
Sunday 20 September 2015

Myra's Double pierced edge card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card designed by Myra, it shows the double what the double pierced edge looks like using Sue's
new pierced square dies.
I think Myra might have to explain how she achieved this effect as I can't remember how she said you did it.
Myra did mention taping two dies together, maybe just to emboss??!!
I am sure Myra will put us right later on today.
Myra has also used the Creative Expressions Butterfly die, I love the look of that dazzler in the bezel.
The flower in the bottom corner is so pretty and unusual too!!
Thank you Myra for inspiring us with your amazing skills.
I had an amazing day yesterday with very dear friends, also got to meet so lovely new people from Sue'e blog, Helen, Yvonne, Theresa and Ang (mrs Duck), all of whom were lovely and a real pleasure to meet.
Sue was as busy as ever, it was good to see her demo her 'northern lights' effect in real time.
I don't think I will too much good to anyone today, I will just say 'ouch' (you get the picture)!
I will stop in later to see how Myra created her amazing card ,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra (((hugs))) please take it easy. Glad you had a good day and met up with so many people. Just lie back thinking of what you bought, what was chatted about, enjoy the memories of a great day. We need you well for the retreat which is now only a few weeks away. All very exciting!!!
    MYRA:- love your wonderful card, great colours, brilliant design, the pierced squares give a fantastic effect.
    I am very late today, I did waken early. I was lying thinking about my little corner of paradise, wishing I could hop on a plane and fly back. Must have fallen asleep again, woke at 7.30am which is so unlike me.
    Anyway the place is looking fantastic as always. Have made some Tea & Toast and am at the usual table. Hopefully someone will be in soon for a chat.
    (((((Hugs))))) I the basket by the door as usual. xxx

    1. Thanks Patricia, they are lovely dies and a very wide range of sizes. A broad frame looks lovely pierced on each edge. Xx

    2. Hi Patricia, I did exactly the same - let the dogs out at 6.30 and went back to bed, don't normally do this, woke up at 9.45, must have needed it - that's my excuse xx

  2. Morning Patricia and hello to all who pop in today.
    May I join you this morning Patricia. I have my latte and so I'm ready for a sit down.

    Myra - what can I say about your card but Stunning!! I cannot wait to see how you created it as I have bought Sue's Rectangle dies and am ready to use them so your offering today is just the inspiration I need.

    Sandra - so pleased you had a good day but I can just see that 'OUCH' on your face. A very restful day for you today young lady. Let the family do all that's needed for today or it will take all next week for you to recover.

    We had a good morning meeting Jim's Niece and her two littlies. Well if they carry on growing like they have this summer I shan't be able to call them that for much longer. I've persuaded Jim that I really need to go to the Range this morning as I need one or two little bits for certain cards which need making. The only thing is is that I cannot for the life of me remember what I wanted. I'm not telling him though as he will grasp that as the best excuse not to go hehe.....

    Norah - I hope you have fathomed something out for Tia or you'll be finding little puddles around the place.

    I hope all who went to AP yesterday and saw and spoke to Sue had a good day and I'm waiting impatiently to hear what was purchased by all of you. Remember no hiding stuff!!!!!

    Saba - hope the packing and bday party went well. Please tell where you're planning to sail to.

    Thank you Patricia for the seat in the corner. I have to go now and do a tidy round before venturing out. Money as usual is in the pot and huggles by the door that's if they stay there to wait to be taken.

    1. Thank you very much Janet! I really enjoyed using the dies and for once in my life I did play with them trying different things. Happy hunting at The Range! Xxx

  3. And a very good morning from a very sunny Somerset.

    Glad to hear so many of you met up at AP, hope your purses aren't too empty especially for those of us meeting up in October. we will be chatting so much we will need drinks to refresh ourselves. Just over a month to go now ladies, I hope you are all as excited as I am.

    Myra, Myra, Myra, now that is definitely a WOW card! Are the flowers silk embroidered? If so they are so gorgeous and where do you get them from?

    Now onto cataloging my stamps, so many from different companies and peoples that I think my list will be having quite a few alterations as I go along. Luckily they do not have consecutive numbers as do the dies so I will be able to add them as and when, except for Indigo Blu which do have a code. Perhaps I should use that.

    Saba my dear heart, have you finished your packing yet? And I do hope you enjoyed the birthday party. Sail away, sail away, on the Orinoco flow?

    When I first heard the refrain from that song I thought Enya was singing about saving whales! I remember at the time it came out, Greenpeace were warning Japan and the likes that we were in dire danger of extincting some whale species through over harvesting.
    Onwards and upwards, I am hoping this fine weather lasts so this afternoon I can start preparing my garden borders to get ready for their long winter sleep.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl I wish I was as organised as you are....I just wouldn't know where to start and I know I have so much stash that I know I will never use again.....good for you though getting things sorted out. Hope the weather stays good and you manage to do your borders.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Cheryl, I'm really pleased you like it. Thank you. The flowers are stitched but not by me. Just an odd thing I had in my bit box but I'd never thought of putting it on a card before. Xxx

    3. Hi Myra,
      I did similar for my great niece's arrival. I had an a pink/white appliqué Bear which I used as a centrepiece for her 'welcome to the world' card. It was shown on one of SW's demo days. I was over the moon at that. Now that I have seen the dies used to great effects by your good self, you have persuaded me that I 'need' these. Good job I have some pocket money left! xxx

    4. Oh Cheryl, I wish I could be so organised - but I start with something in mind and waver off when I come across items not been used for a while and forgotten about - well done you xx

    5. How can you sort me out to be so organised,ey. I bought a folder to organise my dies into, can't stand them in the box any longer but already got stuck. Do I put the spellbinders ones in first or SW and do I put them into seasons, can you see my dilemma Lol
      Hope you have a nice day xxx

    6. Oh Maria!
      It's hard to decide! I've got a folder for Christmas - but I know I can use some things like twigs and spruce dies all year round. In another folder I have frames , plain, decorative , round, square , rectangle , oval and hearts. In another folder I have flowers, leaves, foliage and butterflies - ooh and bows!! Does this help - probably not. I stick on each page the total number of dies so that I know if one is missing! Xxx

    7. Maria, I think you need another folder or 6!!!!! Xxxxx

    8. Thanks for the help, noooot Lol The mag.sheets aren't big enough to take two sets on each, bummer. Can see you feeling better Diane xxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    We did meet the usual crowd at Ally Pally, plus Ang (Mrs Duck)
    Helen and Theresa who were lovely. Us Girls did have an OMG moment at lunchtime which we all agreed on.
    Now I may be simple but I'm totally confused regarding the retreat. I read in Friday's post that were all doing a make and take, and as I was curious as to what we were doing I asked Sandra. But in speaking to Sandra she didn't know anything about this either. I knew that Christine Emberson was calling in to give us hints and tips and to show us some techniques. Also the Stampin up lady was coming as well. Also a few ladies have donated items they're no longer using for us to use and take if we'd like them. However the retreat was still an informal, relaxed time for us all to get together do a bit of crafting if we wish and have some fun. Sandra hasn't arranged anything else and no one has asked her if she could arrange anything else. I was pleased about that as I was hoping to pick up some tips on the fantastic Scenescapes that Patricia does, and some tips on composing different dies together. Sandra is brilliant helping me do this but it's lovely to get ideas from other people as well. Apart from that I've decided to bring my Groovie board and inserts to practice my colouring of them. this is after seeing Barbara Gray show us the techniques she uses. Sue and John were fantastic as usual showing us different techniques.

