
Monday 7 September 2015

Margaret's Gun Dog Man Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Well everyone is back to normal routine this week, Paul back to work, girls back to full week of school,
so I will be venturing into the Craft room, I actually can't wait, the other fantastic back to normal thing this week is that I get to see my 'crafty' sister....Sue, I hope you haven't exhausted yourself too much at family camp this weekend!
On to today's card, what a fantastic 'man' card Margaret (Corgi) has designed, a fantastic Gun Dog Image,
perfectly set against that fantastically textural background, it looks a cross between leather and wood grain,
its certainly very masculine, Margaret I hope that you are feeling well enough to see your card displayed today, I would love to hear from you if you are up to it, thank you so very much for allowing me to share your card with our fantastic blog family.
I would like to wish Hazel and Patricia a very happy holiday, you two deserve to have a little luxury, relax and unwind and come back ready to 'retreat'!!!
Only 7 weeks and 4 days to go!!!!!
Yesterday's tournament was long, about 5 hours to be precise, but the girls team came second, which for them is a huge achievement, fantastic bonus for me was that one of the other girls mums has a 6 week old baby boy, he was the cutest, she needed to pop home and go to shop so i got to sit and snuggle with little Bradley all afternoon, oh I was so content, he fell asleep laying across my chest, I felt very 'maternal' afterwards, Paul told me not to look at him the way I 'apparently' was and also that under no circumstances were we going to even to discuss it, after listening to the little cutie scream as he was getting hungry, I was in total agreement with Paul, happy to wait for the Grandchildren, the girls however, would have stowed the little one in the back of the car to bring him home!
I will call in later this morning ladies, I am waiting for my 'NEW' wheelchair to arrive today!
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop gang.
    Yes! Sandra babies are beautiful, cute and smell so nice. Then reality hits home, they scream for attention and smell terrible when they need changed. Better wait till the girls call home with their babies, you can hand them back!!!
    MARGARET:- your card is amazing, the image is wonderful, love those gorgeous dogs. A "perfect" man card or one for a lady who loves Labradors. Like how you have created the background. Hope you feel a bit better today, remember slow, baby steps for a few more days.
    Everything set up for the day. Sandra has bought another set of table clothes, these are very pretty. Glad Sandra is doing the washing again, ironing all those those clothes was such a pain. Wish people were a bit more careful with the Chocolate cream and crumbs, they make such a mess on the clothes.
    Case all packed apart from the clothes hanging to put in last minute. Travel clothes all ready to pop on later this evening. Will probably check my Passport, Visa, money, Tickets a hundred times before I actually get out the door.
    Ok off to do a few things. I am following Hazels lead and going to have my "nails done". I have always done them myself, but I am giving myself a treat.
    EVERYONE:- hope you are well today, if not I am sending some (((((hugs))))).
    I have also loaded the (HUG) basket please help yourself.
    Will be back during the day to see what you are all up to. xxx

    1. Have a super time! I think it's a good idea to have your nails professionally done as they always last much longer. Maybe it's just that I'm not very good at it!! Xxx

    2. I've never had my nails done despite the fact that there are nail salons all over the place here. Mind you at the moment mine are a dreadful mess. Have a wonderful holiday,
      Xxxx Saba

    3. Rachel did mine on Saturday afternoon. Peter bought her a nail thing as one of her Christmas presents, she's made a very professional job of it, and the shine is fantastic. Such a shame that my nails are so short!!! xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-brilliant card, really love the background. looking forward to hearing how you made your card.

    Looks like another nice day here although it's getting quite chilly at night. I have a "management day" today & have got a PDR to do then I have my One to One with my chocolate teapot manager so that should be a laugh. That's if she doesn't cancel it,again!!


    1. MICHELE:- love the description of your manager. Sit her near a heater .... she might melt away!!! Pity we could not do that with the people we don't really like. Good luck with your meetings. xxx

    2. Michele. Good luck with your meeting, love your description of her. It's funny how they tend to cancel at the last minute isn't it? xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      Love the description of you manager. Hope your meeting goes well. Why isn't she picking up the flack from you know who. Or is she you know who.

    4. Michele - good luck with the chocolate teapot! Xxx

    5. I haven't heard that one for a long time. Hope your day passes quickly.

    6. Michele, hope the meeting went well xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in today. The coffee shop is looking lovely.
    Margaret, I love your card, with those three beautiful gun dogs. Yes it's mainly a man card, but I know a couple of ladies who would be delighted to receive it too.
    Oh why is it when you are going away your brain doesn't not won't to switch off??? 3 o'clock this morning wide away, then I got a light bulb moment! I always take a small hot water bottle with me just incase I need some heat on my leg ( no microwave to heat the best thing Margarets bags) but could I think where I had put it? Got up went and looked where my brain had told me yes it was there? Now it's where I thought it was had looked but anyway it's now sitting on top of my case. It's like my tens machine hopefully won't need it but better to have with me just incase.
    Today will be just going around making sure I have everything and I think we are out for lunch. Won't hold my breath on that as there was some word of if the weather stays good the big hedge might get done. I get so cross about Charlie doing it as I would rather pay the gardener to do it. For one I worry about him with the hedge trimmer and two its a lot of work and he's not as fit any more.
    I hope everyone who has been unwell or just a bit down, is felling bit better, lots of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket help yourself.
    Sandra, the best babies are the ones you hand back, after you have enjoyed the cuddles. You have fun in your craft room. Xxx

    1. Hazel - I thought it was just me who lay in bed thinking about all the items for packing . That's despite the list! Actually two lists - hand luggage and hold.
      We are daft really as most things can be bought if we forget them . Maybe not a hot water bottle in Turkey though!!!!
      Have a great holiday! Xxx

    2. Hazel have a wonder time. I think you are quite possibly the only person in the world to take a hot water bottle to Turkey! It's worth it though if it helps.

