
Monday 21 September 2015

Man Card Monday

Good Monday Morning ladies,
Well what an exciting weekend! Ally Pally was great as usual the very best part for me was meeting up with so many lovely ladies. I have to say I didn't seem to have my 'shopping head' on, I was disappointed that there were no stands demonstrating the 'Big Shot A4 plus' Sue and I were hoping to stumble upon an unbeatable deal that we could not turn down!! But there were none, not one being demonstrated!
So I will carry on looking online, Pink Frog seemed to have the best deal when i looked on friday, as you got £30 of free Brittania Dies that you could choose yourself and they have quite a good range.
Now I must share with you something that totally surprised me, have any of you ever fancied doing 'Hot foiling'?  well I like the look and think it would add a finishing touch to invitations etc, well I looked online on Friday and could only find one, a Minc Hot Foiling machine, sold by Create and Craft £99.99
you would need to have a Laser Printer too though.
Well there was a stand called Mad4ink at the show, the chap was very interesting and I was interested in talking to him as I am looking for a printer that would take 300gsm card, he was very helpful, he also asked me if i was interested in Hot foiling, I said I was so he printed my name on his Laser printer and then added
a piece of foil popped another piece of paper on top, he then ran it through a Laminator, just a standard one, he handed me the paper to do the 'unveiling' and when I did it revealed a perfectly foiled 'Sandra', he then went on to explain that these Hot foiling machines are nothing more than a laminator with a heat dial, well I was quite surprised as laminators cost under £20, so what on earth are we paying £99 for??? what a flaming rip off!  So that's something else on my shopping list for this month!!
Right onto Janet's fab man card, it comes under two categories for our blog, its both a Man card and a No Die Card!
I have to admit that I am unfamiliar with any of the products that Janet has used so we will have to wait for her to call in to let us know how she made it! Come on Janet!!!
Thank you so much for sending me your card to share xxxx
I would like to welcome TRES to our blog family, I look forward to seeing you in the cafe my lovely xxx
I will call in later to catch up with you all,
love and huge hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew, hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking forward to the day and week ahead.
    JANET:- another of your wonderful creations to admire today. I love that stamp, perfect for our "man cards" and a brilliant design.
    Glad all the ladies that were at Ally Pally had such a good time and bought all the great goodies they were after, plus more of course!!! Looking forward to seeing them and some pictures of you all.
    Place all set up for the day, there are some wonderful cakes in the Cooler Cabinet. Rolls ready to pop In the oven, before we open the doors. Bacon Rolls on the Breakfast Menu for today.
    We have a couple of new customers to cater for this week. Wecome, welcome, I hope you have time to join the "crazy gang" most days.
    Monday Morning and I have a few things to catch up on. John had the house looking beautiful when I got home last week so I have really done nothing much. Time has come to get through the place in my normal routine.
    I also have a few cards to make for birthdays that seem to have suddenly popped up. They have always been there in the past, I did not forget them, they now just need to be made.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door if you need them. Even if you don't, they are there for you to help yourselves.
    I have my Tea & Toast, off over to the corner table where I can "people watch"
    See you all at some point in the day. xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Janet, a great man card and also a no die card. As I have said before you can still make a wonderful card with out dies.
    I see my big sister was in the cafe before 6 this morning, it's dark out there still so it most have been realy dark when she popped in???
    Now a few of us weren't feeling that bright yesterday? My cold seem to have nearly gone and I wasn't bothered by my cough overnight. I am hopeing others have had a good nights sleep too.
    Diane, are those bruises changing to any better colours? Just try to keep moving to save being to stiff and sore.
    Maureen, I do hope you are feeling a bit better this morning, if not you know where to stay!
    Michele and hubby I do hope you can get on with your holiday and that those sore throats are on the mend.
    Nothing much no here today, the ironing pile is looking at me, but it can keep looking, I will be good and just potter today. If our car is ready I don't even have to take Charlie across to collect it as we have the courtesy car.
    I will come back in later and hope there is one of those beacon rolls still around. I will just enjoy my cup of tea just now.
    Oh I Lnow what I was to say was Sandra what kind of paper did the man put on the top of your name before putting it through the laminator? I have one and would give it a go. Xxx