    1. Hi Pat it was lovely to chat to you yesterday, oh my goodness didn't we do well! Barbara and John were doing some amazing demos, I could sit and watch her for hours! Sues demo was good too, it was much quieter near the end so I got a chance to say hello. I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the retreat. Xxxx

    2. Can't wait to see you Groovie Board Pat and don't forget the fishing die!
      hugs xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    As you can see I'm still confused as I completely forgot to say I just love your card Myra. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one was made. If you don't mind I'd line to copy this one. I'll be really cheeky and ask Sandra if I could borrow her dies. I'm off to order the dies I liked from the show from

    1. Thanks Pat, I think you should borrow them - then maybe get a wee bit confused and forget to return them? Ha ha! Xxx

  6. Pat, the Stamping Up lady is doing a wee make and take thing with us so that's where she will give us the bits to make the likes of a little card that she will demo doing. So we will still hopefully have time to do other things. We need the basic tools with us, ie scissors, double sided tape, glue, ruler, pencil, things you use to put a card together sort of things. We will need to get up on the Saturday have breakfast and get into the crafting room at a reasonable time to be able to do the little craft things that you all want to do, or before we know it the time will be gone as we will be chatting to much. The retreat will be very informal, we only have Christine and Louise from Stamping Up coming the rest of the time is ours, though hopefully the Saturday night dinner we will make it a little bit special. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel thanks for the clarification. I thought my eyesight was going as I didn't see anywhere on Sandra's blog where she'd said she'd arranged a make and take. I thought the Stampin up lady was just going to demo. Mind you im not to sure why you said our Saturday night dinner will be special, as all our dinners will be special with us ladies there. Are we having dinner laid on on Friday Sandra?. I'll have to see what my booking said. Also I'm not to sure if all us ladies do early in the mornings. I know Sandra and Sue don't very often due to their medication.

    2. Pat, yes dinner Friday night too. But I think we will all be just getting settled and getting to know one another. Where Saturday night we will be able to sit down and enjoy it to it's fullest. When I say early I don't mean the crack of dawn. Maybe if we can get started by ten to do things. xxx

    3. Hi Pat and Hazel - this is all getting to the VERY exciting part - the real planning xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone who pops by,
    Oh it's quiet here today most of the ladies must be resting up after their lovely day yesterday. So pleased you all got to meet up and then with the others from Sue's blog Can't wait to here what you have all been spending on. Sandra have a really restful day today to ease your aching body. My crafty buddy are having a serious think about going to the next AP shown even though it's such a long way from us but thought it would be a great day and meet some different designers.
    MYRA oh Myra what a beautiful card I love the colours and the double pricking looks amazing....are they Sue's new dies....if so thank heavens I have them but haven't tried them yet...I love the effect. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creation with us...I'll pop along to your pinterest later. Oh and what a beautiful flower is it embroidered?
    A quiet day for me as I'm still feeling the effects of my long day out on Friday and then being out yesterday.
    Saba safe sailing and keep in touch along your journey....hope the Brazilian doesn't chaffe too much this morning!
    Have left hugs in the basket and money in the pot,will pop by later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hello Sheila, hope you are taking it easy today , it would be lovely for you to make the next AP show, - it is a bit far though isn't it but worth it xxx

    2. Sheila, hope you are feeling better and having a real lazy day.
      These outing do take the omph out of you a bit don't they but so nice to meet up with friends so yes if you can do come to AP one day !
      hugs Maria xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies, I hope you all that went to AP didn't spend to much.
    Myra, oh WOW I love your card, it's stunning, I just love everything about it. How are you felling this morning???
    Maureen, I hope you are still resting and taking it easy.
    Margaret, I am so glad that taking the calcium and magnesium helped. You are another one who needs to take it easy.
    Sheila, so lovely to see you feeling more perky, your day out did you good, ok you might be a bit stiff today, but just take it easy.
    SABA, should be on her way to the boat, I hope they have an easy journey.
    Michele, have a good day.
    Oh I am going to go take my cup of tea and sit away in the corner, so hopefully I don't give any if you my cold. (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket help yourself. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel do hope that nasty cold leaves you soon and doesn't come back again. It's one of those things that we just have to sit out and wait for it to go so hope it goes away soon for you.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Hello Hazel, I hope you are not feeling the effects of your cold for long ,A few members of our family have had colds and other ailments this last week since returning from holiday. just shows the nice warm dry weather is better for us hehe xxx

    3. Hazel you are very thoughtful ! I'm feeling better in that my nose isn't streaming and have nearly stopped sneezing, but I do have a sore throat. Hope it goes fast!
      Thank you for your kind words about my card. I go a bit over- excited about these frames! It was a bit like a light bulb moment. I don't get many of those! Xxxx

    4. PS - hope you feel better very soon! Xxx

    5. Hazel I hope your cold gets better, nothing worse when you get back from holiday, sometimes the airconditioning makes things worse, especially on the plane. X

  9. Morning Sandra and all this beautiful day, some have a well earned sleep in ?
    I posted a comment last night after getting back. Couldn't go straight to sleep so sat with a tea and thought back over the day. Met so many new from Sue's blog and also our Diane, I so hope you are alright this morning (you so and so) tihi Only had a quick hallo with Sue ,she was so busy all day . Already looking forward to the next one !
    A bit of pampering went on yesterday , I can see my old secateurs are no good for purpose anymore. Hope Saba got away ok.
    Lovely card Myra, made with the new dies. Beautiful colour and with the big butterfly ,is lush. The flower is a pretty one too, it look stitched.
    Son is working and OH has gone to see football for the day so have a chance to play but will have another tea and some toast first and then we'll see what the rest is saying. Love and hugs for now, Maria xxx

    1. Have a nice peaceful day and so pleased you had a great day yesterday at AP and meeting up with all the other lovelies. Love Sheila xxx

    2. Thank you Maria! It's really a simple card - the dies are really lovely and worth every penny! Pleased you had a good day yesterday. Xxx

    3. Maria my lovely I'm here! I'm quite sore today but have managed some toast and an almost cold cup of tea! My jaw really hurts when I eat probably from being jarred but Julian says from all the talking too! He's always quiet. I do the talking for both of us!!!!
      Enjoy your play time xxx

    4. Hello Maria, hope you can have a nice quiet playtime all to yourself
      enjoy xx

    5. Have got stuck in sorting my dies into the new Dotty Folder but can't decide in which order I now want them in tihi Do I take out the mag.sheet fully and then push it back in, silly question, but they are a bit flimsy so by the time they are back in some of the dies have dropped off again. How do you do it ?

    6. Ooh Dainty - sorry about your jaw! I really mean that - no jokes! Xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Myra your card today is beautiful. I love the pierced layers - I looked at them yesterday but icon is much cheaper. The tag is great behind the butterfly and of course the butterfly is beautiful, I'm looking forward to hearing how you made it. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Sandra it was lovely to see you yesterday, have a restful day today and take it easy xxx
    Maria it was lovely to meet you too, watch out Myra Saba and Maureen we have the same sense of humour! I see you bought your dies - which set did you go fo in the end? Xxx Brenda my lovely lady it was good to meet you too and Margaret and Linda - we were in the same area eating lunch and I waved to Sue Brenda and Sandra at the other side - that man who sat and ate his lunch in amongst us! You would have thought he would change seats ! Yvonne was also there and my friend Jackie joined us too. I thought I saw you talking to Cameeli just before I saw you the first time but didn't like to say hello just in case it wasn't. Xxxx
    It sounds like those of you left behind were well behaved yesterday, no partying or frolics even though Saba nearly started a murder mystery! ( the courgette done it!) safe trip Saba and happy sailing xxx
    Karen enjoy the show today xxx
    Well I will tell the rest of you who didn't see me yesterday - I don't usually look like this! I took a tumble just outside ally pally on the way in, don't know how I did it, rough patch of concrete but I went down like a good un and Julian couldn't catch me in time! The staff were very good, got me a chair and a medic , who wasn't 12! And he spent half an hour patching me up and washing my cuts out, finally giving me pain killers as my face was really sore. I was quite badly shaken but carried on as us crafters do! I look today like I've done 10 rounds with frank Bruno or played in a rugby match! I would say the bruising is looking like dusty concord! The lovely Barbara grey gave me a big hug when she realised who I was and put a photo of us on her blog last night! I really did drop in to see everyone ( literally!) . I had a hot bath when I got home, tried to eat dinner then was tucked up in bed with a whisky and hot water bottle and was out like a light! I'm going to take it easy today but must try and cut my new dies.
    Well I've rambled on, I'm going to get up now from this comfy position and try and start the day. See you all later xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane ouch that must have really hurt! ,,so pleased you were able to carry on with your day at AP and were able to meet up with the rest of the lovely coffee shop crew. Hope your aches soon ease. Love Sheila xxx

