spent a lot of time there over the years. She's decided that I need to go every 6 months due to the state of my teeth.
    My haul from last night is quite good considering my friend is having trouble parting with "stuff"! I'm only keeping 2 dies- a cuttlebug mini snowflake and a Marianne design Icicles one. There's 2 embossing folders I'm keeping-Winter house & cats, both cuttlebug. The other dies/folders I already have so will see if my M in L wants them. I'm going to make a donation to the local hospice as its such a good cause.

    A colleague is organising a 12 hour badminton tournament on Sunday in memory of Dave who used to play competitively . There's pictures of him on the hospital emails & in the department which I'm finding upsetting. Goodness knows how his widow is coping-she's returned on reduced hours but is aiming to get back to full time.

    I've been asked to make s birthday card for a 4 year old who loves pirates-any suggestions ladies???!!!!


    1. Michele I saw a owl on Pinterest the other day - as a pirate ! It looked really good and quite cute. They had die cut an owl - guess you could stamp or draw !! They then put a black patch over one eye and a bandana on its head. It also had one claw foot and one peg foot!! I think it was Stampendous or someone like that! Xxx

    2. hunky dory had some lads and dads things on and I bought some last year I think, there were pirate toppers, sentiments, a treasure map (which I used to bury some 'gold' loot in the garden for Joseph, Tiegan and Izzy from next door to find) and A4 cardstock. xxx

    3. Michele, I downloaded a pirate sheet from Crafts U print, if you want I could try and email it to you.
      My email is

  23. To Saba and Myra and anyone else who's interested (probably Brenda LL and Brenda OB), I remember the Headmaster calling the whole school to Assembly to tell us of the death of the King. I also remember Queen Mary, and when she died in 1953. Again, we were all called in to Assembly.
    Michele, I'm looking at my stash to see if I have anything that you could use for a pirate card. When do you have to have it ready?
    Muriel xxx

    1. I remember the Coronation. I was just about to start school. I don't remember a lot of detail but Mum and Dad bought a lovely illustrated coffee table book about it and we looked at that a lot and talked about it. I do remember having red white and blue striped ribbons in my hair! Xxx

    2. MYRA Well, of course, I don't really remember any of the events, it's just what my Grandmother told me!!! Oh oh, my nose has just hit the wall lol.
      MICHELE, I've sent you an e-mail regarding the pirate xxx

    3. MYRA, I've just seen your message to Michele about an owl pirate, that would be so cute. Michele, I have a large owl stamp if you wanted to borrow it and "doctor" it up a-la Myra's idea. xxxx

    4. Ladies-you are very kind. The card isn't needed until November so no major panic but I like to know I have things in stock to make the cards. I've replied to your email Maureen-thanks.


    5. I don't remember the King dieing. But do remember the Coronation. We had a fancy dress parade and a party in the village. I remember my Dad giving me a model of the Coronation Coach. xxx

  24. I wasn't at school that day because the children in the year above me were doing their 11+ exams and we always had the day off then. I met a girl in the street and she told me the King had died.

  25. Michele I have been trying for ages to send you a pin I found but it won't let me send it to you. I found it by searching for punch art pirate. There are loads which would be perfect for a 4 year old. It would let me sen d it to Myra or Maureen but didn't think they would want it! I tested the sending business on Joanne and it sent it to her, so she will be wondering why on earth I have sent her a pirate!!

    1. Thanks-will try that later. My very generous M in lL sent me £15 as a thank you for taking her to the craft show last week & offering to help her sell stuff on eBay-I'm going over this Saturday. I think I'll put it towards the Sue Wilson pierced square dies as I've been drooling over them!

    2. Michele here is the link to the pin
      If you copy and past it into your browser it should open up.
      I'm drooling over her pierced squares too, not a good look.