    3. Hazel, have a wonderful time, safe journey.
      Love Maureen xxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Seems like your getting back into the swing of things again. Congratulations to the girls on coming second. As you say a great achievement. As Patricia says Sandra, wait for Grandchildren you can hand them back. Patricia & Hazel I hope you both have a fantastic holiday.suns shining and if Pete gets out if bed we could go and have breakfast and get out a bit earlier than we are.
    Margaret, just love your dog card. I have a few people who have dogs so this would be ideal. Hope your feeling a bit better today.
    Myra I just loved your butterfly card of yesterday. I did comment but very late yesterday. We then had visitors for a nightcap getting on for 1.00 o'clock.

  5. Good morning PAT:- hope you manage to get Pete and going.
    Have a fantastic day xxx

    1. Hi Patricia.
      Wish I could, his brain sees to have a mind of its own at the moment. I tell him to get up, he says I'm nagging ( which I probably am a bit, because he won't get out of bed) then stays in bed a bit longer. I wouldn't mind but he's the one who complains if we haven't time to go out and about. Hope you and Hael have a lovely holiday and happy birthday for the 12th.

    2. Hi Pat,
      You are not too far from Benidorm, (where the shark attack was), maybe get Mr Grumpy up and tell him it's a lovely day for a swim! Haha,
      I do hope you are having a lovely holiday with your friends, hope the sun is shining too, can't wait for you to return so we can catch up xx

    3. Pat, not taking sides or anything? But you will likely find his meds are a big part of the problem!!! He won't feel it's him and he will think it's all you. Charlie of still says life wasn't good when I was going through chemo as I was always bad tempted or going off on one. It's all the chemicals in your System. It doesn't help you I know. I can still be short tempered and I think being on steriods is what causes it. Xxx

    4. Oh Pat, I do sympathise with Pete! That's an early start for someone who was still up at 1 am!! Xxx enjoy your day!

    5. Pat, if it's any consolation mine was like a grumpy old bear this morning too, just because I had lost the car keys! Honestly you would think I did it on purpose. (They were in my coat pocket phew).

    6. Pat, just enjoy the sunshine and leave Pete in his pit. Have your breakfast and relax until he gets up. I'm always up before George but I enjoy the peace and quiet!!!! xxx

  6. Lovely card today The run went really well and we had perfect weather too Unfortunately they were 4 patients short of beating the current Guinness Book of World Records of having the most amount of heart transplantees at one event But what an achievement
    Hope you're pleased with your new wheelchair SANDRA No trying to set speed records of your own yet!
    Enjoy your hols PATRICIA and HAZEL
    MICHELE there are quite a few managers in my place that could be described just like that
    Off to work now x

    1. Congratulations on completing your run Karen, huge achievement !
      Shame about being four short but my goodness how amazing to run a marathon after a heart transplant, you must have been amazed at what you witnessed.
      Maybe relax today?!!!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Well done Karen, it's a pity about being 4 short, but to think these folk have had major surgery and can achieve doing this. xxx

    3. Congratulations Karen! Glad you had a successful day! I'm tired just thinking about it! Xxx

    4. Karen you are right, what an achievement. Well done for taking part.

    5. KAREN:- well done you and all the others, great achievement xxx

    6. Karen, congratulations on the run. I'd need a transplant if I ever attempted to do it!!!! xxx

    7. I'd need trainers for a start! Probably socks too! As for the rest of the gear! Doesn't bear thinking about! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    We have lovely sunshine again today it is simply wonderful, at present thee are clouds of mist drifting across the field at the end of our road so that means another lovely day is in store! Yipee!!!
    What a surprise to see my card this was requested by someone who is a customer at my friends farm shop, the textured paper was one I received as a freebie pack of paper and card from Crafters Companion years ago when I bought my Ultimate Pro, you are right Sandra it is textured so a very easy card. Just have to cut the backing paper to size mount the picture and cut out the computer generated sentiment and pop them all on the card! The card was for a landowner / farmer who does a lot of game shooting on his land, I am pleased to say he was delighted with the card from his wife and apparently it is still on show in his office.
    What a perfect afternoon you had Sandra cuddles for a new baby and oh that new baby smell oh lovely but I agree the best part is when you hand them back and no nappy changes at 2am and feeding!!! Lovely to borrow though I do agree.
    As I said yesterday Happy Holiday to our wonderful sister duo take care lovely ladies have a fantastic time, just one request, can we all see pics if any are taken of Turkish Delights as promised to my ducky friend Myra?
    Have a lovely day everyone, Cheryl you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, if our wonderful cafe owner doesn't mind I will send her a couple of pics and she might just put them up for you all to see. It's going to be very hot while we are there it's up at 34 already and it's only 10.45 so we won't be going to far I think. We will get up and out but back in before the mid day sun as they say. It's live,y to see you in, please take it easy. Xxx

