
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Myra's Gorgeous Well Done Card

Good Morning ladies,
As you are reading this we will we packing the car & trailer, taking down the tent (fingers crossed it will be dry)!
Today's stunning card has been designed and created by Myra, it highlights once again how very versatile that Tonic Font Die set is, it works so well for all cards.
I love the image you have chosen too Myra, it could be a well done for your fabulous exam results or
well done on getting a job, this image would work well for both.
I look forward to Myra popping in later and telling us where she got the image/ topper from etc.
The addition of the rose and the dazzlers gives the card a really girly feel.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Myra xxx
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning, Myra a beautiful Well Done card. I bet the young lady who received it was very pleased.
    Sandra, fingers crossed it was a dry night and it stays dry while you get e dry thing loaded and the tent down, and packed away. Safe journey and I hope you have no hold ups.
    Well ladies, have we all decided that we are better off staying where we are than all going into a nursing home??? I have as I think we would end up having to do everything ourselves as the staff would have walked out.
    I have got one of those days today, I have a nappy cake to deliver to Dundee a 50 mile round trip, then picking up Beth at 3. When I leave there I am going to babysit the boys at Perth another 50 mile round trip. Was only saying yesterday that I would be doing less milage now? Whose kidding who here? Never mind tomorrow should be a quieter day!!!
    Cafe all looking good, thank goodness the boss will be back soon, we are running low on supplies from the wholesalers. We wil need to make a list for her. We could get Diane on that one she is good at list making.
    Right I have topped up the (((((( hugs )))))) basket by the door, I am now off to sit and have my cup of tea. xxx

    1. Haha Hazel I've put it on my list! I shall just have to make sure I get the address right when I get them to deliver otherwise the cafe will end up with towels and bedding and Emma will have thousands of tea bags - she doesn't drink tea!!! Safe journeys today xxx

    2. Thank you Hazel! Safe journeys to you too! Xx

    3. What a busy lady you are, drive carefully (as I'm sure you do anyway) I'm sure will be really excited you are picking her up. LOL xx

    4. Sorry Hazel - I forgot to say the pictures of you Jess, Norah and Patricia on your blog are lovely. xx

  2. Good morning ladies, i hope everyone is well, it certainly looks a little brighter here today, yesterday's rain was awful.
    Myra your card is gorgeous, love the topper, could be for a number of occasions.
    Sandra hope all goes smoothly on your journey home, waiting to hear all about your lovely holiday.
    I see yesterday's meeting with the four 'sisters' was a total success, have just seen photos on Hazels blog, everyone looks so happy.
    Hazel it's a good job you like driving, you certainly clock up the miles.
    Have a good day everyone - hugs in the basket as usual.
    Will pop back later xxxx

    1. Thanks Jean, have you had this thunder rain we are having just now? If not it may be coming! Xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies, I hope the packing up is going to plan Sandra , and you have a safe and uneventful journey home.
    Beautiful card Myra, I love the colour combo, look forward to hearing about it.
    I enjoyed reading all about the Old Folks home ! more like One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest! worrying thing is we have an OFH about 200yards from the bottom of our road, maybe they could parachute us down there?
    Cafe looking and smelling inviting as usual , I've put a gingerbread in the oven ( I love how it smells) hope you enjoy it later, meanwhile I'll have some tea and toast in the corner, Patricia might be there and she can tell me all about yesterday, ( she looks stunning! ) I loved the photos, they all look so happy !
    Well, the weather doesn't look too bad so might manage 9 holes of golf this morning, I haven't played since last week so here's hoping the break has helped my play.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, thank you for the kind comments and the gingerbread!
      Cuckoo certainly fits the bill anyway! How we end up chatting about things the way we do I don't know! I got silly pictures in my head - instead of zimmers lined up with names on - we'd have rows of grand caliburs!! Xxx

  4. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and happy.
    MYRA:- wow! your card is amazing. Love the image and your great design. Think I will have a look to see what "letter" dies I have. I really like those you have used
    Hazel has got the place up and running this morning. Tell what she will be handing us cloths and dusters next. Written a "rota" and we will be scrubbing and cleaning. The boss will be back soon, Hazel will want everything to "sparkle". Oh! bother can we not just throw a BIG pot of glitter over the place. That would make things "sparkle"
    SANDRA and family hope everything goes well for the packing up. Safe journey, really looking forward to having you home. Wish I was nearer to welcome you with a big (((hug)))
    Nothing much on the cards at the moment. I do have a "list" of things I HAVE to do first. I normally dont do lists ... needs must!!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, I am taking my tea and toast over to the corner table, to see who pops in, passes by, or just "snoops"
    See you all later xxx

    1. Oooh I like a list ! Mind you I often write them and leave them behind! Xxx

    2. Thank you Patricia! I never used to make lists either - I do now. Even if I forget to take it with me the sheer act of writing it down helps the old grey matter!! Xxx

    3. Diane, like you I often leave my list behind - but because I have written down what I want I usually remember what was on the list - if that doesn't make since, my excuse is - tthat my mother was Irish !!!!!

  5. Sorry Hazel , I meant to say , what a busy day you have planned, you really must love driving? You are obviously being missed Big Time, but that's nice!
    Safe journeys! xo

  6. Morning Ladies

    Myra-what a beautiful card, I'll bet the recipient loved it.

    I had quite a productive day yesterday-we went for our walk down to the beach but it was high tide so there wasn't much to see or do. On the way home we go past a lake which has s boardwalk all round it so we did s circuit of that.