    3. If we all go on like this much longer, we'll all be saying "Ah hah me hearties" I blame Michele for this. I keep patting the parrot on my shoulder because he's saying "pieces of eight, pieces of eight!"
      Muriel xxx

  26. Well ladies I was to young to remember these things, Patricia tells me we watched it on someone's TV. Oh change that she doesn't remember the king dieing. I think it's time to go to sleep. Talking about sleep well not really sleep, but you should have seen the amount of folk that were in the airport in the pjs. - yes these trousers everyone and their auntie infact loads of granny's had them on even some guys? At least we were dressed properly. Aren't you proud of us.??? Had a very tiring day doing nothing, so night night. Xxx

    1. Extremely proud of you! Night Night Sleep well! Xxx

    2. You are a remarkable pair of women and I am also extremely proud of you!!! Try to get a good night's sleep. xxxxx

    3. I remember wearing a red /white/blue dress, and we were given a coronation mug!

  27. I remember the Headmaster telling us at lunch time in the hall and we watched the Coronation in the Church Hall, we lived in a farm cottage no electric or running water so it was quite a special occasion the first time we had ever seen television, just shows how times have changed!
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, funny thing is that I don't remember the Coronation at all. I know I went to a street party, but it's very vague and I can't really remember it. My mother's birthday was the 4th June - 2 days after the coronation - and I was more excited about that!!! xxx

  28. Thank you all for your supportive comments, just what I needed to try and get out of these doldrums and for letting me get all that has happened off my chest. I forgot to say the funeral is next Thursday, I'd already booked on a day trip to Winchester with Freda, so will have to change that now.
    And I totally forgot to mention your card Anne, I think it is amazing, so much detail into the picture and I love the background. A thoroughly fantastic card.

    How's Lucy with her ocular lens Sandra? Does it match her eye colour?

    I think an early night is in order after I have finished some cards. I started them this afternoon then went to my REA meeting, where we had a most informative talk on the launch and relaunch of Brunel's SS Great Britain.
    I had found in my stash some 6x6 plain cards and some 6x6 topper papers with funny comments on and had already attached them to the card so now undecided what to add for a quickie card. And earlier I have also found some 6x6 scalloped cards and toppers that are going to come in handy to make another batch for our local Scope shop. They are always so pleased when I drop them off to sell and as I gift-aid them tool they can also claim the tax back.

    I am so lucky to have found such wonderful people as yourselves to talk to. Thank you very much Saba for inviting me into the café of friends and A special thank you to Sandra for opening this café and to my dear heart Maureen who has listened to so much over the past months and has given me encouragement, advice and sympathy. I just don't know where I would be if I hadn't taken that first step and opened the door. Probably still stuck inside my four walls which are slowly crumbling now I have pushed my self to conquer this agoraphobia. It is not going to define me any longer but to strengthen my decision to make giant steps. So look out on the retreat, I shall probably be a bag of nerves to start with!!!
    Love & hugs to you all
    Nighty night
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl dear heart, this blog is a better place for you being in it, I don't mean it wasn't t good before, I mean you have added to its uniqueness and the loveliness which is Sandra's blog.
      Don't worry about being a bag of nerves at the retreat we all will be, at least at first. I can't wait to meet everyone there, I think there will be tears of happiness and big group hugs. I'm a bit of a huggy person!! Was lucky to have grown up within a family of huggy members. Oh heck, you'll all be dreading meeting me if I gone on any more.

    2. Cheryl, you have probably gone to bed now! I've just got in! I'm so very glad that you have been so helped by popping in here. I think we all have in many different ways. You are a lovely lady and I'm so pleased you can now get out and about and enjoy life . Thinking of you.
      Night Night! Love Myra xxx

    3. Cheryl, just listen to Grandma Saba and Grandma Myra, they talk much better common sense than I do as they are so much older than me, but you know I am always on the end of your e-mail. xxxx

  29. Well ladies, we sat down to have dinner and got a phone call. Friend having a problem with her husband who has dementia. He was a lovely placid man and this has changed him completely. He gets on very well with Alastair, always did, and in fact he was out with Alastair this afternoon while his wife and I were at our Ladies Group. He was fine this afternoon but got really awkward this evening and their son was away so we went round. All is calm now and in fact he's now asleep in his armchair. I don't know for how much longer she can carry on. He does go to a Day Centre twice a week . Sorry about that tale. Xxx

