
Wednesday 16 September 2015

How Beautiful is this card?????

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I want to share with you one of my beautiful birthday cards, the designer of this gorgeous card was not going to post it because she thought that it wasn't good enough! Can you believe that ???
I love everything about this card, firstly the colour, a beautiful shade of green, my favourite colour!
The dies used are from Creative Expressions Californian Collection, the lace is so pretty and oh the time that it must of taken to add all of those exquisite tiny little flowers with pearls in the centre and the foliage too.
The inside of the card is just as pretty.
The designer of the card is my very dear friend Norah, I would like to reassure you Norah that your card is equally as beautiful as the others that I received, I absolutely love it Norah and I am so very grateful that you took the trouble to make it for me. Thank you xxxx
I am looking forward to seeing Pat and Sue today, sadly Pat is only popping in for a coffee as she is off to the hospital with Pete, Sue and I hopefully might get some crafting done.
I will call in later to catch up with you all,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today,
    WOW this card is just gorgeous, I agree with you Sandra the work that has gone into this card is there for all to see, - Norah, you need to tell yourself your cards are more than good enough, one clever lady.
    I see the dark mornings are creeping upon us now, let the dogs outside just after six and our outside light came on, it was still dark, doesn't seem so long ago I would stand outside with them at that time and it was broad daylight,
    I am going to try to get some cards made today, need to do some shopping this afternoon, forecast heavy rain so I won't be out long
    I hope everyone is well as can be today, noticed fresh flowers on the tables, they smell gorgeous,
    Have left hugs in the basket near the door - just help yourself if you need one,
    Will call back later,
    Jean xxx

    1. Jean, Happy crafting, hope it stays dry, at least until you have your shopping xxx

    2. Jean enjoy your crafting and hope the rain keeps off until you are safely home.

    3. Hello Jean,
      I'm not too far away as the crow flies and it's still sunny here and blue skies - hope you got it too. Xxx

    4. Yes Myra we have had the blue skies and warm sunshine, was expecting the rain, now I've done the garden and not done any crafting yet, but have preferred the lovely day we have had xx

    5. It's raining by the bucket load here and really chilly! Xxx

    6. Hi Jean sorry no crafting but good you got some gardening done. We have had a horrible day cold & raining & has been dark all day xx

    7. Hi Jean, we've been gardening at the bungalow. Well gardening is putting it rather grandly - pulling out dandelions is what we've actually been doing? xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Goodness me, I seem to be first in today for a change. More fresh flowers for the tables and some stem ginger cookies in the cabinet, please help yourselves.
    Norah your card is gorgeous, so pretty and just as good as any of the others that Sandra got : )
    It is good to see you in the Cafe Pam. Welcome, come and join me for a cup of whatever you prefer and some toast or crumpets.
    I see that some of you have got their new dies. Sandra, you will be giving them a good test run today I guess and I know you will let me have a go too, can't wait.
    Pat, sorry you can't stay all day but at least we can have a quick catch up. It has been so long since we were all together and we have our day out at Ally Pally on Saturday to look forward to don't we : )
    Sheila, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling so bright at the moment. Sending you a big hug.
    Sandra The Big SHOT plus is on offer on Hochanda ay the moment with some dies and papers, it might be worth comparing the price. It certainly is the best machine, like you said that demo we saw proved just how good it is. It is certainly the one I would get.
    Must go now as I have things to do before meeting Sandra and Pat. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Have fun today Sue. So wish I lived nearby and could join you.

    2. Have a great day Sue, at least Pat is able to drop in for coffee, and you will all be able to catch up with each other's news on the drive to AP on Saturday. LOL xxx

    3. Have a good day with Sandra crafting and seeing Pat for a coffee,see you soon eeeek tihi xxx

    4. Have a good day Sue with SANDRA & PAT looking forward to seeing you again at Ally Pally xxx

    5. Hi Sue, I hope you've had a great day with Sandra and Pat, even if you've only had 2 Graces for most of the day. xxx

  3. Good morning folks from another day in Paradise .... unfortunately we will be homeward bound this evening.
    NORAH:- wow! Oh! Wow! What stunningly beautiful card. I for one can vouch for the magnificent cards Norah makes, I am the lucky owner of one. Norah, give yourself a good shake, you can make wonderful cards you really can girl.
    Sorry I did not manage in last night. I was totally "cream crackered" after our day away. Don't even remember getting into bed, however that's where I was when I woke this morning.
    Seems a bit cooler this morning but it is still only 9am.
    Off to read the newspaper I picked up yesterday. It is in English and all about the local area. Will find out what's happening or to happen during the coming months.
    (((((Hugs))))) by the door as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia your holiday has flown by. I've had the odd occasion when I didn't remember going to bed but in my case I think alcohol was involved!
      Enjoy your last day and safe journey home.

    2. Glad you woke up in your own bed hihi Your holiday seem to gone so fast but do enjoy the last few days by the pool ,hugs xxx

    3. Patricia, I am so glad you are with Hazel !! I can't believe it's time to come home!! I haven't made my box yet. Oh dear! Xxx

    4. Hope you both have a safe flight home ladies xx

    5. Safe journey home you two, hope you've got some warm clothes with you! Xxx

    6. PATRICIA & HAZEL gosh your holiday has flown safe journey home hope you got some warm clothes it's very chilly.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Hello girls, you're time away has flown.. I think it's because you've been popping in every day, especially Hazel who has not been letting Patricia use her bed!!! Have a safe journey home, wrap up well, and use your Margaret heat bags and hot water bottles in bed.
      Welcome Home (I'm singing it to you)
      Love Muriel xxx

    8. HinPatricia &Hazel.
      My word hasn't time flown by. Doesn't seem that long ago you were jetting off on holiday. Like Saba I sometimes don't remember getting into bed, but like she said alcohol was involved.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Norah-the card you made for Sandra is truly beautiful, so pretty & delicate.

    Didn't manage to pack the suitcases last night so looks like we're going to be busy tonight!! Plus I have to ring my Dad so that will take up nearly an hour-oh well, I will have 2 weeks off telephone duty!!

    Best get moving as I need to dry & straighten my hair this morning then I have another "waste of time" meeting first thing for 2 hours!!


    1. Michele, I have to dry and curl mine, can we swop hair please?

    2. Oh Michele - I wish ... If only .... But hay ho!!! I have very fine straight hair. If I didn't do my hair everyday I would have to go around with a paper bag on my head !! xxx

    3. Michele don't believe a word from Brenda ,she got very nice hair.
      I'm sure you could leave yours curly, every girls dream.
      Take care xxx

    4. Michele - mine too has to be dried and curled a bit as its so fine! Barbara has lovely thick hair. Xxx

    5. Safe travels my flower, forget ALL about work and have wonderful holiday. xxx

    6. Michelle have a brilliant holiday and relax xxx

    7. MICHELE have a nice holiday & safe journey Hug's xxx

    8. Michele, have a great time, Be nice to your dad, he will miss you and just think, he'll not be able to contact you for two weeks!!
      I am not going to sit beside anyone at the Retreat who has nice thick hair, especially if it's curly. I think I may be sitting in the corner on my own wearing one of Brenda OB paper bags!!!!

