
Tuesday 22 September 2015

One of my cards!

 Good Morning Ladies,
I hope today finds those of you that are under the weather a little brighter, Michele I really hope that your throat and head are a little better today, it must be so frustrating travelling all that way for a holiday and then feeling poorly.  I am sure that the recycled air on the aeroplane is to blame for may of the holiday and post holiday coughs and colds.
Maureen I hope that you are feeling better too, this place just isn't the same without you, I miss you very much.
It was so lovely today, getting back to normal and having Paul come home for lunch, I spent the morning making a card and watching re-runs of Soldier Soldier, well that took me back I can tell you, there was a part where they were preparing to go away for a few months, that bought a lump to my throat! It looks so cheaply made though when you watch them back.
Some of you were talking about past craft shows after I mentioned Kameo Cards and Sue 'by eye' Smith,
I always found their products a little dated, but they had some good man themed card and paper, them always did good quality inserts too.
I remembered Alan & Barry too, they were like a married couple, they giggled and argued quite a lot, their craft style was a little hit and miss, but good entertainment, I am not sure if they were create and craft then or whether it was just Ideal World, thank goodness we have come along way since then!
Well I know you are all still in shock at seeing one of my cards today, but once you have calmed I will explain how I made it......
First I took a piece of white card and cut a piece of double sided sticky sheet to fit it, I then cut several of the Lattice Arched Adornment Die from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson, I laid them across the sticky sheet, trying to achieve a symmetrical pattern! Once I had finished placing the die cuts I rubbed in some extra fine glitter over the rest of the exposed sticky sheet, the colours in the reflective particles in the glitter matched the lilac coloured card quite well (greens and purples).
I then matted this onto a tiny white matt and then wrapped some lilac ribbon around this part of the card and matted onto a larger pierced white matt ( I used the score buddy), I then added another lilac layer and then onto the white base.
I made a bow from some sparkly tulle, topped it with a bow tied with the lilac ribbon and attached to the card with glue dots. I trimmed the bow with some Delicate Fronds Die cuts from CE, designed by Sue W.
I added some glitter to these so that they matched the background, I them topped it off with some little lilac flowers.
I die cut the 'Happy Birthday' sentiment and stuck it on to the lilac and white layered Pierced Flag die cuts,
I added a few white pearls onto the background and some lilac pearls to the corners.
I hope you like my card, I was going to add stick pins, but after the girls came in from school it slipped my mind!!
It was so lovely to see 'Tres' back in the cafe today, Ang (Mrs Duck) too, its so nice to have some new faces, I hope you both can pop in regularly, you are most welcome. xxxx
I will call in later on this morning to catch up with you all,
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxxxx

PS: Margaret Palmer could you please send me the recipe for that cake you gave me on Saturday, it is so light and moist and delicious, I love,love,love it and so does Paul! ( we have been very mean and hidden it from the girls and Matt)!! xxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Café Crew. I hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. If not here are a few (((hugs))) to help along the way.
    SANDRA:- that is one absolutely stunning card. Everything is so beautiful, you have fantastic talent, we love that you share it with us. Thank You.
    Mmmm!! I see one of those cakes Margaret's made and gave Sandra. Imagine Sandra & Paul hiding the one they got!!
    Everything looking good, fresh and the smell of "new made" bread, Mmmmmm!!! That smell fair goes round your heart like a "hairy worm" as we say in these parts!!
    I have a few things to do this morning then I intend ..... I say "intend" to open Dies and stamps that have had for ages and never used. It's early so all tat might change!!!
    The Names & Address lists went out and I have to apologise there are a few wee errors. In a few days I will send you out an E-mail with the corrections. If you spot any please let me know.
    Got my Tea & Toast, I am over the corner. I have a feeing Hazel might be in, we can have a chat. I have so missed our early morning chats this week.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia - I said thank you yesterday but you may not have seen it ! That was a lot of work and little errors are hardly surprising as there are lots of numbers and in email addresses - small case / big case dots, dashes etc. etc. You re a star! Thank you! Xxx

    2. Patricia thank you for my list too, I wondered what it was arriving on my door mat - what lovely writing you have. The missing name part is Green by the way :) . Thank you for organising that xxxx

