
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Another of my beautiful birthday cards.

 Good Morning Ladies,
Today I wanted to share with you all another of my beautiful birthday cards, this particular card has been designed by our lovely Maureen, the photograph really doesn't do the exquisite colouring justice, that pink icing looks almost edible in real life! The tea cup has been coloured to look like the finest china, so beautiful, the tea looks just how I like mine 'latino tan' tea, with just a dash of milk. Unlike my dear friend Pat, who just gets the second hand dippings of my tea bag as she likes hers like gnats pee!  Sue has a spiced apple tea, so she is easy to please.  Paul is the best tea/coffee maker, tea because he has the patience to let it brew properly, coffee because he grinds his own beans and brews it fresh!
Anyway back to the card, the coloured image topper has been edged with glitter, making it stand out from the background, the embossed frame has been created with Creative Expressions Noble square die,
Maureen has finished the card with almost 'edible' pink pearls on top of the cakes and in the corners.
I absolutely love this card Maureen, thank you very
much xxxx
I do hope that you are feeling well enough to pop in to the cafe to see your card today my lovely xx

Today we are going over to Sue's to craft, which I am very much looking forward to, I love our crafting Wednesdays.
I will call in to later to see what you have all been up to!
Love and Hugs to all,


  1. Good morning, Sandra and all who,call in today.
    Sandra you are so right about these cakes, you feel you can just pick up one of those halves up and pop,it in your mouth and eat it. Yes Maureen's colouring in is fantastic, I know this from the cards I have received from her, she gets every detail just right.
    Hope you ladies have a good day together crafting? Will it be playing with those new crafty goodies?
    Me I must go and attack the ironing pile, or it will take over.
    The cafe is set up and looking good, these dark morning aren't good, I hate when I get up and have to have lights on, but I will just have to get use it them I suppose.
    (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for those who need or just want one. Off to sit and have my tea and people watch. xxx

  2. Good morning ladies,

    Maureen your card is so pretty, the colouring in is superb and the pink cherries on the cakes? a classic finishing touch.
    I've sent you an email. my flower.

    Again my stamp cataloguing took a back seat. (Today I am not answering the door until I have finished it.) My friend Judy finished work early and came to visit, stayed for dinner and left nearly teatime. By which time I then had to cook son Robin's tea, his weekly visit.

    Off for an early start, see you later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang.
    MAUREEN:- I just love your beautiful card. Those cakes look scrummy enough to eat. Like Hazel I have a "Maureen" coloured card. A true artist with the colouring, everything is always so beautiful, designs stunning as well.
    I am late this morning, John up most of the night with a very bad knee. 4am I gave him 2 Paracetamol plus 2 Ibroprufen, he eventually fell asleep and still is.
    I managed to get to sleep till 7.20 am. John still asleep, will leave him for another 1/2hr.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. I am over at the corner table having my Tea & Toast before I start my day. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      I received your birthday list yesterday. Please note that the bottom of my address should read WITNEY OXON. there is a place called Whitney apparently, but I don't live there.

    2. Sorry about that, however due to the fact the Post Office use the Post Code to define addresses, I am sure you will not miss out on getting cards from the ladies is the Café. Maybe you should have done the list. I thought I was helping but will not be doing anything like that again in a hurry.

    3. Hi Patricia, so sorry to see John have had a bad night and of course it's disturb you as well. Give him a wee dram and some pills and hopefully he will sleep better tonight xxx

    4. Patricia - I'm waiting for a parcel which should have come last week! I emailed them on Monday and I managed to start the Order Number 45 instead of 54!! I thought I was paying attention too as it was important! To Err is Human as the saying goes - that's good because I make a fair few! Add predictive text to the mix and it's worse! Xxxx

    5. Hello Patricia - Sorry to hear that John had an horrendous night. I fully feel for him having been there. Hot water bottles/hot bean bags etc always help me - not too hot that they burn of course. Hope you both have a better night tonight.
      Hugs for you both xxxx

    6. MARIA:- a BIG dram and pills will be the order of "this" evening.
      JANET:- I keep heating MARGARET'S heat bags they are a Godsend they are. Together with Maria's and your suggestion I am sure I will manage to knock him out tonight!!!! xxx

    7. Steady now Patricia - please confirm you do not have Muriel's mallet!! Xxx

    8. Yes! I borrowed it from Muriel. It is propped at my side of the bed so John better behave!!!! xxx

    9. Patricia. Hope you have a better night tonight. Sorry John is having problems with his knees.

    10. Oh Patricia - I sooo want to meet you at The Retreat - do be careful!
      I do not want John to be having problems with his head! Xxxx

  4. Morning/Afternoon to all who pop in today.

    Sandra what a beautiful Bday card you received. Have a good day with your other Two Graces.
    Maureen - I'm in awe of your colouring skills. Mine just look as though a 5yr old has done them. Anyway I love everything you have done here from the shape you started with to the finishing touch of those beautiful pearls. These stamps would go with my two of the kitchen scales/flour etc and the cake stand. Where did you get them from please.