      I can imagine your poor face looks worse today than it did yesterday, how are your hands ? You really were putting on a brace face, and took all the teasing in great spirit.
      It was really lovely meeting you. (and all the other ladies) But where did the time go?
      Try and take things easy today. Lol Brenda xxx

    3. Hi Diane
      It was lovely meeting you yesterday even though you were battered and torn around the edges. Hope your face gets and feels better soon.

    4. Oh Diane,
      Trust you to decide to drop in!
      You did say we have the same wacky sense of humour!
      Seriously though, I am really sorry you had a fall and hurt yourself. I guess in some ways you were fortunate in that you didn't break anything ! I like the colour of your bruises being given a Tim Holz colour!! Take it easy today , my friend!
      More water with it in future please!! Lots of love xxx

    5. Diane! PS - thanks for being so nice about my card! Xxx

    6. Oh!! Diane! poor you (((hugs))) I wish I could give you those hugs in person. Take things easy, you will feel rubbish today with the shock setting in.
      You were a star yesterday to carry on and enjoy the show. We Crafters are made of "strong stuff" are we not. xxx

    7. Thank you all for your lovely comments, thought you would all apreciate the distress ink colour! I couldn't face a cup of tea last night but as emoji cold one today is helping. Grand Prix is on today so it's going to be a restful day all round. I think I need more whisky with my water! That wat I might not have walked straight and would have avoided the bumpy patch! Bother I can see some typos but can't go back and correct! That's a semi cold cup of tea! Haha. See you all later love I don't always look like this Diane ( Brenda you pickle, I don't mind being teased!. Xxx) xxxxx

    8. Diane, poor you the day after is always worse, arnica tablets and cream for you I think. Keep a eye on your jaw? As you might have done more to it than you think. Xxx

    9. Oh my poor sweetie Diane, how awful to lose your footing like that, but so lucky they sprang to attention to sort you out. Gurt big (((((hugs))))) are flying off to you as I type. xxx

    10. Hello Diane, you poor thing - Im glad you were seen to straight away no one needs to tell you to take it easy as you sound as though that's what you are doing, Sending a very gentle hug and hope the bruising lessens in a day or two xxxx

    11. Big hug Diane, have a nice relaxing day and enjoy playing with your new dies. I only bought the Tonic layering dies in the end, cost a little more but 14 in the pack. I loved the square thingy you got .and nearly bought that too but money went wosh the 2 last hours and I bought some stamps, I don't even do stamping hihi so the plastic boxes have to wait too. Only a few month to April. Oh by the way, we get you next time Lol love xxx

    12. Oh Diane - what are you like I've heard of 'dropping in' but your entrance really sounds way beyond and above the call of duty!!!!!

      Seriously I hope you're OK today and that you recover quickly. Falling like that can really upset your system and we all need that extra bit of wrapping against such upsets. Please let your OH look after you for the next couple of days and take it easy.
      Sending special gentle hugs just for you.

    13. Very sorry that you had such a nasty fall Diane, its the sort of thing that I'm really good at, hope you'll feel better tomorrow

  11. Hello Everyone, very sorry I didn't comment on yesterdays lovely creations, they were just Wow, what clever ladies.
    Have to work today as busy with the Southern Hemisphere orders will be in soon.
    Hopefully going to the craft show at Exeter on Thursday, not as good as A/P, but lots of different crafts.
    Myra your card is really fabulous, did you make the flower on an embroidery machine, I must get my old one out and have a go.
    Tennis on the TV this afternoon, looks like GB going to be in the finals(Davis Cup)
    Its a beautiful day here but very chilly I think maybe soup will be needed in the cafe soon.
    Have a good day everyone, and those that went to A/P yesterday enjoy playing with your new goodies.
    Hope not too many typos, this new keyboard is driving me mad.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Thank you Lilian, you are very kind . I'm afraid the flower was in a plastic box and is one I've had for years but it looks like machine embroidery to me - I didn't do it though. Xxx

    2. Lilian enjoy the tennis and the craft show when you get there, we want to hear all about it. Sounds like you are going to be a busy lady! Or should that be buzzy lady! - sorry couldn't resist! Xxxx

    3. Enjoy your tennis my flower, I have 2 weeks holiday every year to watch Wimbledon. It is getting harder and harder to get your name into the postal draw for tickets now. I think if you have already been lucky then you don't get picked the next

    4. Helo Lillian - enjoy your tennis and relaxing time xxx

    5. Hi Lilian, enjoy the Tennis today. I actually had some soup for lunch, it warmed the cockles. So cold in the house but way to early to put the heating on.. Hope you are ok today xxx

    6. The tennis was great! Xxx we are through to The Final! Xxx

  12. arrrrrgh.......just lost my post....!!,
    Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Myra your card is stunning, I'm glad I ordered the pierced dies from Icon, they look amazing.
    Sandra so glad you all had a great day yesterday meeting up with everyone, Take it easy today and enjoy your purchases from yesterday
    Diane sorry you had a fall (take more water with your whisky next time! Lol) but seriously I hope you are feeling better, as they say 'you should see the other guy'!!!
    I'm feeling a lot better today, I think it was chicken pieces that I had for lunch on
    Friday that might have been past its use by date, must be more vigilant in future.
    Saba hope you have a great holiday and things are not too itchy!!
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Jess so pleased you are feeling much better today these days you have to be so careful with chicken. I'd keep taking in plenty og fluids though just to make sure it's well flushed out. Have a lovely Sunday.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

    2. Hi Jess, so pleased you are feeling better! Chicken always gets me worried. Thank you for your kind words about my card. I think you'll really enjoy using those dies! Xxx

    3. Jess I'm pleased to hear you are feeling better today but do take it easy. Oh I'm ok, just feel very sore and battered. Silly thing is I don't know how I did it, just tripped on the change in Tarmac! Lots of padding helps with bouncing! Xxx

