
Saturday 19 September 2015

Mixed craft saturday

Hazel's Gift Bag

Anne's Harris Tweed Handbag

Michele's Notelet Cards

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Well its finally here, Ally Pally......and you know what that means only 5 WEEKS & 6 DAYS TO OUR RETREAT!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness, how exciting is that, I just can't wait, I have started to email round to different companies to see if they will donate some goodies for us to play with and please rest assured ladies that cannot make it that I will make sure that you are included too!
Now onto this weeks crafts.....
Hazel's gorgeous gift bag is up first today, designed with gorgeous purple card and matching decorative papers, embellished with that beautiful silver butterfly, I love the way you have created the handle on this bag Hazel, it looks quite realistic, some handles look a little odd, this one is perfect, thanks for the inspiration Hazel xxx

Anne's Harris Tweed Bag is up next, WOW Anne its gorgeous, it looks like you have used leather
handle and embellishments, they look fabulous.  You really are a fantastic seamstress, that bag looks really professional, please dig out some more of your fantastic makes to share with us.
Thanks once again for sharing Anne xxx

Last but not least we have Michele's notelet cards, Michele made these as a prize for a friend of hers that was running a 'hook a duck' stall for their local Model Boat Club, Michele made them as a thank you as this is the friend that she went to the flower show with, now I believe she said she used a free gift topper set from a magazine, (Michele wanted to point out that they aren't her usual style)! haha
Thank you Michele for sending me these to share with everyone xxx

Hopefully as you are all reading this I will be meeting up with some of you lovely ladies, I really am looking
forward to seeing you all.
Now those of you that are staying behind, please don't go getting to wild, I will check in through the day,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop Gang.
    For all going to Ally Pally have a fantastic day. I am not in the least bit jealous!!! Oh! Yes! I am!!
    Wow! Oh! Wow! another super array of fantastic creations from our very talented crew.
    I have seen Hazels Bags, they are great. Brilliant for holding all those "mini products" for gift giving.
    ANNE:- your bag is beautiful, love the colours and the brilliant design.
    MICHELE:- wonderful makes, these are always great for "fundraising" . A good way of using up things you don't usually go for in your normal Card Making.
    I have set everything up for the day. Fresh flowers and nice goodies for the day ahead. Made myself a cuppa, some toast and jam. I am over at the corner table to see who pops in or who is just snooping around the door. Please pop in, we are all a bit crazy but only in a very "good &'friendly" way. Everyone welcome, help always at hand if you need it. Information abounds to find best buys, great hints and tips passed between us all.
    My ankles seemed to have returned to normal thank goodness.
    Will pop back later to see what you have all been up to if not at Ally Pally.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. xxx

    1. Patricia so pleased your ankles are back to normal now...was going to come and join you in the corner but you have probably left by now so will see you later. xxx

    2. So glad your ankles have recovered, Patricia! Everything looks lovely. Thank you! Xxx

    3. Now Patricia you speak for yourself, I'm not crazy a bit daft maybe but not crazy! So pleased your ankles are back to normal, if possible take it easy today, I know that is choice coming from me! xxx

    4. Hey i'm certified so i am crazy and have the certificate to prove it from the happy nurse. Some of us it just comes quite natural and i'm quite happy with my certification, so yes Patricia i'm in that heading. Glad that you have returned to your former beauty flower and that your ankles have decided to behave themselves again. x

    5. Take no notice of Norah's comment, she isn't certifed at all just good fun and good company. xxx

    6. Are you sure about that Hazel?? Ha ha ! Xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all the gang, I'm just flying through to grab some toast and a quick cuppa! I'm so excited - haha first song of the day there Muriel! Xxx
    Hazel what a gorgeous bag and great for those small treats - thank you for sharing( love the colours too) xxxx
    Anne again another gorgeous bag, gosh tweed and leather, that would cost a fortune in the shops. I love it you are a good seamstress. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Michele what perfect little cards using toppers, it's funny when you have things not to your taste, it's quite difficult to use them but these are fab. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Right love to all, must go and be noisy to wake grumpy up! See you later xxxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone ,
    Sorry it's a really quick visit this morning, as I'm about to leave for A P. What do you do for mixed day you are giving us today Sandra. Will try and come back later and leave comments. Hope everyone has a good day. Love Brenda XXX

    1. Have a fabulous day at AP meeting up with the lovely cafe crew too, look forward to hearing all about it later...have fun xxx

    2. Brenda, I hope you all have a great day and manage to get all the things you would like. Most of all enjoy getting together. Xx

    3. Well I hope you had a good day at Ally Pally, and had a good catch up with the others. xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Hazel - your gift bag is just beautiful. I too love love the way you have formed the handle. Your colours are really up my street.
    Anne - your bag - well what can I say other than 'I want one' no I have to remember that 'I want' never gets so I would love to own one. I love the colours truly beautiful.
    Michele - what a really good idea. If you don't mind I'll put it into my box for later. I'm always lost when needing something for fund raising etc.

    Well ladies who are all going to Ally Pally today and tomorrow like Patricia I'm not envious at all!!!!! I'm not!!!!!!!!! All right then I'm down right green with envy. Have a good day and please do not give cause for Security to be called when you all meet.

    Off to meet Jim's Niece and her two littlies this morning. It's the first time since we returned and so haven't seen them since June. No doubt they will have shot up in height and changed so much. At their age 8 and 7 they are changed every fortnight when we see them.

    I've not had my latte this morning so I'll be popping in later.

