
Thursday 17 September 2015

My Beautiful card created by Brenda !

Good Morning Ladies,
I am so excited to be able to share my beautiful birthday cards with all of you, I felt so blessed 
when I returned from Holiday to see spread before the most enormous pile of jiffy bags and padded envelopes, it was like my best birthday ever.
Now this exquisitely delicate design has been lovingly created by 'My Yummy Crafty Mumma' Brenda (lello).
Brenda has used the 'Happy Birthday' Die from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson,
the top and bottom of the card have been divided diagonally by a pretty purple/white narrow ribbon, the bottom section of the card has been embossed using a pretty 'art deco' style embossing folder.
Brenda has complimented the pretty lilac card with the floral element of the card, using some complimentary coloured paper roses on top of some Delicate Frond' die cuts, also from Creative Expressions, these were placed upon a bow tied in pretty tulle. A delicately twisted piece of green ribbon gives a hint of foliage colour and two colours of Bakers Twine with the addition of the pretty lilac stick pins add that essential final touch.
This card is even more beautiful in the 'flesh', I will treasure it and the rest of them forever.
Thank you so much Brenda xxxx
Well an unexpected treat last night......Paul came back for the night!!!! it was like Christmas xxxx
I had a lovely day with Sue and Pat yesterday too.
I hope that all of the hospital appointments went well yesterday.
Hazel & Patricia, I hope you both had a smooth journey home, its good to have you back in the same time zone and climate!
I will call back later to catch up with all of you, 
love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    My word, this card is beautiful, there are a lot of talented folk who congregate in this little cafe. Brenda I love the floral arrangement and the happy birthday die, I didn't think it would be such an obvious sentiment but think I may have to order this one, I also love the colours. I bet you didn't know where to start Sandra when you returned from holiday. I do hope you slept better last night and a wonderful surprise having Paul at home.
    I'm bit on edge this morning as we are going to view a property which I hope will be suitable for Nic, it's literally 10 minutes from where we live, but after the bungalow falling through I daren't get my hopes up but a part of me is planning ahead, I have to give myself a mental telling off.
    Patricia and Hazel I hope your flight was a good one - I love flying - especially taking off and landing.
    Sheila I hope you are feeling a bit better and can pop through the door for a little chat to let us know how you are. Sending a gentle hug just for you.
    I will pop back later to let you know how we go on
    Have left some more hugs in the basket
    Till later
    Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean ( I won't say Hi Jean - my mother in law, a retired nurse, hates it!).
      I will have my fingers crossed for you that the place is perfect for Nic and all goes well. It will be so good for you having her close enough to visit easily, I know Sheila finds that a struggle. Sending you a hug and lots of positive thoughts xxxx

    2. Hi Jean. Fingers crossed that the bungalow is suitable and that it all goes through this time. Of course you can't help but plan ahead in your mind. I do hope that you can put those plans into action very soon : ) Take care x

    3. Jean, I hope all goes well today for you and Nic. X

    4. Hello Jean,I have everything crossed for you & Nic hope it all goes through this time. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Thinking of you Jean, This is a very difficult time for you and
      I really do hope and pray all goes well this time. Do hope Nic will settle well and be happy there. Xxx

    6. Hope it all goes well, everything crossed for you .hugs Maria xxx

    7. Hope all goes well Jean, and you find the perfect place for Nic. xxxx

    8. Good morning Jean,
      You are right about the sentiment, both Sue and I weren't keen on this die, but yesterday we both agreed that seeing how Brenda used it on this card changed our minds. It will have to wait it's turn on the ever growing list though, I ordered a couple of 'Poppystamps' dies on Tuesday after being so inspired over on Pam's blog! Fingers crossed that they arrive today, so that I can play!
      I have fingers crossed that all goes well with the viewing,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    9. Good morning Jean,
      as I know just what you are going through I have everything crossed that the viewing will go well and it turns out to be just the right place for Nic. Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    10. Hello Jean
      Hope all goes well with the viewing today and if it is the right place for Nic I do hope this time things go smoothly for you.

    11. Hello Jean, thank you for your comments on Sandra's card, I love the sentiment dial it just works for me, and really looks good, even when doing tone on tone.
      I hope all goes well looking at the property for Nic today, especially as it's not far away from you. I'm thinking and praying that everything works out. LOL XX

    12. Hi Hean
      I hope the viewing goes ok, and that the bungalow is just what the doctor ordered and ghost Nic likes it,

    13. Jean, fingers crossed that the viewing went ok, it would be lovely to have NIc so close. xxx

    14. Jean , I hope it all goes well for you and Nic, I'm sure it would be a comfort to have her close .xo

    15. JEAN:- I do hope the House Hunt went well xxx

  2. Morning one and all
    I can't believe it early again and just the second in the cafe this morning!!!!!!!
    I've made sure that everything is topped up and ready but I've forgotten the teacakes for toasting so I'll have to pop back with those.

    Brenda - your card is just beautiful. I love the way you divided top and bottom and your colours are in my favourite book. Your flowers and stick pins are to die for. Everything works and I know as Sandra says it's definitely a 'keeper'.

    Sandra - so pleased Paul managed to pop home last night and as a result I hope you had a better night's sleep. Nighmares or dreams that wake you up and will not go away are horrible.

    Sheila - I hope you're feeling a little better today and that perhaps you can pop in.

    Patricia and Hazel - Hoping the flight was OK and that you didn't have any delays anywhere. It will be nice to have you back home with us. Did you buy anything from the market or have I missed that bit of news?

    Everything went OK yesterday morning with the scan but I have to wait 4/5 weeks for the result which will be via my GP. It's a good job that it's not a scan where the results need speedy treatment. The only positive thing from the visit was that I'm now officially a 'Pixie' or a 'Garden Gnome'!! I've gone down from 5ft3in(ish) to 4ft 10in and and so I'm now the smallest in the family.
    So you see not only have my 'bits' gone south so has my height lol. Oh well I may need that soap box out of the corner so I can see over the counter lol.

    I couldn't believe it yesterday tea time when I tuned in to Sue's blog and there I saw my name. I had to go back a few times to make sure before I emailed Sue. I had pre-ordered the Rectangle dies and had decided that I wouldn't buy any others from this launch although I like most of them but it's getting around to that time of year when the pennies are needed for other things including 'Yvette' (the car) showing her age and needing one or two things to be replaced like the back window wiper motor and the indicator arm.
    I'll let you know when the die arrives.

    I didn't get any crafting done yesterday afternoon so I've got to make a put this morning. I shall try to call in for a cuppa later to see what everyone's doing today.
    Hugs are in the usual place.