    4. Hello Jess, so glad you are feeling better today - have a lovely day xxx

    5. Glad to see you feeling better Jess, hope it hasn't put you off chicken for good . Take care xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well it is quiet in here this morning, the early rush is over and no doubt all those lucky people who went to AP yesterday will be recovering today, you especially Sandra. Please do let the rest of the family help today, this is your day of rest and recover to see you through the week ahead young lady.
    Delighted to know you all got to meet up and have a good chat, but sorry to hear that Diane decided to measure her length falling going in yesterday thank goodness there was someone there to patch you up but you will be feeling the effects today no doubt so take things easy. Arnica cream is good for bringing the bruising out and once it's out you will not hurt as much, take care.
    Lilian please don't worry about typing mistakes we don't mind at all we all do it from time to time the main thing is you pop in to see us all.
    Myra wow oh wow what a beautiful and fantastic card so elegant and luxurious the colours are perfect and your butterfly and flowers are quite simply divine! I hope you are going to solve the mystery as to the flowers, are they embroidered? Thank you so much for letting us see your masterpiece.
    Hazel you have been very busy telling all those feeling non too good to take things easy, but what about you, do take things easy with that cold. I know just what you are saying, listen who's talking!!! For the record I'm taking things easy this morning.
    Lovely to see you have been in Sheila take things easy today and you will soon I hope get over your trip to Harrogate and Betty's Tearoom I do so love their coffee!
    Karen and anyone else going to AP today have a good time.
    Well I enjoyed my latte money in the pot and cup all washed, hugs in the corner, I will pop in later to see if Myra has been in with her write up and explanation of her card and to see if there are any show reports.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you very much Margaret! It's just an odd flower from my box that just seemed to tone in with the rest! Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I'm so pleased you all had a lovely day yesterday. Brenda ( Littlelamb ) even got a stamp for me which I thought was so kind of her. Thank you Brenda!
    I'm really looking forward to hearing what you all bought and to seeing the photos!
    I sent this card to Sandra because I suddenly realised you could get this double piercing with the dies. I'll try to explain by counting layers from the largest to the smallest. The outside layer in Wisteria is a mat - cut using just one die. The second layer in the paler mauve is exactly the same ( smaller die obviously!) The third layer in Wisteria is actually only a frame. I used two of the dies , taped down with easy lift tape , on my card and ran it through the GC. You get a border then and a small mat from the centre. It means you get double piercing on both the inner and outer rim of the frame. By changing the sizes you choose you get a much broader frame. It is really clever - not me - the Die and its Designer Sue!
    I kept the card simple as I just wanted to show that . The little pennant is an Anna Griffin one. They came in a little box and I used loads of them . It just toned with the card. Butterfly is Sue's Monarch and the Dazzler is from CE Blues colour choice. The flower I found in a box when tidying up!!! It is really an iron-on one. It came, years ago in a pack with butterflies . I used the butterflies on Tshirts for my granddaughters. They washed really well !!! This flower had an orange one attached to it and I hated it but I've trimmed the orange bit off .
    I hope this makes sense!
    Love to all. Will go and read!
    Hope Maureen and Jess are feeling better today.
    Sandra - take it easy!
    Myra xxx

    1. Hello Myra - your card is absolutely gorgeous - thank you for explaining how you did it - I think you made a comment about this the other day and I thought I would give it a try then got side tracked and forgot, - really will try this now its so effective xxxx

    2. Thanks Myra for your explanation re the dies, I'm really looking forward to mine and can't wait to play..That flower is just lovely.xx

    3. Thanks Jean and Jess!
      I'm sure you will love your dies . A broad frame looks even nicer! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It was so lovely seeing you and so many of our blog friends.
    Myra your card is absolutely gorgeous I just love everything about it. LOL
    Sorry I'm dashing about. I have been baking quiches and finishing off daughters birthday cake so we just about to leave, John is loading the car as I speak bless him.
    Will try and catch up later, did start to leave a message last night but fell asleep. It was an exhausting day though but especially lovely for having seen so many friends. Love and hugs all round, Brenda xxx

    1. I wondered about that message Brenda! It said message deleted by sender. I thought oh no! Brenda isn't talking to us any more! Ha ha!
      Thank you for kind words - do have a lovely day with the family. Xxx

    2. Brenda make sure you have a rest tomorrow you have had a couple of busy days. Happy birthday to your daughter. Have fun xxxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      My word you have been busy. Hope that John is ok. Please wish your daughter a happy birthday from me.

    4. Hi ladies told you I saw confused. I've just said hullo to Brenda on you post Myra.
      Anyway, thanks for the tutorial on your card. I think I follow it Well I am a bit dim). However, Sandra will put me right. As if I'm not confused enough, instructions just push me over the top.
      I sometimes wonder how I teach 4 and 5 year olds how to read, mind you I've been doing it for 6 years and no ones complained yet. Oh I know it's simple reading books.

    5. Hello Brenda, have lovely day with family - xxxx

    6. Pat - it isn't easy teaching little ones to read and you need lots of patience! Simple reading books are very boring - you clearly have the knack! Xxx

  16. Morning Ladies from Florida

    Myra- I just love your card, I wondered about the flower to the left-thought it looked "stitched ". I ordered these dies & they arrived they day before we left for the Sunshine State. I'm looking forward to using them now, after seeing your card.

    The entire U.S. Coffey family came over yesterday afternoon and we all sat out by the pool. Hubby & I now have raging sore throats which are probably a combination of kids & the flight! Guess we'll be heading to the pharmacy section in Walmart later. Hubby is so happy as he's found the Grand Prix on one of the channels here-boy do they have some twaddle on TV!!

    I'll be happy when we find a craft shop-might be really sad & take photos to send to Sandra.


    1. Thank you Michele! So sorry about the sore throats! Join the club! I had a streaming cold yesterday but not so bad today. Enjoy the sunshine! Xxx

    2. Oh Michele, not good about the sore throats,as Myra said join the club? My cold is a right good summer one, the kind I hate as they seem to stay for so long. but hey ho I will just keep taking the pills and rubbing on the Vicks. You are so right the TV in the states and Canada is rubbish. Hope you fine a good craft shop, Canada doesn't have any. xxx

    3. Michele so sorry you have picked up a sore throat - have fun in the drugs section! They probably mean a lot more to you than they did to us! Sounds like the weather is similar to how we had it, lovely mornings but thunder in the afternoon - hope it's not too humid for you. Have fun xxxx

    4. MICHELE:- join the club, take it easy and keep taking the "pills"
      I found some of the Craft Shops in Florida not that great when I was there this time last year. The Hobby Lobby and Joanne's were my favourites. Michele's I found a waste of time to be honest. ((((hugs)))) xxx

    5. Hi Michelle
      I'm sorry you've got a sore throat while on holiday. You'll know what yo get in Walmart though won't you. Seems to be the norm at the moment while on holiday though.

    6. Hello Michelle sorry to see you both have sore throats, hope you found some remedies in Walmart. enjoy your holiday xxx

    7. Sorry you come down with a sore throat but hope you can still have fun in the sun.
      Michaels craftshop was boring in NY, be interesting if you find some in Florida. Wish you better xxx

    8. Michele sorry you are feeling rough, I'm sure you will find something to help, a lot of us here are the same, with colds, sore throats, dicky tummies, take care xxx

    9. Oh Michele that is such a shame you are not feeling well but do get yourselves plenty of fruit juices too to keep your vitamin c levels well up. I have a friend who has a villa out there and every time they go out they all get sore throats, she is convinced it all comes from the airlines not cleaning the air conditioning on the planes. Hope you soon feel better. xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    I found my booking and it just says Dinner and Breakfast. In my book that means dinner Friday night, breakfast and dinner Sat and breakfast on Sunday. Yippee no washing up. So all our meals will be special as will be the company. I don't think Sandra specified a start time Hazel, I assume well just turn up in the room Sandra booked as and when we're able. Luckily nobody is running to a timetable as such, so it will be just like being on holiday for a few days. Can't wait.

    1. PAT:- your right .... NO cooking for a few meals. They serve lunches as well if you need it. I find if I have a good breakfast a cuppa and a little snack is enough for me at lunch time. Going by the Menu I saw way back at the beginning of all the booking etc:- we get a really good dinner. . If we all bring some nibbles we can have them during the afternoon/evenings.
      There is no definite start time as far as I can gather. I know a few have mentioned "doing crafty things" after breakfast on the Saturday. The ones that don't that will be entirely up to them. I hope there is some kind of "timetable" or the weekend will have come and gone before we can "blink"
      The Scottish and North of England ones will not arrive till after 5pm on the Friday. Once we meet and greet everyone it will be time for Dinner. Christine will be there in the evening, lots of chatting being done after that so I can't see much crafting getting done that evening ..... do you?? LOL!!