  5. Morning All
    First off I hope the ladies that are going to AP have a fantastic day - I really wish that I'd thought of Saba's ( I think it was Saba, apology to whoever it was - nmaes and memory don't go together) idea and suggested the friend that is visiting today to go to AP If I can get her "hooked" on card making then I will definitely suggest it for next time.
    I'm going tomorrow if anybody else is going, let me know
    Today's mixed media is amazing. My stuff is so inferior to whatever is shown on here HAZEL - is the base bag a die cut? Beautiful colours and as others have said that handle is perfect
    ANNE OMG Your bag is beautiful I'd like one too. I am just getting back into sewing, so you have inspired me to keep trying
    MICHELE These are a great idea. I make cards for friends/family on request but also "play" with ideas and they quite often don't find a home. It's got me thinking that I could make sets and give to a charity shop or to a fund raising event.
    So, I've had a cappucino and toasted tea cake better go and clear a space for friend to craft! Her mum (an old school friend) is coming too I think she wants to learn to crochet, to add to her superb knitting skills. So a favourite day for me crafting AND AP tomorrow - perfect

    1. Morning Karen,
      When I was sorting out my card stock for my new craftroom, I came across items that I had bought way before I had my first GC that I used up to make smaller than my average cards.
      I have been making them since for Scope charity using all the items I would have passed onto our local school, they are only too pleased that I have gift-aided them to sell for funds. I have gift-aided some cup candles too. xxx

    2. Karen I hope you have a lovely time crating and chatting with your friends. Don't tire yourself out for tomorrow! Xxx

    3. Sorry Karen - crating! It must be a cross between crafting and creating! Xxx

  6. Hi all, I have just updated iPad, took forever then came on completely blank!!!!!!
    It seems to have sorted itself out thank goodness as I'm no techie
    I was hoping to be early to catch you before you head up to London, hope you all have a great day.
    Will pop in later to see how it went.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Lillian I haven't been in the cafe properly due to a spot of ill health so I now want to give you a very warm welcome and hope you enjoy being with the most caring, kindest and loveliest ladies you could ever wish to meet. Enjoy!!! Hugs Sheila xxx

    2. HimLilian that happened to me on Thursday morning. It did take a while and it even changed the style of letters on my keypad! Also have a new Newstand!! Strange thing technology sometimes! Xx

    3. Sorry Lilian - it even managed to give you a new name!! Xxx

  7. Good morning ladies! Looks like another fine day ahead weather wise .
    Sandra , like Janet I am turning a beautiful shade of green with envy, between the Retreat and Ally Pally ! Not that I grudge all the others going ( only kidding, I hope you all have the most fabulous time! ) we go on holiday from next Saturday , a few days in Edinburgh with the family and 17 days in Spain and then a days with friends, The Glasgow Craft Show ( where I hope to meet up with Patricia, Hazel , Jess and maybe Norah and a few others? )
    Patricia I was happy to read your swollen ankles have almost returned to normal, as you said , probably just too much standing and maybe also after your flight home, hope Hazel is feeling better today also, the trouble with her car wouldn't have helped any either.
    Hazel , I must go and check your blog to see if you have instructions for your little gift box , it is Gorgeous ! and just that little bit different, gosh what I'm learning from Sandra's blog, it's amazing! Thank you so much xo
    Michele , I know it's maybe not your usual style but it's a great way of using freebies and giving something someone else will love at the same time, I think they look great! Wishing you a wonderful and memorable holiday. Xo
    Thank you for your kind words about my bag girls, I bought the price of Harris tweed when visiting there ( it is the MOST BEAUTIFUL ISLAND imagineable) it has fantastic white sandy beaches and bright turquoise sea, you would think you were in the Greek Islands , anyway I loved the colours in this tweed ( the handles I bought from Debbie Shore' s site) but it is so bright it really doesn't go with much, so I have a friend going to Harris today for 3weeks and I have asked her to bring me back a neutral piece of tweed to do another one.
    I think Iain is going to come and play a few holes of golf today ( his first for a long long time) so I hope he enjoys it.
    Well I think I've rabbited on long enough I need my tea and toast now, I'll see who's in the cafe but I expect it will be quiet as lots of the girls will be at AP, see I'm really Not Bothered Ha Ha !
    Love and hugs to you all xo

    1. Anne you bag is gorgeous it looks so professional. Thank you for sharing it. I love the colours but one in neutral colours would look lovely too! Debbie Shore is a good seamstress isn't she. According to a friend of mine who met her recently at a demo she was doing, she is also a very nice lady. So pleased Iain is going to try some golf today. Hope you both enjoy it! Xxx

    2. Thanks Myra, I do like watching Debbie Shore she makes everything look so easy!
      Well we had our game of golf with another couple and Iain played the best , he always was a good golfer but I bet he will be a bit stiff and sore later, I think he should get in a hot bath! xo

    3. Anne, we will have to arrange where and when to meet up at Glasgow, it will be here before we know it. xxx

    4. ANNE:- if you arrange with Hazel I will be there as well. Hazel will keep me up to speed with where and when.
      Have a fantastic holiday. xxx

    5. Sorry Anne, I'm not going to the SECC this year, but have a good day meeting up with Hazel and Patricia, they are lovely ladies. Xx

    6. ANNE your bag is gorgeous I love it your so clever. I wish I could sew.

    7. Anne -Love your bag ! Fantastic tartan colours. Can't sew a stitch so envy over them who can. xxx

  8. Good morning ladies,

    Good luck to all those of you with stout legs, purses and hearts on your craft day out at AP. Hope plenty of bargains just happen to 'fall into your baskets and bags'.
    So I didn't get to finish off the stamp and die sorting yesterday. On my todo list for later on. I did manage to sort out Sue's dies and have now got them in order ready to catalogue on the computer. I print out the list and keep one in the drawer so it is easy for me to locate which die I want to use by its number. I did this with my SB dies too many years ago. The list also makes it easy to see which ones I need to get instead of forgetting what I have and then buying 2 of.
    Reason I stopped tidying? I had a lovely surprise visit from Milly-May! Oh my how she has grown since her Christening! Now four months old, she is so serious and frowns quite a lot. Trying to talk scribble she sounds as though she is growling haha. Didn't want to see her go home but will see her soon.