    9. Hi Michelle
      Have a great holiday. It's a shame you have to have a waste of time meeting before you go. I'd swap anyone for curly hair rather than my straight hair. Don't believe a word Brenda says she's got lovely hair.

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Well it's our last day and oh boy it's going to be hot. So the stupid folk will be frying themselves, us we are on our sunbeds enjoying some cool air, we sit in the shade of the owners villa.
    Now as for Norahs card its is gorgeous and beautifully put together. I am the proud owner of one of her masterpieces, it sits proudly on my mantelpiece. I gave her a telling off when we met and she started to to say she wasn't as good as us. Well I soon put her straight.
    By the way all we got yesterday was the cold! We are both suffering, we thought it was hay fever but no it's colds, the trouble is you can't sleep with the door open to get fresh air so you are breathing stale air air as one would say. But we are fine.
    Not so good that the three graces can't craft today, but I am sure that cup,of coffee and a chat will be lovely.
    Sheila, sorry to,read you are a bit down, try and look in there might be something that will make you laugh.
    Lillian, welcome we love new members and yes your sewing projects will be welcome too, long time since I have done sewing but was only saying to,Patricia I need to try something out that I saw here. If it works fine if not well nothing ventured nothing gained!
    Maria, can recommend here in Dalyan for a relaxing hoilday, no high blocks of apartments or hotels and no water parks very chilled and the " Holiday Calbis". is beautiful. Lots to see and do too.
    Maureen, you take it easy doing that garden work, you are not the gardening team remember just helpers.
    Right I am off to chill. Will call later I have sent some heat and sun with this message don't know if it will work. xxx

    1. Hazel my beautiful card has arrived today, thank you so very much it is stunning and the wrapping is just gorgeous as well, love that sparkly tulle you have used and the little spray of flowers. Beautiful.
      So sorry you are both coming down with a cold but hope it doesn't spoil your last day. Have a safe journey home,
      Love hugs and thank you again.
      Saba xxx

    2. So sorry you both got the sniffle, same here, blame the air con but a must when it is so hot. Told OH of your place he say we can look into it. Already booked for January so we'll see. Have a nice day and good journey home tomorrow,hugs xxx

    3. Hazel, Ooh I'm nearly wetting myself with excitement at the thought of you and Patricia coming home. Stay safe xxxx

  6. Hi All, gosh if Nora thinks this card is not good enough I wouldn't like her to see mine, love everything about it.
    Must away, work delivery today and I still have more to do.
    Have a lovely day ladies.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

    1. Lilian don't do too much and please think about sending in one of yours, we love seeing each other's work.

    2. Lilian, it's good to see you. I'm wondering if you do something like a young friend of mine - she makes beautiful curtains , blinds, pelmets ,cushions etc. they have to be delivered as she has to hang them herself. Just guessing? Safe travel and hope you get everything finished on time. Xxx

    3. Hi Lilian oh my goodness Bee keeper suits! How fascinating. I would never have guessed that! You see the outfits but it never crosses your mind that someone makes them, that's really interesting. Would love to see one of your cards. Hope you have had a good day xxxx

    4. Hello Lilian, did I welcome you to our cafe yesterday. Well, it's Sandra's cafe but we all consider that it's ours - just don't tell her!!!
      I'd love to see some of your work, please.
      Muriel xxxx (one of my many names bestowed by fellow cafe users)

    5. Lilian - Maureen doesn't know half the names we've given her!! Xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies, Sandra I totally agree with you on Norah's card , it is truly enchantingly beautiful ! I love the embossed background and all the gorgeous little flowers, Norah I think you are hiding your light under a bushel, ( to yourself) because we can certainly see you are talented ! xo
    Green and yellow are my favourite colours, I love both so much I can't decide which is my number one!

    Good news, our niece Jillian seems to be fine although they are keeping her in the hospital for a few days, I didn't golf yesterday , just didn't feel like it but I did go and join the ladies for lunch, so I had a really lazy day, we have walking group today and a nine hole medal at 5:30 so that should keep me busy .
    Patricia and Hazel, enjoy your last day , I hope your colds ease off and you have a good journey home .xo
    Sue , I can't wait to taste those stem ginger cookies, they are favourites of mine!
    I hope yourself , Sandra and Pat have a fun time ( coffee time for Pat ) and get lots of crafting done in between chatting. xo
    Sheila , sending you Big Hugs and hoping you feel a bit better today, maybe a ginger biscuit and cup of tea in the cafe will help , you never know who you might bump into xo
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, so glad your neice is on the mend and being cared for, better than where they send them home straight away. X

    2. Anne you have so much energy you put me to shame. So pleased to hear that Jillian seems to be alright, glad they are keeping her in for a couple of days, wishing her well.
      Love Saba xxx

    3. Anne, so glad to hear your Niece is doing better, sending her hugs.
      You take care, like Saba saying you put me too to shame with your energy. have you got a magic potion ? Enjoy the walking xxx

    4. So pleased to hear that your niece seems to be ok. Don't overdo things. Just take it easy.

    5. Anne, so please to read the good news about Jillian.
      I always forget you have daylight for much longer than us as I was wondering how you could begin a golf match at 5pm. We noticed the difference even between Manchester and here! We were watching the Day/ Night One Day Cricket at Old Trafford and it was amazing to see the sky there was dark way before ours! I could be at Old Trafford in just over an hour! Xxx

    6. Thanks girls! You are all so kind, we have had a beautiful day here and not too long a walk but we stopped for coffee and an hour or so later we stopped again for our picnic lunch , so a really easy day.xoxo

    7. Anne I'm pleased to hear your niece is being well looked after. We have had dreadful weather down south today but I'm pleased you enjoyed your walk in the sun xxx

    8. ANNE so pleased your nice is doing so well sending ((((Hug's))) xx

    9. Anne, great news about Jillian, and I'm pleased you've had such a good day.

    10. Hi Anne
      I'm glad to hear your niece is doing well. Hugs to you both.

  8. Morning one and all
    NORAH how can you say that this beautiful, gorgeous and stunning gift is not good enough! I think we need to put you straight about those thoughts!
    Everything you have done is just WOW. Your colours and use of dies is so thought out and everything works. Please keep on sending Sandra pics so we can see more PLEASE.

    Well I'm early again (it's been one of those weeks where everything has had to be done early) as I'm off to hospital this morning to have a bone density scan done. I'm hoping it won't take too long as I've loads of cards to finish off.
    I'll try and pop in later when I get back.

    Sandra have a good day (oh I know you will) with your other two Graces even if it is only for a cuppa.
    Patricia and Hazel - your holiday has flown by. It will be nice to see you back in the cafe.
    Jean - Yes the days are getting shorter quickly now and we're heading for the cold, damp and dreary days. Only dreary in the weather as we just could not be in that state here in this wonderful place. This year has just flown.

    Hugs are in their usual place. Cup back in the cupboard and money in the box as usual.

