
Friday 18 September 2015

Our First card with Sue's new dies ! Jeans family wedding photo

Brenda (potter)'s Delicate Garden frame Card

Jean's Family wedding photo

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
First up today can I ask all of you that are going to Ally Pally to leave a message to say where
and when you would like to meet up this time, last time we all met at the table in front of Sue's stand at about 1.30pm. Would you like to do the same, or meet up before for a hug and a quick chat and then meet for lunch.  I really don't mind what we do as long as I get to see you all !!!

Now onto Brenda's gorgeous card, I love the Delicate Garden Frame (creative Expressions) Die,
Brenda has used it to frame that beautiful floral paper, it really works with that gorgeous pink card as the background, so bright and vibrant, those butterflies really add that perfect touch of elegance, 
(they are part of the die set too).  Brenda has created the card base using the new Pierced Square
Dies from (creative expressions), it works brilliantly finishing the edges off with that perfect line of pierced holes.  Thank you Brenda for Inspiring us to use this beautiful die. xxx

Jean has sent me the photo she promised of her family at her Grandson's Wedding on the Greek Island of Kos.  the names of everyone from left to right are......................................
Grandson Tom, Son Dave, Daughter In Law Carol, Bride Demi, Great Grandson Conner, Jean and
Jean's hubby John !
Jean you all look amazing, what a fantastic location and the bride looks absolutely stunning.
Its so lovely to be able to put a face to a name, thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful
family photo with all of us Jean xxx

I can honestly say that our little cafe seems to be going from strength to strength, it is so lovely that so many of you are getting to meet up and form real 'actual' friendships, which warms my heart, also seeing photos of your families makes it all seem so much more personal, I really do value the friendship and support of every single one of you. xxx
Phew, I am so pleased that the internet popped back into life again last night, I was really panicking, they couldn't see the my frustration at being told that the service was going to be very intermittent until the 24th September, I have two girls doing their GCSE's which requires access to  the internet every evening and weekend. I didn't like to mention that my blog takes preference over everything else! haha
I will be in to catch up later,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all our Coffee Shop friends.
    SANDRA:- glad you got internet things sorted out and allies well.
    BRENDA:- Wow! Oh! Wow! what's stunningly beautiful card, love it.
    JEAN:- what a stunning photo everyone looks so happy, beautiful and handsome. Just look at that wonderful weather to ale the day even better. Love your beautiful dress.
    Right folks I think I might be in first. Place looking good as always, plenty goodies to keep you going all day, enjoy !!!
    I have set my table here at home, everyone here for a "late birthday" dinner this evening. Thomas's request was for Roast Chicken, everyone in agreement so that's what it is to be. Will get up to Tesco in Blairgowrie once I have had my breakfast. Will need plenty milk for the boys. Off to bake a couple of sponges to make a cake for later.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual. Be good till I manage to get back.
    Sorry folks still have not had time to clean the windows!!!!!!! xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      I hope your Tesco shop goes smoothly, I always love that first roast dinner when you return from holiday, even better when it's with all of the family, I can hear the laughter already, I bet those boys missed you!
      If you lived around here the rain would do a fine job of washing windows for you today, I have decided that the Karcher window Vac is an essential tool, so I must get one ordered today! Paul was a bit sceptical at first but my neighbour let him have a go with hers and he seemed convinced, as I explained, the cost is easily wiped out if you take into account that you won't be paying the window cleaner £10 every 6 weeks! I wonder if Ideal world will have any good deals on them as they are having some fabulous deals on Create and craft at the moment, the tael grand Calibur £59 with 4 flexi pays!!! Yesterday they had a deal from Crafters Companion, you got their magazine for £8.99, which included 2 full crafting Cd's, one is a 'Sheena' one. You got a Sheena poppy die either stamps to match and embossing folder too, I just had to order it as I have been so inspired by some of your cards and boxes that you gave made using CD rom papers!!
      They had a good deal in that Brother Scan and cut too, I am looking forward to having a play with Cheryl's as she is bringing to the retreat for us to inspire her into using it.
      Right I will go and make sure girls are ready and have their packed lunches too, normally Paul has all of this organised in the morning usually, as I am still comatose from my first dose of morphine until about 8 am, my normal routine is just to nod and smile sweetly when necessary! However this week I have been up at 5.30 seeing to the cats, I make their lunches while I am in their too,even Matt's, much to his delight bless him !!
      I will be back later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Good morning Patricia!
      Happy shopping and I hope you have a lovely meal with the family later. Xxx

    3. Hi Patricia, enjoy your belated birthday dinner, they should be taking you out!!, xx

    4. Thank you Patricia. I enjoyed making it and I am posting it today to a friend for her birthday. We have known one another ever since we were born and always went to school together. She lived next door but two to me. We lost touch for a while but then found one another again via Friends Reunited. We have been friends for over 70 years. Doesn't seem possible. Enjoy your dinner tonight.

    5. Hello Patricia enjoy your evening with your family, there is nothing nicer. XXXX
      Ps, pull the curtains though!

    6. Hi Patricia. Have a fabulous dinner with family tonight, enjoy your day ahead xxx

    7. Ha ha ha! Her windows aren't that bad!! Xxx

    8. Hi Patricia - hope you enjoy your belated birthday dinner and have lots of laughs too xxxx

  2. Good morning ladies from a very wet Somerset.

    Fiona & Joshua came with me to say goodbye to grandson Joe, a beautiful young man with sparkly blue eyes and a gorgeous smile with dimpled cheeks kissed by the angels. Always laughing and joking, he will be sorely missed by family.
    The weather yesterday was perfect, the sun shone all day for him. His Dad and Dad's friends led the funeral procession riding their Harley D's and other bikes. Was so lovely to see, a great tribute to Joe.

    I am in need of tidying my chest of drawers, I just chucked stuff in willy-nilly when they arrived and am 'borrowing' a comment from one lady on this blog, sorting my Christmas dies and stamps into 1 drawer. So I give credit to whomever said it, what a brilliant idea!
    All my boxes of papers and cardstock are colour coded like that and occasion themed, so how come it took someone else to point out the obvious to me?
    Thank you lovely lady.

    See you laters
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, so glad everything went well yesterday and made better by a lovely sunny day. Have fun sorting those dies out. I must get myself in the mood to sort out my stuff. xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, lovely to see you today and I'm so pleased that yesterday went well. Good sorting! xxx

    3. Hello Cheryl, glad it went well yesterday and to see you this morning.
      Have fun sorting out your Dies. When you are finished maybe you could pop up here and help me sort out mine!!! xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl. I am glad that yesterday went well for you.
      Have fun sorting out your drawers. I already have all of my Christmas stuff separate from the other things but I know what you mean about wondering why you haven't thought of something before when someone else mentions it! It's what I call a real "Doh" moment : )

    5. Hi Cheryl
      I'm so glad yesterday went well and the sun shined down on you all. I know what you mean about sorting drawers out. Must do that and sort lol the Christmas dies and stamps together. It wasn't until John Lockwood showed me at Ally Pally how he made card blanks with the Noble dies I thought, why couldn't I work that out myself.