    Hazel, your gift bag is so delightful and I must ask 'Is it an Izzy bag?' I still haven't got to grips with making one of those to such a high standard as your own. They always come out as though a child has made it. lol
    Anne, I am so in love with your tweed bag, what a wonderful seamstress you are. The heather colours of the Harris tweed are so cheerful.
    Last but not least, Michele. Such pretty little notelet cards, just right for a 'thank you' gift, did you make a matching box for them?

    Off for breakfast then tidy bedrooms and crafting for the rest of the day. Yay!
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, what a lovely surprise you had yesterday with a visit from Milly-May . Little ones are so funny sometimes. Glad you made a start on the sorting. Your system sounds very efficient. Much more than mine . Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl how lovely to get a surprise visit from Milly-May and she's at such a lovely age now taking every thing in around how the time flies these days, it doesn't seem like five minutes since you were waiting anxiously for her arrival. Oh I'm terrible for doubling up on dies although when I am at craft shows with my dear friend Carol she will often give me a nudge and say 'Sheila you already have that one!' Oh and my crafty stash needs such a big sort out....hour much do you charge by the hour Cheryl? Haha! xxxx

    3. Cheryl, my bag is a cut down of my XCut gift bag die. Ihave shown how I did it on my log on the 1st of May 2015. xxx

    4. Thank you Cheryl, I bet Milly May got spoiled rotten with all those cuddles and attention , they are so cute at that stage!
      Hope you are getting lots of crafting done and are enjoying it.xo

    5. Hi CHERYL oooo how lovely seeing Milly-May they are the best visit when unexpected she sounds gorgeous can we have a update picture please. Xxx

    6. Milly-May getting big so quick, sure you had some lovely cuddles xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies. It looks like all these Ally Pally lot have been in had their tea/coffee take aways and gone! Have a great day, oh to have joined you!!! If only we knew where to go and stay. Then again the retreat is only a few weeks away and our money will be better spent on doing that, I for one couldn't afford to do both, as it costs so much to get from here.
    I will stay here and have a wee play with some new embossing folders I bought before going on holiday. I am not going to sulk? ( not half I will)
    I got a surprise when I came in ( yes the state of the counter top with cup marks and spills) I know Patricia was in and had set up its was the day trippers. No seeing my wee gift bag, I had forgotten I had sent it to Sandra to show. It's so simple if you have the XCut gift bag die to cut it down. I did put a. Tutorial on my blog ages ago.
    Anne, I just love your bag, I have a bag made from tweed ( a gift from the girls) it's in colour of the plain bit on yours and I love it.
    Michele, these little cards are brilliant, I love making them and great fundraisers gifts. Good use of these free bits and bits out of your bit box.
    I am off to get some things done in here. I am over to Perth tonight spending time with Calum, he doesn't want to go with mum and dad tonight. So granny will be there to keep and eye on him. Money in the pot for my tea and toast. xxx

    1. Hazel as ever your bag is lovely. I did keep your instructions on file. I like your handle too. Have a good day and a nice time with Callum later. Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel your bag is gorgeous I love it will check out your blog for instuctions.hope your day with Callum went well. Did Grandma spoil him xx

    3. Your bag is as always a fabulous craft , still haven't made one so..... Love the colour and the handle super xxx

  10. Good Morning one and all.
    I don't know where to begin, so, I'll start at the very beginning (haha you'll all have that tune in your heads all day now)
    Hazel your bag is fabulous. You have definitely solved the problem of the handles for me, I never liked the way they turned out. Yours is brilliant. Love the purple oval, I have that card stock too!
    Anne, I dont know whether you have noticed but I have a thing for handbags! Quite often it's love at first sight and yours? Love love love it, need it, want it! Oh Janet says we haven't to say I want, how about I must have, is that alright Janet? It is fab u lous.
    Michele, they may not be your usual style but they are lovely and what a good idea to make up cards for charity with the bits we wouldn't normally put to use.
    Oh Ye of Ally Pally visitations, I am positively bottle green with envy. Have a fabulous time, don't forget you can't take it wth you so SPEND IT NOW.
    I must dash, haven't started packing yet. Have just had a lovely bath and tidied up the areas which needed tidying up before I go. There is nothing worse than hairy bits poking out from ones swimming costume!
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxxxxx

    1. Hello Saba, hope the suitcase fits the bill! Have a nice time with Peter's Mum . I hope she has a lovely birthday. Safe travel and enjoy ! Xxx

    2. Have a happy time Saba and a safe journey....nearly choked on my coffee when I read your last sentence but it's so true there is nothing worse!!!! Hahahaha! Have fun xxxxxx

    3. Thanks for those kind words Saba, to be honest I sent a photo of a knitted bag to Sandra I made about 2-3 years ago and because it is so soft and comfortable to use I rarely use any other one , unless I'm getting really dressed up , I have lots of bags but too lazy to change stuff over .
      Yes! I had to read your last sentence twice, it sounds so funny but true!
      Have a lovely time today with your MIL and a fabulous holiday! Hope you have plenty of wine on board for all that relaxation you plan to do! xo

    4. SABA:- hope the packing is going as well as the "de fuzzing"
      You are the limit and I love it!!! xxx

    5. Saba, why do men not have to tidy up down under!!!

    6. Saba hope the packing goes well, so pleased you did not rush the tidying up job, as if you had it could have been painful, ouch!!!
      Hope the birthday celebration went well. xxx

    7. SABA with my Droopy Bit's I have a hard job of tideing up HaHa xxHave a great holiday xx

    8. Saba and P, have a great holiday ! What part of the earth are you mooring at this time ? Do Not Fall In ! xxx

  11. Good morning everyone
    Firstly to all going to AP have a fantastic time I'm not in the least envious, if you believe that you will believe anything oh you lucky people.
    Hazel you bags as always are fantastic they really are, and Anne I do so love your bag what lovely fabric you have used.
    Michele I love your cards what a great idea to use up pieces that are not your usual style, I'm sure they will go a treat!
    My latte was lovely cup washed and money in the pot I'm off out to help with the unpacking today, will try and pop in later.
    Sheila so pleased to see you in today, keep up the good work.
    Patricia the flowers are lovely by the way, all looks lovely today as always.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret,
      I thought you and I could have flown down to AP for a brief visit but we'll be sensible and stay at home. Don't want you to have to make an emergency landing not on water - we need that foot to get stronger first!