    1. Will be thinking of you my lovely, I hope all goes well with scan,
      So that you can get home and finish your cards.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Janrt, hope yor scan odd well. X

    3. Good luck with the scan Janet, hope your bones are as dense as I am! Xxxx

    4. Janet, Thinking of you and hope you scan goes well.
      When do you get the results? LOL xxx

    5. Hi Janet. Hope your scan goes ok.

    6. Janet hope that scan goes well! Hope too you manage to get your cards finished. Xxx

    7. Janet I hope all went well with the scan - I think the day will end well for you though :) xxx

    8. JANET hope your scans went ok take care xxx

    9. Janet, I hope your density scan went well, and that you've managed to get some cards made.

  9. Morning girls,
    I have been up hours, I had the most horrendous nightmare, I woke up sweating, heart racing and with a very sore throat, I have had a few of them recently, started on holiday, it's the same or similar everytime, someone is dragging my backwards and won't let me go, last nights one had a huge snake in though, a bit bizarre! Paul had told me that the others I had I was actually 'proper screaming', hence the sore throat I guess, I have my suspicions that the cause could be my mind subconsciously stressing about Paul's impending 6 month trip, but I can't be sure! I have tried to not consciously think about it but it's always there in the back of my mind, he is on standby to go from this October!!!
    We have done 4 months before, it was a struggle but we managed, but I could drive then and walk too, I had crutches but could still walk the children to school.
    Now however, I can no longer drive or walk more than a few steps unaided, the pain is the killer! I am totally dependant on him bless him, the girls can do some of the things he does, but not during the school day or during the night, Matt works away all week and Becca works 40 miles away and it's more convenient for her to stay at her boyfriends, so for instance if I have a fall and need help getting up, I can at the moment call Paul who can be home in 5 minutes and then straight back into work!
    The other thing that is concerning me about this is that it's Sophie and Lucy's GCSE's this school year, so they need to focus 100% on that not taking care of me!
    I think this situation would play on anyone's mind to be honest!
    Now for a strange occurrence, I have a wet room, below the shower head there is a plug/drain hole in the floor, the cover turns a few turns before you can lift it out to clean it, now on Sunday it was slow to drain the water away so Paul went out to the garden to make sure there was no blockage, he said it was a bit blocked but he sorted it, after he left for his course on Sunday I went for a shower, the drain cover had been unscrewed and was laying yucky side up on the wet room floor, so I asked the girls why they had unscrewed it and left it open, they were outraged at the thought of touching drains, so I knew it wasn't them, when Paul rang to say he'd arrived I asked him why he had removed it but not cleaned it, he said that he hadn't even been in there!!! So there was me, with my trusty mop in hand looking round for what could have come up through the drain, released the cover and flipped it over, was it a rat or a snake, even if the water had risen in the drain it wouldn't have flipped the cover over! It's very odd, I wonder if that's why the snake was in my nightmare!
    Boy that was a bit of an epic, but I felt I should share with you the reason I may seem a little low at the moment! Thanks for reading,

    1. Sandra,, keeping fingers crossed Paul won't be going, do as I said. And please tell them if he goes a full teamed carers have to come and look after you, plus a driver to be on hand to run the girls around plus take you places ie to Pat or Sue's . That's what Paul has to,do. Remember Becca doesnt live at home all week, neither does Matt. Don't what every you say tell them you will they pay for a full time cause team. If Paul is so needed.
      Enjoy using those new dies. Xxx

    2. Sandra, I agree with Hazel, tell them they have a responsibility to make sure all the care you will need is put in place.
      No wonder you are having nightmares.
      Love and especially big hugs
      Saba xxxx

    3. Dear Sandra!
      I'm so very sorry about all this worry you are having and I know Paul's worried too. It doesn't seem to make great sense to me to take a man half way round the world when he will be worrying himself sick about his wife at home. They won't get the best out of Paul that way. I just hope they make the right decision. You would need a team to help if Paul had to go. Lots of love, Myra xxx

    4. Sandra it's easy to understand why you are worried and are having these awful nightmares, I hope Paul gets to stay at home but surely they would have to supply care and support if he is not there to do it?
      Maybe you could inquire just now about what help would be available should this happen, and maybe put your mind at rest. Xoxo

    5. Sandra sorry to see you have been having nightmares, you must be so stressed in case Paul does go. Hopefully it won't come to that but you need a plan to fall back on, then maybe you may calm a little. Sending a warm gentle hug, take care xxx

    6. Sandra I do feel for you - what a worry. I think I would find a nice heavy book to put over the plug hole tonight- that's one thing you cand deal with! I wonder if the drain flipped up when Paul opened the other end - drains are funny things with pressure and gas build up and things. I know the school are supporting Lucy but make sure the school is aware if Paul does have to go away, they should help and support them, especially as it is there GCSE year. Xxxx

    7. Hello Sandra,
      I'm sorry you are in such a state, but I think you should take note of Hazel and the others who know about such things, much better than me. You will need carers, night time as well as day, and stress that.
      Love xxx

    8. Hi Sandra
      Well as you know we put the world to rights today. No crafting done.
      Mrs B and myself decided that it was the cats with the plug hole in the gathroom. Mrs B was giving them some treats out if a box with a snap lid. Well they managed to get that off themselves. So we decided that they'd seem a spider or something in the plug hole, and it turned and came out while they were putting their paws in to catch it.

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Norah what a gorgeous card and oh boy don't you have the patience of a saint putting on all those small flowers! You are as good as any of us my lovely lady so you put your brave hat on and show us more! That's what I like about this blog, we all have our own styles and ways of doing things and it's lovely to share them. Wouldn't life be dull if we were all the same! Xxx
    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday, I didn't get back from lunch until nearly 5! It was lunch and a natter really. It was lovely to catch up with my friends as they both craft so we were able to talk craft channels and items to play with! When Julian came home he was telling me about the spitfire fly past he had seen from his office so we watched the news for the local coverage - it was quite spectacular apparently. We then started a text conversation with Emma on how best to cook carrots! Which then turned into how to apply for a nectar card and how the oven worked. In the end we face timed her, had a tutorial on using the oven, it's electric and we have gas and chatted whilst she cooked and ate her dinner, we eventually took her into our kitchen so we could still chat and make our dinner because it was getting late so 2 hours later we finally said goodbye. Isn't technology great that you can do this. She's full of cold but I've taught her well because she's gone out and bought the cold stuff we have at home and started using her inhaler without me nagging! I think she has me in her subconscious :) it was hard though because I wanted to tuck her into bed and look after her but I can't . When we went to do the toiletry shopping I was going to buy cold stuff so she had it just in case but she wouldn't let me - last night she said she wished I had! Oh bless.
    Right I must get on- Sandra enjoy your day with Pat and Sue , pat I hope hubby gets on ok at the hospital and Janet I hope you get on ok too. Xxx Sheila sending you a big hug xxxx I'm off to read last nights comments xxxxxx

    1. Yes Diane, you are lucky you could face time Emma. Xxx

    2. Diane, lovely you could see Emma albeit on a screen and help her out as only a mum can do but know what you mean about wanting to tuck her up in bed. It's so hard when the go away. Chin up love.

    3. Diane, I'm so sorry Emma has caught a cold! It's lovely being able to FaceTime. Technology is marvellous and has changed our lives for the better providing we use it sensibly. Hugs for you and Emma! Xxx

    4. Dainty, don't worry, you have a sensible child there, as she has shown by going and getting the medication that she needs, and just think, she can contact you 24 hours a day, not like in times past when ordinary people didn't even have a house phone! Try not to worry, and give her the biggest hugs when you see her.

