
Friday 4 September 2015

Maureen Christmas Challenge card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
I think we can all see a family member or friend in the image on Maureen's card, can't we?1
I love this little card, its full of fun and humour, I am not too sure whether this is a topper or
a one die card that Maureen has created, either way, its absolutely fabulous and something a little bit different and very 'Maureen' I think!
I look forward to hearing how you created the card Maureen, thank you so much for sharing xxx
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning everyone.
    SANDRA and family I hope you are all home and well.
    Everything set up for the day, hope the boss is happy with how things have been run during her absence.
    Popped some bread and rolls in the oven. While they are baking I am off to see what happened while Elaine was with me last night.
    Will be back xxx

  2. I am back, I had to go have a seat and a cuppa first!!
    I looked, and looked, at today's card do you really think MAUREEN means us to think that's .... Oh! do I say it .... GEORGE!! Surely not!! Maureen showed Hazel and I a photo of a very good looking man standing next to her at a wedding. She told us that was George, we really did believe her. Maureen that's a brilliant fun card, love it.
    JEAN:- I hope you have heard back from your friend and her son is ok.
    CHERYL:- sending (((hugs))) for you.
    BRENDA Lello:- glad you had a good day yesterday. It's amazing who you meet on a day out.
    ANNE & JEAN:- glad you managed the box
    PAT & PETE:- hope the holiday is still going well and the sun is shining again.
    EVERYONE:- have a great day.
    I am off up to Perth this morning. I have lots of "little" things to do on a "list". Oh! my goodness I have started doing "lists". It's a good feeing to tick them off as I go along. That's if I remember to take the list with me!!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself.
    I have my Tea & Toast and am at the corner table to see who comes in this morning. Saba, shhhh!! don't tell anyone but could you save a bowl of your soup for me please. I might be late but I will back for lunch. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, yes Christine rang last night and said her son was quite lucky, badly bruised and shaken and a broken toe - but could have been much worse. - Thanks for asking xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Welcome back Sandra. I know you had an awful time stuck in amongst the French farmers and missed your original ferry. I hope you did finally make it home safe and sound, and that Paul has calmed down now. I did try and put an update on here for the ladies but couldn't get it to publish. It appears most of our whole village was without internet connection last night! Just how that can happen no one seems to know. Gigaclear said that they had problems as someone had cut through a wire but that doesnt affect our connection as we arent with them. The phone were buzzing with people asking each other what was happening, well, the people that aren't with Gigaclear that is. It did show what happens when you have all of your phones and internet through one company though. No doubt there will be lots of angry calls to them today, it still doesn't explain why we were affected though. It seems to be fine now thank fully. I was glad that I had done the Tesco order earlier on int the day!
    Maureen, I love your card, what a face and a great sentiment : ) Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I will try and pop in over the weekend. Have a lovely time everyone, if you are able, for those not feeling so good I am sending extra hugs with special ones for our lovely Sandra. I expect you are not feeling so good after the long journey so don't go rushing to unpack etc. Enjoy cuddling Milo and Bella. I hope Sophie and Lucy have a good day at school, if you did manage to get the 5.15 pm ferry.
    Take care xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-I just love your card! Can't wait to hear how you made & where the image was from.

    Thank goodness it's Friday,we have 3 prem babies that need TPN making plus two adults for the 3 days plus all the usual chemotherapy as we don't open at the weekends. The main pharmacy is open 7 days but we aren't.

    I've got some holiday shopping to do tomorrow plus boring shopping in Southport then back to start either some weeding if its fine or crafting if it's not!! I do have next weekend before we go away but I've got a long hairdressers appointment and then there's an Indigo Blu demo on at the craft shop in the garden centre not too far from me which I'd like to see. Hubby is away all the following weekend (for work) so I should get lots of crafting done then.