    2. Hi Myra
      What a good idea we could have had a quick visit to AP, how thoughtful you are to look after me by not risking an emergency landing, thank you Ducky xxx

  12. Hi everyone, just a quick visit
    , off to the hairdressers, will pop back later.
    Everyone's things look amazing. X

  13. Morning Sandra and the lovely coffee shop crew,
    First of all wishing all of you lovelies that are going to AP a wonderful and happy crafty day.....I'm another one who is turning a rather ugly shade of green!!!!
    What a gorgeous array of mixed crafts today!
    Hazel I love your gift caddy and with the festive season not to far away it's a great idea to put an assortment of mini items in for gifts or even to use as a Memory box for those special items that otherwise may get lost.
    Anne such a wonderful bag it reminds me of a mini-skirt with the darts causing the little folds and the turquoise strip looks like a waist band, lovely colours and so professional.
    And thirdly Michele's lovely notelets there are adorable and Michele your friend
    must have been delighted with them....such a lovely 'Thank you' gift.
    Well this chesty cold is still hanging on but yesterday I did something naughty, I was booked with Margaret and George on a coach trip to got to Harrogate (2 and a half hours away from Nth Wales) but as I had had to cancel the last trip I decided to make an effort and go. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful main aim for getting there was to treat Margaret and George to afternoon tea at Betty's Tea's a rather quaint old-style tea rooms more expensive than you would normally pay for a cuppa and a butty!! but just very special and it was I place Clive and I went to one day last year....oh and he wasn't one for paying such a high price for a cuppa but in his words 'we can't come to Harrogate and not pay Betty a visit!' We both enjoyed it so much and so did Margaret and George was my way of saying Thank You for being there for me. I'm feeling a bit tired today but have arranged to meet Carol for a coffee and a cake at 2pm so still got time to relax a bit....see you later, have a lovely day whatever you are up to. Have put extra hugs in the basket for my missing days as long as Norah's little rascals doesn't chase them out!!

    1. Lovely! Oh Sheila, I'm glad you decided to go! Betty's is lovely and a real treat! Good for people watching too! So pleased you had a good day. Have a bit of rest now! Xxx

    2. Thanks Sheila , it was meant to look a bit like a kilt, it does have a pocket on the other side but I prefer the plain side.
      I used to love going to Betty's when we used to go to Harrogate for the fashion shows, I loved her simmnel cake at Easter time and pecan tarts and ragged rascal buns , Oh ! You have got my mouth watering now! So glad you all enjoyed it .xo

    3. SHEILA:- glad you had a good day with your friends. Love going to Betty's, love Harrogate, most of all I just LOVE York and Yorkshire.
      Relax and enjoy your evening. xxx

    4. Sheila good for you going the extra mile and going to Harrogate, good for you and how thoughtful to treat Margaret and George, so pleased you all enjoyed a little bit of luxury. Take things easy today and recover. xxx

    5. Just one thing though I'm sure that brew from the coach stop up to Betty's has gotten steeper it took me all my time to get up it!! What a difference 12 or 14 months makes. Patricia I'm the same I just love the whole of Yorkshire. xxx

    6. Oh SHEILA im so pleased you went with Margaret & George Betty's tea shop sounds so quaint,I love people watching. Have a lovely rest now my lovely. Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Sheila, what a lovely day in Harrogate, we love Betty's. The one in York is very nice too xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    It's a bit like the Marie Celeste in here today! I wonder where you all are just now? Hope you arrived safely in London.
    Brenda ( Littlelamb ) hope you managed to get up in time and have a lovely day.
    I'm scared to mention all your names in case I forget someone - so have a lovely time all of you! Can't wait to hear about the purchases!
    I wonder what Sue hunks of the new Platinum Machine from Spellbinders?
    I've got up with a cold and runny nose this morning. Yuk!
    Hope it goes away soon.
    Today we have a lovely selection on show once again !
    Anne's bag is gorgeous and I love those colours. Clever lady.
    Michele - your notelets are lovely too and a really good idea. Thank you for that. Enjoy your day ! Hope it's dry now.
    Hazel is a genius to come up with a way to adapt the Xcut die to make a smaller bag! Great idea and a lovely bag.
    Well it's taken ages to get here!
    Coffee now and a box of tissues!! Ha ha!
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra I know how you are feeling my cold is back and I am going through the tissues, thank goodness Calum only needed over seeing while making the banana cake,I was well back from it all. They are now out and cooling, he is rather proud of himself for doing it all. Mum tends to take over. He nearly 11 and is more than capable of doing it all. Xxx

    2. Aww!! MYRA:- know how you feel that's the way I was Tuesday/Wednesday. All better now but I know I have shared my cold with Hazel. Not Guilty as far as sharing with you.
      Sending some (((hugs))) xxx

    3. Thank you ladies! I was supposed to be going out today but - long story - in the middle we were going to visit someone who is 90 ! We thought my cold was a bad idea so cancelled the whole thing and we will rearrange next month,. Xxx

    4. Your so right, youcant ate chances, I will text our Chris to tell him to stay away from ours till I get over this. xxx

    5. Hi MYRA sorry your under the weather with a drippy nose nothing worse you take care my friend. I think you were right cancelling your visit at 90 it's not good catching a cold.
      Hope you feel better soon Hug's Lynda xxx

    6. Really hope you feel better after a nights good sleep but with a bunged nose it wan't be easy, sending you well wishes and a good kick in the backside so the cold disappear xxx

