
Sunday 6 September 2015

Myra's beautiful butterfly Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Today's card is just so beautiful, created by our dear Myra, Myra I think you have designed
Such a stunning card, it's clean and simple, which highlights perfectly the stunning dies,  which are
Of course Creative Expressions Majestic Monarch, I fell in love with this die when you used it many months ago on a set of boxed notelets and have been ever since, you really know how to show this die  at it's very best.
The addition of a few of Sue Wilson's Peony dies, both open and complete petals and the little touch of Trailing  Ivy, also designed by Sue Wilson of Creative Expressions, gives the perfect finishing touch. I love the colour you have chosen as well Myra,  thank you so much for sharing thus stunning card with all of us xxx
Well today is supposed to be a day of rest, right??? Well not here, we have a football tournament today, thankfully this afternoon, I really wasn't keen on going but the girls said that they would like me to watch so I kind of have to go, I am desperate to get in the craft room, although I think my mojo my have buried itself on the beach in Spain!
I can do some crafting tomorrow when I am home alone, Paul was supposed to be away, thankfully it got cancelled as I am a little to dependant physically at the moment, after almost three days in the car, the last day (was supposed to be a couple of hours journey for an early afternoon ferry) but we got caught on the motorway in the centre of Paris behind 1512 tractors taking part in a demonstration because of the low prices of various produce! The chose the main route to Ch. de Gualle airport and Calais, we were sat for over two hours, we therefore missed our ferry and ended up getting home at ten at night rather than tea time !  I have to say that my husband rarely swears about anything, which made it more of a shock when he decided to honk the horn many times and shout the most colourful language at the farmers as we passed, the look on the girls faces was a picture, followed by fist pumping and "go Dad" !!!
So that day we were in the car for almost 18 hours!! Ouch is all I will say! The other reason I was relieved is because he is away all week next week!  Thank goodness Sue and Pat are both home!
Well I must get organised, the post holiday Roast Dinner is on the menu today, I do miss proper vegetables when we are away.
Karen, I hope your run goes well today, you go girl!!!! Xxx
Anne, congratulations on your amazing achievement, raising so much money for charity,  in spite of the weather!
Pat, I hope you are having an amazing holiday in Salou, I miss you though! Xxx
Maria have fun in NY !!
Sue, I hope you are a happy camper!
I will catch up with you all later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra, hope the Tournament goes well and the weather stays fair & warm.
    MYRA:- I just LOVE your beautiful card, the colours and design are wonderful.
    EVERYONE:- I hope you are well and have a good day.
    Me! I have another "list" I am really getting into doing "lists" I still have to get used to actually consulting the blooming thing though!!
    Everything ready in here for the day ahead. Tables and flowers fresh and bright, goodies in the Cooler Cabinet and fridge. Oven on baking other nice goodies to keep us going. Got my tea & toast, taking it over to my favourite table. I know it's early but if you are up and on the go, pop in and we can have a chat.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Thanks Patricia, I got quite a surprise when I saw it this morning as I'd forgotten I sent it to Sandra! I think it was just before the holiday when she was appealing for help! It's a very simple card really . While I love making what I call " Sue" cards I can't make them all the time - I'd never get any housework done for a start! Xxx

  2. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Well Patricia it looks like we are first in again this morning? Everything is looking good.
    Myra, what a stunning card, I love using this butterflies die? I think it was after seeing it on your notelets that I had to buy it. Your design and colours are beautiful.
    I must make a move today towards getting everything done that needs doing before I go away, mind you Charlie has told me he is more that capable to do things and to just see to getting myself ready. But it's things like doing the beds and the ironing I want to get done then just giving everywhere a good Hoover.
    I hope everyone is fine this morning, it sounds like our Sandra, over did it yesterday after her long journey, so young lady it's time you unloaded some of the chores to other members of the household and I don't mean Paul. The skills of life don't harm anyone to learn.
    There are ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket help yourself. I am off to sit and watch and see who looks in. xxx

    1. Good morning Ladies, thought I'd join the early birds in the cafe, but Patricia has gone, I think she's off to check her list! Hazel both you and Patricia put me to shame housework wise, you both always seem to be cleaning , washing and ironing everyday, I like to be tidy and do a bit of baking or cooking but housework everyday ? No way! I only do that on a Friday or if someone is coming ( Iain does all the hoovering, I hate the noise of it! ) so I sound so lazy compared to you both , please have a lovely relaxing time while you are away and enjoy some well deserved sunshine!
      Sandra , what a time of it you had coming home no wonder you feel stiff and sore, just need to take it easy when you can, enjoy the tournament this afternoon and the dinner afterwards ( I love a good roast ) .
      Myra , what a stunner! Simple and stylish, that's what I love, just shows less can be more! Beautiful butterfly and colour combination.
      Sue enjoy your camping, Karen all the best for your run!
      I enjoyed my tea and toast , money in the pot, cafe looks so fresh and smelling lovely, must be from the big bunch of lilies in the centre vase!
      Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    2. Thank you Hazel,
      I am trying to do this while getting lunch organised! I'm going to have to come back later! Critical stage reached - Yorkshire Puddings!! Xxx