  11. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Norah your card for Sandra is beautiful, if I could do half as good as this I be more than happy, LOVE the colour, a beautiful soft green. Green is my favourite colour. I Was never allowed to wear green as a child (my mother was Irish) put it down to that!! Your card is beautifully balanced with this lovely design. If you don't mind I will steel this for my ideas folder - I just love it !
    Sheila, I hope you are feeling better today, why don't you just pop in and say hello, it'll be lovely to see you.
    Margaret, Don't go over doing things. LOL I think we seem to do more for our children when they have their own homes, it's so lovely to help out. Our daughters have always be more than grateful for the extra input. Be it Childcare decorating or building work. The calls never seem to stop coming !! We love them to bits.
    We are at hospital this afternoon for John, what a shame all these hospital appointments can't be in the same place , we would all have a grand old natter wouldn't we!
    Sandra, enjoy your time with Sue and Pat, playing with your new dies. As we speak John has gone to the post office to collect my package. Can't wait to on pack and play with them.
    Have a lovely day everyone, what ever you are doing.
    Lots Of hugs in the basket........ they are getting as excited as I am - bouncing up and down! Don't know about dog training ladies, I think we better start doing some Hug training. Think my hugs spotted Norah's card, so know there's going to be some of her mischievous hugs around also!! LOL
    Will drop in later, love Brenda XXX

    1. I am gutted, John returned about 30mins ago. My package was not there, he was told to return this afternoon. The card left by post office delivery person said it could be collected from 8am today . Our post recently has been hit and miss. In fact we haven't had any since last Wednesday, but yesterday had THREE deliveries, one of the letters was dated 3rd September . The lady he spoke to at the collection point, when asked why it wasn't there, said it could be staffing issues. What is happening, nothing is straight forward any more. THINK. Someone better take the soap box away - before I totally lose it........ I am going to sit and sulk in the corner !!!!!!! xx

    2. Brenda, that's not good that your dies weren't there to be collected. You have every riht to be on your soap box. xxx

    3. Oh Brenda I feel for you, my parcel hasn't arrived yet either and if I have to wait much longer I shall burst. Take a nice cup of tea with you into that corner.
      Wish John good luck at the hospital.

    4. Brenda so sorry about your dies! You have every right to be annoyed. The Post at the moment is awful! We rarely get a delivery before 2pm!
      Saba - that could be a messy business!! Xxx

    5. Sorry Brenda and Saba that you haven't had your dies yet. I am waiting for a parcel from a Joanna Sheen. The post doesn't come much before 3 and I am doing the school run today and parking isn't easy so may have to go out before the post comes. Same to morrow and Friday. If my normal postman comes there shouldn't be a problem but if it's the other one I don't know. Will probably go back to the sorting office.
      NORAH your card is beautiful. No idea why you think you cannot make cards. Anyone would love one of your cards.
      Just done a second pour on the candle cup. Will do the third tomorrow. Best go and get some things sorted out before the school run. See you later

    6. Brenda and Saba I hope your parcels arrive soon. Our post comes in the afternoon now too and they only collect from local boxes at 7.30 in the morning so you now have to think ahead. Saying that though I have posted a couple of things second class from the post office boxes and they have arrived the next day! Xxx

    7. Brenda OB and Saba, hopefully your parcels will be there tomorrow, it's not good Brenda to get a card saying when to collect it and then be disappointed. I'd have thrown my dummy out of the pram!!!
      I am definitely staying clear of Saba, goodness knows what state she'll be in!!!

    8. My parcel didn't come either. Went out at 2.55 to do the school run and no sign of him. Got back just after 4 and he had been but no parcel and no card either.

  12. Good morning,
    Just a quick pop in this morning, it's my Fiona's birthday today and have to finish her card before seeing her later.
    Norah, my sweet pea, your card is so gorgeous in its composition and choice of colour. How can you doubt yourself on such a masterpiece? I'm so glad you sent it to Sandra for us all to see it in its splendour.
    My warmest thoughts for Janet and her DEXA scan and for Pete & Pat, Brenda & John's hospital appointments.
    And I was so pleased to hear of Anne's niece Jillian improving, her extra stay in the hospital will help her enormously.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl. Birthday wishes to your daughter. Your right Norah needs toshw more of her gorgeous work. xxx

    2. Cheryl enjoy seeing Fiona today, I'm sure she will love her card.

    3. At last Cheryl! I've tried three times to leave a comment here! Why does that happen I wonder!
      Hope you have a lovely time with Fiona. Happy Birthday Fiona!

    4. Happy Birthday to Fiona ! Hope you had a nice day together xxx

    5. Happy birthday Fiona, hope you enjoyed your afternoon with her Cheryl xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl, I'm a bit late ass I've been commenting on the way down, but I hope you've had a lovely day.

    7. Hi Cheryl
      Wish Fiona a happy birthday from me as well. I'm a bit late as I've been to Sandra's today plus the hospital with Pete for 5.30. Thanks for the good wishes. I'd gad to ring on Mondy to see what was happening as he should have had an appointment for Tuesday, as his medication has to be ordered by the hospital to be delivered by Healthcare at home.

  13. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    It looks beautiful in here with those lovely flowers and stem ginger biscuits, my favourites, so I'll have one or two of those and excuse me ladies but I might have to dunk them in my tea!
    Now Norah, young lady your card is stunning. It's composition, coordination and overall beauty make it a card anyone would be proud to say they had made. I know I would. So let's see more of your gorgeous cards.
    Sandra, have a lovely day with Sue, such a shame Pat can only stay for coffee but at least the three Graces are back together. Bet you are so excited.
    I am meeting Heide in town at lunchtime, I have one or two things I need to buy before we go away, most importantly is a new folding suitcase for our sailing holiday. The last one dropped to bits but fortunately only when we got home.
    Going back up now to read all the comments again.
    See you all later
    Love Saba xxx

    1. oh remember the saga with the suitcase, hope you found a nice one. Not really a handbag but..... Are you off sailing again ? xxx

    2. Oh oh that's a bit dangerous! You bought that naughty bag when you last went shopping with Heide! And you have money burning a hole in your pocket! Compensation of courgettes coming on! Xxxx

    3. Now then Saba, have I been unconscious or just ignoring your posts? Where are you going, who are you going with and how long will you be away? I'm not nosy, I just like to know things!!
      Did you get shoes to match your folding suitcase? ha ha.
      Muriel xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    well Norah- you Can craft ! A beautiful card for Sandra and all the little flowers and everything it's lovely !
    Sandra have a great day with Sue crafting, some and meeting up with Pat for a coffee. Give her a hug from me and hope she and Pete had a nice holiday.
    I'm going out in a minute so only wanted to say Hi quickly and hope you all doing ok. Little sun is out so I will have to change the bedding as I thanks to Myra did slerp all over the pillow,yack it was very wet !
    I'll be back later for a coffee.In the meantime I put some cuddles in the basket with Norah's, they seem to play nicely with eachother lol
    love and hugs to all Maria xxx