    6. Oh Cheryl, I am glad things went OK It is so deeply upsetting and it hurts like crazy when we have to say goodbye to a young person. Take care xxxx

    7. Hello Cheryl,
      I'm glad everything went well yesterday and that you had support too.
      It may have been me re : the sorting as I ordered new die storage so that I could separate the Christmas from the rest. It makes life a lot easier. Xxx

    8. Cheryl lovely to see you today, the funeral sounds like it was a real tribute to the young lad. Sending you a big hug. What a good idea, I was organised years ago but the stamps I have bought since haven't been sorted so are just higgly piggly xxxx

    9. Hi Cheryl, what a sad day for you yesterday, so glad Joe had a lovely send off, please remember the good times, they make things a lot easier. Take care xxx

    10. Cheryl so pleased that such a sad day for you turned out to have some happy memories for you. Take care xxx

    11. Cheryl. Glad everything went ok yesterday for you and goid to see you back here again.

    12. Well thank you Myra,
      As Mrs B says a 'doh' moment. xxx

    13. Cheryl so glad that yesterday went well and you were not on your own. I bet the Harleys were a very moving sight.
      Please can you come here and sort my dies and stamps out if you are bored.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    14. Glad all went well yesterday Cheryl, the Harley D's must have been a sight. hugs x
      Hope you get some sense with the dies and stamps,mine need some tlc soon too xxx

    15. For any who have bought the pierced squares or rectangles - if you tape two frames together and cut , you will get a frame with a pierced edge on the outer and inner rim! You have probably worked this out yourselves - but just in case you haven't! It's good to share! It looks really effective . You can get as wide or as narrow a frame as you need! Sue is a clever lady! Someone tell her tomorrow I said so! Say Hi from me please! Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in today. I am now hopefully back in the land of normality. Well as normal as I can be at least?
    Brenda, your card is beautiful, love your bright colour combo and the use of those dies.
    Jean, what a gorgeous family photograph, everyone looks lovely, happy and relaxed. Oh that sky for a back drop too?
    I ended up last night not feeling to good with stomach ache, I think just between tiredness and having a sore throat when I woke up I took painkillers without eating enough so upset my stomach that way. I feel find this morning after over 11 hours sleep. Don't know how my big sister managed to do all she did yesterday, two loads of washing only here, first one out but had to come in as it rained and second lot still in basket. One more load to do, Charlie had the washing all done apart from ironing it, but done. I have got a busy morning as I have my beer cake to finally finish, it wasnt needed till tomorrow in the end so I decided to leave doing the wrapping etc. till I got back home, just little bits to do, I have a expensive bottle of wine to wrap also. Just hope I don't drop it, and shopping has to be done, Charlie very good at doing it, but we need to et more than the basics so we will take a trip to Dundee for that. Picking up Beth from school as she made me promise ( don't do promise as I won't break it) but she said she would understand if I had to, now the wee madam knew I woudnt reguardless of how I felt. Looking forward to seeing them.
    Sandra, don't worry about no internet. We can keep going.
    Lynda, as long as Nissan parts are used any local garage can repair your car,don't listen to Nissan. Our warranty with Toyota is still good and we don't use them to service our car, it's all down to using proper parts that way you don't pay their labour charge. When ours broke down the other week Toyota fixed it all free of charge. You don't have a diesel car do you? With a DP filter?
    I hope you all manage a good meet up tomorrow, don't go getting asked to move as you are causing trouble.
    Stamping Up lady has been in contact to say everything is still going ahead for the retreat, so ladies that is Saturday afternoon sorted.
    Me I am off to get myself sorted so we will get out once Harris has been walked. I will pop in later for a quick cup of tea and some yummy cake. (((((( hugs)))))) for those who need or want. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, it's lovely to see you this morning, but sorry that you weren't feeling well last night. Don't do too much today, just what you have to do, and enjoy your meet up and cuddles with Beth. She will be one happy bunny when she sees you.

    2. Hello Hazel,
      Sorry you weren't well yesterday but glad you feeling better today!
      Don't overdo things though! Please! Xxx

    3. Hazel, don't overdo it today (but I know that won't happen). Hope you feel better as the day goes by.
      Good news about the Stamping Up demo at the retreat, not long now!!! Take care xxxx

    4. Hello Hazel. Glad you are feeling better today. Thank you for your kind comnents on my card. It is a lovely die to use and I just couldn't resist it when I saw it. I will be interested to see what Sue does with the die. I am sure Beth will be pleased to see you. I am doing the school run today. Not too bad as Scarlett isn't finishing until 4.30 today so gives me a bit more time.

    5. Hi Hazel hope you are starting to recover now, enjoy your cuddles with Beth.

    6. Well hellooo Hazel,
      Oh my poor sweet pea, I hop eall the (((((hugs))))) I am sending you help you to improve. It's not nice coming back from a holiday feeling unwell.
      I came back from Tenerife in 2012 with a chest infection and food poisoning! Not ever going there again! xxx

    7. Thank you Cheryl, today I am ok but I do worry over these things after going through chemo even If 3 years ago. I just don't want to pick up nasty bugs. xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Brenda , your card is sooo pretty, I love the new SW die and the lovely patterned focal paper is perfect with the bright pink .
    Sandra , I know what you mean about the great deals on at the moment on C&C, but I wish I'd known sooner as I just bought a new GC from them a week or so ago! I didn't see the magazine you bought but I did buy the one for £9:99 plus p&p of £ had 1CD , 1 DVD, 1 fancy edge die and a sheet of Sheena's Christmas stamps and a music note EF , so I was delighted with that.
    I hope you all have a fantastic day and get together at AP ! Looking forward to hearing all about it.
    We have a lovely morning and we are driving up to Ullapool to meet an ex neighbour ( now with a new wife , we haven't met yet) they live in England and are up touring Scotland , so we should have a nice time , it will take us an hour to get there .
    I will pop into the cafe and have some tea & toast, it always looks lovely!
    Jean, what a gorgeous wedding photo! You all look so happy and relaxed.
    Well, I better make a move and get on, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne,
      I always seem to miss the best bargains, and by the time I hear about them, they've sold out. I'm away to have a look at the magazine Sandra was talking about. Have a lovely day with your old neighbour and new wife!!!