    3. Yes it was after seeing something that Myra had done that made me buy the butterfly due. She really is a bad influence you know. Has got several of us buying the new SW dies as well (only joking Myra)

    4. Thank you Anne! I agree not much to beat a good old Sunday Roast! Xxx

    5. NOW BRENDA !!
      I don't like to cast things up - but - who got us all hooked on candle making? Who found the best web site for the new dies?
      It's ok ! I'm glad you did! You are still my friend! I think!
      Ha ha! Xxx

    6. I know, I had to buy the butterfly Die after I saw cards Myra made she's a terrible bad influence!!!
      BRENDA:- your as bad. I had to buy stuff for candles after you influenced me.
      Now who else can I blame for spending money I should be saving??? xxx

    7. MYRA:- your a genius, why did I not think of that??? I usually do have to blame somebody for my spending!! xxx

    8. Sorry Myra. Hope we are atill friends. I am sure you would not have wanted me to tell you the cheapest people selling them after the offer was finished. That would have been selfish of me. :-). Hope Icon do get them on Wednesday then hopefully we will have them by the weekend.

    9. Brenda, of course we are still friends! I'm so looking forward to seeing and using them. Xxx

  3. Good morning everyone
    Yes I'm back in the UK. Unfortunately I was taken ill on Monday night in the hotel in Calais and had to have emergency Drs come out and take a look at me. They wanted me to go into hospital to have some blood tests after taking ECGs etc etc but because my heart showed that it was behaving itself and I promised I would go to see a Dr immediately I got home they agreed I could sail the next day. So I have spent all week visiting my GP and going to hospital for bloods etc etc. It looks as though It could be a virus but we are still waiting for results. I'm just so washed out and everything is just an enormous effort.
    Anyway I'm hoping to catch up this week but today Myra your Butterfly is just out of this world and is just so so gorgeous.

    Sandra I'm sorry you got caught up in the Farmers demonstrations on your way back. We did that on a couple of days whilst we were out and about. Once at the local supermarket and another time when we wanted to use the motorway. So just slide back into your routine very gently.
    I have to say it's love to be actually back in the cafe and so I'm going to get my usual and sit by the window for a while to see who comes in.

    Oh can I please say a big thank you to Cheryl and ask you to pass on my thank you to Tiegan for my beautiful card. It arrive the other day. It's beautiful and I love the colours she has used.

    Another Oh - can I please say that I've now changed my email address and it's now:-

    I'll see you all tomorrow so have a good week-end.
    Hugs are in the basket and more than enough for all.

    1. Janet, we were all so worried about you, I am sorry to hear that you were taken ill, do you know what caused it?
      It's just so lovely having you back amongst us, where you belong!
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Janet, I am so sorry that you have been so Ill? It sounds so like what Margaret C has got too. Just you take it easy and don't go even thinking of doing anything. It must have been a big worry of you mind when it wasn't your heart that was causing the problem. xxx

    3. JANET:- good to see you in again.
      Oh! My! Word! what a week you have had. Here was me thinking you were busy. You have been, but not with the things I thought you were busy with. Margaret C has had a Virus and it sounds like you might have similar. Please, please look after yourself (((hugs))) xxx

    4. Janet it is good to see you but so sorry to hear you have been unwell. Hope you will feel better soon.

    5. Hi Janet,
      I thought I'd already done this - it's gone to cyber space again!
      Thank you so much.
      I was sorry to hear you had been so unwell but I hope you are getting better each day. Sending hugs! Xxx