    1. Sorry Maria!! Your cuddles and Norah's huggles are lethal together! Xxx

    2. Maria, my friend. Myra should be ashamed for making you slerp!!!

  15. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh girls i can't believe that our Sandra has put this on show as i had the thought that it would fall to the back and stay there. I didn't send it at first because i knew just the quality of everyone else's work and mines is no where in any of those leagues and didn't want her being disappointed at seeing my effort. Thank you all for being as kind as not to laugh at it but oh how i wish i could make real ones like you all make. I shall now go back under my bush and hide again.
    Janet flower i hope that your bone density scan comes back with good news otherwise it's the wrapped in cotton wool job for you and that makes it hard to walk without waddling(well with the amount of cotton wool that i wrap around you would probably go out able to bounce). Have fun finishing your cards that you are making.
    Pat, oh it will be so nice to meet up again even if it is only for a wee bit before Pete's appointment. I hope that his treatment is helping him and not making him feel too rough.
    Brenda, i hope that your John is not kept too long at his appointment either but its the time your waiting to be seen(as they never see you on time) and then the great big long words as they forget we are not medically trained and normally it's at an awkward time of the day that means the full day is wasted for you(take your knitting and at least you have something to show for your day) :) But i have my fingers and legs crossed for Pete, John and Janet today although it makes it mighty strange for walking. I'm sending my flying hugs to all 3 of you this morning just to let you know you're cared about.
    Sandra flower, even though you have put the nightmare that you could have to the back of your mind, it will still come through your subconscious and yes that is probably why you are having them the now. Please try an think positively that they are going to reconsider their decision for Paul as they have to take account of what other calls that is equally as important to his time management. His home life is not the normal forces life, he has so much more responsabilities than the norm so please try and keep telling yourself that the right thing will out in the end. I know that it is easy for me to say that but you have to try and think like that or you are going to make yourself ill and we just don't want that flower as you have more than your fair share to contend with, ok.
    Sending love and huggles out to run riot over you all
    Norah x
    Well its one of those foggy misty days that has stolen my hills, either that or they are sleeping under it all having a long lie which is something that i.m not at the moment with Dave rendering the walls and making an awful racket.
    Why is it teenage boys seem to be allergic to soap and water and showers??? It down to the point the now that i have threatened to take him in the shower myself and scrub him. Oh and while seeing Rhuairdh McKay the other day i got asked about what i thought of the girlfriend situation. What GIRLFRIEND situation as this is the first i know of it and of course the last as Rory tells Rhuairdh to stop right there and then. I know when he was at the school there was some lassie eating him instead of her dinner but i don't know who she was either. I told him then to tell her to get fed before she sees my son and not have him instead, he is not as nutritious as a meal supplement some how. Today is a long day as Rory is out at College all day and then to his cadets tonight, but he is enjoying both so what more can you ask for than a happy child.
    Right since it's going to be a long day i am going to have a large latte before starting on the sleeves of the second bolero for the wedding, just another 2 to go after this but they are smaller so not so long in time.

    1. I forgot to comment on the Girlfriend situation - Interesting times ahead, Norah! Xxx

    2. Oh Norah, it's like there's a switch inside teenagers that makes them think they are sparkly clean without trying! We always gave Emma a bath when she was little and she progressed onto showers quite happily but I'm sure they suddenly think a spit wash us far more practical! All I can say is he will grow out of it and even funnier, if there is a GIRLFRIEND you will probably not be able to get him out of the bathroom or breath for the deodorant, aftershave and hair gel!!!!!!
      It sounds like he is really enjoying college and cadets - he will be fine my love xxxxx

    3. My son was the same when he was younger Norah, kicking and screaming times but now he can stand in there for ever and it's no girlfriend on the horizon. It will change xxx

    4. Norah, what a beautiful card. I don't know how you can say that it's not as good as others. It's absolutely gorgeous and I love the colours and design. Please don't doubt yourself, you have a real talent.
      Now, as to Rory, if he does have a girlfriend, he will start spending long periods in the bathroom, and you'll be shouting to him to come out!!! Keep us informed please, we would like to follow his progress through this next stage of his life, he is so loving.
      Muriel xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I have tried commenting on the way down but sometimes it won't let me so I've decided to leave a comment for now and try again later. It's a lovely sunny morning here which is great as we were promised rain - apparently it has missed us! Hope it didn't divert to Yorkshire!
    Norah, Norah, whatever will we do with you! You card is beautiful! I really mean that - the layout is gorgeous and the lovely soft shades of green are so fresh and pretty. Your little flowers are beautiful and look so lovely in different tones of green and white with their little pearly centres. I love it . Please may we see more?
    Sandra, Sue and Pat have a lovely time together and I hope you get a more crafting done than you did last week!!
    Pat - hope all goes well at the hospital!
    Saba- have a lovely time with Heide - and enjoy your lunch!
    Muriel - don't work too hard in the garden and don't be chatting up the gnomes!
    Will go back and read!
    Love to all,
    Myra. Xxx

    1. Myra, all the gnomes are in the Gnome Retirement Home for Distressed Garden Ornaments!!! We have since found a plastic fox, squirrel, rabbit, windmill and dog. Would you like them? lol

    2. No thanks, Dear, you are soo oo kind! The previous owners of that bungalow had real good taste! Xxx

    3. I can take the dog, windmill and rabbit in as long they behave themselves if you want. Need a few more bits for my garden xxx

  17. Oh, boy your right Mrya, we are going to have to sort this young lady out. I told her when we met to forget all that that talk of " her cards are not good enough." Hers are so beautifully made, she forgets I have one and have admired the work she has put into it. She gets told to many times by someone in her life that she is rubbish at things that she believes him!!,, his name isn't ( Rory) He's no card maker that's for sure, her work is so well put together is fantastic.
    We need to give her a shake and shake all that negitive thoughts out of her........

    1. Hazel - I thought Norah was lovely just by reading her posts on Sue's blog! Norah - do you hear me!! I would be thrilled to have made that card! I couldn't make any of your lovely shawls to save my life! In to the bargain I'm a bit jealous of your lovely hair! Xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Myra her hair is beautiful just like Norah herself.. Xxx

    4. Hazel, she has a beautiful spirit and nature as well, this comes through her posts.

  18. PAT & BRENDA. Hope both your OH's hospital appointments are ok today. Enjoy your coffee together Sandra, Pat and Sue. Enjoy using the new dies. I love mine.

  19. PAT and PETE, Thinking of you, hope all goes wel at the hospital LOL xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you enjoyed your coffee with Pat & Sue and you and Sue have managed some crafting w with your new dies.
    Norah your card is absolutely beautiful and you do have a lot of talent I am so sorry you have been told anything different just listen to all your friends here who no what they are talking about owhen they tell you you are one talented lady special hugs on way to you.
    Welcome to Lilian glad you have joined us.
    Hope Janet, Pete and John appointments go OK.
    Sandra you do have a mystery sorry about the nightmares hope they see sense soon looking forward to giving you a big hug on Saturday sending ones to keep you going.
    Have a lovely holiday Michelle and hope Hazel & Patricia have a safe flight home sorry a bout your colds.
    It is pouring here and cold not nice too soon to be like this what happened to our summer t his year?
    Hugs in basket for all who need them
    Love Margaret x x

  21. Just seen that Janet has eon a die on Sues blog. Congratulations JANET.

  22. Congratulations Janet, our only cafe winner!!
    Enjoy your die,
    Sandra xxx

  23. Woo hoo Janet? Is SANDRA's SUE and PAT the ones that have won too Sue from Wiltshire and Pat L...?
    NORAH your card is gorgeous
    In a rush - Got a Back to School Salsa evening tonight Don't laugh but I'm wearing a knee length skirt tonight I never show my legs I usually wear trouser or floor length skirts Thick black tights will be the order of the day!