    Well we have a little sunshine at the moment with clear blue skies so fingers crossed it will stay a little while. I'm going to try and make a start on my October bday cards today in between trying to make an appointment for my Flu jab.

    I received my list yesterday Patricia. Thank you for sending it. May I just point out that I changed my email address a few weeks ago and so it is:-
    Hope you don't mind me mentioning it.

    I've got my usual latte and so I'm off to sit a little while before making a start. Hugs are in their usual place just waiting to be taken.

  5. Morning all. Beautiful card from Msureen. Thank you for showing Sandra. Hope you are feeling a lot better Maureen. Have a good day Sandra, Pat and Sue. Sun out here at the moment. It put in a brief appearance yesterday late afternoon then started raining again. Hope it's going to stay dry today. Will just have a cup of tea and toast. Money in the pot, hugs by the door. See you all later.

  6. Hello it's me again.
    Patricia I've just read your email from yesterday so please ignore the bit about my email address.

  7. Good morning ladies, very windy here today, but dry.
    Sandra , you are a very lucky girl to receive such beautiful cards, I hope you have fun today and manage a little bit of crafting in between! xo
    Maureen, this is an absolutely adorable card! your colouring is wonderful , did you use a stamp for the image? I wish I had such a delicate touch, my colouring is a bit hit and miss! Are you feeling any better yet? I do hope so , you are really missed in the cafe. xo
    Well , I can smell the toast , so I'd better sit and have my tea and toast now and see who's about?
    Money in the pot , dishes washed, love and hugs to you all xoxo

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Maureen your card is gorgeous and Sandra isn't exaggerating when she talks about the icing and toppings looking so real. I hope you are getting plenty of rest, you are missed so much, we can't wait until you feel up to joining us again.
    Sandra, you and Pat will have got my message telling you that I won't be meeting you today ad I have a tummy upset. I will miss seeing you both but have fun.
    Diane, glad your jaw is better. What colours are the bruises today?
    Maria, I will be thinking of you seeing your newest family member today. Enjoy those wonderful cuddles and please can we see some photos of you together. Have a lovely time.
    Got to go now! Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue sorry you have a tummy upset,must be something going round as I have had one since we got home from AP Saturday & is still lingering.hope you feel better soon. It's a shame you had to miss your crafty day with Sandra & Pat. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sue
      Oh poor you, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and take it easy today. I wonder if there is a bug doing the rounds as Lynda says. Hope you feel better soon. Shades of mustard seed adding to the colour mix today - must look up that colour chart today! Xxxxx

    3. Poor you Sue, tummy upset not nice at all. Plenty of rest ordered and keep up your fluid intake. Get better soon. xxx

    4. Sorry you are none too well hope the tummy soon recovers Sue xxx

    5. Hi Sue, so sorry to see you are missing the other 2 graces today but better stay home with a bad tummy, hope you feel better soon. Hugs

  9. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies in the cafe,
    Maureen I love your card and so appropriate for Sandra having the 'coffee shop''ve coloured it to perfection and I'm so envious of that as like Janet my colouring looks like a 5 year old has done it so it's one thing I steer away from. The colours are so pretty and the glitter edging just makes it pop. Just wonderful. I do hope you are feeling better today and will hopefully be back with us very soon as you are missed so much.
    Sandra have a lovely crafty day along with Pat and Sue.
    I spoke to Nikki last night (a day early) as he is off on a little break just for one night...her first time away from her house. She has been flapping her wings (her arms! Lol!) her sign for holidays for the last fortnight and is so excited. She is going to Chester just for an overnight stay in a hotel. I think Erica, one of her support workers is as excited as Nikki, she is such a lovely lady too and is taking Nikki to have a manicure and a day at Cheshire Oaks Shopping outlet. I will be hearing all about it on Saturday when she visits....I'm so happy for her.
    Diane I'm so pleased the clicking jaw has gone it must have been so annoying for you and I do hope those bruise will be on their way out soon too. Arnica is great for anything like that so keep taking them.
    Maria enjoy plenty of cuddles today.
    It's a bit dull here today and the air is very still but thankfully up to now there is no rain. Hugs in the basket and money in the pot will pop back later.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hello SHEILA I'm so excited for Nikki she will have a brilliant time with Erica.I look forward to hearing all about her minni holiday. When you see her on Saturday.
      Have a lovely day my lovely.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sheila what a treat for Nikki no wonder she is excited. Your visit at the weekend will be extra special with all her news. Arnica tablets! I've just remembered to take them thank you xxx