    2. Hello Anne,
      I do hope the sun shines for you today as Ullapool is so lovely either in sun or snow but not quite so nice in misty rain!
      Have a lovely day - safe travel! Xxx

    3. Thank you Anne for your comments about my card. I really enjoyed making it and the dies are lovely. Enjoy your day.

    4. Hello Anne, enjoy your first viewing of the new wife!

    5. Hi Anne, have a nice day out ! xxx

    6. Thank you girls, we had a wonderful day in Ullapool, we met John with his new wife , she is lovely , what he hadn't mentioned was she had a heart attack last year and is now in a wheelchair .
      We had coffee and chatted for ages then went for a little walk along the front and went in for lunch and chatted some more, then after they left we did a bit of Tesco shopping, then went for the Best Fish Supper! boy did it hit the spot, so all in all we had a great time.xoxo

    7. Glad you had a good day Anne. xxx

    8. Sounds like a wonderful day Anne xxxx

    9. Anne - sounds like a good day, sleep well! Xxx

  5. Hello Sandra,
    What a beautiful light and summery card today. Brenda, it's gorgeous and that die is so delicate.
    Jean, thank you so much for the fantastic, happy photograph of your Grandson's Wedding. You all look so happy and pleased - as well you would be on such a happy occasion.
    Patricia, the cafe looks lovely, I''m sitting here with a latte and toasted teacake just admiring the flowers. You are full of energy and raring to go and put us young ones!!!! to shame lol. Have a lovely birthday dinner, the boys will be so excited for you, and don't forget that you'll need 21 candles for the top of your cake.
    Have a good day everyone, I'm off to have a shower and get ready for our trip to Woodhorn. It's only about 1/2 hour away, depending on traffic, so I'm looking forward to it.
    I hope you are all well and haopy today, and will see you later.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Hello Muriel,
      I hope you have a lovey time at Woodhorn - it will bring back memories too! We got up to heavy rain this morning but the sun is shining now! Let's hope it is for you too. Xxx

    2. Thank you a Maureen for your comments on my card. The colours on the card have come out very well on the photo. The dies are very good. I am very pleased with them. Enjoy your day and doing a big of sleuthing for Saba. I love doing family history.

    3. Hello Muriel enjoy your day out, looking forward to hearing about it.
      Saba xxxx

    4. Maureen, glad you can do you trip out today to see the poppies.
      hugs xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- looking forward to hearing about your day out. If you took some photos please send me one I am interested to see what it is like. I would love to get down to see it for myself. xxx

    6. Maureen, did you have a good day and get any information for Saba??? xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all who pop in today.
    Brenda your card is just a WOW - I wondered what that die would look like and you have just presented me with a perfect sample. I think it just has to go on my wish list which at the moment it longer that the 'Never Ending Story'!!

    Jean what a beautiful family photo. It looks just the perfect venue for the wedding and I'm sure it was a day to be remembered for a long long time.

    Sandra is it Paul's last day of his course today? If so you can have a wonderful sleep tonight and make up for all those cuddles/hugs you have missed this week.

    Well my latest order arrived yesterday from Hochanda. I have to say that their delivery service is first class. I ordered on 14th at 13.30. The first order was the same time frame. Given that I usually have to wait over 14days for a delivery from C&C I can understand why they are having to have bargains on their site at the moment. OK Hochanda shows are not as slick as the other channel but at least they do let guests demo without products being held in from of their faces and constant talk about the presenters life stories.

    Unfortunately housework is the order of the day here and I've got so much crafting waiting to be done so I'd better get a wriggle on and organise myself.
    Have a good day everyone. I put an extra shot into my latte this morning so extra pennies are in the pot.
    Hugs are in the usual basket. Please help yourselves as I'll fill it up later.

    1. Hello Janet,
      Thanks for telling us about Hochanda's delivery as it's good to know. C&C could be shocking sometimes. Enjoy your goodies! Xxx

    2. Thank you Janet for your kind comments about my card. Yes you really should put this die at the top of your wish list. It is lovely. I made another card in purple and lilac. A little bit different. Have a good day.

    3. Janet you and I are coordinated today, it's housework for me too. Race you to get finished!

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Brenda, what a beautiful card. I love how you have used this lovely delicate die set and what pretty floral paper too. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow : )
    Jean, what a lovely family photo. It is so nice to be able to put faces to names. I must add that you look lovely, what a pretty dress : )
    Cheryl, I hope that the funeral went as well as possible.
    Shelia, it was so good to see you in the Cafe yesterday, I hope you are feeling even better today. Please take it very easy when you feel up to doing anything though.
    Sandra, thank goodness your internet connection is working again. We are list without it these days aren't we. Just think if it were not for the internet we would never have met and that doesn't bear thinking about does it, and there would not be any Cotswald Cafe and all of the wonderful ladies!!!
    I am getting excited at the thought of meeting some of you again tomorrow at Ally Pally and Diane is joining us this time which is great : )
    I am really looking forward to Mum arriving later on today to spend the weekend with us. I have missed seeing her and Pop for the last 3 weeks so can't wait for her to arrive : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue for your kind comments about my card. It really is a lovely die. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and so glad your mum is coming.

    2. Enjoy your time with your mum, lots of hugs and catching up I expect.

    3. I totally agree about the internet - it can be very dangerous in the wrong hands but just look what it has enabled a group of crafting strangers to do Its the first place I look when I log on just to see what everyone has got up to. Thank you Sandra if it wasn't for you where would we be

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone who pops in today
    My word Brendas' card is gorgeous and I just love the new dies used.
    Oh I wish I could go to Ally Pally - so jealous - enjoy yourselves all who are going and hope there will be a few pics for us to see.
    Well its raining here now and when I opened the door to the café and saw our family wedding photo I was back in Greece just for a minute - thank you Sandra for showing this pic. We have the party for everyone tomorrow night so looking forward to that,
    Will be back later - have to nip into town and then do some shopping, Nic is home tomorrow and she doesn't really like shopping, only to get a treat, so all needs to be done today.
    Hugs in the basket for all who need them
    See you later

    1. Thank you Jean for your kind comnents about my card. It really is a lovely die. Your Grandsons wedding photo is lovely. You all look so happy and the setting looks perfect.

  9. Beautiful card BRENDA and what a lovely family photo JEAN
    I'm sorry i haven't commented much, just soooo busy. Glad the girlies are home safe and sound and I've laughed at the comments on bags and other stories
    Enjoy AP tomorrow everyone, as MARIA has said I'm going on Sunday - my lift prefers Sundays I was hoping to pop in on Saturday too just to say hello but now have a pal coming over to craft. Leave some goodies for me please. Will take a look at C& C later

    1. Thank you Karen. Shame you cannot come tomorrow. It would have been goid to have met you.

    2. Karen take your friend with you!!!

    3. buhuhu will miss you tomorrow, unless you can do what Saba saying don't rush around to much, take care xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you've got your internet back. You should have showed the girls how to make their own lunch while Paul was away. That way he would have had 1 less job to do in the mornings. Brenda I just love your card. Sandra bought this die and I wasn't that impressed with it. But seeing it made up it looks lovely. I took my Merry Christmas. seasons Greetings and Let it Snow to Caligraphy yesterday, and promptly spent the whole 3 hrs cutting them out for Barbara and Joyce. Joyce is 90 and passed her driving test last year. ( she was driving in the UK illegally for 15 years unknown to her on her American Licence ). She was in the camps like Tenko in Japan and went back earlier this year as it was a special anniversary. A truly wonderful lady with wonderful stories.
    Jean I love your family wedding photo in Kos what a lovely location to have a wedding.
    I don't mind what time we meet up at Ally Pally, as usual I'll go with the flow.