  24. Congratulations Janet well done

  25. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Home from our wee break to see OHs sister in
    Fort William, we had lovely weather over the past 2 days.
    Didn't want to be anti social and be on IPad while we were there, so just had quick peeks during our stay.
    Norah will you please stop saying your cards are rubbish, they are not, and like Patricia and Hazel, I have one from you to prove it, it is gorgeous!
    I need to go back and read over everyone's comments from yesterday and today, so I'm sorry if anyone is feeling down and I haven't said anything to cheer them up.
    If anyone won any of Sues dies, well done.
    Off to make something to eat, might not be able to get back later, but will certainly be here tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed,
    Take care meantime, xxx

    1. Glad to hear you are back safe and sound Jess and gad glorious weather - it's so cold here, wish we were back in Scotland, we had such lovely weather there. Enjoy your evening xxxx

    2. Jess, I'm glad you're back safe and sound. Have an easy evening.

    3. Glad you are home safely Jess and that you had a lovely time. I will try to be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning also! Xxx

    4. Glad you had a nice time Jess xxx
      Hahaha Mary xx

    5. Don't laugh at Mary, Maria she might be a sensitive lady! Xxxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Whoooohoo Janet well done on your win - enjoy using your new die. Xxxxx
    It's so cold here today and wet I gave done the ironing to warm myself up! I'm not going to put the heating on yet- it's September for goodness sake! I've put a cosy jumper on instead! Julian is working from home today so I did upstairs things this morning but then he moved upstairs this afternoon ( heaven forbid he should use the study!). I've just ramen a cup of coffee up to him and he's snuggled under the duvet! I've had a lovely natter with my sister and a friend has been texting me, her son goes to uni next week, he's going local but she's making him stay in halls as it will give him the full experience. I thought I would pop in and say hello as I will get distracted by bake off tonight! What a great evening. Ems is trying out the whisky society tonight hic! Sounds like a good idea :) right time to put dinner on. I might pop back later see you soon xxxxxx

    1. Why is it that when they are retired they always under your feet ?
      I hovered upstairs and he Had to get something from the wardrobe and when I did downstairs he Had to get something in the kitchen or from the lounge, what shall we do with them xxx ps hope Emma have a good night ,hic xx

    2. Maria, If I'm in the kitchen working, he wanders in and wants something where I am. If I go through to another room, he then needs something there. If I go out to do some gardening, he stays in and reads the paper ha ha!!!!

    3. Diane it may be September but we have had our heating on and when it was cold in August up here we had the heating on then I don't cope with the cold. xx

    4. Blanket over knees, fleecy hoodie on and need some warm
      gloves but wouldn't be able then to comment hihi just the rocking
      chair is missing xx
      Muriel, mine always remember there is a football match on tv if some weeding is talked about tihi xx

  27. Congratulations Janet!! Well done!
    I'm going out, no comments about gadding please! Thank you!
    PS I'll return , I hope! Xxx

    1. You've been out nearly all day!
      I'm too restrained for my own good! Xxx

    2. own up, where did you get to ?

    3. We just popped out to visit friends for a coffee! It was all so unexciting. Nice but not exciting ! Xxx

  28. Evening Ladies

    Quick visit-finally packed the suitcases so feel better now. Sitting having a cuppa before ringing my Dad.

    I'll pop in each day if I can as we have wifi in the villa but not sure what time it will be due to the time difference (5 hours behind us).


    1. Michele have a good and safe flight and have a wonderful time on your holiday xxx

    2. Michele, I'm not at all jealous that you are flying off for a fabulous holiday grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Have a wonderful time and safe journey.

    3. Hi Michele,
      Flower I hope that you have a great holiday as you could be doing with it and a change of manager but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon like so we will go for the easy option. See when you have packed that case, pack the job away for the time your away as well, preferable where it can not get to you for at least the next numerous amount of lovely idyllic days that it plays no part in. Enjoy like there is no tomorrow and come back down to earth when you really need to flower. X

    4. Michele, have a lovely holiday you deserve one! Have a safe flight. You are going to miss the Southport Air Show !!! Ha ha!
      We'll maybe arrange to meet up when you get back? Maybe Tarleton or somewhere? Hope that doesn't put you off coming home! Xxx

  29. Hi all, the little sun we had this morning went away very quickly and it has not stop raining all day so the washing had to be hanged indoors, it now smell like a launderette in the house tihi I quite like it.
    Congrats Janet to win one of Sue's new die's. Hope your scan went well this morning and to John and Pete that the hospital app. went ok.
    Sandra- wonder what your dream could mean, not nice. Any meds. you are taking that could make nightmares ? We don't know yet if Paul has to go away, was it last time he didn't have to ? Anyhow you know we are here for you and I'm sure the kids can do their bit. Also like someone said ,check what help is out there if you need some extra help .
    Myra is out, please keep an eye out !
    Karen- have fun at Salsa, your pins are fine (not like tree trunks like mine) but slow down a little or you will be ill ! I have looked on your blog, Spendid !
    back later xxx

    1. Maria you have got a very good point there it could be some of Sandra's medication that is perhaps causing the nightmares I was once given Tramadol and I quite simply lost a week I had a dreadful dream repeatedly every time I went to sleep day or night so when the doctor found out they took me off them. xxx

    2. Maria, Myra is always out. She's never in - I don't know what she's doing, but I have a feeling she's up to no good!!
      Margaret, I have terrible dreams without medication. George just has to have a scarf in his hand!!! lol

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh I have missed you all but as I explained last night I have been so very busy helping my elder daughter and family, when I got home each evening I was so very tired all I could do was crawl into bed.
    Norah what on earth are you talking about, your card not being good enough, just listen my girl your card is absolutely wonderful and so very superior in quality, design and style so if you don't mind we will have no more of this, not good enough please, as take it from me your card is so beautiful honestly.
    I mustered some energy up this afternoon and had a little bake as supplies were getting low and I have popped a lemon drizzle cake in the kitchen for tomorrow, for goodness sake please leave a slice for our Sandra!
    Congratulations Janet so pleased you have been lucky winning a Sue Wilson die I had not realised there had been another give away!
    Sandra is there not a welfare department (or whatever they are called these days) that Paul can go to and explain your home situation and your difficulties? One thing I would do is contact Social Services about getting some help from them as once they are on your side I feel quite sure they will contact the powers that be who are being ridiculous saying Paul has to go.
    Well I have almost a full weeks emails to go through as I have not been able to look at them so if anyone has contacted me please don't think I have been ignoring you, I simply have not had the time to get on the internet.
    Patricia and Hazel have a good flight and a safe journey home, my white tea towel edged in pink is out to wave as you fly over here on your way home.
    Now as a lot of you will know we live in a town called Cockermouth in the Lake District which gets it's name from the fact that the town is situated on the mouth of the river Cocker where it joins the river Derwent, but the WI (yes the Womens Institute) say the name is too RUDE!!! Have you ever heard of anything so silly?
    Myra are you taking extra flying lessons? You are being rather secretive simply saying 'I'm going out' and adding 'I'll return, I hope!'!!!
    Well I am off for a relaxing shower and if I can keep awake will pop in later.
    Love to everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Lovely to see you Margaret C, I have my own theories about Myra's mystery outings. Balaclava's, dynamite and banks are involved!!!!