    2. Hi Pat and Patricia. Thank goodness there is no washing up to be done at the retreat. And also glad that there is no time table apart from the Stamping up demo. I was getting confused too Pat as when Sandra first said about having a weekend away to just relax and get together instead of just "meeting in the Cafe" her plans were just that, to be able to sit and chat with no other people to think about or things to do and also for us to pick each others brains about various crafting things, for example I will be hopefully finding out more about patchwork quilts : ) Sandra hadn't said anything about changing her mind with regards to filling the days up with demos etc so I got confused too. I know Sandra, like all of us, is counting down the days until we meet and that she doesn't have to organise anything else because she wanted to keep it simply a meeting up weekend, and also it was important to her that she could do that easily and not have to rely on anyone else to do it for her, as she has to with other areas of her life due to her dodgy hip, which I know really upsets her ( I totaly understand that feeling too, due to my dodgy joints, it is so nice to be able to organise something all by yourself for a change) Having said all that I know Sandra was so pleased that Hazel and her bargain hunting daughter were able to find such a good price on the hotel rooms, as were the rest of us too, thanks again for that Hazel : ) Blimey, I have just written War and Peace so I will go now, sorry. Take care xx

    3. Right folks, I have got the wrong impression regarding what we were to be doing at the Rereat. I thought we would be doing some Crafting. A few had asked me about showing them how to make flowers, also some Stamping. I was going to bring some things plus my Crafty Tools. That's really good will not bother now and I will get all my things in a small bag, travelling lightly will be good. xxx

    4. Ooooo please show us flowers Patricia, I love your flowers. If you need anything bringing let us know - by the sounds of it Julian is thinking of driving me up and going off walking in wales for the weekend - I don't think he trusts me out in public now! Xxxx

    5. Don't blame him!
      Seriously - how do you feel now ? How is your jaw? Xxx

    6. It's a bit clicky ( what's new!) but I've managed to eat some dinner. I'm seeing my chiropractor tomorrow so I'm sure she will check it out for me as well as the other lumps and bumps! I was worried about my front teeth because they were really bleeding but they aren't hurting today which is good and the inside of my lip has almost closed now- hopefully I can clean my teeth tonight! Funny story, we took some M&S BBQ brisket out of the freezer last night for dinner today with jacket potatoes. We needed some veg so Julian went to the local shop for corn and broccoli - wasn't until I had cooked it and was serving up that I realised I couldn't eat corn on the cob! A real senior moment! He cut the corn off for me so all was well! Thank you for thinking of me xxxx

  18. Well good afternoon Sandra and al who may pop in late today,I have been commenting all the way down, Was rushing round like a lunatic this morning as I went back to bed after letting the dogs out and overslept. We had the Wedding Party last night and to say the young couple were thoroughly spoiled is an understatement. How they took all their presents and cards home I think they would need a trailer. Anyway all went off like a dream and everyone enjoyed themselves which is the main thing
    Have left hugs near the door in the basket
    Will be out later to visit family
    Take care and rest up all the ladies who are so tired (Im not jealous) from AP

    1. Hello Jean, so glad your family evening went well. Rushing round like a lunatic - I understand. I do it a lot! Xxx

  19. Hi Sandra. It was so lovely to meet you at Alley Palley for the first time yesterday. You are so lovely !! No wonder there are so many ladies who visit your blog. I had a really great day. (Even Steve said he liked it.) I am a very shy and quiet person but I actually went up to a lady buying a die from Sue's stall and asked her if she was you, Sandra. She looked at me like I was mad. She was most unpleasant and just repiled "no". Then I asked her if she followed Sue's blog and again the answer was just " no" and then she walked off in disgust !! It was completely out of my comfort zone and not the sort of thing I would do usually, but I just wanted to make some crafting friends. I met Tina E and her daughter for the first time and she is really lovely to. While I was looking around Sue's stall, my poor Steve was standing in the big long que carrying some dies that I wanted. He started chatting to the lovely Scottish lady standing next to him in the que and she turned out to be Gloria, one of Sue's blog followers. We got chatting and she she only lives about 3 or 4 miles away from me. I just could not believe it !! We exchanged details and she says she would like to meet up with me for a coffee !! I have met my first ever local crafty friend !! I am sorry you are not feeling so well today. I am very tired myself. I am just having a rest day (or 2.) I hope you feel better soon. I don't know any of the lovely ladies on your blog. Sorry Sandra. I hope your hubby is doing ok to. He is very nice. It was great seeing Sue but she was just so busy all the time. I watched John Lockwood's demo and Julia Watts demo to. I like John as he seems very down to earth. Julia and Phil Martin seem nice to. X x x
    Myra, I love your card !! I wish I had bought this Butterfly at the show now !! But I do have the beautiful Double Pierced squares that you used. x x x
    I am not really sure how your blog works Sandra. There are lots of people commenting everywhere. How do you keep up with everyone ? Well I am sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

    1. Hello Tres!
      I recognise you from Sue's blog! Aren't people rude! Courtesy costs nothing! I'm so glad you met Sandra - she is lovely and not at all rude - well!!! You will have to get used to our sense of humour here! It is just fun - we care lots about each other. I remember , I think, that you suffer from ill health . I hope yesterday didn't tire you out. Thank you for your kind remarks about my card. I do love that butterfly - the poor thing is worn out! Hope you pop in again . Love Myra xxx

    2. Hello Tres,
      I have seen your name on Sue's Blog.
      SANDRA'S Blog is like no other ... it's a brilliant place to come and CHAT. We are a great group of friends who support each other when down. We also pass on great hints and tips to each other.
      You will not have anyone being "rude" to you here. Well you might but it will all be in fun!! You really do have to have a sense of humour to follow some of the "subjects" that we discuss!!!
      Hope to see you in regularly. Have a good day and enjoy your playing with your purchases from yesterday. xxx

    3. Hello Tres
      Welcome to the best coffee shop in the world!!!!!
      Everything edible in here is totally calorie free and you can drink and eat anything you can find!!!!!
      We are all a little on the daft side well some more than others but don't worry you'll find we're also very friendly and don't bite.
      I'm Janet a Yorkshire lass through and through hailing from Sheffield. Hope to see you again. Please don't leave it ages before you pop in again.

    4. Hello Tres,
      Its so nice to see someone new taking the opportunity to chat amongst like minded friends,
      Im relatively new to the café but feel totally at home, its a warm and welcoming blog which Sandra set up and no one is nasty or rude which is why I like to pop in daily.
      Hope to see you popping in again soon
      Jean xxx

    5. Hi Tres. It was lovely to meet you and your hubby yesterday ( I am Sue/Mrs B and live near to Oxford, and near to Sandra and Pat and Margaret P, who is my Mum) sorry we didn't get to talk for long but I hope you don't suffer health wise from all of the walking at Ally Pally!
      It is so good to see you here I in the Cafe, just pop in and out as many or few times as you want and like others have already told you we are all mad but very friendly and caring.
      I do have one warning for you though.
      THIS BLOG IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. Once you start calling in you just can't have been warned : )) I hope we see you in here again very soon. By the way I will admit that I had a tear in my eye, (ok, tears in both eyes, Im not a Cyclopes! ) after reading your comment. How rude people are but how wonderful that your hubby should start talking to your a lady that lives so close to you! What are the chances with the amount of people at the show yesterday? Pluck up the courage to meet up with her, if you are a quarter as lucky as I was when I arranged to meet up with Sandra and Pat you will have met a very very special friend that you wont be able to imagine not havibg in your life. Thank you for sharing that lovely chance encounter with us, it shows that good things do happen to good people : ) Take care x