    3. Just pressed a button ....don't know which one but my message disappeared, a bit like part of me day yesterday!! Woke up this morning hoping to find it but no luck so far!!
      Glad you got your list girls. I did see your message Myra, thank you.
      I will send out the alterations in a couple of days.
      Diane, thank you for the compliment on my writing. Sometimes it's good but I do have bad scribbles as well. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I may be first in so I have opened up and left some goodies for you all including a delicious sticky ginger cake which Mum made, it is lovely and moist not dry like some ginger cakes can be. Please help yourselves.
    Sandra, I love your card, those Lattice Arched Adornments are so pretty and can be used in soany ways. I love the lilac, another favourite colour of mine. I knew you would enjoy M's lemon and coconut drizzle cake, not surprised you hid it away : ) Mum often makes one for Chris and I am lucky to get a slice sometimes!
    Thank you all for the lovely comments about my lucky win, I will let you know which stamp set I get.
    Diane, how are you feeling today. I hope your visit to the chiropractor went well, that was lucky timing wasn't it.
    Michele, so sorry to hear that you are still feeling ill, such a shame to be I'll any time but while on holiday just makes it worse. I hope you start to feeluch better very soon, keep on drinking lots of hot tea and resting.
    Maureen, I hope you are not feeling so bad, pamper yourself and take your time. We miss you but you know we aren't going anywhere. Look after yourself.
    Ang/Mrs Duck, I was sorry not to see you on Saturday. I didn't know you were there until later on in the day when I saw Sandra then it was too late. I hope you will be with John again at the next one so that we can have a chat. It's great to see you here in the Cafe though, I hope you come back again very soon.
    Tres, how lovely to see you back in the Cafe. I am just the same with computers etc. I have to shown how to do something loads of times but still struggle, and if I write it all down you can guarantee that I either miss am important step or I can't read my writing! Just think how many friends you have made since plucking up the courage to speak to Sandra on Saturday so please make that call to Gloria very soon : )
    I have a couple of cards to make so hoping to make a start on them today, it is certainly crafting weather here at the moment as it is still pouring down and has been for most of the night!
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Sue, I left a message earlier for you! Where did it go?
      It was about Ginger Cake! I love it, thank you! Xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      Congratulations on your win on Johns blog. Was it a stamp set you won or was it a card I wonder?.

  3. Oh WOW, we have a Sandra card on display this morning, can't you tell she is a happy bunny??? Just knowing Paul is coming home each night and is home for lunch has done this I think?
    Good morning everyone, a very dark rainy morning it is to, I can see the outside furniture all being packed away or covered up for the winter, no sitting outside for us any more, not that we were able to do much of that this year.
    Sandra, your card is gorgeous, and so lovely to see one of you own on display.
    Things very quiet last night, Myra didn't have any one to banter with I think was the trouble? Maureen, I hope you are recovering, do just take the time and recharge those batteries, Peter will have to fine a gardener I think, some times the local colleges will take things on to give folk experience. I think you can just over see things.
    Michele, is that throat any better?
    Diane. How are you this morning.,
    Thankfully my cold seems to have gone, Charlie making me take things easy. As it was after travelling to Canada and getting a nasty cold that I suffered from Polymalgia, so I am doing as I am told for once. Just pottered yesterday, made up a basket for a raffle prize and then tried out some very narrow border embossing folders I had ordered. Nothing much on for today, garage phoned at tea time yesterday to say they weren't working on our. Car till today. They are still scratchi g their heads I think, as I am sure they are not happy us having a courtesy car for too long, we haven't used it apart from to get home, we have the other car, but out of principal well keep it and use it to go back to collect our one.
    Right every ready for today, that cake sounds like we need to try some, hiding it from everyone, well I think Margaret needs to get one made for in here, or maybe a copy of the recipe! I have got my tea and a toasted tea cake and I am going to sit and see who calls in. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      I'm so glad Charlie is keeping an eye on you and making you slow down a bit! Good man! How did you get on with your boxes yesterday? I've still got the 'children's box' to unpack from yesterday. I usually do it when dinner is cooking after I get home but I couldn't be bothered last night . I'm blaming the cold - but it's almost completely gone now! Hope you get your car problem sorted out very soon. Xxx

    2. Myra, they are done, but wish I could have left them out in the shed. The room is over crowded again. I have realised I have so much baby basket stuff, I will just have to hope I get some orders for what I have in stock. I think your right your cold won't be helping how you are feeling. Take it easy. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel good to hear you are taking it easy. I had a problem with my car a few years ago which led to them replacing a window motor that in our opinion didn't need replacing. A few days later I get in the car and the seats were wet so I drove straight to the garage and left it there telling them to sort it - they had it a few days and dried out out. A couple of days later my husband took it to work and as he drove along the seal they had replaced on the window flew off! He drove straight to the garage and gave them what for and the chief engineer gave us his car to use for the weekend whilst they fixed it once and for all! Needless to say Julian did as much driving in this chaps car as he could that weekend - it was quite funny. I hope your car gets sorted soon xxxx

    4. Diane, we would use this courtesy car more but it's so little and I can get in but getting out doesn't do the old hip any good. It's a toyota Aygo. Three bags of shopping in the boot and its full, our car isn't big and roomy but it's just that. MPV or SUV can't remember which one, but I can step out. Not a big boot either as we have a spare wheel in there, it came with the can of foam stuff. Glad your jaw isn't clicking, make eating easier. xxx