    After lunch I did the ironing then started crafting, decided that the old printer wasn't much use so attempted to connect wirelessly to hubby's new printer-oh my, what a palaver!! Eventually managed & I printed a few images out from my new craft CD-ROM I'd bought on Sunday. Looked out of the craft room window & the sky looked an awful colour & the clouds were odd looking. Shouted hubby who declared it to be s hurricane & ran for his camera. It didn't come to much but was interesting to watch it.

    After dinner (cooked by me & I did all the dishes) I continued crafting. It's a pity I've got to go into work as I feel inspired now. Might try & continue tonight but the builder is calling about the work we have booked. He starts the day after we get from Florida!!


    1. Michele,Patricia and I have just been talking about that sky last night ( well we messaging) glad you had a good day off. xxx

    2. Thanks Michele . It was a weird sky but the previous night we had the most gorgeous big moon! It lit up the sky . Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, I hope that the tent is dry so that you don't have to get it out again when you get home. I hope you all have a safe and trouble free journey home, with no hold ups. You will certainly need some warmer clothes as it is not so warm here at the moment! I can't wait to give you a big welcome home hug my lovely. I tried to email you yesterday but it kept bouncing back, don't know
    w why but I will try again today.
    I did laugh out loud, and know Mum, Sandra and Pat will too, about me having a good memory. I have the worst memory, I have to write EVERY thing down, and I mean every thing ( and still struggle some times when I can't read my own scrawl! )
    Myra, your card is lovely. What a great image, she could be used for several occasions, I love the pretty rose too : )
    Can you imagine what chaos we would all cause if we went into a nursing home together, we would soon have the place to ourselves as the others wouldn't be able to cope with the daft antics that go on : )
    Patricia, Hazel, Jess and Nora, I am glad that you all had a wonderful time yesterday. I bet your throats and bottoms are sore from the talking and sitting for so long. I will pop over to Hazels blog to look at the pictures of you all.
    I have a fun day ahead as I have to to do the camp food delivery orders today and then the parent helper rota which is the worst bit!
    I hope you all have a good day and those of you not feeling so good start to feel better as the day goes on. Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Sue, you make sure your rota is done, as I know 90% will be very willing but there will be that 10%. I think we are all as bad as one another with memory. In fact my young daughter can be really bad at times, and she is onky 38. Oh have fun with that camp food delivery. xxx

    2. Thanks Sue, you are having a really busy time. I'm sure everything will run smoothly. Hope the weather is good for you. Xxx

    3. Hi Sue!

      Course I didn't laugh at your memory but just a reminder that Sandra did tell you she wouldn't have internet connection until hopefully today could that be why her email kept coming back?? sorry couldn't resist that I'm rotten to you love you though.
      Good luck with rotas xx

    4. Oh Sue is it cub camp the first weekend back to school? Guides used to do something similar! A lovely lady used to be camp cook and the two other leaders ( my cousin was one) used to go round Sainsburys the night before with several large shopping trolleys! I do feel for you. One of the last camps Emma went on they forgot the wood for the camp fire so I had to make a detour on the way down to get some, I then had to find spaces for it all in my small car! Those were the days. Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope your packing goes off without a hitch, and that you have a trouble free journey back. That's always the hard part isn't it. I hope that you especially don't have any problems in Calais. I know you'll have no room for any hitch hikers. Check the roof just in case.
    Myra your card is stunning. The rose looks very life like. Is that a topper or something you've coloured in ?. I hope the ladies had a great meet. I haven't been reading the comments, but that post just caught my eye. We had a massive thunderstorm earlyish yesterday evening. Plenty of sheet and forked lightening. Heather who've we've gone away with hates thunder and lightening. We had walked right down into Salou about 15 walk away, and had to rush back about 11.30 as it started again. Lovely and sunny now again. Sorry to rub it in if your having rubbish weather.

    1. Pat, the weather so rubbish that I have put on a little thin fleece this morning, it's socks on my feet today as its cold and I think if your feet are cold you are cold all over. So soak up as much of that sunshine as you can. xxx

