
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Beautiful Blue and White Card from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at this absolutely beautiful card that has been designed by our very own Janet!
We haven't had one of Janet's cards for a while as because of the change of laptop I think, but Janet has sent me a few cards to share with all of you, I think that this is one of my favourites.
Firstly I love the colours, your can't go wrong with blue and white ( I think it may be a teal blue)!
The stamp in the centre is so pretty, although I have no idea who's stamp it is!
I love the way that Janet has added pearls around the oval of the frame, it adds the perfect finishing touch and with the pearls dotted around the corner dies, it ties in really well.
The main die that Janet has used for the focal element is the Vienna Die from the Austrian Collection of Sue Wilson's Dies from Creative Expressions, the flowers are the Peony Flower Dies from the same supplier, Janet has used both the Open and Complete die sets to create those perfect little flowers.
The corner die is from Tattered Lace.
Thank you so much Janet for sharing your beautiful card with us today xxxx

Not much happening here today, we are slowly getting through all the laundry pile thankfully.
We just need to get the rest of the bits and pieces back put back into their storage places!
We took the new wheelchair for a test run  last night, it glides along so much easier than the old one!
So a thumbs up, although it's wider than the old one so not sure about fitting in smaller cars!
Hazel & Patricia, hopefully you are well on route to Turkey by now, have an amazing time together!
Love & hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Well we are opening up as usual. We are busying around to make sure everything is done. Didn't get much sleep seeing how fire alarm went off as we were just dropping off to sleep, an hours and odds later we got back in. So yes ladies we were stood out in our nighties we did grab our trousers so we were ok. Oh lots in the airport in their pjs - yes those trousers. Right we will sit and have our cups of tea and people watch.Patricia & Hazel xxx

    1. Patricia and Hazel how awful for you, I hope you didn't get too cold. Did you find our what the cause was or was it someone who thinks they can get away with smoking in their room? It's happened to Julian a couple of times when he's been away but he always keeps his keys next to his glasses so he grabs them so he can sit in the car to keep warm. I hope the hotel staff were good too. Enjoy your holiday when you get there - you will definitely need the sunshine top up although it's been beautiful here the last couple of days! Safe journey xxx

    2. It could only happen to you two!!
      I am only glad it wasn't me, please don't let that happen on the retreat, or we all be very familiar!
      Have a lovely time ladies, missing you already!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Oh Dear! So sorry about the Fire Alarm! That's not funny at all! Don't worry about the Retreat - I'll check Maureen 's bag for cigars before she goes o her room! Safe journey. Xxxx

    4. OOOOh Hazel did any hunky firemen come to save you and Patricia?
      Such a nuisance though when you need your sleep. Looking forward to hearing you have arrived safely.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    5. Oh Hazel, Not what you want when starting off on your holiday. My parents had this happen, Mum had Parkinson's they had been taken back to the hotel by my sister and a friend, my sister put Mum to bed, during the night the Alarm went off. Dad had to try and get mum out of bed and into the wheelchair (not an easy task, she was just flesh and bones, but a dead weight) had it been a real fire I'm sure they would have been casualties!!!!! Thank goodness you were both fine, albeit tired.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your card umps a stunner. It's really beautiful, love that shade of blue you have used.

    We had mist/fog this morning but I think the sun is trying to appear! I'm getting weighed tonight (a day early) then after a quick meal I'm off round to my friends (the one with a very cluttered house) as she claims I can have some /all of her card making stash. Thing is-we've been here before & she would part with it, even though she hasn't made cards for a few years.

    I hope she doesn't expect me to shift much stuff as I had a minor procedure done last night (had my hormone implant changed) and my left arm has got stitches & a dressing on it. It's throbbing quite a bit-don't remember that from 3 years ago!!! I thought about ringing in sick but it's not in my nature.
    I'll let you know how I get on at my friends but it might be tomorrow.