    1. Hi Janet. Congratulations on winning on Sue's blog. You will be watching for the postman now won't you, enjoy the dies : ) I'm glad that the scan went well, results day will soon arrive as the weeks fly by don't they! Take care x

    2. Hello JANET Congratulations on your Sue die win. Glad your scan went well. I hope you haven't got to shorten your skirts & trousers now you have shrunk HeHe.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Congratulations Janet on winning one of Sue's Dies! Couldn't have happened to a nicer lady. Fingers crossed for your scan result. Xxx

    4. Morning Lynda
      I've had to buy some new winter trousers because of the need for shorter leg and haven't tried my winter skirts (of course it's a good excuse to buy isn't it) and of course I will be a good girl and shorten other garments - well as good as I can. Hehe

    5. Oh Janet, or should we call you Titch!!! I hope you stop shrinking or you'll be the invisible woman. Good luck at the GP's and enjoy the die when it arrives. xxxx

    6. Hello Janet, glad the scan went well but it does seem a long time to have to wait for the results. There are advantages and disadvantages to being vertically challenged, I'm 5ft and a 1\4 inch. Good thing:- you can buy Capri pants and they are full length trousers and because you are small people foolishly think you are a sweet person and are kind to you and in my case nothing is further from the truth. Not nice things :- you get a clear view up people's noses and people look down on your roots when your hair colour is growing out.
      Congratulations on winning the die, I was thrilled for you. Gutted for myself but thrilled for you!

    7. Janet, first I must congratulate you on winning one of our Sues dies. I know just what you mean, when you said you had to keep checking. I was just tickled pink that one of the special coffee shop girls was on the winning list.
      I had to smile when you said about your hight, I am always getting called Shorty by my OH also our older grandsons, they take great delight in saying it. Will you make me think about this, so I stood up against a cupboard laid pencil on the top of my head made a mark, stepped away and measured - I have been 5' 3.5 for years. I have shrunk 1.5 inches just wait until I see those grandsons, thinking they have grown !!!! It's Me I've shrunk. That will burst there bubble!
      Thank you for your comments on Sandra's card. They really are appreciated. LOL XX

    8. Hi Janet
      Congratulations on winning one of Sues dies. Enjoy. Looks like your starting a trend on short people I'm only 5.2 inches so I don't really want to shrink any more.

    9. Brenda, your card is beautiful, love your design and colours.
      Not good that you had to hang about at the hospital, but they seem to have a plan in place, which they will do once the blood results are back. xxx

    10. Congratulations Janet! Lucky you, enjoy your prize! xo

    11. JANET:- hope all went well with the scan.
      Congratulations on your win, enjoy using your prize.
      Oh! dear I do hope there will be others my height (5'7") at the retreat I don't want to be the "odd one out". xxx

    12. You'll be ok Patricia, since my Dexa scan my height was measured at 5'71/2 " xxx

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Wow I'm second!!! Never been known before, so stand by for a change in the weather at the very least!
    Brenda your card is stunning, I love it the colours are so beautiful.
    Well this is a quick visit sorry no time for coffee as we are off out shopping but I will call in later, hope our special travelling ladies have arrived home safe and sound too
    Margaret xxx

  4. Sorry I was second when I set off typing !!!

    1. Hi Margaret. I type slowly so know the feeling! The weather has changed here, it is looking much brighter and is no longer pouring down so thank you : ) I hope you enjoy your shopping this morning. Take care x

    2. I know it too, reading and writing is getting slower and so is card making. The brain is very busy but makes a lot go gobbledegook.we are going to have fun :-) Margaret -have a nice day shopping and hope some sunshine is around for all today xxx

    3. Hello Margaret, You will be shopping by now I think! Just don't overdo things!
      I'm not going out today! Just thought I'd mention it - Painter has fronts door wide open! Lovely ! Why didn't he do it yesterday when it was warmer? Probably because he's a man! Xxx

    4. Hello Margaret C, you just take it easy today young lady. xxx

    5. Hello Margaret, yes I know, I think I'm just behind (?) and when I publish my comment that person could be four a five comments above me.
      Thank you for your comments on Sandra's card. I'm going through a Lilac/Violet/Purple phase at the moment !!!. LOL XX

    6. MARGARET:- great to see you, please take it easy. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra aren't you lucky to receive so many beautiful cards, I feel a real heel know because I didn't send one but brain is not concentrating on birthdays at the moment. How lovely for you that Paul managed to come home last night, what a treat. I hope it helped with your sleeping. Xxx
    Brenda your card to Sandra is beautiful, I love the colours you gave used and the half and half, it's so effective. I too love the happy birthday die now, oh dear! Tee hee. Thank you for letting Sandra share xxxx
    I must make a list today of dies I've got and prices on icon ready for Ally Pally, also ink pads, I'm a shocker for buying duplicates! I'm keeping my fingers crossed we can go, Julian has had one lot of work cancelled this week so I'm just hoping the weekend work can be done in the evening and Sunday rather than on site! If you find me asleep on ally pally steps you will know he's gone off to the other side of London at silly o'clock and has dropped me off on the way! That's how in getting there if that happens! He gets as carried away at craft shows as me and can be a bad influence but will spoil me if thers something I like. Right I must get up and doing - yes I'm lazy, he was rushing around late this morning so sometimes it's just better to stay out of the way and let him get on with it ( bed is warm and snugly too!) . The sun is out and it looks like it's going to be a glorious day so washing needs to go on and smile will be on my face after yesterday's cold and rain where I didn't want to do anything!
    See you all later, I've put some ginger biscuits on the counter today, I found the naughty ones covered in thick dark chocolate so just had to bring them in! Xxxx

    1. Hi Diane. Don't worry we will wake you up if you are still asleep on the steps of Ally Pally when we get there : ) I hope it is not raining as hard as it was last year when we arrived or you will be soaking! I am looking forward to seeing you there : ) Take care x

    2. Hello Dainty, you enjoy a nice warm snuggly bed when you get the chance, I bet it doesn't happen often. xxxx

    3. Diane, I do hope you don't get dropped off at Ally Pally at what you call " silly o'clock" ! In case of bad weather - do you have an awning?
      Hard Hat! Xxxx

    4. Hello Diane, yippee you are coming to AP I hope we can all meet up, it was lovely meeting everyone last time. Lynda's husband Terry took a great photo of the 'Cafe' group.
      Thank you for your comments on Sandra's card. I love this Happy Birthday die. LOL XX

    5. Hi Diane
      Yippee your off to Ally Pally. I hope it's on Saturday, so you can meet up with us all. Hope hubby doesn't drop you off at silly o'clock, as we got wet last year.

