
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Challenge Card from Lynda !

Good Morning Ladies,
Just a quickie from me today.
Today's gorgeous card has been designed and Created by our lovely Lynda (DB)!
Lynda has only used one die to make this card - Creative Expressions Californian Collection die, designed by Sue Wilson.
Lynda has stamped the image and used her promarkers to colour the poppy stamp perfectly, I love the depth you have given the buds and leaves by using different shades of green Lynda.
Lynda has used the above mentioned die to cut out and frame her focal image and then matted and
layered the background with complimentary colours. The Sentiment has been printed onto white card that Lynda has cut into a 'flag' shape and used a variety of pretty flowers to add the perfect finishing touch to the card.
Lynda I am very grateful that you took the time and effort to share one of your amazing cards on my blog, Lynda's blog is also a fantastic source of inspiration. xxx
Love and Hugs to all


  1. Good morning all, hope you are all TicketyBoo. Bit dark and very dull here at this point in time.
    SANDRA:- hope all is well for your return home.
    We have worked really hard to make the place welcoming for you. Hope you don't mind we left up the Bunting as a Welocme Home for you all.
    LYNDA:- your card is absolutely beautiful. A card anyone would love to have drop through their letterbox.
    Nothing on the cards here today apart from getting through my "list" ...... !!!
    I can't believe how quickly the week is whizzing by.
    We had a great evening at J&As for Thomas's birthday. Ate far too much, cutting right back on the food intake today that's for sure. Well that's my thoughts at the moment, might change as the day goes by.
    Right!! best get this floor washed and the tables set up for the day. Fresh flowers, nice Gingham cloths. Goodies in the cabinets, fridge and of course the oven is on baking goodies for the early morning callers.
    Got my Tea & Toast, I am over at the corner table, waiting to see who pops by to have a chat.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself. See you all soon xxx

    1. After telling you it was "dark and dull" exactly an hour ago .... the sun is out and the sky is blue. How long that will last, that's the BIG question.
      Off to hang out the first load of washing. xxx

    2. The rain has come over to U.S., it's tipping down xxx

    3. Mean to say us - not gone to America xx

    4. JEAN:- you definitely had me going there!!! xxx

    5. Thank you PATRICIA for your kind words on my card.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-your card is a work of art, quite beautiful.

    Dull day here & we've had quite heavy rain. I have s very busy day at work-full chemo list & at least 2 new patients plus we have 2 prem babies that need TPN from us (IV food replacement when they can't take milk). It's also the first of my two meetings-today's is about us having major alterations to the outside of the unit -we've only been waiting over 4 years to get this far!

    It's weigh in night tonight-not holding out for a weight loss as we had a lot of wine with the takeaway on Saturday but I figure life is too short to be worrying about my weight.

    My dear friend Dave who passed away in March left his wife a list of "things to do" which included going to Australia to his cousins wedding. She has just got back-went on her own, met up with his family but did some sightseeing on her travels. She's due back to work next week, it seems like forever since I saw her at work. She had temporarily moved out of their house after Dave died but has since moved back in with the dog they had just got . She is one brave lady!

    Right-best get a move on + make my lunch.

    1. Michele, good luck for the weigh on, but hay - why worry - you're breathing that's the main thing. You'll be busy today at work so I hope all goes well. Your friend has the heart of a lion to do that on her own. Good for her.

    2. Michele, reading about your friend brought a lump to my throat! Well done to her and you take care my friend! Love to both of you. Xxx

    3. Michele, your friend is one brave lady, taking one day at a time is the only way to go.
      good luck for your weigh in. x

    4. Michelle, I think Dave's wife is very brave, carrying out the list of things to do. She must be strong, to have gone all the way to Austraila on her own, I really do admire her strength. Sending her hugs very gentle ones.
      Hope work is not to exhausting. LOL

    5. Hi Michele, hope the work you got to do goes fine.
      Dave's wife must be strong to go on a trip like that on her own.Admire her to follow the list.
      Take care xxx

    6. Hi Michelle, must say your friend is a brave lady, don't think I could do that on my own good luck with the weigh-in xxx

    7. Hi Michelle how brave of your friend to travel that far on her own good luck to her back in her own home with her dog.
      Love Margaret xx

    8. Michele, she has been very brave doing the things on the list, but I think she will still need a friend and support. Xxx

    9. MICHELE thank you for your lovely comments on my card.
      Your friend is amazing going all that way on her own,I could never do something like that.i admire her. Hope work & weigh-in went well. Xx