    3. Oh what a lovely experience for Nikki, she will absolutely love it. xxx

    4. Oh Sheila,
      What an adventure! That's lovely and I hope Nikki has the best time! You will get first hand news and an early bulletin! How lovely. Xxx

    5. Hi Sheila, how lovely for Nikki to have an outing to Chester and shopping too. Sure she will have plenty to tell you on Saturday.
      I had lots of cuddles yesterday with Louis, unfortunately he suffering with colic so he was crying quite a lot :-) still lovely xxx

    6. Hello Sheila - what a wonderful adventure for Nickki. No doubt you will be filled in on Saturday when she visits.
      Hugs just for you Sheila.

    7. Sheila, Nikki will have so much to tell you about tomorrow, it's so nice that she is getting a lovely treat. xxx

    8. Hi Sheila. Hope Nikki has s lovely time.

  10. Hi Sandra
    I loved Maureen's card when I saw it in the flesh. You'd actually think the frosting was real on the top of the cupcakes. Wish I could colour like that Maureen.
    I'm glad your jaw is no longer clicking Diane. I wonder what colour your bruising is now?. Well I'm off to see Sandra this morning. Sue is unwell so we can't go to the Scout Hut today. Maria hope you have a lovely day with your new addition to the family.

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maureen your card is gorgeous, love your colouring, everything looks so real, very appropriate for Sandra's cafe.
    Brenda, about your camera. I asked OH what the Best Buy was for you, (he used to do weddings, etc) he said the bridge camera you were looking at was really very good, and should suit you.
    Patricia, I hope Johns knee is better today, I know how he feels because my hip is giving me a lot of pain at the moment, still waiting to hear from the hospital.
    Sue I can sympathise with you about your tummy upset, I was like that last week and still feel a bit wary if I am not near a toilet!!!
    Good news at the slimming club, I lost 4lbs (think maybe tummy upset helped)!
    Will pop back later, coffee finished money in pop and cup washed.
    Take care meantime, xxxx

    1. Yeh!! Well done Jess! It's not nice being ill especially tummy upsets so it's good it had a positive impact! Sorry about your hip though. Xxx

    2. Well done Jess, bit drastic but it worked - have one of those lovely cream buns to celebrate :) xxxx

    3. Well done Jess unfortunately not the best way to loose weight, sorry your hip is being

    4. Well done Jess losing some weight but oh is it a bug going around or what. Sorry your hip is so painful, will you need a replacing ? Take care xxx

    5. Good to loss those lbs, but not the way you did, seems to be so much bugs around. xxx

    6. Poor you as well Jess, but well done on weight loss. Have plenty of (((hugs))) flying your way too. xxx

    7. Hi JESS well done 4lbs wow,hope your tummy is feeling better ((((hug's )))) xx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    It is decidedly chilly here this morning I just hope the rain stays away that is forecast, horrid stuff!
    Maureen your card is absolutely divine as indeed all your cards are, these cakes look good enough to eat and no mistake and your glittered border just on the edge give a touch of luxury along with the pearls. Oh how I wish I could colour just like you!
    Sorry to hear there are more tummy upsets but pleased some are at least recovering they are not nice at all.
    Sandra have a lovely day out crafting and of course chatting!
    Sheila delighted to hear Nikki is excited and looking forward to her trip and stay, this is a really good step for her, I do hope all goes well and she enjoys every minute of it.
    Patricia hope you recover your lost sleep and that John's knees ease up for him, has he been over doing things or perhaps it's the chilly days that are fast approaching.
    I am off to do the tidy up job in my craft room that did not get done the other day due to visitors, well that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
    My hugs are in the corner please just help your selves, you are more than welcome and there are plenty more.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Have a nice time tiding your craft room, so much you find when doing it unless you get visitors ,again tihi hugs,xxx

  13. Sandra and everyone,
    Oh I could just eat one of those delicious looking cupcakes they really do look yummy! Maureen your card is gorgeous, and the colours are so beautiful and delicate, The whole design is so appropriate for Sandra, and what a posh cafe, china cups and lace edged table covers, real class.
    Jess, THANK YOUR husband for his very welcome advice, it's really is appreciated. I will be definitely looking at bridge cameras. The last three I have had have been Canon and loved each one.
    Diane, hope you're feeling better today and in less pain, also hope the bruises are starting to fade. LOL
    Sheila, I hope Nicky enjoys her little holiday, and also the pampering. I'm sure when you see her at the weekend she is going to be full of excitement about her time away. xx
    Sue, sorry to read you have the dreaded tummy bug, I hope after a quiet day you will be feeling much better. xx
    Patricia, hope John is feeling a little better this morning. The thing is when he has a bad night, you have a good night too, I think you both should have a quiet day, take care. xx
    Well I'm going to move myself now, I've had a lovely cappuccino and a delicious cake, I think it must be one of Margarets! John and I are going to London this afternoon to meet my sister and two other Sisters (Nuns) Who are over from Rome on a short visit. We know one of them very well, she's like one of the family. The other one is in Italian girl and I've met her before on several occasions. Think we will both come home exhausted, just through talking.
    Hope everyone has a good day, what ever you are doing.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda OB,
      Have a fantastic day in London with all the Sisters!!!! xxxx