    6. Hi DIANE it will be lovely meeting you at AP hope you go on Saturday we won't be there at silly o'clock though more like 10 o'clock
      Hug's xx

    7. Haha Myra my awning is quite large- unfortunately it keeps the backs of my legs dry not my head!!!!! I'm still hoping all will be ok for Saturday, I'm being ever so nice to Julian :) I'm really looking forward to putting faces to names. Xxxx

    8. Wish I was going! Are you going to the Retreat ? Hope so! Xxx

    9. PS! How big is your head? Xxxx
      Tin hat! Xxx

  6. Good morning all, I am home!!!
    I love the heat, but by great it was so good to breath in the cool Glasgow air at
    1am this morning. Approx 21/2 hrs later I drove up the drive to be greeted by my darling hubby. He had waited up for me, bless him.
    BRENDA:- your card is absolutely amazing, love, love, love, everything about it.
    Well folks, I also have lots and lots of cards to open. I have left it till get time to enjoy opening all the packets and packages. Ooooo!! It's so like Christmas I am really excited be back in a while once I get through them all.
    I have hung out 2 loads of washing, put lots of the holiday stuff away, case ready to go into the attic for a few weeks.
    See you later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia. I am glad that you and Hazel got back safe and sound. I hope your colds are getting better, the fresh cool air will help clear your heads won't it. Sorry that I didn't send you a card, I must get the full list from Sandra so that I don't miss any more. I know you will love all of the beautiful cards from these wonderful ladies though : ) Take care x

    2. Hi PATRICIA glad your home safe & sound. Gosh you are super woman 2 washes on the line & holiday thing put away, slow down after a late night. Have a coffee & open your cards
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    3. Hello Patricia, I'm so pleased that you got home safe and sound. Enjoy opening and savouring your cards. Don't do too much today or you'll zonk out at the weekend.
      love Muriel xxxx

    4. Patricia - It's lovely to have you home safe and sound! John must be so glad to have you home again too. Enjoy opening all your cards! Xxx

    5. Welcome home Patricia, have fun opening up your cards.

    6. Hello Patricia, so pleased you are home safe and sound. How lovely John waited up for you, that's love for you, also you were obviously missed.
      Thank you for your comments on Sandra's card. LOL XX

    7. Hi Patricia
      Welcome home and I hope your colds clear up soon. We also came back from Salou with colds. Slow down and enjoy your cards. I'm still lowing through the ironing.

    8. Hi Patricia and Hazel, pity about the delay , but I bet it made getting home all the sweeter! I hope your colds get better soon , it is so horrible when you feel they take the good of your holiday away.
      I would love to have sent you a Birthday card but I don't have anyone's address yet, enjoy all your good wishes and cards . xo

    9. Welcome home Patricia and Hazel, glad your flight back was ok. xxx

  7. Hello me again, yes I know I was going to getup but I went back to read yesterday's comments!
    Michele safe journey and have a fantastic holiday my sweet, oh that lovely warm sunshine, I can feel it now! Xxxx
    Janet congratulations on your win, how exciting xxxxx
    Pat I'm sorry you had mixed news yesterday, I hope things look better after the next lot of bloods xxxx
    Muriel don't tire yourself out, I missed you yesterday but I chuckled at all your comments on the way down, you are a shocker! Xxxxx
    Saba your new bag sounds fab, I knew you would weaken quite quickly, no self control! Love the way it is hidden so birthday money hadn't been spent, you are a girl after my own heart! Your bag description had me in stitches - I know what you mean about litres - I want to know if I can put 10 pairs of knickers and tea shirts in a bag not enough water to float a battleship! We bought Emma a dry liner to put her laptop in so it would stay dry in her rucksack if it rained. In the end we asked for one to fit a laptop rather than trying to guess the amount of litres we needed ( 40 litres in case you ever need to know!). Ridiculous isn't it. Right I must get off the soap box so tiny Janet can see everyone again ( oh Janet I do feel for you, I'm sure I'm shrinking but not quite that much!) . I'm definately going to the shower now! Xxxx

    1. Dainty, it's me again as well. What's this about litres, I just thought it must be a German thing when I read Saba's post. I'm still in pints and gallons!! Anyway, why would it be in a liquid measure, when it's a solid object?
      When I buy material I ask for yards, and say to the assistant that she'll have to convert it for me. I know, I could do it myself, but I'm a die hard imperial girl, and like being awkward ha ha.

    2. Careful Diane - you'll come out of that shower shorter and thinner! Ha ha ! Xxx

    3. Muriel! You've added a bit to a Madonna "song"
      You're an imperial material girl !!! Xxx

    4. Blimey Myra you are on top form today!
      Diane, I find my Birthday money goes such a long way as well. It's amazing just how many things it can buy. Peter has not the foggiest idea what things cost so I can usual get a full outfit some perfume maybe some jewellery, makeup etc. etc. etc.

    5. Hi Diane
      Aren't dry liners what you put in babies nappies. Kind you do they use proper babies nowadays. I'm also in pints, gallons, feet and inches Maureen who invented litres, cms etc anyway.

    6. Pat, I'm not following this but it may just st be me! Xxx

    7. Wouldn't it be lovely to shower yourself thin! I did get up eventually :) I think everywhere sells suitcases and hold alls in litres these days - makes no sense to me at all as I'm not filling my suitcase with water or bottles of milk/ lemonade!!!!! Fridges and freezers are litres too - that makes a bit more sense but not much!. Now call me funny but I'm a post decimal girl but being an architects daughter and chief weekend tape measure holder I do all sorts of measurements - my favourite ones are feet and cm ( no, don't do inches apart from craft stuff!) Julian hates it if I measure things makes perfect sense to me!
      Oh yes Pat a dry bag goes inside your rucksack to stop rain getting things wet - you could cut holes in it and wear it as a nappy :) xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Brenda, having seen your card "in the flesh" I can say just how gorgeous it is, I love everytjing on it, from the EF to the green twisted ribbon : )
    I had a lovely day with Sandra and Pat, who was able to stay longer than we expected which was lovely. We sat and caught up on each others news and put the world to rights as usual and after Pat left we managed to do a few die cuts with some of Sue's new dies that Sandra had. I didn't try the pierced squares or rectangles but Sandra did. They cut beautifully as you know Sue's dies always do, they may seem expensive to some but not when you see the size of them, they are huge. Compared to others on the market they are an excellent price, especially from
    Sandra I am glad that Paul made it home. I hope you slept better too. After watching the cats opening that Tupperware type box that holds their treats, and after you telling us that they keep bringing you great big spiders both Pat and I are convinced that they were responsible for the plug being moved the other day, especially as spiders do like to use plugholes. Spend the day in your craft room my lovely creating one of your gorgeous cards, that will help pass the time
    Pat, it was lovely to have you back, I seem to have missed your comment last night about Petes appointment, I hope it went as well as possible though.
    Sheila, thinking of you and sending big hugs.
    It is the first Beaver session of the term tonight so I am getting sorted for that today, and ironing.....that makes a change doesn't it : ) Have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, glad you had a good day yesterday. Friends are wonderful aren't they? xxx

    2. Well Sue, I'm so glad you managed to cut a few dies yesterday ! The squares are huge aren't they! Brenda ( Littlelamb) and I were both in agreement on that when they arrived! Have fun with the Beavers! Xxx

    3. Hi Sue, glad you had a good day with Sandra, enjoy Beavers tonight. Max is a beaver and they do such fun things, he loves it.

    4. Thank you for your lovely comment on Sandra's card.
      I did eventually get my squares and rectangles dies from the post office. Hopefully I will get to play with them before bedtime.
      Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday LOL XX

    5. Hi Mrs B
      I hope you have a great time at Beavers tonight. Mixed news re Pete. His kidney count is up from 85 to 126 nothing to worry about the Dr says. Mind you they always do and you know what Petes like. More bloods to be done and some more scans to be done. At least his bone cancer hasn't spread anymore than it has already. Mind you that didn't cheer him up though. He'll be back on his Beachy Head run again if the miseries keep up. I could be driving him. Only joking.

