
Thursday 24 September 2015

Another Beautiful Birthday card that I received x

 My Birthday Card from Pat (Witney)
Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
Today I am excited to show you the gorgeous card that Pat made for me, it is a beautiful Easel Card
(with extra bits), in a beautiful yellow with grey floral butterflies.  Pat used Creative Expressions Noble Dies for the main body of the card and layers, the decorative elements were made from Spellbinders Butterflies
and Creative Expressions Camelia flowers, both finished with pearls.  The depth and layers on this card were
absolutely amazing, I was totally blown away when I opened it, I will add that this card has travelled to Spain and back too, so really did stand the test of time and travel.
Thank you so much Pat.

Pat and I had a lovely crafting day, we did lots of die cutting, well that was all we did really, no cards were actually composed, but the elements are all there, I just need to sit and design.
Pat also bought with her the most delicious cakes (shut your eyes Sue)!!! They were fresh cream and fresh raspberry eclairs with a little raspberry sauce inside, they had a line of pink icing with freeze dried raspberries sprinkled over them, totally delicious and what a treat, thank you Pat xxxx
Maureen it was good to see that you were well enough to visit us yesterday, you were very much missed, its good to have you back xxxx
I get to see Pat again today, sadly not for crafting, she has to come back today as she suffered a serious
'Craft' moment, after checking twice to make sure she had all of her dies etc she got in her car and left,
I went to sit with the girls to talk about their day and noticed a grey handbag, quite large I might add, sitting
next to the coffee table, yes you guess it, its owner was half way back to Witney, I did think of calling but
her mobile was in her handbag! Oh Pat, its a bit soon for senior moments!!
Love and hugs to all


  1. Good Morning Sandra
    Good morning ladies,
    Well I must say this card is something special, such a lot of work has gone into it, the colour is lovely and fresh. Sandra you must have been so pleased to receive it.
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday, started with a migraine on Tues night with the visual flashing, so went to bed early, but didn't escape the muzzy headache yesterday so stayed away from the computer altogether. I'm totally fine now
    And I glad because it's craft class today and I have missed the last two weeks with being on holiday and then we went to see a new property for Nic last week.
    I haven't had a chance to catch up with yesterday's chatter - will try later although I see from Sandra's comment that Maureen came in, glad to see you feeling a bit better and. Hope you continue to feel better each day Maureen.
    Have heard it said from a few people that we are getting an Indian summer shortly - hope so we need some sunshine before winter creeps in. Need to get the garden in order, have a few things to change around as some plants have gotten a bit big and I had to cut some flowers away to make room for plants which were struggling underneath. I hate cutting plants down when they are in flower.
    Will pop back after craft class
    Have topped the basket up with hugs
    Hope everyone who has had colds are now feeling better
    Till later Jean xx

    1. Morning Jean,
      sorry to see you also suffering from migraine, it is a few of you, but glad you are feeling better. I heard about the Indian summer too and it would be nice. Happy Crafting xxx

    2. Hello Jean,
      I'm glad your migraine's gone, they are an awful affliction. Enjoy your craft class, we'll hear all about it later. xxx

    3. Good morning Jean so pleased you have recovered xxx

    4. Glad you're over migraine. I used to be on medication to prevent them when I was younger Gladly (touch wood) I don't seem to get them now

    5. Oh Jean migraines are just awful things and can be so debilitating at times. I suffer with the auras and they are such a nuisance waiting to clear so I can see properly then they are followed by a dull headache.
      So pleased you are over it now though. xxx

    6. Hi Jean sorry you had a horrible migraine I suffer with them a lot they are not at all nice. pleased your better xx

  2. Good morning,

    A very stunning easel card Pat. Loving the intricate lacey look from the dies. Yellow is such a bright pick-you-up colour isn't it toned down a tad with the soft grey.
    Plans changed again today, have to go into town to help daughter Giorgina with a bit of a sticky problem. will probably stay for lunch then hopefully get back to my craft room. I think this stamp cataloguing has been doomed from the minute I started it, so needless to stay they are back in their higgly-piggly draw! I nave decided to leave it now until I have a perfectly wet rainy day and nothing else to do before trying again.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl, have a nice day with Giorgina (nice name) but
      where did the name , higgly-piggly come from tihi xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl,
      Have a lovely day with Giorgina - I love how all your names are just so slightly different in spelling or pronunciation. I have all my stamps in separate drawers which are marked accordingly. Flowers, Ladies, Babies, Men etc. Of course some need much more than one drawer!! I'm rambling again - sorry, have a great day. xxx
      Maria, higgldy piggldy is another way of saying everything is upside down and a mess. xxx