    2. Hazel, your cafe owner is always thrilled to show any photos that you send her as she considers you all 'family' and very much enjoys seeing what's going on in your everyday lives, I very much look forward to viewing your photos xxxxx

    3. Thank you. I knew you would likely be ok, but it's alwsys nicer to be asked. xxx

    4. Hellooooo! It's good to see you bright and early this morning! Keep up the good work. Your card is lovely! I commented about it below . How is your foot and ankle coming along? Xxx

    5. Margaret I did comment further down, but will say again, love your card. You sound so much more cheerful today which must mean you are starting to get over that horrid virus, steady away though don't do too much at once.

    6. MARGARET:-
      Great to see you in and sounding quite chirpy, I missed you.
      Hope you are feeling a bit more like your old self. (meant in the best possible way)
      Love you wonderful card, the image is brilliant. xxx

    7. Hello Margaret C, It's lovely to see you and your card is great, I love it. I hope your virus has gone the journey and that your leg/foot are playing nicely. xxxx

  8. Good morning Ladies, it looks like we might get a good day here , we seem to have missed out on the warm sunshine front the rest of the country has been enjoying , so fingers crossed.
    Sandra it sounds like you all had an enjoyable afternoon , your daughters played well and you got lots of sweet baby cuddles, hope your new wheelchair arrives on schedule and delivers all it promises.
    Margaret , a lovely man card! I love when you can make a card that is just perfect for the person and they treasure it!
    Michele , what a great expression ( chocolate teapot) made me smile!
    I also had a laugh this morning from a niece 's daughter age 11 yrs. she told her mum " she was as bored as a nit on a bald head" I had never heard that one before lol!
    Well, Hazel and Patricia , in case I don't comment again before you go, have " The Most Wonderful Time" and have a safe and pleasant journey xo
    Myra, did you see who has made a version of your card? Honour Indeed! Ha ha.
    Cafe looks wonderful and bright today, must be the new covers! I'll just have some tea and toast and savour the moment, Pilates this morning , dentist this afternoon so must get a move on.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne. Maybe the other way around!! My card was an awful lot simpler! It was funny though to see that butterfly in the same corner! I laughed about the nit - haven't heard that one either!
      My Aunt used to say , years ago, " what did your last Slave die of - mine died of boredom!! Not very PC today . Xxx

    2. Good luck at the dentist, love that saying, made me chuckle.

    3. Anne, do you do your pilates while at the dentist? I like the nit comment xxx

    4. No , the Dentist does! Xxx

  9. Morning everyone
    Margaret your card today is just perfect for those awkward males in our lives but also for all doggie lovers. I particularly love the background paper but those beautiful three Labs have stolen my heart. They are simply Gorgeous. Thank you for allowing us to see it.

    I have to say thank you to you all for your lovely get well wishes. It's going to be another lazy day as Mr Tesco has been and delivered and shopping is away in cupboards etc and now it feels like bedtime. I'm not used to this not having energy to do things.

    Sandra - I know it's difficult but put babies down and just wait for your wonderful Gchildren to arrive. They are so special and you can send them back to Mummy/Daddy to deal with all the noisy things etc. (Only joking of course but Gchildren are just the best).

    Have a good day everyone and I'll read and try and catch up a little later.
    Hugs are in the basket just waiting to play with those from Norah.

    1. Janet, your body is telling you it's not ready to do more at the minute. I know it's hard, but a few more days and it will all come right. xxx

    2. Janet, please just be like the French workforce and be on a Go Slow!! Xx

    3. Janet, lazy is good. So get your feet up and eat cake!

    4. Janet, do what everyone says, and take it easy. Coffee and chocolate are the order of the day!!!! xxxx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and everyone ,

    Please congratulat the girls (and the team) on coming second they should all be proud of their joint effort. WELL DONE GIRLS.

    Patricia and Hazel, have a fantastic holiday xxx

    Pat, you could just leave Pete in bed and go off and do your own thing !! (Only joking) hope you have a good day LOL

    Margaret, it's great you feel up to dropping in today, do be careful and don't go overdoing Love your man card it's just perfect, it's also lovely to know it is still being appreciated.

    Sandra hope your new wheelchair will be the GT model. Well an improvement on the last one at least !!!

    Well had better get a move on. I'm going for the dreaded steroid injection at 10:30 - fingers crossed it will help ease the pain.

    Can't stop for a coffee now, I will be back at some point.

    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Good luck with that injection? I know when I have to up the tablets when I am so sore helps, I jections seem to work quicker.

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Good luck with the injection I have had several in my knee the last 2 or 3 years ago just beginning to ache a little at times now, hope all goes well.
      Hugs on the way love Margaret xx

    3. Hello Brenda, Hope the injection isn't painful . I have no idea at all but I do hope it eases your pain a lot! Xxx

    4. Brenda hope the jab went well and you soon feel the effects. I've only had steroids once and I was bouncing with energy, but that was for asthma so I don't suppose an injection for pain will have the same effect.