    1. Just reread your post and found the answer to my question. x

    2. Hi Hazel I'm less stiff today thank you, bruising colour is just getting more purple at the moment - I haven't got many distress inks ( Julian would disagree with that!) so I will look for a colour chart! Hope you manage your restful day xxx

    3. Oh DIANNE pleased your aches & pains are less this morning. How is your poor face. Was you rushing to get in AP quickly hehe for all them bargains you bought. Gental Hug's xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Janet, what a great card for the men, I love it. The stamp is lovely, it is unusual but I imagine it is a really handy one. I can't believe that you have stumped Sandra. I think this is the first card that she hasn't known the names of what has been used, she is amazing at knowing all of the names of dies etc. I wish I could be the same as I struggle to recall my own name sometimes! : )
    Sorry but I haven't made any notes so will have to just say to you all to have a good day at the moment, I will try and get back in later. Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue congratulations on being a winner well done xxx

    2. Hello Sue, Congratulations have just spotted your name on SW's list for the comment game.
      I get so pleased when I see a name from the cafe.
      Sending a big hug just for you, Brenda xxx

    3. Congratulations Sue. So pleased to see you have won one of Sue's cards. Have a good day. Good to chat to you on Saturday.

    4. Congratulations Sue! So pleased you have won!
      I forgot to mention your name separately on Sue's blog! Xxx

    5. Hi Sue congratulations on winning on Sue's Blog enjoy your prize.
      Lovely seeing you again Saturday have you played with all your goodies yet. Have a good day Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Good morning all, a very wet morning here, first time had to switch the light on to make tea.
    Janet you're card is great, love to see stamping as thats my main love.
    Hope you are all feeling better after such an exciting weekend.
    Time to get out of bed, so I'll see you later(if only that were real).
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Looking forward to seeing you later too Lilian xxx

    2. Hi Lillian have a good day see you later too xxx

    3. Afternoon Lilian, lovely to see yo joining us again. xxx

    4. Afternoon Lilian, well I had already typed a greeting for you but it has disappeared off into cyber space, so I will try again to publish....
      Lovely to see you again in this most friendly of establishments. xxx

  5. Just had a look back to see what had happened last night.
    Very last comment was started by someone "anonymous" but changed their mind. Wonder who that could have been!!! xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Janet what a great card today, the stamp you have used is wonderful - I do like a silhouette stamp. Thank you for sharingxxx
    I'm off to the chiropractor this morning - perfect timing really. I'm not so achy today but it will be good to get checked over. I was going to do some shopping but I will see how brave I feel going out with such a cut on my face - how vain am I!!! It's more having to say that I fell over a dozen times rather than what I look like - I could cement over it but I think that would be an infection source and would probably look even worse! Haha what a fright - paper bag time I think! As long as I get veg for a couple of days the rest can wait.
    By the way Norah I went and read your comment last night and did a little whoop - well done you. Did you see Melodys comment too, good on her. Poor little might, I love Molly's enthusiasm for crafting, would hate someone to take that away from her - sounds like she's got spirit too, I hope she does get pulled out of a drawer soon. Right I must get on, going to give myself plenty of time to get ready today so I'm not dashing out of the door. See you all later xxxx

    1. Hello Diane, you sound a lot brighter today, and I'm sure the chiropractor will check you over. Just take it steady. LOL xxx

    2. Good morning Ladies, I have just been reading all yesterday's comments and it sounds like you all had a great time at AP, but poor you Diane, sounds like you gave yourself a real sore one, hope it heals up soon.xo
      Myra , I loved your card yesterday ! Those dies look fabulous!
      Janet , what a great mans card, as you have maybe gathered I love stamping so this stamp appeals to me!
      Welcome Tres, you have found the best cafe in town ! friendly banter, hints and tips , calorie free goodies and best of all the kindest people you could ever wish to meet, hope you enjoy meeting us all ( virtually speaking) xo
      I am back to having to use my phone as I'm having a bother with the iPad updating issue, so will stop now before I lose this but hope all colds etc are on the mend, love and hugs to you all xo

    3. Hi Diane. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better today. Keep being very gentle with yourself though please as you had a nasty shock. I agree that covering the cuts would not be a good idea, leaving them to the air will heal them quickest. Have you got any different Times Holtz colours to describe the bruises today? Seriously, look after yourself. Take care x