    3. Hi Maria,
      As Maureen says 'an upside mess' or not in any order.

      My daughter Giorgina is named after my Granddad George and my dad, also a George. The spelling comes from an old 'gang mate' who had an Italian father and this was the way her name was spelt. So when my Giorgina was born I preferred the Italian spelling as I thought it was more feminine than the male version more commonly used. xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all the Café gang. It's a beautiful day here, I have been busy doing things befor coming in for my Tea & Toast.
    PAT:- great card, love the use of all the Die cuts, great design.
    JEAN:- hope you are felling better today. Migraines are a horrible thing, take some have out of you. Take things easy today.
    CHERYL:- tomorrow is another day, you might get round to your Stamp Cataloguing then.
    Off to have quick slurp of my tea and eat my toast. See you all later. xxx

    1. Helo Patricia,
      Are you doing anything today? I'm off to see Nurse Dracula (what do they do with all this blood they take?) and may go for a walk with George as he's got a day off from the bungalow - yippee!!! xxx

  4. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today.
    I cannot believe that I'm so early and have beaten Patricia in. I hope that this doesn't mean that John had another horrendous night in pain.
    I've put the kettle on; set out some cups etc and I've remembered the Teacakes this morning so they're ready and waiting to be toasted.

    Sandra - what a beautiful beautiful bday card.
    Pat - your card is just STUNNING. It is so regal and being an easel card just adds that extra special little bit.

    Well I made a start on my Oct bday cards yesterday morning - made a start - is all I did. I did cutting for the first and then decided to assemble instead of cutting dies for another card. I would have been far better just cutting all day because I have never made a bigger mess than I did trying to assemble. I've also never before not been able to recover a card or thrown one away but I did yesterday. In the end I just gave up and went and sat down and didn't do anything for the rest of the day. Heaven only knows what happened to me and if they do they're not telling lol. Perhaps it was something to do with it being the Autumn Equinox!! Yesterday was the first day of Autumn.

    So today is another day and I'm going to try again. I just may need gallons of coffee but we shall see.

    Hope everyone who have been under the weather this week are feeling somewhat better. Have you all noticed the change in Sue's times for the week-end Hochanda shows? I still haven't received my Art Deco die from Sue from her Launch and my fingers are itching to play with it. Will give it another few days as I know she has been uba busy.
    Off now to see to the washer as it should be finished with the first load I put in before popping in here.
    Hugs did come with me so I hope they behave after I've left.

    1. Morning Janet thank you for thinking of us. John was not too bad last night, I hit him with Maureen's Mallet!!
      I must have pressed "publish" as you were typing xxxx

    2. Hello Janet, Patricia snuck in under the radar. She has a habit of that sort of thing ha ha. Have a good day, and good luck with the cards. I sometimes have days like that - well most of the time really!!! xxx
      Patricia, I'm sorry not to have asked about John, but that huge rubber mallet is excellent - and doesn't leave a mark!!! xxx

    3. Morning Janet don't worry about yesterday today is a whole new day, enjoy your coffee xxx

  5. Good morning. Love your birthday card from Pat Sandra. Lovely card Pat. Expect you will be in,later to let us know what dies you used.
    Had lovely weather yesterday but raining today. Looks horrible out. Expect I have missed everyone so will sit by the window with my tea and toast and people watch. See you later.

    1. Hello BrendaLL, I will join you and have another cuppa. Sorry your weather is not good, ours is beautiful.
      We can sit and people watch. xxx

    2. Hello Brenda LL, lovely to see you. We have a lovely day here today, but the sky is starting to get very dark clouds, so watch this space. I seem to be following Patricia all the way down, but she's two hours ahead of me, as usual. xxx

  6. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Another beautiful birthday card Sandra, you were spoilt with cards, and what a lovely way to see how all these dies can be used.
    A lazy start for me today, to think Patricia and I have been home a week, where has that week gone? I am on a go slow today, it's these dark mornings plus not having to get up and out. I am picking Beth up from school today, I wonder what she will want to do? Before that I must get things done in the house. Tammy here for lunch as well, so need to think of something for that. Right off to get myself a cup of tea and I think a teacake,will sit and see if big sis comes in. Will pop back later and see how everyone is doing, (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket in the mean time. Xxx