    5. Hi Brenda OB, I hope that the injection has done the trick and you are now having some relief xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Margaret your card is just right for any man especially if they like dogs.
    Sandra you are so right to put away any thoughts of babies, wait for your grandchildren to arrive, the are just as loving and beautiful as your own babies were, the best thing is you can hand them back.
    Hazel and Patricia have a great holiday, will get the lowdown on your return.
    Will pop back later, take care, xxx

    1. Jess I keep forgetting, thank you for the name of your friends craft shop.

  12. Good Morning Sandra and Everyone!
    I thought
    I'd start at the bottom today as it sometimes takes me forever to get here! I know what I mean.
    Margaret - your card is lovely! I love Labradors . We had a lovely yellow one and she was a big softie . I'm so pleased the gentleman loved his card but I can see why he did. It's a lovely image and a beautiful card. Thank you for sharing it.
    Sandra - I hope you are thrilled with your new wheelchair . You have certainly waited long enough for it. I hope it fits into the cars easily too.
    Well done to the twins for coming second in their tournament!
    I'm getting my box packed for After School Club. I think we need some more Promarkers. A lot of the favourite colours have been used up! Girls and Pinks!!
    One load of washing done and the whites now on and almost done!
    Hazel and Patricia - have a great holiday! Safe travel ! I've just had a thought - I'm going to send Alastair up to help Charlie and John. I'm sure three of them working together could decorate a room in each of your homes for your return! Any preferences? Bedroom, Sitting Room?? Ha ha ! If they find they are getting a bit pushed for time I'm sure Maureen would volunteer George to help!!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra can you believe the cheek, somebody has used your idea on a card today! Seriously though, there is nothing to choose between them.
      Enjoy after school club, you must be barmy!

    2. MYRA:- my thoughts were similar to SABA'S.
      Did not take long for someone to use your wonderful design and idea.
      What a cheek!!! xxx

    3. You are both very kind as was Anne too! Sue Wilson I am most definitely not!
      Barmy - yes! Children were high as kites today! All wearing new shoes - an awful lot of black patent among the girls! I could be back in fashion!! One little girl whose shoes I admired said to me - " did you get new shoes Miss? ". Alas no! Xxx

    4. Myra, I'm packing George's work holdall as I type. He'll be up there and have the rooms stripped ready for papering in no time. Alastair could do the gloss paint after George has done the ceilings and papered the walls. John and Charlie can keep them supplied with cups of tea, and clear up after them. Just get them to take the curtains/blinds down before they start - and to cover the carpets!!!
      Do you know, I thought Sue's card looked familiar ha ha xxxxx

    5. I knew that decorating idea was a good one ! We wouldn't be stressed at all! Unsure about Hazel and Pat and they are friends! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all our lovely ladies,
    First of all Margaret what a super card for a man and if you change the background the image is lovely for those who love dogs. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra enjoy your new wheelchair and please don't go speeding around the cafe and make us all dizzy!!
    To our lovely sisters have a wonderful holiday and a very safe journey and behave! haha!
    Cheryl thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Margaret and Janet do hope you are both feeling so much better today don't be rushing round if you day at a time.
    Brenda I do hope the injection makes you feel alot better.
    Karen congratulations on completing your run such a wonderful thing to have done for Harefield Hospital
    and not forgetting the twins congratulations for coming second...well done!!
    Washing is done so must sort it out and still doing my cards I think I have just two more to do.
    The cafe looks so beautiful and fresh will pop some hugs in the basket on my way out love to everyone Sheila xxxx

    1. Hi Sheila, it's lovely to see you, I hope you are well today. xxxx

  14. I'm back girls and still smiling (says she, gritting teeth) The injection was fine just a little uncomfortable, but I expected that.
    Sandra how lovely of Bradley's mum to let you have a long cuddle. Sounds like you did a fantastic job, it's lovely snuggling with new babies, I just love the smell of new born babies - well NOT the rear end - that's the time to hand them back!
    You wait until you become a grandma, it is something very special. I can vouch
    for that - 6 times over! They are all very special.
    Patricia, just wanted to tell you, I have at last got a Karcher window cleaner (sorry I always think of you whizzing around with yours) Well I have to say it's the best thing since sliced bread. If anyone is thinking about getting one - go for it, they are brilliant. xxx
    Well I helped myself to a coffee, And will sit by the window and people watch until lunch is served. Sandra I see you have tomato soup on the menu, are the tomatoes from the allotment? Think I will soup and a crusty roll for lunch.
    We are on the school run this afternoon, I will sit in the car John can go into the playground to collect Ciara, we will then drive on to Callum's school and wait for him to come out. Then it's take them home for tea. At some point we will get a phone call teenager need picking up. Forgot to remind John he has a job to do with Ciara. During the holidays she wanted to wallpaper the doll house, they did that, then she said it needed carpet. I ordered from Craft Creations some flock type felt (can't remember what it's called just now) it has arrived, so he has a job to do. When we are there he usually sits and read the papers, he is in for a shock today.
    Think I'll take my soup and crusty roll now, hope you all have a good afternoon. love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I am pleased that you gave had your injection, I know what a huge relief it was for Becca when she had hers, the only problem is she then tended to overdo things with her new found comfort!
      Take it easy today, hopefully you will be running around later in the week!
      Are you coming to Ally Pally? I do hope so, I look forward to my 'mumma' hug!
      No wheelchair as yet, I am looking forward to a little bit more comfort and no rust of course! I hate waiting for things to arrive!
      Oh Brenda where did you find that chocolate company, they are absolutely delicious, I only have one per night though! I have shared a couple with Paul too.
      You can just tell john he has to lay a carpet, when he discovers it's just a dolls house he will be relieved ! Please take a photo xx
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, I must say you are bein really good, I first tasted these chocolate when I was working, they sent a sample box to the school I worked in, and I was the lucky person to take them sample home. I just love all of their selections.
      Hope the wheelchair arrives soon, I too hate waiting for thing to arrive, even if I'm not going anywhere. Have you had a chance to go into your craft room yet?
      Enjoy the rest of your day, Love and Big (((((Hugs))))) Brenda xxx