  7. Diane, no matter what you do don't cover it up. Astral cream rubbed in to keep it from scrabbling over and being dry, Patricia was told to use astral cream many years ago after her skin craft on her hand and it worked wonders, so it's one of those things I just do straight away. That or even aloe gel. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    What a lovely start you have given us to start the week Sandra. I love this card made by Janet.
    Thank you Janet for sharing this great man card, it really is a very inspiring. Was the stamp your starting point? I find it just so difficult to put male cards together, you have certainly got my grey cells going ( I tell you that takes some doing) xxx

    Well hope everyone has a good day, will be passing by later, it will be lovely to have a coffee with anyone who is free.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  9. Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all who may pop in today.
    This is my second time - my fault my first attempt when AWOL- I was trying to fill you all in on my card and had to go back to searching and cut myself off.

    Sandra I hope you're feeling more yourself after Saturday's trip
    Diane - I hope you're not too battered and bruised although it's better if all the bruising comes out. Please take it easy for the next few days.
    Sue - congratulations on your win on Sue's blog. I know you'll enjoy your gift.
    I hope that all colds etc are well on their way out leaving everyone feeling better.

    Now this card of mine - I made it up whilst in Marigny this summer in response to the challenge of 'no die' and as Sandra says 'a man' card.
    The base is my usual 8x8 pre formed card.
    The papers covering it are from my 'bit' drawer and the only thing I can remember about them is that they came from C&C years ago in a pack of papers and vellum for men. I cannot remember which company they came from.
    The piece of printed card again is a left over piece and once more the only thing I can say is that it was a 12x12 pad and as above cannot remember which company.
    Now the 'stamped' image - it isn't stamped! I could never get a perfect image like that as I'm definitely not a stamper. Now this is where I lost my first attempt of the morning as I was looking for the CD where this image came from. I have it here I know I have but at the moment I cannot put my hands on it. It is a good chance that it came from My Craft Studio. I will continue to search for it.
    I'm sorry that I have given you a card and totally failed on filling you in on what products I used. I never throw away useful left over pieces of paper and card and of course like many other things as time goes by they get to the bottom of the pile and do not see daylight for years or until I decide that I cannot get the drawer either open or closed and have to do something about it. After sorting the stash out I make up goody bags and give them to the ladies at my Knit and Natter group who have grandchildren who like to play with paper and glue etc. Of course in the past I haven't needed to remember where the pieces originated from. I shall have to start writing on the back the details.

    OK have to go now as Mr Tesco is due between 09.00 - 10.00 and I have a couple of cards to finish off ready for posting tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are in their usual place and money is in the tin.

    1. Was it Kameo Cards Janet ??? Do you remember them from years ago on C & C, Sue smith was the ladies name, they look like their papers!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Helloo Janet,
      What a wonderful card and I too was wondering about the 'stamped image' and how good it is. My memory turns to fog too when trying to remember.
      I have received the list of addresses DOB and email addresses, etc. and have noticed you still as burgundy. Did you not change and post a different email address some time ago? So which one do I use? xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    Sorry to gatecrash but just wanted to say how lovely it was to meet Sandra (even though I called you Sue.......can think of worse things to be called as a crafter lol!) and Karen. What smashing gals you are and I just wish I had more time to chat.
    Had hoped to meet Mrs B as I thought she was going with Sandra but I may have gotten that wrong.
    Hope you enjoyed yourselves and have fun with the goodies you bought.
    Take care and best wishes.
    Ang (Mrs Duck) x

    1. Good morning Ang,
      It's so kind of you to pop in today, it was a pleasure to meet you too!
      Mrs B did come with us to Ally Pally, but we all split up to do our shopping, she will be sorry she missed you!
      Please feel free to pop in here anytime you like, it helps if you are a little bit crazy mind!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Morning Ang. Couldn't believe that you missed F1 yesterday to go to Ally Pally. I hope it recorded. X

    3. Hi Ang welcome sorry I missed you on Saturday at Ally Pally. I'm never in the right place at the right time HeHe maybe next time.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Good afternoon Mrs Duck, Ang,
      Welcome, it's so lovely to see you in the café which is the friendliest place in this Tinternet cyberspace. I've been reading your comments on Sue's blog for so long now. xxx

    5. Hi Mrs Duck
      Lovely to see you in the cafe. The lady who was with Sandra when you were chatting was me. My name was Pat but I don't think we introduced each other. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did.