    2. Never mind our weather Pat, just enjoy your holiday! Thanks for your kind comments. Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all,
    Have a good packing up Sandra and hope it's been dry to fold up the tent and Paul have got all the things in it's rightly place. Don't forget the girls, they were with you down. Have a safe journey back and oh yes have the socks and waterproof handy.
    Hazel, you drive carefully too and hope this afternoon goes fine.
    Anne, I see you haven't got far to go when the day comes hi in the meantime have a nice day .
    Oh Sue, you have been so busy with everything for this Camp. It's this during or after school ? Have you done it before ? Now your secrets out reg. remember us all, you should see the lists I got laying around to remember even what day it is. I hope we remember to go to Birmingham on Sat. morning for the flight. Have a good day.
    Myra, lovely card ! So ideal for someone maybe starting a new job or graduated and stepping out in the big bad world, very nice.
    Well I'm going to have my toast and 3d bag tea then I'm going to put some music on and go to 'work' , must make four cards by Thursday ! Memo to myself and seeing it is absolutely pouring outside it's a good day for it,
    love and hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria! I made a note to say thank you to you! We are all a bit mad but it's just lovely to have fun! Shake that mojo up!! Xxx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and crew
    Sandra, I hope the packing up goes smoothly and your journey home goes well.
    At least the girls tans won't be rubbing off on the way home like it did on the way there. Looking forward to having you back with us.
    Myra, your card is just lovely. Was it made for Annabelle for her amazing exam success.? I love the rose, it looks so dimensional. Hope Alastair managed to convince the couple that they should listen to their mother and let her go where she would be happy.
    Janet, have a safe journey on the last leg of your trip home.
    Hazel, enjoy seeing Beth this afternoon, I expect there will be big cuddles. You can put me down on the rota for anything which involves using bleach, work tops, sinks and even the cloakroom, I'm never happier than when I have a bottle of bleach in my hand. Well soon have the cafe looking sparkling.
    Michele, I can't believe you ran to watch a hurricane, I'd have been running to get under the table or in the bath. I read somewhere that that's the best place to shelter, no idea why.
    Sue good luck with the rota, I used to hate doing the shift rotas for the ward and always ended up giving myself the rubbish shifts.
    Pat enjoy the sunshine, hope you and Pete are having a fabulous time.
    I'll have a slice of the gingerbread that Anne has so kindly made and go and sit with Patricia, I need to discuss the necklace she is wearing on the photo, it's gorgeous and I would like to borrow it.
    My son in law is taking Max and Abi to our cottage for a couple of days today. He is also taking his sisters husband and two children with him and they are going to so some walking, maybe Pen Y Ghent. The children are so excited but sad that we won't be there although as Max said to me last night at least they won't have to listen to Opa snoring!! I dread to think what a state they will leave the cottage in though, Ryan is not the tidiest of son in laws.
    Right off back onto my balcony to water the plants, I got chased off it earlier by a very annoying wasp. See you all later,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Alastair is painting!!! I don't trust myself to say much more just yet! You'll like this bit - he painted the ceiling with the blind still up at the window! Of course I didn't raise my voice! I'm staying out of the way - it's best - trust me! Thank you , and you are right it was for Annabelle and she loved it! Xxx

    2. Myra sit down my dear and have a calming cup of tea. Good heavens! What are these men playing at, Alistair painting and George with his apple tree! Xxx

  11. Good morning everybody,

    After yesterday's rain, rain and more rain, today has begun with glorious sunshine although there are some very ominous dark clouds hovering around. Hopefully the brisk wind through the treetops will soon blow them away. Looks like they are heading south.

    A gorgeous card Myra, just right for a teenager starting out on a new job or passing exams. And the rose is the perfect touch.

    Shall be busy again trying to get this month's cards all done. I lost my mojo yesterday afternoon and just couldn't seem to find any inspiration to make an 18th b card and then found it about 9pm last night so ended up in bed an hour later than I am normally. Then I had the strangest of dream in which my sister and I were in this giant squashy balloon with a crowd of others, sailing up and away into outer space, with a leak in the stitching. Odd or what?
    My second cuppa of the day is calling out to be made, so I am away to catch up with last night's comments.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, Thank you very much and I hope you have more joy making cards today. I liked the one John demonstrated yesterday using the waste from the dandelion clocks. It was a good idea. Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Myra your card is lovely, I bet the recipient loved it.
    Sue I'm a bit like you, when I read over the comments, I jot down things I want to talk about and the person who mentioned it in the first place, so I don't get everybody mixed up!
    Sandra good luck with the packing, and have a safe journey home, keep an eye out for hitch-hikers, but I don't suppose you will have any room for anyone to sneak into your car.
    Well it is a lovely morning here, maybe get a bit of tidying up in the garden done, then I have more cards to do.
    Has a look at our day yesterday on Hazels blog, we had such a laugh together, I think we get on so well because we have the same sense of humour, a bit warped at times, but so funny!!
    Had a quick coffee, Anne your gingerbread was lovely, must go and get on.
    Hazel take care with all that driving, will catch up later. Xxx

    1. Thanks Jess! You all looked as if you were having a lovely time yesterday. It was great to see the photos. It's a hard day to follow I guess! Xxx

  13. Good morning ladies
    Oh what a laugh you had last night! What nursing home would have all of us! Haha. I did try to leave a comment but it wouldn't publish! Grrrrr.
    Myra your card is beautiful and yes I love the rose too, it looks really dimensional . Than you for sharing. Xxx
    Sandra safe journey today, oh my goodness I don't envy you packing the car! Xxx
    Janet I hope you have a safe journey too xxx
    Children are back at school today and the sun is out- typical! I've got the washing in the machine and a shopping trip and auntie visit planned today, just need to add the child all this is for into the mix and I will be off! (Said child is still in bed, not quite in the land of nod!). Right I must get on so I'm ready then I can put my disapproving look on my face - doesn't work so well if you are not ready yourself :) ! See you all later. Love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Diane, so sorry you weren't able to contribute last night! You would have been the voice of reason - not !! Hope today goes well and you get everything done that needs to be done! Thanks for your kind comments! Xxx

  14. Hi everyone. Sorry didn't get back in yesterday. Had a lovely day at the Craft Show. Lots of marques which ran into one another so although it was raining most of the time we didn't really get wet. The grass wasn't messy either although I wore my wellies. Lots of inspiration. Was surprised that no one was selling handmade cards but perhaps they have realised that people just don't want to pay a realistic price for them. Lots of pottery and jewellery, furniture and wood turning. All beautiful things.
    Glad that Patricia, Hazel, Norah and Jess had a good day. Didn't realise until last night that I have run out of Diabetic tablets. Put in my prescription last week but not done yet. Phoned the surgery and the prescription should be ready about 3pm. I will have missed two doses but hopefully that will be ok. Must check when they will run out next time and not leave it late to put in the repeat prescription. Having lunch with a friend today. Different day to usual but she is going away on Thursday. Must get to the Post Box now to post a birthday card. Hope to be back later. Hope you all have a good day. Enjoy your time with Beth, Hazel.