  4. Anne, I don't really enjoy housework, but I need to hoover every day as we have a big golden Labrador and oh boy does he cast his coat. More so with the weather being up and down I think, I have Light coloured carpets so it doesn't show up to much, but he does love the Turkish red and navy rug and that looks terrible when covered in his hairs. I think I try to keep on up of things as when working full time it was easier and I still work the same way.
    Having to wait for Charlie to come back in, I can't carry the Mr Dyson up the stairs, beds stripped and remade so a good Hoover and that will it up there. Has anyone got a cordless Mr Dyson? I am. Thinking it's one of those or a lightweight small Hoover that can be left up stairs, feed back please if you have.
    Come to the conclusion that if we didn't have to take so much pills and potions on holiday you would have less to pack. It's maybe me but I like to have something to cover the common things, plus dressings and plasters etc. then of coarse sun cream , after sun you name it? Oh just thought where are my spare glasses? They aren't up to date but will do if needed. Oh I think I will need a new list. Or help??? Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, you have so much energy for this time of the day!
      We desperately need a new Hoover but have no idea which one to go for, we have had two Dysons that have lasted us 20years or more, which isn't bad. But I have to say it is very heavy,I fancied one of those with the ball for ease of use but my brother has one and he hates it and says it's rubbish, (he is very picky and suffers with OCD when it comes two cleaning), he likes to see nice straight lines after he vacuums, I like the look of that G Tech Air Ram, it's one that you charge up, it looks very light too, which is a huge bonus, it compresses the dirt into two small blocks in the front of the vacuum, so no ugly see through tank with all of your dirt on display!
      I am not very good a making decisions like that, I always think that it's all to good to be true, but it's a decision that needs urgent attention as ours has a split pipe that Paul has repaired and a few other niggles that you would expect after so many years of service, now though we have the cats and Milo has long hair, mostly white so they show up easily and get everywhere, Bella is a tabby and you rarely see her hairs anywhere!
      I don't think that Matt had the Hoover out at all while we were away, Paul has whizzed round 3 or four times in the past 48 hours.
      Well I must go and see if this mornings first load is done, the sun was out at six but it's hidden away now I need it ! Now the towels etc have been done I will start unpacking the holdalls, I asked the girls while eh were packing up to put their dirty clothes at the bottom of the holdall then use a large carrier bag to lay over them and carefully add their clean/ unworn clothes on top, there were plenty of unworn clothes because they pretty much lived in Bikini with a large t shirt to cover up, they had some pretty outfits for evenings and going out for dinner, but they only wore those once maybe twice, it will be good to get it all washed, dried and put away for next year!
      I guess that as I am doing that Hazel & Patricia, you are doing the opposite, I bet the two of you are so ready for this break.
      Sounds like I am not the only 'crazy list writer ' I can't help myself, my friend Robyn bought me a lovely list pad for my birthday, I have never seen anything like it, it's perfect, genius idea!
      What's the verdict on the new shopping channel ladies?? I looked at the line up for c & c on Friday and it was so repetitive and the two items I saw for sale, a coiling gizmo for jewellery making, I already have one, I can tell you that I paid £5.99 for it a year or to back but they were selling it for £30 +, also a kumihimo disc for £24.99 (they are available elsewhere for a couple of pounds), so they clearly have a lot to learn!
      Right I have waffled on way too much, so I will go before you get sick of me!

    2. Sandra, it was a ball Dyson at work and I hated it, Mine is the animal one, old style and is great, you can send to Dyson for a new hose, Have fun finding a new Hoover. xxx

    3. Hazel we have an upright Dyson it is over 16 yrs old and works brilliantly. A few months ago we got a cordless Dyson - IT IS BRILLIANT. The downside is the charge only lasts about 15 mins. I can cope with that. I really appreciate it in my craft room ( the smallest bedroom) it has carpet on the floor. I have in the past gone around with sellotape/ masking tape to pick up 'bits' rather than get the big Dyson out. But with this new baby I can clear my mess up very quickly. It is also brilliant on the stairs - no cable to worry about, and as powerful as the BIG cleaner........ It is my new best friend!!

    4. Brenda, thank you 15 mins would be more than enough for the bedroom that's all we have up stairs, then I coukd do the stairs with it too. I think it might be a buy when I get home. xxx

    5. Friends of ours have recently bought the GTech Rechargable one. They think it's marvellous - it's lightweight , stays in charge for a while and not at all messy. I have a little GTech Rechargable sweeper which I keep in the Utility Room. It's brilliant for a quick whizz round in the kitchen and Conservatory. It would be no good on dog hairs though! We too had a Labrador! Xxx

    6. Sandra, I like the new Channel. They have had a few problems but that is to be expected. I like the variety of guests and products on offer. Some have apparently been saying on Facebook that cooking isn't a Hobby so they shouldn't be selling cookery items. Well it is a hobby to lots of people and if they demonstrate recipes from start to finish they may be doing the country a favour! The website should be up and running by the midday either Wednesday or Thursday - I've forgotten which ! Xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and crew,
    What is that lovely smell, ooooh lilies, my favourite flowers. I see Patricia has been stocking the cabinet again, I'll jut have a quick coffee to go though this morning as I need to get off to Church in a few minutes. I am feeling particularly lazy today and would like to give it a miss but my friend Helen is preaching today so I'll give myself a kick up the you know what and get into gear.
    Sandra what a nightmare journey and I bet the cold weather isn't helping you either after all that time in the sun.
    Myra your card is beautiful, it looks like it would a be relatively quick one to do yet achieve stunning results at the same time. I love your design, sorry my dear but I am going to plagiarise, do hope you don't mind.
    Janet, so sorry you are feeling unwell, that must have been really worrying for you to be so near to home yet still in France and needing help. Imdo hope you feel better soon.
    Margaret I am thinking of you too and hope you are starting to feel stronger.
    Hazel, I am just like you, have to have spare glasses in case I loose them overboard, different sun creams and now a variety of tablets.
    Patricia I love making lists and the thing is once I have made a list I almost feel as if I have got the packing half done!
    Karen good luck today with the fun run.
    Cheryl my dear I will be saying a special prayer for you and your step grandson today.
    Love and hugs for all,