    1. Michele take care today and go home if they tell you to, you don't want to risk pulling out your stitches and getting an infection - I know you are in the right place but I'm sure the doctors would tell their patience to take a couple of days off to let it heal! Have you thought of putting a large sling on tonight or heavily bandaging your wrist and saying you've sprained it so she carries the boxes? Naughty I know but it might work. Take care today xxx

    2. How exciting Michele, new crafty stash to play with! ( well that's if you can find it when you get there)!
      You are brave having the implant procedure, it sounds very invasive!
      I think you should have had a sick day, you could have whizzed over and crafted with me!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Michelle
      Not to sure I could go to work after having that done. Pete has Hormone Injections and that's bad enough. Take the rest of the day off if your feeling unwell. Hope your meeting went well yesterday. That's if it happened at all.

    4. Take care with that arm Michele! Get it checked if it continues to bother you. Xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies, Sorry to hear Patricia and Hazel about your disturbed night, it's bad enough getting over to sleep in a strange bed without the fire alarm going off and having to outside and then trying to get over again, I hope you have a good flight today and time for a rest xo
    Janet, your card is gorgeous , I love the pearl decorated corners and the flowers are beautiful!
    Michele I hope the throbbing in your arm has settled down , did your friend( with the cluttered house) I laughed at that! Did she part with some stash or was it just a ruse to have your company?
    Sandra it was great to hear your chair arrived and that you are pleased with it, what a difference that will be for you ,especially that it is comfortable!
    Well I spent to the dentist yesterday afternoon, she gave me an injection ( for a very sensitive tooth that the filling had worn away in) so I couldn't tell until hours later , I'm pretty sure she has filled the wrong tooth, it's certainly not the one I expected her to treat, but maybe that one needed refilling also , I'll call in to her today and see what she says.
    Hazel has been in early so the cafe is all set up for the day, I'll just have some tea and toast with some homemade marmalade as it looks tasty, money in the pot!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne how awful for you, I hope you get it sorted but it probably means you've got to be uncomfortable again. I hate the aftermath of an injection you feel like you are dribbling and nothing comes out right!!! Xxx

    2. Oh Anne, your post reads like a horror story to me, bad enough to have to go to dentist, but then to have an INJECTION !! Then to find it might be wrong tooth, sounds like a personal hell to me, you are very brave, let's hope she got it right!
      My new wheelchair is a delight!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Oh Anne, I hate having an injection at the Dentist too and thankfully it only happens rarely! I'm so far away that you can't hit me with anything. - BUT - at least it wasn't an extraction - then a mistake would have been a bigger problem - or a wider gap!! Xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all the ladies - Sandra or do we call you speedy gon zalis now? I think I'm following you or your following me! I hope you manage to get everything re stowed soon, there's nothing worse than post holiday muddle is there. Hopefully the weather is being kind to you so you can get the washing dry. Are the girls settled in for their final year at school? They did so well at football so please send my congratulations to them both. Xxxx
    Janet your card is beautiful, I thought I recognised the TL corner, it works well with the focal die. I love the pearls too, really pretty. Did I read you had been poorly ( sorry haven't had much chance to read over the last few days), I hope you are feeling better now and have managed to sort your post trip muddle out too. Xxxx
    Margaret I know tou were missing and people were telling you to take care so do look after yourself. I hope all goes well with your husbands scans - I want to say Derrick but I'm in real danger of marrying the wrong person to the wrong husband - I feel another list coming on, especially before the retreat! Who knows who would end up with the lovely George otherwise!!!!! ( Muriel would be pleased!) . Xxxxx
    Sorry my comments have been brief, by the time we've been crashing at the hotel it's been late and I've been nodding off as I type. Emma has settled into her flat well and fron a few text messages seems to be enjoying herself - I bet she's missing dear old mums washing system though because she's only got a couple of going out things and she's been out at least twice so far!!! We had a lovely day just pottering around looking at where we are staying and having a walk along a sandy beach in the sun - I'm starting to think it's a trick saying it's cold in Scotland to keep visitors away! I know though that the snow poles at the sides of the roads tell a much different story!
    Well I shall love you and leave you now as it's time for breakfast - I must catch up with the Myra Maureen Saba antics, I'm missing their mischief ! Oh and Karen congratulations on your fantastic walk - well done xxx sorry if I've missed anyone's news, I will go back and check in a few days time but I hope everyone's ok. Cheryl my love sending you a hug, hope. You are back with us soon xxxx see you all later.
    Love and hugs Diane xxxxx