    6. Hi Sue enjoy the Beavers tonight have a good time. Looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday Xxx

    7. SUE, glad you hade a good day yesterday. Nothing better than spending time with friends, no matter what it is. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Brenda your card is stunning, love the colour. I have this birthday die and use it a lot, it is good for putting special birthday numbers at the end of Happy!
    Janet enjoy your prize from Sue, keep looking out for the post.
    What a surprise for you Sandra when Paul arrived home in expectantly.
    Patricia and Hazel welcome home, the weather is a bit cooler than what you have had! Patricia enjoy opening all your cards.
    Off for food shopping today, then I really have to do a bit of ironing, after being away for a couple of days, it takes a bit of time to get back into the housework regime.
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Jess, my dear, I'm never in the housework zone!!!! xxx

    2. Jess, I can't decide what to do next so I sat down and a coffee!
      Alastair is alternately chuckling or tutting over the new Labour leaders antics! A lot of Oh Dear etc thrown in! Xxx

    3. Jess I'm with Muriel, I hate housework.

    4. Hi Jess, I hadn't thought about adding numbers after Happy, thank you I might borrow that idea. I like this die because it works for male or female cards. Even on its own - it great. (no I'm not on commission)
      Thank you for your lovely comments LOL XX

    5. Cheryl, sending (((((( hugs)))))) I hope to day went well for you, and that the funeral was a beautiful one. xxx

    6. CHERYL I'm with you What is Houswork never here'd of it hehe.
      Hope all went well for you with the funeral my friend Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies of the coffee shop.
    Just a quickie to let you know that I think I have passed 'the eye of the storm' today as I'm feeling quite a bit better than the last two days. I have to admit I felt horrendous at the time and was wishing all sorts of's amazing how a chesty cold can make you feel. Thank you so much for your emails and get well wishes each one is so much appreciated and once I'm back on form I will reply to you.
    Brenda your card is so elegant and I love the colours you have used and the way you have split the card. You could tell Sandra was so thrilled and I don't blame her.
    To the lovely sisters I'm so pleased you had a safe journey home and you are properly back amongst this wonderful flock. I know I've missed alot of you out so I will put extra special hugs in the basket for you.
    Love and Hugs Sheila xxxxxxx

    1. Oooh it's lovely to see you Sheila. take care and rest. xxxxx

    2. Welcome back Sheila, so pleased you are feeling a lot better! We miss you too . Xxx

    3. Sheila I am so glad you feel up to coming in today, don't add to your worries and feel you have to reply to your emails from us, we just wanted to let you know we were thinking about you..
      Love Saba xxxx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry Sheila, I realised I had spelt your name incorrectly went to correct it - But my finger had other ideas and pressed publish !!!
      It's really lovely to see you back again, I know you are still not on top form BUT you are going in the right direction LOL
      Thank you for your lovely comments on Sandra's card. I often think I am still 'working towards' and have got a lot to learn. It's so lovely to have encouraging comments. Thank you so much LOLXX

    6. Hi Sheila
      I'm so glad your feeling much better. Not yet on top form but going in the right direction.

    7. Sheila, so glad that you are feeling better. xxx

    8. Glad you are feeling a bit better Sheila! Xo

    9. SHEILA Hello my friend so pleased your feeling a little better just take care & get better,& don't start over doing things lovely lady.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    10. SHEILA:- sending you some (((((hugs)))) glad your feeling a bit better.
      Nothing worse than a Chesty Cough, the good Scottish air seams to have cleared the cold I had developed. xxx

    11. Sheila lovely to see you, take your time and look after yourself xxxx

  11. Sandra OMG I opened up your blog about 8:10 this morning to see this card looking at me. You are amazing recognising all the dies and EF the flowers were from Britannia Dies. Medium multi flower Rose Die (024) I also have the Large and Small dies. I used 160gms Shimmer White Paper from Pink Frog and coloured it with ProMarkers. I love making these flowers. Often just make some up - just in case I need a quick card.
    It has taken me so long to get here younger daughter rang .... An hour plus later!!! And still not showered, and definitely need the paper bag to cover my head !!!!!!
    Johns hospital visit was long, we were there very early, were told clinic was running approximately 30mins late, which stretched to an hour plus. Anyway when he was seen - He was told they were not worried about the shadow on his pelvis (thank goodness). So now they are talking about Radiotherapy. He has elected to take part in trials. And this morning has gone for blood tests. He will know early next week which radiotherapy he will receive. So everything looks very promising.
    Sandra, how lovely Paul was able to come home yesterday evening. I know how happy you would have felt. John surprised me a few times when he was in the Navy. The strange (spooky) thing was, although he wasn't expected home, I would get butterflies in my tummy. Almost as if something inside knew I was about to get a lovely suprise !!!
    I am really going for that shower now, before someone makes a comment !
    Will go back and read comments in a while. Hope everyone has a good day. LOL Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda OB, I wondered where the paper bag had gone when I went for it this morning, so had to make myself presentable straight away!!!
      Your card is really lovely, I love everything about it, and I think I need those Britannia flower dies as sometimes a smaller flower is all that is required.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Brenda, your card is beautiful! I love the colours, the way you have divided the card and your little spray of flowers and pin is gorgeous!
      Brenda - I don't want to worry you - but I was showered and dressed before you this morning! Ha ha ! Xxx

    3. Brenda your card is beautiful. I wasn't too sure about the Happy a Birthday die but then won it on Sue's blog and sice using it I really like it. Sorry you had such a long wait at the hospital. I remember going for an appointment quite early at the cancer clinic and arranged to meet a friend for lunch as with a 9am app thought no problems. Eventually seen at 12.45 so had already cancelled the lunch meet. I need to go back on 2 Nov but need a mammogram first so told to phone in Sept if I hadn't had app. Phoned this morning but they haven't started sending out app for October yet. Trouble is my calendar is beginning to get full up for Oct and they don't like you changing it. Never mind it wil, all get sorted in the end. Have a good day.

    4. Brenda your card is beautiful. I love your little roses, I thought you had bought them not made them, they must be so fiddly to put together.i really like how you have added the embossing on the diagonal. So effective. So pleased to hear Johns treatment is going well and you had positive news.
      I am showered, makeup on, nail polish applied, hair styled and wearing jewellery. You see I am expecting a caller. He will run up my 80 steps and I will be breathless with excitement when I open the door. PLEASE let my parcel of Sue's dies arrive today!!!!