    2. Brenda how wonderful that you are having a meet up with all the sisters have a lovely time and a safe journey. xxx

    3. Have a lovely day, Brenda! I'm sure you will. Xxx

    4. Hi Brenda, wish you a wonderful day with all your sisters !
      I sent you an E-mail last night, hope you got it.
      hugs ,xxx

    5. Hope your day was wonderful with the Sisters. xxx

    6. Hi BRENDA hope you had a lovely day meeting up with all your sisters,so much chatting & laughing I expect. Hug's Xx

  14. Helloooooooooooo,
    It's Sod's Law isn't it. The day I have enough energy and "get up and go" to come back to the Cafe, is the day that Sandra shows my card - so it looks as though I'm only here because of that. But i'm not, honest. Anyway, thank you all for your very kind comments about it. I do love stamping.
    I've been missing because I've just been overdoing it helping Peter because I think I'm still only 20 and, as you all know, I am now 29!!
    I've just looked at all the cards that have been posted over the last few days, and every one is a winner. I started to read the comments, but I don't have a spare week, so I'm afraid that I gave up!!! However,:-
    DAINTY - I was sorry to hear about you falling before you even got inside Ally Pally. You must have been in some pain and discomfort whilst you were there and I hope that you are now much better, and that the bruising is going.
    PATRICIA - Poor John, I hope he's soon on the mend.
    JANET and ANNE - It's a Sheena stamp, and when I was going through my stamps for Sandra's birthday, as soon as I saw it I thought "Cafe".
    SUE and LYNDA - I hope your tummy upsets are much better, and that you are "on the mend".
    JESS - 4lbs off, that's brilliant - although not such a good way to lose it. I can tell you where they've gone, my trousers feel a little tighter this morning ha ha.
    SHEILA - Nikki will have a wonderful time in Chester, I can feel her excitement here in Newcastle. She'll be full of it when she sees you at the weekend. How lovely for her - and you.
    SANDRA - Thank you for showing my card. I'm pleased you like it as I thought it most appropriate for your Cafe!!! Have a good crafting day with Pat.
    I'll see you all later. I suppose I'd better get myself motivated and water the orchids (should have been done on Sunday) and maybe do a little housework as George is helping Peter every day.
    Love and thanks for your kind comments.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Welcome back, so pleased you are feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed! I didn't realised you had reached the ripe old age of 29! I thought you had just reached your quarter century!
      Joking aside please do take things easy, there is always another day not broken into remember and the dust your butler has missed with his feather duster can wait another day.
      Take care love and hugs
      Margaret xxx

    2. You made it then!!!
      Just kidding! Won't get the tin hat out just yet!
      Soooo nice to have you back where you belong. - and in the trousers with Jess's 4lbs - you'll be looking swell, Dolly!! Xxx
      PS . Be good - don't overdo things! Xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- so happy to see you back, really missed you and your banter. Please take it easy, I am sure there is a young person is out there who would love the job of helping tidy the garden. xxx

    4. Muriel, I have missed you sooooo much ! glad you feeling better but do Not overdo things you will be weak so take your time and Rest !
      Lovely to have you back, Xxx

    5. Hello Maureen - so so nice to see you back where you belong. Thank you for the info re the stamp.
      Please do not overdo things until you're well and truly yourself again. Oh did I just say that!!!! When was the last time you saw yourself...hehehe
      Hugs xxxx

    6. Maureen, so glad you are feeling a bit better,just take it easy. Make sure George doesn't over do it now? xxx

    7. Hello MAUREEN how did you sneak in front of me,anyway glad you feeling better. I have really mist you & your sense of humour.
      Big Hug's xxx