  3. Good morning Ladies, Sandra I hope you had a good journey and got home safely, I think both you and Hazel will be tired after all the travelling you did yesterday!
    I have to admit to bathroom cleaning in the buff also, it's the only sensible way to do it ( and we are always sensible , are we not? )
    Grey and misty here this morning , doesn't look promising, I hope my new GC arrives soon, although I have to say my wee Cuttlebug has been doing great, almost seems easier to use , just miss the GC for larger projects.
    Saba I enjoy Holby too, but not too much of the gory bits , I tape it and then I can run past those bits, I still have last nights to watch.
    Lynda, your card is beautiful! I love the rich red and I just love poppies they are really uplifting.
    Myra has Alastair finished all his painting now or planning his next job?
    Had a lovely cheese scone at the Golf course yesterday , so I might make some today, will just have a wee cup of tea and some toast meantime and see who's about.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Not finished the painting yet! We are on gloss paint today . I don't think he'll go on to bigger rooms as he says it was quite hard work! Actually having to worked in a fairly small space has made it more difficult but I'm not telling him that! Xxx

    2. oh, you will enjoy this episode of Holby but don't fast forward the gory bite, they are the best tihi xxx

    3. Thank you ANNE your very kind.
      I love the gory bit's on Holby your right MARIA they are the best.

  4. MICHELE:- a busy day ahead for you. My heart always skips a beat when you mention making up Chemo Meds. If it were not for people like you and all the wonderful medical teams out there, I might not have my sister with me today.
    Dave's wife certainly is a very brave lady. I wish her well on her forward journey. Sending (((hugs))) for both of you. xxx

  5. Fab card Lynda and Michele I do admire the work you do and I agree that Dave's wife is a very brave lady
    This is probably old news to you all but just in case - Elliott, Christine Emberson's son is putting out a call for DT members There's a lot of you that apply I think it's Hope-Chances Creativity Off to work now

  6. Good morning ladies, I am a bit late in here this morning, due not getting home till midnight. I had a wee laugh when you all think I did a lot of travelling yesterday. That's pretty normal for me, it was more the trying to fit everything in, so that I was at the next place on time. Will be off again to Dundee today to pick up the car. I haven't spoken to Charlie to see if the garage phoned to say if they had found the fault? ( he is off out with Harris).
    Lynda, you managed the challenge with your beautiful card. We sometimes think we have to use everyone of the die sets, plus others too. When with a little thinking you can use one or none and still make a beautiful card.
    Oh here's the boys back from there walk I'd better go get a move on I have bloods getting taken this morning and I didn't realise the time.
    Sandra, if you get internet at your next hotel, I hope your journey has been ok so far and safe travels to the next. Xxx

    1. Hope the car is fixed for you and have they left any blood left in your veins xxx

    2. Hi Hazel, thank you so much for your kind comment on my card.
      I love Poppies as much as butterflys haha.
      Hope your car is ok.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, I hope you enjoyed sleeping in a proper bed last night at the hotel, wishing you a good safe journey with no hassle at Calais!
    Well I didn't get the rota or the tesco order done yesterday as Gemma and Christopher were with us for the afternoon and evening. I did manage to get most of the other bits done though. Rota will be first on the list today.
    We have this group family camp on the same weekend end and have done for the last 15 years. There are between 70 and 120 on camp and I do most of the prep before hand and then run the kitchen at camp. The leaders and service crew all work really well together as we have done it so many times before, the parent rota means that each parent has a turn at helping prep food, cook, wash up kitchen equipment, empty the bins etc. Hazel is just about right, 95% of parents are willing helpers that do what we ask but the other 5% are a pain in the.......! And there is always 1 man on every camp (not the same man) that seems to think he is different to everyone else and shouldn't have to lower himself at taking his turn washing up etc. Of course we then give him all of the worst jobs to do to make him pay for his awful attitude.
    It may be tiring but I love this camp each year.
    I hope you are all as well as possible. Sheila, I hope the sciatica is getting better and Janet you are home safe and sound. Hugs to you all. Take care xx