    3. I do so agree Brenda after Patricia told us all about how she cleaned her windows I got one, I would not swap it for all the tea in China! It really is great!
      Margaret xxx

    4. I still have the Karcher Window Vac on my wish list, i borrowed a neighbours and WOW it was so easy! I have been hankering for one ever since, i have seen another company have bought one out that costs £39, but I don't know if it is as good.
      Did you get a good deal Brenda??
      Its been frustrating waiting all day, as I am a bit slow I was to afraid to even go for a wee!
      Not sure if its the same for all of you but some of the delivery drivers don't give you time to get to the door before they are in their van and away!
      I have asked a couple of regulars to just open the door and leave the parcel in the porch.
      But no matter, the chair is here now, the man was lovely and showed me what all the knobs did, there are quite a few on this one.
      You didn't say if you were going to Ally pally Brenda, I hope you are, you are one of my highlights!

    5. The Karcher Window Vac is one of my best purchases ever!
      Please don't say I'm encouraging people to spend money again! Xx

    6. Don't you worry your little beak it was Patricia that persuaded me to buy one! I have never regretted getting it either. Good news about your water too xxx

    7. Oh Margaret it was such a relief! The trouble is everyone goes into overkill. Millions of bottles of water have been distributed to Lancashire schools. Everyone can now drink tap water or use water machines in school. What a waste of money! Alastair wondered how we survived as children in school with " no water on tap whenever we wanted some" . Think we just sat on our bottoms and got on with our work . Xxx

    8. PS - speaking about my little beak - pleased you're not sending me the bill! Sorry! Xxx

    9. Brenda, OB I'm glad you're injection is over. I used to get them into the bones in my hands, not pleasant but such relief afterwards. I also got my Karcher Window Vac and it's marvellous. I think the best thing is that the conservatory windows are now a doddle. It was Patricia who said how great it was. xxxx

  15. Sandra, I bet waiting for your new chair is like as a child waiting for morning to come at Christmas? Go canny with it you don't have the rust to slow you down.
    Cheryl, thinking of you special (((((( hugs))))))
    Brenda, let that injection get a chance to work, I keep looking at the window washer too.
    I have just been going over things and hope I am ok and packed everything needed if not I have money I will buy. I have my tablets that's the important thing. A nice bit of that chocolate cake and a cup of tea I think, money in. The pot. Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope the wheel chair arrives soon, trouble is when you are waiting for something to be delivered you can guarantee as soon as you nip to the loo the doorbell will go!! Congratulations to the girls on 2nd place yesterday.
    I had a text from Sue last night to say she was home they had a great camp but in her words she was knackered! don't think we will hear from her today.
    Margaret your card is lovely we have a lovely black lab the 4th we have had but she is special as she is one of the puppies from our last dog. Hope you are feeling stronger.
    Patricia and Hazel hope you have a lovely holiday safe journey and relax you both deserve it.
    I have hospital appointment this afternoon to replace the cancelled one so hope all goes well.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Good luck with the appointment Margaret, give Sue our love and tell her to get some rest.

    2. Hi Margaret,
      Thanks so much for the update on Sue, I knew she would be in a pickle today, bless her, she doesn't understand 'take it easy' does she?!!
      I hope she feels better tomorrow.
      I also hope that your hospital appointment goes well.
      Sending huge hugs

    3. Margaret P, please give my love to Sue and tell her that I know how she feels, but tomorrow is another day, although it will probably take a few days to get back to normal.

  17. Good afternoon Sandra and all your lovely ladies.
    Sandra I do hope by now your new chair has arrived and you are happy with it. No wheelies though! Congratulations to the girls, excellent result.
    Margaret your card is just lovely. I know so many people who have Labs and would be thrilled with this one. I hope you are starting to feel a little better today.
    Hazel and Patricia, I hope you have a fabulous time together in Turkey, all that delicious food they have, wonderful weather and of course lots to see and do. Wish I was coming with you.
    Well it's a grey and miserable day here, temperatures have dropped over the last couple of days to mid teens, bit of a shock to the system after all that hot weather.
    I think I would enjoy a hot chocolate with marshmallows if we have any and perhaps slice of custard tart, and I'll just wander amongst you all and chat as I go.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba, although it was a lovely sunny day here yesterday it was rather cold! Today I wore a jumper - I also wore a skirt !! It was so warm I was really uncomfortable. Weird climate we have but we are promised a fairly good week! Xxx