    5. Hi Hazel pleased super woman is taking a rest at last,HaHa Please take care.
      What is it with cars our car hasn't be well it's got a crack in the exhaust & can only be done at Nissan garage they phoned left message & said £400!! Terry rang them back & now they can weld it for £ 80.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Lynda, we are lucky all the work being done on the car is covered so we won't pay a penny, they have had to replace the D P filter and unit, very expensive but to. Them not us, our car was great till they recalled it and that was March and it's been back in 4 times since. Before they recalled it our little local garage serviced using only toyota parts and oil. Never a problem. Toyota get it and it has been nothing but trouble - tells volumes. xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in for a slice of something nice.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the colour and the sparkle.
    Have to go now need to tidy up its the cleaners day today.
    Will back later, Lilian

    1. Lilian - that made me smile - we are all the same! Xxx

    2. Lilian I would be cleaning before the cleaner came! Have a good day today xxxx

    3. Lillian, that certainly didnt happen at work, I use to run round trying to make the most of what was left lying so that the cleaner could get started. Younger daughter has a cleaning and ironing business and she only has one lady that tidies up before she goes in, and with her ironing there is one who rolls everything up into the basket, it drives her mad. Time folding would save them money. Enjoy coming into a lovely clean house knowing you didn't have to lift a duster. xxx

    4. Just a quick note, my cleaner cleans my whole house in one and a quater hours!!!!!!! don't know how she does it , it used to take me all day at the weekend.
      Hope everyone is having a good day, see you later.

    5. Oh those were the days! Every Friday morning I used to clean a friends house, top to bottom including doing the laundry in 3 hours then home for a quick lunch then do the same at home and then often went to friends or they came to us in the evening for supper and driinks. Now it takes me over half an hour just to do the bathroom!!!!! X

    6. Lilian - your cleaner just cleans she doesn't get distracted or sidetracked! That makes it so much quicker! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in
    It's a miserable morning here in Wigan rained very heavily during the night, let's hope it brightens up. Sandra your card will certainly brighten up any morning, it's just beautiful, you do have a talent for colour and composition ( how's that for Tuesday's ) .
    Maureen I hope you are feeling a bit better - take it easy
    Patricia that warm bread does smell gorgeous but I've never heard the saying about the worm hehe.
    Hazel glad you feeling better and hope you get the car sorted soon.
    Sandra, before I closed down last night I was scrolling through past months on the blog, mainly looking at cards, but ended up at the beginning of the year.
    I'm sorry but I really wasn't aware how isolated you used to feel and felt I really needed to say a big WELL DONE to you for all you have achieved. This little cafe is a mine full of caring, laughter and friendliness and wouldn't be available to us only for you taking the steps to reach out. Thank you .
    Nothing much planned for today so will crack on and do some crafting - if the dogs let me - they think it's playtime when I sit down.
    Margaret the cake sounds delicious, I for one would like the recipe if it's not a family secret xx
    Hugs are topped up in the basket
    Will pop in later today,
    Take care everyone
    Jean xx

    1. Jean I read your post and re-read the beginning ! We are not far away from you really and yes it did rain last night but it's been dry all morning and my husband has been gardening in the sunshine. He has just come inside for a coffee. Isn't weather strange - it can be so localised sometimes. I hope I'm making sense! I don't always! Xxx I'll send some sun! X

    2. Myra we have had lovely sunshine all morning - lets hope it stays that way - its much nicer than the rain xx

  6. Good morning Ladies and it really is a good morning as my iPad is backed up and working again, Hurrah! Gosh I felt almost bereaved without it , doesn't that sound sad.
    Sandra , what a gorgeous creation ! It is such a beautiful card and so professional looking , I love everything about it, the colour , the dies used and the design, thank you for sharing!
    Myra, I have only just read your helpful tip regarding my iPad ( from Sue's blog on Sunday) as I find having to use my phone a bind I only did the necessary on it, so was catching up again this morning, thanks again xo
    Michele I hope you are on the mend and can properly enjoy your holiday , it's horrible not to feel well especially when you are away from home xo
    Patricia I laughed at that expression I've never heard it used before, glad you were in the cafe first, that bread smells amazing!
    Hazel , happy to hear your cold has gone and hope you get your car back soon .
    Loved the sound of that cake as I love anything ginger flavoured, I would also love to try your recipe Margaret.xo
    Maureen I really miss all your banter and shenanigans with Myra , Saba and Maria so hope you are back to normal soon ( oh oh! maybe I could have chosen to word that better) better borrow Myra's hat? xo
    To Sandra and all the other girls who were at Ally Pally I hope you have all recovered and are all re-energised again xo
    Well, I have 9 holes of golf this morning, Iain played on Saturday ( he hadn't played for well over a year) and he played the best of the four of us with no ill effects afterwards, he was so lucky I'm always full of aches afterwards although it eases off after a wee rest.
    Well time to pop into our wonderful cafe for some of that lovely bread with homemade jam and a big mug of tea, see you later.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne,
      Nice to see you padded up again!! iPad that is! I've got to be cheeky to others in Maureeen's absence! My iPad has done some strange things since it backed itself up!! I got a new style keypad and now some messages are coming through the both my phone and IPad ! It was driving me loopy as they is a delay between the two. iPad coming first.
      My iPhone is older . So I've gone into Settings and disabled a few things! Saba will be proud of me! - surprised more than proud I think!!
      Sounds as if Iain's rehabilitation is complete! I'm so pleased for both of you. Xxx

  7. Morning one and all who pop in today.

    Sandra - it's so nice to see one of your beautiful creations. Yes I can tell all is back to normal and everything and everyone is where it/they should be.
    I love your colours - they are in my top three favourites of all time and that gorgeous die always works wonders. I bought that one too and have used it so many times.