  8. Good morning my favourite little coffee shop friends,
    Oh Lynda, i love poppies and the beautiful colours that they come in but red is my favourite. If it wasn't so windy up at Jim's stone i would place them there for him but they would never survive. Your card is so true to real life in the colours that you have used and the variation in those buds just waiting to burst into life is amazing. The black accent is just enough for me because everyone knows what i am like with black but it enhances the red card that youhave used as a background. Thank you Lynda for a lovely beauty to set us up for the day. Question did you hand make all the flowers as that rose is gorgeous, so real looking and its leaves as well. But all the flowers on the card are lovely it's just the rose hits me right between the eyes.
    Well car going in to get a winter check done at Honda so my friend Di is going to pick me up and we'll go into the town for a wee while putting the world to rights and having a giggle. And girls her husband is coming to pick me up and he is definitely not what you would call "fit" to which the other 3 Marys know what i mean. It's even worse this week as that phone has never stopped from receiving texts, thank god i have a parcel coming today but i am going to be out as this face has never seen so many shades of red in it's life before.
    Right the huggles have been put on warning to behave themselves but we all know mine can't a bit like me. heee heee heee. See you after and to Dave's wife i am sending special gentle huggles just to keep her going
    Love and huggles
    Norah x

    1. NORAH:- your a right monkey!!! You should have been in to receive your parcel from "your friend". Hope you have had a great day. xxx

    2. you are so naughty, your friend will miss you today!!!!

    3. Norah, naughty, naughty. Xxx

    4. Oh NORAH thank you so much for your lovely comment on my card.
      I also love Poppies & Butterfly's both my absolute favourite.
      I didn't make the flowers as I could only use one die in the challenge
      I bought them at Ally Pally last time I went.
      Norah so pleased you had a lovely day meeting up with JESS Hazel & Patricia I bet your cheeks still ache from laughing & chatting.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi everyone, Lynda your card is lovely.
    Sorry but my IPad has just beeped, low battery, better go and plug myself in. Will catch up later. X

    1. JESS:- I often wish I could "plug" myself in for a boost of energy.
      See you later xxx

    2. Thank you very much JESS your very kind xx

  10. Good morning one & all,

    A quick visit to Lloyds to pick up my meds ended up with a review with the pharmacist and having to book appointment at the surgery for my annual BP & CPOD check up. Good job they are next door to each other, I don't have to go far. Only drawback my usual practice nurse only does 2 days now and they have a new one whom I've never seen yet. My appointment is with her so nerves jangling a bit. I don't take too kindly to changing nurses etc., my equilibrium gets unbalanced and I have a rapport with my usual nurses built up over many years. My routine at the surgery will be quite different now. Oh well ce la vie.

    Lynda, your poppies are so pretty and the black matting makes it a very classy card. A gorgeous gift for someone to receive.
    I have an Indigo Blu Poppy Stamp and have hardly used it, for some reason it is the one stamp that everyone wants to borrow.
    I wasn't lucky enough to receive one of the ceramic ones but my niece did. She had to get them to send her another one as her original was delivered broken! Apparently they had to make quite a few in reserve to cover for this happening.
    That dreaded word who shall not be named (h*******k) has crept up upon me when my back was turned! It probably doesn't help me much in that I love the windows open when it is fine and it is mainly dust blowing in that settles on everything.Thank goodness for microfiber dusters. Also the craft floor is looking very sparkly and the die drop out bits sneak all over the bedrooms and down the stairs! How very dare they? They are supposed to live in the bin!
    Onwards and upwards as they say,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi CHERYL thank you for your kind comment. I love Poppies I was lucky enough to receive a ceramic one either I would have loved one.
      Hope the H.........k wasn't very painfull & all the cut out bit's have all gone,they do get everywhere don't they.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hope you have a safe journey home Sandra and that Janet is already home.
    LYNDA your card is beautiful. Love the poppies. Colouring is wonderful. Sun is shining at the moment. Don't know for how long. Got to finish a wedding anniversary card and think about what we are going to craft with the ladies at the next session. Not starting until next months but need to know what we are doing and get all the necessary card etc., see you all later. Will just have a cup of coffee and sit by the window for a few minutes.

    1. Thank you BRENDA for your lovely comment. Hope you finished your card. Xx

  12. Oh B.. !!!
    I just typed a long message, was scrolling back through it accidentally touched sign out ....... Yes you got! it start all over again !

    Hello everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra,l I hope you all had a good rest in your hotel last night, and ready for the next leg of your journey home. I just hope it goes smoothly for you.

