
Saturday 5 September 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Patricia's Perfect Purple Box
 Another Selection Of Brenda's Fabulous Pottery
Hazel's Beautiful Thank you cards

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Well its so nice to be back behind the counter after so many weeks!
I must say that Patricia did a grand job in my absence, I am very grateful, thank you so very much.
Thank you too to all of you, my very dear friends for supporting the cafe while I have been away,
I chose not to read too many of the comments while I was away to preserve my blood pressure a little,
I have to say you are all amazingly hilarious, you could make the most troubled person smile, a quality that 
is very precious!
Patricia you can have a well earned lie in today, everything is set up and ready to go, I picked up the shopping list and all stocks have now been replenished! There were a few odd items on that list though,
I will leave those to your imagination!
Some fresh croissants and pain au chocolat are in the basket behind the counter, please help yourself,
I have to add though that an observation that we make every year when we travel through France, I can't get my head around the tradition of putting your coffee in a cereal  bowl and dipping your thickly buttered baguette or croissant into it! Why ?? 
Is it a similar thing to dunking a biscuit, ???? 
Your thoughts please ........ xx
Now onto today's stunning range of crafts....

First up is Patricia's gorgeous box, created in beautiful coloured card, I am sure that you can find out how to make it on Patricia's fabulous blog, I would like to thank you Patricia for allowing me to share your beautiful crafts with everyone today xxxx

Well it wouldn't be Mixed Craft Saturday without some of Brenda (LL)'s amazing pottery, I think that we should rename you Brenda Potter, as you have a serious talent there Brenda and also because we all think
you are magic (like Harry)......(Potter)! sorry Brenda, bad joke!
Thank you so much for keeping Mixed Craft Saturday by sharing your fabulous pottery each week xxxx

Last but by no means least is a 'Simply Stunning' Collection of Thank you cards made by the very talented
Hazel, I think that Hazel said she made these beautiful cards with the leftover bits from some wedding invitations, what a perfect way to say 'thank you' for all the wedding gifts, Hazel thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous cards with us xxxx

Well that's all for today, I have a mountain of washing just sat waiting to be sorted, I thought I might try and do it myself and cut the piles in half, (darks, whites & Coloureds), if Paul does it, there will be a Blue, yellow, green, pink, red and white pile, oh and don't forget the darks too!! Not that I am complaining, he is an absolute angel, there aren't many that would work full time and do all he has to at home too, he is a perfectionist however!!
Have a lovely Saturday my lovelies,
Love and hugs 


  1. Good morning folks, hope you are well and looking forward to the weekend.
    SANDRA:- your an Angel, doing all the shopping and sprucing the place up. You have so much to do without that. However we really love having you back.
    Sorry I am in as usual, me "lie in" I just wish I could!!
    My Box is made using a DieSire Die that I have cut out 4 times and joined together. I dangled some butterflies inside and gave to Elaine as a gift. Made the same as the Lantern Tutorial on my Blog. The bit on the top is a large bead rescued from a broken Christmas Decoration.
    BRENDA:- oh how I wish I had access to buy some of your beautiful Pottery Goodies.
    HAZEL'S thank you cards are great. I have seen what she has done with these cards. As a little Wedding or Wedding Anniversary Gift as Hazel used them for they are brilliant. We all need to send out a Thank You for gifts we have received, these are great.
    I am off to pop some washing in the machine, I want the basket to be empty when I leave for my holiday.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door please help yourself.
    I am over at my usual table. I made some Toast and have a nice cup of tea, off to people watch. See you are the day goes on. xxx

    1. Patricia, this box is gorgeous, and I love the bead on the top to life off the lid - very clever. It needs a good home, come on box to mammy!!! ha ha

  2. Good morning, Sandra and all who call in or just put their nose in to be nosey, why don't you come in, we are friendly and if you enjoy a good laugh you will get that in here. You also get support if you are needing it.
    The cafe is looking lovely and the cabinet with today's crafts is looking good, oh I see something of mine in there.
    Patricia's lanterns are fabulous, she has patience of a saint when it comes to working everything out for a box or a card. NOW I said patience for those kind of things, but don't be fooled, poor John he needs to be a saint at times to put up with her!!! But I think he has learnt over the 50 years to just stay out of her way when she is not her normal self.
    Brenda, more gorgeous pieces of your wonderful pottery. so glad you managed the show yesterday and didn't pass out. Then again you might have nearly done that when you counted up what you spent. Yes and that Myra making you buy those dies the night before, how naughty was she?
    My notlets,well they are so simple and these ones I made using the packs from the works £2 for 15 cards and envelopes 5x5 size. I then got the box with all the off cuts from Alice & Leon's invites that I made out and cut different shapes using all the small sized dies that I have, big cutting plate used and I put as many on as I can get? Oh I put at least three layers of papers together then you get multiples of the die cuts, just stamp them and stick them on, simple add a insert and tied with a bit of ribbon and I added the flower, I tend to add a flower to most things I wrap. Total cost with my time, £5. 2x packs of cards plus ribbon. A great useful gift .
    Well I see I missed a lot of what went on last night, it was so cold here I went and got my slanket out of the cupboard, lay down on the sofa to watch something on the TV ,can't remember what, and yes a fell asleep, woke up in the small hours. Had a good sound sleep as I never heard a thing, thank goodness for TV that switch themselves off. Off to have my tea and oh I think I will have something out of that basket of goodies that Sandra put in, Sandra I often wonder why the French do that, might have to ask Janet, talking about Janet she hasn't been in I hope they are ok.
    Maria, should be in NY now or just about there, oh no they weren't leaving here till 4am I will be back soon just remember I forgot to take my steroids. xxx

    1. Excuse Me!! It was Brenda who encouraged me to buy the Dies - it was Brenda who found the Website with the best bargain!
      Your Thank You cards are beautiful. Simple and elegant - I was going to say like me - but only the first word applies! Be good! Love Myra xxx

    2. In fact Myra, I don't think you needed any encouragement from any one!!!., did you??? xxx

    3. oh what Die's Myra??? what am i missing out on?

    4. Hi Sandra! Missed you!
      They are a set of pierced square dies from Sue's new range - about to be launched! Brenda found a website with the best price. Each of the square dies has a pierced border! Time to throw away the piercing ruler! - just kidding! She has some pierced rectangles as well? I'm not on commission - honestly! Xxx

    5. Hi Hazel, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you can make something out of very little, and make it look marvellous. xxx

    6. MYRA it's your fault I bought those dies as well but thank you my dear.XX

    7. Ooo oh ! What a burden of guilt I have ! NOT!
      I didn't make anyone buy anything! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Welcome back Sandra!!!!!!!!

    Patricia-gorgeous lantern as ever, you really are a talented lady.

    Brenda (Potter) as Sandra has christened you-more beautiful pieces. Do you sell them or keep them all as I wouldn't want to part with such lovely items.

    Hazel-lovely card, very pretty & such a great idea.

    Didn't sleep too well last night so was up quite early. Finished my breakfast so just need to head into the bathroom then off into Southport for some shopping-we actually have a nice sunny day, a few clouds but I'm not complaining.


    1. Michele, the sun is still shining. We are doing well so far . Xxx

    2. Michele, have a good day in Southport, hope it stays fine xxx

  4. Welcome back Sandra
    PATRICIA beautiful box, I've just made my first box following your fantastic tutorial. I'm really pleased with it. I will "post" it soon. I have to say CS glue is my new best friend!
    BRENDA once again, superb pottery
    HAZEL your thank you cards are beautiful too. I agree with you that we don't send out enough thank you cards.
    Weather here is awful, I hope it clears up for tomorrow. as we're out running/walking in Harefield Hospital's Fun Run
    MARIA have a great holiday

    1. KAREN:- sending a couple of (((hugs))) and good luck for tomorrow.
      So glad you attempted and made the box. Cosmic Shimmer Glue for me is the best glue ever and I have tried them all I think!! Looking forward to seeing your box Karen. The others who have also taken the plunge and followed my Tutorials, if you send a picture to Sandra I am sure she will show them in the future. Thank you for doing that it makes it all worth while.
      If you have a go at the box or the flowers and they don't work out, what have you lost?? Ok! maybe your patience but only some bits of card, come on have a go!! xxx

    2. Karen, good luck for today, I hope it stays dry. Xxx

    3. Karen, good luck doing the fun run. Such a worthwhile cause. Don't forget to protect your feet. I think it was Hazel who recommended two pairs of socks, one pair inside out, or did I dream that?

    4. SABA:- you did not dream it!! Hazel and I both mentioned the two pairs of sock method. I used it when I was running, they were thinner socks. Walking do it with thicker socks.
      KAREN:- you have been advised !! xxx

    5. Good luck for your run today, take Hazels and Patricia's advice about the socks! X

    6. Karen, all the best with the Fun Run and especially the weather! Hope you raise lots for your very worthy cause. Xxx

    7. Good luck for tomorrow Karen, what an amazing thing to do, i hope you have some good trainers!
      Hopefully the sun will shine upon you!
      love and hugs

    8. Good luck for the Fun Run and hope the weather turns out lovely....hope your feet don't end up too sore, but you raise heaps of money such a deserving cause. xxx

    9. Hi Karen, good luck for tomorrow, I hope it's not too hot, and not raining xxxx

    10. Good luck Karren for tomorrow you go girl. Hope weather is kind for you we are haveing very wet & cold in KENT.
      PATRICIA im doing your flower tutorial today, will go back on your blog for the box one thank you. Xx

    11. Karen, Good luck for tomorrow, j hope the weather is going to be fine. Just give it your best. LOL xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.

    Lovely to have you back Sandra try not to do too much.
    Patricia your lantern is beautiful such patience.
    Brenda as always your pottery is soo pretty.
    Hazel the thank you cards are very elegant suitable for any occasion.
    I am off to our local U3A Fresher's Fair this morning, my embroidery group have a table there, the idea being we hope to attract some new members, mind you I cannot take any more than 3 as I have 17 already and if you have more than 20 you do not get to know each person which is what I enjoy plus we would need a bigger room to hire.
    Hope everybody has a lovely day had my coffee and toast money in pot.
    Hugs to all who need them loves Margaret xx

    1. MARGARET:- good luck for today, I am sure you will have lots signing up to join. Keep us up to date please. xxx

    2. Margaret, you are so right better to have a number of ladies that you can get to know than loads that you don't. I hope it all goes well. Xxx

    3. Margaret, hope you get the new members for your group. Have fun, would love to see some of your embroidery.

    4. Margaret, hope you find nice new members that will in with the lovely group you already have. I, too, would love to see your embroidery. Xxx

    5. Good luck finding 3 lovely members to finish your group off, Have a lovely day. xxx

    6. Margaret P, 3 is the lucky number, I bet you get them. Have a good day xxxx

    7. MARGARET have a good day good luck on finding your 3 new members.Xx

  6. Good morning Ladies and welcome home Sandra, isn't it funny how we love to wish people a lovely holiday but are so happy to have them back home , safe and sound? But try to take things one at a time today, no point in trying to do too much and overdoing it xo
    Sorry I didn't manage in yesterday , I thought I would when I got back from the golf ( Erskine Charity Day) we made £1,700 for them,( we are just a small club ) but people were so generous. The golf itself was horrendous , it rained and rained like it was never going to stop , so our team of three walked in with still 3 holes to play ( our scores were awful) but it still was a great day and atmosphere , I felt knackered and fit for nothing when I got home.
    Patricia, this box is a work of art , just beautiful, I love the colour and the little butterflies , it looks so delicate!
    Brenda, do you make all your lovely pottery at a class, you definitely have a flair for it!
    Hazel, I love your thank you notelets , what a thoughtful gift to give someone for all sorts of occasions.
    Maria , I hope you have a great time in NY and come back with some wonderful memories to share.
    Diane , I hope your journey to Abedeen went well and Emma settles in happily.
    Margaret , gentle hugs hoping you are feeling better.
    Norah, maybe trying to make a horrid dinner ( oversalting, undersalting , burning etc.) only Cameron's you understand, might after a few days ( since it was deliberate, you would get diverse pleasure from his moaning) might teach him a lesson? Or is that a bit too risky and devious?
    Looking forward to chocolate croissant with my coffee this morning, I feel the need for a treat , and all the goodies in the cabinet are tempting!
    I had a look at SW dies that Myra is talking us all into buying and trying hard to resist lol! Maybe she's on a commission ? Ha ha !
    Well it's a dry morning so maybe better go and get some work done.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Brilliant amount Annr, pity about the weather. I think a rest kind of day for you. Xxx

    2. Anne what an amazing amount of money you all raised. I have just been looking on line at the Erkine Caring for Veterans Charity, is this the one? If it is then it is a fantastic cause. Well done.

    3. Hi Anne, you raised a lot of money yesterday. Well done and Erskine is a very worthwhile cause! Brought back memories!
      Speaking about veterans and soldiers - I'm definitely in the non - commissioned side! Xxxx

    4. Yes Saba, it is for anyone who has served in the Services, we have a husband and wife in the golf club who work tirelessly for the cause and now have a new ( quiet room ) named after them.( well in the husband's name actually ) he has also written a book about his time in the Services and donated all proceeds to their funds.
      Was only teasing ,Myra! Xo

    5. Fabulous amount raised Anne, well done to all of you. I've been to Erskine for a Burns Night - how about that!!! xxx

    6. Yes Erskine do a fantastic job, xxx

  7. ANNE:- brilliant amount to make for a fantastic cause.
    Sorry the golf was not so brilliant!! xxx

  8. SABA:- don't be shocked but I have done it AGAIN!!!
    Jumped in my car popped along the village to the "newspaper box" just had my PJs and a fleece zip-up on!! Not a single soul in sight. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia you and I are shockers!!! I went out to get fish from the fish lady wearing my pjs and a fleece. Ok she was parked just outside my front door Her fault she was early, or was it mine for being late getting dressed? Who knows but did I care NO. Xxx

    2. What are you two like, one of these days you'll come a cropper and get either arrested or taken for an escaped nursing home resident!!

    3. Well Saba I might just get that done one day, but they will think I have escaped from the mental hospital at the up of the road. Always tell people we bought this cottage so we didn't have to go far to visit who ever was in their. xxx

    4. What are you two like, hope you don't do things like this next week, you will get arrested!

    5. Oh no we will be up showered out for our walk then it's breakfast. We might sit and have our first cup of tea out on the terrace of our room, but generally no. xxx

    6. Jess - are you getting an early train when you come south to the Retreat? If so I'd check these two aren't wearing PJ's. Or furry slippers!!! Xxx

    7. MYRA:- we will be up, ready all showered, brushed up and shining don't you worry. We really do try when we are off on "trips away" xxx

    8. I know Patricia! I'm the one who has trouble in the mornings! Xxx

    9. I have a confession to make, I went out to the fish man in my nightie and dressing gown, when he came very early one morning, not long after we moved into this house. He died the next week!! My next door neighbour still brings it up ha ha. xxx

    10. I think that may have been coincidental! Xxx

  9. Maureen, meant to say your card yesterday made me laugh! it is great xo

  10. Good morning All,
    Sandra I hope you are not rushing around too much. Paul is an amazing husband, I don't think Peter even knows you are supposed to sort the washing. I'll have to have one of your Pain au Chocolat, don't know about dipping it in my coffee though.
    Patricia, another fabulous lantern, bet Elaine was thrilled with it.
    Brenda I love seeing your pottery and have fallen for the pink dish. Gorgeous.
    Hazel, gorgeous thank you notes, your wrapping of them is lovely, I think you could wrap a piece of coal and make it look expensive.
    Now I dont want to encourage any spending BUT I have just seen a new release of large format squares by Presscut, really good value and would be brilliant for matting. Sunrise have them. I have been in touch with Craftasmic again and they will send me the dies I would like, have to phone them again next week re postage charge.
    I am running late and am meeting Heide in town in an hour so must go.
    See you all this evening.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Now, Saba, dear! You will be accused of encouraging people to spend money! I'm off to have a look! Ha ha ! Curiosity killed the cat! Xxx

    2. Hi Saba. Glad you can get the dies you want. The Presscut dies are not new think it's just that Sunrise have started selling them. They come from The Art of Craft Shop at Farnborough and I believe it's there own make. Sunrise are dearer. I paid £15 yesterday for the rectangle ones from Art of Craft and Sunrise are charging £16.99 I think it is. When I was at the Newbury Show in July I bought the circle ones Art if craft do do Mail Order but not sure how much their postage is. Thank you for your comment about my pottery. Enjoy your shopping.

    3. Hi Saba, have a good time with Elaine xxx

    4. I wonder where Heide went? Xxx

    5. Oh just thought! She'll be hiding! Xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, oops where has this morning gone, I know the days are flying in but this is ridiculous.
    First of all Patricia I adore your boxes I am definitely going to try a few.
    Brenda your pottery is lovely, do you keep it or sell it at craft fairs?
    Hazel your cards are great, a fantastic idea, we don't send enough thank you cards any more, do we?
    Margaret, I hope you manage to get new members to join you embroidery group, I agree with you about numbers, we have about 12 regulars coming to our scrapbook crop and we all get on so well and have some good laughs.
    Norah, I posted late last night but lost a long comment so,gave up, my idea is to let Campbell shop and cook for a few days, then he will know how hard it is to come up with dinner ideas!
    Saba I left you my friends craft shops web site, in case you didn't see it, it is
    Off to hang out second load of washing, it is a lovely day so might just take advantage of the sunshine.
    Sandra take it easy today, the washing will keep for another day.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Jess, have a good day.l I've got my washing dried and ironed xxx

  12. Well ladies the plastic storage drawers have been brought in, but I am off out. Going shoe shopping with Tammy and little Andrew, now maybe sorting out might be the easier of the two. xxx

    1. Enjoy your shoe shopping! You should have been tidying you know! Tut tut! Xxx

    2. Enjoy your shopping Hazel, I hope the shops are not too busy xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra & ladies,
    Lovely to see you home safe and sound Sandra. A mountain of washing, I'll wish you luck with that! not my favourite chore either.

    A lovely array of Saturday mixed crafts.
    Patricia's box is gorgeous and just the thing I need to make for someone close to me.
    Brenda's bowls are always a delight to see. You should sell them through a gift shop. They are so fantastic.
    Hazel's Thank you cards are so useful. for many of us.

    It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you the reason why I have been absent. I couldn't before as it was such a jolt to learn that my step-grandson died suddenly on Tuesday. He was a gorgeous young man, only 20 in July, with the most impossibly long eyelashes and would give you a most beautific dimpled smile whenever he met you. The family is in deep shock and just getting through one step at a time.
    Thank you for all the concern, huggles and love I have been reading.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl!
      I'm so sorry to hear that! How devastating for the whole family. So young! For this to happen suddenly is even more shocking. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs as well my sincere sympathy to yourself and the family. So pleased you popped in! We miss you. Xxxx

    2. Cheryl , I'm so sorry to read your sad news, what a terrible time for you and all the family, sending you love and hugs and thinking of you xo

    3. Cheryl. So sorry to read your sad news. You are I. My thoughts and prayers

    4. Oh! Cheryl, that news is so sad. To loose someone so young and so suddenly even more so. Sending some (((hugs))) you are in out thought and prayers.

    5. Cheryl, I'm so sorry to read your sad news, my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
      Sending some very gentle hugs, Love Brenda xxx

    6. Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your step-grandson, my thoughts are with you at this sad time. X

    7. Cheryl, I am sorry to read of your grandson sudden death. My heart goes out to you and all the family. Just come in when you are ready or just even to talk, we will listen and it is good to talk. Xxx

    8. Cheryl, you know you have my love and prayers xxxx

    9. Cheryl sweetheart, I was so saddened to read the news of your grandson, you must be devastated, it always seems so much more sad when they are so very young.
      Sending you so much love & sympathy, you are also in my thoughts and prayers.
      Please try to pop in when you feel up to it, you are a very much loved member of our family and we will be here for you whenever you need us.
      Love and hugest hugs,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    10. Cheryl, I am so very sorry, what a terrible shock for you and of course the rest of his family. You have my love and prayers as well.
      Bless you my dear, take your time and come back to us whenever you feel able, our circle of love is all around you.

  14. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Gosh doesn't everywhere looks lovely this morning you can see Sandra has really added her touch. Although everyone I'm doing a sterling job keeping things going Sandra, Patricia and Hazel have been getting up early most mornings and different ladies been bringing in extra treats, so we've been really spoilt what are you been away, having said that it's great to have you back. XXX

    WOW the Saturday special day is here.
    Patricia your Lanten looks lovely, love the idea of the hanging butterflies. Ciara and I I made some lanterns last Christmas from a Tonic die, we put battery
    operated tea lights inside they looked very effective.
    Brenda LL what can I say about your pottery? You know I envy your talen,t I just love these pieces. The black dish caught my eye first, then I thought oh no the pink one ( I see Patricia's got her eye on this one) but each piece is special in its own way. Thank you for sharing these with us.
    Hazel, I love your notelets, and your presentation of these beautiful cards is just perfect. What a wonderful gift. In fact when I was at Sandown Park you inspired me to buy ( like twisted my arm - ha ha) a set of dies that would give a lovely
    edge to notelets.
    Well I haven't achieved much today, it's time I made a move, if I don't do something soon be time to go back to bed. But hey Ho it is the weekend.
    Will pop in later to catch up with you all, what ever you are doing just hope you enjoy. To those feeling a little under par, lots of extra hugs in the basket for you .
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry everybody - Woops so many errors. But I think you get the just of what I was trying to say. LOL

    2. Typical Hazel you see , encouraging people to spend money! I've had lots of mileage out of this today maybe it's time to quit while I'm ahead or while I STILL have a head !,
      It's Saturday Brenda - you can have a little rest - it's allowed!! Xxx

    3. Brenda, you have my permission to do as little as you wish, so that's all right then. Myra -- I agree that you should quit while ahead!!

  15. CHERYL What awful tragic news Just to let you know I understand and I send you all the hugs I can my son died aged 29 To out live children is awful and I can't really explain what it means When it's an older person (in their 80's 90's) it's sad but acceptable
    Thanks for the tips re socks!
    Good luck MARGARET and what a fantastic amount you raised ANNE
    What dies and where from MYRA

    1. Hi Karen,
      When you lose a child so young I guess you never really forget about it .you just learn to live with the terrible loss. Hugs for you too, my dear!
      The dies were the Sue Wilson pierced squares. They are part of her new Launch. I'd seen them on Sunrise and Iconuk but Brenda saw them for under £30 on - oops
      I forgotten the name. Be back in a minute!! Xxx

    2. Me again! It was Iconuk! - I paid £28 95. Proper name - Noble Dies Double Pierced Squares. Sunrise price is £34 and the full price is £42. Hope this helps. Xxx

    3. I had email from Sunrise re September new dies, really liked these Double Pierced Dies but thought that's a lot of money.
      Then looked on Icon - OMG a bargain, so just had to order them !!!
      They are going to word with many other dies not just the Nobel collection, also for mat and layering. xxx

    4. Oh Brenda, your a lady after my own heart! So far two Brendas and a Myra have succumbed! Xxx

    5. Oh dear Myra. I was just going to say the samething. I blame you.:-)

    6. Brenda !!! You can go off people you know! Ha ha! Xxx

    7. Karen, love and prayers to you.
      Myra, stop it - you will have me looking at the site later !!! xxx

  16. Hi Sandra,
    Hi Everyone,
    I've said it before - but - it's lovely to have you back home again. Will you get your new wheelchair soon now? Hope so!
    It's mixed craft day again! I do love these days .
    Patricia - your lantern is lovely and very effective in black . I really like that.
    Thank you.
    Hazel - as always every gift you make looks perfect because you wrap them so beautifully . Thank you for all the hints and tips and sorry for the cheek on the way down!
    Brenda - we are the Succumbers - don't think it's a word - but we succumbed !!
    Your pottery as ever is gorgeous. My favourite keeps changing . You make such a lovely mx of things . You are very clever! Has Scarlett tried pottery yet?
    I finally made it to the bottom of the list! I kept being interrupted , then I wandered off to Patricia's blog , then Hazels because I think of them together , always. I hope you both have a really lovely holiday in lovely warm sunshine!
    Maria - hope you have arrived safely or are just about to land!
    Margaret - hope you feel a bit better. We do miss you! I haven't flown anywhere without you! The formation is all wrong!
    Maureen - don't overdo things this weekend. I hope the Birthday celebration goes well. It's a tough one this time. Sending hugs my friend!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- you need to get a new computer or go to SpecSavers ..... today's lantern is Purple. Ha! Ha! Well I am sure it is, I better back up and look. Yes! Definitely dark purple. Have you been drinking?? It's all that encouragement making folk spend, it's gone to you head right enough!!! xxx

    2. Oh Patricia! Whatever Has happened to me! Sober as a judge as well! It is very clearly purple - where did black come from?? Have cleaned my specs! Can't afford new ones - bought too many dies!! Ha ha ! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- I was a bit worried, it's so early in the day!!! xxx

    4. In my defence - it isn't much of one - I admit - I have a black one on my Patricia Pinterest Board . It has purple flowers , I think! It's no excuse but I do like it too. I'm crawling now so I'll crawl away! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- I can see exactly where you are coming from. I really do believe you, it was an easy mistake to make. Purple ... Black!! Black ... Purple!! Mmmmm!! yes I get it!!! xxx

    6. I knew I should never have mentioned it! Ha ha! There is no hiding place , sorry Heide! Xxx

  17. Hi Everyone,
    I'm a bit late today as I'm still busy with my cards but it keeps my mind of other things.
    Sandra it's lovely to see you back home with us but like everyone has said done go thinking you have to do everything at once...just take it slowly.
    What a wonderful array of crafts today from our talented ladies.
    Patricia (our Box Maker Queen) your box is gorgeous and such a lovely idea to put butterflies inside..wonderful!
    Hazel your thank you cards are so elegant and such an exquisite gift.
    Brenda as always your pottery is brilliant and I love the different colours you have used.
    Dear Cheryl I've just read you terribly sad news my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family....special hugs to you.
    Margaret thinking of you and hope you are feeling a bit better. Jean good luck with the packing and have a lovely time.
    Maria if you manage to look in hope you had a good flight.
    Right I must get on with my September cards have put some hugs in the basket please take whether you need one or not.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- you sound so much brighter today, more like your old self. Now I mean that in the nicest possible way!!! I hope the back is better, please take it easy. (((Hugs))) xxx

    2. Sheila, love and hugs to you xxxx

  18. Just popped in for a look to see what was happening.
    Cheryl sorry to hear about your grandson, my thoughts are with you and your family.
    What a super day it has been here, managed to get washing dried (not ironed yet!)', planted some winter pansies in tubs, and made started on a few cup candles, all in all a nice day.
    Myra, don't you worry pet about Patricia and Hazel in their PJs at the retreat, if they turn up a Waverly Station improperly dressed, they will be sent right back home lol. X

    1. Jess, I knew I could rely on you! Xxx

    2. What I want to know is - who is checking on Jess?! xxx

  19. Thank you everyone for your kind comments about my pottery. I do have it in an Art Gallery but we don't get many buyers despite lots of advertising. Perhaps some people are saving their money (not like us Myra). Scarlett has painted some of my pottery but hasn't tried making any yet.
    Dull day here today. Trying to tidy up before the new dies arrive although I suppose it won't be much before the end of the week if they arrive on time. Hope Sue is having a good weekend. Good to see you back Sandra. Have made some comments on the way down. Back to the tidying.

    1. Ooh Brenda LL, these are gorgeous, just like your other creations. xxx

    2. Thank you Maureen. Liked your card yesterday. Not got anyone to send it to though. Am sure my neighbour wouldn't appreciate it.

    3. Ha ha! Oh Brenda I agree , you'd have to be a bit careful where you sent that card! It was funny though! Xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad to see you arrived back safe and sound. Try not to do everything at once.
    Cheryl. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you.
    Patricia your box is lovely. I'm going to have a go at doing one when I get home.pbrenda as usual your pottery is beautiful. I wonder if you'll be at Ally Pally this year.
    Hazel I just love your thank you notes. My word the ladies on this card are brilliant aren't they.

    1. Hi Pat, hope the weather is still sunny xxx

    2. Hi Pat , nice to speak to you again!!! Xxx

    3. Thank you Pat. Yes I hope to be at Ally Pally. See you there.

  21. Myra these new trousers that lots of folk are wearing look sometimes like Pjs. So when I have on my pjs folk might just think I have these new trousers on. Well shoe shopping went great , I picked up converse for Anna size 8 bargain £15. Tammy got crocs for Andrew for next year lots of growth room £8 and geox sandals again more than big enough to do him next year. Good thing with having granny there seeing how I was a trained shoe fitter years ago, none of this computer telling you what size etc. got offered a job if I had been fit and able enough as the girl loves that I know how to fit up. Sandals £8 normal price £42 for them converse £54 not sure of crocs proper ones and they are proper ones. So all told it was good. Could have got Anna new DMS but the only had them in black with white spits and I don't think she would have liked them but again bargain at £30 the benifits of having size. 8 Waiting for Tammy to feed her friends dog then I will drop them off home xxx Please excuse spelling mistakes on my phone and it's a pain to change

    1. Wow Hazel, you can come shoe shopping with me any time, you've got some great bargains there xxxx

    2. Hazel, you have had a brilliant day! What a lot you have saved - but as you say you know how to fit shoes on children! That's where the usual retailers have most parents over a barrel! I know I would never compromise on my children's footwear! They cost us a fortune when you add trainers, football boots and cricket shoes! Xxx

    3. HAZEL:- glad you did not get those DMs for Anna I am sure she would have hated them with the "spits" on them!!!

    4. Hazel did apologise for mistakes as she was on her phone, I'm crawling again! Xxx

    5. Ooooopps!! I will be in trouble again with my sister.
      She'll say I brought the mistake to your attention deliberately!!!
      Would "I" really so that??? xxx

    6. I tried to change it but the phone doesn't let you do it that easily. So that's why I put about mistakes, so thank you Myra. Yes Anna wouldn't be happy with spits or spots I think. xxx

  22. Well, it's taken so long to get to the bottom of the blog, that I'll have to go for my shower and to get ready for Joan's birthday party, although I'm not really looking forward to it.
    Sandra, it's really lovely that you are home, and back where you belong, keeping Patricia in check lol. Good luck with the washing. George would just put everything in together so you are lucky with Paul - he's a keeper!!!
    I've commented on the way down, but ladies, the mixed crafts today are all beautiful.
    I don't know why but there are just not enough hours in the day at the moment, I'd better go and get ready, George is shouting that I'm going to run out of time.
    Love to all, Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- sending you some (((hugs))) enjoy the party. xxx

  23. Myra that's one thing our Tammy won't compromise on yes like to day we will pick up bargains but come when he will wear them they will be refitted and if they are to small she has a friend whose boy is smaller footed than Andrew. I knew Anna is ok with size. 8 as that's her size now her feet have stopped growing and she had tried on 8 converse and they were a good fit. Oh to
    Have have had our Lauren with us the shoes for her were beautiful but then again they let her wear cheap shoes that don't fit just granny has a fit when she see them . Maureen enjoy yourself mo, I know it will be hard ((((( hugs))))) xxx

  24. Good afternoon SANDRA & everyone
    Welcome home SANDRA hope your not doing everything today or you will need another holiday.Xx
    PATRICIA your box is gorgeous love the BUTTERFLY's
    ( well I would wouldn't i. )
    BRENDA ( potter) I love all your dishes do you sell them I ask as you must have dishes all over your house HaHa really they are all beautiful Xx
    HAZEL you thank you cards are lovely & such a useful gift.Xx
    It's been very cold & wet for the last few days,it's like a Chinese laundry with wet washing in hanging in doors hate it no tumble dryer,all say ARRR.i haven't got room for one. I was making some flowers like PATRICIA'S then I run out of CS glue your tutorial is brilliant Patricia thank you. I will try your box tutorial too.
    Well I better start dinner I can hear OH tummy rumbling Hihi.
    I have been commenting on way down but was taking forever but will look in later. It's better when I'm early. Enjoy your party MAUREEN.xx
    Love Lynda xx

  25. Hazel, well done on the shoe shop, you got some great bargains there.
    I'm sure some people who wear these patterned trousers that look like PJs, dont have mirrors in their houses, we see some sights walking past our shop on a Friday.
    Looking forward to watching Strictly later, washing up to be done first.
    See you later. X

  26. Phew! How busy you've all been Enjoy your party Maureen or was it Margaret Soory but the sentiment is there
    Managed to scare the window cleaner today and yes I was dressed before you ask! I was sitting at my craft table right in front of the window in my son's bedroom (yes it will always be his bedroom) when this face suddenly appeared I don't know who jumped the most him or me! New pierced dies I can't Would love them but need pennies for AP

    1. I'm not going to Ally Pally Karen! Everybody say Ahhh!
      You made me laugh about the window cleaner! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- poor you Ahhhh!!!
      Hazel and I had been planning to go to AP this year. We were not sure where to stay. Looked and looked at hotels. Would they be OK! how far away were they?? How long to get to AP from the one might choose. In the end we gave up, next year, maybe next year, we will see.
      KAREN:- both you and the Window cleaner must have sting hearts. Ha! Ha! xxx

    3. Karen, I can justify buying the new dies now - I won't have to carry them, I go to AP on public transport. SO it's less to carry, NOW doesn't that make sense !!! LOL xxx

    4. BRENDA:- good thinking, you would not want to be carrying all those Die when on Public Transport!!! xxx

    5. Absolute sense, Brenda! Plus you will be able to carry even more goodies home! Xxxx

    6. Brenda, you are so right, and you can use them before AP too. xxx

  27. Yes Hazel. I bought my daughter in law some Pj's for Christmas and she is always going out in those trousers. They are black with red roses on. You did well with the shoes. Well done!

  28. I must apologise to PATRICIA and HAZEL. I didn't comment on the lovely things you had on show today. Patricia, as usual you box is amazing. I just don't seem to have time to try these things out. I have been busy making a lantern (different to yours) for the craft ladies to make. Think I have perfected it now. HAZEL I love your cards. Always nice to send and receive Thank You letters. I only ever hear from one granddaughter and one Gt Niece. Sometimes Scarlett will make me a card .

  29. Good evening ladies,
    Wow what a busy day, washing, washing, washing, 4 loads of towels, I am a bit fussy about towels, I have to take separate towels for beach, pool and showers, I don't like uniting the machines there as I believe that they wash dirt in, not out, despite using the same washing powder/conditioner as home but they don't smell clean, so I won't use them, therefore I had 28 towels to wash, three changes of bedding too!
    I learnt something new before I went away from the font of knowledge that is our Sue (mrs B), while we were shopping she told me that you aren't supposed to use fabric conditioner on your towels, I always have, mine I fairly decent quality but I have always conditioned and after line drying I always tumble dry and they are nice and soft.
    If they are stiff and scratchy, (here's the top tip)! You rinse them in white vinegar, this restores their fluffiness !
    We also popped to the allotment........BIG MISTAKE!!!, we left it all growing nicely, no weeds, lots of different crops...cucumbers, toms, chillies,peppers, lettuce, pak choi, runner beans, peas, carrots, cabbage, cauli, raspberry, black currants, red gooseberries to name a few, we asked someone to water poly tunnel for us, (paul thought it to cheeky to ask them to do whole plot), but I am guessing that there has been a lot of rain, as we entered the plot but we couldn't walk round the path due to nettles and the vast sea of nasturtiums that I thought I would just throw in, the blooming nettles were thigh high, why oh why do they grow so easily and why can't they take weed DNA and add it to plants that you actually want to grow??? Because they grow without water, and care, they thrive whatever! Matt was supposed to pop up and keep an eye when he was home, bless him he picked what he could and just threw everything in the freezer, whole peppers, chillies, you name it, hopefully I can rescue them!
    We were just popping up but we were there over 2 hours, I have nettle stings just about everywhere!
    Anyway home now, just going to whip up something for dinner, Mexican taco's I think, (I can use some of our tomato mountain for salsa then).
    Then it's tv on as Strictly is on tonight, one of they few tv shows that I love, I will be settling down to that after a quick shower and pj's on, I will sit and have one or two of the most amazing chocolates that I received as a birthday gift ( thank you so very much Mumma Brenda) they are exquisite, I will not be sharing, well maybe one or two for Paul!
    Tomorrow the girls have a football tournament in the afternoon, not sure whether I am going yet see what the weather brings, they aren't always wheelchair friendly and the poor old thing is on it's last legs, good news though...........
    My new wheelchair is coming on Monday anytime between 9-5 and they will give me tuition, haha, I hope Paul is here to learn how to fold it up etc, I am so looking forward to having a new, shiny wheelchair, hopefully it will fold small enough for Pat & Sue's cars as the old one wouldn't !
    Right I must press on, it's so lovely being back amongst you amazing friends!
    Love and hugs

    1. Have a lovely evening snuggled on the sofa. Enjoy the chocolates.
      Love and ((((Hugs))))) xxx

    2. Wow! Sandra, that was some amount of washing to get through. Hope you managed to get it out and dried. I got 3 loads done, dried, ironed and all put away. I really don't know how two of us can manage to generate so much washing!!
      Have a wonderful relaxing evening xxx

    3. Sandra, what are you like with your towels? I thought I was bad, can't stand using a towel more than twice and that's at a push. I don't use comfort only in winter if I am drying in doors,,don't tumble dry much as I have a washer dryer so it's a pain. But I will try the White vinegar, I have heard that it's good also to keep things white. And seeing how I only use white towels it will work two ways. I take it you hand washed the smalls when away? Or I would hate to think how many loads of them you washed? I came home tonight to find all my two loads in folded beautiful and now just awaiting ironing. Charlie is good and he will separate things but if he isn't sure he just leaves in the basket, he even knows now what setting to put wools on, thank goodness seeing how we wear 90% of jumpers and cardigans that are wool. Take things easy you have had a busy day. Oh yes can you turn your peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes and courgettes into pasta sauce by adding mushrooms, Broccoli and cauliflower. That's what I would do as it will freeze. But knowing you I bet that's what you do anyway.

    4. Oh Crikey Sandra! That's a lot of linen to take on holiday! Not being a camper I don't think of things like that! Sorry about the weeds! I understand those! Very annoying! Don't overdo things. Xxx

    5. Hi Sandra, wow what a lot of washing, I think that if you use softner on towels, they don't dry you properly. I will have to try the vinegar trick, never new about that.
      I hope you are enjoying your chocolate and a nice relaxing night.
      Take care, x

  30. Oh please some one let me know the bargain website for those Sue dies, that's if you haven't bought them all !

    1. Sandra. Icon uk. I think they were £28.95 xxx

    2. Sandra, iconuk have them and so do, both at the same price of £28.95. Setcraft have the new matching stamps to die for too and cheaper than anywhere else.
      Happy shopping.

  31. Ooh heck, I have some of those trousers! At least I think it's the ones you are talking about. Now back to the dies, I sent an email to JS today and the lovely Richard replied to say they will be having them on their site on Wednesday so I shall order them from there. They offer free p&p so even if they are a bit more expensive it is worth it.
    Well I had a lovely day with Heide or Elaine as Maureen calls her. However I didn't buy any clothes, shoes or handbags, I did however buy some jewellery. We went to a small antiques fair and I couldn't resist a bracelet and a cross which has small stones in it, it's really pretty, not the sort of thing I normally wear though, the green stones look like peridot to me and I think the red ones could be rubies, not sure about the others. I also bought two pairs of clip on earrings which I thought would make lovely dazzlers on a card once I cut off the fastenings.
    Don't have to cook tonight, we are having pizza, and I am so looking forward to strictly.
    Maureen, I hope you manage to enjoy Joan's birthday party. It's going to be a difficult one this year without Raymond, thinking of you.
    Right off to check what time strictly starts, don't want to miss a minute. I'm going to invest in an apple mirroring device which will allow me to watch tv via the I pad. Not sure whether I will then be able to use the I pad whilst it mirrors to the telly or not, but it will be worth it to be able to watch strictly on the big screen again.
    Love and hugs for now
    Saba xxx

    1. Sounds as if you had an interesting day with Heide/ Elaine!! I thought I was the only person who bought earrings for other purposes! I buy the pin ones to stick in candles! If you buy a nice candle pin it can cost from £12. Upwards . However cheap earrings have the same effect . I found some lovely ones last year in shops my granddaughters frequent !! Xxx

    2. I also buy jewellery to break into pieces for anything othe than the purpose it was designed for. Myra I get them in those "shops" your granddaughters frequent. Great shops for that sort of thing. xxx

    3. SABA:- did I read right?? No shoes, bags of clothes you deserve a Gold Star. Ahhh!! but the money is already earmarked for your Dies!!

  32. Good evening Sandra and all who might pop in tonight, Patricia, I love these lantern type boxes, have made a few from your instructions, always well received. Hazel these thank you cards are always handy, especially when there as gorgeous as these.
    Brenda your pottery as usual is beautiful.
    Well Mic has just been picked up so I've made a drink so I can have five minutes to chat to you all then I'll have to make the effort to pack. Apparently it's very hot in Greece at the moment so maybe no aches for the next week.
    Patricia and Hazel, not sure when you go away think it's soon, have a lovely time and safe journey.
    Looking forward to my grandsons wedding next Wednesday. Will have wi fi so will pop in when I can.
    Sandra I'll bet your glad you don't have so much washing on a regular basis, take care don't do too much and undo your restful holiday.
    Well will say bye for now, will chat next week ,
    Hugs for anyone who needs them
    Jean xxx

    1. JEAN:- have a fantastic holiday and a wonderful day at the wedding.
      Hazel and I fly out Tuesday at 8am. Really looking forward to feeling the heat of the sun. We don't lay out in it, we are usually out and about. The fact that you can actually feel the heat is just wonderful. xxx

    2. Jean , Have a safe Flight, a lovely time and enjoy the Wedding! Xxx

    3. Happy packing Jean and a safe flight, bet you'll have a brilliant time at the wedding. Will it be a traditional Greek one? I remember Zorba the Greek and all that lovely dancing, and plate smashing, fabulous.
      Patricia would enjoy it too, she likes to smash plates.

  33. Thank you Jesn, have a fabulous time, and enjoy your grandsons wedding. Send photos to sandra, I am sure she will put them on the blog for us all to see. Safe journey. xxx

  34. Don't know about any of the rest of you. I am tired, I was up early as always. Have done lots & lots today, thinking about it I have done far more than I intended. John was busy in the garden so I just kept going. I hear John stirring cups, I really am looking forward to a cuppa. I don't like these dark nights, it seems so much later than it is. xxx

    1. It's really dark here Patricia. Winter is coming, says she cheerfully!
      Going to make a coffee and take one to my husband who is in the study doing I know not what! However he has watched some cricket and football so has had some relaxation! Xxx

  35. Strictly didn't disappoint. I am thrilled Anton finally has a partner who might achieve something. Not sure whether I have taken to the two new men, the Russian Gosh or Gort or something like that is a bit bonny but for me there will only be Pasha. I am seriously in love with that man. He is a serious contender with Andrea Boccelli in my affections.

  36. Well Maria will be in NY now, it will be early, I hope she is out taking in the sights. Diane will be freezing up in aberdeen, it was a lovely day but temp fell by 6.30. Jean hopefully has got everything packed. Where as Sandra is having to pack everything away till next year.. I will have to get my things packed, and seeing that the temp will be 30+ the heat will be fab. Lots of sun cream that's
    for sure. I know doubt I will pack and unpack a few times. X

  37. I'm with you Saba I like Pasha and Aljaz, don't know about the Italian guy yet.
    It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks.
    Will have to log off now, needing charged.
    Will catch up tomorrow. X

    1. Just finished watching as had it on Record! Thank goodness for once Anton has someone with a chance! I like Katie Dereham too. Xxx

  38. Hi Sandra and all,

    Thank you for your best wishes I did get the new members we needed so it was worth going, I am afraid to say I do very little embroidery I much prefer cross stitch the ladies in the group do a wide variety of sewing craft and every body helps and encourages each other. Just before I got home received a phone call to say a very dear 89 year old friend was feeling unwell, when she calls for help I know she needs it, finished up in A & E with her with suspected heart attack after loads of tests I was allowed to take her home, finally picked up a takeaway got home about 8pm feeling shattered,now ready for bed.
    Well done to Anne for amount raised.
    See you tomorrow sleep well Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret ,
      Glad to hear your friend is alright, she is a very lucky lady to have a true friend like you. Get some well deserved rest. Sleep well

    2. Goodnight everyone sleep well, hope Sunday will be a good day for you LOL xxx