    Diane - I hope you're feeling a little better and that you're resting.
    Michele - hoping your throat and voice are returning to normal so you can enjoy that wonderful holiday.
    Maureen - What are you doing? I hope you're feeling a tad better as we need you here with us.
    Hazel - so pleased you're back to good health. Cars are like technology aren't they wonderful when they work but oh when they break down well they're....................
    I know I'll have missed someone so please forgive me. I'm a little on the slow side this morning.

    Have to do a little tidying up in my craft corner or I'll not get into it soon.
    Sorry just had to rush out then as Jim has just come downstairs for his breakfast and I needed him to cut me a piece off the turnip for the stew we're having for tea. I loathe having to ask for such things to be done. I know it's silly but I never get used to having to ask for such simple things to be done.

    I'm off to sit and people watch for a short while now with my morning cuppa. All are welcome to join me if you wish of course.
    Hugs are in their usual place - well they were when I came in. You never know they could be anywhere by now.

    1. Hi Janet, bruises coming along nicely thank you. I always have trouble cutting swede ! I get the knife stuck half way through it, can't get it down any further, can't take it out! I end up banging it on the work top until Julian comes in and asks me why I didn't ask him to do it - I usually have but he hasn't listened! I have got a great cutter from Pampered Chef which does cut it like butter - if it's not too big to fit under the handle! Xxx

    2. Hello Janet,
      I just hope these hugs don't meet Norah's !!!
      Why do craft rooms always need to be tidied up? Anyone would think crafting was a messy hobby! Just had a phone call from my friend who has been to The Range this morning - she bought some crafty goodies and a Christmas Tree! She was giggling her head off - it was a bargain !! Xxx. PS obviously not a real one!! X

    3. A tip for cutting turnip ( as we call swede down here ) I always use the bread knife, the saw action seems to help, had to do this as Hubby used to work away from home a lot.

    4. Lilian, just to confuse things we have both turnip and swede in Lancashire - I suspect other parts too. Turnips are smaller and white whereas swede is yellow! In Scotland what is called swede here was turnip!
      I was before they existed!! Xxx

    5. Myra, we have small turnips as well both the same name ,but the small real turnips are no good for pasty making.we also call couliflower broccoli and also have the green broccoli

    6. Gosh Lilian! I meant to say - good tip about the bread knife! Xxx

    7. MYRA did your friend see any creative expression goodies in the Range I think they are going to stock some now. Or was she only buying Christmas trees. Xx

    8. I asked her that question Lynda - she said they didn't have any - she bought some craft things too. She was all round the craft section. Xxx

  8. Beautiful card Sandra and in my favourite colour. I have the die just need to make a card as pretty as yours. Thank you for showing us. Been raining here since yesterday lunchtime. Not nice at all. Craft day I think. My friend is away staying with relatives so no outings this week. Another friend is also away so good readon to craft. Maureen and Michele I hope you will soon feel a lot better.
    Glad you are feeling better Hazel but as you say best to take it easy for a few days. Hope your car is sorted soon. Hugs by the door. See you later.

    1. Hello Brenda,
      I'm sorry the weather is not so good and I do hope it clears up . As you say - it's good crafting weather! Xxx

  9. Lovely card Sandra, lilac is such a calming colour for me and one I go for most cards.
    Still cataloguing my stamps, other chores keep popping up and getting in the way.
    Our Monday walk took us to Steart Marshes yesterday, rainy at times with that horrible mizzle but very enjoyable. We took the time to go into the hides to see what birds were around but they all flew off as soon as we got settled! Obviously they didn't want to be seen!
    Will pop back later

    Love 7hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl - mizzle is such a good word! Glad you had a good day even if the birds weren't very friendly xxx

    2. Cheryl delighted to know you had a lovely day and enjoyed yourself, such a pity about the birds perhaps they have flown off to warmer weather for the winter. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, so happy to hear you are enjoying your walks, and don't you meet some lovely people.
      We have our Wednesday walking group which is great , and somehow our picnic lunches always taste so good eaten outdoors.xo