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely crew,
    Janet what a great card and fantastic idea for a man card....I love the image too!
    Sandra I do hope you're aches and pains are easing after your trip to AP.
    Also Diane I do hope those bruises are starting to clear and I hope the stiffness is starting to ease a bit.
    Maureen and Hazel I do hope those colds are on their way out and I'm sorry if it was me who passed them on to you through cyber space! It's just this chestiness that seems to be hanging on with me but it's my fault for not going to the doctors .....I'm afraid I'm not a 'doctor lover' as you go for one thing and end up having loads of blood test and they find something else. or they miss something all together. Sorry for my little rant.
    Michele and hubby I do hope you are feeling better and can now enjoy your holiday in Florida.
    I hope I haven't missed anyone out will do a catch up later ....oh congratulations Sue for being chosen for a prize on SW's comment game. and a very warm welcome to Tres to our crazy but loveliest cafe there is.
    Have put hugs in the basket...had to give Norah's rascals a gentle shove though! Lol!

    Love Sheila xxxx

  12. Good morning my lovely little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh it's a lovely day up here for the Duck family as that is the only ones that would go out into it. The rotten rain has pinched my hills once more and is making them cry so not a nice day at all for us non water proof souls.
    Janet, what a lovely card for those impossible people called men and shows just what we can do with our leftovers (i think you must have a bit Scots in you) that i know i always keep as you just never know when they might come in handy. I really should look through all the cd roms that i have and see what is on them as sometimes like now you can just come across what you need to fill that gap in. So thank you Janet for your inspiration and getting our brains to work on a Monday morning which is quite hard for some of us at anytime.
    Mrs B, so very happy to see you are a winner in the comments on Sue's blog, enjoy your new stamps flower when they come.
    Thank you my cherubs for letting me stay but i would love to get my hands on the horrible person/people that started that all off on that wee lassie. It wouldn't surprise me if is was poison Ivy that had done it because it is about her usual standard of sleaze and nastiness but i was just so mad, the steam was coming out of my ears. Sue emailed me last night but i couldn't concentrate by the time i seen it to try and find out when it all started but Sue does want to know who started it and when and i will rake for it and find out when if i can, so any help on the matter would be grately appreciated as i have sort of came across it down the line a bit. We don't need crafters like this one or these if that is how they are going to behave towards a child or anyone for that matter. Crafters have the biggest hearts and want to help and encourage others to join in the fun and just what it does for us, we don't need the likes of that in our lifes.
    And yes girls, i will proudly show off my boy when he is all ready for the wedding as i am desperate to see him all done up as well instead of in baggy joggies and thin t-shirts that wouldn't keep a sparrow warm but hey they have a fancy name on them so i'm told they're worth it. Hmmm, not in my mind, they need a good thermal vest on underneath for me i think. Ok auld granny crawckett is a way to sit in her corner with her shawl and lap blanket to keep me warm. Please can i have a latte and since i'm auld granny crawchett you better make it a sippie cup in case i spill it. LOL. I have brought in all my little huggles to jump on anyone that needs a hug
    Norah x

    1. Mornin' Granny!
      You are an absolute tonic! Never ever change Norah!
      Sorry about the hills this morning. It's pretty dull and wet here too. My husband has a weather App of all things on his phone! According to this thing it should dry up at 2 45 PM here! Pretty definite time that - we'll see how accurate it is! No gardening for him this morning so he has gone off to the study. I'm getting ready for After School Club! Should be dry by then - ha ha! Love Myra xxx

    2. Update on the weather App! It was wrong - rain stopped at 2 10pm!! Ha ha! Suns out now - hope Glenochil has some too! Xx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet you card is just great for those pesky men, love how you have used up all your bits, something I think I have to do, get boxes sorted out and see what is in there.
    Hazel hope you are on the mend, nothing worse than a cold that just won't get better.
    Diane, I hope your bruises are getting better, might be turning into 'Fifty Shades of Purple!!,' You could find a lovely new shade and let Tim know and he might just do an ink pad for you lol (sorry).
    Congratulations Sue on being one of the winners on Sues blog, enjoy your prize.
    Hello Ang (Mrs Duck) welcome to Sandra's cafe, please pop by again, we are all a bit mad but are there for each other when needed.
    Not so nice here today, so after a bit of housework I think a little crafting is in order. I'm feeling a lot better today, tummy bug seems to be getting better, thank goodness.
    Will drop by later to see what is happening with everyone, meantime take care xx