    1. Not too sure that I could be described as speedy when it comes to moving myself, but Paul had me cruising at a fair pace last night, the good thing about it is that it will be a lot easier for Pat and a Sue to push too, I always feel guilty (but that's just me)!
      Most of the washing is dry and away, we always wash holiday clothes and pack them back into the hold all ready together out and freshen up next year, however I think we will have the same situation with a lot of the girls things as we did this year, the new bikinis etc from last summer wouldn't barely cover their modesty this year, so it was new bikinis and shorts for them both, frustratingly it's just the tops that they out grow, they are at that stage where the body us really changing shape, hips and bottom etc, they are both small for their age though.
      They seem to have settled back into school ok, they have complained about a few of their new teachers, Sophie wasn't too happy that she has been moved Into the top set for maths where she joins Lucy, she said (and I agree) that she felt more confident at the top of the second set than she does at the bottom of the top! I will keep an eye on things and intervene if necessary.
      I am so pleased to hear that Emma has settled into her flat ok, I imagine she is missing way more than Mums washing routine, is she confident in the kitchen??
      Enjoy your breakfast,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Diane , behaviour here has been impeccable in your adsence! So I think you are the problem really! Ha ha ! So pleased Emma seems to have settled in ok! I know what you mean about the weather in Scotland. When it's good it's very very good, but when it's bad it's horrid. The Moray Firth area can be very sheltered and mild at times. At others - well! Hope you get the husbands sorted out! Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is so good to have you back Sandra, I can't wait to see you.
    Janet your card is gorgeous. It is in my favourite colour and I love all of the dies you have used.
    The wonderful cards etc. that have been shown over the last few days are lovely. There is always such a variety, and all beautiful. Sorry but I haven't managed to catch up on the comments but I hope you are all as well as you can be.
    Camp went really well, everyone had a great time from what they have said. As expected there was the usual one person that was a pain in the rear, but the other 73 were all lovely. And the weather was kind to us, just a short shower just after breakfast on Saturday and glorious sunshine on Sunday so happy campers all round. They all went home talking about what activities they want to do next year when we return to the same site which is a good sign. II had a good few hours sleep last night after a painful sleepy day so am feeling a lot brighter today. We are now on call for one of Chris's brothers and his disabled wife as he is having an op on his arm as we speak, so not much rest for today or tomorrow for me or Chris.
    I hope that Thursday will be OK with you Sandra for us to see each other? I am looking forward to seeing your new chair, we will have to try it in my car, fingers crossed it will fit.
    I must go and have my breakfast that Chris has ready now. Take care xx

    1. Hello my lovely,
      Thursday will be perfect as we have Lucy eye appointment on Wednesday afternoon!
      Glad family camp was such a success, with you and Chris organising it was guaranteed to be enjoyable for all!
      Hope all goes well for Chris brother, try and rest as much as you can!
      It will be like Christmas seeing my dies again!!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Mrs B
      I'm glad that Family Camp went well. It seems a great time was had by all. Hopefully Sandra's new wheelchair will fit in our cars. It was the extra foot that was the problem getting it in mine wasn't it. Hopefully your 3rd foot will detach Sandra. See everyone you didn't know Sandra has three feet did you. I forgot as well Sandra that you kindly left us your dies when you were away. Have a great day together on Thursday.

    3. I hope you put the dies to good use Pat, I'm sure you did, although I always find that when you have them there waiting to be used you can't find the time to play!
      Sandra xxx

    4. Hi Sue,
      Glad your camp went so well and that the weather was kind to you. It does make things a lot easier not having to deal with wet clothing or trying to keep tents and their contents dry!
      Can't wait to see what you've done with Sandra's Dies! You have been a bit busy mind you! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Just a quick visit this morning, off to my friends craft shop to cover while she takes her class.
    Have skimmed over the comments bit not had time to reply.
    Janet your card is gorgeous, love blue and white together,
    Sandra glad you wheelchair is working out well.
    Will catch up with everyone else later,
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Jess, do you leave your purse at home when you go to your friend's craft shop? It must be very tempting ! Hope you get some good sales today!
      Did you read about these two naughty sisters out in their nightwear again!! Shameless! Xxx