    4. Hi Myra, mizzle is a Somerset saying for fine misty rain.
      Dimpsy is that time just before twilight. xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl I thought it must be that - a sort of cross between mist and fine drizzle! I love language - it's so interesting! I'm probably a little odd! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Love you card Sandra one of my favourite colour combinations, nice to see you back in the saddle so to speak!
    Just a quick visit off to cover my friends craft shop as she takes her class, so will pop back later and read over all the comments, till then take care xxx

    1. Hello Jess, have a lovely day in the Craft Shop! Hope you sell lots!
      As I gone down reading the comments loads of people have said lilac is a favourite colour! Xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    Well what a stunning card to brighten a miserable, rainy day!! Sandra your card is just so should show us more of them... I love the colours and the arch die is so lovely ( I managed to get it at the last craft show) I haven't used it yet. Thank you so much for sharing your stunning piece with us.
    Maureen I do hope today finds you feeling alot better I miss your cheeky but funny spirit as I think your partner in crime, Myra does too.
    Michele hope you are on the mend too and are able to get on with your wonderful holiday in Florida...hope you were able to get to the Mall yesterday.
    Hazel I'm so pleased you're feeling a whole lot better today but please don't go rushing into things..just take it easy for another couple of days.
    Patricia as I said in my email thank you so much for the lists it was such a great help and a job well done.
    A couple of cards for me to finish today and some washing so that's me set for the day. I'm also in turmoil....I had an email from Craftworld they have the Platinum for £ when I was at the Manchester craft show a couple of weeks ago they were they and I bought a couple of dies off them and (as most stores did) they gave me a card with 10% off that lasts until Sept 30th and whilst sorting my bag out a couple of days ago I threw it out with bits of card scraps...fortunately I managed to find is this an omen telling me to buy it or do I really need it? It's just that I haven't heard alot about it so will have to have a serious think about it.
    Saba I hope the seas are being kind to you and you are merrily sailing away.
    Well I must finish now I have left hugs in the basket to all who need them, will pop in later
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

    1. PS Sorry I forgot about Diane...I do hope those bruises are on their way out and you are a bit more comfortable today. Love Sheila xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, I was looking at the Platinum a few weeks ago but sent for the Teal GC at the good price on C & C .
      I watched Christine Emberson demonstrating the Platinum on the Craft Channel (Had to watch it online) It looks a really good machine, I think Christine would give you some more info if you emailed her - Love Jean
      ps hope you are keeping well xx

    3. Hello Sheila,
      I , too, am longing to hear lots more about the Platinum machine. I wonder why Sue doesn't use one on her videos? Maybe all the newer machines will come down in price a bit as there is a lot of competition now. Happy thinking!! I do miss Maureen - we all do! I did hear from her yesterday only briefly but she just needs to rest a little.

    4. Hi Sheila bruises coming along nicely thank you - good thing I'm wearing trousers ny knees are an amazing colour! Thank you for asking xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and anyone popping in today.
    Oh wow Sandra, you are diffidently back because this card is Gorgeous !
    I Love the Colour and the use of the die is fabulous ! Yes I love it and love to see more. Nice Paul could come home but you are naughty hiding the cake from the others tihi it sound yummy! and so does the cake in here today so let have a double slice and a big mug coffee as I feeling better today and we soon off to see my SIL and her new little grandson for the first time.
    Maureen- hope you start feeling better soon and can come in for a chat and what's not with a certain person.
    Michele- hope you are coping and could get out and about yesterday x
    Diane- sending you some gentle hugs and hope you are ok x
    Glad some of you others who have had colds etc. staring to get there.
    Saba- if you have a chance to look in ,I wish you a good sailing around beautiful Croatia.
    Got to go but wish you all a nice day even if the rain seem to be everywhere at the moment and it got sooo cold. Love and warm hugs to all ,Maria xXx

    1. Have a lovely day Maria, it's ok I will lye you eat my piece of cake :) xxxxx

    2. Too late - it's gone!! Xx

    3. Hello Maria, I'm so glad you feel well today! I hope you have a lovely day visiting your SIL and new baby too! See you later, maybe! Xxx

    4. Not me! I am allergic to eggs and egg products. xx

    5. Cheryl , glad you have said about you not being able to have eggs let the hotel know for October we don't want you being ill. xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well a real WOW card is on show today Sandra you talent is amazing, you really have the most beautiful and stunning card here it has real class, the colours are fantastic too.
    We have been to the garden centre this morning and one of the ladies there was telling us we are about to get an indian summer for the next three weeks starting at the end of this week! Oh I do hope she is right. Today is a little overcast but I live in hope the sun may appear as Derek has just hung the washing out.
    I do hope all those feeling non too well are starting to improve especially Maureen, do take things easy and let your lovely butler help.
    Diane I hope you are beginning to feel a little easier after your tumble.
    Sheila my advice would be to have a look on Spellbinders web site they may have a video of their new machine or I am sure if you were to email Christine at Hope and Chances Creativity, she will be able to give you some advice I am quite sure and she is a lovely lady so helpful.
    Margaret I do hope you are able to share you recipe with us all, I am sure it must be really good if Sandra has had to hide it!
    Well some house work is calling and the corgis are in need of a brush too, I will call in later, have a lovely day everyone, I have popped some hugs over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret, have you been buying your winter pansies? Not that I'm nosey or anything! I'm not getting ours until next week but only because it's inconvenient at the moment.
      I'm scared to do much today - I dropped glitter last week and yesterday opened a stacking pot of Google eyes upside down! Well my husband who heard me yell stuck his head around craft room door , laughed his head off and said - I think the eyes have it!!! Very droll! Xxx