    Lynda, I love poppies, your card with poppies on is just gorgeous, they are so life like, your colouring is fantastic. You have made the whole design pop with just that little bit of black. I just love it all, thank you for sharing. LOL

    I wish I had written my messages down because I can't remember what I was going to say now!!! I'll have A cup of coffee, cappuccino I think, and sit by the window, maybe if I read back my memory but will return ha ha (or are they lost in space)
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, take care, Brenda XXX

    1. Oh BRENDA thank you for your lovely words on my card,
      Hope your memory comes back soon I'm still looking for mine hehe.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Hello Sandra and all the Family!
    Hello Ladies!
    I hope you all had a good night's rest in a proper bed last night! Hope too that your journey is uneventful and safe. Hope the Calais situation is alright too!
    We've missed you! We've been ever so good!
    Lynda - your poppy card is lovely. I love poppies and have a poppy stamp somewhere! I need to dig it out! The way my craft room is at the moment they'll have to dig me out!
    I decided to reorganise things! Why? I've ended up with more mess but I would like to put some things currently on my desk into a fairly large drawer. However I dont want a muddle of a drawer - I know what I mean- do I'm putting boxes inside the drawer . Oh Golly I could be sometime!!
    I hope Janet is home safely and anyone else out and about - take care!
    Muriel - was this the day you were meeting Joan? If so, have a lovely time.
    Myra xxx

    1. GRRR just left you a thank you & just vanished
      Thank you MYRA for your lovely comment on my card.
      Have you reorganised your craft room hope it went better than mine
      I can't remember where anything is now lol.
      Take care Hug'S Lynda xx

  14. Hello ladies,
    I'm sorry but I haven't time to go through World and Peace until later today, but I'm on my way to meet Joan for a catch up before her 75th Birthday celebrations on Saturday. I'll catch up later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oops, how very, very rude. Lynda your card is lovely. I adore poppies and these are beautiful. xxxx

    2. Wow! I remembered! There is hope for me yet!
      Be good! - at least TRY! Xxx

    3. Maureen, hope you have a lovely time with Joan, sending her a hug x

    4. Thank you MAUREEN your so kind. Hope you had a good day with Joan xxx

  15. Hi everyone, moved upstairs to the laptop, the ipad is taking forever to recharge.
    Lynda love your poppy, it is so real looking.
    Sandra hope you are having a safe journey home, wont be long now, we will see you soon.
    Been to collect new glasses, they are taking a bit getting used to, the frames are a lot darker than my other ones, every time I look in the mirror, (Im not that vain) I think who is that!!!
    Meeting up with my Wednesday friends later then it is card class night, so will be busy trying to get thing done before I go out.
    Well better go and get some lunch, will pop back later hopefully, take care xxx

    1. Jess, have a nice day! xxx

    2. Thank you JESS your very kind. Hope you had a good day xx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you are well on your 2nd lap of your journey home look forward to having you back.
    Lynda your card is lovely poppies are one of my favourites as well.
    Must not stop for long having an unexpected visit over night from my son from N.York's he is inspector for Soil Association and has a last minute inspection at Banbury tomorrow so taking the opportunity to have free b & b must get dinner sorted.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  17. Good afternoon everyone
    A bit later today but we needed to go into town first thing, then my daughter in law and granddaughter called so we had a good chat, mainly about our holiday - going on Sunday, then I asked John to sort out everything he wants to take ( this is where we fall out - temporarily - don't fall out much) john would just take two changes of clothes. Anyhow, we got that sorted, now I need to sort mine.
    Ironing board up and iron plugged in - rain pouring down do hope it dries up in the next few days, want to cut the grass.
    Sandra hope your journey is running to plan and is smooth, Janet hope you arrived safely, Hope we get updates about your holidays ladies. I'll make sure we get some nice wedding pics.
    Well must carry on
    Have topped the basket with hugs,
    Try to pop in later if I don't fall asleep like last night - couldn't keep awake
    Before I go Lynda your card is beautiful, my favourite flower, they don't last long enough in the garden
    Well must go this time haha

    1. Men.......I do let mine do most of his own packing but it is always something you have to help with or where is it hihi Can you take Ruby and Bonnie with you or is someone looking after them for you ? xx

    2. Hi Maria, we are going to Greece so my step daughter and family are looking after Bonnie and Ruby, the dogs love the children so will have plenty fun xx

  18. Afternoon Sandra and everyone, A hot chocolate and a scone please would sit very nicely just now. I'm so coooold! Autumn is here already and the sky has been grey all day so far. Had to pick up meds. then into town for a quicky and then Tesco for some shopping so the morning went very fast. Had some lunch then been on the phone with mamma.
    Lynda, thank you for sending this to Sandra to show us, it is lovely! Love poppies and you have got this absolutely right, well done you. No butterflies?!
    I don't know about you but I find watching Hochanda stilll very hard. The colours and the voices sound all wrong and I know it's not the tv's fault. It's a shame because they seem to do a better job the presenters and the camera man. I hope you all have a good day, Sandra's travel home goes fine, Janet back in Blighty, Sheila's back is better and Cheryl- you be fine with the new nurse. Love and warm hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. MARIA:- it's freezing here as well. I had to put a pair of socks, my feet were sooooo!! cold.
      I popped Hochanda on and have a message on the screen saying:-
      Sorry for the interruption to this service, we are trying to fix it. Things not going that well for them is it?? xxx