  7. Have a good day Jess, try not too spend too much in the craft shop, how very tempting!
    Look forward to catching up later,
    Sandra xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Wow, a new wheelchair as soon as you came home. Good service as it looks like it was ready when they said it would be. It will be better and lighter I assume Sandra. A bit overcast this morning. Petes not happy as he cant post any pictures on Facebook.
    Janet I love your card today. The colour looks pale blue on my screen though. Love the sentiment as well. The pearls just set it off lovely.
    Patricia & Hazel have a fabulous time in Turkey.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Yes, they got the timing spot on, I am pleased it came in time for Ally Pally and the retreat, we will have to see if it fits in your car, it has lots of 'quick release' parts so fingers crossed!
      Sorry to read that the weather isn't the best, it usually burns off by lunchtime though, where have you planned to visit today??
      Why can't Pete post on FB? He will just have to share your photos!
      Hope your day frightens up my love, hugs to Pete ,
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Ladies, I am trying to have a look at this Hochanda thing, I wanted to watch it on the laptop but can't seem to find a programme guide/schedule, any ideas?
    What do you think of it ?
    I just had C&C on (yes I am that desperate) buts it's Dean and a Dawn Wheeler, the constant flirting, high pitched. Squealing is making me want to throw things at the TV!!!
    Why can't they just shut up and craft????

    1. Sandra! I typed a long reply to you earlier - it went west or somewhere !!
      I will try again!
      I had an email last week saying that Hochanda's programme listings could be found on the Sky Listing on the TV. Well that's fine but our Sky programmes come via Virgin and they don't do Hochanda! I think it will be ok after tomorrow around lunch time. They say the website should be up and running by midday tomorrow and we'll be able to get listings from that. Hope it works! I watched a Sizzix Show yesterday with their newish machine. It looked very impressive. I'm quite happy with my teal GC for now! Lots of well known companies seem to have jumped ship from C&C . The Craft Channel begins on the 8th as well. The competition should help the buyer! Xxx. Pleased the wheelchair is making a difference already! Not sure about three feet! I thought that was a yard!! Xxx

    2. Sorry Sandra - new Chanel begins 14 th. why I said 8th - no idea!! Xxx

    3. It's not a fragrance! It's a channel !! Xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    The sun keeps popping in and out here in Nth Wales. \still up to my eyes in glitter and glue doing my birthday cards but I am 'winning' at last...wish I could make them as fast as Sue Wilson!!.....and talking of cards....JANET your card is beautiful and I love the shade of blue you have used and those pretty flowers, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    SANDRA I'm so glad you are pleased with your new many wheelies have you done so far?
    Cheryl just to let you know we're still thinking of you and sending gentle hugs to you. Well our lovely sisters must now have arrived in sunnier climes hope they had a good journey. and they pop in when they are rested.
    I really must get on the pain in my leg stemming from my back has kicked in a bit stronger this morning so its on with Margaret's heat bags while I'm crafting and some Ibrubrofen (thank you Lynda) will pop in later if I can dig myself from under this mountain of glitter!
    Have left extra hugs in the basket so please help yourselves.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. I hope the sun stays with you Sheila, it's really cold here today, I am hovering over the boiler switch!! Heating in September, Paul would have a coronary!!!
      No wheelies as yet, although the girls tried last night!
      That sciatica pain must really be getting you down my lovely, you have my sympathy, I know that pain very well, don't let it best you though Sheila, you have come through so much this year, you are blooming amazing, I would hate to see this set you back.
      I am so pleased that you are managing to stop in every day, I can't wait to show everyone the amazing birthday card you made for me, it is just so amazing and perfect, I loved it !!!
      Sending you the biggest hug,
      Love too,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Afternoon one and all.
    Happy flight Patricia and Hazel - have a well earned rest with sun, and good food.
    Sandra I hope you're flying around on your new set of wheels.

    Thank you all for your lovely remarks about my card.
    I made it as an Anniversary card for a friend and had to make it whilst in France so I'll do my best to remember everything I used. Right:-
    1 8x8 blank white card.
    SW efolder - cannot remember the correct name but the one that has tiny hearts tying the lattice pattern together.
    The outer cutting edge and the Vienna Die from SW's Austrian Collection
    The corners are Tattered Lace
    The sentiment is from a birthday greetings Justrite clear stamp set.
    The flowers are the Camelia open and closed dies SW
    The ribbon is seam binding.
    The pearls are from my stash. I always have thousands of them and sort of use them as my recognition piece which says it's me.
    The colour of the card is a mid blue from Creative Expressions but I'm sorry I cannot remember its name. Perhaps it's Periwinkle.