    1. Hello my friend, your's is the first post that Patricia hasn't posted before me, she must have gone for another top up.
      Have a lovely lunch with Tammy, I'm on my way, should be up there about 1.30!!! Enjoy seeing Beth, she'll give you a big hug xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and the all you lovelies,
    Just a quick post as I am off to the hairdressers.
    WOW! What a beautiful card Pat has created and what a lucky lady Sandra to have received such beautiful cards from friends who love you. Pat it really is a stunner!!
    Maureen! Hellooooo! It's great that you are well again and back where you belong....a big ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to welcome you back amongst the crazies! Haha!
    Okey-dokey I must gat on will do a catch -up later....have left hugs in the basket so please help yourselves
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Ah good morning the glamorous Sheila, and wait until you get back from the hairdressers!! You'll be a vision of beauty. xxx

    2. Oh I'm far from glamorous Maureen....I hate get all frilled up, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal! Hahaha! xxx

    3. Hello Sheila you look beautiful with your posh hair do.
      love Lynda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Well what a shock this morning to see my card that I made Sandra. It actually stands up higher that Sandra has shown. It has a stand at the back and the top piece stands up over the piece underneath. Hard to explain really. Sandra has already said which dies I used the Noble dies were used to make all of the card. Plus Sandra's butterflies and some pearls. 6 pieces in all were used to make the card.
    Glad to see your up to coming in this morning Maureen, you've been sorely missed. Jean I'm so sorry you had a migraine, I used to have them in my teens, mind you that's many moons ago. As Sandra said I had a CRAFT moment yesterday, so an extra trip is required today on our way to Swindon to pick it up.

    1. Hello Pat, what a gorgeous card, the colours are stunning, and so is the design. I wish I could get out of the habit of making standard square or rectangle cards.
      Will you have time for a cup of tea with Sandra, or will you have to get straight away? Either way, have a safe trip. xxx

    2. Hi Pat what a beautiful and stunning card love everything about it, I really must try and do a card like this sometime, instead of the usual ones.
      I should not worry about your little slip yesterday I would blame it on the cakes just say you had a sugar rush!! Safe journey xxx

    3. Hi Pat wow your card is stunning love love love it can you tell I love it.
      haha honestly it's Gorgeous.
      Hug'S Lynda xx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, Pat your card is stunning, nothing else needs to be said about it!
    It is a lovely day here today, Indian Summer I think.
    Quick comment as today is another day in my friends craft shop (how hard can that be!!!) will pop back when I get back, take care xxxx

    1. Ooh Jess, I wish I could come and help at your friend's craft shop. My idea of heaven, but I'd be a lot poorer!!!! xxx

    2. You lucky girl helping in a craft shop my idea of heaven too!! Have a good day xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and 'ladies' this beautiful day and something else that's Beautiful is the card you got from our Pat. It is BEAUTIFUL ! love the layers and as a easel card its' very Special.
    I'm on my own this morning "grizzly" have left the building tihi so I have taken over all work spaces in the kitchen and hope for some proper cutting out morning and then hopefully get a prototype out for the C-mas cards but keep changing my mind so have to stop or I will go stircrazy. Good luck Janet, plenty of coffee today.
    Saba- hope everything is fine and you are enjoying the sailing and have good weather.x
    Michele- hope you cough hasn't got worse x
    Karen- hope you are ok and just to busy with work and salsa. Looking forward to Strictly cha-cha-cha x
    Everyone ,try to have a good day as possible . See you later ,love and hugs in masses Maria XxX

    1. Hello my little Maria, I always want to sing "The Hills are Alive, after I've typed your name, but believe me with my singing, you wouldn't want to hear it ha ha. Have a lovely day my little Minchkin and be good - as if you would ever be anything else!!!! xxxx

  11. Well, I have just had a text from Anna, she is going to be very unhappy unless I say I will pick her up from piano tonight. In her words " it's unfair you have picked Beth up three times now and not once little old ME!!!" So needless to say I am picking her up. It's true I haven't picked her up but she has always been doing something. It looks like I am there tonight till dad gets home, mum is away. I don't mind and I am glad she has let me know how she is feeling. At least sisters two are ok on there own so far. Don't want them to think they are t up to looking after themselves so just text them every other day with " everything ok" think I will ask them if they want Sunday night tea here. As Charlie points out years ago couples were married at their age and running homes. You forget and just think 16 1/2 and 171/2. Aren't able to cook etc. but these two can. Oh I better go get a move on. xxx