    6. Hello Tres,
      It was such a pleasure to meet you yesterday and Steve of course, who seems such a amazingly supportive husband like Paul, there aren't many husbands that would have the patience to walk round chatting to everyone like they did yesterday!
      I wish that you were closer so that you could meet up and craft with us too, maybe we could arrange an occasional visit, I would love that.
      I am just tired today, too much excitement for one day!!!
      I can't tell you how thrilled I was that you plucked up the courage to introduce yourself to me!
      I do hope that you can come in and join us again, these are the loveliest bunch of ladies (a little bit crazy too) !
      The blog got named 'the cafe' as it was a place to come and meet and chat from Sue's blog initially, but has just grown from there, if you are having a bad day, this lot will certainly give you a 'boost'!
      We also like to share each other's cards, so should you want to show anything just email a photo to me (or get Steve to)!
      Now I don't leave the house unless it's with Paul so this blog has become my life line, just so you know there are others that feel just like you.
      I am so pleased that you got to meet Gloria, the fact that she lives so close us amazing, I hope it's the start of a wonderful friendship.
      Pat, Sue and I met through Sue's blog and I have to say it's like we have been friends for years, we get along so well, I couldn't be without them now!
      I look forward to seeing you again very soon, I am so happy that you managed to pop in, you can choose to do whatever you like as far as the blog goes, some people comment on other people's comments using the 'reply' button, or you can just come in and leave a comment like you do on Sue's blog, but it's always good to read back to yesterday as people will content after you have gone!
      Love and huge hugs
      Ps my email is
      If you want to drop me a message with your email.

    7. Hi Tres so lovely that you have popped in today to see us all, I am really envious that you were able to actually meet our Sandra, but as for that other person, well her lack of manners beggars belief, civility costs nothing but don't worry there is no one like that here.
      You will learn all manner of things here and not just about crafting either, one thing for sure if you need help someone will find a way to help you here, and a problem shared is a problem halved in the café as many of us will tell you. You can eat as much cake as you wish and not put a single ounce of weight on, now is that good or what? Do pop in again it is so friendly here, so lovely to hear from you. xxx

    8. Hi Tree,
      I also got to meet you yesterday we were with Sandra when you first met her, I have only been in the cafe for a few months but as Sue (Mrs.B) my daughter, says its very addictive, look forward to your visits.
      Love Margaret xx

    9. Hi Tres
      I was at Ally Pally yesterday - I'm the one that fell ove on the way in, so 'I don't usually look like this ' was the phrase of the day! My lovely hubby was there too , although he went to watch the rugby for a while in the afternoon. He's terrible, I bought far more dies than my limit because he liked them and he's been playing with my Groovi plate too! How lovely you met someone who lives close to you, do meet up for a coffee - M&S or a garden centr seem to be the best places! How rude of the other lady though - I was brave enough to speak to a random lady too and we ended up talking about cloud inks and I helped her find something - she was on sues blog. By the way I live in Southampton. Look forward to seeing you here again soon xxx

  20. Tres, welcome to the coffee shop, just join in the conversation or add to it with a tip,or information. We seem crazy but to be honest we are just a bunch of crafters that chat, laugh, and have fun. We love the virtual coffee shop, as you can pop in and out as many times as you wish. So glad that lovely Scottish lady chatted and made up for some one who was so horrible. What does it take to be friendly. Please make a point of meeting up for that coffee, it works and it's good to have some craft time with a like minded person, Hazel x

  21. Afternoon one and all
    Not long since got back from my morning visit to The Range.
    They have now started stocking some Creative Expressions goodies. I saw some of Sue's new Seasonal dies and some Phil Martin stamps.
    Their prices are at normal rate. Fingers crossed they will expand their CE stock so if need be in emergencies I know where I can purchase.

    1. Oh Janet that sounds very interesting and useful ! Xxx

    2. Oooh I feel a Range visit is in order. Thank you for letting us know Janet. :) xxx

  22. Hi Tres, Maria here and I'm so glad you popped in for a chat. We did say Hi around Sue's table but she was so busy at the time. Pity you didn't come and sat with us for a rest. I'm totally knackered today and won't do much just looking at my shopping and wonder why tihi. Always have a shopping list with me but do I look at it, nooo and buying something completely different instead. I promised myself not to do but......... We are bonkers, yes some more than others but a friendly bunch of 'ladies' who like crafts so do come in again for a tea/ coffee and a cake or two, no calories ! What part of the country do you live in ? hugs Maria xx

  23. Dobar Dan.
    Helloooooo. Just stopped off for a short break, we are about 4 hours away from Zadar now and they have free internet. Haven't read the comments yet so hope all is ok. I have looked at your card though Myra and it is fabulous. Love how you have done the double piercing.
    I did see that Maureen hasn't been in yet. I do hope she is alright.
    Maureen, if you pop in I hope you are feeling a little bit better today, massive hugs for you.
    Love to all as well

    1. Never mind Dobar Dan , are you a Sober Dan!
      I'm off to see where Zadar is - history better than Geography!
      I've emailed Maureen last night and today but told her not to reply! It's called Myra logic!
      If. I do hear from her I will let you know.
      Try not to worry - enjoy the trip!
      Be good - well try!!
      Mystic xxxx

    2. Hello Sailor , Found you! Found the map - well found the map first! So you could sail right across the Adriatic - methinks easier said than done! Xxx

    3. Dobra večer! See how much I have learned - language and how to get the twiddly bit on top!! That's a technical term you know! Xxx

    4. Hello everyone. Can't stop long as the battery is low. MYRA your card is beautiful. The square dies are brilliant arnt they. Glad we got them and at a good price as well. Love the colours of your card and the flower on there.
      Welcome Tres. Hope you will visit the cafe often. It's good to keep up with what everyone is doing and sharing our crafts. Quite a lot of different crafts. What do you do.
      Had a lovely day yesterday. Chatted to Sue and enjoyed her demo. I didn't buy any dies as checked them out and Icon are the best price. No point in paying more especially as SW pierced dies were nearly £10 more. I did buy card from Limetree and some Creative Expressions blending inks. Must go. Hope to be back later.

    5. Thank you Brenda! I think we got a bargain. I don't usually manage to get a bargain so I'm very pleased. Xxx

  24. Hi Sandra. Goodness me I first came into the Cafe about 8am and it has taken this long to get to here. No, I am not a slow reader but due to stopping to have breakfast, chatting to Mum, washing up etc AND falling asleep again it is now nearly 4.30pm! .
    I hope you are resting today my lovely, thankyou again to you and Paul for taking us to Ally Pally, I had a great time and it was so good to see so many familiar faces.
    Diane, you were very brave to carry on yesterday after your fall bless you. It seems I am not the only one that recommends Arnica tablets ( never tried the cream ) They help with bruising and also shock. If you don't already know you must not touch them with your fingers either pop them straight in your mouth from the bottle or use a spoon. That is advice from a top homiopath which some people are not aware of. Anyway I hope you start to feel better very soon. Take care x
    Myra, what a gorgeous card. Love the flowers, I have used those iron on shapes before a couple of times on cards, like you I had them in my stash. I have some papers similar to your pennant one that I hadn't used, now I know what to do with them, thanks for the inspiration : ) Take care x
    Saba, I hope you arrive safe and sound, have a great relaxing time : ) take care xx
    Mum/ Margaret P, thank you for a lovely weekend. See you tomorrow morning, love you xx
    Those not feeling 100% may tomorrow be a better day. Love and hugs to you all xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank you for your lovely comment, it was good to see you yesterday, shame we didn't get to chat but I was chatting to your lovely mum. Wow I didn't know that about arnica tablets! Julian's mum recommended them when he had his wisdom teeth out and he heeled really quickly. I completely forgot about them when I had my tooth out earlier this year! Thank you for the information xxxx

    2. Hi Diane hope you will be feeling a lot better tomorrow. Know just how you feel because that's what I did when I feel and broke my wrist. Glad you didn't break any bones. Good to meet you again yesterday.