    I really must make a note to myself to record what I use when in France. I've got used to doing here in the UK.

    We have a very dull/grey day here which is matching the way I'm feeling at the moment. I'm really not used to feeling like this. Cannot wait to get back to my normal nuisance/bothersome self. lol.
    Hugs to all. I hope you're all having a good day. Has anyone heard anything from Norah please.
    Extra hugs are in the basket for all to take.

    1. Thank you for that Update Janet, my mind just went blank last night, well I am 48 now you know!
      I believe Norah is busy getting her mums house ready to sell, I had a message from her at the weekend and she seemed ok.
      I do hope you start feeling better very soon my lovely, oh by the way, that Handbag was just gorgeous, the workmanship was just incredible!
      I look forward to sharing it with everyone !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    Hello Friends and Travellers!
    I'm having a crazy kind of day! I looked in , made some comments, lost a post to Sandra . Lost Internet connection - got it back! You are probably all saying " oh rats - she's got it back!"
    Janet, your card is lovely! I love blue and white and I love how you have used the dies. They work so well together. I hope you are feeling a bit stronger today.
    Margaret - Hope all goes well for Derek this afternoon and hope you are improving daily! Of course I mean your health!!
    Janice - we miss you but hope you have had a busy, successful season.
    Cheryl - sending hugs to you and your family. What a tough time you are having.
    Hazel and Patricia - The Travellers - hope it's lovely and warm and sunny and that you sleep well tonight!
    Well, it's time to go and do some ironing! My favourite job! However it's better with my new steam press iron.
    Behave yourselves until I get back!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Forgive me Myra, for I have sinned!!! I bought from Create and Craft today, is that gasps I hear????
      I had to buy the 'Wrinklies' Cd rom that was on, it featured the 'wrinklies' as playing the main roles in some of the most popular movies, it's hilarious!
      Now I am going to treat myself to a few new dies for my birthday, but what ones shall I go for???
      Suggestions please......
      Enjoy your steam pressing, did you buy the one the sell on Ideal world?? Does it work fir blouses etc??
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra!! If you've come here for absolution - you may have come to the wrong place!! I'm sure your Wrinklies CD rom will be a lot of fun and well used! I didn't buy my steam press from Ideal World I never seem to buy things at the right time! It is really good. It's bulky but it has cut down my ironing time! Great for cottons and bedding and I would think would make ironing denim a dawdle. We are a denim free zone here now! Don't wear jeans any more. My denim skirt which I loved I had to part with before it fell apart! Can't find another one I like. It has to zip at the side or back, not the front and have no pockets! I'm not fussy you know! Ha ha. I didn't have to alter the temperature at all , back to the iron, and I ironed a silk top as well as linen. I'll be accused of encouraging folk to spend money again, Sandra!!
      Dies - did you get any of Sue's Christmas Launch? Maybe wait until you get to Ally Pally - that way you can see the actual sizes .
      Love Myra xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra pleased you like your new wheel chair.
    Janet love your card blue is my favourite colour well done, hope you feel better soon take care.
    Sue pleased to see you in the land of the living hope Bob is OK, we will talk when you have time.
    Sorry Hazel and Patricia about your disturbed night that happened to us in London once early one morning at the beginning of January and the last time I flew to Canada at. Gatwick both were caused by people smoking either in their room or toilet not funny at Gatwick having to go down all these concrete stairs carrying your carry-on bag when you are not good on stairs, going down and coming back it was a women who helped me the men just charged by!
    Hugs on way to all who need them, special ones for Cheryl.
    Love Margaret xx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra and everybody, I had a lazy start to the day watching breakfast TV. After was a programme about the Blitz , it was all about Liverpool and as John was born and brought up in Liverpool I found it very interesting. The program was followed by homes under the hammer. Being in a lazy mood and I thought oh well I watch some of this. When the second property was featured, I said to John that looks like our road. It was. We had known the family who lived there. Well my nose got the better of me and I had to watch that.
    So my day has been topsy-turvy, but does it matter? I have since made up for my lazy start, cleaned windows, ( downstairs only) and did the downstairs toilet windows and tiles, you need your sunglasses on around here now !! Thank you Mr Karcher.
    Sandra I'm so pleased you got to try out your new chair, also that it's lighter to push which will be a great help to your carers. Pleased the girls are settling into the new school year.I hope Sophie settles in the top set for her maths, as it's their GCSE year would it help if she had some extra tuition? Just to help her keep on top of things, also give her a little more confidence .