  14. Good Morning Sandra and all the Ladies,
    It's so nice to have " new" people pop in!
    Welcome Ang , I know this place can be time consuming if you let it but just pop in when you can and join in the fun.
    It was lovely to see Tres yesterday too.
    Maureen, hello oo - hope you are feeling a little better today . Miss you terribly but please just get well!
    Diane , poor you! I hope the chiropractor can help you or least put your mind at ease. Your face will change colour daily you know - I think Seedless Preserves would be today's colour from Tim Holtz!
    Maria, I hope you had a good night's sleep. You make more mischief during the day when you have slept well! I also want you to feel better too., honestly!!
    Janet - I love today's card. It has a lot of nostalgia about it. Probably the black and white image and the bikes. It's a great man card. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Well, since my clear up - craft wise - I've come across lots of prepped bits and pieces some going back a while. Today the children can choose a project to do , so won't all be doing the same but that way I get rid of a lot of stuff that's raking up too much space!
    Going to read now!
    Lots of love, to all,
    Myra xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Just a quick coffee and then we have to get to the shops, running really late and not enough hours on a Monday or any day for that matter.
    Janet- your man card is lovely ! Love the couple on their bicycles and the papers too fit so well. Really like the silhouette images either from paper,stamp or stickers.
    Good luck Diane at the chiropractor, hope you haven't injured anything else. Sure Tim Holtz would be very interesting to see some new hues, gentle hugs x
    Didn't know Mrs Duck were at AP, have heard so much about her and her stories but never met her. Is she working with John sometimes ?
    Glad to see the colds are getting better all around, still take it easy do. Mischief me ,never. Had a sleep to 8am that should be enough. Someone answered me this morning if someone was still around but not sure who, maybe Saba if she got contact ? Got to go, be back later. Have a good day as possible everyone!
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Saba didn't have contact last night. I got a text this morning again and she hopes to access later. Xxx

  16. Morning Ladies (it's only 7.51 here)

    Janet -your card is brilliant. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who used cd images. I say I can't stamp but I haven't really tried!

    Hubby feeling fine, I'm feeling lousy! Sore throat worse, feverish & a banging headache yesterday. Had to ask the relatives to leave early so I could have a lie down. I'm feeling very sorry for myself so will go for a nice long shower & do something with my hair.

    Hubby is going to go down to the beach & try fishing while I try to make myself feel human so we can head out later to a new shopping mall that's not to far away.,


  17. Just in to see if there is one of those nice rolls going. I have been sorting out the plastic drawer units that I put out in the shed when I sorted the room out. Got must done but oh I wish I could have left them outside. Never mind. Of course the room has the big car seat in there plus the two boaster seats, once we get the car back they can go back into it. Now I need a couple of orders for baby gifts that are to do with when they start on solids,i have so many plates ,bowls, cups and spoons. I think they have been breeding. Now I want to go have a play with crafty stuff. Money in the pot I will sit and see if anyone comes in. xxx

  18. Hello SANDRA & ladies
    I tried leaving comment last night but it wouldn't publish for some reason the same with Sue's blog wether it was late evening I don't know. I was quite late & I was very tired. After Saturday it was lovely meeting all of you again & also Tres it was nice meeting you,so glad you found a crafty lady that lives near you hope your friendship lasts enjoy meeting up with her.xx Yesterday my daughter her hubby & Joseph came for dinner was lovely seeing them all but I was soooo tired last night fell asleep after they went .
    MYRA your card yesterday was lovely & also the colours used. Thank you for the heads up on the double piersed die's I have them & wondered why mine only came out with one thanks have a good day a kids club.xx
    JANET I love your card it's such a great man card thank you for sharing.
    I have been adding posts on the way down but hope all that are unwell feel better soon.
    Sandra I will Email you the pictures Terry took Saturday shame he didn't take more of everyone on the table.
    Oh bu.....r it's raining must run & get washing in, didn't get very wet.
    We'll have to go pick up prescriptions from doctors so call in later.
    PATRICIA thank you for the birthday list your a star.
    Hug's Lynda xxxx