    1. Hi Pat. Thank you for your kind comments. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,

    2. Pat I have done the same here, didn't know I was driving illegally for years. They accept eu licences now thank goodness.

    3. Hi Pat- Joyce sound like an amazing woman, being through so much. Very brave getting her driving licence now.
      See you xxx

    4. Hi Pat - Joyce sounds such an interesting person, I love it when someone can tell a tale and it holds your interest xx

  11. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I started leaving comments on the way down but I've had to stop half way as it's taking me too long! I know I talk to much!!
    Brenda - your card looks really lovely and I like how you used the patterned paper too. The dies are lovely. I've been playing with them a lot. Nothing completed yet.
    Jean - what a gorgeous photo of a lovely family. That sky makes a perfect backdrop too! I love your dress. You look lovely. The bride does too!!
    Well I'm a bit busy this morning as it's mad Friday here!
    I got a new name from Anne last night which seems to have stuck. Is this blog mad? Yes!
    We love it though!
    Over and out! Myra aka Mystic!! Xxx

    1. Thank you Myra for your kind comments about my card. Look forward to see what you do with your new dies.

    2. Hello, must say your headscarf is particularly fetching today love all the little coins hanging from it.

    3. White heather, my lovely lady, white heather!! Xxx

    4. Oh a posh mystic! We have 'bit o lucky ever' here - they pick it from my plant at the gate then try and sell it back to you! Xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I'm up and showered today you will be pleased to know! Jean what a lovely family photo, it's lovely to put a face to a name and yes what a pretty dress. Xxxx
    Brenda I love your card, that die is so pretty, it's on my radar as it really stood out as something different. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Sandra I don't mind either what time we meet up - I don't know what the Ally Pally lay out is like for this show - last time I went it was in the small hall and when I've been for knitting and stitching it's been in all 3 halls - I will be guided by you! I will look back later to see what's organised. Xxxx
    Patricia I'm going to look up your email today and send you my details, sorry it went completely out of my brain with the Uni saga. Xxx
    Oh yes I must tell you, as we looked around various shops in Aberdeen I kept saying drying rack but kept being told it wasn't needed. I got a text yesterday - mum wish we had got the drying rack, I can't tumble dry a lot of my clothes!!!! I did refrain from saying I told you so - wasn't I good :). She's improvised with a ball of string for now but I have a feeling she will be making a purchase soon!
    Right must get a wiggle on, lots to do today see you later xxxxxx

    1. Hi Diane. Thank you for your kind comments about my card. It really is a lovely die. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. It is usually in the big hall. They have tables and chairs at one end near Sue's stall and we usually meet there.

    2. Hi Diane, good improvisation from Emma. They never listen do they. I was in Lakeland with Rachel and wanted to buy her some cotton dishcloths and she said she didn't need any, so I secretly slipped some into my basket. Back at hers " I told you mum I don't need them!" One week later " mum those dishcloths are the beat thing you have ever bought me" why did I bother buying her Uggs for her birthday!!!!!

    3. Wow! You'd get loads of cloths for the price of Uggs! My granddaughters love those! Grandad nearly collapsed when he heard what they cost as their feet are still growing. Mind you he isn't often with me when I buy footwear !! Xxx

    4. Saba I love Lakeland and spend hours in there when I find a shop - their tin foil is the best ever! I know I get excited about dish clothes and tin foil, aren't I sad! Xxx

    5. Ooh No ! I get excited about the Cling Film as well! Xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies, well finally got here after reading War and Peace and leaving comments on the way down don't know what is easier, waiting till the end and forgetting what you wanted to say or comment as you pass.
    Anyway, Brenda your card is stunning love the paper you have used.
    Jean what a lovely photo of your grandsons wedding, everyone looks amazing, thank you for letting us see it.
    Not at our wee shop today, OH and another lady are covering, I REAlLY NEED to get some cards, cup candles and little boxes made as I am running low on stock in the shop. Better get a move on, I will try and pop back later.
    Take care, and all those going to AP tomorrow, have a wonderful time xxx

    1. Thank you Jess for your kind comments about my card. Hope you manage to get some cards made today. I need to make a Sympathy card today.

    2. Happy Crafting Jess - hope you get loads done! I made a card with a floating sentiment again last night. That's all! Xxx

  14. Good morning just a quickie as I'm off to the hairdressers I will pop in later to read all the comments but just to say 2 things
    Sandra I got my window cleaner Mr K as I call it from Amazon at a really good price.
    Does any one know of a die that will cut a shape that can be made into a Christmas rose I have searched but cannot find anything?
    Have a good day all
    Margaret xxx

    1. Yes SB has a Donna-Salazar die set called Rose Creations. It's number is S5-050. Looking at it now as I tidy my drawers. xxx

    2. I also have a SB Heartfelt Creations die called Arianna Blooms Number HCD 748.
      this looks more to me like a dog-rose type flower so is that the same as a Christmas Rose? If so I will gladly cut some out and send them to you Margaret. Just let me know as I do believe I have your address? xxx

    3. Cheryl bless you thank you so much, I have the Heartfelt Creation Die Arianna Blooms but it really does not make a good shaped Christmas rose, neither does the Spellbinders rose die, but you are so very kind to offer thank you so much. xxx

  15. Back again for more comments.
    It was very remiss of me this morning not to mention Brenda's vivid pink card.. WOW!!!!
    And to Jean my apologies for not commenting on such a lovely family photo on such a happy wedding day.
    Well the drawer has been put on the back burner until this afternoon, the stamps are all out and for a non or rarely stamper, I did not realise just how many I have accumulated over the years with quite a few from magazines. So I do believe Tiegan will be delighted to receive some tomorrow.
    Normally Friday morning is the time for my quick blast through the dreaded housework. Downstairs has been done in-between melting candle wax for my personal Christmas gifts. They are now finished, waiting of the cooling down period then the wrapping and labelling the aromas. So I am having five minutes to myself to pop back into the café.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I'm doing the same Cheryl but my five minutes is fast turning into half an hour. Xxxx

    2. Friday is housework day here too! Nearly done - just Utility room left to mop! Shopping will come any minute - well hope so - got no bread!! It's making having a sandwich lunch a tad tricky! Xxx

  16. Morning Ladies- well it is here in Florida

    It's still very dark & a bit wet-not what you want on holiday , the rain I mean. Couldn't connect to the internet last night but gave up as we were so tired. Hubby did the technical thing of turning the box off then on again-hurrah!!! Success.