    2. Hi Margaret just to let you know I have emailed Christine as you suggested so I'll wait her reply. It doesn't matter if she takes a while as like you said she is a busy lady. I forgot to ask how is your leg these days, hope you're managing alot better with it now.
      Take care
      Love Sheila xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Sandra what a treat today, love this card ( I've got the did too, isn't it pretty). And what a beautiful bow you have put on it. The ribbon is rather lush - I have a thing about ribbon - have far too much but cannot resist buying more - good thing the fantastic ribbon guy wasn't there on Saturday ! Thank you for sharing such a beauty with us. Xxxx
    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday the day flew by! I went to the chiropractor and was there ages waiting. It was her first day back after an operation for Carple tunnel so she was taking her time. She does make me laugh she tells us to rest but when she had her op she said she ended up popping into work every day to sort things out! Anyway she worked on my neck which I have apparently jarred ( I'm not surprised!). Isn't it strange - she didn't touch my jaw which was clicking dreadfully before I went but by the time I ate my lunch it was click free! I braved the strange looks and picked up some shopping before coming home to relax. I had a little play with my new Groovi plates in the afternoon - I was really impressed with what I achieved! As we finished dinner Emma contacted us so 21/2 hours later we said goodbye and it was time for bed! I've got my arnica tablets so I'm being good - fired brick and mountain spruce today have joined the collection! I've taken the plaster off my had too but might need to cover it again if I start to craft as it's still quite raw - not something you want glitter in!
    I had to laugh yesterday I remember Barry and Alan they were a hoot - I wonder what happened to them. I used to like by eye Sue too, picked up some good ideas from her when I first started. She liked rolled corners which always looked lovely but she had double sided paper and I didn't! How times gave changed. I remember drooling over spellbinder dies that were so expensive and was so proud when I finally owned one. I had made it as a crafter!
    Right I must get a wriggle on- I've got a card to make today and I want to play with my new dies and I really should organise my card into the boxes I bought- so much to do so little time!
    See you all later xxxxx

    1. Hello Diane!
      I'm so pleased your jaw no longer clicks ! So pleased you have done no real damage . Your poor face and hand though. I'm cheeky but not uncaring - sending hugs for you today !
      Could Emma see your face? I'm assuming you facetimed her?
      Happy crafting - xxx

    2. Alan and Barry started their own tv programmes and company and eventually I heard they went bankrupt!
      So pleased things are starting to improve for you

    3. Hi Diane, glad you're feeling better, I thought of getting the Groovi plates can I ask do you have to press hard?not sure I would be able to do this.

    4. Hi Lilian
      No you don't have to press to hard when you use the embossing tool with the Grooving plate. You just need to keep it up right. You can always go over it more than once which I had to do.

    5. Hi Lilian, no you don't need much pressure, it just flows, especially if you use a tumble dryer sheet on it to give it a bit of glide. If you do slip out of the groove it doesn't mark it either. I managed to do a butterfly, flowers and lettering on my first attempt and was really pleased with it. Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra ,
    Hello ladies!
    It's lovely to see a Sandra card! I've read most of the comments I think - and lilac is a very popular colour with everyone here! I love it too - it is such a soft shade . Your card is lovely Sandra and although I didn't have that die set it could be adapted. Love your bow too.
    We seem to be the odd ones out weather wise today apart from Margaret in Cumbria. It's a lovely sunny day. Yes we have a few clouds but they are quite high , white and fluffy! I mean as opposed to low, dark and heavy!!
    Today is ironing and clearing up day. Glad it's dry as I had a load of towels to do - they are now in and finishing off in the dryer.
    I've left comments on the way down.
    Michele - I hope you feel tons better today!
    Saba - hope you have perfect sailing weather and find somewhere lovely to moor and dine this evening! We'll be in the kitchen!
    Maureen - my partner in crime - as you've been called today! ( I've called you worse, many a time! Ha ha) Be a good girl and rest - I just know George's cooking will benefit from more practice!
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. We now have super sunshine up here now in Cumbria yippee!!!

  16. Morning Ladies

    Sandra- your card is quite beautiful. My crazy, cluttered house friend would love a card like this as it's her favourite colour.

    Am feeling a tiny bit better-throat not quite so sore but still inflamed. I did sleep last night but the bed is far too soft so I kept tossing + turning. Had my breakfast alone as hubby gone fishing down at the beach.