  15. Good morning my lovely little coffee shop cherubs,
    Girls, firstly have a fantastic day out at the Ally Pally and say hello to Sue for me but have the best fun when you all meet up for the neccessary coffee and tea breaks. I wish that i could be down there with you all but i think my little scooter would run out of battery in that vast place but i can dream of being there with you all.
    Hazel, your bag is lovely flower and just the right colours that my friend is wearing to her sons wedding in a fortnight (the one where i will be sitting in the middle of the aisle as i know most of the people going on BOTH sides,hee hee). She is going to be wearing this lovely shade of purple so hey we could have saved her £79.00 on the handbag that she bought to match. Are you quite acclimatized back to our normal weather from basking in the sun even if it was under cover. I hope that your cold goes away again soon, but just like the dashed thing to start up just before you come home so that you have that extra present to come home with. Just having a thought about your bag flower, if you did it in a sort of satin grey/ pewter colour you could make it for a man. The brain is sort of remembering back to when men took a piece tin with them down the mines, it sort of clasped down at the front but had that rounded top to them for their flasks i think. Any way you probably know the piece tins i'm talking about but it would give you a "box" to make up for the men in your life that you want to give the travel sizes of lotions and potions that they use to slap on their coupens. Have fun with Calum tonight flower, but what would they do with out mum to call on whenever they need to , mmh?
    Now Anne, i for one would have no problem whatsoever taking this bag out with me, i would just get a pair of shoes in one of the colours out to match. I love the leather handles Anne, they are just so cute and look so lovely and perfect for the bag. The plain piece of tweed that you have used is like the colour of the sea, but what a gorgeous bag. Have you lined it to keep the shape of it? I hope that whoever you have made it for enjoys every minute out with it because someone is going to ask her where she got it from, that is for sure and rightly so. GORGEOUS.
    Good for you Michele actually being able to use the freebies that they give you on these magazines. I bet your friend was over the moon with her present and so appropriate for what the event that your friend was running, clever girl. I think because of all the colours you really needed to keep the backgrounds plain to show up the main topic. Now your friend has the joy of either keeping her pressie or sharing the happiness around by sending them out as a wee notelet or small card. Have a great holiday flower and you can tell us all about it when you come back.

  16. Well Mr Noisy the roughcaster is still here and i am hoping that he doesn't start up with his still saw as what a racket it makes. It's bad enough with the cement mixer turning over and over but that still saw makes so much noise and dust that the neighbours will be complaining that they can't get their washing out because of it and it is a glorious day down here. Poor Tia won't go out the back all the time that Davy is there so she is sitting crossed legged because she won't go out to the toilet, poor dog. I can not get her to go through the scaffolding at all and we don't have lawn out the front with putting in the driveway(she's got her dignity you know and won't do it in front of the whole street) so she'll just hang on until later.
    I think that i will have my latte and a seat in the corner to watch all the people go by, but Sandra i have very little chance of keeping certain people in order as you know what they say about while the cats are away and some do like their Baileys and others their wine. It's wink in their eye that they get come a certain time as if to say "will we do it since there's no one here to kliep on us, one won't make a difference" and then before you know it we need to order up more Baileys. I have brought my little bunch of revellers(they were out to 3am this morning) so i am hoping that they will be more subdued. Have fun everyone
    Norah xx

    1. Norah, if you go on my blog back to the 28th June 2015 you will see one of the little bags done as a mans " tool" bag. Thank you for yourlovrky comment on my bag. xxx

    2. Thanks Norah, I have lined it and put little pockets in it for my phone, glasses etc.the only problem is , I must have sloping shoulders as I have problems keeping it there, I'm much better with an across the body shoulder bag , if that makes sense? Hope to see you in October if you are going to the show on the Thursday, maybe manage to meet up this time? xo

    3. Anne, i am going to make a point of going on the Thursday this year just so i can meet up with you and two of my Marys. I will still go on the Sunday though as it is the day that i go with my friend who only gets to go because i say to her hubby that i need her help as he wouldn't let her go as its a waste of time and money. Now flower you will know me a mile off as i have this grin from ear to ear and rosy red cheeks with normally a WOW badge when i remember it, but it is one of those faces once seen never forgotten. lol. Well i have shoulders that would frighten a rugby team as they have forgotten how to slope and are always up at the ears, i think it's too many years trying to keep a phone at the lughole to listen to whoever and try and knit or type at the same time, so i go around with them permanently ready to take on the Kiwi's. hee hee hee. xx

    4. Norah, that's great will let you know what time where and when we will be their. xxx

    5. Norah , that made me laugh! I'm so looking forward to meeting up with you. Xo

    6. Anne, she looks nothing like that, she's a monkey for running herself down, she is one stunning looking lady with the most gotgeous hair. xxx

  17. Morning Ladies-well it is here! Got a rude awakening (steady on...) by a cockroach in the bathroom so have been reading ever since.

    Hazel-your bag is beautiful, as ever.

    Anne-gorgeous bag, really lovely.

    My note lets seemed a good way of using up something that wasn't to my taste. The friend is the crazy, cluttered house friend. She's got herself so involved with the model boat club & is now on the committee. She hates to be on her own & clearly doesn't want to spend much time in the house. She's got a "holiday " from sorting out her craft stash-just until I get home.

    We called at Phils brothers house yesterday & we were met by avert excited 2 year old (Max)!! We stayed for dinner (pizza plus wine!). Today we're going round again after lunch as the older two (11 & 13) will be back from their Mums, long story...!! Then there's talk of everyone coming to the villa as we have spool.

    It's quite warm, not as hideous as I'd thought but short sharp showers each afternoon. Great fir the frizzy hair look- ha ha!

    Saba- tried to leave you a comment last night but I think it went into cyberspace ! Hubby's Aunt & Uncle ran a pub in Alston (The Angel Inn) for many years. Not that it helps you with your research but just thought I'd mention it!