    8. Maureen good to see you back. I hope you are still taking it easy. No housework yet only crafting.

  15. Patricia - Another OOPS ...... That should say you have a BAD night too!!! X

    1. BRENDA:- glad there is someone else who can make wee "oopsies"

  16. Good morning SANDRA & all you lovely ladies.
    Well I have just finished my pile of ironing & put two wash loads on the line & another in the washing machine,where dose it all come from.
    It was lovely seeing my son Sam & Harry last evening,they popped down as it was Terry's birthday. Harry has now mastered walking & he said grandad,Terry was really chuffed with that. Says a few words mum,dad,ball & when Annie barked he said OUT pointing at her hihi. That's what they say to their dog.He still has that gorgeous smile. I didn't have a cuddle as still had the ligering tummy upset from Saturday evening so thought it best.
    Weather today is so much better sunny but still chilly,yesterday was so dark cold & raining. So hopefully will be able to go for a walk later on the beach or park.
    Terry loved all the craft goodies I got him for his birthday HeHe (not really)
    I made him a fun card he loved it I will blog it.
    MARIA hope you have a lovely day with your new bundle of joy family member.
    Have lots of cuddles they are so specialXX
    MAUREEN your card is gorgeous Ooo I would love a slice of that cake. As already said your colouring is perfect. I hope your feeling better Maureen missing you lots.
    ANNE I have been looking at your cards on Pinserest They are all gorgeous xx
    Well better get ready for our walk see you later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, you should told us it was Terry's birthday coming up at AP, then we could have sung for him hihi, Hope he had a very nice one.
      I saw little Louis yesterday and he is so cute with the biggest dimple in
      his chin. He has colic so he is crying (a lot) but still lovely to see him and the rest of the family. Seeing SIL quite a lot but not her daughters and family's so it was nice. Hope you are getting rid of your tummy problems soon and feeling better, hugs Xxx

    2. Hi MARIA glad you had a nice time with baby Louis & the rest of the family gosh lots of them. I'm sure Terry would have loved you singing too him hehe. It was so lovely seeing you again Saturday shame we couldn't have stayed longer. Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Oh I am being lazy today - I shall just call it resting ! I've got some washing in at the moment ( shhh don't tell anyone - the sun is out!) but that's about it today. I had a lovely afternoon yesterday making a card and then cutting out all my new dies - it's exciting to see what you can do isn't it. I also bought a set of small plates for my GC and they are fab, saves so much winding! They were a last minute impulse buy so I don't know if I saved money - I know hobbycraft had a sign up saying £19.99 but they are never in stock so as these were cheaper than that and available I just dived in!
    Maureen your card today is beautiful, I love the stamp set and the way you have coloured it in - fabulous. I hope you feel better soon I am really missing you and your fun and laughter. I hope George us looking after you my lovely lady - hang on, I hope he is looking after you - but not too well! You have really missed your chance making fun of me over the last few days! Sending you a big hug xxxxxx
    Right I must make a move - I'm getting distracted by encaustic art on Hochanda at the moment - bought Julian a kit many moons ago, must get it out to play with again soon. Maria perhaps this is something you can introduce your hubby too for his retirement project - it's quite manly and you can achieve some wonderful results. Enjoy your day. Xxxx
    Sandra and Pat don't get up to too much mischief together - have fun playing. Xxxx
    Right I will try to pop back in later - I've got card club tonight so will be missing. See you soon xxxxx

    1. Hi my colourful friend tihi Glad you feeling a good lot better and didn't break anything. Will have a look into this encaustic art thing and see.OH is really difficult to please so better sometimes to leave him alone, more me time yay ! You take care now Xxx

  18. Sandra - I'm so sorry - I've compiled a post twice already and it has just disappeared. This has never happened before this new updates thingy on IPads.
    I haven't time to do it all again for the 3rd time!
    Have a lovely day crafting - sorry Sue won't be there. Get Well soon Sue!
    Maureen - your card is gorgeous! It's so appropriate for Sandra and the colouring is superb! The frosting on the cakes is lovely and I love the china too!
    Maybe a few tips for me in October? I don't mean off my chair either!!
    Diane - hope you feel better.
    Saba - stay safe!
    Have a good day everyone,
    Sorry about this,
    Myra xxxx

  19. Morning Ladies

    Maureen- your card for Sandra is just gorgeous! Perfect for the proprietor of the cafe!!!

    My cold has now turned into a cough which is exhausting me! I only hope it doesn't develop into a chest infection., which I'm prone to. Although I've not had a cold for a few years luckily-not that this is great timing!
    We're hoping to find Yoders restaurant in the Amish district & go for lunch-hubby saw it featured on TV once and hasn't forgotten how nice the fried chicken looked. The good news is we'll be passing a Hobby lobby & Michaels-yeah!!! I'll let you know what I purchase in the stores.