  25. Hello Tres, welcome to Sandra's blog, as everyone has said, we are all a bit mad, but really quite friendly, please pop in when you can.
    I am Jess and live in Central Scotland, I have met up with Patricia, Hazel and Norah through here, and I know that if it wasn't for here I would never have got to know them, hope to see you again, take care xxx

  26. Just had text from Saba! They have arrived safely. She sends love to " all in the cafe" . Xxx

  27. Good evening my lovelies,
    I just wanted to let those of you joining me on our retreat know what I hope to achieve for the weekend.
    My first wish is for everyone to have the best possible time, I want you to feel as comfortable during the whole weekend as you need to, I know that I for one will be a bag of nerves for the first few hours atleast !
    The whole central point of the weekend is the thing that bought us together ....Craft. We get this started on Friday night with Christine's Demo, Christine will be bringing a little project for us to all join in with, we can get our craft things set up in the Craft room for that and leave them there for the weekend, wether we just sit and chat after dinner or continue to craft is up to all of you I guess, we will reconvene in our craft room as I think we will feel more at ease in there (and you can drink your own wine etc )
    On the Saturday breakfast finishes at 9.30, so whenever you feel like meeting in the craft room after that us pretty much up to you, I for one will be straight there so as to get as much time as possible with all of you!
    We have our Stampin up at 2pm for appox 2 1/2 hours, which will also include a interactive project, but apart from that in between us all getting to know one another I was hoping to have a few brief crafty Demo's as I have said before if there is anything in particular you would like to see then please say ASAP so that it can be arranged, my three choices were.....
    Saba's Coffee filter flowers,
    Hazel Gift Basket
    Patricia's flower making,
    I have been very inspired by all of the above and would love to see them in real time. (But none of you above are under any pressure to do a demo should you not want to)!
    I know that Cheryl us bringing along her Brother Scan and Cut hoping for some help and inspiration too.
    Nearer the time I can put together a list of crafting essentials, any of you that can't manage to bring these, just let us know and those of us that can will bring spares!
    The smaller demo's can either be done to the whole group or to smaller groups,
    Depending on what you all want to learn.
    Apart from the 2 1/2 demo, we have all day Saturday to craft and get to know one another, which is also very much the whole point of the weekend.
    Saturday night dinner I believe will be much louder than Friday nights as we will all have gotten to know each other a little more, I believe it will be the beginning of a very fun packed last evening together. I am not sure whether will will continue to craft it just sit and chat, that my lovelies is pretty much up to you.
    So I hope that makes things a little clearer for everyone, I want you all to just enjoy yourselves as much as possible.
    As you can guarantee that Sunday morning will come around much to soon Nd it will be time to say good bye (that's a part I am not looking forward to)!
    Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any particular things that you would like to see demo'd, so that I can organise it with the 'pro' involved !
    It's such a shame Brenda (potter) isn't coming as we could have re-enacted that famous scene from Ghost!! All sat round our potters wheels !! Haha
    I am so looking forward to meeting you all, you have no idea!,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. I think I'll bring my little crafting tool bag! I would love to learn how to make Patricia's flowers and I thought we were going to do that. As for Hazel's Gift baskets - yes to that too - provided Hazel can manage to transport things. The coffee filter flowers I think would be good as well! I'm sure Saba would be happy to do that. I'm sure we will all learn from each other and please don't be nervous Sandra !! You've met lots of people already and talked on the phone to others - it will be lovely! I'm so looking forward to it .
      I'm very grateful that Hazel found such a suitable place which is fairly easily accessible to a lot of us! I will talk to Saba about arrangements nearer the time. We may need to leave early on Friday to travel down as the M6 can be a nightmare on a Friday afternoon! Xxx

    2. Just to let you know that you can check in from 2pm, which we will aim to do !!!
      Sandra xxx

    3. Thank you! I have a slight problem - Saba isn't good at getting up in the morning!! Ha ha! She'll kill me! Xxx

    4. Thank you for clearing that up for me Sandra, I am no longer confused but I'm sure that state of mind won't last long. Something else will soon stump me (and I don't just mean about the retreat, it could be anything at all happening in my life, you know what I am like : )) x

  28. Thank you Myra, glad they have arrived safely. It will be hours before I hear if my sister and family have arrived in Malaysia they were going to Amsterdam then on wards. I am wanting to phone to see how the two that are staying here are, but I will leave it tonight. My cold seems to be clearing, well I hope it is, got a bit of a cough but not bad. I do think the old fashioned Vicks is helping.
    Diane, I hope you aren't getting stiff, try and keep moving.
    Maureen, I hope you are resting and that's why you are not in.
    Margaret, I hope the unpacking went ok. xxx

    1. I'm glad your cold is clearing Hazel mine is much better today! Just a bit of a sore throat! Xxx

  29. Good evening everyone of my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Myra i love your card flower and the differing elements and textures that you have included on it to make it very much a special piece for a special person. The colours are lovely and i do like the backing paper that you have made the tag out of, cut just at the right point to bring out its best. I like how you have used out of your stash of those things that might come in handed one day.Thank you Myra flower for bringing us such a lovely WOM.
    Well girls i might get thrown out of Sue's blog because i have just disgraced myself maybe. Yesterday i was incensed at seeing what was going on about wee Molly and the miserable gits that begrudge that bairn a chance and i have just let them know about in no two ways about it. The greedy, selfish, self important, miserable gits, who do they think they are that they think that they can treat someone like that. So OOooopsies but i'm not sorry as whoever it was that did it deserves it and more.
    Anyway today i have had a busy day trying to find a Argyle kilt jacket and waistcoat for the Rory. I got him an ex hire kilt from a couple that were trying to sell of their stock in Forth. I got an 8 yard heavy weight wool kilt, with new hose(socks to non scots), new navy cravat, new white winged shirt and his navy flashes for the grand sum of £35.00 which i think is brilliant. I have his new ghillie brogues on their way with a new buckle as Norah was a numptie. A few years ago i hired an outfit for Rory to go to my friends wedding down south, well i used his own belt with buckle but i returned the outfit with Rory's belt and buckle as it has dawned on me just 6 years down the line and somehow i don't think i will get it back now.. do you? But it's trying to get the jacket that is proving to be the nightmare for it to come in time as the wedding is on the 3rd. Tried the kilt on him when i got home and boy is he going to be handsome in it when he's all toshed up in all his refinery. I will send Sandra a picture of this hand made project, promise. Right that's me going to get on again as i have been stuck on this since coming back trying to get the rest of his things and a certain OH is not chuffed at me doing nothing. Speak to you all later hopefully
    Love and crafty huggles
    Norah x

    1. Well Norah I have just read your comment on Sue's blog all I can say is well done! You really put it very well and you did perfectly right, what you said definitely needed saying. xxx

    2. Norah! Two things! You are totally right about Molly - I had a bit of a go the other day! Who is this person? Well done you! If they throw you off the Blog I'll have a campaign to get you back!!
      Thank you for your kind words about the card . It's a bit simple really but these are lovelly dies!
      Oops sorry third thing - can't count! - would love to see Rory all dressed up in his kilt. What a bargain you got a - hope you get a jacket! Love Myra xxx

    3. I too have been following this disgraceful carry on since yesterday, several people mentioned it at Ally pally too, my thoughts are that it all seems a little familiar!?
      Don't you think?
      Poor little love, I hope she has the courage too get back on the blog!
      Why do people gave to be so nasty ?!