    1. Oh that's so sad Myra. This is another problem that many people have to deal with now. My mother was always dotty, so we never knew whether she had dementia or not. She would forget things, like putting the gas on and not lighting it, but she'd always been like that for as long as I could remember, so it was normal for her!!! She was as bright as a button about money and other things though. I hope your friend gets more help. xxx

    2. Sometimes she just looks so drained Maureen! Tonight she was at her wits end and we were thinking maybe admission to hospital would be necessary for him. However his good manners came to the fore when we arrived and he was pleasant and calmed down. We had coffee and he fell asleep . The thing is he gets up several times a night and as well the stress of daytime sleep is being lost. He is only 75, which isn't old today at all! Xxx

    3. As I said before Myra, it is so sad. You feel helpless, especially when their character changes. We looked after George's Irish Aunt but she never got unpleasant, in fact she would kill you with kindness. Have a glass of wine and relax. Try to put it out of your mind before you go to bed. It's a good job Alastair was there to calm him down and sort him out. George is 75 at Christmas, so no - 75 isn't old nowadays.
      Love, hugs and prayers.
      Maureen xxx

    4. Myra that is so sad. Dementia is such a cruel illness and at that age too. Your poor friend must be exhausted. It's lovely that she could turn to you and Alastair in her time of need. Hope you are feeling alright and it hasn't upset you too much.
      Gentle hugs winging their way to you both.

  30. Well, he's arrived upstairs so it's time to switch off and get ready for bed.
    Goodnight all, sweet dreams and sleep well. See you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. Night Night my Dear! Speak tomorrow, all being well. Xxx

    2. I've answered you above dear, take care. xxxxx

    3. Night God bless Muriel, give George a hug too!

    4. Thank you all! You are brilliant you know! I'm fine . Xxx

  31. Goodnight all those going to bed. I am already in bed but just reading all the comments I haven't read yet. Myra so sorry this happened tonight. It's a good job they have lovely friends like you and Alastair. I know what she is going through. Take care and hope you sleep well tonight.

    1. Thanks Brenda, it's a horrid disease!
      Night Night and I hope you sleep well. Xxx

  32. Hallooooo! Just wanted to say Hi and that we have a great time in the big apple!
    Janet your card is gorgeous, beautiful colour and the corners are lovely.
    Ann , the card with little Alice in Wonderland is lovely !
    Sandra ,hope all went fine for Lucy !
    Michele, hope you are ok after the dentist !
    Janet, hope you are feeling better and Margaret too !
    Brenda LL, hope you had a nice time on your outing.
    I haven't read all the comments but I hope you are all behaving yourself, tihi
    Hazel and Patricia, not such a good start but I hope you have a fantastic time.
    Well yesterday we had the hottest day so far with +38 degrees and humidity 47 so was a bit sticky to walk around. Had a little cruise out to see Statue of Liberty then we had a bus tour over to Brooklyn. American diner for blueberry pancakes with lots of syrup hihi. My darling OH had a surprise for me that he had booked tickets while at home for "Les Miserable" With no other then Alfie Boe as the main character !! It was fabulous ! and then we had a piece of strawberry cheese cake for after hihi. Today is also very hot and I struggle a bit but we took our time and saw the Grand Central Station, absolutely Amazing and then we walked to go up in the Rockefeller Centre, Amazing Views over the whole of NY. We are now back for shower and then go for dinner somewhere. Tomorrow we thinking of going by underground to 9/11 memorial, American Indians Museum and maybe have a chance to see the Bull, from some films ex with Jackie Chan . I guess you all asleep so I wish you a good night !
    love and hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. Cheryl, we love you and here for you always. Extra many hugs to you and anyone else who need one!
      Sorry about your friend Myra.

    2. Great to see you Maria! Thank you . The 9/11 Memorial is a must see, I think! The Rockefeller Centre has a marvellous view! What a lovely surprise - Les Miserables! So pleased you are having a lovely time. Miss you! Xxx