    1. I knew it, they love you too much to let you go. How lovely, Hazel. Enjoy xxxx

    2. Double the hugs and cuddles from your two favourite fans Hazel!

  12. Hello Everyone,
    Well, another beautiful birthday card for Sandra, and it's lovely to see how other people make totally different cards.
    I've been answering comments on the way down, and am running out of time to get to the Doctors so will have to make this quick.
    Michele, I do hope you soon feel a whole lot better, and are able to enjoy your holiday without feeling poorly.
    Saba, are you enjoying the high seas. Me - I prefer Terra Firma unless I'm on a Cruise Liner!!!
    Everyone, have a great day. I'm off to see Nurse Dracula and then will go for a walk and lunch with George. Oops, just looked out of the window and it's raining. Will have to dig my waterproof out.
    See you all later, Be good.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Good morning Maureen I have been following you all the way down! We are having sunshine followed by heavy showers so you are right to take your waterproofs! Good luck at the doctors hope they don't take too much blood! xxx

    2. it's not letting me leave an actual comment! SO Hope veryone is feeling better
      Eyes are back to normal
      PAT your card is spectacular
      OH still getting under my feet.
      Having probs on laptop with "Click, Print Go" cd's (I know! Should never have bothered with THAT company lesson learned!)
      Better get back to work On here because I'm waiting for some data to refresh So at a bit of a standstill at mo until it finishes

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I pleased the weekly shop is done and all put away, the weather is not playing fair today I have a whole load of washing to dry for my daughter as her dryer has broken and there is sunshine followed by heavy showers drat it!
    So pleased you are getting back to your old self Maureen do enjoy your lunch.
    Patricia pleased to here you both had a better night's sleep last night.
    Our grandson is off canoeing on Derwentwater today so I do hope the weather improves, but he told me not to worry, the worst that can happen is
    they will all get wet! He has his waterproofs, a change of clothes and wellies so we can but hope.
    I am going to take a chance and put this washing out the weather is improving so fingers crossed.
    My hugs are in the corner please help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  14. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra flower you do know that yellow is the colour of friendship which i think is even more apt in the stunning card that Miss Forgetful made for you, oops sorry Pat. Ach think on it this way she just wanted another excuse to come and craft with you although i hope that there was nothing that she urgently needed in the bag. The soft yellow that you have used Pat is beautiful and grey is always a nice colour to bounce it off. Sandra you could create a rogues gallery with all your cards around your crafting space and then you could have inspiration flowing non stop. I'm just trying to picture your Pauls face when he seen them all waiting for you and then when you opened them. What exquisite cards you received and every one of them different, so glad as it has put a smile on to a lovely persons face and hopefully gave her a warm glow as to how much she is thought about so much.
    Mrs B did you notice that you had also won in John's prize draw as well this week? Sorry i am probably at the back of the door with this piece of news but just in case i'm not, well done, you are having a lucky week aren't you.
    Well on bolero number 3 which i'm now up at the shapings for the arms and fronts and beign a lazy tike the bodies off them all have been knitted all in one so that i don't need to sew that part up at least, so that is what i'll being doing today, finishing numero 3 ooo. I've still got the wee lads cardi to do with hat and 4th bolero so a busy week and now madam has decided it has to be an Aran cardi and hat for him to keep him warm. Now there is only one problem and that is finding the pale blue aran wool that i know i have as it wont take long to do but first things first. I think i will have a latte to go as i think the hands are going to have to be busy. I've told her that i can't get it done as the girls boleros are a priorty for me with time running away. why can't they decided about these things and give me the time to get them done. The boleros i said to Fiona 6 months ago and she gives me 3 weeks notice to do 4 and then teeny on top. I'll be glad when this wedding comes and i'm finished everything, then i can get relaxing with a shawl again. Have a good day everyone,
    Love and huggles in the basket for everyone
    Norah xx

    1. Oh Norah you are one busy bunny and no mistake but just tell them miracles you can perform, the impossible takes a little longer! Take care. xxx

    2. Norah - that's an awful lo of knitting in a very short time! All the best finding the wool! Xxx

  15. Morning Ladies

    Pat- your card for Sandra is just stunning. Love all the details & layers on it.

    We did go out yesterday and the only thing I bought was a very reduced spellbinder die at $2.40 (£1.60) it's a street lamp- to be honest it's a bit odd but at that price I couldn't resist! We went to the American Coffeys for dinner las night but left early as I was exhausted. I ended up in bed by 9pm and eventually fell asleep. I now have a horrible hard, chesty cough do its back to Walmart pharmacy- I swear I know every product on their shelves! Other than that we're not going out at all.