    1. Me again-

      Sandra.... I hope you have had a wonderful nights sleep after a lovely holiday. Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. Cafe smell delicious, mmmmm it must be the rolls and bread that's cooking.
    Maureen, you are naughty!!! You are trying to tell us this image is meant to be George. He is not grumpy, the gentle man in that photo you showed Patricia and I showed a man who smiled a lot not grumped...... I hope you were not to exhusted yesterday? But just really tired. I thought the girls were back at school? I hope you weren't stripping wallpaper and more so climbing on a chair to reach bits of that wallpaper.???
    Nothing much on here apart from the normal housework things, having my nails done again, yes again. They are still perfect apart from the re growth showing, which isn't that noticeable, but won't do to go on holiday, Tammy has paid for them to be done as a thank you for my help, I baby sat twice, ran round helping at Andrews party and then doing ironing for her. I didn't want anything but no she insisted so I won't say no. Her look on things is that I saved her 4 times more than it's costing her paying for my nails.
    Sandra, I hope you are taking things easy? You let those girls do the sorting out and putting away. Paul will be wanting to get up to his allotment at some point to see what been going on. You need to just rest after your journey.
    Brenda LL. Have a good day at the show.
    Margaret C, I hope you have had a better night and are feeling a bit brighter.
    Sheila, take it easy.
    Cheryl, (((((( hugs))))))
    Sue, good luck with everything that you need to do for the camp.
    Everyone else have a good day, lots of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket. Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Welcome back. Now Sue's posted that you didn't have a great journey home and things were a bit hectic. Now after such a long journey home just take it very easy today. Hope you liked the way Patricia kept everything ticking over for you. Still not very good weather in Salou but this is supposed to be the last wet day.
    Maureen I just love your Christmas cracker card. The image is so funny. Best not say that to loudly just in case it is George. Look forward to seeing where it came from.
    Margaret hope your feeling better today.
    Cheryl sending you gentle hugs
    Mrs B hope the camping weekend goes well for you. I'm waiting for the bread rolls to cool down before I tuck in.

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Oh Paticia those bread rolls smell delicious, I'll make cook a pan of bacon, I'm sure bacon rolls will go down a treat.

    Sheila, pleased you are alright, don't go overdoing things. LOL

    Maureen, this card is great, it really made me smile. I can think of a few people this would go down well with, Pease don't try and make us believe it's a picture of George.

    Sandra, I hope you are all going to take it easy today, you have had a lovely relaxing holiday, Don't go undoing all the benefits by charging around. LOL

    We are off to Essex this morning for Johns cousins funeral. So will not be able to pop back until this evening. I hope you all have a good day.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, have a safe journey. Xxx

    2. Safe journey Brenda . Sending you both a hug xxx

    3. Have a safe journey Brenda and John xx

    4. Take care, Brenda! Safe travel and hope the day isn't too stressful! Xxx

    5. Sending you both a bundle of hugs ! Safe trip xxx

    6. BRENDA safe journey for you both & everything went off as well & not too stressful for you. Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Morning everyone, Maureen your card is lovely, it is a Bah Humbug Christmas card I think.
    Welcome back Sandra, take it easy, sorry to hear about you missing the ferry but I hope you are ok now. Have a lazy day, the washing can wait!
    Off to man our little craft shop today, so will,pop back later for a catchup. X
    Take care everyone.

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely crew,
    Oh Sandra do try and rest up a bit today if you can....just been reading Sue's post about the farmers in Calais and it sounds as if they delayed your time of the ferry. Hope you managed to have a more relaxing journey after all that so a big WELCOME HOME.
    Maureen what a fabulous card and I know someone in my family that it would suit down to the ground....great image!
    Cheryl thinking of you and sending hugs.
    Patricia don't forget your list!
    Margaret C hope you are feeling better today. I have probably left someone out so will pop back later as I am still making cards and it will feel good to be in front with them for a change....I'm always a 'last minute person'!
    OOOOO I forgot to say I pushed the boat out last night and ordered Sue Wilsons's pierced dies. I've had a piercing ruler for ages and only ever used it for measuring! They were such a good price on Icon (as always). See you later xxxx

    1. Oooo SHEILA I liked the look of those & they are a good size good luch too you. You deserve a treat,you enjoy using them my friend.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. That should read good luck not luch predicted text haha xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit today! I might meet myself coming back later if this morning is to go by! I've already cooked 24 scones for a friend who wouldn't take no for an answer! Grrrr. So they are ready to be delivered and then I've still got to pack if there's any room left for our clothes! If not how many clothes can you wear to go on a plane I wonder!!! ,
    Muriel oh poor George!!! What a fab card it did make me chuckle! Xxxxxlove it.
    Right must go. Might see you later if not will try and pop in over the weekend if time and internet allow! Sorry to be brief! Sandra hope you are home safe and sound, sounds like you had a horrible journey. Xxx
    Lots of love xxxxx