    1. Hi Brenda, glad you had a good day out yesterday. Hopefully all will be well with regard to your medication! You will have to get Diane to add you to her list! Xxx

    2. Myra. I am so sorry I didn't comment on your card. Very remiss of me. It is so lovely card and could be used for all different would have been hard for your granddaughter not to have been pleased with it. I expect she goes back to the 6th form this week. My Gtgranddaughter went back to school today. Scarlett goes back on Thursday and Megan starts in Reception on Thursday. They will certainly not miss her in the class. She is very determined. I have to take her to school next Wednesday. Not only take her but get her up and ready so I hope by then she doesn't decide she doesn't want to go or it will be fun and games.

    3. Brenda, please don't worry about that ! We read so many things and if you are anything like me forget loads of it! I wish you all the very best for tomorrow! Think the teacher may need our good wishes also?
      That used to be my job! I loved a challenge! Xxxx

    4. We used to have a head teacher who would describe children as interesting! Rather than challenging and oh boy did we have some interesting children! Lol. Brenda I've got you on my list! I'm beginning to sound like a Gilbert and Sullivan song here,'I've got a little list, I've got a little list and none of them are missed'. Xxx

  15. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Well what a fantastic day i had yesterday with my wonderful friends, where we laughed from the moment Patricia and i met in the carpark to leaving, but more after. Myra flower, i love your car because as the others say it could be for a new job or (being pleased to be finished up somewhere) or a young lassie passing her exams being so pleased with herself. But for me Myra it is your stunning use of colour that has me all agog and just the shading, highlights and shadows that you have created so well that i can see where the sun is coming from to beat down on her as she goes along her way. I hope that whoever gets this beautiful card will be as pleased with it marking her acheivement as her attaining her acheivement. Thank you flower for bringing this peace of beautiful work to us.
    Well yesterday i had an absolute ball but you do realise that they are nuts or should that be WE are all nuts. School lassies couldn't have giggled and laughed any better than we did yesterday and the range of topics, well lets say some are best left there, YES GIRLS??? But we had such a laugh and i have arranged with the girls for them to have my OH for a week and see how he survives as they are going to tober him back into place for me. Hee hee hee. Folks i think my friends were the best dressed in there yesterday as all three looked lovely(although i have designs on Patricia's dress as that is me down to a T). Patricia had on this most beautiful necklace that just enhanced her beauty. I think she lost her vocation and should have been a model as she has the beautiful figure for it and her face just glows and radiates beauty(she would look good in a black bin bag). Hazel had a pendant that picked up the colour in her camisole just perfectly. Jess i think might just be the quietest out of the 4 of us but she is so lovely. Flower if you email me your number i will call you when i next go to Falkirk. Jacqueline in at Dunelms cafe might throw us out for bringing her cafe into disreput but we will try and behave at least to start with. ;D. Four and a half hours of laughter non stop is the very best medicine that anyone could enjoy and especially with the 3 lovely ladies that i had the sheer and absolute pleasure to meet up with yesterday.
    Hazel have alovely day even though you are still driving at least it is for pleasure and because you want to today. Even doing the Granny pick up and it is so lovely to be loved as much as that by the girls.
    It is a fantastic day across here today with the sun shining down and the beautiful blue of the sky. My clouds are having a lazy day of it just strolling or sauntering across at their own pace. What wonderful day for me to be doing exciting stuff like hanging out the washing and cleaning up, oh well someone has to do it. I will have a latte i think and sit in the corner and wait on the washing machine finishing its cycle before i get started. MY basket of hooligan huggles are all desperate to get out and attack you when you are least expecting it girls so have fun everyone and see you later,
    Love and huggles
    Norah x

    1. Norah,
      It's great to see you! You all look as if you were having a great time yesterday. I totally agree - we are all nuts! You realise after your description of Patricia as a model and beautiful clothes etc. , I've had to unpack my case for October!! It's going to be tiaras and ball gowns! Well I've got plastic hair bands I will decorate with some dazzlers!
      Thanks for your kind comments about the card. It was for my granddaughter Annabelle's GCSE results. Oops! Just been attacked - in a nice way - by your hugs! Xxxx

    2. NORAH:- your letting your imagination run away with you!!! Well as far as your comments about me anyway.
      We did have a great day though.
      Folks Norah was admiring my dress but WOW!! you should have seen hers. A beautfully fitted number with with a figure to die for to go with it. It had a STUNNING lace cardigan that matched perfectly.
      All in all it was a wonderful fun filled day. Looking forward to the next xxx