    Right-guess it's time for some breakfast. I'll try to take some photos of the crazy American Coffeys to send to Sandra.

    Everyone going to Ally Pally-hope you have a fantastic time!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. MICHELE:- glad you have arrived and started to enjoy your holiday.
      Oooo!! not so good about the cockroach, mind you there are lots of "creatures" to encounter!!!
      Looking forward to seeing your family pictures. Enjoy every moment. xxx

    2. Michele great to know you have arrived safe and sound looking forward to seeing your pics, but I don't like the sound of your horrid visitor! xxx

    3. Have a great holiday Michele so glad you had a safe journey....but cockroaches ooh they are such creepy, ugly critters and really give me the jitters...met my first one in Malta....yuck!!! xxx

    4. Have a wonderful holiday girl, you well deserve one.
      The note lets are so sweet, nice thing to make with freebie papers.
      Have fun ! xxx

  18. Afternoon all, made it back from the hairdressers, a very short hairstyle today, got a bit fed up with what was becoming a mop on top of my head!
    Hazel, your bag is lovely just right for all the little goodies that can go inside.
    Anne you bag is gorgeous, love the colour of the tweed.
    Michele your little note lets are just a great idea for using up freebies.
    Hope everyone going to AP has a brilliant day, no doubt photos will be posted soon.
    Need to go, got a terrible stomach bug, have to spend most of the day near a toilet (too much information). Will try to pop back later.
    Take care xxxx

    1. Hope you feel better soon Jess xx

    2. Oh Jess I do hope you're tummy settles soon take in plenty of liquids..hugs Sheila xx

    3. Oh sorry about that Jess. Hope you feel better very soon! Xx

    4. Hoping you recover really soon do keep drinking plenty of water. xx

  19. Ladies thank you for your lovely comments on my little bag, I love playing with a die to see what I can do with it, this was all started because I messed up making one of the proper X Cut gift bags, thought rather than waste it I would see what I could do if I cut it down. If you have the die have a go cutting it down. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel , I've just had a bit of a fight with silver glitter and it won! Oh what a mess- I'm covered in the jolly stuff and so is the carpet ! All I was trying to do was put a little silver glitter on Sue's Christmas Angel's trumpet!! I only wanted a touch - subtle !! It went everywhere but the angel's trumpet! Happy days! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra, I can just see the mess. You will find it for days all over the place. It's like when I use my silver tulle every where is covered in sparkle. xxx

    3. What gets me is how in the name of goodness the glitter manages to find its way into your knickers. Well it gets into mine anyway!! xxx

  20. Hello ladies,
    Well I would imagine everyone at AP is enjoying themselves, bet it was a good meet-up, would so love to be there.
    Hazel I love this bag, so useful for gifts and I love the colour too.
    Anne you are very clever making this bag - I'm afraid I'm not into sewing, used to do it years ago and enjoyed it, but was bitten by paper rafting.
    Michelle, sometimes it's a good thing to try something a bit different and I think your note lets are a success.
    Have picked Mic up this morning and we have had lunch, been out for a ride, she's also been to McDonalds for an ice cream, so we are chilling now and watching TV , party time tonight, but I don't think we will be late as john is working till 8.
    Will pop in later if time allows,
    Have left hugs in basket as usual,
    Jean x

  21. Me again, meant paper crafting, can just imagine myself on a paper raft hehe xx

    1. I don't think you'd get too far Jean! Xxx

  22. Helloooo!!! wonder how the Ally Pally crowd got on!! Bet they have had a ball, lucky so and so's!!!
    Thomas arrived here at approx 11pm, we told John Jnr we would pick up Robert from Football Training at 12.30. So for over an hour I was helping Thomas build a model Airplane. John must have been busy with something because that's HIS job!!!
    Still lots of the Airplane to do but that will Grandpas job next time. Thomas really does not need that much help, he just likes someone to chat to while he is building. Today my job was to apply the glue while Thomas held the bits.
    Cricket was played at the village Park after lunch. Short Tennis in the garden, eating, drinking, more eating and drinking. Was glad to hear a car coming up the drive!!!
    All quite here once again.
    Done so much snacking with the boys it will just be biscuits and cheese for us later. Well will be for me, although John has agreed that will be enough for him I very much doubt it!!!
    Will pop back later to see if there is any news on the day. xxx

  23. Quickest post ever. Back from MIL, ate lots of cake. Packing finished. Cream crackered and stressed to death. Might have to Stab Peter later. About to make dinner and then try and book my flights later. Best not have a glass of wine otherwise I could end up booking a flight to Timbuktu. Very tidy job down below, not quite a Brazillian but feels a bit bare!

    1. Slow down dear lady you're going to meet yourself coming back! Enjoy your glass of's not Brazillian too is it? Haha! xxx

    2. Sheila! That day out has done you the power of good! Ha ha . Xxx

    3. Saba! Listen to Auntie Myra - you love Peter and you are not going to harm him. You need each other to navigate that yacht remember!! Have a nice glass of wine and relax!
      Book the Flights though - that's mega important! As my grandson would say! Xxx

    4. SABA:- do as Auntie Myra tells you right now!!
      Slow down, take a deep breath and get the flight booked. Then you can relax and enjoy your sailing trip and refrain from those nasty thoughts regarding Peter.
      SHEILA:- you need to have more days out if they perk up up like that.
      Love the comment xxx

  24. Hello, sorry I've been missing all day.
    Hazel, you know I think your bags are amazing. I haven't had a go at cutting one down, but will definitely try it as I have some "mis cuts" ha ha.
    Anne, love your Harris tweed bag. Now that's what I call "Scottish". You could patent the pattern!!!!
    Michele, this is a great way to use up the things we are not too keen on, and it also raises money for good causes, so it's a two fer!!!
    I''m sorry to read that a few of you are poorly and hope that you all pick up soon.
    I bet the A.P. crowd have had an amazing day - lucky ducks. They'll be full of it tomorrow.
    Saba, I hope you get everything done for your trip away. I've got an electric hedge trimmer you can borrow.
    I think I've overdone it this week, as I've had to take to my bed. Nothing drastic, just bone idle, so I'll see you all tomorrow.
    Love to all
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen hope you feel better after a good night's rest. I think we take our bodies for granted I don't seem to be able to nearly half as much as I used to. Take care flower. xxx