    We did go to the shopping mall yesterday & I found a Jo-Ann's fabrics store but there wasn't much for paper crafters. We passed a large Hobby Lobby & a Michaels so hubby has promised to take me to those two stores. All I bought yesterday was a phone case for my new phone & some ear-rings for my crazy friend. They'll be part of her Christmas present., I bought 2 huge bags of M&M's for my work colleagues as they love to try the new flavours-Pecan Pie and Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Both sound disgusting to me but no doubt everyone at work will love them!


  17. Michele, sorry you are only feeling a tad better, not good ref the soft bed either. Here's hoping things will get better in the next day or two. Hazel x

  18. Sheila only too pleased to help, I am sure Christine will give you some good advice, thank you for asking my foot is still sore but at least I can walk and don't have to hop!
    Myra, yes we have been getting our autumn /winter plants, there really are some lovely colours to choose too. I am pleased to know Maureen is being well looked after by her butler bless her.
    Sandra I have received my Christmas rose stamp from Chloes Creative Cards they have a good delivery service so will be having a play soon. Luckily I will not need Cosmic Shimmer dries clear glue to use the stamp as I ordered some 9 days ago from another company and am still waiting for the package!
    Oh I do hate waiting for the post!
    Michele do think about going to a pharmacy this sore throat is spoiling your wonderful holiday.
    Well off to my craft room before doing the school run this afternoon, will call in later.
    Margaret xxx

  19. Hello Sandra,
    Your card today is absolutely stunning, love the way you have used this die it really is very effective and the colour is really gorgeous. I also love those little flowers. And I'm sure you will agree with me, the photographer has done an excellent job taking this beautiful photograph. ( well done Paul)
    Speaking of photographs, this is why I'm late today. I'm not that good, but love taking pictures. I have a Canon SLR 450D with a EFS18-200mm lens. It quite heave. I have been thinking of getting bridge camera. I'm now looking at the Canon Powershot SX60 (x 65 zoom) ANYWAY dear John said this morning, let's go and look at cameras and we will have lunch out. So that's my excuse for being late. I'm still looking - I want to check out a few others first.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda! I'm very impressed! I just point and click! Have taken photos of my own feet more than once! By accident , I hasten to add! I no longer use my camera just the one on my iPhone! How lazy is that! Do you enjoy photographing anything in particular or just photography in general? Xxx

    2. Hello Myra, I love all aspects of photography, if I have to have a favourite I would say nature and have so many photographs of flowers, trees, clouds and of course our lovely grandchildren. Unfortunately some of them are now at an age where they pull funny faces or turn their head, so I have to be quick off the mark if I'm going to get a half decent picture. I am very good at taking pictures of my feet with my phone - don't know how I manage it though!!! ha ha

    3. OOPS I just noticed, I said my camera was quite heave. It's also quite The heavy!!! LOL xxx

    4. I Did not type THE before heavy!
      I'm sure this predictive thing has a mind of it's own.
      If I type the word dies it often types guys!
      Am I the only one it drives mad? xxx

    5. Brenda, they do have minds of their owns and change things after you change it. xxx

    6. Hi Brenda, l bought a new cannon camera, supposed to "fool" proof,
      Not so in my case I'm hopeless, mind you it usually gets left on the kitchen table.

    7. Hello Brenda,
      That's really lovely. I love looking at photographs and I wish I could capture the light properly. I take photos of flowers and sunsets but I think that's when you need some skill and a decent camera! I got a nice photo of a rainbow from our back door. !!! Xxx

  20. Hi everyone, back from friends craft shop, really busy today, people getting everything for Christmas cards. arrived home to find my order from Icon has come, wow these Double Pierced Squares Dies are SO BIG and look really good, can't wait to start using them.
    It has been a lovely day so far, sun still shining,but after being out most of the day, I need a quick tidy up around the house, then Slimming Club, hope I have lost a few pounds due to having tummy bug because I've not been eating much the past couple of days, we will wait and see!
    Will pop back later. Take care xxxx

  21. I've had a quick scan through. I don't seem to have a minute to myself at the moment, not that I've achieved much except make a wedding card for a friend's son. I think it's because OH is on leave this week and I don't seem to be able to get on with him sitting around!
    SANDRA Your card is so beautiful
    PATRICIA Thank you for the list of addresses I intend to abswer you personally but may have to be next week when OH is not under my feet
    DIANE I was so sorry to read about your fall but it sounds like you are on the mend
    MICHELE Poor you when you were so looking forward to this holiday. I hope it doesn't t
    take too long before you're feeling better
    MARIA I don't know if anyone has helped you with the docrafts folders. In case they haven't I back the magnets with card, usually the packaging of the set of dies so that I have a record of how many dies are in the packet in case one goes missing!
    Take care all of you. I am having my eyes photographed tomorrow as part of the diabetic check. I know that I will have blurred vision for the rest of the day So probably won't be back until at least Thursday
    Take care the rest of you

  22. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card you've made. You ought to send it to Sue Wilson. I love this die but you can keep buying forever. Also this card is made in my favourite colour. Margaret hasn't been in but I'd like the recipe as well. My cakes don't really turn out nice and moist. I tried to make a chocolate cake using oil instead butter. It was so wet the top of it sort of burnt before the cake cooked properly.