  16. Good Morning Sandra and Friends!
    I got a surprise when I saw the card this morning. I mad a couple of them, fairly similar but without a sentiment. I decided they would be useful for a new job, exam results or even a birthday card for my niece who has just left university and started work! This one was for Annabelle and her exam results! She was very pleased with it and " will keep it forever , Grandma" . So I was pleased too.
    The toppers and some of the backing papers are from Hobby House . The Rose was from my stash and was from an Anna Griffin set I got years ago. The letters are an Xcut die and in CE soft gold card. I love that soft gold. It is more expensive than the rest of the card but it has a lovely sheen. That's it - a pretty simple card really. Annabelle goes into 6th Form at her school but doesn't have to wear uniform any more! That was the idea !!
    Well, we had some fun last night! The Residential Home I go to to do crafting with the residents is so quiet until I arrive. It's not that I'm noisy honestly but everyone is asleep or just sitting slumped in a chair! Trying to imagine us arriving was just so funny. Quiet, sitting doing nothing, no fun - not what we associate with this cafe!
    Alastair was having a hard time last night and until the family has a meeting and comes to an agreement the poor lady stays where she is. She isn't at all happy and although has difficulty getting around is mentally fine. Such a shame! The people around her are not really capable of chatting to her.
    It has just started to rain here and is coming down in sheets! The sun was shining when I started this!
    I will go and read now and see what everyone is up to today!
    Be good,
    Safe travel, Sandra and Family and Janet and Jim! Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,

      I love your card just right for exam results or promotion well done.
      Hope the painter is doing a good job! keep calm if you can.

      Love Margaret xx

    2. MYRA:- there is NO WAY I could ever let John loose with a paint brush ... well for doing any House Painting. He re-paints Moldel Railway Engines and other hobby bits and pieces but in the house an absolute NO! NO!
      Happy paining Alistair xxx

    3. Ohhhh Patricia! This is a first! I just hope he doesn't think it's the start of a new hobby! He is painting a fairly small cloakroom - but has managed to mess up the dining room , hall and kitchen! You should see his clothes ! I couldn't help myself - he said to me I think it'll need another coat - I said you or the walls!! Fortunately it's magnolia so not too damaging colour wise . We have gloss tomorrow! Oh Happy Days! I was also asked - will I need duck tape - again I was polite and said maybe masking tape would be better! Xxx

  17. Hello everyone, have been commenting on my way down and it has taken some time. The fact that I keep getting distracted doesn't help. Anyway I'm here now, so let's get on.
    Sandra, Paul and girls I hope you have managed to get the tent and everything
    loaded into the car, also that you have an uneventful journey. We have missed
    you, but everyone has been doing a grand job to keep the blog going, especially
    Patricia she has been a real star.
    Myra, your card for Annabel is gorgeous, love the colours you've used, very model I'm not surprised she was absolutely delighted with it.
    I really feel for Alistair, at least when we were in a similar position, My sister
    and brother were happy that I organised everything. But it's never easy. LOL. But by bringing up the subject you did start a whole new dialogue on this blog - and what a giggle that was, As I was reading through I kept chuckling away, it's
    a good job I was on my own otherwise other half would've been worried about me, and it wouldn't have been the old folks home we were sending me to.!!!!
    Well enjoy my cappuccino and toasted crumpets, try to pop back later on, love
    and hugs. Be careful everyone, Norah's huggles are by the door, they are really into mischief, and are having such fun, when anyone passes they jump up to hug you, if your not careful you could go out wearing one (or more) of these,
    there giggling is so infectious.
    See you all later, love Brenda XXX

    1. Thanks Brenda! I enjoyed making that card. As for Alastair - well if he stuck to what he was good at Id be a happy bunny. He's very calm and gentle when dealing with people who are going through difficult times ! However taking up decorating now is not the best idea he ever had! If I didn't love him he'd be no more today!! Xxx

  18. Hi everyone, just had a late lunch after some of the garden was done, I'm off to finish it now.
    Norah I need your e-mail address, or if Patricia has it she can e-mail me, Please x
    Thanks for the hugs, I'm not really quiet, trust me, I have a wicked sense of humour. Will pop back later, take care meantime xx

    1. Hiya Jess,
      Think Norah backwards with the unlucky number next at but internet dot com. So if you put my name backs wars adding the number before the at sign and then I am with British telecoms internet provider.
      Have I confused you enough to understand it but I thought you might have had it from all the emails that were flying when we had Snoopy coming in and out either that or our Patricia has it no problem flower. Please because I must have been really stupid yesterday I did not realise that the begonia was for me until I'm home and realise that everyone had went without it. Please, please, please forgive my bad manners but just so stupid I just didn't realise. I was admiring my lovely box from Patricia thinking "well I am not giving that to anyone", again it was only when I went onto Patricia's blog to see the dies used for the flowers that it dawned on me that there was goodies. I thought only about the fact that it was beautiful...doh!!! You've heard of Simple Simon, well meet Nutty Norah or Simple Norah xx Thank you flower for your kindness and I am getting there with the green fingers as I have 3 that I have been keeping going for more than a year now so I am practising xx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.