    2. Hi Saba, it's been a lovely warm, sunny day here today. xxxx

  18. Sandra hope you don't have to wait too long today for your wheelchair, you will probably find it a lot better than your present one.
    It has been a lovely day here so far, too warm to do anything other then potter about, need to take a hem up on a skirt I bought which is far too long' don't know what I was thinking about when I bought it,mImneed about 4inches off it!
    Must go and get it done, hopefully pop back later after dinner.
    Hazel and Patricia you might be gone by that time so take care and have a brilliant time. xx

    1. Jess, could you have shrunk by 4" since you bought it ha ha xxx

    2. That's a lot to shrink!! Oh Muriel! You make me laugh! Xxx
      Mind you 4 ins off some of my skirts would not be a good idea! Xxx

    3. Myra, there's a "lady" beside us who is at least as old as me, and she wears her skirts so short that they don't show beneath a 3/4 length coat, and when she bends over - well!!!!!! xxx

    4. Ooo oh Dear! Even with opaque tights that's still a No No! Mind you I can't bend over! Ha ha! Our MP used to be Den Dover and everyone called him bend over! Humour - where would we be without it ! Xxx

  19. Has the new wheelchair arrived yet....
    PATRICIA and HAZEL Enjoy your hols and thank you PATRICIA for your card I appreciate it hugely
    I just thought I'd mention a scam I've been made aware of and to warn you. Todya I received a letter from International Fifa World Cup Online Lottery saying I'd won a huge amount of money and to call a number - you know how they operate etc Suffice to say I did not ring the number and have reported it to the CAB and will be contacting Action Fraud too Just thought it was worth making you aware that they're about

    1. Hi Karen,
      It has arrived and its fabulous, so modern and shiny and very comfy too!
      Thanks for the heads up about the scam, these cretins will stop at nothing to rip us off, well done for reporting it too.
      I would love to see a photo of your card!
      Love and hugs

    2. Sandra - So pleased your new chair has arrived and that you are pleased with it! Did they take the old one away or do you have to recycle it? Xxx

  20. Well just left a comment on yesterday's post, how that happened I will never know just noticed after I had published, so was able to delete.
    Maureen, hope you have had a great day with the girls. Weather here has been gorgeous, and if it's been the same with you I bet you have been out and about. Do they not fancy stripping wallpaper off the walls, ours loved helping, they would see who could get the longest strip off in one go. Child labour.......

    1. Hello Hazel,
      The wallpaper on the walls has been like cardboard which has been varnished over umpteen times. George has had a h*ll of a job removing it, and that's with a steamer. A lot of the walls had boarding fitted, so Peter removed it and underneath there was only the wooden framework of internal walls, no plaster board, so you could literelly see right through those rooms!!! It's a death trap really as the floorboards have been lifted for Peter to install the central heating, and re-wire. This is going to be like a new bungalow when he's finiished. The plasterer is going in next Monday to plaster right through. Enjoy yourselves xxxx

  21. PATRICIA AND HAZEL. Have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
    SANDRA. So pleased the new wheelchair has arrived and you like it.
    MARGARET. Lovely card. I am sure any dog lover would like it. Pleased to hear you are beginning to feel better.
    JANET. hope you are recovering. CHERYL. Thinking about you. KAREN Well done yesterday. SUE hope you will soon feel better. To anyone else who isn't feeling well today hope you will soon feel better. Met Scarlett from school and dad had forgotten and turned up as well. Just as well as I didn't have the booster cushion in my car so it would have been a long walk home. It was still at Scarlett's house after GtGrandaughter used it. Have it ready for tomorrow morning now though.

    1. Brenda LL, that saved you a long walk. We don't have to use booster seats now so that's great because we were always chopping and changing them. xxx

  22. Sandra, so glad your new chair has arrived, no wheelies remember!!
    It has been a lovely day here today, sat out in the afternoon getting much needed vitamin D. Had a lovely salad for tea, easy washing up to do.
    Off to get it done now, hopefully will catch up

    1. Do you remember Chorlton and The Wheelies? Xxx

    2. No Myra, I sometimes think you just make up these programmes !!! xxxx

    3. Muriel - I don't - I wouldn't! It was on in the 70's I think . My little boys watched it! You can google it! Xxx

    4. I'm with Muriel, I think you are deluded.

    5. Thank you so much ! I feel so much better having read your posts! Xxx

    6. Ha ha, Saba, don't be polite, say what you think!!!!! xxx

    7. Myra, I've just googled it and I cannot believe you allowed your children to watch such tosh. Rachel much preferred Pinky and Porky! xxxx

    8. or even Pinky and Perky!!! xxx

    9. Saba methinks had a good teacher! Well I'm not exactly sure who is the instigator . Both guilty I think! Xxx

    10. Myra, you know we love you xxx

    11. Well! I could be making an appointment to see a psychiatrist if I took everything to heart. It would probably finish the poor man! Xx

    12. My children loved Chorton and the Whellies. They still haven't forgotten it. Do you remember the 'little old lady' in it. Loved a Pinky and Perky.