  19. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Janet you card is super, ideal for the troublesome men! Sandra is correct your backing papers are from Kameo Cards and Sue Smith, another Yorkshire woman no less! I have some of her papers and toppers, she has retired now to enjoy her grandchildren she says. I can remember her being on C & C with Alan and Barry, yes that long ago! They made a big thing about her saying she placed things 'by eye' she used lots and lots of peel offs too. I can remember her being on once with a female presenter who kept interrupting her all the time, Sue was getting more and more annoyed too, her face was a picture, afterwards she refused to do any more shows with that particular presenter!
    Many Congratulations Sue delighted you had a win on Sue Wilson's blog, hope you enjoy your prize.
    Talking of Sue Wilson's blog, Norah I am so pleased to hear she had noticed your comment, who ever it was I hope is totally ashamed of themselves to say the least, I do hope you are able to help Sue discover just who it is. I for one am so looking forward to seeing your young man all dressed up in his Sunday best for the wedding too.
    Well I do hope all that were at AP are almost recovered and enjoying their purchases, I can just imagine your disappointment Sandra that there was no one demonstrating the new machine.
    A warm and fluffy welcome to Mrs Duck, Ang I hope you can pop in again there are a few ducks here and we often have a little fly about testing our wings!
    Well the sun has just come out so that app was correct Myra, have a good time at the after school club.
    Pleased to hear that all the colds are improving with the exception of Michele I think perhaps a visit to a pharmacy is on the cards for you young lady and quick, we can't have your super holiday being spoiled.
    Maureen I do hope you are feeling at the least a little better, do take things easy, I hope the butler is looking after you.
    I must go and tidy my craft room after making the golden wedding cards, that are now on their way to Lancashire of all places!
    Enjoy the rest of you day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Wow, a blast from the past Margaret. I too remember Barry & Alan as being the presenters. I loved their banter between themselves and was so sorry when they stopped. I didn't know it was called C&C then though. I just happened to come across the channel when we first had Freeview then Sky. xxx

    2. I had never heard of them! I didn't get C&C until Virgin Media got involved so am a relative newly to it. Mind you Virgin took over from another company whose name escapes me at the minute!
      Margaret - the App was 35 minutes out!! It dried up at 2. 10 pm!! Xxx

    3. Myra was it NTL that Virgin took over, part of my old e-mail address used to be NTL WORLD .COM and i kept it after Virgin took over my broadband, hugs Johanna

    4. Oh Johanna, you are right! Nice to see you! It's quiet in here tonight all the noisy ones are out of action one way or another. Only the quiet ones left to hold the fort! Xxx

  20. Oops nearly forgot Patricia thank you for the contact list and dates you really are our very own Wonder Woman! xxx

  21. Evening All ! Glad to see everyone is on the up from Saturday.
    Sandra can I ask when you saw the man doing the foiling did he use the carrier sheet, or just put it through the laminator with just the paper? I Tried this but could not get it to work as I don't think the heat went through the carrier sheet.
    Will have look on Thursday to see if the new A4 big shot is on any of the stands and report back, definitely NOT going to buy although I think they look good.
    Well time to find something calorie free for dinner, and then I need to make a card for a lovely friend who has just retired.

    1. Lillian, I wonderedv about that with the laminator. I would love to know how he got it to work as it would be useful. xxx

  22. Hello Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies. Janet, I would just like to say that your man's card is lovely !! I have a few crafting CDs myself but we have not had a working printer for a few years now. I am ok with that though as I just can't seem to make a card with out having a Sue Wilson die on it some where !! I also enjoy stamping and decoupage. I love Hunkydory stuff to and buy the odd kit now and again. I often end up using it with my dies to. I really love my gems. I like to have a touch of Bling or sparkle on my cards. I can remember Kameo cards and the Sue "by eye" lady on C +C !!
    I would like to say a BIG THAKYOU to all the Wonderful ladies who have given me such a warm welcome to Sandra's fab coffee shop blog. As I said in my first post, I am generally very shy and my nerves often get the better of me !! But my other half is as nutty as a fruit cake and I think I can be to sometimes. After all I have to be a bit mad to live with him !!
    Maria, I live in Orpington, Bromley, Kent, about 10 miles or so away from London. I wonder if any of you lovely ladies live any where near me ? Sandra I was so touched that you suggested maybe meeting up once in a while to craft. That was such a wonderful, kind gesture. I have absolutely no idea how far away from you I live. (Geography was never my strong point at school !!) I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I have not got in touch with Gloria yet but I will. (Nerves again.) I know you will probably all laugh at this but I am not at all technically minded and I still do not know how to e-mail properly !! I have to wait until my other half comes home from work to help me. He has shown me many times but I keep forgetting. I think I really should write it all down !! I am very happy and excited to be here. Sending all you lovely ladies lots of love from Tres (Teresa.) X x x