    We found Yoders restaurant yesterday & we were seated by Amos Yoder who is the brother of the original Yoder family member who started the business. Unfortunately we didn't see anyone in full Amish dress.


    1. Michele, your not having it good. Get some good old fashioned. Ickes vapour rub on to your chest and back , and on the soles of your feet and a pair of socks on. It helps sounds daft , but it works . I always think cough mixture only help a little, and mask things. Always go back to
      The old ways of dealing with things, Hazel x

    2. Michele I do hope you are feeling better very soon so you can really enjoy the rest of your time in

    3. Oh Michele I'm so sorry you feel so unwell. What an awful shame. Hope you feel better tomorrow! Xxx

    4. Brandy and Lovage for a chesty cough is a very good alternative to cough mixture, but I don't know if you can get Lovage in the US.
      Always works for me. xxx

    5. Oh my goodness Cheryl I was introduced to this several years ago - it's quite yummy isn't it - worth having a bad cough for! :) xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Wow What a beautiful card I love the soft yellow, I really had to expand my screen to see the grey was patterned. Which made me think this card is going to look even better in the flesh. Pat you have put so much into making this gorgeous card, it no wonder Sandra is blown away with it. xx
    Maria, I did see your email but was so exhausted after my afternoon in London. I will get on to it this afternoon.
    Well I'm so late think I better look at th lunch menu, toasted sandwich n-o-w what filling ???? Let me think !!!! This could take a while......
    Hope everyone has a good afternoon, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda hope you had a good meet up with all the sisters although you were tired afterwards. xxx

  17. Hello all
    MARIA thank you for thinking of me Just busy Work Salsa Hospital Purchase scams OH under my feet just the usual
    NORAH you sound busy with your knitting etc but at least we can sit down whilst we do it!
    MICHELE take care I think the Vick idea sounds the best
    Craft tonight so trying to get bits together for that and must eat!

  18. Hi everyone back from my cut and blow and shopping done too. Feeling shattered now as my chest doesn't seemed to be clearing very quickly but it was good to get some fresh air. My new shopping wheelie came yesterday so it's had a good first run out and it's one with wheels that I can replaced it one snaps of! It was really quite warm when I left the house even the wind was a warm one....but if got quite chilly by the time I was leaving town
    I had a couple of cards I need to post wrapped them all up then realised I hadn't taken a photo of our Margaret's card so I had to gently unwrap it to take a picture. It's just that I like to have a record of them so I don't make the same one again for the same person.
    Patricia I'm so glad John had a better night's sleep and hope the pain is a bit more easier to bare.
    Going to have nice quiet evening now will pop in

    1. Hello SHEILA:- don't you just get so annoyed with yourself when you forget to photo cards.?? I have done that so often.
      Glad you have your new shopping trolley and it's had its first tour out. xxx

    2. Oh I get so mad with myself when I forget, Clive always said as I was about to wrap a card...'have you taken a picture?' So I'll have to leave a reminder to myself before I finish one in the future. Patricia as the youngsters would say my new trolleys 'cool' and alot better than the first one.Haha! xxx

    3. So pleased you have got all sorted with your shopping wheels Sheila, but please if your chest does not feel any better soon go and see the doctor you cannot be too careful. Pleased you enjoyed your cut and blow dry.
      I have forwarded you an email I received sorry it's a little late but I have been busy and forgot to check my emails, xxx

    4. Sheila, I think you'll look gorgeous even in a sack!!! I ALWAYS forget to photograph the cards. I even sometimes forget to wrap them when I'm in a hurry to catch the post. It's so annoying, I could kick myself. Well, I could but George would prefer to kick me!!! (not really, he is always so lovely to me). xx

  19. Hello Sandra and all the Ladies!
    It's very hot here today - 26 degrees. I don't know how Janet and Saba coped with hotter than that!
    We were up at 5 15am today which is a wee bit early for me! I can do it though Patricia! I slept a bit on the plane.
    We are on the third floor with a lovely sea view and even more entertaining - one of the pools is over to our right! People watching should be fun!
    Alastair and I were in stitches this morning at the Airport as a man went into the Gents wearing a Panama hat! My husbands comment was - he clearly decided against packing the hat!
    I saw a family having bacon and eggs accompanied by beer at 5 50am at the airport! Lovely!
    Sandra - your card from Pat is lovely. Lovely design and colours. That took a lot of time.
    I won't comment on the way down as there isn't time. We are an hour ahead here and going to walk out for dinner . Will try to call back later.
    Love to all, especially those who are not feeling well!
    Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- glad you have arrived and your temperature is a little cooler than Hazel & I had last week. Every day over 35c was just a bit too much and greatly curtailed our "gadding"
      Hope you had a nice walk and dinner xxx