    Janet, I love your card, blue and white would be my first choice most of the time, it always looks so clean and fresh, and yours is a perfect example of this. Love all of the dies you've used, I haven't any TL dies, the one you have used looks really fine. Thank you for shareing.

    Sheila, don't push yourself to hard, keep taking the painkillers and useing your brilliant 'Margaret' bag. LOL

    Lynda, hope you are feeling better today. Migraine can be so debilitating - please take care. Love and hugs xx

    Margaret, you are sounding so much brighter, Please don't try doing to much, to soon, listen to your body. LOL.

    I am going to my craft, got a few PHd's also it really needs a good sort out. ......... NOW can I concentrate long enough to sort things out?
    Will pop back later. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  15. Afternoon everyone, back from friends craft shop after a busy day, ready for a wee nap!!
    Hazel and Patricia, what were you thinking off outside in your PJs, good job you didn't have on your furry slippers as well, Myra would be having kittens! Hope the fire was a false alarm and you have managed to get to Turkey with no more
    mishaps. Enjoy your break.
    Michele hope your arm is much better, just watch what you are doing today, take it easy.
    Diane, glad you are enjoying our lovely sunshine, it doesn't happen that often, soak it up while you can.
    Myra I always get a few things from my friends shop, when I cover for her, I get a wee discount as payment.
    Sheila hope you manage to get all your glitter off, don't go out until you have washed it all off.
    Tonight is slimming club night, I really must try harder, hopefully a pound or two off, but I doubt it.
    Been very overcast today after the gorgeous day yesterday, might be time to switch the hearing on for a few hours, nice to have a cosy bathroom when showering.
    Take care everyone, will try to pop back later, I have a couple of cards to finish off and get posted. xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That sounds good to me Jess! Xxx

  16. Hello lovely Ladies
    Janet your card is gorgeous, love how you have used the corners to enhance your focal element. Sorry you are still feeing under the weather, hope your get up and go comes bouncing back soon.
    Well what a palaver for poor Hazel and Patricia, mind you they will have felt right at home standing outside in their nightclothes, they do it often enough at home.
    Hope they are now settling into their Turkish hotel and can get a food nights sleep.
    Michele, if your arm is still bothering you then go and get it checked tomorrow. Hope you get lots of crafty stash from Mrs. Messy house.
    Sue, glad you had good weather and all went well at camp, bet you're exhausted though.
    Sheila, so sorry you are having bother with your leg again, hope it's easier after your heat and painkillers treatment.
    Myra, nice to heat you are having a crazy day, it's good when you can be yourself!
    Brenda how interesting seeing a house you know, my nose would have got the better of me too. You are tempting me with that Karcher window cleaner!
    Jess, good luck at slimming club. Take a big deep breath to fill your lungs with air when you get on the scales, it might help???
    Sandra hope things are getting back to normal and the washing is now all done and you can get into your craft room again. Well done for treating yourself, you deserve it.
    Right must fly and get dinner finished.
    Be back later to tell of my purchases oh and NEWS FLASH Joanna Sheen has got Sue's dies in, not as cheap as elsewhere though but she is giving away a CD Rom if you a certain amount.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Should read Spend a certain amount, I was rushing!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's not good to rush at your age! Xxx

  17. Ladies it's only 8.42 but we are dead beat, Patricia has gone to sleep in a huff, she typed a long pist and it went into space.
    It's 34c here a tad warm. We had an ok flight but when we landed in dalaman we had to stand and queue for an hour and a half to get through passport control, not happy bunnies that's for sure. We have been out for dinner, back to the hotel no gadding about. So it's night, night. Xxx