  11. Hello everyone,
    Sandra, welcome home. I hope the journey wasn't too stressful.
    Well ladies, I readlly don't have time to be here, sorry I wasn't in yesterday but I have to say that yesterday's cross stitch card was a work of art.
    Today's card is a stamp from Dimension Stamps, which I stamped and coloured with Pro markers, then cut around the image, and the inside verse - which is included with the stamp - says "The time Cecil heard Mavis say she wanted to pull a cracker" - well of course I just typed it on my insert and changed the names to George and Maureen!"!!! Actually, the face looks more like me than George ha ha.
    Got to go, washing out, finally got upstairs hoovered and dusted this morning, and going to Rachel's as she is going again to help her dad with the stripping so I am on children duty. Don't know what we'll do today but I'll try to summon the strength to come in tonight.
    By the way, did Janet get home??
    love and hugs to all
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Hello! I think there was no doubt today as to who had made that card! It's hilarious! I love it. Just your sense of humour - probably mine too!
      Just for the record - George looks nothing like that! I'm saying nothing about the likeness to yourself! Ha ha! Tin Hat!!! Haven't worn it for a day or two! Xxx

    2. Maureen your card puts a smile on my face and I have a little titter each time I look at it ! Lol! I love it! xxx

    3. Hi Maureen, I love your card ! It makes me giggle every time I look at it. I have seen you now and that not your look at all. You are a nice looking lady xxx

    4. Brilliant, love it and I know it looks like neither of you!! So who does it look like?? Oh! Yes! Norah has said its her hubby!! xxx

  12. Sandra as I was thinking of what to say to welcome you back home to us this song kept popping into my brain...some of you will remember it by the Opportunity Knocks winners....Peters and Lee.
    Welcome ho welcome.
    Come on in and close the door
    You've been gone too long
    Welcome, you're home once more!

    Now that's really showing my age!!
    A big welcome home lovely lady.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx (can't get the flipping tune out of my head now!!)

    1. Sheila, we will all have it in our heads.
      Maureen, slow down. The girls will just love having you there.
      Diane, you too have to slow down, Emma is going to Aberdeen not across the world, there are shops so again what you don't have just buy enough to keep you going. You can always send her things via Yodel it's actually not that dear.

    2. Great song Sheila! It's in my head for the day now! Xxx

    3. Hello Sandra!
      Hello Everyone!
      Oh dear Sandra - French Farmers, French Port Workers! Nuff said!
      I do hope you are not too exhausted. Don't do much today. Just rest.
      I hope you have had a lovely holiday and don't let the journey home spoil that!
      I'm not sure if I mentioned it before - just in case - we've been exceptionally good while you have been away.
      You have come home to a new Craft Channel and another on the way and a whole lot more Dies!
      Well it's been a busy morning here and my shopping is due to arrive ny time now!
      I will pop back and read later.
      Maureen 's card is just great! I've said so higher up too. It's the expression on the poor man's face! Can't decide whether he's dyed his hair or eyebrows! It's super!
      Love Myra xxx

  13. I'M BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and I have missed you all more than you could ever imagine!

    1. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SANDRA!! Welcome home it's so good to have you back in the flock and we've been so very good!!!! We've missed you so much too and Patricia has held the fort wonderfully.
      See you later
      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    2. Helloooooooo SANDRA welcome home all behaved ourselves well most of us haha. Xxxxxxxxx

  14. I have had an amazing 3 weeks or so with Paul and the girls, we really did need that break, to spend time together without the worries and stresses of hospitals, paul's work etc.
    But I have to admit to you all that I felt that there was a little something missing everyday, I didn't have a daily blog when we went away last year so I wasn't prepared for my reaction, I just missed being with you all everyday, I missed hearing about your daily goings on and of course the hilarious stories!
    I guess its the routine too, waking up every day the first thing I do is check in with you lovely ladies, I did manage to see a few posts but our internet connection wasn't very good, despite its cost, but I was grateful for what little bits I was able to see.
    Anyhow I am back now and so looking forward to catching up with everything and everyone.
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  15. I wanted to make this a comment of its own because I have been trying to find the words to explain to you all how very blessed and I felt when I got in at 10pm and saw the absolutely massive pile of cards and gifts from all of you amazing friends, I was totally and utterly blown away to say the very least.
    I have sat this morning and opened them and wow, just wow, I have just never seen so many beautiful cards, every one absolutely exquisitely wrapped.
    I will respond to all of you personally of course, you have touched my heart more than you will ever know.
    I am so happy to know that the blog means as much to you as it does to me.
    Thank you all so very much,
    from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Oh you have been missed too. Xxx

    2. Sandra that just goes to show what a special lady you are. xxx

    3. Oh! so glad to see you are back. I have all missed you soooo!! much.
      Looking forward to hearing all about your holiday. xxx