    Gorgeous card & lovely photo.

    Will try to make longer comments when I feel more "withit"!!!


    1. Michele have a fabulous time.

    2. Hi Michele, thank you for popping in my lovely, have an amazing holiday, look forward to hearing all about it!
      Love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Michele, lovely to see you! Sorry it's raining - it'll stop soon!
      Have a great time! Xxx

    4. Michele- have a wonderful time and try to relax and recharge
      those batteries. Rain,rain go away and........ xxx

    5. Michele, have a fabulous holiday and forget about work etc, just have quality time together. Hazel x

    6. Thank you MICHELE. Have a lovely holiday.

    7. Michele have a gorgeous holiday, im sure the rain wont last like it does in the UK xxx

    8. Michelle have a lovely relaxing holiday.
      Love Margaret xx

    9. Hi Michele
      I hope he rain clears up and you gave a fabulous holiday.

    10. Michele have a wonderful time and please do forget all about work it's play time now for you so enjoy! xxx

    11. Hi Michele have a fantastic holiday. I'm sure the rain will have gone once you're all settled in and ready to party.
      Just make sure you enjoy every minute.

    12. Hi Michele it good to know you got there safe and sound. I hope it stops raining soon- doesn't it come down hard when it rains! Have a great time xxxx

  17. Bargain alert!!!! That one day wonder from Crafters companion, is still going,
    Magazine, sheena Douglas poppy Die, and matching stamps set, Full Destinations twin cd rom, and a Shhena cd rom too,
    All for 9.99 or 8.99 if you are member plus p &p of course!
    But worth it, grab it quick xxxx

  18. Well I have got to the end at last. :-). Have commented on the way down so hope I haven't missed anyone.
    SANDRA. thank you for showing my card today. It's a lovely die isn't it.
    About tomorrow- about 1.30 or later will suit me fine. I never seem to get there early. Not a morning person but twice this week I have done the school run and that wasn't easy. Anyway craft club has been cancelled this afternoon so that gives me a bit more time today but need to go out later and pick up Scarlett.
    Hole you all have a good day. Dry here, at the moment. Looks very dull though. Hope rain isn't forecast for tomorrow as a long walk from the car park and it's up hill. Arrived at the wrong time in April and the driver of the bus was having his break. If that happens again I think I will walk.

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Brenda, what a beautiful card, I love the die you have used, it's so pretty and goes so well with the backing paper you have chosen. In fact the whole composition is gorgeous. I am sure your friend will be absolutely delighted with it, it's so bright, cheerful it makes you feel happy just looking at it. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful card with us.

    Jean, The wedding photo is gorgeous, everyone looks so happy. I'm sure you have some wonderful memories of this beautiful occasion. Thank you for sharing part of this very special day.

    Sandra you just tell us where you'd like to meet up and when. Maybe if you say you'll be at a certain point for15/20 minutes, if we are there,( hopefully there will be no train or road problems ) we can say a quick hello, then as you say meet up later. But I'm happy to go with the flow. Although last time I think the security men were a bit edgy! Not sure what they thought we were up to. Ha ha
    Well girls I've had a lovely latte while I've been waffling away here. Think I better start preparing lunch now. Will pop back later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Thank you Brenda. Hope my friend likes it. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  20. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Brenda, I love what you have done using this die. It's one of the ones I bought and as it only arrived yesterday I haven't had the time to play with it yet, so it's nice to see how it will look. Thank you.
    Jean what a fabulous photo of your family, one to definitely treasure. You look gorgeous, talk about glamorous Granny, I bet your grandson was so proud to show you off to the Greek guests.
    Well I first looked in about 3 hours ago and read the comments, then Joanne phoned. Looked in about an hour later and Rachel phoned. Same thing again and I have just been on the phone to my beautiful sister who is sounding so much like her old self again. In between times I have been flying around the flat like a whirling dervish. Bathroom done, kitchen, cooker cleaned and polished ( salad again tonight), bed stripped, first lot of washing dry, second lot out. Just have a few more bits to do and then I can leave the flat for our holiday knowing that if the burglars arrive they won't think I am a messy housewife!
    Mind you there is the blasted packing to do yet and when you go on the boat there is so much extra stuff to take, but I am leaving that until I have been food shopping.
    I can't remember anything so I shall go up this time instead of down.
    Love to you all

    1. SABA:- please remember to check the GAS TANK this time!!!.
      Have the most wonderful time away. Hope the weather is as good for you as it was for Hazel and I. The see will make the temperature seem a little cooler.
      So glad to hear that Val is sounding more like her old self. xxx

    2. Saba, it was really good to read that Val is sounding more like her old self. She has been through an awful lot. Lovely to get good news! Xxx

    3. Wonderful news to hear Val is getting back to herself Saba, please send her my regards and a gurt big squashy hug xxx

    4. Saba, have a lovely relaxing break and hope you have good weather xxx

    5. I am so pleased Val was sounding better, it makes you feel more relaxed going on holiday, please take care and hope these border hold ups don't make your journey longer. Safe trip. xxx

    6. Saba hope you have a lovely time on your boat if it just had an engine I would love to join you but sailing boats no thankyou. Love Margaret xx

    7. Saba I do hope you have cleaned your windows at least on the inside!! Delighted to know Val is so good after all she has been through.
      Do have a good stock check on the boat I seem to remember the last time you ran out of fuel for cooking, am I correct?
      Have a wonderful time and stay safe, especially so if you go swimming.

    8. Oops my message published before I was ready, sorry.
      You don't say if you will be able to keep in contact with us all I do hope we get the odd report from you. xxx

    9. Evening Saba - have a wonderful holiday. I'm sure you'll get everything done including all the necessary checks. Looking forward to hearing about where you are. If you run out of gas this time there's always the biscuit tin or don't you have one of those. Stay safe.

    10. Saba enjoy your holiday and don't forget , you can always drink wine if the cooker stops working again! Xxxx

  21. Well do much for getting all my shopping done! Guess where I am sitting-in the Toyota garage!!!! All those lights that they said they had fixed the problem all came back on again while driving to the supermarket. Two very unhappy owners of this car. It's done 250 miles since they fixed it. Thank goodness it didn't happen coming home yesterday morning. They are scratching their heads here as to what's going on because the computer can't tell them. I will be telling them we are taking it higher at this rate. Oh I will out the soap box back in the corner. Now they have just said we can drive it and bring it in on Monday Charlie has asked then
    To write that in a letter so if we can't drive it as it has broken down completely they are responsible. Oh they don't like that. So what dies that tell you???? BP up I can tell you. Oh funny we have got a courtesy car. They weren't prepared to write that letter then . Right off to get home. xxx

    1. HAZEL:- that's NOT good. However I am so grateful it did not happen on our way home from Glasow in the early hours of the morning!!!
      Writing a letter to higher up does not do much good. Been there done that and as far as higher up are concerned "not their problem". We had all that with our last Jeep. Best things we did was get rid of it.
      Hope the BP has returned to normal.