  23. Sandra what great news your chair has finally arrived and the special bonus of comfort wow! Just great, no wheelies until you know what all the extras are for otherwise you may end up in outer space!!! Delighted for you, hope you get lots of help from it and it makes life easier for you.
    Karen delighted to know all went well yesterday well done, do take things easy today and have a rest.
    I may be late tomorrow as we have to go to hospital in Lancaster for Derek's check up after his op, so fingers crossed all is ok, although he may need another scan but we will just have to wait and see.
    I do hope the dynamic duo have arrived at the hotel near the airport safe and sound.
    A few weeks ago I made an order that included three sets of their 8 x8 card boxes in white well when the order arrived they were not white more a cream colour but after emailing them I have heard not a single word! So went on their web site and left a message still not a single word! So I am rather disappointed to say the least with them.
    Well I shall wish you all good night I am having an early night as it is an early start for us tomorrow, sweet dreams everyone.
    Good night and God bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Night Night Margaret! Hope all goes well tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Xxx

    2. Margaret C, thanks for the thumbs up re Anna Marie, I won't be ordering from there.
      Night, night, sweet dreams and God Bless
      Muriel xxxx

    3. Margaret, wish Derek good luck with his check up. Do Anna M. Designs have a phone number you could ring? It's very bad of them not to reply.
      Good night duck, ( a West Yorkshire term of endearment). God bless.

  24. Cor, I've been commenting on the way down, it saves trying to remember or scribble everything down, and it's taken over 45 minutes to get here.
    Sandra, it's great that you've got your new wheelchair, be careful you don't hit the ejector seat button though, and take it easy for a day or two. We wouldn't want you to end up in another part of the country by hitting the wrong button!!
    Congratulations to the girls on their football success. They must be fit as lops.
    I wonder if Hazel and Patricia manage to pop in whilst they are enjoying themselves in Turkey. The heat will be fantastic, especially after Scotland, although I think I'd prefer Scotland!!!
    I'll try to pop in later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. And I still forgot to say to Cheryl that I hope you are well and I am thinking of you. xxxxx

  25. Oh my giddy aunt, I've just googled it as well and spent a " happy few minutes watching Chorlton and the wotsits. I think Sue Wilson must have been an avid viewer! Queen Doris's hair. It's identical to the flower made with the ladder die ( name escapes me, blame the wine). Remarkable.

    1. Ha ha, oh Saba, time for a Tena change, I'll be back shortly!!! xxx

    2. I'm saying nothing! That's a definite first! Xxx

    3. Saba! So glad I have added some fun to your evening! Xxx

    4. Help. I am sure that large spider I saw the other night just came out again but when I moved something to catch if it ran off again. Hope it doesn't sneak up on my again.

  26. Myra, it's a wonder your boys grew up to be the intelligent professionals they are today. My girls watched the Clangers. Mmmmmm perhaps that's where I went wrong!!!

    1. They watched that too!! Xxx

    2. Remember our children had only a little bit of television per day! It may have been silly but it was harmless and short ! I was actually very strict with telly. They weren't allowed to watch Grange Hill - too anarchic! Xxx

    3. How do you know? We're you a secret viewer?

    4. I hate predictive text. Were you, not we're you.

    5. Aahh ! I saw the clips or previews. That was enough for me - the BBC shot itself in the foot with this Mum! Xxx

    6. Myra, is that why you walk with a limp? xxx

    7. Yep! Probably! - hang on I'm not the BBC ! I was this home's answer to Mary Whitehouse. I took my job very seriously. The boys laugh now but admit they understand why I did it! Although they went to a School which bore no resemblance at all to Grange Hill. Xxx

    8. When you think back to what we watched is it any wonder we are all a little bit touched. Bill and Ben,, and do you remember Four Feather Falls?

    9. Bill and Ben my Mum told me about !! Ha ha! As for the other, my turn to google! Never heard of it. Xxx

    10. Tell me you are joking? I grew up with Texan Pete or whatever he was called.

    11. Just been on Google - never heard of it! 1960 it was released but it passed this little girl by completely . Xxx

    12. You two had a deprived childhood.

    13. I have decided that, as the only sane person in this conversation, that I will make my excuses and leave. But to soften the blow of my leaving I have hooked up a Tanker full of Prosecco for you!!! (I don't know the correct spelling). It's chilled and ready to go.
      Night, night, sweet dreams and I will see you some time tomorrow, but I am at Rachel's again looking after Zoe so don't know when I will be able to visit you.
      I do hope Sandra is still around, and not flying through the air courtesy of her new chair!!!!
      Love to all,
      Muriel xxxx

    14. Oh yes, I remember Muffin the Mule xxxx

    15. I'm sane as a judge, or is that sober as a judge, in which case I'm not.
      Good night God bless Muriel. See you sometime tomorrow.

    16. Night Night Muriel! Sleep well! Have a good day with Zoe tomorrow!
      God bless! Xxx

    17. It's sober I think - probably does not apply! Muffin the Mule I've seen but wasn't enthused by! Xxx

    18. I loved Muffin the Mule. I have a metal string puppet just like the one that was in TV. Think if must be in the loft.