    2. Sorry Margaret, I meant to say that it's bl**dy ridiculous. How long has Cockermouth had it's name - 800 years? And now the WI want to change it - silly billies!!!!!

    3. Margaret, I've never heard anything quite so silly! Ramsbottom is a funny one but I'd never even thought anything about Cockermouth! People need to get out more! Like me!
      I haven't been having flying lessons - I been giving them - some old ducks are afraid to fly you know! Xxx

    4. Hi Margaret C so pleased your ok. Glad that Lisa & family have now moved into their new home it doesn't seem that long when you said they were renting for a year while the house was being built, my time fly's. Hope all is well with you & Derek & Amy & Tomas are ok
      love Lynda xx

  31. Hi Sandra
    Well what can I say about Norah's card on the blog today. I'm not to sure why she said it's not good enough as it's gorgeous. The leaves are actually done in different types of I assume pale green patterned paper. They look lovely. Well, Mrs B and I get to see these cards in the flesh so to speak. And Sandra's birthday cards just left me speechless with amazement.
    Hope your feeling better Margaret I missed lots of comments while I was away, we've been to Cockermouth twice and its lovely.
    We gad a lovely meet up but sadly no crafting done today, but lots and lots of chatting.
    Petes appointment was for 5.30 today, the cancer clinic is usually on a Tuesday. Well the Dr we saw asked me my name, I've never been asked that before. She then said the good news is ( don't you just hate it when they say that as you know baldish news is coming afterwards ). Your PSA count is good, no more movement of cancer in the bones, but your kidney count has gone up from 85 to 126. So we need to take some more blood from you and if it's still up you'll have to have more scans to see what's going on. Pete is not a happy bunny. I'm iff to reds the comments further up now.

    1. Oh Pat, I'm sorry to read that. Hopefully the next bloods taken will show that the count has gone down.
      Love and prayers Maureen xxx

    2. Pat so very sorry to hear your news but like Maureen says lets hope the next lot of blood results will be better. You are in my prayers both of you.
      Love Margaret xxx

    3. Oh Pat I'm sorry you've had a stressful day and that there was good news and not so good news! Let's pray the results of the blood tests will be better this time. Sending love to you both, xxx

    4. Hello Pat, I hope Petes blood test will be good news. You are both in my thoughts and prayer. Stay strong for each other.
      Sending love and hugs to you both. xxx

    5. Oh so sorry Pat to hear your news but like the others have said lets hope the next lot of bloods will be better.Your both in my thoughts & prayers. Love Lynda xx

    6. Big hug to you and Pete and hope the next tests comes out good.
      hugs Maria xxx

    7. Pat sorry about your news today and hope the next blood test is ok. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    8. Pat, so sorry to hear that Pete will have to have more tests, but good news on the PSA front so the treatment is definitely working. Try and keep that in mind.
      Sending you both healing hugs and prayers.
      Love Saba xxx

  32. I'm going to have to stop going on this blog. I've been so long reading and posting on the way down. I feel like an old woman!!!
    Norah, I've already said that your card is so beautiful, and if anyone says that you can't make cards, well they are talking out of their behinds. Don't listen to them please.
    I've washed and ironed, and dug out some prize winning dandelions with George's help. The washing is the bungalow curtains, as I said that it will look better when Peter sells it if the windows are dressed, as the rooms will be empty.
    I'm away for a little while to put the ironing board and iron away - it's the maid's night off!!!
    See you later xxxxx

    The have the machine in stock for £119.99 or with the starter kit for £139.99 not that I am wanting to encourage anyone to buy you understand just thought I would have a look and see how much they were! xxx

    1. Margaret C, get thee behind me Satan!!! look out Margaret, Myra is behind you ha ha xxxx

    2. Heaven help you if I catch you! Xxx

  34. Good evening my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry girls but my self confidence was knocked out years ago to the point that I stopped doing a lot of things because of it so have lost all faith in any ability that I might have had. The leaves are out of the sides left from my hunkydory toppers, the waste that I punch out flowers of what ever size I can get out off it and leaves if it is greens in colour and tiny butterflies, sorry miserable scot but just couldn't throw the waste out when there was perfectly good card and colour, pattern on it that I could use. The lace is creative expressions crocheted lace and the green card is a pearlescent from A4+ card and paper packs from T. L. I see all your stunning creations that you all make and just know that mines will never be like that so hence why I don't send any pictures to Sandra off my cards that I make. Two friends offered to sort out my problem in a week but don't think it fair on them some how, lol. Thank you everyone just for being so kind and generous with your praise, I am suitable berated.
    I am so pleased to see one of our coffee shop angels win in Sues draw, Janet have loads of fun with it when it arrives flower.
    Sending lots of love and huggles to you all, you are remarkable friends
    Norah xx

    1. So are you, my friend! You are an angel too you know! Our Angel! Xxx

    2. Norah don't let anyone ever tell you again that you are not good at anything. Your cards are just as good as anyone else's on here and your shawls, (speaking as one who can only knit scarves and that using only the knit stitch, haven't yet mastered the purl stitch) are truly a work of art, they are heirlooms. And look at what Rory has achieved and it's all down to you. So stand up and be proud of all you are and all you do.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxxx

    3. Norah, how could anyone be so cruel as to knock your confidence like this. I am not being kind by saying that I think your card is so beautiful. I am telling the truth. As Saba says, stand up and be proud of yourself, all you are and all you do. We are proud of you and your remarkable achievement with Rory.
      Love Maureen xxx

    4. Norah your card is stunning & beautiful I love the colours you have used & all the little flowers. How could anyone be that cruel to knock your confidence like that. I for one would love to receive a gorgeous
      card like yours. Norah you should be so proud of yourself with all you have achieved with Rory he is a credit too you.
      Love Lynda xx PS please send Sandra more pictures of your cards,

  35. Phew I've got to the end SANDRA please try not to fret Paul may not have to but it is worth enquiring what's available but I know how you feel - relying on strangers to do stuff that Paul would normally do at the very least you should be entitled to free taxis that could accommodate you and chair Get the washing done, shopping and a call button in case you fell
    Hope everyone's tests went Ok although I know Pete's wasn't so good
    Safe journey home PATRICIA and HAZEL and same to MICHELE hope your meeting with dad went ok and safe journey across the pond

  36. Muriel, you are as old as you feel!!
    Well I had a tiring afternoon. Heide and I met up and started with a coffee then we went to a really big shop which only sells suitcases and HANDBAGS. You have to walk through the handbag department to get to the suitcases. As we walked in the door I saw it. It just shouted at me and I couldn't ignore it. It's pink and I fell in love. Heide dragged me upstairs and we perused the suitcases but my heart wasn't in it. So I dragged her back downstairs and bought it. It's scrumptious. I've hidden it with all my others so I don't have to use my birthday money! Anyway we then went on to 4 department stores, still didn't find the right suitcase, and then had another coffee. Then on to a sports shop, no luck.
    Heide then decided she had had enough and went home. I then went to 3 specialist outdoor pursuit shops. And didn't find what I was looking for. What I needed was a big bag, they measure their capacity in litres, and that was a new one to me, however I could now sit my masters degree in suitcase properties. Most of the soft suitcases now have wheels, no good for stowing on a boat, I needed a good old fashioned one which would fold flat. Some of them were over 200 euros! They kept on telling me how waterproof they were, ideal for sailing! I did point out that if they were to get wet it would be because we were sinking and if that was the case I wouldn't give a fig whether my case was waterproof or not. Anyway, in the end I went back to the first shop and bought one I had seen there. By which time it was 7.30pm. So a quick visit to the local shop for some milk and then cycled home. Cream crackered but had to cook dinner. My feet are killing me, it's blinking cold here and I am now wrapped in a lovely snugly blanket drinking a bottle of wine and I do mean a bottle!! It's been a very stressful afternoon and to cap it all I didn't win a die!!!! However, Janet did and if I could I would do a happy little dance for her but my tired feet won't let me so I hope she will be satisfied if I just do a little happy wiggling about in my chair instead.
    Do you think I should get a glass to have with my bottle?