    2. Oh Hazel, so sorry - that is just so frustrating! It may be time to change that vehicle! Once they start causing problems cars can be a pain! Hope you are ok now! Xxx

    3. Sorry to hear that Hazel. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    4. sorry to hear this Hazel, cars can be so expensive when they are not running right - then you can get one and have no trouble whatsoever. Hope it gets sorted properly this time xxxx

    5. Oh Hazel sorry to read your sorry story, all I can say is if you are going to write go right to the top, have a look on the Toyota web site and find out who is in charge in this country and write to them. A good friend of ours had a problem with his Ford car it just kept stopping and various lights would come, on the garage didn't know what to do neither did the engineer from Ford after I wrote the letter for him to the head in the company. He had a letter saying to take it to the main Ford dealer and it sat for 4 weeks so I sent another letter, he then got a brand new car! What I did was I looked at their mission statement on their management web site and quoted it back to them, boy did they jump after that, our friend go his brand new car 2 weeks later. It is worth a try, if the big bosses don't get told what is happening they cannot do anything. Best of luck xxx

    6. Margaret, I told the manager today that I was going to take it higher, he didn't say much apart from there is another car I've ours with the same problem, do I told him well that says volumes that you can't sort them, get someone that can! Plus a gentleman asked me what I thought of my Urdan Cruiser as there was one for sale on the forecourt. In a voice that could be heard by the salesman I told the gentleman " don't touch it with a barge pool". Well the salesmans face was a picture. No point of telling lies. I will be writing. xxx

    7. Good for you! I do hope you get some satisfaction and get the problem resolved and quickly too. xxx

    8. Hazel how frustrating for you xxxx

  22. Ok Sandra, I have just bought the Crafters Companion one day wonder, it looks worth the money. Xx

    1. Me too Jess! I thought the poppy die and stamp would be useful for projects with the children for Remembrance Day. Xxx

    2. Just ordered mine, oh I do like a bargain thank you xxx

  23. Afternoon Sandra and all in today.
    Love,love the stunning looking card you made Brenda. Your friend will be so happy to receive it. How wonderful being friends such a long time xx
    Oh Jean, the wedding look lovely on the beach of Kos. Lovely blue sky and warm sunshine ,perfect backdrop to your photo. You all look lovely !
    Aaarg Hazel not your car again, really hope they can fix it proper but if they already scratching their heads it doesn't look good does it. Costly to have a car and so sorry Lynda that you had to pay out so much at this time. Hope you got some pennies left for some shopping.
    Nothing has been done as I planned for today, Felt unusually very tired last night so went to bed at a more normal time and then slept through to 11am this morning ! Still feeling a bit groggy and arms and body pretty heavy and achy . I started to cut out some snowflakes of SW but they are not what I thought , they looked nice on a card she made so will see. Have to look for some folders tomorrow, can't find anything at the moment.
    I will be there from the doors opening to the end so anytime is good for me.
    Trying to meet Yvonne at 2.30, hope you join me for that ??
    Saba, it's nice to hear Val is keeping her spirit up and to speak to your daughters :-) My folks never phones because they know I can do it for free for an hour so it can be a few weeks inbetween.
    Must get a 'wiggle on ' can't sit here all day but be back later for a cuppa and cake Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria, you need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for tomorrow! I think the snowflakes look nicer stacked on top of one another for dimension! Just a thought! Xxx

    2. Thank you Maria. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I expect I will be there until it ends usually am but not very good getting there for the opening.

    3. Hi Maria we are planning to be there at opening and usually stay to the end. Does depend on the traffic though, we will be avoiding rugby traffic by the sounds of it. Xxxx

  24. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra glad internet up and running, see you in morning.
    Brenda your card is beautiful.
    Jean great to see the lovely photo.
    Cheryl glad it went well yesterday I love to see Harley Davidson all together must have been quite emotional, take care .
    Just need to docsome ironing then going to Sue's got alot to catch up with.
    Looking forward to our meet up tomorrow.
    Hugs to all who need them Margaret xx

    1. Thank you MARGARET. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  25. Hello All you lovely ladies, well you make me feel real lazy as I use a cleaner, and have my shopping delivered by Tesco.
    Brenda your card is beautiful, my freind in Oxford who I make all my cards for(she is house bound) would really love the colour and the dies.
    Jean what a beautiful wedding photo, my Grandson is only just comming up to five, so not likely to be around for his wedding. He started proper school last week and is digusted at having to go for five full days! My son didn't like to tell him it's going to like that for many years to come.
    Well as the summer holidays are over think I will try a little trip to the shops, now the traffic has thinned out. Apparently we had almost 5 million vistors down this year.(poldark effect). By the way if any one is a fan they are filming here again now for the next series.
    Sorry to waffle on, not like me.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm quite envious of you having a cleaner. Our next door neighbour has one once a week. Sandra, Mrs B and myself live about 10 ish miles from Oxford. But I'm assuming you live in Cornwall, and what a lovely place to live.

    2. Lilian I would love a cleaner but would have to clean before she came! My friend who was my job share partner taught piano to pay for a cleaner- she preferred teaching piano to cleaning!xxxx

  26. Lillian, you are not lazy having a cleaner, I would dearly love to have my magic fairy come in every week. Our little daughter owns her own cleaning and ironing company and she use to do my and I loved it. Oh Cornwall is beautiful, but the roads aren't design for all those tourists. Enjoy your trip out. Looking forward to seeing some of your makes. Hazel x

  27. This is Scarlett here. Nannie has just shown me all your comments and I would like to say thank you very much😄

    1. You are very welcome to them Scarlett, your card was gorgeous. Hazel x

    2. Hello Scarlett! Your card was really lovely! As I think you know, I'm so impressed that you go with Grandma to a Class and don't expect special treatment. You can do it. Your work is lovely! How did the roller hockey go? I'm sooooo pleased you are in one piece! We Grandmas worry you know! We can't help it - but we get excited by talent like yours. Love to you and Grandma, Myra xxx

    3. Oops ! I should have said Nannie! You see it's because I'm Grandma!
      You have a lovely Nannie! Xx

    4. Hello Scarlett, thank you for letting us see your card it was very beautiful and so well made, you are a very talented young lady.
      Love Saba Xxx

    5. Hello Scarlette, thank you for showing us your wonderful work. We as Grandma's love to admire Crafty Talent and you have lots of that.
      Hugs for both of you xxx

    6. Hi Scarlett it's lovely to see you on here and thank you for sharing your beautiful card with us

  28. Hi Sandra
    Just to say thanks for the comments regarding Joyce. Would you believe she passed her test first time. She's writing a book in conjunction with someone she knows ho writes books. She spends the winter in Arizona, as some of her family live there. Her and her husband keep a house in Southmoor and Arizona. She's given me a picture done on cotton material that one of her captives did for her after they were freed. He was nicer that the rest apparently, and she kept in touch with him afterwards. She's very religious, but I don't know that I'd be that forgiving.