    2. Hi Myra
      Oh dear somehow I must have missed that you were going on holiday....that's quite easy for me! Anyway have a wonderful time and enjoy the warmth don't worry about your partner in crime we'll keep her in check! Teehee!! Enjoy and have fun. Love Sheila xxx

    3. Just like Sheila I had no idea you were going flying!!
      So pleased you landed safely have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute of your holiday. You did not say if you had bacon and beer at the airport too I notice!

    4. Margaret - please! Give me a little credit! Xxx
      Just back home - we had a lovely meal and saw the most beautiful sunset! It's lovely to relax!
      Sheila - I don't envy you trying to keep Muriel in check! Ha ha ! Xxx

    5. Happy hols Myra & Alastair xxx

  20. Hi everyone, had a good day at my friends craft shop,,saw too any new things.
    What a good stock she has, got a couple of dies, why not!!
    Need to finish the wedding card I am doing, so don't think I will be in later, I'm always quite tired after my stint in her shop, not used to working a full day now, it's amazing how you get out of the way of working. Take care everyone xxx

    1. Ooooooh Jess it must be like working in a sweetie shop!! All those yummy crafty things! xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    I've finally manages to squeeze through the door! Sorry I'm so late it's been a busy day! I ha my second chiropractor appointment today - good news she's managed to correct the damage I did to my neck, she will check it again in a couple of weeks - my jaw feels so much more comfortable now. I then went to the post office and as it was such a lovely day and quite early (for me!) I went for a mosey around M&S. They had a sale on so I stopped and had a good look around. Just as I arrived my auntie phoned my mobile from her mobile - unheard of so I thought there might be a problem. All was ok, they were at a visual impairment show not far from me and she wanted to see if I was around for a cup of tea this afternoon. By the time I got home, cooked lemon drizzle cake and had lunch it was time to collect them from the station and squeeze them into my car! It was lovely to see them, we had a good natter and uncle showed me his new gadgets. I've just taken them back to the station so will ring in a little while to make sure they got home ok.
    Pat your card is beautiful and what a lovely colour combination. Thank you for sharing xxxxx
    Maureen lovely to have you back in fine form, we have missed you xxx
    Jean hope you are ok today xxx
    Michele oh I do feel for you, I was always ill when we went on holiday, it's because you have worn yourself out and hot run down. I do hope you feel better soon xxxx
    Hazel have a lovely time with those girls xxx
    Norah , gosh you are busy - keep knitting!
    Everyone else I hope you are all ok and have had a lovely day - I love the way we can confuse Maria with our English sayings - we could have such fun. Cheryl if you don't plan to do your stamps do you think you will suddenly have a day to yourself? Oh and Myra enjoy your holiday , yuck beer with breakfast! Xxx
    Must go and sort out dinner see you soon xxxxx

    1. We then got on the plane Diane and a party - Hen Party had champagne served at 7 45am!! Now that's worse than Muriel! Xxx

    2. Oh no poor you! Yes that is going too far! I thought it was bad enough in Scotland when we watched two ladies consuming a mountain of toast crumpets and muffins accompanied by large glasses of coke - for breakfast! Xxx

  22. Just back home from being with the girls, banana cakes made, 5 nice ripe bananas that Beth had told Vicky this morning not to bin. I think Vicky maybe doesn't bake? Was lovely spending time with Beth, then I went and got Anna on my own as Dad came home as I was going for her,so we had a good chat. Beth asking for me to picking her next week. Any way that's my tea ready, so will go and have that. Xxx

  23. Good evening folks thought I better pop in now in case I don't manage later.
    This is Thursday and Elaine "should" come this evening.
    Been very busy today making Christmas Cards. Got loads done and really only have all my "specials" to do .... that's for another day though.
    Right better go tidy the kitchen "where I do my crafting" Rather a lot of glitter over almost everything!!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia - hope you have a lovely time with Elaine. Well done on the Christmas cards! Xxx

    2. Christmas cards all done wonder woman, which Christmas this year or next? I have not even started yet but I am starting on my plum puddings and Christmas cakes this weekend! Have a good catch up with Elaine xxx