    1. Hello Tres! I 'm just having a quick look while dinner is cooking. I've been out to a Children's After School Club today and it finishes at 5pm. I'm so glad you have popped in again. I'm in Lancashire so I can't offer to meet up but maybe one day we'll meet at Ally Pally or somewhere!
      I sometimes wonder what we did before we had dies! They are lovely and just make a card so professional looking. I used to stamp a lot more than I do now but I must do more as I enjoy stamping .
      Love Myra xx

    2. Hello Tres,
      I am also in the North East of Scotland approx 50 miles away from my sister Hazel, who is also my friend. We do lots together, someday, maybe someday we might manage to Ally Pally.
      You don't have to worry about being nervous coming on here. Great to see you again. It shoulld get busier later in the evening usually does. xxx

    3. Hi Tres
      Welcome. I think we said hullo to you at Ally a Pally and waved to you as we were leaving. It's lovely to see you in the cafe today. Mind you we're all a bit mad but we're lovely with it. We live in Oxfordshire so it might be to far to meet up. As Patricia said its a bit quiet today. I'm not very tetchy minded either, but I think quite a few of us aren't.

    4. Hi Tres
      Please don't you worry about not being technically minded my other half is not either, he will go on the laptop and the next thing he will say is Margaret I have lost my arrow! I tell him to go find a red indian sometimes if I'm busy!
      Sorry but I live in the Lake District so rather a long way from you, but if you are ever up here on holiday do get in touch, as you will be realising we are spread out all over the country and it is Sandra we have to thank for bring us all together. Lynda however lives in Kent I think she will be the nearest to you. We all meet up here at sometime or other and have a giggle, so just go with the flow and you will be fine please don't worry. xxx

    5. Hi Tres,
      I can't remember if I have welcomed you or not (it's an age thing!!) if I haven't I'm sorry but if I have a second welcome will tell you just how welcome you are! Lol! So a very warm welcome to Sandra's wonderful but crazy coffee does help to be a tad crazy but we are a very caring bunch. I'm from North Wales but my crafty buddy and I are trying to make plans to got to Ally Pally in fingers crossed.
      Love Sheila xx

    6. Hello Tres, welcome, I must admit to not being very techs but have learned a lot just coming into the cafe There's always someone to help with even the smallest problem.
      Hope to see you pop in often, I live in Wigan, Lancashire, quite a way from you but never say never, maybe we will all meet up together someday
      Jean xxx

    7. Well hello Tres and welcome, sorry I missed your first visit. You will find all the techno help in here that you need. One of us is bound to know 1 answer at least. LOL
      We all have various skills but the brain fog sometimes lets us down and sometimes I even get word salad. It does help to be completely batty or even remotely batty as is your wont at times.
      The night owls have their own take on things and many of them lead to drink, tena moments, Name That Tune and similar. We are a lovely friendly bunch of recycled teenagers who love to natter. So don't be shy, come often and join in the merriment. xxx

    8. P.S. some even talk of wearing 3 pairs of knickers at the same time!

    9. Hello Tres, it's always lovely to welcome a someone new to the cafe, I probably live closer to you than anyone in the cafe, I live in Norbury (halfway between Croydon and Streatham). I am old enough to be Sandras 'mum' in fact she often refers to me as Mumma. She could be my daughter, our daughters are 51 and 47. Sandra would be the middle one!!! Sandra and everyone in the Cafe are all fantastic ladies, I feel very privileged to be part of this fantastic family. Sending you a BIG BIG welcome. xxx

    10. Hi Tres, I'm a new commer too but I have to they made me feel very welcome. I live in mid Cornwall so a long way from you and the rest of the lovely ladies.
      I'm no techi either, but am better than my other half!
      Time to say good night.