    4. Oh Goody! That's lovely! So pleased you got lots of lovely things - you deserve them! Xxx

    5. Oh, Sandra so glad to see you back, hope you enjoyed your holiday and will tell us all about it when you get your breath back xxx

    6. Lovely having you back SANDRA missed you loads pleased you enjoyed your holiday & your birthday,take it easy love Lynda xx

    7. Hello,,good to have you back, you deserve all the birthday wishes you got, and we are all looking forward to your holiday tales xxx

    8. So pleased you are back, we have really missed you. It's been lovely when you have poped in and told us what you have been doing. But more importantly you have had something money can't buy - quality time with you lovely husband and daughters. Sending special big hugs xxx

  16. Welcome Home Sandra !
    Hi everyone, hope your journey sorted it self and you didn't come home to late.
    Can't wait to hear what you all been up too. Did the girls come back home or did they find a little boyo over there to keep them company .
    Well you are home and I am going from home 4.45 am so not sure if I'm bother with bed, not going usually until 2 / 3am anyway. Spent the morning packing ,going through the wardrobe and got together a bag for charity at the same time. I will take more than knickers I think thou even if they got around
    30 degrees at the moment and it goes down to around the 20th at night ! And I'm sitting here with a fleecy jumper and socks on my feet.
    Still giggling over Maureen's card today, it is so fun!
    Had some soup and a crusty roll so now I'm going to tackle the worst bit of packing ,Shoe's ! I be back later, take care all . love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria, comfy shoes for walking, and a pair that goes with everything you won't need more. Believe you me they dont dress up anything like we do to go out, you are on holiday so something smart/ causal for the evening. We are going to have the 30 + temps on our holiday, we will get dressed to go out for dinner but nothing over top. And if we have been out all day and come back via the town we might just go have dinner then head up the road to the hotel, you might end up doing the same. It's much more relaxed in the states and csnada to here. xxx

    2. Hello MARIA have a fabulouse time if your not taking many clothes can I get in your case please haha,I would love to go & look at all the craft shops they have. You enjoy yourselves my friend safe journey & see you at A & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    3. Have a great time in NY, I have always wanted to go there xx

  17. Hi Maria have a wonderful time and a safe journey...will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Love Sheila xxx

    1. Safe Journey Maria, please, please, please, pack the comfiest shoes you have. Walking about NY is hard going on the feet. I have been so many times and comfy shoes are an absolute MUST!!! xxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      I love going to New York! I hope you have a super time and see lots of interesting places and shops! Even the street shoe cleaners have a line in banter all of their own! Hope you manage to sleep on the plane , with no boisterous children nearby.
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Hi Maria, have a brilliant time in NY, you are so lucky. tell us all about it when you get back xxx

    4. Thank you all, tihi Lynda sorry but no room I'm afraid. so many different pills between me and OH so the bag is full :-)
      Any good craft stores address to give me ? xxx

  18. Good afternoon everybody, Sandra its lovely to see you commenting again, Maureens card is brilliant - just the ticket to cheer someone up, certainly gave me a giggle.
    Have been commenting as I read through, been into town this morning , bed stripped, changed and out blowing, at least its dry today, everything ready to pack tomorrow night. Nic is home tomorrow and I don't want her tripping over cases so will pack when she goes back tomorrow night. I think we are organised but there is always the last minute panic.
    I will pop in tomorrow but we leave early Sunday morning so will have to wait til we arrive and get settled.
    Hugs are in the basket in case anyone wants a cuddle - its nice to see the basket full then most people are feeling on the better side.

    Take care


    1. Jean I hope you have a safe Flight and enjoy the wedding! I am right - you are going to a wedding aren't you? Xxx

    2. Hope Brenda is enjoying her day at the Craft Fair at Sandown. Xxx

    3. Jean, wish you a great time away too and hope the weather is on it's best behaviour xx

    4. Jean have a lovely time , just enjoy yourselves. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

  19. Hi everyone, home from our stint in the craft shop, what a waste of a day, a few people in but nobody was buying, just getting ideas for Christmas!
    Need to go and think about dinner, will pop back later, nice to have our leader home! XXX