    1. Feel free to plagiarise, my dear! I probably adapted it from someone else's idea! Thank you!
      My Yorkshires were good today - grandson approval counts for a great deal here!! It's this business of not washing the tin! Why did nobody tell me this year's ago! Xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Myra-what a beautiful card, such a pretty colour & so delicate.

    Janet- I am so sorry to hear you had to return home early. I hope you are recovering & try not to over do things.

    Late start here-we both had a lie in. I think we were both shattered. Hubby's talking about us walking down to the each again today, but we have to be back in time for the Grand Prix!! I need to start tea in the slow cooker so that's one less thing to worry about.


    1. Thank you so much Michele - you said beautiful , pretty colour and delicate! I was going to say just like me - but none of the above applies to me! Xxx

  7. Morning everyone,
    Oooooh the cafe looks so pretty again this always cheers me up when I walk in.
    Myra your card is so elegant and the pastel shade you have used is just beautiful thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Sandra you don't seemed to have stopped since you arrived home , you really do have to take it a bit easier especially having been stuck in the car all that please try and do as your body tells you.
    Janet so sorry you got so ill on the way home do hope you are on the mend and you are another one who needs to take it gently as having a virus really takes it out of you....get well soon lovely lady
    Well I'm still up to my eyes in dies, glitter and card doing my birthday cards....I do wish I was a bit more decisive whilst making them, I think that's why it takes me so long to make one. It was always a standing joke about the length of time I took when Clive was here. Here would always say 'Are you winning?' and I would tell him to 'shush' in the most polite way of course! Not!
    Haha! Have put hugs in the basket I hope Norah's loveable but pesky huggles don'r kick them out.
    Love to you all Sheila xxxx
    Margaret C do hope you are feeling much better and getting stronger every day.xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Myra your card is stunning, I love that butterfly, I feel a purchase coming on!
    Sandra, I hope the girls football goes well, but you take care, you need to rest your weary bones after sitting the car for so long.
    Janet sorry you have not been feeling so good, a virus takes it own time to go, so take it easy.
    Washing machine calling that it has finished, so will go and get the second load out, it is a lovely autumnal day today, not a cloud in the sky!
    Take care everyone x

    1. Oh Jess, Please don't buy it just yet - I'll be accused of forcing someone else to spend money! Thank you for being so kind. Xxx

    2. Sheila, thank you! You are very kind. Xxx

  9. I'm just having a break from my card-making so had a bit of lunch and put the TV on for an hour...flicked it on to the Really channel and they are showing Manly, Australia and it's where our Elaine (she's my auntie but as there is only 18 months between us we grew up like sisters ) lives. Clive and I were lucky to visit her quite a few times and I have even travelled there twice by myself. Oh I do miss her and my cousins who are twins. They keep telling me to get myself over there but it was 2007 when I last travelled over on my own and I don't think I have got the nerve to do it again on my own. If I sold up and rented somewhere..then maybe the thought of being able to travel buisness which would be so much better to do......oh well I can dream and will now get back to the programme and my wonderful memories. See you later xxx

    1. Oh Sheila, if it's in your heart you need to think it's possible and just don't dream about it. Could you downsize and afford to buy and have the money to fund your dream??? xxx

    2. Sheila, follow your dream. You have given yourself the "answer" sit down and really, really, think about your dream. xxx

    3. Hi Sheila, I have never been to Australia but everyone who goes seems to love it. Having family their would make it even more special. I know what you mean about the Flight - it's a long way! Have only flown Business three or four times in my life but it is worth it! I slept all the way!! Xxx