    2. Must say I'm really cold tonight, just popped round to my sons and had a cardigan and jacket on - still raining - we've not had a good summer at all this year xx

  19. Car back home, lots of new bits been fitted to tell us that the filter is needing regenerated other wise it's blocked. Went to see about getting shot of it to find out the bottom has fallen out of all diesel cars. A year ago you could buy or car for less than £11,000 we were offered £6.5000 for it today and we have low milage. It's done less than 8,0000 a year. So I think we will just stick with it just now. Off to have 5 minutes then I have two egagement cards to do. xxx

  20. Sorry have added a few 00 to the price mind still thinking of the amount we were getting offered for the car. Xxx

    1. We had the same when we traded in our diesel Mitsubishi , we had it for over ten years from new, and apart from servicing and MOT's it hadn't been any trouble, also mileage was very low. But diesel cars are not as popular as they were. I loved that car, can't feel the same about its replacement, don't think I will want to hang on to this car for so long. xx

    2. A lot is down to these new filters that are being fitted into diesels, the garage guys were saying that they can see less diesels cars being designed and a lot are stopped making them, Toyota have stopped making ours and Vauxhall have stopped making diesel models of the new Mokka. Xxx

  21. Hello all Eye test done Could do with new glasses but prescription not changed too much so may not bother
    MARIA your card is lovely Thank you So apt too If camera not playing up I'll take a photo and send to Sandra if that is OK
    Safe journey to all who are travelling
    Very tired so going to have a quick nap before OH gets in

  22. Hi Sandra
    I expect that your well and truly on your way home or even at home now. Wet this morning in Salou. But not fir long. However, we went out on the land train doing a round trip. This takes about an hour. Had a walk first, caught the train, it rained while we were on it. Came back to the centre if Salou on it and went into a bar for a lovely milky coffee.
    Lynda I love your poppies. I've either borrowed this stamp or I have it myself. I'm not yo sure which. The die you've used just sets it off as well. we see such different styles on the blog, it's a pleasure to see each and everyone of them.

  23. Hello Ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in earlier, Heide phoned and asked me to go with her to Ansbach, it's about an hours drive from here and I've only just nicely got home. I haven't read the comments properly yet but will do that after I have made dinner.
    Lynda your card is lovely. Beautifully coloured and I love your little roses, they match the colour of your poppy really well and the black border makes a lovely contrast to the red.
    Must go and have a quick shower and get changed in to something comfortable and then get on with making dinner.
    See you all properly later.
    Hugs Saba xxxx

  24. Good evening folks, sorry I have been missing today. Busy, busy, with going out so early Monday I did not get my big house clean done. I had other things to do yesterday then off out in the afternoon. That meant things had to be done today to catch up. John thought I was daft, he is picking the boys up from school tomorrow. They are coming here for tea. We need to get Mr Dyson "out of the cupboard" to clear up round Roberts place at the table. His chair is pulled up close to the table but he still manages to make a mess!!!
    Tomorrow I need to get to Tesco to stock up on bread & milk for the invasion.
    That's us fed and watered for a title while. I was going to "play" with some of the "new" bits and pieces that have been delivered over the past few days. I just can't be bothered I am going to sit with my feet up and read through some old "craft" magazines. Will keep the ones that have interesting projects. The rest I will take along to the tearoom. Elaine puts them on a table for people to read or take away if they want .... recycling at its best!! Well actually it gets them out of my way which is a good thing.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Oh Patricia! I've spent most of the day in my craft room making nothing! However I've made a huge mess which is beginning to slowly disappear! I found things today I'd forgotten all about! Too much Mirri card for starters! Scarcely ever use it now. Maybe I'll get the children to use it coming up to Christmas. I have three sacks full of stuff to go! One for Tip! One for Charity Shop and one for school.
      Alastair has finished his decorating and I have to say he has done a very good job! I have washed the curtain - it's really just decorative as it's tied back always as we use the blind. Light shade and all decor items washed . I'm torn between praising his work and worrying I may encourage more! However it could have been a lot worse! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- know exactly how you feel about the Mirri Card .... why did we buy so many sheets??? I popped Hochanda on at one point today there was a person on using ... peel offs. Should have sent them the ones I have had for years and never used. Again why did I buy so many???
      Well on the question of praise, I do think Alistair deserves some. Where do you draw the line though!!! xxx

    3. I have a tin of Peel Offs! Actually - it's two. One for all year round and one for Christmas. The children do use those but I never do now except with the children. As for Mirri - I've got it in gold, silver, red , blue green ! Why! Xxx

    4. Like everything you think it's greatbat the time. The children will love it to make Christmas cards. Xxx

    5. Ditto re mirri I have loads Never use it these days not even at Christmas Perhaps we can send it all to the retreat make a tin man costume for somebody...