    5. Afternoon Brenda - so please to hear that John's treatment is going well and that you received good news yesterday. I too thought that your beautiful flowers were bought. What a clever lady you are.
      Hugs to you xxxx

    6. Brenda, your card is simply Gorgeous! I love the style and delicacy of it , the little roses and the touch of green for the foliage is just so perfect, you have a lovely touch! xo

    7. BRENDA:- your card is amazing, love it, so elegant.
      Thinking of John, glad the treatment is working. xxx

    8. Hi Brenda yes I agree your card is gorgeous. I'm pleased to hear things are progressing well for John and I hope the new treatment has good results xxxxx

  12. Once again it has taken forever to get here. I must pop into the Cafe sooner in the mornings, instead of doing unnecessary things like housework and cleaning! It's just that I like to get it out of the way, then have my shower and make myself presentable - now that's a job and a half ha ha.
    Sandra, what a lovely surprise for you. You will have slept easier last night and Paul coming home on top of the 3 Graces get-together will have given you a lift.
    I notice Saba hasn't been in yet, she's probably still drooling over her new bag and thinking of ways to spend her birthday money!!
    There's nothing in the paper about Myra's gadding about, but it's early days yet!
    I'm away now to see if I can talk George into going to Woodhorn Colliery Museum. At the moment they have the "Weeping Window" display of poppies from the Tower of London, and also a display on the Sanatorium where I was treated in the 1950's. I'm away to make him a cup of tea (he'll know something is up if I do that!!!) and try my luck. Wish me well ha ha.
    Everyone, have a good day, I hope the sun is shining on you, as it is here.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Sorry, Cheryl, I meant to say that I will be thinking about you at the funeral. Chin up. xxxx

    2. I'm sure George will be delighted to accompany you ! I would love to see the poppies. I think they removed them too soon from The Tower but hindsight is a marvellous thing!
      Poppies today, gnomes yesterday - you live an exciting life!
      I'm still here - you don't get rid of me that easily.
      Enjoy your day! Xxx

    3. Maureen I have seen the poppy display on the local news it looked really good, I am sure George will be happy to accompany you now you have had your shower!
      Cheryl until I spotted Maureen's post I had not realised today was the funeral sorry, I will be thinking of you hope it is not too difficult for you. xxx

    4. Hope you manage to get there. I saw it at the Tower of London and it was beautiful.

    5. Maureen, thank you for your lovely comments. Everyone on this blog is so kind and encouraging. thank you again.
      You'll be pleased to know I am now dressed and looking quite respectable. ( okay. Just my opinion ) Have replaced the paper bag just in case you need it!!!
      Think I better duck, you may return it - loaded ! LOL xx

    6. MAUREEN hope you had a lovely day seeing the poppies at the museum I'm sure GEORGE enjoyed it too. Xx

    7. MAUREEN:- hope you both managed to get to see the Poppy Display

  13. Hello Sandra,
    It's so nice to welcome hazel and Patricia back home but they will both be very tired later methinks!
    So pleased Paul managed to get home last night too. I like the idea it was the "pussy cats what done it" . Can you close that door at night to stop them getting in there?
    Brenda's card is really lovely and I have commented above about it. I particularly like the diagonal shape and the posy of flowers.
    I feel a wee bit sorry for those birthdays were earlier in the year as we didn't know the dates then! Also to those who didn't send cards - don't worry because you didn't have names, dates and addresses! Everyone understands.
    I have been following Maureen all the way down. I feel as if I'm in a pantomime - she's behind you!!
    I mentioned higher up and will do so again! I'm not gadding today!
    Have a lovely day everyone,
    Try to be good! - says she hopefully!
    Myra xxx

    1. OK Myra - so you are showing off, you were up and dressed before 11:00 this morning!!!! Your going to be tired tonight. So the tanker can stay here, I'll have your share. Hic!
      Thank you, for you lovely comments on Sandras birthday card. LOL XX

    2. Brenda! I was aghast! My flabber was totally gasted - it's not often I would beat you! It's amazing what has to be done when you have a painter painting the outside of the house! Don't want the poor chap falling of his perch ! Xxx

    3. Myra, thank you for my beautiful card, I opened it this morning, and Charlie commented ". What's with the card?" So had to explain to him it why you had sent it. xxx

    4. You are welcome! Poor Saba is still waiting for her Birthday Card! I did post it - just didn't all ow enough time obviously! I'm thinking of posting her Christmas card tomorrow!!! Xxx

    5. OK Myra, so it was for the other MAN in you life you got up and dressed early this morning. I remembered about two years ago when we had our central heating changed, the young man said he would start early. Now my early would be about 8ish. NO they were here at 7am. within minutes of coming into the house this lovely chap knocked on the bedroom door saying can I come in? I need to drain the system down. John was behind him saying " it's ok just go in" and me saying " let me get my dressing gown on first" this lovely young man didn't bat an eye lid. Me I was traumatised all day !!! xxx

    6. Oh Brenda! Men - Alastair had to go for a haircut today . He makes silly appointments - 9 30am a good half hour drive away! Don't worry if your not dressed says he - I'll just leave the front door open for Peter (painter). That got me up and going . Good job as Peter started with the front door and porch - door wide open! Xxx

    7. Myra, you should have sent Alastair to me ! xo

    8. MYRA:- hope you have managed through the day. Days are much longer when you get up early!! xxx

    9. I'm still here Patricia! However, I may need assistance to " Help me make it through the the night! " xxxx

    10. Anne - be very careful what you wish for!!! Xxx

    11. MYRA:- you are doing really well.
      Me I am not doing as well, it will be early to bed for me. I did have a couple of hours this afternoon just like Anne but it will not keep me going too much longer. xxx

    12. I'm not at all surprised! There is the time difference too. I'm being nice! Xxx

  14. Cheryl - Just read Maureen's little post script. I do hope all goes as well as it can for you today. Thinking of you, my dear. What a difficult day! Love and prayers, xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe', a hot chocolate and one of the ginger biscuits sound nice this morning. The sun is out but still feel cold and I refusing to put the heating on yet so more warm jumpers and thicker socks on.
    Ooooh Sandra, the card you got from Mumma is Gorgeous, love everything about it ! How nice that Paul came home last night so hope you had a better night with no nightmares. Funny cat's to scare you so, as I believe Sue and Pat is right about them turning the plug. Have a nice day.
    Janet- fab. you won one of Sue W dies, maybe you grow a few inches of happiness. So good to see someone from here got a win but I think it was still many name you don't normally see which is a shame .anyhow congrats Janet!
    Diane- I'm also one that gets thrown off at the entrance so if you are early we might have to cuddle up on the steps together. Be great if you can come, a bit sad Karen can't do Saturday but will arrange to a meet up again soon !
    Happy your flight home was good Patricia, aaah how sweet he waited up for you, wonder if Hazels did the same...
    To our missing friends I hope you soon feel you can come back in and join us in our daily banter, many hugs x
    I have some cuttings out to do for prep of Christmas cards but still not sure what colour scheme to go for, keep changing my mind and that is horrid.
    Writing my list for AP and as I never used the 'Sue cards' before I wonder which one to go for first, help please tihi
    Love and hugs to everyone, Maria xxx
    hope to pop in later

    1. Maria - you make it sound as if the car won't even stop! Thrown off!
      I hope you have a lovely day and manage to land on your feet when you get thrown off!! Xxx

    2. dadada, yes he just press the little green button and out off I go tihi xx

    3. Maria, no Charlie wasn't waiting up for me. Harris greeted me, oh to be wanted. I couldn't sleep when I got home, made myself a cup of tea and a slice of toast, cozied up in my slanket and laid on the sofa, got my iPad and started to read the comments, next thing was Harris standing over me at 6.10 I had dozed off for about an hour. Did go back to bed this morning for a couple of hours, then Tammy came over and had lunch and hasn't long gone home. xxx