    1. A definite Yes to the glass!! I'm smiling to myself about the handbag! You are incorrigible! I would like a more detailed description please! You have been out for hours today - and no one makes remarks about gadding! I was out for two hours this evening and am accused of robbing banks and all sorts! This time next week we'll be in the Airport Marriott prior to going on holiday . Why do these things creep up at once? When do you go?
      Glad you got a suitcase in the end. I did laugh at the waterproof bit! Did they think you were going in a kayak! Xxx

    2. OOOO Saba you little devil another handbag & hiding it from Peter. I only hide die's from Terry hehe.
      Hope the wine has reached your feet now & have stopped aching.
      Glad you got a waterproof suit case your so funny. XXX

    3. Well Saba, the bottle might start feeling a bit heavy, so drink it fast and then you won't need a glass!! Myra, Saba was doing some very necessary shopping. A handbag (I sound like Dame Edith Evans in my mind lol), anything else is just not vital. Will you tell Heidi that you ended up in the first shop, or will you keep that little gem to yourself. I need to see a picture of said bag please!!!
      Myra, which bank did you visit? Will I be reading about it in the morning, or will a full report be on the TV?

    4. Myra, that because I wasn't gadding about like you are wont to do. I was traipsing from boring shop ( except for the first one which was fabulous, at least downstairs) to boring shop trying to find a boring sailing bag. And believe you me, some of the sales pitch was ridiculous. "Oh this one is so robust you could throw it down a mountain and it wouldn't be damaged" or "this one can withstand temperatures under minus 40 degrees" well seeing as I don't intend going to Siberia and chucking it off a bloody great mountain I can't say I was terribly impressed.
      Now my handbag. It's delicious. A lovely shade of pink with two zips at the back, brown leather handles and shoulder strap and when you open it up, inside it has another smaller handbag which you can unlclip and use separately! How clever is that. Not terribly sure what was behind that idea but it does mean you get two for the price of one. And then it has a separate pouch on a dinky chain for your mobile phone. Now I just need to find a matching pair of shoes!!!
      You did ask.

    5. Saba, well find shoes that I will like, then I can have them when you've finished with them (if I'm still alive by then!!!!) xxxx

    6. Saba! That's an excellent holiday bag! No not a sailing one - my one to Spain! I'd have a day bag and then a dinky little one for evening use! I usually make do with a leather pouch type one for evening as a big bag and sandals doesn't always work! Xxx

    7. I know I know - I'm sad! Xxx

    8. Oh you do are funny, another handbag, I know it ! hihi Lucky you not have Macy's in Germany, a whole floor with handbags and shoes and I didn't buy one as I hate shoe shopping and very rarely use a handbag. Good you got one for the sailing trip xxx

  37. Does anyone ever feel that they have entered the Twilight Zone, when they log on to this blog.
    Saba going away, Myra going away. Where have I been when all this has been going on. Probably locked in the Baileys Tanker!!
    I am very tired so I'm going to bed very soon. My Butler has arrived with my Margaret bags and he's already in bed, so I'll say Goodnight all, God bless and sweet dreams to you all and especially to you Sandra.
    See you all in the morning.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. Night Night Dear! I've told you all about it! Don't worry! Don't kick George either as he's had a busy day! Sleep well!
      Lots of love, xxx

    2. Muriel, I exist permanently in the twilight zone.
      And no I won't tell Heide I went back to the first shop, although she knows me by now. Once we +another friend were out shopping in a huge department store and a woman picked up a jumper which I fancied so the three of us followed her for about an hour until she went into the changing rooms. Finally she came out and discarded the jumper, Heide grabbed it and told me that despite it being one size too big for me, if I didn't buy it she would throttle me. I bought it.
      Night God bless dear.
      Ps it took a while to reply as I hadn't realised I had been logged out and the first one just went poof, so I had to type it all again. And I think I have told you this story before!!

    3. Well I have had a lovely dpevening. Went to a local flower club and watched some amazing demonstrations. Been pouring with rain here all day. Did the school run this afternoon and got soaked. Took Scarlett home but because I was so wet I didn't stay. Didn't want to sit around in wet clothes so I didn't get chance to show her your comnents about her card at the weekend. Going to try and go to bed a bit earlier tonight. Keep saying that but it doesn't happen.

    4. Good night Maureen, have a nice one after all that exercising sure you will have a sweet one and not being in to much pain, hope the bags help you. Hi to the butler Lol xxx

    5. Glad you had a nice day but not good getting so wet, hope you don't get a chill. Looking forward to meet up again at AP, have a time been set ? The other night I thought I would have an early night but still sat here 2 in the morning, just can't sleep sometimes and other times I can't wake up. Wonder what I be at the retreat with the craft room open 24/7 . Going to watch a silly program called ' Mountain Goats' with subtitles ,some Scottish and other dialects I really can't get even if I try hihi take care and good night Brenda LL xxx

  38. Hello Sandra & night owls I have commented on the way god it takes forever
    First good night MAUREEN sleep well my dear. Hope you let the butler have a few Baileys.
    Sandra my lovely sorry you have been having nightmares they can be so real how horrible for you. As others have said you should be initialed to some sort of help while Paul is away,& you should get one of those panic buttons just in case you fall over, better safe than sorry.
    Norah I did comment under yours your card is gorgeous xx
    Janet congratulations on winning a Sue die enjoy using it.xx
    Well I'm off to bed so good night god bless everyone love Lynda xx
    PS Safe journey Patricia & Hazel xx

  39. Good night Lynda, hope you and Terry are ready for the marathon on Saturday, have you got a long shopping list ? I will rewrite mine (again) tomorrow hihi
    See you soon ,hugs xxx

  40. Good night Lynda and Brenda and Maria and Myra and Uncle Tom cobbley and all. Hope you all sleep well. I have finished my bottle so had better stagger off to bed. Sandra if you look in again I hope you get a dream free night and if that snake rears its ugly head again stick it in a washing up bowl full of water like I did with mine. Works a treat every time.
    Night God bless all
    Sba xxxx

    1. hmmm good night Sba hihi don't bang yourself on the way to bed,
      not a pretty sight with a black eye to your new handbag Lol
      hugs Maria xxx

  41. Night Maria. Looking forward to serving you there Saturday. As far as I know no time has been set. Perhaps Sandra will say something tomorrow.