    2. Not bone idle, but bone sore I think??? So you just stay in tha bed and do nothing, Margaret's heat bags and a couple of pain killers. And like Saba CHILL......... I think SABA has managed without the hedge trimmer. xxx

    3. Oh so sorry you are in bed! You have done too much this week. Please have a rest and say " no " sometimes!
      Take care, my love, speak soon.
      Love Myra xxxx

    4. Aww!! MAUREEN:- pet, you take things easy lass!!
      Our bodies tell us when we have done too much. Listen to it, give it a rest and as Auntie Myra says there is a wee word you need to learn to use a little bit more and the word is ... "NO" xxx

    5. Maureen dear heart, please take it easy for a day or two. Lots of rest and no dashing about. You have been doing far too much with the garden for Rachel and everything else.
      Thank you for your kind offer of the hedge trimmer but I'll see you and up you one, we have a chain saw!!!!
      Love and huge cuddly hugs
      Saba xxxx

    6. We have just bought a Chain Saw I have notice John has it under lock and key ... he has the key. You see it's far more dangerous that the "bog standard knife"!!!!!!! xxx

    7. Maureen please do have a good rest to re-charge those batteries sending you some gentle hugs, and as Myra says while you are lying in bed practice saying NO it may be hard the first time but it will get easier the more you do it.
      Take care sweetheart have a good sleep, good night and God Bless xxx

  25. Saba, CHILL ..... Go book your flight, then CHILL....... Again, cook dinner, CHILL......... NOW,you will not need to stab Peter!!! Ok. Xxxx

  26. Hi everyone, feeling a bit better now, drank lots of water and managed to have a bit of toast, didn't want to try anything else,.thanks for all your concerns.
    Saba have a great holiday and get your flight booked!
    Hope everyone enjoyed their day at AP.
    Will try and pop back later if not compromised!!

    1. So pleased you're feeling better Jess just rest up now as something like that takes it out of you. Take care. xxx

    2. Glad you feel a wee bit better Jess! You may lose a pound or two but there are ether ways to do that! Xxx

    3. Pleased you are starting to feel better Jess but do keep on drinking water don't rush to eat a lot just yet. xxx

    4. JESS:- take it easy on the food, plenty to drink though.
      (((hugs))) xxx

    5. Jess I am glad your tummy is settling down, stick to the toast to some plain biscuits and keep those fluids up. Hope you have extra soft Andrex!!!

  27. Hello everyone
    I do hope everyone was able to meet up at AP oh to be a fly on the wall I will just bet there was lots of giggles to say the least!
    Maureen where are you hope all is well with you?
    Patricia how are the ankles today are they ok I do hope so.
    Hazel hope you are feeling a little better too.
    It is rather quiet in here tonight so I will pop in later to see if there are any show reports, off to make two golden wedding cards for a special couple who will be quietly celebrating (their words) on the 24th.
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET:- ankles back to normal, thank you for asking.
      I agree, bet there was lots of chat, laughing and I am sure quite a few goodies bought.
      Hope you are taking things easy, your another one that needs to listen to your body. I don't know what you take each morning, I would like to share in your secret. xxx

    2. So pleased your ankles are back to normal, I quite agree there will have been lots of spending going on good for them!
      Each morning I take pain killers, lansoprozole (to keep my tummy happy) Multi vitamins and Hazel's recommended calcium and magnesium tablets, actually I am quite sure it's thanks to them my fracture healed, as they told me it would be difficult to heal, thanks to your lovely sister I proved them wrong. These are followed by coffee, toast and home made marmalade! No real secret I'm afraid.
      Well there was a change of plan this morning my daughter decided she wanted the rental house they had been living in after selling their house cleaned through ready to hand the keys back so that is what we did. I had my trusty Mr K with me so cleaned all the windows including the conservatory and shower doors in no time at all. Then I did the bathrooms and finished off the kitchen while she hovered all through and cleaned the garage out it was amazing how many dried leaves had got in there! So all complete thank goodness so she is one happy bunny. Tomorrow we are hoping to get the rest of the unpacking done but she wants to do a shop first so I have the morning off yippee!
      Well back to my golden wedding cards now.

  28. Well it was a close thing, I had the knife in my hand and was slicing bloody courgettes (Lord I hope we have a deep frost whilst we are away and they all shrivel and die). Any way I was on the phone to Joanne at the same time and was having to use my elbow to hold the courgettes whilst slicing them and he came in the kitchen and said " now I've seen it all" well he was very lucky he didn't get it there and then.
    Hazel you will be pleased to hear I am now somewhat chilled. I think the wine is helping.
    I have booked my flights!! Arrive in Manchester on the 22nd and am not returning until the 21st Nov. YIPEEEE. I just need to go online now on the house computer and transfer the money.
    We are leaving tomorrow at silly o clock. Should arrive on the boat at about 7pm all being well. I just hope we don't have problems on the borders with the refugee situation but I don't think we will. Maybe on the return journey though.
    I will try and get into the cafe but it will all depend on when I can get on Internet.
    See you all later, hope to hear something about Ally Pally soon.
    XXXX Saba

    1. SABA:- you definitely are the limit!!! Thank you for the laugh, you and your Courgettes!!!
      Oh!! goodie your flights are booked another step along the road to meeting up. It is all getting rather exiting.
      Safe journey, I do hope all goes well at those Border Crossings. Keep the car windows up and the doors locked as you approach them. xxx

    2. Early night I think for you? Oh those courgettes will cook up lovely on the boat, thinly sliced thy will cook really quick, how about making them in to ribbons using as pasta. Then you could cover them witha lovely vegetable pasta sauce!!! Or those refugees would be able to use them??? Have a great holiday and so glad you got your flight booked. xxx

    3. Phew! You are the pink limit!
      Why didn't you sabotage the courgettes a while ago! You wouldn't have got murder for that!
      Safe journey - so glad your Flights are booked! See you soon ! Yeh! Xxx

    4. Saba if you grate some courgettes and sauté them in a little butter with a chopped onion and some chopped garlic for a few minutes then add a few spoons of crème fraiche and Italian herbs serve with cooked pasta and top with a little grated cheese and you will have a really quick meal.
      Safe journey, have a lovely time. xxx

    5. Thank you ladies for your recipes. I could quite fancy a courgette now! Seriously they sound delicious and I have copied them to try out next time.