    1. Pat have you tried a chocolate mayonnaise cake? Sounds disgust but it isn't. They made it on blue peter when I was young and we made it quite a few times. I googled the recipe the other day so it is on the internet. Xxx

  23. Good evening folks, I have been busy today, doing goodness knows what.....!!
    The time has gone so fast, I am quite dizzy!! So, I am sitting here trying to work out what I have actually done!!!! Does anyone else get days like that???
    Just finished eating, dishes in the dishwasher curtesy of John. I washed the things that had to be washed. All "ship shape and Bristol fashion" once more.
    I am off to get on with my crochet.
    MAUREEN:- I hope you are taking things easy and letting others do things for "you" !!! xxx

  24. Hello SANDRA & Ladies.
    Just quickly looked at comments haven't been in long as it's Terry's Birthday so went out for a drive & had a nice lunch. Weather is terrible rain & cold.Darren Sam & Harry are popping down so that will be nice.
    SANDRA your card is beautiful love the colour & die's stunning.
    DIANE hope you & your poor face is getting better take care. Lovely to meet you Saturday what is a groovy plate did you buy it at AP.xx
    MICHELE hope your feeling better & can enjoy your holiday xx
    Hi Tres nice to see you in the cafe again xx
    ANG nice to see you as well sorry I didn see you on Saturday
    SANDRA I will defently send you Ally Pally picture tomorrow not sure where today has gone.
    Well must go Darren has just pulled up outside
    Have a good evening everyone try & pop back depends how long they stay.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda - happy birthday to a Terry, hope you have enjoyed your evening. The Groovi plate is from Clarity, it's a system to simplify parchment and is really easy to use. Pat has if too. There us a you tube demo and gallery on the Clarity website - it's very interesting and relaxing xxx

  25. Oh it's very quiet in here tonight, i think it might be an early night for a few of us? The dark nights are not good, I just want to cozy up and do nothing. I will see you all in the morning. Night, night. xxx

    1. Night Night Hazel, I have been a bit busy. Sat down for a short break as Alastair due home any minute . So time for a nice cup of tea! Sleep well! Xxx

    2. I have been busy crocheting. I like to knit or crochet in the lounge when the dark nights creep in.
      However am going to do what my sister is doing. I have my wee fleece, I am fine to curl up and be cozy.
      See you all in the morning.
      Goodnight God Bless all. xxx

    3. Sweet dreams Hazel and Patricia, I think I will follow your lead girls!
      Good night and God bless
      Margaret xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra I love your card it is beautiful. Pleased you like the cake as so many have asked for it if you don't mind I will put it on here.
    Lemon Coconut Drizzle Cake.
    110g margarine, 75g castor sugar, grated zest of 1 lemon, 50g dessicated coconut, 110g self raising flour, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons milk.

    For the syrup.
    Juice of 1 lemon, 75g sifted icing sugar.

    Preheat oven to 180C, 350F, gas Mark 4.Line a 2lb/900g loaf tin.

    Put all ingredients into bowl and beat with wooden spoon for 3minutes or an electric mixer for 1 1/2 minutes. Allow 30 seconds for food processor.
    Spoon mixture into tin. Bake for 1 hour, if knife comes out clean it's cooked. Leave cake in tin.
    Blend the lemon juice with the icing sugar prick the cake with fine skewer and spoon syrup evenly over.
    Leave to cool in tin.

    I usually double ingredients and make 2 as I find they do not last long.

    I hope you all enjoy it.

    Hope all who have been feeling poorly soon improve special hugs to you all.
    I may not manage to comment much this week have busy week, have to take Alan to Reading Hospital for scan and pre-op tests then will be getting ready for Coffee Morning on Sat.
    Love to all Margaret xx

  27. When I say do not last long I mean they soon get eaten!!xx

  28. Thank you Margaret for sharing your recipe, hope all goes well at the hospital and good luck with your coffee morning, take care. xxx

  29. Thank you Margaret for sharing your recipe and I have made a note of it!
    Goodnight ladies! I'm off to bed as had a busy day today.
    God Bless, sleep well! Xxx

  30. Thank you for the recipe MARGARET. Hope all goes well at Royal Berkshire Hospital. Good to see you on Saturday.

    1. Thank you for the recipe Margaret, that sounds yummy - do you make it in a loaf tin or as a tray bake? I'm off to bed too so night night everyone sleep tight. Sending you a big hug Maureen, mis you my lovely lady xxx