    1. Oh MICHELE sorry your still suffering with your cough hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy your holiday. Ooo hope you find some lovely crafty goodies in Hobbylobby & Michaels. Hug'sLynda xx

    2. So sorry you are still unwell Michele! It seems so unfair! I would love to visit an Amish village or district! I hope you enjoy the experience. Xxx

  20. Michele, please take care with that cough!!., I always feel a cold at this time of the year is the worst to get and more so if it gets into ones chest. Like you my cold was the first I have had for ages. I just hope that Michaels is better than the ones in Canada. xxx

    1. Michele, bless you. When are you going to be aloud to enjoy your holiday, I really feel for you x Have a nice time anyway if you can and hope Michaels is better there then in NY Xxx

    2. Oh sorry your still not well MICHELE I hope your cough gets better soon & you can enjoy your holiday. Ooo Hobbylobby & Michaels hope you get some lovely goodies. Take care. Hug's xxx

    3. Do they have Fishermen's Friend over there I went into an old fashioned sweet shop where nearly everything imaginable can be bought but not the cough sweets that I required. Zubes, anyone else remember them? xxx

    4. Oh yes Cheryl I can remember the one and only time I had a Fisherman's friend I thought my end was coming! Now Zubes were much kinder on the throat! But my favourite for coughs and sore throats were Hacks they were wrapped in red cellophane wrapping, memories, memories! xxx

    5. May I just say - I hate cough sweets! I hate the taste - all of them! I'm often told to " suck a Zube" but maybe that's so that I'll shut up for a while! Xxx

  21. Hi everyone back from my Wednesday meet up with friends, we meet every Wednesday for a catchup at the local garden centre, guess what, they have all their Christmas stuff out.
    Just looked up the rugby result, well done Scotland!
    Have a wedding card to finish for tomorrow, might not have time to pop back.
    So have a good evening everyone, take care, xxx

    1. Yes ! Jess my husband was cheering them on earlier! Xxx

  22. Hello Sandra and all in the cafe this afternoon.
    Maureen, I Love the card you sent Sandra ! It looks so fresh and yummy with the cup cakes and glitter, it's wonderful and your colouring in is perfect. Love doing colouring in but like the others and worse ,a 5 year old would be better. Lessons please !
    I have comment on the way down but must say something about yesterdays posts. Do you trying to make be all dizzy,or dizzier hihi I really thought that all vegetables were called the same from beginning but just called something else by people. So now it's Turnip is a Swede and Broccoli is Cauliflower down in Cornwall, have I got that right ? I would't want to be wrong if I was going down to Cornwall one day tihi Grovvi plates ? are they something extra for the GC or some other machine ? and Today I'm being told I am drinking Gnats wee and not like Lynda's the Builders one oh boy .
    Margaret, I hope your Recipe for Lemon drizzle Cake is still the same tihi
    Thank you for the recipe, will write it in "my friends" book.
    Hope Saba have a nice time sailing and good weather over there x
    You ok Cheryl, still cataloguing your stamps ? Have done some of my dies, thanks Karen for the tip, it works !. But nothing as posh as yours, I only put them in and now I need more folders, long wait till April........
    I had a fabulous day yesterday meeting baby Louis, OH took a picture so might send it to Sandra if you all want to see him but Warning! It wasn't easy because he have colic so he was crying, a lot ! Both my SIL daughters were there and Louis Sister ,Molly 4 came home from school and the other daughters boy ,Ben 14 too ( already 6ft) so it was a full house with chatter, laughter and tears from the little one, called Cookie while in the oven hihi
    This sunny morning I went with OH out and we ended up at Waitrose for a free cuppa and reading all the newspapers. So much crap going on everywhere and talk about how much everything costing everyone and still we are going to get 1 million more coming into the country. I'm staying out of it and letting you sort it out I think. Time to start on the dinner and 'stuff' but hope to be in later for a nightcap , Love and hugs to all, Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      No I'm sorry to say I got sidetracked again. My grandson's birthday today and my Mum had sent HIS card to ME. Then Judy turned up for her lift to her docs surgery for her 6 weekly INR check which I had forgotten about.
      On the way we called into the recycling centre to drop off some metal and my old computer tower, then INR check and after that onto The Range. I couldn't find any of Sue's or CE's dies or stamps, but I did find the Teal GC on sale there for 79 pounds and a display of Sheena's stamps and bits. Santoro stamps were on offer, 3 for 10 pounds, big savings there ladies as they are normally 4.95 each.
      Will try to get some stamp cataloguing done tonight but not pushing myself, it will get done eventually. Pete's phrase, bless him.
      Love & hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Oh CHERYL slow down my dear you sound as if you have had a very busy day. Take care (((Hug's))) xx

    3. Oh! My! Goodness! Cheryl, your like a "whirlwind" slow down or you be dizzy!! Good luck with the cataloguing your stamps. xxx

    4. Cheryl, you are putting me to shame. I reed to do some more sorting out. xxx

    5. Maria in Scotland a turnip or swede is called neeps or so my friend from Dunblaine told me, she also told me they were lovely with some freshly grated nutmeg on and they really are. xxx

    6. Nothing nicer than a neep that has had the frost to it. Boiled, then. Mashed with lots of butter and some cream and oh yes pepper. Can't wait till I can have some. Yummy, yummy.