    4. Don't understand them at all Sandra! That poor child is going through so much as is her Grandma and Grandad! It just leaves me shaking my head in bewilderment that anyone could be so cruel! I love to see children's work and they need to be encouraged not frightened to death! Xxx

    5. Me too, I was really shocked to read about it, poor little might. I don't know how old Molly is, early teens perhaps but isn't she a star. Good on you Norah and we are behind you all the way if people complain! I think it's time Sue had a word again! Norah my your Rory is going to look handsome - hope the 'girlfriend' doesn't catch a glimpse of him all dressed up!!!! Can you hire a jacket for him? You got a bargain for the kilt - I know in Edinburgh you can get a kilt set for £99 - tourist style. There was a gentle mans outfitters in Elgin and their kilts started at over £200 - thank goodness they were closed! I would love to see a picture. I'm going now to read your comment! Xxxxx

    6. Exactly the same thing went through my mind Sandra.
      Diane, Molly is 12 but seems to have a wise head on young shoulders when it comes to how her family, both older and younger than her, are feeling, bless her.

  30. Gosh, Norah you did well, what a bargain. Can't help you with the jacket I wish I could. I am sure there is a jacket out there in someone's wardrobe too? I am going to be nosey and see over on Sue's blog to see what you have been up too. But I am sure you will be ok. (((((( hugs)))) xxx

  31. Well done Norah that sounds like a really good bargain to me. I do hope we are going to see a picture when you get your treasure all dressed up.
    Being nosey I am going to pop over to Sue's blog to see what has been going on, but I'm sure all will be fine. xxx

  32. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra thank you for yesterday I really enjoyed it and meeting up with the ladies I met some last time but this time I felt as if I knew you.
    I had a lovely catch up with Sue got home just before lunch and have been making cakes for my McMillan Coffee Morning next Sat.
    The mixed craft yesterday were lovely and Myra love your card today.
    Going to sit and watch TV now hugs to all who need them hope Diane hope you feel better tomorrow.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Thanks Margaret, I hope your Macmillan Coffee Morning goes well. It's a very good cause! Xxx

    2. Thank you Margaret, it was lovely to meet you yesterday. What time would you all like us over for coffee next weekend???? Haha xxxx

  33. I just want to add that I had a fantastic time at Ally Pally too Spent loads, saw some great demos Had a chat with Sue, John and Mrs Duck. Said hello to Julia, Phill and Kim Robertson. Picked up a load of stuff that I had on my Wish List plus a bit more!

    1. I'm so glad you had a lovely day Karen. It's lovely to meet people , hopefully we'll meet up one day! Xxx

    2. Good for you Karen delighted to know you had such a good time. xxx

    3. Hi Karen- thought about you all day and hoped you had a good day so am very glad to see you enjoyed it. Had we left enough of bits and pieces for you ? You did better then me I think. Just lovely to be in there is a feeling of happiness. Speak to you soon, hugs xxx

  34. NORAH:- well done you.
    I just hope it is not not that "little miss nasty" doing the rounds again!!!! Why should the child not have the right to comment she is our future in crafting.
    Hope you manage to find a jacket for Rory. There is one in someone's wardrobe that they don't want or need. Is there a Kilt Hire Shop In Stirling??? You might get an ex hire one in there. If "push comes to shove" you can always hire one for the day. xxx

    1. Patricia, if it is - I hope someone deals with her this time! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- I really wish someone would!!!xxx

  35. PS Myra, what a fantastic card I have my eye on these dies BUT I think they're cheaper on icon AND need to wait until after I pay this credit bill!

  36. Margaret, I hope the baking went well, and that your coffee morning goes well on Saturday. xxx

  37. Hello, I know you will be wondering where I am but I haven't felt up to coming on the computer today. I am all right, just not feeling well.
    Sorry, I haven't read the comments today, but will catch up tomorrow.
    Myra I love your card.
    See you tomorrow, hopefully,
    Maureen xxx

    1. Night Night My lovely friend! You take care - we just want you fit and well again! Thanks for your nice words about my card! God Bless xxx

    2. Bless you Maureen,
      Please take it easy and get well soon, you are very much missed.
      Sending loving hugs

    3. Wish you better Maureen, missed you today but you take it easy and come back when you can.
      Many hugs Maria xxx

    4. Maureen. Hope you will soon be feeling better.

    5. Maureen we have missed you my lovely lady, take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon. I hope the lovely George is looking after you in the best possible way. Love and hugs xxxx

  38. Well I wrote a great big comment and all of a sudden it just disappeared, I didn't press anything . So I will just forget about trying to remember what I wrote. Apart from good night. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel - it's so annoying ! Night Night! Xxx

    2. Hate when that happens, you know me though Sis ... I just go to sleep!!! Good night x

    3. Night Night Patricia! God Bless! Xxx

    4. MYRA:- I was actually saying Goonight to my Sis.......!!!!
      Will now say Goodnight everyone, see you all in the morning.
      God Bless xxx

    5. Oh Dear! Trust me, Patricia! Well I wouldn't actually! Xxx

    6. Oh! I do think I can really trust you.
      It was an easy mistake to make.
      See you in the morning.
      Goodnight God Bless xxx

  39. Well I think I'm off to bed too - might take another antiseptic mouth wash to bed with me ( ie whisky!) it did the trick last night! Night night everyone sleep tight xxxxx

    1. Night Night Diane, hope you feel better tomorrow! Xxx

  40. Saying good night to everyone who are going to bed, including OH. He hope to see me before 2am, we will see.
    Well done in the Tennis, we did good.
    Norah-love to see Rory in his kilt, hope you find a jacket
    oh shoot , I wanted to say something else but that have gone away so I see you tomorrow. Myra, Maureen, Hazel and Michele and anyone else who are poorly, wish you better and sending some healing hugs to you. You others, just get a normal one tihi oh no, Diane you get a gentle one !
    Love Maria XxX

    1. Thank you Maria - I feel much better today. Maybe an early night helped as I slept well. Hope you sleep well tonight! Thanks for the healing hugs! I'm sending you sleeping ones! God Bless, Myra xxx

  41. It was good meeting everyone yesterday. I met so many people that I know that I don't think I actually looked at all the stalls. I was too busy chatting. Think some of us were last out again. Well someone has to be last don't they. Glad SABA has arrived ok. Hood Maureen and Diane feel better tomorrow. Big early for all these colds. Must be because the weather keeps changing. Hope all those with colds soon feel better. Well I must go to sleep soon. I did fall asleep at about 8.30. But then woke up again. See you all tomorrow. Good night and God Bless.x

    1. Night Night Brenda! You've had a busy weekend. God Bless! Xxx

  42. Hi All, just finished watching Downton Abbey, left an ealier post but seems to disappeared, just wanted to say thank you for the warm welcome you have given me. Glad you enjoyed A/P yesterday.
    Good night Ladies.

  43. Just stopped by to see who is still awake, and have tried to catch up on today's events. NORAH good on yer girl! You certainly speek fo me. Also make the point much better than I ever could. I'm 100% with you, and am more than happy stand in your corner. xxx
    Maureen you really sound under the weather, hope you will be feeling better soon. DAIANE, hope you are feeling better. I did go and look at Barbara's blog. Thought she was very thoughtful showing her concerns. But then, Don't you find almost everyone in the crafting world is? I go to craft shows alone and am quite happy to do that. But it isn't long before someone makes a comment and you end up in conversation with a complete stranger, It's great you can chat, then move on to the next stand and find a new 'friend' - Everyone is your friend at a craft show. xxx
    I really am off to bed now, we have had a lovely day. Saw 4 out of our 6 grandchildren. Eldest one away at Uni in Lincoln, his next brother had work commitments. At 16 yrs old need every penny you can get. He is such a lovely young man, in every possible way, WE Love them all to bits. ....... we are just a wee bit biased!!!
    This really is Good Night and God Bless ladies. Sleep Well, Love Brenda xxx

    1. The sleeping hugs are catching me up so I'm going now to bed,
      OH will be happy it's not 2 yet so I'm early. Good night to anyone still awake xxx