    1. The last owner of the big house by where I worked was an American, her mum was 92 and still drove and flew back and forward two or three times a year to America. I admired her. Joyce must be an amazing lady to have lived through what she did and still enjoy good health and forgiveness. xxx

  29. Hi Saba
    I couldn't comment on your post for some reason higher up. I hope you have a fabulous time on the boat. I'm glad to see that Val gas perked up and is feeling better.

  30. Have fun tomorrow ladies I wished I'd thought of suggesting to friend what SABA said BUT she has never made a card in her life (yet!) Long story but she asked me if I could show her how to make a rose I tore a piece of paper in a spiral to explain and that was it! She was thrilled! And I'm rubbish at flowers Her mum may come too because she wants to learn to crochet! Perhaps next time I'll do Saturday and Sunday or try and persuade friend to do Saturday instead It's the other pal that fears being bumped into She's in enough pain as it is

  31. Ladies. Those of you who are coming to the retreat can you bring with you basic craft tools, you will be doing a make and take and you will require your tools to do it, thank you. xxx

    1. Will do! I'm excited already! Xxx

    2. Hazel could you perhaps give us a list of the things we need to bring,I will either buy them in the UK or borrow them from Joanne. I am so giddy.

    3. Will do Saba. I will ask her what she thinks you will all need. xxx

    4. Saba! We can share! I'll bring more than one pair of scissors, 2 pokey tools, extra glue etc ! Please don't worry about that . That all depends of course on your behaviour! I may choose to drive by!!! Never - I'm so looking forward to seeing you again. Do you think we'll find something to talk about in the car apart from my driving!!! Xxxx

    5. Just remember Myra, Saba can have a drink while you are driving to while away the time, but for you it is a no no! xxx

    6. Margaret, what a good idea. I shall swig gin all the way down.

    7. you all sound as though the excitement is bubbling now xxx

    8. That's all very well! I certainly shall be stone cold sober on arrival - but - !!! Muriel and Hazel can carry Saba in!! Xxx

    9. Oh we are??? What are we making?? I can bring spare scissors, glue etc, I have plenty.
      If anyone wants to give a quick demo of anything please let me know, come on now don't be shy!!
      Sandra xx

  32. Helllloooooooooooooo everyone,
    Saba, have a wonderful holiday. I am so happy for you, and Val and her family, that she is picking up. Now for the bad news, I wasn't allowed to use the equipment at Woodhorn because I didn't have the relevant proof of identity. I needed an up to date utility statement - every thing is done on line now - or a driving licence, which was in the house. However, the lady I spoke to seemed to think that I wouldn't find anything about Stanley there as it was all Northumberland documents. So sorry. I've failed again.
    We had a lovely day at Woodhorn. We've been there a few times before, so had seen most of the things, but the poppies were something else. Of course, the minute I got out of the car I said to George "I've left the camera on the table". I couldn't possibly say what George said!!!!
    All you lovely ladies who are going to A.P. tomorrow have a wonderful "meet up", and take your cameras!
    Hazel, I'm so sorry to read about your car troubles. Gone are the days when you could go under the bonnet and "fix" any troubles. I hope you get it sorted.
    Michele, have the most amazing holiday and enjoy yourselves.
    My bath is ready, so I'll have to go. I've put Dynarod on alert!!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel it sounds like you have hada lovely day. I'm always leaving the camera at home - thank heavens for mobile phones! Xxxx

  33. Myra, yes it's getting to that stage and when Louise the lady from Stamping Up e-mailed it brought it nearer.
    I have completed my " Beer Cake" it's all ready to be delivered tomorrow, I just hope they handle it properly when they are transporting it to the party, I have put it up on my blog if any one is interested to see the finished thing. I wont be doing another one like it as I like them to be one offs. I was meant to do a hunting scene, but I think that might have to be a no,no. But you never know.
    I am keeping an eye on our nephew and niece while mum, dad sisters and brother are away for three weeks, they aren't staying here, but I will be here if they need me they are nearly 17 and 18. More than able to see to themselves, but I will worry over them, I think mum is having second thoughts about going they're off to the Far East to spend time with dads parents, but the older two have big exams next year so don't want to go. I few home cooked meals will be needed I think. Don't want to mother them, but just help if needed.
    Oh it's 9 o'clock Harris needing out. Better go do that. xxx

  34. Muriel, thank you for trying. I have quite a lot of information on the Indian side of the family. They had a hard life, first as tin miners in Cumberland and then as coal miners in Northumberland. My great great grandmother was the last to have the name before she married. She was, I strongly suspect a bigamist!! Her former husband was definitely alive when she married my great great grandfather and as they were very poor and unlikely to have been able to afford a divorce I fear the worst. I don't know about your research but my lot have quite a few skeletons in the cupboard!
    Hazel, I am so sorry about your problems with the car. I do hope they get it sorted for you without too much expense.
    Margaret P. We do have a motor on the boat so I will be looking forward to welcoming you aboard!
    We are not leaving until Sunday. It's Peters mum's birthday tomorrow and we decided to spend some time with her on her day and leave a day later, but thank
    you all for your good wishes.
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Saba where in Cumberland were your family? Perhaps I may be able to discover something for you if it was in the Western part of the county. xxx

    2. Carlisle Jail ? Xxxx
      Tin Hat! Xx

    3. Margaret they all lived in or around Nenthead or Alston. I have researched them back as far as 1774. My biggest sticking point is an ancestor called Mary Makepiece. I have her marriage record to John Indian which I find hilarious, an Indian Making peace!! I also have the baptism record of their son Thomas and was able to follow him to the present day. I find it fascinating. Peter just doesn't get it. His standard reply is " but they are dead, what is so interesting".
      One of these days I intend to visit Alston church where a few of them are buried.

    4. Saba, I loved doing our family history. We have lots of skeletons in our cupboards. Ours was a nightmare to do as Rogers is so common up here and they all seemed to call there children the same names. Xxx

    5. Saba, my hubby John has researched his family tree so far back to about 1600, hes always on computer looking for someone. He was telling me yesterday about someone he found and after he finished I said are they related to you, because he went on so much I nearly lost track but he knows what hes doing, Hes been round the churchyards nearby and researched quite a few of his family.

    6. If you go to Alston Saba please make sure you go at least in summer and on a day when the weather is fine otherwise we may never find you again! Quite often Alston is cut off in winter and they have snow poles on the road up there. xxx
      No comment Myra please!!!

    7. Hazel we had the same problem. In our case it was the Christian name. So many were called Nicholas and Val and I took to giving them nicknames so we knew who was whom. We had Nicholas the drunk, Nicholas the rich one and old nick, he was our great grandfather and a bit of a monkey.
      Jean I can spend hours following the most tenuous link. I am a bit of a stickler, if I can't verify them, I don't include them. It is amazing though what you can find.