    Sandra hope packing up goes well and safe journey home.
    Hazel thanks for putting photos on your blog you all look lovely and pleased you all had a great time, hope your journeys today are trouble free.
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  20. Right folks, that's us off along to J&As.
    It's Thomas's birthday, we are there for an early Birthday Tea.
    Robert is playing football at 7pm.
    We will stay on, Grandpa and Thomas will have plenty to talk about or play with.
    Audrey and I will have a good old chat. We really don't get many chances just to chat with each other without everyone around.
    Be good till I get back xxx

  21. Good afternoon, well I left this morning at the back of. 10 to do a 30 minute journey if that depending on traffic. I got as far as the garage encore the Tay bridge had to pull in there as all these war I g lights came on my dash board. Got manual out did what it said - nothing happened. Phoned Charlie he got in the other car and set of to give me that one and he would stay with the Toyota . Phoned Toyota garage don't drive it get RAC to recover you. Phoned them I had to satay with the car couldn't let Charlie take over WHY he he was very clever and thought it would be only be me that he should put on the recovery ( note we both are now) anyway RAC turned up an hour and odds later told Charlie it was ok to drive it to garage which he did. Problem all down to this filter we have had changed twice. So guess where it is yes still in the garage oh I could scream, anyway got Beth and she is getting ready for vaulting. Xxx

  22. Hazel sorry about your car these men think they know best don't they? Hope all is well when you get it back.

  23. Right I am sorry for all the spelling mistakes etc in my comment I thought I had lost it when I tired to delete. No it publish. So I wrote it on here instead of my phone. What happened I lost the message off of here. Not my day. Beth happy any way, promised I would pick her up the FRIDAY after I get back. Will be back in later. Xxx

    1. Hazel! You are a star! Through everything you carry on and still communicate! Multitasking! That's us! Xxx

    2. Hazel what a pain, I remember you having those filters changed not so long ago. Hope you get to relax this evening xxx

  24. Hello everyone,
    Myra, I love your card, I didn't realise that you had a photograph of me!!!! I'm away to read all the comments and will post again when I get through them all. See you in an hour!!!!
    Love Muriel xxxx

  25. Helloooooooooooo all,
    Sandra, I hope your packing is going to plan and that it has stayed dry for you, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your holiday.
    Janet, I hope you are well on your way by no without any holdups.
    I've had an interesting day today. I was going to the bungalow to help, but did messages instead. Then I had to meet my friend at 12.30, so I went into town early and did a few jobs in town, waited for her (she's usually a little late due to awkward bus times), but when it got to 1 p.m. I thought I'd text her. I don't know why - but I suddenly thought I'd check my diary. Guess what, she couldn't make it this week, so I wasn't seeing her!!!!
    I think the idea of having a diary is to check it, isn't it?? I am meeting my sister in law, Joan tomorrow -and yes, it's in the diary.
    Zoe doesn't go back to school until next Tuesday, and Eleanor is going to high school next Wednesday, so they've still got another week off. That's over 7 weeks which is far too long.
    Myra, I have said how lovely your card is, but now I want to address the problem of Alastair. No, he didn't need to remove the blind before starting to paint. Why on earth would he do that? And DUCT TAPE, oh that's a beauty, I'll suggest that to George - he will be so annoyed that he never thought of that one!!!! I can't tell you how many clothes and other things have been ruined over the years with paint. He always says "It's emulsion, it'll wash out" and even though it never does, he still says the same thing.
    I do think you have been admirably restrained - I don't think I could have remained so calm, or quiet!!!!
    Hazel, that's some mileage you've done, but Beth would be so pleased to see you. Take it easy tomorrow.
    Patricia, have a great time at Thomas' party, you'll be in the right mood to party after last night's shennanigans!!!!
    Brenda LL, glad you enjoyed your craft show.
    Cheryl, I wonder what dreams you will have tonight!
    Pat, I hope you have a wonderful time in Salou, I missed that you had got there!!! I bet it's almost time for you to come back. I'm hopeless, sorry!!
    Saba, I bet the children have a wonderful time at the cottage. Just take a deep breath before you go in next time you come home!!!!
    Right, I'm going to bring in my washing, set the ironing board up, and start on the ironing.
    See you later,
    Love Murial xxx

    1. Maureen! I do hope your are being sarcastic - re the removal of the blind! I rather think you are! He has cleaned the roller - where on the patio - on newspaper or bin liner with newspaper on top? Oh no , just the patio! I've been out with the bleach! I've been told I watch too many DIY programmes. I've been so restrained - thank goodness for this blog!! Xxx

    2. Do you have the same problem with good shirts and jumpers worn to have a bonfire! Sparks fly , oops there's a hole - never mind I've got a gardening shirt/ jumper!! Aargh! Xxx

    3. Myra, Charlie always wears new clothes to do BBQs and he got a new fancy ladder and decided to see if he could manage to paint the boards that are round the roof line, yes wearing the good clothes he had no when he went to buy the ladder. Needless to say they aren't good any more. So you are not alone. xxx

    4. Thank you Hazel! That is such a comfort! We would not do a big cleaning job in the house in our best clothes, it's laughable but it's called forward planning or something! Xxx

    5. Myra, I do stupid things like wanting to put bleach down the toilet or the sinks when I have good things on and yes I get those tiny bleach spots. I never know how as you have the bottle miles away from yourself. It must just splash. But Charlie gets covered in paint. xx

    6. Oh Hazel! I thought it was just me who did that! Usually I'm all ready for visitors - check downstairs loo - oh maybe I'll put more bleach down! Yes - drops land on me and they never land on clothes I don't care about! Xxx

    7. Alastair says I should have MD after my name! Myra Domestos!! Other bleaches are available! Ha ha ! Xxx

    8. Same thing happens to me. Glad I am not the only one.

  26. Hazel, what a day you have had, glad everything is getting sorted out.
    Off to finish a couple of cards, will catch up later.
    Take care x