  10. Good to see SANDRA AND JANET back safely. Hope you are both recovering and Sandra I hope the girls football tournament goes well. PATRICIA and HAZEL I hope you have a good holiday. Well I know they are back at school now as tomorrow I am picking up one granddaughter and taking her on Tuesday and taking and fetching the other a Granddaughter from school on Wednesday. Busy week. Probably meeting a friend on Wednesday in town to look at ribbon and lace for our craft sessions. Well that's every day covered. Sunny here at the moment and not as chilly as yesterday. Felt very cold last night so had two Margaret heat bags to take to bed and slept better than I have for a long time.
    MARGARET. If you should read this we miss you and hope you will be feeling better very soon. Well think I will just have some cheese on toast and a cup of tea. Will sit by the window and see if Norah is coming in.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra please take it easy today and hope tournament goes well. Sue will help you decide which cleaner to buy she is good at that.
    Myra love your card so delicate and love the colours my kind of card.
    Sorry to hear you have been poorly Janet hope you soon feel better and also Margaret C. hugs on way to you.
    Hazel and Patricia good luck with the packing.
    Lovely blue sky and shhh its warm hope to get a sit in it in a while.
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx xx

    1. Thank you Margaret, you are very kind. It's quite a simple card really. It is easy to post too! Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I popped in earlier and left a message for Hazel, I have only just realised I didn't leave a comment on Myra's beautiful card.
    Myra, your card is stunning, I love the soft colour you have used, have you mounted the butterfly on vellum? it all looks so clean and fresh. I love it.

    Sandra, take it easy, everything will get done in time. Hope you all enjoy the girls tournament, wish them well from me .

    Janet, I'm sorry to read how you have been really unwell. Take it easy, thinking of you LOL

    Will pop in later, hope everyone is having a good Sunday.
    Take care, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda,
      Thank you! No the butterfly is just cut out of white card and soft turquoise card. They are slightly offset. Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Hello Ladies!
    Phew, it's taken ages to get here! If only I'd been walking I'd have burned off loads of calories.
    Sandra told you all you need to know about the card! I think Sandra has an encyclopaedic knowledge of dies!
    I hope the football goes well for the girls today and enjoy your roast dinner later. Ours is all over! Well we have a few left overs but not much!
    Hazel and Patricia - have a super holiday! I've alerted the Airline Staff about you travelling in PJ's and fluffy slippers!
    Maria - how is the Big Apple! How are your feet? Have a lovely time.
    Margaret - I do hope you feel a bit better each day. Will email again tomorrow but I don't like to keep bothering your daughter. Sending hugs!
    Cheryl - I do hope you are ok. Sending lots of love to you too!
    Janice - miss you but know you are busy which is good - well you know what I mean.
    Jean - have a great time in Greece!
    Maureen - hope last night wasn't too difficult . Hugs to you too.
    Well, I think I need a coffee now
    Latte please , thank you! Xxxx

  14. Hello everyone!
    This is my first day up and actually dressed! It has been the worst virus I have ever had, temp in the 40's, pain from head to foot only able to drink water without feeling sick, hardly able to walk, sleeping morning noon and night. The doc thought it may be viral meningitis but this was only over the phone! I am pleased to say I am still breathing so onwards and upwards, I am quite sure the vet would have had me sorted out in no time! Personally I think it was duck flu, what does my ducky friend think?
    Many thanks to Myra and Maria for your lovely thoughtful emails and the messages from everyone here in the café too you are all so very thoughtful.
    So pleased you are home safe and sound Sandra and enjoyed your hols, but as Hazel says please do let the others help it will do them no harm. I hope Paul felt better after shouting at the French farmers.
    Myra what an absolutely stunning card to return to, it is so very beautiful I do so love butterflies and those flowers are the perfect finishing touch.
    Hazel and Patricia do enjoy your holiday I know how much you are both looking forward to it, take care and have a safe journey.
    Where is Maureen please don't say she has killed George and is in police custody?
    Well I'm off to have 40 winks before tea, going to try some toast! I live the life of exotic food, so pleased you too are feeling better Janet.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Quack Quack!
      I'm so pleased to see you! Well you know what I mean!
      You have had such a bad time. Your daughter was worried about you. It was lovely of her to reply. Well - she is your daughter !
      Thank you for your kind comments. Remember slow and steady wins the race! We'll just take things at a slow waddle for a bit !
      Your quacker's friend! Xxx

    2. Well hellooooo!!! Margaret, great to see you again. What a time you have had, I hope that the worst over and done with for a while.
      Take it easy, slow, slow, and slow Is the only way forward.
      Am I reading right ..... the Doctor did "not"call.?? If that's the case, I think that is absolutely ridiculous. Anyway as long as you are getting better that's the main thing. Xxx

    3. Hello Margaret and welcome back, we have been worried about you but is was lovely of your daughter to let Myra know what had been wrong. I do hope you soon get your strength back. Little steps until you are feeling strong again.
      Love Saba xxx

    4. Good to see you back MARGARET. Hope you continue to get better now.

    5. Hi Margaret so pleased to see you back in but please take it easy until you get your strength back. Hugs on way for you love Margaret P.xx

    6. Hello Margaret, We have missed you, it's lovely you are feeling up to leaving a comment. Just take it a day at a time LOL xxx