    1. Jess, I was going to have a look at your friends craft shop today but couldn't for the life of me remember the name.

  20. Good afternoon girls,
    Now Muriel i thought i said not to put Campbells picture up on your card, you know how crabbit he gets and it is just a good one too. I think he would hit me with it if i did one like this for him flower as it would be a bit too near the bone. I hope your Mr Wonderful is a bit more cheery than the crabbit auld git on the front. Thank you Maureen for bringing a smile to my face as i stay with that exact man. Lol
    Well i am getting ready to launch dinner right between his eyes tonight as i have just reached staturation point in the eternal nightly moan about dinner. I have went out and bought a couple of steaks, Rory wants chicken dippers, and he has moaned about them as well. He moaned at last nights mince, the night befores curry and so it goes on, he is doing my head in big style as i no longer know what to cook or how as it doesn't seem to matter to him, its still wrong. I am sure my hubby needs a new wife for a week or just to let him realise just how well off he is but i wouldn't inflick him on a friend it would need to be a stranger as i couldn/t be that cruel.
    Right off for dinner as that's it ready so i will be back after to see everyone.
    Love and huggles
    Norah xx

    1. Oooooh Norah, go for it girl. Men who moan about their dinner should be left to fend for themselves for a few days. There is nothing more infuriating when you have thought about what to cook and then they moan. Go on strike, that'll show them.
      Love Saba xxxxx

    2. Norah! You have made me laugh but you have also made me cross! Thinking that all your hard work isn't appreciated is soul destroying! I will always see Campbell now as the man in Maureen's card - but I would like to tip the dinner over his head! Sorry! No I'm not actually! I always say if someone would tell me what they'd like to eat it would help a lot as the hardest part is coming up with different dishes every day! Does Campbell ever cook anything? Xxx

    3. Myra, Patricia and I told Norah on Monday he needs a week with us two and he would be running back to her. He would see how lucky he is to have her. Xxx

    4. Maybe three days with me would be worse! Ha ha !! Xxx

    5. How about 2 weeks with a "few' of us!! Norah! unlike most would be putting out the flags rather than shedding a tear from what she told us. xxx

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. How dare they! The same happens here sometimes and it makes you want to pull your hair out. Go on strike or let Myra have a word, it will soon sort them out and then Myra you can come over here xxx

    8. Norah, will get banned by Campbell of coming in here. Do you remember "wife swap". That would be a good thing for him, but he would be getting sorted out by at least 5 of us sorting him out. Xxx

    9. I would happily swap with you Norah, I will sort the old buggar out for you! He would be begging to come home for his meals on the table and no nagging!!
      Sending huge hugs

  21. Hello Sandra and gang
    Welcome Home Sandra, we have missed you, really looking forward to hearing all about it when you have got everything sorted. Don't tackle it all at once though or you will undue all the good this holiday has done for you.
    Maureen I love the humour of this card, and the look on his face, right up my street. Don't tire yourself out too much with the girls.
    Sue enjoy your weekend camp, the key word is delegate!!
    Pat hope the weather is improving for you in Salou.
    Brenda I hope today's funeral went well and it wasn't too upsetting for John.
    Margaret C, if you are managing to look in, sending you some comfort hugs.
    Diane, it's probably possible to get all your underwear on, at least three t shirts, a jumper and a cardigan, a pair of trousers worn under a skirt, shoes in the coat pocket which can be carried over the arm and there you go no suitcase required!
    Maria, have a fabulous time in NY and a safe journey there. I am so jealous.
    Jean, enjoy your day with Nic tomorrow. Packing can wait.
    Cheryl, thinking of you. Xxx
    Well I have been a busy bee today, I have given the flat a good seeing to before the weekend and then went off to do some supermarket shopping, which I dislike intensely, funnily enough though I enjoy it in the UK. Then a quick trip into town on the bicycle to get a birthday present for one of our friends.
    I have finally finished my triple flip cards and although I don't have the spellbinders squares I found cutting the frames not so difficult at all. I have also been checking all the websites for Sue's new dies and have phoned a few to see whether they would consider sending them if I paid for the postage, but no Joy. They were all very helpful and apologetic and suggested I get them sent to someone in the UK. One website called had the same prices as icon and free postage as well. The chap there said they are looking into EU delivery so I shall make a not of them.
    Right best get a move on and start dinner prep.
    Be back later
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. The offer to get the Dies for you, my friend, still stand Still! No problem xxx

    2. Saba, my friends craft shop is called Klassy Kards, web site is, hope this helps. X

  22. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra it is lovely to have you back sorry your journey was fraught take care and don't rush to get every thing sorted.
    Thank you Patricia for doing a brilliant job.
    Maureen love your card very funny.
    Hope all who are of on holiday all have safe journeys and have a lovely time.
    Brenda hope today is not too stressful for you and John.
    Margaret hope you are feeling better.
    Sue hope camp goes well at least you will be warmer in the building than the ones in tents hope it stays dry. Take care love.
    Hugs in basket for all who need them love Margaret CD

  23. I don't know where CD came from!!xx

    1. It's the cyber pixie Margaret , it likes to cause mischief!

    2. Margaret P, if you don't want the CD - send it to me ha ha!!! xxxx

  24. Been sorting out my bits beside my chair in the front room, it should have been all put back after Roberta went home, but of coarse it didn't, but was told all my boxes etc are coming back in yomorrow so I thought I'd better make a start. Oh I am not looking forward to tomorrow. We're am I going to start then. I tried to tell Charlie that it could wait till I got back, but no, then I used the excuse I had just had my nails done that didn't work, so it looks like I will just have to get on with it. Maria, enjoy your holiday in the big apple.
    Jean, yes I agree with you about waiting to pack till Nic has gone back. You enjoy your holiday and the wedding. Photos please.
    Diane, just watch if you are travelling with flybe they might wonder where your had luggage is. Most folk go over with it. Xxx

    1. Have a fabulous time on the beach /pool and old town meeting your friends and enjoy a delight or two xxx

  25. Well dinner was nondescript to say the least. Peter didn't complain though Norah - he knows better!. I thought we were going out this evening which I was actually dreading and had prepared a light dinner, reason being at the dreaded evening there is always lots to eat so thought we wouldn't need much at home. Well Peter got home and I made him a gin and tonic and he then asked why I wasn't having one. Told him in a snotty voice " you know full well I never touch alcohol when I have to drive!! Reply " are you going out?" Turns out the dreaded evening is next week. Did a happy little dance then made myself a Gin and tonic.
    Incase you are wondering, the dreaded evening is a twice yearly event. One of Peter's friends makes schnapps and invites us to join him and a few more of our friends twice a year to his schnapps party. There are various reasons why I hate going.
    1 it's quite a way away so one of us has to drive - me.( I'd feel sorry for Peter otherwise)
    2 I don't ever drink and drive, not even a sniff of a shandy, I've seen too much at the hospital and know just what drink driving can do.
    3 they all get off their heads.
    4 they constantly nag me to have a drink - just one, you'll be alright to drive.
    5 Peter sings on the way home
    6 he snores all night.
    So I was very relieved that it wasn't tonight.

    1. Ooh! It sounds as if you have had a bit of a deliverance! It's been a busy evening here! Our neighbours returned from holiday - we had packages! Younger son rang as we were about to eat - Dad answered the phone and said - I'll ring you at 9 pm as said son was on way home from work ! Older son rang later and he will also receive a call! They are accustomed to us eating around 7 30pm but tonight we were late! Hey ho! Xxx

    2. SABA:- I get the impression you are glad your not out tonight!!!! Wonder how I managed to get that impressions???
      Schnapps!!! I think I have told you about John's mum winning a bottle in a raffle. She thought Schnapps was non Alcholic and had a glass of it instead of her usual Orange Juice with her breakfast. Then she wondered why she was managing to get thought all her house jobs so quickly and so happily!!! xxx

    3. Oh I remember that with Margaret and her Schnapps, it was so funny, and she was mortified, that she had been drinking. Xxx

  26. Helloooooooooooo everyone,
    Sandra, I have to say that it's lovely to see you. I have missed your cheery comments and your ability to keep some of the ladies in check, mentioning no names - but you know who I mean. I bet your bed has never been as comfy.
    Can I commend Patricia for her sterling work in your absence, she did start a bit of mayhem a couple of times, but don't worry, I managed to keep her in check and look after the cafe for you!!!!!
    Right, today I have had the girls at my house. The morning was art and face painting - in fact hand painting done by Zoe, then I decided at lunch time to treat them to lunch at our local. They do lovely meals, healthy and cooked on the premises, so that was a big success. From there we went to town arrgghhh and went into all the shops they like aaarrrrrrghhhh, but I think the worst was Poundland - double aaarrrrggggghhhh. We got back at about 5 and after they had sorted out their shopping I took them home.
    Thank you for your kind comments about my card. It does make me smile and this year I am sending it to family members but putting their names on the insert. If anyone would like to borrow this stamp, I can post it to you or I can take it to the Retreat and you could use it there. Just let me know.
    Margaret C - get well soon.
    Sue - enjoy yourself at camp and make sure the slackers pull their weight, there's always at least one!!
    Pat - I hope your holiday in Salou is going well.
    Norah - I don't know what to say about Campbell. If I could have him for a week or two, I'd sort him out. I'd give him the raw food, and tell him to cook it how he wants it, and that's just for starters. If he moaned about that, I'd take the food off him and tell him to go and buy what he wants to eat, and then he can come back and cook it. Oooh, let me at him!!!!!
    Maria, I am so jealous. I have wanted to go to NY for more years than I can remember. Raymond always wanted us to go with them, but George is frightened of flying, and now I think the insurance would be very expensive. Have the most wonderful time.
    Jean, have a great time with Nic and enjoy your holiday.
    Sheila, I hope you are keeping well, you will never believe me but I was just thinking of Peters and Lee the other day. I sometime think I'm psychic or psychotic - I'm not sure which ha ha. I am singing "Welcome home" as I type.
    Saba, Can I get some dies for you? If I can help, just let me know.
    Jess, I hope you enjoyed your dinner.
    Dainty, wear as many clothes as you can, 3 bras, 10 knickers, 3 trousers, with a skirt over and a dress over that, and that's just for starters. What you can't wear, put the rest in your pockets and tie your shoes around your neck. You may get a few funny looks, but hey - who cares!!!!!
    Myra, are you behaving yourself - hah not a hope. I've told George that you think he dyes his hair or his eyebrows - he isn't happy that anyone has noticed lol !!!!!
    Right, I've got to go to make a couple of cards.
    See you later,
    Love to all, I've missed you as well.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Trouble maker! George is my friend! He may not know it , however!
      Pleased you had a lovely day! Going into THESE shops is good for us - trust me I know ! Xxx

    2. I think I would like to do these shops with a couple of girls. Mention shops to the boys and they just freak out!!! xxx

    3. Hi Maureen, full day had with the girls I see, have a rest tonight.
      Tell George is not so bad to fly ,you always coming down somehow.
      NY has always been one thing todo on my 'bucketlist' and also to go to a baseball match but don't think OH is keen so we will see, I'll be back xxx

  27. Hazel, sorry my dear, I meant to say that you are becoming a "Lady who Lunches", what with your manicures and then I saw you had posted before me and Charlie want you to clear the boxes. Well, take it gently, you do not want to do your back in, break a nail or do anything that could spoil your holiday. Explain this to him and say that Maureen says she will come and sort it. That should frighten him enough to keep him quiet!!! xxxx

    1. Charlie has just headed for the hills!!! Xxx

    2. Charlie's probably wishing I had headed to the hills 2 years ago come November. It was me that started Hazel on the Card Making. When we were returning home from the NEC she ask me if I thought she would use a Die Cutting Machine if she got one. Tammy phoned and asked me the same thing. Hazel got one for Christmas that year and has never looked back xxx

  28. Maureen, I tried everything but he has said they have to come in as its getting damp and things would get ruined he's right of coarse, he can bring them in I am not saying I will sort them out and put them back in place. Yes retirement is good. Oh I agree shopping in those shop isnt my take on fun. Glad you still did have fun. xxx

  29. Norah I agree with every thing Maureen suggest about Campbell's food my heart goes out to you, take care hugs to you Margaret xx

  30. Welcome homeSandra. I know I am late but have been out all day and am knackered. Been at the Craft Show at Esher and had a good time . Very hot in there though. Thought a couple of times I was going to pass out. Had a very nice lunch - fish and chips. Not unpacked my shopping yet. MARIA and JESS hope you both have a lovely time. DIANE safe journey to Aberdeen. Not sure when you are going but good luck to Emma.
    Have managed to read all the comments. SUE. Hope everything goes to plan at the weekend and everyone else has a good weekend. Off to unpack my goodies. Probably be back later if I haven't fallen asleep.

    1. Oh Brenda , so sorry I thought you were going to Sandown! Can't believe - well I can because you say so -,that it was hot enough to pass out! We've all been talking about the autumnal chill here today. Hope you didn't spend too much ! Love Myra xxx

    2. Brenda, I have family who used to live at Esher. Well they are not blood family, it's along story, but they have always been part of my life.
      My Granny took in two little Italian evacuees during the war. They stayed with her for over two years, and became family.
      Glad you had a good day despite the heat.

    3. Hi Myra. Yes I did go to Sandown Park. It is at Esher so that's what I usually call it. Sorry for the confusion. It wasn't hot outside today but in the hall was hot. I hope I didn't spend too much (haven't added it up yet) not after last nights spend. Love Brendaxx

    4. SABA:- I remember you telling us about that, it was a wonderful story xxx

    5. Patricia, she was a wonderful lady my Granny. She had a boyfriend when she was in her eighties. It was a lovely story.
      When she was a young girl she worked in a mill and met and fell in love with with one of the bosses. They were engaged to be married but then she called it off- said he was too forward! Anyway years later they met again again at an old persons club, they hadn't seen each other for more than 60 years and they fell in love all over again.
      What was really sweet though was he went to see my mum to ask her permission to "walk out " with my granny.
      He more or less moved in to her bungalow and when I pretended to be shocked that she had only one bedroom, she said don't worry there are twin beds, then winked and said but you should see the hole we have worn in the carpet going from one bed to the other. She was about 85 at the time,

    6. Oh Brenda! I did get it right after all! It's my geography that's not quite so good! Xxx

  31. NORAH:- think you need to do to Cambell what I did to John once.
    We lived in Dundee, Hazel was still living at home and came every other weekend to be with us. We were sitting have our dinner one night, John was "niggling" on and on and on about something. I don't actually think it was about the food, anyway Patricia had had enough. I picked up my plate and threw it at him. Then I REALLY lost my temper ... he had ducked (silly man) my plate full of food was sliding down the newly wallpapered wall!!! The plate thankfully did not break. We were not long married and it was part of a good dinner set. Now!! ladies though all this Hazel just sat "wide eyed" .....!!! John never said a thing either, might have been shock or the fact Hazel was there. Dont know and have never asked!!! We still talk and laugh about that. Xxx

    1. Ooooh Patricia, and I thought you were the quiet one!

    2. ME! quite!! you might well be able to hear me shouting in Nurembeg when I lose y temper. Does not happen very often now, it uses up to much energy that could be better used elsewhere. xxx

    3. Cor, it just shows you never know what people will do!!! xxx

  32. That's me off to bed.
    See you all tomorrow
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Just replied to you further up! Night and God bless.

    2. Night, night, sweet dreams xxx

  33. I'm off to bed so just wanted to say Natti natt to you all and look after yourselves. Will try to pop in sometimes and see what you are up too.
    Anyone else going on their holiday now, have a fabulous time and I see you when you are back. Sandra I hope you are ok after your journey back and take your time, don't do everything in one go or you will need another one
    many hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. Natti natt Maria, have a fabulous time.

    2. Matti Natt Maria! We are learning a new language and yours sounds much better than ours! Have a lovely holiday - we'll miss you! Xxx

    3. Myra you do realise you have probably said something very rude, like
      Bouncy night or something similar.

    4. Now, do I say Matti Natt Maria like Myra, or Natti natt Maria like Saba. You pays your money and you takes your choice. My money's on Saba!!!! ha ha Have a wonderful time. xxxx

    5. Muriel you could say God natt, må Gud välsigna.
      That would impress Maria!

    6. Saba, it impresses me, never mind Maria xx

    7. Isn't Babylon translater a wonderful tool!

    8. Saba, I just wanted to say that I thought their Hanging gardens were wonderful!! I think everyone has gone to bed, and George is making his way upstairs, so I'll say Natti Natt to everyone, sweet dreams and see you in the morning.
      Muriel xxxx

    9. Good Night Maria,
      Have an amazing time in NY, you really deserve a good holiday my lovely friend, see you when you return, oh are you back in time for AP???? do hope so,

  34. Well ladies, I think it's time I joined snoring Joe so I'll just say
    Good night and may God bless all of you, sleep,well I'll see you tomorrow.
    Sandra, hope you are not too exhausted after your trip, take things gently for a day or too, so lovely to have you back.
    Saba xxx

  35. Looks like everyone is off to bed, good night all, x

  36. Thank you everyone, for all of your lovely thoughtful messages,
    Our journey I'm pleased to say was uneventful.
    The funeral had been planned a few years ago by Johns cousin herself. it was all beautiful and very tasteful. Her children - I say children, they are 56, 53 and 49 were so pleased Mum chosen what she would like. It had eased their tasks (sorry it's late, can't think of another word) and had taken a weight off their shoulders.
    Anyway back home now had a couple of glasses of wine, so will sleep well (I hope)
    Good Night, God Bless xxx

  37. Oh Dear! Night Night Maria , sorry I got it wrong!
    Trust me!
    However I do have a tidy craft room! Yeh! Xxx
    Night Night everyone, sweet dreams, God bless you all! Xxxx