  24. Good evening everyone
    Well the rain was kind to me I did get the washing fry and all ironed for my daughter. Also got some baking done and my weekly batch of bread and rolls made so sitting with my feet up now.
    Our grandson had a good time canoeing and did not fall in unlike is friend who got completely soaked!
    Hazel so pleased you enjoyed your time with the girls.
    Now I have just had a phone call asking for a wedding card so I shall go and get it started as it is quiet in here tonight. I do hope Maureen survived her visit to the doctors!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Do you prefer butter or lard when frying the washing hihi sorry couldn't help it. Oh boy you are good making all that bread, your house must smell wonderful. Glad your grandson stayed dry and had a nice time

  25. Hello Ladies, well what a day, woke with back ache so my lovely hubby said he would driveto the craft show, I normally drive, but as it 80 miles+ he drove.
    Its the first time we have had to queue,for about a mile, so you can tell how busy a show it was. Lovely lot of card making stands, most of the regulars but also some new ones. Bought two Sue's dies,Apple Blosom which is a lovely little flower, also Delicate Garden Frame, which is lovely with lots of little flowers and butterflies. Some very nice people also some very rude people pushing and shoving to get in front.
    Still I had a lovely day bought some nice things and now my poor feet are killing me as some lady stepped on my foot!!!!!
    Hope everyone had a good day, and those of who are unwell will soon feel better.
    Almost forgot, Pat I think you're card for Sandra is beautiful
    Good Night Ladies.

    1. Night, night Lilian, glad you had a good day and managed to buy some dies. Sweet dreams.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Lilian isn't your husband lovely - does he help you spend your money too like mine does??!! I bought the garden frame too - isn't it beautiful . It sounds like you had a lovely day but make sure you have a rest - especially your poor foot! Xxx

    3. Oh Lilian your poor foot and your back too , hope it's not to sore in the morning but glad you had a nice day. Lovely to get some new dies and other things so enjoy playing . good night xxx

    4. Glad you managed to enjoy your day Lillian and yes I have that die so lace-like when it's cut's my favourite. Have a good night's sleep and hope your back is okay tomorrow oh and your foot too. xxx

  26. Hellllllloooooooooooooooooo,
    Yes Margaret C, I survived my visit to the Doctor's, but the poor nurse had to lie down in a darkened room when I left ha ha. I think it was to drink my blood in peace! Great that your Grandson had such a good time, and stayed dry, clever boy!!!!
    Myra, ha ha, trying to kid us that she didn't join the family in the full English with beer, or the Hen Party on the plane. I bet Alastair has a right old time trying to rein her in!!
    Patricia, enjoy Elaine's visit, if she comes! You'll have to hoover her down when she leaves for all the glitter!!
    Hazel, I'm glad you had a good time with the girls. They must miss you a lot.
    Dainty, you didn't say whether you bought anything at M&S. Glad you had a good day.
    Michele, I hope you get something for that chest. As Hazel says, the old ways are sometimes the best. A die for £1.60. Even if you never use it, it was a bargain, well I think so any way lol.
    Will be back shortly. I'm watching Frank Gardner on Who Do you Think you Are?
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hello my lovely friend Muriel, oh how I have missed you! I went to have a look in M&S because Emma wants a cardigan for her birthday and I couldn't see it on their website any more ( I had a friends and family voucher to use by last Monday but it wouldn't print so I missed out!). They still had it in the store so I got it before it sold out. I also bought some undies in the sale two bras for £11! Bargain!!! I don't know if they fit yet but I couldn't leave them there could I. I'm glad you are feeling better, although you would have teased me rotten about falling flat on my face! I know you go on Barbara's blog - if you get a chance to look at Saturdays you will see a photo of me ( complete with cuts!) and Barbara - I'm not dainty as you will see!! Haha. Big hugs xxxx

    2. You'll never believe this but I'm going to bed! I'm really tired - been a very long day and fresh sea air added to the mix! Victoria was so clever and downloaded last night's Bake Off on the Iplayer on her iPad , so we have just watched that . Why didn't I think of that?
      Night Night everyone, sleep well!
      God Bless,
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Sweet dreams Myra xxxx
      Maureen I forgot to say I was watching who do you think you are too - wasn't it amazing! What an interesting chap too - I love that program. Off to bed in a moment so night night sleep tight xxxx