    4. Hello Maria, thank you for your lovely comments. You have reminded me I need to update my lists for AP. Hope we get to meet up again. LOL XX

    5. Hi MARIA don't worry I will get Terry to catch you when your thrown out of your car HaHa.looking forward to seeing you again Hug's Lynda Xx

    6. MARIA:- glad you had a good holiday.
      Have a wonderful time at Ally Pally, lucky you managing to meet up with everyone. xxx

  16. Helloooo yes it's me again, don't drop with shock!
    Well shopping all done thank goodness my foot does not like Sainsbury's floor, but at least it is all done and put away and my foot is up having a rest.
    Brenda so pleased you got some good news from the hospital even if the appointments were running late, I wonder do they ever run early?
    Janet if it is any consolation Derek is loosing height he was 5ft 9in now he is 5ft 3inches oops sorry and a half! that half inch is important he says, when they told him the height at the hospital he asked are you sure that is correct? It cam as a bit of a shock to him. I keep telling him to pull himself up to his full height, to which he replies, you are only envious as if it rains I can shelter under a mushroom and you will get wet!!!
    Patricia so pleased you are home safe and sound, how lovely and thoughtful John was waiting to welcome you home. I am surprised you have not got the
    windows cleaned yet, I have got mine done! Have a lovely time opening all your post.
    Where is Hazel, thank goodness she does not have to rush into work, no doubt she will be having a relaxing breakfast, with Harris watching.
    Sheila how lovely to see you, so pleased you are feeling a little brighter, do remember we are all here for you and if there is anything I can do you only have to say.
    How thoughtful is Paul, popping home, Sandra there should be a medal for husbands like him.
    Brenda I hope you have enjoyed your shower and are feeling all bright and bushy tailed now.
    Maureen have you made a note Myra says she is not going out today, but she does have the painter there to amuse her!!!
    I have really enjoyed my latte thank you money in the pot and there is a lemon drizzle cake in the kitchen for this afternoon, but please do leave a slice for Sandra it's her favourite. It is the Mary Berry recipe from her latest book but without the lemon verbena as I don't like the look of the little dark bits in the cake, I know I'm fussy Maureen but I like my cakes looking nice and clean.
    I'm off to make some bread now will see you all later have a lovely day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret! The smell of that bread has wafted down to Lancashire! I love freshly baked home made bread! Thank goodness it's nearly lunchtime! Rest that foot!!! Xxx

    2. gosh I forgotten about lunch and I can smell the wonderful bread here too in Bucks. Hope you are resting Margaret xxx

    3. Hi MARGARET hope your still resting your foot you take care,Make sure you check under that mushroom later for Derek hehe.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. MARGARET:- passed on doing the windows ... the rain came on!! xxx

    5. Don't you have an umbrella ? Xxxx

    6. MYRA:- I am good at cleaning windows but I only have two arms!!
      I do have a few umbrellas including a Golf one not that either of us play golf.
      Oh forgot you have "hired help" to hold your umbrella xxx

    7. Patricia,!! This holiday has not helped you at all! It's lovely to have you back though! Xxx

  17. Started Reading the comments but have to go out now so will comment later. Goid to see Sheila, Patricia and Hazel back. Hope you will continue to get better Sheila. Always worse when you are feeling unwell and on your own.

    1. Hello Brenda, are you on one of your busy school run days? I used to think retire and take things easy. No one said about 'life and family ' taking over.
      Thank you for your lovely comments on Sandras card. I remember you winning this die. I thought at the time 'She will love it' . I certainly do! LOLXX

    2. No haven't got to do the school run today. My son phoned early to make sure I hadn't got up early to take Scarlett. I didn't think he was in London today but he was. I asked was I supposed to be taking her but he said no my DIL could take her. Makes a change. I hadn't thought about putting numbers with the Happy Birthday die but looking at it I can see it would be easy.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello Sandra and Friends, The birthdy card is beautiful, love the diagonal design and the little flowers,I too thought they were bought.
    Yesterday was very hectic as always is on delivery day.
    This morning I've been preparing a load of runner beans from the garden.
    Hope you all have a lovely rest of the day,reading all the comments from yesterday, reminded me of the happy years we lived in Oxfordshire.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. LILIAN:- so pleased to see you calling in regularly.
      Sorry I did not get in to welcome you, Hazel grabbed the bed that got the Wifi, I left her to do all the commenting.
      Hope you stick with this crazy but brilliant bunch. xxx

    2. Lilian, Hazel and Patricia are both lovely! I think there was a wee problem with Wifi reception in Turkey and Patricia picked the wrong bed! Xxx

  20. Hello Ladies,
    It has taken me so long to get down here. I was replying individually to all the comments until I got to Muriel's and then one of two things happened. Firstly it wouldn't let me reply under each posting anymore, despite logging out and back in again and secondly Muriel's post threw me into chaos
    Muriel, when I read you were going to the museum I wanted to tell you about two of my ancestors who died in the northern Pitts. One was my great great great grandfather and one was his son. And to look out for any information regarding the Stanley pit disaster of 1909. In both cases my ancestors were called William Indian. The first one was crushed by the tubs at woodhouse colliery in 1871 and the second one died a few weeks after having been at the Stanley pit disaster of 1909. Fortunately he was above ground when it happened. He then went on to collect monies for all the widows and families and was mentioned in the Northern Echo as being a hero and his wife was quoted after his death as saying he died of a broken heart having seen what he did and having lost all his colleagues. What threw me into chaos was that I couldn't remember the details so had to open up the main sluggish computer and search through my records. Hence I have only just got back here and it was a total waste of time because you have already gone and indeed are probably back here!!!
    Right, on to the rest.
    Margaret I love the thought of Derek sheltering under a mushroom. And your cake, yummy. Thank you so much I really need a slice now after all the family record searching.
    Lilian, I think it was Jess who mentioned yesterday that you made bee keepers suits. I might be wrong it could have been Diane, how on earth did they know, I don't remember you mentioning it or did I miss that post and what I am really trying to say you?
    Michele if you pop in hope you have a good journey across the pond and a fab time when you get there.
    Now if I haven't already bored you all to death, onto my exciting news.
    My parcel from JS has arrived. Yipeeee. The double pierced squares are massive and I can't wait to play with them, I also ordered the square nesting dies from Presscut and they too are massive and will compliment the Noble dies very well. There are 24 dies, the largest is a tad bigger than Sue's and the smallest is very tiny and at £20 they are a bargain. The only down side is all my crafting will have to wait until we get back from holiday, I don't want to go now!!
    Well ladies, all of you who are going to Ally Pally tomorrow I hope you have a fantastic time, I so wish I was going, Sue will be thrilled to see you all.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hello Saba, Oh I did laugh out loud when I read your comment. You do realise now I have this picture in my head, of you, dressed up to the nines (slightly OTT) Opening your front door and postie with your enormous parcel in his hands falling flat on his face, needing resuscitating ........ Come on ladies, who wants to write the next chapter?
      Seriously Saba, thank you so very much for your lovely comments on Sandras Birthday card. LOL XX

    2. Brenda, I don't trust myself! Do you think she opened the door and said - I've been waiting for you all week - only her best german!
      - okay Brenda ! Headlines in tomorrow's Nuremberg Times! - Former Nursing Sister leaves Postman who brought Dies to Die!! Xxx

    3. What really amazes me is that Saba opened the door and was wearing clothes !!! xx

    4. Enjoy your dies Brenda and Sana. My parcel of plaques arrived fron JS today as well. They were well hidden as I was out. Saba is gave got the Presscut Rectangles and circles. Next I would like to get the Ovals. Will see on Saturday but I think Icon will be the cheapest but will look around. They are good dies rant they. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday Brenda.