  25. Just had email from Sunrise Crafts. sue had got news dies on 9th Sept. I counted 34!!!!! On the web sight.

    1. Ohhh Brenda! I've been and had a look! Clearly her sentiment dies are going well as she has included lots more. I like the Thinking of You or With Sympathy . They have nice fonts. Also like the pierced squares but not just now! Oh Wow! I can't justify many more dies - I need to use what I have. Don't need any more flowers. Do I sound convincing! Xxx

    2. No you don't Myra😀. Yes the Thinking of You and Sympathy look nice. I suppose we can make do with one of those. The diagonal fold over flower looks interesting but it will be hard to choose with 34 of them and I haven't got all the others I would like yet. Oh dear.

    3. As you say Oh Dear!! I agree one of the sentiment stamps I mentioned would suffice . I have the other roll up flower - forgotten it's name - I do like it. Don't need or even want another one. I used to paper craft from a box full of things! What went wrong? I'd rather have more wax for candles as I need to make some for Christmas. Xxx

    4. Well I made a candle cup for each of my friends last Christmas so will have to think of something else this year. Xx

    5. Ahh! The trouble with me, Brenda is that lots of my Christmas gift ideas are made with children in mind. I made MDF Christmas baubles last year and was fairly pleased with those. The shapes came from Indigoblu and I painted them and stamped etc . They were all finished off with a big bow. Xxx

  26. Well ladies, its really dark and cold tonight - so will probably watch tv with a dog each side of me, nice and cosy, and relax.
    Will chat tomorrow
    Take care everyone
    Night Night xxx

    1. Night Night Jean! It's so early dark now too! Xxx

  27. Night night Jean. Yes it's cold and dark here as well. Getting dark too early fifth my liking.

  28. Helllllloooooooooooo, it's me,
    I've read everyone's comments, haven't made any notes, and therefore that's about it. I'll say goodnight and go!!!! ha ha.
    MYRA, give Alastair a little praise but be careful. If he suggests doing anything else, choose a really big job like the landing, passage and downstairs hall, with all the doors and high ceilings. You may find that will curb his enthusiasm - if not you can always pray!!!! Good luck with the craft room clearing. When I do it, I always seem to have more stuff than when I started.
    HAZEL, my word, when I read how much they had offered you for your car I thought you'd hit the jackpot, then I saw your message underneath it lol. I see you are still doing mega miles. I actually drove from the coast today and was quite proud of myself as I don't drive much these days. How did your bloods go. Did they leave you with any?
    SABA, I hope you enjoyed your dinner - was it something with courgettes?
    PATRICIA, I think Mr Dyson will need to be brought out again after tea tomorrow!!!
    CHERYL has e-mailed me to say that she has had some bad news and will be missing from the blog for a few days, I just thought I should let you know.
    Well ladies, I am very tired, so I am going to say goodnight, do my ironing, then have an early night. The doctor changed my meds last Thursday and I think it's probably that which is making me feel squiffy and tired. Well it's either that or the Gin hic !!! Sorry to be a party pooper but I'll see you tomorrow.
    PATRICIA, I meant to say that the Fabulous Shoe Sentiments Stamps came today,so they'll be put to good use the next time I make some ladies cards.
    Night, night all, sweet dreams when you go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night Dear! I thought Alastair could put in a Tender to decorate the Royal Albert Hall! Xxx
      Thanks for the news about Cheryl. Sorry she has had bad news!
      Hope you had a nice time with Joan.
      Sleep well! Xxx

  29. Why is everyone going to bed so early???
    Is SANDRA:- actually home and your trying to put up a good show??

    1. Have you seen Sue's New Dies? Brenda alerted us to them earlier. They are available for pre-order on Sunrise Crafts! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- this is third time I have written this. Just hope it publishes this time.
      I did see the Dies,I like the sentiment ones. Do I need them?? I would like them!! Do I buy some!! Might wait till SECC Glasgow then decide!! Oh! decisions, decisions, decisions!!
      What are you doing about them?? xxx

    3. Had this discussion with Brenda higher up! I really like Sue's sentiment dies so I'd quite like either Thinking of You, or With Sympathy. Probably the former. I liked the pierced squares too but they are expensive. I definitely don't need any more flowers! I don't use all the dies I have often enough. Xxx

    4. I have the DieSire Thinking of You Die. I might just be tempted by the Sympathy one. I DEFINITELY don't need any more flowers Dies that's for sure. xxx

    5. I do have Thinking of You and With Sympathy by Joanna Sheen so being realistic I don't really need either but they do look nice as so the Noble Squares but as Myra says expensive and I recently bought the Spellbinders square dies set 1 and 2 and do use them a lot but although the Noble ones look nice do I really need them NO! Nor anymore flower dies but the diagonal fold over flower die looks interesting.

    6. I have a Thinking of You stamp which I use a lot. However a Die always works unlike my stamping. Xxx

  30. Good evening, quiet it here again. Have you all gone to bed to keep warm. Cold here have got socks on with my pjs, it's chilly out, I had to close the door while Harris was out for his last pee. Been busy making an engagement card, I got and order for 3 today. Have to get them finished and delivered before the weekend. So they will be off my list of things to get done before we go on Monday.
    Myra, I am glad Alistair did a good job of the cloakroom, I bet he is pleased with it himself, I think you should say " Well Done". I am not wanting to put things back in my spare room as I know that like yourself it will take time and I don't have that much at the moment. I need to have a big sort out.
    Jean, you will be like Patricia and I and will be soaking up the heat while on holiday.
    Janet, I hope you are back home and all unpacked and put away.
    Sheila, I hope your back is not playing you up again.
    Brenda LL. I hope your meds have been sorted out.
    Has any one heard from Margaret C.
    Maureen. Must have gone to bed early too or is every one been watching the bake off??
    Remember the boss will be back some time tomorrow. So we need to get everything done first thing.
    I am going to get myself a cup of tea. I will pop back in and see if anyone has come in. xxx

  31. Perhaps they are all cold Patricia. I was just thinking of putting my thick cardi on and get my Margaret bag. Also socks. My feet are getting cold.

    1. BRENDA:- think that might be it. The other thing is everyone might think it's later. It's so dark tonight all the curtains/blinds will have been closed early.
      Hope you have had a good day. xxx

    2. Yes I had to draw the curtains early and out the light on. Don't like these dark evenings. Quiet day. Scarlett phoned just before she went to bed as she is back to school tomorrow. Haven't seen much of her this holiday really. Not since we got back from our holiday. You know what happened after that Patricia.

  32. Like everyone I'm feeling tired, we have been to the Royal Marsden in Sutton . John had to be seen by the oncologists. Now he has to have a special bone scan as there is a shadow on his pelvis. It may be nothing but could determine what treatment he has. He is fine and looks a picture of health. In fact when we are out together I look worse than him, I'm due on Monday to havie an injection of steroids in my left knee. Doctor said it may work, otherwise I'm looking at a knee replacement. Isn't getting old fun ....... NOT. Anyway tomorrow I plan to go to Sandown Park Craft Show. If it gets to much I will have to come home.
    Will say good night everyone, sweet dreams. Big hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thinking of you Brenda, fingers crossed for John's scan. Xxxx

    2. BRENDA:- keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. John is hobbling about here today. It is so much colder and his old knees are feeling it xxx

    3. Brenda, we will be postive about Johns scan, they will get treatment started and sorted out ASP. That the beauty of scans it tell them so much. Hope your injection works, rather than a new knee? Take it easy tomorrow. Xxx

    4. Brenda hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and your knee doesn't spoil your fun! Thinking of you and John - hope all goes well with the scan. Xxx

    5. Sorry to hear about John Brenda. You are in my thoughts and Prayers. No it isn't any fun getting older. Shame you are going to Sandown Park tomorrow. I am going on Friday. Am going with a friend and she can only go on Friday. We could have had a coffee. Hope you enjoy it.

    6. Dear Coffee Shop Friends - THANK YOU ALL - you really are a fantastic group of ladies, the perfect tonic, God Bless, Sleep well xxxx

  33. Hello again Ladies,
    Hazel you were right, at least in my case, i was missing because I was watching the bake off. It's an absolute nuisance that I can't watch anything on the actual television and have to rely on the I pad because that means I am missing from here.
    I am so sorry that Cheryl has had some bad news, hope it won't be too long before she feels able to comment again but in the meantime, will be thinking of her.
    Myra, I think Alastair deserves all the praise he can get for initiating some painting, I would have to drag Peter kicking and screaming to the paint pot.
    Muriel, I know you have gone to bed but just incase you look back in, hope your day with Joan was a good one, I expect her birthday will be very hard for her without Raymond.
    I do hope Margaret is alright, it's been quite a while since she was in.

    1. I was thinking about emailing Margaret!
      Alastair has made a good job of the painting and he washed down the tiles as well! I'm impressed - he's never done anything like this before. He's now doing The Times Crossword which he generally does after breakfast!. Xxx

    2. SABA:- I have just messaged Hazel asking her if I had missed reading something about Margaret. I thought she might have gone on holiday.
      I am the same here in this house. If I mention painting walls John is offskie!!!

    3. Oh! dear poor Cheryl, bad news is the last thing she needs.
      Sheila has not been in either hope her back is it bad again. xxx

    4. That of course should be "not" bad again. xxx

    5. Have emailed Margaret! Xxx

    6. MYRA:- will you keep us up to date on Margaret rather than us all e-mailing her xxx

  34. I always preferred to do the painting myself as I always did if very carefully. OH always got the paint everywhere and said that's ok will clean up afterwards. But who had to clean it up. ME. so I would rather do it myself with the minimum of clearing up afterwards. We gave PVC windows now but before when the frames had to be painted there was as much paint on the glass as on the frames. Have yo do it myself now.

    1. I used to be the decorator when we were young and had very little money for decorators . However I haven't done it for years and Alastair until today - never! He never had time. However he is very clean and tidy - just creates a mess while he is working! All brushes, rollers etc washed and put away tidily . I mustn't complain! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- I used to be lethal with the paint, brushes and rollers. On a rainy day I would decide to change the colour of walls. Draw designs on others, Stencils, Oh! that was another phase!! Josh is delighted we now get the painter in to do things. xxx

    3. Oooopppss!! Just given my hubby a new name Xxx

    4. I had noticed but didn't like to mention it. Does he like his new name??

  35. I have to say Charlie makes a mess but when he is painting he takes the plugs and light switches covers away from the wall by unscrewing them enough to get the brush in behind, he wipes the paint off the skirting boards and door frames. It's the drips on the dust sheets on the carpet that he stays in then walks every where. Plus he never cleans the roller and brushes properly. Xxx

  36. Have you seen the price of those new Pierced Square and Rectangle Dies of Sue's. Maybe it's just me but I think that is just a bit too expensive. xxx

  37. Mmmmm, decorating. Did I ever tell you about the time I weed on my sisters head.
    Well we were decorating mums front bedroom for her and that involved papering the ceiling. Now Val and I can get giddy at the best of times and there I was up the ladder with Val half up the ladder between my legs passing me the pasted paper to be stuck on the ceiling. Everytme I got one bit stuck it started to unravel from the other end until We laughed so much and I told Val I need the loo and urgently, she then screamed " don't don't dont you wee on my head" well that was it. Too late. I did have jeans on though so she didn't get the full effect!!

    1. Oh! My! Word! SABA:- I have just about we'ed myself with laughing xxx

    2. Oh Saba!! I could so see that happening? I used to decorate with my Mum - when I was a teenager. Well, she was up a ladder and we were papering the ceiling! Our house was a very old one with high ceilings. I was on the floor with a very long pole in my hands at the end of which was a broom wrapped in a white sheet! I was to walk slowly across the floor as Mum pasted the paper to the ceiling. Everything went swimmingly until the brush slipped and the paper came down on Mum's head - and eventually mine . We were in absolute hysterics - Dad came through alerted by the hilarity ! Do you think that's funny - says he and stomped out - well that made us even worse! So I can understand your story perfectly. We were fine, however!!! Xxx

  38. Had a quick flick through My thoughts are with those suffering Life can be so cruel at times
    Going to have a quick peak at Sunrise but I definitely can't afford anything I need a few pennies for AP

  39. Right ladies, that's me off to bed.
    See you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Good night God bless Patricia , I'm going too, want to read a little bit of my book before I go to bed. See you all tomorrow love and hugs
      Saba xxx
      Ps had a look on sunrise, can honestly say there were only two dies which really appealed. The expensive pierced squares and a garden frame one. Will probably change my mind when I see Sue work her magic though. Xxx

    2. Night Night Everyone, Sleep well!
      God Bless!
      Don't have nightmares about peel off stickers! Xxx