  29. Good evening ladies,
    I am soooooo tired but just wanted to check in with you all to let you know what a fab day we had, lots and lots of chatting, met up with Maria, Diane, Brenda, Brenda, Lynda, pat, Sue & Margaret, from our family, but then I one or two people asked if I was 'Sandra' one was Ang (mrs duck), Helen Bell, Yvonne, and the very lovely Theresa (tres I think), it was so lovely to stop and chat to everyone, oh Cameeli too I actually didn't spend too much, I felt like I was wondering around looking for things to buy, most stalls were selling Sue dies (which of course are cheaper on icon) I bought some dies storage folders, some 8 x 8 cards, an embossing folder bed of roses only £8.20 ! I also got another justrite multi layer stamp set that was half price so £9.99 and it's huge!
    I have come back home to treats too as Margaret P baked me a Lemon and coconut cake, two of my very favourite things! Yum yum,
    I am already showered in my jamas and ready for bed, I think paul nay gave to carry me though as my legs don't want to work!!!
    I hope you have all had a good day, will check back on comments later when my brain works,
    Love and hugs to all

    1. SANDRA:- glad you have ahead a good day.
      Sending some ((((((hugs)))))) see you tomorrow to hear all about it.
      Have a good nights sleep. xxx

    2. Sandra! You have arrived home! It sounds as if you had a lovely day. I'm glad you met everyone . I think Mrs Duck makes cards for John sometimes. Did you have any photographs taken this time?
      Have a good night's rest! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Sandra so pleased you are home safe and sound, you really are getting famous when other people are recognising you!!! Delighted that you were all able to meet up and have a really good time, now it is bed time for you young lady and double quick I think, sweet dreams have a good sleep, we will all be here tomorrow to hear more about it. xxx

    4. Sandra, so glad you came in to give us an update. I've been thinking of you all day. How fabulous to meet up not only with our lot but with other Wilsonettes as well. Hope you got to say hi to Sue.
      As you know we are away from tomorrow and when I do get the Internet i will try to pop in. I shall miss you all like mad.
      Bed for you young lady, sweet dreams.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Ladies I must go to bed, I don't want to but seeing as we have to get up at 4am it would be the sensible thing to do. I have just been back and read the comments again and can't believe I have not told Myra I am sorry she is full of cold. Hope it clears up before you go away on Thus.
    Sheila it was lovely to read what a good day you had in Harrogate. Rachel our eldest lives there and my parents lived just outside in Knaresborough as does my sister, so I am often there. Last time I was home we had a champagne lunch in Betty's! Normally we only have a coffee but decided to be decadent for once!
    Well ladies, good night and God bless, I shall miss you all.
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Don't worry about that! I'm fine! I'm going to bed early though after I've taken some Beecham's tablets! I'm sure it's psychological - I'm such a cynic! Xxx
      Sleep well - be kind to Peter!! Xxxx

  31. First good night SABA have a good sleep & a lovely holiday.xx
    SANDRA it was soooo lovely seeing you again it seems ages since last April.also lovely to see MARIA,PAT,SUE ( Mrs B ) MARGARET P BRENDA L &
    DIANE (for the first time ) & from Sue's blog Tres & Yvonne & of course SUE WILSON.
    Sandra I will email you the picture Terry took of all of us,I also got one with Sue again. He also took some lovely pictures in the grounds of the dear's .
    Well I have been commenting on the way down but then it stooped publishing so sorry for missing anyone. I did manage to say all the mixed crafts today we're all gorgeous.
    Well I'm so tired now & think it's time for my bed. See you all tomorrow
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Night Night Lynda , so pleased you had a lovely day and all mat up! I'll meet you one of these days! Thanks to Terry for taking photos - it's lovely for us to see you all! Sleep well, God Bless xxx

  32. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely day we had today meeting up with all the ladies. Thanks to Lynda's husband Terry who took some photos for us. Sue and Jihn were as usual fantastic. Nothing is to much trouble to explain to a numpty like me how to use the sticky sheets. Gave Pete all his hugs from everyone for his birthday today. I'll be looking back at yesterday's comments and today's tomorrow.

  33. Sorry ladies
    I got so carried away with Ally Pally I forgot to say how lovely today's mixed craft was.

    1. Hope you and Pete had a nice evening together, did you remember to give him the special one from me ?
      Oh girls you should have been with us, not enough to be a fly on the wall ,nono. It was so much fun,rubrub tihi I think you could call us 'a bunch of chatter boxes' but we must have been very good, because the security was no see this time. Maybe they had been warned to stay away, don't know what some of you could done for damage with the sticks hihi
      Soooo looking forward to next time. Wonder if Littlelamb is home yet, she had a trolley full. Hope you all had a good journey home.
      We ended up for dinner with my SIL so am now pooped but can't go to bed yet, need a cup of tea first ( the bag that's been used only once will be fine) Oh ,yes thank you Terry for taking some pics for us and Pat, they look good thank you.
      Good night all see you sometime tomorrow, might have to play a little first with my new die, yes only one but it's 14 pieces tihi
      Love and hugs Maria xxx