  15. Margaret, lovely to see you back, that wasn't good that the doctor wouldn't come out. What it coming to these days. But at least you are on the mend. Light food and rest,,if you are still needing a sleep you still aren't up to doing loads. Xxx

  16. Hellloooooooooooo,
    Oh it takes so long to read all the comments, and then try to remember who said what!!
    Sandra, it's really lovely to have you back in the fold, but you must get the girls to help you, or you'll make yourself ill.
    Myra, my dear, you keep saying that this is a simple card. It really is very pretty and delicate, and I like it very much.
    You know what Patricia, I don't think I've ever thanked you for coming in so early and setting the Cafe up. It always looks and smells so fresh and clean - well it does since Jasmine was despatched to pastures new!
    Anne, I think it's very good of you to allow Iain to get his exercise by hoovering. You know it's good for him.
    Janet, I am so sorry to read that you have been so poorly and I do hope they find out exactly what made you so ill. I have made a note of your new e-mail address.
    Jess, do not let Myra lead you astray into buying a new die. She's had everyone on the blog spending. Personally, I think she's on commission!!!
    Brenda OB, thanks for the thumbs up on the cordless Dyson. I'll have a look at it. Mine is a Sebo, and it's so heavy just pushing it over the carpet, it's unbelievable.
    Sheila, chin up and when you are making a card, give me the nod and I'll e-mail you to ask if you are winning.
    Brenda LL, I think Margaret's heat bags are a God send.
    Margaret C, I am sorry that you have been so poorly, but it''s lovely to see you in the Cafe today. I cannot believe your doctor did not call. Did you see a doctor at all? Please do not give me ideas regarding George. There have been a few close moments last night and this morning when I have given serious thought to doing time for him!!!!
    Saba, I hope you enjoyed the sermon this morning>
    Michele, did you get to the beach.
    Cheryl, Take care my dear, sending love.
    I think I have covered almost everyone, and if I haven't, I'm sorry.
    We started last night's party with a Toast to Raymond, which was lovely, and it helped the mood as we could talk and laugh without feeling that we shouldn't. The company was excellent, the food very good and the atmosphere happy. Eleanor and Zoe came back to our house for a surprise sleepover, well we had to get their overnight bags from their house, and we didn't watch a DVD as we didn't get in until about10 p.m. so we talked, had supper and then bed.
    I've been putting the house to rights this afternoon after lunch, so I'm afraid I'm late again today. Monday, Tuesday and probably Wednesday may be dodgy about getting in here as Rachel goes back to work tomorrow, and the girls don't go back to school until Tuesday for one and Wednesday for the other. I'll see you some time, but in the meantime, I'll be back in later.
    Lots and lots of love and hugs to the people who've been away for whatever reason, who are away now, and really for everybody.
    Oh Hazel and Patricia, I hope you are all organised for your holiday, but you'll probably pop in, in the morning.
    Muriel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. That made me think, Muriel!
      Hazel and Patricia - just in case I don't manage in before 6 30 am, safe journey and look forward to hearing of your Turkish Delights! Xxx

    2. Mmm Myra, I like Pistachio Turkish Delight, but it has to be the real thing!! xxx

    3. MYRA:- if we remember we might even send you pictures of them!!
      That's the Male Turkish Delights ... that is what you were meaning??? xxx

    4. Now Now! I meant the sweets! What are we going to do with you! Xxx

  17. Maureen we don't go until after tea, I am picking Patricia up in Perth, then we are off down to spend the night at the hotel beside Glasgow airport, so we will be in during the day. and if there is free internet we might just pop in to say good night. I have packed to a point. Had my feet done by Gillian. Walking on air again. Washing done apart from a load tomorrow, ironing up to date. So I am nearly ready. I am glad last night went well, and I bet the girls were pleased to get that sleep over. I think you need just to take thingsveasynas you have a busy week. Ahead. xxx

  18. Oh I should have said we do t fly till Tuesday morning. xxx

  19. Good evening all,
    Well church was lovely, at least the service was and we had some beautiful hymns ending with the rousing "thine is the Glory". Traditionally sung at Easter but it fit in well with the sermon so Helen decided to have it. At the end of the service though an almighty ( excuse the pun) row broke out. I was in the vestry helping Helen when one of our congregation-an American ex service man- started shouting at some of the ladies -one of whom was Helen's daughter - to stop chatting and get out of the church so he could count the collection. He was unbelievably rude and said some awful things. Helen's daughter burst into tears. He then came into the vestry to count the collection and I told him he must apologise to her but he refused. The coffee hour afterwards was good though but I couldn't help giving him the evil eye. Nasty man.
    Since then I have making a card for my MIL, it was a beautiful card which inspired me this morning, it has a butterfly set into an aperture on it and some flowers and foliage in the bottom left corner, recognise the design Myra! Thank you for your inspiration.
    I prepped dinner earlier but need to go now and cook it.
    Be back later.