  27. Hej Tjejer ! Confused enough Diane hihi how are you today, going towards green/yellow or have you come up with another.
    Jess- love to be in a craft shop too, all the wonderful things, all the goodies. Not wonder you buy something sometimes, I would get broke very quickly.
    Maureen- did the vampire leave you with any blood, hope so and you are ok.
    Oh you not on your own starting to sing when some here my name and you should here us going up the mountains in the gondolas when in Austria hihi Embarrassed moi, oh no not at all, big lie. Hope you both have a good night.
    Norah- think we can hear the clickety-click from your needles all the way down south. You are so busy making all the boleros and shawls, hope you taking photos to send Sandra to show. The ones we seen so far are gorgeous.
    Myra- you little rascal, where have you gone. Do we need to warn people in close amenities and the nearest town, only joking. Have a wonderful time !
    Karen- try to slow down and get OH out under your feet, must be tricky walking ?
    Pat- so easy to forget things. Will never forget sitting on the bus back home from town and realise my handbag probably left on a coat stand when I tried a coat on I hanged it over one. Left in there were my key's and mobile so with heart in my throat I rushed to my neighbour's house, phoned the shop and could you believe it, someone had given it in !! I was so relieved and my neighbour drove me back into town so I could go and pick the bag up. There are still some good people out there.
    I managed to cut a few things over four hours but now I'm feeling it so will have a break tomorrow and go out with OH for the day so not sure when I can pop in , for now I wish everyone a good night and sweet dreams
    hugs Maria xxx

  28. Sounds like you were in the room with me at the chiropractor today, she thought it was very funny I was naming the colours after ink pads - she's not a crafter but could see where I was coming from ! Yep definitely heading for the green/ yellow shades today but let's add a tinge of cloudy skies to the edges! Enjoy your day out with hubby tomorrow , night night sleep tight xxxx

  29. It's very quiet in here tonight. It just shows that Patricia, who is busy with Elaine, Hazel who is worn out after being with Beth and Anna while eating Banana Cake, Saba who is sailing on the high seas eating courgettes with Peter, and Myra who is gadding about in a hotter climate, drinking beer and eating full English breakfasts are the noisy ones on this blog. We will be able to have lovely, quiet evenings. Now let's get the Tanker out and the glasses filled!!! hic
    I'll just take my pint of Baileys to bed so that if I fall down, I'll be already lying comfortably ha ha.
    Sleep tight everyone, sweet dreams, God Bless and see you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oh, look at all the people who have crept in and left comments before me. Dainty, I'll go and have a look on Sue's blog. Maria when we were in Austria we sang Doh Ray Me in your honour!!
      Muriel xxx

  30. Hellooooo Sandra & ladies I started commenting on the way down then it wouldn't let me do it any more why who knows.
    Anyway Pat I did comment under you your card is gorgeous
    Maureen good to have you back & glad your all better now.
    not sure where my day has gone did some washing sun was out after heavy rain so put it all on the line came in & after 10 min the heavens opened so grabbed it all in & still drying on close horse GRR
    I managed to make two cards & go Tesco shopping then lunch just cleared dinner things up & that's the day gone. Oh what an exciting day I had.
    Sheila pleased your meals on wheels trolley is good. How is your sciatica now has it left you.xx Myra have a lovely holiday & don't get burnt x
    Well OH has just shouted my builders tea is ready so I'm going to drink it
    love Lynda xxx

    1. Hello Lynda, I know, three or four hours can go by in my house with no difficulty, I just don't know where the time goes and with nothing to show for it. I'm sure there's a time black hole in my house. It's been lovely sunshine here, then downpours lasting for 10 minutes, then sun again. One of those days where the washing would be in and out a million times!

    2. Hi Lynda my backs alot better thanks to your gel and Margaret's heat bags and I love my new wheels....I can even buy spare ones for it! It's navy blue and covered in butterflies! Now that's what I call 'cool'! Teehee!
      Enjoy your builders tea. Love Sheila xxx

  31. No, I wasn't tried out from having the girls, been doing nothing really apart from watching TV. Catching up on things that were recorded, now it's time for bed, I have the doctors at 9 for review on steriods. So I will need to be up and ready straight away in the morning. xxx

  32. Better late than never. Had a goid day and now falling asleep Reading the comments. Better say a Good Night.

  33. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm not sure where the day went but all I know is it went very fast!
    I can vouch for how beautiful Pat's card is and I love the yellow and soft grey colours, they are so pretty together.
    I am even more upset about missing our weekly meeting now! That cake sounded so delicious. (I should have listened when you told me to look away Sandra!) Glad you enjoyed it though my lovely friends : )
    I hope you are all ok. I will back in later on this morning to see what lovely creation Sandra has to share with us : ) Take care xx