    7. Remember the potato shortage sometime in the 70's?, we used to roast turnips instead, lovely there were too.,yum yum

    8. I remember the shortage, we started to eat more rice and pasta then. Plus lots more veg,always ate cabbage and the likes so just put extra on the plates to make up for the lack of potatoes. xxx

    9. I love some neep with slowcooked pork and mustard omg. the best when it's cold outside.
      Cheryl- you have time. Your grandson is more important, how old is he ? Nice things from 'the Range' you got there. My son who works at the Range here has not heard anything about CE selling their dies or stamps but I will keep my eyes and ears open. xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all, sorry to be late been busy with work as it's the craft show tomorrow
    Maureen your card is yummy, makes me want cake, but not allowed,GP orders.
    Maria you're very welcome to visit our beautiful Cornwall .
    Will be off early tomorrow so will wish you all good night, and see you tomorrow evening.

    1. Better late than never don't worry I am usually late too have a good time at the craft show tomorrow. xxx

    2. I'd have joined you at the show, Exeter is only hour's drive for me, if my daughter hadn't rung with an emergency she wants me to help sort out. argh.

    3. Thanks Lilian, oh have a fab. day tomorrow at Exeter craft show. Hope you find a lot of goodies you need, want and just because hihi

    4. Lilian - have a lovely day tomorrow and I hope it is a nice dry day! Xxx

  24. Hi Lilian have a good day tomorrow at the craft show tomorrow
    Enjoy. Hug's Lynda xx

  25. LILIAN:- have a wonderful day tomorrow, have fun. xxx

  26. Lillian, have a good day tomorrow, don't spend to much? Now that's something that doesn't happen!!., xxx

  27. My it is quiet in here tonight I suppose everyone is watching Bake Off I'm recording it as someone here is watching the football, I cannot see the fun watching a lot of childish men kicking a ball up and down and falling over if anyone goes near them rolling in 'agony' one minute and then all of a sudden up they get and are fine! If I was a referee there would be no players left on the field by half time, if they argued they would get sent off!
    Well I will have another go to sort out my craft room!
    I do hope you and John have a better night Patricia.
    Margaret xxx

    1. They do say, footballers can't play when they get hurt , poor little darlings, but real men like rugby players play through the pain. x

    2. Margaret, it's football here too so I have spent 90+ minutes going through my e-mails etc. and soon 'he' want to watch 'Ripper Street' so best be back in an hour or so.... xxx

  28. Margaret. It because the rebels aren't in, SABA is on the high seas, Myra is gadding I think and Maureen is doing as she is told. Mine is t watching football but some film he recorded. In other words rubbish. Like you I have recorded the bake off. Will watch later. I take it your daughter has got their house sorted? Or is it on hold till the week end? xxx

    1. MARGARET:- as Hazel has said the "rebels" have taken off and Maureen for once is behaving.
      John sitting with the little Heat Bags on his kness which he says are a lot better this evening (that's the knees not the Heat Bags, they are always good) .... thank goodness.
      No telly on here, I am crocheting, John reading, all nice and quiet.
      Really early dark though, I don't Iike it. xxx

    2. Maureen - behaving - never!! Impossible thats what it is! Xxx

    3. I've missed Bake off! Don't tell me what happened! Excusez moi ? Gadding? Never! I'm a home bird! Xxx

    4. I am really sure Maureen is behaving or George is standing on her scarf!! xxx

    5. George isn't fit to stand! He's been run off his feet these last few days! He's also a male who can't multi- task! He must be exhausted. Xxx