    1. Love that hymn SABA. Wasn't very nice of that man but there is always one that has to be awkward. Hope everything will be ok next week. Sounds as if you have been busy this afternoon. I have but haven't made anything. Trying to put all the craft things away I have been using this week and then just getting things out as I need them. Pigs might fly. Can't see if happening. I have also sorted all my ribbon and put it in a box. Much tidier now. For how long!

    2. SABA:- I could not believe what I was reading. An argument "in church" and that man probably calls himself a Christian!!! beggers belief.
      Your MIL will treasure her beautiful card inspired by a very lovely person!!! xxx

    3. Oh that's nice! I'm glad you made a card. I made three Christmas cards last night! Just thought I'd do something with dies I'd already cut and my bit box. I really like the Peace on Earth die . It cuts beautifully. Xxx

  20. Evening Ladies

    Yes-we made it down to the beach this morning, no high tides or tornadoes today! Since then I've doneb3 lots of washing, all the ironing, stripped the bed and done an hours weeding. Thank goodness for the slow cooker.

    Oh yes-I also phoned Dad. He's decided against moving (hurrah) but his worry now is "who will look after the dog if anything happens to him"!!!! I politely informed him he needs to make some enquiries now as I can't have the dog as I'm out so much...hopefully he will make the necessary enquiries!

    Time to do the dishes then I can sit down with a cuppa & some malt loaf-yummy .


  21. Hi everyone, what a busy day everyone has had, it has been absolutely beautiful here today we are definitely having an Indian summer!!
    Margaret,so glad you beginning to get better, take it slowly.
    Myra, I don't need to buy the butterfly die, I have something similar, I think it is a Marianne die, completely forgot about it!!
    Had a late dinner, hubby was watching the Grand Prix, boring, boring, boring!!
    I just might record Lady Chatterly later, I don't think it will be a patch on the previous one with Sean Bean as Mellors oooooooo!
    See you all later a I hope, take care xxx

  22. Well like Jess, we have had the most wonderful weather here today. Not a cloud in the sky and warmer in the sunshine than we have had for ages. My washing basket is completely empty (for the moment anyway) ironing basket completely empty. Everything in the drawers and cupboards.
    Dinner finished, dishwasher loaded by the "master". I don't know how to work the blooming thing, I know how to load it (never do though) pretty good or what. Why keep a dog and bark yourself??
    Floor in the kitchen needs a quick run over by Mr Dyson, might leave that till morning when I will be going through the whole house anyway.
    Right its time for feet up and relax. Nothing on the telly I would want to watch so it will be nice and peaceful. John prefers to read than watch the telly.
    I am sitting in the kitchen looking out at a glorious view, of sun drenched fields, clear, cloudless sky, beautiful trees in 40 shades of green!! Only down side is our neighbour has his Grain Drier going. It has been so wet they are having to dry the gain off. There is a constant buzz and there is a fair bit of dust even though there are lots of trees then our lane and even more trees separating us we are still getting grain dust over the cars. Really should put mine in the garage. Peter has told us to bring them round to his yard and use the wash station he has there for the tractors and machinery.
    Will pop in later see what's going on xxx

    1. Helloooo! I've been out!
      So sorry to hear about the argument in Church this morning! We had a very grumpy man in our church when I was a little girl and my Dad used to say " that man would cause a row at a Prayer meeting! " sounds like you have one in Nuremberg. We sang The new version of The Lord's my Shepherd this morning. I really like it too. Do you know it? Xxx

    2. Hi Myra. No I haven't heard the new version of a The a lords my Shepherd. I quite like the old one. Yes I son looking forward to the news dies coming. Perhaps I should have told you but I also ordered two other new dies at the same time.

    3. Oh Brenda! Confession is good for the soul! I also ordered Thinking of You as I think that will be a useful one to have. I have a stamp which says that but the die is perfect each time! Xxx

    4. That makes me feel better. I have ordered the delicate garden frame and one of the new Gemini Dies as they are a bit smaller than the others. Liked the Art Deco die but didn't order it. I have a Joanna Sheen Thinking of You die so thought I would make do with that or it won't get used, and order one of the other new ones instead. I would also like Joy to the World.