    8. Margaret - what do you mean! I know the Alston Road well. We travel from here to my brothers in Ponteland and it's a lovely road - on a nice day!! Xxx

    9. Cheeky - moi? Mais non! Nein ! No! Xxx

  35. Good evening everyone
    I have been chasing my tail all day but hopefully I have caught up!
    Brenda your card is so beautiful the colours are really lovely and cheerful.
    Jean thank you for sharing such a happy occasion with us all, wishing the happy couple every happiness.
    Sandra what a super surprise to get a call from you this afternoon thank you so much, you will be pleased to hear I have made an order with Chloes Creative Cards for the stamp directly and the p & p was only £1.75!
    Wishing all that are attending AP tomorrow a safe journey and a wonderful time I hope you all have a great meet up and have lots of fun. I will look forward to hearing all about it!
    Hope you are ok Sheila thinking of you.
    Well I am off for my shower and if I can keep my eyes open I will pop in later if not good night all I will see you in the morning before I go to my daughter's to help with unpacking!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret C, take it easy tomorrow, remember you are still not 100%

    2. I refuse to respond to the above remark as someone may kill me!!! Xxx

  36. SABA, no money will be spent on getting the problem fixed, it's under warranty and it's been since toyota recalled it we have had nothing but problems so the cost is on them. They are saying that will have to cover the costs until it's fixed and the warranty on the parts etc will be extended. Xxx

  37. Hi my coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry I'm down to my last 5%of battery so quickly I knew I loved that die of the secret garden as it is so pretty and brought to its potential in our Brenda's masterpiece which is gorgeoussssss. I think it is so pretty Brenda and with the lovely butterflies just flying looking where to land just finishes it off fantastically.
    Jean you look beautiful flower at your grandsons wedding. I wish him and his beautiful bride all the happiness. I'm so glad that you all had a wonderful day.
    I'm sending huggles to all you and hope that I have an easier day tomorrow to be able to see you all again.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah xxx

    1. Night Night Norah, God Bless, sleep well? Xxx

    2. Night, night Norah, sweet dreams and God Bless. See you tomorrow xxxxx

  38. Just to say have a lovely day at Ally Pally tomorrow ladies,
    silly to say don't spend too much hehe, have a good meet up
    Sleep well
    night night

    1. Night, night Jean. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow in the Cafe, I am not going to AP either, boo hoo xxxx

    2. Night Night Jean, Sleep well!
      God Bless xxx

  39. CoooooEeeeee!! only me!!!
    Visitors gone, plates were scraped clean so guess they liked what they got.
    Two John's washed dishes, I had to hold my breath!! It was my "best" dishes and my John is famous for breaking things. I have lots of Crystal Glasses but only one full set, guess who was responsible for that???
    I got a voucher for Hobbycraft and beautiful flowers from J&A, a really pretty Scarf hanger thingy and nail polishes from the boys.
    I am a bit worried I have really,really swollen ankles, something I have never ever had in my life.
    John is packing me off to bed, I will raise my legs up on a couple of pillows see how they are in the morning. (That's the
    legs of course not the pillows) I did have my Flight Socks on during the flight home.
    Maybe just been standing too long today. The only time I have really sat on my butt was when I was having my dinner.
    Will catch up with you all in the morning
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Patricia, sometimes it is a lack of salt in the diet, but if they are still swollen in the morning perhaps you should get it checked out.
      Good idea to keep them elevated though, let us know.

    2. Patricia, so pleased you have had a lovely day! Try not to worry about your ankles - it once happened to me after a flight ! Have a good nights rest! Xxx

  40. Have great day at Ally Pally everyone. Look forward to hearing all the stories, seeing the goodies purchased and seeing some pictures. Happy Shopping xxxx

    1. Patricia, I hope it's only the travelling, the heat (in Turkey) and the standing today that's made your ankles swell so much. Heat and travelling affect mine, although I am never bothered at other times.
      Have a good rest tonight, and take it easy in the morning.
      Lots of love
      Muriel xxx

    2. Hiya, if Terry 'the photographer' is up for it ,he will be busy tomorrow,
      Have searched the house for pennies but had to ask, very nicely, if I could have some money of OH. he don't want me to buy any more until I used up what I got but,but It doesn't work like that, am I right or right ?
      Have sat 2 alarms so it will hopefully get me going in the morning.
      Happy Birthday to Peter's Mother !
      Night,night my friends xxx

    3. Patricia, put the tootsies up in the air and rest and I hope Hazel's tummy is better. You need a holiday ! xxx

    4. Hello Saba,
      George's Grandmother (on his father's side) was married to Robert Killen who died in Jan 1914 and in Apr 1914 she married Thomas Davidson then in Dec 1916 she married again and put herself down as a widow but I've never been able to trace a Thomas Davidson's death. Trouble was it was during 1st World War, so he could have died, but his name was so common that there were thousands of them. Her illegitimate son David died at the age of 18 during WW1. We were told by his sister, fondly known as "Frozen Face" by me, that he died from Frostbite, but when I traced his death through the Navy records I discovered he died from Syphilis, oh I didn't half enjoy telling her that ha ha. Like you, I don't take anything as gospel unless I check it out at the Archives.
      Sorry ladies, I've probably put you all to sleep, but it really is fascinating what you find out when researching your family tree. I only did a little bit on George's as the Killen's came from Ireland but the ones from England were fairly interesting!!! Mine, of course, were of far more interest!!!!
      See you all tomorrow, I haven't really spoken to Mystic today, do you think she is avoiding me?
      By the way, I've had a lovely bath, but the drains in the street are all bunged up!!! lol
      Love to all, sweet dreams and God Bless
      Muriel xxxx

    5. Hello Gorgeous, Mystic here! You've had quite a day! Alastair's cousin is busy tracing family tree. I'm sorry to say it is of no interest to my husband either. Peter is not alone Saba! Xxx

  41. Lovely ladies, I am about to hit the sack.
    Those of you who are going to ally pally over the weekend have a fabulous time, say hi to Sue from us less fortunate souls. Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Good night God bless
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night my dear, sleep well! Dream of holidays and relaxation ! Xxx
      God Bless! Xx

    2. Night, night lovely Saba, sweet dreams xxx
      Mystic, are you avoiding me? xxx

    3. I suppose everyone has gone to bed to prepare for their exciting day tomorrow, so I hope you all have a wonderful time, and remember - spend, spend, spend!!!!!
      I'm away to bed, have a good night's sleep ladies.
      Muriel xxxxx

    4. I addressed my thoughts to you above! No not in prayer as yet!
      Are you or your bathing habits the cause of the Tsunami off the coast of Northumberland? Xxxx
      Tin Hat and waders! Xxx

  42. Just a quick good night, and to wish all you lucky people a lovely day at ally pally tomorrow.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall
