
Thursday 3 September 2015

Margaret P's Exquisite Cross Stitched Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today we will be boarding the ferry for the final leg of our journey home, I am now looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and seeing our little babies Milo and Bella.
Now I am so excited to share todays card with you, this card has been designed and Created by Margaret (palmer), Margaret what an exquisite work of art, Christine must have been absolutely blown away by this card, something to frame and treasure forever, it must have taken you hours Margaret, the writing is so beautifully neat, you can tell that you love Cross stitching by the amount of detail that you have added.
I am absolutely blown away by the beauty of this card Margaret and I am also hugely grateful to you for emailing the card to share with everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning SANDRA & Ladies.
    Firstly I must apologise for not leaving a comment last night. I was commenting on the way down thanking everyone for all the lovely comments on my card
    Then it stopped letting me publish every time I pushed reply nothing.
    So I would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments you all left me for my card. Well Smelling salts I'm early. Just needed to apologise.
    MARGARET you card is amazing your so talented it's gorgeous I would fram it.Christine must have been over the moon receiving this masterpiece.
    SANDRA hope the last lg of your journey runs smoothly for you,& a smooth crossing.Take it easy when you get home lovely.xx
    CHERYL so sorry you've had some bad news thinking of you my dear.
    Not much happening just ironing & must make two cards.
    Will pop back later my friends.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda I'm so sorry I didn't get the chance to comment yesterday, your card is really beautiful. I'm going back to read the comments to find out what stamp it is. You have coloured it in so well - it looks real! Thank you for sharing it with us xxx

    2. Hi DIANE, thank you,I didn't get the chance to explain yesterday as it wouldn't letting me post any more . I downloaded the image from my p c & just coloured it with my pro markers.

    3. Far too early, Lynda! Yo make me feel inadequate when you get up so early!! Xxx

    4. Oh MYRA my dear you inadequate never Xxx

  2. Good morning everyone.
    SANDRA and family a safe, trouble free journey is wished for you all.
    MARGARET:- that card is truly a little "work of art" I just LOVE it. Absolutely beautiful in every way.
    The place has been "gutted" and "scrubbed" from top to bottom. No surface escaped the cleaning gang.
    Tables and flowers all done, goodies in, fresh baked rolls, bread and scones ready and waiting. Plenty bacon in for the rolls.
    Boys coming for tea tonight, fish on the menu at their request. Fish Lady comes around 1pm. Going shopping this morning to stock up on bread & milk. Thomas asked if I would make jelly. That's done, I make jelly and pour it into goblets to set, that's the way they like it.
    Got my tea & toast, I am over at my favourite table to people watch.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. If anyone needs some please help yourself. The basket is always kept topped up. See you all later xxx

  3. Good morning Lynda and big sis. I see you have been busy? Lynda couldn't you sleep? You usually don't come in so early! Yes it's all looking good for the boss to come home too. Well I no doubt she will be busy for the next few days with holiday washing and getting herself sorted so things are back to normal. I just hope Matt has looked after the house and he has done his side of things. Mine always knew to get our house back to clean and tidy before we got back.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful, lots of work gone into your design. Our Gillian loves her cross stitch, and I have lots of her work on the walls.
    Cheryl.sorry to hear that you have had sad news, (((((( hugs)))))) we are here for you when you are ready to come back in.
    Margaret C. I hope everything is ok with you, Derek and the family.
    Sheila, are you ok? I have made a couple of the stepper cards up, thank you again for the die cuts.
    Sue. Have you got yourself organised? Oh I bet the shopping order has been worked out to the last slice of bread needed. Oh those were the days when we ran the ski/adventure training lodge, when we had to order the supplies depending on the amount that were staying. Which could be 54 plus staff.
    Pat. I am thinking of you enjoying the heat, socks on again this morning here, I think it's time for the summer trousers to go away, holiday ones are in the case the rest can get put away till when ever we are blessed with some sunshine and heat.
    I hope the rest of you have got out or will get up bright eyed and bushy tailed as they say. I have my tea and toast and I am off to just sit and watch to see who passes by, I wish they would come in and enjoy the good company and yes we seem mad but you know what, it's all good clean fun and oh boy the laughter dies you good. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card & your cross stitch is really lovely. I have a number of cross stitch cards & pictures that s dear friend made for me and I will treasure them as I know how much hard work and care went into producing them.

    Another damp start to the day but I see sunshine through the clouds!

    I'd lost 1/2lb last night so am pleased. Work was as busy as expected, more computer problems which slowed us down. The "big meeting " was a bit of a waste of time-my boss & I felt like spare parts, it was like the "old boys network " with their in jokes etc!! We're good enough to run the service but not good enough to be properly included on the management decisions.....!!!! Oh goody-another meeting today at 3pm to discuss maintenance contracts which is my specialist subject. I find I'm getting less + less tolerant of fools as I get older, might need to try and remain calm this afternoon!! Will let you know how the meeting went after I've finished work & done the Tesco shopping.


    1. MICHELE:- wishing you luck both at work and "that" meeting. Oh! I am most definitely far less tolerant these days. The standing joke here is "your getting so like Mum, Patricia" etc:-
      Looking forward to how things went. xxx

    2. Michele, good luck with keeping CAlM!!! Very hard as you get older and wiser to what these FOOLS are up to. They need to be taken to the bottom of the ladder and told to start climbing and see what LIFE is like!!! They sit in their offices on their rear ends and think they know it all. xxx

    3. Michele oh I bet old grumpy pants made a comment about you and the boss swanning off to the meeting leaving the rest to do the hard work- if only she knew! Try not to get too bored - maintenance contracts are soooo exciting aren't they! Xxxx

    4. Michele - by now your fun day is over! Relax tonight! Xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and Gang
    Sandra hope all runs smoothly for the last leg of your journey home. There is nothing like getting into your own bed when you get back. For me though after our sailing holiday it the shower that I look forward to most.
    Margaret your cross stitch card is lovely, something for Christine to treasure. The detail in the flowers really make them stand out and look so realistic.
    It's looking lovely in here today, I'll bring in some tomato and basil soup for lunch later but for now I'll help myself to a Latte and a bacon roll and join the other early birds for some people watching.
    I need to make a couple of cards today. I might see if I can make one using the triple flip die. I have only used it as a template for piercing so far. I don't have the corresponding square dies though so will have to improvise. I am very tempted with Sue's new pierced squares. They are really expensive but I think they would be something I would use a lot.
    Cheryl, we will all be thinking of you and sending your our love, take your time and come back when you feel able.
    Hoping to hear about our friends who haven't been in for a few days, missing you and hope you are alright.
    Right I must get on, see you all later
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Good morning Ladies, Well! I had to put on my sun specs this morning the cafe is shining out to the door ! Food looks and smells amazing!
      Margaret , what a stunning card for your friend ( she must be a very good one! ) you must have great patience to put all those hours into a card, I love the flowers and the colours, definitely worth framing.
      Safe journey home Sandra and family, don't you wish you could wave a magic wand and all the washing, ironing etc,would all jump back into their rightful places and you could just stay relaxed, it's a nice dream.
      Cheryll sorry to hear you've had bad news, we are thinking of you.
      Brenda, hope the injection in your knee works and John's scan is ok.
      I've had a quick look at Sue's new dies, I think we are being overloaded , I find with so many it almost puts me off ( I did say almost) !
      Sometimes it seems more fun and more satisfying to make something with very little , other than some imagination.
      Another miserable weather day here so YES! My new GC arrived tea time last night so guess where I'll be today and what I'll be doing?
      Love and hugs to all xoxo

    2. Mmmm!! I have booked a table for lunch time. I really want some of that Tomato & Basil Soup. Booked a table for 4 with guarantee of 4 bowls of soup. That's a place for Hazel and I so there are two spare!!
      Oh! Saba those Dies are so expensive. They would be a brilliant addition "but" !!! No doubt I will be tempted xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and who call into the coffee shop,
    Sandra, hope you have a good journey home without any problems, I agree it's always lovely to get back into your own bed. Hope not as had a good time at home looking after your fur babies, and you find everything shipshape.

    Margaret, your cross stitch card for Christine is beautiful, I'm sure this is going to be treasured for ever it really is beautiful.

    Cheryl, sorry you've had some sad news, hope you will feel strong enough to come back soon.
    Sheila, hope all is well with you we are missing you. Sending love to both of you ladies.
    Brenda, LL sorry we can't meet up at Sandown Park. I can't go tomorrow as we have John's cousin's funeral . Hopefully we will meet up at Ally Pally. LOL

    Hope everyone has a good day the weather here so far is fine, the sun is out, but the main thing it's dry, I'm not a fan of driving in the rain.
    Will pop in later to see you all, Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Sorry Sandra that should read - Hope Matt has had a good time at home looking after your fur babies.

  7. Thank you big sis I was just about to book a place For soup and a crusty roll, oh I wonder who will join us. It's definitely a soup day. As for the dies, they are getting pricey I think she knows lots will buy of the sake of buying. I put a card up last night on my blog and I added a couple of bits of foliage but have done another with none and all I used was my guillotine to cut down the card to size and a embossing folder. So with a little bit of imagination you can make a card without every die she brings out. Yes I love using dies but the order I got for three engagement card was very simple so not everyone wants fancy. The pieced squares have the advantage of saving you do the piecing, which I have to say I just can't do as much as I try it never looks good. But I am sorry £35 I would rather do without. I would ra ther put that in my jaunt jar for another trip away. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well Sandra, you will be arriving home soon. After visiting the loo the next thing you do is put the kettle on to make a"proper" cup of tea I bet. I hope you aren't in too much pain after sitting in the car for so long. Take your time unpacking, it won't hurt to wait for a day or two. I can't wait to see you next week my lovely : ))
    Mum, I am so pleased to see your beautiful card. I love the flowers, you have got so much detail in them. Aunty Chris was thrilled with it wasn't she. I see your B & B was open again, how lovely to have another visit from Mark. Bet Pop and him Sat up late chatting didn't they : ))
    Pat, I hope you and Pete are having a lovely time : )
    Cheryl, I am sorry to hear you have had bad news, I will be thinking of you.
    Just about sorted the camp stuff, just have to finish Saturdays Tesco order and get a few bits from the cash and carry, then pack a bag and load the cars tonight. We usually hire a truck but as we are using a building for cooking, dining and for us leaders to sleep in we don't have to take very much at all so the packing won't take more than 10 mins : )
    Hugs to you all. Take care xx

  9. Good morning ladies
    I've just gone back to have a quick look at yesterday's comments to find out what had been going on. I don't know where yesterday went, I was washing and ironing and shopping then last evening I got caught up in bake off and writing recipes down for Emma.
    Margaret your card is beautiful, the flowers have so much shading in them they look real. It must gave taken you ages. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Brenda I hope the knee injection helps, nothing worse than pain when you walk. I've got my fingers crossed for your husbands scan too. I hope he gets treatment sorted soon xxxx
    Cheryl my love sorry to hear you've had bad news, sending you a huge hug I'm thinking of you xxxxx
    Myra oh I think Your hubby needs a treat after his hard work. I think you need to distract him with a little toy he can play with so he's too busy to decorate. That way he will be too bust when you suggest it! Julian manages one room a year if I'm lucky! He's had a year off this year but I have plans for next year!!!!!! We usually wall paper as the walls aren't particularly flat here. When we painted Emma's room last year a lovely rich red colour it took so many coats of paint to get an even coverage. One wall just didn't look right, very patchy and bumpy so we went into B&q for advice. They should us some really thick paint to put on underneath that worked a treat. You can imagine though, we had spent all week painting the walls red to go back to painting the wall white before adding red again on top! It was me who got up early to paint so we had time for the paint to dry! .
    Muriel I hope your feeling less squiffy today - I see you've changed baileys for gin! Xxx
    Sandra safe journey home - oh goodness I bet you can't wait to get back to your own bed. I know we've said rest but I somehow think you will be rushing around getting the girls ready for school ! Xxxx
    Well I must get on, I've got to ring the optitions to see if Emma's new glasses have arrived. They said when we ordered them they would arrive in time but it's getting a bit close for comfort! We are having a big family meal tonight so I might not get back in again but I will say Cheerios for now. Love and hugs to everyone xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Sandra have a safe last leg of your journey home...I always think it's the worse part of a holiday as once you have set off you just want to get back as fas as you can. Sorry I have not popped in the last two days as I've been making cards and I have quite a few for September...still a a couple to go yet so if I go missing again I'll be under a heap of glitter!!!.....but....'I'll be BACK!'
    Margaret your cross stitch is wonderful I love the image and I admire you for your talent and patience.
    Cheryl so sorry you have had some bad news we're thinking of you and here for you too.
    Lynda your card yesterday was stunning....poppies are so pretty and one of my favourite flowers I have two poppy dies so if you need any cut outs let me know...they are memory Box ones...they are not full poppy heads just a side on view type.
    I have put extra hugs in the the basket hope Norah's pesky huggles don't knock them about! Lol!
    Hope to pop in later and do a catch up, have to go and get some shopping a bit later when my back's always seems at it's worst first thing in the morning and last thing at nigh although my limp is getting better and I don't feel so much like Hoppalong!
    Much love to you all Sheila xxxxx

    1. Sheila, glad you aren't suffering to much, yes I always felt like that until I got going then when I had done just a bit to much. Heat bag and painkillers still I think? You have been busy and standing doing things won't help your back to much. Just take your time. xxx

    2. SHELIA:- so glad to see you, was worried you were lying flat again.
      We don't mind if you are covered in Glitter as long as you are ok! and continue to pop in xxx

    3. Sheila so happy to hear you are on the mend, I get covered in sparkle so often I've been nicknamed " Granny Sparkle" ) it could be a lot worse ! I actually quite like it! xo

    4. I did wonder what had happened to the Glitter Girls!! Xxx

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Margaret the detailing in your stitching for Christine is beautiful. The amount of detail in those dog roses(sorry that's all i know them as) with the highlights and low lights is beautiful, so realistic that it takes you right into it's centre to the pollen that is there for all to see. The new bud just waiting for it's turn to take centre stage with it's wee friend coming up close behind, fantastic work. I love stitching skills and seeing them used in such a beautiful way as to making a card as well as giving the gift of love, because that's what it takes to make something this beautiful for someone.Thank you Margaret for such a lovely introduction to the day and showing that even in small designs the amount of detail that can be incorporated in to a design doesn't need to be in just big designs.
    Well my boys' doing cookery this morning along with this "child care" duties at college so off he has went looking forward to what the morning holds for him. So i have got a couple of acceptance cards to make while i can get peace and quiet. Hubby off from Friday to Thursday next week joy of joys. Can you tell i can hardly contain my excitement in the prospect of 6 whole days of his presence, so happy go lucky that he would give the Rev I.M. Jolly a run for his money. He has ordered up scaffolding to sort mum's running boards around the house but of course he needs a builders mate ie me to hold, fetch and carry and know exactly what is going through his mind at the point in time. Memo to self must remember to put brain in for new ESP training so that i know what he wants before he wants me to do it.
    Welcome home our Sandra, Paul and Sophie and Lucy, your home hopefully will resemble something of what you left behind but i can't promise. I know at least two little people that will be glad mum is back so that they can snuggle up and decide that she hadn't abandoned them at all and she has come home. Sandra it is just as well you only go away once in the year because Bello and Milo might just pack their beds and goodies and leave home for someone that isn't going to leave them again. Hee hee hee.
    Although it is quite a cool day here today my hills are looking so bright, alive and intricate that you can see every little crevice in them at the moment. It is that clear at the top of the hill outside my diningroom window that you can see a cairn on the top of it. It is all the dull shades of green and yellow that is coming through on it the now and just makes you wish that you could still climb it and look down from it at all the ants and their little cars and vehicles going by. The amazing sight that you see from the height up is across 4 counties and numerous areas and towns and villages, it is just beautiful sitting on top of the world. Right back down to reality and i think i will have a latte before getting into the rest of todays must do's (according to the life of Campbell not Brian). I have put my little huggles, rascals and wee cuties into the basket so that they can adopt someone new. Have a great day girls and see you all after hopefully.
    Love and much huggles
    PS Cheryl sweetheart we are thinking of you so sending a tame huggle your way just to keep you company and keep your spirit up.

    1. NORAH:- please be careful doing the "builders mate" bit.
      Your funny, the Rev. I M Jolly!! Some of the other ladies might not know just how "dour" he was!! that's an understatement ladies. xxx

    2. Are you sure his name wasn't Alex's ??? Surely no one could be as " dour" as him??? xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    You'll soon be home now. I thought you were travelling yesterday on the ferry. Whoops, as usual I got that wrong. Hope your not in to much pain after all that travelling. As I said yesterday check the car roof.
    Love your cross stitch card Margaret. Love the shading on it. It takes a long time to do anything and I can't help but admire everyone else's talent on this blog. Raining again in Salou, got soaked coming home from a watering hole last night. Thunder and lightening which Heather hates. So we sat up having a nightcap till 1.30am to take her mind off it. As you do, don't you. Will have to catch up on the comments sometime later.

  13. Morning Sandra and everyone, the cafe' looks and smells wonderful this morning (the boss on her way back)hihi Hope the last trip of the journey goes without any hiccups and she will be proud of us taking care of the place so gooood.
    Margaret P , your cross stitch card is lovely ! Sure Christine will love it as much as us. Sweet keepsake to have on a wall.
    Have just read what the story's you told last night, I think Saba's won by far(weeing on your sister !well I'll never )haha and she is still talking to you....
    Brenda- hope all goes fine with the scan for John and your injection will help you for a while.
    Cheryl- sorry you got some bad news. We are here for when you need us, hugs.
    Myra- if Alastair now is an expert decorator, we might need him in the near future. Love a man who can do some chores.
    Busy getting things done for the holiday. Washing has to be hanged indoors today as it is very dark clouds and don't want to risk it. Hovering and dusting done so wan't be to much to do tomorrow then packing finish. I agree the summer clothes could be put away now ,it is so cold and dark already but know they got a heatwave in NY so don't know at all what to take, will have a think while having a cup of tea and read this mornings comments, hope to see you later, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria, don't take anything, just an empty suitcase, or perhaps put your underwear in, otherwise nothing. Then when you get to NY go out and buy all the clothes you will need. I've never been but believe there are some real bargains to be had. Myra will know, but then she stayed in very swanky hotels so probably only had very swanky shops near by, a bit like the ones in the film Pretty Woman. Ooooh I love that film, especially the shopping bit.

      I am not getting very far with my triple Flippy card. Still tying to decide which papers to use. I'm hopeless at decision making.
      I've put the soup on to warm so help yourselves, there is a dish of croutons on the side as well.
      Onwards and upwards, be back later.

    2. MARIA:- change of undies for a couple of days, and a clean top just in case you slobber your dinner on the first evening. Then get to the Malls ..... you'll get LOADS of bargains for both of you!! I just LOVE NY shopping. Actually shopping anywhere in the States is right up my street, love it.
      SABA:- do like you do with your ClothesPins ..... stick you hand in the plié of papers and grap one. Stick your hand in again and grab another job done Ha! Ha! Happy crafting xxx

  14. Good morning Ladies, hope you are all well,
    Sandra it will be lovely to sleep in your own bed soon, its good to get away but so nice to return home again.
    Take care on your journey home.
    Margaret you are so talented to be able to do cross stitch like this - its perfect.
    Im at craft class today, look forward to this as we all enjoy it and that makes such a difference.
    I will pop in later today when I get back,
    Till then I've left hugs in the basket for anyone who needs one - or even to get warm. its gone so cold within the last day or two.
    Am going to read the comments now - so till later
    Hugs xxxx

  15. Just popped in quick will be back later ALERT DAWN BIDDY IS ON THE NEW CRAFT CHANNEL ON 14 September. it's on her blog she will be demoing & presenting, on Sky 261 Freesat 402 It's different from Hochanda.
    Going out now see you later xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Hello my Friends and Allies,
    Well I'm a bit late - unlike Lynda! - you are a shocker !!
    I've been changing the bed - usually done on Friday morning but I've got a friend coming in the morning so thought I'd do I today. Also been washing the " dust sheets " Alastair used in his decorating and the curtain is now ironed and ready to go back in place!
    Hairdresser's this afternoon! Oh boy do I need to go. I cancelled an appointment which was on the Thursday of Holiday Club week as I couldn't face it. Now my hair is a bit like me - has rather lost its shape!!
    Cheryl - so sorry to hear you received some bad news. Thinking of you and praying you will be able to come back to see us very soon! Sending hugs!
    Margaret - thinking of you too - hope it's just the Internet.
    Sheila - good to see you this morning - I knew you were ok as we had a wee chat on Pinterest!! Just be careful - glad you are feeling a bit better.
    Sandra - if we sit still long enough here we get dusted!! As for going to the Loo , well we have to take the bleach and Flash with us! Please be impressed by the cleanliness , welcome bunting and I have only one little fear - what if someone spills tomato soup!! Careful girls!
    Maureen - I do hope you have not been overdoing things! I'll be up there to sort you out if you have!!
    Margaret - your card is just beautiful! I couldn't do anything like it. The Rose is gorgeous. What a lovely keepsake. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
    Well, I need to do some reading now. However I'll sort Alastair 's lunch out first! Please me I have the soup and a crusty roll? Yum. I'll wear my pelican bib just in case!!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  17. Oh I need some of that soup, I have been ironing. Mine plus some of Tammys, she takes in ironing, but she had loads of their ironing so I told her I would see to some of it to help her, just as well as she is full of cold, she will kerp going with the folks ironing and mum has done hers. That's what mums are for when you think of it.
    I think after my soup I will have a nice piece of cake, they are all looking good.
    Need to go to the bank, it's all very well them closing the branch here in Cupar, but you have to go either 20 miles to St Andrews or 16 miles to Glenrothes which hasn't got such lovely shops as St Andrews. Oh decisions, decisions. Soup was delicious, thank you Saba. Right back to the ironing board. How many t-shirts and shorts do my grandsons have and wear. Plus I have just ironed a pile of schools shirts. Xxx

  18. Afternoon ladies, Margaret your card is absolutely beautiful, what a lot of work cross stitch is, I have done a couple of small ones in the past, but didn't take to it, too much like hard work.
    Well been for food shopping, had lunch, thank you for the soup Saba, it was delicious. I have to get another couple of cards done this afternoon, so will be awol for a wee while.
    Cheryl thinking of you, take care, we are here for you when you want us. Xxx
    Cafe looking good ladies, well done, I'm sure our leader will be impressed when she returns.

    I've just had an email from Margaret's daughter. Margaret asked her to check her emails. Margaret is in bed ill with what seems to be a virus. Her daughter said her Mum thought if the Vet came he would sort her out quicker! Sounds just like Margaret
    I replied to the email and said I would let you all know and sent Margaret our love. Hope she gets well very soon. Xxx

    1. Myra thanks for letting us know....Margaret sorry to hear you are poorly and hope that nasty virus leaves you soon, sending a gentle but huge hug to help you on your way to a speedy recovery. Lots of love Sheila xxx

    2. Thank you Myra for the news on Margaret.
      Margaret, I am so sorry you are teeing to good. You stay in bed and keep warm, lots of your heat bags round you. I was worried it was Derek that might not have been to good. ((((((( hugs)))))) to you

    3. HinMyra
      Thanks for letting us know. I do hope Margaret's feeling better soon. Not much they can do with viruses is there,

    4. Thank you Myra for letting us know.
      Margaret, sorry you are not well, hope you recover soon, don't rush it, stay warm and cosy in your bed till you get your strength back.
      Sending you a gentle cuddle.
      Love Saba

    5. Margaret sorry you are not well, keep warm and get better soon,x

    6. Margaret, sorry you have a virus and hope you feel better soon.

    7. Wish you better, hugs coming your way xxx

  20. Shopping all done and stacked away. Fish Lady been, fish in fridge for the boys coming for Tea. John will pick them up at 3.30pm.
    Had my soup (thank you Saba it was delicious) and crusty bread. I am going to have a piece of that beautiful Apple Pie someone has made. I noticed some whipped cream in the fridge, will top it with some of that.
    I am over in the corner, I will keep my eyes peeled to see who pops in, passes by or is just "snooping " around.
    SANDRA :- I hope you manage to pop in soon. xxx

  21. Beautiful card MARGARET I enjoy cross stitch but have never stitched a card
    Safe trip home SANDRA, PATRICIA has done a fantastic job I just thought I'd let you all know that Kay from HOUGIE is on HOCHANDA later today

    1. KAREN:- might have a look see. I gave Hazel my Hougie Borad never got on with it.
      In answer to your question on my Bog ... you cut up the "FOLD" line

    2. Ha ha ha !! Strange place from which to be asking questions! Xxx

    3. PATRICIA - did you see my News Flash above? We posted at the same time I think, xxx

    4. MYRA:- think it will be Ok! my Bog is always clean and smelling of Bleach!!! Like the Bogs of others I know!! xxx

  22. Back home after shopping and feel worn out now, it felt really autumnal out, the wind was very chilly so I think I'll have some of Saba's soup to warm me up....promise I won't spill any and then a nice relaxing rest of the day for me.
    Oh I didn't see the apple pie hope you haven't eaten it all Patricia! Lol xxx

  23. Sheila, take it easy, shopping can wear you out. xxx

  24. Thanks PATRICIA for your answer on your Bog! I've just put a comment on today's post Silly I know, I just get a bit emotional at photos of sons and their dads or their mums but especially their dads
    MARIA Enjoy your hols I'm still working on OH for NY!
    I hope everyone's visits to hosp etc aren't too traumatic
    And what's this about SABA and wee-ing I must read that?
    CHERYL my sweet, I haven't read your news yet but I realise it's sad so my thoughts are with you ((hugs))

    1. KAREN:- when I was reading it I felt for you ((((((hugs)))))). xxx

  25. Just Meeeee!!!
    Have not had any message from Elaine "yet" I assume she is coming along this evening.
    If I am not in during the evening you know the reason.
    MAUREEN:- where are you???
    I am off to make a start on a couple of cards xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you are safely back home and not suffering too much from travelling.
    Thank you all very much for your comments on my card I made it for my only sister as you probably gathered from Sue's comment, I have really got into making cards at least they are useful and with my arthritis in hands it is easier than having to use a frame for bigger projects.
    Norah your description of the view from your house is beautiful sounds as if you are an artist or should be.
    Cheryl sorry to hear you have had bad news hope you feel up to joining us soon we are here for you special hugs on the way.
    Margaret sorry you are laid low with a virus hope you fee better soon hugs to you as well.
    Sheila glad you are feeling a little better take care.
    Hugs on way to all who need them sorry if I have missed anybody.
    Love Margaret xx

  27. Hello ladies
    Just a quickie before I go and make dinner, we are having Fish as well Patricia. I am only allowed to have it once a month now so it's become a special treat. We always ate fish at least three times a week before I developed the silly named Hashimoto's and my consultant said I must avoid anything with iodine in it including fish. You would not believe the number of products that use iodised salt as well. Stock cubes for instance and how can you get through life not using stock cubes. Anyway, I digress, I popped in to tell any of you who are thinking of pre ordering the new dies / have them and the pierced sets are £30.99 So cheaper than sunrise crafts.
    That's all I wanted to say really except glad you enjoyed the soup, might make mushroom tomorrow.
    Be back later

    1. SABA:- hope your fish was as good as ours. Clean plates, Thomas and Grandpa split the 5th fillet of Hadock between them. Fish Lady only had Medium Filliets, got 5. I usually buy 2 large for Thomas and Grandpa, 2 medium for Robert and I.
      Off to have a look at the Web Site. Oh! should I?? Oh! what the heck it's only money. Oh! should I?? xxx

    2. Hi Saba. Just looked at Icon Uk. They have the squares at the moment pre launch price of £28.95. Sounds even better. Hope Patricia reads this. After the Pre launch date they will be £29.95.

    3. BRENDA:- thank you for that. I will hold off they might come down even more .... can always live in hope anyway!!! xxx

    4. Brenda! It's all your fault! I've ordered them! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- it was that devil on your shoulder again!! xxx

    6. Yes, aided and abetted by Brenda! Xxx

    7. Sorry Myra. I am very tempted. Bought the Spellbinders basic square dies recently A&B but have used them a lot do might just order them. Other dies on my wish list will have to wait.

    8. It's ok Brenda! I'm only teasing! I most often make square cards so they will be very useful. It was a good price too. I wonder if Saba will succumb.
      I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow. Don't spend too much money! Xxx

    9. Well I have succumbed. Will tell the Bank Manager it is your fault. (Only joking). Yes I make mostly square cards these days. Will have yo make sure they get plenty of use. Had an email about a craft fair at the end of November today so will be busy making cup candles after all. Perhaps I will make some cards as well with the new dies. Make sure they are used. They will probably get more use than some of the dies I have. Not getting the Happy Christmas as I checked and I got a Joanna Sheen one last year. I don't really need more than one.

  28. Hi everyone, must be fish day today, we had fish for dinner as well!
    Managed to get one diamond wedding card done, so that just leaves a 60th birthday card to do later.
    Must get the washing up done, and then off to the craft room.
    Take care xxx

  29. Saba, oh I feel,for you it being able to eat fish, like you we eat it 3 or 4 times a week. In fact we have just had jacket potato, salad with prawns and hot smoked salmon. I must get the rest of the cards I have to get ready before I go away next week. As Patricia has said don't think about colours, go just get a piece of card of any colour and work from their, use it as a layer along with white card, cut flowers in the same colour as the layer, add I bit of green foliage to those flowers, the other thing to do is get one of these paint colour wheels that let you see what colours go together. xxx

  30. Hi Patricia , it took me all morning to make a box and two flowers, I AM SO CHUFFED, MY FIRST EVER BOX! And 2 roses, your tutorial was great to follow , I am just a bit slow but so happy with it , I then spent the afternoon trying to replicate the card Sue has on her blog today , what a lot of work ! ( well it took me forever ) it has turned out quite well ( I had to substitute some dies ) but I think only a crafter would truly appreciate the time it takes ( always takes longer at a first attempt ) .
    Sorry I didn't pop in for ( tomato and basil soup ) which I love, but I had made Spaghetti Bol for tonight , so I thought enough tomatoes!
    Also had 2 glasses of wine ! better behave I've got a golf match to play tomorrow , in aid of Erskine Hospital , such a good cause.xo

    1. ANNE:- thank you for letting me know you managed, especially the box.
      It's the one thing that the ladies in my classes always struggled with. Once they grasped the idea of using the "Recipe" and "got it" they wanted to make boxes all the time. You can use any Flower Die its moulding them that gives the effect.
      Good luck tomorrow xxx

    2. That's great Anne! I made my best ever flowers following a tutorial by Patricia a while ago! Still to try the box!
      I did like Sue's card today - it was lovely.
      Erskine Hospital brought back memories too! Play well tomorrow! Xxx

    3. PS I was born in Renfrewshire! Xxx

    4. Myra, you will be spending your retreat money at this rate? Did you really, really need them right now??? xxx

    5. I am not answering that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me!! Xxx

    6. Well done Anne, I have had a look on your blog Patricia and I have promised myself when we are back home to have a go at a box.
      Have not seen these new dies you talking about yet but will later. No way I will be able to buy any more, they coming out a bit quick xx

    7. Hi Anne, Ive made a box the way Patricia has explained too.
      I make just the standard boxes for cards but have never made this deep type - well done Patricia for the tutorial.
      Well done Anne too.

  31. Anne, well done you for making your box and roses, Patricia is very good at explaining how to do things. I have learnt so much from her showing me on napkins and odd bits of paper even, when I have asked something when we meet up for or cup of tea and a scone. Good luck at your match tomorrow, yes a very good cause. Xxx

  32. Sitting in the kitchen waiting for Elaine. I assume she's coming ... no message yet to indicate otherwise.
    I popped on the telly, it is some steamer thing on Hochanda, of no interest to me. Went to C&C and it's an E-Brush .... an Air Brush. Now folks don't all rush at once to buy one because it's on £129.99. Oh! hurry up 60% has already gone. xxx

    1. But remember Patricia 60% of 10 is only six ??. It makes it sound good when they say that. I just can't take to the show at all, no matter what's on. But then again I do t watch many of the craft things. Xxx

  33. Well back home from Sandown Park safe and sound. Had a great day and managed very well. It was quite busy although a lot of the regular exhibitors were not there. There were more make and take stands than normal. Sat at a table to eat my packed lunch a lady who was also on her own asked if she could sit at the table with me , Well an hour plus later, we both said we better move, but it was a lovely hours spent with a complete stranger. That's what makes craft shows so special.
    Brenda, LL I hope you enjoy your time tomorrow xxx

    1. So pleased you had a good day Brenda and that your knee didn't give you any trouble. How nice too to meet and talk to a complete stranger - as you say that's crafting! Xxx

    2. Thank you Brenda. I am sure I will. Pleased you found someone to chat to. Did you buy much?

    3. Brenda, you are so right, meeting and talking to another crafter can turn out to be very interesting. Hope yor knee doesn't give you to much pain tonight. So glad you had I good day. Was inkylicious stamps there by any chance. As Adrian at my local craft shop was saying they are going to stop selling to shops like his. He was wondering if they still will do shows??? Xxx

    4. No Hazel, Inkylicious were not there, think this show would not be big enough for them. They may be at Ally Pally xxx

    5. Glad you had a nice day Brenda and that your knee didn't give you to much problems. Nice you got chatting to a like minded person at the show. I used to go on my own, before meeting you ladies, and it was ok but now it's even better when I really know someone and we can get together xxx

    6. Brenda, they told Adrain that it wasn't paying them to sell to shops and he was wondering if they would still do shows, it such a pity that they won't be selling them through the likes of the local shops, I love there quotes. It will be interesting to see if they are at AP. xxx

    7. Hi Hazel, Inkylicious were at the Sincerely Yours show last Sunday, but I don't know whats happening many of the exhibitors are not doing so many shows now, the atmosphere is not the same

    8. Glad you enjoyed your day Brenda, time for some R & R now

  34. Evening Ladies

    Busy day over- phew!! Meeting was ok/quite brief so that's good! Caught up with some work after the meeting. Grumpy Pants was rather cool with me yesterday and even some of the other staff noticed . How childish!!!

    Shopping all away and sat down with a cuppa. Picked up a craft magazine so will start looking through that soon.


  35. Well quiet day on the whole and made a card. Then first one Granddaughter Facetimed me then the other one. Stopped talking to Scarlett when Megan Facetimed then when she had finished Scarlett was back again and now she has gone to bed. Got to think of eating now because Scarlett must have been on the iPad for about 3 hours. Don't like yo switch off when she wants to chat though. Is there any if that soup left please. That will be fine. With some nice bread.
    CHERYL. Sorry to hear you have had bad news. MARGARET. Hope you will soon feel better. Take care everyone.
    Hope to be back later.

  36. Sandra, are you home yet? Hope the ferry terminal wasn't to stressful and the trip round the M25. xxx

  37. Very confused.
    I have been checking out Icon and what I don't understand is the discrepancy in prices. They offer it at £29 with a recommended price of just over £30 but sunrise at £34 and they claim the retail price will be over £40. It doesn't help me much because icon don't deliver to Europe otherwise I would definitely have ordered it. I might phone them tomorrow to see if they would consider sending it to me if I pay whatever postage it costs, otherwise I shall wait until JS has it and order it from her.
    Just popping out for half an hour, be back later, fish was delicious.

    1. Hello Sunshine!
      My bill from Icon which is now in my emails says I have paid £28 95.
      It will go up in price later. As I have no postage to pay it seemed an excellent offer. If you want me to I'll order one for you and give it to you in October but it would mean a wait! Mind you I bet it wouldn't cost me much to post it to you! Let me know! Hope you enjoyed the fish. I love fish and when we go to Spain I rarely eat anything else in the evening. It's so fresh and lovely. Xxx

  38. Looks like Elaine turned up. So that will be Patricia not in this evening, unless Elaine decides to leave at reasonable time. Saba, can you not get the sent to one of your daughters then they could send them on? xxx

  39. Evening all, Fish here too tonight but little scampi's and very nice they were too.
    Have not yet seen the new dies but have been after the layered squares etc for ages but not sure which one to buy. There are so many to choose from and all different prices. I'm very undecided, any ideas ? xx

  40. Hazel I was thinking that I could do that. Joanne would be more than happy to do that for me. I shall phone icon tomorrow and see what they say and then decide.
    Myra, bless you, that is very kind. I like my new title as well.
    Maria, I think these new ones from sue will be brilliant. They are a really good size.
    Wonder where Muriel is? Hope she is alright.

    1. Muriel is ok! She has had a busy day with the grandchildren . Xxx

  41. Evening everyone - Cheryl sorry to hear you have had bad news, sending a gentle hug x
    Margaret hope you feel better soon, viruses are most unpleasant, take care and rest as much as you can xx

    I have had a look through comments and have commented on the way down,
    have looked at the new dies of Sue's, the squares especially, but I use my perfect layers rulers, so I don't know whether I would get much use out of them, but its not always need is it - more than likely want hehe x
    Went to my craft class today, a friend who sits next to me took a phone call and was really upset, turns out her son had come off his motorbike - he was badly shook up and bruised, broke his toe, but she was so shaken up by the call, as her husband is very ill too. Makes you realise how lucky we are when some people are going through bad times.
    Sandra I hope you have arrived home safe and sound, sleep well.
    Will wish you all good night now
    till tomorrow

    1. Jean, you are right, we really don't realise how lucky we are. Some people are having to cope with terrible things. Today's news from Bodrum broke my heart and we think we have problems.
      Glad your friends sone was not badly injured, hope she is alright now she has got over the shock.

    2. oh Jean, so sorry for your friend. Horrid phone call to get, luckily he sound not too bad but still a shock xxx

    3. Jean. This is where I always say " live for today as you don't know what's round the corner" The shock of hearing her son was hurt on top of everything must have been terrible for your friend. xxx

  42. Craft World is having a special paper craft show this week-end, if you live in Glasgow and are going. Have a good one!

  43. Ladies,
    I am going to go now and watch "who do you think you are".
    Will pop in when its finished.

  44. Night, night everyone, sweet dreams. xxx

    Those Huggles are up to there tricks, leaping around and giggling! do you think they have a trampoline to bounce on? better tell them Sandra and Paul are very tired, so they had better behave.

    Hope Sandra is home and tucked up in bed, she should sleep like a baby, after that long journey. Love and Hugs, xxx

  45. Hellooooo!!! Goodbyeeee!!!
    That's Elaine just gone, by the time I tidy the cups and plates.
    Get myself sorted, it will be time for bed.
    Will read back the comments in the morning, see if I have missed anything
    See you all tomorrow.
    SANDRA:- and family I hope you are all home safe.
    Goodnight, God Bless xxx

  46. Night Patricia. Well at least two of us have ordered the Noble squares. Glad you had a good evening

  47. I've given up on who do you think you are. Jerry Hall, so boring. Can hardly keep my eyes open so must say goodnight.
    See you all tomorrow,
    Night and God bless
    Saba xxx

  48. Hellooooo night owls or are you all in bed.Had a busy day pluss the shock of commenting so early. Had to go & pick prescriptions up by bus as OH was out got all the way there & they hadn't done them said call again tomorrow GRRR. Got home cleaned ........ Legs out fed him I don't know why as he seems to throw it all over the floor well shouldn't moan as I'm the same with the bit's of die waste I'm trying to finish a couple of Birthday card need the soon.Did loads of ironing cooked a batch of bolognese sauce to freeze well had some for dinner tonight.
    Cheryl thinking of you (((Hug's))) xx
    Sandra I hope your home safe & sound have a good sleep tonight hope to see you tomorrow my lovely.
    I also like those new Noble square die's of Sue's they look good.mmmm.
    Good night God bless love Lynda xx

  49. Lynda, like your word 'scrummylishouse' Hihi

    Have a good night everyone , has been a busy day and tomorrow I will need to do some packing, well the knickers anyway and a top tihi
    Made a card for my sister today and asked my son what he thought. He said it was to nice to send to his Auntie ! I felt all jelly . Might have to make another to her now. It will have to be sent next week so I can see another busy day soon. Will read what you been up too, hope everything is done and proper in the cafe' for the boss to come home too. Have missed you girl !
    If you standing outside and looking in , come inside and have a chat and coffee with a bunch of fabulous ladies and crafter's. We want bite, (much) hihi
    Natti night my friends, see you sometime in the morning for a catch-up,
    Many hugs Maria , xxx

  50. Have read all the comments I make square cards so may take a look I don't make cards and sell so I really don't want to spend too much (not that OH minds) on a hobby Might save my pennies to see what's on offer at AP