    5. You little monkeys. It's all coming out now. As to the new tune, not sure, could you hum it for me?

    6. It has a chorus - and I will trust in you alone, and I will trust in you alone, your endless mercy follows me , your footsteps will lead me home!
      I'm humming it!!
      Joy to the world is worth getting Brenda ! Xxx

  23. Saba,
    What a rude, obnoxious man. And a church counter at that!! Helen should have told him to sling his calculator and that you'd get someone else to do it. By the way, that's a magnificent hymn. I've only ever sang it at Easter, so good on Helen!!!
    Michele, well that's one big worry settled. The dog will prove a whole lot easier I think, time will tell. Enjoy your Malt loaf.
    Jess, are you sure that you feel strong enough to watch Lady C. Will you take your meds before or after? lol
    Patricia, we have had a wonderful day here too. Warm, sunny and gorgeous.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxxx

  24. Ooh I just had a problem logging in! I'm here now though. I am just listening to Nabucco ( nearly said sambuccu!) the slaves chorus. Fabulous. It's a concert on German telly. Now what is this about Lady C.? Is it on tonight? Don't know if I can cope watching that. I read the book when I was about 10. It was banned but me and my best friend Stephen managed to get a Copy. We read it in bluebell woods, chapter for chapter and then hid it till the next time. I daren't tell you what book we read a couple of years later.

    1. Saba, I shudder to think what the next book was!! xxx

  25. Patricia and Hazel just in case I don't get back later just wanted to say have a really wonderful holiday lovely sisters....enjoy and have a great girlie time together. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- thank you very much for those wishes. We will be in tomorrow, we don't leave till evening to go through to Glasgow for our overnight stay. Fly out 8am Tuesday.
      I am off to get a few things organised.
      See you all in the morning
      Goodnight, God Bless. xxx

    2. Patricia,
      Night, night, sweet dreams. Have a good night's sleep and see you in the morning.
      Love Maureen xxxx

  26. Saba I hope you and your friend didn't act out the people in the book!!!!!
    I'm recording it, so it will not interfere with my medication which makes me sleepy, OH is away tomorrow researching his family tree, so I might just watch it then.
    Will catch up tomorrow, bye for now. Xxx

  27. Saba I hope you and your friend didn't act out the people in the book!!!
    I am recording it my OH is away tomorrow researching his family tree, so I will watch it then, it won't interfere with my medication as that makes me sleepy.
    Will catch up tomorrow, take care xxx

  28. Sorry first one didn't seem to publish at first,.xx

  29. Well. it's quiet in here tonight. I'm away to get ready for bed and will see you all in the morning.
    Night, night all, Jess, enjoy your programme. I hope your OH is enjoying his family history research, it's so fascinating.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oops, forgot, going up to Rachel's in the morning at 8 a.m. to keep an eye on the girls, Rachel back to work, George working with Peter at the bungalow. xxxxx

  30. Well it looks like most of you have gone to bed. Myra its your fault I've been missing for an hour. Went ont u tube to find the new tune and ended up listening to all my favourite modern hymns! "Shine" and "here I am" amongst many others.souch beautiful words.
    Anyway I'm back now. Anybody there?

    1. I am here SABA. Glad you have been enjoying those hymns

    2. Oh Brenda they were so uplifting, think I need a glass of wine now, do you fancy one?

    3. I'm here! Sorry a friend rang! Been chatting on the phone!
      Did you find the hymn? Xxx

    4. Are you offering me one too? Xxx

    5. Of course, I've had it in the freezer, it's so chilled. Yes I found it , it's lovely but I think I prefer the older one.

    6. I'm always being told off for drinking white wine that's too cold!! Hey ho! At least you heard the new one - I think it's grown on me over many months. I love singing! Xxx

  31. No thanks SABA. I don't drink. Sorry was away listening to Charlie Green singing Shine and other hymns. Expect you and Myra have gone to bed now and so should I.

    1. Brenda, I'm still here but I keep going and tidying up! Don't like to get up to an untidy kitchen in the morning . I'm not a morning person but a messy kitchen would make it worse!! Shine is a lovely hymn too. There are some good and bad in both the old and new hymns. Xxx

  32. Hi Sandra
    My word another late night. Lovely card Myra and I love these butterflies. We gave visitors so I must away.

  33. Brenda, Myra I must go too. Hope you both sleep well, we'll all be singing in our sleep.
    Night God bless
    Saba xxx

  34. Night Pat, Myra and Saba. I am definitely not a morning person Myra. never have been. Problem is I have friends who are morning people and expect me to be up early and out. Find that very hard. Have a good night.

  35. Night Night, Brenda and Saba,
    I'm going to try to get to bed too! I've got After School Club starting again tomorrow! It seems as if I've only had a couple of weeks off!
    Sleep well, don't count sheep, sing!! Xxx

  36. Helllloooo just a flying visit because I must go to bed!!!! We are exhausted after shopping today, panic at the airport yesterday and lots of driving. Myra just had to say your card if fabulous ! Thank tou for sharing. Will catch up with you tomorrow. Night night sweet dreams xxxxxxxxxxxx

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