  23. Tres, join the rest of us who aren't to technically minded, I for one can do the basics but still have to ask my other half for help. Sorry I live on the east side of Scotland not far from St. Andrews so a bit far to come and meet, I think Lynda might be your nearest she lives Broadstairs I think that's how you spell it. Don't be nervous just be yourself in here. It's lovely to see you pop in, it's a bit quiet in here at the moment, it will come alive later. Xxx

  24. Hi ananda
    Well I was in first thing and thought I'd left a comment before going to school. Obviously having a CRAFT moment again. Janet I love your crud today. It's so difficult to make men's cards so it's good to see all the different ones we could make. Now I could do with a calorie free dinner Lilian. I wonder what you cook. Do you have a cook book or do you find recipes on the Internet?.

    1. Good evening everyone
      All the talk of calorie free meals I have just remembered a sign that was in the desserts cabinet in a café, it said, I have been on a diet for 14 days and all I have lost is 2 weeks!!!
      Still no sign of Maureen I do hope you are feeling a little better do let your butler earn his keep.
      Lynda looking forward to seeing the pics that Terry took, you have not said what you bought, did you get some bargains?
      As I was taking my grandson into school this morning it was raining and I said, I hope it stops before you have to walk to the swimming pool. He told me not to worry as he would get wet once he was in the pool! Wisdom out of the mouths of babes!
      It really is quiet tonight in here we are obviously missing Maureen and Saba to say the least, I know she may have problems reaching us if there is no wifi but I do hope the sea is being kind to them.
      I did not get my craft room sorted this afternoon so I suppose I really should go and get it done I will try and pop in later to see if there is any news from the high seas!
      Margaret xxx

    2. Maureen is alright just tired and not feeling up to getting on the computer. Just needs a wee rest! Or maybe a big rest!

    3. Thanks Myra do you think a shot of Baileys might help her? xxx

    4. Ooh! Margaret that's a tricky one! Maybe a pint? Xxx

  25. Good evening everyone - I'm a bit late today, went shopping today, then had our lunch out as John is usually off on Mondays, when we came home we took the dogs for a walk as the sun had come out then, I picked more storage boxes up at the Range, they had Crafters Companion dies and embossing folders today also Hunkydory decoupage sheets, ( new to our store ) I have been tidying all my embossing folders and cd's so next thing I knew it was time for tea.
    Janet I do like this card, perfect for male of most age range.
    Sandra I was looking at the A 4 Big shot but have treated myself to the teal GC while it was on a good offer last week from C&C. My raspberry one was really past it, I have an Ebosser but don't use it much . The big shot was demonstrated at the Bolton show and looks really sturdy. I wish they would make a machine which would take the sturdy plates of the GC as the clear plates tend to bow.
    Like the look of the Platinum machine too.
    Hope everyone is well, will go back and see what everyone is up to,
    Bye for now
    Hugs in the basket by the door - feel free.
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean,
      It's interesting you should mention about the " plates" as I've heard that more than once. I would love to hear a report on the Platinum Machine from someone whose opinion I trust! Looking forward to talking to
      Christine at the Retreat as sh has used the machine a lot. All this talk of putting plates in the oven worries me ! Do you have a branch of The Range in Wigan? I go to the one in Leyland. It's fairly new - about 18 months old I think! Xxx

  26. Evening all.
    Congrats Sue, winning the comment game. How do you feel after the Saturday?
    Received the 'pack' with the post, thank you Patricia. Do you now believe me Myra, as it seem I the only one who gave the B. year oh dear hihi
    Hope you all had a good day. After a busy day I now need an early ,if not sleep, a horizontal position. Are meaning to see SIL tomorrow but will see in the morning how it goes.
    Nighty,night Maria xxx

    1. Maria , you are young! I was at Grammar School in that year! Shhhh! Xxx

  27. Thanks to Patricia for all her hard work in collating that long List. I have emailed you Patricia as well! Thank you so much. Xxx

  28. Hi I am back again. Welcome again Tres. Did see you when we were waiting for Pat and Sue by the Palm Trees with Sandra, Paul, and Margaret. You will enjoy it here. I am afraid I don't like near Kent either.