  27. Just a quick note, I have put BETHS other card up on my blog. xxx

    1. HAZEL:- Oh! My! Word! what a day. Bit selfish but I am glad it did not happen yesterday!!
      You managed all you were to do, your a star. Bet Beth had a good time with you as well.
      That's us back home, eaten for too much but boy!! it was all good.
      Thomas a very Happy Bunny, got lots of cards, a new Barcelona Football Strip, a great big set of Lego from Mum & Dad. Lego all made up and ready to join all his other pieces. Poor John & Audrey spent a fortune on the Lego, it was done in just over an hour. A friend gave him a Jigsaw of a Globe, that was almost finished by the time we left. Me!! I would not have known where to start on that one.
      Audrey and I had a good old chat, have not done that for a couple of weeks.
      I hear John stirring cups, I will be back to see what you have all been up to once I have had my tea and my 2 biscuits. John laughs when he asked what I want, I just say the usual. Some evening in might just surprise him!!! xxx

    2. Saw it, it's beautiful. She has had a good teacher though. xxx

  28. Good evening Ladies
    Well all this talk of ruining good clothes whilst painting or even worst using bleach is very familiar. I now do it in the nude. Well not all the jobs but certainly when I am bleaching the bathroom. I am sick of having to throw away clothes which have somehow got drops of bleach on. Tho only problem is if you bend too far over the bath certain parts of the body which droop a bit can be in danger, but otherwise it works for me.

    1. SABA:- I have this picture in my mind!!!........ So we are not the only ones that go about without clothes on???
      When I do the weekly BIG shower room clean I also do that in the nude. It so much easier, the bleach goes on, leave that till I clean the loo and sink. Into the shower, scrub it down, shower head off, all washed down. Then it's time for me!! Once I am clean I get the Karcher to clean the class inside the out ... all done and sparkling. I do use the Karcher
      most days, I like to see the glass splash free.
      Our bath in the bathroom is very rarely used. John does not have the power in his arms to push himself up out of the bath. We have handles but even with them he struggles. Me!! I never have time to lay in a bath to many other things to do. It's just a case of washing out the bath every day, drying it off and shine up ... done.
      Happy cleaning xxx

    2. Just thought you may like to know that I have lit a few candles and am trying to relax! Xxx

  29. Saba, when I do the bathroom properly once a week I do it like that then have my shower. To many times I have splashed bleach everywhere in the shower then started cleaning then stood back against the enclosure - yes all down the back of my clothes have then got bleach on them, so now no clothes worn while cleaning in there. xxx

  30. Has anyone heard from Margaret (corgi) owner???
    Are they away on holiday and I missed the message??

  31. MAUREEN:- are you and George ok??
    MYRA:- are you and Alistair ok??
    Not being nosey just concerned xxx

    1. Patricia! We are fine! We have had an enjoyable dinner and I'm not one to bear grudges , much! Ha ha! Seriously - it would take more than decorating to cause any real problems! I'm very resilient, tolerant etc etc!! A glass of wine between friends is a real mellower! Xxx

    2. Oh wow! I make myself sound almost as angelic as Maureen! Xxx

    3. think I can see the Halo in the distance xx

  32. I did noticed she hasn't been in , I hope Derek is ok and not back in hospital.
    Maureen, I think is tired.
    Myra, is cleaning up after Alistair. She will be cleaning the blind. Xxx

    1. I , too have been thinking about Margaret as she wasn't in yesterday either. Hope all is well! Xxxx

  33. Everyone's disappeared.
    I am off to do a couple of things I have just thought about.
    Think your all too tired after the carry on last night. It was good fun, have to admit that.
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight, God Bless xxx

  34. Has anyone any ideas about the new spellbinders platinum machine?
    My GC ( raspberry) is not cutting like it used to. I now need to put all my dies as the edge, not just the intricate ones. I was wondering whether to ask for it for my birthday, or seeing as it is quite a lot of money, for my birthday and Christmas combined. I did notice on a flyer for the new craft channel - not Hochanda, the other one - that they were using it.Xxx

    1. Oh Wow! Saba - I knew it was coming but as usual I'm behind the times! A bit like my husband who is behind The Times most days! Off to have a look!! Xxxx

    2. Hi Saba, just had a look and personally I found it too big/heavy and quite ugly and it looks like you need new plates, expensive. I like my GC Teal, have problems with some dies not cutting but not too bad and I got it from Hobbycraft xxx

  35. Sorry can't help Saba. The teal GC is better than the raspberry one. I am sitting here and have to make sure I dont. Fall asleep. Boys sound asleep, no problem. Andrew was saying he wanted to stay awake till mummy got back, I just reminded him it's his birthday tomorrow and he had to get a good sleep so he could get up in time to open his gifts. That was it he was asleep within minutes. Calum he's no problem. Apart from me not being able to walk on his floor, bits everywhere including Lego so taking no chances. Xxx