    1. Get yourselves into bed and start afresh tomorrow.
      Do you usually have to wait that long for customs? Maybe they thought you had come to stay, fleeing from terrible weather torn Scotland!
      On a serious note there is nothing worse than standing still In a queue when you are tired and aching, you must have been fit to drop.
      34 degrees at 8pm is not the best recipe for sleep, I hope you have air conditioning!
      Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Your tired! I know that but "pist!" . Oh dear me!!
      Just kidding! Have a good night's rest . See you tomorrow all being well! Xxx

    3. Myra, I saw that, but I'm too much of a lady to comment!!! xxx

    4. Well I wouldn't have either but the spelling is slightly different! Xxx

    5. Hazel what a bummer having to wait all that time, do you still have to pay £10 to get through customs if you are staying for a holiday.
      We didn't have to pay as we were on a cruise and went through a separate check in.
      Have a great time xx

  18. Hello everyone,
    Sandra, I'm glad you're still with us and not in some outlandish place with your new wheelchair. You'll have to watch the other two Graces on Thursday when they are pushing you - they'll have you going every way, except straight!!
    Janet, I love your card, it's really pretty. Everything about it is stylish.
    Hazel and Patricia, I was sorry to read about last night, and the tribulations when you landed in Turkey today. Hopefully after a good night's sleep you'll be fine.
    Myra, I wouldn't dream of smoking cigars, I like my trusty clay pipe!!! You know when you try to correct your posts, you get yourself in a bigger mess.
    Dainty, George is such a hussy that he'd quite happily be paired off with someone else. In fact, he'd prefer it!!!! I'm glad that Emma is settled in, that will be a load of your mind. (and pocket!!!)
    Michele, you look after that arm, and let your friend do all the lugging around.
    Anne, I hope your dentist hasn't made a mistake with the tooth.
    Sue, it's great that the camp was a success. You can guarantee that at least one will try to get out of doing their bit.
    Sheila, I hope you get some relief soon from that Sciatic pain.
    Brenda OB, sounds like you've had the perfect day. Did you get a good look around the house?
    Jess, good luck at the weigh in.
    Saba, what have you been buying? Has Myra also been working her buying magic on you? She seems to have had everyone dipping into their stocking tops - or in my case the pocket in my navy blue knickers!!!!!
    Well, yes, since you are all asking, I've had a lovely day at Adventureland with Zoe. It has slides, indoor football, go karting, climbing frame, rollers which squash your boobs, oh everything to fill a Grandma's heart with dread! At one time I used to get in there with them, but now that Zoe is 9 - I don;t have to do that HURRAH. I couldn't anyway without having a heart attack lol
    I'll see you all later, did any of you have any of the Prosecco from the new tanker last night?
    Muriel xxxx

  19. Just caught up on some of last night's comments,
    Brenda LL, I HATE spiders, George is the big white hunter in our house and has to get them. I stand rigid looking at them and following every move until he comes, if I lost sight of one I'd be onn high alert.
    Maria, have a fabulous time. Whether you're up, down, in or out, shake it all about!!!!
    Lynda, sorry about your migraine, I hope it's mightily improved today.
    Myra, flying ants are the queens and it's best to kill as many as you can. Swarm time up here is August or September and George really is a big white hunter when they start!!! He's paranoid about them.
    Cheryl, I hope you are fine.
    Norah, miss you.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Thank you Muriel for the anty dote!! We have so much white powder out there you wouldn't believe it! It looks as if there had been a bit of a frost! The things we learn on this blog! I think George may have found an ally! Xxx

  20. Oh my word I am in shock. It was blood and gore evening at Holby and it didn't end well!
    Now to my spend. I ordered the noble double pierced squares and the delicate garden frame and then ( and I don't know how it happened) the mini Gemini collection Ara slipped in as well, oh and the Happy Birthday. Well you can't take it with you.

    1. You have done well there! I think you'll like the Happy Birthday. I liked mine so much I ordered Happy Christmas! As for the Noble double Pierced Squares, 2 Brenda's, 1 Saba and I Myra have succumbed!! Xxx

    2. Myra !I am still resisting I'm still being a good girl does that mean I will get a bag of special duck food? xxx

    3. Margaret C, you and me both, but I can feel myself weakening!! You'll have to be behind me and keep me on the straight and narrow!!! xxx

  21. Sorry I am so late. Sounds as if Patricia and Hazel are already in bed and asleep. Janet. Love your card today. Could be used for any occasion. Not so warm here today. Was sunny but there was a chilly breeze. Took one granddaughter to school and saw the other one after school. Both pleased to see me. Glad to hear you have been taking it easy today Brenda. Good that Janet and Margaret are feeling a bit better. Was good to see a message from Maria last night and Diane seems to be enjoying her stay in Scotland. Hope everyone else is ok. SANDRA. Glad you like the new wheelchair. You will be whizzing around Ally Pally in a few days time. Looking forward to seeing you all.
    Haven't seen the spider today but am sure it is still lurking somewhere.