  27. Brenda, just read your comment. I loathe and detest spiders. Fortunately living on the fourth floor we don't see many. Keep your legs up girl.

    1. Oh Sorry Brenda! I don't like them either. Living in the country we get huge ones! I'm going to send some to Nuremberg with collabsible ladders!! Xxx

    2. Myra don't you dare. If you do I'll send you some rabbits.

    3. Oh Please no more rabbits!! They are eating our heathers , why ? Who knows. Have unpacked the spiders!! Xxx

    4. PS! Brenda , I've just seen your comment above about Chorlton and The Wheelies! Thank you! Xxx

    5. No get Spider came back just as I was talking on FaceTime to my son. It was by my foot. Grappled a plastic container and tried yo put it on top but it dashed across the room again then it had the cheek to come back again to exactly the same spot as it was before. Tried to catch it again but it has disappeared again. I keep looking at the floor now when I am trying to read the comments.

  28. Hallo all my friends,
    you might all be in bed but just wanted to say hi and that I'm still alive and kicking, just! We have had +33 today and we walked up the 5th street in full blazing sun. NY is amazing but sooo many people everywhere.Have taken a 3 day pass for bus to go Downtown, Uptown and tomorrow we do Brooklyn plus a boat trip out to see Statue of Liberty .
    I have read some comments but haven't written down anything so my brain is blank ,sorry but do remember the mixed Saturdays craft and they are
    all super ! Brenda LL- love your pottery, Hazel- lovely cards and Myra -your card is Beautiful ! Today's card is fabulous for a man and I love the background card used, very nice Margaret ! I know I missed someone out and I apologies for that but don't want to go back as I might loose the post
    Janet- Hope you are better and Margaret too from the Virus ?
    Wishing the sisters a wonderful holiday !
    Sandra -hope your new wheels are up to your liking !
    Saba ,Myra and Maureen have not read all the comments but can see it's a Tena moment above,uj,uj !
    Going now ,need some dindin but I send my hottest greetings to you all
    and hope you are all ok. Love and hugs Maria xxXx

    1. Aaah, Patricia it was your beautiful box I missed out, Love it and it is purple Myra tihi xx

    2. Maria, lovely to hear from you. Hope you have a fabulous time up town or downtown or wherever you go.

    3. Thanks ,will do night night Saba xx

    4. Maria, lovely to hear from you! Have a lovely day tomorrow! Thanks for mentioning the purple box! Take care my dear! Xxx

  29. I'm going to be quick, I have typed up two messages -
    The first was a long one, I accidentally Drrrrrrrrrr pressed sign out .... LOST IT
    The second wasn't quit so long Drrrrrrrrr forgot to sign in first ...... LOST IT
    This one will be short ...... If I loose it - IT won't be the message !!!!!
    Yes Sandra, I am going to AP. Got my ticket at Sandown Park. (Will save that story for another day)
    Hope you are pleased with your new chair. Is it the go faster model?
    We think we got a good deal with the window vac. It was £10 off also there was a £5 voucher in the newspaper.
    Sweet dreams everyone see you tomorrow xxx

    1. Night Night Brenda! Sleep well, God Bless! Xxx

  30. As I said to you last night Myra I don't do early mornings but tomorrow I have to be round my son's at 8am. Shall have my breakfast when I get back I think. More civilised time.

    1. Brenda, that's what I would do ! I'm going to be in such trouble at the Retreat, particularly if I stay up late chatting! No doubt some kind soul will put a bomb under me in the morning! Hope that spider stays away! Xxx

    2. PS - if Saba turns up with the Bazooka she won't get it in the car! Xxx

  31. Hi SANDRA & ladies
    Sandra glad you had good day at girls football match.
    Sorry I was absent Migraine again was in bed most of yesterday & today.
    MYRA your card yesterday was Gorgeous especially the butterflies.
    MARGARET your card is a brilliant man card.
    HAZEL & PATRICIA have a great holiday & a good rest.
    PAT hope your both having a good holiday
    MARIA hope your having a brilliant time in the big Apple.
    Sorry haven't read any comments eyes are a bit blurry dew to migraine. Try & catch up tomorrow. Looking forward to AP.& Sue's Shows.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Oh Lynda, so sorry about the migraine! They are nasty horrid things but fortunately they do go away! Hope you feel so much better tomorrow. Thank you for your kind comments. Sleep well, God Bless! Xxx

  32. Well night owls, I'm turning in too.
    Night and God bless all, safe flight lovely sisters.

    1. Night Night, my Dear!
      Forgot to say Alastair had issues with flying ants today! There is white powder everywhere! The word I'm looking for is overkill!
      God Bless,
      Night Night Brenda , my dear! Put the light out and try to forget about the spider! God Bless xxxxx

  33. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late - another busy but lovely day . Margaret I have to day how gorgeous your card is. I hope aLl goes well at the hospital tomorrow xxxxx
    Sandra has your new chair got go faster stripes on it? Hope it's wonderful for you xx.
    Cheryl sending you my thoughts and prayers , hope you feel well em
    Sorry to be short and sweet, keep nodding off
    See you all tomorrow. Love and hugs to you all. ////
    Sweet dreams. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  34. Good to hear from you Maria you're all probably in bed now Kyst going back to look at Myra's card