    I'm here. I had to make a very special card but inspiration wouldn't come, then when it did my sister in law in France (with a house big enough for a swimming pool and a pony) telephoned and was on the phone for 45 minutes. Then a friend rang (I have ONE - but it costs me a lot of money to keep her lol) and was on the phone for half an hour. So all in all, it took me longer to do the card than I thought it would.
    LILIAN - have I missed something - who is Lilian, if you are new to our wonderful Cafe - welcome. If you've been on here for a while I've probably been imbibing too much Baileys, so sorry!!! Anyway, have a fabulous day tomorrow at the Craft Show.
    Talking about Baileys, I've noticed that the intravenous feeds have been disconnected from the Tanker so I've sorted that out. The glasses are filled and I've put some ice in as it will make them rather nice. The pint glasses are running short, so I've ordered some more. Oh, the drinks cabinet (well Warehouse, really) is in an awful state, what am I going to do with you all. No wonder people are loaded with cold, or have jippy tummys - you aren't having enough alcohol to sterilize yourselves!!! ha ha.
    PATRICIA, Thank you so much for taking the time to send me a list of addresses and birthdays. It will be so useful. I did think of calling you Patricia OAB (Order of Addresses and Birthdays) but thought people would think I meant OAP, and we all know you are a long way from that, so it'll have to be OBA, which people might get mixed up with OBE, so that's all right!!
    Myra, flower, you are quiet tonight. Was it something I said?? Oh I've just seen that Hazel says Myra is gadding again. Honestly that woman is never in, at her age too (hard hat).
    Patricia, I hope you have a better night with John's knees tonight. I know what it's like to be disturbed. Ha ha, I've read that again, it looks a bit peculiar if you read it slowly and digest it!!!! I think it's the thought of you having a good time with John's knees, and then me being disturbed - well, we've known that for a long time!!!!
    See you shortly,
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oh Wow! Muriel you are back and all is right with the world!
      Where is Saba!
      I'll be forced to text her tomorrow if necessary, what a threat!
      How is George , Muriel ? Have his cooking skills improved?
      Be kind! Xxxx

    2. Mrs Bucket that is I think, love the old comedies.
      Well is time to say God natt and sleep well everyone. Hope all OH behaving themselves. Warm hugs ( in September) XxX

  30. Well as you all kindly wished me a good tomorrow, I think that gives the green light to spend,
    Cheryl so sorry you can't come to Exeter,I always go on my own as no else very interested.
    I also recorded Bake Off as we were watching an old Agatha Christie, that the other half likes.
    Be back tomorrow to tell you my buys.
    Maureen I visted last week to wish Sandra and Paul best wishes and was so warmly welcommed Ive stayed, I must admit it is addictive!!!!!
    Well time for bed, so good night.

    1. Good night Lilian, you'll have a lovely time in the Cafe, and it does get very addictive, but you'll soon find out that I'm the only sensible one here. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow when you tell us what you've bought.
      Myra, George is a wonderful cook, especially when it saves me from having to think of meals, which is the worst part.
      I take it that Saba is "Sailing", I hope they have plenty fuel, the battery is fully charged, and they find ports with internet access, otherwise she may be a little upset!!!
      Himself has settled down for the night, so I think that I'd better say Goodnight to everyone, sweet dreams, and I'll see you in the morning. To any late nighters, have a good time, and help yourself to whatever you fancy. Nuts and nibbles are in the top right hand cupboard!!!!
      Love Muriel xxxx

    2. Night Night Everyone! This Duracell bunny has run out of power! No not the iPad. - me! Sleep well, God Bless! Xxx

    3. Thanks for the nibbles, always get a bit peckish around 1.30/2 a clock so looking forward to them later, sleep well, no frolicking around, you are British tihi xxx

  31. Hello Sandra and and all the lovely coffee shop ladies. Sorry I was not around yesterday, life was just to hectic. Maureen, your card is beautiful !! I love the Noble Square Dies. What a great stamped image, I love your colouring in and your little touch of glitter. X x x
    Patricia I am sorry about your husbands bad knee. I hope he feels better soon. I hope everyone else that feels unwell also recovers very soon. X x x
    Sheila, I am so pleased for your daughter Nikki having an exciting night out and a shopping trip. I am sure she will have a lovely time. X x x
    I love the look of that fab lemon drizzle cake recipe posted yesterday. Sorry I can't remember the persons name. Sorry. I would love to have a go at making it but I am supposed to be being good on my diet !! I can see myself giving in though and trying it out !! X x x
    Sandra, your card yesterday was beautiful !! This is one of the dies still on my wish list. I really must get it as I think it would be a very versatile, useful die to have. I love the colours you used and I love that glitter to. x x x
    I do hope everyone had a good day today. Myself and my other half went to visit my step daughter and her new fiancé today. We all had a lovely afternoon together. X x x
    Sending everyone lots of love from Tres x x x

    1. Hi Tres, you probably have gone to bed by now so hope you have a good night and hope to see you tomorrow. I'm going to cut out more bits I need to make my christmas cards for this year, it takes forever.
      Have you started yours yet ? Did you buy much at AP ? I love going there but so many companies aren't there anymore witch is a shame because I like to see and feel things before buying. Nice to see the crafters that was there. Did you do any Make and Take ? Oh remember also to phone this lady you met, don't think just do it, what have you to lose. God I'm rambling so I will stop now and leave you all be. See you later, hugs Maria XxX