    5. Ooh Brenda! It must have been your usual postman. These are for your ladies group aren't they. I will look forward to seeing your examples . Your beach hut ones were beautiful! Xxx

    6. Thank you Myra. Yes must have been my usual postman and yes they are for the ladies group. Slightly different shape than before. We are going to put a Creative Expressions MDF Christmas tree on and either a JS Happy Christmas or a SW Let it Snow. Last years version I think it is but bought it this year. I think both will look nice and they will have a choice.

    7. SABA:- Ooooo!!! bags AND dies lucky you.
      Just think of the fun you will have using all your crafting goodies later. You can "play" all day long. xxx

  21. Cheryl - Please forgive me my head is really not in tune with the calendar at the moment. I'm hoping you're OK and that today goes as smoothly as it can. Take care my lovely Friend.

  22. HinSandra
    I'm glad that Paul managed to get home yesterday. I wonder used any crafting was done yesterday after I left. I know I left my dies behind.
    Brenda I loved your card as with the others I was lucky enough to see it in the flesh. By others I mean Sandra's birthday cards. Such a fabulous card and in my favourite colours as well.
    Hope you had a good trip home Patricia and Hazel.
    Margaret take care and don't over do your shopping. Not to sure how you all remember whose doing what and when and my brain doesn't compute. A bit like Sabas. Computer slow and sluggish. Have a lovely holiday Saba and you'll be able to have a good play when you come back. I also missed the bit about Lilian making bee keeper suits and I've only just got new glasses as well.

    1. Hello Pat, thank you for your comments on Sandras card.
      I did post a comment for you last night. Sending love and prayers to both you and Pete. LOL
      Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, love Brenda xx

    2. Hi Pat,I'm a bit slow & sluggish too as well as droopy bits it takes me so long to read all comments then I have forgotten who said what. So I'm going upward today for a change & comment on way up.
      Looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday Pat. Love Lynda xx

    3. Hey Lynda, what a good idea to go up instead of down, I'll have to try that tomorrow - take care of those droopy bits xxxx

    4. What goes up must come down! - gravity it's called - Google Issac Newton! Xxx

    5. Well MAUREEN I have been Up & Down but don't know where the H...ll I am now still haven't come to the end or the beging. HHa

    6. Oh Dear Lynda , you sound like the Grand Old Duke of York! He had a wasted journey also! Xxx

  23. Hi everyone, - its lovely to see Sheila back for a coffee and Patricia and Hazel on home ground .
    We have been to view two properties which could be suitable for Nic. The first one was massive inside - beautifully renovated - gorgeous kitchen and bathroom - three bedrooms and a staff room - big rooms too but the staircase was a winding one which tapered to a point at the turning point - Nic wouldn't be able to use this without falling - so we went to a dormer bungalow a bit further on - renovated the same - gorgeous bathroom, massive kitchen, lounge area and three bedrooms + staff room outside area too - Yes normal stairs which she would be fine with - so we have asked the Social Worker to go ahead with this - so many questions wizzing around in my head now no wonder its throbbing. Thanks everyone for your comments earlier on - all those fingers crossed must have worked wonders.
    Going to nip round to my sons now and update them - they should be in from work now. If I don't get back I've fallen asleep hehe

    1. That's good news Jean. So pleased you have found somewhere you are happy with. As you say - it's all very stressful . You need to relax now and have a bottle of Maureen's Baileys . Take care! Xxx

    2. What a relief Jean. It's great that you've found somewhere which will be suitable and you can rest peacefully knowing Nic will be safe.
      I've got a better idea than Myra - here have a tanker full of Baileys, then if you don't take care, you'll not feel it!!!! xxxx

    3. Pleased to hear you have found somewhere for Nic that you are happy with.

    4. So pleased Jean you found some where suitable for Nic & your happy with it Hug's Lynda xx

    5. JEAN:- that's wonderful news, so glad you have found somewhere that will be suitable for Nic. xxx

    6. Jean that is really good news and it must be a relief to you too that you have found somewhere you are happy with for Nic. xxx

    7. Good news Jean on finding a safe and suitable home for Nic, you can relax a little now. X

  24. Would you like the good new, or the bad news? The bad news is we didn't go to Woodhorn, George got a call asking for help, so that put the kybosh on that because we had to be back for after school.
    The good news is that I'll be able to do some digging for Saba and her 3 x Great Grandfather and his son. I know she remembers them well (she's a bit long in the tooth you know) - oops hard hat. So I'll try to do my best for you and get all the info, but with it being a pit in Stanley, which is on the other side of the water, it may all be held in the Archives over there. Not to worry, I'll have a look for you.
    Peter has said that he won't need George tomorrow - so watch this space AGAIN!!!
    I'm away to do a bit of craft room tidying - AGAIN.
    Has anyone noticed that Myra is curtailing her gadding about now that the Painter is at her house!!!!
    See you all later xxxx

    1. Oh Muriel - are you on a mission ?
      Re your insinuations about the painter . He is nearly as old as me!!
      He reminded me today that he last decorated my dining room just before he has his heart attack! I'm not sure if it was an accusation or not. Don't think so - it was years ago! He has promised to decorate it in the autumn - so I'll be praying - no more heart problems! Xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- aw!! that's a shame, hopefully you will get there soon.
      MYRA:- by your comment you would prefer a "younger man"???
      Remember they can be rather demanding!!! ...... xxx

    3. Ooh No! Peace in Our Time!! Xxx

  25. Shane you didn't get yo see the poppies today Maureen but as you say when you do yo now you will be able to do some research for Saba.