  36. Evening all, it does take some time to read what you all been up to today. Oh boy Hazel I'm so sorry you got car problems but good you got to see Beth. Hope she is happier now.
    Alastair painting, oh dear,oh dear hihi. Hope it looks nice afterwards. Any glitter or gilding flakes or any butterfly or two. You never know what he comes up with after seen you crafting. Myra, be nice to him x
    Maureen, I usually for years writing my diary, dates for doc. meeting up with friends and what happened during the day but the last two weeks has gone me by and know I can't remember a thing. Asking OH is no use, he can't remember either tihi. Bless you thou to make such a bobo lol. Hope you had a nice time in town anyway.
    Patricia, glad you had a nice day celebrating Thomas birthday. Lego is a fantastic 'toy' to get. My son still got a bag in the garage, not to play with but maybe for his children one day. The puzzle glob sounded difficult, the kids are amazing what they can do.
    Cheryl- hope you had a good day. Wonder what your dream meant ?
    Pat- if you come in to see us I hope you and Pete have a wonderful holiday in some sun, here in Bucks it has been dreadful for days, I don't like it!
    I managed to put together two cards this morning then OH wanted to go out so I posted them and then had a look in 'BonMarche' I needed some tops for the holiday. You booking for a holiday and think it's ages away and then suddenly it's here. Getting excited now , anyone who have been
    to NY before ?
    Someone asked /talked about Tractors and Camper vans. Alisa Kay Design @ Be Crafty have some funny ones. Have stared to rewrite and making it a bit cleaner, my List for AP. It changes daily, so hard to choose what to get next. This time I want to get what I need and not what I want if you know what I mean tihi. That sounded a bit swirly ,sorry. Have taken some extra pills tonight so I feeling really good, they are good not dangerous, Promise.
    I will say good night to you all, going in to town in the morning, have to get some food in for son before we go and some other bits and pieces, like plasters hihi See you later, hugs to you all xxx

    1. Maria! I love New York! We have been several times and mostly my husband has been on Conferences! I ventured out alone, felt rely safe and made friends! On one occasion , Clinton was President and he came to our Hotel! I told Alastair he was coming! How do you know that was the question! Well I was a quiet lady in an elevator when staff were talking -dangerous yes!

  37. Hello I've finally got to the bottom of the list - haha I've been chuckling about the nude bathroom cleaning! Yes I do it too. We have a window squeegee that we keep by the shower and when you finish you just clean the glass an tiles - keeps them clean and the glass doesn't look streaked. I then polish it a couple of times a week.
    It's been a successful day, shopping done, new jeans purchased clothes bags taken to oxfam and visit to auntie all ticked off the list! I've been looking to see how to get a guitar to aberdeen ! It's going hold luggage at the moment well packed but wondering whether courier might work instead which will give us back a suitcase. I'm too tired to do much more tonight. I'm off to bed in a minute so I will say good night, sleep tight see you tomorrow xxx

  38. Hello and goodnight, sorry I haven't been in but I've been very tied up - George must stop this!!!! I'll have to read the comments tomorrow and catch up then.
    Sorry, love to all, I see Dainty has been cleaning in the nude, I'll definitely have to catch up on this tomorrow.
    Night, night. Sweet Dreams and God bless.
    Muriel xxxx

  39. Good evening SANDRA & friends
    Sandra I hope your packing up went smoothly & all went back in the car & Paul wasn't stressing. Have a safe journey home.looking forward to seeing you again at Ally Pally. MYRA I love your card it's really lovely I bet your Granddaughter was over the moon with it. Myra does Annabele take after you,is she into crafting. My youngest new Granddaughter is,she is 14 well 15 in November at the weekend she asked if she could have some more card excetra so sorted some bits for her,she is so grateful & gave me a hug & says thanks Nan love you. Bless her.
    PAT have a lovely holiday you & Pete enjoy yourselves.we have been to Salou a few times in the past,hope the weather is kind for you.
    Hazel sorry about your car. But I loved the pictures of you Patricia Jess & Norah. You all looked so lovely.It's funny you get a sort of picture in your head what everyone looks like we'll I do,then when you see their picture they are nothing like you imagine.You are all lovely Hazel it is nice for me seeing you all as I'm not going to the retreat,but was lucky to meet a few of our lovely ladies at AP.last time. Weather today was a mix I just put washing on the line this morning & went in my craft room for an over due clean.& tidy half an hour later it came over black & the heavens opened so much for my washing GRR.
    Then my friend turned up to tell me all about Phill Martins & Julia Watts craftathon she went on Sunday she said she really enjoyed it.made four cards two with each of them she bought me two of Phill's stamps & Sue's open petal pointsettia & Holly embossing folder. How lucky am I. She is so genoures & kind.
    Well I think I will go for now in case I loose this comment again
    But I must say you have all behaved yourselves like ladies tonight HaHa.
    Big Hug's Lynda xx

  40. Sorry, I got distracted, doesn't take much. Holby City, blood ang gore. Trouble is I can either watch it on my I pad or comment here and watching it won.
    Thanks for the GC updates, I have new plates Maria but it hadn't improved anything.
    I would love to go to New York, Myra you must have stayed in a swanky hotel.
    Hazel, that Lego gets everywhere, hope the birthday boy has a lovely day tomorrow.
    I'll see you all tomorrow, night and God bless you all. I often wonder what He thinks when I say my nightly blessings and ask Him to bless all my blog sisters.!
    Till tomorrow
    Saba xxx

    1. One of these days I'll write a book! Nobody will read it but I'll feel better!
      The first visit to New York I knew no one! Husband in Conference so decided to set out on my own. Met a lovely lady - husband at same conference - from Stoke/Stafford area. We got on really well and it was lovely to have a " friend " abroad! The same happened in Austria . It's a good job I can talk!! No comments please , Muriel! Xxx

  41. Well looks like everyone is in bed. I have not long got home. In the wide awake club that's what 25 miles of country roads do to you as you have to be awake and watching out for deer, foxes and badgers, thankfully none ran out in front of me, I will watch some TV for a while. Night, night. Xxx

  42. Glad you got back safely Hazel. As you say you really need yo be wide awake if you are also looking out for animals. Night night.