  22. I've had to skim through comments - sorry I'm feeling quite sleepy at mo But I'll probably be wide awake at 2am! Glad the wheelchair is good SANDRA
    We had a similar experience to PATRICIA and HAZEZl except we were just coming back from a Salsa event (3am ish) to see everyone from our hotel standing outside our hotel it was bitterly cold but at least we had our clothes and winter coats on!
    Your card is gorgeous Janet Love the colours you've used too
    Sorry I can't remember what else to comment on Ah! Just remembered MICELE hope arm is Ok I know how painful/sore my arms were when I had the biopsies You must get it looked at if not improving
    Night I'm just going to shut my eyes for a few minutes before OH gets in from work

  23. Hellooooooo everybody!
    Sorry to be late but after going to Lancaster and back I had an afternoon in bed to recover, I know lazy me! Derek got on really well at hospital the only down thing he has to wait another two weeks before he can take Tomas and Amy out for their walks which he is really missing, but better to be safe than sorry, I have told him. His reply was, well that is rich coming from you! Don't know what he's talking about!
    Gosh was it foggy this morning until we got to Killington Lake then the sun came out, the drive back was in glorious sunshine. I don't know if it's because of all the rain we have had but the heather on the fells looks wonderful this year, such rich colours too.
    Todays leg of the tour of Britain cycle race started in Cockermouth so as we were leaving and heading for the M6 lots of the teams were heading towards the start we even saw Team Sky, my goodness what a super bus they travel in!
    Janet your card is divine so very beautiful indeed, there is a lovely peaceful look about it, I don't know if it's the colours you have used but it really does give me a feeling of peace and calm. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all.
    Sheila I am so sorry you are having a struggle at the moment, but just you take things easy, sending you some gentle hugs.
    Can I just say I don't mind spiders but ants I hate with a passion, but we really did have some frost this morning at 5.30am!
    So pleased our weary travellers have arrived safe if a bit disgruntled and I don't blame them one little bit, surely these travel places by now should have got their act together, I hope tomorrow is a better day for you both Hazel and Patricia, enjoy the warmth you lucky girls!
    Well bed is calling so I will say goodnight everyone and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

  24. Michele my daughter has those things in her arm too and when she asked why they seemed to hurt more each time they said it was because they use the same site each time and if she got a lot of bruising to put some Arnica on the bruise but not where the stitches are, this really helped she said. I think you are so brave but if the arm does not improve please see someone. xxx

    1. Margaret C, lovely to see you. Can I suggest you use one or more of these little heat bags that some lovely lady makes and posts out. I personally always use at least two, sometimes three, every night!!!!
      Sweet dreams. xxx

    2. Me too. Don't know where I would be without them. I've had one wrapped around my neck all evening.

    3. Ha ha, Saba, well saying you don't live with George. I dare not put one around my neck until I get into bed!!! xxx

  25. Well, I think Myra must be out helping Alastair put out more white powder. I hope it is ant powder!!!! Saba, is obviously on the internet looking for more dies and shoes!! I don't know where everyone else is, so as "you know who" has arrived, and he'll be up early for work with Peter tomorrow, I'll say goodnight.
    Sweet dreams to everyone, God bless, and see you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. Night Pet, see I can speak Geordie!
      Sleep well, see you tomorrow, I hope Hazel is not reading all this Ant talk, she will have nightmares. It's bad enough with Brenda and her spider.

    2. Oops! Sorry everyone! I had one more card to make this month and as I had tidied up I thought I'd make a mess again! Not really - was putting the Craft stuff away from After School Club yesterday. I have now finished and tidied up! However I've missed everyone - so very sorry! Glad all went well for Derek Margaret.
      Night Night Muriel and Margaret. Are you still up Saba?