  26. Good afternoon Ladies, sorry I've just had one of those slow dopey days , went for a 10 minute snooze and slept for 21/2 hours must have been a reaction to earlier in the week, feel great now, having a glass of wine and reading through the comments, Sandra what a lovely surprise for you to have Paul home for an unexpected night , makes it even more special. xo
    Saba I love the way you work , a girl after my own heart! xo
    Better go and get the dinner out , running late after all that sleep !
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne, aren't our bodies strange things! Fearfully and wonderfully made - if we overdo things - they let us know! With me , who knows not to start a sentence with a preposition, it would be a migraine! It pays to listen to our bodies but after all these years we still haven't learned! Still it's good we feel we can do so much! Xxx

    2. Before someone else says it , I was not referring to looks or shape! Xxx

    3. Myra, you should have been a guru ? Or a Yogi or something or a Clairvoyant ? I love that Idea? What do you all think ?
      Myra the Mystic?
      Tin hat ? Love you ! xo

    4. Careful, Anne! I will borrow Saba 's heat seeking bazooka? Knowing me it would blow up in my face. I wouldn't just have fine hair - I'd be bald !! Xxx

    5. Calm down Myra my ducky pal no firing the bazooka just in case it blows your feathers out, as you will run the risk of someone thinking you are an oven ready duck xxx

    6. Oo Ooh! I could be Duck a l' Orange before I could quack for help! Thanks Margaret ! Xxx

  27. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Just a short visit been out all afternoon now trying to cook tea before out to a meeting.
    Sandra sounds as of Sue and Pat could have sorted your mystery out lovely that Paul managed to get home last night, see you Sat looking forward to it.
    Brenda your card is another example of the beautiful cards we see here it's lovely.
    Sheila please d to see you here again take care.
    Cheryl hope you managed today been thinking of you.
    Hugs on way to all who need them welcome home to t he delightful sisters, sorry if I have missed anybody love Margaret xx

  28. LADIES:-
    Thank You so much for all your beautiful cards ..... you know who you are!!
    I shed quite a few tears while opening them. They were all so beautifully made for a person that most of you have never even met. That will be remedied soon hopefully. Anyway every card was made with so much, thought, hard work and patience with wonderful ingredients. I will get round you all personally to thank you as soon as I get my head together.
    I am not suffering from "jet lag" we were only in Turkey which is only 2 hours ahead of us and is a 41/2 flight from Scotland. It's just getting back into the swing of things and catching up.
    We were so lucky with no delays in our flights. Only delay in the whole process was getting through "Passport Control" in Dalaman. So many planes arriving at the same time and not enough staff on ..... topically Turkish!!!
    Off to look at what has been going on, will comment on the way down.
    Tell you what I going to bed early tonight. Slept a couple of hours this morning then another couple this afternoon.
    See you all in a little while xxx

  29. Right you orrible lot, I will have you know that my postman was very pleased to see me looking my best. I think it was my pink fluffy slippers which impressed him the most. That and the fact that when he rang the outside bell and I buzzed him in, I rushed down the stairs to meet him and met him on the 40 th step. I don't think he has ever been greeted by such a vision who was exclaiming ooooooh as the packet was snatched from his hands.
    Now Anne, I love Myra's new title of Mystic Myra. Do you think she might start wearing a head scarf and hoop earrings?
    Jean I am so pleased that the bungalow looked just the job for Nic. I hope all goes well and you will soon have her near you.
    Cheryl my dear I noticed you were on your way down, hope today was not too awful for you, and hope the service brought you some comfort.
    Patricia I can't believe you haven't yet washed your windows, lazy mare!
    Muriel I didn't realise my lot were over the river from you, I thought the museum was nearer to where they worked the pits. They all ( the Indian lot) came from Nenthead in Cumberland but they moved over your way when the lead mines closed. They were easy to research because of their unusual name.
    Bye for now
    Saba xxx

  30. Saba, I'm sure Myra's headscarf will be in the best possible ( Royal? ) taste! xo

    1. Anne, you beat me by a whisker! You are living dangerously! A bit like Muriel - what a partner in crime! Mind you that's what she calls me! Xxx

  31. Good evening ladies
    I need to warn you that I may not be able to make a blog post for tomorrow, I am posting this comment from the 3G on my phone. I just called Virgin media once again to be told that they are having technical issues and service will be intermittent until the 27th September!!! I told them I was calling sky!!!
    I will keep trying anyway!
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Oh Sandra, Don't worry ! You have enough to concern you! Can we not just add to today's tome ? Please don't stress yourself about it - it isn't worth it. We will still be here. After all where else could I get this much abuse in a day! Ha ha ! Xxxx

    2. Sandra, please don't stress yourself. If there are problems it's out of your control. We will all be here for you when 'normal service is resumed ' and I am one of the lucky ones who will meet up with you on Saturday. LOL Brenda xxx

  32. SABA:- your making me feel guilty now!! Will be up tomorrow s soon as daylight appears to do those windows. Well maybe just some we have so many blooming windows in this house.
    Have done all the washing including the bedding and most of the ironing. Did not iron the Holiday Stuff, it will be washed again when it makes a return next year unles I can persuade John to have another wee holiday in the next few weeks.
    That's John making a cuppa then I am off to bed. Will see you all in the morning bright and early!!!
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia - sleep well - but don't spill your tea! Xxx

    2. Good night Patricia sweet dreams careful with that tea don't go spilling it after John has been so kind to make it for you. xxx

  33. Good evening SANDRA & friends
    Sandra so pleased Paul surprised you & managed to get home last night.
    BRENDA your card for Sandra is Gorgeous love the colours & your beautiful flowers I think I will look for that die. Love how you have put that pretty ribbon on the diagonal separating the two halves.
    Believe it or not I started commenting so long ago now.
    Today has been very expensive first Terry had to take the car for MOT it did pass with a few minor things to get sorted. Then it was booked into Nissan as yesterday a warning light came on so today they put it on the computer not sure how but anyway they didn't find anything regarding the warning light but found the middle part of exhaust was cracked so that was £65 & would let him know how much it would cost. Then we had to go Canterbury to have Terry's denture repaired it Broke in three pieces that was £50 & was told it probably wouldn't last that long & said he should have a new one made form £150 pluss the MOT. £65 then phone call from Nissan a new exhaust would be £400 & can only be done by them,anyway he phoned them back & they said he could have it welded it for £80, so that's what we are having. So I don't think I will be buying much at Ally Pally haha.then again i might have too.
    Well it would cheer me up wouldn't it.
    PATRICIA pleased you had a few sleeps,& you loved all your birthday cards.
    Are you still going to do a birthday & address list only I didn know Saba's but a lot of ladies did. So hope so.Xx
    Have a good evening SANDRA & hope you sleep better tonight.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. LADIES:- that's another thing I did today ... forgot I had done that as well.
      NAMES, ADDRESS & BIRTHDAY LIST:- all done and ready to send out they will be with you during the week. If anyone has not received them before next Friday (24th) that's all the ladies that sent me all their detail. If you don't receive a copy it's because you did not send me your

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Thank you for your lovely comments on Sandras birthday card.
      Gosh you and Terry have certainly been hit where it hurts, sometimes life is a B****h. Hope you are able to enjoy AP.
      For me it will be lovely to see you both again. LOL xxx

    3. What a Star!! Thank you! Xxx

  34. Patricia and Hazel have a good sleep and waken bright eyed and ready for the day tomorrow.
    Sandra I'm sure you will get your internet sorted soon, we can continue on today's blog if you can't.
    Saba are you bringing your fluffy slippers to the retreat, after all it will be Halloween!
    Will pop back tomorrow, off to take an Amitriptyline, hopefully it will take the pain in my hip away and I can get a good sleep.
    Take care everyone xxx
